Tanto Tempo
Bebel GilbertoWeird french music
Weird french music
Weirdly sexual and bad to listen to
I don’t understand how people can enjoy this music.
First time listening through this one. Usually not a huge Elton John album fan, though I love listening to his hits. This one has some great deep tracks between the hits that make for a very good listening experience. Would love it on vinyl.
Awesome jazz album. Great for active or passive listening.
Not usually my bag, but not bad for something different.
A good listen. Classic 70s folk sounds.
I have heard all (or most) of the songs before, but this was my first time listening to the album as a whole. Good stuff. I get the hype.
Great sound. My fist experience knowing what I was listening to was music by the Zombies. I like it.
Did not understand this at all. Not listenable through and through. My first big miss with this service.
Bad. Unlistenable.
Very listenable, but forgettable.
Middle of the road, no “likable” songs for my Spotify catalogue, but a very listenable album.
Very listenable. Almost hit the like button a time or two. Check back on this one
Started off good then proceeded to get very repetitive and I got bored.
I do not like this music. The first track was a song I remember from GTA San Andreas. I found it annoying then, and I find it annoying now.
Did not enjoy. Not my vibe.
Like the soundtrack to the most quintessentially 80’s movie ever. I love it.
A little too obscure for me
An album where every chorus of is the the song title repeated. How is this worth my time? Did not listen through, gave up after like 4 songs. I don’t like her voice, and the chorus’s are far too simplistic for me. Maybe there’s something I’m missing? Who cares.
Good folk rock album. Good chillin music.
I just can’t. This is not enjoyable for me. Did not listen for more than a minute or so.
Listened to one song. Just metal. Trash.
Fucking awful punk rock. I will never understand.
It’s Beastie Boys.... it is what it is.
You know, not a big U2 fan but this album does have like all of their hits. It’s a good album with good songs, I just am not a huge fan of the U2 sound.
90’s. I don’t dislike Alanis, but I have never considered any of her songs to be “ear worms”
Once I gave it a chance, its actually not that bad. A very aptly named album.
Feels like That 70’s Show
Miscellaneous 80s techno. Listenable, but not crazy good.
Can’t not give this 5 stars.
First time listening through this one. Usually not a huge Elton John album fan, though I love listening to his hits. This one has some great deep tracks between the hits that make for a very good listening experience. Would love it on vinyl.
Radiohead is still kind of weird for me. Very listenable stuff, but wouldn’t seek it out. Like, not love.
Queen. What else can I say?
Actually very good to listen through. Had already “liked” some of the songs on this album. Always a good sign.
Also a good listen. 2 Joni’s in a row. I prefer Blue.
Actually enjoyed this quite a bit. Nothing to compare it to though. Couple catchy songs.
Just yelling drums and guitar.
First half of this album is gold. Second half is meh.
Like tiki bar/surfer vibes of the 60s? Idk.
60s sound, with some pop songs that you never knew the artist of, until now.
Weirdly sexual and bad to listen to
Weird french music
Lotta good tracks, and a lot of fun to listen to through and through
This is blues through and through. Great guitar and electric organ. Blues is great in person, but just is not my bag for headphones listening. I did enjoy the presence of Clapton.
I certainly do not like the weird deep voiced man (Leonard Cohen) speaking at me. If this is what the whole thing is, I will be disappointed because the music happening actually has some potential. The words also have potential as a brief google search has informed me that this is poetry or spoken word or something. This is not what I’m looking for in “music” so I’m giving it a bad review.
Incredibly funky. Some crazy weird druggy funk lyrics, a pretty great closing track with a Hendrixesque guitar solo.
A very good album to listen through. Not so much actual ear worms, but just good listening.
Now what in the hell would I do with this? Seems okay if you’re looking for Indian music 101, because they literally explain what is going on.
I swear I have listened to this album already on here. It’s hard rock. Idk. Ace of Spades etc.
This was very good folk. Take a listen again sometime with a cup of coffee and really listen.
I may be more of a Black Sabbath fan than I had ever considered... I’d love to have this on vinyl.
Another odd techno electric 90’s album, that feels like what I imagine being in an early 90’s club would be like, and I am thankful I did not have to live through that.
A group doing their best Bowie. Other groups doing Bowie, does not equal Bowie quality. Not bad, but not inspired enough to listen again. Will probably listen to the whole thing tho. I think I “liked” one song.
Very not my thing
Latin music. Idk.
Strange dreamy music that feels like I’ve smoked too much weed in an unfamiliar place with strange people, but in a not completely terrifying way...
Okay, so this is exactly what it says it is. Not sure why this is included in 1001 albums I should listen to before I die. Just straight spa music. I guess if I were in an airport and this were happening I would be pleasantly surprised. I would’ve named this album, “Ambient music for an expensive rub and tug.” I’m talking the type of spa with infused water, and oil diffusers that somehow don’t make the whirring noise.
Afro Jazz I think? Kind of fun!
Started off a bit spooky, ended with a few very listenable songs. Would consider going back for another listen through.
TP and the Hb will never not be great.
So this is definitely like the album that made Alice Cooper an icon. It’s very good. Should revisit for the tracks that are really really good.
Just not the biggest The Who fan.
Absolutely wonderful. A very ownable album that people would enjoy as background music. Feels like a rainy Sunday with coffee type of album.
Very Pearl Jamy... idk not really my bag. Don’t like his voice. Sounds like the 90s. Which despite having lived in, I cannot relate to at all.
Always Great. JT is wonderful in every way.
A really great album for listening through and through. Without singles, but just good stuff. A copy on vinyl would possibly be desirable. Certainly return back for another listen.
Lou Reed is one of those guys who just talks in a sing songy voice over some occasionally catchy music. Not terrible, but not entirely my bag.
I hate it. Makes me feel sick and sad inside.
Needs no description. It’s just so fucking good through and through.
June Carters voice makes me want to burn my ears off. Music isn’t all bad tho.
Not sure what this services deal with the 90s is, but one thing we clearly disagree on is the importance of 90s music in the grand scheme of all music.
This is the band that sings “Get it on” and I think some of the other songs on this album are better than that one.
Excellent Afro-Cuban Jazz Album. Would listen again. Great for active or passive listening. Great album to toss on to impress people with some jazz thats fun.
Early 90’s was an awful time to appreciate music. Thank God I was either not alive, or a baby for most of this.
Turns out I don’t like the Sex Pistols. A little too grungy, a little too repeaty, a little too gravely.
I have never heard of these people and there is a reason why. Just bad rock and roll. I hate it.
If I were a big blues fan, this would be it. But I’m not. So take that as you may.
Straight up country music. I’m baffled.
Bad rock music.
Pretty good listen! Our House is on this album, was not expecting that, but that sound is consistent throughout the album.
Okay so it’s not bad. It’s weird but listenable. Mix between 90s pop and house music?
A bit of David Bowie vibes, but not bad! A decent listen.
This is great. It’s like if Bon Iver wrote 22, a million in 1977.
Very good. Chill. Pretty good soundtrack for packing up in Omaha.
TLC is good. Definitely didn’t expect to listen to this all the way through. That’s probably on me though because many people seem to like them.
I have listened to this one a few times, and it is good. Would listen a few more times.
More 90s music that may mean something to somebody, but certainly not me.
I don’t know, I didn’t need that much GoGos in one sitting
Sounds like this is going to be some more strange French whisper music.... what’s the point of this. Some cool stuff happening musically, but still when the Frenchman comes in and whispers into my ear it fills me with confusion.
I don’t understand how people can enjoy this music.
10 out of 10. Just a wonderful album. Need on vinyl.
Pretty good classic rock album. A little out there at times, but a good listen. First track was a familiar one.
Actually, quite scary.
This will always be a great album. Would be a nice one to have on vinyl.
Nothing special, soft vocal jazz type thing.
Not memorable in the slightest. Like a less good Joni Mitchell.
A fair album. Not really worth coming back to for another listen. Folk rock but just not that exceptionally good.
Not bad! Folksy, with some Gordon Lightfoot vibes.
I don’t know, punk 90s music?
You already know
Pretty fucking bad. Didn’t make it through more than 2 tracks. Just yelling rock.
Just okay. Nothing to really go nuts over. Likely won’t listen again.
Pretty fucking wild 2 hour long Deep Purple concert recording. It’s good to listen to for sure, but like its a whole ass concert. I listened passively and it was solid, but I could not have actively listened to this for that long. So, I guess plan accordingly.
I did not like it very much. No further comment.
A collection of not my favorite CCR songs, but still pretty listenable.
Could’ve gone without this one also. 90’s movie soundtrack vibes. I do not like 90’s music. Why does this website suggest that I do?
Neil Fucking Young. Nuff said.
Some good tracks. Added one to my liked songs.
Not bad. A pretty listenable album actually.
Great album. Awesome through and through.
More 90’s rock stuff. Not fun, but not as bad as some of it.
Okay, had to listen to this like 6 times bc I kept getting distracted. I didn’t like it at first but it’s growing on me. Couple catchy tunes.
Every Jerry Lee Lewis rock and roll song ever, live
Rod is great. Awesome album.
Maybe the best album of all time.
So, not bad for passive listening. Bitter Sweet Symphony is on this one.
I mean…. I don’t know man. I need to find some new music soon but this ain’t it.
I think I’m just getting irritated with this website