Feast of Wire
CalexicoBluesy, folksy, country, latin infused indie rock. This shit rocks. Its just exactly what i needed. Its not a 5 as in its perfect but its a 5 as in where has this been all my life
Bluesy, folksy, country, latin infused indie rock. This shit rocks. Its just exactly what i needed. Its not a 5 as in its perfect but its a 5 as in where has this been all my life
more like the bland etc
Jesus christ.
Horrible, intentionally abrasive and not good. Didnt like it
I will just always love this album. From start to finish a gambit of the fullest extents of kanye’s mind and emotion. Heartfelt, powerful, masterful production and killer verses. Its a masterpiece
"damn that shit was dope" these beats go crazy. they do. not. do it like this anymore
Banger after banger. Not a genre i typically listen to but holy hell these cats are cooking This album makes me feel like im a cyberpunk vagabond outrunning the corpo police in the wastes
What a beautiful voice. There arent a ton of tracks on this album i would listen to regularly but i can for sure appreciate how influential it is and its overall just a really tight, solid record.
I’m a simple man. I just need the funk.
Nina Simone will put a spell on your ass
Some bangers for sure, but a bit long and noncohesive for my taste
Not the biggest fan of this one. Pretty samey and boring, no tracks particularly stood out to me
Not much to say on this one but i greatly enjoyed it
Not totally available on spotify :/ but i liked what i heard. Bring back this kinda country
I am sorry, i really gave it a shot. I just cant get behind this sound.
Might be the best hip hop album ive listened to. All killer no filler. Incredible how much it holds up. Everyone is on their best game and the beats are groovy asf while not distracting from the lyrical complexity.
Actually the worst thing ive ever listened to. Not even music, just noise. Idgaf if thats the point, if you actually listen to this and enjoy it there is something wrong with you. Germans 🤝 committing atrocities
Man i miss when country was anti authority
Dennis reynolds would love these guys
Layla is the obvious highlight here but tbh the whole album is worth listening to. Some sick ass classic rock guitar riffs in here
Reminds me of a proto-alex g I appreciate the sonic diversity and how many genres this guy blends. Not every song was a hit for me but not for any particular reason. Ultimately though i think i didnt totally connect with this album, but i appreciate it for what it is.
i think i like some funky electronica
So many bangers in this one. Its just a tight groovy record and I cant really fault it for anything. Appreciated even more on a second or third listen too.
A beautiful voice, unfortunately i think a bit of a relic of its time. Easy listening and would play at a high class affair but any kind of variety would be nice
Little Simz’ flow and her production is immediately distinctive and excellent. I think i wish i clicked with her subject matter and style a bit more but i recognize this is a well made tight album
go white boys go actually very groovy, i dig the political messaging
Lowk a no skip for me 🫢
There are some sick asf beats in here ngl but its brought down by a lot of weird additions and apparently those are the only things this guy added sooo
Yeah this shit bangs
Paul proving he is the best beatle for 41 min. Dude just knows how to make an album. Band on the Run, Jet, mrs vanderbilt and nineteen eighty five are the highlights for me and the way he ties them into each other is soooo awesome
Yeah ngl i found most of this album aggravating as hell. Will probably never listen again. Message in a bottle is alright i suppose
There’s some cool stuff in here. I would probably enjoy it more in a different mood
This one i thought was generic at first and then it grew on me. Sometimes you just need some blues rock. Dudes rock?
Around the world around the world around the world around the world Doesnt reach discovery levels for me but a jam all the way through
Judging by the reviews on this one people either love it or hate it. I was totally expecting to be part of the latter but i am not. Really loved heartland and angels of deception
I thought this was just okay. Hope the next one is not punk
Incel coded perhaps… but i *am* in my incel arc. Totally understand why someone would hate this. But the raw recording and singing style i think perfectly fits with the subject matter of the album. Its weird and zany and creepy at times but it just somehow does it for me, with some truly banging tracks.
This was definitely okay. It has a few bangers. Some of the production didnt do a lot for me though
This was pretty sick a kinda folky indie vibe i really like. Loses a few points for a terrible album cover and being all about england
Extremely 80s. Up to you if thats good or bad. It works for me on a few tracks and doesnt on others. But overall this had more hits than misses. First song blows tho
Getting chased ahh music
I think its a testament to slipknot that i dont totally hate this. But unfortunately its just one of those few genres i cant totally get behind the sound of. Well made but i would probablu never listen to again
Crazy to have another the the album so soon. But i am not complaining, This is incredibly good. I liked infected but this is just a bit more of what i like. Banger after banger
Never listened to foo fighters before surprisingly. Cant say im a fan. This sounds like if i prompted AI to make the most generic sounding garage rock imaginable.
This is fine. Not very memorable tbh
This one is a bit weird, kinda all over the place. Coconut is goofy but without you slaps
This one is weird. I could see myself liking it given enough listens but its not pleasant enough tor me to want to do that
Been a while since i listened to this one all the way through. How does one man make so many hits. Its just ludicrous no pun intended
Really love this style of country. She has a beautiful voice perfectly suited for these songs
What can you even say about nobel laureate robert zimmerman. Rife with biblical allusions and poetic turns of phrase, this album is folk at its best.
Interesting. I have never properly listened to U2. In my head they occupied the same place as coldplay and maroon 5 that are super popular bands but kind of creatively devoid. This album definitely shows me that they are a little more worth their salt than that, but ultimately i think their kind of sound isnt exactly up my alley (i think mostly due to bono’s singing). But i recognize that this is a good rock album, and i appreciate the conceit of the album and its lyrical subject matter.
Such a treat to relisten to this. I think this generator thinks my least favorite album is rock which maybe it has a point but you really cant beat rock like this. Just an awesome record through and through. Some highlights beside the obvious include death on two legs, ‘39, and the prophets song (such an epic song, not for regular everyday listening)
Yeah this is great. M has been a fave for a while but the whole album is awesome
I didnt think i would like this but i did. Kinda early beatles vibe. Will definitely listen more in the future
Its like almost too weird… almost, but savef by how much it rocks
I feel like this is how you do garage rock effectively (take notes foo fighters). Theres some awesome tracks in here and a much more effective delivery of rage for me than other things that try to do the same thing
Damn. This one is a bit tough for me because speakerboxxx is probably the easiest 5 ive come across yet. Everything from the beats, to the production, the flow, the lyrics, the features are all incredible. That being said i enjoyed the love below slightly less. Its good dont get me wrong but its a different vibe i jive with slightly less. Id give it a 3 so ill avg it out to a 4
There is a lot that i can say about this album, but i will just leave it at that it is one of the purest forms of music as self expression i have heard
Jesus christ.
Damn. This is why i am doing this proj. For as many stinkers on the list something will come out of nowhere and surprise you. Was fully expecting to hate this. Metal/hard rock from the late 80s? Hard pass. I was thinking i was gonna have my first double 1s two days in a row. But nay! As i start listening i realize that its like they took all the parts of rock that i like, trashed all the parts i dont, and then injected some funk (which of course makes anything better). Shit had me grooving and moving my whole commute home. Varied, interesting, just plain fun to listen to. There were so many times i wanted to rewind to catch a part that made me go “damn wtf??” but in a good way. Trying to find a flaw but i cant, I love it
Its good, but i think its just a bit dated. Worthwhile to listen to as a cultural artifact.
What the hell is this. What are we doing here. Its not like it has zero musical merit but definitely not enough to make up for how creepy it would make me feel to listen to this regularly. Why is he so close to the mic. God damn the french
Was not expecting to enjoy this. Def gets a bit too experimental at times but never too unpleasant (maybe a bit on peking o) and overall its pretty cool. Would listen again
Shrek song shrek song Andy warhol is a cool song
Wtff not avail on spotify yeah not sure about this one. You def have to be in low spirits to engage with this. I love the vocal quality and some of the instrumentation. I think the electric bass on a few of the tracks wasnt the best fit. I also found the lyrics overly trite and simplistic sometimes, idk there is just a lot of other lyricists who do this but better. Didnt love it, didnt hate it.
On paper this is something i should love and given how many good things ive heard of lcd soundsystem i expected to like this more. Theres a lot of cool stuff ab it but tbh i have to agree with a common sentiment in the reviews that finds this repetitive. Normally i like repetitive music (see: daft punk) but something about this one was kinda boring me halfway through. Will still give other works of his a shot but left a bit underwhelmed
Theres some cool stuff in here! Was it totally memorable though? Not rly
more like the bland etc
So awesome
Didnt hate it some cool prog rock stuff but overall just okay
Not a single bad or lukewarm song
Extremely easy listening
Amazing incredible astounding innovative
Really really nice jazz. Listenable yet still very varied and free
Great stuff
This is absolutely scrumptious
Pretty nice. Worth another listen
Theres a cynical trend of hating christmas music that seems to come around every year, but i think its wonderful to have a canon of songs everyone knows and can sing together during a time when its important to connect to each other beyond the superficial. Traditions and rituals are largely lost to us as a society, but christmas songs are perhaps one of the last vestiges of that. That being said this has the definitive renditions of so many of these that youre never going to be amiss putting this on at a holiday party. The one original is a banger as well and has since become a classic in its own right, something many christmas albums fail to do so on that alone i must commend it. Merry christmas to all and to all a good night
Yeah sounds like john lennon
I think i need to be in a different sort of mood to properly revisit this. Some of these songs give me anxiety for some reason
Take five is one of the most amazing pieces of music to ever exist
Shit sucks!
High 3.5 rounded to a 4. The kinks will never be my favorite band but they occupy a niche and dammit they occupy it well
Hmm i think its ok
Might start having to skip metal albums. These just do absolutely nothing for me. Not the worst thing ive ever heard though
Incredible from start to finish. A masterwork
Not always a fan of ambient music but this hits
This is incredible. I had heard a few songs from this which i liked but the entire thing is nonstop quality. An amazing feat for such a long album.
If i was at a tavern in the 1500s and this came on i would get sooo jiggy with it you dont even know
I liked this. Could understand why some dont but it jives with me
Not my personal vibe but i see the vision
Genre defining tbh. Could use maybe one less skit of biggie nutting in my ear tho maybe
This shit is awesome If you inject enough brood and atmosphere into country rock it turns good apparently
Gonna have to come back to this one to finish it, its a long one. maybe i just want to like this because the album cover but i do kinda think it goes hard, a lot of the progressions are very satisfying. Definitely best enjoyed high. High potential for a 4
God this is just heavenly.
We are very blessed that this exists
Ah, new wave. Out of all the new wave albums on this list so far this is definitely on the higher end. Quintessentially 80s without being egregious, the softer tones of this album has helped it age better than a lot of its contemporaries. It starts off unique and engaging but the second half of the album is filled with mostly samey songs. Bonny is incredible though.
Just not worth listening to imo. A couple okay songs but mostly boring throughout. Nothing interesting really done in the whole thing. Never gonna revisit tbh
Yeah its just a bit dated. Im sure its revolutionary for its time
The global reviews are tripping on this one. This is a lot better than some of the shit a lot of you give 5s to 🤨
My 100th album is also the first (of many) beatles albums on this list. How serendipitous. Not my fave beatles but these guys are something else hope they catch on 🙏
One of my favorites, a lovely record through and through. Perfect for crooning and yearning
Listen, im not a T Swift hater alright. And i fully recognize that this is an album meant to encapsulate pop and produce hits and that it did. But to me, it succeeded so well that its to its detriment. These are very surface level pop songs that i have heard so much since they came out that i would be perfectly fine never hearing them again, and would prefer it for a few of them (bad blood and shake it off). Also, people say this is supposed to be an homage to the 80s sound but i honestly barely hear it, i think it has too many of the trappings of mid 2010s pop songs that will age these songs worse than they would otherwise. Its not objectively bad by any means, theres a few more underplayed songs i enjoy, but for me personally im never gonna want to put this on.
Incredible. Cant wrap my head around the lyricism and flow. Very glad that i got 36 chambers before this for context. Only reason it doesnt get a five is that i saw a comment saying that rza tends to leave in way too much skit and filler in the songs themselves which makes just listening to the songs difficult but its a very minor critique. Also BIBLE is probably the best song on this but it isnt even GZA lol. Amazing nonetheless 4.5
I like the lo fi sound but thats about it, lyrics and vocals leave a lot to be desired
Another neil young so soon, i was worried it would be too similar to harvest. However, super happy to be wrong. This has a rock flair to it that sets it apart from Harvest easily and still is killer. The highlight is Southern Man for me, but the entire thing is fantastic.
What a journey with this one. At first i really didnt like it, the first song left me unimpressed and the second song i actively didnt like. Then the build up to Aisha really convinced me, the way it starts off noisy and industrial but very gradually starts introducing catchy riffs until it reaches critical mass and then just rips into rock, and then the come down from aisha feels like an epilogue. The album would be 5 stars if soul auctioneer and broken little sister werent on it. Still, impressive that it managed to win me over. 4 stars
This is really really awesome. What i appreciate most about the cure is how they arent afraid of any sound and fully embrace the spectrum of rock and that shows here. They created entire soundscapes with this album. Def my favorite of theirs so far.
The back of this album really saved it. Its not bad!
Definitely more interesting than i expected this being, but it couldnt hold my attention all the way through
Easy 5. I mean on importance alone there isnt this list without this album. Plus its full of hits. I love this one. In my life, girl, what goes on, norwegian wood 🔥
Pretty groovy. I like it. 3.5
Whiney af! Still awesome tho. I dont love morrissey’s voice but the rest of the band makes up for it. They have a lot of bangers it cannot be denied
Honestly maybe its musical sacrilege but i kinda thought this was mid af. I feel like i am very forgiving when it comes to experimental ambience but the back half of this feels like a slog tbh. I like the last song a lot though
Yeah. This is a total masterpiece. Really incredible, as close to a perfect album you can get.
Damn! A lot of stills, nash, crosby, & young joint and solo projects on here. Id complain but i like pretty much all of them. This is not an exception
Terrible, boring, uninspired gen x love songs. Shit sucks! Only doesnt get a 1 because some of the instrumentation is decent and its short af
This is the kind of music i thought cool kids listened to when i was about 6-9. You know, the ones that had bunk beds and tvs in their room. Honestly really fun. Hadn’t listened to green day outside of american idiot and i can see why they took off, its just pretty great pop punk. Basket case and sassafras roots are highlights for me.
Bluesy, folksy, country, latin infused indie rock. This shit rocks. Its just exactly what i needed. Its not a 5 as in its perfect but its a 5 as in where has this been all my life
Very ahead of its time, thats for sure, but doesn’t necessarily translate to a sound i particularly love listening to.
Lovely instrumentation. Creates sweeping landscapes with its sound and really captures the open road feeling she intended. Beautiful lyrics as well. The delivery however often plays fast and loose with the meter which this album made me realize is important to me, only part i dont love, just feels a bit slam poetry-y. 3.5 rounded up
This album feels like they sonically embodied new york. Starts off a bit slow for me but then the beats and lyrical flow find a perfect rhythm that i really love. Above all its fun as hell
Really fun. Some songs i recognized i didnt know where from here. Will definitely be listening again.
Like this more than hejira. Less spoken word poetry, more fun country sound. Love it
smooth lyrical flow from common feat. kanye at the top of his production game. Honestly dont know what else i can ask for in a hip hop record, its like it was made for me. This shit is beautiful and amazing and im so glad to have discovered it.
I liked it! Not quite a 4 but not too far off. Some songs i liked quite a bit
Some danceable funky beats in here, i liked it. Dont think it needs to be 58 min long tho
Not enough bongos… Cool to see where some samples came from tho
No one makes me stop and listen to the lyrics as much as bob dylan does.
Found this so boring. Like the eagles but worse. NEXT!!!
Giving this the same score i gave the other john martyn. This is music that should be good in theory, like it tries different stuff and none of it is bad but its just kinda eh. Two albums by this guy is enough. Also, hate his voice. Hope this mid ass streak ends soon
Cool, hadnt heard much talking heads before. Will listen to that one album everyone loves
Some really high highs in here. The guitarwork and sheer musicianship on display is outstanding. Conversely, some moments i dont love. But the highs are high enough to make up for it. Really interesting listen
I really enjoyed this. I can understand why some people may think this is derivative of other artists of the time but to me they sound very much like their own thing. Experimental while still be listenable, good fusion of psychedelic rock and folk with a hint if jazz. Def above avg summer of love fare. Favorite songs: renaissance fair, my back pages, it happens each day. S/o to the alien at the end of CTA
Okay honestly not as bad as i was expecting. The brazilian funk elements do add quite a bit. But its still screaming metal so not for me
I do like this one, the funkiness makes it a lot more fun for me. But I think bowie's voice makes it so that i would rarely wanna put it on.
Surprising, did not expect to like guns n roses. this album is just straight rock. A good amt of bangers on here, Sweet child o mine is such a great song
Really not sure how to feel about this one. One would hope that in a 2 hr long album there would be at least some songs you like, and luckily that is the case. But not sure the length is justified. Some real draggers on here, but i appreciate it trying different things? I guess
Its good! Dont love all the songs, but its a good time
Really glad i gave this one another listen. With someone as masterful at the guitar as hendrix, its his subtlety when he could be ostentatious that exemplifies his brilliance. The delicate balance he strikes between his guitar playing and the rest of the instrumentation is remarkable, and it allows those great guitar riffs to shine through all the more. Really love the infusion of bluesy and psychedelic sounds too. Its a little long for me to be a 5, but its close.
Really rocking live album. That closer song is just one wild ride. Hadnt heard peter frampton but i get the hype.
Inbetween tracks to the sitcom of my life
Harrowing album. A man in the end of his life, with all the pain and memories that come with that. Truly beautiful
Pretty boring blues, better performed by someone who has a soul. Some guitar stuff is cool tho
This was awesome…
Just really fun 80s pop whats not to like
Oh nah bruh Likes: some of the beats i guess Dislikes: british rap is cringe Maybe biased against the accent but i really think these bars are lazy, and the incessant repeat of a rap chorus (which i dislike already) in every single song makes it worse. Not for me.
Man i really wanted to love this and buy into the hype but i cannot get into it despite trying 3 times. Some tracks i like and the guitar droning i vibe with but something about the vocals grates on me. I feel like the cure does this but better in disintegration.
actually pretty interesting, a cool blend of rock and sometimes jazzy, psychedelic. not bad
Repetitive? Yea, but honestly through this whole thing i was never bored. Damn do i like fatboy slim? Embarrassing
Didnt think movie soundtracks would be on here! But this is a pretty good choice for onr. I should probably watch the movie lol but there are some killer tracks. Didnt like it as much as moon safari tho
This and radiohead can coexist!! Musicbros stay mad
Funky and groovy, which im never gonna rate poorly, however just a tad dated i think
Huh this is what its like when i dont like pretty much every musical decision made in a project
Hard to score, because its obviously not meant to be listened to all the way through. And i think i respect it enough for its commitment to the bit. Not all songs are killer but some are and thats an achievement.
Wow, what a total masterpiece. Had heard a lot of good things so expectations were high but it delivers. Incredibly inventive instrumentation, lamentful lyricism, catchy tunes. This one will be going in the rotation for sure.
Extremely beautiful. Very sad, not always the vibe, but when it is, it hits. Love between the bars
A stark reminder of why he is the king and will probably never be dethroned. Wall to wall bangers. Fantastic album.
Pleasantly surprised, actually quite groovy and fun. Bit long
God, these guys have such a fresh youthful energy, you can tell theyre just making the music they want to hear. This album is such a pleasant surprise. definitely a high 4.5 to maybe 5, but need to listen to it more. Really awesome stuff
Really cool esoteric concepts, fun guitar riffs. Cant help but like this quite a bit, bonus points for not overstaying its welcome
Pretty perfect pop album
I love this one. I love how many directions it goes. Purely coincidentally i got elizabeth my dear pop up in my recommended and so i thought this was going to be more of a folky album, which i wouldnt have minded, but how many genres they go through and do it all well makes this one special to me. To be able to do folky ballad and then funky breakdown in the same album is exactly what i crave. I love the laidback guitar and how it doesnt feel dated at all. Love
Its quite good. Not much to say, third arcade fire already and they deliver but seems a bit odd
Not objectively bad, but pretty boring. Wished i was listening to the stone roses again tbh.
Save me from mediocre britpop hell
Pretty nice funk, but nothing stood out too much.
Okay bruce i see you, post 9/11 and all
Not my jam but didnt hate it!
Sooo boring, every song sounds the same. Couldnt finish. Sucks.
Just some easy listening
Album cover is such trash. Its fine! Too much bowie itll turn me into a hater
So many hits! That big chair goated
Total masterpiece alert!! The beatles ability to experiment and play around with different sounds and have it sound good is something to be studied. The first side has a ridiculous amount of bangers (dont love maxwell’s hammer tho sry paul), and i absolutely love side 2’s medley, just the gang flexing their raw musical talent. Only complaint is that her majesty should have gone in its original placement and it should be twice as long, that song is awesome. Even still, fantastic album.
Didnt really feel this, sorry. The history sounds cool but i wouldnt listen to any of these again.
I enjoyed it! Not sure what people are talking about with the voice its not THAT bad. And the guitar work is pretty nice
Awesome dad rock. How anyone could dislike peace if mind is beyond me
Not my favorite smiths, but too many bangers for it not to be a 5
Very interesting, haven’t listened to much of this kind of music before. Some pretty awesome tracks
I made it like 3 songs in, saw the length, ahd dipped. Aint no way bruh
Sing it janis!!
Groovy, but a bit annoying at times
Not quite as good as cant buy a thrill but many classics on here
Wow!!! So boring and so mid. Next!!!
Kinda like off brand the smiths, but not bad!
Horrible, intentionally abrasive and not good. Didnt like it
Sounds like the beatles but probably the only remarkable thing about them.
Really, its quite nice. Beautiful and obv deeply personal to the artist. However, a tad boring, and there are probably many more albums that deserve inclusion over this one. The author’s heavy british bias has manifest itself supremely these last few albums, and every day i am just grateful its less british mid i have to listen to later.
Started off fairly interesting but pretty quickly lost my interest after that.
Really awesome, i love how country blues this one feels. Still think i prefer highway 61
An awesome, jazzy fusion. Really enjoyed it, roads is absolutely incredible
A few misses short of a 5, but awesome. I love the smiths!!!
Its good, but the sound is too dated for me to want to listen to it regularly.
Totally get why someone would love this tbh, great fusion of metal rock and orchestral. Entirely too long for me tho
Sound track for a high class affair
Babe im gonna leave you rocks, the rest im mostly ambivalent about. Glad i listened tho
Yeah i gave it a shot but i have to be at least three times as musically ascended to appreciate this
Groovy as hell!
Songs to roam the wasteland to
Can we please get some more english new wave up in here i feel this list is lacking
Ngl, very hesitant about this album because i kinda see the chili peppers as this redditor millennial band but this really managed to surprise me, the album’s reputation is deserved there are some true hits. At least, the first half. The second half really falls off. If it was just side a this would approach a 5 but as it stands i have to give the whole thing a 3
Found this trying way too hard to be americana and with none of the soul
Was familiar but the whole thing is really impressive. Feels like a symphony
Yeah no fucking thanks
God this sound is so boring to me. Music is so much better now its crazy
Absolutely fascinating sound. Weird and experimental but never too far from listenable, these guys understand music at a very fundamental level. Really cool.
Not bad, a few hits. Thought this was gonna be worse than it is.
I will just always love this album. From start to finish a gambit of the fullest extents of kanye’s mind and emotion. Heartfelt, powerful, masterful production and killer verses. Its a masterpiece
Its decent but nothing blew me away
This whole thing has made me realize that the pop punk sound, while i can appreciate it, is just not really for me. Maybe i would have loved this had i discovered it as an angsty 14 yo. As an angsty 23 yo tho i just wish for a more complex sound. Its not terrible though and some songs definitely hit.
Such a lovely voice and a great vibe. Wouldnt put this on to listen to regularly but def for a romantic eve
Famously i am not a nirvana but this is just a good album
Hit after hit!!! Incredible stuff billy
Did not expect to like a group called moby grape… probably the reason they didnt take off tbh. But they make some nice sounding music.
It was definitely some interesting stuff going on here, felt symphonic at times. Warrants another listen
I know people that would love this but i found it mostly annoying :/ sry
Found this distinctively lacking in charm. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Bowie…
Cant let gang know i fw this
Classic blues
Havent listened to a lot of reggae but this is very good
Saw a review that said this was more of a sketchbook than an album. I totally agree, but while i think that person meant it negatively, i think its awesome
Actually surprisingly really enjoyed this. The minimalist production is really nice and some songs are bangers!
Started off kind of interesting, but this flavor of british psych rock is just so samey
I appreciate the sound but not very listenable for me.
Think i dont like punk!
Its some of the best jazz ive heard
Really dig this, softer more melodic punk
Wow this is so good
My favorite permutation so far, probably
Some cool songs but not all the way my jam
This aint it
Damn i cant even lie. This shit is fire
Just not it at all. Cute idea but terrible execution
Absolutely fire. Deep and rich
Oh god now theres funk all over my screen
This shit is fireeeeeeeee
I love folk like this but this is not it dawg Okay actually by the end of it i was pretty intrigued. Its not gonna be for everyone but i do think its art and appreciate it exists. Torn between a 1 and a 5 so im gonna average it out to a very memorable 3
Pretty mid and boring
Sorry but this kind of music is best left to the museums .
Pretty good
Fire. Kinda radioheady but its own thing. Really cool and varied
Obviously extremely influential, the start of their sound experimentation, some true bangers, not the height of their discography due to some duds
So surprised by this one. Way better than the usual post punk synthy 80s fare. Lyrics are kinda weak tho
You just wouldnt get it
Its aight
Definition of fire. If you dont fw disco your soul is imbalanced
White stripes are not for me. 7NA slaps tho ofc
Very interesting album. Not entirely sure how i feel about it but i think it was an experimental success
The kind of music my parents like. Very nice, obv a classic, however didnt wow me.
Makes me feel like a skater kid in 05 playing video games in his friends basement.
Adele is an absolute tour de force
I used to really love the cars, now i still like them but they are a bit too dad rock for me. But when those guitar riffs kick in, whew
Lots of neil young on here
Arctic monkeys always just scratch the sleazeball music itch. This album is fantastic
Such an interesting album. Parts i didnt love but what i did i LOVED
This sucks
Just incredible. Breathy ethereal, still somehow rocks.
That performance of surrender tho 😳 everything else was alright
Random ass radiohead song in there lol
Grown ass men in the reviews cant get over themselves and listen to some bubblegum teen pop. Lol
Catchy, a bit unambitious
Prog is such a hit or miss for me. Sometimes it totally misses, but when it hits its fucking amazing. Loved this one, incredible from start to finish. Cant give it a 5 but its close
Wow this sucks
Intrigued by this. Very much like the cure. Will have to give a few more listens
Good production. Bloated. The stuff she sings about is so boring
Just right up my alley. Good stuff.
Yeah idk
Just amazing. Might be my favorite
Havent given prince the proper listen. Wowed by how fresh this still sounds
One of my favorite albums of all time. I have basically every song already saved. Easy 5
Thought i would like this more
Metallica you finally came through
Mostly tedious. Some moments of brilliance
Love luna
Missing the appeal
Why did i listen to this whole thing
Not into it
Not mad at this
I dig it
Not terrible
Weird. 2.5
Hey i knew a few of these
Forgotten for a reason.
Enjoyed it!
I can see why someone would like this
Holy hell this is fun. Really close to a 5, G funk is with it
Yeah. The man
How embarrassing to find out you like the chili peppers in twenty twenty four
Best songwriter oat tbh
Wasnt vibing with it sry
Absolute classic
Its good!
Wow. Wow. Sing to my soul
Really enjoyed this tbh what a fun time
Livin on a prayer and you give love are still bangers. But yeah the rest are f150 rock
Great stuff
Pretty nice
Not my favorite of his! Still pretty good
Started off strong then petered out
Its joni mitchell alright
Can’t give the is a 5 bc i just dont like jay z’s voice and flow that much but it is a banger
Not bad but sum about white reggae
What is there even to say. A total masterpiece, a resounding achievement of human musical creation.
Cool vibe
Man. Its just like the same thing from the 80s condensed into one album. Boomers man
Really quite something. A bit too much in some places
Ur joking me. God i hate germany
Its whatever
Wowwowow. Just when i was losing hope.
Pretty good
Not for me
Kinda fucking rocks
Gonna have to relisten to this one. I know its a classic but i just wasnt blown away. The rap rock thing doesnt work for me and the lyrics sound like stuff ive heard a million times from lefty twitter
I appreciate this
Very very nice
Man he stole his entire sound from black ppl but damn if he doesnt do it with style
Really great!
Not available, not rly interested
Actually very enjoyable
Weird and british
Pretty fun, but not too memorable
Not my fave of his
Pretty fun, some nice and interesting beats. But something about it feels hollow?
Really boring
Really lovelh
Weird! But not terrible
Dont care for it
I feel nothing when i hear music like this
Really fun!!
Its not so bad
Radiohead is just the greatest band ever. However, not my favorite, slogs a bit in the middle
Cant rly force myself to like it
Its aight
Weird but kinda fun?
I like the kinks!!
Wow, up there with his dad. Incredible
Absolutely godawful
Its a nice little collection of songs and fitzgerald has a generation defining voice, but its much too long to finish all the way through and this kind of easy listening music wears thin after a while
Was gonna give this a 4, then if you think youre lonely now came on and pushed it over. Holy moly
I find it boring
Its not great but i dont think its quite as bad as you people are making it out to be
Holy moly what a banger. These guys do to rock what sooo many of these mfs try and fail at!!!
Lowk a banger! Heads will roll deservedly is the hit, but it manages to do something very interesting as a whole too
Wow what a great album! Some of the best of the 90s grunge that we have gotten on here tbh. Awesome
Yeah they are pretty okay. Dont need to listen to any more of them tho tbh
Catchy but i found myself wishing i was listening to something else
Yeah its just not great
I can dig it
Like if a witch from the 80s adapted her grimoire into a pop album. Wow
Its got some hits
No comment
I mean automatic 5. Greatest album ever made.
This is very nice
Its pretty cool
Not my jam
Won me over and then it lost me
Absolute drivel. Who would want an expanded version of this
Holy fuck this is bad
Okay brucie ill give you this
Fun but kinda lacks the sauce
I can dig this. Swamp rock
Wow. Great stuff
Its not bad its just not rly my jam
Beats are sick, lyrics hard hitting. Ice cube’s flow is a bit outdated but what do you expect from one of the first in the game
So nice.
I just think its fine
Has some highs
Pretty fun, hard hitting lyrics. A note about the last album, i did actually enjoy the last half. I like him more when its just his crazy producing and not his annoying voice
Its not bad but its kinda just alright
I love her
Fucking blows
One of the greatest
That title track…. Wow…
So gravelly and annoying. But heartfelt
Sweeping, epic, a stunning achievement. Really incredible
Amazing!! Never heard it before but its so fresh and fun and conceptual.
Ill be honest i came in ready to hate. The guitar work is not too bad but those lyrics are so cringe.
Kinda cool!!
Inoffensive, but outdated and bland.
Its pretty alright, didnt totally grab me, but almost
It is a very strong album, lyrically, emotionally, beat wise. Its a touching work, but it is slightly too long. Otherwise, its great
Its alright!
Very synthpoppy, a bit too much
Alright i like the kinks but this is a bit too much. Also not their best
This is cool!!
Its pretty cool, its like the soundtrack to a really heady animated sci fi movie. Really long though
Fucking awful
Truly believe hip hop peaked in the early 2000s. Can’t fault it
Not terrible but definitely too grating at times
Awesome. Best dance album i have listened to
Sure, its nice, but not something i would put on.
This brian eno guy sucks
Willie nelson has a great voice, this is perfect for riding on a horse towards the setting sun, turning your back on your love for promised fortune.
Probably his masterpiece ngl
Is it genius, yes, is it particularly enjoyable to listen to, no. Sorry miles.
Some parts definitely surprised me, but damn, what an overly long self important album
Encapsulates the 2020 movement pretty well tbh. Coming from the right place but totally lacking in teeth and substance.
Some of these are just not worth listening to
He can write a tune
Once again i must ask, outside of some bery notable exceptions, do the british know how to make music?
It is nice
Quite shit
Beautiful, absolutely fantastic
Did not grab me
Not feeling it
The reason he is not famous in America is because you lot have terrible taste. Mystery solved. Maybe it would be more interesting if he was a monkey or something
Didnt care much for it, or post punk as a whole.
Not bad
Borderline unlistenable.
Enjoyed it!
Actually pretty flame, short and sweet
Enjoyed it, but because i enjoy east coast rap. As it stands it doesn’t stand out.
Great and revolutionary
Can’t get into it
Weird but i think i like it
I like the cure, this was more of the same
Kinda folky grunge, i vibe with it heavy
Beck is fucking garbage
Definitely groovy at times
Just so great
Kinda music you would find at a run down bar in the country where beer costs $3. Not bad
The roots are banging. But slightly too long
This is awesome. Can ppl seriously not appreciate some weird prog? Is all you want basic verse chorus structure? Live a little bit! Appreciate pure music! This is epic as hell, giving it a 5 out of spite
Really awesome
Not bad but not great either. -1 for unoriginality.
Pretty awesome
Its enjoyable but i was a bit bored
Really cool, atmospheric and meandering, but also if someone told me they thought it was wank i wouldn’t know how to argue
I see now where mj lenderman got it from
Truly might be one of the most godawful things I have ever heard in my whole entire life. Terrible, grating beats, with the worst flow and lyrics. If this isn't one of the lowest rated albums on this list I will be pissed.
It's fine
Awesome, great country
Yeah. Its not bad but def gets annoying after a while
Really really solid 4. Great country
Truthfully, really awesome. Banging production after crazy love.
Its pretty and charming. Why the hell do the people doing this project hate that? Misogyny.
At times almost unlistenable, at times great.
Its excellent, a bit too long
Boring af
Groovy and fun
Literally so boring
Dug this. Cool vibe it curated
Its just kinda eh? Doesnt have the soul to stand out as folk/country from this period
Would vibe to at a club
Feel the same as any other bowie. Good production, dislike everything else
Very cool old school french hip hop
Nice drums
She has cool imagery but not my cup of tea sonically
I mean i would listen to it again i guess