Duck Stab/Buster & Glen
The ResidentsI did this project to get out of my comfort zone. Maybe my comfort zone wasn’t so bad.
I did this project to get out of my comfort zone. Maybe my comfort zone wasn’t so bad.
Overall kinda bland to me
I’m a sucker for 80s music
I like the style of music, but the lyrics sound like a bunch of 19 year olds who find themselves funnier than they actually are.
I still just can’t get Radiohead
Solid album but not really my favorite style. Some fun hits to rehear again for the first time in a while, but probably won’t be going back to it again.
A fun listen and a lot jazzier than I remember. Probably the first time I listened through the full double album. It’s long and I could have done with less skits, but will definitely come back to a few songs I heard for the first time.
Different but really good. Didn’t understand a word of it, but really liked it
It’s muddy waters. What’s not to love.
I didn’t like Metallica going into this and it didn’t change my mind. Just not a heavy rock/metal guy.
Not my favorite Beatles album, but it's still a Beatles album and is fantastic.
Pleasantly surprised by an album I wasn’t familiar with. No song in particular jumped out as a favorite if add to a playlist or something but together it was a cohesive enjoyable listening experience. I could see myself coming back to this album
One of my gravitates from the stones
Great soundtrack to a great movie
Great sounds but got a little monotonous toward the end.
The Talking heads are one of my favorite bands. This isn’t my favorite album from them, but still has some great tracks.
First captain beefheart record I’ve listened to. Not what I was expecting, but overall a pretty solid blues album.
Classic Muddy Waters. Love it
I first listened to this album when it came out and everyone was raving about it. I had never listened to any of her early work, but people who’s opinion on music I trust kept telling me how great she was. I listened through the discography and just couldn’t really get into it. It wasn’t bad, it just wasn’t something I loved like seemingly everyone else did. This is my first time revisiting it since it came out and I actually liked it a lot more. Still probably not going to make a list of my favorite albums, but I could see myself listening to it again in the future.
This is an album I feel like I should like, and I’ve tried to like, but I just can’t get into it. Thom York’s voice is just too whiney for me to enjoy. I kinda liked In Rainbows and even their newest one a good bit more than Kid A.
The War on Drugs are one of my favorite bands and this is the album that got me into them. 10/10 desert island album for me
This was not what I was expecting. There were some songs I didn’t hate, but also a lot that I did.
A classic. Dusty’s voice is one of a kind
It was ok, some interesting songs, but a lot drug on a little too long.
It was ok. I recognized the one song maps, but wasn’t overly into the rest of the album. Mostly know the band from their Heads Will Roll that got remixed to death.
Start studded list of collaborators. Just a fantastic blues album that I’m upset with myself for just discovering
Delightfully 80s
Good lyrics, but the sound gets a little monotonous by the end of the record.
I get this is a classic album, but Bowie never really clicked with me.
First time listening to Janelle Monáe. I found it a fun upbeat jazzy/neo soul record I could definitely see myself listening to again.
Not a bad classic rock album, but a lot of the songs went on way too long. The organ solo especially were a little much.
I don’t love the lead singers voice and just didn’t really care for the album
I get it’s Zappa and it’s poking fun at the flower power 60s. I don’t mind a satire record, but at least make it listenable.
Classic Pearl Jam
Billie’s voice is just incredible. You can really hear the sadness in the songs. Such a tragic story.
Solid Clapton album
Some absolute classics on this album
Not great, but not bad. Middle of the road album for me with that one famous song from every 90s movie.
Love Curtis’ voice and song writing, but none of the tracks on the album rank up there with his best in my opinion
Haven’t listened to the pet shop boys before. Not bad
Going to try and separate the art from the artist on this one. I find 2024 Kanye to be a mentally unstable insane person who does and says horrible things and someone who I couldn’t support. That being said, this album is a fantastic hip hop album and very nostalgic to my high school days.
That was different. Not sure I feel about it, would be good music to listen to when working
Like a less good version of the talking heads
CCR is one of the best to ever do it and this album is one of my favorites
Very forgettable 80s Brit Pop. Nothing really stood out or interested me
I like common, and this album had some good tracks on it, but none that really stood out to me. It’s also a little long for my taste.
One of their best
I don’t listen to much jazz, and I found this to be pretty good. Still not my favorite genre but it definitely has its place.
Good underworld album I haven’t listened to before. Started off strong and faded a little toward the end. But still a solid 4 star.
Not my favorite genre, but some ok songs.
Just a masterpiece
Eh, not really my favorite genre
Bob is always some feel good music
Never been a big U2 fan and this album didn’t change my mind.
I could picture myself listening to this while sipping rum in Havana, but I’ll probably never do that so I’ll probably never listen to this again.
Found it whiney and boring
Not great not terrible pretty weird. Overall meh
Not a genre I normally listen to but this is objectively a fantastic album.
Never been a big flaming lips fan. I find Wayne Coyne’s voice to be too whiney. So this isn’t doing much for me.
Really enjoyed this album. PJ Harvey is an artist I’ve heard of a lot but never took the time to listen to, I’ll have to change that.
Never really listened to the burrito bros before, but I always thought they were more psychedelic rock. This sounded more like classic country. I can’t stand modern country but this was pretty good.
Solid stones album. Listened to the US version because Paint it Black is a top 5 Stones song for me.
I have a soft spot for 90s British dance music
When starting this I wondered if I would give any 1 star reviews. I can usually see something positive in a record even if it isn’t a style I usually enjoy. Then 55 records in I got this. I did not enjoy this.
He’s obviously a great piano player but just solo piano Jazz for over an hour gets kinda boring.
Decent socially conscious rap from Michael Franti
I tried to separate the art from the artist in college dropout, but there’s no need here. The art and the artist are both awful. I really hope there isn’t more Kanye on this list.
Just a really good Iggy Pop album. Lust for life and success are great tracks.
Not a huge rush fan, but this was pretty good considering it didn’t have any of the songs I knew.
One of the all time great voices.
I’ll be watching you is an all time creepy song, but it along with most of the other songs on this album are catchy as hell.
This is pretty quintessential 80s music. Some boring tracks on the album but it’s saved by the big hits.
I wanted to like this album but none of the songs really did anything for me. Overly meandering and operatic.
I don’t know what’s more nostalgic this album or all the remixes that came out of these songs. As someone who was 21 when this came out and it coinciding with the explosion of electronic music I. America, these songs were everywhere.
I feel like the situation I listened to this in hurt my opinion of it. I generally listen to these albums during my morning workout and jazz just doesn’t do it for me in that context. Was a solid jazz album but would like to listen again.
One of my favorite albums and in my opinion some of Dylan’s best song writing.
Decent queen album. Some hits some ok. Not my favorite by them.
Wow I really dislike this. From the artwork, to the song titles, to the music itself. It just does nothing for me.
Didn’t love this one, and I do like some of the pixies stuff. Just not this album apparently
Was expecting more blues and less screaming. Meh album
This album was cool when I was 12 and it was really edgy. The real slim shady and Stan are still classics, but the overall misogyny and homophobia makes it an album I would return to, even for nostalgia
Very middle of the road rap album for me. Didn’t hate it didn’t love it.
I don’t love the cure but I do like them.
One of my favorite albums of all time, I personally would go with Live Rust, but both are fantastic. Into the blue/out of the black, thrasher, and Powederfinger are all some of Neil’s greatest work.
Big fan of the really bluesy stuff the black keys did pretty much up through this album.
Hallelujah is a classic, but the rest of the album didn’t do much for me.
Didn’t care for this one, just not my style
I really don’t like metal. The tempo, the themes, all of it. I get it’s skilled playing, but just not for me.
I read something about how when NWA came out with Fuck the Police hip hop took over being the music of rebellion from rock. It’s certainly an interesting take that I don’t really disagree with. So I get the significance of this album and the rhymes and beats are really good. However the misogyny and homophobia so common in that area of hip hop is kind of jarring in 2024.
Solid early Who
Some interesting songs at the start but I was losing interest by the end of the album.
Didn’t realize so many of their hits are from one album. But overall not a huge GnR guy. So 3 stars for the 2-3 good songs.
Funky but all the memorable.
Just meh
I remember hearing about Bad Brains in some documentary years ago that had Steve Albini in it. I do t like punk so I was expecting to hate this. It’s definitely not my favorite but I didn’t mind it.
Only ever knew come on Eileen from them and this album did t even have that song, so I wasn’t expecting much. Walked away pleasantly surprised. I’m a sucker for a good horn section. Takes me back to my Ska days.
Great album by Sly.
I mean I’m open to music in other languages but when it seems to be so heavy in the lyrics and I can’t understand them, it makes it hard.
Some good, some ok, some boring. Overall middle of the road album.
Great group, great album.
Definitely sounds like 1989
Never listened before and really enjoyed it.
I should give it a chance listening all the way through and stoned off my ass, but I couldn’t do either of those things and listened to chunks throughout the day. Didn’t enjoy it in that context.
Classic nostalgia from the 90s
Some decent songs but a lot of songs that sounded like the band wandered into the studio hammered and didn’t bother editing.
Not bad but too many boring songs to get to 4 stars. Didn’t need a 7+ min song.
Fantastic album front to back.
Young Americans is my favorite Bowie song and this is probably my favorite album. Admittedly I haven’t listened to a lot of Bowie and didn’t really get Ziggy Stardust, but really enjoyed this.
Some ok songs, but overall too slow for me
The more I do this list the more I appreciate short albums. I appreciate this album. Also enjoyed the faces songs beyond Oh La La. Solid album.
Not a big rush guy but this has all the rush songs I like on it.
Not my favorite Petty album but still solid.
Never heard of them, even though one of their songs is saved on my Spotify from some playlist over the years, but really enjoyed it. Fun find.
Sometimes I mood really affects these reviews. I like iron and wine and the tallest man on earth so I like this style sometimes. But yesterday it was more “what’s this medieval bard shit?” Felt like a 2 yesterday but I’m sure in a different mood I could give it a 4 so I’m splitting the difference.
This album really helped me define the line where punk goes from good to not good for me. I enjoyed probably 50% and disliked the other 50%.
I already forget what this album sounded like and I listened to it yesterday.
Fun little album.
I don’t just give Beatles albums an auto 5 stars, but everyone I listen to I’m like “yeah that’s a 5 star album” they’re the goats for a reason.
I still just can’t get Radiohead
Sounded like it should be the soundtrack to a musical. And not a great musical.
I only really know the two big REM songs, but I really enjoyed this whole album.
Had never listened to sonic youth, but I really liked this album.
Could have died without listening to this.
Great voice
Reminds me of the 90s and held up better than expected.
I like the style of music, but the lyrics sound like a bunch of 19 year olds who find themselves funnier than they actually are.
Delightfully all over the place. Weird but fun with some real great songs in there. Enjoyed it front to back for the most part.
I really don’t like metal
Interesting listening to this right after Lana headlined Coachella. I remember when summertime sadness came out when I was in college. I enjoyed that first album even if it was a little slow. I probably listened to the remixes more than the original. Kinda surprised she seemly recently blew up to this level. I hear it’s because of tik tok? Either way good for her, she has some nice songs and good lyrics, even if the album is a little slow and monotonous for me.
Man this list really loves British post punk bands. Like most of them, nothing I hate here, but nothing that really speaks to me. Just straight down the middle of the road.
Hadn’t listened to this oasis album before, but quite liked it
Wasn’t awful but not for me.
Fantastic first album from one of my favorite bands.
One of the greatest blues/rock albums. Not to mention its live.
Extremely meh. Can’t really remember anything about the album <24 hours later.
First song is good and the last song is ok. Not sure what was going on in the middle there. Never got the hype around this album.
I can see why Get it on was the only hit off this album, but it was enough to get 3 stars
I get the concept they’re going for but the music just isn’t get enough to make the bit fun.
The rock flute is kinda fun
Never really cared for rock operas, but it’s not awful
My friends is a great song, the rest range from pretty good to meh.
Just fantastic. So many just fun catchy songs. Love me some Cat Stevens
I didn’t remember the pumpkins rocking this hard
I probably liked this more after seeing them live then when I tried listening before seeing them.
Just very bland 90s pop punk. Can’t say I enjoyed any song on the album.
Weird not hearing heads will roll as the remix, but the whole album is actually really solid.
I’m by no means a dead head, but I don’t hate them as much as a lot of other people seem to on this website. There were some boring parts where it just sounded like random noodling, but some fun parts too.
Better than I was expecting.
Not my favorite Sly Album. Felt like it never really got going and was mostly a collection of songs that were almost there.
Top 5 Neil studio album
Not what I usually listen to but not bad.
Really enjoyed this album and only recognized one of the songs
Sad but pretty good
Was going to give it 3 stars until Don’t came in. Including that on an album drops it at least 1 star.
Honestly the production is great...the lyrics are a little too out there for me. Drops it from a 3/4 star to a 2 for me.
No standout tracks to me, but just a solid album all around wish I could go 3.5 stars but I’ll round up to 4.
One of my favorite jazz albums
Been a while since I listened to method man. High school me was all about this. Holds up ok.
I need to listen to more PJ Harvey. Really enjoyed this.
Good not great
Started off pretty good but my interest tailed off by the end
Fun little 90s indie album. Would listen again.
Another meh Brit pop album
I’m starting to get more into Bowie from this list. Great album
Wow I was not expecting to like this. I’ve tried to get into Morrissey before when he was playing at a festival I was going to. I wasn’t able to then and the little I caught of his performance was…bad. I honestly had considered doing 1 star and not listening for the first time this project. I’m glad I didn’t because I quite enjoyed it. The title track is a little ham fisted and kept this from creeping up to a 4 star.
Fun groovy Isley bros album.
All time classic funk
Meh nothing standing out about this album. I do appreciate the short runtime.
Slow and weird
Meh, not bad but nothing standing out either.
Fantastic hip hop album. The Steely Dan sample song was my favorite
Not my favorite Beatles solo work
Mildly fun album.
Finally! A Brit pop album I liked.
Great album and even better collaborations. Just didn’t have any one song that stood out as a true hit
I had a 3rd wave ska phase in high school, so kinda cool to listen to some ska revival stuff. Plus I always love a good horn section.
The Spotify version of this is only 4 songs. That seems like an appropriate amount.
Puts the classic in classic rock.
Solid punk album
Good, not great
Love the band
Did not care for this
PJ rocks 🤟
Not stoned enough when I listened
I fuckin love Steely Dan
I don’t know if I like it because I’m supposed to or if I really just like it.
Did not need 1.5 hours of this. One or two songs to experience something different, fine. It just wouldn’t end.
This is a hard one for me. Having gone to high school with Taylor and her not saying the nicest things about our high school, along with I’m sure a healthy dose of jealousy, has made me an anti-swiftie. But, objectively this is a great pop album. I’m a Jack a Todd fan and his fingers are all over this. It kills me, but this is a 4 star record.
Pretty ok funk/ska record. Not doing much for me but I don’t hate it
Not the worst Radiohead album but still not a fan.
Love this era of Dylan
Really good blues album
Fun little instrumental album
Was great music to listen to during wrestling practice, but as I’ve gotten older and less angsty, it doesn’t speak to me as much. I get it’s culturally significant and all that so it gets bumped up to 4 stars
Peak Simon and Garfunkel
Great vibes
Good stuff
It was ok
The peak kings of Leon
Starts off hot but gets a little bloated by the end
Stevie Wonder is fantastic, this didn’t need to be a double album though.
The last song that was a cover was the best song. Was fun at first but got old quick
Soundelike Kate Bush over an electronica album. I didn’t hate it.
That’s was actually really fun
A classic classic
I do t normally like U2, but this was a pretty good album.
Was a two start, but I loved the last song enough to go to 3.
Way too much deep purple.
Love the vibe of this album
I was never a big Bowie fan before this project, but I have definitely become one after hearing a few so far. So I had never heard of the Berlin trilogy before. It started off great but that ambient second half…not my thing
Overall kinda bland to me
Above average
Very 80s. Nothing really stood out, but nothing made me dislike it.
This isn’t even a top 5 Bruce record for me, but still easily a 5 star album.
So influential to the rise of electronic music. Can be a little boring at parts, but still a classic.
Love the vibe of this
All over the place, but in a good way
I fuckin love Steely Dan
Meh didn’t do much for me.
Wish I was chilling smoking a joint listening to this vs driving to work. Still a fun classic hip hop album.
This style of jazz is probably my favorite
All time classic
Solid jazz album. Put it on while cleaning the house. Enjoyed it, but didn’t blow me away.
I’ll take classic country over that modern pop country garbage any day. Still not my favorite genre, but it has its place.
I mean c’mon. It’s Dark Side of the Moon
Aldi brand Oasis
Only positive is I now have a specific example of music I hate
Turns out I don’t hate the Smiths like I thought. I don’t love them, but also don’t hate them.
It’s Prince
Solid psych album.
Fun little 90s indie album
I feel like I’ve heard this whole album played at weddings
I don’t hate it
A funky good time
I’m finding I don’t love the R&B sound
I hated this less than the other Metallica album I got. But I still don’t like Metallica or metal in general
Wasn’t expecting a Britney album on here. I guess it was culturally huge. I didn’t care for it when it came out and I still don’t.
Really liked this album as a cohesive thing not so much for the individual tracks
Finally made it through! This feels like a mini version of this whole project. Ella had a great voice, no denying that, but I didn’t not need 3.5 hours of this. Also nothing I would ever see myself choosing to listen to again.
Better than I expected based off the album cover, but nothing super memorable.
I’m a sucker for 80s music
The best Billy Joel
Fun chill jazz album
Weird but not bad
Heard a lot of praise for this when I came out but just middle of the road for me.
Great album and white rabbit is an all time great song
I have a hard time differentiating a good punk album from a bad punk album. This was fine, didn’t hate it, but probably won’t listen again
Unlistenable nonsense. I will say at least it was more interesting than the slipnot album. I would listen to this over that. To be clear, I hope to never listen to either ever again.
One of the best opening two tracks on any album. Fades a little toward the end
Punk was kinda fun when I started this list, but man it all sounds the same. This album started over while I was listening and it took me 4 tracks to notice.
Kinda boring
Peter Gabriel is great and there are some great songs on this album, but not quite 5 star for me. I’d give 4.5 if I could.
Just good classic rock and roll
This sounds like that one buddy you had who was in a band and they were kinda good, but you could tell they probably weren’t good enough to make it. But then this album is on this list, so I guess they did make it? But then again so are some pretty terrible records, so I don’t even know what to think anymore. 3 stars
Classic 90s rave sound
Not their best album but I liked the jazzy aspect to it.
Good live album, got a little too heavy/punky for me toward the end
Some fun catchy tunes on here
I did this project to get out of my comfort zone. Maybe my comfort zone wasn’t so bad.
I’m a full on Bowie fan now because of this list.
Some fun new wave bits, some got a little too weird
I want some whiskey
Finally, a pros rock record I like
Started off like a modern beach boys but just got weird and boring at the end
Not my favorite jazz album but still a good listen.
Nostalgic album for me. For some reason I have a very clear memory of listening to this on a bus to a field trip in high school on my portable CD player. Possibly an early mp3 player. Still holds up well.
Meh, imagine is the only great song here
Some fun one on here but not super memorable for me
Great voice but mediocre album.
A classic
Despite not having a classic singing voice by anyone’s definition this works so well and is such an interesting listen.
Weird but fun. Exactly what I would expect from Byrne and Eno
Decent but a little too heavy for me. Great vocals from skin
The white stripes rocked
Actually preferred his studio album. Ginger baker is a legend, but didn’t need a 10 min drum solo as an entire song.
Been jammin a lot of Beck recently
Not the greatest record ever, but some classics. Not sure why some people hate this so much
Yeah it’s not good, definitely a 1 star, but similar to Kollaps I’d rather listen to this than slip knot.
Two of my favorite Peter Gabriel songs on this album, but also some that were a little too weird keeping it from being a 5 star.
Classic hip hop album but isn’t something I’ll probably listen to again.
Eh, I don’t get the hype. Ok, but I don’t love it.
That was a fun find!
I’ve always meant to get into Sufjan’s work, but never listened to very much of it. Having this on in the car driving on a beautiful fall day was fantastic.
Got to enjoy this on vinyl. Love this record, but wish I had some Dogfish Head Bitches brew to enjoy it with.
Classic album, but I’m past my raging against anything days.
Sounds like if John Lennon took too much heroin and just noodled around with some half baked song ideas.
I’m generally not a U2 fan, but this was a good album.
Good all around album for “one hit wonders”
I enjoy bluegrass probably more than most, and this is fantastic, but also didn’t need to be over 2 hours.
The peak of the chili peppers
Early Clapton slaps
Not a huge doors fan, but this is their best album
I fuckin love Steely Dan
Fun how it makes you feel like you’re having cocktails in Cuba, but not really my cup of tea.
Felt like a bunch of half baked songs
Not my favorite but solid
Some nice parts but a little too weird for a lot of it.
Neil Young rocks
Actually loved this. Not some historic album or anything, just really fun. Also a sucker for a good horn section.
Never really liked them
Different, but not great outside of a few
Not my favorite Bowie. To melodramatic
Respect the hell out of Hayes as a musician, but just an ok album.
Not bad not great. Nice little stripped back folk.
Even as an electronic music fan, this album was way too long. I’m also not a big dnb fan.
Not for me. The guy screaming Kill Me over and over isn’t the music I want to start my day. Or really ever.
I RESPECT this album
Did not need this much live Motörhead
Better than the self titled album
Always makes me think of trailer park boys
Still not a huge country guy, but Willie is a classic.
Nice little pop album
Funky fun vibes.
The song Cars will always remind me of Test Drive 6. Synth heavy album.
Love early Kings of Leon, but this record started their sellout era. Still some decent song, but if I never hear sex on fire or use somebody again I’ll be cool with that.
Good song writing but nothing really hooked me and I’m unlikely to return to it.
Pretty ok jazz album. Solid background music.
Little Rock n roller takes on a whole new meaning after the passing of his son.
My personal favorite of Kraftwerk’s. Sounds the most like more modern electronic music they inspired.
I mean, it’s the White album.
People doing fact listen to Moby
Probably would be a 5 star to high school freshman me, but this album does hold up. Even more so with the current political climate
Starts off with a great song and gets weird from there. 3 stars because running up the hill is a jam
Was not what I was expecting based off the band name. Now I want to watch vanishing point
Not bad but sader and more whiney than I prefer
I really like discovering other reggae not from Bob Marley
I wonder how many children we born because of this album.
Solid pac record
Nah, this isn’t it
I wouldn’t put AC/DC up there with a list of all time greats, but this album has some classic tracks on it.
I like some Aerosmith, but not this album
A folk classic, but not my personal favorite
Fun 60s psych band I had never heard of
Honestly liked this better than Folsom
Now I’m sad
Man all the good Black Sabbath songs are on one album?
Great album from a band I really enjoy and fortunately got to see headline Coachella
The talking heads don’t miss
Man county music has changed and Ray is a legend
Two talking heads albums in one week? On track for my favorite week on the generator yet. Another great one from the Talking Heads. Especially love Life During Wartime. One of the records I listened to the bonus material from the deluxe edition.
Just an absolute classic from van the man
One of my favorite Neil albums. Just veered off into the ditch
Maybe I would like old tango better?
It’s prince so it’s solid, but nothing really grabbing me.
Some songs hold up, some have that issue where I would not be able to sing along to them, but I guess that’s more of a me problem. Still a classic with some songs I would go back to.
I really like how varied this album is. There’s some scream-y punk stuff, some more melodic stuff. Some I disliked, some I really like. 4 stars mainly because it was interesting and kept me engaged throughout.
Joni is a legend, and blue is just flat out beautiful.
One of the many great Elvis Costello albums
Meh Brit punk band.
John was a national treasure
Not a big supertramp fan. Meh album overall
Meh, nothing really grabbing me, but not bad.
My favorite white stripes album
Not a big rap guy but this was a fun listen
I like but don’t love REM. This album was fine.
Might have gotten a start for sentimentality, but it hold up pretty well.
Just can’t really get into muse.
Just a solid classic live blues album.
Parts of this sounded like Jason Segel’s vampire puppet opera.
As far as Christmas albums go, it certainly is one.
Just blended into background music.
Not really my thing but I get why it’s highly praised
A lot of it was bad, some was ok, and blinded by the lights was really good. Rounds out to a 3 star
Not really my cup of tea
Bob’s studio stuff doesn’t hit near as well as his live stuff. Still iconic.
It doesn't get more 80s sounding than this, but overall, despite me usually loving 80s music, nothing here really stuck with me
Meh kind of like a not as good Marvin Gaye
Love anything Neil touches.
It’s the Beatles
Elvis doesn’t miss
I mean it had Layla but it’s a little bloated as an album
Really enjoyed Ray’s big band Nola jazzy style album. I’m adding Let the Good Times Roll to the playlist next time I’m heading to New Orleans
One of my favorite Springsteen albums which makes it one of my favorite albums period. This departure from the E street band, just him in his house with his guitar produced some of his best song writing. Can’t wait for the movie about this time period and anyone who enjoyed this album should go read deliver me from nowhere.
Great title track, but after reading the reviews calling the rest elevator music, I can’t unhear it.
Another fantastic Joni Mitchell album. I forgot how good Raised on Robbery was.
I’m not a huge Elvis fan but he is the king.
One of the greatest records of all time. Only thing that could have made it better is if they replaced Oh Daddy with Silver Springs
Sounds like it would have been a fun show but I’m just kinda indifferent to cheap trick.
Isn’t anything impressing me on this album, but it’s not bad. Very middle of the road.
I thought I would recognize more abba songs
In a certain context I could see myself enjoying this more, but too moody for first thing in the morning.
There’s some nostalgia to these songs, but overall doesn’t hold up as well as some other hip-hop from that time.
I feel like I could have rated this higher but I was in a shitty mood yesterday
Really enjoyed this. Reminded me of Pretty Lights, who I’m sure was inspired by this album.
A lot of song writers are called poets, and Leonard Cohen might be the most deserving of that title.
Tribe is quickly becoming my favorite hip hop group
Definitely a different electronic album. Sounded more like a movie score than anything that would be played at a club. Nothing really jumped out at me or made an impression but not bad.
Love it, so many classics.
Just a fantastic electronic album.
Not enjoying this one
Elvis Costello doesn’t miss. Makes me want to go watch The Duece again
Fine early 00s garage rock, but nothing really connected with me.
I have a soft spot for factory records after watching 24hr Party People
Not sure why everyone loved the sitar in the 60s/70s. Can’t even picture myself enjoying this on acid.
Not a huge Van Halen fan but this album is a classic.
Not doing it for me
I don’t know if this is consider mid career Dylan or late career Dylan. Either way I know a lot of people who love his stuff even up through the 2020s. There were a few good tracks here but overall sounded too slow and tired. Didn’t hate it didn’t love it.
I hate calling bands a one hit wonder, but it might be true for a-ha. Take on Me, a classic. The rest of the album wasn’t really noteworthy at all. Still had take on me though, so 3 stars.
Brampton would have been a fun live show to see
Interesting and had it moments but probably won’t be coming back to this one.
I disliked this less than some other Radiohead albums, even liked some of it, but I still don’t understand how people listen to Thom York sing and love it so much. It’s just so whiney