Rock 'N Soul
Solomon BurkeI love soup and I enjoyed listening to this.
I love soup and I enjoyed listening to this.
*taking a big hit from a bong* Awww yeahhh that's funky
Was ok. I could see why the songs that were singles made the singles - they were the highest and lowest points of the album emotionally. Found the rest a bit flat.
Really enjoyed this one - dylanesque musically and good 70s chill vibes
Enjoyed this, would listen again for chill 70s ish vibes. Don’t feel I got much of a handle on the lyrics
4.5 love the variety from high paced indie rock bangers to the softer confusion and remember me. Quite a long album with a couple more scene setting tracks in the middle I enjoyed less but overall a strong choice
I couldn’t help the corners of my mouth rising up for the big bold disco beats.
Raw female experiences of Rage (You Oughta Know) Misery (Perfect) Confidence (hand in pocket) Frustration & independence (not a doctor) Optimism (you learn) Layered over grungy 90s vibes. Loved this.
I liked this, would listen again.
I like noise and screaming. But I couldn’t get around this. Maybe if I was in a grungier or punkier mood but I just didn’t enjoy this.
Would listen to this again - but maybe not all of it, and depending on mood as while it’s a metal album the themes, lyricism and highs and lows make it feel a little more complex and deep. First listen - didn’t enjoy really all sounded samey Second listen - enjoyed some lighter and clean vocals The I didn’t want to turn it off Top songs: Sugar, Soil
I love every second of this album. Possibly a soft spot for the first concert I went to but honestly- time to pretend > Weekend wars > the youth is a spectacular 3 track run for an album opening and up there with the best of them. And then bam - the hits - electric feel and kids. Chefs kiss. Back end of the album is definitely less punchy and less widely loved but The Handshake is absolutely cracking and future reflections is a groovy tune. Honestly. So good.
I really wanted to like this, maybe more than I did. It’s got cool sounds but for me it doesn’t go much beyond that as overly long tracks and a lack of lyrics made me less engaged.
Makes sense to me that she’s described in the same breath as Leonard cohen - I thought the association rested in my head solely on the title of So Long Marianne and their being near contemporaries, but turns out it’s rather with the occasionally crude & abrasive and eternally vulnerable & unrestrained storytelling musical style told over soft & dark backgrounds. On first listen the Ballad of Lucy Jordan - not written by Faithfull - stands out from its role on Thelma & Louise and because I love a good synth. Not sure it’s an album I’d put on again but I enjoyed listening to it and will pick up a few singles from it.
Going in Moondance was the only song I knew on this, and fantabulous is too earnest a word for any lyrics to pull off. I ended up preferring the vibe of the rest of the album instead. Came back to increase my score from a 3 because I have listened to this quite a bit. Tracks - Crazy Love, Into The Mystic, Brand New Day
I love synths but turns out I’m not crazy about the godfathers of synths themselves. Found myself a bit bored through this. Probably would not listen again.
I find this the same that I find Taylor swift in that I can appreciate the artistry and I know so many people love it. But I just don’t enjoy it. I didn’t mind the sound of bitch don’t kill my vibe and poetic justice, and sing about me I’m dying of thirst. Ok ok so a few of them snuck up on me. I put to you the lyrics of backseat freestyle: I pray my dick get big as the Eiffel Tower So I can fuck the world for seventy two hours Damn I got bitches, damn I got bitches Damn I got bitches, wifey, girlfriend and mistress Not for me.
There was a guy at my school who who smoked rollies, went barefoot and was obsessed with the doors. For some reason this album reminded me of this dickhead lecturing people about society.
May be great jazz, but it’s still jazz.
Wasn’t keen on this the first time I heard it. Liked it better the second time, good chill after hours vibes. Not sure I’d return to it though.
Very enjoyable, would pop a few on a playlist but unlikely to enter the rotation album-wise
Praise you is my mums favourite song. It’s a great one but I wasn’t overly excited for the album. How wrong I was - I loved all the beats and silliness here. Rockefeller transcends taste, praise you is a classic and the others are tongue in cheek and delighful. Found it tailed off for me at the end.
Highly grudging - as much as i don’t like Kanye I did enjoy some of this album and especially the flow over the whole thing, and the more soul influences. I think it’s probably good for a rap / hh album that’s just not what I really enjoy listening to. I enjoyed the themes of the songwriting - education, money, power.
Top: peace frog, you make me real, ship of fools. Thought this was going to be kinda shit but actually really enjoyed it.
Mostly I love this album. Loses a star for a few tracks being lengthy in a less good way, eg the quiet tinkling last 5 minutes of moon child.
It was ok, for very much not a country fan I appreciate her voice and could picture a time where I might enjoy listening to this
Lovely, makes me want to be in a Nora Ephron film in New York in Winter
Maybe I don’t get it. Maybe I just don’t like it. Either way, think I could die happy having never heard this.
The older brother of depressing indie music. Can see how it has influenced so many other artists. Enjoyed it
I feel like I get where this is going - musically interesting and enjoyable, lyrically good to start with but vocally quite unpleasant and not enough to make me want to come back for more
Beautiful harmonies from this early rock and roll duo. The sort of music I like to put on in a sunny morning having coffee. Couple of singles I enjoyed particularly - I only knew Cathy’s clown going in which I find a little plodding in tempo but I enjoyed their slower more melancholic tunes more - Always it’s You and Love Hurts. Similarly ploddy but just gave me the feelings.
Enjoyed where this started, enjoyed where it ended, didn’t love it overall as an album.
Nice sorta what u expected from knowing the single off it
I found this fun. Might have been the run of average albums I got before this making me starved to enjoy something at all but the twisted up guitar, slightly breathy but silky smooth vocals are really working for me - I feel nostalgic for a 90s college experience, despite being born in 95.
Even with some weird instruments, I found this really beautiful, especially Madame George.
2-3. I like the musicality, the bass lines, backing singers and overall vibe. I just fundamentally don’t think I enjoy rap and man I really tried. I think it’s good rap I just don’t like it.
Its reputation precedes it - I was pretty excited for this, knowing it as the lowest rated album here. And wow it did not disappoint - I feel like I’m tripping balls on an east Berlin building site. Found the cover of Serge Gainsbourg vaguely hilarious. Wish I was a special snowflake noise lover but alas, I am a hater.
What I expected from knowing a bit of dusty and a few of the songs from other artists versions. Would listen again & liked a few singles.
Maybe I’m stuck in a rut, nothing has of yet come along to wow me for a while. This was a nice listen - I could feel the chains of musical connections reaching out from albums before and after this and there’s a couple of good jams on there I grew up with.
Just a nice synthy vibe from an incredibly talented musician - I mean just look at his session credits. Hadn’t listened to much of his work before. Side note - I met two of his kids and they were genuinely very nice people.
It’s somewhere between a 3 and a 4. A very weird Elvis themed miserable Blackpool start going into an absolute banger really threw me for a loop. The rest of the album sat somewhere in the middle, although I liked Australia a lot. Would listen again.
I like it best at its most banal poppy and it’s most self-indulgently obscure - Light My Fire and The End. I didn’t enjoy the Alabama detour, or Twentieth Century Fox.
Et si délicieuse enfant Aimable petite conne Je n'sais pas ce que je te ferai 🤢 poor Jane Birkin at 24 playing a breathy FOURTEEN year old, against Serge in his 40s. I don’t get the sense it’s meant to be an unsympathetic unreliable narrator considering he released a song called lemon incest with his 13 year old daughter, with a video of them barely dressed in bed together, then said the song wasn’t about incest. Creepy creepy creepy.
Loved this, can’t believe I’d never heard the full album. Particularly enjoyed I wanna be your boyfriend into Chainsaw.
Rather too earnest and certainly too much kazoo, let alone the other weirdnesses contained within.
Yes, it’s a great album. But I’ll separate the art from the artist when it no longer has his name on it, and when the profits go to charity.
Psych 60s rock vibes.
Very 80s US bluesy rock inspired by 50s rock. Not crazy about 50s rock so those influences leave me colder. I liked some of the songs a lot like whisky woman (such a doors title and vibe) and city lights - a bit slower more of a pensive bluesy twangy guitar vibe. Probably won’t put this on again but wouldn’t mind hearing it.
Did not enjoy this album. Kinda found it like squeeze but without the humour.
This is why I don’t like telling people what kind of music I like. Give me a genre-defining 80s punk rock band and I’m cold. Give me a 6 minute indie rock song of one man moaning that starts and ends with 30 seconds of, as far as I can tell, random fucking noises, and my brain is like ‘ohh yeah that’s the good stuff’.
Everyone likes this album right? I’m not keen on it but even I like this album. A deserved placing.
Some classics
Felt like I was stuck in a tropical lift, and then a child appears?
it’s the Beatles
Some upbeat British 90s rock.
I enjoyed listening to this album through but I don’t feel like there were any particular standouts.
Cute storytelling, lovely voice.
Really enjoyed this overall album!
Some horrendous phrases and views. But. This was an absolute game changer of a record, as well as an interesting critique of celebrity, influence, the record industry, being a role model and parasocial fan relationships.
- Hmm not sure about this - hey that’s Damon Albarn! I like Damon albarn - anything else to recommend this album? - should it be one of the 1001? - Along with the 3 blur albums for him i would have picked demon days over this
Enjoyed the vibes, not crazy about it. Like the bluesy energy more than the jazzy parts
Loved this.
Why do good things happen to bad people
Beautiful, this is what forgiveness sounds like.
Bloody loved this like an early and snobbier future nostalgia in the sampling concept.
Not for me
I had Either/Or already, however I actually preferred this and would retroactively downvote the other to 3 too. Ironically for being an album made after he attempted on his own life, I found this more hopeful to listen to.
Really nice little album - 60s acoustic vibes
Feels like a mean rating as I did like this album but I don’t see myself coming back to it. More Than A Feeling is a banger though obvs - was hoping for more forgotten big hitters on the album but didn’t get that.
I listened to this while angrily stomping around the city at sundown on the way to a dnd group. Short of lit outside a dive bar at gone 3am I think it’s a way the album is meant to be enjoyed. And I liked it. Arguably a bit too long and for me, a bit dark - I liked the single Dirt until I didn’t. Goes on the yeah I guess pile at a 3
Jaunty jangly Stones. I prefer the more bluesy souly tracks. Love a half hour album. Top tracks: I’m a king bee (kinda sexy) Walkin the Dog (vibes), You Can Make it if you try (more bluesy)
I didn’t like this at first but it really grew on me, instrumental pop rock opera style. Still found it a bit long.
This was so beautiful I cried.
Based on the title and the album art I thought this would be some sort of ambient electronic so I was kinda surprised by what it actually was. I thought I’d like this - female vocalist, rock / metal, British. But it didn’t really hit for me. Liked - lately
Ah man I like the Specials by Really this album? Just imagining some confused Americans listening to this.
The title made me dread this. The wiki page made me actually pretty excited for it. Turns out, not mad about it. I can see why it has a cult following - not just for the band that broke up as the second album came out - but for the weirdness and intensity of the album itself.
Easy 5 for me. Everything I already know on this album I love, everything else I enjoyed.
My favourite part of this was reading reviews from confused Americans in the comments.
This really reminded me of You Want It Darker - unsurprisingly as they both bookended 2016 and were the final, dark, religiously-overtones swan song albums of two prolific 20th century musician poets before their deaths. Every time I thought I got a handle on this it shifted musically in quite a different direction. I enjoyed the lyrics, and I love David Bowie but I only really loved Dollar Days on this with that sax solo.
I’m not hating this. I’m certainly not liking it though. I’m finding it sonically dull. Very much not to my taste. I like the film samples more than the album. ** If someone was playing this I wouldn’t be like, what the hell are you listening to, but I would be happy when it was over.
Mature, heartfelt, poetic, reflective Pulp, exquisite in the little details. Love: A Little Soul, Party Hard, I’m a Man, Like A Friend Enjoyed less: Seductive Barry
Nice 60s folksy vibes
A really fun indie rock discovery.
Feel like I could love this but didn’t. Maybe because there’s no nostalgia attached. Definitely because of creepy uncle Ernie.
This is just noise and screaming. In a good way.
rock n roll into punk in the late 70s vibes.
Unidentified Flying Bangers
Am I starting to like punk?? I blame this project. Bluesy punk is cool.
Blues into rock. A nice listen, some what forgettable.
Singer / songwriter / screamer.
Mmmmm yummy sticky fudgy newly invented metal with a smattering of Ozzy on the harmonica. Get in ma belly. Top tracks: NIB cool solo
All over the place.
Everything I liked on this album was the songs I already knew - the singles etc. I enjoyed some parts of the musicality this contains but overall I think ska is too wack for me.
Thought I would like this. Loved it. Some classic well known Led Zep bangers as well as some more varied, genre busting softer tunes.
I am fed up of this 30 seconds in. Update: it did not improve.
weird but I like it, think it influences a lot of bands I like too
Fine - not my sort of thing. Exactly what you’d expect from the album name and cover.
I don't think this is *bad*, necessarily, it's just really not for me, and I struggle to think who it is for.
Liked the prog rock vibes but honestly got a little bored.
Forgettable country
Not a bad second let alone a bad track.
They could have picked the lion king soundtrack but picked this instead
Far too long and far too repetitive. Weirdly enough, my gal pop loving husband enjoyed this 1 probably because he only listened to 5 minutes of it every half hour, rather than the full beast.
Enjoyed this rocky metaly melodic RCHP alike vibe
Thought from the cover art it would be a slog of a thing but what a fun little 90s Britpop album.
A couple bangers a couple slower ones
Didn’t pay much attention at first but wow this is warm and lovely. Top tracks: the weight, long black veil, we can talk, chest fever for the organ solo!
Thought this was an easy hate but I liked Straight to You. The rest is kinda weird Hadestown energy.
I have never really listened to Elvis Costello before this, something of a new discovery for me. In my head he was more in the realm of Nick Cave - don't know where I got that from - so was surprised at the poppy chirpy record coming through. I enjoyed listening to it.
Really liked a few of the singles. A pretty odd album overall, funky Bowie
Starts so incredibly that it’s hard not to feel a little let down by the end. Still slapping a 5 on this bad boy though.
I really enjoyed reading about Poly Styrene and the X-Ray Specs, and this female fronted 70s punk record. Hell yeah
I listened to this on a plane and I can’t fully remember it but I’m pretty sure i enjoyed it, that raspy voice and poppy boingy vibes
The band well known from Graceland.
Horny dudes fantasy x old school Hiphop. For 65 minutes.
Weird prog rock flute Banging To return to
Lilac Wine, Hallelujah, Last Goodbye, Lover You Should’ve Come Over are absolutely beautiful. The rest are still a great listen as they do have their own specific vibes.
I love soup and I enjoyed listening to this.
That’s nice.
In the immortal words of Ringo Starr, “you can’t play Imagine on the drums.” Really enjoyed this. Not keen to hear it again, mainly due to the endless drum solo, and the 15minute tracks.
Honestly a little disappointed as the only song I’d already heard was DANCE, and it’s by far the best on the album.
Nice dreamy synth pop album with near unintelligible lyrics. Listened to it again with the lyrics up and Clowns is about big ole fake titties?? That really adds some starrage for me, what a vibe. But seriously, A&E is incredibly beautiful, Caravan Girl is lovely too and the rest is a nice vibe.
Funky tunes.
Yay I get to write the cliche album project comment!!! This is the reason I’m doing this, to discover these absolutely banging albums that I would never have heard otherwise. 5* babyyyyyy
Some absolute classics here.
What just happened
A lot of big hitters on this banging 80s album, who knew? Love me a bit of synth pop. Faves: Rio, Hungry Like The Wolf, Save A Prayer, Hold Back The Rain
imagine being 17 in 2004 and hearing holiday into boulevard for the first time, calling your parents American Idiots, deciding to be a rebel and be dangerous, and rocking out. What an album.
PHEW FINALLY some all-male American late 60s Psychedelic blues rock, beginning to think we wouldn't get any on this list. If someone said this was their favourite album I would be forced to assume they had never heard any other music at all. The good/fine: I Had Too Much to Dream (Last Night), About a Quarter To Nine = random little piano tune, Bangles, Get Me To The World on Time, Luvin', Try Me On For Size The bad: everything else My absolute WTFs: The King is in The Counting House (Tudor nursery rhyme but a bit more threatening) Sold To The Highest Bidder (taverna shanty) The Toonerville Trolley (clowny nightmare fuel)
The only track on the album I don’t like is red light indicates doors are secured, and I have an issue with songs based on taxi/car signs: see also, objects in the rear view mirror may appear closer than they are. The rest of this album is bangers. I am British though.
nice little album. Familiar with Night Life from Willie Nelson's solo cover, and highly enjoyed having an intro track. Wouldn't consider myself a country fan, but this far back I enjoy it.
Highly enjoyable chaotic pop house record.
Musical polenta: In theory, I like it, but in practice, it's somehow too folksy, too hippie, too samey, too bland for me to really enjoy.
Just enough weird shit to keep a chill album interesting, plus I love Lou Reed so definitely biased going in. Newfound love for Moe Tucker for After Hours. Liked the chaos of Murder Mystery, and Pale Blue Eyes, Candy Says and I'm Set Free are classics for me.
For the whiskey swillin, god fearin man who’ll never love a woman as much as his dear ma.
*taking a big hit from a bong* Awww yeahhh that's funky
I was already familiar with the sultry delights of Glory Box. I like the rest of the album, and the cool reverby sound, but I found it repetitive and overall very samey. Might also be because I'm in a bad mood due to construction workers next door, which makes every album sound like Kollaps.
Cool dark handsome synth pop.
I like his voice but found the rest of this dull. I genuinely fell asleep listening to it.
Happy people like ABBA. Sad people like ABBA because they want to be happy. Angry people don’t like ABBA.
Now that’s a good use of a live album. Feels like I’m at the fake jazz club in LA, enjoying his charisma, and vibey jazz band, and everyday lyricism.
An incredible voice
liked this - ol Byrne but with funky backing tracks
Cracking album start to finish. Very varied and altogether hits.
Loved this album - interesting enough with a bunch of different textures and vibes to be engaging.
3 amazing voices, great outfits but this is just not for me.
Dark, moody, electronic. I recognised that specific intonation from the Knifes cover of Jose Gonzalez heartbeats. I enjoyed this.
Some great songs, and then there’s that weird intro to took the words right out of my mouth.
A solid, interesting, varied, rock album.
that cover is worth getting banned from the zoo for bouncing a carrot off a tiger's nose. Partly pop-changing, decade-defining bangers, partly psychedelic choirboy bizarrity.
Really enjoyed this rocky fun album
Some absolutely incredible songs but overall an odd album that I didn’t love.
Cross genre multi instrument powerhouse of a double album.