Sep 29 2023
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Highway 61 Revisited
Bob Dylan
He is undoubtedly clever, well-read, and thoughtful. But to my ears he is a musical fraud. His harmonic structures are banal; 12-bar blues or Pete Seeger I-IV-V structures ad nauseam. At most only slight variations within a song between verse - chorus. No bridges to be found. Over the course of 15 verses every song becomes torturous. He occasionally developed the bones of a great melody, only to abandon it to his trademark pitch bends at the end of every phrase. It's as if he never had interest in developing the discipline required to complete and perfect a melody. To my ear he sounds almost disdainful of musicality. For example, the out of tune guitar on Queen Jane - there are so many ways to introduce dissonance (maj/min, dim, half dim chords, min 7, tri-tone, b9, etc.) And Willie Nelson demonstrated that you can bring them into folk-style music. But understanding of the use of those requires dedication, discipline and care. Far simpler just to detune a fifth of the band and call it art. Lyrically, while he is unquestionably gifted, I find he is more committed to demonstrating his mental prowess and breadth of education than in communicating ideas and emotions. And again, the length of the songs. He doesn't use that length to create narrative. He uses it to build layer upon layer of depth to a core idea. It's like a 15 layer butter cream cake. Two/three layers is plenty in the hands of a disciplined and more considerate master.
Oct 02 2023
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Music From Big Pink
The Band
Amazing reminder of how good music made by a group of people accustomed to playing live together can sound. Great songs. Top-notch musicality. And amazing engineering / production.
Oct 03 2023
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A Night At The Opera
I’ve been listening to this for 40 years and still find it riveting from start to finish. RIP Freddie.
Oct 04 2023
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Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
Elton John
So good in every way. Elton John became such a caricature as a performer in the late 70s - when I started really listening to music - that it took a while for me to come around to the fact that he is a brilliant musician and singer. The band is perfect. The story of the recording process is mind-blowing. There are moments on Side 3 when I start to wonder if it needs to be a double album; and then side 4 convinces me.
Oct 05 2023
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Morrison Hotel
The Doors
I want to love the Doors. I have wanted to love them for 40 years. Ray Manzarek and Robbie Krueger blend their sounds together beautifully and create a sound unique to that pairing. Jim Morrison is clearly capable of brilliance. And without a doubt he has one of THE great voices for rock and roll. I also applaud the effort to merge seemingly disparate influences into a sound wholly their own. But, for me, it just too often becomes silly. Hallucinogens can be great catalysts to the imagination, but art requires a lot of sober editing; tearing down and rebuilding. To my ears, it sounds like Jim Morrison NEVER edited. We're left with some really interesting craft work. Finally, while their brand of electric blues can be engaging, one listen to Howlin' Wolf or J.B. Hutto & the Hawks pretty quickly reveals that what these beach boys produce is a pale and too-often silly imitation.
Oct 06 2023
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Five Leaves Left
Nick Drake
There is something almost mystical about the ability of northern Atlantic folk singers of the sixties to distract audiences so completely with pretentious poetry that no one seemed to notice how utterly uninteresting the music was. It is no small feat to make an entire album of music devoid of energy and excitement. Is unadulterated earnestness enough to make music interesting? No. It is not.
Oct 09 2023
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Tonight's The Night
Neil Young
Neil Young has written some really gorgeous songs. I didn't find any of those here. His expressions of grief may be enough to trigger sympathy in those who believe they know and love the man through his music to love the album. But objectively, I just don't find much here other than spontaneous lyrics about his pain. And lyrics are just poetry. A music album must be good musically; If not, I'd rather the read the poetry from a book. As an aside, I find the Woodstock sound interesting, but it occupies a tragically outsized place of honor in the rock and roll zeitgeist. Ultimately, though, it's that voice. I really, really, really, really, really dislike Bob Dylan's voice. Neil's is worse. It creates an angsty-pain that spreads from my throat to my ears and into my head. Interesting song writing isn't worth the literal headache I end up with.
Oct 10 2023
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Live At The Regal
B.B. King
In the wrong hands the 12-bar blues quickly becomes tedious. And the vast majority of those who play it have the wrong hands. I've always found that B.B., while technically incredible, plays a watered-down version of John Lee Hooker, Muddy Waters, J.B. Hutto...As this album opened, the Las Vegas-review treatment was confirming my biases. But from How Blue Can You Get? forward, it builds and builds with one amazing performance after another. The band is crackin'. The sound is exceptional. B.B. got me.
Oct 11 2023
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Elvis Presley
Elvis Presley
Accusing Elvis of appropriation is like accusing Rick of permitting gambling in Casablanca. It's why people love him. The foundation of the artistic process is, literally, appropriation. Mozart appropriated Bach's baroque into Italianette style. Brilliant. Duke and Satchmo appropriated the blues scale and western theory to invent an entirely novel harmonic structure. Brilliant. Bluegrass appropriated the African banjo. Blues appropriated the Spanish guitar and then the Hawaiian slide method of playing it. Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant.
But great artists don't just copy; they blend their inspirations and make something brand new; and they do it so masterfully that it seems obvious. That's what Elvis and Sam did, and did brilliantly, during this period.
To my ears, the pure R&B covers (I Got a Woman, Tutti Fruity) are flat and, especially when compared with the originals, simply uninteresting. The magic of this period of Elvis' career is in the rock-a-billy/ country western numbers (Blue Suede Shoes, I'm Counting on You, Trying to Get to You, Blue Moon). IMHO the Sun Sessions collection of recordings is finer than this one because it is even more firmly rooted in country western music. Elvis sang these songs styled with R&B and a hint of Ray's electrified gospel and made something that no one had heard and that people all over the world are still listening to and imitating. And Elvis sang it with such confidence that it instantly sounded wholly realized and...obvious. Luminaries as far afield as the Rolling Stones and Waylon Jennings were appropriating this sound at their artistic high point. Zach Bryan is proving there's still ore in the vein left to mine. Country music isn't what it is today without this music.
By the time Elvis came back from the Army, either he or his handlers decided pop rock was the way to go. He still dabbled in country western to great results, but it was never the focus of his career. Maybe this drift is the reason he became such a caricature.
So I don't cast aspersions for his appropriation. But Q, who is American musical royalty to my mind, has said that Elvis, the man, was a racist. That's a lot harder to forgive. Sinatra, for one, motivated by his love of black music, took career risks to elevate his under-appreciated peers. That Elvis, apparently, was actively hostile to those on whose shoulders he stood is something we should all consider. It's why I can't give him five stars. But, for me, cancelling him and ignoring what he left us is pointless asceticism.
Oct 12 2023
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Rock 'N Soul
Solomon Burke
That voice is amazing. He could growl like Otis and purr like Nat. The engineering on the album is gorgeous. But for an album to be great it needs to be a collection of pieces that together reflect a single point of view. Great performers and great albums merge influences into A sound. Miles said it takes a long time to figure out what you sound like. There's some combination of Solomon, here, not yet knowing what he sounds like and Jerry Wexler not helping him find it or not trusting him enough to feature it. (It kind of reminds me of Columbia's inability to take advantage of Aretha's talent at around the same time.) This album goes from imitations of Staxx songs, to imitations of Beatles songs and ends up with an imitation of a Dean Martin song. And none of those songs really left out. None burrowed into my subconscious. So what's left are beautiful recordings of great performances, but with no coherence to the album and not much to "remember" about Solomon Burke except that he can flat-out sing.
Oct 13 2023
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Beggars Banquet
The Rolling Stones
The beginning of the high point of one of the iconic bands of the 20th century. Beggars Banquet, Let it Bleed, Sticky Fingers and Exhile on Main Street are musical nirvana.
Oct 16 2023
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Straight Outta Compton
In the early 90s I had a techno CD named The Difference Between Noise and Music. I love the question. Here, we have no human beings playing instruments. No singing. No melodies. No harmonic structure. It is, in fact, all but atonal. We have rhythm and we have poetry. Everything else that defines music is, in reality, missing. And yet it somehow grips people emotionally in the same way that music does.
This particular combination of rhythm and poetry didn't grip me when I was 18 and it doesn't now. Dre's beats are the only redeeming aspect of the album. But they're a bit one-note; like a robot army's drums of war. And the gotta give me more than threats of indiscriminate violence and gratuitous mysogeny.
"So what about the bitch who got shot? Fuck her!
You think I give a damn about a bitch? I ain't a sucker!"
Not for me.
Oct 17 2023
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Rage Against The Machine
Rage Against The Machine
I really appreciate this band. The music is complex and interesting, and the band is so tight. I just fundamentally dislike the screaming and the rapping. It reminds me of Eddie Van Halen’s line, “why do we have to have lead singers? Beethoven didn’t need one:” But I even appreciate and respect Tom Morello’s work here. I just don’t really enjoy listening to it.
Oct 18 2023
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Foo Fighters
Foo Fighters
I listened to this one on HEAVY rotation when it was released. I think it holds up beautifully. I've always wondered if anything would have changed had there been the artistic/social/political space in Nirvana for Dave to share the responsibilities and burdens of success. To my ears, in theory, the mix of that Seattle soup that was Kurt's influences with Dave's D.C. hardcore inspirations could have left a legacy to compete with the Kings of the Golden Age. "For all sad words of tongue and pen, the saddest are these, 'it might have been.'"
Oct 19 2023
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The New Tango
Astor Piazzolla
It’s like listening to the soundtrack of an Argentinian film noir without getting to watch the movie…But the soundtrack is great.
Oct 20 2023
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Interesting concept. For my ears it doesn't work. I can think of three Metallica albums that properly belong on this list. This ain't one. At first I thought it was because the mix was "upside down"; the strings are prominent over the guitars giving this musac-metallica feel. But when I suggested it, my wife said, "or it just doesn't work." I think she's right.
Oct 23 2023
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Bryter Layter
Nick Drake
I like this album SOOOOO much better than Five Leaves.
Oct 24 2023
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Highway to Hell
Such amazing riffs. Phil Rudd is a master at being exactly the drummer necessary. The vocals are lengendary. But the lyrics...Oh dear God those lyrics. Listening to AC/DC makes me appreciate David Lee Rother. His lyrics were just as dopy, but he was always in on the joke. Bon Scott never gives me the same feeling.
Oct 25 2023
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Rip It Up
Orange Juice
How did I get this old without hearing Orange Juice?? It's such a fantastic and weird mashup of Roxy Music, General Public, the Go-Betweens, horns from Specials/Madness. Every element is familiar and I've never heard anything like it.
Oct 26 2023
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Live 1966 (The Royal Albert Hall Concert)
Bob Dylan
Dislike. Dylan. Immensely.
Oct 27 2023
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Peter Gabriel
Has anyone else made a synth album that sounds so cinematic?
He was always so good at melody and mood. The songs on this album are of a piece with those on all of the PG albums right back to the Lamb Lies Down on Broadway. What he nailed here was the production. This album is so lush and full. Particularly when you compare it to other synth-craft albums from the day. Listen to Winwood's Back in the High Life. That's how most synth albums sound. Then come back to this. It has aged remarkably well; a testament to the time he spent building the amazing sounds in the first place.
Oct 30 2023
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The Stooges
The Stooges
Historically important. Incredibly powerful. Very interesting. But sonically jarring - which was the point.
Oct 31 2023
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Neon Bible
Arcade Fire
I had Funeral on heavy rotation when it came out. I was so excited when they released Neon Bible. But it never grabbed me. It felt like a classic sophomore effort - the same sound, but the songs just weren't nearly as crafted as those on the debut. I hadn't listened to it for 20 years. And my opinion holds. Intervention is a great pop song. The rest of it sounds like angsty jam sessions.
Nov 01 2023
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Only By The Night
Kings of Leon
Sounds like the only thing that mattered was sounding good in a stadium - soaring, anthemic, monotonous structures, simple harmonies, slow builds. The songs are silly confections and instantly forgettable.
Nov 02 2023
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Achtung Baby
IIt used to be you could go to someone's place for the first time and go through their music collection - CDs or Records on shelves. There were some people who had a penchant for collecting the less interesting work of interesting bands. This collection is starting to feel that way.
From Boy through Unforgettable Fire this band was producing some of the most urgent, intimate, moving, emotional music in the world. But then it appears that CEO Bono got a taste of the big time. Joshua Tree and especially this album always sounded to me like whoever was making decisions regarding the bands "direction" had decided that being the biggest selling band in the world was all that mattered. Reminds me of the Rolling Stones' albums from the 80s and 90s.
The Edge's work is amazing - in everything. But the urgency and intimacy are gone; replaced by...the Manchester Sound?? U2 chasing the Manchester sound reminds me of Coke abandoning its original formula to chase the Pepsi flavor profile. And all in service of pumping out silly radio/stadium friendly anthems. Bores me; and to tears when I think of how Sunday Bloody Sunday makes me feel.
Nov 03 2023
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I actually own this CD from when it came out. And I forgot all about it. The sonic texture is amazing and completely novel and unique when it came out. But except for her voice and his weird whispering, it's all robotics. And none of the songs ever grabbed me. The only thing I recognized on resisting was the Public Enemy cover. And I never thought that worked very well.
Nov 06 2023
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She's So Unusual
Cyndi Lauper
This is becoming the 1001 albums to avoid until you die. Cyndi Lauper? C'mon man...
Nov 07 2023
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Paul's Boutique
Beastie Boys
It's the production. The Dust Brothers did something here that will never be equalled - mostly because Judge Kevin Thomas Duffy of the Southern District of New York decided that, unlike compulsory licenses available in every other form of music cover, sampling from thence forth required permission of the original songwriter. R.I.P. an amazing form of artistic expression at the hands of a disinterested legal academic.
Nov 08 2023
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Peter Gabriel 3
Peter Gabriel
There are 1000 artists people should hear before they die. Two albums by Peter Gabriel?? So is a classic. PG 1-4 have sublime heights but a lot of filler.
Nov 09 2023
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Nov 10 2023
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Nov 13 2023
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Beautiful Freak
Meh. Sebadoh and Pavement did it better.
Nov 14 2023
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The Wildest!
Louis Prima
white jazz. uggh.
Nov 15 2023
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Adele is amazing. But I always hear her like I hear Aretha's Columbia output - the talent is undeniable but the producers just don't know how to use it.
19 is a pretty decent album. This one starts out OK. But gets so boring so fast.
Nov 16 2023
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Electric Prunes
The Electric Prunes
Super fun, if a bit amateurish
Nov 17 2023
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L'Eau Rouge
The Young Gods
It isn't unlistenable from the very beginning. But it gets there pretty quickly.
Nov 20 2023
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Toys In The Attic
So great. Pure rock and roll - no BS. Love it.
Nov 21 2023
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Red Headed Stranger
Willie Nelson
This is the first album on my desert island list. Absolute GOLD.
Nov 22 2023
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Hilarious. Though I get the sense I'm not laughing WITH them...Musically, the drummer can't quite hold the groove in double time. Though, to be fair, Art Blakey is about the only drummer I've heard who could hold a groove double time at these tempos. Good Lord.
Nov 23 2023
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New York Dolls
New York Dolls
How do you take what was in the air in 1971 and come up with this in two and half years? The creativity is mind-blowing. Someone said of the Velvet Underground - only about a thousand people bought their albums, but every one of them started a band. The impact of this band is at least as big. And on top of it all, 40 years later the album just makes me so happy. I think it's because this is such a pure demonstration of creative people being exactly who they want to be without even a moment's thought to commercialism or egotism.
Nov 27 2023
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Not my idea of a good time. It sounds contrived; like music by Record Industry Committee. I can hear the pitch to the A&R guys - it's Trent Reznor darkness delivered by Elastica but with some Manchester beats thrown in! The problem is that Elastica was great because they didn't sound contrived. Their riffs were certainly derivative. But the derivation sounds adoring rather than calculated, as here. Shirley Manson doesn't sing dark lyrics as much as she sings lyrics about darkness - making her sound like so many well-adjusted suburban teens who decided to dress Goth because they liked the look. And the rave beats reinforce the feeling that the producer was just chasing fads.
Nov 28 2023
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We Are Family
Sister Sledge
Amazing production. Really dumb songs. These songs are so dumb they could be SNL skit songs. But they'd be dumb SNL skits; like mid-90s SNL dumb. Of all the amazing disco and soul music from the 70s, the fact that this album makes this list makes me question my decision to participate in the first place. We are family may have been worthy of being a hit in '79. Now it's just a cliched wedding reception staple.
Nov 29 2023
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m b v
My Bloody Valentine
It sounds as if the band is even bored by these songs.
Nov 30 2023
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Future Days
Interesting. Great recordings.
Dec 01 2023
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A Hard Day's Night
The Beatles put out at least three and maybe four legit five-star albums. This one is fun and cute.
Dec 04 2023
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In The Court Of The Crimson King
King Crimson
Amazing musicianship. So avant guards it's entertaining; for a bit.
Dec 05 2023
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Carole King
I have tried for decades to like this album. I respect Carole King enormously. I appreciate her songwriting a great deal. Her songs performed by Donny Hathaway or Aretha Franklin are as good as it gets. But there's something timid about this record that bores me through and through. Her thin nasal voice doesn't move me. The production almost matches. The backing track performances have that bored-studio-cats flatness. And just the endless parade of earnest introspection unbroken by mirth, imagery, or storytelling becomes tedious.
Dec 06 2023
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A Short Album About Love
The Divine Comedy
An interesting sound. But why does every cute pop song about unrequited love need a 13th and 14th movement? A little precious. A little over-wrought. Tediously self-indulgent.
Dec 07 2023
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Duck Rock
Malcolm McLaren
Like Joe Strummer, McClaren does a brilliant job of blending all of the amazing music floating around London at the time. But the best parts, by far, are entirely the work of the South African musicians he neither credited nor compensated until they successfully sued him (with Paul Simon's help). So we're back to the the 21st Century moral dilemma - what do you do with really interesting art produced by Tossers?
Dec 08 2023
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Africa Brasil
Jorge Ben Jor
Discoveries like this make slogging through the scores of mediocre albums on this list worth it.
Dec 11 2023
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The Fat Of The Land
The Prodigy
Dec 12 2023
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Teen Dream
Beach House
I listened to this album while cleaning up the kitchen after a meal I didn't enjoy. This music was the least fulfilling part of my evening.
Dec 13 2023
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Don't Stand Me Down
Dexys Midnight Runners
Fascinating. Gorgeous production. Really interesting tracks. Not sure it's one I'll ever be able to listen to obsessively. But I'm going to keep trying.
Dec 14 2023
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Electric Warrior
T. Rex
I love this album. Unique sound. Great songs. And so timeless. Last night while listening I asked my daughter, who is an amateur musician like the rest of us, to guess when the album came out. "2000s? 1980s? Is it new? Not the 90s." Like Roxy Music, the NY Dolls, and Velvet Underground, it's such a unique sound that it would have worked (and wouldn't have been popular) at any time in the last 60 years.
Dec 15 2023
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The Velvet Underground
The Velvet Underground
Found this album when I was 18. It changed my life.
Dec 18 2023
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Green Onions
Booker T. & The MG's
Sounds like Otis, Carla or Sam and Dave without the vocals. Because, of course, it is! Even though its Stax without the best parts, its still pretty great. Time to watch the Blies Brothers.
Dec 19 2023
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Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers
Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
Refugee was the first video I ever saw on MTV.
Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers were the first band I ever saw live (1982).
This album, for the most part, sounds exactly like what it is - a bunch of teenagers trying to sound like their heroes. But then Breakdown. A preview of that iconic, instantly identifiable Heartbreaker's sound. And American Girl. Holy Macaroni.
Dec 20 2023
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My Generation
The Who
The sound must have been a sledgehammer to the speakers in 1965. Sixty years on, and accustomed to distortion and frenetic drumming, most of it sounds like what it was, awkward covers of American soul and blues. The titular song is amazing as is the Kids are Alright. Everything else is just filler. Paul, John, and Brian hadn't yet turned the rock and roll world onto the pursuit of making great albums.
Dec 21 2023
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Soft Machine
At its best (Slightly All the Time) this is a mediocre contribution to the jazz fusion world of Miles, Herbie Hancock, Donald Bird, Chick Core, et al. At its worst (FaceLift) it comes across as slightly organized noise.
Dec 22 2023
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Larks' Tongues In Aspic
King Crimson
It is just SO self-indulgent. Fairly accomplished musicianship. So tell me how people who understand the rewards of a disciplined development of craft allow themselves to be so dismissive of the craft of songwriting? The same is true of vocals. For some reason, beginning in the 60s, accomplished musicians believed singing involved no skillset that had to be honed and developed. Just open your mouth and push out some air to words and an approximation of melody. Somehow it's the musical equivalent of communes. Everyone just trying to be free and live their fullest lives by getting out from under the constraints of convention. I'm all for pushing boundaries. Yes did it quite well. King Crimson does not impress me.
Dec 25 2023
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Jeff Buckley
One of my favorite lines about musicianship is attributed to Miles: "It takes a long time to figure out what you sound like." I think Jeff didn't get that time. His voice is incredible. But the songwriting/production here sounds like a sonic museum of the mid-90s. So many of the songs chase the "sound" of one or another of the popular bands of the time. There are some beautiful moments. But Jeff needed 3 or 4 more albums and a lot of touring to figure out what HE sounded like.
Dec 26 2023
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A Christmas Gift For You From Phil Spector
Various Artists
To me Phil Spector's wall of sound always sounds a little shrill. So much great Christmas music. This is pretty average.
Dec 27 2023
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Roxy Music
Roxy Music
I love it. For 40 years I thought of Roxy Music as the Adult Oriented sounds of Avalon. And I loved it. About 20 years ago I listened to Country Life and thought, OK, they were a punk band that went AOR. That's typical. But hearing this album, I'm in awe of the breadth of their musical interests. It's as if they started their careers as kids who loved the Rocky Horror Picture Show soundtrack SO MUCH they thought, "that's the kind of music I want to make." And they were good enough musicians already to do it.
Dec 28 2023
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I can't listen to this. The production is beautiful. OK I've said something nice. There is this trend - across genres - that started in the late 90s - wherein certain artists sound like Music By Potheads on Anti-Depressants for Potheads on Anti-Depressants. It creates recordings that are SO boring. This recording is an archetype. And this guy's voice. His cutesy-bear sounds to me like someone too lazy or cowardly to try to learn to sing. It stimulates the same rage I used to get listening to Barney sing I Love You, You Love Me on his insufferable cartoon.
Dec 29 2023
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Let It Be
The Replacements
I think this album and Tim are the among the very purest rock and roll ever made. No pretense lyrically, musically, or sonically. Just urgent honesty.
Jan 01 2024
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Cheap Thrills
Big Brother & The Holding Company
To my ears, it's just shrill. Is she passionate? Sure. But it's no more musical, to my ears, than Screamo. I'm sure it was shocking when it came out. And that was 1/2 of the point. But looking back, they spent far too little attention on the other half.
Jan 02 2024
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Led Zeppelin II
Led Zeppelin
Greatest performing band in rock and roll history - by far. Greatest because their technical abilities were considerable, but didn't overshadow the music that they made together; because they listened to one another and played like a band made up of people who's only goal was to sound great together. You can pick apart their individual talents all you like and find individuals better at the component instruments. But show me any four people in the world of rock and roll who could create a more mind-blowing sonic experience together. That said, they were just beginning to realize their own sound with this album. It's like the cocoon is starting to split open but the butterfly is only starting to emerge. True brilliance was still two albums away.
Jan 03 2024
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Machine Head
Deep Purple
I love this album. And it's a great example of why I put up listening to stuff I don't like on this project. I've spent the last 50 years listening to Smoke on the Water. But for some reason, I had never listened to the album. Holy Macaroni. I'm so glad I have.
Jan 04 2024
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Close To You
OMG that voice. Karen and Dianna Ross were what I, as a kid, imagined that angels sounded like. I like that Richard still wasn't convinced that Karen was THAT much better at singing. (Imagine if Finneas INSISTED that Billie sing backup on two or three songs per album?) Still, the music is SO sickening sweet. You start to become convinced you can listen to it and then Help! (Who in God's name listened to Karen singing Richard's songs and thought, "you know, I'm not convinced these two can carry an album's worth of material.)
Jan 05 2024
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White Light
Gene Clark
The only interesting thing about this album is the riddle it invokes. As painful as it is to listen to Bob Dylan, do I dislike an imitator of his more for the lack of originality, or less for the efforts at actually singing? Truthfully, Gene Clark sounds, by turns, like he's imitating, on some songs, Dylan and, on others, Glenn Campbell. He touches neither's greatness.
Jan 08 2024
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The Offspring
Great example of glossy punk. This band is so good. They could pull it off perfectly live as well; even those vocals - the power and range. Really impressive. But this album gets a little one note by about half-way through.
Jan 09 2024
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Moving Pictures
I shudder to think that bands, as we knew them are dead. People who grew up together or met when they were still young and poor and each had a talent and they just threw themselves into a community of effort at becoming something. Boy did these three become something. I LOVE this album.
Jan 10 2024
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Grant Lee Buffalo
With the opening track I thought, "OK, this could be interesting." And then Jupiter and Teardrop...I have a Playlist called Inadvertent Parody. Mr. Roboto is the first track. J&T is the latest addition. The engineering on the album is fantastic; especially the guitar and drum sounds. There are some interesting ideas and soaring moments. But the "songs" seem like they were intended merely as excuses to play music and impress people. It would be forgettable. But at Soft Wolf Tread I started imagining it was a Fred Armisen project with Bill Hader doing the singing. It is SO believable and becomes SO funny, I probably will listen again with that thought in mind to cheer myself up after reading the news.
Jan 11 2024
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Licensed To Ill
Beastie Boys
It's hard to explain how mind blowing this album was when it came out. Rick Rubin deserves his rep - if for nothing else - for recognizing the possibilities from making a rap album with a punk band and using a heavy dose of Zeppelin samples. Is it an album of music worth listening to forty years on? It limps along in several spots. Super clever - to be sure - but now standing in the immense shadow of Paul's Boutique it feels flat. Then Girls - as good a novelty song as any, and Fight for Your Right which, in spite of its teenaged-meathead theme, just f@#in rocks. So I'd say, in retrospect, this is a solid debut album from a truly unique act.
Jan 12 2024
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Janis Joplin
The studio stuff here is gorgeous. I can't stand Cheap Thrills. But most of this album offers a tremendous dose of precisely what the Big Brother album lacks - musicality. I'm still not a huge fan of Janis' screeching. But here it is used as a part of her range, rather than the point of directing a microphone in her direction. The production (again on the studio tracks) is golden. I also love this particular moment of music where gospel, blues, country, and the transition of Stax-style Soul into Funk were thrown together seemingly indiscriminately. I always think of Leon Russell's bands as the best versions of this style. But the Full Tilt Boogie Band's performances on Pearl stand up to the best of those bands'. The live tracks are a let down.
Jan 15 2024
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Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness
The Smashing Pumpkins
I have always LOVED Siamese Dream. So I bought Mellon Collie the week it was released; but I've never liked it. There is WAY too much mediocrity here to truly appreciate the two or three amazing moments. And those amazing moments were played SO much on the radio in 1995, that listening to the album was just about exploring the mediocrity. It also comes across as a bit artsy (c'mon...Mellon Collie?) - too much of it sounds affected, gimmicky and/or half-baked. Corgan's clearly trying to expand his sound; which is laudable. But the less grungy the backing tracks get, the more they're ruined by their exposure of his voice - revealing his jarring and incongruously-timed transitions between whisper, vocalfry, failed attempts at real singing, and mediocre James Hetfield impressions. Ultimately, I'm frustrated by all of it. If he'd focused on making the best one-third of the songs here great (instead of making the Wall for Gen X - give me a break) he could have made a great album. Bullet With the Butterfly Wings is so great, though, that it earns the album two stars all on its own.
Jan 16 2024
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I feel like robots are trying to hypnotize me. Nice atmospherics...But do computer generated tones qualify music? Regardless, you have to be exceedingly generous to call these songs. Sophomoric tonal riffing in place of melodic structure; and lyrics that come across like High School poetry.
Jan 17 2024
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Will The Circle Be Unbroken
Nitty Gritty Dirt Band
The concept is brilliant. Take the icons from hill country (bluegrass) of the 40s and 50s and put them in a 70s era recording studio with its capacity for making pristine and lush reproductions. The inclusion of the inter-track cross talk is brilliant. And I love it every time I start it. But bluegrass is like the 12 bar blues for me. The monotony starts to physically exhaust me about four / five songs in. I end up having the same experience listening to this album as I do in Renaissance art museums. I go from super excited to exhausted after about 1/3 to 1/2 of the way through. (Are ALL of the paintings of Jesus and the saints?)
Jan 18 2024
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The Last Broadcast
Baroque was already considered old-fashioned when Bach wrote the greatest pieces of the genre. With this album, the doves did the same with the Manchester sound. It flags a bit towards the end. But still a great album.
Jan 19 2024
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Night Life
Ray Price
This album is the best example of "The Nashville Sound" I've ever heard. The recordings are SO lush and the reverb is so beautiful. There isn't anything out of place in the mix. The musicianship is perfect. But the flip side of it is here too - The heavy-handed production in pursuit of that soft, warm, perfection, tended to elicit flat performances. Ray Price's early honky tonk is exciting and super-interesting. Ray Price here sounds beautiful, but bored. But damn, it sounds good.
Jan 22 2024
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Is This It
The Strokes
I think of the Strokes as the last in a long line of bands to have "saved Rock and Roll"; the last guitar-based band to have enormous success by reimagining the sound of two guitars, a bass, drums and vocals, while keeping the raw energy of youth as the guiding principal. I dislike the megaphone effects on the vocals and I still love this album.
Jan 23 2024
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good kid, m.A.A.d city
Kendrick Lamar
I'll be the first to admit my own ignorance. But all I hear is robots and vulgarity.
Jan 24 2024
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The Cure
Every song (except Lovesong) makes me want to turn it off and listen to one of the earlier Cure albums. I love the Cure. But this album has always sounded like a collection of songs that weren't quite good enough to make the cut for Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me, so Robert tried to overcompensate by making the production cleaner and richer. It does sound beautiful. And Lovesong is gorgeous. And that's about it for me.
Jan 25 2024
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Hot Shots II
The Beta Band
Jan 26 2024
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Natty Dread
Bob Marley & The Wailers
In spite of the fact that DeadHeads love his music, the music is actually really good. But for the fact that they love him, I'd be tempted to think he was a brilliant songsmith.
Jan 29 2024
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Stevie Wonder
The high points on this album are some of the best music ever made. But the low points get so bad as to be almost unlistenable.
Jan 30 2024
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Lady Soul
Aretha Franklin
As good as 20th century music ever got.
Jan 31 2024
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Led Zeppelin
Led Zeppelin
Interesting because of what we all now know was coming; but on its own merits its a group of really exceptional musicians feeling each other out over blues standards (uncredited though they be).
Feb 05 2024
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Are You Experienced
Jimi Hendrix
Invent a guitar-playing style. Check. Immediately take the music world by storm. Check. Release a debut album with no filler. Check. Create something that remains in the Canon almost 60 years later. Check.
Try to listen like you’ve never heard these songs before. Forget all of your associations and memories and just hear the music. It is almost literally stunning.
Feb 06 2024
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Made In Japan
Deep Purple
Deep Purple makes me smile. I can’t quite figure out if this is absurdly fantastic or fantastically absurd. My wife hates it for reasons that I COMPLETELY understand. And yet, listening to it just makes me so…happy. There's joy - that definitely swings into laughter at times - that I get from the sheer audacity of it. So many bands dedicated to self-indulgent displays of technical mastery leave me feeling empty and kind of disgusted. But for whatever reason Deep Purple makes me smile.
Feb 07 2024
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Elvis Is Back
Elvis Presley
To me, the real magic of Elvis was is in the rock-a-billy/ country western songs he recorded with Sam Phillips. Elvis sang those songs like he was born to do nothing else. Styled with R&B and a hint of Ray's electrified gospel, he and Sam made something that no one had heard and that people all over the world are still listening to and imitating. And Elvis sang it with such confidence that it instantly sounded wholly realized and...obvious.
He joins the Army and upon returning they decide that he should make, basically, a doo top record ??
The engineering is BRILLIANT. It is one of the most beautiful sounding records ever. Fever is a fantastic track for auditioning hi-fi gear.
But the magic of Elvis barely appears (Dirty, Dirty Feeling and Such a Night) and even then feels constrained and watered down. The remainder of the album sounds even more constrained as if he's imitating the crooners. And while it's a decent imitation, it isn't magical the way his Sun sessions were.
Feb 08 2024
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Scott 2
Scott Walker
W T F. I have a love for the absurd. So I love it. It's like Frank Zappa lyrics set to Tom Jones songs, arranged and played by the 1968 CBS Television Orchestra.
Feb 09 2024
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Eternally Yours
The Saints
1977-78 is my favorite period of music. Mostly because of the incredible diversity of really interesting and unique artists recording at the time - funk, soul, country, L.A.'s country-rock, pop, hard rock (classic and Van Halen's new take), soft rock (yacht and the decedents of Pet Sounds), prog rock, german synth-rock, punk, jazz was still kicking, and I'm sure I've missed a bunch. There was so much amazing and interesting music coming out that some real gems are all but lost to history. Never Mind the Sex Pistols. Here's the Saints!
Feb 12 2024
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I Never Loved a Man the Way I Love You
Aretha Franklin
Thank God for Aretha Franklin. And thank God for Jerry Wexler who figured out how to use that mind-blowing talent that had overwhelmed the brain trust at Columbia, and who then convinced Aretha to give him and Atlantic a shot. You can hear them all pushing the boundaries in various directions; sometimes leaning back towards her Columbia sound and sometimes going for a straight Stax sound. They'd perfect the sound with the masterpieces of the next year. But this album is really special. Holy Macaroni.
Feb 13 2024
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OK Computer
This starts off as a Prog-Rock album. Sure, it's dressed up in a 90's Indie Rock sonic palette. But as with all Prog-Rock, the music seems built up from clever/ interesting technical or harmonic concepts into "songs"; and that leaves the overall experiences unmoving. That starts to shift at Let Down and Karma Police which actually feel like songs that were crafted and then recorded, rather than the other way around. No suprises also feels like a song. But none of them are good enough for me to want to listen to the album.
Feb 14 2024
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Dusty In Memphis
Dusty Springfield
Her voice is maple syrup. Unfortunately, for most of the album, Jerry Wexler surrounds her in cotton candy orchestration. But Son of a Preacher Man. That track is so good you could put the 45 on this list and I'd give it 5 stars. And the rest of the album is pleasant. So it's a good one to pull out and put on the platter from time to time.
Feb 15 2024
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From Elvis In Memphis
Elvis Presley
His voice is shot, and it sounds exactly like what it is - a cynical effort to make him less un-hip at the dawning of the age of Aquarius.
Booker T & the MGs made everybody sound cool. But in 2024, if I want to Stax myself, I'll opt for Otis Redding, Rufus Thomas, or Sam & Dave every time. Listen to Ray's I'm Movin' On and then come back and listen to this. limp.
But dammit, Wearing' That Loved on Look, Suspicious Minds, and Kentucky Rain are some of my favorite tracks ever.
Feb 16 2024
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The Monkees
It sounds like a version of Help! from an alternate universe in which John has no edge and he and Paul have mysteriously lost their talent for writing melodic hooks. It's well-engineered though.
Feb 19 2024
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You've Come a Long Way Baby
Fatboy Slim
The AI Emperor being familiar with Apocalypse Now, when the robot armies in their fleet of drones finally come to burn our houses and enslave our children, this is what they will be playing.
Feb 20 2024
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Who's Next
The Who
So good.
Feb 21 2024
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Proving that I'm no metal-head, my first thought was that Metallica is one of those rare bands that became better when they sold out. The engineering and production on this album are gorgeous. The guitars are as full and rich as anything since Eddie’s Brown Sound and it finally sounds like Lars is playing drums instead of slapping wet cardboard with wooden spoons. By Holier Than Thou I started thinking that, like REM, Metalica’s music is maybe more enjoyable when you can’t understand the lyrics. But that's not entirely correct either. Some of the lyrics are pretty damned good. It’s still a Metalllica album - which means it gets pretty monotonous pretty quickly. But it sounds amazing and the riffs are outta this world. The riff of Enter Sandman is worth 3 stars all on its own.
Feb 22 2024
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Hypocrisy Is The Greatest Luxury
The Disposable Heroes Of Hiphoprisy
I appreciate music for melody, harmonic progression, emotional expression, rhythm, and lyrics - pretty much in that order. This has zero melody and zero harmonic progression. In terms of emotional expression, the backing tracks are (literally) robotic and the sample collage lacks integrity. Vocally it comes across like a watered down Chuck D. And lyrically, it's like going back and reading 30 year old political Op-Eds. They may touch on themes that remain salient. But they were written very much as a comment on the moment.
Feb 23 2024
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In A Silent Way
Miles Davis
There are more than 10 Miles Davis records that contain some of the most beautiful music ever made. This is not one of them. These free-form, push-the-envelope-at-all-costs, modal jam sessions have aged about as well as Grateful Dead live tapes. The idea that someone who doesn't know Miles would leave their participation in this project believing that THIS is what his music sounds like is almost tragic.
(In no particular order: The Birth of Cool, The New Miles Davis Quintet, Cookin', Relaxin', Workin', Steamin', Round About Midnight, Some Day My Prince Will Come, Kind of Blue, Somethin' Else, Milestones, E.S.P.)
Feb 26 2024
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Deja Vu
Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
I said in a review of Neil Young's Tonight's the Night that the Woodstock sound occupies a tragically outsized place of honor in the rock and roll zeitgeist. This album may be 50% of the reason why. Which is a reminder that it's always the music that matters, not the particular genre/sound. This album is amazing start (almost) to finish. Gorgeous melodies, performances, lyrically inspired.
Feb 27 2024
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Urban Hymns
The Verve
I love this album. Consistently great songs. The sound represents its moment perfectly without sounding quaint or passe all these years later.
Feb 28 2024
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Sonic Youth
Almost every innovative band (across every genre) that has found success has followed a common career arc. One, maybe two, ultra-raw albums; one to three albums that are technically imperfect, often quirky, and filled with brilliant songs; and then one to a series of well-performed and well-produced albums that aren't nearly as interesting.
I think it's because of boredom and (ambitious) desperation. Artists that want to be unique are desperate to create great works. Starting out, nothing matters but learning to play better, writing better songs, and finding and perfecting that unique sound. And when they first hit the road they have SOOOOOO much down time; so much boredom - hour upon hour in vans and crappy hotels and backstage with nothing to do but joke around, practice, and write.
I think the convergence of this boredom and desperation are the periods of intense creativity. Because the artist(s) is/are still searching for that perfect sound, all of their influences are freely thrown into the cauldron and stirred around. No one outside of the band is depending on the next album selling and so there is freedom to explore and take risks. In fact, the five to ten fans a week who come to the shows are the type of people who LOVE the creativity and quirkiness. And those few encounters mean SO much to the artist(s) that it reinforces the desperation and drive to make something brilliant. The desperation is never happy with the results and it fills all of that time with editing, writing, editing, writing, editing.
And then they start to perfect and hone in on their "sound." They're mastering the instruments and the song-writing process from all of the practice. The writing and recording become just a bit easier.
And then success starts to come. But it doesn't make life easier - it makes it a whole lot more complex. It's no longer a band in a van; it's an organization and a brand. Suddenly there are 1,000 decisions to be made every day about the business of the organization: the touring logistics, political/social/HR shit (among the band members, the roadies, the assistants...), the record label's demands, the publicists, the image, which festivals to play in 18 months...People the artist cares deeply about start to rely on the money coming in for their livelihoods. The band, the manager, the publicist, the roadies start to collect expensive addictions, car payments, significant others, kids, mortgages, etc. And this pressure tends to fall on the one or two people who are doing the writing because it's "their band."
All of that time that used to go to songwriting and editing gets eaten up by more "urgent" matters relating to the health and sustainability of the org and the brand. But it's OK, because the artist(s) is/are more practiced at the songwriting and so it comes quicker and easier. We need three more songs? No problem, I'll do it on Tuesday.
But the product doesn't lie. All of that desperate creativity, the social "space" for risk-taking, and the time spent editing made great songs. Now the "sound" is polished and the techniques are mastered and the albums sell because they sound great and the concerts are sold out because the brand is known. But the songs don't quite sparkle anymore. And the org and the brand are doing great so no one in the inner orbit notices or cares in the rush of the high-life.
I love Sister and Daydream Nation as much as I love any albums by any band. The songs are absolutely golden and send me into a joyous delirium. This album sounds great. It reproduces a band that's clearly mastered a really unique and interesting sound. But the songs just don't sparkle and explode and stick in my head the way those on Sister and Daydream Nation do.
Feb 29 2024
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This is a really special vintage by an all but forgotten small producer. I get undertones of Television and Meat Puppets with gorgeous notes of Steven Stills, the Feelies and maybe just a pinch of Primus! This would pair really well with mid-length mindless activities like airplane travel and interior re-painting!
Mar 01 2024
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Guitar Town
Steve Earle
Monstrously important album from an historical perspective. Alt Country/Americana wouldn't exist - at least in the way we know it - without this effort. The missing string on the cover photo is a perfect reflection of what's inside. Sounds like he's not sure what he's doing or why, but he has to do it so here goes! His later stuff has aged better. But his commitment to making this music at this moment has given us so much that it's hard not to love it anyway.
Mar 04 2024
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The Black Keys
For me Magic Potion and Attack and Release are brilliant. Thickfreakness, Rubber Factory, and Chulahoma are super-interesting.
Brothers sounds great - but none of the songs grab me. It's such a perfect example of something I wrote for Sonic Youth's Dirty that I'll add...
Almost every innovative band (across every genre) that has found success has followed a common career arc. One, maybe two, ultra-raw albums; one to three albums that are technically imperfect, often quirky, and filled with brilliant songs; and then one to a series of well-performed and well-produced albums that aren't nearly as interesting. I think it's because of boredom and (ambitious) desperation. Artists that want to be unique are desperate to create great works. Starting out, nothing matters but learning to play better, writing better songs, and finding and perfecting that unique sound. And when they first hit the road they have SOOOOOO much down time; so much boredom - hour upon hour in vans and crappy hotels and backstage with nothing to do but joke around, practice, and write. I think the convergence of this boredom and desperation are the periods of intense creativity. Because the artist(s) is/are still searching for that perfect sound, all of their influences are freely thrown into the cauldron and stirred around. No one outside of the band is depending on the next album selling and so there is freedom to explore and take risks. In fact, the five to ten fans a week who come to the shows are the type of people who LOVE the creativity and quirkiness. And those few encounters mean SO much to the artist(s) that it reinforces the desperation and drive to make something brilliant. The desperation is never happy with the results and it fills all of that time with editing, writing, editing, writing, editing. And then they start to perfect and hone in on their "sound." They're mastering the instruments and the song-writing process from all of the practice. The writing and recording become just a bit easier. And then success starts to come. But it doesn't make life easier - it makes it a whole lot more complex. It's no longer a band in a van; it's an organization and a brand. Suddenly there are 1,000 decisions to be made every day about the business of the organization: the touring logistics, political/social/HR shit (among the band members, the roadies, the assistants...), the record label's demands, the publicists, the image, which festivals to play in 18 months...People the artist cares deeply about start to rely on the money coming in for their livelihoods. The band, the manager, the publicist, the roadies start to collect expensive addictions, car payments, significant others, kids, mortgages, etc. And this pressure tends to fall on the one or two people who are doing the writing because it's "their band." All of that time that used to go to songwriting and editing gets eaten up by more "urgent" matters relating to the health and sustainability of the org and the brand. But it's OK, because the artist(s) is/are more practiced at the songwriting and so it comes quicker and easier. We need three more songs? No problem, I'll do it on Tuesday. But the product doesn't lie. All of that desperate creativity, the social "space" for risk-taking, and the time spent editing made great songs. Now the "sound" is polished and the techniques are mastered and the albums sell because they sound great and the concerts are sold out because the brand is known. But the songs don't quite sparkle anymore. And the org and the brand are doing great so no one in the inner orbit notices or cares in the rush of the high-life.
Mar 05 2024
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Siouxsie And The Banshees
With a punk sensibility she made really interesting rock and roll. Solid.
Mar 06 2024
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Crime Of The Century
I love Supertramp's ability to be theatrical and to flirt with Prog-Rock overindulgence, but never lose focus on the songs. The engineering and production are amazing. The songs here aren't quite as strong as those on Breakfast in America. But the arrangements are more interesting and Siebenberg is still hitting the drums instead of tapping out percussive licks as starts to do later on. It's amazing what a huge difference a drummer's performance makes to a recording.
Mar 07 2024
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Green Day
Such a great album. While their influences are evident, they still managed to create a unique sound. But what sets it on a pedestal is the quality of the songwriting. Billy Joe rivals Joey Ramone and Mick Jones in the ability to make great pop melodies feel right at home in a legit punk sound. And it isn't just a few great songs; it's damned-near wall to wall.
Mar 08 2024
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The Cars
The Cars
Such a beautiful, unique, quirky sound. And it seems to have come out of the gate fully formed; perfected. These guys made several more great albums and about 8 years later they absolutely owned the summer of 1986. But for me this remains their best album. Two exceptional songwriters that seemed to get the best out of each other. The sequence of Best Friend's Girl ( Rick) and Just What I Needed (Ben) is the Cars in microcosm. Each belongs among the best tracks in pop/rock history.
And Greg Hawkes doesn't get nearly enough attention. At this point, synthesizers weren't keyboards with scores of pre-programmed sounds. They were just wave form generators with scores of filters. To play one, you had to be both a piano player and an electrical engineer. You had to build each sound each time you played it. Greg did that masterfully, developing beautiful sounds that blended perfectly into the mix. But he also was always complimentary. The synths here don't ever get in the way, they round out that beautiful, quirky sound.
Mar 11 2024
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...And Justice For All
Whoever compiled this list L-O-V-E-S Metallica. I'm at about 110 albums and this is the third from these guys. Really? How many amazing bands are we ignoring to listen to THREE Metallica albums??
I bought this album when it came out. I listen to it every 10 years or so. It's interesting. The athleticism is astonishing. The songs are fine-to-good. The engineering and mixing are total garbage. (Lars' bass drums sound like wet cardboard being slapped by a wooden spoon.)
If I want a dose of these guys I'm reaching for the album Metallica; same sound, better songs, engineering and mixing are superb. And if I want to remember how groundbreaking they were I'll reach for Kill 'Em All. This was an important stepping stone; the album when they really figured out what they wanted to sound like. And I'm sure die-hard fans will debate whether it's their best. But for the rest of us? Meh.
Mar 12 2024
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Bob Marley & The Wailers
The engineering and mixing are gorgeous. The musicianship is top-rate. Marley had such a talent for melody. Almost every song has at least one ear-worm and several have a couple. Truly incredible melody-maker.
But his lyrics! They sound tossed off the top of his incredibly pot-addled head. They are consistently SO poorly thought out; it sounds like he has feelings on religious/political/intimate subjects and was so celebrated at this point that he began believing he could just stand in front of a hot mic and riff and the truth would emerge. It's a mess, for the most part. The love songs on side two are somehow less cringe inducing - maybe because we expect people to sound adolescent when singing about love.
All that said, Three Little Birds and One Love are two of the greatest tracks of all time.
Mar 13 2024
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The Rising
Bruce Springsteen
no no no no no no no no no no no no no no
Bruce Springsteen's brilliance was his desperate intensity combined with story telling that was at once epic and intimate.
Born to Run; The Wild, The Innocent, and The E Street Shuffle; and Darkness on the Edge of Town are three of the most brilliant albums ever. Even Born in the U.S.A. had IT, fer chrisake.
And I'll hold Nebraska up to any folk / americana album ever made.
The Rising??@!?!!?? The engineering is perfect. That's literally all the good I can say about it.
Mar 14 2024
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Oracular Spectacular
I don't like the overall sound of most of these songs - sounds like the tracks are (purposefully) over compressed to the point of clipping. And the nasally pinched vocals aren't anything to crow about. And yet, I love this album. The songs are so so so good. Great melodic hooks behind every corner. The arrangements / instrumentations are really interesting and diverse. The album is anything but monotonous. Coming back to the sound - I'm wondering if they employed that particular effect in order to differentiate themselves from the hordes. I wish I could say with confidence that the great songs and production were enough to do that. But there are a lot of great albums that go completely unnoticed. So maybe it worked. That said, how interesting would it be to hear a "remix" without that over compression?
Mar 15 2024
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New Order
I have a strong sentimental attachment to this album and so can't be objective. I owned this cassette the year I got my driver's license. Back then cassettes were EXPENSIVE. So when you had one you listened to it; a lot. After 30 years I can sing most of these songs in my sleep. It sounds great to me after all of these years. But there's no way that this opinion is unsentimental.
It's interesting to think of the band at this moment. With the incredible chaos of the Joy Division years fading into memory and set to take over the world with their next album.
Mar 18 2024
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Sound of Silver
LCD Soundsystem
There's nothing about this that I enjoy.
Mar 19 2024
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Live At The Harlem Square Club
Sam Cooke
I love the STAX / VOLT sound. Sam Cooke is an undeniable talent. I would love to have seen him live in his prime. But this isn't a great music album. The songs (with the exception of Bring it On Home to Me) are monotonous. His improvisations, comments, and ESPECIALLY his weird farts of laughter diminish the performances, and above all - this album demonstrates how GREAT Booker T & the MGs / the STAX house band was.
Mar 20 2024
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Raw Like Sushi
Neneh Cherry
This is NOT one of the 1001 albums I needed to hear. Sounds like 30 year old teen pop.
Mar 21 2024
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Unknown Pleasures
Joy Division
This album reminds me of being 15. Not because I listened to it then, although I am that old. But because I was in a band, and each of us had been playing for a year or so and we kind of knew chords and how music fit together, but for the most part, we just wanted to make interesting noise that didn't sound like anyone else, and we were just old enough to start to understand that life is hard no matter who you are, and no matter what you do it never actually makes any sense, and - most importantly - we were starting to have those moments when the five of us who almost but didn't quite know how to make our instrument do exactly what we wanted, but we did know how to make it kind of do what we wanted and could start to listen and react to each other. There's so much beauty and excitement and even transcendence in that moment. And this album captures it like few others.
Add to that the knowledge we all now have that we're listening to this larva explore its musical world, but as soon as it becomes a pupa and is struggling to wrest itself from its youth and fly, a huge beast comes along and kills it.
Mar 22 2024
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Vincebus Eruptum
Blue Cheer
Uggh. Another white band from the late 60s playing twelve bar blues through overdriven amps. The only thing I gain from listening to this is more respect for the Stones and Zeppelin.
Mar 25 2024
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Remain In Light
Talking Heads
I've always respected the Talking Heads. Interesting, unique, creative, thoughtful. I've just never been able to get into the music. I find it unmoving and tedious.
Mar 26 2024
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Sign 'O' The Times
Legend has it that someone once asked Eric Clapton what it felt like to be the best guitar player in the world and he replied, "I don't know. Ask Prince." Prince's live act was legendary.
And here we have him trading all of that in for sequenced synths and drum machines. I get that he wanted a change of pace. But the product is little more than mildly interesting. And not infrequently it sags into self-parody. I can imagine the Ballad of Dorothy Parker or If I was Your Girlfriend being the product of a Chappelle Show skit.
I'd give 4 stars to Dirty Mind or Controversy and 5 to any of 1999, Purple Rain, or Around the World in a Day.
Mar 27 2024
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Court And Spark
Joni Mitchell
There's something about the style of her songwriting that reminds me of musical theater - both trigger an intense negative emotional reaction in me.
My emotional response is always to music. Lyrics can make a good song great, but they can't improve mediocre music at all.
Joni Mitchell, and musical theater sound as if the songs are written to fit the lyrics. The words are not only paramount, but primary. It sounds like Joni writes her po-EMS and then follows Buddy the Elf's advice - she just talks them, only louder and longer and she moves her voice up and down. The result is not melody but a lead line that meanders and drifts and sounds unfocused and even shambolic to my ears. And that's what irritates me. I feel like I'm listening to a poet tack on music as an after thought.
And then there's her voice. Now if she wrote great music, I wouldn't care. But since I don't like the songs, I try to find something to listen to and then I'm annoyed by her faerie little voice all tarted up with inelegant displays of vibrato. Vibrato is an affectation that I generally find weird and off-putting. I say generally because in the hands of a Master vocalist - I'm talking Sarah Vaughan or Dinah Washington level mastery - it can add an interesting dimension. But Joni's abuse of it makes her sound like an 8 year old trying to sound old; which makes me cringe even harder.
Mar 28 2024
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Robert Wyatt
It's certainly interesting. It came close to engaging a couple of times. But ultimately, it feels self-indulgent; a public display of weirdness in an effort to prove individuality.
Apr 01 2024
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American Idiot
Green Day
There are easily 1,000 musical acts worth hearing before one dies. So I would prefer that this list stuck to one album per band. If there are two by Green Day, then there needs to be at least a dozen from Miles Davis, 7 from Frank Sinatra, 5 each from the Beatles, Zeppelin and the Stones. Pretty soon you run out of slots for great never-heard-of-em's like Teenage Fanclub, Slint, Love as Laughter, etc.
That said, like Dookie, this album is an amazing collection of songs. I couldn't give them an honest listen when they were on top of the world. Listening back though, Holy Macaroni.
Apr 02 2024
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Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
The best. Literally expanded the very idea not only of what a music album could be, but of what pop-music could be. It inspired people to believe that their sound was limited only by the scope of their imagination. The richness and variation of western music from the 70s through today is a testament to that inspiration.
Apr 03 2024
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Hearts And Bones
Paul Simon
It's as though someone bet him he couldn't make a truly bad album and he made an effort to prove them wrong (a hypothetical that's consistent with his quirky sense of humor) by turning to yacht rock and pop synths.
The man is responsible for at least two and legit 5-star albums (Bridge Over Troubled Water and Graceland) and four more that are in the running (Bookends, Parsley Sage Rosemary & Thyme, There Goes Rhymin' Simon', and Still Crazy After All These Years). This ain't one of 'em.
Some albums are lost gems, some get lost for a reason...
Apr 05 2024
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Dear Science
TV On The Radio
I respect these guys and what they're doing. I generally love sonic-collage type sounds. But where, say, Yankee Hotel Foxtrot's collage produces a resonant, lush sound, these guys' sound is flat and tinny to my ears; to the point where it quickly becomes grating. Moreover, I don't find enough coherence between the melodic ideas within each track. I bought this album when it was released - back when people did that - and I listened to it several times back then. Coming back to it, I had no memory of any of the individual tracks. Ultimately, while I respect the effort, I just don't find the music engaging.
Apr 08 2024
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These are brilliant backing tracks. Had he collaborated with songwriters and performers he may have actually made something more than (admittedly gorgeous) sonic confections.
Apr 09 2024
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Violent Femmes
Violent Femmes
Quirky. Original when it came out. Unique forty years later. Great songs. A bit one-note. But always worth a listen.
Apr 10 2024
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The Soft Bulletin
The Flaming Lips
There is so much to love here. The songs - the melodies and harmonic structures - are gorgeous and most of the production - instrumentation and arrangements- are unique, interesting, and sonically beautiful.
But I'm left thinking that whoever's in charge doesn't believe that the music is enough. So they introduce all of these wink-wink clever elements that veer into novelty-act territory: the aren't-I-a-nerdy-wit lyrics, the Neil Youngish vocal fry, the intermittently over-compressed drums.
So I appreciate what they're doing. I come really close to being moved at times; but each time I come close, they do something affected and unnecessary to ruin the mood.
Apr 11 2024
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Figure 8
Elliott Smith
Love it. So interesting and dark and beautiful and honest. Also check out XO. I think the songwriting on that album is even stronger than this amazing collection.
Apr 12 2024
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One World
John Martyn
I keep trying. It's interesting. It falls into good from time to time. His voice is a trial though.
Apr 15 2024
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Born In The U.S.A.
Bruce Springsteen
I tried to be cynical listening to this album for the first time in 28 or so years. Since the time when these songs seemed to have an exclusive lease on radio and MTV, I've always turned to Born to Run, Nebraska, Darkness on the Edge of Town, or the Wild, the Innocent, and the E Street Shuffle for my Bruce Springsteen fix. So it had been a while. And I was ready to conclude that this was Bruce's jump the shark moment.
Listening afresh I'm stunned by what an amazing collection of songs this is; pretty much without exception. The themes of alienation and redemption through community are beautifully wrought. There're ear worms everywhere. There's the joyful overwhelming spirit of the E Street Band. Sure, I prefer the sound of B-3s and horns to mid-80s synths. But that's a few nits in an otherwise gorgeous tapestry.
Apr 16 2024
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This Is Fats Domino
Fats Domino
I appreciate the historic importance. And it's fun for a minute. But, as with almost all jump blues (all 12 bar blues to be honest), it gets really tedious after about three or four songs.
Apr 17 2024
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16 Lovers Lane
The Go-Betweens
Once again, this list grabs a mediocre album by a once-interesting band. The Go-Betweens' Before Hollywood is fantastic. This album - I wish I could say it's forgettable. Unfortunately, its BAD. Bad as in, I'm rethinking my appreciation for Before Hollywood bad.
150 albums in and I've listened to mediocre albums by Metallica, U2, Bruce Springsteen, the Cure, the Black Keys, Smashing Pumpkins, Sonic Youth, Paul Simon, Prince, Miles Davis, and now the Go-Betweens. Given the GREAT music that those acts are responsible for, It's remarkable.
Apr 18 2024
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Let It Bleed
The Rolling Stones
You could track Gimme Shelter ten straight times and I'd give it five stars. That song still blows my mind after, who knows, 1,000 listens? Amazing. With Beggar's Banquet and, my favorite, Exhile on Mainstreet, this album makes up the Holy Trinity. It just doesn't get better.
Apr 19 2024
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I’m a Lonesome Fugitive
Merle Haggard
Another good example of "the Nashville Sound"; the engineering is so rich and clean - I'm not sure any recordings sound better - and the musicianship is absolutely top-notch. The problem is always that Chet's insistence on consistency and perfection produced a whole lot of almost fungible tracks. None of these songs grab me like Merle's Swingin' Doors or the Bottle Let Me Down.
Apr 22 2024
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Fear Of Music
Talking Heads
As good as any other Talking Heads album. I appreciate the honesty and the creativity. I'm just never moved by the music. That said, I've dropped Heaven into a playlist.
Apr 23 2024
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The ArchAndroid
Janelle Monáe
The backing tracks are great. She has a gorgeous voice when singing softly. Not sure she/the producers are doing her any favors trying to make her a power singer. She ends up sounding reedy. The lyrics are cringe-inducing; both when she's going universal-political and when she keeps it personal. That said, it's pretty easy to ignore cringe-inducing personal lyrics because pop music is somehow geared for personal statements. When an artist goes for the political, they better work really hard to nail the lyrics. Abbie Lincoln, Marvin Gaye and Chuck D. managed it. Janelle hasn't. The backing tracks are great though. I wish I could listen to the album without the vocal buses.
Apr 24 2024
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A Grand Don't Come For Free
The Streets
It's interesting. I'm not into audio books. And that's what this feels like: short stories, read by the author, set to robot music. I really dislike robot music. So it's not for me. But it is interesting.
Apr 25 2024
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The World is a Ghetto
I've owned this record for years. I love War's sound. But I think it really finds its special purpose on Cisco Kid, when they come up with amazing songs to wrap it around. On this album, they sound like a bunch of stoners who've found a great sound, want to say something, but find it much easier to just jam out.
Apr 26 2024
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Virgin Suicides
Moon Safari is a brilliant album of fully realized songs. Compared to that, this sounds like what it is - one song followed by a series of musical ideas composed and arranged for the express purpose of complimenting scenes in a movie. Why in the world someone would choose to listen to this instead of one of Air’s collections of actual songs is mind-boggling. And it's going on the sublist.
GROUPS THAT PRODUCED GREAT ALBUMS BUT ARE REPRESENTED ON THIS LIST BY A MEDIOCRE ALBUM: Air, Go-Betweens, Metallica, U2, Bruce Springsteen, the Cure, the Black Keys, Smashing Pumpkins, Sonic Youth, Paul Simon, Prince, Miles Davis,
Apr 30 2024
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David Bowie
Bowie’s best song may well be on his worst album. The title track is extraordinary; just brilliant. After that, the quality drops off a cliff. The word “indulgent” comes to mind. The first half (save Heroes) sounds like improvisation in the style of the Rocky Horror Picture Show. Eno’s solo stuff is far more focused and rewarding listening than their collaborations here. And the Secret Life of Arabia falls into “unintentional parody” territory.
May 01 2024
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I really like this album. Which is surprising because I don't generally like electronic beats (robot music) or Eastern Mediterranean music. I listened to this album a lot when it came out; haven't listened to it for a decade; didn't expect to enjoy it when it popped on the list; but I was wrong. It's unique and the musical ideas are super-engaging.
May 02 2024
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Qui sème le vent récolte le tempo
MC Solaar
I did not need to hear this before I die. Perhaps there's something in the lyrics. It sounds like a mediocre imitation of a Tribe Called Quest.
May 03 2024
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Gunfighter Ballads And Trail Songs
Marty Robbins
Super cheesy. Gorgeous recordings. What a voice. This is one of those, "yeah, but it just makes me smile" albums.
May 07 2024
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Raising Hell
Brilliant. Probably my favorite hip hop album of all time.
May 08 2024
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Can't Buy A Thrill
Steely Dan
Do It Again is fantastic. Dirty Work, and Reelin’ in the Years are solid. The rest bores me. Steely Dan is like someone in your friend group who never causes any drama but never really opens up and is the last person you'd call to hang out with.
May 09 2024
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Mildly interesting; but its not for me.
May 10 2024
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If You Can Believe Your Eyes & Ears
The Mamas & The Papas
The harmonies are absolutely incredible (take THAT auto-tune). The songs are great. But the guy’s daughter says he had sex with her while she was unconscious (19 yrs old) and they had a sexual relationship for years after. It’s pretty hard to listen without prejudice with that information.
May 13 2024
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Modern Sounds in Country and Western Music
Ray Charles
Ray Charles is royalty. I'd give anything from him five stars. But this album deserves them all (despite the occasional use of cheesy strings and mid-century white chorus).
As an aside; Willie Nelson credits this album with making Country a commercially viable genre. With all of the ridiculous conversation over whether Beyonce's Cowboy Carter is Country, I never heard or read anyone cite to this album. To me it proved that that whole conversation was never about music.
May 14 2024
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At Fillmore East
The Allman Brothers Band
The greatest jam band ever is still a jam band. The musicianship is absolutely incredible. But how people find such self-indulgence entertaining is beyond me. And is there anything more tedious and less moving than post-WWII 12-bar blues? Midnight Rider is the only song on here I care to listen to and this may very well be the worst performance of Midnight Rider ever to appear on a major label release. One star for each drummer, and you can keep the rest.
May 16 2024
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Chemtrails Over The Country Club
Lana Del Rey
A mediocre pop album filled with adolescent sensibilities. The engineering is top-rate. If I were a 13 year old girl I might like it. But I doubt it.
May 17 2024
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Einstürzende Neubauten
I'd rather listen to Bob Dylan.
May 20 2024
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Purple Rain
Amazing collection of songs. The production doesn't hold up particularly well. Hard to believe people actually liked the sound of all of that solid state equipment.
May 21 2024
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Surrealistic Pillow
Jefferson Airplane
I have a form of PTSD from We Built This City that causes me to want to dislike everything from the Jefferson franchise. So I went into this expecting some dumb hippy music. In spite of my prejudice, I actually think it’s really good.
May 22 2024
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Golden Hour
Kacey Musgraves
Country pop by the numbers. Can’t think of a single thing you could do to make this music less interesting.
May 24 2024
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Brilliant; and the sound escaped the orbit of its age. It still sounds as unique and beautiful as it did when it was released.
May 27 2024
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The Rolling Stones
May 28 2024
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The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars
David Bowie
May 29 2024
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The Age Of The Understatement
The Last Shadow Puppets
It's like Ennio Moriconi produced an album with Jake Bugg singing in front of Tom Jones' band. Wild man; wild. Maybe a bit theatrical. But wild.
Jun 28 2024
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If I'm going to take a trip down this memory lane, I'm reaching for Teenage Fanclub, Stone Roses, or even Luna before this. Ride sound like they were an amazing live band; especially in a field on a hot August night with glow sticks and ecstasy. But like so many great live bands, their songs don't quite translate to recording.
Jul 02 2024
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On The Beach
Neil Young
By far the most enjoyable Neil Young album I've ever heard. Great songs. I just wish to God he'd let someone else sing them.
Jul 03 2024
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Haunted Dancehall
The Sabres Of Paradise
The sounds aren't even interesting; and that's literally all it is - a collection of sounds.
Jul 04 2024
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Henry's Dream
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
The musical ideas are trite. The production is flat. His poem/stories seem like they're meant to be edgy but come across banal and pretentious. His bellowing is difficult to listen to for an entire song, let alone an entire album. It's a poor imitation of Tom Wait’s late-80s sound with none of the talents for songwriting and track production.
Jul 05 2024
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The Psychedelic Sounds of the 13th Floor Elevators
The 13th Floor Elevators
I love Roky Erickson's music. But there's a limit to the number of these songs I can listen to in a single sitting. There's a tribute album called Where the Pyramid Meets the Eye that has some interesting takes on a lot of these.
Jul 08 2024
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Odessey And Oracle
The Zombies
It's impressive that the Zombies seem to have understood what John, Paul, and Brian (Wilson) were doing in (4-track!!) studios, thoroughly enough to reproduce the tricks to comparable magical results. But what makes this - or any album - great is the songwriting. This is such a stellar collection of songs that it belongs in any conversation of the best of Psychedelica: Rubber Soul/ Pet Sounds/ Sgt Peppers/ Good Vibrations. Hundreds, if not thousands, of acts all over the world captured that sound that tickles the ears. But so very few are built on songs that move the soul.
Jul 09 2024
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Jack White
So much talent. Brilliant producer, guitarist and keyboardist. But something critical is missing; it sounds like product instead of art. I think back to the White Stripes' Elephant (which I think is brilliant). Same voice, same musical inclinations and it FELT genuine. This, by contrast sounds like one clever idea after another just laid out as they arise, with no overarching vision, nothing to say, no effort at coherence. I wish he would collaborate more. Because all of that talent could use some critical feedback.
Jul 10 2024
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That's The Way Of The World
Earth, Wind & Fire
Two amazing tracks followed by an album's worth of experimentation from a group of talented musicians with suspect capacities for self-control and an obvious love of, to use the parlance of their day, mary jane. Not only does the lunacy that ensues make me smile, I actually found myself laughing out loud more than once.
Jul 11 2024
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Ocean Rain
Echo And The Bunnymen
I love this sound but have always preferred Songs to Learn and Sing as an album. Silver and the Killing Moon are brilliant. Seven Seas is solid. The rest sounds engineered.
Jul 12 2024
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Diamond Life
Strangely, I can listen to 70s soft rock but have always hated the stuff from the 80s. Maybe because I hit puberty in 1982 and started listening to the Clash and the Stones. In any event, I still can't listen to this. It's like hotel art - so carefully crafted to be inoffensive that it drives me mad. Top-notch production tho.
Jul 15 2024
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American IV: The Man Comes Around
Johnny Cash
Brilliant concept; brilliant song selection; brilliant arrangements; brilliant performances; brilliant production.
Jul 16 2024
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The Marshall Mathers LP
I'm not a fan of hip hop. Melody and harmonic progression are my favorite parts of music and I find mechanical performances unmoving. But brilliant works of art transcend genre and are recognizable to even the uninitiated and the ignorant.
Jul 17 2024
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D.O.A. the Third and Final Report of Throbbing Gristle
Throbbing Gristle
Great exploration of the line between noise and music. Not sure I need a whole album's worth. But I'm really glad this is out there.
Jul 18 2024
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The Score
I thought it was boring in the 90s. If anything, it's gotten less interesting with age.
Jul 19 2024
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The Village Green Preservation Society
The Kinks
I've always wanted to love the Kinks. I've always liked them instead. The music is so interesting; but maybe that's the problem. It's too clever by half and I'm always made to feel like its really important to Ray that we all know that he knows how clever he is. The Zombies are similarly studio/musically clever, but their music sweeps me up emotionally. The Kinks' music is always, just, interesting.
Jul 22 2024
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Tea for the Tillerman
Cat Stevens
A perfect soundtrack for Waldorf PTA knitting circles...
Jul 23 2024
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Jagged Little Pill
Alanis Morissette
90s-pop-by-the-numbers production; some of the most irritating vocal affectations ever recorded; and SO MUCH lyrical detritus: to paraphrase, its the sound of pretensions falling all around
Jul 24 2024
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Channel Orange
Frank Ocean
With autotune, the robot take over of "music" is complete. It produces in me the same emotional response as linoleum.
Jul 25 2024
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Honky Tonk Masquerade
Joe Ely
I'm a huge fan of classic country. There's nothing memorable about this album.
Jul 26 2024
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Rock Bottom
Robert Wyatt
It’s not often that I say myself, I’d rather not go on living than have to do it listening to this. In that context, I think it’s a testament to my fortitude that I got 1:30 into the second track.
Jul 29 2024
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Queen II
These guys were so amazing, right out of the box. This album suffers from the same conundrum as Help! It's amazing but is almost impossible to fairly judge because, from here, it stands in the shadows of the legends that follow.
Jul 30 2024
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Axis: Bold As Love
Jimi Hendrix
One of those albums that’s literally stunning every time you hear it. The man was a gift from the gods that keeps on giving. Unique for many reasons; among them - the first track is the only dud.
Jul 31 2024
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Tuesday Night Music Club
Sheryl Crow
I was going to give it 2 stars, mostly on the middling strength of All I Wanna Do. But then I read about how many people she's offended.
Aug 02 2024
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Want One
Rufus Wainwright
Sonically gorgeous. He is absolutely brilliant musically. But as a collection of songs, it's pretty self-indulgent. It also tends to feel a bit unedited lyrically and melodically, as though he's so eager to get to the studio to arrange and produce that he rushes the song-writing.
Aug 05 2024
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The Low End Theory
A Tribe Called Quest
Loved it from the day it was released.
Aug 07 2024
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The Lexicon Of Love
A great sampling of one of the most unheralded staples of 80s pop - the frenetic bass line. Other than that; meh. The Look of Love is a solid addition to any 80s playlist. But the vocal affectations and synth sounds haven't aged particularly well.
Aug 08 2024
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Sonic Youth
Sister and Daydream Nation make up the stage of Sonic Youth's greatness. EVOL was the staircase leading up; Goo was the staircase leading back down. . . And it's still 5-star great.
Aug 09 2024
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Locust Abortion Technician
Butthole Surfers
I appreciate people who explore the line between noose and music. This album does that, but in an apparent attempt to irritate the listener; with significant success. On the rare occasions that they veer into something resembling song (e.g. Human Cannonball) it’s pretty sweet. But not enough to justify a second listen.
Aug 12 2024
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Pretzel Logic
Steely Dan
I love Steely Dan's sound. But there's something so smug, unmoving, and off putting about their songwriting that I can barely get through three songs at a time. Applies to every SD album I've ever heard; including this one.
Aug 13 2024
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Jethro Tull
I have the same reaction to this as to Deep Purple. There is NO WAY I should love this goofy, utterly-ridiculous music as much as I do. But do any of us really CHOOSE who we love?
Aug 14 2024
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The Black Saint And The Sinner Lady
Charles Mingus
Like Coltrane, Mingus was an absolute genius who went from playing beautiful and engaging music early to pushing the frontiers of jazz so far as to create music that is almost unlistenable to most of us mortals. Ah-Um, from 5 years earlier, is my favorite point on that progression. This album has hints of greatness but veers off the road too damn much to be enjoyable.
Aug 15 2024
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Emergency On Planet Earth
Super fun. Well made. But not particularly memorable. If I want this groove, I'm going to reach for Isaac, Curtis, or Stevie.
Aug 16 2024
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Basket of Light
I loathe this thin, reedy, vibratoed, technically accomplished but soulless and powerless woman's vocal style so much I can't listen long enough to form an opinion.
Aug 19 2024
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The Man Machine
A goofy concept executed perfectly; like anything Deep Purple or the first Earth Wind & Fire album.
Aug 20 2024
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This was my obsession from 15 to 21. No way I can be objective.
Aug 21 2024
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Enter The Wu-Tang (36 Chambers)
Wu-Tang Clan
Not for me.
Aug 22 2024
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Bitte Orca
Dirty Projectors
I feel like I'm listening to someone demonstrate what ProTools 2009 could do. Just way too much engineering.
Aug 23 2024
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Astral Weeks
Van Morrison
VM is tolerable performing actual songs; like The Way Young Lovers Do or Madame George. But so much of this album comes across as free-form modal jamming from a bunch of stoned hippies led by a bleating billy goat. Whenever I'm in the mood for mandolins I reach for Rod Stewart, and then for Moondance; never this album.
Aug 26 2024
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The xx
Nice little album but unmemorable. I actually bought this when it came out and forgot all about it. Even seeing it on my list - no memory until the first song; which is adorable.
Aug 27 2024
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Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not
Arctic Monkeys
Polished punk pop sound. But utterly forgettable music. They're like the Libertines without the magic. Cocaine may make for great musicians; but heroine is so much better for making music.
Aug 28 2024
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There's No Place Like America Today
Curtis Mayfield
This is among my favorite sounds from the 20th century. Brilliantly recorded. Top-notch musicianship. But the lack of melody and uninspired lyrics consign it to being just great background music
Aug 29 2024
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Devil Without A Cause
Kid Rock
I had a fine time in middle school. But it is about the LAST period of my life I'm nostalgic for. I honestly thought to myself at the beginning of the title track that I was listening to a scared eighth-grader's ranting when the little kid started screaming and confirmed it. The production warrants a 3. I appreciate extending the lane that Rick Rubin carved out on Licensed to Ill But the vocals...I feel dumber for having listened to this.
Aug 30 2024
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Aha Shake Heartbreak
Kings of Leon
Love it. I only knew them from their boring arena-pop. Turns out they once wanted to do more than just sell tickets to sheep.
Sep 02 2024
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Sep 04 2024
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Born To Be With You
It got me wondering, can "the Woman" really be your "baby" if she does not (yet, perhaps) love you? Beyond that, there's not much here for me except for the reverb. Never been a fan of Phil Spector's sound. Dion was right when he said the production makes the album sound like funeral music. But the songs aren't much either. Though I do like Mott the Hoople's version of Your Own Backyard.
Sep 05 2024
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Grizzly Bear
Interesting; but easily forgettable. I try to let go and get sucked into the trance that the tracks promise. But the annoying vocals, bouncing through a series of unconnected melodic fragments, push me into an almost constant desire to listen to something else.
Sep 06 2024
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The Beau Brummels
It’s interesting, for 60s folk. But I dislike Dylan’s voice so much that I’m triggered by those who ape his irritating affectations.
Sep 09 2024
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Come Away With Me
Norah Jones
If a doctor ever decides that I need to be induced into a coma, I hope they accomplish it by playing this album for me on loop. It sounds GORGEOUS; from her voice, the instrumentation, the engineering, the mixing - lush, warm and clear in a way that few recordings accomplish. But the performances thus captured are just SO boring.
Sep 10 2024
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Nilsson Schmilsson
Harry Nilsson
I've owned this record for decades. I pull it out every 2-3 years thinking maybe I'll finaly realize why people seem to like it. Still just sounds like a soulless pop cover band. On the plus side, it is really well recorded.
Sep 11 2024
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The Coral
The Coral
What was commonplace forty-fifty years ago has become the rarest of musical acts; a band - as opposed to an individual and a computer holed up in a bedroom - with the ability to write melodic hooks actually exploring the sonic boundaries of 20th century rock/pop.
Sep 12 2024
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Michael Jackson
I generally dislike pop music. But I've loved Thriller my whole life. I didn't like this album when it came out. I didn't really care so I never gave it much thought. Listening now, I think it's because Q turned the rhythm section over to synths and sequencers and that creates a flat, lifeless sound. Billie Jean has the simplest/straitest drum part maybe ever recorded. But that drum performance is AMAZING and it infuses an urgency into the entire track. Compare the feeling of that to anything here. Y A W N
Sep 13 2024
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Oedipus Schmoedipus
Barry Adamson
Masterful usage of early 90s sampler/sequencer tech. But like most masters of that moment, without a gripping lead, you end up with a series of interesting but lifeless tracks. What's more, I find no coherence to the album. It's like a collection of background tracks from different films.
Sep 18 2024
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Fela Kuti
Amazing sounds. For me though, even the best instrumental music never holds my attention. It can only become great background music; which this certainly is.
Sep 19 2024
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Jack Takes the Floor
Ramblin' Jack Elliott
Mildly interesting from an historical perspective; to learn that someone was making this music in S.F. in 1958. Musically, I can't find any reason why I needed to hear this album before I die.
Sep 20 2024
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Mariah Carey
When someone claiming to collect the greatest artwork of the 20th century throws in the equivalent of a digital print taken from the wall of a Courtyard by Marriott you know you're being trolled.
Sep 23 2024
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Pearl Jam
Just a great collection of songs.
Sep 24 2024
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The pop-music-as-sugary-confection metaphor is perfected with these songs. As appealing as they are on the surface, by the end of three I need something substantive or I begin to feel queasy. And the lyrics are among the worst ever published. But as much as I'd like to detest it outright, there's no denying the other-worldly power of those hooks.
Sep 25 2024
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The B-52's
I'm so glad this music exists. I don't think any group of people with the musical understanding and ability of a band of 13 year olds and fortunate enough to know a very competent drummer with nothing better to do could make music any more interesting than this. It never rises beyond novelty-act status. But it never feels like anyone wanted it to. I started high school in '83. Rock Lobster was a staple of our dances and we always went NUTS for it. I can only imagine what the house parties in Athens must have been like four years earlier.
Sep 26 2024
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In The Wee Small Hours
Frank Sinatra
Frank is amazing on everything recorded in the 50s and much of what he recorded through the 60s. But of all of the albums with Nelson Riddle, this one is my least favorite. Riddle is so good at arranging big band horns and their swing collaborations both before and after this one continue to be some of the most mind-blowing music ever recorded. But Riddle's string arrangements sound trite to me; like mediocre film scores from the era. And these arrangements cause Frank to deliver over-theatrical, almost melodramatic performances. The jazz is all but gone; replaced by Welk-like pop that bores me.
Sep 27 2024
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Face to Face
The Kinks
"He's not paid to think, just play." This album leaves me to conclude that the 22 year old Ray Davies didn't seem to appreciate that music is more about feeling than thinking. And the only thing that he seemed to feel at this point was cynicism and bitterness. He's undoubtedly clever lyrically. But there are only three SONGS here that I care to listen to: Little Miss Queen of Darkness, Sunny Afternoon, and I'll Remember. And the fact that they're buried at the back of Side B suggests he wasn't nearly as interested in exploring his gift for song writing as he was of proving how clever he was.
Sep 30 2024
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Back At The Chicken Shack
Jimmy Smith
Beautifully recorded. The 12 bar blue numbers are well done. But like all 12 bar blue instrumentals - grow quickly monotonous. The ii-V-I numbers are more interesting. No one did a jazz quartet/quintet with a tenor and a B-3 better. Still not sure it totally works. The B-3 is such a great mood enhancer - like a peddle steel in country music. But as a lead? Hmmmm. And other than Turrentine, the players are competent but not stellar jazz improvisers. Great background music.
Oct 14 2024
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Extraordinary. The obvious - the musicianship, the synchronicity between mates, and the immensely creative song structures. But what makes this album great is what makes any album of songs great - emotional impact; and emotional impact comes from the use of harmonic structure and, most importantly, strength of melody. What's so amazing about this album is that there are often three and sometimes four counterpoint melodic ideas going on simultaneously and most of them are really strong. There are more strong melodic ideas in many of these individual songs than there are in most modern albums. And the complex harmonic progressions SERVE the emotional impact of the songs, rather than just show off an understanding of harmony and a capacity for complex ideas. Yes, these guys are all exceptionally learned, technically proficient and clever. But the album is great because the musicality is primary; and the cleverness and complexity are always employed in service of its pursuit.
Oct 15 2024
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Hail To the Thief
I bought this album on CD when it came out and I've listened to it repeatedly. I find it wholly unmoving. Sonically, it's anxiety inducing. We know Thom can write beautiful melodies. It seems, however, that he's convinced himself that the concepts of melody, and even perhaps beauty, are banal. It comes across as wholly calculated and cynical; and it always leaves me feeling cold and empty.
Oct 16 2024
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Apocalypse Dudes
Meh. Another band that adored the Ramones but liked the muscled sound of late 90s amplifiers. They perfected their sound; to the point where the album is pretty monotonous. Ultimately, I heard nothing that I'll remember.
Oct 17 2024
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People's Instinctive Travels and the Paths of Rhythm
A Tribe Called Quest
Loved this album when it came out. Three or four classic songs. I love this era of building backing tracks by quilting samples. An era tragically cut short by greed and an ignorant U.S. District judge in NY. I was lucky enough to see Tribe play in a basement in Oberlin, OH to about 100 people. They were fantastic live. All that said, I don't think this album ages terribly well. Across time it sounds quaint and awkward - like they had an idea of what they wanted to sound like and were exploring in an attempt to realize it. In that regard Low End Theory ages much better; the sound of that album is perfected, it flows brilliantly and the rhymes are much more confident and interesting.
Oct 18 2024
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The Nightfly
Donald Fagen
I'm struck by how many superficial similarities this has with Herbie Hancock's Head Hunters - jazz/funk fusion, exploration of electric keys with horns and guitar. Superficial similarities; because if listening to Head Hunters is like the best sex you ever had, listening to this is like sitting through a junior college lecture about intercourse. Head Hunters is heart, soul and libido, this comes across as applied theory and and fear of misstep. Donald Fagan definitely belongs in any conversation of artists who made a living draining a musical style of everything that makes it great: Lawrence Welk, Pat Boone, Kenny G. So polished; so awful.
Oct 21 2024
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Brilliant Corners
Thelonious Monk
For me Monk, as a composer, is second only to Bach in making music that reflects the fullness of life. It's almost unfathomably complex, at times messy, filled with tension, and constantly taking unexpected turns. But with all of that, it's beautiful and exciting, occasionally funny, and undeniably rooted in some grand pattern that we, mere mortals, can only vaguely recognize. And like life, as crazy as it gets, it always leaves me wanting more. Brilliant Corners is an absolute masterpiece.
Oct 22 2024
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Rust Never Sleeps
Neil Young & Crazy Horse
The only thing interesting about this album is whether the lyrics of Welfare Mothers or the extraordinarily bad attempt at punk rock on Sedan Delivery is more cringe-inducing. Good Lord; enough with Neil Young! I’ve heard 4-guitar suburban dad garage bands that are more engaging than this. Enough already.
Oct 23 2024
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Ill Communication
Beastie Boys
Recorded music is now 100 years old. You can make a strong case that there are 1,000 acts that have recorded music over that time that every music lover should hear before they die. In that context, we have three albums (at least) from the Beastie Boys on this list?? Paul's Boutique belongs. It's mind-blowing. Licensed to's historically important and pretty great. But that's where their representation should end.
This album is fine. A couple of great radio-classic hits; some latin-funk jams that are fun, though a pale reflection of the 70s recordings they are imitating. And it falls off from there (and goes on and on and on.) I like Check your Head better. But neither is among the 1,000 albums everyone should hear before they die.
Oct 24 2024
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Led Zeppelin III
Led Zeppelin
The fifth best Zeppelin album is so f#@king good.
Oct 25 2024
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The Madcap Laughs
Syd Barrett
Yes, schizophrenic musicians are interest. But the Piper at the Gates of Dawn gives any music fan a full taste of Syd Barrett AND is actually an album; and a really intriguing, cohesive one at that. This? This comes across as a basket of basement tapes.
Oct 28 2024
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The Atomic Mr Basie
Count Basie & His Orchestra
Absolutely brilliant. At a time when American suburbanites' love for Sinatra made big band swing old fashioned and unhep, an OG said, "dig this" and makes arguably the best album in the genre's history. Cutting edge jazz at the time was Hard Bop with its faster, faster / more is better / Thousands of Notes per Minute ethos. Basie carved space into every arrangement and let very simple melodic lines dangle almost impossibly behind the beat.
Oct 29 2024
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A Rush Of Blood To The Head
Comforting and pretty; but not very interesting.
Oct 30 2024
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Surfer Rosa
Still love it. It's striking how rare originality is in music made after 1980. Nobody has ever sounded like the Pixies. Great melodies. Emotional journeys. Fully baked right out of the box. F#$ing amazing.
Oct 31 2024
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Southern Rock Opera
Drive-By Truckers
If lyrics are more important than music to your appreciation for recordings, you might love the Drive By Truckers. When I want to celebrate poetry, or essays, I read books. When I listen to recordings, I want to be moved by music. There are moments of interesting southern rock here; but next to these guys' idols it's always a little pale, a little quaint. And the vocals - like Neil Young who they seem to adore - are just painful. I've wanted to like them for decades. But I just don't.
Nov 01 2024
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Siamese Dream
The Smashing Pumpkins
I love this album - start to finish
Nov 04 2024
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Meat Is Murder
The Smiths
The incredible thing about the Smiths is that they never had a weak album; from The Smiths to Strangeways. My favorite is whichever I happen to be listening to. Morrissey and Marr get all of the love, but name me a tighter bassist/drummer combo than Rourke and Joyce. Those guys are in the Jones/Bonham category of creating unique, creative, but incredibly solid, rhythm platforms to support all of the genius stacked on top.
Nov 05 2024
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Definitely Maybe
I get what people like about Oasis, I just find it annoying. Musically, they're a decent evolution of the Stone Roses/Charlatans sound. Noel's guitar playing is derivative but engaging. What makes Oasis' sound unique is Liam's vocal styling. But that's a product of that particular combination of conceit and idiocy that I find most loathsome in human beings. The one thing that's unique and interesting about this band curls my upper lip. So I get it, but it irritates me.
Nov 06 2024
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Iron Butterfly
If this album were any worse it would be interesting. Unfortunately, it isn't.
Nov 07 2024
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Sex Packets
Digital Underground
The bass line on the Humpty Dance is brilliant. Other than that, I hear an hour of young men awkwardly stroking their own egos over mediocre robotic backing tracks.
Nov 08 2024
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Classic pop album. Sounds great. One great and very-radio-friendly song, and then a bunch of nonsense that makes you suspect that the one song was accidental. Nile Rodgers is a great producer and he and Bernard Edwards make great backing tracks. Chic was just missing songwriting and interesting leads.
Nov 11 2024
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The Band
The Band
I didn't enjoy this as much as Music from Big Pink. Their style is inherently shambolic and experimental; when they polished it up, for this album, it just lost a little something. I'm not a huge fan of this late 60s hippy Americana to begin with. If I'm in the mood, I'd reach for American Beauty (for the quality of the songs), or Music from Big Pink before coming back to this.
Nov 12 2024
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Green River
Creedence Clearwater Revival
Of all of the 60s hippy Americana, these guys - with their southern influences and tendency towards raw emotion over stoner-chill - are my favorite. That said, it's still 60s hippy Americana.
Nov 13 2024
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The Clash
The Clash
The only band that mattered. How can I give this five stars with Give 'em Enough Rope and London Calling on the horizon? But how in hell can I give it less than five when it is so fucking off the hook amazing?
Nov 14 2024
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Arc Of A Diver
Steve Winwood
A great voice. And the song (not the track, the song) While You See a Chance is really strong. Beyond that, this album is one cringe-inducing element stacked on another. This is the precise moment when synths went from mind-blowing, other-worldly, and exotic to limp and feeble. Synths could still be fascinating - hear what Peter Gabriel or Greg Hawkes (Cars) are doing at the same time. But those guys were spending time and energy programming their sounds. SW showed the music industry that you could sell albums by being lazy; punching up the canned sounds on a Yamaha. So that's what we got for the rest of the 80s. The lyrics on Spanish Dancer are like an average SNL skit - no one could write these in earnest so they must be intended to be funny, but they aren't. They're just really dumb. The only track that doesn't sound painfully dated (thanks to those Yamaha synths) is Slowdown Sundown; but it just sounds like Van Morrison. (I would say watered-down VM, but VM is pretty watered down to begin with.) Great voice though. Imagine if he'd teamed up with a great musical partner/instrumentalist. (If you need a demonstration of how bad this album is, listen to the Spencer Davis Group...)
Nov 15 2024
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Music Has The Right To Children
Boards of Canada
These songs bore me. Electronica/Trip Hop is not my thing. But the music of Moby or Fatboy Slim is interesting. This is not. Might work as a soundtrack to a low-budget sci-fi movie. Hard to get through it without moving pictures though. Definitely not an album I needed to hear before I die.
Nov 18 2024
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The Specials
The Specials
Hugely important historically; reviving interest in ska and making combatting racism ultra-cool. A Message to You Rudy remains an absolute gem. I can only imagine how mind-blowing it must have been to see these guys live in a club back in the day.
But the rest of the album, 45-years on? It's a schizophrenic experience. The more punkish, up-tempo tracks (It's Up to You, Monkey Man, Dawning of a New Era, Little Bitch) still sound fresh and fantastic. The purer ska tracks (Doesn't Make it Alright, Too Hot, Blank Expression, Stupid Marriage, Too Much Too Young) have incredible backing tracks but are severely diminished by the irreverent approach to vocals, which may have sounded nonchalant and cool at the time, but now sounds lazy and uninspired. Particularly in light of how great they sound when they finally take vocals seriously on You're Wondering Now.
Nov 19 2024
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All Directions
The Temptations
Incredible high points. Papa Was a Rollin' Stone is one of the top ten tracks of the 20th Century IMO. But the album? It's just too eclectic to qualify as a classic. So like so many others - it's that album that that song was on.
Nov 20 2024
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Pictures At An Exhibition
Emerson, Lake & Palmer
For God so loved the World, that he sent the Ramones.
Mind-blowing technical prowess and a clear mastery of traditional western harmony. I also love the early synths. But music is, at its core, emotional. Any "understanding" should work in service of creating/communicating/manipulating feelings. This music makes me feel the way I used to feel doing Calculus problem sets. It isn't just that it's Prog Rock. Yes manages to take similar complexity and prowess and use it in service of emotional communication. This doesn't make me feel anything; it just sounds supremely calculated.
Nov 21 2024
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Taylor Swift
I appreciate her song writing ability. Like so many hook masters, her albums are very peak and valley. But, here, Shake it Off is bona fide. What I can't stand is the electronic backing tracks. All robo-musica sounds so sterile to me. Give me her first album, or the first side of Red.
Nov 22 2024
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Blue Lines
Massive Attack
Loved it when it came out. 35 years later - meh. It sets a mood but that's about it. The best thing about this album is that it introduced me to Be Thankful For What You've Got. But listening to this after years of listening to William DeVaughn and Curtis Mayfield's versions, this one lands pretty flat.
Nov 25 2024
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Fleetwood Mac
Every song (with maybe 2 exceptions) is pop gold. But none of it is pop. The best art is often forged in personal pain and social adversity.
Nov 26 2024
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Stan Getz
Brilliant through and through.
Nov 27 2024
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Live Through This
Kurt's obvious influence is the only interesting aspect of this album. R.I.P. Kurt.
Nov 28 2024
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Strange Cargo III
William Orbit
Beverly Hills Cop is a fantastic movie;
with a mediocre soundtrack.
This is like that soundtrack;
only worse.
Dec 02 2024
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Viva Hate
As disappointing today as it was when released. An INCREDIBLE aspect of the Smith's run is that any of their albums would get 5 stars. This? The lyrics may still be interesting, but the music is dull; the magic was never Morrissey or Marr but arose from the tension between.
Dec 03 2024
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Head Hunters
Herbie Hancock
Coincidently, the weekend before this came up on my list I was having a party and put on this record. Halfway into Chameleon a friend said, "can you turn this off? It's way too anxious." Fuck her. I love this shit.
Dec 04 2024
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PJ Harvey
Fantastic through and through. Holds up remarkably well.
Dec 05 2024
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Me Against The World
I appreciate the effort that went into, and intelligence reflected in, the lyrics.
Dec 06 2024
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It's like a movie that should work but doesn't. All of the pieces are in place, but for some reason it comes out a mess. Interesting sound. Guitar player has chops. But none of the songs grip me. No ear worms, the harmonic progressions sound calculated, and there's a weird incoherence between the musical instincts of (1) whoever wrote the backing tracks and (2) whoever wrote the vocal melodies. It all adds up to an album that sounds fine but that doesn't work.
Dec 09 2024
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My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy
Kanye West
Tracks: No matter how creative the programming - robot music leaves me feeling cold.
Rhymes: Is the threshold for being considered a genius making 30% of your lyrics meaningful and interesting?
Dec 10 2024
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Born To Run
Bruce Springsteen
Steven Van Zandt's sound and Bruce's incredible narrative and melodic talents as a songwriter. Has there ever been a more impressive debut album?
Dec 11 2024
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Big Black
Super glad I listened to this; won't listen to it again. Important album, but I dislike it as much as I disliked NIN from the get go. Industrial just isn't my thing.
Dec 12 2024
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You Are The Quarry
Not sure which is the bigger joke - the songs on this album or its inclusion on this list.
Dec 13 2024
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Disraeli Gears
It just doesn't quite work, does it? The components are impressive. But Ginger never sounds like he's playing WITH the music. He just sounds like a gorilla with really good rhythm who's off in a corner doing his thing. The mix - him low and over to the R - accentuates the disconnect. The lyrics are silly. There's not an ear worm to be found. Clapton's guitar chops are legit; but his 12 bar blues tracks are limp and soggy. Sunshine is a great track, but listening to the entire album makes me suspect its greatness is entirely accidental.
Dec 16 2024
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Lou Reed
It sounds like what it is - one component of VU. VU (album) and w/ Nico were magical. Listening to this makes you appreciate that the magic is so often in the tension and collaboration. That said, Wild Side is near perfect.
Dec 17 2024
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Pet Sounds
The Beach Boys
I consider this the greatest album of all time.
Dec 18 2024
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Let's Get It On
Marvin Gaye
It is masterfully creative and reflects a stuffing artistic bravery. But in 50 years, I've just never enjoyed listening to the morass that follows the title track; which is frustrating because it sounds gorgeous and Marvin Gaye had one of the prettiest voices of the 20th Century. I appreciate the effort at crafting a set of politically minded songs. But there is nothing poetic in the lyrics. And the melodies sound like little more than modal improvisation. So I spend 40 minutes begging it to coalesce - musically - but it never does.
Dec 19 2024
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A few stars have the voice of an angel. Adele has the voice of a goddess. The fact that I can stay engaged in this mediocre collection of songs with its Adult-Oriented-Pop production is a testament to her astonishing talent.
Dec 24 2024
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The Queen Is Dead
The Smiths
Only band whose every album ranks five stars. Amazing out of the gate; broke up before they could suck.
Dec 25 2024
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Good God is this bad. The robo-assault dance music is wholly unmoving. And as much as I dislike robot music, the tiny spaces without her voice are the best parts.
Dec 26 2024
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...The Dandy Warhols Come Down
The Dandy Warhols
The excitement about young bands, or garage bands, is the sense of exploration, adventurism, and courage conveyed by people who aren't quite sure what they're doing going for it anyway. For some reason, once the members of a rock band master their craft some magic disappears. They can compensate by embracing a polished sound and selling bazillions, or experimenting in different directions, by becoming studio rats for example.
It sounds to me like the Dandy Warhols, here, have perfected their craft - the songwriting and the performances - but they're nostalgic for the magic of their younger years. Instead of going polished, like their peers Weezer or the Outcast - or experimental like Wilco, they just muddied up their sounds with eq and reverb. So you have these pretty little pop hooks, from a very tight band who clearly know what they're doing, but with this amateurish production. It's the worst of all worlds; the magic's gone and it still sounds muddy.
Dec 27 2024
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Buena Vista Social Club
Buena Vista Social Club
Amazing performances through and through. These are clearly legends. But they sound like it - a bit listless and tired. And this is music that should MOVE you start to finish. As played here, it is perfect elevator / background music.
Dec 31 2024
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Beauty And The Beat
The Go-Go's
A delightful collection of dumb songs with one exception; Our Lips Are Sealed is actually legit. From there its just dumb and dumber which renders a complete mystery the fact that We Got The Beat is so damned fun to listen to. Try doing something like that AI!
Jan 01 2025
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Music for the Masses
Depeche Mode
I've wanted to like Depeche Mode for forty years. I respect the songwriting. I just don't like the sound.
Jan 02 2025
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Tago Mago
Some interesting ideas that never seem to go anywhere; which makes it, ultimately, just a waste of a fairly decent drummer.
Jan 03 2025
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Out Of The Blue
Electric Light Orchestra
Magnificently absurd? Absurdly magnificent? Depends on my mood. It is an overly-long self-indulgent epic, the first 3/4 of which I have adored regularly for almost fifty years, and the last 1/4 of which I've probably only heard twice because it's just too much, which I'm guessing was always the point.
Jan 06 2025
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Songs From The Big Chair
Tears For Fears
I still prefer the desperation and urgency of The Hurting over the polish and refinement of Songs. But this has aged remarkably well; especially for a big-budget synth based album released in '85.
Jan 07 2025
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Hot Rats
Frank Zappa
Mingus-esque songwriting and arranging with Duane Allman-esque jam band sensibilities. It's like mixing plaid with stripes; it takes a genius to pull it off. Zappa is certainly a genius. But I love plaid and dislike stripes. One either enjoys listening to jam bands or one doesn't. If, like me, you don't, then regardless of how great you think his mind-blowing heads and arrangements are, the 80-85% percent of this album occupied by self-indulgent soloing is just taxing.
Jan 08 2025
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This album makes me light headed with joy. Give me Chrissie Hynde and Debbie Harry and you can keep the rest.
Jan 09 2025
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Sheet Music
It's like Supertramp playing songs that were cut from the Rocky Horror Picture Show soundtrack, only with dumber lyrics, and with musical nods to Brian Wilson. If there were even a hint of care or craft in the lyrics this would be a solid 4. But the music is too creative and unique to give it a 3.
Jan 10 2025
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Run, DMC, Jam Master Jay and Russell Simmons were instrumental in the transition of a novelty into a genre that's now 40 years old. So this is of enormous historical importance. But through the lens of time, it sounds quaint. Glad I listened to it. Doubt I'll listen to it again.
Jan 13 2025
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Speakerboxxx/The Love Below
Thank God I got this on a Friday. A 2hrs 14min running time is long for a movie. I chopped it in two. There is undeniable brilliance on both sides. I personally liked The Love Below, despite its lurches towards novelty/comedy, more because rhythmic chattering over robot beats just isn't my thing. The problem - with both "albums" - is the lack of editing. Speakerboxxx falls off at Flip Flop Rock; The Love Below around Love in War. Honestly as impressed as I was by Andre 3000's imagination, I found myself praying that the album was over after each track from there to the end. There may be a five-star album among these 40 tracks, but no matter how great some of the material is, if you end up hoping it will end, it ain't a classic.
Jan 14 2025
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The Number Of The Beast
Iron Maiden
In a twist of cliche, my teenage self avoided these guys. My 55 year old self loves them. The performances, the recordings, the melodies. Sure the satanic themes are too much. But I just think of that as novelty.
It was prejudice pure and simple. The frizzy haired, motorcycle jacket wearing druggies who hung out in the High School's smoking section wore Iron Maiden Tees and those guys were losers. I loved the Clash but wouldn't go near Black Sabbath. I have Kurt Cobain to thank for tearing a giant whole in my invented metal/punk boundary. Thanks Kurt. My life continues to grow richer because of you. R.I.P.
Jan 15 2025
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The Bones Of What You Believe
It starts off sounding like closing credit songs from a mediocre Disney movie and gets worse as the songwriting gives way to audio "written" and arranged by computer programmers and performed by computers churning out digital tones. It's the audio equivalent of watching a CGI screen saver. It promises wonder but delivers only vague spiritual confusion, alienation, and dread. I was pretty proud of myself for getting through six songs when I saw ITS A DOUBLE ALBUM!! It's 6:20 a.m. and I'm going back to Iron Maiden. Even first thing in the morning I prefer the animalism of satanic metal over this lifeless chamber of virtual sounds.
Jan 16 2025
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Young Americans
David Bowie
Bowie was brilliant. But after perfecting his own incredible sound, his subsequent dabbling in other genres (electronica, Philly Soul) produced some mediocre albums.
Bowie's vocal stylings were always more Joe Strummer than Donny Hathaway. Excepting the bookends, which are incredible tracks, his punk-rock vocal instincts simply don't work over the lush, beautifully recorded (if occasionally by-the-numbers) Philly-Soul tracks. Had this album been sung by any of the backing singers, Solomon Burke, Hathaway, Darryl Hall or one of a thousand other Soul singers, it may be worth listening to. With Bowie's voice it isn't.
Definitely another of this list's mediocre albums by a brilliant artist, joining Metallica, U2, Bruce Springsteen, the Cure, the Black Keys, Smashing Pumpkins, Sonic Youth, Paul Simon, Prince, Miles Davis, and the Go-Betweens. Given the GREAT music that those acts are responsible for, It's remarkable.
A whole start for the title track; the rest earns a D.
Jan 17 2025
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Copper Blue
I love this collection of songs. There was this interesting sub-genre in the early 90s of bands using the same wall-of-pedal-overdriven-guitars sound as the Seattleites, but writing poppy but radio-unfriendly songs. In addition to this great album, Ted Leo (in both Chisel and with the Pharmacists) and Teenage Fanclub come to mind. They've been all but lost as Grunge and bad radio pop has sucked up all of the culture's memory of that moment. But they deserve to be listened to because they are fantastic.
Jan 20 2025
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The Genius Of Ray Charles
Ray Charles
You can make a pretty strong argument that, save the pure jazz albums, all of the music on this list owed something to Ray Charles. And side 1 of this album proves he could stand toe-to-toe with the jazz greats too. I prefer his birth of R&B recordings with Atlantic. But these two sides, like almost everything he did, are fantastic.
Jan 21 2025
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The Velvet Underground & Nico
The Velvet Underground
Dreamlike; By turns breathtaking in its beauty and angst-inducing in its chaos; unpredictable; but somehow always genuine. Over the decades I've tried and failed repeatedly to describe how or why this album works. As the man said, "writing about music is like dancing about architecture." Ultimately, there's just a truthfulness that feels disgusting and exhilarating, intense and soothing, ordered and chaotic: human.
Jan 22 2025
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Listening to this is like the sonic equivalent of cutting. I understand that some are compelled towards physical pain in search of equilibrium or release. I'm not; so probably can't understand why. It's not just the cheap overdrive. It's playing songs a little bit faster than they're technically capable of. It's engaging in these seemingly random harmonic progressions. It's detuning aimed at cheap dissonance. The screaming. The whole thing just sounds like it's meant to be assaultive. Which, again, I know some people, er, appreciate. I can make out just enough of the lyrics to get that there's some kind of political message in there. I just can't make out enough to get what it is. I see that this came out the year before Rage Against the Machine formed. So maybe without Fugazi we wouldn't have Rage. That's worth a star. Another for their creativity - there's definitely a commitment to a unique sound.
Jan 23 2025
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NEU! 75
I'm not sure what just happened. The first time through, listening - distracted - in my car, I was ready to write it off after Seeland. But the moaning in Let' wohl was interesting. As I was getting out, Hero caught my ear. So next morning I pulled out my headphones, laid down on the couch, and restarted it. I had this deeply-felt quasi-religious experience. I didn't swoon or get amped up or laugh or cry. It was subtle. I felt secure, expansive, hopeful. Honestly, WTF.
Why I love certain music and not others is as mysterious as why I love certain people. But when you find that special one, and it clicks, you just thank the Gods and celebrate life.
(Note - if you're interested in liking this album, listen on a dedicated stereo or headphones in a quiet place. The magic is in the mids which get swallowed by background noise, and are underrepresented on bluetooth and soundbar speakers.)
Jan 24 2025
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Chocolate Starfish And The Hot Dog Flavored Water
Limp Bizkit
Backing Tracks: + 3 stars
Fred Durst: - 2 stars
Inspiration for Some of the Funniest Reviews: + 1 star
A band who had perfected its sound, recorded well.
A frontman every bit as bad as everyone says.
His anti-contribution to each recording is astonishing.
Jan 27 2025
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Simon & Garfunkel
Perfection. There are some albums of a beauty that mocks the sincerest efforts to explain it.
Jan 28 2025
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The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan
Bob Dylan
Can't be bothered to write a melody;
Can't be bothered to sing a whole line;
Can't be bothered to tune his guitar;
But he's a musical geEEEEEEEEEnius.
Because the words, the Words, the WOOOOOOORDS
Well I can't HEAR the words; cuz the man is obviously wrestling with ConstipAAAAAtion.
Jan 29 2025
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Signing Off
The band had a great sound and these are brilliant recordings - so lush, full, and clear. Pretty amazing that the band themselves produced something that sounds this good so early in their career. Not really enough musical ideas to carry the whole album. The instrumentals, while they sound great, kind of meander. That said, there are a handful of strong tracks - which is better than a lot of the albums on this list - and it just sounds so f#@ing great.
Jan 30 2025
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Everything But The Girl
The most interesting part of listening to this is wondering whether the Soft Rock - Smooth Jazz - New Age production vibe of the 80s is just triggering for me or objectively irritating. Incredible, in retrospect, that the industry turned away from the tube systems and whole room recording techniques for all of this close-mic'd-nascent digital reverb-solid state processing. Throw in the regular appearances of Kawai synths and Kenny G sax stylings and by Oxford Street I was so depressed by the sound that I started focusing on the lyrics. That made it worse. Like a sophomoric ode to meek suburban living.
Jan 31 2025
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The Slits
It's great to hear people being creative with sound. It illuminates how much unimaginitive imitation we spend our lives listening to. The problem here is that, ironically, like pop music, there's no substance - it's all about the sound. I appreciate that the woman at the center is committed to avoiding conventions, but she doesn't seem to be interesting, clever, or musical enough to replace those conventions with anything worth listening to.
Feb 03 2025
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3 + 3
The Isley Brothers
Solid start to finish.
Feb 04 2025
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A Girl Called Dusty
Dusty Springfield
Like early 60's LPs, it's more a collection of singles than an "album." Her voice is extraordinary. The R&B covers sound flat. But the less R&B tunes, while generally cheesier songs, are better at showing off her sultriness which is where her magic lies.
Feb 05 2025
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Lou Reed
What a fascinating train wreck this is.
Heroine may giveth, but it always taketh away. And boy has it taken Lou by this point. It not only owns his vocals - he sounds so smacked out that I picture two personal assistants having to clutch his elbows to keep him upright at the mic - but also the songs, which are so tragically bad as to veer into Andy Kaufman territory.
And conceptually you have the former King of Lo-Fi slurring over these lushly recorded, masterfully played backing tracks, with arrangements that include full orchestration! It does not work.
But what a mess. Definitely worth listening to just to marvel at the chaos, absurdity, and tragedy of it all.
Feb 06 2025
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Cee-Lo Green... Is The Soul Machine
Cee Lo Green
Nothing against Cee-Lo. I like his songs and his arrangements.
But 75 or so years ago, musicians and fans started trading in complexity and technique for passion and emotion. Jump Blues, R&B, and Rock & Roll were first and foremost about communicating raw emotion and energy. Now we're fed bloops and bleeps performed by computers; totally devoid of any hint of humanity. But with Robo-Pop, we haven't gained anything interesting, musically. The computers are programmed to play the same simplistic conventions - straight 4 time, 3 major chords, and "solos" in pentatonic scale. I find it to be among the most unmoving and uninteresting "music" ever recorded.
Feb 07 2025
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White Denim
Loved it. Four (five?) accomplished musicians merging their influences and styles to really interesting effect - but always in service of whatever song their playing. Incredibly, it seems to be a rarity.
Feb 10 2025
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The White Stripes
I am not what you’d call a fan of Jack White, but this album is a Super Sugar Queen.
Feb 11 2025
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Kind Of Blue
Miles Davis
Not my favorite Miles period, let alone album; and it's an unmitigated 5/5. It'd be 10/10 or 100/100. Revolutionary and so accessible. Oh, and it was the second time he reinvented jazz. And he'd do it at least twice more. That's why he's on my Rushmore with Duke, Ray, and Q.
Feb 12 2025
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John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band
John Lennon
Musically it plays like a collection of half baked ideas. Which leaves us 40 minutes of listening to John Lennon's reflections on the results of his psycho and scream therapy. No thanks.
Feb 13 2025
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It's a tease. So much clever! Interesting arrangements, clean production Great backline. But only 3 real songs. The rest is frustrating, over-conceptualized, and affected. Dear God is pretty great though.
Feb 14 2025
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The butterfly emerging from the cocoon.
Brilliant Brilliant Brilliant Brilliant Brilliant
What's to come is mind-blowing. But looking back into this early morning shadow, this album really shines.
Feb 17 2025
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Cosmo's Factory
Creedence Clearwater Revival
What a schizophrenic experience. Three of the covers are cringe inducing in that cliched Woodstock-Era-White-Boys-Playing-Soul-Music way. (2 stars) Sandwiched between you have four of the greatest songs of the era. (5 stars). Grapevine is interesting, but WAAAAAY too long. And then it ends beautifully. (4 stars) That averages to a 3.75, which is probably a bit low given how f'cking good those four songs are.
Feb 18 2025
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Deep Purple In Rock
Deep Purple
Never listed to Deep Purple before this project. I love Machine Head. This album doesn't grab me in the same way. But three stars to any band who knows what it wants to sound like and goes for it heart and soul. No pretense or affectation anywhere around these guys.
Feb 19 2025
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Physical Graffiti
Led Zeppelin
My favorite album by the mighty Mighty. One of my ten dessert island albums.
Feb 20 2025
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Van Morrison
I dislike this hippy-dippy R&B-light sound. But (very UNlike Astral Weeks) the great songs here just wash up on shore one after another.
Feb 21 2025
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Deloused in the Comatorium
The Mars Volta
This is extraordinary. The conception, performances, recording, and production are all mind-blowing. It is, however, like an auditory depiction of a schizophrenic episode; which is an experience I can't say I particularly enjoy. But really impressive.
Feb 27 2025
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Live At Leeds
The Who
Shoulda stuck to their tradition and named this Who's Mess. Good Lord. Daltrey's the best part of the live act and spends more time shaking a tambourine than singing. Townsend - a brilliant songwriter and rhythm guitarist - is a mediocre soloist and singer but spends a lot of time here doing both. Entwistle and Moon sound like they're each playing just beyond their ability, and don't sound like they're listening to anyone, let alone each other. The clear takeaway from this listening experience is: Led Zeppelin was an amazing band.
Feb 28 2025
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Every track is built up from thousands of decisions. Great tracks sweep you up emotionally, to a floaty place where you lose all concept of the decision making. Some albums have one or two; five star albums are full of these tracks.
This album never gets there. It sounds great. I can't criticize any of the individual decisions. But I'm constantly reminded of them. Just a series of clever decisions that never congeal into a great musical experience. Like XTC, or a lot of the Kinks music. I want to love it; but it just doesn't sweep me up.
Mar 03 2025
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Fulfillingness' First Finale
Stevie Wonder
Stevie Wonder has always been capable of such magic. But his lyrics tend towards sentimentality and he spends way too much time on easy-listening ballads and soft sounds. I love Innervisions despite these tendencies. Because when he brought the energy up and banged on his Clavinet, he produced music as great as anyone. This album, unfortunately, doubles down on the sentimentalism and easy listening. It's a few amazing moments in a sea of soft sounds. But it is Stevie Wonder, so 3 stars minimum.
Mar 04 2025
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Black Sabbath
Black Sabbath
They haven't quite figured the whole thing out yet, here. The pieces sound amazing though - such great guitar sounds and the drums are recorded impeccably. It's mind-blowing how much the musical decisions made on this record still reverberate. There must be thousands of kids who imitate this sound (via generations of metal heads) and have never actually heard of Black Sabbath.
Mar 05 2025
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Daydream Nation
Sonic Youth
Stunning. Channeling the attitude and power of Rock and Roll through a wholly novel harmonic conception - not new ways of using Bach's or Ellington's harmonies, but a modal exploration of a brand new harmonic universe, and Monk's equal in the ability to build structure and gorgeous melody out of layer upon layer of dissonance - to deliver songs that, somehow, are completely coherent. Makes almost everything else ever recorded sound cliche.
Mar 06 2025
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Franz Ferdinand
Franz Ferdinand
Quirky; at times fun, at times just kind of annoying. Two legit ear worms. Except for the bass, the recordings are strikingly flat and thin. Maybe trying to accommodate that vocal treatment; which may have seemed edgy and clever at the time, but just sounds weak and silly in retrospect. I don't mind listening to this album. But I had it on regular rotation for a bit when it came out and 22 or whatever years later, I haven't once thought, I really want to listen to that Franz Ferdinand album.
Mar 07 2025
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American Beauty
Grateful Dead
Dislike the culture that grew up around them and can't be in a room where their live music is playing. But when they focused on songs and leaned into their country/bluegrass roots they were undeniably great. This is an adorable collection of songs recorded beautifully; though the songs their fans most identify with - the hippy/dippy shuffle of Truckin' and Sugar Magnolia - are my least favorite.
Afterthought: how in the world can four people who can barely hold a note create such sweet harmonies?
Mar 10 2025
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Hotel California
As with most Eagles albums, everything by Glenn Frey or Don Henley - which is most of the album - is extraordinary.
Mar 11 2025
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Bridge Over Troubled Water
Simon & Garfunkel
Masterful. Gorgeous. In terms of musicality, Paul Simon was far and away the most talented, creative, dedicated, and honest singer songwriter to come out of the 60s folk scene. It ain't even close. His lyrics are amazing; intimate, and - again - honest. Throw in his commitment to the recording process and we're given one of the finest collections of song from the 20th Century.
Mar 12 2025
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The Shamen
I find this wholly unmoving. Except for the "vocals"; which make me cringe. Stripping the beats and vocals (Evil is Eden) makes it better, but nowhere near good.
Mar 13 2025
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Metal Box
Public Image Ltd.
Neither enjoyable to listen to nor interesting to hear. The punk and post-punk sensibility can be such a liberating creative force. But it is too-often a convenient facade for the lazy and uninspired.