Nov 13 2024
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You Are The Quarry
The music is pleasant to hear. The lyrics have accessibility and individually each song isn’t bad on its own, but as an album run it blurred together for me.
I used to find the cynicism entangled with romanticism charming but then I heard more than 3 songs he ever wrote and that wore off. If he wasn’t so convinced that his is the pinnacle of existential dread, then maybe he could rely on subtlety or variety more, but almost every song has at least one line about how he’s smarter or lonelier or deeper than everyone else.
Even his love song is about how his lover thinks the same as him. Even when he values another’s opinion it’s because it’s the same as his.
Morrissey could read his own diary in a double-blind experiment and still be convinced that no one has ever felt the way he does. And then he’d write 3 songs about it.
Idk how to rate it but I give it a 2.
Nov 14 2024
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High Violet
The National
Chill vibes and I saved a few songs to stay in my rotation.
Very much a band that found their sound but maybe doesn’t want to stray too far from it. There were a few times you could feel more energy creeping in and it’s almost like they noticed and intentionally went back to being blasé or nonchalant about it because that’s cooler.
This is a headphones on in a crowded room album so that when someone asks who you’re listening to you can say you probably haven’t heard of them. Cigarettes and black coffee and the newest iPhone.
Nov 15 2024
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Tracy Chapman
Tracy Chapman
Not my first listen, won’t be my last.
Obviously it starts with two certified hits but for a short album it’s really solid. Doesn’t feel preachy when she talks about revolution or reform and you really feel the experiences that have shaped her are genuine.
Tracy Chapman is the type of person others pretend to be.
Nov 18 2024
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...And Justice For All
Part 1. I’m starting this review 2 songs in. I’ve never really liked Metallica. I don’t like the dudes voice, I don’t like the tone of the guitar, and I don’t really like the guitar riffs or the drum pacing. I am very singular in my metal tastes and I’ve tried a few times but Metallica has never done it for me.
This album so far has not changed my preconceived notions. It’s a bias I can’t turn off because Metallica in particular has been a band I’ve built my musical tastes in direct contrast to. It’s fine I guess if you’re into them.
A 9 minute song that doesn’t build that hard is wild, and if the titular song only delivers that much I’m not sure the rest of the album will sway me.
Part 2.
“One” is at least different. Finally some variety and melody. Still not my style but at least they finally played something besides choppy ass power chords.
I skimmed the last few songs. They hardly stray from their core sound and it’s one I don’t care for. The whole thing reeks of body odor and Natty Light as far as I’m concerned.
Nov 19 2024
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ZZ Top
Zed Zed Top both know how to and thoroughly enjoy rocking out. You can tell that some of the music is almost effortless for them. They find their groove repeatedly throughout the album and Sharp Dressed Man never gets skipped on my playlists. Southern Blues rock is hit or miss for me generally but they do it very well.
Their style is iconic and idk who else was singing about 69ing in the 80’s but these dudes just ooze swag. The popping funk bass in Thug? They could’ve just stuck with their classic style but no, funk breakdown mid album. They can’t be stopped. I love some variety in skill and expression and they’re having fun with it the entire time. Like who tf writes a song about TV dinners but doesn’t phone it in. It’s a filler song clearly but it’s still groovy as hell.
It’s a very strong 4 or a slightly hesitant 5. No flaws but I have other albums I would still put above it.
Fun fact apparently my uncle who lives in Houston was their accountant in some capacity back in the day. I think they played his wedding lol but I could be mistaken it’s been forever since I heard the story. He’s got some connection though.
Nov 20 2024
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Millions Now Living Will Never Die
No emotion, no passion. I didn't even detect a running musical theme. The Taut and the Tame shows they kind of know what music is actually supposed to be which means the whole album was deliberately in the opposite direction. Whack af.
“Overproduced, underproduced, a bad song’s a bad song”
Nov 21 2024
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Isn't Anything
My Bloody Valentine
As an earlier emo band I can see how people would be ride or die for this band, especially in 88. It has a little bit of that industrial kind of tone that is a bit harsh but is also kind of the point.
Some of the melodies are pleasantly haunting and I feel like they both make music for others but also for themselves. I love a rhythm guitar that feels effortless, even if the riff is just hitting the same chord 16 times because even though it’s not perfect, it’s less wrong than the others, and you’re getting closer to what it is you feel.
Overall it’s solid enough that I would go around again as an album. I wasn’t blown away really but enjoyed the ride.
Nov 22 2024
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Bee Gees
Who hurt you Barry Gibbs. I googled it and I still don’t know.
Pretty mild album with a few surprising songs. I’ve saved Remembering, When Do I, and Lion In Winter for future listening.
I did seriously google each member and their potential divorces trying to figure out who made The Bee Gees so sad but in the process I found out they didn’t really get their iconic sound until about 6 years after this album so it’s not surprising to me that my favorite songs on this album are when they up the energy and lean into it more.
A bit melancholy but perfect for staring at an old painting of a boat.
Nov 25 2024
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This is exactly the type of album I was hoping would be on this list. I have listened to it before and I likely will again.
End of the World and The One I Love are just good songs. The album itself has some variety of sound and some clear devotion to a particular sound. If that makes sense. Like they know where they struck gold and mined strategically around that area. It just sounds good to me even before I dig into the creativeness of the music or lyrics or pairings therein and whatever.
A band that can let its bassist shine is in my opinion one that has more than one ace up its sleeve. Individually the songs hold up and collectively I want to re-listen just to understand the political side of the lyrics more. It perhaps would be a 5 if I had reviewed more or even less albums but currently it’s a strong 4. Very solid with no notable flaws, but I tagged 5 songs I really like. I’ve got albums with 8-10 or more and I think I need to leave room for being blown away and not just impressed.
Nov 26 2024
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Led Zeppelin IV
Led Zeppelin
I mean it’s Led Zeppelin. They don’t miss. Stairway is a masterpiece and I mean that in the truest sense of the word. It’s the magnum opus of a band so talented that off the top of my head I could list 15 songs and 5 albums that are all amazing.
Jimmy Page is a creep with underaged girls but he’s a guitar god. Robert Plant is a soulful sorcerer and JPJ and Bonham always deliver. I assumed I missed most of the well known stuff on this list but it is refreshing to no longer be debating what a 5 star album is. I’ve listened to this one 20 times at least and I’ve learned several of the songs in part or in whole on guitar over the years. I only do that with songs I love.
It almost feels weird for me to type anything to try to justify 5 stars as it seems so painstakingly obvious in my soul.
Dec 03 2024
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Can one be objective when one’s sense of self and view of the world is so heavily influenced by the subject?
I’m almost honor bound to just give a 5 just by looking at the track list. Unique sound, voice and lyrics. Not the most complex guitar or drums (Grohl admits he basically just bit a bunch of disco tracks but it’s still unique to apply them in such a way) but the bass does drive a lot of the music. Their impact is evident and there’s a reason a lot of people come across Nirvana early in their musical journeys.
I’ve listened to this album a few times and while I have some songs I don’t keep on rotation I think that particularly because of the sound and aura that is Nirvana that songs like Breed kind of should be semi-indecipherable noise at times. It’s the song that keeps playing while you grab a drink after the mosh, the one you actually start doing work to when you convince yourself that music was all you needed to get motivated. You write it off until it’s over then you kind of wish you listened more attentively. I had 5 songs I had in rotation before this listen and I’m up to 6.
It’s a frontloaded album for sure but as Archimedes said “give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it and I will move the world”.
Dec 04 2024
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New Boots And Panties
Ian Dury
What if Michael Caine had to recreate Sgt. Peppers from memory with nothing but the Muppets band?
It’s weird and I’m not sure there’s any real depth to it but it’s kind of fun. It’s kind of groovy and the highlight so far me has been Clever Trevor but even then it’s like wtf are you talking about dude is this even a real person or are you just rhyming something with a name and calling it a song. He’s got a dope flow at the beginning of the song though.
I think I’d like this whole album a lot more if it had some direction. Feels like they got close to a hit song with Wake up and Make Love to me and knew that there was something shiny in their sound but kept swinging and missing trying to find it. And I think that’s because none of it is serious or real. Pretty sure that was a fart noise in Blockheads. Some of the slurs in Blackmail man are not on the same level as the others lol.
Plaistow Patricia should've been the song they built an album around and not the outlier.
Dec 05 2024
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I Want To See The Bright Lights Tonight
Richard Thompson
I mean it’s music. I felt it started stronger than it ended and I saved the titular track and Down where the Drunkards Roll to see if they grow on me. I felt like those two had some legs.
It’s within my style, and I would generally prefer it over silence lol that’s harsh but it’s just not reaching me all that much. Even though I think they’ve put some energy and passion into it it just doesn’t resonate with me the way I would want it to. Glad I listened once, won’t be listening a second time.
Dec 06 2024
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Bringing It All Back Home
Bob Dylan
I love Bob Dylan and because his work is so prolific I tend to stick to my own playlist of like 15-20 songs and only that. It’s nice to hit some of the other songs that really help define his sound and style as well.
Torn between a 3 and 4 simply because it’s good but bc it’s Dylan it doesn’t vary a ton. Bumping to a 4 because I already had 5 songs saved from this album and it ends on Goodbye Baby Blue which is one of my favorite songs by him. Just the passion he sings about the blues fading from popularity itself is such a poignant love letter to the genre.
I’ve listened before and I’ll do it again.
Dec 09 2024
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I Never Loved a Man the Way I Love You
Aretha Franklin
Aretha Franklin is often about vibes to me. The album starts with Respect, an all time banger, but the rest is kind of just vibes to me. It could be on loop for 3 hours and I don’t think I’d be able to pick out more than 2/3 songs but I’d also be enjoying myself the whole time.
She’s an artist I refuse to be underwhelmed by. If a song didn’t hit me the right way, I’m wrong and I missed something, or I need to recalibrate my sensors or something. It’s like no listen again and humble yourself bc Aretha is a goat for a reason.
I’ve listened before, probably will again. Love the artist more than the specific song selection of this album.
Dec 10 2024
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Ágætis Byrjun
Sigur Rós
I only know Sigur Ros from the Game of Thrones soundtrack where they did a version of Rains of Castamere. Kind of cool hearing a full album.
Obviously I didn’t understand a word but it was cool background music to work to. Haunting and melodic is a great mix, and I actually fuck with music in other languages. It’s great to work to like I said and because I don’t speak Swedish my brain wants to match the speech patterns regardless so you end up having thought provoking music that is not too distracting. Saving it for a future work sesh where I don’t want silence but can’t devote too much headspace to the music.
I dig the vibes. If Aretha Franklin was a high 3 this is a low 3. Hers was a better album but I can’t say I disliked this album at all so a 2 is out for me.
Dec 11 2024
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Bauhaus is alright. There were 3 songs I saved to maybe try again in the future. I get the appeal it’s just not for me and while I respect the depth of some the lyrics (Mask in particular) it’s hard to get into this music fully when I am not actively being rejected by both sunshine and society.
And then wtf is Harry lol I didn’t think I’d be skanking at the warehouse vampire rave but here we are. Almost tempted to go to 3 because I appreciate variety and depth of skill and expression but it’s so out of place. I would’ve like them to meld their differing styles a bit. Feels like they all had caffeine and a good breakfast one day and forgot they were supposed to be gloomy but left it on the tracklist anyways.
Maybe it’s the drum machine that takes me out of it. Their music overall feels disjointed and like it’s lacking some soul or talent. Like I can’t believe they were emphatic about any of the drums. Maybe it’s meant to feel hollow and inhuman or something but to me it’s lackluster and indicative of a lack of vision or execution.
Dec 12 2024
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KE*A*H** (Psalm 69)
The author of this list is an English guy who was raised in the 80’s and fucking loved the Blade soundtrack.
I went back to Metallica after this to see if I was too harsh on them and I think I was. I still don’t care for them but now that my ire is directed at someone else I can see more merit in Metallica.
There’s this thing called Poe’s Law that more or less describes satire that is so on the nose that it cannot be discerned from an actual endorsement of the thing it is trying to critique.
Ik this metal band probably thinks they’re thrashing the shit out of Christianity by chanting praise Jesus again and again but post irony exists. I fucking hate Hitler and maybe I’d write a song about it but I wouldn’t say Heil him 10 times in a row ironically. At that point it just seems like you’re kind of on board. Even if everyone knew it was a diss track I still wouldn’t want to chant some shit I vehemently disagree with.
Jesus and a hotrod in the same song? I don’t care what the deeper message is supposed to be, it’s a whack ass aesthetic to envelop your message in.
Dec 13 2024
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Will The Circle Be Unbroken
Nitty Gritty Dirt Band
Usually you do a double album because you’re on fire and are just pumping out the jams.
This is a double album because they thought every word and jingle jangle they came up with was worth recording. Feels more like an unedited home movie than an actual studio production.
They obviously have technical chops but lack any nuance or variety in their expression. Writing 25 songs in the exact same style and cadence has diminishing returns. It wasn’t worth it for me to try for a favorite song because it’s honestly just all the same.
They could’ve snuck the same song in there 8 times with a different title and there would be no way to know. Fine background music but I like some thought and consideration out into a tracklist.
Dec 16 2024
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Willie Nelson
Halfway through I realized these are all covers. I thought some of the titles were familiar. Sunny side of the Street was on that bluegrass album as well. All of Me was particularly lovely and it’s not surprising to me that it’s a Billie Holiday song.
It’s kind of a sleepy album and I think that’s just Willie’s style. Very mellow, almost melancholy. Aside from my personal subjective taste I can’t say there’s a flaw to it, it’s just not for me. It’s pleasant, but it’s like looking at someone else’s memories. I appreciate the beauty but I’m not connected to it very deeply.
Some of the original versions of these songs go hard and I think I would’ve preferred a compilation album of the originals than Willie’s versions.
Dec 17 2024
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Ellington at Newport
Duke Ellington
Loved the last song. I generally prefer some New Orleans style jazz over the more bluesy stuff but this wasn’t bad. Hard for me to catch the real rhythm or groove of some of the songs but that’s very typical for me with this genre.
Long enough for them to get into it, short enough that I’m not going crazy waiting for a song to end. Diminnuendo in Blue is definitely my favorite here.
High 2 low 3.
Dec 18 2024
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Screaming Trees
My line between 2 and 3 has blurred so heavily. Idt I liked this album but I enjoyed parts of it. I felt like their lyrics were purposefully repetitive, which is fine for a song or two but when it’s throughout the album it loses some luster. Like it’s meant to convey a deep emotion or thought that’s resonating but if in the course of 12 songs you have that several times it kind of diminishes the power of it.
I enjoyed the music behind the lyrics more than the lyrics themselves though. Glad I listened but likely won’t return.
Dec 19 2024
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The Stranger
Billy Joel
This album was amazing. I never did a deep dive on Billy Joel before, I really only knew a handful of songs which I really liked and always wanted to check him out in depth at some point.
Dec 20 2024
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I Do Not Want What I Haven't Got
Sinead O'Connor
I’ve always loved how Sinead does not hold back. She’s not afraid of showing how heart broken she is, or how pissed off. Everything she says she says with her chest.
Her power of will with politics has always been admirable. “they laugh ‘cause they know they’re untouchable, not because what I said was wrong”
I’ve had the album on repeat I think 4 times now. I’ve listened before and I’m happy to be back. It’s beautifully haunting, and as poetic as she can be she will sometimes lift the mask off of the metaphor because it’s just such a pure emotion, and needs to be expressed directly and simply.
Eirinn Go Brach
Dec 23 2024
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Lost In The Dream
The War On Drugs
First album after an almost 2 week hiatus has found me unfocused and unserious. I can’t fairly judge this album as I barely functioned as my weekday self/in my weekday routine today. The vibes were cool, I think I’ll circle back at some point because I enjoyed it more than not, but I think it’s a combo of my brain being at 60% and this album being super chill that it blurred together for me.
It’s a nice sound, and I think if I had had coffee before the album I could’ve told you which songs or lyrics I liked, but as it is, and within the constraints of the info I retained from listening, it *feels* cool. I liked what I heard and aside from the double sided coin that is a constant and chill vibe, I have no complaints.
Jan 03 2025
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Apple Venus Volume 1
Weird but I liked it. In my head I call this type of sound “Circus-Rock”. It’s ephemeral but in a low-gravity sort of way and not a “spirit of the forest” kind of way, if that makes sense.
It’s bouncy and catchy and at first I was pleasantly surprised and thinking a 4 but if I can also describe the album as tedious then I have to take that into consideration as well.
A 3.5 would be more accurate but alas.
Jan 06 2025
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Crosby, Stills & Nash
Crosby, Stills & Nash
You’d think a supergroup would have a little more variety in their songwriting.
“Song without words” was just not good. By the end I was surprised you could mess up just going “La la la” and “du du Dudu” but one of them was sounding so dumb with their nonsense it was hard to take it seriously.
I thought I actually liked them as a group but as a band that has been on my “gotta give them a deep dive” list, I am a bit disappointed overall. At least 5 of those songs were the same thing. We get it, you can harmonize. Maybe without Neil Young they don’t hit as hard.
Jan 07 2025
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Remain In Light
Talking Heads
When it was good it was great but when it was dragging it was a chore.
I knew “Once in a lifetime” already and I really enjoy this song but overall the album did not have a ton of parts that made me want to focus in more.
High 2 but a 3 doesn’t feel correct.
Jan 08 2025
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Os Mutantes
Os Mutantes
Another weird one. I can’t say it resonated with me deeply and the language barrier did not help in that regard either.
Kind of groovy and fun but it was also a bit chaotic to listen to. Not quite enough to be a 3 for me though.
Jan 10 2025
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Aimee Mann
I was unfamiliar with Aimee Mann but this was quite a pleasant introduction. Thought provoking lyrics are sometimes a lot harder to find than you’d think but when you hear something that’s actually deep you know it.
I saved 5 songs for future listening. Really solid album and I’m happy to listen. I’m reviewing a few days past so unfortunately this is less detailed than it would have been but solid album.
Jan 13 2025
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Carole King
Loved the groovy upbeat bits. It’s got some character to it. Saved a few songs but probably won’t be itching to re-listen too much.
Jan 14 2025
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Blood Sugar Sex Magik
Red Hot Chili Peppers
So here’s the thing. This was MY band for half my life. The Chilis and Sublime all day, everyday, living, breathing them. Up until the last few weeks it’s been probably 2/3 years since I listened to a single song. I’ve always tried to live my morals and I genuinely try to not support or endorse people or companies that I think have done bad things. It’s why I vote blue and went vegan/vegetarian and it’s why I stopped listening to artists I loved like Kanye. It’s why I prayed every night and always tried to be a good person in my own way. I feel compelled to do something at all times on the moral front, even and almost especially if it’s imperceptible.
I’ve read Scar Tissue probably 5 times, and I’ve listened to every album pre 2020 probably a dozen times each. Musically they are and will forever be Zeus in my pantheon. Frusciante is the best guitarist I have ever heard, as is Flea on bass. Chad rocks. I’ve always loved Keidis’ poetry and lyrics, but I took a hiatus because I realized that hey maybe that story in his memoir about banging a 14/15 year old should be taken more seriously. So I blacklisted him and by extension the Chilis. ‘Twas a dark day indeed my friends.
Like I said, it’s been about 2/3 years and for a variety of reasons, this album project included, I’ve been deeply considering a lot about my view of the world and by extension how I should operate within it, and in the scope of this album specifically how I should go about judging Keidis for something that I believe is way over the line. With his own fucked up history with sex and inappropriate age gaps (if you don’t know he lost his virginity at age 12 by his dad’s gf in a “throw the kid a bone” type deal. There were other weird ass stories that just feel very LA in the 70’s as well) I often wonder if I’m too harsh on him having this relationship when he was about 18/19. I don’t think I am but I also have to consider the cycle of things.
At this point in my life and moral journey I’m trying to focus on the here and now because litigating the past sucks and it’s a constant uphill battle with little to no pay off or sense of justice.
It’s important to me that you guys all know this because I can’t understate how much this band has meant to me throughout my life. My best friend of 25 years couldn’t be bothered to get his shit together enough to come to my wedding, but when I listen to My Lovely Man it’s him still in my heart. Sir Psycho Sexy is the track I fucking nailed while playing Rock Band with my brother and friends. Under the Bridge is the first time I really, really tried and learned a song that was way above my skills on the guitar. Like, genuinely proud of myself. All of my teen and young adult angst and creativeness and passion can be linked at some point to this band and this album.
I guess I should wrap this up. I own it on vinyl and CD, had 13 songs already liked an on playlists, I’ve seen the doc, I’ve read Scar Tissue and am just now remembering I bought Acid for the Children and need to read it (Flea’s memoir) and would that I had had $150 in highschool without a gf to spend it on I would have a Chili asterisk tattoo with a lyric from Scar Tissue somewhere on my body. Anyways, thanks for letting me be part of this so I can just get that all off my chest at least once in my life. Told y’all it was going to be an essay.
Jan 15 2025
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Hounds Of Love
Kate Bush
Another banger of an album. I had 3 songs saved from a previous listen going in and I have 8 going out now. It gets better on a re-listen.
Running up that Hill is obviously awesome but Cloud Bursting and Jig of Life are my next faves.
It’s musically a very fun album for me. The drums and violins throughout add such an element that you don’t always get. It feels like a soundtrack that is cohesive and foreshadowing at the same time. Her voice is angelic and mysterious and other-worldly and I think you could go through the lyrics multiple times and still get something new each time.
Slow and quiet parts of songs can sometimes be a let down or drag on too long but I think here, with the massive waves of energy and crescendo of drums and strings it works really well to have some songs exist in a diminishing space for a while. I’d like to listen again and I really like a handful of the individual songs but love how they come together. Not going to overthink this one.
Jan 16 2025
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The Doors
The Doors
I’ve always fucked with the Doors but they are very much a band that oscillates between killer and filler tracks.
I’ve heard this album a handful of times and the 5 songs I had going in are the same 5 going out.
They are very much a greatest hits band and not an album by album band. No shame in that bc their bangers bang indubitably but it makes an analysis difficult. I’m leaning 4 because the tentpole tracks are so solid but then again I could do without half the album entirely.
Light my Fire rips, Break on Through, Alabama Song and Backdoor Man are all solid songs that balance out the album, and The End is just a haunting masterpiece of wait wtf did he say about his mom? Oh he inherited a Native American soul whilst driving by a car crash so he’s spiritually on another plain? Cool let him ramble then.
I would agree that this is an album that should be heard as I think it drives its own unique sound and vibe into the world, and as a member of the 27 club Jim Morrison is forever cemented in rock /music history. Giving a 4 with a caveat that this is an essential listen due to its impact and not necessarily because every track is amazing.
Jan 17 2025
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Dig Me Out
I think this album would grow on me more if I listened again and again. First pass through it had a cool punk sound. I didn’t have particular tracks that really stood out to me but overall I enjoyed it.
No complaints, not blown away. Might try it again down the road. 3
Jan 20 2025
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The Atomic Mr Basie
Count Basie & His Orchestra
Sinatra/big band/bluesy Jazz is just lost on me. I can hardly distinguish one song from another let alone an album or artist.
I fuck with New Orleans style Mardi Gras-parade jazz, or someone going absolutely nuts on a horn but all that is to say I can’t even fairly rate this because my brain just doesn’t decipher it the way I do with other musical genres.
It’s a 2 for me because it was fine I guess but it could have been amateur as hell and I wouldn’t know the difference. It’s a me problem.
Jan 21 2025
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Van Halen
My best friend in highschool and I used to have a constant debate if Van Halen or Jimi Hendrix were the better guitar player. I still think it’s Hendrix. I’ve listened to this album in the past and it’s got a few really solid tracks but a surprising amount of filler for a 33 minute album. I prefer their self titled album but this one holds up relatively well.
It’s surprising that Jump is so good despite having almost zero guitar from a band renowned for their guitar god. After Panama and Hot for Teacher there’s not left for me here.
Maybe the archetype has changed with the times but a song about someone having hot legs feels so ancient. Hot for Teacher is a classic but even the lyrics feels like the Greasers in Greese talking about Danny Zuko’s summer fling.
Jan 22 2025
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American Gothic
David Ackles
I definitely enjoyed several of these songs. 43 minutes is kind of long for this guy’s style imo. Ending on a slow 10 minute song is a bold choice.
It is overall poetic and the piano is beautiful. I got some Billy Joel vibes for sure but it dragged on at times.
I had to look up the Blues for Billy Whitecloud because that shit felt like a turn and if it was purely David Ackles making up a ballad about some Native dude I would’ve rated this lower. Turns out it’s referencing some short story by a Native American guy so I guess I’ll let that “he was okay for an Indian” line slide because I assume it’s a direct reference and not just a hot take.
I enjoyed the first 6 songs but couldn’t keep my interest up much longer. High 2, low 3
Jan 23 2025
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Fisherman's Blues
The Waterboys
Honestly I didn’t finish both discs but after only having about half an hour a day for this particular album and going into day 3 I’m calling it.
It’s a nice sound and I definitely rocked with it more than I thought I would. Nothing life changing but solid background music for 2 day mini-bursts but I need to move on. Would listen again maybe in 1 disc increments.
Jan 24 2025
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The Stooges
The Stooges
Elephant in the room is We will Fall for being a very weird vibe shift. 10 minutes of a mantra on a punk album is a wild choice.
The rest of the album is cool enough. I dig punk as a genre and while I’ve heard some Stooges and solo Iggy Pop stuff I never really gave them a fair go.
Happy for the ride and while I appreciate the cobble stones that the Stooges laid on the path I’m content not returning too frequently. Maybe on a mix tape but that one song was so out of place it fucked with the momentum of the album.
Jan 27 2025
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Neon Bible
Arcade Fire
I never really knew Arcade Fire that well. I really like their use of crescendo. It’s a seldom overdone musical technique in my opinion and I was pleasantly surprised by Intervention in particular. The album overall didn’t blow me away but it has intrigued me into listening to this band more.
Feels like a band and maybe even an album that pays off the more you listen to them/it. Probably going to return at some point.
Jan 28 2025
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The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill
Lauryn Hill
It’s widely regarded as one of the best albums of all time and I think that’s fairly apt. I’d be amazed if it wasn’t on this list.
It’s not a perfect 1000/1000 or even a 100/100 for me but 5/5 I think is fair enough. A lot of variety, a lot of passion and musical talent and just good songs. It’s got running themes and as a hip-hop album goes it both samples and has since been sampled which I think says a lot about it. Sampling Sister Nancy (Bam Bam) is one thing but getting some Frankie Vallie in there is another. Lauryn Hill makes both work.
Not surprising because she’s basically hip-hop royalty and this album is apparently good enough that she hasn’t bothered putting out another one since.
The Fugees are goated and it’s clear that Ms. Lauryn Hill pulled her own weight. She can sing, rap, produce and write. Her lyrics are poetic but accessible though I think some of the references are lost on me but I attribute that to time and my sometimes limited understanding of hip-hop and black history. Can’t mark her down for that. I’ve listened before and probably will again.
Jan 29 2025
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Done By The Forces Of Nature
Jungle Brothers
Not gonna lie I didn’t even finish this one. Ik it was ‘89 and maybe this was influential overall but I just can do another 20 minutes of predictable rhymes.
A tisket, a tasket, I wonder what’s in that basket.
Like what dude
Jan 30 2025
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The Age Of The Understatement
The Last Shadow Puppets
New band to me. I was getting heavy Arctic Monkey vibes so I looked it up to confirm and it is the frontman from AM here too. They’ve got a good sound and I feel like each layer has something to offer in most of the songs.
They are a supergroup but I only know the AM portion but looking forward to exploring them more. Torn between a 3 and 4. It’s got a lot to offer but I didn’t feel a huge hit from too many particular songs. Intrigued for sure though.
Jan 31 2025
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New Gold Dream (81/82/83/84)
Simple Minds
Quintessential 80’s vibes. Really liked a few songs including Colours Fly, New Gold and in particular Glittering Prize. Fun bass lines and groovy and hypnotic synths throughout.
Not surprised they have one of the biggest hits of the 80’s. Feels like a band that actually just jams out well together and knew they had a good sound.
80’s pop has such an upbeat and optimistic essence to it and this band nails that. I saved this album for later because it was fun to work to. High 3 low 4.
Feb 03 2025
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Morrison Hotel
The Doors
It doesn’t have the hits the other Door album had but the quality of this album is a lot more consistent. The hits were hittier there but this album is albumier here. Feels more like a completed project and not a playlist on shuffle.
I hit the Doors pretty hard in highschool so I’ve heard this album a few times but I really enjoyed it this time around. I don’t think I appreciated this as a unit back in the day as much as I do now, which is funny to me because it doesn’t even have like 1 of my top 10 Doors songs on it.
Some albums are just a market for you to pick out hits and deep cuts, but this is an album that I think really should be listened to in one sitting. 4 for me with the caveat that I might have some bias
Feb 04 2025
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One Nation Under A Groove
Cool. Much like Alec, this band understands that “The Funk” is a force of nature and that it cannot be defeated.
Feb 05 2025
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The Visitors
ABBA never disappoints. I haven’t listened to a full album in a long time bc Blair has a playlist she keeps on repeat and of course Mamma Mia is watched like 4 times a year in our house so I don’t get outside of the core tracklist a lot.
This album delivered and I’ve got another 3/4 songs to add to our ongoing playlist. There's passion, storytelling, talent, fun, and variety and it’s just sounds and feels good. I couldn’t really ask for more.
Feb 06 2025
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Brutal Youth
Elvis Costello
Maybe I’m jumping the gun starting this review 4 songs in but it’s pretty corny right?
I also cannot believe the Spotify bio on this man. “A sneering spitfire, the smartest and meanest singer/songwriter in the first wave 1970’s punk rock”. He’s singing about a clown strike with “la la la” in the background. Joe Strummer is rolling in his grave.
I guess the next bit of his bio talking about how he bounces around genres is true enough because the contrast of that opening sentence and this album couldn’t be any starker in my mind.
I only knew Costello from the “We are the world” video and idk what I expected but I’m still disappointed. He just feels pretentious. I can’t deny the songs and lyrics have some complexity to them but it’s the way he overemphasizes his singing.
I can see the talent but it’s all hidden by the way he chooses to sing and arrange the music. He’s too giddy to be singing about anything deep yet it seems he insists on trying to do that.
20% amnesia at least sounds kind of punk. I would’ve preferred an album of that style. I can’t fuck with the rest.
Feb 07 2025
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Back In Black
These guys rock. Another band that just pumps out the jams and this album goes hard. Even the songs that never made it to hit status they give their all.
Their slowest song is either “Shook me All Night Long” and it still makes you want to party and fuck all night, or “Rock and Roll ain’t noise population” which is an instant rock anthem. Not even counting Shoot to Thrill or the titular Back in Black this album is solid.
Went in with 5 songs saved and walked out with 7. Legends.
Feb 10 2025
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I Should Coco
Recognized 2 songs which is always cool when you don’t recognize the name of the band. Felt very 90’s and wasn’t surprised that they were on the Clueless soundtrack.
Good sound, good listen. Probably won’t be back but I enjoyed the ride.