The Genius Of Ray Charles
Ray CharlesOk beginning and good end. Middle all sounded the same to me.
Ok beginning and good end. Middle all sounded the same to me.
The whole album a bit too one paced for me, seems to be 2-3 good songs and the rest filler. Concept album. 3 stars
Ok beginning and good end. Middle all sounded the same to me.
Good fun listen
I would rather have listened to this after I was dead! Would like to have put no stars
Some strong tracks (oh baby, call the police, american dream) but some overly long bland stuff as well. Would definitely be a 7/10 but limited to 3 or 4 so went for the 3 option
Love it. Although not a fan of Suffragette City
Funky delight
Brought back memories of jigging with toilet paper around my head when they were at Reading circa 90. Can't beat Shane's voice (for some reason). It's got just the right amount of anger or joy or angst in these songs. Has also got the best Christmas song ever.
Generally sounds like Kid A played backwards with a higher pitched Thom Yorke. One of the 'songs' was ok.
Brilliant. One of few bands to carve out their own unique sound.
One of my go to chill out albums
Was slightly more impressed than I thought I'd be. When The Levee Breaks is a brilliant song. A couple of others weren't bad either. I personally can't stand anything with a screechy lead vocal and some of the other stuff sounds like Spinal Tap including Stairway To Heaven which I can't stand.
Stands the test of time, unlike most of the U2 albums before or after this. Exemplary A side. Tails off badly towards the end.
Not bad
Didn't realise there was an earlier album than rated R. Very much enjoyed it. Will be keeping in my music library for sure.
Slightly self indulgent but enjoyed it. Probably a 7/10
Enjoyed it more than I thought but still can't enjoy music with inane meaningless lyrics. Preferred it with nit singing at all.
A bit over poppy in places but the good songs are undeniable good.
Not at all what I was expecting haven't never listened to them before. More melodic and ska-like, when I was expecting the female version of Skid Row. Particularly liked the drumming. Glad to discover something new and exactly what I hoped would happen from doing this exercise
Initially I thought the first 2 songs were quite bland, then I got to No Other and Strength of was beautiful from then on. I imagine I will grow to appreciate he first couple of songs after a few more listens. Fab
Fine. Obviously a lot of classics. Not sure it should be included with all the cover versions though
Seemed reasonably unemarkable to me.
What can I say? Didn't know this existed on Tuesday. It feels like I've never been without it on Wednesday after three listens. 5 - all day, every day for the rest of my days
Sounded like a bit if a warm up for the far superior Forever Changes - which it was.
Anyone ever seen Jack White and the squeaky voiced one from Police Academy in the same room?
Not really a fan of The Who. Especially Rock Opera Who.
Was hoping to hate it based on the fact that he is a sex pest. I annoyingly quite liked it
Pleasently surprised by the consistency in quality of the songs I didn't know. Add that in with the obvious quality of Bird on a Wire, The Partisan etc and it might of been a 5. It's just that A Bunch Of Lonesome Heroes seem to be a poor man's So Long Marianne - so a mark off for that
Enjoyed it. Much more musically diverse than I thought. Strong riffs also!
Solid musicianship if not the most exciting ever
No dud songs - therefore must be full marks! Just the right balance between commercial sounding and raucous
I couldn't listen too it due to being too mentally scarred by the overexposure of Sex On Fire. Probably not their fault...I liked the first album tbh
Pleasantly surprised. A bit more too it than just pub rock. Reminded me of Sebadoh in places.
Oh guitar based Radiohead, how i miss you!! The bad first....Sulk...Bulletproof Everything else is pretty perfect. Bones, Black Star surely could have been singles as well as the rest. Exceptional lyrics 'I used to fly like Peter Pan' gets me every time, even when I was young. And obvs Jonny Greenwood's guitar. Probably 9.5/10 in reality
This was too many System Of A Down songs for me. Maybe one in isolation would work
I did own the cd and loved them live but the album is all pretty much one song over and over. A good song though!
Liked the more non-bluesy ones.
Probably a 7 out of 10er. Giving an extra point because if Beck's coolness. Love the production on most of his stuff.
Not really sure stuff like this should be on the list. Proves their songs were pretty versatile though. All Apologies a personal favourite
Pleasent enough. Other similar artists that do it better
An album of two halves? Didn"t notice how much it tailed off back in the day. Was probably ahead of its time then. Now it just seems like a load of stolen samples. 7 out of ten minus a point for Tricky's acting.
A mixed bag. Some tracks sounded like bad Craig David (too much warbling with little tune) others pretty inventive. Probably needs more of a listen.
Too much Hammond organ after a while
Superior background sounds