Central Reservation
Beth OrtonEnjoyable background music while programming.
Enjoyable background music while programming.
Not a huge jazz fan but relaxing to listen too
Was enjoyable to listen to while running and making dinner. Great melodies to listen too
Couple of good songs, but nothing that really stands out.
Not what I had expected going in. Never listened to them before.
Don't think I've ever listened to the album before. It wasn't what I had expected but I really enjoyed it.
I enjoyed this album from the first song. Then common people played and I realised I never knew who did that song. I really enjoyed the rest of the album as well.
Great album, I enjoyed every song.
Was great to listen to music from a different culture.
I really enjoyed the album. Though I had a worrying moment midway through the second song were I realised it was country. Made me realise how much I don't focus on music.
Really enjoyed listening to an album for my childhood. Brought a lot of memories back. Was great actually focusing on it and listening to all of it.
On my initially listen I thought I liked the album. But after listening to it again I realised I only like a couple of the songs and the rest were not for me. I don't know if I like Lou Reed that much.
I did not enjoy this album. Another country album that I just could not get into.