Blue Lines
Massive AttackI thought about giving this album a 4, because they have at least 2 better albums, but then ❤️❤️❤️unfinished sympathy❤️❤️❤️ came on.
I thought about giving this album a 4, because they have at least 2 better albums, but then ❤️❤️❤️unfinished sympathy❤️❤️❤️ came on.
The best song on this one is a cover.
Masterpiece! Wondering if song - the murder mystery was taken as an inspiration for chop suey. Tried googling it, didn't find any info saying it was, but I'll live my life further believing that it's true. Overall I really think this album is a piece of precious art and should forever be cherished!!! Listened to the 45th anniversary deluxe edition, really appriciated the live versions of their songs from other albums, very nice. What can I say, I really like the velvet underground.
Beck is one of the rare artists that has had 30+ year carrier and has been relevant with every album released over time. I think Beck is incredibly talented and i fucking love his music! This is a wonderfuly beautiful album ❤️
Was ok, classis iggy.
Had to really fight myself to not turn off the jazzy tunes. Started very promissing.
Beautiful album! Drake is amazing! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Signed, sealed, delivered, I'm lost
Beautiful, dramatic at times, emotional. ❤️❤️❤️ Love, love, love. Way to Blue was added to my playlist of calm but dramatic music.
It's ok. Some songs felt more like demos. Maybe It's just the style. I don't think i will remember anything about this album. But also it's kinda like the music i listen to :D
I never listen to this type of music by myself but I quite enjoyed it!
"Pillow Time" was like sound cut straight out of some artsy horror movie, something I'd never guess was in an album by The Monkees. Overall nice. Not exactly something I'd listen to on daily basis.
Beautiful 😍🥹
Not great, not terrible
I thought about giving this album a 4, because they have at least 2 better albums, but then ❤️❤️❤️unfinished sympathy❤️❤️❤️ came on.
When I noticed that it's 4 songs in 44 mins I was scaptical and thought I won't enjoy it. Cool in the pool was cool and surprised me. And oh lord, give us money was even cooler. Overall I rate this album COOL!
Finally we are getting good albums :D
I don't think i knew the original version of Music makes you lose control, it's really cool, loved the bass in it 🥰🥰🥰🎶🎶🎶🥰🥰🥰🎶🎶🎶🥰🥰🥰🎶🎶🎶🥰🥰🥰🎶🎶🎶🥰🥰🥰🎶🎶🎶🥰🥰🥰🎶🎶🎶🥰🥰🥰 listened to this album multiple times
Nice album. Even tho i don't know who Elliott Smith is, it felt like i know him and his songs. Maybe from movies??? Idk. Good background music.
Imagine has not stood the test of time. Blame influencers for ruining it. Otherwise a nice album.
Was ok
Never heard of this band. Feels like the doors on psychedelics, but not as legendary. At first I liked it, but around the eight song got tired of it. And by the end I felt like I was on drugs too.
Masterpiece! Wondering if song - the murder mystery was taken as an inspiration for chop suey. Tried googling it, didn't find any info saying it was, but I'll live my life further believing that it's true. Overall I really think this album is a piece of precious art and should forever be cherished!!! Listened to the 45th anniversary deluxe edition, really appriciated the live versions of their songs from other albums, very nice. What can I say, I really like the velvet underground.
Šis mani aizveda atpakaļ uz laiku, kad devītās klases latviešu valodas runāšanas eksāmenā vajadzēja stāstīt par kādu sevis izvēlētu tēmu, mana - Roberts Nesta Mārlijs. I do enjoy reggae from time to time and I think that Bob is one of the best ones. Overall this album was a bit boring. But three little birds will never get old 💖🐦💖🐦💖🐦💖 cuz every little thing is gonna be allright 🎶💖🐦 Three little birds - 10/10 All other songs on this album 6/10 I'd really love to visit Jamaica sometime!
This one was released on bowies 69th birthday 🧐 considering that it's experimental jazz, could be worse.
Wow, this one was an adventure. I'm not sure if I ever listened to this album from start to finish, but piece of my heart has always been one of my favorite songs. Really enjoyed listening!!!
Yesssss!!!!!! 🤠😎🤓 Loved it. Started my morning with this, good energy for the whole day!
Cause you can't, you won't, and you don't stop 🎶 Cause you can't, you won't, and you don't stop 🎶 Well, you can't, you won't, and you don't stop 🎶 The album makes me want to break stuufffff, quit my job, destroy the haters, take over the world! Love, love this energy! Sabotaaaageeeeeee!!!!!!!!!! Only weak song on this album was Ricky's Theme, did not come here for jazz. They could have cut it and this album would have been PERFECT, but I guess nothing is perfect, right? 🤣🤣🤣🤣😅😅😅😭😭😭 maybe it was another way of making this album so badass - "we don't care, let's add random jazz in the middle, it will be fun"
Starts with really good energy, first songs are absolute hits! But it did get boring by the end. Nothing special about the second part of the album.
Nice album! But i did enjoy the spotify suggested playlist after it more than the album itself.
I liked that it was only 35 minutes for 12 songs. I think it's a good album, but this was probably the only time I will ever listen to it.
Beck is one of the rare artists that has had 30+ year carrier and has been relevant with every album released over time. I think Beck is incredibly talented and i fucking love his music! This is a wonderfuly beautiful album ❤️
Eh, nothing special about this one. Not sure why it's in this list. It is not bad, just don't see anything that makes it exceptional.
Nice Christmas album. Very festive and short! Will definitely listen to this one again next year! 🌲🎅🤶🎅🌲🎅🤶🎅🌲🎅🤶🎅🌲
"We are gonna have a good time, we are gonna have a party!" This is a wonderful album. "Loaded" is a real masterpiece. Had a good time while listening!
This was a masterpiece when it came out! Still sounds good!
I don't know. These funky jazz rock vibes just aren't for me I guess. Also I haven't seen the garden Lanny built for us to make love it apparently 🤔🤔😕😕 a bit creepy I'd say, and not in a fun way. It was very difficult for me to see any artistic value in this album, lyrics felt really shallow, he even beat Coldplay with half of the songs on this album Couldn't wait for the album to end
Nice, enjoyed listening to this one 🥰
Just one of the best albums ever written! Beautiful!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Easy listen! Some really nice tunes in it! Solid 8/10 in my opinion!
Love love love This is one of coolest albums i know. Love Django Django sound, it's unique, it's fun and it makes u want to move to the beat!
Talking heads but generic. Some songs were fun, but the album was tiring! Also, how the fuck they managed to ruin "Satisfaction"???
I do like Johnny Cash, and I think "Hurt" is a wonderful song. Also i think I'd be better off if i never listened to this whole album. Kinda felt like i was listening to the same two songs for 50 minutes, with exception of few well known tunes. I'd rather consume my Johnny Cash in small doses.
Listened to this album 4 times, I remember nothing 🤣🤣😂😂😭😭😭 I don't know, kinda feels like the whole thing was a super long intro.
Yes! They should have scheduled this album for 14th of February, has the vibes 😏😏😏
Nice! Liked that it had some folk vibes. Easy listen
Had really big expectations for this one, and was excited when it came up! But in the end it was a dissapointment 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲 Played the album 3 times, i was bored and nothing really had my attention besides the album starting with "jeasus died", the whole thing felt theatrical and forced. Listened to Legacy Edition that had some live recordings in the second half, and i liked those a lot better than the first half, lives had a raw emotional feeling that the rest of the album was lacking.
Early arcade fire albums are some of the best indie albums EVER! They are smart, rebellious, but cohesive, and just very very beautiful! The lyrics are genius!! Can live through so may emotions in 47 minutes! Just from the title we can guess the overall theme of it. And the way it's reflected through the whole album is just beautiful and rare.
Mixed feelings about this one. Has two really really iconic songs, but the rest or the album just isn't keeping up
The best song on this one is a cover.
Why is this album in this list?
Love this punk and glam rock crossover!
Cool cool cool
I think it was good. Even tho i am not a big fan of country music, I could appreciate it. Also the fact that it's only 33mins probably helped 😅
Classic Kinks.
Legalize it, i will advertise it! This was an easy listen! I'd really enjoy it on a slow Sunday!
Oh my, oh my!!!! This is an amazing album!
Wasn't bad.
Felt like mediocre christmas album
What the fuck is this? Where are the melodies? Sounds like bunch of skilled deaf musicians playing together. Will not listen again!
Listened 3 times, didn't find anything that i liked in it
R.E.M - remarkably exquisite music 👌 This is a wonderful album. Great listen from start to finish, never felt like skipping a song. Even the album cover is perfect. Everybody hurts is a classic. Really enjoyed listening. ❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥
Ah, i love this album! Bob Dylan is a great poet and storyteller!
I don't know. I believe that it's a great album for it's genre, but I kinda hate the genre!
One of the greatest pop albums ever written.
Didn't like it
Used listen to it a lot when it came out.
Ken leeee... budibu dibu douchuu.... !!!! Nice discovery! Really enjoyed listening! 100% will return to this one!
Good album
Something that would play in the background at graduation.
Great album.
I didn't like it, but i also didn't hate it.
Half of the album reminded me of the sound that comes from tap when you open it, but there is no water, just the air is coming out.
Best of britpop! I used to listen to this a lot in high-school. Smoked a lot of cigarettes and had lots of alcohol at that time.
No, i did not like it. Will not listen again
I do like kraftwerk, but i don't think this their best work. This album was very repetitive and boring.
I don't think this one has aged well since it was something kinda interesting when it came out. Today it feels really tiring. Not great not terrible. Has few cool beats, but that is about it.
Jazz-influenced pop. No. I can't describe how good it felt putting on some nice music after listening to this album.
I am not sure how much more of mediocre 80s pop i can take.
This one really put me to shleep!
Good album. Enjoyed listening!
Fucking love this album. It is beautiful and unique. Loved it when it came out, still love it today! The minimalistic sound is what i would imagine traveling in space feels!
Yes! Beautiful!
I didn't like it! This album gave me a headache! Except for Superstition, that one slaps. 10/10
I can see why they are so popular. I do not listen to this type of music on daily basis, but i did enjoy this! 😅😆
This is the type of album I expect to be on this list. Timeless, unique and a delight to listen to. Love T.Rex and love Electric Warrior.
BOOOOOORING. Didn't like
❤️🤍🖤❤️🤍🖤❤️🤍🖤❤️🤍🖤❤️🤍🖤❤️🤍🖤❤️🤍🖤❤️ Love this album and the way they complement each other! 🤍🖤❤️🤍🖤❤️🤍🖤❤️🤍🖤❤️🤍🖤❤️🤍🖤❤️🤍🖤❤️🤍🖤❤️
How much did they pay to get on this list? 🤔
This was nice!
I used to listen to Eple a lot. But this album as a whole - i didn't enjoy it.
I reelly like the album cover! 🏵🌻🌼 The album was fine!
Amazing album cover! Not a fan of Meat Loaf.
One of the greatest albums ever written. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
I really liked this album. I know few Pavement songs and have listened to them on shuffle, but this album was a really cool listen, will definitely return to it. Loved that it had the early 90s vibes but also some experimental vibes too.
Nice album
Oh yesss!!!! Made me really happy!!! Great album!
Really boring. Didn't see anything special about it
Great discovery! Really enjoyed listening!
Cool album!
Is this the smallest man that ever lived? 🤔🤔🤔🤔 album did not age that well.
Absolute wonder! This album makes me so happy! It is an easy listen, makes you want to sing along! Great album! ❤️❤️❤️
This is the type of albums i keep listening this list for. Never thought i needed a sitar cover of "light my fire" in my life, but i did. Thanks! ❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥
Not bad
Not great not terrible.
Nice, loved "in my arms". Great sampling. Would listed again.
**buys tickets to Prodigy**
Really boring generic stuff. Not bad, just nothing interesting about this.
An ok album. Great for a road trip through Kyrgyzstan! Last track seemed redundant.
Great album!
Was ok, nothing special about it. Not sure why it's on this list
Nice album. My boyfriend really loves this band. Cannot give this less than 5.
It is not easy to rate the Beatles.
Nice beats. Not sure about everything else.
Beautiful album!
I really enjoyed listening to this one. Makes me want to travel and dance!
Not great, not terrible
This album was THE SHIT when it came out! It still slaps! There is nothing out there like this and i love it. Listening to it is like going on an adventure.
Funkadelic 🤩🤩🤩
Oh Peter, I love your way! I had no idea who Peter Frampton is, but i am happy i found out!
Was skeptical at the beginning, because I looked at the global reviews before listening. Great sampling and overall I really enjoyed it. Reminds me a little of 'Entroducing.....' by DJ Shadow which is one of my favorite albums.
I'd like it more if it was shorter. But overall a cool album, liked the DIY sound. But i got tired of it halfway through.
Was fighting to not fall asleep while listening to this. But it's very good for jazz.
Was not feeling it
🎶🎶🎶 all i wanna do is have some fun 🎶🎶🎶
Listened to the whole two hours twice, once it started playing it just went to the background. I will not do a third try. Only thing i can say for sure - it is not annoying and i didn't hate it. Great background music.
Another album that shouldn't be on this list.
❤️❤️❤️ wonderful album ❤️❤️❤️
Really liked when this album ended
Wonderful album. Enjoyed every second!!!!
I really like when though men care about social issues. 10/10
This is an incredible album. Loved it since high-school. One of my friends had an USB storage with music for his car and marquee moon was the first song, every time he started his car sounded like a begining of an adventure. This really is one of my favorite albums. ❤️❤️❤️ Love Television ❤️❤️❤️
I really enjoyed "Badlands". Nice album.
I am sad to say that I don't think this music is timeless. Didn't really enjoy, I'd rather listen to anything else.
Album title - badass 💀🤠 Album cover - super badass 💀💀💀💥💥💥 Album contents - ultra badasss ❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥 I am not a fan of heavy music, but these guitars I could appreciate. Real mastery.
Album was as generic as the band name
Nice. Even tho my boyfriend was cringing at the pink floyd cover, i liked it. Liked the whole album. "Take your mama" and "Laura" are timeless hits 💥🎶. Will listen again.
There is 0 doubt that "Runaway" is a true masterpeace. Also "power" kinda slaps. And right now i am having a huge dilemma, i know that the album is great, but i also know that Ye is not that great. Also hating on every corrupt musician's music would really reduce my listening options. That is why I am leaving this to math. "Runaway" - 6/5 Album - 4.5/5 Ye - 0/5 Total 10.5/15 === 3.5/5
36mins, but felt like 136
No thanks. Generic basic boring album.
Cool cool cool
Too similar to blur to be on this list. But i didn't mind the music.
ICONIC 💫💫💫💫💫
I really love part of this album. Dreamy, exciting and beautiful. But some of the songs sound like boring fillers. That is why I'm giving 4 not 5
5/5. Take it or leave it!
I'd probably really enjoy this on a Jamaican beach. But I think this is not the best of Robert.
Beautiful cover
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Sometimes i cannot believe thet Led Zeppelin is a real band, because how does anyone make music like this?? Great album! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I guess this is an okay album. Take me out was really big at some point. But is this album really influential and important??? Or just a filler in this list like most songs on it???
Nice little album
Not bad.
❤️❤️❤️ I love this album ❤️❤️❤️ Been one of my favorites for years. Even Ian's conspiracy theories cannot change the feeling that this is the perfect album.
No. Thanks. Listened only through half of it, because i just couldn't take more.
This is not a musical I'd watch.
Oh, yes! Even listened to this multiple times, because i loved it! ❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥
Did not enjoy this
Seemed like the first song is from a different album by a different altist. 🤔
Oh, Fleet Foxes, I really like u! I absolutely love White winter hymnal, but most other tracks in this album just couldn't keep up. That is why this is a 4 not 5.
I didn't really enjoy most parts of this album, but the title track... The title track is something 🙂↔️
I was confused about what genre this album is. And I think Richard was too. In general I don't believe it is in some way special. I'd rather listen to many other albums (by different artists) that are not on this list.
This is a really cool album. Enjoyed listening.
Anything Iggy touches turns to gold. Wonderful album!
Album you should listen before you die or album you won't be able to ignore in your lifetime? This one for me is an album to grow up to. Sweet child o mine is just so fucking perfect. Easy time I hear it I can't help, but wonder - how did they do it? Love this album, love guns and roses. Five our of five ❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥
Elegant 💅
Sounds like a background music from some 90s multi-player pc game.
"So much joy" Where the wild roses grow - 5/5 Rest of the album was pretty annoying, id rather listen to Gogol bordello than this.
I was familiar with "hey hey, my my" from a Chromatics cover. I knew that it wasn't an original song by them, but never listened to the original. I am really happy that I have heard them now and the concept of there being two versions for the beginning and end of this album is just genius and so so beautiful. Overall I really enjoyed this album. 💙🖤
If gogol bordello was punk
What even is this? I did not enjoy.
Good one
There were some really iconic guitars in this album. But it also had some really boring trumpet songs. Liked the iconic parts, but for me it didn't hold together as an album.
Wonderful album. Loved it. 💙🩵💙
Yessss!!!! I am 100% sure they have sold their souls in order to write this album. 😈 And the album cover is just perfect. 😍🛸😍🛸😍🛸😍
I really like "hungly like a wolf", but I also don't think this is an exceptional album. 🫠
Is it incredible tho?
Wonderful album, loved everything about it. 🖤🩶🤍
Is there something wrong with me if i enjoyed it? Because i felt like i shouldn't, but the album even felt kinda comforting.
This was fun.
Even tho it has some of the best the cure songs, this album was kinda boring.
I hated it. One of the worst indie albums i have ever listened to. Nothing good here.
This was really good. No fillers in this album. Really enjoyed listening and will definitely listen again 😏😏😏 I knew some of the songs on it, but never listened to them exclusively. Better late than never I guess 😅
Basic 80s album. Even tho it is obvious that Peter Gabriel is a great musician, didn't think there was anything special about this album.
Was it just the spotify link or this one really is a live album, where the live versions do not seem that great?
Pretty decent!
An interesting mix of everything. I definitely agree that this is an album you should listen in your lifetime, but it's ok if u do it just once.
Now I need tickets to Cuba. Loved the vibes.
Really cool album, even tho a bit long, i think it had a great artistic value.
I was excited to see earth wind and fire album. But it did disappoint a bit. Overall not terrible.
R.E.M. are soo underrated. Loved this album. 🤩❤️
Loved this. I had always known this band exists, but never paid much attention to them. Great album. Will definitely listen again. 🤩🤩🤩
Yes, but the light my fire cover seemed unnecessary.
One of the coolest albums i know. When i was in highschool i was trying to become a deejay and got a gig in a bar, I had recently discovered this album and ended up playing the whole thing cuz I thought it was perfect and everyone was having a good time. So why try harder??? 🤷❤️
🌟🩷🩷🩷 I think this is the cutest album that has ever been written. The lyrics, the music! Simple and beautiful 🩷🩷🩷🌟
I absolutely love this album!!!
When i was 16 (2010) i had discovered music festivals and went to a small DIY one in the countryside. It was the second day of the festival, everyone was walking around enjoying themselves, having beers, sitting in the grass and smoking cigarettes. The sun was shining and Indeed the grass was greener back then. Everyone seemed so happy and there was some playlist playing throughout the festival. "Rebellion (lies)" came on and I thought that it was the most beautiful song I had ever heard and it made me never forget that moment. I became a huge Arcade Fire fan after. And I believe that this album is just brilliant. It is happy, it is sad, it is absolutely heartbreaking, it is hopeful and it is very beautiful!!! 5/5
I really like her music, but i don't think this is her best work yet. Also 1.5h was a bit much
Nice album, but besides the first two tracks i don't think it's aging gracefully.
Great album!
I really like her! Nice album overall
Nice. Overall felt a bit repetative. Love the album cover!
I don't think this album has to be on this list. music for kids with lyrics for adults. This really wasn't necessarily. I hope I never have to waste my time with this artist again.
I am so conflicted about this album. It has some cool moments, but i didn't enjoy most parts. Also "where is my mind?" Is like one of the greatest songs ever written and noone can prove otherwise.
Perfect!!! Iconic! Timeless!!! So many exceptional tracks on this album. Absolutely brilliant 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
🖤❤️🤍🖤❤️🤍 Absolutely brilliant!
Absolutely loved the title track. Overall a pretty decent album 👌
Nice album! Not as cliché as expected.
I am really conflicted about this. It had some really cool things in it. but also I was not sure if it's still the same album I'm listening to at some moments. Overall - not bad. 😁😄
I don't know. I didn't hate it, but also won't listen again. Overall a meh.
Oh, Loretta! Loved the album and the honesty, found it quite punk. But I do agree with the one review that says - girl, leave him.
The bass solo in "my generation" alone is a 5/5
Great album. If i didn't know, I'd never guess it was released in 1969.
Short n' Good
I really enjoyed this.
Yes! But i also had to repeat the album multiple times, because i kept losing focus. It is very calm, lullaby like and very ART!
Yes. 5/5. No comment really. Great album with huge impact.
The fact that it starts with Rainy day women 12 & 35 is so bizarre to me, i know this song from before streaming times and somehow always thought it's a b side or the last track, but missed that it's the opener. For me this really shows that Dylan does not follow any patterns and does whatever the fuck he wants and does it well. Also it makes me want to have the best time with my friends. Some of my favorite Bob Dylan tracks are in here. Absolutely brilliant.
Flawless album by a beautiful Icelandic goddess!
What even is a natural woman?
Absolutely brilliant!!!
Yes!!!! Absolutely brilliant!!!