Foxbase Alpha
Saint Etiennemusic has never made me this angry. hated it viscerally
music has never made me this angry. hated it viscerally
sorry I wanted to be positive with the first album of the 1001 albums but I’ll be fine if I never hear this ever again. soooooooo boring
it’s just so so good. and even so much more foundational than I originally had in mind after hearing GNX
I mean what can you say about this. era defining. the longevity of this album is crazy. it’s funny how biased I am towards the stevie and christine songs. don’t stop is almost a skip for me these days. also probably cheating but I did listen to the reissue with silver springs. 5/5 because I love divorce, polycules, and substance abuse
I really really miss when music was dangerous. when protest anthems actually disrupted the system. this might have been the last time that happened. holidays in the sun - be nice to others bodies - I don’t care. pro choice song TO ME no feelings - why narcissism is bad liar - lying is bad god save the queen - fuck that bitch problems - fuck you seventeen - you’re adult? fuck you anarchy in the uk - YUPPPPPP submission - love song obviously pretty vacant - this ones actually more homophobic than the one to come new york - okay their only miss but I do feel like I have to clarify they were mocking the new york dolls, and not queer people in general. they should keep the dolls out of their mouths tho emi- good diss track this album is so challenging and uncomfortable and irritating, but all good art is. even though they hated art. these men are horrible and shouldn’t be idolized. but I love punk and we wouldn’t have the genre without them.
I really liked this! looking forward to coming back to this artist
so fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! made me very nostalgic for some reason
album so good it’s haunting me and the hoes
this one is so tricky! I love dinosaur jr. but I’m a little baffled by Bug being their album on this list. I know the band hated it, but probably because they were on the verge of breaking up. certainly not my favorite of theirs, but I appreciated listening to it in its entirety (since I usually skip “don’t”)
goddd hi Paul McCartney thriller directly into beat it then Billie Jean is fucking crazzzyyy I wish I was alive in 1982
I love the 80s but just not for me!
not listening to this one because Christmas is over and I hate murderers
music has never made me this angry. hated it viscerally
nightrain and mr. brownstone should have been their welcome to the jungle and paradise city. this is one of the few CDs I've worn out to the point of not being able to play anymore. I would blast this and drive 40 in a 25 on my way to my shift at jc penneys in my red oldsmobile alero (Emma you remember) and felt invincible. truly a classic objectively and meant so much to me growing up
really love this! need another listen because I was doing work that was pissing me off. want to listen to this on a warm sunny day
idk I liked it but far too long. I enjoyed the tracks with melodic vocals the most
gorjusssss I want to be a cowboy
I cant even objectively OR subjectively rate this so
love this album. I really liked listening to it after can’t buy a thrill. what is barrytown and what are the implications of being from barrytown
“the singer sounds so depressed and moody” well he did kill himself this album suffers from the thing that plagues old classics. it is so referential that it seems boring. it’s inspired too much and luckily we’ve gotten some of the best music due to their influence. not for me, I much prefer new order. but appreciated the time to sit with this
cool as hell! was hooked by But I’m Different Now
loveeeee. perfect for a snowy day
bitter sweet symphony always brings me back to being 11 in 2008, when my family was visiting Disney world. we are at planet Hollywood and it was the first time I ever saw this music video. I was trying to watch him move around all those people but then got very distracted because there was an older lady sitting at a table near us in a cheetah print dress and she had the biggest breasts I’d ever seen. I then got in trouble for pointing out to my family that her breasts were resting on top of her salad on the table. thank you Richard Ashcroft anyways the rest of this album is superb.
gorgeous. soo gorgeous. I was so happy to hear By The Time I Get To Phoenix again as the single edit because this track blew me away the first time. warm and inviting, and quite modern sounding for a 1969 album
irritating and superficial imitation of jim morrison without an ounce of his wit and lyricism. what are we even doing with this album. it’s an album like this that really makes me lose faith in this 1001 list. who was inspired by this album. just because members broke off and started joined good bands and the sex pistols covered a song is that enough to be considered “influential” ?????????? listening more. I like Hospital. more melodic and less stupid Doors stuff. oh as I’m listening it got creepy. “when you were a little girl I get jealous of your old boyfriends” wtfff I thought we were being vulnerable for a sec it’s over who cheered
god this is going to make me defend britpop one of the more interesting modern genres, as it is not categorized by sound or music styles. there’s a line to be drawn when evaluating britpop and it think it boils down to how you are using your influences. successful britpop bands sound new and interesting. but they don’t reinvent the wheel (oasis legitimately ripped off many of their influence) BUTTT they were exciting. another great example is Justine leaving suede to form elastica suede falls on the side (to me) of sounding boring and derivative. this doesn’t make me want more suede. I just want to listen to Bowie now. I’m very glad Justine got out and did some cool stuff with that elastica album. this one just doesn’t hit
enjoyed immensely