The Joshua Tree
U2Have listened to this a million and a half times and it never gets old. Wish I had done a proper active listen this time through since it’s been a while
Have listened to this a million and a half times and it never gets old. Wish I had done a proper active listen this time through since it’s been a while
No notes 💯💯🔥🔥
Just really holds up. The perfect length at 34 minutes - it could have so easily been overwrought and drawn out but it isn’t
Good if you’re frantically cleaning your home, at a 90s rave, coding, or a 90s teen romcom soundtrack…and not much else
Pretty sure this would have been a case of “way more fun live” at the time it was released, but sadly I’ll never know Also way more into the back half of this record
More like a 3.5, solidly middle of the road - only here for the hits to accompany a drive down the shore lol
Straight up not having a good time
Realizing how much respect I have for Led Zeppelin being precious about their licensing while listening to this 😂 Sweet Emotion is the only bright spot
Justice for half stars, this one is a 4.5 for me
Very fun! Not likely something I would return to repeatedly though
Peace Sells 🔥 Really enjoyed this! I know very little about Megadath but their influence on sum41 is really evident
Painful, quite frankly
Simon without Garfunkel just isn’t my thing; Duncan is the one redeeming track for me (I’ve always found Me and Julio completely insufferable and this listen didn’t change that 😂)
I appreciate the absurdism but this wasn’t really for me
Not memorable. Wasn’t as into this as I was Peace Sells…but also wasn’t in the mood for this vibe today so that could be part of it 😂
Was going to say no notes, 10/10, an all-time favorite (although not my favorite NY solo effort), but instead: 1. Hilary, shoutout number 2 in like less than a week to Mr. Kessler and 7th grade language arts class (will explain this more in the group chat tomorrow) 2. Extremely eerie to listen to this record today specifically (looking at you, Southern Man and Don’t Let It Bring You Down) 3. Damn does NY know how to write about love and heartbreak or what 4. Listened two times in a row because how could I not 😍 alright, Brett out
Not particularly memorable. Decidedly not music for the masses (ba dum tss) Giving this a 3 instead of a 2 because I like “Never Let Me Down Again” and the funky music theory of “Pimpf”
Pour toi, Hilary : C’est un groupe assez cool, j’en profite pour écouter quand je suis au boulot, mais pas beaucoup plus. Je ne sais pas si c’est un compliment ou pas, désolée Air 🙃 Comme j’ai dit dans le group chat, c’est pas mon album préféré - je préfère la bande originale de Virgin Suicides
Meditative - I listened to this as I was falling asleep so I don’t feel like I can give it a fair rating, but I’d say somewhere between 3ish and 4ish
Perfect from start to finish. As I said in the group chat, a gorgeous listening experience 🌑
Enjoyed this
Made me feel like I was 15 and ready for a show at Maxwell’s; i.e., really enjoyed this! Muuuuuch prefer it to the stuff that came after (thinking mostly the singles off the 2008 record), which I’ve always found extremely annoying. Also feel like the music supervisor for The Hills licensed the crap out of this 😂
Love Willie 🥰 such a lovely record
I liked this a lot in college, but I’m not in college anymore 😂 Ball and Chain still rips though This is another case of .5 for me, would rather rate 3.5 but going 3 because I’m not feeling generous today
Nothing memorable for me here although I appreciate it for what it is
Was expecting to really enjoy this and instead found it tedious