Nick Cave & The Bad SeedsIt's Absolutely Devastating. It seems wrong to try and pick a favourite track. I pray I never have to experience what Cave and his family did leading to the creation of this music. It sounds amazing though.
It's Absolutely Devastating. It seems wrong to try and pick a favourite track. I pray I never have to experience what Cave and his family did leading to the creation of this music. It sounds amazing though.
Black dog- good rock and roll- good the battle of evermore- uninteresting folk Stairway to heaven- no one is listening to this to hear the first 6 minutes Misty Mountain Hop- Fun guitar riff Four Sticks- slightly less fun than misty mountain hop Going to california- Another folk song When the Levee Breaks- A great Bonham tune I'd actually give it a 7 but you can't do half stars apparently. Black dog and Rock and Roll are ideal led zeppelin songs to me, and when the levee breaks and misty mountain hop are fun. They are an objectively skilled band all round, particularly Bonham, probably the best rock drummer of all time. But I hate having to listen to 6 minutes of boring music to get perhaps the greatest 2 minutes in music history on stairway to heaven. I guess the suffering makes the climax better? Anyways I didn't hate it, but if there are more zeppelin albums in this thing (which there are probably bound to be) hopefully they are later albums when they dropped the folk songs. I like folk, but these weren't interesting to me. Even with the Tolkien references.
double album so less inclined to review every track individually, maybe break its down by sides? Nah i've got time Side A Loves in need of love today is very pretty Have a talk with god- What instrument is that? Village Ghetto Land- Lyrically strong Confusion- Instrumental, fun guitar work Sir Duke- Great Pop song, No notes I Wish- DITTO Knock me off my feet- Pretty Love song (stevies bread and butter) Pastime Paradise- LOL did not not know this was the original (but also serious subject matter) Summer Soft- another bread and butter stevie ( his voice is great) Ordinary Pain- Love those female vocals Side B Isn't she lovely- It's isn't she lovely, no notes Joy inside my tears- my favourite ballad so far? Black Man- Tell us Stevie Ngiculela-es una historia- I am Singing- interesting If its magic- cute As- Banger of course Another star- Another banger On streaming there are 4 additional songs from the a something's extra EP but because this is already a double album i'm gonna listen another time. I did just listen to Saturn as I was walking back from M&s, and it's got a great chorus.
First 3 songs are bangers Wasted time and victims of love are good Pretty maids all in a row weakest song so far Try and love again good The last resort fine Another album I would actually give a 7 More consistent than led Zeppelin 4, but not the same high points Easy listening
Fantastic Debut, just listen to those choruses! Power pop and new wave at its best, Costello's mean streak sets him apart I do think he raises his level once he's backed by the attractions, and there's a few songs like red shoes and pay it back that i'm not crazy about, so this will only be a 4 stars, but still a great album
I don't know why i'm surprised, but really impressed lyrically by this album. I wouldn't claim that reggae is a genre I'm particularly interested in, but I really enjoyed my time with this. Only complaint is the personal preference of tempo changes, but that's not something to be expected in the genre. Another 7 that I will have to give 3 stars.
It's a great album with great vocal performances, varied instrumentals, and interesting production, mixing and song writing choices. It's only getting a 4 because I didn't go to the effort to translate the lyrics, so there's potential depth that has gone over my head. But Paisagem da Janela would be a great pop song in any language. Thoroughly enjoyed.
Virgin Robert plant vs the Chad Ian gillan
Bit relentless to listen to at 9am, but I enjoyed. Will probably give this a 3, but would actually rate a 7. On second listen, this slaps. Hard 7
I was not thrilled. Couldn't even pick a best song cause the guys vocals were so boring. I guess it's competently made and inoffensive so I'll give it a 2. Disappointed because they're Irish.
The first 3 tracks are the best, but the rest of the album is still really enjoyable. In future, when asked about the post punk or gothic rock albums I like and would recommend, this will certainly be on near the top of the list. Surprisingly accessible, the guitar work is wonderful, as are the vocals. Best track in my opinion would be Into the Light. An easy 4 stars.
A very stark, psychedelic folk album, definitely sounds like someone who was losing his grip. I thought that Spence's vocal tone was good on some of the more country-tinged songs, and I enjoyed Little Hands, Cripple Creek and Weighted Down, but the rest of the album didn't really do anything for me. The Book of Moses had some interesting production, and Grey/Afro made me feel kind of uncomfortable, which I think was the goal? If I was high maybe I would have liked more. Or tried to kill someone with fire axe. 2 stars.
Bob be spitting bars. Who cares what his voice sounds like when the songwriting is this strong and the lyrics this poetic. Thought it might be a 4 going in because I prefer electric Dylan, but nah, this is a 5. This is exactly what I want from Folk.
An absolutely wonderful synth pop album. Everyday that I have gone in my life without This is the Day and Perfect is one I now regret. I can't think of any album that I've listened to before where the concept of today and tomorrow held so much joy and despair, so much promise and threat. This is not the last time I will be listening to this album. An easy 5 stars.
What the hell is a Soul Kitchen??? Honestly, I understand why this blew minds when it released, a Rock band where the lead instrument is pretty much an organ? Extremely cool. Unfortunately, despite Jim Morrison having a reputation as a poet, there were a number of lyrics on the album that were downright bad. Favourite track probably being between Break on Through and Light My Fire, side A i thought was far stronger material. Psychedelic Rock isn't really my cup of tea, so will have to get a 3, but it's probably actually a 7. I don't think I even listened to a remaster and It still sounds immaculate. Influential rather than a timeless classic.
Does this achieve what it is trying to achieve? Yes, i think so. Is this made by people under 25 for people under 25 who probably consider themselves angrier and more marginalised than me? Yeah most likely. Is it well performed and produced? I would also say yeah, I think so. Was it brief? Yes most definitely. It almost seemed to me like the album was recorded in order, and their musicianship improved as they went along, as I thought the final 3 songs were the best. The final song, Cashing In, was probably in my opinion the strongest. I'm not entirely sure what to give this as I probably won't come back to it, but I don't think it deserves a 2. I'm gonna give it a 3, but If I was in the target audience, or a bigger fan of the genre, I could see why others may get more from this.
I'm about to be a little harsh on this album, honestly I think it's perfectly fine, there were multiple songs on here that I have positive opinions on, the opener Firefly, Somewhere, Bad Liquor, Now You're Defeated and Highway 5 thanks to the guitar work. But that simply meant I thought the songs were 6's rather than the rest which were 4's. Competently made, perfectly listenable, inoffensive,but not interesting. 2 stars.
Serviceable 90s Alt Rock. The Mid tempo songs with the acoustic guitar backed verses' followed by electric guitar backed choruses got a little stale by the end. I thought the singer's vocal were quite strong though. I think my opinion was negatively influenced by the cliche album cover. From now on I will be reviewing them as well. 3 stars.
The album start off on the strongest foot possible with it's two best songs, Beetlebum and Song 2, the most successful demonstration of the musical styles that Blur will be blending on this album, their classic Beatles and Kinks inspired pop on the chorus of Beetlebum, and the new American lo-fi indie and alternative rock ala Pavement on the fuzzy and loose guitars of Song 2. However I feel this album still falls into the trappings of most Britpop albums of the era- It's simply too long with too many songs. A tight 10 song tracklist would have done this album a lot of good, and the removal of uninteresting tracks like M.O.R, You're So Great, I'm Just a Killer for Your Love and Theme from Retro would make it more focused. There were still other tracks that I enjoyed such as Country Sad Ballad Man, On Your Own and the fantastic Death of a Party. Essex Dogs could stay as well for the great song name. Although I did like it overall, if you turned it off after the second track, and you would have already enjoyed the best this album has to offer (with the exception of the mentioned Death of a Party). I think I just prefer Damon Albarn pretending to be a monkey as opposed to pretending to be a Man. It's getting a 3. I'll never love Blur. Great album cover though.
Bob be spitting bars, but this time backed by a whole ass band. Take everything great about his folk songs, and make them rock and you get this album. Favourite tracks being subterranean Homesick blues, Mr Tambourine Man and Its all over now baby blue. Great album. 5 stars
It's Absolutely Devastating. It seems wrong to try and pick a favourite track. I pray I never have to experience what Cave and his family did leading to the creation of this music. It sounds amazing though.
This is a double album, so i'm not going to pretend that every track on here hit's the exact same, but the highs on this album are so unbelievably high. The Suburbs and Ready to Start is the perfect 1-2 combo to kick this album off, to then be followed by the brilliant Modern Man. City with No Children and Half Light 2? Wonderful. Suburban War and Month of May? Awesome. They can rock as well. We Used to Wait and Sprawl 2? Anthemic as hell. Sure this album is Millenial and pretentious as fuck, but it's so good who cares how seriously it's taking itself. 5 Stars. Good Album Cover as well.
The good songs on this are truly excellent. Best songs being the Bones of You and One Day Like this. Grounds for Divorce, Audience with the Pope and The Fix are all great. Starlings is a good opener. Friend of Ours sounds like an attempt at the prettiest song of all time, and it's a fair shot. It's just the lesser songs on here don't do that much for me. It all sounds great though production wise, with grand and lush instrumentation, and great vocals and lyrics. Very deserving of 4 stars. Good Album cover as well.
Just feels completely devoid of any personality to me. We get it, you're all talented at your instruments, but there wasn't a thing about the playing of any of them that hooked me at all. None of the ideas in these songs feel worthy enough to warrant a 9 minute runtime for half the tracks. The only song that was half redeemable in my opinion was A Venture. The rest I would be happy never hearing again. I can already barely remember what any of them sounded like and I haven't even finished listening to it. A big thank you to them for giving me my first 1 star. Wanky Nonsense. The album cover is shit as well.
The combination of hip hop and dance was enjoyable. It's production is a little dated, sounding like exactly like it's release date, and lyrically it doesn't stray much further than how she is the best rapper, but her voice and flow is really good, and the beats are faultless, so it never bored me or felt painful to listen to at all. Favourite tracks were either The Pros or Ladies First. It really does deserve props for its influence. Weird baby voice on track 2 creeped me out. Probably deserves a 7 but I'll give it a 3. Slightly uninspired Album cover.
Feels slightly odd to suggest that this kind of reggae influenced post punk and new wave (made by white guys) is what I prefer to straight reggae (most likely made by black guys), but the variety on this album is what sets it apart from the admittedly very small amount of traditional reggae that I've listened to. A major gripe that I've had with the genre was the sameness of the songs, but this album does not have that problem at all. And Stewart Copeland is one hell of a drummer. To be honest this album would be getting a positive review just on the strength of Message in a Bottle alone, but there's still more here to enjoy. 4 stars. Pretty iconic album cover as well.
Only redeemable song here is Janie's got a gun. The rest are just horny. And not even in a fun or clever way. Just in a pathetic way. And not even in an interesting pathetic way. Just bragging about how many underaged groupies these hacks have shagged. Music for guys who roofie girls. I'm surprised Steven Tyler can even spell. You're not the rolling stones. Gross. 1 star. The album cover is the funniest joke on this album. That's how bad the lyrics are.
The New Stone Age is the best song Cure song they never wrote. I loved the bit in Sealand when they started banging on the lid of a metal trash can. And then the two songs in a row about Joan of Arc. Seriously, this thing is magical. Very strong 4.
It's fantastic, worthy of all the praise it has showered on it. Favourite tracks being probably I Feel the Earth Move, You've got a Friend and Smackwater Jack, but honestly it's great front to back. The easiest listening easy listening album of all time, potentially. 5 stars. I want that cat.
If you don't have positive feelings towards this, I doubt the existence of your soul. It's so easy to listen to. Favourite tracks were Chan Chan and Candela, or any of the ones which were piano led. I was probably not in the right environment to fully enjoy the vibe, but vibe I still did. 3 Stars. Good Album cover as well.
I like Friend of the Devil and Ripple, and Truckin was pretty fun. I'm not a hippie in a field doing LSD though. So once again, an album I can't get the authentic experience of. It was a pleasant listen, but a little lightweight. 3 stars.
I'm genuinely surprised about how much I like this, one of the best blues rock albums I've heard. Nothing sums up this album more than the switch from the soulful and dreamy vocals of I'm Glad, to whatever the hell those vocals are on the verses of Electricity, and yet it still slaps. Very happy giving this a 4. Actually like the album cover as well.
Damn, now I'm gonna have to be one of those people who defend Coldplay because their early work was good. But seriously Don't Tell, Shiver and Yellow are all great songs. Genuinely shocked about how much of this I liked, just goes to show you need to give music a fair shot, free of bias. 4 stars. Good album cover as well.
I like 2 Mariah carey songs, and neither of them are on this album. It wasn't an offensively bad album, but I found it pretty boring. 2 stars.
Bowie's most underrated album from his golden 70's run. To shift so easily from the apocalyptic Glam Rock of Diamond Dogs to the plastic soul seen here demonstrates his seismic talent. Helps that the songs are great as well. Young American's, Fascination, and Fame are the standouts, but Win and Somebody Up There Likes Me and Right are all great as well. I also recommend you listen to the song Who Can I be Now which I believe was replaced by Fame on the Album, but arguably still deserved a spot. I went into this already a fan expecting to give it a 4, but it's only a 4 amongst his other works. Against everyone else,this is a 5. Befitting Album cover as well.
Music that sounds like you're getting jumped down an alleyway. If Cobain wanted to shed some of the new fans the band had made after the success of Nevermind, he should have made the songs on this album worse. If that was the idea, the only song he succeeded on was Tourettes, which is terrible. The rest are great. In the top tier of 90's rock albums. 5 Stars.
This album is single handedly responsible for the creation of pop-punk and therefore the horrors it's at fault for inflicting upon the human race cannot be understated. The album itself is okay though. The strongest offerings were the four songs picked as singles, and I highly doubt there is anyone alive who wouldn't enjoy Basket Case. But I think some of the album tracks are a little lacking in identity. I would give it a 7 if I was able to, but instead it will be getting a 3. I like the album cover, even if it's all one big poop joke.
I liked this a lot more than I was expecting, at least half of these songs I thought were excellent, the beats were incredible, and the lyrics gross and hilarious. What's marking this down is Snoop selling his soul to the Trump regime. Not gonna be listening again to crystalise my opinion and give more money to this sell out. 4 stars. That album cover is heinous as well.
Am I the dog, and am I laughing with them, or are they laughing at me? Because I'm dangerously close to unironically liking this. The actual songs here are great, with Human Cannonball being the standout. Because it's a normal song. I doubt anyone is listening to this because Hay or U.S.S.A is their favourite ever song. Quite a big fan of the nonsense gibberish vocals on the O-men, the, what feels to me, tom waits impression on Pittsburgh to Lebanon, and the heavily processed Thai track Kuntz. I never thought I would be giving this a good review, but if I was able to, I would give this a 7. It will be getting a 3, because I thought not every track was worthwhile, but overall I'm glad I listened to this at least once in my life. Even though it makes me uncomfortable as well, I like the album cover.
This album is only 9 songs long, and 4 of them are bonafide classics, and that's not including Good Times Roll, Bye Bye Love and All Mixed Up. Seriously, inject that saxophone at the end of All Mixed Up straight into my veins. Just What I Needed is in the conversation for the best pop song of all time. This is new wave. 5 Stars.
The future is now old man meme but make it an album. Feels like you could you reach out and touch the Berlin wall. 5 stars.
Uninteresting dross
It's really good, take me out is obviously a classic, but dark of the matinee feels underrated to me as well. Honestly there's not really a song here I don't like. It just feels like there are albums that do this sort of thing better. Still a really worthy 4.
It's spectacular. Incredible lyricism and storytelling, vibrant instrumentals and the perfect combination of accessibility and experimentation. If I was to pick favourites I'd go for I want you to love me, relay and cosmonauts, but that's only after the first time of listening. Next time I would be listing probably 10 of the tracks here. At least. Thoroughly deserved 5 stars.
The standout is clearly Psycho Killer, but the rest of this album is pretty good as well. Not quite as revelatory as their next few albums, but still as good a foundation to build on as you could hope. Happy giving this a 4.
I don't think this needed to be a double album, and some of the songs themselves go on too long (looking at you Keys to the Highway), but fuck me if it isn't worth it when you get to Layla. What an absolutely monstrous song. The best guitar riff of all time? I'm happy to give this a 4. Hell, it would be a 4 if it was only Layla and a bunch of white noise.