Deserter's Songs
Mercury RevNot bad, but didn’t really get me excited. Not annoying though.
Not bad, but didn’t really get me excited. Not annoying though.
Parts we ok, but really I just found it boring.
I still remember hearing Smells Like Teen Spirit the first time listening to the Alternative show out of Daytona Beach on a Sunday night. Anybody who says this record is overrated hated music.
Yeah, maybe on a different day this could’ve gotten 3 stars. Just could not vibe with it.
Prefer Paranoid, but solid record. The cover is pretty cool.
The first couple songs stand out, the rest kind of blend together. Her voice is unique and interesting and fun to listen to. The music itself kind of blends together for me. I would add a couple songs to my playlist, but would probably not seek out listening the album, more just let it play if I was in the mood for it when it popped up.
Great album with no skip tracks. Excellent album with lots of classic songs.
When this album goes on it’s time for the kids to go to bed. Very good album, fun to listen to.
Some good new songs, not totally my vibe for listening to Bob.
Solid record, picked up a few more songs.
The songs I already knew were good. The rest were ok, but did not really do much for me.
So, I added a couple songs, but could only really listen to this one twice. The songs meander too much and just sound like Bob just saying random stuff and trying to make it sound musical.
Fun record, took a few listens to get into it. It’s very different and interesting.
I made it through the album. It’s not totally my style, but I liked a few songs.
Some of the music was ok, the voice on several songs just was not tolerable. I only made it through one time.
Great record. Fun to listen to from start to finish.
The music is good, pleasant to listen to, but probably not in heavy rotation.
Pretty good, like the punk attitude..
A couple good songs, but the album didn’t really speak to me.
Good record, some classics.
Not that interesting.
Perfect record for Halloween.
Not that exciting to me.
The music was fine, but not very diverse.
Good, but not as good as Kanye thinks it is.
Music was good, but that was a long record.
It wasn’t annoying, but really just background music for me.
Not really my thing.
Fun listen.
Not terrible. Not my thing and a lot of the same
This was a treat.
Loved it.
Cool stuff
Not that interesting to me.
Not my jam for sure.
No skips! Total classic.
I like some Radiohead, but don’t see myself listening to this much.
Some decent songs, but there’s some filler
Enjoyable, I probably wouldn’t seek it out. Not my style.
Really not into this one. Some ok spots, but a hard listen for me.
Not my go-to for REM, but good record overall.
Good record.
Music was good and she has a good voice, but not my thing.
Great record.
One of my favorite from U2
There are some songs I like, not strongly. The album as a whole is not my jam.
So, some is not easy to listen to, but other parts are. Very interesting record.
Well, I like most of the songs that got released as singles. The rest just I just could get that into. They aren’t bad, but not what I would choose to listen to.
Sweet record. Classic
Good, just not quite a 5, maybe 4.49.
Great variety, not a stale song on the album.
Not my jam. The music is good. Definitely something I could listen to.
Good background music, not much to distinguish each song.
Very good album. It was nice to listen to Run-DMC tracks that were new to me.
Good record, some skip tracks
Good, all new songs for me. I’ll definitely check it out again.
Not terrible, but I probably wouldn’t listen to by choice. The music is good, just not my thing.
So, not sure how this made the list. Really hard to pay attention to this one.
Some of the music was good. Just could not get into it.
Some ok songs, relatively pleasant.
Fairly decent collection of Christmas songs.
No skips, solid record
Good tunes, not totally my style. Higher Ground is a classic
While I’ve liked some Billy Joel songs here and there, I now understand why Anthony Bourdain banned Billy from his restaurants. Some of the songs have done catchiness, but I really couldn’t listen to this more than once. It’s like elevator music, but annoying. Honestly, the elevator version of this album is probably better.
Solid record.
Nice record to start the year. Not totally my style, but I still enjoyed listening to it and can see myself giving it a spin in the future.
I wouldn’t say I had to hear this before I died, but still a good listen.
One of the best ever!!!
Interesting, but not amazing.
A couple songs I dug. I liked the vibe overall. Not sure I’ll come back to the album as a whole.
Good record, not my style, but pleasantly surprised.
Peter Gabriel leaving Genesis was best for everybody, him, Genesis, and listeners. This album almost put me into a coma.
Pleasant, not amazing.
Good fun, better than I would have expected.
I like Talking Heads, but never got into this album. I can enjoy it, but not drawn to it.
Some good stuff, but probably wouldn’t listen to much.
Decent record
So some good elements here and there, but really could not get this record. I couldn’t wait to move on.
Pretty good, had some punkiness
Music was ok, le freak is really good. Lukewarm, not amazing, but also not terrible.
Good songs, deserves to be on the list. I probably wouldn’t listen to the album much, but it’s got some solid songs.
This almost got 1 star based on the first couple songs. Still not my thing, but it got better.
Could not really enjoy this.
Not terrible, not my choice for David Bowie.
Good songs, a couple classics.
Good and consistent, but can only listen to so much.
Great from the first note. Not I would listen to specific songs (maybe), but as an album I could definitely put this on
Not necessarily a lot of stand out tracks, I added a couple, but a good listen. The songs were pretty diverse.
Great record. Classic and I will probably buy it at some point.
So, bland. Not the worst, but I was glad to be done with this one.
Overall really solid
Turned out better by the end. A couple tunes I liked, but not really my thing. I could listen to it, but would not seek it out.
Music was good, the singing not bad, but did not really fit the music.
Maybe this sounded cool back in th day, but it doesn’t hold up.
I like some songs and I’ve owned this album in the past, but I can’t really see myself listening to it. I may listen a couple tracks, but even a low probability of that unless they come up on random. I know it’s a classic.
I may need to give this another listen, I started getting into it the second time around, but didn’t get too far. After one listen, it wasn’t my thing.
Almost didn’t get into this one, but it turned out to be pretty good.
Not horrible to listen to, but not that interesting.
Great all the way through.
Good music all the way. Not my style, but it’s good.
Couldn’t totally get into it, but not repulsed by it.
Music was ok, not into the singing.
Good, not in love with every song, but I liked it overall.
Great if you are into Tom Waits. Definitely not bad, but not into it. It’s unique for sure.
Decent as an album, not likeky to listen to individual songs.
Great record from start to finish.
Ok, but not really feeling it.
Enjoyed listening to this. Smooth sound, good to mellow to.
Annoying, especially the singing.
It’s The Beatles and the music is good, but not their best stuff.
Good, I got into it some, but totally my thing.
Nice record. Super annoying to be able to listen to it. Thank you Joe Rogan, you did not live up to your promise to have more voices on your podcast to counter the Covid conspiracy stuff. Got stick listening to this on YouTube, lame.
Good, pleasant to listen to, but not really for me.
Music good, just didn’t grab me by the balls.
Good music, fun to listen to.
Yeah, maybe on a different day this could’ve gotten 3 stars. Just could not vibe with it.
Pretty good, nice variety of songs.
Parts we ok, but really I just found it boring.
Not my jam, but not terrible.
Good record
This was probably great when it came out. Nothing sticks out to me though. Not bad, just didn’t really draw me in.
Great record. Not every song grabbed me, but as a whole this rocked and I totally want it in vinyl
Great record
Interesting, but my thing
Not totally my style, but good fun and groovy music.
Rockin from start to finish
Prefer Paranoid, but solid record. The cover is pretty cool.
Solid record, not my style. U Got the Look is a clear stand out. Each song is unique, no stale or flat spots in my opinion.
This shit is ground breaking and interesting. I didn’t love every track, but overall it’s so good it can only get 5 stars. I would totally buy this on vinyl.
Pleasantly surprised. Nice record. Still holds up and sounds fresh.
Great record. Rap is not my thing, but so far not a single bad rap album.
This rocked. Really coming to a better appreciation for rap. I could definitely get this on vinyl.
Another good rap album.
Really could not get into this. It’s not bad, not my thing.
Lots of good songs. Not quite a 5, but really liked it.
I still remember hearing Smells Like Teen Spirit the first time listening to the Alternative show out of Daytona Beach on a Sunday night. Anybody who says this record is overrated hated music.
I liked this better than the other Sonic Yourh Album. Not totally my style, but I liked the emptiness.
Ok, how does this band have two records on this list. I just can’t get it.
Not bad, but didn’t really get me excited. Not annoying though.
Good music, knew of them, but hadn’t really heard them.
It’s a classic. I was already familiar with a few songs it was consistent all the way through without getting stale. It’s the kind of music that requires the right time and the right place, that being any time and any place.
A couple good songs, but some just sounds like music from a 70’s porno
Good stuff, nothing stale.
Not bad, had a good vibe. I could listen again, but would need to be in the mood.
Coulda been 4, but that Howlin For You song is so annoying. It needs to be dragged out in the snow and shot then thrown into a woodchipper.
Another classic
Pretty good. Nothing bad on the record. I like heavy, not totally up my alley, but definitely a good listen.
Good, but I like other chemical brothers stuff better
Least favorite rap album so far, not bad but didn’t match the others I’ve had so far.
As much as I wanted yo like it, I just couldn’t. It’s not terrible, just not into it.
Better than I expected. Very different there in Iceland
Pretty good, fun listen. Took me too long to realize it’s the dude that sang the Monk theme song.
While I personally wouldn’t listen to this on my own, it’s a pretty solid record. No filler. I almost went with 3 stars, but it really had to be a 4.
Not bad.
Nothing against Dave Grohl, but to me this is kind of generic rock music. It’s not bad, but just not super interesting to me.
Not all that thrilling.
I mean, FUCK YEAH!!!
Great sounds, not my style. Totally respect the music though.
Mostly pretty good. Just didn’t totally excite me.
I liked it. Not quite a five.
Better than the last Dylan record I got. I found it hard to pay attention to his 10-minute long songs. I can list to a long song, Rush has done great ones, but these were pretty hard to get through. The guy still sounds like a homeless guy rambling and blowing a harmonica with his nose on occasion.
Good stuff
Not terrible, some descent stuff, maybe I would have loved it when it came out.
Really solid.
Great voice, liked several songs, but there was some filler. The Cure cover could have been better
Good stuff
I liked some songs ok, but not really that amazing to me.
The music is good, not my style. But I can understand it being on the list.
Not my thing, but it’s not really bad.
Not terrible, but couldn’t really get into it.
Pretty interesting stuff.
Didn’t really grab me, but not terrible.
Good songs,but couldn’t get into a decent chunk of it.
Not bad, but I think this music makes all the songs sound too similar.
I can’t believe this is only 22 minutes. Not a dull moment.
Not too bad. Had a good vibe, not sure I had to hear this before I died, but not complaining.
Pretty good, I like this better than the other Miles Davis album.
Great stuff. Lots of solid tracks.
It got better as the album progressed. Not m style.
The music isn’t bad per se, but not really that interesting. Not sure I get what so special that it ends up on a list like this.
Good tunes. Probably wouldn’t seek it out, but a good listen.
Best of the three Stones records so far.
More interesting than the other Bowie records I’ve had.
A few good songs, but definitely some filler.
This music holds up and Grace Slick has such an amazing voice.
Interesting, better than the other Tom Waits record I got. If I came across this at a record store, 50/50 shot I might buy it.
Look, there are two good songs on this record. The rest is just boring. I’m astounded this album sold so many copies. I’m not an Eagles hater, I do like some of their music. I just don’t get the high level of hype. The title track is a classic.
Good stuff.
I can’t really see myself listening to this again. The music is good, but for me the epic format isn’t appealing. While I wouldn’t go back and listen on my own, I do think the music is good and I was jamming to it. Even at 2 hrs it was easy to get through the album.
Pretty good, and interesting
Most of this sounded like dentist office music. Not appealing at all.
Interesting, but not my jam.
Pretty fun listen. Not my first choice, but all good.
Musically not bad. Just felt like a lot of unfinished ideas.
I could own this on vinyl
Another solid rap album on this list.
A solid 4, I could definitely buy this on vinyl.
Uhhh, not my kind of weird.
Good record. Great and fascinating voice. Not into every song, but the music had good variability.
Just really could not get into it.
Decent. I prefer some of the other stuff from the 50’s
Decent. Didn’t blow me away, but nothing bad about the record.
The music isn’t bad, but really not my vibe. The album cover is kind of cool though.
Good stuff.
Pretty sweet record.
Pretty good, but not ground breaking.
Not bad, I liked most of the music. On the border for 4 stars, but not quite there for me.
Overall pretty good. Got some classics.
Good music, nice to have something totally different on the list.
Great music, no real low points and I could definitely groove to it. Some of it didn’t quite grab me, but still liked it a lot.
Good overall, one song was flat, can’t recall which one.
Cool, nice to hear something so different from that era.
Good music
Good stuff, not quite a 5 though
Well, it’s catchy. Kind of shallow, but I get why it’s popular.
Not that interesting to me.
Not terrible, but not that interesting.
Some good stuff, not sure I need a whole album of this.
Some great songs, the harmonies are in matched.
Music is mostly good, no songs really stood out for me.
I may not choose to listen to this, but it’s interesting. A couple songs stuck out to me. This is the kind of record that belongs on this list. Lots of variety in the record.
Very good. Has a nice vibe.
Very good. A couple songs stood out
Some classics. Not sure I’d listen to the album as a whole, but great vibe.
Some classics. Good vibe, would maybe listen if in the mood.
Not amazing, but not terrible. I don’t really get it, but it’s not grating.
Part of me wanted to give this 4 stars. It is good and I love the punk sound. Still the music isn’t very diverse from song to song. I think it’s a great vibe and musically important, but I would prefer other punk music.
Not bad, but not my vibe.
A few good songs. Not totally into it, but not bad.
Sweet record.
Solid record Al the way through.
Not bad, but didn’t knock my socks off.
Sounded good, nice vibe, but probably wouldn’t seek it out.
Decent music, but still hard to tell songs apart.
Very good, no snoozers
Good listen, I can definitely see the influence for other artists I listen to.
Good classic
Good music, not my style.
Classic, more of a Nirvan person. No bad songs.
Not terrible, but still don’t get how they got as big as they are. Sings are decent though.
Not bad.
Pretty good, very much something unique and interesting.
Good music, not my style, but could definitely groove to it.
Good, amazing voice. Not really my style.
Didn’t really stick out to me.
More good songs from Nicky
Better than I expected. Not really my thing, but still interesting.
Best of the Elvis Costello albums so far. I could listen to this.
Did not meet expectations. A couple good tracks, but overall not that amazing.
Pretty good, but I prefer other stuff by The Specials.
Solid performance. Not my style though. I can appreciate the energy.
It’s like meditation music
Classic, I prefer Moving Pictures so far.
Pretty good.
It’s good, had I heard this when I was younger I’d be into it more.
Not bad, but didn’t really grab me.
Great music, wonderful vibe.
Excellent from start to finish
Pretty fun music.
Pretty good. Great song choices.
Not sure I would seek this out to listen to, but if I saw it used on vinyl I may be tempted to pick it up. It’s got a good Tom Waits like feel to it.
It was pretty good. Has that britpop sound, but seems more sincere and artistic than Oasis.
Not too bad. I don’t see myself listening to it again.
Great sound and vibe.
Solid record. No skip tracks
Pleasant to listen to. The music is all good, just kind of drags longer than what I prefer.
Could not into it. Not terrible, just not that interesting.
All solid. There is nothing shabby about this record.
Great music, nothing bad here. Not totally my style, but I still enjoyed it.
Some good stuff, but that interesting overall to me. The bonus material the best part.
Good music, nice to see something different. Not my style, but still fun.
Kind of a yawner for me.
Decent album. Much less like a homeless guy mumbling.
All good songs here.
Good, lots of long songs.
Music is good and I was into, Morrissey is also a dickhead.
Good, not my thing, but still enjoyed the listen.
A little killer, a lot of filler. Interesting to see how they evolved within just a couple years.
Interesting, I didn’t really get it. Not the worst thing I’ve heard though.
Not terrible, but hard to get too into Elvis Costello.
Great voice, just not that into jazz.
All good songs, nice vibe.
Great start to finish. I can’t believe this came out in 1980.
Good songs, nice vibe.
Free Bird is a classic. The rest is good, but not really my thing.
The music was pleasant, but I didn’t really get it. I did like some of the ambient sounds, kind of funny.
Classic ska!
I enjoyed this record. 4 stars, why the fuck not.
Well, so as a kid I hated What’s Love Got to do with It, but I like it much better now. She’s got an interesting voice, in a good way. Some of the music itself was not that interesting to me, but not terrible.
Cuatro, this is interesting good stuff. It’s music like this that makes this list interesting.
Some classics and good overall.
I liked the music, no dull moments. It is long though.
A couple solid songs. The rest was pretty good. Nothing bad.
Not sure I would go listen to the record, maybe for a party. The music is pretty good though. I could definitely see them in concert. That would be fun.
Pretty good, not my style. No low points and it’s a good listen.
Great tunes and a great performance!
Solid record. She has a beautiful voice.
Lots of good songs, some clear classics. Nothing really bad, but it is a lot of music.
Great voice!
The music is good and interesting. I’m not totally into it, but clearly unique and everybody should hear this record.
One of the best debuts ever. Solid from start to finish. Chester and Mike really make each other shine on vocals.
Great record. Great vibe and very unique.
Good vibe, not really a stand out record. Still it’s pleasant to listen to.
Overall good. Great singing.
Pretty good. Had a nice vibe. Bang a Gong is a classic of course.
Great music. Legend!
Great record, no skips. Their best record.
Solid, kind of short, but still great.
Pretty solid. Interesting tracks.
Pretty interesting and fun to listen to.
Great voice. Not really my thing.
Bringing the funk. Very good.
I can appreciate early French rap. It’s good, but too into it.
Nice record no low points. I like some metal for sure.
Pretty good. Not totally an Elvis Costello fan, but this was worth a listen.
I like songs by the Who. Not bad, but didn’t really inspire me overall.
Interesting, nothing bad, but not that into it.
Some music rocked, some was kind of boring.
Not too bad, some of it rocked. Not really my style.
Pretty good. This is the kind of music that makes this list fun. Something totally different.
Some good songs, but a lot of similarities between them. Still good for early rock and debut album in that era.
No bad tracks
Interesting, but not too into it.
Fun listen.
Great voice, good music by a giant cunt.
Classic record.
This album rocked. Elton John is NOT soft-ass shit. Some classics and no low points.
Five stars all the way. Killer tracks from start to finish. The cover is super cool too. RIP Keith Flint.
Decent music. Enjoyable, but not totally into it.
Fun album. So short, but I really enjoyed it.
Solid record. No real skip tracks.
Pretty good, no low points.
Solid, some really great songs. Really nice vibe.
Absolute classic with a number of bangers. Good all around.
Good music, lots of cool guest artists.
Pretty good. Not sure I would seek it out.
It’s Bob Marley, I’m mean come on. Great to listen to.
Solid from start to finish.
Solid, definitely a fan of early Cure.
It didn’t blow me away, but it’s not bad music. So far I prefer The Beatles.
First REM album I ever owned. Some really great songs. Some that I’m not that into. Nothing really bad on it though.
Music is decent. Not that into it. Clapton sounds great.
That was a solid record. Tim has a unique but great voice.
Totally solid. This is a well written and well produced album. Very intentional and deliberate, not a wasted note and nothing frivolous.
Pretty good. It definitely sticks with its own style.
The funk was good, just too into this record.
Decent, but not that interesting to me.
It’s 3+. Fun listen. Not into it but still worth hearing. Love the renaissance vibe
3+ obviously weird. Kind of fun, but I don’t feel the need to listen to it again
Overall pretty good. Hard to find a bad rap record on this list. I still prefer Kendrick generally, but I think record has really good flow.
No bad songs, very solid record.
Good, interesting voice.
Good. Sometimes hard to distinguish songs, but super fun to listen to. The drumming is off the hook.
Classic! Great songs!
Great voice. Not to into it, but the music is good.
Some good stuff. I guess I’m not a David Bowie fan, but I do like some of his songs.
Very interesting how they have all these diverse sounds, but still sound rock and roll.
Solid, no skips. This is real rock and roll.
Solid record. No bad tracks
Not annoying, but I just couldn’t get into it and it seemed kind of repetitive.
Another good record from Metallica.
This record has some clear classics. It’s transcends its time for sure. I wasn’t into every single song, but still really solid record. Lou Reed is a master.
Pretty good, good sound a great song selection.
This was a pleasant surprise. I really liked Working Class Hero.
Fun and interesting
Lots of solid tracks. A couple filler songs, but overall a solid record.
Not bad, not amazing