Warehouse: Songs And Stories
Hüsker Dü5/10. Nothing special for me. Wasn't terrible, but nothing stuck out. Added 'Could You Be the One' to the playlist.
5/10. Nothing special for me. Wasn't terrible, but nothing stuck out. Added 'Could You Be the One' to the playlist.
3/10. Spiders made the playlist. There were some moments where I thought “wait a minute, does everybody need a mother fucker?” and then rethought that as loud monster-like noises rang from my speakers
6/10. Some great songs but as an album gets a bit stale with no change in pace, same screaming voice. Not so much my thing. But would like a song or two in the mix amongst other genres. specifically Janie Jones, London’s Burning and Career Opportunities.
7/10. Some familiarity / nostalgia with songs on the album (toward the beginning) may cause biases in this rating. Had highs and lows. Enjoyed the instrumental (guitar) throughout, lyrically and other pieces were hit and miss for me but I’d say more hit than miss.
9/10. Loved the pace change throughout the album. Instrumentally was awesome. Don’t love Robert Plant’s singing style over a full album or else it would have gotten 10/10.
5/10. A lot of the album was good but the 3-4 songs of constant screaming that made me feel like I should be in a weight room I don’t want to be in was too much for me. A few classics hold it up to 5 though.
9/10. Was soothing and fun at the same time. I could listen to this all day long. Repetiveness in some of the songs could be seen as mundane by some but I didn’t mind it. Had enough variety and clear talent to me. Was leaning 8/10 and then Smoke on the Water played and I bumped it to a 9 for that classic.
6/10. To be fair I may have to relisten as I was dealing with Aycen a lot of the album but overall it felt pretty bland when I was listening. Seemed to be decent tempo and flow together well but I’m not super motivated to give it a better listen.
10/10. Great vibes. Great mix of tones in the songs. Top notch.
10/10. Perfect. Very nostalgic for some reason even though I don’t recall listening to Bob Dylan. Makes you want to just be in the moment. Harmonica performances solidified the 10 score.
8/10. I thought the album was super strong throughout. Sinister Purpose probably my favorite song on the album. Bad Moon Rising of course a classic. I don’t think I was as blown away by anything in this album as I’ve been for my 5 stars (but it toed the line for a 9/10).
5/10. The singing was unfortunate but not overpowering enough to where I didn’t enjoy other elements. I liked a lot of the instrumental elements, especially the transitions from song to song and the bass guitar. But it wasn’t impressive enough to take the total product above a 5 more me.
9/10. I was leaning 8 up until Pet Sounds. It felt like that song allowed me to better digest what they were doing instrumentally throughout the album.
7/10. Need to give it a better listen through but good vibes in the background.
4/10. It was fine but boring and a bit stale. Nothing I’d say I’d listen to again. Had rom-com soundtrack vibes.
8/10. It did feel like I was listening to a piece of art. Very cool. And I got a good laugh from “Oh Lord, Give Us More Money”. There were some goofy vibes to it that I enjoyed but maybe held me back from giving it a 9 or 10. But very fun listen.
5/10. I liked some of the theatrics but it got pretty stale overall. Felt that band had a lot of range potential instrumentally but more often than not stuck with the same rather than showing off the variation they showed in certain songs.
7/10. Was good vibes. Calming. But I did get bored at times.
9/10. Great story telling. Very fun album with some classics.
10/10. Next level vocals. Lots of range throughout, didn’t feel repetitive to me. Man in the Mirror is one of the greatest songs of all time.
9/10. I like this album even better than Born in the USA overall because of the flow and story telling feeling like it all meshed into one. Individual songs not as good but album better if that makes sense. I’m bought in on the Bruce hype. Didn’t realize he had the depth he has because I just always hear about the big party his shows bring.
7/10. I liked the variation but some of the longer songs did start to feel repetitive. Overall, I enjoyed it!
10/10. I listened to this album in a different head space and setting a few years ago and think I graded it like 7/10. Listening to it alone in my current head space gave me a different perspective on it. It’s fantastic if you take the time to truly digest it all. Zombie and Mistake made the 5 ⭐️ song list for me.
7/10. Fun album. Lots of good songs, but as the album goes on it starts to feel a little like the same short song over again. I did end up putting “Oh Why?” on the 5 ⭐️list because I thought the album was good enough to have one song on the list and that was my favorite I think due to the trumpets.
6/10. Feel like if I could see how this album was made I may have a better appreciation? I liked it. The flow was good. But it felt computer generated at times and less artsy to me because of that. The Ferris Bueller quoting in the second song made me laugh.
6/10. Was leaning 5 throughout because I thought it was overall good but nothing stood out to me. Some cleverness caught on for me toward the end in songs like Higher Hell but overall still not my favorite.
10/10. Felt like a more experimental Beatles to me. Loved it. Moonchild got a little too experimental but 21st Century Schizoid Man and Court of Crimson King both made 5 ⭐️ song list.
8/10. Great vibes. Kind of Beatles / Beach Boys vibes. Creativity felt a little lower than the Beatles though. Put Brief Candles and Time of the Season on the 5⭐️ song list.
8/10. Talented song writing, talented singer. Guitar was soothing but not a creative standout for me.
7/10. Groovy and fun. Put ‘Can’t stand to love you’ on the 5 ⭐️ song list. Lyrically it got a little stale for me and every song did start to sound the same as the album went on but enjoyed it overall.
10/10. 4 out of 7 songs made the 5⭐️ song list. I did enjoy the beginning of the album more than the back half. But was just overall great vibes.
9/10. I think it had all the elements for a great album. Instrumentally great. Pace changes throughout. Loved it.
8/10. Very fun album all the way through. Toward the beginning/middle of the album it started to feel a little repetitive but some uniqueness came out toward the end raising it from 7 to 8 for me. Are You Happy and Nine Pound Hammer made the 5⭐️ list.
1/10. I like to think I’m developing in allowing all sorts of music to drive a variety of emotions and get a feel for what is being brought with different styles of music. But…what the fuck was this?
4/10. Not my thing but it got more palatable as it went on. Some instrumental pieces I did like in the middle and the album felt well connected song to song which was cool.
9/10. All around fantastic album. Put a few of the songs on the 5⭐️ list.
8/10. Very good. Easy to groove to. Instrumental was great but at times a little repetitive. The Wizard made the 5 ⭐️ list for me. Think it was my favorite song on the album.
8/10. Not super consistent for me but the highs were very high. Rip It Up, I Can’t Help Myself and Hokoyo made my 5⭐️ list.
5/10. Good beats. Fairly impressive for this type of music, but this type of music simply doesn’t hit me usually. I enjoyed some beats but prefer bands/instruments.
6/10. Not my favorite. Mostly pretty basic. I did put the title song on the 5 ⭐️ list though. It deserves that for sure.
8/10. Very good instrumentally and liked the overall pace. Finished strong I thought. I added Lessons and Tears to 5⭐️ song list.
7/10. Super interesting album. The first 3 songs imparticular. The first two I couldn’t decide if I loved them or if it was too much for me, which i think was good. Added Lazarus to my 5⭐️ song list. But after that it started to get less interesting for me.
8/10. Started off strong. Runaway Child, Runnin Wild was a top notch 5⭐️. Added two others as well. But as the album went on it did feel like the same song over and over eventually.
10/10. Not a bad song on the album. Almost put them all on the 5⭐️ list. Maybe was missing that “wow” factor track as I was leaning a 9, but too good and consistent all the way through to not get a 10.
7/10. Was enough nostalgic feels at the beginning and more fun vibes (One Hundred Years from Now and Nothing was Delivered) at the end to boost it to a 7.
7/10. The most up and down album so far. High highs and low lows. Probably the band that I like their mainstream stuff and don’t like their deep cut stuff the most (outside of Nirvana, but I like Guns N Roses more than them all around).
7/10. A classic album for sure with a lot of guitar talent but I think less musical genius than they get credit for. And Brian Johnson’s voice annoys me for this long of a period listening to him. Still too many classic songs to not give it a 7.
8/10. Great voice. Nostalgic. Would be a 9, but the album didn’t bring enough variety in lyrics (even though most individual songs lyrics were good) for me to go above 8.
10/10. Every song goes to the 5⭐️ list (if it wasn’t already on it). Very well could be my favorite album of all time.
8/10. Great album. Seemed structured but still unique. Back at the Chicken Shack and Minor Chant made the 5⭐️ playlist.
6/10. Beginning of the album was boring and not my thing. Was leaning 3-4 at the beginning of the album but it picked up. Enjoyed some of the later songs that were higher paced and slightly different singing style.
7/10. Feel good album. Nice vibes.
7/10. Some really bad stuff on this album held it back a lot to nearly a 6. But there was a lot of good ones as well: If you have to ask, Funky Monks and Under the Bridge all made the 5⭐️ list.
9/10. Felt like it brought elements from different genres. Really enjoyed it. Last of the Steam Powered Train might be my favorite song since starting the project.
8/10. Great album. Vibes were good. Not consistent enough to get 9 or 10 - but enjoyed throughout. 4 songs made the 5 ⭐️ list.
7/10. Not sure how but this album was very interesting and boring at times. Pyramid Song and Life in a Glasshouse made the 5⭐️ list, though the album was quite consistent.
6/10. Not really my thing. The singing style made it feel corny to me a bit but I did hear some good beats through. And Run made the 5⭐️ song list. It got better as it went a bit with some songs having less electronics and monotone singing.
7/10. Thought it was a slow start but ended up being very good. Put 4 songs on the playlist.
10/10. Great relaxation album with enough complexity to not bore you. Almost every song was put on the 5 ⭐️ playlist.
8/10. Nostalgic, fun vibes for me with the Irish tone. Added a few on the 5 star playlist! I enjoyed the album throughout.
7/10. Some classics. Great energy. Very good guitarists. Southbound probably my favorite song on the album, but put Boys are Back in Town on the playlist as well for the nostalgia of that song.
7/10. A little too much repetition but when I learned how it was made that made sense. Loved a lot of the beats though and put Mutual Slump and Organ Donor on the 5 Star playlist.
10/10. A themed album with this much cleverness in itself was neat. But also song to song the album doesn’t miss.
9/10. The best parts of the album simply outweigh the bad. Great voice. Great instrumental throughout. A couple of songs missed me, but most of the album was added to the 5 star playlist.
9/10. Great album. Toed the line for a 10 but not quite enough “wow” factor. Great songs throughout though. About even with Pretzel Logic.
7/10. There are great beats throughout and Snoop and company bring some good style to the rap. But a lot of the lyrics are pretty trash. And certain songs were unlistenable. Stranded on Death Row and Nothin but a G Thang made the 5 star list.
9/10. I enjoyed the variety of styles throughout the album. Felt creative to me and lots of songs made the 5 star list.
8/10. You need the right mindset going in, but very good. Some nostalgia here for me. White Light (3rd track) started to pull it altogether for me. Ended up putting about half the songs on the 5 star playlist. Big fan of the harmonica per usual from me.
8/10. Some really good stuff throughout but super inconsistent for me. Even in individual songs, I found myself loving pieces and disliking other pieces. Still, put Speed King, Child in Time and Flight of the Rat all on the 5 star list. Lots of fun, creative stuff throughout.
8/10. Some classics here but overall I enjoyed the change in pace throughout. Was fun. The song “Mother” threw me for a loop but other than that, pretty good stuff!
9/10. Great combination of beats and rap style. Had some nostalgia with the iconic 90s style rap but with way better beats than what I knew to be the mainstream hip hop at the time.
9/10. Was between 8 and 9. This didn’t stand out on one specific but I really enjoyed the balance between creativity and chill vibes. And almost every single song was enjoyable.
9/10. New York State of Mind played and I thought that was going to be the tip of the hype but the album only got better from there for me. Rapping was consistent throughout but slight uniqueness in the beats helped solidify the score for me.
9/10. I'm going vegan. Kidding. But the album was fantastic throughout. It has a unique flavor to it, and overall I enjoyed the pace, beats, rhythm, etc throughout the entire album. The title song was great rhythmically but going back and forth on if that one gets on the 5 star playlist. Lots of others leading up to it for sure made it though (Rusholme Ruffians, I Want the Ones I Can't Have, Nowhere Fast, Well I Wonder).
9/10. Overall this was a great album. Beat & rap combinations are top notch. And there is some uniqueness in their style. I am actually surprised they weren't more mainstream with this style. It does run long and starts to get a little bit stale for me -- songs start to all sound the same.
9/10. A mix of unique creativity but with a slight feel of nostalgia is what I get with the Byrds. I’d rate this album between the other two. I think they have a bizarre mix of what I’d consider fairly “basic” chill music (Goin Back, Wasn’t born to follow) and experimental chill music (Space Odyssey, Moog Raga).
6/10. While it was a unique listening experience I found a lot of it to be a bit annoying. That said — I thought the talent was clear. The Elvis-like voice with this style of music was very interesting. Added Dynamite Lover to the playlist because I thought it encompassed a lot of the positives of the album and less of the negatives (imo).
10/10. I’d love this album listening while I focus. I’d love this album listening passively while I’ll chill. I loved this album listening intently. Unique to me. Added the first 3 to the 5 ⭐️ playlist.
6/10. It had some good guitar moments and some slight nostalgia at times. But overall it wasn't super interesting to me and found myself not really indulging in it much at all.
9/10. Was leaning 8 to start but I kept adding songs to the playlist throughout. I like that they seem to have inspiration from a variety of genres.
10/10. I feel like they fully find themselves in their second album here. The first album was good but this seemed like the start of their run of masterpieces.
5/10. Her voice is great and unique. Stylistically there is some clever pieces to the album. But overall thematically and lyrically corny to me. And a lot of it got dull.
10/10. Loved a lot of the lyrics. Joni is one of my favorites lyrically in general and the style is so unique with amazing vibes. The frontend of this album specifically was super enjoyable thematically.
8/10. Insane talent. Great voice. Fairly unique. For me, personally, the similar sound from song to song began to get boring for my taste.
10/10. A little more going on instrumentally than in Five Leaves Left, which I enjoyed. Slightly more upbeat with the full band - but still super chill music to vibe too for relaxation. If you made me choose, I think I'd choose Bryter Layter to hear more frequently, but have higher appreciation for Five Leaves Left.
8/10. I was between 7 and 8 here but trying to error on the side of pessimism. Their quirkiness hurts them in some songs, like Kiss Off, where I was starting to lean toward a six. But overall, the quirkiness pays off. And there is a good enough balance and good songs throughout the album to bump it to an 8.
7/10. After two songs I was leaning a 3/10. Which emphasizes how unbalanced I thought the album was. Had some really good stuff (Hussell, Boyz, World Town, Paper Planes) and some horrible stuff (Bamboo Banga, 20 Dollar, XR2) for me. I think because I’m not big on the electronic pieces. What took it from 6 to 7 was that Jimmy and Mango Pickle Down River were fun and kept me engaged.
7/10. Very good voice. But got a little stale for me, and I didn’t notice anything unique that stood out. That said I did enjoy it because of the talent. Had some MJ or Prince vibes but with far less unique, game changing attributes. Added Wishing Well and Seven More Days to the playlist.
8/10. Felt like I was a kid in the pool listening to mom’s music again. Some of it was nostalgic but a lot of it I thought was really good. Slow start but enjoyed: Time after Time, All Through the Night, Yeah Yeah Yeah. Short album, but very fun.
8/10. The beats are awesome. The rapping can be super fun/funny - but overtime their voices can be a bit much/annoying for me. But very fun album.
8/10. I enjoyed it. Had a little less focus with kids running around while I listened but liked the mix and vibes. Put Someone Somewhere and Promised You a Miracle on the 5 star list.
7/10. Not completely my thing -- but I found it impressive. Each song was put together nicely and fairly unique and his voice is great.
7/10. May have to relisten some time as I lost some focus - but it was creative. Added Visions of You to the playlist.
8/10. I liked every single song. Voice and saxophone combo are great. But lacks creativity a bit for me to go up to 9.
8/10. Very enjoyable. Calming. Gets a little bit repetitive at times in my head sometimes which holds it back from the 9.
8/10. Very good. Was slower than I expected but ended on a high note with Everything’s Not Lost, bumping it from 7 to 8.
8/10. I thought it had a bit more consistency than Kala, though the beginning of the album was stronger than the back half.
10/10. Up there for best album of all time. Classic after classic.
8/10. Terrordome was awesome. Beats were great. Rapping was good and I enjoyed some of the approach on using humor to get points across. Also like the instrumental logs between some songs.
10/10. Title track and Sara two of my favorite songs of all time - and the rest of the album stayed consistently great. Thought this might come out to a 9 - but it was a 10 and I added more Fleetwood Mac to the playlist.
8/10. Great voice. Creative and enjoyable.
10/10. Continued on from “With the Beatles” album with another top notch album with even more creativity involved.
9/10. Very unique & interesting. Topped the solo Holgar Czukay stuff I listened to previously fairly easily. Much more consistently good. This style of music is tougher for me to rate but overall I was a big fan.
7/10. Very good overall but not really my style. The hits are the hits for a reason from my POV. Personal Jesus, Enjoy the Silence, Policy of Truth all made the 5 star playlist.
9/10. Great song after great song. More consistent than Green River. Could have put every song on the playlist, love the style they bring. Ended up putting 5/7 songs on the playlist.
9/10. Very unique sounds while keeping a steady rhythm on each track, made for a very interesting listen through. Added History Song, 80s Life, Kingdom of Doom, Behind the Sun, Nature Springs and the title track to the playlist.
3/10. Not my thing at all. Bored me and at times annoyed me. It’s palpable though and I could see it being for others.
6/10. I thought it was good but not really my thing.
9/10. Near 10 level. Kept getting better as the album went. Expected the great guitar playing, but the smooth delivery was unexpected and I loved mostly every song. (Just a few misses for me).
7/10. Felt basic at first but ended up really enjoying a lot of songs throughout.
8/10. Amazing voice. Good mix of music. Loved the country western vibe songs. Some of the “jazzy” ones with the sax were also good. But there were some boring ones in the mix as well.
9/10. Awesome, unique voice. Has her own style too. Holds up for 60+ years!
7/10. Fun album that also feels a bit corny to me. Edge of 6/7 but went pessimist.
10/10. Classic, great energy, great voice, fun, great instrumentally. Full package.
9/10. Great vibes and some classics in the mix. I wouldn't say there is anything "wow!" about it, which is why I went with a 9, but enjoyed the entire thing. Typically take points off for covers, but they made 'Heard it Through the Grapevine' their own with the guitar solos.
6/10. I did like it, but nothing stood out to me as outstanding music. Added Ooh Las Vegas to the playlist.
6/10. Really liked the first song but got a bit dull from there.
7/10. Some good, some ok. Added a couple of songs to the playlist.
10/10. I was surprised how much I enjoyed the less popular songs of the album. Tiny Dancer is a great song and probably not in the top 3-4 songs. Added all but the last song to the playlist. Anyone who says this album isn’t great is clueless.
9/10. Great mix of classics and good melody songs.
9/10. Fantastic all the way through. Great shift of pace as well. Added about half the album to the playlist.
10/10. It’s cool to listen and picture them playing off each other naturally.
7/10. Some nostalgia with a few of the songs and some cleverness to the album overall but didn’t have the vibes for me.
9/10. Very clever album that flowed extremely well from song to song. Added 4-5 songs to the playlist as well.
10/10. Rolled out a new scale today and this sits on “iconic” levels. It runs a bit long, but the variety is so good.
6/10. A bit corny. But I can appreciate it. The background singing and saxophone were enjoyable as well.
8/10. Really two albums, both very good but stretch on a bit. Entertained throughout though.
3/10. Throughout I went from moments of "a little boring but I can vibe to this" to moments of "what in the hell is this creepy stuff"? Harsh, as I know others may see art in this, but it's overall not my thing.
6/10. Some good songs but a bit boring after the first 3.
9/10. Incredible pianist and reading the story behind it made it even more incredible. Hard time rating a one instrument solo performance like this — but for the type of performance I can’t imagine it getting much better.
7/10. Was choosing between 6 and 7 early - then started thinking between 7 and 8 by the end of it. Enjoyed throughout.
8/10. Seemed this album was for a film. Great all around vibes throughout.
9/10. Was leaning 8, but the entire album is clever. The dark humor in the lyrics is great.
6/10. I did like a lot of it but was inconsistent for me and got bored at certain parts.
9/10. A Sailor’s Life is one of the best songs I’ve heard in this process, and I enjoyed majority of the songs around it.
8/10. Very good overall. Only 2 songs made the list though.
5/10. Wasn’t my thing overall. A couple good instrumental moments. Did add one song to the playlist.
8/10. Great album. Loved the instrumental songs. Attack El Robot! Attack! one of my favorites I’ve heard I think.
5/10. “Meh” overall but it had ok moments and Bitter Sweet Symphony intro is great.
6/10. I liked the creativity but it felt a bit slow to develop song to song for me and the vocals were “meh”.
6/10. Very strange and some of it was bad. But I found a lot of it to be extremely entertaining and creative.
6/10. Had some good moments, I think I don’t vibe well with the vocals of Echo and the Bunnymen generally.
6/10. It was ok. A few didn’t hit for me at all, and it got a bit repetitive. Put Alive on the playlist for representation.
7/10. Very pleasant. Loved 'Take Five'. Overall, just soothing though and nothing stood out as 'outstanding' to me.
8/10. More consistent but highs aren’t quite as high as the ‘Black Sabbath’ titled album.
8/10. Great album. Little dance party.
10/10. Great creativity and voice. Large majority of songs went to the playlist.
10/10. Another classic Talking Heads album. Think my official rating is 9.75. Excellent.
7/10. Enjoyed it. Great voice.
9/10. Fantastic album. Almost every song made the playlist. Loved it.
10/10. 9.5/10 on the new scale. Nearly every song was great. Entire album made the playlist.
9/10. A bit of a slower start than the last one but fantastic all around. Great story telling, great jams. Loved it.
8/10. Some classics. Great album overall.
6/10. Had some goodness to it. Added 2 songs to the playlist. But a lot of parts were just “meh”.
9/10. Great album. Sail Away is fantastic and no real drop off from there.
5/10. Nothing special for me. Wasn't terrible, but nothing stuck out. Added 'Could You Be the One' to the playlist.
7/10. Some really good parts. Some meh parts. But the really good outweighed the meh for me. 4-5 songs made the playlist.
7/10. Some good songs. But it didn’t stand out as great for me.
7/10. Had some good songs, but didn't stand out to me as 'fantastic'. Good album.
7/10. Some great songs. But some meh also.
7/10. Loved the creativity. Singing style isn't my thing. Not a bad voice just not my style of voice.
6/10. Pretty good but got to be a bit mundane.
9/10. The best Bowie album of the 3 I've listened to by a fairly wide margin.
10/10. Charted as 'Iconic' or 9.66/10. Every song was added to my playlist. Finding that if there was one musician I had to listen to forever, Miles Davis may be it.
4/10. Nothing stood out as exciting for me.
7/10. Not consistent for me but some good ones that made the playlist and had good creativity.
8/10. Great stuff. Was leaning 7 but ended strong for an 8.
6/10. Had some good songs (3 made the playlist) but most of the album was pretty “meh”
8/10. Great album. It does start off hotter than it concludes, but still added most the songs to the playlist.
8/10. Great album. Not as good as the first two I heard by him: Born in the USA and Nebraska. But still consistently good throughout.
9/10. Great music. Makes you feel like you’re there listening.
8/10. Had some Nick Drake vibes in there. Really enjoyed this one.
10/10. 9.7/10 on the new scale. Most of the songs made the playlist. Sat between Nick Drake and Bob Dylan vibes.
9.3/10. Great funky music.
9/10. Most of the songs made the playlist. Great album.
6/10. Had some uniqueness to it but didn’t stick out on creativity for me.
9/10. Most of the songs made the playlist. Great album. Will listen to more of them.
5/10. Had some great guitar moments but overall not my thing.
8/10. Ended very well. Loved the instrumental leads into songs.
9/10. Gave off a combination of Supertramp and Elton John vibes. Fantastic album.
4/10. Had some good moments, but again, the screaming isn't for me.
8/10. Consistent album with creativity throughout.
8/10. Classics. Comfortably Numb and Another Brick in the Wall both amazing. Album as a whole very good but not super consistent for me.
7/10. Enjoyable. Nothing super unique though.
4/10. It was ok. They had an okay style of story telling but wasn’t really my thing.
6/10. A classic song and classic band. I kind of get it but overall not really my thing.
7/10. Some great songs throughout, but overall went back-and-forth with it. Really enjoyed parts and other parts were 'fine'.
7/10. Some classics. A genre that isn’t really for me but I appreciate this album.
7/10. Some good beats. A bit inconsistent overall but enjoyable.
2/10. Not my thing at all.
7/10. Some classics, and a good overall album but nothing blows me away with it.
6/10. Some good songs but I got bored at times too.
9/10. Fantastic and consistently fantastic all the way through. Actually gets better throughout I’d say.
8/10. Good throughout, but the last song with the solos is really good and ups it to a 'Great' album!
6/10. Probably close to a 6.5 but regardless — it started out great. Was thinking it’d lead to an 8 but it went the wrong direction for me from there.
6/10. Fine. Nothing that excited me.
8/10. Enjoyed the album more than I expected. Voice great as expected but I liked the instrumentals and vibes too.
5/10. Not a fan of his voice and nothing overly creative but some listenable, decent stuff
7/10. Good album throughout. 3 songs made the playlist. Liked how the album flowed together.
9/10. Amazing album all the way through. Varies in style too.
7/10. Started slow for me but I enjoyed a lot of it once it got more instrumental. 2 songs made the playlist.
9.7/10. One of the most creative rap albums of all time.
3/10. Spiders made the playlist. There were some moments where I thought “wait a minute, does everybody need a mother fucker?” and then rethought that as loud monster-like noises rang from my speakers
8/10. Was great! Wasn’t super consistent for me which is why the 8, but loved a lot of parts of this. Loved the creativity.
6/10. Got better as it went.
4/10. Listenable but didn’t enjoy a whole lot of it.
9/10. Loved it. And the song Green Onions is one of the best of all time. Album as a whole was great.
6/10. Weird in some good ways. I liked some of the creativity but overall product not really for me.
9.3/10. Enjoyed it all the way through. Lots of songs made the playlist.
9/10. Great vibe music. Creativity felt high to me as someone less experienced in the genre.
2/10. Not enjoyable. Few good song intros but overall bad.
8/10. All great Christmas Songs. Darlene kills it every time.
7/10. Some awesome transitions and instrumental at moments. But not as consistent.
8/10. Great, calming album. Good for a variety of times.
9.3/10. The flow of the album was amazing.
8/10. Some classics and a fun album.
8/10. Great all the way through. Of course, the title song classic brings it up a notch as well.
6/10. Some good stuff but overall a bit blah at parts.
7/10. Inconsistent - But really loved some parts instrumentally
7/10. Good album. Some classics.
6/10. I did enjoy a lot of the instrument combinations. But overall it was “meh”. Added two songs to the playlist.
9/10. Started slow and got better throughout. Some classics in there.
6/10. Extremely inconsistent for me, but with 3 songs I added to the playlist it made its way to a 6.
9.3/10. More amazing music from Ros
8/10. Great album with some classics. Percussion / Charlie Watts really shines here.
8/10. Great album.
8/10. Loved the short transitional songs and the overall vibe of the album.
7/10. Some classics.
7/10. Maybe 7.5, I liked the flow and pace of the album but it also had a few meh moments.
9.3/10. King of pop. Hits again.
6/10. Meh.
8/10. Loved the transitions and vibes.
9/10. Great album all the way through. Added 3 songs to the playlist.
6/10. Classic song to start but meh overall.
9.3/10. Great stuff. Classic album.
8/10. Great. Started off better than it ended I think but overall great.
9/10. Classic. Tons of talent and lots of fun.
9/10. Great album. Has some great stuff throughout including a couple of the best Beatles songs of all time.
6/10. Some good songs. 2 added to the playlist, but a little surprised this made the list.
9.3/10. Fun, amazing voice, legendary.
6/10. I can see why someone might like it but overall not really for me.
8/10. A classic album with some great hits.
8/10. Creative enough and a lot of fun. Parts of this feels like a superior Coldplay to me.
3/10. Dan convinced me it’s not a 1 or 2.
10/10. Fantastic creativity throughout.
8/10. Great album. Slows down a bit but still great!
4/10. Not good.
7/10. Great sound. Got a tad dull but very good album.
8/10. Great voice.
8/10. Classic album.
4/10. Some popular songs. One of which is pretty terrible. But some nostalgia.