Violent Femmes
Violent FemmesIf someone had a gun to my head before I looked this album up and asked me when it was released, I would have said sometime in the 90s and would be dead right now.
If someone had a gun to my head before I looked this album up and asked me when it was released, I would have said sometime in the 90s and would be dead right now.
I love this album. Pavement is such an important band that not enough people know about.
I don't know how you can listen to this and not love it. Every second of this album is gold.
I have somehow managed to never listen to The Smiths or Morrissey in my life. I really liked this album. It’s really good! Morrissey’s politics, on the other hand 😬. Yikes.
I'll admit it, I have never listened to Bowie. I know him more as a pop culture figure and couldn't name a song if you asked. Was pleased to know many songs on this, but didn't know who sang them. Incredible album!
One of my favorite albums of all time. Spent countless hours listening to this when it came out and over the years.
I really love this album. So much nostalgia. The first 7 tracks are basically perfect. Drain you and Lounge Act lost my focus a little, but still good songs. I dislike Stay Away, but On a Plain gets me right back into it. Endless, Nameless is trash, but I don't really count it against the album since it wasn't on the original and was a hidden track later.
This is some kind of shit my great grandma probably loved. I would definitely not just put this on, but would give anything to cruise around with her in her Thunderbird with this going on the radio.
My indie cred is damaged by the fact that I've never listened to a full The National album. Heard many songs, just never got super into them. Happy to be listening through this. It's good!
Lots of bangers on here
Not my favorite U2 album, but this really is the peak of good U2 before they became the most pretentious band of all time. Only songs I don’t like on this album are One Tree Hill and Exit. I could take or leave Running to Stand Still, Red Hill Mining Town, and Mothers of the Disappeared, but they aren’t bad. Overall, this album is great and doesn't deserve the disrespect.
Yoooo, every track is 🔥🔥🔥. Why have I never listened to this? It’s seriously incredible.
John Pine is a legend and this album is a treasure.
I’m having a hard time distinguishing between if I like this or if I’ve just heard so many of these songs so many times that I think I must like it
I like this a lot, but would need to be in the right mood. It has a nice chill vibe.
I grew up on this band, mostly through Chronicles Vol 1, but most of the tracks on here are also on that. Discovered Ramble Tamble, which I love and Ooby Dooby, which I hate. Had to listen to Up Around the Bend twice because it’s so good. I’m amazed at the different style influences across this album. So good!
This album rips. Immigrant Song is a killer opening track. This era of music, and Led Zepplin in particular, is known for the excess, but you have to respect a 40 minute album.
Turns out I hate Rod Stewart. There's just too much going on in this. Someone just randomly blows a whistle in the second track. Like really lays into it. Feels like whoever mixed it felt like the instruments were too loud, so they just turned up the vocal track.
This was nice, but not really my tempo. Not understanding the language is also a barrier for me to really get into it, but makes for nice background music.
I don't know about this. Stevie is a legend, but I just don't really like this style of music. The hits are fun, but the rest just isn't for me.
After 3 albums that I didn’t love, I was happy to release my inner dancing queen. I’m pretty sure ABBA are white supremacists, which I obviously don’t love, but they knew how to lay down a funky beat and a catchy lyric.
I’ve never heard of this band and didn’t recognize a single song. I liked it overall, but nothing really jumped out as amazing. Lots of reverb though. lol.
Wasn’t really getting super into this until Monster. That song is dope as fuck.
Wow, what a fantastic album. This is up there with American IV for me as one of the greatest cover albums of all time. Willie really brings a unique take on these classic songs. Incredible.
The only 2 songs I was familiar with on this album are Kicks and I'm Not Your Stepping Stone. The later more because of the Monkey's cover. I like the album, but it feels like pretty generic 60s pop rock and I'd rather listen to The Beatles
Shameful that I have never listened to this album. I'm more familiar with Sinister and Catastrophe Waitress. This album is beautiful and I love it.
I like several of the songs well enough, but the whole thing sounds like the soundtrack to a drug addiction montage in a movie before everything gets bad.
Rufus Wainwright is a talented singer, songwriter, and musician. Not really an album I would put on normally, though. Would have to be in the right mood.
Some really interesting stuff on this album. Really innovative instrumental and recording techniques, which I assume is what put this on the list. Also interesting to have multiple songs arranged into a single track.
Holy shit. Great album from a band I had never heard of. Love this dance-punk style a lot. Reminds me of bands like The Rapture, The Faint, LCD Sound System, etc.
I have never listened to a Police album. I have to say, this is way weirder than I was expecting. Pretty damn good. Would listen again.
I like how bluesy this is. I know the couple hit songs from this and like them a lot, but was surprised by how rough Jim Morrison's voice is on much of the album. All the hits I've heard usually aren't so gravelly.
My first thought was “Why is the Exorcist score on this list?” I truly don’t understand why this is on here. Like, who is this for?
I love bluegrass so this was very enjoyable. I don't love that it's 2 discs and 2+ hours long. Also, the confederate flags on the cover don't give me good feelings.
Kind of boring. Not sure why this is on the list. Even the band members didn't like it because they weren't allowed to write any of the songs and thought most of them were fillers.
I don't have a strong opinion, either positive or negative, about Neil Young and this album. It's pretty good and wasn't annoying to listen to.
I have somehow managed to never listen to The Smiths or Morrissey in my life. I really liked this album. It’s really good! Morrissey’s politics, on the other hand 😬. Yikes.
Tons of HS nostalgia in this album. Will always remember the time I met Anthony Kiedes at a campground in West Michigan while he was visiting his grandpa.
I really loved this whole album. It's such an interesting mix of folk, blues, jazz, and other styles. I think Brown Eyed Girl is probably my only real exposure to Van Morrison, but this album really got me.
Another one of those bands that I only know the hits. I liked this, but felt very disjointed to me. Like every other song could have been a different band. The whole thing just didn’t gel as an album. It’s good though!
I was listening to this with my kids, 12 & 15, and they were making fun of it for sounding like “cowboy music”. I don’t understand.
Wow, I guess I hate Steely Dan. This is so boring. It’s like when you go to a bar and there’s some house band playing. Couldn’t wait for it to be over. No thanks.
Talking heads are such an interesting band. I both really love them and also never listen to them.
I know The Who are one of the most influential rock bands, but this is the first album I've listened to. I've got to say, I love this! Would love to see the this production on stage.
I'm learning through this list that I don't really care for Neil Young. Also, Wikipedia lists the genre of this album as “grunge” which…no. Absolutely not.
I was first introduced to System of a Down by a friend in HS who put this album on in his truck while we drove to lunch. I hadn't really heard anything like it at the time. Skull crushing metal mixed with Serj's unique vocals. This album ruled then and it rules now.
This was released during an era where I wasn't paying any attention to hip hop. I liked it a lot. Great music to have on while I was getting things done at work.
I think I like Paul Simon, but he really layers a lot of nonsense into his music.
I still haven't decided if I like Yes. I feel like I like them intellectually, but also maybe just find prog rock to be sort of boring. Makes really nice background music, though. I especially enjoyed the little interludes on this album.
I'm having a hard time with Stevie Wonder albums. I think I only like the big hits. Everything else is just a style of music I'm not into at all.
I loved this album. Why have I never listened to Nick Cave? Definitely need to check out more.
Don't have a lot to say about this other than Hail Satan.
In 11th grade my video production teacher gave me the keys to his Mercedes to run an errand and this album was in the CD player. Shout out to Mr. Fix, the coolest teacher.
This album is so good. Fuck Rudy Giuliani. This ladies knew what was up.
There are a lot of jokes to make about Oasis, but this is a pretty great album that I have a lot of fond memories of.
All this does is bring back memories of the "Sounds of the 70s" compilation CD commercial that was always on TV in the 90s.
If someone had a gun to my head before I looked this album up and asked me when it was released, I would have said sometime in the 90s and would be dead right now.
This band just sounds like "classic rock". Does that make sense? I'm not sure if it's a good or bad thing or how to explain what I mean, but that's the only thought I have about this album.
Aumgn and Peking O are truly terrible. In Aumgn, there was literally a ghoul moaning over ambient sounds for 10 minutes. In Peking O, someone was literally screaming at me in gibberish for 10 minutes. Hard pass. The first 3 tracks give me strong Radiohead vibes so I wasn't expecting the assault.
Confession: I have never actually listened to this album. Obviously I've heard most of the songs. I am surprised by how somber the whole thing feels.
This album is so good. I liked this a lot more than Be.
Not a huge Big Band fan, but this was cool.
This was interesting album. Felt a little samey after a while. Also, I'm not sure I would classify it as post hardcore like Wikipedia does, but maybe.
I liked this a lot. Perfect vibes for a Monday morning. Chill, but upbeat.
Another one of those bands that I understand are important culturally, but I've never actually listened to. I enjoyed it a lot.
I’m a big fan of this. My toes was tapping a whole lot.
I have a really hard time taking this band seriously. They are just so corny. I think it’s the guy’s voice, because I react to a song like 52 Girls much differently than Rock Lobster. He just strikes me as desperately uncool.
This was really fantastic and another signal (after Morrissey's Vauxall and I) that I need to listen to more of The Smiths.
Why did I always just assume Bonnie Raitt was a straight up Country singer? This album is way more Blues than Country, though.
I only know Tangerine Dream from their film scores, which rule. This album was really good.
I think this is pretty good, but I don't really like Celtic Punk very much.
The way I first described this was "pleasant". By "En Melody" I was way more into it.
I don't know how you can listen to this and not love it. Every second of this album is gold.
The lyrics and message are great, but I don't really love this style of 90s hip hop for some reason.
Oh wow, I hate this. Why does he sound like this and why are the vocals mixed so weirdly?
I am not a huge fan of jazz, but this is absolutely wonderful.
Me when I started: There is zero chance I am listening to 1hr 39min of this. Me 1hr 39min later: I changed my mind. I’m kinda fucking with this.”
Wow, I loved listening to this. Interesting to have 2 jazz albums so close together. I greatly prefer this style to Kind of Blue, personally.
I like Murder Ballads more, but this was really good.
One of my favorite albums of all time. I listen to this at least once a week.
I don't have any strong opinions about this. It was good. I liked it.
Not really my style, but a good listen.
I feel like I'm grateful to early punk rock for everything that came after it, but I don't really _like_ it that much.
Never really listened to The Stooges. This album rules.
Nothing really interesting here. It's not bad, just not my tempo, I guess.
I like this less than Arrival, but I really love Abba so I'm having a great time.
This album is all over the place and I don't like it.
This album fucking rips. Very into it.
I love this album. Pavement is such an important band that not enough people know about.
This is really beautiful, but not really the kind of thing I normally listen to.
This is a perfect album. I love it so much.
Sounds like a generic New Wave band. Nothing super interesting here for me.
I like this fine. Sounds VERY 90s to me. I mean it is from the 90s, but the whole time I was listening it felt like I was being hit over the head with the 90s, if that makes sense.
I don't like this at all. It's soooo boring.
This album is very weird and I kind of hate it. I can get behind a messy album, but this is all over the place with some truly annoying stuff like someone basically swallowing the mic and blowing out the levels. It doesn't sound artsy, it sounds stupid.
This was a great listen. Didn't love the first track, but even that wasn't bad.
This has strong musical vibes. Which for me means I sort of hate it. I love to listen to the soundtrack for a musical if I know the songs and can sing along. It’s a chicken/egg situation.
I could take or leave most 60s-70s psychedelic rock, but I have a real fondness for the title track. I remember singing it all the time as a kid because my Dad would always sing it.
Another psychedelic/new wave band that is pretty good, but just didn't do anything special for me.
I love this album. It's such an easy thing to listen to.
This was nice as background music through a few meetings
Hoo boy, this album is real slow and real sad.
Kinda into this.
This is an incredible album. 10/10. 5 stars.
Isaac Hayes is so smooth.
For some reason, this was really popular with my friend group when it came out in HS. This is giving me a lot of feelings. I’m not sure I actually like it, but I like it, ya know?
I like the hits from The Doors, and that's about it.
Not really into Clapton. Not bad or anything, just not for me. Honestly kind of tired of 70s rock on this list.
Miles really is incredible. This album slaps.
Finally, an album from the actual best decade instead of another album from the 70s. RIP Chris Cornell. What a voice!
Incredible album. Not sure if this is my favorite Arcade Fire, but it's so good. I think I have more of a fondness for Neon Bible, since that is the album that really got me into Arcade Fire, but I'd have to listen through all of them again to pick a favorite.
Interesting album. Probably not something I will put on again, but it's good.
First time listening to this. I love Leonard Cohen. Such a gorgeous album. That man knew how to write a song.
I've never listened to any Bob Dylan outside of the 60s and 70s. I really liked this. Looks like the 80s aren't worth my time, but need to check out more of his later work.
This might be my favorite Beatles album. It definitely has some all-timers on it, like Blackbird (my favorite Beatles track) and While My Guitar Gently Weeps (maybe my 3rd favorite after Hey Jude).
Love this album. I was really vibing while listening to this.
I loved listening to this. Fun and upbeat from start to finish.
I dunno. Pretty ok new wave album. Could take it or leave it.
A little too chill for my personal taste, but I'm not much of an EDM person anyway. Not even sure if that is the correct blanked term these days. Not bad to have in the background, though the constant interludes were a bit distracting.
This album is so good. I put it on and it was over before I even realized it. This thing really moves!
Not sure if this makes sense, but I feel like if I had heard this in the 90s when I was really into bands like Vertical Horizon, I might be a fan today. As it is, this is ok and fine.
Not really feeling this.
I'll admit it, I have never listened to Bowie. I know him more as a pop culture figure and couldn't name a song if you asked. Was pleased to know many songs on this, but didn't know who sang them. Incredible album!
I’ve said before that I’m not super into EDM. Maybe this is good, I don’t know, but it’s not for me.
This is great music to just groove to. Loved discovering that Sleigh Bells "Rill Rill" samples "Can you get to that" on this album.
Big fan of this album. I don’t remember why we do this, but whenever my wife and I would hear Seven Nation Army come on the radio we would say “hey, our song is on”. Just a weird inside joke that neither of us remembers the origin for.
This album seriously rips.
I love this album. I think it's my second favorite Beatles album behind the White album.
Not a huge fan of hair metal, other than the aesthetics, but this album was a pleasant surprise.
I don't think I'm a fan of Joni Mitchell. I really hate River in particular because of that episode of New Girl.
This was good. I liked it a lot less than Raw Power. The worst part was We Will Fall. Never understood 10+ minute songs in the middle of an album that are just so boring and slow.
Fun listen. Not a style I’m likely to put on again any time soon, but still a good time.
I had no idea Bjork was in a weird post-punk band before going solo. This album kinda rules.
I don't love this, but it's not bad. Not a band that ever got big in the US. Their biggest hit is Our House, which is the only song I recognize.
Not feeling this at all. No real good reason. Maybe I'm just not that into Avante Garde.
I like the hits on here, and this is probably my favorite Doors album, but I'm not the biggest fan. This is the 3rd Doors album on this list and I kinda hope it's the last.
Pretty cool, but again, I've had enough of 70s rock. Layla is a jam though.
This album was ahead of its time.
Pretty cool, but unsure about why _this_ particular album is one of 1000 I have to hear before I die. There's a lot of covers that don't do anything particularly inventive.
Was not expecting to really like this. It slaps.
Great album! The Who is good, turns out!
Lot's of headbanging going on with this one. What can I say, Iron Maiden rips.
Basically have the same thoughts on this as Prodigy a few weeks ago. Makes me think of every drug use, rave, or hacker scene in 90s/00s film and tv. I do like it, but over an hour is a bit tiresome.
This isn't my favorite Foo Fighters album or even their best (maybe second or third next to color and shape and nothing left to lose), but it's an awesome album that I really love.
Billie Holiday's voice 😍😭
Elvis Costello is a blind spot for me. I've never listened to anything. I don't dislike this, but most of the album just feels kinda samey to me. I did like hearing Alison, which I only know from New Girl 😂
This is pretty fun, but hard to take seriously because I've heard some of the songs so many times in movies and commercials and stuff. It's like a happier version of The Prodigy and The Chemical Brothers.
Jimi Hendrix is a legend. The guitar work is just on a different level. This style of music isn't something I care to listen to often, but there are some jams on here for sure.
Can't be mad at this. Good listen.
Ok Laura, go off! I’ve never heard of Laura Nyro and was not expecting to like this as much as I do. What a great voice.
The Monkees are ok. Always weird to take a band seriously that was created for a TV show.