The Modern Dance
Pere UbuThis is SO weird, but I LOVE IT.
This is SO weird, but I LOVE IT.
Jane says is good, but my god does the rest grate on as the album progresses.
Be honest Mylo, how much did you pay to get on this list.
This is GREAT punk.
This was honestly a slog to get through. I found I was constantly checking how many more songs I had left before I could tick this off. Safe to say I will not be listening to this again.
The sampling is interesting, but I prefer license to ill
Liked this a lot more than I thought I would! The samples were familiar and interesting.
it's fine.
Like it's fine, but it's not for me.
This is great. I really loved it.
I love radiohead and this album is a great one. I haven't listened to many songs off of this before, but it's really just a great blend.
It's fine, I felt like I was in Scotland but I find Kate a bit to much like a fairy for me to relate to
Decent brit pop! Not a song on here that I'm like "wow gotta add to the daily rotation", but that's show biz
Okay this slapped way harder than I expected. Go off Paul
Blues and fine!
Will I listen again? No. Did I learn a lot? Yes.
Exactly like being in your brother's weird friend's basement. Can't say I ever had a good time there............
Sounds like prog rock!
Like..... the guitars are good, but it's not like a thrilling listening experience anymore.
I feel like when I listened to this in the mid-2000's it rewired my brain. Now though... like it's good, but it's too punk for my day to day honestly.
I do love jazz standards! This is a good album, jazzy etc. etc. I saw another review that it would make great cooking music and I fully agree.
The hits are good, but the rest.......... no......
like elevator music in a 90's bar
Good background music!
Just a great album. Classic Alanis anger
Held up, but I just didn't love it.
I love the sitar, but, the explanations really took me out of the listening experience.
I really liked this! Great outlaw country
Fuck Kanye.
I liked this Zeppelin album much more. Good listening to the hits
I didn't love this as much as I thought I would, but I also am not a huge R&B fan.
This was honestly a slog to get through. I found I was constantly checking how many more songs I had left before I could tick this off. Safe to say I will not be listening to this again.
While I know this is a valuable message, this is just exhausting. The beats are fine, but like.... it really feels like slam poetry. Great lyrically, but I didn't enjoy the listening experience.
Like a nice seaside club
Wow, this does not hold up. Very generic rock.
This is so 90's, but not my 90's vibe. It's wailing and boring honestly. I feel like they were ALMOST doing something interesting, but they didn't get there
Stunning, great album.
The songs I love, I still love. But I can see why people don't adore this album. I think for it to be a banger you have to already love Rush
I think there are some good vibes on this album, but not every song is a hit
This was a weird experience. I didn't hate this, but I don't know if I'll seek this sound out again.
This was a bit too long. Started off stronger, but then by the end I was over it.
This is pretty classic British noise.
I wanted to rate this higher than I did. The hits a great! But otherwise I will not listen again.
This is a mixed bag in my opinion.
This is angry and weird and good!
Not only am I in my brother's weird friend's basement, he is pretending to be a ghost for 17 minutes!
I don't normally love this folk music, but, it was raining today so I feel obligated to give it the 5 stars listening to folk music in the rain deserves
Shockingly, a concept album from 55 years ago.... doesn't slap.
If someone was eating a can of dog food they would in fact be illing.
This is interesting! I'm not sure if it'll make it into the regular rotation, but it is interesting enough that I'm glad it's on the list.
I liked this more than I thought! I don't think you need to hear it before you die however. If you like 90's rock you'll love this.
Listening to this loud is the way to go. Once I pumped up the volume everything started making more sense.
Iconic. The album was a little tricky to find but once I did ohhhhhhhh buddy
Like it's okay. Not something I need to hear again.
This feels like an album that music people really appreciate, but, I am not this person. Maybe if it appeared later in the list I would give it a higher rating? But it's very 80's, and honestly, forgettable.
This is still an enjoyable experience! The hits still hit, and the other songs are fine enough.
Interesting! Whiny voice but a good vibe??? 3.5
When this album started I was like "Oh sick, this will be fun!" I didn't have that same enthusiasm at the end...
The songs here are bops, but, this isn't my fav Coldplay album.
I think the first song was awesome, and then as the album wore on it didn't have the same feeling
This is good sloppy punk, but it just isn't for me. I think if you like vintage punk you'll enjoy this!
It was fine. The hits were good but the rest didn't shake me to my core
Some solid funk and Motown, will absolutely be listening to this again sometime
As a lonely middle class girl from the mid 2000's, this SLAPS.
I can see this as the foundation of a genre, but I don't love it. Extra points for female lead in rock and for the history
I'm normally a fan of the White Stripes, but this didn't do it for me. I think it's an evolution of where they were before, but, I don't know if this is something you need to hear or if it's something that you'll appreciate if you like the band already.
This is a good example of a stones record. It doesn't have any of their big hits, but I still really enjoyed this album!
Listen to this one with headphones!!! It made the experience much better. This is some slutttty rock and roll baby!
This is classic Cash. He has a great report with the audience and you can feel how excited everyone is to hear him perform. The Legacy album is also great if you wanted to extend the experience.
This is like opening a door and stepping back into the 80's. BUSINESS. COCAINE. COUNTERCULTURE. It was a trip
When Being Boring started I thought I was in for a fun treat. But, as the album progressed I found myself more and more bored by the lyrics and beats.
I don't think the scots need to be making reggae, especially with a fake accent???
Like at most, I think this was fine. Some songs were stronger than others, and I can see the value of an album like this, but I don't know if it holds up.
It's a cover album, which is well done, but I don't know if it needs to be on this list.
The beeps were good! But the boops were not..........
This is doing some things musically, and it gets points for what it did for music history, but there is a reason most of these songs are not on the Greatest Hits albums.
I'm not sure where to go with this one. It's a really solid country album with strong anti-war lyrics. I think I'm making it a 4.5, just because it was a bit too much about god for my taste.
Trippy and a good vibe. I don't know if I'll revisit but I enjoyed the ride.
Really great jazz record!
LOVE this. The sounds is the same throughout, but, I think it's interesting and well timed.
This was a trip! Never heard of Julian Cope but it was arty and rocky in a fun way. I stopped at the regular album, but I might circle back to the deluxe later.
I think I might love The Smiths....
This is better than some of the classic White Stripes albums. I think it's a good example of Jack, and he seems to have found his sound.
I'm not sure how to rate this. It's very arty, but I did NOT have a great time. But you can really feel her pain and expression..........
I like the French inclusion, but this is pretty forgettable pop.
I freaking hated this. I wanted to turn off every song and it was a massive struggle to get through.
Music to listen to in a car commercial, but still a good time
This is SO weird, but I LOVE IT.
This is GREAT punk.
Finding their sound, but this is my third White Stripes album in a few weeks so I think I am just sick of their sound.
Sounds like 90's rock but from the 70's?? I'll be revisiting for sure
Too broody for me.
Not for me. It's fine I guess, but nothing wild. There's better electronic music from 2017.
First track is the best track, but it was great easy listening
So 90's it hurts!!
Hardcore 80's synth. Perfect for a vampire movie
I think this is popular now because of Bowie's influence, but I found this boring
Angry girl rock that I might like more than Alannis!
Really solid rap, and I really liked the framing with the samurai story.
It's really hard to get past how much he hates women.
It was a struggle to get through this. I think the hits are still hits, but I won't be returning.
This is a strange album. It is clearly really well produced, but, I don't think it's my taste.
I am first and foremost a Bob Dylan hater. I find so many of his songs to be way too long and his voice irritating. That said, I like this live album. I do wish the hecklers were included, I think that would bump it up to 5 stars for me.
This is much stronger than his other album on this list. The anger and frustration is palpable and still rings true today.
Hi My Name Is has stood the test of time (as much as an Em song can), but the rest of these songs really feel like they are perfect for a 13 year old boy. Sadly, as someone outside of that demographic, this doesn't hit.
I can see this being a technically strong album, but it's really only "just okay" if you aren't a fan of RHCP's sound.
The strong songs are really strong, but they are still a little whiny/noisy
Some of the songs blur together, but this is an EXCELLENT album. I am blown away by the guitar and bass.
Old school rap just isn't for me. I tried to focus on some of the lyrics but I just wasn't drawn in. There must be stronger albums by 2Pac.
It's decent, but not amazing.
Paint it black is great, but the rest of the album is really experimental. I think that it's more for the diehard fans at this point in time.
This must only be on here because it had a lot of sales. There's no value.
They sound like a weird blend of every 80's band you can think of. Not a bad ride though!
Classic Daft Punk, some of these aren't personal favs but it's still a great album
Beautiful melancholic jazz. There are a few swingin' songs on here but most are subdued.
If think if you like rockabilly you are in for a treat! If you don't... UHOH!
I can see how TECHNICALLY this is great, but I found it dragged on and on
I get that this is tongue in cheek, but it's not really a great listening experience.
I liked this a lot more than I expected and will be revisiting. This is right up my alley, with interesting lyrics and a few diverse tracks. Overall, a great pick.
I don't know how to rate this. It could be that it's a summer album and I'm listening to it during snowfall, but this wasn't the vibe for today. But it was well arranged and played. I can't speak for the lyrics, but, I assume it is beautiful/meaningful.
There's no getting around it - this is a long album. But, it's also amazing. A good variety of songs, with some heavier songs following ballads. It's great.
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuckkk Kanye
The jazz club vibe is really unique. It makes you feel like you are in the room with Tom and company, and the experience deepens as the album progresses. The bass line is truly excellent in this, really carries the album. Overall however, I don't think the monologues are for me. Maybe it is that I know too many men who are trying to emulate Tom's energy in this, or maybe I just don't connect with his stories.
I think it's good, but not great. I am a radiohead fan and I found this to be a bit whiny at times. It does have some great technical moments!
Musically, I can see why people enjoy this. It is NOT for me.
It's a live album without any of the fun from the crowd. I think the overdubs really took away from what this could have been. I agree with a previous reviewer - it's like a flat beer.
This album has some interesting tracks and I can see the impact it made on music today. I will never listen to this again. Docking a point for the foolish hip hip skits.
I found it to meander rather than accomplish what it set out to do.
Very trippy electronic, with a hint of folky fun.
So dumb, so fun
Like, it's well composed and a good album. A double album is always jsut too long for me.
It's not a cover album, but it feeeeeeels like a cover album. You know?
Great classic soul album
I can't imagine following this band around.
I liked the re-recording. It's poppy and Taylor's big genre jump.
Interesting, but really really simple folk rock.
Musically, wonderful. Vocally? Unbearable.
Great Christmas album!
Decent classic Bowie ride
Like I'm in the sexiest strip club and the stripper loves me, for real this time!!
This is WAY too long. When a mid song comes on if feels like a banger just becuase you are suffering so much.
Long, but pleasurable. It's great background rock.
At the start I was fine, but by the end I was exhausted. It's a 5 hour album on Spotify - you're going to need to make some choices.
Good dance tracks, you can picture this in the Blade nightclub
This is horny in a way I don't understand...
A bit faster than their previous album, much more my vibe
Very weird! Especially the flutes!!
Good, but I couldn't do the live sections.
Really otherworldly pop!
Another lovely Nick Drake experience. Only giving 4 stars because the instrumentals took me out of it a bit
Still a decent album, even if the song combos trend a little long for me.
Interesting album for the time, but not a super fun listen these days.
Moody and interesting! An easy 5 stars. I can see how this trends towards pretentious, but it's exactly my jam.
Great album, I can't stand the blues.
the change of genres is exhausting. I get that this was a very experimental time, but I think it's just not for me.
Heavy, but not too boring.
I can't say I enjoyed this SKA and reggae vibe. I can see the value, but, this is not for me.
Interesting album. I agree with a previous reviewer that the sounds are so different that I thought I was listening to a totally different artist halfway through!
This is an outstanding album. Not a bad track and the music is just fantastic. No bad song and no bad vibes.
This is mid. Yeah, it's poems, but, the music is not that interesting.
I feel like this is quintessential 90's hip hop. Well, at least one element of 90's hip hop
This is fantastic sad music. It feels like he's right in the room with you, but not in a "let me play my guitar at you if you like it or not" way
I don't think this is for my listening pleasure. I can see it's interesting for music, but no song really needs to be over 9 minutes....
I love older lana but this was.... not it....
This is amazing.
it is at most mid.
Why is this on the list??
This was a fun gothic ride
It's a good album, but, the radio has killed it. I guess we all liked it too much.
Great folk album.
It's fine, I just don't like reggae
This is like so boring.
Blues and poetry
I think this is a great example of 70's folk. It was hard without the Young songs, but I was able to track them down on Youtube.
Like it's fine???? Nothing special. Nothing worth hearing...
It's decent for the time, but ultimately forgettable.
Good, like all Adele albums, but not my runaway fav. 3.5
Better than I expected, though I am not confident I listened to the correct album.
I GET IT. I don't need another 20 min song the point has been proven.
This is interesting for the genre, but I won't revisit it. The songs all sort of blur together.
I don't really want a live album.
This album is so good I am eating my words about having live albums on this list. I don't need more drawn out guitar solos, but I do need more artists at their best.
Super fun, super 80's. What more do you want?
Very goth, very slutty and horny. I just didn't want to be at this particular orgy
It's decent pop-y rock! But I grew up with this being the norm, so it doesn't really track as innovative for me.
Good, but it really dragged on by the end
Great jazz album
It's better than the other album by TDC on this list, but it's not for me. Less annoying though.
The latter half of the album really started to feel like a lonely island skit...
Excellent, not one I will likely revisit, but a great listen.
Better than I expected! I will never listen to this again though!!
Classic music to listen to in an early 2000's rom com
What a great vibe!!
The second half of the album takes a turn, but, there's some really interesting beats there.
I can see the value as this threw me into a rage.
I really wanted to like this, but, I found it waaaaay too arty for me. It went on a journey but I was not pleased to be on it.
I think if we're all being honest we know that there are some misses on this album.
Wow, I cannot articulate enough how much this album isn't for me. The "poppy" songs feel like they are for a Target checkout line. The "artistic" songs are just ... not a concept song I ever want to hear again
Jane says is good, but my god does the rest grate on as the album progresses.
It really gets annoying as it goes on
It's just okay
This was a way better vibe than I expected!!
This really really dragged. There were a few highs but WAY too many lows.
The hits are still bangers, and the others aren't bad either.
Pretty good blend of country and rock
This just isn't for me.
I see the value and impact of this
Great album, even though you already know the hits its very well mixed and interesting
Great glam rock!
Interesting synth! There's a lot of uninteresting synth on this list, so this was a welcome treat.
Realllly gooodddd fuunnkkkk
The hits are good, but overall the sound of this album is really all over the map.
It certainly is music!
Like it's fine and interesting rock, but didn't revolutionize my day
I've always hated REM, and I just realized that may have been unfounded.
This is what pop should be!! When you think of the 80's I bet you're thinking of this. Every song does sound the same, but, I can smell the hairspray 40 years later.
This is one of the best live albums of all time. Is it perfect? No. But it is really interesting.
This really feels like the same experience over and over. If you like it, you'll love it. If not????
It's not bad, but, I don't really see the cultural impact this album has had....
Outstanding album.
Like, this is good. It's different than expected and sounds really interesting. But, I've immediately forgotten about it. It just has no staying power.
It's a good album, but I think I just like his others more.
I really like Bowie, but, some of these are misses. The hits though??? Chef's kiss
This is forgettable
The hits are good, but, I see why people hate on hair metal
This was just fine. Some songs were interesting, some were not.
This just isn't for me. It might be the foundation of the music I listen to today, but we have done so many more interesting things to build the house since then it's challenging to appreciate.
This is some decent indie rock/pop. I had forgotten it was playing in the background though, so, I'm not sure it has the lasting power they wanted
How can you dislike this???
This was a good political folk experience
This is some SOLID indie rock
I liked the remixes way more than I liked the actual music.
The cover of Help is reason enough to skip this album.
I couldn't wait for this to be over.
Some of the bars are really weak. I think overall there's some interesting samples and highs on this album, but there's better rap albums out there.
Em is angry and you can tell.
This is a decent live show! Too bad the band is just okay
I went through a big KOL phase so this album has lots of nostalgia for me, but, it is forgettable.
It sure is fine!
The smashing pumpkins might not be for everyone, but my gosh are they for me
Wow how bizzare. I can see why people rip on old rap albums now. But, this was SUPER fun.
This is soothing, but VERY repetitive
Wow!! This still rocks decently hard, but not like blowing my mind man
This album made me see why people hate the 80's. The tainted love cover is good.
Indie rock standard. I guess theres production value behind it but unless you are still really into 500 Days of Summer you can skip this.
Honestly decently folky. Surprising.
I was so excited for Elton but I hateddddd this.
I love that older albums are on this list, but, I don't know if this does anything specific for music that isn't accomplished elsewhere.
This is a really interesting choice. I do think some soundtracks are so influential that they should be on here, but, having not seen the movie I can't say for sure. I will say that the first song is trending on tiktok so that must count for something.
I grew up listening to this album and I still think it holds merit today. It's a 4 but extra points for nostalgia
This is a decent old school country album. It's a good example of the way the genre used to be.
So much complaining!!! ;)
Decent, but, not their most rocking
Fine I guess!
Great music to hang out with the mob to
It's decently heavy and loud. I feel like it could've been more varried.
Good funky soul
Good ambient sounds! I gave this a 5 simply because I don't know what better ambient music could be like
For prog rock it's not terrible!!
It's fun and fine!
Is it long? Absolutely. Do all the songs start to sound the same after a while? ABSOLUTELY. Does Ella Fitzgerald make it still pleasurable???? ABSOLUTELY!
Decent example of big band
Wow this is a great live show. It makes me wish I was in the audience. Sam's voice is AMAZING.
I see why people like this
Great album.
It was easy listening, but so easy that I forgot I was listening.
This is 40 min of my life I'll never get back.
I like the flute and lyrics, but most of this was forgettable. Points for flute!
Funnnnnnnky fresh
It's decent! I wasn't mad but I likely won't come back
Stunning jazz album
It's fine generic indie rock
For regagge, this is lovely.
This is forgettable 80's pop.
Funky fresh!
I don't think trip hop is for Madonna
The first half of this album is really interesting folk, but then it rapidly declines.
I enjoyed this album but honestly I forgot it was on
Great jazz/funk. The sax really dominates.
Feels vaguely operatic and is quite nice
IF you told me this was the soundtrack to 500 Days of Summer I would believe you.
Like...........I grew up listening to this so it sounds familiar/good, but, I can see why people would hate it. Like it or not it did change music
This was way better than I thought! A fun mix of genres and rocks hard enough to get me through the workday
It's mid.
This is a forgettable 90's video game.
Classic folk, easy listening, still on the radio today. Boring though.
Like the other reviews state - this is okay, but it's really not wild. If the Beastie Boys are your fav you might love this.
It's not great honestly.
It's fineeeeeeee.
This is the ....third? fourth? Regaee album?? I just don't like it.
Pretty solid ambient sound
The ambient is lovely. HATED when they sang.
Like, it's mid??
Feels familiar listening now. I can see why this is on the list, I just wasn't thrilled.
It's so basic. It's really nothing you need to hear. There are much better examples of whatever this is.
My god did I not want to keep going. Musically? Fine. Interest? Nope.
So twee I want to claw my eyes out
When listening to the first track I was like "WOAH" and then by the end I was like "oh..."
Listen, I get it. She's a punk icon and a poet, changed the world for so many young people. Doesn't mean I need to like her songs though.
Yup, it's rap from the 90's.
This album is forgettable.
Like............ I don't get it.
I think this is music for the sake of art rather than pleasure. Or Listening to it in a cubical simply sucks all the beauty and power from the album. Impossible to know really.
This is supposed to be his best album and I just... cant.
it is good
IDK how to rate this
The beeps and boops are great! I could do without the singing.
God I love Dolly
I don't have any complaints, but there's also nothing about this I needed to hear. I will forget all about this album tomorrow.
How do you even rate this? I can see why it did what it did, but, a day later I can't tell you one thing I remember from the album.
I think this is one of the best morrissey albums I've had to listen to!
Are there songs on this that I like? Sure! Do I think everyone needs to hear the Vikings theme song? Maybe not!
JESUS this sucked.
Frig... no...'s monotonous, to say the least. Also what is UP with that secret track??
This is great! A little long at times.
Against my will, this was a decent Dylan album. This actually sounds like folk instead of the whiny tones of a pathetic sad little man who isn't getting laid as often as he would like.
Like it still slaps. So good.
I mean, for prog rock it's fine!
wow they sure did sell out!!!!
It's fine, I see why this would change your world if you were 14 when it came out.
When I think of classic country I think of this sound. Such a lovely album.
Somehow, no reaction.
It's long. Some of the songs are pretty good, but overall it feels pretty mid.
When this came out it changed my world. There are for sure weak songs on this, and the sound isn't for everyone. But it's for me!! Plus I think a good chunk of the albums on here are "you gotta listen" as someone's favs/vanity project so I don't mind rating one higher when it suits me
HOLY SMOKES. I had extremely low expectations for this album. The band doesn't have many monthly listeners, which has previously meant that the album really isn't worth it. BUT!! WE ARE FOOLS!! This album is SO good. I loved every minute of it.
Wow this vocalist is annoying. Musically it's decent which is why I guess it's 2 stars.
I think this is cool, but in the way that someone looks cool before you get to know them.
Be honest Mylo, how much did you pay to get on this list.
There were some lulls, but, I feel like I went on a journey that I really couldn't resist. This is a jazz album I'd share with anyone looking to learn more about jazz.
If hair metal is going to be on this list it might as well be John Bon
Yup, solid. Deserved the acclaim it got at the time.
I guess this is music! Last track is awful.
this just isn't interesting.
Amy was THE modern lounge singer
I think people are hating on this unfairly. Yes it's similar to lots of other things, but, it's the only thing I've heard recently that's doing this. It was a great listening experience and the vocals are not as bad as people say.
Like... this isn't worth hearing. It's fine musically but not worth the list.
Decent! Made me want to get it on!
This is too long. The songs all start to sound the same.
I didn't quite get the vibe of this album. Musically, it sounded like Rod wanted to go country, but, his voice just couldn't match it?? There's nothing wrong with this, but not much right...
Listen, I can see why the author thought \"I need to include this album to show the Beatles rise to popularity\", but, looking backwards we already know the Beatles are popular. What about this album changed music specifically? Not every album by an influential artist needs to be on this list.
It's background music.
This album didn't capture the feeling of the previous album I listened to on this list. I respect the band for trying to keep going after missing their lead singer, but, without him it's just standard brit pop.
I think the songs that have made it off this album into my general knowledge are the ones with staying power. The rest was just drum and base.
He really is one of the greatest voices and musicians to have ever lived.
I said it once and I'll say it again: I'll like Dylan when he respects women in his lyrics.
This is the best Zeppelin album.
Wow it's like someone heard a rave from 5 miles away and was like "what if I press record??"
Like, it's decent! It didn't blow my mind though! It just sounds like 90's rock music.
This is just rock. Nothing really special, just something I hear on my dad's radio.
Yes, some of these aren't great, but, it is still a good album!!
Yuck! :)
It's decent punk! In my opinion the anger doesn't age with the album, but the horns are nice. It's a fair example of what punk was.
So, I like Radiohead. But this isn't their best work. The album art is amazing though so that makes up for... some of it?
Like it's nice, but also forgettable. It feels like someone opened and 80's time capsule and put this on. I'm not mad at it, but like.... I don't see the impact it had on my daily life
I only knew this band from the memes, but this album was actually pretty decent!!
Great tunes, great voice
I like the artist formerly known, but this was a bit of a slog if I'm being honest.
This feels like punk that's faded in the wash. You can see what the colours used to be, but, they just aren't there now.
Started off strong, but by the end I was waiting for it to be done. Still fairly decent Brit pop I guess.
Good little sad boy music
I don't really know where to go with this one. Musically, it's not overly interesting. I am influenced by the previous reviews that hail it as the start of Nu Metal, but, I don't know what to do with that information either.
Oh, THIS is why people hate the 80's. I get it now.
I wish there was a way to do snippits of albums to show changes of an era. I can totally see why this is on here in the scope of the evolution of music, but, I also just don't want to listen to this for an hour.
Interesting history, fine music I guess. The lime/coconut song is pretty unforgiveable
Beyond Kanye's questionable actions and my deep deep desire to never give him money, this is his least impactful album.
why??????? This wasn't anything I was expecting nor enjoyed??
It's just so good.
Pretty solid synth! I've heard the Mother We Share many times and didn't love it, but I was surprised by many of the other songs on the album
Okay, I get the hype for this. One of the songs did go viral on tiktok so that tells you that this album really resonated with a specific age group or at least was catchy.
I liked this! This was a wider range than traditional trip hop, but still had some of the sounds I was anticipating. It was an interesting and dynamic listen
For an older metal album it's not bad! I see the foundation of the music today, and the riffs are decent and fun
Wow! Laura made some choices here!!! Arguably too many!!!! Yikes!!!
Starts strong and then sort of meanders.
You can hear rock starting to get harder, but every song does sound the same
First half was during an annoying commute, second after a nice day. Really only goes with the mood
It isn't anything wild, just some trance
I agree with the other reviewers. Stevie is amazing, but this isn't his best album ever. Still lovely and pleasant to listen to though!
Not bad!
For an album titled "surfs up" I really expected more of that classic Beach Boys surfer rock and less of a protest album.
If I'm being honest I was dreading this album. I thought it would be like hanging out with my dad when he was in a bad mood, but it's like hanging out with my dad and he's in a good mood.
This was interesting. There is clearly storytelling in the music, but, I found it not really my overall vibe.
This was a pretty solid synth time!
This is the best example of classic dad rock played on classic rock stations. Each song has the beats and blueprint you'd expect, and some decent guitar.
I forgot about this while I was listening to it.
Decent early 2000's hipster rock
Interesting, but, so smooth it is easy to ignore.
Decently interesting indie rock. I've heard some of these songs before, but, I don't know if this album is a must listen for most folks
I actually liked this album better than the last. It was moody and fun
Fine background noise, but, I wouldn't seek it out
Hard to listen to this objectively as I grew up listening to it. I think the hits are amazing, it sounds like classic U2, but isn't the album I'd share with people.
This is forgettable and long. I didn't feel like it did anything critical to the history of music, but, maybe they were the blueprint for all sad rock to come after them?
This is a good album if you like Neil Young, but nothing wild if you have no opinion on him.
I surprisingly didn't have much to say about this! It was fine, didn't blow my mind.
I don't know if the stones actually needed to try a bluesy-country song.....
Dirty 90's rock, hell yeah
Decent folk I suppose, but didn't blow me away
What makes ABBA amazing is how fun they are. Even if you hate disco, these songs are silly silly fun.
Like, this is forgettable.
This is some decent electronica. Great background for work, but not something I think would make me go feral. But, if everything made you feral then nothing would get done, you know?
Honestly?? Pretty decent! This is Bowie at home, but it is pretty decent!!
This is so forgettable! I don't see how I needed to hear this before I died.
Listen, I get that this was the last album before he died. I still didn't like it though.
I personally don't love a mostly instrumental rock album. It was good, and extra points for how cool the album name is.
Listen, this is peak hair metal. It's too much, for sure, but it's ROCKING (in a super polished and hairsprayed way)
I think I just hate Neil Young. This is so whiney???
Oh, I get it.
This is smooooth mall music. I'm pretty anti mall.
I don't think I have anything original to say about this album. It's good though, thank you to the commentors who said to avoid spoitify
Fine! Innovative to me at 13, less so now
This is the start of Brit punk. Sounds basic to me because it is the blueprint
This was whiney and self-serving. John did really need the other Beatles.
A few songs are really interesting, but even with my head down at work I found the rest of the album to be largely boring.
Solid early rock!
This is just typical synth
A classic, but some weird ones
An intimate show with the band that defined a generation
This is at best nothing. It doesn't rock hard enough for rock, and it's pop enough for pop.
This is fine brit rock! I didn't hear anything amazing, although it didn't sound SUPER 90's so points for that??
The tracks that are still played on the rock stations SLAP. The others are fine I guess
This is forgettable. Not worth adding to the list in my opinion
I can see why this changed music, but, it's not something I will ever return to. The points are purely for history.
I feel like I have been waiting for his passion all my life!
It's not punk enough for punk, but not rock enough for rock.
It's mid bar rock.
"We have Phantom of the Opera/Cabaret at home"
Sure is folk!
I get why people hate on hippies now
It's not for me
Yup, it's 50's beach rock alright!
There's some lows, but this was a great album to put on at work. I think I will revisit, which is reason enough to give it a 5
Yup, it's the blueprint!
As a musical documentary, very interesting. To hear the Beach Boys sound in 2024, very interesting. Musically? Well, I just don't love the Beach Boys.
First song? Awesome! Rest of the album??
Honestly? I don't get it.
Like, it's an interesting project I guess? I can see the musical value, and it's cool to have something like this happen in the modern age, but it's also boring??
It's early for them, and it's not my fav. I don't think it's super interesting, maybe in that there are slower songs??
This is very solid. Great lyrics and feel without some of the anger (not NO anger, but maybe a little less) compared to other rap at the time
Interesting. I liked this way more than I liked the CAN album so far, but, this is just a weird little record.
Another reviewer said it best - this album is very much like hanging out with Paul. It's stripped of pomp and is unfinished, making for a very interesting listen. It also feels as though it doesn't care TOO much about making tons of money. Maybe I'm Amazed implies that it does care a little, but, maybe not a lot.
Yeah, it's punk I guess. It's good?? Not TOO fake.
I tried and tried and couldn't find the full album. From the bits I heard, I don't think I'm missing anything.
This is great. It's experimental but I found it to be easier to get into than other Kate Bush albums
I'm not an Eno fan, but, it's fine I guess.
Like, I GET IT. LIFE SUCKS. Stop it.
Gonna be honest, a brutal scream was not how I wanted to start my monday morning.
I was only able to find a 10 minute Youtube clip of this. From what I heard? Great! But, I would be shocked if this was the whole soundtrack. How do I review something if I can't even be sure I've heard the whole thing?
I mean yeah, it's mid, it's the Foo Fighters, what did you expect?
REALLY solid. What I imagine fairy folk rock to be
It's just great. The clarity of his voice carries across the decades and feels so intimate.
Yeah, it's mid. There's not really much to say about this that hasn't been said.
Okay, some of these I didn't actually mind. Will I ever seek this out again? I honestly do not know. But.... I have had worse listening experiences.
"We have Prince at home"
First song is classic, the rest is a very dynamic listening experience. It rocks hard and is in your face but still not too glitzy.
I think this is some solid ambient/shoegaze.
Solid dirty south hip hop
Music was playing! It was (with kindness) nothing :)
I listened to the Iggy mix first and was not really a fan. Now, having listened to the Bowie mix, I am a fan! I think this record is some good rock. I'm going with a middle of the road review because I think the Iggy Mix is a 2, but the Bowie mix is a 4
Sounds for the background of my dad's dinner party (which he never has)
ABBA is great, it's just easy poppy fun.
That first sip of an ice cold cocktail while the heat of summer slowly fades away into evening.
Peter does rock hard I guess! I had low expectations and this exceeded them by far.
Like being in a wine bar, but, you're also on a bad date. Could be the perfect evening but something is missing
Now THIS is the 80's!!!
This is the album someone puts on after you say "I'll listen to anything" and they reply "ANYTHING???"
Like, it's mid?
The beeps and boops are fine, easy enough listening for the workday. BUT!!! NO SONG NEEDS TO BE 17 MINUTES!!!
Yep, it's Elvis!
Straight anger. Are the lyrics misogynistic? Sure! But, it is what it is.
This was a stronger PJ Harvey album. I get the 90's anger and the raw energy
I could've just been in the mood for something ambient, but the tracks where there are no vocals are lovely. The vocals are not for me.
It's astounding how many bad choices vocalists can make in a row.
I mean, how can you not like it?
I mean, it's the third smiths album I've gotten, I don't have anything new to say about them.
This is someone trying to make 90's grunge rock commercial. It works about as well as you expect. I like it's inclusion on this list because it's a good reminder that people do in fact sell out.
It's Bowie, it's the iconic cover, it's weird and fun.
A double LP from the 70's .... yay.... I liked the slide guitar but it wasn't anything special.
This is great heavy punk
Too sad to be ambient, too ambient to be sad
Oh boy. It was long, at best it's mid. I'm not listening to this again
Sure, why not put everything from CSNY on this list. Who cares.
Okay, I get it, but I don't GET it. I found some of the songs great but some too long and boring. I can see what they are doing AND the value in doing it, but like... if I hadn't read the other reviews for this album I would be scoring it lower.
Wow. Not my jam to say the least!!
Decent beeps and boops!
Blues so slow and moody I had no choice but to start smoking a cigarette in the rain
Yeah, it's dated, but a mainstream female rapper in 1989? Points for changing the game and paving the way.
I found this one hard to rate. I did enjoy it, but, I don't think I will revisit. It was fine country but not anything where I was blown away
You know what? Like it or not Nu Metal got us where we are today in music. This wasn't as insufferable as nu metal can be, and I honestly enjoyed listening to this while drinking my coffee on a Monday morning.
I don't think we need to bring jam bands back. I think we have exhausted that genre already.
It's a cover album. Let's be real - if this wasn't the stones this wouldn't be on the list. They aren't doing anything special enough to warrant interest here.
Somehow, I grew up never listening to Elvis. Experiencing this was FUN. He is in a old Vegas mood and I don't mind the higher production on the album. It was a fun and entertaining album with some good tunes.
I get it. Hearing that this is where Emmylou comes into her own with songwriting - this late in her career - really shows how she has evolved as an artist. She has history and experience in the genre, and still manages to share a fresh take and voice.
Yes, it's twangy. No, you don't need to listen to all of it - the songs are all the same.
I might just be a hater but I don't think there is anything life changing about an album of mostly covers.
Pop, fun, and a girl group! What else do you need??
Know what's really terrible? The inclusion of a Morrisey argument as a track and this much harmonica.
The arrangement of "u" alone is worth 5 stars. Great album.
I think this just isn't my taste. I find it to just make me wish I was listening to something else.... but I guess it's good?????? If you like this sort of thing??
Not the jazz I like to listen to with whisky, but, the kind that's fun to dance to.
* laughs nervously * what the fuck
It's mall jazz. There's nothing special here.
It's important in the history of Beyonce and the early 2000's, but the album is a bit long.
This was pretty middle of the road for me.
If I never hear this band again it will be too soon.
It's the kind of music you would play if you wanted people to dance in 20 minutes, but didn't want people to get hyped up just yet.
Just... whatever I guess. Not really something I was impacted by. It's long? And okay???
Three hours (Spotify) is openly hostile as an album length, but it's good work background music.
It's slow, it's sad, it was minorly annoying.
It's basic 80's pop I guess. It's not that offensive, but it sounds like so many other albums on this list.
Rod Stewart has such a unique voice and energy. It's not the best album, but it is fun
I didn't need to hear this before I died.
First and last tracks are tough, but otherwise it's fine electronic music. Nothing wild though
This is too pretentious for me.
Reaaallll eaaasssyyyy shopping music
The album cover is better than the album
This was a great heavier album. Nothing like "special" special, but a fun break from the rest of the list
Whatever 80's pop rock.
It's so late 90's/early 00's. Whiny rock but it doesn't seem like they mean it.
I think this album is 2-3 songs too long.
Some mid rock. Tom's got some bangers but they aren't on this album IMO.
This is a great approach of an album. I feel the history of Guthrie, but still the freshness of Wilco and Bragg. This is also the only time I've enjoyed listening to Bragg.
I don't get it, but I guess it isn't terrible
I thought I would hate this. Cheesy 80's rap? I mean, it begs to be hated! But, this was a surprisingly good listen
I can tell you love Bowie, but I can also tell you don't get Bowie.
This is classic AC/DC
Pretty middle of the road!
Is it bad that my first introduction to this album was from Saltburn?
I'm sure if I was actually at this concert it would be great. But, to listen at my desk? It was just okay...
Fine, middle of the road at best.
Some of these were bangers, but the train whistle really threw me off
This album is too long. The songs need to be trimmed back, and the outro should be cut altogether.
Chill, great, easy vibes
I went into this expecting to be STOKED, but it really was the same song over and over and I wasn't really wowed.
It's okay I guess.
I just kept waiting for something interesting to happen. It's musically not terrible, but it's not very interesting.
All the leaves are brown ALL THE LEAVES ARE BROWN
Yeah, it's covers, but that was the time! The soul and voice really carry.
Mornful, sucks that this isn't on spotify because I will probably forget about it.
I get that's it's music history but I'm not that kind of music nerd.
It really grows on you!
This album is more commercial but still has the classic off beat Bush energy.
Some of these songs are interesting, but overall the album is trying too many different things. It would be stronger if it picked and stuck to a lane.
Wildly forgettable.
This is a very interesting album. A high volume of short songs means lots of room for expression and experimentation. There are a few songs that flop, but otherwise this feels like a really strong example of the music of the 90's.
I really wanted to prove the haters wrong, but the haters were right: without the movie this is missing so much.
Yeah it's the 80's!!
I don't know if I will revisit, but this was a decent sound!
It's got the spirit of Dylan but not the whiny complaints.
I don't have anything new and exciting to say about this album
I didn't hate this as much as the other album, but songs should not be over 10 minutes.
This is middling country. It is not innovative, but it isn't wildly offensive either.
Every song sounds the exact same.
Well... it's fine I guess??? For the 60's??
If this is the BEST example of grime, sure. I still don't need to like it though.