Live / Dead
Grateful Deadi don’t give a shit, life’s too short to try the Grateful Dead again
i don’t give a shit, life’s too short to try the Grateful Dead again
sometimes it seems like the guy who wrote this book just picks something inoffensive from the past decade so as not to be accused of being out of touch with the times
very close to as much as we can expect from pop music
you must realize that this is coming to you straight from hell
it’s a singular vision but i don’t feel any heart in it
Love the singles
not good
maybe 5 stars but i’m loathe to give out 5 stars
i dig it
i think i get it. but it didn't really move me
probably better than I can tell, but it's not made for me
some great tunes but something about it just rubs me the wrong way
awful, really bad, plus...a fucking flute!
i like that they're taking chances, i just can't handle too much of that histrionic vocal style
not the worst but i have no idea why this is considered a classic
It's as if the Stones did a third disc of Exile On Main Street, like the Clash did with Sandinista. The one with all the songs you don't want to listen to on it.
Almost a 5, but there’s a bit of filler on Side 2. Still an astonishing debut
Solid and weird
probably fine but it didn't move me
a couple of good tunes but not a good album
so many swears
a lot better than i expected
dug it more than i expected but that smooth jazzy sound is really not for me
a couple of good singles and a lot of filler, ambitious but I don't really respond to that ironic tone
chef's kiss
i can see why this is a classic and i almost hate to admit it but i just don't dig country that much
i did not like this
so many swears but i dug it plus it's nice to see he's a family man
not for me
pretty good, i dig it
didn't grab me but i wasn't really paying attention, also i'm generally opposed to rock flute
could be contemporary new age music, this is not a good thing
i think this record is probably better than i think it is but it just doesn't do it for me, too jokey and not enough heart
so many swears but hard to resist
lushly heartbreaking
okay i guess
i don't want to like it but it's not that bad
hard to argue with this
all killer
kind of a classic but the tunes just aren't that great
some good tracks but i don't think i'll be digging this out too often
probably 4.25 but fuck it, chrissie deserves the extra star for being so cool
pretty fuckin' catchy but it's really for kids
the stooges > iggy solo
hard to argue with this
some catchy riffs but it's basically one vulgar joke over an over
decent but lacking memorable tunes
so gross and vulgar, aping the worst of their influences
ugh that early 00s sound
i want to love it because of the singularity and ambition but they fuck it up with a lack of great tunes and too much irony
nice try
some 5 star tracks but some filler as well
it seemed okay
strong aversion
i wanted to like this but it just didn't do it for me, it might be the skits, the failure might be mine
some 5 star tracks but a few 3 star tracks
i dig it!
consistently astonishing
never thought much of hetfield's vocals or lyrics, but some pretty good riffs
it's nice but will i ever be crazy for it? i don't think so
cool psych but i can't hack that second side with the narration
I want to give it a sentimental 4 but really there's so much filler
hippies smell like boogers but i have to admit i enjoyed this far more than i expected to
Super likable but I’m not 17
i'm very glad to learn about this
i know this is great but most of it just doesn't move me, the lack is mine
some first-rate tracks but much is forgettable and the central idea is silly
catchy singles but much cringe
will get better with age
a couple of okay tracks but i don't dig this kind of quirky prog
sounds legit but it's not really for me
might deserve 5 stars just for the title track but there's a bit of filler here
dug some of it but it sounds like the source material is queen and i'm just not into queen or queen-like stuff
dig their dedication but it just ain’t my sound
starbucks music
curtis is a king
violent genius but oh, so sad
seemed okay but i didn’t listen very closely
who are we to judge john coltrane
it's good but Lost Souls is much stronger
seems okay, i dig the strings and the dreaminess, the vocals get old for me
a few great tracks - the late great johnny ace is a standout - but lots of filler and it's not helped by the early-80s production
i can't ever play it around my kids but it's cool
i would like to dislike CSN because they’re dirty hippies but i just can’t
it should be good but i just can’t countenance radiohead, except for the bends, the bends was cool
catchy but samey and a little smug
didn’t age well, there’s no life inside it
it’s cool but it doesn’t touch my heart
it’s curtis mayfield, back the fuck up
i dig it
i never liked ac/dc and i still don’t
i thought i wasn’t going to like this anymore but even though it’s completely satanic she’s a real talent
even when it doesn’t quite work, and sometimes it doesn’t quite work, the ambition and depth of spirit are astonishing
not bad for what it is but i’ll play sticky fingers 100 times before i’ll put this on
so slick and tight
devoid of hooks or melody
i would love to give this 4 but i just can’t give it more than 3 because i don’t like it that much
post syd pink floyd is trash, i’ve never understood what emotion they were trying to get across, maybe none?
Ghost Rider is quite possible the greatest rock and roll song of all time, the rest of the album is close behind
it’s cool and has some poetry but it’s too mannered to really move me
irremediably tainted
there’s something repellent about tweedy but the dude writes a good tune
the title track is a stunner but despite his reputation for sincerity the boss seems forced and fakey on this one
better than i expected, he has a deep talent for melody and texture, his downfall is that he is over clever
i prefer mezzanine
so concentrated but also a total bummer
a perfect alloy of lyrical inventiveness and pop skills
marred only by some filler and 80s production
pleasantly inconsequential
haunting but not in a good way
so fragile
so dry but so suggestive
what can you say it’s hotel fucking california
not heavy, not catchy, not interesting
cars is great but the album gets monotonous quick
a bit vegas and those chicago blues leads just aren’t my thing but it’s a good punchy band
haunting and lyrical
flawless even in its flaws
some lovely melodies but some lamentable excursions as well
it sounds like something that’s good but just not for me
it’s like radiohead but not the irritating bleep blurp radiohead but also not the good radiohead it’s like the maudlin radiohead that turned into coldplay
bowie was one of the few to make consistently interesting rock music that pushed the edges musically and lyrically without being a massive bore
prog is shit
a few killer tracks but a lot of muzakey funk-jazz filler - then again it’s a film score
i dug it
it’s so lovely, there are so many hooks and it’s played so well, such great production - sad that this generation and people like these were responsible for the degradation and collapse of our civilization
a masterpiece - they were so terrified by what they achieved they’ve spent the rest of their careers running away from it
even if it doesn’t always work i respect the ambition
I thought PE didn't do anything good after Nation of was I wrong
that one jingle-jangle thing they do is so fucking good it almost makes up for the ho-hum stuff but not quite
i really hate this kind of thing
this feels fake and superficial which is sad because i think they’re trying to be deep and sincere
i didn’t listen very hard but this seemed shallow and smug
classic muscular punk rock and roll
would be 5 but the production just doesn’t do justice to the music i know it’s live but still
slickly nihilistic
i’m not really in a position to judge this
it's cool but it's not that cool and it's pretty stupid, too, and not always in a good way
it's so stupid but you can't fuck with it
didn't sit right with me
probably groundbreaking or something. it it didn’t really move me
transmissions from a lost world
too smooth, i need more passion
those singles are fucking outstanding
i dug it but it's a bit of a pastiche just with more swears
i don't know it's pretty iconic but in all honesty most of the tunes don't really grab me, it's probably the best example of what it is
it's self-reflexive, derivative, and juvenile, but it's honest and it's got some hooks
the singles are bittersweet perfection, almost too much, but it’s not all the same quality
was this anything new, even at the time? nope is it a fairly accomplished and catchy version of something i already like? yep
i dug it, so much going on here it’s almost schizo
all killer and completely their own thing
layla’s pretty great but the rest of it makes me think of “blues” night at the pub
it’s actually pretty dense and textured but it’s hook-weak
i love punk and i love california but i don’t love this
i mean you're not going to put it on very often but sometimes it will be the only choice
more “blues” night at the pub
not the kind of bowie i really dig but bowie’s gold even when he’s not
i generally don’t dig this kind of shaggy blues pastiche
probably the best of whatever it is
brand new
i want to like it more than i actually do
hated it when it came out now i love it that’s what happens
she’s got a nice voice but that old time folky stuff just doesn’t move me that much
nice but i’m probably not going to slap it on too often
i wouldn’t presume to opine about this
i like the idea more than the experience but it’s still pretty great
i wish i’d heard this when it was released because it would’ve really rung my bell
some good tracks but this is not anyone's favourite album
this sounds like other things that i already like but i like those other things more than this
this kind of "metal" sucks there's nothing heavy about it and the lyrics are stupid and not in a good way
points for charm and authenticity but how often is this going to be the exact right thing to play?
i actually dig the US version better but what are you gonna do, not give this 5 stars?
egregiously overrated
super cool & ahead of its time
very good
i used to love the rolling stones so much now i don’t know a lot of this seems pretty weak
muddy’s never really done it for me but you can’t really fault him i don’t think
it’s okay but radiohead are best when they make tight crafted pop songs not depressive electro jams
i’m not ever going to listen to this i don’t care if it’s the greatest album ever made
not the best zeppelin but second tier zeppelin is far beyond the capacity of most mortals
solid, gritty, and inventive
the first two tracks are great but nothing thereafter is quite so engaging
close but not perfect
i mean i still have a fondness for unbridled creativity but in retrospect so much of the "avant-garde" is just one ugly thing after another
sacred music
nothing should be changed or added to this perfect recording
they seem like nice people but this doesn’t light my fire
so smooth but not so many stand out tracks
if this is the kind of thing you like it’s probably a really good example of it, but it’s not really the kind of thing i like
a bit proggy and a bit hipstery but some good tracks
by all rights creedence should be a 5 star band and this a 5 star album but something bugs me about them, i just can’t place it
at their best they’re pure fire but sometimes - too often - they come off half-baked
seems like they didn’t have anything written and then just f#@ked around on some very simple ideas until it was long enough to release
there’s something so intoxicating about the music of the 60s, the way the boomers really thought they were the vanguard of a revolution that was building a new world of freedom and delight the fact that they were actually destroying their own civilization just makes it more poignant
what a blast, sheer joy
so vile and profane, i know that’s why people like it, that’s why i would’ve liked it when i was 20, but it’s just gross, the beats & production are incredible though and he’s clearly a giant talent it’s just a sad commentary on just about everything
they can do atmosphere but they’re weak on tunes and the tone is just too faux-grave for me
it's a nice idea but you can't spin a whole album out of it
this seems really creative and unique and i imagine if i was 25 and getting high with a girl i was hoping to make out with it would be the perfect choice but that doesn’t come up so much anymore
one of a the highest achievements of human creativity
paul mccartney’s pretty great when he wanted to be but there are some tracks on here i’m just never going to play
i’m not really the right audience for this
the more i listen the more i dig elvis c, he’s consistently inventive and creative but he doesn’t lose the thread of hook and melody
the production is so good and i dig the chamber pop arrangements but there’s no getting around the fact the guy is a degenerate creep and this is the apogee of the degenerate 60s before the piper had to be paid
there’s something great about this record but there’s something i don’t like about it, i do t really get it, it seems fake even though i believe the band is sincere
creative and honestly moving
it’s pretty cool but there’s only so much i can take
i love and admire leonard cohen but the only thing i really like on this album is the title track
pretty cool but also pretty backgroundy, i bet it’s pretty fkn wkd when you’re really high in a giant club or something
i really dislike the sound of this record and i dislike mark knopfler’s voice but money for nothing is pretty good so 1 🌟
5 ⭐️ for effortless cool and a plenitude of hooks, minus 1 ⭐️ for everything sounding kind of the same
so huge, so powerful - it would be 5 ⭐️ except two or three tracks are filler - still this is a quibble - fuck it i’m giving it 5 ⭐️ anyway
not obviously his best but it reveals its depth with repeated listening
mostly silly but nice
even the weaker tracks are transformed by the Old Man’s depth of spirit and experience
i dug it well enough but it didn’t really move me
i love what i know of the music of india but i’m also a complete ignoramus about it, maybe this should be 5 ⭐️ i don’t want to pander though
i just can’t get into metallica, it’s supposed to be heavy but it’s not, some of the riffs are kind of cool but it’s just not enough plus the lyrics are not good
i’d like to give them points for trying but it just bugs me how they can’t help but fuck with a song to make it “original”
not into it
what is there to say? consistently unique and astonishing, a carelessly masterful poet
it’s probably okay, i don’t know, it didn’t really grab me
perfect in every way, somehow funky and spooky at the same time, bursting with hooks and energy
pretty wicked riffs and sweet shag carpet production but the decadent druggy vibe gets dull after a while
deeply inventive and moving
i love everything about classic country except listening to it
not my thing
it’s juvenile and there’s more than a whiff of hair metal but cantrell constructs the heaviest riffs, it’s not even close, and staley was a truly gifted vocalist with an incredible range
i like new order when they still had a line to joy division, all this euro disco shit just seems lame
you can almost hear them struggling to return to the pop greatness of which they’re capable but the miserablist bleep bloop shit drags the whole thing down
mm seems like a pussy, none of this is “scary” or challenging, i dig industrial guitars so some of that is cool but otherwise it’s for clowns
it’s probably better than i think but i don’t dig his voice and the production gives me the heebies
this might be 5 ⭐️ i don’t know, i avoided it for many years because i thought it was pretentious and overwrought but i see now i was wrong it’s pretentious in the good way
i’m not interested in this musically, spiritually, or ideologically
a few good tracks but overall a very weak effort
i dig the beats and the production and but the gangsta shit is just too juvenile i can’t get into it anymore
better than i expected but not really my bag
good but not that good, makes me miss the early 90s though, in retro what a time to be alive
clearly accomplished but not for me
more to be admired than adored
i didn’t listen to this because i’m confident it’s going to be shit
with the resources at her disposal she had to score a couple of cool tracks, but it just strikes me like gangsta rap: the expression of goals and desires that are fundamentally shallow and corrosive
nothing will ever again be so exciting
pretty good, they should probably strip it down a bit more, lose some of the filigree
ambitious which is good aggressively weird which is bad but beautifully produced which is good but self indulgent which is bad
can’t get into it
so great, should’ve lost the commercials though
pleasingly weird but so noodly
i keep returning to this album thinking there’s got to be more in it but maybe it’s just mildly diverting background music
pretty sweet arrangements but not an improvement over jobim on his own
it might need a closer listen, maybe the lyrics are great? but it just seems like very soft jazz rock which is not appealing to me
he’s clearly a talented songwriter fit for the mainstream - but is that really the highest goal?
i don’t give a shit, life’s too short to try the Grateful Dead again
catchy, creative, and offbeat, but occasionally a little hamfisted
great arrangements and she’s a mighty talent but it’s all such a histrionic drag
i know they mean well but this kind of thing was shit then and it’s shit now
this seems pretty creative but i’m not all that moved by tasty riffage of this sort
very tasteful, which is not entirely desirable
life’s too short and fragile to listen to death metal or gangsta rap
wow so much better than i remembered
it was fine, so tasteful though
powerful singer and good songs, suffers only slightly from some egregious early 80s flourishes
oh geez, should it be 5?
i admire everything about the Fall except that they are so aggressively unpleasant to listen to
probably great if you like this kind of thing but i don’t like this kind of thing
could be 5 but i get tired of the porn
the beach boys are pretty great but on the other hand should anyone really be spending this much time and effort on pop music? it’s never going to be bach no matter how much you tinker with it
so cringe now, the apogee of earnest “alternative” and the cheerful, smug harbinger of so much darkness to come
not a single hook on the record and i know they didn’t want any but i do, sorry
not their best but very far from their worst
engaging middlebrow bummer pop, maybe a bit too clever for his own good
otherworldly, the sound of angels come to earth
it’s not their fault this style of music became the definition of cringe but it did and so no matter how accomplished this can get no more than 3 stars
buzzcocks were a singles band, the albums have their thin bits
very nice if uneven, unsurprisingly, given the rule book of mainstream 60s pop, and what a voice
i just don’t care about guys going on like this anymore
i will never play this again but it’s better than i expected and it makes me yearn for the world of the 1990s, the world we threw away
it’s tough because it’s so good and yet it’s also the portal through which so much evil entered the culture, still i don’t think you can blame the doors for all of that
the dumbest parts of the stooges turned up to 11
love knows a hook, gotta give her that, not a lot of air or space in here though, so radio
it’s just that indie singer-songwriter thing but he’s so good at it
prog is so bad
it’s cool, i dig the laid back positive vibe and it’s nice to hear people talking about loving God
nice and deep and he can craft an allusive phrase
this kind of jazz just isn’t for me, i don’t know what emotions it’s supposed to evoke, but it’s technically impressive and probably just the shit for some people
i wasn’t expecting much because of the title but this was a lot better than i expected
it’s only one trick but it’s a good one, their own tunes are thin but they did write Misguided Angel which is pretty fkn solid
old prog is shit but new prog can be pretty cool
still almost a post-punk band at this point but you can see how they could become the saviours of the world
life’s too fucking short for 80s metal sorry
it has its moments but quirkiness is almost always a fatal flaw
i guess it’s probably very well produced or something but this is really not for me
there’s something bittersweet about this sound but there’s also something shitty about it
it seems like a joke, it’s not punk and it’s not country and there are no tunes
this is a solid 3.5 rounded up to a 4, the main failing is that it thinks it is cleverer than it is
so fucking heavy and that dude was 65 years old
a few great tracks and a bunch of okay tracks
most country sounds fake even when it’s played by actual country musicians
there’s something gross about them
pretty cool, spooky and weird, i could never stand those interludes though
some nice epic flourishes but it’s so gay, morrisey is the avatar of bittersweet romanticism, straight guys should leave it alone, they sound obese
i can’t really rate this, it sounds quite accomplished for what it is but it is just not made for me
some pretty good beats & riffs, they don’t have to try too hard i’m a bit of a sucker for this kind of thing
it was fine but i’ll never reach for it again
i was quite prepared to dismiss this but it’s got solid heart and hooks and i’m man enough to admit i was wrong
i didn’t know i loved this album till today
not for mean
notwithstanding the fact sy are the most egregiously overrated band in an overrated genre, this album is less shitty than most of theirs
this steely dan is okay
it’s mostly whiny tom yorke that lets the air out of this band
pretty great especially if you’re a 13 year old in 1982
par for the course, coarse and overwrought
it’s flawless
it’s a singular vision but i don’t feel any heart in it
perfect day is a masterpiece and vicious is cool but there’s a lot of dreck and the degenerate vibe is just gross
to be perfectly honest this album drags a bit but i don’t care it still gets 5 stars
not impressive
it drags a bit but it creates its own world convincingly and bridges the gap between roxy & bauhaus
i guess it’s okay, my tolerance for prog is close to zero
manages to wring some more juice out of garage rock with exceptional hooks and good lyrics
i love the idea of shoegaze but then you get to it and there are no tunes, no tunes at all
if you were 14 and you’d never heard the buzzcocks you’d probably love this as much as i loved the buzzcocks but i don’t know if you’d still want to listen to this when you were 50 the way i still like to listen to the buzzcocks every now and then
i like tosh better than marley but either way it’s pretty hard to fuck with this record
there’s some real shit on here and even the best songs are fucked up by bad choices but it’s still a pretty impressive late Empire artifact
finely produced, maybe a little airless, so so sad
should get 10 stars
kind of stupid
so slack it almost falls off the edge of the table but the high points are high
i almost skipped this because i never thought metallica were half as heavy as they were supposed to be but this record kicks ass and i'm not afraid to say i was wrong
i want to like it more but really it's just a couple of cool riffs and some really cringe politics
massive, unique, as fresh as the day it was born
wow! didn't see this one coming, flawless for what it is, maybe it's an embarrassment of riches bit but wtf, it's bongos
better than i remembered, lovely late 70s sound
i thought this would seem better now but i was wrong it’s still not good
noodly and not compelling
all killer, kind of hard to believe how accomplished this record is
no no no, i’m not trying to be a dick it’s just no good
not for I
sting seems like a goof but you can’t deny these tunes, there’s something airless about it but i like that
i really only dug a few tracks but i dug those a lot, they’re still a singles band for me but the singles are really choice
there is a hell and taking this as a blueprint for life will lead you right there
it seems like the same thing over and over again and i’m not that crazy about that particular thing
pretty great, but on a casual listen it’s all style, i don’t feel the heart, perhaps there isn’t any?
i don't seemed pretty good but maybe not meant for me...she seems serious and the record sounds good, God bless her, i hope she's okay
a little slick
i know i should dig neil young more than i do but i don’t
the singles are pretty great but at least half the album sucks
this seems like a smart guy talking about stupid shit
many, many wednesday night “blues” jams seem to have been spawned by this unfortunate piece of work
it’s not even terrible, it’s not that interesting
super slick and catchy but i couldn’t sense any heart
this kind of country is hard to take seriously which is funny because i think it might be the most serious american music of all
the fountainhead of butt rock
sometimes art from the past just seems more naive than today’s, i mean mostly the lyrics, maybe it was just a better world
the material seems beneath him and some of those background vocals are really cringe
highly accomplished poppy hard rock; the cymbals are recorded really well
catchy but no great shit
it’s like a full album of the scott walker songs i always skip
it’s intriguing how they disassemble the works but also why don’t you just play the fucking song right every now and then?
probably a bit better than it needs to be
this is not for me and the production is atrocious
pretty great, but maybe you need to be watching the movie for this to really shine
young fills me with a kind of pleasant somnolent dread
i don’t know, seems kind of interesting but it just didn’t grab me that mich
almost skipped it but i have to admit it’s not that bad
it’s fucking retarded of course but what are you gonna do? it’s not like they were trying to make something different
they’re like pagan gods come to earth but worshipping such gods has never ended well
the singles are okay but the production is gross and the whole thing is tepidly over- earnest
they’ve got that one idea, the whoa-whoa guitar thing, but they can’t write a tune or carry one
the weight is so much better than everything else it might as well come from a different band
this seems clever maybe a bit too clever, i bet i would like it more if i didn’t already know the kinks, scott walker, and the monochrome set
half cool half boring, what a distinctive voice
pretty great, a unique strain of classic british first wave punk, i can see why it didn’t catch on as much as the clash & pistols but they probably should be mentioned in the same breath
so singular
it’s a cool idea and it’s interesting to hear they were consciously influenced by depeche mode and omd it just seems like they should have been able to crank out more than 2 or 3 memorable tunes from it
i don’t know it’s okay i guess
you must realize that this is coming to you straight from hell
very close to as much as we can expect from pop music
some of the arrangements & riffs are actually pretty cool but like his gangsta peers it’s completely degraded and dull
a timeless classic and a huge leap forward out of the creative ferment of punk
great throughout, the strings get me every time, gets a star for “you know there ain’t no devil there’s just God when he’s drunk”
gets an extra star for Jesus on vocals otherwise ugh bloated and boring
seems pretty good, probably needs a deeper dive than i’ve given it
one trick
i guess it’s culturally significant and jack looks super-cool in the cover photo but there’s no way i’m ever putting this on just to hear it
would be a solid 5 but Bittersweet Symphony rules so hard it can’t help but make the rest slightly pale
rod stewart was ruined for me through his ubiquity on pop radio, but the man has charm and soul
5 stars for the wicked band & tunes, -2 stars for biafra’s cringe politics & “zany” delivery
as you get older you realize your idols were degenerate and broken, but you also realize all of us are broken so they still have a place in your heart
hilariously moving, perfectly constructed, heavier than heaven
likeable but nothing special, any number of 60s garage bands were just as good
i like what he’s trying but again i’d probably reach for any scott walker record before i’d reach for this
you could point out that it’s a little on the nose here and there, but why would you? a richly textured masterpiece that speaks to and from the heart
boring and nihilistic, which i think is what people like about it, supernaut has a super-cool riff though
pretty infectious, ngl
it’s that kind of 60s-70s thing that just seems like it was invented for the movies or something
why would i ever listen to this?
perfect for what it is and yet somewhat boring nonetheless
some of these are great and some of these are boring but the great ones are really great
a melancholy masterpiece, even at the time it was a towering achievement of a passing era
who am into criticize fats domino? but if i’m honest, although it’s flawless in construction and execution, like a lot of pop music of the era it seems a little fake
sorry i’m sure it’s fine i just can’t take accordion & vibes seriously
wow, so glad to be introduced to this one, great tunes and words, deserves to be mentioned in the same breath as smiths, bunnymen, et al
stupid politics, fake funk, and the shit side of 80s production
spiritual war is real, you must choose a side
smug and greasy just like steely dan
neil’s all about the vibe, sometimes his boomer worldview spoils it for me
bowie was such a blazing star and this record is the perfect distillation of an era; sadly that era was bloated and degenerate - we’re still suffering through the aftershocks
i guess i love neil young, it’s kind of an abusive relationship, though
weirdly, i appear to like minor threat more now than i did when they released this record
cool and creative but i need more heat
self-conscious weirdness just doesn’t do it for me
everything in me is screaming to rate this higher but the fact is the JAMC are kind of a bore
it’s a problem: in terms of raw energy and pure creativity the birthday party were one of the greatest bands of all time; they were also full-time denizens of Hell; so do you want to pay a visit to Hell? well, punk, do ya?
i don’t want to be cruel but i’m so sick of this degenerate shit
you have to admire jack white’s passion but he’s such a perfectionist he squeezed all the life out of this record
pleasant enough but that’s not enough to turn my crank baby
she’s got a cool voice but the record seems kind of fake, it’s a shame what happened to her, i hope she’s at peace
it’s a pastiche but at least it’s a positive pastiche and he’s singing about loving the Lord instead of grovelling to satan
beautiful and devastating; they were right to take her children away, though, at least until she cleaned up
pretty perfect except every now and then it slides too close to jazz fusion for me to take
i like the idea of metal but in reality it almost always sucks
there’s a cool vibe and a few unbeatable riffs but a lot of it’s boring and you know what? concerning Lucifer: fuck around ➡️ find out
it’s sad and awkward to watch this poor troubled man try so hard to be something he is not
i love this stuff but it does get a little monotonous in heavy doses
an astonishing alignment of talent, culture, and commerce, it’s just too bad it’s completely possessed by the demonic energy of the 60s
just not for me but it’s nice that she’s trying
it’s fine it’s just a bit too theater kid for me
+1 for being ambitious chamber pop, -1 for being a “concept” album
pretty charming but also pretty boring
i never heard of this till now which is illuminating because it’s pretty great
rich, almost too rich
it’s pretty good but i only gave imperial bedrooms a 4 so it gets a 3 because it’s not as good as imperial bedrooms (which really could’ve been a 5 since i gave f@$&in’ finley QUAYE a 4, i don’t know why, i was feeling generous that day)
yeah no
sadly, the greatness of this music seems to be inaccessible to me
love the hypnotic interwoven intricacy of melody & rhythm
a perfectly realized artifact that spawned a million sad imitations
like a slightly weird guess who
some real bangers here but side 2 is a bit of a drag
a solid effort and the singles are bangers but except for quadrophenia the who were just never a 5 star band
the orchestration’s pretty cool
wicked cover
i would probably be more into this if i listened to it more closely but who’s got the time?
yeah yeah it’s great but there’s something dead about it, they’re holding back, they’re too clever
i can tell this is special but folk, like country, very rarely moves me deeply, it usually sounds like a LARP
sometimes it seems like the guy who wrote this book just picks something inoffensive from the past decade so as not to be accused of being out of touch with the times
ugh, prog
jazz is a challenge for me but this is powerful
pretty flawless for what it is but what it isn’t is ambitious, still a solid 4 star banger
pretty great, maybe 4.5 but not 5
hard to believe he wrote some of these songs, they seem like eternal standards
half killer half filler but there’s something lovable about the kinks no matter what they do
pretty massive riffs but i hate the degenerate attitude so much
this doesn’t offend me but i don’t think i’ll ever listen to it again
the singles are so good but there’s a lot i’m skipping on here plus just don’t ever do a “concept” album
man this record is so dense and spooky it would be a solid 5 but sometimes it feels like a bad trip
not for me
one of the cool things about 60s music was the unbridled excitement and innovation, one of the sad things about that is how silly and boring it can be
yeah okay fine
top-flight hooky math rock
the melodies and arrangements are everything, cobain almost kills it with his miserable nihilism, God bless him
the devil doesn’t have the best songs, but these might be the best he can do, so look but don’t touch
i didn’t like this record and i’m surprised it seems to be rather well-regarded
ugh, where to start? sonic youth are so deeply fake, there’s nothing real happening here
it’s hard to dislike early 70s funk rock
the original waves of punk/post-punk were so rich and diverse
this was a very bold move at the time, pre-grunge nobody was mixing punk & classic rock, it’s obviously a bit cringe in places but duffy is a rock god and astbury means every stupid word he says
this seems cool, but it doesn’t really light my fire
solid and refreshingly unsatanic
the seeds of greatness are here but he’s too self-conscious and clever, he has yet to suffer for real
not for me
1 idea, and not a very good one
i managed to get this far without a relationship to queen and although this was better than i expected i believe i will continue to keep queen at arm’s length, no hard feelings
i’d love to give it 5 stars but sometimes it veers into self-parody
thought i would hate this but to be fair it’s pretty great being what it is
they seem like nice young men but with rare exceptions metal just sounds lame to me, it’s never actually heavy or scary
i bet this is really groundbreaking
this album really shows how little one had to try to achieve “significance” in rock music, depressingly degenerate
they really invented their own sound i just can’t abide that loser vibe
really good, hooky & literate
i don’t even need to listen to this whole record again to know it’s a 3
i can see why people like this and if i gave it enough time i’d probably like it more but the smooth jazz vibe sets my teeth on edge and joni’s voice has always bugged me so no
sui generis
solid, hooky, i couldn’t understand the lyrics but i bet they’re very clever
wow, that’s a lot of slow jams
ugh no
this wasn’t on spotify but the description i read of ms. krause’s work makes me certain i would’ve given this 2 stars at best
really exquisite, so much so it’s almost frozen
it’s surprising how flaccid some of this stuff is
this didn’t grab me but it didn’t piss me off or anything
one joke
listening to early REM is almost too painful, their fall was so precipitous and so absolute
hard to hate but hard to love
not for me
a very fine example of what this is
sometimes i hear stuff on this list that’s new to me and it just seems like garbage but sometimes i hear stuff that’s new to me that’s really cool
i don’t want to have to listen to this so i’ll just give it a 3
i have a great affection for NY even though or perhaps because he often seems like a complete tool
yeah this is cool and i know it’s significant but it’s still a 3
it’s kinda wild how many songs i know from this album without ever owning it or playing it myself
this is probably fine but it also seems clever but not catchy enough to account for the cleverness
we were a real culture once
my heart sank when i saw this record and my fears were justified, a very sorry collection of smelly 60s noodling
nah, i'm not playing this shit and it’s mostly just the title
five fuckin stars
the production on this album is kind of mental
good but not as good as people want to think
i dig the wide eyed punk rock hippie vibe i just don’t dig the songs that much
very rich and deep
ah geez it’s kind of just one tune, isn’t it?
CCR is a 5 star band with no 5 star albums
give them points for trying
i was looking forward to this but it just didn’t do it for me
the highs are so high but there are enough mids here to knock off a star
it takes a certain kind of man to drink the big star kool aid and it seems, after many tries, that i am not that kind
so distinctive and many bangers but sometimes boring, too
such a leap forward from trash glam
gorgeous super dry late-70s late-night production like you’re smoking cigarettes in the booth with just the light from the desk lamp on
has the unique power of offending everyone while at the same time making everyone feel like he’s on their side
proggy new wave for incels
i hold mr wilson in very high esteem but this record is fkn annoying
wow that one song is so much better than everything else on this record
ridiculous and deeply moving, macho and completely fey, all at the same time
super cool but that’s it right? garbageman is the only essential track
i’m fond of this pre-gangsta era of hip hop but i’m not that fond of this record
i want to like it more than i do but there’s something embarrassing about it
i would have expected this to be better than it is, all texture no tunes
i’m sorry i don’t really know what’s supposed to be good about this
okay, i liked this a lot more than i remembered, dude has a near peerless command of melody
it’s nice that he’s trying so much stuff but his smug lyrics and politics are top-level cringe
i can see someone really loving this, maybe a chick
ugh so shitty
i love what they’re trying to do i just don’t love the songs that much
what for?
the transition from one the greatest alternative bands of the 80s to one the most insufferable mainstream bands of the 90s, still more the former than the latter but you can see where they’re going to go wrong
ugh, hippies
a lush bittersweet mournful vibe
the singles are far and away better than the rest of the album but the singles are really good
cocteau twins made some of the most heavenly music ever created with electric instruments and voice - and then they made this slightly shimmery restaurant music
i can see someone liking this a lot but it’s not for me, we’re ships passing in the night, Godspeed ms apple!
yeah i have no doubt the boomer hipsters dug the shit out of this at the time
it’s Elvis so it’s golden but they really tried to crush him with the material and the arrangements and it was going to get worse before it got better
yeah not great but hard to hate
more to be admired than enjoyed
such an incredible talent but the material - like so much in the 50s & early 60s, in all pop genres - is so constrained, almost ritualized, and safe
kind of like barbershop, really
take on me is great the rest is not very good
is this anyone’s favorite album?
their exquisite harmonies can make the most mediocre material a pleasure
the singles are spectacular but there’s a lot of undercooked filler to be sure
kind of like vanilla ice sitting in with primus
so good but the material is a bit of a straight jacket
wildly creative and superstition is a banger but it’s just too corny
i’m not sure what’s supposed to be good about this
just barely on the wrong side of “is this genius or is this crap?”
worth a deeper listen
nobody would be happier than i to find a monkees record to be an underrated gem but this just isn’t
the whole concept of gangsta rap is so vulgar and retarded that it completely spoils whatever legitimate talent might have been involved
a great record almost completely dragged down by narcissistic miserablism
too many parts
pretty skillful shit
whenever i listen to this band they’re my new favorite band
he seems like a nice man but maybe a bit much
like minor gods, mighty but not transcendent
like smoking a joint under an oak tree in the sun
nothing earthshaking but it’s a nice vibe
can you imagine what it must’ve been like to be an adult when these ridiculous children started to run the world?
A for effort but i’m probably never going to play this again
super clever and i bet they would be my favorite band if i wasn’t me
i kind of believe these guys are smart and good at what they do i just don’t give a shit about what they do and figure we’d be just fine without it, ymmv
my scientologist brother the drummer would have described this as “tasty”
maybe it’s heresy but i like the studio sam cooke better
i remember what it was like, you’d get a cool riff and then you’d fuck it up for no particular reason except to make it artier
it’s not on spotify and i can’t be f#@ked to look for it anywhere else, knowing xtc is probably give it a 3 but i’m taking off a star for making me hunt for it
extremely competent
i kind of dig their sweaters
seems like a likable guy
a little too tasteful for my taste
criticizing coldplay for being tame, derivative, and middle-of-the-road would be like criticizing starbucks for selling lattes
somehow beautiful, funny, scary, and sad at the same time
mclaren had a beautiful anarchic creative spirit but he was also kind of silly
not for me but at least a three
probably a good example of what it is but what it is is not for me
ugh it’s so fake
ghostly and crystalline
pretty beautiful
clearly inspired but a bit up his own ass
oh geez this is a fine little curiosity but i’m not going to sit through it again
bursting with annoying 20 year old kid creativity
i dig lana’s vibe but it’s also kind of boring sometimes
i dreaded this when i saw it but a couple of tunes turned out to be okay
there’s something so silly about popular music, even when it’s so well-crafted
i have a feeling it would’ve been a 2 or a 3 but maybe it would’ve been a 4 or a 5 but i’m giving it a 1 because it’s not on spotify and it’s not because i think so highly of spotify because i don’t
i really wanted to give these guys 5 stars out of the gate but the fact is the poor bastards couldn’t be expected to write a whole album, they get 4 stars for the singles and the cover
ugh, prog
it’s hard for me to look past how gross and stupid so much of this sounds
top level bruce is unsurpassed but let’s be honest, sometimes he just kind of warbles along
what a vibe
bummer, i was hoping this would be an overlooked gem
ugh, maybe i’m just sick of this list
fuzzy and smelly and not that good
each track is perfect but a whole album at once is a bit much still who am i to quibble with genius
feeling more and more like almost all music produced since 1965 is just crap
these guys had one really good idea but that idea was a straitjacket that stopped them from writing more good songs than boring ones
not my scene at all but it’s still genius
there are so many great hooker recordings out there why in the name of God would anyone choose this overproduced overwrought dreck?
kind of a cool vibe but i don’t dig the 21st century r&b vocal style it just ain’t my bag
hard to hate kate but this seems like an inferior retread of hounds of love
it’s french so naturally it’s kind of ridiculous but i like that it’s not just a lot of sociopathic chest thumping like most american hip hop
it’s pretty good but i don’t think it’s as good as people think it is
it’s fine but it’s just an appetizer to Tim & Pleased To Meet Me
i don’t care why this is supposed to be so good
awesome vibe but the only track i ever want to hear on this is heroes
i bet this is better than i think but i’m blazing through an album a day and i’m afraid i’m missing out on some of the subtler ones, the price of our accelerated age!
pretty great, bummer about all the drugs though
poor lemmy
i dislike all the coarse language
God gets mentioned more than I remembered, so sad about dear Mark
they did what they set out to do which is be edgy and annoying but Maps is a goddam gorgeous song and redeems the rest of it
love that echoey sixties production and it’s a real vibe but except for gilded splinters it’s a bit of a snooze
not even as good as that happy mondays record that isn’t very good
i love the idea of van morrison but…
they have beautiful voices that sound nice together but the material is meh and the production is airless
airless and dull
not the kind of thing i’m going to slap on for fun but it’s skillful and accomplished
it’s got a couple of bangers
ugh, prog
it’s good. he sounds sensitive. the arrangements are tasty. i probably won’t play it much
i guess it’s okay. the dude sounds a lot like the dude from the strokes. i guess if i’d heard this before i heard the strokes i’d say the guy from the strokes sounds like the guy from franz ferdinand
this kind of music is just not for me but i think she must be a great songwriter because i really like the ryan adams version and miss swift wrote all the songs
no no no no no not for me
i just fkn hate rage against the machine, the music is dumb jock rock and the lyrics are so fkn stupid, champagne socialists, whatever man
he seems like a nice man but i don’t hear a single
i feel fond of kraftwerk and i don’t know why because i don’t actually like the music and they’re harbingers of the transhuman apocalypse, but there we are
the slacker thing still bugs me but there’s no denying these guys created a whole world that was unique to them
listening to this record made me wonder if i should keep doing this
it’s odd because i feel nostalgic for this lost world but it’s also so shitty
when i was a teenager i admired everything weird, off kilter, noisy, or absurd, now that i’m older i find most of it facile and annoying
so many different sounds and ideas, driven by such incredible musicianship, with so much passion and exuberance - i take off a star for some of the gross smut though, i don’t give a shit
i love the idea of this record i just don’t love listening to this record
i’ll admit i can only take so much of this at once, but that’s not a judgement on the achievement
tragic in every way
like the blues classic country always sounds a bit fake to me, but it’s just because they’re working in a very strong tradition
it’s got hooks and charm but it’s so sick and degenerate it’s kind of a drag
cool beats & music but so crass and stupid, i know that’s why people like it but not me
a double album of this stuff is a bit much
i normally love this kind of stuff but maybe i need to listen to this more, it didn’t immediately grab me
dear Patti, Jesus did die for your sins, and for everyone’s
the byrds had those dylan covers - not sure they even play on those - and they have eight miles high - other than that…there’s an awful lot of the worst kind of pretentious 60s naïveté
creative and passionate but it’s all so on the edge it’s like an emotional jackhammer
i just hate the shit out of this record and i always have
okay the problem with buddy holly like so many of the giants is that they’re playing in such a tight tradition it can’t help but sound kind of gay here and there but, regardless, this is Buddy Fuckin’ Holly
would be ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ if they had stuck with the production from the first record but i think they got scared
i’m not going to listen to listen to this and i’m still going to give it one star
i thought this might turn out to be a guilty pleasure but it’s just greasy and neurotic
degenerate, borderline satanic, but catchy
there’s something really gross about this record and i can see why cobain was embarrassed by his association with it
great production, no tunes to speak of
about 59 songs too many
i have to get over my antipathy to fans of the fall because the band’s actually pretty great
all the pervy shit kind of grosses me out but that’s kind of a stupid thing to hold against prince
is anyone going to listen to this? who would listen to this whole record?
inspired but so obviously the production of a nihilistic heroin addict it’s hard to take now
there must have been something wrong with the old world that something so undistinguished could have brought it all down
stands out for being a thousand times less gross than most of the hip hop on this list
dude’s got a great voice and i dig the horns &tc, it’s a very specific proto 70s vibe
i never got why this album was so huge and listening to it again has not illuminated the question
so strange and creepy and naive
blur had some tunes and it’s nice to see someone taking a swing but it’s funny anyone took their grandiosity seriously
harrowing and inspired, she sacrificed herself on the altar of the sexual revolution
very nice, he gets an extra star for the Hail Mary
a couple of catchy tracks, maybe it’s groundbreaking in a way that’s invisible to me?
love the smiths but this isn’t great, they sound tired
this album is the definition of a vibe
mildly diverting but nothing earthshaking
i guess you had to be there
imagine being the dude in this band
a really great example of itself
it seems better than a lot of post-80s hip-hop because it’s not so obviously psychopathic but there’s still so much fucking swearing
an album like this really makes it obvious how this dude just made up a list of almost random “significant” records cobbled from other sources and peppered with contemporary critical favourites in order to seem “relevant”. all well and good but makes the whole enterprise a bit of a slog
great tunes but that vocal style is a bit much for the long haul (see also dead kennedys)
frustrating but peerless
probably better than i think it is at the moment but i’m not in the mood
i can’t bring myself to sit through this
one of handful of rock and rollers with a credible claim to being remembered in 100 years
five stars for anyone else
i can’t tell if it’s a 3 or a 5 so i’m giving it a 4
i don’t know, it’s probably a 3
i mean it’s probably a 5 but i only gave blonde on blonde a 4, so…
2 stars for the horns
i’ve got a soft spot for these 90s big beat guys but this is less memorable than most
whatever man it’s elvis
going through this list has finally convinced me that hip hop is shit, i wasn’t sure before, it’s kind of nice to know
compared to some of the other shit that passes for art on this list i’m inclined to give it a 5 but on the other hand it’s still not really my kind of thing so i’m only giving it a 4
i was gonna give this 4 because, you know, 5 is a lot, but this is a really great record and a very fine example of itself
not listening to this because i’ve been grossed out by the fucking stupid title since it came out
if you’ve ever met this kind of chick before you know they’re insufferable
like the hillbilly strokes
so many swears
i don’t have anything against weirdos but why would i listen to this shit?
solid first wave punk, the sax is the good kind of sax, which is hard to pull off
it’s weird because the thing i like about it - that it isn’t “about” anything - also makes it kind of hollow
i’ve really come to hate the sixties and the trajectory of lennon perfectly describes why
it seems fine, not really my bag
ugh no sorry
better than i expected but i’m not sure how much of that is due to madonna
i thought i’d hate it more than i do but still i’m never going to play it again
it’s not on spotify and honestly i can’t be fkd tracking it down but i remember digging it and the one track i could find just now was good
not as good as roxy but still better than you’d expect
he has a way with melody and the orchestration is nice
sonic youth are almost unbearable but this record is as close to bearable as they get
i’m not going to nitpick this is a stone masterpiece
beautiful production & orchestration
even the boring songs are perfect
fine i guess
i can see this being a huge treat for folk guitarists but i found it to be a big snooze
some of the material is kind of boring but her voice & the production is just exquisite, what a vibe
i don’t know, is this special? it doesn’t seem that special to me
so sad and beautiful
yeah sorry they laid on the twee a bit thick
so wildly creative but the craziness is kind of scary it’s like being high in the middle of the day and wondering if everybody knows
ugh why did people do this??
such a specific vibe and such a great sound but sometimes pj seems to rush her lyrics out
i didn’t like the original shit this shit is based on, it’s mostly the dude’s voice though
5 fuckin’ stars
not everything creative is bearable
morrissey is a 5 in my esteem but each individual morrissey record is a 3 or at most a 4
ugh, prog
i’m not opposed to the idea of abba but i’m surprised this particular abba record is on this list because it doesn’t have any of the good abba songs on it
it’s a nice vibe but in the Age of Spotify am i going to listen to it enough to make it a favourite? probably not
definitely a young man’s record, so many swears, probably 20 minutes too long
hard to live up to a nation of millions but miles ahead of most other people
only 3 of them are on spotify but that’s fine, probably best in small doses
it’s either shit or it’s okay i’m undecided
pretty good for this kind of thing weirdly it still sounds like it was made by people
it’s kind of like nirvana it doesn’t matter how catchy the songs are if it’s really popular it’s not punk rock
i don’t care i’m not listening to any more of this shit
a lot of popular music is just nihilistic claptrap
i’m giving this 3 stars because i have a soft spot for art college freaks, but i’m probably never going to listen to this again because it’s boring
some uplifting tracks, not really meant for me
i’m not going to listen to this, i don’t give a shit, it’s probably fine. going through this list has made me realize there are barely 100 albums i need to listen to before i die, let alone 1000
beautifully recorded, fire and rain is a pretty sweet track you’ve got to admit
the great songs are great but it’s half filler, i don’t care what Mojo says
exceptional in every way, the most obviously underrated band of the 90s
this album was the definitive evidence that it pop hooks alone didn’t make Husker Du great, they needed the fury too
i don’t know, doesn’t seem like much
God bless them but everything about this is so terrible
ugh, prog
i’m not going to listen to it because of the name, plus the other robert wyatt was an unconscionable yawn
the who had some great riffs and a unique sound but a lot of filler especially some of those rock “opera” tracks, ugh
it’s probably a 5 fuck it, it’s a 5
i knew a girl who recited the “lyrics” of Religion as her (successful) audition to theater school; my sole contact with her now is to occasionally check her Facebook posts to see what cringey hyper-woke position she is taking today; this has taught me much about my friend, about PiL, about theater school, and about God; “Public Image” is a fucking banger, though
really the only problem with this album is it’s too long, but should it lose a star because it’s an embarrassment of riches? not in this man’s army!
it’s a tough call because the band were completely fake but they were trying to be completely authentic and somehow every once in a while they succeeded
it’s not surprising when young men devote themselves to self-satisfied hedonism, the surprising part is when mature men let them
the slider is a triumph this is just amusing
there’s something instructive about the way the cure became famous just at the point when they became less interesting
very nice but honestly if it weren’t for the title track would we give a crap?
hasn’t aged well, dumb in a dumb way