I feel like I'm too sober to listen to this.
Bland. Average 90's Britpop. Inoffensive background music, really.
Tedious. Tiresome. Bland.
Delightful weirdness from when the century was still shiny and new. I'd never listened to Super Furry Animals before, and I'm grateful for the opportunity to discover them.
Mediocre white men: blues rock edition.
This album has its ups and downs, but it's overall a decent listen.
How had I never listened to this album before now? It's going in my regular rotation immediately.
Two things are contributing to my rating here: 1. Phil Spector was such a terrible person that the average dumpster fire seems pleasant in comparison. He'd been abusing women and children loooooooong before he committed murder at age 63. 2. On a less serious level, I can't stand Christmas music. I can't stand Christmas. Ugh. Even if it wasn't produced by a malignant person, I'd be avoiding this because it's a bad genre-to-listener mismatch for ME as a person. In conclusion, NOPE NOPE NOPE
Probably the best I've heard from U2, but I'm not a straight white man so I'm just not the target audience. 🤷🏻♀️
Decent! It's not something I'm ever going to listen to in full album form again, but there are enough classic songs on here that they'll be hanging around my playlists.
I can hear why other people like this... but 50s music is NOT my thing.
My rating is absolutely biased by nostalgia, I've loved this album since I was in high school... the album being 30 doesn't make it any less amazing, though! 🤘
I am not the target audience for this. At least I now have enough experience to state that I don't care for Frank Ocean? I didn't even know who he was before this album came up. Been living under a rock for the last 15 years, that's part of why I signed up for the 1001 albums in the first place. My middle aged horizons have been expanded in a direction I didn't particularly enjoy, but that's growth for you.
If you like slower, sensual music, this is the album for you! Unfortunately, it is not the album for me - I technically listened to the whole thing but I couldn't focus. There's nothing wrong with it, just not my thing!
Oof. A couple of highlights, a couple of tracks that were just plain uncomfortable to listen to, and the rest of it just seemed to highlight how huge an ego George had at the time. I know it's highly regarded, so I tried to like it, but... I'm too conflicted.
Rod Stewart has terrible hair. This has nothing to do with the album or how it sounds, but I needed to get that off my chest. It's almost painful to look at him, his hairstyle is SO BAD. Luckily, I only had to listen to him with this album! It's pretty solid rock music. Not a stand out favorite, but good enough to add to genre playlists. Not bad, not bad at all.
DNF about a quarter of the way through the album. Life's too short to listen to music you hate.
I love Echo & The Bunnymen. I especially love The Killing Moon, a high point on an album I already enjoy. Yeah, this is a biased review, but music taste is subjective, right? I'm happy, that's what matters.
Okay, look. I'm being aggressively subjective in my ratings. I'm not a professional music critic, I'm not preparing a chronicle of important developments in music history. I am but one middle-aged bisexual woman documenting her own personal taste. That said... You know how I figured out the bisexuality thing? The music videos for Only Happy When It Rains and Stupid Girl made me feel funny. The album with Queer on it helped me realize that I'm queer. This album is so significant to my personal history, I was honestly a bit surprised to see it come up in the generator! I love this album to bits, obviously. 30 years later my youthful crush on Shirley Manson has faded into a warm fuzzy memory, but the music will never get old. This is absolutely my idea of a good time.
Ah, the British Invasion band that wasn't, thanks to a performance ban. The Kinks stopped trying to appeal to American audiences a couple of years before this album was released. This album is beautifully, unapologetically English, right down to the title. It's not homogeneous, either - there's plenty of variation between tracks, enough to capture my interest and leave me feeling disappointed after the last track (of 15) ended.
Chester, I hope you have the peace now that you never had in life. That said... listening to an entire album of "Gen X masculine mental health crisis" is painful in multiple ways. Hybrid Theory wouldn't exist in a world with accessible, decent, affordable psychiatric care.
This is very good music... for someone else's taste.
Playful, fun rhyming to infectious beats.
While I wasn't angry to be listening to this (that's my threshold for giving out a one star rating, those are all albums that pissed me off) it's not exactly anything I want to ever listen to again. Wispy tenor with acoustic guitar? Pass.
It's great that this exists - it helped Leonard Cohen process the rapidly approaching end of his life, perhaps it can continue to help others who are grappling with the concept of death. It's also slow, depressing, a bit too much of a reminder of how harsh life is. No escaping the senseless brutality of existence here. Short of developing a terminal illness myself, I can't see this album in my future. Sometimes three stars indicates mediocrity, sometimes it's uneven albums with a mix of tracks that might have gotten fives or ones on their own, and sometimes it's for good art I just don't mesh with. Three stars. No meshing.
So tedious to listen to that it goes through boring and lands firmly in the "annoying as hell" category. Ugh. It's not that I'm averse to bands experimenting with genre and structure - I regularly listen to Sparks, after all - but I have very little patience for slow, meandering quasi-tunes that never seem to find their way to an actual beat. The funny thing, though... my husband has significantly more conventional tastes than I do, and I'm pretty sure he'd be fine with the tempo but be annoyed by the experimental, jazzy aspect. 🤷🏻♀️ Anyway, I'm listening to a Sparks song with a good beat to clean my ears of this nonsense.
Fantastic background music when you're hanging out with a bunch of people over 40. As active listening goes, meh. I'm unimpressed.