Bee GeesWhat a let down. I think albums like this are more of a surprise to see on the list than some of the 1 star trash. At least you have a reaction to those. This is just... Nothing
What a let down. I think albums like this are more of a surprise to see on the list than some of the 1 star trash. At least you have a reaction to those. This is just... Nothing
Bin this nonce.
For me, music like this offers a time capsule/teleportation to an idyllic space of music that's easy going and relaxed but has enough harmonic and melodic complexity to keep it interesting and mysterious. It's a bit of a gateway drug to Stan Getz, Astrud Gilberto and Antonio Carlos Jobim - one I gladly fall into every time this sort of music comes around. If I could change one thing, I'd compress the tenor sax down - 's a bit loud.
The Beatles have some great tracks. None of them are here. This is like a half decent pub band who manage to butcher a cover or two. I will say though, Ringo sounds good here.
It's George Clinton introducing Maceo Parker and Fred Wesley, and it oozes cool. On this album you'll learn that we want the funk, it's gotta be that p funk and if you give the people what they want when they want they'll want it all the time. Clinton is such a cornerstone of this music scene this has got 5 stars for that alone.
Interesting use of recorded sound, not really one I plan to revisit, but I'm sure I'll never escape Mrs Robinson.
The man can't sing, but some of the guitar licks are ok.
Overall good, not sure Ozzy can hear the rest of the band and I'll never enjoy Changes.
Some good tracks, endearing use of technology but too stale and similar for it's playlength
Really enjoyed the organ chords and groove on the tracks. The second half of the album is great fun, but the first half isn't bad either. Edit: This is the one rating that haunts me, I don't think I'm ready to give this a 5, but I like it a lot more than that initial write up. We'll see...
Papa Was A Rollin' Stone a bit of a meme for me, but still good. Enjoyed the vocal harmonies on I Ain't Got Notin'
Amazing use of samples and musical flare to create soething unique for the backdrop of a political movement through lyrics. That said, the later Ice Cube tracks feel kinda out of place.
A pleasent listen, I enjoyed the track with the breakbeat on but nothing too special to keep me coming back. One to remember when you want a chill afternoon.
Can't believe Norah was 22 at the relase of this album. It's an indisputable classic and the work of a talented musician.
Some tracks really landed, others went on too long and didn't offer much. Not surprsing given the breadth of his career.
First half was good, got very repetivie and messy at the end.
Without the historical context of this album I don't think I can fully appreciate its lyrical content and so am left to judge it on it's musical content which is good and notable for the pioneering sound of the early seventies. I'm not someone who buys physical music but if I was I think this would be one to add to a collection as the digital format doesn't seem to do it justice.
A nice sound but for me another album that highlights the problem with a lot of the albums on this list. Artists seem to pick one sound and then write as many tracks as they can to completely exhaust its possibilities. As a musician myself I know I'm likely guilty of the same thing, when you're so close to these things it's hard not to hear the subtle differences as a world of change. There's also something to be said for how listening to lots of styles as you do going through the list will make you numb to these differences, but in this case I really felt like I was listening to the same 2 or 3 tracks on loop.
Think there's been a mistake?
Not sure about the inclusion of a Live album to the list but moments of this were alright.
Although I'm not a huge fan of tracks light Misty Mountain Hop you can't deny an album with Black Dog, Rock and Roll, Stairway to Heaven AND When the Levee Breaks 5 stars. On this re-listen, I really appreciated Page's production, especially the reversed guitar at the end.
An additional star for a few tracks that were alright, otherwise I found this to be pretty unlistenable.
Start of a new sound? Perhaps, but I struggle to listen to much of the Beastie Boys because the singer sounds too much like Glibert Gottfried. Still, some great sampling work (which then got sampled).
It's like the same inoffensive song for 37 minutes straight.
Something went very wrong with the concept of singing in the 70s. I did actually quite like some of the first few tracks.
Mad as a fly sharing a sandwich. Fun though.
Didn't overstay it's welcome. I liked most of it well enough but the big band tracks didn't land for me.
Vincent is a great track but the rest of the album doesn't do much for me
Feel like this sits in a nice little niche before pop punk made this sound very cynical, but it didn't need to be an hour long.
Lyrics sort of pass me by and so this really just sounded like "The Cure have a bad day and are really quite upset about it".
Love the groove and low key sound of this album, I even still love it despite listening to it when I had a car accident.
Not really something I would seek out but damn if I didn't have fun listening.
Bob Dylan belongs in Room 101.
Not bad but not for me
I get that this is notable for being a big shift from the artist's previous work but it didn't make for a good listening experience and I don't think it has a place on the list.
I lived and breathed this album for a few weeks while I read Ashley Kahn's book on this album. I recommend it if you've enjoyed listening to it, its a great exploration of the album - before, its conception, and after. In case anyone reads this review and nothing else about the album I'll share Bill Evans' (pianist) line notes for it: "There is a Japanese visual art in which the artist is forced to be spontaneous. He must paint on a thin stretched parchment with a special brush and black water paint in such a way that an unnatural or interrupted stroke will destroy the line or break through the parchment. Erasures or changes are impossible. These artists must practice a particular discipline, that of allowing the idea to express itself in communication with their hands in such a direct way that deliberation cannot interfere. The resulting pictures lack the complex composition and textures of ordinary painting, but it is said that those who see well find something captured that escapes explanation. This conviction that direct deed is the most meaningful reflections, I believe, has prompted the evolution of the extremely severe and unique disciplines of the jazz or improvising musician."
The start and end of this album are strong but it gets a bit weak in the middle.
Well mixed and good use of effects, this does feel like an evolution of some the influences listed on the Wikipedia page.
He sure was ramblin'
Massively let down by the vocals in places.
I'm not someone who pays attention to lyrics, which I think works in this album's favour. The few times I tuned in it seemed to be fairly derivative vapid nonsense. It does sound pleasant though, so I guess it's a 3 stars. At times I even thought it might be a 4, but I think the vocals are a bit weak in places.
35 years later, it sounds like Sonic music with middle class mid life crisis vocals
Can't really fault this for being what it is, just not something that I personally covet.
I'm aware that I probably wouldn't have given this album 5 stars if I wasn't already familiar with it. I can remember things like the original vocals taking me a while to get into, but it is an album that has a lot of depth you uncover as you listen to more and more.
Pleasant sound, the vocals went a bit too far for me in a couple of the tracks and I didn't really like the big shift half way through for one track. Keen to hear the others on this list.
Having been served Rust In Peace first this feels like the unrefined first crack at it.
Memes aside, this album explores instrumentation and time signatures in an effective way, while much of it doesn't really draw me in for a second listen, I can appreciate that this is a competent and comprehensive offering.
It's all the same song, but it is Little Richard.
Nothing drew me in here. Sorry Bez.
Pretty pleasant nothing special
I think my issue with Taylor Swift is she feels very distant from the rest of the music itself. It feels like a lot of care went into the production of this music but it lacks real emotion from the delivery.
A green eggs and ham for me. I've of course heard a lot of this album before but really enjoyed it start to finish. The cover of Lovesong is great
Toe tappin' blues
I was just very bored by this. The story teling aspect was too weak to be the centre piece of the album.
There's some great tracks on this album that have become worn out in pop culture in Britain. There are also some tracks which really didn't hit home for me.
I enjoyed this album despite it being pretty sloppy and sounding quite rushed in places. Despite the critics write up, it certainly isn't picking up where Man Machine left off.
Started off well enough but goes on far longer than it needed to.
I don't get this one at all, does very little for me.
Can't help but enjoy The White Stripes
It's like Oasis but I like it
Starts off alright but by the end it's very tedious. 2 and a half stars.
Not really my thing, and the list is weighed down with albums like this, but at least this one has a theme it manages to stick to without becoming too repetitive.
Very close to giving this a five, great grooves, great production and a good list of colabs. Glad this one got to see the light of day.
It sounds nice but it does go on a bit and I'm just not that sad.
Awful vocals but some of the music in the background is ok
Ella has an amazing voice, the writing of the Gershiwns I'd fantastic, and the band is great. But 3 hours is a long time, by the end I felt like a recording engineer on his 5th pack of the day aching to get the session over with, with no care for how the rakes were. Fantastic music, but the wrong way to listen in the modern world.
I've always liked Psychosocial but don't really get the rest of the album
Sad boring American music, sounding very dated twenty years later.
Great atmosphere, the music would be less without the crowd and the crowd would be less without the music. I took a star off as I don't think its something I'd regularly listen to.
King Of The World has some of the most infuriating keyboard solos I've ever heard. More like a musical than jazz rock at times.
It's alright but really nothing special, not sure why its here ove rmany many other things.
As I get older, my relationship with Radiohead complicates. For the longest time I dismissed them as too sad, but as my appreciation for music and music theory develops its hard to ignore their commitment to write music thats developing ideas and genres. So, 4 stars - Nude and Weird Fishes are great, I don't quite get the rest yet but it seems to me that some day I might.
One for me, and one for my homies
Never in a bad mood listening to this. The first half in particular feels like a celebration of life. Put it on and try not dance.
Moments of this work for me but the majority doesn't, I think its quite heavily let down by the production.
Bits of the album probably bring it down to more of a 4.5/5 but the DNA of this album has had a massive impact on my tastes, and my life really (I work with synths all day). Always good to revisit.
Pleasant enough but let down by crap singing
Not really an album? But some good stuff
Bits of this I enjoyed but bits of it I really didn't
When I first looked at the production credits for this album I thought it'd be a bit of mess, but actually the production helps provide variety to the named artists limited range. I also got some good laughs out of this.
I nearly fell asleep, not entirely in a bad way
Bin this nonce.
Shining star is a great track, and the album has some other great moments alongside it. Ultimately though this is a soundtrack album and makes for a bit of a disjointed listening experience.
Exactly what I expected.
At times interesting, at other times messy, and felt more like a compilation.
Nearly a 4 for me I think because you can feel the concept is well delivered but it is just a bit too boring
It's George Clinton introducing Maceo Parker and Fred Wesley, and it oozes cool. On this album you'll learn that we want the funk, it's gotta be that p funk and if you give the people what they want when they want they'll want it all the time. Clinton is such a cornerstone of this music scene this has got 5 stars for that alone.
I didn't find my experience listening to this to be very musical
Celui merte Or something, I'm not fluent in French and apparently neither are these guys.
Hit me like a rock opera, but I don't think it's stuck for me.
Really fun listen, as glam rock should be. I look forward to the next one of these.
The dynamics were all over the place and the track with strings made me grit my teeth but it is still better than some of the 2s I've given out.
A lot to try and take in in my first listen to this. I recognise quite a few bits that have been sampled in here which is cool. Some beats had me grooving but the "dramatic scenes" between tracks went over my head.
Came very close to giving this a 4 for a couple of tracks near the end but upon listening again it's gotta be a 5. This is proper "everything's gone to shit I can't get any work and I don't want to" 70s dystopia disco right here. The escape from reality. Bernard Edwards and Nile Rodgers is a killer combo, but it's worth remembering that at this point in their career they were making a name for themselves, they're not playing it safe so much as developing a brand. /rant
Pleasantly surprised how modern this sounds
Boring shite for the most part but there is a track that's quote fun at the end. Though if I listened to that one in isolation it might further prove the boredom I was inflicted with at that point.
Bits of this are quite nice, good for a bit of sampling, but sometimes the vocals go full Tom Waits and I suffered.
Like listening to a weird fever dream, it's once again been demonstrated to me why some people make music like this today.
Starts awful but then some palatable punk emerges.
It's a 2 star album by Halcyon On and On gets it an extra star.
S'alright. Just alright.
Palatable, cool, smooth, but nothing hooks or wows you. Kinda unfair to put a compilation up against full albums, but pioneering none the less.
Has a lot of the stuff I don't like radio for but one or two good tracks.
Some brilliant tracks on here but it does get quite stale. I once saw them play live but it was at an NME event so they didn't play long. It was like a firecracker of energy and I think that's how this band are best enjoyed.
It's alright, a bit dull, but so is this review, so who am I to judge.
I remember not really liking Justice when this album first got traction, I seem to remember being disappointed that they were this heavy abrasive sound when I was hoping for another offcut disco duo like Daft Punk. I think the album Woman really turned me on to Justice, and revisiting this now there are some great tracks on here and I can hear how the production of this still stands abreast of the rush of noisy music that was to swamp the pop scene a few years after this album. Would be a 4.5 if it didn't have The Party on it.
Overall it's pretty dull and not that nice to listen to, however it has two good tracks on it and Bob Dylan has a petty jealousy of Donovan, so we can give it 3 stars for that.
Not as bad as the other I've had so far, but still crap
A very interesting experience, one which I may come to appreciate more with a relisten. The only thing that really stops this being a 5 for me is that I don't think I could put it in and really enjoy it, I guess you need a "without lessons" disc for that.
Some great tracks here but as an album it doesn't wow, and it is awkward listening to this knowing Voodoo is so much better.
Some of this was alright, some of it was a bit weird. Arter it finished playing, Spotify played me Faye Webster which I'd also never heard of, but quite liked. So, based on that, have 3 stars Ms Apple.
Some of this really sucks you in and washes over you, I'm surprised at how much I like this given how put off I am by some of their newer stuff.
I thought this was just alright. A lot of people here like to insult Morrissey in these reviews. After listening to this it seems to me the biggest insult you can give him is just to say that he's mediocre and left no impression on you. I get the impression he'd hate that.
It was alright. That's Entertainment sounds like a demo version on here? Maybe the whole thing is due a remaster.
Immigrant Song and Since I've Been Loving You are long time favourites. Tangerine is great too. Gets a little samey to be a 5.
Way better than the Bolt Cutters that I got last week. Wish I got this first.
A lot of this feels like familiar ground for much of what came out in the 90s/00s. This doesn't feel hugely original, but its not bad either.
Badly recorded and mixed, and the song writing is pretty dull too. Sounds like a lot of the screaming girls has been deliberately added on in post.
I need a Sarsaparilla to get through this
Kinda more like 3.5 maybe but then the hits are very good and theres a few other wow moments so here it is 4.
Noisy and boring, he just sings the melodies.
Maybe even a 4 one day. I listened twice and didn't like much of it the first time, second was better. I don't think much of this is as original as people would have you believe
Not really my thing but had some fun listening to this.
Some cool beat making here, and good guest vocal spots. I like the sound of Tupac's rapping but I didn't really take in the lyrical content and I'm not sure I'd want to? Maybe this is a 4 but I'm unsure enough to leave it at 3.
I was all set to give this 3 as I found it a bit dull, but I've woken up this morning and Doo Wop is in my head firmly and it's great and 4 stars.
One or two alright tracks does not make an album
I get why people like this but it doesn't do much for me.
Michael asside, Quincy Jones' work on this album is great. I've capped it at 4 because of how cheesy The Girl is Mine is. It's weird listening to an album like this now, you're so familiar with each track it's hard to hear it as an album. I guess that's pop for you.
Was let down by this, the title track and a couple of others were good. Otherwise this is bloated and boring.
What a let down. I think albums like this are more of a surprise to see on the list than some of the 1 star trash. At least you have a reaction to those. This is just... Nothing
Sounds really bad, I don't know if the digital versions are the only thing that suffer from this, but it was basically unintelligible for the most part.
I find it a bit mad that this is the only Nina album on here, especially compared to some of the over exposed artists on this list. If you're struggling to get into this music, spend some time reading about Nina and her Civil Rights activism or watching interviews. All of that energy is channeled into the the lyrics as well as the vocal and piano performance.
Some of it is quite good but it's overly long and there's 3 versions of the same song.
Gets better as it goes on and by the end I was enjoying it.
I like the band, I could take or leave Joni.
Cheesy 80s,but the good kind. It would maybe be a 4 if the whole album wasn't essentially just a buildup to one song.
An era of hip hop I wish we could go back to.
I actually don't mind Madonna jumping on this bandwagon, I think it's because its largely a bandwagon I like and she has made some effort to extend her vocal range to the genre. If you want to get all "how do you do fellow kids" wind forward a few more albums for the real pandering crap. That said, this is overly long, even the hits feel bloated when listening in context of the album. If it was 20 minutes shorter there may even be a 5 in here.
It's slower and more boring than I remember any of it being. It's like Zeppelin zapped of groove and creativity. Rock on the its gentle plod to boring before punk came along.
More like Yawnbirds
Does nothing for me
I like bits of this but the skits are too much
Not as bad as I thought but not something I'd really spend time with again, maybe the odd track or two.
A pleasant listen throughout, no standouts but doesn't get dull. Good job Curtis.
Some of it's alright, most of it I've forgotten already.
This album is great, very nearly a 5 for me and I can't quite put my finger on why not.
Moments of being cool but generally just too weird, the less said the better.
Overly long, moments of "Oh hey, yeah, it's like pop punk" weren't enough to sustain me.
One or two decent tracks, I guess you can *puts on sunglasses* go between them. Yeahhhhhhhh
Another album before albums I think. Good tracks, but a muted, filtered capturing of this performer
One or two alright moments, but a bit of a mess really. Way too long.
I Can appreciate bits of what's hear, you Can certainly hear it's influence. But I'd be happy if I Can live the rest of my life without this album darkening my door again.
This is probably a 4 star album in reality, I tried to come with various justifications for giving a 5,and the one I keep coming back to is essentially a protest vote that Discovery isn't on here. But this still a great album in its own right - Alive, High Fidelity, Fresh, I could go on.
I find it hard to say much about music like this. I don't catch many of the lyrics, but I know there's substance there, and the music itself is technically impressive but needs a few listens to take it all in. So, as my first encounter with the album, 3stars middle of the road babyyy
Love the sampling on this album, and the inclusion of the talk show to make a real cutting statement is great. There's also some tracks that are just good no matter the context. I think it is just a touch too long and repetitve as you get through it though.
Really liked it to start with but by the end the ideas had gone a bit stale.
Love the throwbacks you get doing this. I realise this will make me sound very young but this was a real coming of age for us at the time, it confronted reality in a way a lot of the pop we'd been growing up with didn't and the musicianship is great and gave us something to aspire too.
Boring but not bad
For a 1980 album this really sounds very 80s. The use of two drummers is great too. That said, it is a little chaotic to be palatable by today's standards.
I enjoyed the start of this, surprised how much I enjoyed a visit of Heads Will Roll, but I think it kinda veers off at the end for too long to score higher for me.
Surprisingly good, felt like a complete journey. Too bad it went under the radar.
Couple of standouts and a load of middle of the road stuff.
Ray's got a great voice for getting your feet and heart moving, but this album doesn't quite wow throughout
Enter Sandman is one of those songs you don't seek out but can't help but bop along to. Nothing Else Matters is a total slog for. And the rest? I guess Nothing Else Matters. Sounds good for 91
Well produced but very samey. I guess with this new wave stuff your either into the energy or you're not, I think most of us hearing it for the first time 49 years later are probably not.
I've been quite disappointed with the Orbital albums here, I was ready to give this one a two, but those last few tracks really pick up. What was moments of good music to begin with matures into full great tracks. Stick with it.
I think I like the story behind this album more than the listening experience. I've read Ashley Kahn's book on this and I am confronted with an album I want to like more than I do - and I know I only like it as much as I do because of all the context I have for it - good luck to those of you without it.
15 minute track and it stays fresh? *tasting sound* That's a 10.
Quite liked this to begun with but there's some real stinkers as you go on. Album art is great though
I actually enjoyed one of the bonus tracks (You Are My Sunshine) more than most of the album. I really like what's been done here but due to my own cultural background I'm not really familiar enough with the material covered for it to properly wow me. He is a genius though.
He's a better producer than lyricist. Feel like I'm talking about a different guy to current Kanye
I've doubted the inclusion of live albums here but this is great. It has so much energy from band and crowd - you can hear the crowd's desperate anticipation and the way James milks it just long enough. It's also cool to hear something earlier from his career that I was less familiar with.
This is like a high 3/low 4. Pleasant listening but gets a bit stale and then it's almost like they know its got a bit stale and fails to really come up with something good but carries on anyway. I also know that I have a bit of a soft spot for the soft French sound which isn't to everyone's taste. If you're still reading and liked this, check out Saudade but Thievery Corporation
Yeah it's alllllllright
All style no substance, felt like I'd not even listened to this a few hours after having listened to this.
After the first few tracks I was like "maybe I've missed something here" but as I do with all the albums I let it run its entirety, and by the end I was sure I hadn't. This is too chaotic for me, I appreciate the effort but not the result.
Had some good laughs listening to this. The music sucks but it's great. Good job Butthole guys. Now get out of my sight.
Some of its cool, some of its angry, some it's sad. Mission accomplished?
I can hear a lot of what people like about other more famous bands in this and I couldn't really tell you the difference between either one.
Boring music poorly produced.
Smooth, cool, technically brilliant... and just a little too noisy for a 5.
Pretty good bit of early electronic I'd not encountered before, some tracks I'll revisit but some of the longer ones don't really hold up.
Very forgettable but not bad.
It's got moments sounding Nick Drake like, moments of sound quite cool early 00s indie, but as a package its really tedious. Someone needed to make a few cuts in the editing suite.
I liked the drum solo. Then it went on too long. I liked smoke on the water. Then it went on too long. And so on.
Enjoyed listening but it isn't one of the greats or anything too special.
Liked this but it didn't click for me completely. All the elements are there but I wasn't bought into it as a whole.
I think my stamina for these things is starting wane 180 odd albums in, this was just boring. You'd feel ripped off if you spent good money on a CD and it contained a single musical idea.
One is great but the production is pretty terrible and it doesn't feel as tight as the other stuff.
Production is good but I don't really get it and I'm not sure if that's on me or Kendrick
A low 4, but Pacific 202 is such a fun track. There are other moments of being good here, other times its quite dull, and some times where its kinda bad and good at the same time. Surprised how 90s this sounded for an 89 album, and thats usually a sign of someone pushing the envelope.
He can't sing. The most positive thing I can say is I'm glad to be on the back of another one of far too many of his albums om the list.
The hits still sound great, and the other tracks are good too. They're one flashy high production cover from being revived into public consciousness.
This has a lot of energy and you can always tell what they're going for. When it works its great, Robert Smith's guitar stuff is great here and the vocals can be good. But there's a lot that doesn't do it for me.
I don't hate this like some really do, but I don't love or really even like it either.
I criticise a lot of these albums based on the vocals. And this really has some shit vocals. But here's the thing that got it up to 3 for me. They knew! They knew well enough to get Dusty in for a track. Waiting for a decent cover of It's a sin.
Well, no surprises here. Through the list I've warmed to Radiohead, but I was pretty cold before. I get a lot of what people love about this, but I think I just like it. But then I'm too young to be jaded to really fall into this I think. Maybe one day I'll love it.
Better than Neil Young.
A couple of dad rocky things, some glam rocky inspired things, and a couple of great tracks. As a playlist it feels a bit weak, but the parts are good.
Still not liking Steely Dan but this was much more bare able than Countdown to Ecstasy.
Enjoyed this, some of the vocals weren't to my taste, but I'm glad to have listened to it.
The Beatles have some great tracks. None of them are here. This is like a half decent pub band who manage to butcher a cover or two. I will say though, Ringo sounds good here.
The more people gush about Bowie the more I seem to dislike him. I will concede Jean Genie is alright.
I've thought about what to score this quite a bit. I didn't really have to listen to it much (though of course I did a once through start to finish) because I've heard most of it countless times before through no deliberate action of my own. Ultimately, though I don't really enjoy it I've given this 4 stars for these reasons: -It is very well produced -The fact its not a greatest hits album but plays like one is testament to the consistency of its song writing -They took all that crazy disco stuff coming out of America and made an album your mum can enjoy So, 4 as I can't give 5 to something u personally don't enjoy, and its tempting to dock a further star for being the catalyst to us being subjected to Pierce Brosnan singing.
I think the production really let's this one down which is a real shame as most of the sharm of Joy Division comes from their ability to pull of their melancholic sound while still being a song you can dance to - it's like the musical version of the sad clown.
Enjoyable enough until you realise its all the same song (with one or two exceptions) and gets very boring.
Good tracks, good sound. Don't let the context overshadow it.
I admit I'm probably rushing to a 5 because something different, but I really enjoyed this start to finish. Sounds great all round.
Wanted to like this more but its always a risk with these big tracks, I think you have to listen a few more times to really love it.
Cool story, shite music
You can hear a lot of the influence this album has had. I've had this one after the later album on this list, and it definitely feels more focused and driven.
Pretty sure the kinks just throw shit at the wall and see what sticks. Some of it does though.
I must be so jaded against Bob Dylan that I can't even tell you why I am, but the whole thing really baffles me. The music sounds awful and the lyrics are crap, no more need be said.
Headphones and breathtaking views required for this one, at lest the first 4 or 5 tracks. It sort of loses its way after that but isn't wholly unpleasant.
As someone who's not massively familiar with Nirvana's catalogue this is probably the worst album for to get first. I can tell the performance is good but didn't have the recognition to keep me engaged for an hour of it.
Didn't enjoy this as much as I thought I would, but I feel it deserves no less than a 4 for the way it's put together. Of course, it's only a three without I'm In Love With My Car ;)
Enjoyable but I couldn't quite get to grips with it on a first listen, at times I felt board and other times I was really enjoying it.
What a bore
Bit of a snooze fest, if you've heard brit pop you've heard this.
Meandering punky poetry rock
Pleasant but I'm not a huge fan of these storytelling songs so a whole album won't get a 5 from me.
Bits I actually quite enjoyed, there's a good narrative in the music. Doesn't stop a lot of being tedious and boring though. I spun up and down the score slider for this one so I guess it averages to a 3.
I like Dusty but this album didn't sound brilliant. Some good tracks but not in a good order/collection.
Generic and dull. Production is pretty bad too.
C'est agréable mais le principal obstacle est que je ne comprenais pas ce qui était chanté.
As others have said, hard to tell one song from the next. Lyrics feel overly edgy and the best bits are when he stops singing.
I'm not sure if this 4 or 3.say what you will but it is well produced. Clocks is a great track, but then I don't really like The Scientist, it just drips with this supermarket sadness that bounces of me. Similar story with the other tracks.
I enjoyed this way more than expected, always a good sign.
Self indulgent, definitely has the broken clock effect of being occasionally right.
Smashing Pumpkins Lite
I was excited for this but it just kinda bounced off me.
Best thing to come from Brum (other than Brum).
Something I'd not heard of before, I enjoyed the variety on the album and for the most part thought it sounded good.
It's mad to me how I've only really got into Bjork in the last couple of years. This album brilliantly embraces the DNA of electronic music and uses it to make an eclectic album of great song writing by a performer desperate to use their range and this is further demonstrated by the live version of the album. I think this list has too much Bjork, but this album is really worth gushing over.
I've always liked this album, not as much as Meteora but it's good some good tracks. However it does sound very over produced in today's ears.
Boring and uninspired.
The remaster can't disguise this had aged pretty badly but I can appreciate the energy.
Cool but no Imagine covers please.
Took us 3 tries but me and the generator found a Beatles album I like.
Starts off really strong, Joe Walsh is a great addition to the Eagles to give them some balls. It doesn't keep up, and by the end you can barely hear the tracks over your own boredom.
First half is great, maybe a 5,music for music nerds with some amazing stuff from Neal Peart. Sadly by the end I'd had enough of the vocals and I think, for now, this is a 3 for me.
Really generic but damned if I did find myself taping my toe to those blues riffs.
Siouxsie and the Banshees 20 years later but it's all the same song and American.
First half is great, mad music you can't stay still to. It sort of loses its way a bit, but I think maybe it's a grower.
Yeeeeeooooww. Yeah no its a bit stale, covers of good songs still sound alright.
Someone needs to come along and turn 3 of the half baked tracks into one really good one. Not without its moments, but often left me feeling like it was unfinished or out of ideas. High 2 rounded up to a 3.
I like Brighton Rock, I like Killer Queen and Brian May goes to work on this album but overall I find myself liking Queen less than I'd like to.
For me, music like this offers a time capsule/teleportation to an idyllic space of music that's easy going and relaxed but has enough harmonic and melodic complexity to keep it interesting and mysterious. It's a bit of a gateway drug to Stan Getz, Astrud Gilberto and Antonio Carlos Jobim - one I gladly fall into every time this sort of music comes around. If I could change one thing, I'd compress the tenor sax down - 's a bit loud.
Pop music that stands the test of time, along with some decent album tracks.
After this album I'm convinced Emmylou is on par with Dolly. Now to paint my pickup truck white and driver on until I meet Jesus himself.
3 great tracks and an album bloated with meh. It's a shame, you out this on and you think "yeah here we go a 5" but it'll wear you down and here we are at 3. Less is more folks.
The musical equivelant of someone who doesn't know how to play Street Fighter mashing buttons - occasionally you'll see some cool stuff but its mostly just chaos.
Despite it being thrash metal I actually found this quite boring. Surely its loud and chaotic, but damn if isn't repetitive... and I like techno.
Fun for a bit but not for over an hour, give us a break Stephen.
A waste of some great riffs, maybe a 3 star without the slur
At first I was like "God, no" then "ah OK maybe" but by the end I'm ready to cast this back into obscurity as pretentious crap.
Way too generic and dull to be this long and self indulgent. Musically some of it is OK but as a completed work this really made me suffer. Piss off, Nick.
Some of my favourites on here but it is overly long and a bit mediocre at times. Feel kinda bad putting this at 3 but there's plenty of Led Zep on the list to go around.
Cool to see what can be done without David Byrne
I guess you can't fault this for being exactly what you'd expect.
Not the best not the worst, I like a few of the tracks and found others boring. The production is a bit strained in places too.
Pure blues fun start to finish.
Interesting to listen to once but not much about it draws me to listen to it again.
I'm not sure I was able to listen to all of this. I ended up listening to live versions of some of the tracks on YouTube. A shame because I quite enjoyed some of what I heard. I'd feel bad giving this a 2 and I'm sure I didn't experience a 3 so 4 it is.
The production in the more ambitious tracks is really messy but I think the ideas still came through. It feels like this is The Beatles in their stride.
Too far out man
Not sure what all the macho energy is about but there's some cool 90s beats on this, kinda surprised but it.
It's sloppy but its not bad. It does go through a bit of "here's 4 chords on repeat for two minutes, and here's another one" but it still averages out just as good as any of the one hit wonder albums which I think Macca is probably due.
Stevie is a musical genius, but his batting average isn't what you might expect. There's some real self indulgent wobbles on here. But then... Superstition is one of the greatest songs of all times, just casually tucked 6 tracks into the album.
Some cool electronica on this but it does get a bit samey and is overly long. I'll admit I am partly giving this a 4 to balance out a harsh average for this one.
Some of the tracks land well here, it's made up of the same bluesy/jazz chord stuff thats having a big comeback at the moment. Unfortunately, this well and truly overstays it's welcome and you're left with a lot of "filler" tracks that don't contribute much.
Preferred this to London Calling as it's shorter, more focused and more what I'd expect of Punk music.
Another album another Englishmen who can't sing.
Thought I'd have some kind of reaction to this but overall just thought it was a bit noting, some of it I didn't like, some of it I didn't mind.
Good times were had, ear bleeding riffs were played.
I feel kinda uneasy about enjoying this, for me the whole "pop punk" thing feels really hypocritical and vapid. At the same time though, I'd much rather put this on than some of the old punk classics on the list.
This one gets an extra star for getting the algorithim to show me some more cool Argentinian music.
This one flicks quite happily around the average mark on the dial.
Moments of this actually work but as a complete package it really frags, and I'm left wondering which bits are supposed to be tongue and cheek and which might be serious.
Pretty middle of the road, Tim.
Some of this was decent, good grooves and band sounds tight, but a lot of it is just chaotic noise and I guess that's the point but it didn't work for me.
I am a big fan of Blue Lines and Mezzanine but weirdly hadn't listened to this album. The tracks with Tracy Thorn are great. Overall this feels like Blue Lines pt2,its not as exciting and the live track at the end is totally out of place but overall still good.
Violence is the only way you'll see sense? Why do you keep saying it like that?
Feels like an odd choice as this doesn't wow at all but hey its not bad either.
Full on George Clinton, but Mothership remains the best one on here for me.
Jeff can sing which puts him ahead a lot of the stuff you hear on this list, but the song writing is pretty tired for the most part.
Sorry Robbie, but listening to this album in this context really highlights how two dimensional cut and paste pop it is.
I couldn't tell you which of the two Sonic Youth albums I've had was better I could only tell you that I didn't need two.
Some really cool ideas here, but for my first listen I felt like they got pretty tired and couldn't justify the run time. I'll be coming back to this to pick my favourites out.
Weird moments where it kinda breaches something cool but doesn't stay there long enough to make this worth listening to.
Musically good, but hard to separate from who's playing it.
Enjoyed checking this out but I'm blown away by anything in particular.
Something about Little Simz style works for me while a lot of this stuff doesn't. Inflo's production is great too.
I think this landed better than Folsom for me, musically it felt tighter but also Johnny is more charming. Folsom is perhaps more of a novelty but I enjoyed this more.
When listened to on low volume, its like metal elevator music.
Fun time hanging out with the hippies. He got a bad deal on the My Sweet Lord case.
Raw and untamed but in the bad way.
I thi k I'm probably one of those normies that needs a "Best of The Roots" collection. I enjoy their sound but find each track either really hits or does nothing for me. Overall liked it enough for a 4.
This is indeed The Temptations. Starts strong, just about stops before too long.
Enjoyed having something different
This is more of a diary entry than a review. I've noticed that the more you get of similar stuff, the harder it is to remark on it after just one listen, which is typically what I manage in a day as an average. So, I can tell you this sounded alright, any extra value (positive or negative) that might be gained from an understanding of the lyrics is beyond me at this point.
Like hearing foxes scream in the street.
It's good it's just not me.
As prog rock goes this is pretty good, and not too long!
I've got no energy left for Elvis (after only 3 of his albums on here), but this was one of the better ones.
Some of the soppy stuff is a bit strong, but overall its far more listenable than a lot of the shite on this list. People like Coldplay and voted for the Nazis, you can't trust people Jeremy.
Had to keep this one down low, I don't think it was bad per se just couldn't connect with it.
I didn't like this as much as I thought I would. Some great tracks throughout but I'm not a fan of skits and am too far removed from the context.
Overall pretty dissapointing, but one or two good tracks. If you like those go and listen to the soundtrack to the Playstation 1 game Speed Freaks.
Felt pretty neutral about this one, which means I liked it more than Sonic Youth.
Really stale with a couple of good moments
As you begin to notice how lovely and moving the piano is you can't help but notice it has no effect on you simply because some guy had to do a falsetto for the entire run of the album.
Songs you wouldn't mind hearing while you get your hair cut.
Basically Roadrunner is the only good track, but he's having fun, and that makes it far more redeemable in my eyes then a lot of the self indulgent stuff you'll hear on this list.
Could all just be the same song but its not unpleasant.
Kindafeel oblidged to give it a 3 despite it being quite a chore, but you really can hear the development of ideas that went on to build the genre.
I think Glyn is a bit off the mark with his praise for this one. It's fine, but it really is just fine.
The sounds of the 70s dying out into the 80s. Despite all the mediocre British music from this period I've been subjected to on this list thus far this one stood out just enough to get a 3.
Was tempted to give this a 4, its my first time listening to this and I think it could either be one that grows on you or irritates you on repeat listens. Some cool ideas but not an instant "wow".
Enjoyed more than I expected, as is well reflected by the reviews already here. I don't think I'd go back to it though.
I wanted to like this more than I did. "She's like a cool Madonna" they said. If that's true, I guess I'm just not cool. I find the hits to be overly cheesy and the other stuff too grating.
Don't touch it. Don't sing about touching it. Don't think about touching it. Don't sing about thinking about touching it. Or something. I thought albums had to be a minimum of 25 minutes?
Good singer but boring songs that don't really work for her style.
Title track and Touch Too Much are standouts, the rest is just consistent head bopping toe tapping rock n roll.
Gets worse as it goes on but definitely better than some of the crap I've given two stars. Everywhere you go.
Probably a 5 if you were the right age at the right time. For me I like a lot of it but there's bits I don't and am overall not drawn to angst as a mainstay for my music listening.
It'd be good if it wasn't like listening to your uncle get up to sing his favourite Motown songs at Karaoke.
To my ears, this is the correct way to sing badly. I think I'd be scoring this album lower if I'd already had Siamese Dream which is really the only Smashing Pumpkins album I come back to. This one has some good tracks, but its way too long and samey accross the span of it to leave a lasting impact.
"Hey 1999, remember that album NME listed as number 2 on their album of the year? Don't you just think you HAVE to hear that before die" "I mean, not really. Nothing better 25 years later? Is NME still a thing?"
This was an odd collection of not quite songs but I'm glad I got to see this project once.
All the tracks sound the same but it's still worth a listen. Despite being the first track, you'll have Blitzkrieg Pop in your head afterwards.
Started off thinking this was a 4 for me, I can excuse having a big ego in hip hop music but if you take it seriously enough to put out 16 tracks that all cover the same ground and lack the quality control to size it down then it's clearly got out of hand.
Better than most new wave for me but sadly they ran out of ideas, every track is the same leaving you feeling pretty stir crazy by the end. Still, got my head bobbing.
It was fun at first. Then there was the rest of time.
Production is good but the hooks are not. Why is Black Sunday not on the list? I was expecting to listen to this and be blown away as this has been picked over that, but no, Black Sunday still takes it.
I get why they're a singles band now.
It's by no means the worst one of these I've heard. Feels like actual chaotic prog rock rather than forced. But I won't be coming back.
This wasn't actually that bad but I still think Neil Young sucks.
I had the Run DMC album on here the other day, it's crazy how far Tribe took the hip hop sound on their FIRST album only a few years later. Iconic.
Good fun! Always great to get a break from the usual here and for it be good. Also, a good example of how tracks can sound similar across an album but not exhaustive.
One or two good tracks, the covers sound alright but not as good as their originals. 4 more The Who albums to go...
Bit of a Blur to be honest. I like how you can hear Damon gearing up for the Gorillaz stuff in this one.
Pretty meh, I have no further thoughts.
Enjoyed Karen's voice overall. Some good versions of some tracks, but overall very syrupy. I hadn't realised her story was so tragic.
The drum mixing kinda sucks but it's made up for by the guitar. A good time.
Keith Moon sounds great, but as an album this isn't enticing.
Didn't hate this but it didn't much for me either. A very neutral 3.
He's pretty good I just don't know if I'm ready to commit to Incredible.
I'm a big fan of It Ain't Hard To Tell and one or two others here. Overall I'm not in love with this enough to give it a 5, something about Nas' flow I find a bit hit or miss but I think it'll just take time to land for me. In that sense I do actually find it hard to tell.
Not so much an album as it is a collection of voice notes from someone who sounds really sad set to music.
I've had a couple of tracks from this saved in my library for years. Sadly, I didn't save any more after listening to all of this. It's not bad but if you look at David's career after this it feels like they've grown a lot since this.
Didn't realise this album was so old! There's some great tracks that still sound very current in here. Overall Chilli Peppers are a bit of a guilty pleasure for, I enjoy it enough to listen but can't help but notice how pop and sage some of it is played.
Absolutely timeless. One of those albums that makes you question all the other 5 stars you've given.
Well produced if a little bit of a downer in places. Made me nostalgic for the early 10s.
It's such a shame Bob Dylan can't sing. Allegedly, his lyrics are quite good. I can't make out a word he's "singing".
Third Sonic Youth album I've been given, some of this was, I dunno, Ok? But at this point I've steadily grown to dislike them more and more. See you on the next two!
I like holding back the years but otherwise this reeks of talented musicians put to the back to satiate the need to make a "star".
I think this might be a 4 in terms of songwriting (they do all sound very similar), but you can't deny the feeling the performances elicit. The dynamic range and swing of the band is just perfect, and what needs to be said about the vocal? I got this very near christmas which really bought the whole thing together too.
For me, Bjork is like an acquired taste, and its impressive how she manages to maintain that album to album; I find myself having to reset my expectations and appraise each album on its own merit. I enjoyed this about as much as most 3s but I gotta give it a 4 for the amount of balls it has.
There's much more to this album than one overplayed hit single, which is certainly more than can be said of a lot of these albums. Though I wasn't always into what was happening, there was clear vision and good execution across the album.
How do you judge this kinda music? You'll hear it every year whether you want to or not.
I don't really get it but I don't think its bad. Better than the first one.
Like a visit to a museum to look at an important but ugly statue.
Pretty painful for the most part with one or two decent moments.
Eh I didn't really click with this one. Felt pretty abrasive and too samey.
As advertised, nothing more. Yeehaw.
Sade and her band have a sound that I find both exciting and comforting. Great use of chords and melody throughout. Worth watching some of the old love sets of you like this.
I like Father and Son. The rest of the album just sorta makes you think "I guess every artist has to make an album".
Not as bad as the live album but I'm still Grateful it's over.
Nice long visit to the hairdresser. I like Tracy Thorn's voice but it does wear a bit thin when there's so little diversity here.
For the most part, very calm and pretty. I think I actually prefer the sound of just Nick and his guitar to the other albums that include the string sections. Both are nice, sure, but I feel like this is closer to the artist's vision when writing the song. Gotta mention there's one or two (short) tracks that strike me as a bit odd, but I'll give it a pass as the rest of the album is a treat.
To start with enjoyable but a lack of ideas makes this wearisome to the point I won't come back.
Great rhythmic work and use of call and response. Risked dragging on a bit with some samey tracks, but I imagine as you get to know it that isn't the case.
I found this to be a bit of a slog overall, its just so mediocre. In about the final third I did think it started to come together a bit more, so if you're reading this review while listening and are struggling - hang in there, kitty.
Some decent guitar on this. Reminds me that I really like The Cure.
An hour and then some of tracks that are hard to distinguish from each other. Then comes Mr Blue Sky and you think the whole album has basically been stripping that track back for parts and trying to run with it, The success rate is pretty low.
Pretty boring for the most part.
Either I'm being beaten into submission or this is just one of the betterNeil youngs albums of the many ones on this cursed list. But it's still Neil Young, knock a star off for the overspill of crap I've had to listen to.
Put me to sleep to be honest. Quite dissapointed as some of the tracks of Songs for the Deaf are good.
Nobody wants to hear how miserable you are Nick, piss off. Hovered around a 2,but Green Eyes tanked it.
Don't have much to say about this. I listened to it, it was a bit naff, and I've already forgotten it.
Maybe its ok? I just don't get it, one or two tracks hold the best ideas of the album and that's about all I can discern.
Didn't get much from this other than finding it mildly irritating. I prefer the ambient Eno.
Mercilfully short.
Production is pretty bad, but the song writing is... ok. Makes you appreicate what having a producer like Glyn Johns can do for a band.
Definitely got Nostalgia Goggles for this one, but I think the production is great, really good use of samples and seamless movement between material within the tracks. I get the complaints about repetition, but it clearly wasn't enough of an issue to stop these tracks enduring throughout my upbringing.
"You don't have to listen to me, that's the promise of free will" - you might be on to something there, Elvis.
Very dull.
Kinda feel bad not giving this a 5 with tracks like Red House and Fox(e)y Lady but my listening experience got so confused by the different editions I'm not really sure what album I'd be giving a 5 to.
Sounds OK but disappointed it's not really in the style I know them for. The lyrics are kinda silly but the music doesn't put you in the mood to laugh.
Son of a Preacher Man is such a well engineered track, that same level of quality isn't reached by any one other track here, but the overall quality is good.
Didn't really enjoy much of this but I appreciated that it was creative and was always trying new things.
Had to go through this twice, I thought it was interesting but couldn't quite pin if I liked it or not. I could tell the voice was familiar and I could certainly see what people meant when they compared it to Bjork, FKA Twigs and the like. Anyway, on the second listen, it dawned on me that there's a certain quality in her voice that's a bit Cilla Black.... so does all this start with Cilla Black? I need a lie down. Overall pretty cool, if I was born in the 80s or even earlier in the 90s I'd probably be gushing all over this, but as it is today, I admire it from afar.
Pioneering but not necessarily a brilliant listen now. There's some great ideas ready to come out here but I think the record is held back by still needing to be a Beach Boys record. Things like the fade out endings happen too often to be attributed to lazy writing and feel more like they've been forced upon ideas that strayed too far from the brief while the raucous horn sounds and shouts needed someone to tone it down a bit. Still, some brilliant tracks here push this above any of the 3s I've given.
This is a 1001 Albums Generator Exclusive... Good beats, skit parts are better than the other ones I've heard through this list, and sparks some nostalgia
Not much more you can say about this album that hasn't been said, it's iconic.
Gimme Shelter is great, and then its just British Honky Tonk music you'd only listen to on the basis its by The Rolling Stones
Cheesy 80s stuff but not in the bad way.
Cool sounds and concepts but lacking song writing to make it stick.
Memories of Skate 3 soundtrack
Some of its quite good, some of its a real chore to listen to. Some decent songwriting, some aging recording and production. has to be a 3.
Like a naff Metallica/Limp Bizkit merge. I think the cover of War Pigs really set me off into giving this a 2.
Some great instrumental sections here, but some overly long solos and irritating vocals bring it down as a whole. Can hear this had a lot of influence afterwards.
Fine for a bit but wears pretty thin even in a run time just over half an hour long. Needs more ideas.
Kinda ok to start with but ultimately boring and self indulgent
Pleasant and nostalgic, but a little dull overall.
Fine enough for those who like it, repetitive but bearable for those who don't.
Where metal heads and hip hop heads can get together. Always good to have a reminder of this album, and kinda sad to be reminded of how relevant it continues to be.
Quantity over quality.
Drum machines are cool, most of this album is alright as you can hear they're using drum machines. But then you get a bit worn out from hearing all the drum machine.
Pyramid Song and Knives Out are alright but overall the vocals got the better of me in this one.
I can't stand Bowie, and reading all the gushing just makes me dislike him more.
Sometimes I think with the way Bill plays it doesn't really matter which piece he's playing, he's still going to transport you to his world of calm but complex harmony and melody. If you're new to Bill Evans and liked this I recommend Waltz For Debby, Skating In Central Park, Peace Piece and the Cannonball Adderley track Toy which features Bill.
Ehhh I'm a bit torn. Some of this is shocking in an intentional way, but I think the bits of that which don't land are at best grating at worst a parody of themselves that some people end up taking seriously. It also has some of the big hits with serious staying power with great production, but also some very boring and reptetive material.
I think the Vera Lynn cover tanked this one for me.
Didn't do much for me, blues is blues
Enjoyed something different but none of the tracks really stuck with me for a first listen.
Missy has good flow but both of her albums on this list, which I've had served to me in quick succession, leave me a bit cold. I saved a few tracks, but as albums they don't really seem to land as something more than the sum of its parts. That said, I liked the production on this and I think both albums are 3.5s for me so I'm rounding this up to 4.
Of all the things on George Bush's iPod, I am informed this is one of them.
Somebody stop this God music.
I didn't mind this. Always cool to see Anderson Paak popping up. I think it's itornic that on a list full of wanknalbums from the 70s people here are moaning about the relevancy of the lyrical content. It all very current to me.
Liked this so much more than Meat Is Murder. The whole thing is a little up its own arse to really love, but if you put it in and forget whose singing, you find yourself enjoying parts of it.
The artwork put me off initially but this was decent enough to get through with no real complaints but nothing that I'd come back for either.
There's some absolute gems on here - Sunworshipper and Zenophile in particular - but there's also some really repetitve fluff.
4 stars for the Apache break alone. Very cool but not really connecting with it to give 5.
Like being at a party where you can't stop someone from going on and on and on but you know everyone is bored to tears.
Is your dad a dealer? Because you're dope to me. I think I went a on a full circle of love and hate for this one.
I love what Sir Duke represents in music but I don't think this is what we here are calling an album.
The second to last track nearly tanked it to a 1.
I didn't think I knew Joanna, but she's sampled by The Roots, and that's been stuck in my head ever since I realised that yesterday. Overall, I think this is probably one you need to listen to a few times to digest, but I can tell its competent and well put together from the first listen.
Pretty dull for the most part.
Enjoyable to begin with, and hey it's the Jackass theme, but really could have done with dumping at least 15 tracks.
2 stars just because I've run out of ability to think about The Byrds at this point.
Think the harmonica is broken. Blowin' In The Wind is alright.
Gutted not to be on the list of Certified Players.
Kinda wish I'd had this as my first Joni album, the others had jaded me a bit before going in. This one is much more pleasant, but I'm still not huge on the whole "let's literally tell a story in a song" idea - it just makes it hard to imagine relistening to it.
It's alright but it is still Neil Young.
A few tracks I know sandwiched by quite dull mopey music.
A couple of good songs, you can tell Lennon knows how to write a song, but man if it isn't boring to the point that you just feel he's arrogant. Almost like he's missing a song writing partner or something.
I don't often notice lyrics but man the lyrics are weird in this.
Very nearly a 5 for me. Maybe it will be soon, but after two listens the second half really does lose me a bit. I'd actually listened to William Orbit nearly ten years ago, saved a bunch of tracks to Spotify and then forgot all about it, really enjoyed coming back to it.
Coherent sound throughout, songwriting is a but repetitive, slightly preferred it to the other Beck album I've had
I think I'd heard the name Elliott Smith before, didn't really take the time to learn more about him but I thought this was decent and would probably be more into it if I regularly listened to this sort of music.
Calling youself Big Star and being bang on average is pretty tragic.
This is nice but if you already had Getz and Gilberto it's hard to say this is as good and give it a 5.
Uninspired, dull, and quite naff.
Robert Wyatt again? Yeah the last one was weird and rubbish seems like this one is too.. Few tracks I. Hmm some of this sounds alright? Oh. No it's just quieter, and by contrast less annoying.
Yeah I mean it's alright, decent enough. I wouldn't rush it to someone's deathbed, though.
Yeah Free Form Guitar is unforgivable.
I'm just too predisposed to disliking Bowie to hear this without bias, but even then I still think it was pretty bad.
Just some blues covers. Not particularly notable.
Somebody to Love and White Rabbit are cool. You need drugs for the rest I guess.
This album will give you The Clap.
Not for me I would say. Clearly doing its thing, just bored me to tears.
I thought I was in a rough ride here, but this is pretty fine throughout. I didn't pay attention to the lyrics, and was a bit bored by the end.
Just good fun, if you live in Britain you get exposed to this from an early age. After listening I went on a Ska and Reggae binge, good job it was a sunny day.
There's one or two tracks that I thought were quite nice, and as its a 4 track album I guess its a 4. Some of it is nearly 2 star level stuff though.
I didn't think I was going to be up for Lovesong so soon after Pictures of You, but testament to the flow of this album it does actually flow nicely. I've been bought up listening to The Cure, I think people distance themselves from it as being Goth music, but for me its that's just the aesthetic the band has to help set the scene for the emotional pallet the music is offering. If you're open to it, it's a nice place to visit and get all melancholic and this album as a package is their best offering for that.
I enjoyed this way less than I thought I would, usually a fan of Abdullah but this mostly bored me/weirded me out.
About passable but kind of annoying if too loud.
Not sure we need so many Beck albums but I have actually warmed to them throughout the process. I may even go check out his other stuff. Isn't that why we're all here anyway?
It's good but it is all very samey. Also I don't want to give Jailbait a 5. The less said about that the better.
Some undeniably well written stuff but also moments of what sounded like someone wobbling keys aimlessly on their cool new synthesiser thinking they're the second coming of christ.
I enjoyed the flow from one track to the next. Sure, the albums inclusion is a little weird, but the fact I came away wanting to listen to some of this again isn't just the result of some lame marketing stunt, there's plenty of musicians I've become more opposed to as a result of this experience.
Going to be wrting this a few more times, Bruce Springsteen - some people like, me not so much.
Kinda want to give 5 stars but I'd basically be giving it to the majority of the first track. By Morning Stroll I've got to admit that one (very long) great track doesn't make the whole album a 5.
Another entry to the shameful "I turned it down so low that I was technically still listening but could barely still hear it" club. Sneaky way to get more Nick Cave in.
And so passes another completely forgot table album, thanks list, I'm sure I'd have be no worse off hearing that for the rest of my life.
A bit of a snooze, slightly preferable to Dylan.
Feels like Michael is just along for the ride as Quincy works some magic, it's 1979 so I'm guessing he's just got out of the discos as that movement winds down and has left obsessed with that Nile Rodgers sound.
I knew he wasn't dead.
Pleasant enough but nothing special, another album where I didn't even notice it end.
The only memorable thing is that both a man and a woman sing on this.
Like Thom Yorke without any of the interesting musical stuff alongside.
Cult of Personality is a great track. The players in the band are all good in their own right. But overall I didn't hear much worth coming back for.
Very different to the other album from Big Star I've had, and much worse.
Its kind of a 3 and a half for me but I'm feeling generous. There's some good songs here and I like the concept, even if I'm not in love with the execution.
Overall this felt competent and had its own thing going on but none of it really landed with me. The dynamics were all over the place which makes for a tough first listen.
Sure is Country like.
Not a lot going on here musically, kinda feels like this would be better developed if made today. Overall it was decent enough.
Some kind of interesting moments, and the story about them trying to mix it themselves is funny, but as stated in other reviews this album is in good company of being very mediocre.
She has a good voice and there are a few we'll written tracks but by and large this is mediocre.
I liked it more than Robert Wyatt but that's not to say I liked it all that much.
A generous 4, but this was quite fun, even if its clearly just boring from a load of other popular things from the time.
I thought this would be Bad but it wasn't as Bad as I thought. One or two tracks on here are cool, never heard the Stevie feature before. But Man In The Mirror is pretty painful for me.
Yeah, that should confuse the algorithims for a bit.
America Snoring because this is boring.
Just a nice time listening to this one. I put this on in the office as I often do with each day's album and for once I didn't feel the need to desperately ride the volume control to avoid the glares.
This was certainly an experience. Not something I'll revisit but I certainly had it.
Nobby shouts for half an hour. I enjoyed bits of it but was ready for it to end.
Boring and totally unremarkable.
Very pompous, actually felt quite ill after this. Note from my dad "Loved seeing them get canned off at Talking Heads in 1979."
For me this is where their sound starts to come together. This album captures what's about to happen with the Matrix movies, phones and the increase in pace for digital art. But I haven't looked into that, so I'm quite likely wrong.
Just feels really self indulgent for the most part, especially removed from its original context.
I appreciated this but wasn't really into it. Interesting if tragic story about the bad members dying too.
Par for the 1001 course
At first I thought I was in for some old school Eno which I didn't enjoy last time it came up, but this feels like the turning point for Ambient Eno which is my favourite type of Eno
New to me, I expect it feels a bit more comfortable after a few runs but I enjoyed the playful use of melodies in the song writing and thought the sound was pleasant overall.
This was country music.
We only needed Predator on the list, it's kinda mad how far Ice Cube progresses from this to that in two years.
Still reeling from Dub Housing, the volume remained very low.
3.5 I think. On the one hand, some of the musicianship here is great and impressive, but then it succumb to some of the 60s hippy music stereotypes and wonders top far into the garden for me.
Hard to review this like the other albums as I'm already so familiar with it, mostly through hearing other people play it. I can feel the teenage angst of not wanting to like this as I wanted to be out there finding interesting music that not everyone liked, but there is some great pop music on here. Then you listen a bit closer, its like they're trying to say something but the message is lost in also desperately wanting to make commercially successful music. It has all this energy saying "This is Californication, commercialism is rampant and has a knock on effect that has a huge cost to society" but also "catchy choruses are great, be sure to come back for the deluxe edition". And then, like a shifting tide, it becomes like an album full of b sides.
My main issue with this was that it was a bit one note. Apart from the times it gets a bit Elton John. But it's a fun note, doing this list you learn to appreciate a good pop hit, and there are a few here.
Two Fairport Convention albums in the space of a week. If ever I was going to convert to a folk fan, this was it. I liked it enough but it does start to bounce off you after a while and feel quite samey. I appreciate what's year but am sure someone has a better take on this by now.
This has a lot of "wrapped up in my own world" energy. I don't really hear any cohesive vision just someone madly hopping around between ideas they've soaked up from elsewhere. I can also hear the influence this has had on a lot of other stuff I don't like.
Quite grating, featuring very little of what you might call songs and full to the brim of beats that go stale while a man goes on and on about nothing.
If you've heard one Randy Newman you've heard them all. For 3 minutes straight he told me he was back on his feet again. Not sure if that meant he'd been falling down for 3 minutes too, but I am comforted by his resillience.
It's decent but I am very weary of this sound being nearly halfway through this list.
Grandmaster Flash is a weird inclusion here as he's definitely not an album artist. This feels like a "very infulencial, one very important track, so on it goes" pick.
I'm a big Portishead fan and I did like this album, but it came up on a Saturday, the sun was shining and I was due to play a gig that evening. With all of that considered it did make me realise that this one is a "if the winds blowing that way" album where as Dummy is always able to take me where it is.
Don't think this album needs to be here. Waterloo Sunset is a nice track but for the rest of the album I found myself impressed at The Kinks ability to know one song from another as they're all so similar.
I had vague memories of having another XTC album and not being quite sure what to make of it. This about hit the same spot. Some interesting moments but its clear that those aren't the main direction for the album and they'd rather have some naff vocals over the whole thing instead. Critic is in my dictionary by the way.
Two hours fifteen is a big commitment, and I don't think I was really rewarded for it. A few fun tracks on either half, some interesting cameos, all of which would have happily spanned 40 minutes. It's wild that this album has some of the most successful hits of the decade sandwiched in this chaotic oddessey of sound.
Expertly crafted both in terms of music and sound, and as has been pointed out countless times a real trailblazer for much of the music we have today. I'll be cranking the resonance and tweaking the cut off to make some layered melodies after revisiting this. Of course it's much more than the sum of its parts to those of us who love it, and the aesthetic of the artwork (not the one used on this site) and the inserts in the original vinyl elevate that further.
I had fun listening for the most part, but there's surely no other reason this album is on the list than it's title track. Who makes selections that no one can explain? DIMERY!
I'm not sure this really would be a 4 but it definitely is more exciting than some of the dreary crap I've put a 3 on. It did make me appreciate how much better produced pop music was at the time. Christina can sing and her vocals are only improved by production, and the song writing comes through without being drowned in production. I would guess many people's knee jerk reaction against a record like this is that you can hear the forming of the pop template that would come to plague music for... Well I think it's still going at the time of writing. With all that said, it is overly long for a pop album, a trend I've noticed in similar albums from this era.
Ew it's Rod Stewart. I'm still getting over the fact it's Rod Stewart I could barely recognise I was listening to an album. There's a line in there about the north wind causing the age on his face to show and boy oh boy he's not kidding. Go play with your trains, Rod.
I was about to give this a 2 as it really was a painful slog, that last track has been added to the collective toll this project has had on my sanity. But then I spotted it was made in 1966 and that does put the whole thing in a different light - especially that weird lyric about wanting to be "not white". Thanks for the pioneering but I'll never ever listen to this again, bye.
I like Guru's flow and the production on this album is good, but overall it feels like people taking their first steps and by the time you get to Jazzmatazz we're at full speed. A lot of the tracks loop too much without going anywhere, and the run time of the album feels too ambitious.
Kinda bounced off me to be honest. Reading reviews I get that it resonates with some people, and it's a clear departure from their norm, but after just one listen I didn't really get what it was all about.
Tried to go in with an open mind on this one and not just roll my eyes through it, and I did actually enjoy bits of it, but I couldn't keep my sockets still when it came to tracks like "Numbers" with Pharrell.
I'm not sure which I hate more, Nick's awful vocals or how he butchers the art form of song writing to try and tell a story but forgot to include any kind of musical competency. But there is Kylie.
I'm running out of things to say about mediocre punk music
Good job this came up on a nice sunny day, its perfect for a long afternoon, but it really will be a long afternoon.
It's interesting to read about the albums reception at release, I'm aware of Rush but hadn't heard of this, and I think I'll be remembering this as just "the other Rush album on the list". I can hear the band is solid, I'm not a fan of the vocals, but the main barrier for me is the song writing, perhaps that becomes clearer with repeat listens.
This album has balls. I know because it showed me it's balls and I didn't want to see them.
Can't really tell one song from the next. I don't know what we're yelling about.
I enjoyed this album a bit growing up, but there's just no way I'd pick this over Colour and the Shape. The production is undercooked, the vocals aren't great (granted, they're still moments on CatS where they are patchy but they're better produced). I'm not a huge Foos fan but I don't buy into the idea that they're this generic commercial product of music, I think they just found a sound that lands in enough areas to be commercially succesful.
Perhaps I'm being over critical but I think some mixing decisions let this down, it feels quite abrasive after a while.
Way more stadium rock than I remember, and a lot of the tracks work much better within the full context of the album.
Finding it tough to compare this to Exodus. Giving Exodus a four has been one of my great consternations of this experience. I like this album but it's in more of a "marvel at the musicianship" kind of way. The playing and grooves are very solid, but the song writing is maybe just less catchy and harder to latch on to at first. Even after another listen I'm going in with a 4.
Technically very competent but no real emotions evoked. As a result it was hard to stay focused on the long haul experience each song offered.
Vaguely pleasant sound but then not so much other times. I don't really get the idea of post rock even if I like some of the results. Did rock end? Where's it gone?
Disappointing, quite boring and repetitive despite some incredible performances.
Some great tracks on here, its a shame the production isn't consistent throughout, they really pulled out all the stops for the big hits and it sounds great.
Pleasant and endearing sound to it, there are a few issues with the production and peformance that mostly add to the character of the album. It feels like a precursor to something like Nick Drake.
Somebody get their Dad off the stage please.
I'd completely forgotten about these guys. Found I had a few of their tracks saved on Spotify, and found some more to like on this album. It's just a bit short on ideas across its run time and track to make it a 5, but I'm amazed this as far back as '92!
Clearly not the format we know as albums today, but the musicianship is impressive and consistent.
I found this pretty dull and repetitive and was quite surprised to see how well its received here.
Basically just bounced off me, very generic sounding. The track with the most plays is clearly the one thats had a load of production effort put in and the rest feels very filler.
Getting in a bit of a stink with these albums lately, and I think I know why. It's like cognitive easing (oooh I've been reading Daniel Kahneman, look at me) to prejudge the stuff you've been exposed to a lot on this list so its harder to really focus and judge each thing by itself. I've never liked David Bowie, which is a problem for a lot of people and thus only intensified my dislike of him. Thefore I don't really have new critical insights to share other than this is David Bowie and I still don't like it.
A bit of a slog to say the least, and really not even very operatic.
I forgot how different this album is to the other ones that came out before it. If this one had come out in the 60s or 70s it'd have blown minds. As it is, there's a few really strong tracks, some that take a bit of getting used to and some that just don't quite hit the mark which is probably why I'd forgotten about this album since owning it years ago. Shout out to Meg White's drumming that, I think, is the key ingredient in making The White Stripes sound like The White Stripes and not the Raconteurs or other Jack White projects.
Probably my favourite Stevie album but it's close. The use of the layering of the chords and the fact that he plays all the parts himself is amazing, such a great a head for harmony.
Probably a 3.5, I was quite suprised to find a couple of tracks I liked the sound of here even though the general style isn't something I'm that into. Nice to get something I'm unfamiliar with that I'd like to dig into deeper.
Just sounds very commercially crafted for me, the vocals are about twice as loud as they need to be.
It's nice, but this ain't the list for this kinda mediocrity.
Not sure why someone is just strangling a guitar over half of these songs?
Lots of energy for something quite so dull and repetitive.
Enjoyable but spent most of the time wondering why it wasn't Pieces of Man, I think there's some history to dig into here.
You can hear Eno's influence all over this one, which works sometimes and doesn't at others. Drugs is a particularly bad way to end the album.
This Pharrell guy seems to have a few ideas, I hope the music business works out for him.
The music was dull but the story was interesting. Can I forgive him for being in the Byrds? I would say.... no.
So much better than the other album on here, the production has come to life - resulting in Walk This Way being a masterclass in remixing for the time. The vocals are pretty tame but it's still early days, and I find their comparative innocence quite endearing.
I think I could have enjoyed this more in the right context. If you're not able to switch off and let it take over then it's going to bounce off your pretty hard. It's not you, it's me.
The best Rolling Bones I've had come up so far. It's more than just medicore blues covers and doesn't go off the rails too much.
All I could think of was that little shop song from Castle Crashers.
Creative and fun, it gets a little stale but is certainly better than some of the threes I've handed out. A lot of the 70s is starting to blue together for me, but I think I'll remember this one for its proto-glam stuff.
Although I really like a couple of the tracks on this album it does float around the edge of 4/5 for me. I'm still not sure which it is, and that's enough to keep it at 4. The sound of the album is great, I admire the effects used to stylise the vocals and the guitar work is deceptively simple. But the only tracks I really see myself coming back to are the bigger hits.
The most tolerable of Bowie's I've had so far, it's basically just a bad David Byrne impression.
Pleasant melodies. Baby Driver. This album has both.
Feel like I'm falling into the trap of "it's new so I rate it higher", but its an easy trap to fall into when the production values on these newer albums is so much better, obviously because they've been able to stand on the shoulders of what has come before. And I think that most of all is what is to be celebrated here, that a young artist is able to capture and communicate their experience so effectively because of the build up to this point in both music production and music distribution. I don't know if I'd come back to this that much, there is still the issue of taste, which is often what keeps 4s at the bay of 5s.
Good moments but overly long and some really drawn out tracks.
I'd heard the track with Guru but this artist wasn't really on my radar before. They are now! This was nice to listen to, some of the tracks were a bit much but overall this has some impressive production for '91 and while I don't know what he's rapping about I think the vocals are consistently strong.
Much compression, repetitive song writing and overly long. What a way to waste a talent.
The best country album I've heard on here. it's so sickeningly sweet at times, particularly in the vocal delivery, but gosh darnit doesn't it sound right. Also some great work from the instrumentalists here. I wasn't that into a couple of the tracks at the end, it felt like it ran out of ideas to deliver a solid close the album.
This was fine, and definitely has that Undertones sound that still stands out, but I'm wondering if I'll prefer the first album.
Very generic and samey. 2.5 rounded up.
If this was my first time hearing this, I expect I'd be giving it a 4. However, I'm already very familiar with quite a few of the tracks on this album which speaks to both the reach they've had in the UK mainstream over the years and how much it aligns with my taste. There's an atmopshere evoked in their music, especially on this album, that is very comforting and welcoming once you're familiar with it.
Kinda thought it might creep into guilty pleasure at first, but once you're through the first few tracks it is just all the medicority you might expect from U2.
Kinda flew by, but it was impressively diverse and well produced!
How many of these "one man and his thoughts" country albums have I got left? They're all so samey.
Better than Trafalgar but still a bore.
It's fun but very one note. Free pickled eggs!
At times, its like the progenitor for all that lovely indie game music that's come since. At other times its this weird cacophonic chaos. I'm still waiting to get Ambient Music For Airports to dish out a high score for Eno.
What a mess. Including a remix of an album track as part of the album? Talk about low on ideas.
Beautiful performance throughout, I think I need to become more familiar with tracks that aren't Fast Car to properly judge this one.
This album was a big taste maker for me when I was younger, and it's easy to hear why now. While it's made up of a lot of pop DNA there's enough different and daring decisions here that made it stand out to me when I was younger and show how to make the most of very little.
Pleasant enough but now that I'm half way through this list I've heard a lot of this sort of thing.
I don't really get it, is it a parody? If so, why is it so unbearably boring? But it does have the Father Ted theme.
I'm not sure I'll ever really get into the blues, this was well played and sounded good but even after only half an hour I was bored of it.
I listened to this while watching Skateboarding at the Olympics, and that was as close to liking it as I was going to get.
Interesting but hard to sink your teeth into. Kept thinking I was listening to Damon Albarn.
Very one note but no more so than half the other albums on here. At points I thought it was going to change gear with some of the collab but Lana is just doing the same old thing.
Is there an instrumental version of this? I'd actually be raving about it if it wasn't for the naff vocals.
I was excited by how eclectic and diverse this was and then found out it's a compilation album. But still, a new artist for me to check out!
Weirdly enough, I got this and then watched Snoop and Dre perform one of these tracks in the closing ceremony of the Olympics. Testimony to the staying power of this music I guess? Which is weird considering how weirdly dated a lot of the content is. There are some great bits of production here and I laughed at the skits but it's definitely bloated and quite crass.
I recognised that one track. The vocals kinda suck but I admire this for constantly trying to break out of just one sound.
I quite liked it for a bit but it was overly long without delivering new ideas. I've always wondered why I'm not more of a Black Keys fan and after listening to an album I now know why - its all so samey.
Feel woozy. Not in a good way. Threat level understated.
It's all the same. Darlin'
I'm usually quick to mark albums down for being too long, in this case you have to allow for the length because you'd be hard pressed to cut anything from this.
The first half is great, it kinda spills into just horny drum machine love making after a while but it's Prince so he pulls it off (!).
Who knew Aerosmith approached heavy metal in their catalogue. None of it really hooked me but I did drive a little faster while listening.
I was bought up listening to this band. Some people thing little girls should be seen and not heard. Not after this album.
1001 tone deaf vocal tracks continues.
One or two great tracks where it all comes together buried in over an hour where it seems pretty tired.
A lot of familiar names on an album I'd not heard of. Nice to hear some hip hop without too much ego and having a bit of fun. I think some people would be surprised to hear some of the tricks we're still push as new nearly 20 years later.
Apart from a few tracks like Brimful of Asha (and even that's a stretch) this seems to lack any of its own identity. A high 2, rounded to a 3
Thought I'd be raving about this, it's got some of my favourite tracks on it. But the more I listened and thought about it, this isn't really an album. The stories behind much of its inception are the stories of someone starting their career and giving birth to a new genre of music. That's exciting, and there's some great music to show for it, but this album just circles around the same ideas over an over again. Timeless is clearly an EP in one track and has been padded out with more additional material, but because it was all quite new nobody knew where to cut it off and be done. That's my impression anyway, loosely based on some accounts from interviews I've heard over the years.
Started off decent but became a slow, dull, angsty dirge by the end.
Worth hunting out the tracks that aren't available on the streaming platforms. I think the need to do that has kinda shifted me more towards four from five. Overall I really like this style of music, but I would have believed this was a compilation album, each track is in its own right, but other than "No Return" they didn't really have a trajectory across the album. Still, big fan of the music and I'll be checking out more Bebel, I think she's still playing live!
Was expecting Bohemian Like You but was still entertained, they do have something unique to offer in the wash of British bands on this list.
I was bought up listening to Julian Cope so this isn't a big shift for me, but this is the most Jim Morrison I've heard him sound. Overall the album feels like it wants another mix/master.
It does one thing but it does it so well and doesn't overstay it's welcome. Headbanging occurred.
A strange and unique experience that ultimately leaves me with the conclusion that this kind of album is impossible to measure against most of the other albums on this list.
Pleasant listen, she has a great voice and the recordings have that nostalgic quality, but there's nothing memorable here. Rounded up from a high 3.
Good riffs, weird lyrics.
This album starts really strong but by the end I'm a bit worn out and wishing it would end. There are attempts at breaking out of the mould created in the first half, but they don't achieve much and feel unnecessary.
Didn't expect this to sound so cheesy. A few albums in this style from this period reek of this kind of sound getting commercial. And you must listen before you die!
This is the kinda thing I often put on when I'm working, I like this kind of stuff but this is a compilation album. How do you compare it against some of the greatest albums of all time?
Other than a couple of standout tracks I can't really understand why this is on here.
I've run out of comments to make about The Rolling Stones' albums. They're pretty unremarkable.
Memes aside, this is great fun. It does its thing and it does it well. I kinda thought the track about him getting shot would have made a better ending track. Weird how you can sing along to bits of it without having heard them before.
Very influencial album on both me and a lot of the music I've come to like. The John Carpenter samples, the comedy routine samples and just all of stem/long stem have a real haunting mystic that first captured my attention years ago and continues to on repeat listens.
Some of my favourite songs are on this album. I think I'd be more familiar with it if it hadn't dissapeared from streaming for so long. I still find skits annoying, though.
I'm not going to give it a 1 because it made me less upset than Nick Cave or Elvis Costello. I am glad it wasn't the full hour shown on Spotify though.
Kinda maybe has something going for it, but it is very repetitive. You could half the track length and take the best bits out to make something stronger. Rounded up from a 2.
anotherrubbishpunkalbumanotherrubbishpunkalbumanotherOH It's that track from Futurama!anotherrubbishpunkalbum
It's like listening to my driving playlist. Ronson set down the sound of the next decade, arguably two, and the performance on the vocals is iconic in the true sense of the word.
Surprisingly fun throughout, and I was also surprised this their debut album. Although, I still don't really know much else about the outside of More than a Feeling. There goes Mairanne.
The third boring punk album I've had this week.
An all to rare occasion where the list has delivered a new artist I hadn't heard of that I'll be checking out more. I admired the commitment to the concept of this album and it was clearly executed but it was a lot to take in on the first listen, I could have happily cut a track or two , hence the four instead of five.
This has got one and done written all over it.
Kinda like a bad Bowie tribute for the most part.
I knew a couple of these tracks already but they work much better as part of a whole album. A well deserved Mercury Prize winner.
Man this era was saturated. The best thing I can say about this album is that it made me appreciate the ability we now have to listen to whatever music we like (so I don't have to hear this again).
A fun and eclectic mix of music, better than a lot of stuff but this is a generous 4. Nothing here drew me in to think it was a level of craft and artistry that would place it on a list like this.
The list demonstrating here that it's favourite genre of "naff vocals" has continued throughout the decades.
Very nothingy, struggling to even remember listening to this.
I don't really get it. Is it very serious? I liked Megadeath, that was fun. Metal is weird.
Thrash metal kind of all sounds the same to me, and I hate it when people say that about the music I like so I really do wish I could say more.
My hair grew 3 inches listening to this.
Having this as the last of the Radioheads for me I think cements my opinion they got more to my taste over time. This is a little angsty and raw for my taste, but I do like a couple of the tracks; particularly Just.
Aren't we here to hear some amazing music? I've had my fair share of "punk that's pretty awful to listen to but if you read the Wikipedia page maybe you'll go "ah, right"."
Starts off ok but I was more than over it by the end.
The tracks I already knew were as good as I remember, but everything else is pretty underwhelming. I encourage readers of this review to check out re:jazz's cover of Keep on Moving.
Still creeped out by the idea of John turning Yoko on after the last track.
Still kinda shock to see this in the generator. We're doing songs about emails now?
Some all time favourites on this album. I feel bad giving it a four, but having listened to it in the office it nearly works but not entirely accross the runtime. I know that its great in the club, or in the car, but compared to some other 5s I've given that just always work I felt that particularly the last two tracks of the Narcotic Suite put this out of this group.
Not even had the other DMR albums on here but I know this is over doing it.
I can just about hear the difference this has to a lot of the more inane punk on this list, but it still feels very much a stepping stone to some of the music that came after and for me isn't that interesting or enjoyable in its own right.
Ew, you like the Monkees.
Simpsons quote.
Dreadfully dull, can't sing, zero personality, and yet, I still prefer myself to Bob Dylan.
There are some good tracks here, the whole thing is well made, it was nearly a 4, but it definitely overstayed its welcome with some real stinkers at the end. What a bring down.
It's kinda better than a lot of the threes I've given in that musically more is going on but I can't give Shane McGowan more than 3.
I was loving it to begin with but it really wore me out long before the end.
Enjoyable in the way of "haha listen to how country this guy is".
Vastly preferable to the live album on here, mainly for the reduced length,but also a lot less of a big headed aura. Unfortunately, the damage is done, I don't like Van Morrison.
Great guitar sounds and when some of the beats are left to play out I genuinely felt I was listening to the progression of musical ideas. That said, on a first listen, not much has left a lasting impression.
It's like a collection of my super villains torturing me for 50 minutes straight.
A totally iconic opening track followed by a slick collection of covers. I get the feeling this kind of album couldn't have happened even five years later, and while there is room for improvement I'm grateful we got the version of it we did.
Started as it meant to go on, which was such a shame.
Credit to Prince for doing the big "movie and a soundtrack album" move and getting the soundtrack bit to be so coherent and enjoyable by itself.
I really shouldn't be surprised there's more than one of these on here. What a dreadful list.
OK to start with but it just kinda annoyed me by the end and lost a star
Listening to this list has helped me appreciate the post punk movement, but I wouldn't go so far as to say I love it.
Torn between a 3 and a 4 here, I wasn't massively wowed by anything but the general overall quality is better than many of the 3s I've handed out.
It's pretty fun, but most of it just sounds like its coming out of a low spec digital radio in a hairdresser's.
Kinda surprised this us here instead of Gran Turismo, and I kinda feel I'm rating the band rather than the album. It's good, by today's ear they don't sound much like a band because everything is so tight and well produced, I think the music scene is poorer for the absence of groups like this.
That got really weird out of nowhere.
Bits of it were quite good but then there's tracks that make you think those were purely lucky.
Starting to feel sorry for Dimery if this is genuinely the best he could think of.
I wanted to hate this more but it genuinely was more enjoyable than other stuff I've rated lower here.
A collection of "sing the song title" songs of middling to pleasant quality.
Kinda chill but really boring
Some amazing stuff on here, but it's basically just the "Trevor Horn pushes forward the idea of the producer being the artist" album. They got carried away with the singles and felt obliged to make more tracks so that the commercial release of the album would feel like a better value prospect, but I think history has proven this idea wrong. A more impactful shorter runtime with less covers would have cemented the album in peoples minds, rather than just a few great singles.
Pretty wild for a first listen but not in the same way other stuff has made me baulk at here. I can only give this a three now but can believe people find more to it as they get to know it better.
Power is a great track, and its a showcase of the great production shown elsewhere on the album really shining. That said, the whole album is bloated, has some distasteful pieces and is a problematic listen only 14 years later (I could have written the same thing 5 years ago).
Surprised at how I found myself enjoying this despite it being very cheesy. Much better than the other The The album I've had.
I had fun but the 13 minute track was a real stretch of patience.
One star simply for making me listen to Christmas music in the first week of November.
10/15 minutes of this was kinda intereesting. Noisy but had some good tones, I'd have been interested walking passed it in the street. 45 minutes of it didn't offer much as an album.
Yeeeeeeeeeeah, no thanks. Daft Punk is my favourite artist, don't ask me about this.
As follow up acts go, this really came under the bar.
I'm sure I already had this. Is there really two of these on here?
I enjoyed being recommended this but I doubt there's much I'd come back for. Felt like I was watching a sofa advert at one point...
I've listened to quite a bit of country through this list now and it helped me appreciate how strange this modern country craze is. It's like the same old music but they just throw in what's new and popular and you get a cacophony of both. Sometimes that works, but a lot of the time it sounds pretty soulless despite the heartfelt performance.
A smattering of absolutely classic iconic singles, but there a couple of tracks that bring the whole thing down a bit for me. Growing up, we were introduced to The Prodigy through the "Their Law" signles collection, and I can kind of see why. While the collection misses a few of my favourite tracks, it runs better as a block of music than the original albums themselves. That's ok, they were breaking new ground and becoming iconic, but it does put this at a 4 rather than a 5 for me.
Actually valued listening to this in a way because I'm now more sure of where the line is on vocals I think are pushing the boundaries in a good way and those that have no sense of them whatsoever.
Way better than the other PJ Harvey one I had. Production has gone a long way to fleshing out the artist's sound.
Not bad, doesn't twist your melon too much.
Formles and meandering but not in the way hood ambient music does it
Despite being the second album, I think this is the birth of an icon here. The move to electric sounds carries the songwriting and sound forward in a transformative way. The inclusion of additional singles on later versions of the album is telling, I think this one could probably have done with a bit more time in the oven to get the pacing right across the album but I'm sure they felt they had to get this out as soon as possible.
I listened to this while going through a stomach bug/fever episode and I think that did it a lot of favours.
Don't really have more to say about Todd than I did before, even after a double album. It's kinda not bad but its not good and doesn't connect in any meaningful way.
Dreadfully dreary.
This album has served as a little place of calm reflection and headspace, and I think much of the music I both listen to and make today can be routed back to Ambient 1/Music For Airports.
I put this in moments before getting on absolutely packed train. I was having a bad time, but then I just focused a bit more on the music and how much Aretha's performing prowess comes through. Even stood in that carriage sandwiched between people dressed in our winter coats like some kind of human sardine, I was still made to feel like a natural woman. (nb I am a man)
A fun listen if nothing else, I felt that some of the tracks had several ideas veering off in different directions but that's what happens in the early days of a genre I suppose.
Bow wow yippe yo yippie - no, you talk about women like that Snoop - yay
Knowing it was the lowest rated album made me wince, and the first few tracks are rough going, but there's actually some interesting bits in here and if you're up for up for a challenge its not too bad.
Too long to be an albumof all the same kinda thing on repeat, but I always seem to take it easy on early hip hop.
This is the kind of album I'd wanted to experience from the list, but I don't need to hear it again. Cool piece of Blue Note history.
Very middle of the road, these early The Who albums did not need including.
Sounds like a guitarist who won't shut up while we all wait to start rehersal
Ehh I've kinda always struggled with Nightmares On Wax. Bits of I like, bits of it I find really dull, so over an hour of it left me jumping between 3 and a 4.
Definitely over rated. It's the kind of thing people make all the time but thanks to a strong opening this has entered the halls of fame?
The use of stereo is interesting but at risk of overdoing it in this. There's a couple of memorable tracks but nothing totally novel you'd be richer for hearing.
Kinda feel weird dishing out two 5s for Aretha's albums in close succession mostly because "she just sounds good", but... she does really just sound so good that you're not focusing much on the songwriting, arrangement and production, though those elements certainly aren't weak here.
Initially judged this book by it's crude cover but really this is just about listening to Janis Joplin tear down the house.
As I've moved toward the end of my twenties I've got more and more of Bjõrk's music. It's great, feels like appreciating fine wine. This one might take a little longer for me to really get but I'm glad I gave it a couple of spins. Stonemilker has always been a favourite.
It sounded good but I wasn't drawn in to listen again which I think is about par for the course three star material.
Not really sure what he was on about, but consider me out of the loop
Kinda hard to come up with an original thought about this having heard so much about it for so long. Overall, I liked this more than the other Pink Floyd stuff, and would maybe ranking this higher had I jumped on the bandwagon and become very familiar with it.
Floating between a 3 and a 4. Its rough around the edges, but its like an updated version of The Kinks or something which this list loves, so I'm moving it to a 4 with a "this is how it sits in context" mindset.
I like some of these tracks and know them well, and you can see some effort has been made to sell it as cohesive album, but for me this is still stuck with the 50s problem of no flow or rhythm to the tracks assembled.
Moments of utter brilliance, but suprisingly long and winding. Without the 10+ minute tracks it'd be a totally different album.
Slightly prefered this to the other Arcade Fire album on here, but I really have no strong feeling about these. They're very dull. Not what I imagined a fire at an arcade to be like at all.
It's like Elvis got really smashed and they couldn't get him off the stage.
Some really interesting production here but the album I remembered this being is better than the album it is, it's completely lost it's way by the end.
This list bought to you by Arcade Fire, for some undiscernible reason.
Kinda sounds interesting but I won't be listening to this again. Je n'ai pas compris ce qu'il a dit et je me suis inquiété de ce qu'il pouvait vouloir dire.
Once you put your headphones on you can get carried away into this. I've found BoC to be very inspirational and influential.
I think the biggest problem this one has is just becoming steadily unremarkable as the years moved on.
That's me listening to the album, losing my interest.
One of the dualities of this list is that you get to love artists you didn't think you'd like, but then get disappointed by artists you'd be meaning to check out for years. George Michael's back catalog appears to be full of uninspiring samey music as side from the hits. That's not Sony's fault.
I had fun with the first half, and then middling to low success with the second. I wonder how different albums like this would be without the concept of the singles.
I've had two R.E.M. albums in the space of a week, it all sounds the same really. This one was shorter and felt more refined, so it can have an extra star.
I thought this might be the moment I got into Tricky. I liked a couple tracks before, but it never really clicked... and, well, it still didn't. It just doesn't have the same atmosphere that my favourite artists of this genre do. There's something too sly about that doesn't hit the same dark warmth of something like Portishead or DJ Shadow.
It's alright for a bit, but tracks like Cars are Cars just feel like filler on a short album.
I almost really like some of M.I.A.'s stuff, but it just doesn't quite cross the line between exciting and annoying.
Another dreadful waste of space on the list, with an extra star earned for a nice instrumental moment or two.
I think there's too much of a disconnect with the music and the lyrics, at least on a first listen. It's not unbearable compared to a lot of the self indulgent shite on here.
Good sound and good performances but not feeling grabbed by the song writing on a first listen. Glad to learn of this though, seems like a cool project.
Like a "Worst Of" album by The Rolling Stones.
I get this might offer more on relistens, parts of it I enjoyed - mostly the beats and the flow of the lyrics, but each track became boring after a while. It seems most of the solo Wu Tang projects suffer from an overly ambitious run time.
This might have been a four but I've heard way too much Kinks by now, it all sounds the same. People in the reviews compare the song writing to Lenon/McCartney a lot, but at least the production and sound of the Beatles material grew and changed to give the albums unique indentity. The Kinks sound never seems to mature, by which I mean it remains uninteresting to me. Happy new year by the way.
I'm not sure what she's singing about but I'm sure it's all chuffing lovely. I was a bit distracted by "This Woman's Work" as it sounded ready to jump into N Trance at any second.
Turns out Blue are not an album band, but at least Chemical World and one or two other tracks are alright.
I've been missold Alice Cooper by mainstream media. The guy has diversity and a level of craft equalling his peers at the time.
I could really only think of bad things to say about Lou Reed's music so I'll just say nothing.
I think (I hope) this is my last of the Tom Waits albums on the list. I'll admit I found this one the most bearable. I think it's because there's a track where he doesn't sing and that I've nailed the stupid impression I do of him when he does.
I nrecognised that one song J Dilla sampled, otherwise this was pretty tedious to middling.
Some of my all time favourites are on here, the production is great. Moby Dick was one of the big inspirations for me to get into music early at a young age. All this to say, I am very nostalgia blind for it, but I do think the production and song writing is excellent.
Very dull and not very good, also, I'm sure you hear some of these songs on the live album included on this list? What's with the repeated material? And if I'm wrong, that just shows how uninteresting this music is.
I was introduced to The Cult growing up, I think its the closest my family comes to hair metal, and its great fun but the cover of Born to Be Wild is enough to lose anyone a star.
Doesn't really seem to ebb or flow, very constant and wore me out.
One of those albums where I seem to have heard most of the tracks without ever having tried to seek them out. Trying to critically listen to a song like Smells Like Teen Spirit is just laughable when it's bled into every corner of culture at this point, but that opening run of tracks is very strong. This is the most like the Foo Fighters they sound to me (is it sacrilege to make that comparison?), and while I'm on the risky statements I'll double down and say Something In The Way sounds like the B side of Heart Shaped Box.
A little surprised I already have this whole album saved in my Spotify account. I thi k it's from when I first signed on and treated like building a collection of CDs or something. Having listened to it, I can see I probably just enjoyed the sound of it but didn't really listen to it as an album, because wow, it drags. It never sounds bad, but it just drags on and on and on and on.
Felt more like a cover band or AI generated list of tracks rather than the sound of an artist putting together an album.
Well it sure does sound country darlin'
Even Flow was a throwback to Guitar Hero 3 and I rode that high for at least the duration of the album.
Fun but really only for the novelty of "hey look at me I'm listening to this crazy and pretty terrible Iron Maiden album!"
The name and art put me off but actually it wasn't all that bad.
Probably my favourite of the Talking Head albums, simply because it's the most consistent. It's an easier listen if you know more about David Byrne being a bit of an oddball and being able to forgive him finding his feet by throwing out in all directions.
Some great singles and performances, but there's a lot of halfway house tracks that just facilitate a cool riff to be turned into a full track without anything more to them.
Painfully generic, riffs are ok, but the vocals are dreadful.
I don't really enjoy most of this but one thing I will say is Mike is good at getting you to comprehend and understand his lyrics while keeping them interesting. The singles sound like someone with a more musical ear came in to sort it out.
Well I guess I knowwhere Tom Waits got the idea to sing like that from. Lots of stuff said about this but at over an hour and twenty minutes long, if it really has got this hidden depth you can glean from it after multiple listens that's simply asking too much of the modern man's time.
At times nice but overall I found this too vastly boring to take any serious interest in and revisit. Bits of reminded me of times I've been making music and thought I was king of the world, only to return to it with fresh ears and realise the music wasn't very interesting, just the making it was.
Thanks to the reviews on this site for accompanying one of my favourite soul singers with a totally depressing Wikipedia read.
When I saw this come up I was surprised that there was another Specials album here. After listening, this is the better one, just remove the other one from the list I reckon.
They were having a good time, I could barely make sense of it.
Long, like a "worst of the back catalouge" collection.
I just don't see what anyone likes about this atonal rambling excuse for songwriting.
I'm still reeling from the display picture on Deezer. Yeah, its like Bjork, but its also got some bits that aren't and I think those actually worked better (depsite being a fan of Bjork). I might like some of it more after a revisit.
Do you start with the best song to hook people in, or put it in the middle so they don't turn off after song two? The debate rages on. 80s String sounds haven't aged great in some contexts, they sound pretty menacing here.
Lost a star for just being way too long without doing anything new or interesting from the start.
I had some of this on cassette when I grew up, it's close to being some of the first music I owned. I can remember seeing the music video for 19-2000 and being completely entranced around the age of five. So it's fair to say I'm well and truly nostalgia giggled, but I've always come back to listen to this. For me, Demon Days is the real five, but it's not on the list. That said, you can hear the building blocks here, or maybe more accurate to look at it like a tree sprouting the different branches that would go on to be realised in Demon Days. I love the mythology around the band, but as I've grown older I've also come to appreciate how much you can hear Damon Albarn completely embracing a new emerging genre after spending so many years enjoying mainstream success in another. It doesn't sound like someone getting in a band wagon, it sounds like someone enjoying a well earned try at something new. Anyway I'm rambling, I liked the album. The remixes are great fun too.
Another album from the early 70s or late 60s with a cover to really rewrite the books of history? Oh, no, it didn't.
Another one of these classic albums that is actually just a classic song. You could say one or two nice things about the other tracks, especially accounting for the fact they're doing something new at the time, but it's all done way better on Sweet Dreams.
Somebody tell Ornette her record collection is broken. This is the kind of music I fear people hear in their heads when I say I like Jazz.
I was expecting something quite different and instead I got all sorts of prog rock mediocrity and a ballad.
Kinda better than expected from just the name and title but overall not very engaging and I found it quite soulless. I guess they already died inside or something *forced laughter*
Had some promising moments but overall I felt it just wasn't something I had any personal draw too.
The album that bought you "Sunshine of your Love" and not much else
Stop, he's already Kennedy
Pretty middle of the road but I do like Everybody's Talkin'
Not the worst of Dylan for me, but I still can't stand it.
I see Sonic Youth I set volume low. Overexposed on the list.
One or two of these tracks sound great, but they also sound like a producer just wanted to get some songs out and this was the band available at the time, the rest is pretty mediocre.
I'm not really sure I actually listened to the correct thing here, conflicting information on various sites left me in doubt, but I listened to an hour or so of this guys songs and by the end I was loving it. Not sure I'd come back but it was fun while it lasted.
Kinda surprised by this, it was almost recognisablw but not really.
If I worked for a publication and they asked me to compile a list like this and I came back with so many albums full of covers I'd expect to be fired on the spot.
One of my favourite groups at the moment, but this album feels like a more sparse collection before they really hit the ground a few years later. I can't tell if I'd be giving it 5 if I was hearing it in 2020 or if I just need to spend more time with it now.
This is one of my Dad's favourite artists, we've been to see the Blockheads live a number of times. I think the irony has largely been missed by reviews on this site. For me, although some of my favourites are here, this is perhaps not the best introduction to the group. The recordings of the tracks here aren't even the best versions I've heard. Chaz Jankel is an excellent song writer and Dury is a fantastic lyricist if you can permeate the irony. Ian Dury is an important character in the development of the music scene in the late seventies and is worth looking into. He was also in the Judge Dredd film with Stalone, so he's judgement wasn't always sound.
I didn't really get this one, what's special about it?
Definitely of its time, but I'm surprised I haven't heard more people talk about this. Personally I found it interesting but I'm not sure I'll listen to it again.
A load of honky tonk blues, I spent most of it wishing I was listening to Riders on the Storm
I'm sure I've had my haircut to this album. Dad insists he'd gladly have his throat cut to it.
Now he got two stars.
Great production and sound, I can bop my head but I can't sing along. The skits are a little long, but its about the right runtime.
I like Miles but this was difficult to bare. The sort of thing we've collectively got over since.
All I could think about is how someone I work with is the spitting image of one of the band members, but also how I didn't need the 11 minutes blues track.
They nearly made synth pop enjoyable, if only they could ditch the vocals.
It's like groundhog day but I'm asked every day if I like Punk from the 70s. The answer is still no.
This guy should sing for Neil Young more.
Enjoyable time listening, reminded me of other things that I think have refined the style of music since but I was glad to be introduced to this.
I expect I could have really got into this album when I was at university. I already have a few of their tracks in my Deezer account. Having listened to this album I think I'll give it another few goes to see if it clicks.
I enjoyed bits of this but I do feel like this another band with solid musicianship trapped in the apparent need to have mediocre vocals smashing through everything. This about the time when some instrumental works became commercially successful so I'd have been keen for them to try that on for a track or two. My last rating was a "4 nearly a 5", this is definitely a "4 nearly a 3". What's this about not wanting to be on your own with a book?!
Not what I was expecting after judging this book by its cover. Felt very long for its runtime.
Enjoyed the first few tracks, then it got weird, then it made me listen to Nick Cave.
I've got to the point where I kind of admire if not really enjoy the Cocteau Twins. I can see they're doing something interesting and different within their space, but I'm not drawn to listen to more of it.
I liked the atmosphere created at the start, but it doesn't really go anywhere with it and I was surprised by the end. I felt like it was a lot of promise unrealised.