Other than immigrant song, feels a bit too much like british guys trying to be southern blues/roots musicians. Actually surprised by how few songs I knew
Sexy, beautiful, and wonderful from start to finish
Classic Stevie. This is a different version of You Are The Sunshine of My Life than I'm used to though. A lot more guitar solos than usual, and I see now Jeff Beck is on it!
Very 90s acoustic protest song. Artist: Tracy Chapman Album: Tracy Chapman Genre: Tracy Chapman
Better than I expected. Even outside the hits I knew. Good production, no surprise to find out it was produced by Bowie and and Mick Ronson
So many albums of Brits trying to be Southern bluesmen so far but they definitely pull it off better than Led Zeppelin . Still, some great hits here and rhythm guitar tracks that I never really listened to before.
Didn't expect so much instrumental jams!
Still bonkers, still just as creative 30 years later
I feel like I don't know bluegrass enough to appreciate this... Naima seems to like it though
Really hard to get through this one...Not a fan of the 80s vibe and the singer reminds me of a drunk Freddie Mercury.... Crazy how Come on Eileen felt like a bright spot
Not as averse to Talking Heads as I used to be but this still started to wear on me. Not a fan
Fun stuff. Can't believe I haven't listened to him before other than Jungle Book
more fun and listenable than I associate with Simon
Better than expected though I enjoyed the tight songs of the first half from the longer jammier songs of the second half
I don't understand how someone writes songs like this with such seemingly random melodies. His music is all vibe/no songs imo.
Fuckin' yeah
Not as even as I remembered carried on the back of 5-6 songs but damn they're good
Liked it better than I expected but still just kinda fine. Definitely more rock n roll than I thought Costello was
Liked it more than I anticipated and surprised that I actually liked the Iggy mix more than the Bowie mix despite everyone saying it was "unlistenable" online. Glad to know Search and Destroy and I Need Somebody were especially cool
Defininitely has the vibe but kinda funny how it doesn't sound that "heavy" today. Really weird noodley solos that remind me of being in middle school and "knowing jazz"
I cannot believe how wholesome this sounds...until De la orgee.... A bit sleepy other than Me Myself and I though
Some cool tracks, never heard of them!
So hippy. I wonder if Joplin's voice would have worked as well with better audio quality.
Never heard of him but solid. Surprised my fave track 'Holy Man' has so few plays
Very Queen, pretty cool but not one familiar tune though and probably won't listen to it again.
Way more fun than I expected, especially it not being the album I knew
Enjoyable but all just sounds like The Black Keys to me which prevents
Man this album jams so hard
More Zeppelin songs that I've never heard of. Pretty interesting how some of them are like 2-3 songs in one. I liked it better than Led Zeppelin III though!
Pushed to 4 by Only Love Can Break Your Heart
The strings go hard on this one. Some good ones I didn't know but the 4 stars is on the back of Tiny Dancer and LEVON
Pure Public Enemy energy
More songs I recognize but....still Steely Dan though. Feels so cheesy
Really surprised how this could be so up my alley but so not interesting...
Trippier than I expected but meh
Good hits but just too long. Lots of songs but few that stick
Pretty funky but I don't speak french...
Not as into this one. More meandery songs
Fine but not the temptations I know and love. Also the heard it through the grapevine just sounded weird to me
Such badass Rock songs almost all hit the bullseye
Had no idea Pink Floyd made hippie noise rock. Not a fan. Like Sgt Peppers without the songs.
Very country. Not many burritos
Still not a big Dylan fan but like Subterranean Homesick Blues
Wow surprise winner. So many classic songs!
Not. a. fan.
Recognized and liked more songs than I expected!
Not bad.
Pretty standard british blues boosted by Layla
Not bad, kinda reminded me of my music back in college
Cliche? maybe but damn they pack a lot of hits on one album with only 3 chords
Never heard of her but really like the music and recognize a surprising number of songs!