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Sheet Music



Sheet Music
Album Summary

Sheet Music is the second album by the English rock band 10cc. It was released in 1974 on UK records (No: UKAL 1007), and yielded the hit singles "The Wall Street Shuffle" and "Silly Love". The album reached No. 9 in the UK and No. 81 in the United States.







  • Rock
  • Pop


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Fri Feb 05 2021

10cc have about fifty ideas per track, some of which work. A lot of them are irritating, however, and their kitchen sink approach gets in the way of creating fun, memorable songs people might actually enjoy. The guitar tones are aggressively shitty, and something about these guys always feels slightly racist?

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Tue Apr 13 2021

Really like 10cc and think they are underrated. Love how they work experimentation and humor into pop music. Fav track is worst band in the world.

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Sat Jan 30 2021

Glad I didn’t skip this one. I was not expecting this at all. Such a fun and strange style of rock...or pop...or idk what it is. It’s very good and considering the year (74) i was surprised by the sound.

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Fri Oct 01 2021

I was up late last night watching a documentary about why birds fly in a V formation and it occurred to me that I've hated 10cc for most of my adult life. In contrast to the birds trying to conserve energy, I was wasting mine with unfathomable hatred of this band. I kicked a cat to death after I heard them on the radio, I pushed a little girl off a swing after I heard her humming...I raped a elderly cancer patient I an unrelated incident. I need to conserve energy now and end the hate. Having said that, I just listened to this album today and have strangled a toddler to the point they turned blue.

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Sat Aug 28 2021

2 means “it wasn’t totally offensive, but I have no idea why it belongs in this list…”

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Sun Jan 23 2022

Absolutely bizarre record with like 8 different vibes simultaneously. Absolutely baffled at the fact that this could be contemporary with other bands from the 70s and that it didn't drive past everyone else in the field.

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Wed Feb 24 2021

The best part was reading the wiki about how they felt the presence of Paul McCartney is his drum kit they used to record with.

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Mon Oct 18 2021

Sheet Music by 10cc (1974) This what you might call zany British pop, nostalgic for some, perhaps, but if you’ve never heard it before (like me), you’re likely to not like it. It’s very experimental, and most of the experiments fail. It’s hard to take a record seriously that seems to laugh at itself. “We’re the worst band in the world”, they giggle. They exaggerate, of course, but that’s part of the joke. 1/5

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Fri Jan 29 2021

Very cool. Laughed out loud at parts.

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Fri Dec 24 2021

I loved this, it was a really fun listen and reminded me of some of my favorite bands. Also it was a treat finding out that “worst band in the world” was the sample used in J Dilla’s “Workinonit”

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Thu Jul 08 2021

This must be what schizophrenia is like

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Thu Oct 28 2021

What a strange album. I've heard of 10cc, but in my mind they were a hard rock band. For some reason in my head I have them associated with Thin Lizzy. But this is more like a rock opera, reminiscent of Meatloaf, Alan Parsons Project, or Queen. With maybe a little Steely Dan mixed in. So it was very surprising, but I can't say I enjoyed it much at all. Too cutesy and clever, but ultimately not very satisfying. 2 stars.

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Wed May 12 2021

Wow! Why have I not listened to 10cc before? I had in my head that they were cheesy soft rock, which they kind of are. But this has great, quirky new wave energy. Musicianship and songwriting are solid throughout, and the whole thing is fun without being flimsy. It's like XTC doing hard rock covers of the Beach Boys. 5/5 what a revelation.

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Thu Jun 27 2024

This band feels somewhere between Queen and Sparks, with some Cheap Trick and ELO mixed in. I think the Queen comparison is the most apt, they're obviously technically proficient and can write songs, but they dick around too much and it comes across as annoying. If I had this on a bad day I could see myself giving this two stars, but right now there's too much quality to ignore and I did enjoy most of the album.

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Thu Jul 11 2024

Well, whaddaya know…album number 730. Those of you with PhD’s in Mathematics are probably recognizing the significance of that number, but for the sake of clarity, it means that, as of today, I have been doing this challenge for exactly two years. …and before the Gregorian Calendar buffs get all “uh…ackshually” on me: Yes, I realize it’s a leap year. I don’t care. Today is the day I celebrate and how do I celebrate? Just like I did last year…with a little roast of the users of this site. So in that spirit, here’s a spicy little text-based meme I cooked up in honor of the occasion: Day in the life of an average 1001 albums generator user: “I’m going to to do the 1001 albums challenge to broaden my musical taste” [gets recommended any album that doesn’t comport with mainstream sensibilities] “No, not like that.” Now, as for this-a-here record by 10cc: While that meme is more than fitting, I’d also like to share this endorsement of this utterly strange and wonderful rock record: IT’S NOT SHEETY AT ALL. In fact, it’s pretty great.

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Tue Jun 08 2021

J'ai d'abord écouté cet album alors que je roulais sur mon skateboard en direction de la poste pour y déposer une lettre RAR. Autant vous dire que le bruit des roues sur le bitume a totalement pris le dessus sur ce qui sortait de mes écouteurs. J'ai donc réécouté le projet une fois rentré chez moi. Croyez-le ou non, mais je n'ai pas le moindre souvenir de ce qu'il contenait.

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Fri Jul 23 2021

Got the sense that 10cc we're trying to do lots of different things here, but none of them are interesting. The lyrics are also bad. I took against this album from the opening line: "Do the Wall Street Shuffle, Hear the money rustle". Jesus. 1.5/5.

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Wed Nov 17 2021

Beyond wack pop rock boat dad bullshit

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Thu Mar 17 2022

Awful. Sounds like a parody the Boosh or Conchords would do, without the irony.

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Fri Apr 12 2024

There’s a kid I know from school that thinks he’s the funniest person in the world and does standup comedy. The thing is, he’s painfully unfunny and the “jokes” in his routine just kind of boil down to talking in weird goofy voices. I feel like this is the demographic that this album is tailor-made for. Sorry for being a hater, but this album pissed me off so much that now random kids from my past are catching strays. See what putting bad albums on here does, list maker? There’s only one thing that can cure my rage and it’s WEEZER’s BLUE ALBUM (put it on the list!)

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Sun Jul 18 2021

ooh this was consistently so cool. “Somewhere In Hollywood” = BestTrack. catchy n chill. great voices and a great 70s album 😇

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Tue Apr 20 2021

Wow. And I only knew 10cc for “I’m Not in Love”. That was great!

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Sat May 01 2021

Wow, where to begin with this album. I fucking love it, it doesn't take itself too seriously, but the instrumentals and composition are fantastic, and transitions really well like with "Old Wild Men" and "Hotel", this is one brit rock band that I loved and had never heard of them, NO NOTES!

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Sat May 01 2021

It's fucking weird and I love it! Not one bad song on the album. It has a zany quality that you don't see everyday. I'm definitely buying this. Way ahead of their time.

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Sat Jun 12 2021

One of the best albums I owned in the 70s

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Mon Jun 21 2021

This album really exposes the problem with the 5 star system. It's better than all the other 4s, but is it a stone cold classic 5/5 album? It's very silly, funny, excellently performed and recorded and is very prescient about the Hollywood casting couch 40 years before #metoo. It had me bopping and smiling the whole way through. It was fucking good. 5 stars, damn.

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Tue Sep 14 2021

Брит-рок в духе времени. Классные так-то

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Wed Sep 29 2021

This feels like an antecedent for so many things. I love how it's both lush and trippy.

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Thu Sep 30 2021

Fantastic! Spontaneous and random but exiting and fun!

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Fri Jun 24 2022

I had never heard of this band nor any of the songs. The album is relatively short. It is rock music, but the music tries to be like the Beatles at points. The music is eccentric. I don't think I need to listen to any of the songs again. It is better than a two but not quite a three. I will round up.

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Sun Sep 11 2022

10cc album that was new for me - mainly know their later albums and had ecpected one of those. However, this album turned out to be great after a few listens.

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Sun Sep 18 2022

Really cool! A bunch of different vibes and yeah I loved it! would listen to it again for fun!

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Thu Oct 27 2022

26-Oct-2022 Where has this album been all my life? I knew this band for Dreadlock Holiday, but always assumed they were a bit of a one hit wonder. This album is great throughout on first listen though; well written, great performances, and quite funny in places! I enjoyed hearing the origin of J Dillas "Workinonit" samples in "The Worst Band in the World". "Silly Love" and "Clockwork Creep" were also great and reminded me of Sparks, who I only discovered recently also. The second half of the album maintains the quality and weirdness with "Sacro-illiac" and "Oh Effendi", the abrupt end of the latter left me wanting more. The only songs I didn't really enjoy were "Old Wild Men" and "Baron Samedi", but I didn't dislike them either. This is one of my best discoveries so far from this app. Far from the worst band in the world! 9/10

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Mon Nov 14 2022

When I saw this come up I thought to myself "aren't 10cc the guys who did 'I'm not in love'?", but didn't really think much more about it until I was actually listening to them. Well. I really enjoyed it. Couldn't even begin to describe the music, other than catchy, innovative and really well constructed. Having enjoyed it, for no other reason than absolutely no reason, I mentioned to my sister that I'd listened to it and really enjoyed it. Turns out my sister knows a guy who's good mates with Graham Gouldman, who is actually in 10cc. OK, so that means nothing to you, reading this review, but I thought it was pretty neat!

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Wed Dec 28 2022

This was really good, I really enjoyed listening to it

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Sun Feb 05 2023

What the hell? What even was this, and why is it so good?!?! There haven't been many albums on this list where I'm sad when they end, but the silence after "Oh Effendi" made me go, "Awww." Every single song was interesting and enjoyable. I'll be returning to this for sure.

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Thu Mar 02 2023

Okay wow this was one of the greatest surprises I’ve had yet! This was awesome and wacky in all the right ways. It’s just genius progressive pop rock. So many clever and interesting hooks. I can’t believe I’d never heard it before. The production is so good I can’t believe it came out in 1974. Awesome album. I am surprised it is ranked as low as it is

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Sun Apr 09 2023

Aaaaa this really could be a 5 Yup

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Mon Jul 24 2023

10CC were one helluva band, and this their second album isn’t even their best. Sheet Music is brilliant, demonstrating an array of styles into its 10 tracks. Hell, “Silly Love” is a hard rocking song which must have influenced messers Jones & Lydon. Maybe one of the reasons they aren’t revered in the same way as many other seventies band is the wide ranging styles contained in any album. 10CC didn’t stick to a script, they let the music go wherever it wanted. Classic and essential.

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Mon Aug 14 2023

Alfa vocals, alfa harmonies, alfa instruments. Weird while still being super catchy, love it.

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Thu Sep 14 2023

jesus christ this is so pretentious… JUST WHAT I LIKE! one of my new all-time favorite albums so bizarre and silly — a prog rock masterpiece it’s like if Queen was actually good, it’s like if Steely Dan and Genesis had a child who got addicted to meth at age 7 it’s sonic perfection, but it’s also so fucking messy, I wouldn’t be surprised if I was the only person to give this five stars

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Thu Nov 09 2023

honestly, nuts to the haters. this album was great. it was wild and wacky and all over the place, but in a fun, tongue-in-cheek way. the biggest knock against it was the unnecessary sprinkling of racism across a few of the tracks. hotel, baron samedi, and maybe oh effendi all felt a bit unsettling to listen to in those sections, like hearing an uncle you always thought was kinda cool spout some nonsense at a family reunion. the use of AAVE (or i guess whatever the British equivalent is) just looks bad, especially 50 years later. otherwise, the songs were fun and interesting. some felt like 70s classics, others could've been written in 2009. hotel sounds like a flight of the concords or vampire weekend song. clockwork creep is like freddie mercury singing in a musical showstopper. old wild men seems to be poking fun at bands like led zeppelin, which I'm always here for. in summary, this is like steely dan + queen + meatloaf + talking heads + elvis costello + novelty records from the 50s + L + ratio + first single failed to chart. this feels like a band that john flansburgh of they might be giants would love. also their band name is bad. favorites: basically everything. old wild men and baron samedi are probably my least favorites of the bunch

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Fri Jan 05 2024

I love this. It's quirky and a bit zany. Clockwork Creep is my standout favorite.

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Mon Jan 22 2024

This is utterly bizarre but good, I think!

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Wed Feb 07 2024

Total cool und gesangslastig. CSNY vibes :)

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Thu Feb 08 2024

Oooh - I love “I’m Not In Love” and “The Things We Do For Love”. Give me some great easy 70s tunes. To my surprise this was nothing like the only two songs I knew from 10cc. This was wild, progressive, funny dealing with some offbeat and unexpected topics like Wall Street and pelvic joints. I really loved it!

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Thu Feb 08 2024

I was a bit disoriented with this one. Don’t I know 10cc? Well, not any of these tracks…and this is a bit wacky, isn’t it? I don’t care…I like it!!

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Thu Feb 15 2024

I was not aware of 10cc before this, and I was really surprised by that. What a wonderful record. Love it.

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Sat Mar 02 2024

I never realised just how good 10cc actually was. This album was just spot on. A great balance of silliness, pretentiousness, satire and good old rock.

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Sun Mar 03 2024

This was a way better vibe than I expected!!

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Sun Apr 07 2024

Nearly perfect! Can't believe how great this was! Standouts: Wall Street Shuffle, Worst Band in the World, Hotel, Old Wild Men, Clockwork Creep, Silly Love, Sacro-Lliac, Oh Effendi, 4.5

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Thu May 16 2024

Every single song took me on a journey and didn't know where it was going. kept me super interested and grooving all the way through.

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Mon May 20 2024

delightfully creative and quirky tracks, melodic classic rock so BOOMING it'll make your speakers weep in joy. an actual exhibition of sound that you really really wouldn't want to miss out on listening to. this album is... colorful. absolutely brilliant.

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Mon Jul 01 2024

Poppy and yet still creative and unabashedly weird. I love how eclectic and catchy it is. It's almost prog pop at some points. Killer!

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Tue Jul 09 2024

I wish more albums were as conceptual as this. Worst Band in the World is hilarious in its self awareness, especially him breaking down the fourth wall at the end talking from the piece of plastic with a little hole in the middle, asking/begging to be faded out. Great record.

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Thu Oct 22 2020

albums good. apparently its progressive pop. i dont really know wtf prog pop is still but this album is poppy and it is pretty progressive so i can kinda get it. theres a lot of sudden stylistic switch-ups and weird song structures here, probly best illustrated in the opening three tracks (which is also my fav stretch of the album). the first two are filled with all sorts of different stylistically clashing sections that are really interesting together, and the third one is just kind of a breezy beachy tune with a long ambient intro. pretty much every track is unique. cool stuff! this sorta 70s classic rock sound is growing (back) on me tbh. im sure ive mentioned it before but i rly appreciate this site for like actively forcing me to listen 2 this shit lol

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Tue Jun 08 2021

1974: The Wall Street Shuffle, The Worst Band In The World

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Fri Sep 25 2020

Funky and weird. Went from sounding like The Who to sounding like The Beatles. Really great recommendation.

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Mon Feb 01 2021

Not a band I was very familiar with - but it's good. Feels like it would be the most pop rock album during its time, but now it's just a fun rock. Has an almost manic energy in a way that's similar to Les Claypool (Clockwork Creep). Somewhere in Hollywood has a riff used in a Bond film theme. The Sacro-Iliac almost has crosby, stills, nash, & young harmonies. Really enjoyed this album

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Tue Feb 02 2021

Reminded me of Rush or other prog rock

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Mon Mar 01 2021

Part-Paul McCartney Beatles, part-Frank Zappa lunacy. Every song was really unique and frankly bizarre? The best 70s album so far. "Hotel", "Clockwork Creep" and "Oh Effendi"

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Sun May 30 2021

Nice and relatively varied, great album

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Thu Apr 15 2021

I had not listened to this album before. I like the band10cc. From this album I only knew the song The Wall Street Shuffle. Some songs surprised me positively. But the 10cc sound was already there and was recognizable. The album was nice to listen to.

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Mon May 03 2021

Short, fun, nice music and lyrics.

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Tue Apr 13 2021

Some of these songs are idiotic I the best way, "Worst Band..." "Hotel". Some excellent guitar sounds. It sounds like they are having fun. I enjoyed it, and it made me curious to listen to more from these guys. From Wikipedia, sounds like they were really in stride for about 5 albums in the 70's.

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Wed Feb 24 2021

Pleasant surprise. Lots of irony and different perspectives in the lyrics, experimental music choices. I expected some dated generic rock like Deep Purple, but this had spunk. 3.5 but rounding up to 4 on the rating because I expected this to suck so much and it didn't.

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Wed Mar 24 2021

Like Tally Hall did an album in 1974. Goofy, but melodious. These guys are just having a laugh. The highlights are Hotel and The Worst Band in the World

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Wed Feb 24 2021

At first, I loved the music and hated the vocals and lyrics. As the album went on, it grew on me. I really enjoyed this by the end of it. "Hotel" is fun. This was a pleasant surprise. Listening to it made me think these guys had a lot of fun making this album.

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Wed Feb 24 2021

We’ve had one yes. But what about second time signature change per song.

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Wed Feb 24 2021

Early 70s was a hell of a time. I wonder how much this influenced later mgmt albums. Baron Samedi is like 10cc saw Soul Sacrifice by Santana at Woodstock and were like “let’s do that but add some boring parts so we don’t get sued.” Oh Effendi = lynyrd skynyrd I wonder if the Runaways jacked the opening of Silly Love for Cherry Bomb

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Tue Apr 13 2021

Enjoyable album full if surprises

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Tue Jun 08 2021

Cet album des Beatles était excellent, et ce malgré un nom de groupe absolument ridicule et je suppose peu évident à porter au quotidien.

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Tue Apr 06 2021

I really like it but it is 70s so like I am more likely to enjoy it Final Thoughts: 4/5

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Tue Apr 13 2021

Too clever - maybe. But this album is great fun. Playful lyrics, good harmonies and bold chunky guitars.

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Sun Jul 11 2021

lol this is so stupid, i love it beach boys parodying others with stupid lyrics shmock flopera

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Thu Apr 22 2021

Kinda thriving actually. Reminds me of something my step-dad would listen to in a good way. Hotel gave me lower pitched beach boys energy for some reason (i hope you guys are appreciating my notes because i like writing them hehe)

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Mon May 10 2021

Comedy? Humorous anyways. Definitely interesting, feels like a precursor to some of the more off the wall things that Queen was executing later in the decade.

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Fri May 07 2021

Some really fantastic production. 10cc always seem to have fun and this album was no different. They don’t take themselves too seriously and I think that opens up some creative fun that turns out really good sometimes. Highlights were Hotel and Old Wild Men.

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Fri May 07 2021

I am a fan of 10cc so this album was fun to listen to. My favorite from the album was “The Wall Street Shuffle” everything was well played but not typically something I would add to a cue very often.

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Thu Jun 17 2021

This was an interesting one! I liked Wall Street Shuffle, Worst Band in the World, and Old Wild Men best.

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Tue Jun 29 2021

Hard to decide between a 3 or a 4 for this one, but this was so much better than I expected.

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