Aug 10 2024
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Strangeways, Here We Come
The Smiths
So the second weekend of August 2024 is coming and it is #day1 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge. This is the first time I got to listen to this album back to back, and what a revelation it is to me! The Smiths' swansong... I simply loved it. Not having listened to The Smiths in a while, to me, this record encompasses what the band stood out for—jangly post-punk, the melody, the witty melancholy... But it's probably the drums that make me want to remember this particular album's sound. So spacious and breathy, wow! Such a joy to have experienced it now. I wouldn't mind a vinyl version, to be honest with you. Looking forward to #day2.
Aug 11 2024
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Rattus Norvegicus
The Stranglers
OK, this is #day2 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge. I'm having a bad hangover and this record appears to have sat pretty well with my mood and the current state of mind. I must admit I never really listened to The Stranglers aside from La Folie (yes, "Golden Brown") and this album. But, given I've always been on the arty progressive post-punk side a-la Magazine or The The, I find Rattus Norvegicus rather a fun album to listen to. That Deep Purple-esque organ and motoric drums are probably some of the most defining elements of their music. Quite a handful of great tunes on this one, like Princess of the Streets... Not to mention an epic closer in the form of Down in the Sewer, which blows you out with its psychedelic organ coda. I'm giving it a 3 as I'm not sure this is the record I'd want to be revisiting soon. Looking forward to #day3.
Aug 12 2024
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Bob Marley & The Wailers
Well... #day 3 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge. I have never listened to an album by Bob Marley in its entirety in my life. Only a couple of songs... Now, reggae? Not my cup of tea at all, but I get the way reggae and dub influenced the rhythm and depth of post-punk (some early trip-hop comes to mind as well—think "Blue Lines"), which is the genre I find myself most comfortable with. The Police is a perfect example of marrying both (yes, I love Sting). Anyway, Exodus flows fine from the first track (my favorite here) until the last one. I like the vibe and all those Rastaman vibrations, but is this the record I'd want to return to anytime soon? Rather unlikely. Did I enjoy discovering it as part of this challenge? More yes, than no. Let it be 3 this time around too. Looking forward to #day4.
Aug 13 2024
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This is #day4 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge. And look what we got in here! I remember reading somewhere about album artworks that while Kid A hints at the hell on the horizon that you're merely observing, Amnesiac is the hell you're in. "After years of waiting nothing came"—an unmistakable way to start a Radiohead album. Amnesiac is a darkly paranoid record that leaves you with a sense of anxiety, dread, and irk. Is music that stirs in you those kinds of feelings a good one? Absolutely. I'm here for Yorke's apocalyptic moans and his cronies' wild experimentations. Just listen to Pyramid Song, I Might Be Wrong, Knives Out, Dollars and Cents, Like Spinning Plates, or Life in A Glass House... Well, the whole album. Now, bring me Kid A, and let's go down the waterfall. I'm giving this a solid 4. Looking forward to #day5.
Aug 14 2024
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Fever To Tell
Yeah Yeah Yeahs
OK, #day5 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge... Somehow, I've always passed this band by. So, as you might expect, this is my first time listening to this album. I seem to be getting the sound and where it's coming from—New York 70's punk, garage rock, bits of 00's post-punk revival in the likes of the Strokes (more) or Interpol (less). Sadly, the band/music/delivery doesn't click with me. Given the year it was released, I'd rather stick with Turn On The Bright Lights (I hope it's on the list, isn't it?), although it's more in a different vein. Sorry, guys, but this is the first contender for my lowest rate so far. Modern Romance was sweet though. Looking forward to #day6.
Aug 15 2024
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Carole King
Headlong into #day6 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge. Again, I have neither seen nor listened to this album/artist before. But I can play a guessing game by looking at the artwork—singer-songwriter pop, early 70's folk, some Joplin/hippie vibes maybe? I don't mind. Just look at that cat looking at you! This is a beautiful morning album (somehow, I get to listen to all of these albums in the morning). A kind of music that begs the vinyl. Cozy music, if you will. I Feel The Earth Move and It's Too Late are personal favorites. But there are other gems here like You've Got A Friend or Smackwater Jack. I'm giving it a 3. Looking forward to #day7.
Aug 16 2024
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The Coral
The Coral
This is #day7 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge and... what the fuck did I just listen to? Starting with song #3 I couldn't wait for this to end. Can anybody explain to me the significance of this album to be featured on the list? That was rather annoying. The first entry on the list that I'm generously giving a 1 out of 5. Looking forward to #day8.
Aug 17 2024
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The Score
Here we are with #day8 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge. How about some 90's hip-hop? I only knew Ready Or Not, which was on heavy rotation on the radio in my childhood, so I never listened to the album in full until today. What do we get under the cover? Some of the best specimens of alternative rap music out there. Not gangsta rap, but genuine hip-hop, telling a story. The productions, the live instruments, and the flow make this record an amazing listening experience. I also love the blend of male and female vocals here. How about 4 this time around? You bet. Looking forward to #day9.
Aug 18 2024
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Unknown Pleasures
Joy Division
It's August 17th, 2024, Saturday morning, and it's also #day9 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge. How many times must I have died listening to this record? Joy Division happened to me in 2008, when I was 18. I guess it was tied with that Control movie by Anton Corbijn, The Killers' cover of Shadowplay, which I didn't first know was a cover (I still cherish that Sawdust compilation, btw), and also my then infatuation with Interpol (how come Turn On The Bright Lights isn't on this list?!) Funny how I didn't quite like what I heard when I turned on Unknown Pleasures for the first time. "A 50-year-old tired man struggling to get through the stark darkness of minimal post-punk", my first impression was. But, time went by, and I kept coming back to Unknown Pleasures... Now, have I discovered those pleasures? I'm not sure (actually, I prefer questioning things to finding answers to them, so I don't mind keeping it unknown—isn't that what pleasure is about?) But as I'm writing these words and listening to this album for not even a tenth time in my life, I must admit it has become an essential part of me and my taste in music, rooted in the 80s indie and alternative. I don't get to listen to this album that often, but when I do, it's always a "special moment in time". I think, however, I'll stay in a camp of those (how many of you are out there?) enjoying more of an "in-the-flat-field" type of Joy Division, like Day Of The Lords, Candidate, New Dawn Fades, and I Remember Nothing. And I don't care for the "hype"/"overratedness"/memes/whatever related to this album/cover/Ian Curtis persona/etc. This is a "me-in-my-own-world" music. Solid 5 this time. Looking forward to #day10.
Aug 19 2024
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The College Dropout
Kanye West
Oh well... #day 10 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge. Luckily, I never heard a song by this "character" in my entire life. I wish it would continue that way. But I just listened to the whole damn album because that's what this challenge is about. What can I say? I'd rather die than do it ever again. I like some hip-hop once in a while, but this... is a lifeless pile of crap. 65M monthly listens on Spotify only is scary. Stop this world, I want to get off. Looking forward to #day11.
Aug 20 2024
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Crosby, Stills & Nash
Crosby, Stills & Nash
Now, this is #day 11 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and, unfortunately, I can't say much about this selection. I don't mind some folk once in a while, but this was a little too dragging. Long Time Gone is probably the most memorable cut here. Sorry guys, but this is 2 out of 5 this time. Looking forward to #day12.
Aug 21 2024
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Christine and the Queens
This is #day 12 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and this album makes me feel nothing but irritation. Bland, uninspired, etc. For this reason, it's joining the company of "1-out-of-5". Also, why is there an album from 2018 already? Has the list been revised or something? I thought it was a 2016 version. Whatever. Looking forward to #day13.
Aug 22 2024
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Virgin Suicides
Here we are with #day13 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge... I must admit I was a little skeptical when I saw that this is a movie score. Yes, I know Air and the omnipresence of their Moon Safari on similar lists, although I never really paid attention to this band. But... movie score? Stupid me! It's like early Pink Floyd got equipped with synthesizers and went electronic. I'm fairly impressed by what I've heard on this album. It hit all the right spots. Entirely enjoyable. And I've got to revisit the movie soon. This is a 4 out of 5 this time. Looking forward to #day14.
Aug 23 2024
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Into #day14 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and here's another name/album I haven't heard before. Given the approach that music is made on this one, I'd rather revisit DJ Shadow's debut. Yes, it's kind of smart, but somehow... it doesn't stick. Maybe because the mix of genres is too overwhelming. Maybe because I'm not a huge fan of French house or those vintage disco sounds. I don't know. So, it's 2 out of 5 this time. Looking forward to #day15, which is also the beginning of my short vacation (of course, I'm not taking a break from the challenge). So, don't let me down, random generator.
Aug 24 2024
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This #day15 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge... Another plastic poo-poo pop. Has the world gone flat? What's wrong with the list at this point? Or, is it just me? This is easily 1 out of 5. I guess I'll go and listen to Flowers by Miley Cyrus. Unlike shit that I just syringed into my ears, that song makes me feel. Looking forward to #day16.
Aug 25 2024
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Van Halen
This is #day16 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... let's rock! Or, shall we? Although I'm listening to this one for the first time, I was immediately sold on the synth-led songs (Jump and I'll Wait, especially Jump), and the drumming on Hot For Teacher... The drumming in general. However, guitar solos are too much in-your-face. Other than that, typical mid-80s hairy hard and heavy glam rock I wouldn't listen to regularly. Let it be 2 of 5 this time. Looking forward to #day17.
Aug 26 2024
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This is #day17 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge. It has been quite a rough week as I've given 1 or 2 of 5 points to most of the albums. Now, Bjork... I find her vocal practices exceptionally unbearable. When she's hitting those psychotic notes all you want to do is turn it down. The music is sporadic, although 90s UK dance music and trip-hop are stark influences. Some jazz, too. But on the whole, I don't feel it. This is 2 of 5. Looking forward to #day18.
Aug 27 2024
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The Wildest!
Louis Prima
The last week of summer 2024 is officially here and it's also #day18 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge. It must have been fun to dance to this in the mid-50s parties, I guess. Not for me, however. I can't catch up with the tempo. When the tempo does get slower, though, I'm already exhausted by the previous song to be able to listen to the next one. Also, that sax makes me jump every time it pierces through. Is that what Jump Blues is about? Sorry, this is 1 of 5 again. Looking forward to #day19.
Aug 28 2024
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This is #day19 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge. So, Sally was able to wait as today Oasis announced their first reunion gigs in 16 years. Well played, random generator... Now, I guess I've always belonged to the Oasis camp, (What's the Story) Morning Glory? being my favorite album of theirs. There wasn't an album I listened to when it came to Blur. Only selected songs. So, today is the first time ever (a little more than 30 years after its release) that I sat down and listened to this album from start to end. It's quite a fun and versatile record, I have to say. A record with an attitude if you will. It has this London feel to it. Sometimes more than necessary, though. But that was the point of music at the time. Britishness... I also love the album cover. But because of some evident flaws, like those shorter tracks a la Bank Holiday, interludes/instrumentals (which, in the case of Blur, I never find relevant), and a sprawling runtime (have mercy, it's almost an hour!), I'm giving it a 3 out of 5. Looking forward to #day20.
Aug 29 2024
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The Age Of The Understatement
The Last Shadow Puppets
This is #day20 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge. I'm fine with Arctic Monkeys in general (actually, their debut still holds a special place in my heart), but I'm not a fan of this baroque-western indie rock with occasional orchestral romances that Alex Turner is head over heels for. Is this album so significant that it's featured on the list? I would never choose to play it when I'm knocking on heaven's door. Standing Next To Me is a lovely tune, though (listened to it back in the day). Overall, this is 2 out of 5. Am I being too harsh at this point? Looking forward to #day21.
Aug 30 2024
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Live At The Star Club, Hamburg
Jerry Lee Lewis
Here we are with #day21 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge... Discovering a record released 60 years ago and learning about the Star Club and its history is great. Yes, it's a wild live album, full of energy, presence, and all that. But... it leaves a bitter taste when you dig deeper. Why does a panel of music critics that compiled this list tolerate moral degenerates? This isn't the first time. For this reason, I'm giving it a 1 out of 5. Looking forward to #day22.
Aug 31 2024
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Fulfillingness' First Finale
Stevie Wonder
Into #day22 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge... How about an album from 50 years ago? I must admit that before today I only knew Stevie Wonder mostly because I Just Called To Say I Love You, which is kind of corny as I assume his legacy and influence stretch far beyond that song. So, this is another first-timer for me, and my first Stevie Wonder album, too. What can I say? Well, it's kind of fine... But it's not the record I'd want to revisit soon, or ever. I'm not seeking feel-good music either. Besides, something tells me more of his works will be on this list down the road, so... This is a 2 out of 5 this time. Looking forward to #day23.
Sep 01 2024
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The Triffids
This is #day23 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, which is also the last day of summer 2024. What a nice surprise this album was when I turned it on. I've never heard of the band, but (so far) this is a rare case when an entry on the list is some wonderful music. I love the sound. Grandiose, begs the description. An enjoyable combination of new wave, power pop, and alternative rock, underpinned by majestic vocals. And, compared to most albums on the list I've had to listen to recently (but not only—this one's genuinely a great record), I'm giving it a 5. It deserves more love and attention. So... be it. Looking forward to #day24.
Sep 02 2024
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The Teardrop Explodes
This is #day24 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, which is also the first day of autumn 2024... To me, among the classic 80s post-punk acts, say, Echo & The Bunnymen, The Chameleons, Sad Lovers & Giants (some of my favorites), and others, The Teardrop Explodes have always fallen behind. This listen wasn't an exception. The music is good, but because it's kind of too pop (?), I can't relate to it on a level I do with those other bands. My favorite song here is Second Head. Anyway, this is a 3 out of 5 today. Looking forward to #day25, which also means getting back to work as my short vacation is over. Fingers crossed, random generator.
Sep 03 2024
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Abattoir Blues / The Lyre of Orpheus
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
On to #day25 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge. Yet another first-timer here. I'm aware of The Bad Seeds' discography and album covers, but somehow I've never listened to this one (as some other of their works either). Now, I'm not a big fan of double albums. I like Nick Cave, but listening to this was rather tiring as I prefer the band's later works, such as Skeleton Tree and Ghosteen. A couple of highlights are Hiding All Away and, of course, O Children. There might be some others, but this isn't the record I would be giving another spin to remember them. I'm giving it a 3 out of 5, I guess. Looking forward to #day26.
Sep 04 2024
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Talking Heads 77
Talking Heads
Here we are with #day26 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge. Talking Heads happened to me in 2014 when I was 24. Seeing a Stop Making Sense concert movie at one of the local pubs here in Lviv then was both eccentric and entertaining. Looking back, I can say it was the right time: in 2004, I was soaking up electronic and rock music, which would define my taste later on, so, one way or another, 2014 marked a new decade of my music revelations. The result? Talking Heads have stayed with me, becoming one of my favorite bands. Although I prefer a run of their albums from 1979 to 1983, I still find the debut fu-fu-fu-fun to listen to. This is a 4 out of 5 this time around. Looking forward to #day27.
Sep 05 2024
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The Visitors
This is #day27 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge. It’s only my second album of theirs if we don’t count Voyage, which was the very first ABBA album I fully listened to, aside from individual hits, of course. What always drew me in was the album cover. Dark and ominous, it starkly contrasts ABBA’s upbeat pop music. This shift is reflected in the album itself; The Visitors marks a departure in both sound and emotional depth. The music is pensive and progressive, with poignant lyrics, though not always. There are many gems, such as the title track, Head Over Heels, When All Is Said And Done, and I Let The Music Speak—each one a beautiful yet bittersweet example of the band's evolution. I’m giving it a solid 4 out of 5. This is truly an album you must hear before you die. Looking forward to #day28.
Sep 06 2024
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Desperate Youth, Blood Thirsty Babes
TV On The Radio
This is #day28 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge and I'm pleasantly surprised again by an entry on this list. I've heard only the band's name, never listening to a single song. I mean never. So I'm happy the stars aligned, and not only I'm discovering TV On The Radio from their debut, but listening to it now, 20 years after it came out. Now, this is intricately weird music. And I like weird! A couple of other names come to mind while listening to TVOTR: Algiers and The Veldt. All three share one common core. Soul. But, while the first band blends it with industrial, darkwave, and hip-hop, the second—with shoegaze, TV On the Radio—with post-punk, noise, and all sorts of experimental sonic paraphernalia imaginable. That was really interesting. For this reason, I'm giving it a 5 out of 5. Looking forward to #day29.
Sep 07 2024
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Chirping Crickets
Buddy Holly & The Crickets
Well, #day28 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and here we are with something from the 50s again... I have to agree that reviewing music from this era can be tricky. On one hand, there’s something intriguing about stripping away modern influences and enjoying the simple themes of love and longing—her leaving, his yearning, and so on. Until you realize it doesn't "work" that way any longer. As the third or fourth song starts, the naivety becomes more apparent. This pre-rock era’s country-bluesy rock and roll, with its surely unmistakable hiccuping vocals, doesn’t captivate me in the way it might have back then. I do get its influence and importance, but it feels like watching movies from the 50s—kind of fun but not as engaging in a modern context. For these reasons, I’m giving it a 2 out of 5. Looking forward to #day30.
Sep 08 2024
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I’m a Lonesome Fugitive
Merle Haggard
This is #day30 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge. I messed up the numbers in the previous review and wrote #day28, which should have been #29 instead. Anyway, country... I've nothing to say except this music leaves me indifferent. Sorry, but we're back to square one with, you guess, a 1 out of 5. Looking forward to #day31.
Sep 09 2024
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Sweet Baby James
James Taylor
This is #day31 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge. The first full week of September 2024 is coming to a close. A beautiful sunny Sunday afternoon. As I listen to this album, I watch my loved one sitting on a couch, an apple in one hand, a book in another, and I feel happy. The music on the album matches the mood, throwing me back to Carol King's Tapestry. It's warm and comfortable. I particularly liked the string of songs beginning with Steamroller through Anywhere Like Heaven. Actually, the whole album. But since I'm not sure I'll be coming back to it soon, this is a 3 out of 5. It's a nice discovery all the same. Looking forward to #day32.
Sep 10 2024
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Bryter Layter
Nick Drake
This is #day32 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and that's a gentle way to start the week. The list seems to have taken a somewhat linear path recently, moving through country, folk, early rock and roll, and back to folk. But today’s pick is a different kind of folk. I was introduced to Nick Drake by a friend a couple of years ago, and it’s one of those rare recommendations I decided to keep. Even though I prefer a more inward-looking Nick Drake, with his introspective and solitary style, this album offers something exquisite. It feels as though a shy guy with a guitar wanted some company. And... he found it in the form of backing instruments, which resulted in a beautifully rich sound. Bryter Layter blends contemplating melancholic folk with lush arrangements sprinkled with flute, saxophone, strings, and more. This is definitely an album worth listening to before you die. I’m giving it a 5 out of 5 this time around. Looking forward to #day33.
Sep 11 2024
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Here we are with #day33 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge. When I first looked at the artwork, I thought it would be some post-hardcore, but then... Yes, somebody can play the guitar. But, this isn't an album I'd be willing to put on before I die. For this reason, I'm giving it a 2 out of 5. Looking forward to #day34.
Sep 12 2024
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Happy Mondays
Headlong into #day34 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge... Or, rather headlong in slow motion because it's all about the vibe here. Happy Mondays... Even though I prefer Pills 'n' Thrills and Bellyaches (the 2020 UK & EU vinyl reissue slams hard, by the way), I find Bummed to be an essential document of the Madchester era. It's nothing short of psychedelic, funky, ecstasy-driven sonic sluggishness. Agreed, it's not The Stone Roses or New Order circa Technique (and it shouldn't be), but there's something about the laid-back goofy nature of this record that you can't resist. Can you? I'm giving it a 4 out of 5. Looking forward to #day35.
Sep 13 2024
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Maverick A Strike
Finley Quaye
This is #day35 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge. It's a September morning, the fall sky is pewter, and the air is pregnant with rain... The scene begs for corresponding music. And that should not be "sunshine" music. Also, a Scottish guy playing reggae? Don't get me started. This is a 1 out of 5, and I hope I never listen to it ever again. Looking forward to #day36.
Sep 14 2024
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Darkness on the Edge of Town
Bruce Springsteen
This is #day36 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge. It's a sullen September morning in Lviv, and I'm listening to a full Bruce Springsteen album for the first time. Until today, I've only heard Born In The U.S.A. (a single song), and never an entire album. Knowing, however, that this is heartland rock, I viewed it as a musical reflection of personal places and memories—home, childhood, and beloved people—themes that I relate to. This perspective deepened my appreciation for the music, I guess. What struck me was Springsteen's vocal delivery. It varies from mumbling to singing to screaming, which is a rather unpredictable versatility—whether due to production choices or Springsteen’s style, we'll see (I believe this isn't his only album on the list). I found the backing band, especially the keys, the sax, and the drum and bass sections particularly enjoyable. I also started to understand where The Killers might draw their influences. On the other can't, I couldn't help labeling this as a case in point of "dad rock", mainly due to the release date, stylistic elements, and the "working-class" leitmotif. But, overall, it was a nice discovery. This is a 3 out of 5. Looking forward to #day37.
Sep 15 2024
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São Paulo Confessions
This is #day37 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge and here we are with "an album by the Serbian-born musician Suba—his musical account of life in that humid, foggy, and manic megalopolis". Hell, yeah, that's the album description to get me sold on. Not to mention the album title and the artwork. What else do you need? Oh, wait, the music? It's dark and sultry, with a touch of wickedness to it... It kind of sounds like Sade Adu accompanied by a supergroup consisting of Amon Tobin and Bohren & der Club of Gore, peppered with Latin and Samba, though. During the listen, I raised my eyebrows a couple of times. That was fun. I'm giving it a 5 out of 5. Looking forward to #day38.
Sep 16 2024
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Elvis Presley
Elvis Presley
This is #day38 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... This is Elvis, an iconic album artwork, the music that's deemed pivotal, at least so they say. To me, it’s just another rockabilly/country/rock and roll stuff from the 50s (look up my review of Chirping Crickets by Buddy Holly & The Crickets for reasons). I belong to a camp of those questioning Elvis’s luck, status, and the "King of Rock and Roll" label. How about "King of Bleached Rock and Roll"? As of today, this music and his persona mean little to me, if anything. The sound, lyrics, and overall style feel dated and even laughable. It’s a 2 out of 5 this time. I wonder what Monday brings aka looking forward to #day39.
Sep 17 2024
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Into another week with #day39 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge. My wife made me laugh when she learned what album I need to listen to today. She said she used to think Prince was Michael Jackson's son... Anyway, as I've mentioned earlier, I'm not a big fan of double albums—they’re often too much for me. It was fun to learn about Minneapolis sound, though. The rhythm section and those cosmic synths stole the spotlight and added a distinct flavor. However, I struggled with Prince’s voice and the extended track lengths—some songs clock in at over 8 min, which was overwhelming and sometimes annoying. I might have a different point of view about Purple Rain if it's on the list. This is a 3 out of 5 this time. Looking forward to #40.
Sep 18 2024
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Reign In Blood
This is #day40 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and I’m sipping my morning coffee to some thrash metal... Not my usual breakfast fare, but that’s part of the fun. One of the things I love about music is how it can spark memories. It's like a bridge to different stages of life—just needing a spark to light the way. The name “Slayer” has been familiar since my teenage years. I remember seeing it in the teen zines I devoured around age 13-15, I can recall Kerry King’s tattoos, the name "Dave Lombardo", and a feature about their album God Hates Us All. But, I never listened to their music until now. My initial thrash metal experience was with Metallica—actually, their 90s works (I know, it's a far-from-thrash Metallica but still)—which set a high bar for me. Reign in Blood doesn’t quite live up to that. As I listen to the penultimate track, I can only identify it by checking the tracklist. Maybe that's the whole point of it? A kick-in-the-teeth punk thrash? Either way, I'm not feeling it. This is a 2 out of 5, mostly because of the nostalgic spark. Looking forward to #day41.
Sep 19 2024
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Sound Affects
The Jam
This is #day41 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge. While I had heard the band’s name before, this was my first experience with their music. Another UK 80s post-punk gem? Bring it on! For a start, this is a case in point when you judge the album by the cover. Because, well, isn't it just fascinating? I was instantly hooked on the first song, especially that bass line. It's safe to say the bass is the nerve of this record. The album is rich with influences, notably Gang of Four and The Clash, infused with the quirky flair of the 60s. English countryside post-punk for the working class if you will. “Set The House Ablaze” stands out as one of the many highlights. I’m on the hunt for a nice vinyl copy, I guess. This is a solid 4 out of 5. Looking forward to #day43.
Sep 20 2024
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Talking Timbuktu
Ali Farka Touré
This is #day42 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge and... you just made me sit through and listen to a whole hour of Malian folk. Because no matter the music, I listen to all the albums on this list. Even Kanye fucking West. What can I say? Well, my facial expression would utter more than my mouth. I'm sure I could do without this album before I die. I don't mind world music interpolations in post-punk or new wave (think Dead Can Dance, Talking Heads, or even Sting on, say, Brand New Day), but I'd never choose to listen to it in such a bare form. Most of the songs drag way too long. Separating the wheat from the chaff, I preferred those with a bluesy edge. Still, this is a 1 out of 5 aka never again. Looking forward to #day43, which I was looking forward to yesterday because I messed up the numbers again.
Sep 21 2024
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Aladdin Sane
David Bowie
It's a sunny September Friday here in my hometown, Lviv, signaling the first Indian, or, old women's summer, as we call it in Ukrainian, which also marks #day43 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge. I’m revisiting what I believe is the first of many David Bowie albums on this list. It’s hard to say anything new about Aladdin Sane (I mean, it's iconic no matter what angle you look at it. For example, I could only stare at that album cover forever), so I’ll share a couple of personal Bowie moments instead. If memory serves me right, this was the first album of his I was introduced to (the year was 2008, I believe), thanks to Anton Corbijn's film Control, which I mentioned in my Unknown Pleasures review. Remember the scene where Ian Curtis dresses up in front of the mirror and applies eyeliner while “The Jean Genie” plays? You bet. I must admit I haven’t yet listened to Bowie’s entire discography (though I consider myself a fan), but I find myself drawn most to his experimental period—the Berlin years. Let’s face it, though: Bowie was all about experimentation, and that’s the beauty of his music. Each era offers something unique for different ears. Even my wife, who isn't a Bowie fan at all, has a song she loves (The Heart's Filthy Lesson). As a vinyl collector, I’m lucky to own an NM copy of the first UK pressing of this album, complete with an insert and an "I Love You David" postcard. Listening to the title track and “Lady Grinning Soul” on vinyl (actually, the whole album) is mesmerizing. Those Mike Garson piano solos chill me to the bone—I can see how the avant-garde jazziness of Blackstar might have its roots here. Each song is a jewel on its own, contributing to the crown of one of Bowie’s countless masterpieces. This album earns a solid 5 out of 5 from me. Looking forward to #day44.
Sep 22 2024
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Lazer Guided Melodies
This is day#44 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge and... ladies and gentlemen, I'm floating in space!!! Oh, wait. That's a different album. But still, I should be kind of floating... Right? Well, I thought I would die sooner than I finished this album. I like some dream pop and shoegaze, but this was way too fucking much of nothing in particular. If it was meant to make me feel high, it didn't succeed because I feel low. Perfect prescription to your annoyance. This is a 2 out of 5. Looking forward to #day45.
Sep 23 2024
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Figure 8
Elliott Smith
This is day#45 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge and... that's some great music for a sunny September afternoon. I don't know what else to say, except that everything was beautiful and nothing hurt. Or, maybe I'm just being too lackadaisical to pick words. The music says everything, and I don't want to interfere. This is another solid 4 out of 5. Looking forward to #day46, but also not very much because yesterday was so good that I don't want today ever to end.
Sep 24 2024
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Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots
The Flaming Lips
This is day#46 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge and... in a parallel universe, Tame Impala has gone Pink Floyd, creating a concept album full to the brim with psychedelic noises and sounds, telling a story about A Girl, the Pink Robot Battler... The girl in question happens to be the drummer for a Japanese noise rock band, Boredoms, and is credited among the additional personnel for the album creation. Well, at least this way I learned about Japanoise (the term denoting the noise music scene of Japan). It was quite an enjoyable listen, though. But, as I doubt I'd be returning to this music anytime soon, this is a 3 out of 5. Looking forward to #day47.
Sep 25 2024
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I Against I
Bad Brains
This is day#47 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge and here we are with yet another first-timer... One of the most horrendous mixes of funk, metal, and hardcore punk (?) I've heard, even though nu-metal and hip hop were among the genres I grew up on as a teenager. I find the vocals particularly aggravating. I only hope this is their first and last album on the list. Hence, a 1 out of 5. Unfortunately. Looking forward to #day48.
Sep 26 2024
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Follow The Leader
On with #day48 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge and... da-boom-da-da-mmm-dum-na-ee-ma! Love them or hate them, KoЯn will always hold a special place in the 90s alternative and nu-metal music. I first discovered them circa 2003—I had never heard anything like "Did My Time" until then. As unpopular as it might be, Take A Look In The Mirror is my go-to KoЯn album. Looking back, I realize that this era might have felt like a beat-a-dead-horse moment for the band, but who cares? "Counting On Me" is still one of my all-time favorite KoЯn tracks. Then there was 2005’s See You On The Other Side, with a cover that still creeps me out. I also remember reading a wild teenzine article about Davis that claimed he once had sex for like ten hours straight until... his cock started to bleed. What a time! As for Follow The Leader, while it features classics like "It's On", "Freak On A Leash," and "Get A Life," it can be a tough listen from start to finish. The dark, groovy sound encapsulates KoЯn’s signature style, but I grow weary of Davis's angst after a while. Or, am I just growing older? The collaborations with other artists are also a downside for me. Overall, this is a 3 out of 5. Looking forward to #day49.
Sep 27 2024
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Make Yourself
This is #day49 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and the list has taken a linear path through the late 90s to early 2000s alternative rock recently. I discovered Incubus relatively late, thanks to my best friend, a die-hard Nirvana fan and grunge aficionado, who once shared some live version of Drive with me. Now, Make Yourself... My first Incubus album ever. It has to be one of the most cohesive mainstream alternative metal works I’ve heard. It blends funk rock, nu-metal grit, and alternative rock melody seamlessly. The scratching is a nice touch, giving it a Linkin Park feel, who blasted onto the scene only one year later, though. The juxtaposition of the vocals might seem out of place at first, but they enhance the overall experience as you go along. Some standouts for me include "Privilege," "The Warmth," "Drive," and "I Miss You" among others. Well done. This is a solid 4 out of 5. Looking forward to #day50.
Sep 28 2024
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Surrealistic Pillow
Jefferson Airplane
This is already #day50 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... if you’re going to San Francisco, be sure to wear some flowers in your hair! Somehow, the late '60s music scene has always drawn me in—it’s a true sign of the times. With artists like Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, Jefferson Airplane, and the early Doors you feel the era’s spirit. Jefferson Airplane’s signature blend of folk rock, psychedelia, and blues, highlighted by Grace Slick's otherworldly vocals, is delicate and dark. Standouts like "Somebody To Love" and "White Rabbit" are just the beginning; There are also "She Has Funny Cars", "Today" and "Comin' Back To Me". Overall, it's a 4 out of 5 this time around. Looking forward to #day51.
Sep 29 2024
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AmeriKKKa's Most Wanted
Ice Cube
This is #day51 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... it's time to drop some old-school beats! Hip-hop, along with rock and electronic music was an essential genre in my formative years. In a way, artists like Eminem, 50 Cent, Dr. Dre, and D12 shaped my musical landscape, especially Eminem. Later, this led me to explore nu-metal, but that's another story. When I see the '80s-'90s hip-hop, by default, it equals quality for me. The production, live instrumentation, rhythms, and delivery create a unique vibe that’s hard to find today. Although this is my first time listening to Ice Cube, AmeriKKKa's Most Wanted is packed with those elements. The album does get repetitive toward the middle, but it ultimately picks up again, making it an engaging listen. As for the lyrical content mentioned by some reviewers, like with any hip-hop artist of that era, I think it's important to view it through the lens of its time rather than a modern perspective. It's a solid 3 out of 5. Looking forward to #day52.
Sep 30 2024
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Car Wheels On A Gravel Road
Lucinda Williams
This is #day52 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, it's a cold gloomy Sunday afternoon in late September... The artwork looks comfortingly promising, but, sadly, this is where it all ends. Underneath, is some low-information country with pretty lame lyrics and a horrid delivery to boot. I would never even choose this as a background. Actually, I think playing music as a background is disrespectful toward the music itself. But this is not music. An album to listen to before you die? That's not even funny. How about joining the company of those 1 out of 5, and never hearing it again? Looking forward to #day53.
Oct 01 2024
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At Folsom Prison
Johnny Cash
It's Monday, #day53 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... it’s country again. Or, is it? Diving into this record you're learning there was someone who was doing punk before it was a thing. How come? Well, what could be more punk than playing a gig for prisoners in one of the U.S.’s highest-security prisons—something no one had done before? This is my first full Johnny Cash album, aside from a few select songs and covers like “Hurt” and “Personal Jesus.” I agree, it's all about atmosphere—the cheers of the inmates, the warden’s announcements, and Cash’s anecdotes create a cinematic experience without visuals. I like Cash’s self-composed deep-voiced delivery as he tells poignant stories, like in “Green, Green Grass of Home.” Still, his style gets monotonous over time, making it easy to lose track of the narrative. The concert also evoked in me mixed feelings due to the audience—some of these folks may have committed terrible crimes, while others... Well, I don't know. Either way, it’s a daring act to perform in such a setting, and it makes me reflect on the complexity of the happening. I'm giving this a 3 out of 5. Looking forward to #day54.
Oct 02 2024
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Logical Progression
LTJ Bukem
This is #day54 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and my annoyance started when I hit the Spotify button. Tracklists on Wiki and Spotify differ. I looked for an album on YT (as I mentioned earlier, I listen to all the entries on the list no matter the music), and it's the same. I got back to Spotify and listened to what was there ("instrumental mixes"), except for the last two 1 hour-long tracks. I don't think I'd miss anything had I listened to the "proper" tracklist, though. A bad UX is enough to get me down. But, there's also music... When drum and bass was big here in Ukraine (early '00s), it passed me by—I was a trance/hard trance/hands-up kid then. Now, a drum and bass compilation to listen to before you die? My answer is a 1 out of 5. Again. Looking forward to #day55.
Oct 03 2024
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The Seldom Seen Kid
Here we are at #day55 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge with something from Manchester. If memory serves me right, I was introduced to Elbow by a friend—a grunge aficionado—which now feels a bit weird. Maybe it's because one of his nicknames was "Weirdo," inspired by that notorious Radiohead song, or perhaps it’s because Elbow’s music carries a hint of that “radioheadness.” Either way, I’ve come to appreciate this band’s interesting sound. There's something idiosyncratic about them—Guy Garvey’s melancholic lyricism and distinct delivery, the instrumentaiton that catches you off guard from one song to another, and, in this case, the album cover that evokes autumnal moods—rather on point as it's October outside my window. But, since it's far from 5 and not quite 4 either, I'm giving it a 3. Looking forward to #day56.
Oct 04 2024
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Crowded House
This is #day56 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge and here's to some generic early 90s pop-rock dragging on some 80s flair. Discerning one song from another can be rather daunting on this album. Nothing too terrible about it (although some lyrics are pretty darn corny), but, again, I don't get the value of ending up on the list of albums you must hear before you die. A case in point when you absolutely don't have to. Should I still be hoping for a solid entry soon? I keep clinging to the thought that this list has loads of crap. I'm not giving up, though. Let it be a 2 out of 5. Looking forward to #day57.
Oct 05 2024
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Parsley, Sage, Rosemary And Thyme
Simon & Garfunkel
This is #day57 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge. It’s finally Friday, and I’ve found the perfect soundtrack for an early October evening gloom—though it’s morning as I write this and listen to the album. Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Thyme is more than just music; its harmonies, orchestrations, and instrumentation weave a rich tapestry that captivates the soul. This is poetry in all its fragility and fleetingness—beautiful, breathtaking... I was literally sitting and drinking coffee during "The Dangling Conversation". It's a strong 4 out of 5 this time. I can’t help but wonder if folk is becoming one of my favorite genres. Anyway, looking forward to #day58.
Oct 06 2024
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Pet Shop Boys
This is #day58 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge and, finally, here's something truly enjoyable. My journey with PSB started in childhood when I first heard "Go West"—it must have been a football chant in the early '00s (I was very much into football then). Later, tracks like "Flamboyant", "Minimal", and "Numb" were staples on TV in 2005-2006, marking a significant part of my teenage years. It's safe to say Fundamental is my first conscious PSB album. Around 2009-2010, my interest rekindled with Yes (I still consider "The Way It Used to Be" of their classic tracks). There’s something timeless about Neil Tennant’s voice no matter what album you're listening to. Now, Very... Despite my preference for the more sentimental side of PSB (my favorite album is Behaviour), even here, there are more subdued moments, such as Liberation, The Theatre, To Speak Is A Sin... Very is (pun un/intended) very versatile, encapsulating everything 90s—synthpop, disco, and house underpinned by signature orchestral arrangements. It’s been a while since I’ve rated an album a perfect score, so here it is. Looking forward to #day59.
Oct 07 2024
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Welcome to the Afterfuture
Mike Ladd
Into #day59 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and it's time for a lesser-known hip-hop gem from 2000. I've never heard of Mike Ladd before. There’s much more than just hip-hop here, though. Listening to Welcome to the Afterfuture reminded me of a couple of other records. First off, Lovage’s Music to Make Love to Your Old Lady By—both share that loungy, crispy, trippy vibe. I also hear echoes of DJ Shadow’s Entroducing....., especially in those instrumental tracks. Maybe some Amon Tobin in there too? Anyway, I enjoyed the abstractness, edginess, and jazzy elements of this album; it was an interesting find. This is a 3 out of 5, particularly given its "old-schoolness". Looking forward to #day60.
Oct 08 2024
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Music in Exile
Songhoy Blues
This is #day60 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge. While I sympathize with the band's backstory and the hurdles they had to overcome before creating music, I agree that this album wouldn't have made it to the list otherwise. Generally, I don't mind blues, but this... I just can't relate to what I hear on this album. Maybe I'm numb. Sorry, this is a one-off experience for me. I'm giving it a 1 out of 5. Looking forward to # day 61.
Oct 09 2024
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On with #day61 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... how about some pedestrian chamber pop country with occasional ball-squeezing falsetto vocals? For music of this kind, this album is too goddamn long... Again, what's the peculiarity of this one to have made its way to the list? Sorry, this is yet another 1 out of 5. Looking forward to #day62.
Oct 10 2024
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This is #day62 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... strap on your cowboy boots, will you? I’ve never listened to an Eagles album before—sure, I know "Hotel California" and a few other hits, but this is my first dive into a full album. I was pleasantly surprised as someone who isn’t a country fan. It feels like an amplified version of country to me—what they call country rock—with some folk, blues, and hard rock elements. Classic old-school rock, rich in acoustic arrangements and heartfelt vocals. One particularly standout track for me was "Most of Us Are Sad." Plus, the album artwork is beautiful and complements the music nicely. This is a 3 out of 5. Looking forward to #day63.
Oct 11 2024
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Haunted Dancehall
The Sabres Of Paradise
This is #day63 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... how about a shload of bleep-blah-bloo techno? When I give an album the lowest score, I have two reasons in mind: 1) I'm convinced that this album should have never made it to the list because of little to no historical, esthetic, or other value in it (there could be other grounds for that as well), and 2) The music itself doesn't strike a cord in me. Haunted Dancehall is a case in point of both. The good news is that one track was blocked on Spotify, so I didn't have to sit through the whole thing. But anyway, that was arduous. It's been the third album this week scoring a 1 out of 5 from me, and it's only Friday. Looking forward to #day64.
Oct 12 2024
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Green River
Creedence Clearwater Revival
Here's to #day64 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudiechallenge, and... "where were you while we were getting high?" (c) Well, we were getting high on the music! Hailing from San Francisco, Creedence is a perfect paragon of discipline and devotion. They went further and made a pact that they would do no drugs or alcohol. The results? Green River is the second of 3 (three!) albums they released that year. And the year was 1969 if you know what I mean. While the title track and Bad Moon Rising are the obvious gems, the whole album is a smooth bluesy rock journey. Not too long, not too short, straight up to the point. This is a well-deserved 4 out of 5. Looking forward to #day65.
Oct 13 2024
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The Wall
Pink Floyd
This is #day65 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and next month marks 45 years since this album was released. While it isn’t my favorite Pink Floyd record (that title goes to Wish You Were Here), it goes without saying that The Wall exemplifies breathtaking storytelling and showcases the band's brilliance not only as musicians but also as profound thinkers, even though it’s largely a Waters-driven project. Much has been said about this LP... For me, listening to it feels like watching a movie with a picture off (I still haven't seen the eponymous feature film yet). The themes of agitation, alienation, and the main character's emotional turmoil resonate deeply and remain relevant today; it's easy to see parallels between the individual and society—I’ve been to those places many times. Among the iconic tracks like "Another Brick in the Wall, Pt. 2", "Comfortably Numb", and "Hey You" my personal favorites are "Goodbye Blue Sky", "Young Lust", and "Don't Leave Me Now". Each of them is (pun intended) an irreplaceable brick in the wall. I also like to listen to this album with my wife on vinyl, whose 2016 reissue she presented to me last year. It's a strong 4 out of 5 again. Looking forward to #day66.
Oct 14 2024
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Done By The Forces Of Nature
Jungle Brothers
This is #day66 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and here's to a real gem of the golden age hip-hop! What a fitting name for such an iconic genre. This era, spanning the mid-'80s to the early '90s, resonates deeply with me—not just for its innovation, experimentation, and undeniable vibe but for the way it captures a unique cultural moment. I can almost picture the sound systems, boom boxes, street dances, and rap battles that defined this time. The album brilliantly blends hip-hop with jazz, house, and funk, creating a sound that feels just as fresh 35 years later. I particularly enjoyed the interpolations of jazz. Done By The Forces Of Nature is a perfect embodiment of the creativity and spirit of its time. I'm giving it a 5 out of 5. Looking forward to #day67.
Oct 15 2024
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Steely Dan
This is #day67 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and it brings me to Steely Dan’s Aja—my first-ever encounter with their music. From the very first notes, this record struck me as a perfect candidate for audiophiles to test their setups. But it’s much more than that. The band spins a fascinating musical narrative, fusing rock and jazz in a way that draws you in. It's an album with a character and a mood. Even on Spotify, the clarity of instrument separation makes it easy to visualize the stage and the atmosphere. I’m genuinely impressed and happy to embrace this entry. It’s a great start to the week as well. I can't believe I'm writing this, but it's another 5 out of 5. Looking forward to #day68.
Oct 16 2024
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Cee-Lo Green... Is The Soul Machine
Cee Lo Green
This is #day68 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, which brings me back to 2004, a particularly golden year in my musical journey. At 14, I was immersed in CDs, tapes, music channels, and radio—discovering new sounds that shaped my tastes. Albums like Encore, Collision Course, Always Outnumbered, Never Outgunned, American Idiot, and others hold a special place in my heart. It was a time of polarizing yet unique music. Now, onto Cee-Lo Green’s Is The Soul Machine... I wasn’t familiar with him before. Listening to the album, I can definitely hear the Timbaland production style that was popular back then, but unfortunately, it doesn’t stand out to me. This is a 2 out of 5, mostly because of the year it was released and a couple of familiar feature artists. Also, why are those hip-hop records always so obnoxiously long? Looking forward to #day69.
Oct 17 2024
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Duran Duran
This is #day69 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... s-i-i-i-n-n-n-g bl-u-u-e silv-e-e-e-r! It's a straight 5 out of 5, and, honestly, the seminal artwork alone deserves it. Fun fact: back in June, the band finally revealed the identity of the woman on the cover—a story worth looking up. As an 80s music fan at heart, I can’t stress enough how Rio is an absolute must-listen before you die. A bona fide new-wave classic. From the very first track (that sax from Andy Hamilton, though!), the synergy of guitars, bass (!), drums, synths, and vocals creates something truly majestic, seamlessly flowing from one song to another. The album is innovative, experimental, and daring—precisely what I love about young bands with the world as their oyster. It also has The Chauffeur, not only one of the most avant-garde songs of the 80s but also one of the greatest 80s album closers. Have you heard Deftones' or Sneaker Pimps' covers of that song? Rio is one of Duran’s three pivotal albums over the decades. Think about it: the next decade gave us The Wedding Album and then... Astronaut in the following one. But for tonight, it’s all Rio... Did I mention it’s a 5? Looking forward to #day70.
Oct 18 2024
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Scott 4
Scott Walker
This is #day70 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... could this be where Radiohead's orchestral strings find their roots? I can hear echoes of “How To Disappear Completely”, “Spectre”, and much of “A Moon-Shaped Pool” woven in. No surprise as the band has praised this album themselves. The music is interesting for its time, though I’m not particularly moved by the vocals. What really pulled me away was that last verse of “The Old Man's Back Again”, seemingly told from the perspective of an invading russian soldier... With my homeland invaded by russia for almost three years now, I don't give a fuck about that perspective. Invaders must die. It's a 2 out of 5 this time. Looking forward to #day71.
Oct 19 2024
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In Utero
This is #day71 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... here we are now, entertain us! The first grunge entry on the list and Nirvana's first album featured as well. Among the Big 4 of Grunge, Alice In Chains takes the top spot for me, followed by Nirvana, with Pearl Jam and Soundgarden sharing a tie for third. Speaking of In Utero... it stands out as a raw, abrasive, gritty response to the polished sound of Nevermind. It’s meant to be blasted loud with a middle-finger-in-your-face attitude that contrasts noise and melody, screaming and singing, and rage and serenity. Well, grunge, you know... Songs like "Scentless Apprentice", "Milk It", "Radio Friendly Unit Shifter" and "Tourette's" hit hard, while others like "Heart-Shaped Box", "Dumb", and "All Apologies" reveal a more introspective side, although still straddle those extremes. This is a hands-down essential 90s alternative rock record you must listen to before you die. It's also an incredibly poignant one, knowing it was the band's last. It makes you reflect on what could have been... I'm giving it a 5 out of 5, of course. Looking forward #day72.
Oct 20 2024
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Live At The Harlem Square Club
Sam Cooke
This is #day72 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and here we are with a live soul/jazz album from the '60s... All I wanted to do while listening to it was turn the volume down—I couldn't really stand the singing. This outpouring of emotions (or soul if you will) makes me feel absolutely nothing. Not the kind of record I'd want to revisit, if ever. Just like soul music in general, I guess. This is some 36 minutes long, but it felt like forever... It's a 1 out of 5 this time. Again. Looking forward to #day73.
Oct 21 2024
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Germfree Adolescents
X-Ray Spex
This is #day73 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and, wow, that saxophone! This is my first-ever experience with X-Ray Spex, and it's already one of my favorite records of all time. My initial thought was that it’s like a female version of the Sex Pistols. Then, it made me think of Blondie's debut, but it definitely stands on its own—very much its own. The album is rowdy and raw, yet incredibly melodious—pure punk with bits of ska and reggae, plus a hint of new wave. Standout songs are "I Can't Do Anything", "Identity", "Plastic Bag", and "The Day The World Turned Day-Glo", but honestly, the whole record rocks—you just turn it up and let it flow. Poly Styrene was a true punk icon and a forward-thinking artist who did feminism before feminism was a thing. I’d go so far as to say she’s one of the most influential frontwomen in rock music. This is a fantastic discovery, a trailblazing record that deserves more recognition. I'm giving it a 5 out 5. Looking forward to #day74.
Oct 22 2024
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Can't Buy A Thrill
Steely Dan
This is #day74 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and for the first time in this challenge, here we are with another album by the same band. Just a week ago, I explored Aja, and now it’s time for Steely Dan’s debut. While it doesn’t quite match the brilliance of my first encounter, this one's still an enjoyable listen. I mean, look at that collaged album cover, and it's 1972 outside. "Do It Again" and "Fire In The Hole" are personal highlights. As one reviewer noted, I might be turning into a dad... I wouldn't mind checking out more from these guys—are there any other albums on the list? This is a 3 out of 5. Looking forward to#day75.
Oct 23 2024
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Green Onions
Booker T. & The MG's
This is #day75 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and I have to say, the album cover caught my eye right away (I’m a fan of green onions!). When I learned it was a soul record, though, I was already bracing for frustration (Soul is currently among my worst genres), but then I found out it’s instrumental soul (with funk and blues elements to boot), and I felt somewhat relieved. The organ takes center stage throughout the entire album, creating a rich, engaging sound. Overall, it was a delightful discovery, and I can only imagine how impactful this was in 1962 when it came out. It's a 3 out of 5. Looking forward to #day76.
Oct 24 2024
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Ogden's Nut Gone Flake
Small Faces
This is #day76 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and this week the list seems to have gone sideways, offering entries from the 1960s to the early 1970s. Today's album could be a fun listen when you're hallucinating. But I am not. This was pretty boring as I was yawning during most of the record. And then, the storytelling started... Anyway, I wouldn't choose to listen to this ever again. Welcome to the company of 1 out of 5. Looking forward to #day77.
Oct 25 2024
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Tago Mago
This is #day77 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... how many cans can a canner can, if a canner can can cans? Well, a canner can can as many cans as a canner can, if a canner can can cans! To me, Tago Mago is the embodiment of what music sometimes should be—a statement, an experiment. This album is more than music. A sound play, a sound performance? Either way, it's shamanistic, funky, and jazzy. Face it, Putting "Aumgn" on a record in 1971 deserves a fucking credit. This piece may well scare the shit out of you. One other fun observation: those reverse-taped vocals at the beginning of "Oh Yeah" sound like a precursor to the language of A Man From Another Place in Twin Peaks. If this "was an attempt in achieving a mystery musical world from light to darkness and return", sleep well, the mission is accomplished. But then, I'm not sure where I am now after listening to it. In the words of Special Agent Cooper, what year is this? Of course, it’s a 5 out of 5. Looking forward to #day78.
Oct 26 2024
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You've Come a Long Way Baby
Fatboy Slim
This is #day78 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... right about now, the funk soul brother, check it out now, the funk soul brother! Clearly, You've Come A Long Way, Baby is a product of its era—an unmistakable slice of late '90s break/big-beat electronica with plenty of sampled vocals. Somehow, though, this album and Fatboy Slim himself passed me by in the early 2000s, aside from the ubiquitous “The Rockafeller Skank”. Back then, I was more into The Prodigy and Chemical Brothers, I believe. I also liked Moby's “18”. It's a jam for the ladies and the superstars if you know what I mean. Listening to this record for the first time now, I found it to be a fun collection of tunes that takes you back in time. However, I’m not sure if I’d want to revisit it in full anytime soon. But hey, I’ve ticked it off this list before I kick the bucket, so that already counts, right? I'm giving it a strong 3 out of 5. Looking forward to #day79.
Oct 27 2024
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Primal Scream
This is #day79 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... we're gonna have a good time, we're gonna have a party! I literally can't sit still whenever this record plays. Screamadelica is undoubtedly one of the most essential albums of its time. It's a head-spinning time capsule with an explosive blend of styles—acid house, Madchester, dub-reggae, neo-psychedelia, and so much more. No substances required, the music does the trick. I also love to blast it on vinyl. If you like to drop the needle now and then, the 2015 EU reissue is bound to knock your socks off. With tracks like "Slip Inside This House", "Don't Fight It, Feel It", "Higher Than The Sun", and "Loaded", it's all about the v-i-i-i-be... Yes, this is the one to listen to before you die. But, I'm hell-bent on revisiting this album more in the future. This is a definite 5 out of 5. Looking forward to #day80.
Oct 28 2024
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Fleet Foxes
Fleet Foxes
This is #day80 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... what's the hype about? It's my first time listening to Fleet Foxes and quite possibly the last one. While I'm okay with some '60s-70s folk as you might have noticed in my previous reviews, this is way too much modern indie to my ears... Many songs blend into each other, and I can't tell the difference between them. I'm not a fan of this upbeat, positive-folk style either. That's not what I would choose to listen to before I die. Back to low scores because it's a 2 out of 5 this time. Looking forward to #day81.
Oct 29 2024
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Pretzel Logic
Steely Dan
This is #day81 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... it's already the third album by Steeley Dan that I've got. Unfortunately, this one's my least favorite among the three. It's way too "dad rock" if you know what I mean. And I know, when reviewing Aja, I said I might be turning into a dad for liking it. But that album was different. Pretzel Logic offers nothing too offensive, but nothing too extraordinary to be willing to revisit it in the future either. It's a 2 out of 5 this time. Looking forward to #day82.
Oct 30 2024
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Better Living Through Chemistry
Fatboy Slim
This is #day82 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... I'm surprised to see another Fatboy Slim album on the list. I got You've Come A Long Way just a couple of days ago and gave it a 3. Now, this... Well, as I've said earlier, I clung to different artists in the genre back in the day. As for the record itself, it's woefully tedious... Aside from "Everybody Needs a 303" and (actually, what else is there?), I have nothing to remember it by. It's the third consecutive 2 out of 5. Looking forward to #day83.
Oct 31 2024
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The Grand Tour
George Jones
This is #day83 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and I wonder what the percentage of country music on this list is... Country is in my top 3 worst genres now. What else is there to say? Ah, wait. It's a 1 out of 5. Again. Looking forward to #day84.
Nov 01 2024
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This is #day84 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... woo-hoo! It's because of this challenge I listen to Blur album-wise for the first time in my life. As I've mentioned in the Parklife review, I’ve always perceived them as more of a single-song band—“Song 2” was my introduction back in my teenage years, thanks to a Tuborg beer commercial. Since then, I've enjoyed beer more than this band's music. Now, the self-titled... It's a head-scratcher for the most part. Blur going indie and alternative rock, so? Also, and I must have said that before as well, their records are disrespectfully and groundlessly long—everything up until Think Tank drags on for about an hour or more, which gets annoying sooner or later. In this case sooner because halfway through I felt like turning it off. It's a 2 out of 5. Looking forward to #day85.
Nov 02 2024
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This is #day85 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and unlike Blur, which funnily enough, I got just yesterday, Gorillaz holds a special place in my teenage years. I was 15 when Demon Days came out, and tracks like “Dare”, “Dirty Harry”, and “Feel Good Inc.” were all over the radio and TV... Although I’ve never listened to the debut album straight through (same as the sophomore up until last year, I believe), I’m familiar with “Clint Eastwood”, of course. Maybe a couple of other tunes as well. Truth be told, I was pleasantly surprised by how well the album flows; it’s an enjoyable laid-back listen packed with dub, hip-hop, and trip-hop hooks. The project is truly one of a kind—there's been nothing quite like it before or since. I mean... virtual band in 2001, man. Yes, this is the one to be checked out before you die. Because this is where it all starts. So, it's a 5 out of 5. Looking forward to #day 86.
Nov 03 2024
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Beyond Skin
Nitin Sawhney
This is #day86 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... how about music to take a dump to? Long story short, this is not an album you must hear before you die. It's a 1 out of 5, of course. Looking forward to #day87.
Nov 04 2024
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Club Classics Vol. One
Soul II Soul
This is #day87 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and listening to Club Classics Vol. One (for the very first time) feels like tapping into an endless beat that flows through time... Released at the turn of the 1980s and 1990s, this album serves as a time capsule, reflecting the vibrant sound system culture, Belgian New Beat, and The Second Summer of Love, all intertwining to create a dizzying mix of genres—dub, reggae, house, soul, gospel, downtempo, jazz, and more. When they sing "with this music I'll put you in a trance" on "Dance", they don't joke, they will do it. The record brilliantly reflects the spirit of its era. And I love this era! This is a 5 out of 5 without a doubt. Looking forward to #day88.
Nov 05 2024
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Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness
The Smashing Pumpkins
This is #day88 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... I’ve always found Billy Corgan’s tendency to create sprawling albums like "Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness" fascinatingly bewildering. While I can appreciate its monumental scope and the way it reflects the '90s alternative rock scene, I'm highly unlikely to listen to the entire album again due to its unjustified length. I mean, the whole thing is 28 tracks long, droning on for a little more than 2 hours... At the same time, however, the consistency and story are undeniable. Standouts are "Tonight, Tonight", "Bullet With Butterfly Wings", "Galapogos", "1979", and maybe a few more. Overall, it's a 3 out of 5 from me. Looking forward to #day89.
Nov 06 2024
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They Were Wrong, So We Drowned
This is #day89 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... something wicked this way comes, right? To me, Angus Andrew is one of those visionaries able to create the weirdest of shit and make you drown in it. The band took a turn in 2014 with the release of Mess, and what we’re hearing here is more in line with their early work—raw, experimental, and post-punk-ish. It’s like The Doors filtered through the lens of Joy Division. A comparison is a bit off, but there’s certainly a haunting, ritualistic quality to this album (I've heard it's a concept record about witches). Is this a "must-listen before you die", though? It’s a challenging listen, no doubt. But it's also an album that keeps you hooked. I get to believe that sometimes music is all about disruption and/or making you feel uneasy. And in that respect, They Were Wrong, So We Drowned absolutely succeeds. After reading the reviews, I'd even bump my score up a bit. This is a 4 out of 5. Looking forward to #day90.
Nov 07 2024
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This is #day90 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... don’t you know—pump it up? Oh wait, that’s from another dimension. While Aerosmith’s influence was cemented in the '70s, their mid-to-late '80s albums, especially Permanent Vacation and Pump, define the band just as much—if not more. Pump is one of my favorite Aerosmith records. It's packed with gems. From the opening riffs of "Young Lust" to the raw energy of "F.I.N.E.", the anthemic "Love in an Elevator", the funky "Janie's Got a Gun", to the emotional closer, "What It Takes"—this album is arguably the band's most consistent effort. It might be their most polished one, but it still rocks, and is always a joy to listen to. I'm giving it a 4 out of 5. Looking forward to #day91.
Nov 08 2024
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Taylor Swift
This is #day91 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... over 90 million monthly listens on Spotify prove the world is flat. After listening to this (yes, I did it... against every single fucking odd), I feel like putting on some Einstürzende Neubauten... Has to be the blandest shit I've ever heard. Don't be ridiculous—don't listen to Taylor Swift before you die. Fucking challenge yourself. This is a 1 out of 5. Looking forward to #day92.
Nov 09 2024
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Maggot Brain
This is #day92 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and I finally get to dive into the album I’ve known for its enigmatic, eye-catching cover but never actually listened to. Well, now I have—and? The title track is an absolute revelation. It’s one of the most mind-blowing pieces of music I’ve ever heard. Actually, “mind-blowing” might be too strong a word; it’s more like a sonic avalanche, crashing on you from a distance, in slow motion. As if Have A Nice Life resurrected Jimi Hendrix and decided to record a soundtrack for the apocalypse. This track alone justifies the album’s “must-listen” status. As for the rest of the record, it’s funky, psychedelic, and undeniably acidic. Other standout tracks include “Hit It And Quit It“ and “Wars of Armageddon“. On the other hand, “Can You Get To That“ and “Back In Our Minds“ feel a bit more drawn out and less engaging. I'm giving it a 4 out of 5. Looking forward to #day93.
Nov 10 2024
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Tom Tom Club
Tom Tom Club
This is #day93 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and how about something funky and new wavy? As a spin-off of Talking Heads, Tom Tom Club brings a lot to the table on their debut. Released a year after the groundbreaking Remain In Light, Tom Tom Club shares a similar edgy and artsy vibe—infectious rhythms and experimental sounds... The album blends sharp, quirky early '80s synths and playful beats with a laid-back, tropical-tinged quality, giving it a distinct personality. It feels like Tina and Chris were just having fun, making music together, and it shows. Standout tracks for me are Wordy Rappinghood, Genius of Love, As Above So Below, and Lorelei, which is half of the record. This is a solid 4 out of 5 again. Looking forward to #day94.
Nov 11 2024
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Lam Toro
Baaba Maal
This is #day94 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... please excuse me, but I just can't agree that this should be on the list of albums you must hear before you die. This isn't simply boring, this is also fucking irritating. I was like 80% through, and I had to stop. It's a 1 out of 5, of course. Looking forward to #day95.
Nov 12 2024
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Lou Reed
This is #day95 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and what a great way to kick off the week! I’ve known Lou Reed’s work both solo and with The Velvet Underground, but I’d never listened to this album in full until now. And wow—what an album! It’s packed with immediate classics like “Vicious”, “Perfect Day”, “Walk on the Wild Side”, “Satellite of Love“, and “I’m So Free”. Knowing it was partly produced by David Bowie, “Transformer“ feels like a precursor to Bowie’s “Aladdin Sane“ in many ways, especially with its glam rock influence and string/piano/jazz arrangements. Lou’s vocals are comforting yet sharp, and the entire album sounds as beautiful as it can. I’m giving it a 5 out of 5. I’m also excited to explore more of Reed’s solo work and VU’s catalog. So, random generator, bring it on! Looking forward to #day96.
Nov 13 2024
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Tragic Songs of Life
The Louvin Brothers
This is #day96 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and, oh well, there you go with another country album... I pulled myself together and listened to it to the very end, though. Still, this is a 1 out of 5. As I've said before, it's not my genre. Looking forward to #day97.
Nov 14 2024
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Fly Or Die
This is #day97 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... here's to another record from 2004 that I didn't know about. Nothing is outstanding here, except learning there's Pharell, whom I've always found extremely annoying. Again, what's the significance of this album to earn its entry on the list? This is nowhere near must-listen, not to mention must-listen before you die. I'm giving it a 2 out of 5 solely due to my sentiment for the year it was released. Looking forward to #day98.
Nov 15 2024
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British Steel
Judas Priest
This is #day98 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... let's break the law, shall we? When I first dove into heavy metal, British Steel (along with Sad Wings of Destiny, I believe) became one of those albums I kept on hand as a Priest classic. While I don’t revisit it often, if ever, it’s still undeniable how the album set the blueprint for the '80s heavy metal. Tracks like “Breaking the Law” and “Living After Midnight” are metal staples, the rhythm section is tight, the riffs are contagious, the drums are crisp... The record rocks hard (or, rather heavy). I also appreciate Rob Halford’s outspoken support for Ukraine against russian aggression. This is a 3 out of 5, though, as I'm not sure I'd be playing this in full soon. Looking forward to #day99.
Nov 16 2024
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Hybrid Theory
Linkin Park
This is #day99 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... throwing Hybrid Theory at me on a day when From Zero is released? Well played, random generator, well played. Linkin Park. What does this band mean to me? Well, everything and beyond. LP wasn’t just one of my first exposures to alternative rock; it’s a band, whose music's been tattooed under my skin ever since. It articulates pain—a feeling that isn’t limited to adolescence but resonates with simply being a human. I used to scream my lungs out with Chester, rap along with Mike, scratch with Mr. Hahn, and bang my head to Brad’s riffs. I'm not even mentioning graffiti (there's still one on the wall of my parent's basement), haircuts, outfits (those Chester's shirts though!), and posters all over my room... That’s what Linkin Park means to me. And, beyond the personal connection, this is just incredibly well-crafted music. Smartly produced, catchy, and emotionally charged. Now, Hybrid Theory... Funnily, I’ve always considered myself more of a Meteora guy (although it’s not directly related, I’m also a huge fan of Fort Minor, which came onto the stage two years after). My first exposure to Linkin Park around 2004-2005 was via a mixed CD-R that combined both albums, plus a Hybrid Theory EP. So, for the longest time, I didn’t quite know which songs belonged to which album! And over the years, I've grown into being very much an album person. It wasn’t until I got my first PC and internet access a few years later (and finally got to watch Live in Texas) that I might have started to understand the distinction. One thing I do know for sure, though, is that Minutes to Midnight was the first album I consciously remember looking forward to. Still, some songs from Hybrid Theory send shivers down my spine to this very day. With You, Crawling, Runaway, In the End, A Place For My Head, and, of course, Pushing Me Away—these are the moments that not only define this album for me but are among Linkin Park's many timeless pieces. Yes, this is the one to check out before you die, hands down. A solid 5 out of 5. Looking forward to... well, wow, #day100.
Nov 17 2024
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I Am a Bird Now
Antony and the Johnsons
This is #day100 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge and (yikes!) those vocals... I was going to give this a 2 out of 5 solely because of the artwork, which I liked, but I changed my mind when the album was finally over. It should have never made it to the list. Looking forward to #day101.
Nov 18 2024
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Djam Leelii
Baaba Maal
This is #day101 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge and... you must be kidding me. Another album? Precisely a week ago, I got Lam Toro, and now this. As soon as those vocals kick in, I'm like, goddammit. The first song on this album is where it ends for me. I get to think that this list was made by folks who don't have a clue about music. Otherwise, why MUST I listen to this? It's another 1 out of 5. Looking forward to #day102.
Nov 19 2024
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C'est Chic
This is #day102 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge and... here's to some sheer class late '70s disco. Funky, groovy, jazzy... I've never heard this one before, but that was finger-licking good. It's a solid 4 out of 5 this time around. Looking forward to #day103.
Nov 20 2024
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This is #day103 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge and, given the year this was released and the genre of music, I expected this to be a soulless pile of crap. Well, it almost wasn't. Still, I'm not sure this should be on the list. I'm giving it a 2 out of 5. Looking forward to #day104.
Nov 21 2024
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Emperor Tomato Ketchup
This is #day104 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... yes, this one is experimental and all that, and I can see how it might have been fun to create. But, it didn’t quite hold my attention beyond the first listen. The repetition started to wear on me, and I found myself checking the tracklist to see how much longer I had to go. While I appreciate the creativity behind it, it didn't leave a lasting impression. This is a 2 out of 5. Looking forward to #day105.
Nov 22 2024
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American Beauty
Grateful Dead
This is #day105 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... here's to some country, folk, and blues with a tiny dash of psychedelic rock. I'm kind of fine with it as long as it doesn't drag as much as on this record. I'd rather go check out some of Grateful Dead's '60s works, which should be more acid and, I believe, is still lying ahead in this list. For now, it's the third consecutive 2 out of 5 this week. Looking forward to #day106.
Nov 23 2024
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The Stone Roses
The Stone Roses
This is #day106 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... don't these times fill your eyes? Because, you know, this is the one if you wanna be a door. It goes without saying, that what we have here under the striking and unique album cover (do you know the story behind the lemon addition btw? Look it up on the Internet—that's a fun insight) is an absollute pinnacle of Madchester scene, and one of the most essential transition albums in music history merging two extremely interesting musical eras—80s and 90s. Marrying dance and rock music (that signature guitar play by John Squire, that rhythm section by Mani and Reni, which is absolutely crazy) with dispassionalte vocals of Ian Brown, The Stone Roses created a (pun un/intended) stone-called classic that stood the test of time. I get to associate this record with youth and reverie, it makes me feel good in a nostalgic kind of way. My personal favorites include I Wanna Be Adored, (Song for My) Sugar Spun Sister, Made Of Stone (!), and I Am the Resurrection. But the whole album is flawless. This is, without a doubt, a 5 out of 5. Looking forward to #day107.
Nov 24 2024
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Purple Rain
This is #day107 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... yes, this is Prince, and this is Purple Rain. The record speaks for itself. Production-wise, it’s next level—everything sounds lushб like Hendrix and Chic had a baby. Also, those synths are almost intergalactic... Some of the biggest gems include Let's Go Crazy, When Doves Cry, and, of course, the sheer sexiness and grandeur of the title track. I even used it as a closer for the rain-themed episode of my radio show back in the day (if you're interested, look up NightWave with John Nate - Episode 97, or search nightwaveshow on Instagram for the link). Anyway, this is a solid 4 out of 5. Not a perfect 5, though, because I'm not a fan of Prince's screaming—it can be a bit too much for me at times. Looking forward to #day108.
Nov 25 2024
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Buenas Noches From A Lonely Room
Dwight Yoakam
This is #day108 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... when I saw today's entry, I asked my wife if she knew what could be worse than, say, 1956th country? She said she didn't, to which I replied, 1988th country (for context, country is in my top worst genres in this challenge). I want to admit I was almost wrong because what's under the cover occasionally appears to have some Chris Isaac vibe, and that's fine by me. Good rhythm section with an electro-bluesy touch. However, I can't relate to the delivery—overly hiccuping country vocals get to be annoying. It's a 2 out of 5 since it wasn't absolutely terrible. What does this album have to do with the list of albums you must hear before you die, though? A rhetorical question. Looking forward to #day109.
Nov 26 2024
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She's So Unusual
Cyndi Lauper
This is #day109 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... here’s to full-on 80s, right? Everything about this record is iconic—starting with the artwork, continuing with the new wave synth-pop-rock vibes, and the fascinating production and incredible vocals. And let’s not forget the mood it creates. While Girls Just Want to Have Fun is the obvious hit, this album is packed with singles and outright classics, such as Money Changes Everything, She Bop, and many more, each shining a neon light on the era’s spirit. A true snapshot of the 80s. This is another solid 4 out of 5. Looking forward to #day110.
Nov 27 2024
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Astral Weeks
Van Morrison
This is #day110 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... where did my review that I saved in this window go? You mean there's no option to save a review now? I'm too lazy to remember what I wrote yesterday. A 2 out of 5 is what I can recall. Looking forward to #day111.
Nov 28 2024
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Court And Spark
Joni Mitchell
This is #day111 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... it was mostly okayish, but not to the extent I'd be willing to turn back to this album in the future. Besides, I suspect more from Joni Mitchell will come down the road. This is a 2 out of 5. Looking forward to #day112.
Nov 29 2024
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PJ Harvey
This is #day112 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... I kind of don't mind some PJ Harvey, I guess. I used to explore her discography back in the day. That must have been when Let England Shake was her latest record. Has it been that long ago? As for this record, it's very much 90s, gritty, dirty, and raw, rooted in blues and whatnot. One thing that stops me from giving it a 4, though, is what I discovered when reading through PJ Harvey's influences. In particular, this: "She has also drawn inspiration from Russian folk music". Poor Polly... Being a Ukrainian and sitting here in the dark room on the evening of a countless Russian attack on the critical infrastructure all over the country including my hometown Lviv, where I'm based, I declare: FUCK RUSSIA, FUCK RUSSIANS, FUCK RUSSIAN FOLK MUSIC, AND FUCK EVERYTHING RELATED TO THIS IMPERIALISTIC COUNTRY OF TERRORISTS, Polly. I wish you had had better sources of inspiration. This is a 3 out of 5. Looking forward to #day113.
Nov 30 2024
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Deep Purple In Rock
Deep Purple
This is #day113 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... look ma, I can play the guitar! But I can also play the bass, the drums, and the organ. Believe it or not, I’ve got a four-octave range to boot! Jokes aside, this album is a classic of heavy metal and hard rock. That said, it does feel like music from another time—super technical and, at times, almost hilariously so. I’m giving it a 3 out of 5, mainly because Child in Time is a monumental song. Looking forward to #day114.
Dec 01 2024
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Signing Off
This is #day114 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... it's the last day of autumn 2024, and reggae isn't the best soundtrack for this time of year. The music is fine, but the album is way too long and repetitive and I didn't feel like finishing it. The sax was lovely, though. I'm giving it a 2 out of 5. Looking forward to #day115.
Dec 02 2024
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Peter Gabriel
Peter Gabriel
This is #day115 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... here's to the first album of winter 2024/2025. I regret to say it but this record doesn't strike a chord in me, not even Solsburry Hill or Here Comes The Flood. It's too foreign and way too all over the place. Or, is it just me? Either way, it's a 2 out of 5. I can't find a good reason to give it a 3. Not to mention a higher score. Looking forward to #day116.
Dec 03 2024
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That's The Way Of The World
Earth, Wind & Fire
This is #day116 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... this ain't the worst kind of music you can get on a Monday morning, right? I'm not a soul guy, but I'm OK with some funk, and this was rather funky. Overall, it's a pleasurable listen, specifically the first half, and then it goes a little sporadic. I'm giving it a 3 out of 5. Looking forward to #day117.
Dec 04 2024
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World Clique
This is #day117 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and sometimes, just looking at the album's year of release, you can predict what's under the cover. In this case, it's the 90s, so... house, alternative dance, electronica? You bet. But does this equal quality? Not really, especially given the sheer number of similar acts and sounds from that era. World Clique by Deee-Lite isn't an exception. I’m giving it a 2 out of 5 and, again, I’m honestly not sure how this album ended up on the list. Looking forward to #day118.
Dec 05 2024
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Scott 2
Scott Walker
This is #day118 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... this album's name speaks for itself. I guess I'm just not a big fan of crooners and this kind of music. It does sound dated, actually. I was leaning toward a 2 as the title suggests, but... I've changed my mind. It's a 1 out of 5. Looking forward to #day119.
Dec 06 2024
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The Infotainment Scan
The Fall
This is #day119 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... there's something about this band that I find uneasy. I'm just trying to convince myself that it's something aside from Mark Smith's "caustic and cryptic, cut-up and spit-out poetry", but I can't find it. On the one hand, you seem to be getting weary of his delivery shortly, on the other—it's enigmatic in a weird kind of way. I can't remember any other band sounding similar. There's something almost beat-like about it. At the same time, Smith's vocals somehow find the right place in this avant-garde post-punk patchwork of "Craig Scanlon's scratchy guitar, bassist Stephen Hanley, and drummer Simon Wolstencroft's loping thump". The Fall is a challenging band, and I like challenging! I'm sure they have more albums to check out before you die, but, well, you know. Why not give this one a chance as well? This is a 3 out of 5. Looking forward to #day120.
Dec 07 2024
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Jagged Little Pill
Alanis Morissette
This is #day120 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... I don't get the hype about this album. I've seen the album cover, I've heard the album itself being praised by the music community, and all that. I'm fine with the music. Typical mid-90s baggy, trip-hoppy, alternative rock mixture with funky/grungy undertones. But, I find the vocals, or the delivery, extremely uninviting. Fuck, most of the time, her singing is just unbearable. Five songs in, and I had to turn the thing down to avoid earache. That's why I don't share the corporate worship. I'm giving this a 3 (with a minus if you will). Wait... fuck corporate worship, it's a 2 out of 5. And, I couldn't finish it. Looking forward to #day121.
Dec 08 2024
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Sunshine Superman
This is #day121 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... what a big fucking yawn this album evokes. Two songs in, I was already dozing off. As I've mentioned before, I'm fine with some folk rock now and then, I do like Nick Drake, but this was such a dragging bore... Although I found the instrumentation interesting for a time, it's the 60s, so, what can you expect? This is a 2 out of 5. Looking forward to #day122.
Dec 09 2024
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This is #day122 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... while this is not entirely terrible, I don't feel this music. It does nothing to me. It sounds like the guys are jamming and having fun, mostly each on their wave, and I'm just not progressive enough to appreciate it. Or, I'm not in the mood for a day. That said, I can try to understand its novelty (?) given the year of the release. Still, it's a 2 out of 5. Looking forward to #day123.
Dec 10 2024
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Dusty In Memphis
Dusty Springfield
This is #day123 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... this is actually some beautiful vocal music with delicate arrangements. But I'd never seek this out as a record to play... That's just not my kind of music. The cover of The Windmills Of Your Mind stole my heart, though. I'm giving this a 3 out of 5. Looking forward to #day124.
Dec 11 2024
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This is #day124 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... believe it or not, last Saturday I ordered a vinyl copy of this album from one of the local record stores here in Ukraine, that is Quals, based in Odesa, one of the most shelled cities by russian invaders these days, hit with drones, missiles, and all sorts of weapons). The record was supposed to arrive today, but the post service messed up the warehouses, so it’ll finally get to me tomorrow morning instead. But anyway, I was so surprised by the coincidence! As for the album itself, it’s a distinctive amalgamation of alternative rock, industrial rock, trip-hop, electronica, and all things 90s, packed with gems like Queer, Only Happy When It Rains, Vow, Stupid Girl, and the unbelievable jewel that is Milk. I'm giving this album a 5 out of 5—not just because the music is great and it flows, but also because there’s so much crap on this list... Plus, I haven't given an entry a perfect score since November 23rd, so there you go. Looking forward to #day125.
Dec 12 2024
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The Holy Bible
Manic Street Preachers
This is #day125 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... when it comes to essential albums, Nine Inch Nails has The Downward Spiral, The Cure has Disintegration (but also Pornography, right?), and the Manic Street Preachers have The Holy Bible. While the band's catalog has a number of excellent albums—I particularly connect with their more recent releases like 2018’s Resistance Is Futile (which holds a special place for me, as it was the first album my wife and I bonded over as mutual Manics fans, and we look forward to Critical Thinking as well)—The Holy Bible stands apart as their darkest, heaviest, and most striking work. This is also the last album to feature Richey Edwards (except the 2009 Journal for Plague Lovers, where the lyrics are his), and this fact adds a layer of tragic poignancy to the album’s already brooding atmosphere. Until today, I hadn’t fully engaged with the lyrics, and they certainly pack a punch (Hell, for some of the inspirations for the lyrics on the album, the band visited concentration camps). What to say about prostitution, the Holocaust, self-starvation, serial killers, the death penalty, fascism, suicide, and other topics? You bet. The post-punk, almost gothic nature of the music (the Manics cited Magazine, Wire, Joy Division, and Siouxsie and the Banshees as bands that inspired the musical direction of The Holy Bible) enhances its emotional impact, and tracks like "She Is Suffering", "4st 7lb", "Faster", "The Intense Humming of Evil" (the drumming vividly echoes "Atrocity Exhibition"), and many more are standouts. Of course, The Holy Bible is one of those albums you must hear before you die. This marks my second consecutive 5 out of 5 review. Looking forward to #day126.
Dec 13 2024
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This is #day126 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... the only Traffic I knew before listening to this album was track #3 on Tiesto's trance masterpiece, Just Be. Today's Traffic was rather OK, but this is where it ends for me. It's Beatles-esque, 60s folk rock that I'm not going to revisit soon if ever. This is a 2 out of 5. Looking forward to #day127.
Dec 14 2024
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This is #day127 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... it just happens to be December 13th, Friday. I guess I just don’t like Beck. The mix of blues, hip-hop, alternative rock, and whatever else doesn’t do it for me. And the vocals... I feel like I’m hearing Bryan Adams gasping for air. There are still two more albums from him on this list, which begs the question: Why would anyone include 3 albums from this guy? You absolutely don't have to listen to Beck before you die. Giving this a 2 out of 5. Looking forward to #day128.
Dec 15 2024
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S.F. Sorrow
The Pretty Things
This is #day128 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... kudos for being known as one of the first rock operas ever released, but I find it utterly unlistenable. I had to stop in the middle of Balloon Burning. This is a 1 out of 5. Thank you. Next. Looking forward to #day129.
Dec 16 2024
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Armed Forces
Elvis Costello & The Attractions
This is #day129 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... here's to my first experience listening to Elvis Costello. I'd like to say this was mostly fine, but actually, it was pretty boring. The instrumentation is kind of all right, but the vocals and the delivery... In a nutshell, I'd never choose to put it on again. It's a 2 out of 5. Looking forward to #day130.
Dec 17 2024
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Depeche Mode
This is #day130 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and what a relief to finally revisit an album by my favorite band. The past couple of weeks have been tough with the list's selections, so it's a welcome change to dive into something great. And, wow, what a record! Released nearly 35 years ago, Violator begs the question: How could it get any better after Music for the Masses (my personal favorite of theirs)? The answer lies beneath the sleek cover—a red rose against a black backdrop. Mysterious, sexy, sinful… This is Depeche Mode at the peak of their powers, sound, and creativity (Songs of Faith and Devotion would, without a doubt, be another level, but that's a different Depeche). Violator is what truly represents the Mode: the music, the vocals, the lyrics, the clothes, the visuals—every little piece that forms this band. I’d go so far as to say this album is synonymous with Depeche Mode. I can’t pinpoint the highlights because every single song here is a gem in its own right. Of course, it’s a 5 out of 5, and I’ll never tire of listening to this album. Because you just can't get enough, can you? Looking forward to #day131.
Dec 18 2024
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Hot Rats
Frank Zappa
This is #day131 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... how about "a movie for your ears"? Honestly, this is my first time listening to Zappa, and if it weren’t for this challenge, I probably wouldn’t have. But I don’t mind that I did, because now I know more. This album is a virtuosic, funky fusion, very much of the '60s and the hippie era. Plus, the album cover is great. I'm giving it a 3 out of 5. Looking forward to #day132.
Dec 19 2024
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Sometimes I Wish We Were An Eagle
Bill Callahan
This is #day132 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... I knew this was country! It just couldn't have been the other way around. Although country is among my top worst genres on this list, this one was okayish. At times, the music was veering into this alternative/progressive folk-country kind of shit, which caught me off guard. And I like it when music makes me feel that way. But, again and again, is this the one you must listen to before you die? Why not include some Mark Kozelek stuff instead? Have you heard of Red House Painters or the new Sun Kil Moon? That's what I'm saying. I'm giving this a 2 out of 5. Looking forward to #day133.
Dec 20 2024
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Blonde On Blonde
Bob Dylan
This is #day133 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and it turns out Bob Dylan and I are getting along better than I expected. There’s something uniquely idiosyncratic about his voice and the way the music pulls you in. The fusion of folk, blues, and harmonica is eccentrically enjoyable. Blonde on Blonde also holds the distinction of being one of the first double albums in rock history, which makes it a pretty big deal in itself. I’m not super familiar with Dylan’s discography, but it goes without saying that his '60s work is iconic and enduring. Listening to a record from 58 years ago feels surreal, but this album fits perfectly into that legacy. And I’d argue it has one of the most recognizable album covers in music. I guess I’ve got to check out the I'm Not There movie (haven’t watched it yet). For now, this is a solid 4 out of 5. Looking forward to #day134.
Dec 21 2024
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It's Blitz!
Yeah Yeah Yeahs
This is #day134 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... another Yeah Yeah Yeahs album. Weird. As I mentioned before (when I got Fever To Tell earlier on this list), this band has never really clicked for me. While their debut was mostly unlistenable (or maybe I just wasn't in the right mood), this one has some solid moments. It’s well-produced, with interesting arrangements, melodic, and all that. But it still doesn’t grab me. It feels like a blend of Blondie and Franz Ferdinand + synths. I love Blondie, and I’m not a fan of the latter, but I don’t see the point of needing another Blondie, you know? One song did stand out though, and that’s Runaway. I’m giving it a 3 out of 5. Looking forward to #day135.
Dec 22 2024
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The Who Sell Out
The Who
This is #day135 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... guess who's here? This is my first-ever album experience with the band. I've only known a few of their classic tracks, like "My Generation" and "Baba O'Riley" (I’m familiar with the existence of their iconic albums like Tommy, Who's Next, and Quadrophenia, but I haven't listened to either of those), so this list would be my reason for checking them out for the first time. It's funny to admit that my first real exposure to The Who came through Limp Bizkit’s cover of "Behind Blue Eyes" in the early 2000s. And honestly, I still like their version more. As for The Who Sell Out, I love the idea behind it. I think it's brilliant. It’s a concept album, but not in the traditional sense—more like a collection of unrelated songs interspersed with these quirky fake commercials and jingles, which is super fun. The album feels innovative not only for its time but also because it retains that charm today. Besides, it flows perfectly. This is a 4 out of 5. Looking forward to #day136.
Dec 23 2024
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Close To The Edge
This is #day136 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... how about another album from Yes? Well, how about not? I just don't understand this band's music. I find it too all over the place and exhausting. This time I had to stop at track #3, which means it's joining the company of 1s out of 5. Looking forward to #day137.
Dec 24 2024
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The Offspring
This is #day137 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... there’s something about this band’s music and Dexter Holland’s vocals that never fails to give me goosebumps. Born in 1990, I was introduced to The Offspring in the early 2000s through Americana, with The Kids Aren't Alright being my all-time favorite song. I also have a special place in my heart for tracks like Want You Bad, Da Hui, and the Greatest Hits compilation. I love those times dearly and treasure them like no other. As for Smash, this is my first time listening to it front-to-back. As expected from the title, some absolute smashers are here, like Gotta Get Away, Come Out and Play, and Self Esteem. The album is a little more than 30 years old, and it still kicks your ass. I’m giving it a 4 out of 5. I can’t wait to revisit Americana next. Looking forward to#day138.
Dec 25 2024
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Heaux Tales
Jazmine Sullivan
This is #day138 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... learning about feminism, sexuality, and other themes through plastic TikTok hip-hop? Fuck, no. I prefer another way. For example, I'd talk with my wife. Because there's no one more knowledgeable and interesting to listen to in this regard. I object to this being on the list. It's a 1 out of 5 from me. Looking forward to #day139.
Dec 26 2024
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A Christmas Gift For You From Phil Spector
Various Artists
This is #day139 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... what are the odds of getting a Christmas album on Christmas Day? Magically, it's December 25th as I listen to this. And this is where the spell gets broken. Because what is it that a person is remembered by? Is it how they lived, or how they ended up? The contributions they made to history (music history in this case) or the mark they left on other people's lives? Is it either or, or both? What we have here is a "gift" from a psychopath—an abusive maniac who pulled a gun on women when they rejected him, eventually killing one (also known for waving guns at recording artists in anger or for fun). We all know what happened 40 years after this compilation was released. But here’s the thing: the 2003 murder of Lana Clarkson wasn’t the last straw. Let’s talk about what he did to his then-wife, Ronnie (one of the members of The Ronettes, featured in the compilation). In her 1990 memoir, Ronnie alleged that after their marriage, Spector subjected her to years of psychological torment. He sabotaged her career by forbidding her from performing. She claimed he surrounded their house with barbed wire and guard dogs, confiscated her shoes to keep her from leaving, and when he did allow her out, she had to drive with a life-size dummy of him in the car. He had a gold coffin with a glass top installed in their basement, telling her he'd kill her and display her corpse if she ever left. In 1972, Ronnie finally managed to escape barefoot and without belongings, with her mother’s help. Yet this album still holds its place on the list. To the panel of critics who compiled this list (and who don’t exclude albums like this when revising it), you must be nuts. Sincerely. It’s a 1 out of 5. Looking forward to #day140.
Dec 27 2024
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Mothership Connection
This is #day140 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... what the funk? It's all about jamming and jiving here. Cosmic, groovy, and jazzy. What else to add? I'm giving this album a 3 out of 5, though, as I'm not sure I'll be coming back to it soon. Looking forward to #day141.
Dec 28 2024
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Reggatta De Blanc
The Police
This is #day141 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... somebody, call The Police! Now, Sting is a musician I get to associate with my childhood and early teenage years—like, his work on Brand New Day (Desert Rose still gives me goosebumps) and Sacred Love (I remember watching Stolen Car (Take Me Dancing) on TV and hearing Send Your Love on the radio). There was also, of course, Leon and Shape of My Heart... I even remember a mash-up of Every Breath You Take by P. Diddy (just checked, it was called I’ll Be Missing You), which wasn’t exactly the ideal introduction to The Police, but I think I also recall Message in a Bottle from somewhere. I only hope it was the original version! Why do I remember so much? Or, rather why do I link so many memories to music? I’ve come to appreciate The Police relatively late—probably in my 20s—but I do love them. Not sure if Sting’s presence influences that, but when I listen to their music, it just feels like home. Songs like Walking on the Moon with its atmospheric groove, and Bed’s Too Big Without You with its mix of reggae and post-punk influence have a timeless quality. That said, I guess I’ll always prefer Synchronicity—the band's swansong and peak in terms of musical exploration and lyrical depth—or its more experimental predecessor Ghost in the Machine. The Police had a knack for mixing pop, rock, and reggae in a way that feels fresh decades later. As for this album, it still holds its own with classic hits and some lesser-known gems, which is why it earns a 4 out of 5. Looking forward to #day142.
Dec 29 2024
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Venus Luxure No. 1 Baby
Girls Against Boys
This is #day143 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... here's to some post-hardcore classics. I was a bit surprised to see this album on the list, but the band's name did ring a bell. After a bit of thought, I remembered that Girls Against Boys made it onto Chino Moreno's list of his 13 favorite albums. Not only was it the band’s name that stuck with me, but this exact album was the one he picked. Now, I’m a huge fan of Chino Moreno—both as the frontman of Deftones and in his various side projects—and I really admire his taste in music. So, I had a bit of a bias going in, expecting to enjoy this more than I might have. I’m comfortable with this style of rock, especially knowing how much Deftones were influenced by it. Plus, I’ve always appreciated the alternative scenes of the '90s. As for the album itself, my highlights were tracks like "Learned It" and "Bullet Proof Cupid," along with a few others. There's this cool, riff-driven sound that isn’t always associated with post-hardcore, and it was a fun surprise. Also, I can’t overlook the raspy vocals and the delivery from the singer—there’s a raw intensity there that stands out. Overall, I’d rate this a solid 3 out of 5 (I think it’s a bit too niche to be on the list of albums you must hear before you die. That said, it’s definitely worth a listen, especially if you’re into 90s alt-rock). Ah, to hell with it—having seen the general score, I’m bumping it up to a 4. Looking forward to #day144.
Dec 30 2024
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A Date With The Everly Brothers
The Everly Brothers
This is #day143 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... it's been a while since I messed up the numbers. It was supposed to be #day142 yesterday, and I wrote 143 in my review. Anyway. Unlike most of the rock and roll releases I've heard on the list, this one has some fine tunes. But this isn't the record I'll revisit soon, if ever. There's Love Hurts, which I didn't remember, was first recorded by The Everly Brothers... Anyway, this is a 2 out of 5, not a 3. Looking forward to #day 144, and I do mean 144 now.
Dec 31 2024
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Marquee Moon
This is #day144 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... I was listening, listening to the rain, I was hearing, hearing something else! Television is one of those bands I associate with my adulthood. I discovered them when I was about 20, with Foxhole being one of the first songs I ever heard. This was also when I started exploring Interpol, so there you go—the roots. The roots of post-punk, before post-punk even had a name. I mean, 1977 was still very much the punk era, right? Even though punk was one of the shortest-lived phenomena in music history. A couple of years later, I did a show about Television on my university radio program, called Midnight Express. You know, CBGB, and all that jazz. This past summer, I found a copy of this album on vinyl—a Japanese first pressing in NM condition. As an occasional vinyl collector, I couldn't be happier. It’s a perennial record through and through. Tom Verlaine’s lyrics and delivery, the unconventional guitar play, the crisp rhythm section, and the song lengths make this feel like a progressive post-punk, or rather art-punk. It's crazy to think it's been 47 years since this record came out. I'm giving it a 5 out of 5. Looking forward to #day145, the last day of the year.
Jan 01 2025
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Layla And Other Assorted Love Songs
Derek & The Dominos
This is #day145 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge aka the final day of 2024, which turned into a catch-up on January 1st, 2025, as I forgot to listen to the album yesterday. When I was halfway through it, I learned about Eric’s love of russia, its music, and, as he says "the mythical side of russian history". This discovery, in light of russia’s ongoing war against Ukraine and the countless atrocities committed by russian terrorists made me furious. You must have drunk your brains away, Eric. This album gets a 2 out of 5, only because of Layla, the dog at my wife’s parents' house, who I named after the eponymous song. Looking forward to #day146.
Jan 02 2025
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New Order
This is #day146 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... how about an acid house album from New Order? Or a kind of a poppy Cure-like album, if you will? In Technique, you get both, and that’s probably its most divisive aspect. I prefer the alternative dance vibes though. Some of the highlights for me include “Fine Time”, “Round and Round”, and “Run.” Unfortunately, the rest of the album sounds like New Order on autopilot. Maybe it’s because it’s the first day of January, while, according to Peter Hook, this album captures a summer sound brilliantly that I’m not fully feeling it. Still, the band's performance at Rock Werchter 2019, which I was lucky enough to witness, remains one of my brightest memories ever—especially when they started playing Joy Division songs. Yes, I've heard "Shadowplay", "Transmission", and "Love Will Tear Us Apart" live. This is a 3 out of 5. Looking forward to #day147.
Jan 03 2025
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Ghostface Killah
This is #day147 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... this is how I learned that Ghostface Killah is a member of Wu-Tang Clan, a group I’ve never really listened to. I know Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers) and its place on this list, but somehow, it never was on my radar. My teenage hip-hop phase was more about Eminem, some 50 Cent, and a little Dr. Dre... I also enjoyed some alternative hip-hop like Fort Minor and still do. As for this album, it was kind of okay, but it felt too long—even for a rap record. Not sure it’ll be something I revisit, though I can try to appreciate its place in the early '00s hip-hop context. This is a 3 out of 5. Looking forward to #day148.
Jan 04 2025
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This is #day148 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... this is what you call a debut album. Released almost 31 years ago, it has not only stood the test of time but still sounds awe-inspiring, no matter how many times you've heard or will hear it. Innovative, cinematic, poignant—how many descriptors can you use to capture it? I have a nice memory of hosting a lecture/listening event about trip-hop as an anti-genre of the '90s at a local record store a couple of years back, with Dummy and Blue Lines as case studies, playing a 2016 reissue and the original 1994 copy, respectively. That's when I dove into both records and learned a lot. You might also want to check out an episode of my former radio show NightWave, dedicated to the story of Bristol Sound (Episode 28; look up NightWave with John Nate on Mixcloud). Yes, this is one of those albums you must hear before you die, so it’s a 5 out of 5. Looking forward to #day149.
Jan 05 2025
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Since I Left You
The Avalanches
This is #day149 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... this must have been a fun record to make. Still, when it comes to plunderphonics, a word I didn't know (so at least I've learned something while listening), I will always prefer DJ Shadow's Endtroducing. I couldn't really finish this one. It's a 2 out of 5. Looking forward to #day150.
Jan 06 2025
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The Queen Is Dead
The Smiths
This is #day150 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... here's to the second album from The Smiths on this list. The prophetic lyrics in Frankly, Mr. Shankly—"I want to go down in musical history"—speak for themselves. This album deserves a perfect score solely because of the presence of I Know It's Over and There Is A Light That Never Goes Out on the tracklist. But then there’s also the title track, Bigmouth Strikes Again, and more. Classics all around. Of course, this is a 5 out of 5, and I wasn’t planning for The Smiths to become my first favorite artist in this challenge, but here we are... and I don’t mind it. I also love Morrissey’s solo work, and so does my wife. And I love her, too. Oh, and it was interesting to discover who's pictured in the album artwork—never knew that before. Looking forward to #day151, aka back to work, since my winter vacation has sadly come to an end. Lovely way to wrap it up.
Jan 07 2025
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Ill Communication
Beastie Boys
This is #day151 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... this might just be one of the most eclectic albums I've heard. Not only was it my first time listening to a Beasties album, but I also caught myself thinking, "Am I listening to a hip-hop record, or is that free jazz I hear now?" (No wonder they were influenced by Miles Davis' jazz-rock albums while recording this). At one point, I was like, "Is it punk rock—or maybe hardcore punk now?" lll Communication is a fun and multifaceted album. It's so very 90s (but also 70s and 80s), I didn't want to leave. However, with 20 tracks, many of them instrumental, it sometimes feels a bit scattered. I’m giving it a 4 out of 5. Looking forward to #day152.
Jan 08 2025
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Hunting High And Low
This is #day152 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... wow, this year marks 40 years since this iconic debut. One of the most influential albums in music history, and certainly in the new wave scene. Imagine hearing this album for the first time back then and being completely captivated. Romantic, melodic, catchy, and melancholically joyous, it proves that some of the best pop music comes from Scandinavia and Germany. I have a vivid memory of buying a 2018 reissue clear vinyl copy in Kharkiv, Ukraine, while attending a poetry festival with my wife in 2019 (I still keep that vinyl). Kharkiv has endured constant attacks from russian invaders and terrorists for the third year now, which makes that memory even more significant. Standout tracks for me include Take On Me, Hunting High and Low, The Sun Always Shines on T.V., Dream Myself Alive, and the closer Here I Stand and Face the Rain. Do yourself a favor and revisit this timeless album—it will never quite be the same again. From Scoundrel Days onward, the band would incorporate more pop rock and alternative rock elements into their synthpop and new romantic sound, which made their evolution even more fascinating. But there’s something uniquely special about this record—an immaculate snapshot of the time and talent—that you can't miss. Yes, this is another one you must hear before you die, and it's another 5 out of 5. Looking forward to #day153.
Jan 09 2025
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Todd Rundgren
This is #day153 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... if you're making an almost 90-minute-long album, you've got to keep the listener engaged all the way through, right? And I wasn't. Actually, I couldn't finish it. This is a 2 out of 5. P.S. Overture–My Roots is blocked on Spotify, thanks God. Looking forward to #day154.
Jan 10 2025
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Raw Like Sushi
Neneh Cherry
This is #day154 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... the name rings a bell for me because of Massive Attack, particularly their debut Blue Lines. If memory serves me right, Neneh was pushing the boys hard to get into the studio, and they spent a lot of time recording at her house. There's even a fun story about her baby’s nappy and why Blue Lines supposedly smells of shit. On top of that, Neneh made additional arrangements for the last track, “Hymn of the Big Wheel”. As for Raw Like Sushi, I’m into the way it blends hip-hop, funk, and pop. It’s got that very late '80s vibe. You can even hear hints of what would eventually shape the trip-hop sound on Blue Lines, which is no surprise, since Robert Del Naja helped craft the third track on this album, “Manchild”. There’s definitely a sense of collaboration and community here, which is fun. I’m giving it a 3 out of 5, though. It's got some great moments, but not quite enough to make me want to revisit it in the future. Looking forward to #day155.
Jan 11 2025
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London Calling
The Clash
This is #day155 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... this has to be one of the most diverse punk records in music history. Released in 1979 as a double album, it’s one of the most compelling records of a plethora of genres—new wave, pop, reggae, dub, lounge jazz, rockabilly, ska, hard rock, and more. What could be more punk than going further than just punk? Nineteen tracks fly by before you know it, documenting the spirit of the time. The sound is tight, with the rhythm section of drums, bass, and guitar still feeling as fresh and exciting as it did in the late '70s—absolutely pleasurable to listen to. It’s a 5 out of 5—a must-listen, and indispensable album of the turn of the decade. The title track alone is an anthem for years to come. Looking forward to #day156.
Jan 12 2025
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This is #day156 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... here’s to da roots of hip-hop! The golden age of hip-hop is not just the epitome of cool—it’s when every album and single was breaking new ground. It was experimental, it was interesting… Take Run-DMC's debut. With just 9 tracks, this record hits you like a statement. Irresistible beats, hard-hitting rhymes, and innovative use of samples make it iconic. Hard Times, Rock Box, It’s Like That, and Sucker M.C.’s (one of the very first diss tracks)—this album is full of classics. Some reviewers say it sounds dated… Well, maybe I have dated ears, or maybe I just have good taste in music. I’d much rather be listening to the Golden Age of hip-hop than modern rubbish like Tyler, The Creator, or Travis Scott. This is, of course, a 5 out of 5. Looking forward to #day157.
Jan 13 2025
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Home Is Where The Music Is
Hugh Masekela
This is #day157 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... it looks like this is my first jazz album on the list. I like the album title, Home Is Where the Music Is. Never knew this guy’s name before, but that’s part of the fun, I guess. Is this the kind of jazz I gravitate toward, though? I'm not sure. It’s a bit too traditional and smooth if you will, although the record does have its edgy/more experimental moments. My personal highlight, for example, is Blues For Huey. But I wouldn’t reach for this the second time. Also, it's mercilessly long... This is a 3 out of 5. Looking forward to #day158.
Jan 14 2025
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Ellington at Newport
Duke Ellington
This is #day158 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... here we go with the second jazz album in a row. Ellington at Newport, an album that's almost 70 years old—crazy, right? The big band jazz takes me back to around 2011 when I was first getting into jazz on my own, so I’m at least familiar with classics like Take the 'A' Train and Tea For Two... This concert also brings to mind the Dzyga Art Center and the Jazz Bez festival in my hometown of Lviv, held at the beginning of December. But, 38 tracks on Spotify? That's too much jazz to get through, and I couldn't. I’m giving it a 2 out of 5. Looking forward to #day159.
Jan 15 2025
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Soft Machine
This is #day159 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... it seems I’m on a jazz streak—this is the third jazz record in a row on the list. To call this one just jazz, though, would be slightly misleading. It’s more psychedelic jazz-rock. Not the softest listen, but still interesting. Avant-garde, droney... I learned about the Canterbury scene, after all. This gets a 3 out of 5 from me. After reading some reviews, I wish people were a bit more open-minded. There's no way Kanye West albums are rated higher... Looking forward to #day160.
Jan 16 2025
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Iron Butterfly
This is #day160 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... here's to a signature psychedelic hard rock from 1968. The title track, In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida, is an obvious standout here. With its hypnotic drum solo and eerie organ, it's sure to send you into a trance. The bassline, in particular, gives me echoes of Cream's Sunshine Of Your Love, released just a year earlier—though I could be wrong about that comparison. The whole record feels like a wild trip through the acid-drenched 60s. While I’m fine with discovering it, I don’t have a deep urge to revisit it soon. Who knows, though? This is a solid 3 out of 5. Looking forward to #day161.
Jan 17 2025
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This Is Fats Domino
Fats Domino
This is #day161 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... this is Fats Domino, right? A few tracks were blocked on Spotify, so I didn’t bother searching elsewhere and just listened to what was available. Honestly, the music is pretty straightforward—good ol' blues, rock 'n' roll, and all that jazz. Not something I'd be reaching out for regularly, if ever. This is a 2 out of 5. Looking forward to #day162.
Jan 18 2025
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...And Justice For All
This is #day162 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... here’s to the first Metallica album on the list. Including Master of Puppets and the self-titled album is an obvious choice, but I’m curious why ...And Justice For All won over Ride The Lightning (arguably their best effort). This is my first time listening to this album front to back, and while it’s solid all the way through, I see why folks complain about the missing bass in the mix—I concur, it's inaudible. Maybe Metallica intentionally "subdued" that space to honor Cliff Burton (even though this is the first album to feature Jason Newsted)? What stands out most is the variety of themes: political and legal injustices, governmental corruption, censorship, and the horrors of war. The album is dark, aggressive, and super technical. The song structures feel more prog if you will. I’m not sure I’m fully into this side of the band. I still prefer their first three albums (or rather second and third), but I also like their '90s stuff. On the other hand, you have an hour full of Metallica mastery, and isn't that the main thing? This is a 4 out of 5. Looking forward to #day163.
Jan 19 2025
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Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
This is #day163 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... it feels so strange to listen to this album on Spotify. Back in December 2019, I received a vinyl copy of this record on St. Nicholas Day. It came in a gorgeous gatefold sleeve with a glossy finish—a 2-LP set housed in printed polyline inner sleeves with lyrics. It’s a splendid edition that only adds to an already astounding album. I truly believe Ghosteen is The Bad Seeds' best record. Even though it was largely created by Nick Cave and Warren Ellis alone. Still, it’s my personal favorite, and I can’t listen to any other album in their catalog with the same repeated awe and trepidation. Wait, no—Skeleton Tree, the predecessor from 2016, also comes very close. But Ghosteen is something else entirely. A masterclass in Nick Cave's somber approach to grief. Listening to this album feels like staring into an artist’s heart, cut wide open, with no possibility of turning away. It’s poignant, gut-wrenching, yet beautiful. I can’t find the right words to fully express what this album means to me. Six years on, it still gives me goosebumps. This is a 5 out of 5, without a doubt. P.S. Here's to another potential controversial artist, as I gave Abbatoir Blues a 3 some months ago. But let’s face it, The Bad Seeds are no strangers to controversy. Looking forward to #day164.
Jan 20 2025
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461 Ocean Boulevard
Eric Clapton
This is #day164 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... how do you come back after a period of heroin addiction? Well, you record an album, 80% of which consists of covers. For reasons unknown, this album ends up on the list of albums you must hear before you die. Must you, though? I doubt it. They say you should separate the person from the artist, but honestly, fuck that, Mr. Clapton. I've said that under the Derek and the Dominos review, and I'll say that again. Your love for russia, putin, and everything tied to the imperialist nation of terrorists is hideous. This album gets a 2 out of 5 from me. I didn't feel like continuing to listen to it after the second song, so... I didn't. Looking forward to #day165.
Jan 21 2025
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Morrison Hotel
The Doors
This is #day165 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and… sometimes I just don’t get the logic behind this list. Take The Doors, for example. The recently added Album Explorer feature lists their debut, Morrison Hotel, and L.A. Woman. I agree with the inclusion of the debut and am fine with L.A. Woman (well, there's Riders on the Storm). What about Strange Days or Waiting for the Sun—the band's black sheep of an album? Those are my personal favorites, especially Waiting for the Sun... I love this band at their most psychedelic and experimental. That said, Morrison Hotel is a solid blues rock album (have you heard that the historic building featured on its cover was destroyed by fire recently?). But, the album lacks The Doors' signature edge. It feels more like a precursor to L.A. Woman. Some highlights for me, though, are Waiting for the Sun and Indian Summer. These are the kinds of Doors I’m after—and always will be. I’ll give it a 4 out of 5 anyway. Looking forward to #day166.
Jan 22 2025
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Oracular Spectacular
This is #day166 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and… well, modern indie. I’ve heard “Time to Pretend,” “Youth,” and “Kids” at some point. Listening to this record begs the question: does this music have such lasting power to deserve a spot on the list? Yeah, it’s kind of well put together, blending genres and styles from various decades, but there's nothing memorable aside from the three cuts I've mentioned. I was going to give this a 2, but let it be a 3 out of 5. Looking forward to #day167.
Jan 23 2025
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I Never Loved a Man the Way I Love You
Aretha Franklin
This is #day167 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and… here's to some serious class music. Aretha Franklin has a voice, and the backing band is top-notch. However, I’ve noticed that the lyrics from this era often lean toward overly idealized, "fall-in-love-man-worshipping" themes. If that makes sense. Take the title alone, I Never Loved a Man the Way I Love You—the sentiment feels a bit out of step with how times have changed. It's not just a '60s thing either; similar themes show up in pop music from the '90s and early '00s. In a way, though, perhaps these themes are necessary to look back and appreciate how far things have come. This is a 3 out of 5. It’s a great album, and I bet it sounds amazing on vinyl, but it’s not something I’d put on consciously. Looking forward to #day168.
Jan 24 2025
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My Bloody Valentine
This is #day168 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and… listening to Loveless feels like drowning in layers of fuzzy noise. Or, like having your ears stroked against sonic flames. Kaleidoscopic chaos, if you will. But it’s not just random noise; this chaos is crafted with such control and precision that it radiates a surreal kind of harmony. The album is unlike anything you’ll hear in shoegaze. Tracks like "Only Shallow", "When You Sleep", "I Only Said", and "Sometimes" are pure dream/noise-pop bliss. It's a classic record through and through, and it's a 5 out of 5, no doubt. That said, I do wonder why My Bloody Valentine gets 3 (three!) spots on the list, especially with mbv from 2013, while other key albums in the genre—like Slowdive’s Souvlaki—are nowhere to be found. There's no Slowdive at all. That's not right. Anyway, looking forward to #day169.
Jan 25 2025
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Songs From The Big Chair
Tears For Fears
This is #day169 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... it’s crazy to think about, but in just one month, this album is turning 40. Songs From The Big Chair isn’t just a quintessential example of mid-'80s progressive pop and new wave; it’s also a case in point of a band evolving. Think about some of the greatest sophomore albums out there. This is where Tears For Fears spread their wings and went big with their sound. It’s more than just big, though—there's something monumental, almost stadium-like about it. Then, the actuality... songs like "Shout", "The Working Hour", and especially "Everybody Wants to Rule The World" feel just as relevant today, if not more so. Finally, the melodies, the moods... it’s the epitome of the era. At the same time, this album is out of time. How about another 5 out of 5 in a row? You bet. Looking forward to #day170.
Jan 26 2025
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We Are Family
Sister Sledge
This is #day170 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and… here’s to some funky disco shit with a touch of soul, right? Very much a signature album for the late '70s. I’d never heard of the band before —my exposure to '70s disco was mostly limited to Boney M. and ABBA (which I think go beyond just disco)—so this is another fun discovery. I’m not sure I’m that much into this kind of music to return to it anytime soon, though. This is a 3 out of 5. Looking forward to #171.
Jan 27 2025
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Paul McCartney
This is #day171 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... this turned out to be better than I expected, though still not something I'd put on again soon. A fine Sunday afternoon listen. It was interesting to learn that Paul McCartney did lo-fi, especially considering it was 1970. One particular highlight for me was "Momma Miss America"—maybe one or two others. I'm giving this album a 3 out of 5. Looking forward to #day172.
Jan 28 2025
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Bridge Over Troubled Water
Simon & Garfunkel
This is #day172 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... here's to the second Simon & Garfunkel album on the list, which turned 55 years old recently. Now, folk rock has never been my go-to genre—it’s something I don’t mind listening to very (very) seldom, if ever. I did enjoy the duo's first album that popped up a couple of months ago, Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme. Something was charming about it that made it impossible for me to rate it lower than a 4. Or, I might have been in a more appropriate mood. This one may still be an occasionally lovely listen, but it doesn’t quite hit the same mark. The title track and a few others are nice, but overall, I'm feeling less captivated. This is a 3 out of 5. Looking forward to #day173.
Jan 29 2025
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Janis Joplin
This is #day173 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... how about Janis Joplin's swansong? Her vocal power is undeniable, as is her stage presence—there’s truly no one like her. Listening to Pearl transports you straight to the 60s, even though the album was released three months after Joplin’s passing. The backing band blueses their hearts out with hooky melodies and rhythms. Janis' soul shines bright, breaking through... to the other side? However, as unmistakable as her raspy delivery is, it can start to feel a bit tiring, at least it did for me. I was initially going to rate this a 4, then considered a 3, but that would undermine the significance of her talent. After all, the last time I rated an album a 4, it was Morrison Hotel, and that’s a good company. Looking forward to #day174.
Jan 30 2025
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Gris Gris
Dr. John
This is #day174 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... it seems I’ve gotten stuck in the late '60s over the past couple of days. Another record from that era, and wow... that was bizarre. At first, I thought it was Tom Waits on vocals—those buzzing-barking vocals, you know. It turned out to be one of the weirdest combinations I’ve heard: blues, psychedelia, gospel, jazz, funk, and whatnot. I'm fine I discovered it, but I’m sure I won’t listen to it again. Hesitating between a 1 and a 2... I guess I’ll go with a 2—it wasn’t entirely terrible. Plus, I like the '60s era. Looking forward to #day175.
Jan 31 2025
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A Girl Called Dusty
Dusty Springfield
This is #day175 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... here’s another album from the '60s. Dusty is definitely an icon of the era, and the album is lovely, and all that, but I can't think of a moment I’d want to put it on again. This is a 3 out of 5. Looking forward to #day176.
Feb 01 2025
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This is #day176 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... here’s the first R.E.M. album on the list. I’m wondering what makes this record experimental as they say. Is it the shift in the genre, or maybe it’s the incorporation of new instruments, like the mandolin, which would become central to their next album? I think it's both, and more. Either way, R.E.M. is one of my favorite bands, and Michael Stipe’s voice gives me the same kind of comfort as Neil Tennant’s. Green is enjoyable from start to finish—there’s not much to say when the music is this good. It’s a great rock record, and I’m giving it a solid 4 out of 5. I Remember California is a gem I haven't paid attention to before. Wow! Looking forward to #day177.
Feb 02 2025
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L'Eau Rouge
The Young Gods
This is #day177 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... among my wife’s favorite genres, industrial (and its offshoots like electro-industrial, industrial metal, etc.) takes center stage. I’ve come to appreciate this side of her musical taste—after all, how many men get a wife who loves this kind of music? I’m fine with some industrial too now and then—Neubauten, Skinny Puppy, and Coil (thanks to her). But, this... is a bit too left-field (?) for me. I find those growling vocals particularly oppressing. At the same time, I get why Trent Reznor cites this band as an influence. I'm giving it a 2 out of 5 anyway. Sorry, wife. Looking forward to #day178.
Feb 03 2025
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This is #day178 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... it's a bleak Sunday morning in Lviv—0°C outside, February 2nd. I’m watching my wife read a book, and what better soundtrack for this moment than Play? It’s wild to think this was meant to be his last album, yet it ended up becoming his breakthrough. Play is the epitome of Moby’s style—an intricate mix of electronica and downtempo, layered with blues and roots music samples. Those raindrop-like house/dream trance keys are pure aural bliss... If I had to pick highlights, I’d say Porcelain, Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad?, and Natural Blues. I’m also a fan of the follow-ups, 18 and Hotel—that's classic Moby for me. Of his more recent work, Everything Was Beautiful And Nothing Hurt stands out, where he revisits his musical roots again. This album is a solid 5 out of 5 for me. I’m also lucky to own it on an original UK cassette. Looking forward to #day179.
Feb 04 2025
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Fela Kuti
This is #day179 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... in your head, in your head, Zombie, Zombie, right? It was interesting to discover where Afrobeat comes from, the story behind the album, and its fatal consequences. It appears to be an important record not only in world music but also in Nigerian history. This is when music becomes a weapon of resistance. On the other hand, I felt uneasy learning that the guy had a mass wedding ceremony where he married 27 women at once. It’s kind of strange considering his mother was a women’s rights fighter. I doubt I'll be coming back to this record anytime soon. As a one-off acquaintance, though, I don't mind it. This is a 3 out of 5. Looking forward to #day180.
Feb 05 2025
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This is #day180 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and here's to electronica from the mid-90s. I’m not sure why this album ended up on this list—was it really that groundbreaking? I’ve always been more on The Chemical Brothers’ side, maybe a little Fatboy Slim... OK, features with Toni Halliday from Curve and John Lydon from Public Image Ltd. ring the bell. But aside from that? That said, I did learn that the term "progressive house" was coined to describe the band's style, a mix of house with dub and reggae. This is a 2 out of 5. Looking forward to #day181.
Feb 06 2025
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Goodbye And Hello
Tim Buckley
This is #day181 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and it’s my first time listening to Tim Buckley. I’m quite familiar with (and really love) the work of his son Jeff Buckley, but that’s a story for another day. I’m not always a fan of Tim’s vocals, but instrumentally, this is a very late ’60s record drenched in psychedelia, and that’s something I don't mind. Hallucinations is my favorite song here, I guess. But then, I can’t separate the artist from the person, even though I know I probably should. This story behind his personal life—like when he left his pregnant wife about a month before their son, Jeff, was born—is pretty shitty, man... This is a 2 out of 5. Looking forward to #day182.
Feb 07 2025
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Rip It Up
Orange Juice
This is #day182 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... I guess orange juice must be my favorite. Sicilian red orange juice or grapefruit come close too—I like it when it has a hint of bitterness. I’ve known Orange Juice since the days when I ran an indie music blog with a friend who's now serving in the Ukrainian Marine Corps. We’d write short reviews and share links to artists and albums. I think we featured this one—maybe a compilation? I can’t quite remember. Either way, the name’s familiar, and it fits with the post-punk/new wave we covered a lot, alongside synthpop. There’s something about the sax, like in “I Can’t Help Myself”, that I enjoy—when it bursts through the song and floats around like a caught bee. It’s a pleasurable listen all in all. I'd rate this album a 4 out of 5. Looking forward to #day183.
Feb 08 2025
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Tres Hombres
ZZ Top
It's #day183 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... I think this is the first time I'm listening to a ZZ Top album all the way through. I've heard a song or two on the radio, but that’s about it. So, what do we get here? Well, good ol' dusty blues... What else would you expect from ZZ Top? This is a 3 out of 5. It was okayish, but that’s about it. Chances are slim I'm reaching for this anytime soon, if ever. Looking forward to #day184.
Feb 09 2025
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Every Picture Tells A Story
Rod Stewart
This is #day184 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... here’s another first-time listen. I’ve seen this guy around before—his hairstyle is unmistakable, right? Like in vinyl communities on Facebook (that Blondes Have More Fun cover with the iconic woman’s butt), but I’d never heard a single song, let alone the entire album. That pretty much sums it up—the music feels dated. And those raspy vocals… just so uninviting. It’s too far from my wheelhouse. I’m giving it a 2 out of 5. I was close to a 1, but I’m being kind today. Looking forward to #day185.
Feb 10 2025
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The Monkees
This is #day185 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... monkee see, monkee do? Why make a Beatles parody band when you can just listen to The Beatles? I don’t get it. It’s been a while since I rated an album a 1, so here we are. Back to square one. Looking forward to #day186.
Feb 11 2025
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Enter The Wu-Tang (36 Chambers)
Wu-Tang Clan
This is #day186 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... believe it or not, I’ve never heard either Wu-Tang Clan or this album before—though I’ve certainly seen it regarded as seminal. That said, the instrumentals on “Shame on a Nigga” ring a bell! This is the kind of hip-hop I’m after—the beats, the samples, the productions. It’s menacing, gritty, lean… All out 90s. The experimental edge stands out, and it’s not just due to the raw sound but also the cinematic quality—part of which is delivered through the martial clips. Listening to this album feels like being in the middle of a rap battle. It sounds live. Reading through the negative reviews here reminded me of that Eminem line from Renaissance: "You nerdy pricks would find somethin’ wrong with 36 Chambers." Well, I didn’t. This is a 5 out of 5. Looking forward to #day187.
Feb 12 2025
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Rejoicing In The Hands
Devendra Banhart
This is #day187 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... how on earth did this end up here? I could only make it through about 3.5 songs from the tracklist. The delivery didn’t sit right with me, especially since I can’t stand this kind of vocals. And then there was the music. Or was it? I was shocked to learn Michael Gira of Swans produced it, but that’s no saving grace. Hilariously, there are no Swans on this list. Is this an album I must hear before I die? Absolutely fucking not. This is a 1 out of 5. Looking forward to #day188.
Feb 13 2025
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Holger Czukay
This is #day188 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... let’s go to the movies. Or rather, let’s imagine movies that are meant to be heard, not seen, movies without pictures, where sound tells the narrative. However, the narrative is rather loose, which is no surprise because Holger Czukay is a member of Can. I'm fine with some Can now and then (in fact, I rated Tago Mago a 5 a couple of months ago), but I’ve never explored their solo works. As a one-off listen, this album is okayish—definitely fun, but not much more. I’d give it a 3 out of 5. Looking forward to #day189.
Feb 14 2025
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Truth And Soul
This is #day189 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... to be honest, I had this album playing in the background while working, so I didn’t really dive into it. It had a funky feel, and the rhythm section was tight, reminding me of Faith No More and RHCP from around the same time. But for some reason, the record didn’t grab me or inspire a second listen. I’m giving it a 2 out of 5. Looking forward to #day190.
Feb 15 2025
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American IV: The Man Comes Around
Johnny Cash
This is #day190 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and after a couple of months since I got At Folsom Prison, here’s another album from Johnny Cash. Astonishingly, this is his sixty-seventh (and final non-posthumous) studio album. I was initially skeptical when I saw it pop on the list this morning, but then I realized it includes his covers of Hurt and Personal Jesus, which are some interesting takes. It’s fascinating to think about Trent Reznor's reaction when he heard Cash's rendition of Hurt, saying the song no longer feels like his. Not sure Martin Gore has ever said the same about Personal Jesus, but I guess Dave was more approachable about the whole affair. Anyway, although country is among my worst genres now, Cash will be Cash, and he deserves credit. After all, he is the genre. This is a solid 3 out of 5. Looking forward to #day191.