Gunfighter Ballads And Trail Songs
Marty RobbinsThis album is simply awful. Nonsence cowboy music. Favourite song: There really wasnt one Least favourite: All of them Album artwork: Very American
This album is simply awful. Nonsence cowboy music. Favourite song: There really wasnt one Least favourite: All of them Album artwork: Very American
I had never heard of pavement before! My first thought is very generic 90s alt rock and indie. It was a nice album but nothing stuck out. It reminded me of American Pie and music from that era of american comedy. Favourite song: Newark Wilder and cut your hair Least favourite: the rest of the album is very meh. Album artwork: Cool cover if not a little messy.
I need this album after the last week or so. I am returning from Mexico and a 5/5 album was needed for my first day back at work. What a start with Brown Sugar. Such a good song and guitar riff. Wild horses is one of my favourte songs and Sister Morphine is so under rated. This is a top top album. Favourite song: Wild horses Least favourite: All top tracks Album artwork: Iconic cover
What a confusing album this is. there are some great rock and roll songs on this album and then some real dross and there are only 7 songs on the album. I was really not a fan of next. The opening 3 tracks are great. I love Faith healer and gang bang. Then the album goes a little downhill. I will be downloading this and listening to it again. Favourite song: Gang bang Least favourite song: Next Album artwork: Love the cover
Short, sharp, and great. Punk at its best. 21 songs in 36 minutes is impressive feet. I had never heard of Wire or pink flag before, but I was impressed. It seemed very ahead of its time for a 1977 release. Favourite song: Three girl rumba and ex lion tamer. Least favourite: Nothing was long enough to not like Album artwork: Cool cover
OK album, A little repetitive. Not my style for an everyt day listen.
Really good album. So many big hits on it.
Not for me. I have never been able to get into Porishead. I find the album all very samey.
not really for me
Good album. Some top songs on but also some filler.
I enjoyed this and would listen to it again!
Such a good album with so many hits on. Never listened to it before and really enjoyed
Really interesting listen and not what I was expecting. A lot of the songs I have heard covered better by other artists. There is something very showy about it.
Heavy and such a generic sound. I wouldnt listen to this again.
Terrible, really bad!
Good fun album
Love this album, some great songs that I had no idea where XX. I will listen again
Great album, Some really catchy tunes
I have never been a fan of Radioahead. A lot of similar songs that are OK.
Not really my thing
Really didnt like this. It felt like a poor mans spinal tap
Awful album, wrestling music. Would happily never listen to this again!
I have never been a fan of Clapton but I really enjoyed this album. There are some great songs on it.
Some nice pop songs on this. Not something I would normally listen to though and wouldnt again. Very 80s!
Love this album, Some great songs and a very different sound for the time.
Loved another girl, what a great song. Never heard of this band before but I really enjoyed the album.
So many songs I knew, the cornerstone of hip hop
Brilliant indie pop and a real push back to my youth. I love this album. girls and boys and parklife are tracks of my teenage years.
Not normally my sort of album or music. this album has some great 80s tunes on though. I enjoyed but am not sure I would listen again!
Some great tunes.
In my view its a very odd album. Long songs that seem to jump all over the place and have a Robin Hood feel to them. Not an album I would listen to again.
Amazing album. one of the Smiths best. Rush and a Push is one of my favourite songs.
Nice album, loved the cover of goin back. Not a big fan of the instumentals though.
Loved it, great punk music. Have not heard much of their music but I will be checking out other albums. Really good
Three little birds is one of my faves, great song. I had never listened to a Bob Marley album until this one. I thought the songs worked well together and it was a great album.
I have no idea what I think of this album, there were moments and songs I really enjoyed and then some absolute rubbish. i will give this a listen again to see if my mind changes.
I always loved this album, there are some great tunes on it, Heroine and we are the pigs particularly. Really raw and gothic sound.
Not a fan at all. Whinny songs that all sem the same. I feel Radionhead are a very over rated band.
I loved this album, some great pop songs. Downloaded and will listen to this again. I had not heard many talking head songs but I am now a fan!
Great pop album, sound of my youth
I enjoyed this a lot more than I thought I would. the insturemental tracks where interesting and different and worked well along with the classic songs santana is known for. Its a great album from start to finish. Lack of a big song on it though.
Not if you were a junkie and boys better are great tunes but there is a lot of filler on this album. Its a long album with a lot of similar sounding songs, that said listening to it made me want to re watch Dig. Would give this a 2.5 if that was possible.
Fun and vibrant album. I really enjoyed. the album changes as you go through with different styles yet works well as a peice. Makes me want to watch the film of the same name but I hear its terrible.
Pop rock at its best. Some top tunes on this that remind me of going out in my youth Favorite song: Jenny was a friend of mine Least favourite song: on top Album artwork great cover. Love it, great album cover
Some great songs on this album that work really well together. Suzanne and Master song are masterpieces Favorite song: So long, Marianne Least favourite song: Sisters of mercy Album artwork: Its an iconic album cover.
Seems quite a far out album, reminded me a little of the Who in parts. Its a fun album. a lot of filler and to many instrumental moments for me Favorite song: When I touch you Least favourite song: Album artwork: Mental
massive album for Morrissey and a great one it is!! some awesome songs on this. great camp rock sound. Mozza at his best. Favorite song: your the one for me fatty Least favourite song: tomorrow Album artwork: Iconic cover!
I love brothers gonna work it out and fight the power. Great tunes! this album is getting downloaded and will be played again. 9th studio album. I will certainly be checking out the back catelogue. Heavy hitting subject matter, sung well and very poineant. Great early hip hop Favorite song: they are all great songs. I reckon brothers gonna work it out Least favourite song: reggie jax Album artwork: great image
What a great album this is. I have really got into Talking Heads recently. Zimbra and Minds are great tunes. This album will certianly be listened to again. Favorite song: Tracks 1-3, what a start to an album Least favourite song: None, they are all good Album artwork: Simple yet superb cover. Not one you would want on a t shirt though
Never heard of this band before so I had no expectations on what this album was like or idea on the bands sound. that was a nice experience. This was an OK album, not many stand out songs you think thats amazing I want to listen to that again Favorite song: real world Least favourite song: Over my head Album artwork: Great artwork
hated this when I was young and still do now. for me this is wrestling music!! I had a mate who loved this album back in the day! listening to it brought back good memories of him hence the score of 2! Favorite song: My generation and my way Least favourite song: Past track 6 there is so much filler on this album. Album artwork: mental! not a picture you would hang on your wall at home
Some great songs on this album, Troubled water, Cecila and the boxer are superb. I just find the rest of the album a little folkie for me, songs like so long Frank Lloyd Wright and El Condor pasa are not for me. Favorite song: Cecilia Least favourite song: El Condor (too many flutes) Album artwork: Iconic cover
Good album, The Yardbirds have a great 60S sound Favorite song: Lost woman Least favourite song: No bad songs on the album Album artwork: Im a fan
I wasnt expecting much from this album but I really enjoyed it. Monday is a grea tune! Favorite song: Monday, Outtasite (Outta mind) Least favourite song: Album artwork
Love this band and love this album. Peronal Jesus and enjoy the silence are obvious classics but there are so many other top songs on the album like Halo and world in my eyes. Favorite song: Halo, dangerous (2006 re issue) or Enjoy The Silence. Least favourite song: waiting for the night Album artwork: Iconic over
Interesting sound, Different. Not for me at all though. Struggling to find a favourite song from this. If i had to pick blade runner is OK. I gave the album 2 listens to see if i changed my mind and didnt. I cant believe it made the top 1001. Favorite song: Blade runner Least favourite song: most of the album Album artwork: No idea what this is
Lots of repition. Impact, the earth is burning is a great tune though!! Favorite song: remind Least favourite song: Would not mind never hearing time becomes a loop again! Album artwork: OK. I like the title tracks on the cover.
Another band I have never heard of but am now glad I have. I love tinsletown in the rain which was one of their biggest hits. their are some other gems on the album too. Stay is a great tune! I really enjoyed the album and am looking forward to diving into their history a little more! Favorite song: Least favourite song: Album artwork: its a great cover. Very 80s
I have never been able to pick between the Smiths albums. For me they are all 5/5 Meat is Murder is amazing. Such great songs that work so well together as a piece. Favorite song: There is not a bad song on the album. Nowhere fast is my fave. What a riff!! Least favourite song: They are all fantastic Album artwork Iconic
Not my kind of music or album. Favorite song: If i had to pick one it would be the opening track of Brown Sugar Least favourite song: Album artwork This is a big come down after listening to Meat is Murder yesterday
I have not listened to this album for years. When I saw it pop up I was very excited. I think it is one of the Stones best for sure Rocks off is a great start to an album. It really sets the tone as to whats to come. Tumbling dice is one of the songs I automatically think about when I think about the Stones i couldnt remember let it loose but thought it was a great song! Hidden gem Favorite song: Shine a light, Loving cup. So many too choose from. Least favourite song: possibly turd on the run if I had to pick one Album artwork: Amazing album cover. Iconic
I know this album is critically acclaimed and loved by some big artists like Paul Weller. That said I have always struggled with this. I have seen the Zombies live too and found them very boring. Favourite song: Maybe after hes gone. time of the season. Least favourite song: the first 2 songs on the album Album artwork: Great album cover
Never heard a Kiss song before today, I went in with low expectations, expecting bombastic rock music heavy on the guitar. I was suprised, the lyrics where OK and there was a range of different types of song on the album. Favourite song: Sweet pain Least favourite song: Detroit rock city Album artwork: Love the album cover.
Loved the sound of this album, the tracks worked together really well. Really good jazz and rap mash up. One of the best rap albums I have ever heard. I feel the lyrics are very powerful. Favourite song: Rolling with heat or seed 2.0 Least favourite song: Some of the fillers between songs. Album artwork: Love it
What an odd yet engaging album. Such different sounds from multiple nationalities but a heavy African influence. Interesting to listen to but not something I would listen to again which is a shame as this app has got me into talking heads. I am not normally a fan of heavily instrumental music. This album had some good moments though and I understand the importance of this album. Favourite song: Regiment for sure Least favourite song: very very hungry Album artwork: Great cover I love it.
This is a hard album to review for me. It’s so far away from being my thing. Lots of pianoy jazz. All 4 songs sound the same. I can’t find a anything about it I like I’m afraid. First album since taking this challenge I nearly put down and stopped listening to. Favourite song: Couldn’t pick one Least favourite song: All of them Album artwork: Funky cover
I actually likes this a lot more than I thought I would. Its a good album, some songs are too long and for me to many guitar solos but a good album. Favourite song: Dazed and confused and good times bad times Least favourite song: you shock me Album artwork: Love it. legendary cover
Superb album from a great artist. Really great punk sound. Favourite song: 50ft Queenie and Rid of me Least favourite song: Yuri G Album artwork Great cover.
Love, love love this and I am not a massive hip hop fan. Great opening track, Really sets the scence for the album, moving into fuck the police and gangsta gangsta which are strong. Great start. Favourite song: Straight out of compton, fuck the police Least favourite song: 8 ball Album artwork: Awesome.
This has a real folk and psychedelia mix. I felt they were very doorsy. Some great tunes that I will listen to again for sure. Favourite song: Stephanie knows who & She comes in colours Least favourite song: Revaltion Album artwork: Good cover
I have always loved this album and am pleased to be listening to it again in full. I had forgotten some great tracks like From a buick 6 and Dylan at his best!! Favourite song: like a rolling stone and Tombstone blues Least favourite song: not a bad song on the album. Album artwork: Iconic
I have always loved Nicos voice! Even though she was untrained and was pushed in a musical direction. I think this love comes from her work with the Velvet Underground. The opening 2 ballads the fairest of the seasons and these days are stunning. After track 2 the album gets repetitive to the point of tedium. It feels like a Disney soundtrack. The album misses something. Maybe like the Velvet Underground. Favourite song: the fairest of the seasons and these days. Least favourite song: The rest of the album Album artwork: Very 60s and cool.
An easy 5/5 before i have even listened to it again. One of my faves from one of the greatest. Changes is incredible. Its one of the first songs I remember listening too. Life on Mars would make it into my top 10 songs. Unique man with a unique sound. Favourite song: Chnages, Oh you pretty things and Life on Mars are as good as anything you will ever hear. Least favourite song: not a bad song on the album Album artwork: Perfect
I really enjoyed this album. It was really what I needed on an early start on a Saturday morning. I listened to it twice. I would love to meet darling Nikki!!! Most songs are great, I did struggle with computer blue. The album has an awesome sound spanning funk, dance, and rock. Gritty lyrics. really enjoyable. Favourite song: Purple rain Least favourite song: computer blue Album artwork: love the cover.
I love Blixa, He is part of my favourite Bad Seeds era, I also think the album he did with Teho Teardo called still smiling is superb. This one though is absolute crap!! 23 songs of experimental noise, there is nothing appealing about any of them. This is lower than a 1/5 for me. I priase myself for listening to this till the end. Favourite song: None Least favourite song: All of them Album artwork: Awful
Loved this, I had not listened to this since my childhood. It was one of the first cds I ever bought. it still sounds good today. Lots more filler than I remember. Favourite song: Ready or not Least favourite song: Album artwork: Cool
What a confusing album this is. there are some great rock and roll songs on this album and then some real dross and there are only 7 songs on the album. I was really not a fan of next. The opening 3 tracks are great. I love Faith healer and gang bang. Then the album goes a little downhill. I will be downloading this and listening to it again. Favourite song: Gang bang Least favourite song: Next Album artwork: Love the cover
I have heard of Dinosaur JR but have never listened to them before. When this came up I was excited and not sure what I was going to get. I was expecting a Feeder, Green Day and Ash vibe. Thats exactly what I got and its not my bag at all. I found this a noisy and sloppy album. Favourite song: couldnt find one I liked Least favourite song: All of them Album artwork: Meh
thi is so far away from being my kind of music. That said whilst listening I noticed I had heard many of these songs before. With a holiday coming up this album took me to a beach in the sun. Lovely harmonies, great spanish guitar and brilliant percussion. The only issue is the repitition over the duration of the album. Easy album to listen to and just switch off, which I am not sure is a good or bad thing. Favourite song: D camino a la vereda Least favourite song: quite a lot of them Album artwork: love it
I have never thought about listening to this album but I am glad i did. There were plenty of songs I have not heard and really enjoyed like Mary Jane, All I really want and right through you. No filler. This sounds like the 90s. Favourite song: All the classics we already know and Mary Jane. Least favourite song: All good tunes! Album artwork: Really recognisable cover
Classic album. Great sound and important lyrics. Favourite song: White heat and the gift Least favourite song: All good songs Album artwork: good
I had no idea what I was getting here. I had never heard of Gene Clark before. Then I thought he is in the Bryds. Their are far too many Byrds albums in this list. Very poor and boring. Same thing over and over. A poor mans Springsteen Favourite song: With tomorrow and White light. these songs make it a 2/5 Least favourite song: The rest of the album Album artwork: Average
I have previously scored a Nico album poorly and White Light / White heat. Thisalbum though is a classic and all the things right about The Velevt Undergound. Without listening to this again I know its a 5/5. Every song on the album is a classic. The opening 2 songs are so powerful. Heroin is unreal!! All classics. Favourite song: The black angels death song Least favourite song: There is not a bad song on the album Album artwork: could even be the best album artwork ever
Not for me. Favourite song: Couldnt pick one Least favourite song: All of them Album artwork: Meh
This is the first out and out metal album I have ever listened too. I must say I found it tough. It was like being shouted at for an hour! Not my genre and not something I would listen to again. Lots of loud noises and screaming! Favourite song: None of them Least favourite song: The entire album Album artwork: Messy
I actually really enjoyed this. Religion 1 and 2 were great songs. Powerful lyrics. Better meoldies and music than I was expecting. Favourite song: Religion 1 and 2 Least favourite song: All good tracks Album artwork: Awesome
I was not expecting much from this. I have only really listened to hotel calfornia before and think that is an OK song at best. That said I really enjoyed learning more, new kid in town was great as is life in the fast lane. I will listen again Favourite song: Life in the fast lane Least favourite song: all good songs Album artwork: great cover
Great album. Its taken my a while to get into ELO but i have really gotten there in later years!! Favourite song: Turn to stone and its over Least favourite song: Birmingham blues. Album artwork: Amazing cover
I have heard a lot about this album but have never been drawn to listen to it before. I have always loved you can call me Al but wonder how much of that is because of the cool video with Chevy Chase. There are lots of different world sounds with great lyrics and melodies. It’s a great album I will listen to again and again. I feel it over does the difference in sounds and its almost too much hence and 3/4 out of 5 album. The album feels like it jumps around and that gets tiresome. Favourite song: The boy in the bubble and you can call me Al. Least favourite song: I didn’t enjoy I know what I know. To many sounds! Album artwork: Love the cover
I was really excited to get this album, I have not listened to it in a long time. I remember buying this as a double CD when the 20th Anniversary edition came out. I love it. Great album and in my view the best solo Beatles album easily and by far. My sweet lord, what is life and if not for you are great pop songs. The last 3-4 songs were not needed. Long instrumentals that just played out the album far too long. I feel you could take out 5-6 songs and have a 5/5 on your hands Favourite song: What is life Least favourite song: the last 3 songs Album artwork: Iconic
I just found this very boring, there is nothing here that grabbed me or made me want to listen to it again. Very different to the 60s Beach Boys I was aware off. Favourite song: Couldnt really pick one Least favourite song: Disney girls Album artwork: No idea what this means
Great sounding band with some great songs. I particularly like the live version of Gloria and was looking forward to getting to it as i went through the album. Being a double album I found it quiet long and repetative after a while. I got to the point where I was excited for this album to end. Not one I would listen to again but I can appreciate some good songs and a great voice. Favourite song: these dreams of you & st domonics preview. Least favourite song: There was nothing not to like, just lots of repitiion. Some songs like listen to the lion inside of me are just long and tedious. Album artwork: Great cover for a live album.
The album gave me restaurant vibes with background jazz music. Lovely orchestral music but it’s really not for me. It has a Disney vibe. Glad I gave it a go but I want be listening to this again. Favourite song: My foolish heart Least favourite song: You dont have to be so nice Album artwork: Nice cover.
Not Queens finest album for me but some great songs and an amazing album cover. I think the album has great variety and sound. Its a great listen. 3 incredible songs in you’re my best friend, love of my life, and Bohemian Rhapsody, these make the album and give it a 4. Favourite song: Love of my life and You’re my best friend. Least favourite song: I have never understood I am in love with my car. Rubbish song! Why this makes their live set I will never know!! Good company is also terrible. Album artwork: one of the best album covers
Love smooth operator. Great song to open an album. moving into your love is king which is equally great. It goes down hill from there and becomes very biege and safe. Slcik sounds with very little edge. I can see why people like Sade but she is not for me. Favourite song: Smooth operator Least favourite: from track 3 onwards all songs are a bit meh. Album artwork: Strong cover
Some great songs like son of a preacher man and so much love. Dusty has a stunning voice. Lots of soul, a British Icon Favourite song: Son of a preacher man Least favourite:All nice tracks Album artwork: Iconic: Great cover
I was surprised by how much I liked this album and how many songs I recognised. I heard it through the grapevine was such a good cover. Such a special song with so many great versions. This album is great, an easy rockabilly listen. One I will be listening to again. Favourite song: I heard it through the grapevine. Least favourite: None, all good tracks Album artwork: Iconic: Great cover
Odd album, Not one I would listen to again and not one of Bjorks finest. I find Bjorks voice a tough listen. The lyrics are just odd, there is very little story telling. This album is not for me Favourite song: Couldnt find one on this album Least favourite: All of the tracks Album artwork: Iconic: Odd
I really love this album, it feels new, raw and emotional. Really good album. Favourite song: O stella or Oh my lord. Great tracks Least favourite: Water Album artwork: Iconic album as all of PJ Harveys album covers are!
There is no need for an excuse to listen to this album. Such a good album. The first Bruce album after a long break and first back on E street I believe. You can really tell how important the E street band is to Bruce on this record. Its a fun album with some really good songs. I rediscovered Paradise, what a lovely song that is. Favourite song: Waiting on a sunny day, Marys place and The Rising. Least favourite: The fuse Album artwork: Not as good as born to run and born in the USA, but its allright
I do find Johnny cash a little boring after a while. None of the big songs are on the album. I wouldnt listen to this again. Favourite song: Folson Prison Least favourite: Nothing was bad but nothing stood out to me. Album artwork: Iconic
Blue suede shoes!!! What a tune. I was excited for this album as I know it’s the big one for Elvis. It didn’t disappoint. So many great songs and such a fun and easy listen. What a great voice. I had no idea that I got a woman was sung by Elvis. Favourite song: I got a woman and Money honey. Least favourite: Trying to get to you. Album artwork: Brilliant.
Never heard of Orange Juice before today. They have a really good sound, post punk with a hint of Ska and Indie. the tracks on the album work well together. Favourite song: rip it up Least favourite: they were all good Album artwork: Standard band cover
Green Onions is an iconic sound from my growing up and nights out clubbing. One hell of a tune!! The album is really easy to listen too, its catchy and fun. Great R&B/soul record, with a distinctive sound, lots of the songs can be heard and sampled elsewhere. Favourite song: Green Onions Least favourite: All good tracks. It can get a little repetitive after a while though. Album artwork: Iconic
When this album came up my first reactions was this is going to be terrible! Then after playing the first track I knew I was right and in for a rough ride with this one! Not a fan at all
I liked this a lot more than I thought I would, the album has some catch pop/punk songs. I loved the swan lake version! Favourite song: memories and swan lake Least favourite: Its a long album with too many filler instrumentals. Album artwork: I have always loved the symbol for the band. Simple yet effective art work
When this came up I had never heard of the band or album, I was excited with zero expectations. Forgetable indie rock, no meaning, no standout songs and just very boring. Favourite song: there isnt one that stands out Least favourite: All of them, very dull! Album artwork: I like it, very council estate chic!
Stevie Wonder is awesome but I just cant get into his music. I enjoy his hits but for me his albums as a peice are a miss. Favourite song: Nothing stood out Least favourite: Visions, really dull song. Album artwork: OK
Not for me, lift or on hold music. Favourite song: Couldnt pick a song I would like to hear again Least favourite: I could pick all of them but I thought Triptyco was very bad. Album artwork: nothing to report here
I loved this album growing up and it still sounds amazing. the are also a great live act. There were not many bands at this time with this sound. The album is a fun listen, great vocals and great sound. I needed this after a few bizarre albums over the last week. Favourite song: Two recievers and golden skans Least favourite: none, all good. Album artwork: Amazing cover
This was better than I expected. Proper rock and roll and great guitar riffs. I liked it so much I listened to the deluxe edition. I have always loved a live album Favourite song: Smoke on the water and black night Least favourite: none, all good Album artwork: great cover
Firstly this is a biased response as I cant stand this band. Terrible live, awful sound and terrible music. This was always going to be a tough listen for me. Wrestling music, the type of music at every festival or school event. the only saving grace on this is under the bridge. Favourite song: Under the bridge Least favourite: Everything else. Album artwork: Crap.
This is such a fun album from one of my favourite bands The Slider sums up Marc Bolan's as an artist. its a great sound, not too serious and stunning music. glam rock at its best with some top guitar riffs ready to be borrowed. Favourite song: baby boomerang Least favourite: Album artwork: great cover
My first ever listen to Metallica. I actually enjoyed the album a lot more than I thought I would. Enter Sandman was great, I also enjoyed sad but true. After a few tracks though it turned into what I would call wrestling music! I think the unforgiven is a great example of that Favourite song: Enter Sandman Least favourite: The unforgiven. Album artwork: dark!!!
Musically this was great, I loved it. Lyrics and stroy telling are important to me, I alwsys struggle with the language barrier. Favourite song: Soubour Least favourite: Everything was OK Album artwork: Good
First time listen and I love it. So many good tracks, doesn’t get repetitive, Lots of changes to the sound as you go through the album. Favourite song: The Pressure and Inspection Least favourite: All good Album artwork: No idea what that is suppossed to be.
I loved this. I had heard fantastic day before but nothing else. I found the album a fun and easy listen. Favourite song: Fantastic day! and boy meets girl Least favourite: with 17 tracks there is a lot of filler. None of it horrid though. Album artwork: good
fun and funky but not really my thing. I can see its appeal but not my style. I really enjoyed Blueberry Hill
I started off thinking this album is just a little bit dull. I had no idea what this is and what it is trying to achieve. Then I really grew into it. To a point I listened to it for a second time. It picked up a little from American guitars and got much better from starstruck (great song) Home again was also a great tune. Favourite song: Home again and star struck Least favourite: the opening 2 for sure. Album artwork: nothing to say on this.
Never heard of this band before. I was very disapointed with the first 3 songs. They were very much background music. The album picked up when hero came on but at that point the album was half the way through. It started to go back downhill from track 4. Hero apart, this is not for me!! Favourite song: Hero Least favourite: 5/6 songs on the album. Album artwork: Good
Really good example of rap done well. Jeru has great sound and mic style. I will ceetainly listen to this again. there are some great tunes on this. Favourite song: Jungle music and Statik are great tunes. Least favourite: Album artwork: This wont be going on my wall at home
Very chill, chill to the point of boredom. This is not for me at all. This is perfect lift or hold music. Jazz fusion, never again!!! Favourite song: either track 1 or 2 Least favourite: either track 1 or 2 Album artwork: meh
This album is OK!! Good music and functonal lyrics that are occassionally good. After a few tracks it gets very dull and boring. I am not sure the album knows what it is and get lost inbetween many 80s genres. Favourite song: Couldnt pick one Least favourite: Everything is ok Album artwork: Not one to show the kids.
One of the all time classics. So many good songs on this album and perfect for summer. Every song is a tune. A 4.5/5 for me. The album is full of hits, every song could be a major hit and has been for other bands as well. Favourite song: All of them Least favourite: There is not a bad song on the album Album artwork: Fantastic cover
Before today I had onyl heard the hits from this album and had not heard it as a piece. It works really well together. Top album. I enjoyed this that much i listened to the 2021 re master that has 40 songs on it! Favourite song: The beat and pump it are classix tunes. Least favourite: All good tunes. Album artwork: Great cover
Awful album and awful band. I have nothing to say about this!!
Superb album, great sound and great lyrics. I had heard a lot of this but never end to end. I really enjoyed it. Favourite song: A pair of brown eyes and riany night in soho Least favourite: All good. Album artwork: classic
Really good live album. I enjoyed very much. Lizzy are not a band I have listened too much album wise but this was enjoyable and had all the mainstream hits. Favourite song: Jail break and the boys are back in town. Least favourite: All good Album artwork: cool
Welcome to the jungle and paradise city are great tunes. Classic rock songs. Axl Rose has one hell of a voice. The songs do feel dated for me and a bit too stadium. The songs are long with no end in sight and they all feel very similar to me. Favourite song: Paradise city Least favourite: there is a lot of filler on this album. Album artwork: Cool cover
Not normally a band for me. I hate heavy metal and this is a fantastic example of heavy metal. Track 1 Prowler really suprised me. I loved it. Favourite song: Prowler Least favourite: They are all ok Album artwork: I love the cover
I love Victoria, it’s a fantastic song. I love lyrics, these lyrics are very good. With and powerful for the time this album was written. Lacks the top draw pop songs that other Kinks albums have but either way this is just as powerful Favourite song: Victoria Least favourite: Australia Album artwork: Amazing
Dreamer is a great track, apart from that I didnt really enjoy the album at all. This is not one I would listen to again.
I didn’t think I would like this but I did and would listen to this again. Walk on by was fantastic. Really good music Favourite song: walk on by Least favourite: all good songs Album artwork: great
I enjoyed this album more than I thought I would. I went fully into this just expecting loud noise. March of the pigs and Heresy are great song and I enjoyed self destruct Favourite song: March of the pigs Least favourite: the becoming Album artwork: I wont be getting the poster.
There are some amazing songs on this album. I saw Gary Numan live in 2023 and since then have been hooked. This album works so well together as a piece. Fantastic album and brilliant genre of music. This is the start of electronic music, and you can tell it influences so many other bands Favourite song: M.E & Cars Least favourite: all good songs. its a 5/5 album Album artwork: Brilliant cover
Brilliant album. I really loved this and can listen to it on repeat. Favourite song: Only love can break your heart and Southern Man Least favourite: everything is worth a listen Album artwork: Great cover
No idea how this made the top 1001. I can think of so many albums that are better than this. Tracks 1-3 were confusing. I felt like I was waiting for something to happen. Very odd jazz with guitar solos. I will score this a 2 though as I loved the cover of Mona, the album got better after track 6 Favourite song: Mona Least favourite: All of them Album artwork: Odd
The Who Sell Out has a fantastic album cover, it is surly the best part. There is some good music around the ads. Good concept but not quite sure it works like other Who albums. I prefer Whos next!! I love i can see for miles and Tattoo but apart from those there is a lot of filler. Favourite song: I can see for miles, Least favourite: A lot of filler with the ads. Album artwork: 10/10
This album is fantastic, its fun and full of energy. Each song feels like you are going on a journey. This will be played again!! Favourite song: Fiesta, Lullaby of London. Too many to mention. Least favourite: Nothing at all. Album artwork: Great cover
never heard of them, but they are a great listen. Awesome start to the album with Genisis. Great Electronic music. Favourite song: Genisis Least favourite: none, great album Album artwork: Not my favourtie cover
When an album starts with Kinky afro you know you are in for a good one. An indie / rave combo is always going to work! Loose fit and step on are the sounds of my youth!! Favourite song: Kinky Afro and Step on Least favourite: Donovan Album artwork: Iconic britpop cover.
This album starts with a New Order live classic Love Vigilantes, I have great memories of this song live when I saw them at the O2 many years back. Some of my favourite new order songs are on this album like The Perfect Kiss and Sub-Culture this album doesn’t have any of the big hitters yet its strong! Favourite song: Subculture Least favourite: Sooner than you think. Album artwork: Great cover
Brilliant album, great sound and great songs. I will listen to this over and over again. Favourite song: How can you mend a broken heart Least favourite: all good Album artwork: cool cover.
This album had some good moments. Favourite song: Requim and complications. Least favourite: Bloodsport Album artwork: cool cover.
Not an album for me. Wanky middle class pop music. The lyrics are odd, there is no real stroy telling at all. I do think I am biased and hate most things that Floyd have done. Favourite song: None Least favourite: Flaming Album artwork: Not a fan
Paradise on the dashboard lights has to be everyones favourite Kareoke song! Amazing. A lot of filler on this album though and it only has 7 very long tracks!! Favourite song: Bat out of hell is a great song. Least favourite: Most of the rest of the album Album artwork: Fantastic cover
I cant believe this album is now 20 years old. I have a love hate relationship with the Libertines. Their are some great songs but they are just so poor live!! This is good and middle of the road Indie! Some great pop tunes, some hidden gems and some filler. Favourite song: cant stand me now and what katie did next Least favourite: Dont be shy Album artwork: Iconic cover
Finding this album was tough. When I found it would it be worth the listen??? The first track was awful and really hard to listen too. I am not sure why and how movie soundtracks make this list. It didnt make me want to watch the movie. Favourite song: If I had to pick one it would be one two cha cha cha. At a push. I wouldnt mind never hearing it again. Least favourite: Title music Album artwork: Movie poster.
I was happy to get this album this morning. I needed this after a poor day yesterday. This is a top album. The title track is iconic and the album has other greats like Cant buy me love and I should have known better. There are some real hidden gems to like any time at all and I love her. Favourite song: I should have known better Least favourite: Ill cry instead Album artwork: Amazing.
I have never really been a fan of Simon and Garfunkel. I find the music slow with no build overall. This album was different and all over the place, save the life of a child was different from what I was expecting, and Mrs Robinson is clearly a classic. Voices of old people was not really needed but I guess it led into old friends nicely. Favourite song: Mrs Robinson feels like an easier answer to this but it’s the right answer!! Least favourite: Voices of old people and old friends Album artwork: Great cover
Love it!! There are some lovely songs on this album ontop of the big hitters I love She belongs to me, Maggies farm and Its alright Ma. Favourite song: subterranean homesick blues is a great opener and Mr Tambourine man Least favourite: 115th dream Album artwork: Great cover
It's long in tracks whcih was intimdating when starting the album, In reality the songs are short length, quick, loud and catchy. Quality punk!! but not something I would listen to again Favourite song: Nothing really jumped out to me as a wow song. Nothing was long enough to lend itself to be a favourtie. Least favourite: cohesion. I couldnt see the point in this song. Album artwork: Meh
This album contains everything. Soul, Funk and Blues. It was good fun at the start. I really enjoyed the Cisco kid, But after a while the album got repetitive with long instrumentals kicking in from city country city. Favourite song: the cisco kid Least favourite: City, country city was far too jazzy for me Album artwork: Brilliant
I am not a fan of a guitar solo. I found maggot brain (the track) to be a hard start to the album. Its also so out of place when you hear the rest of the album. The album picked up though, can you get to that is a fun track and hit it and quit it really kicked the album off in style and set the tone for the music and direction. This is a fun listen. Very early psychedelica and good psychedelica Favourite song: can you get to that Least favourite: Maggot brain Album artwork: the cover suits the album
I thought track 1 forever was going to last forever!! Techno is not really for me. I wish I had duck feet is a great name for a track, but not a great track. the whole album felt like a visit to Cyberdog in Camden Favourite song: None Least favourite: All of them Album artwork: i actually really like the cover
I can see why people like this and why the album is important but I really cant get into Jazz at all. This is very much posh resturant music for me. Favourite song: Least favourite: Album artwork: I love the cover
This is a top album. A classic. Every song is a banger!! The best punk album that defines its era. Remote control and white riot are punk at its best! Favourite song: White Riot Least favourite: Londons burning Album artwork: Iconic
I genuinely can’t believe this album has made it into this group of albums. It’s OK britpop at best! Some nice songs but a lot of filler Favourite song: Standing next to me is a tune! Least favourite: the chamber Album artwork: nice
I had never heard of this band or album, so I was intrigued. Reading further into the band there is lots to look into here with Zappa coming in an multiple members leaving. I am looking forward to learning more! Im giving this a 4. I will be listening to this again Favourite song: Im not satisfied Least favourite: they are all worth a listen Album artwork: Great cover
I have never listened to this album all the way through. Its now time!! I had not heard the opening 2 tracks before but thought they were superb, leading into the brilliant common people. Something changed was a really good track. Favourite song: Common people and disco 2000 are classics. Least favourite: Every song on this album is really good. Album artwork: Iconic cover This is a 5/5 for me. Really good album.
I am not a fan of country music at all, even though it seems to be the thing for 2024. That said this album was an easy and nice listen with some good songs on it. the songs are country with a hint of pop, fun and engaging. I doubt ill listen to it again but I enjoyed. Favourite song: Travelling man and the way I see you. Least favourite: There is not a bad song on the album. Album artwork: Not one to hang up on the wall at home
This was OK. Its not really my music but there were some good tunes on this. I am not sure ill listen to it again though. Favourite song: Music makes you loose control is a good tume Least favourite: Hypnotise Album artwork: Its a pretty naff album cover
This album is garbage. A lot of the songs are just noise. If this is in the top 1001 I don’t get it as to why. Star is the saving Grace. Favourite song: Star Least favourite: Kawolski Album artwork: I like the cover more than the album
I was dreading another Paul Simon album!! I really like me and Julio down by the school yard and mother and child reunion. apart from that the songs are very similar and the album is very similar to graceland. Which some wold think is a good thing!! Favourite song: Mother and Child reunion Least favourite: Duncan, I was not a fan of this at all. Album artwork: Great jacket
Never heard of this band before so again I had no expectations and no idea of what to expect. Loved it, great punk music. very funky. Great sound and punchy lyrics. I shall be exploring their history!! This is a great album, im giving it a 4! Favourite song: Return the gift and guns before butter. Least favourite: Love like anthrax. Album artwork: Great album cover
Brilliant album. I really enjoyed this. these songs sounded great live. I will be listening to this again. Favourite song: Cupid and twisting the night away live were excellent Least favourite: all good. Album artwork: Good cover
The opening track is brilliant. Great song that really takes me back to my going out days. I don’t think I have ever listened to this album all the way through until now. I have always found Arcade Fire to be a good singles band. Some of the music on this album is stunning but the album shows inconsistency. Favourite song: Suburbs, Modern man and Ready to start Least favourite: There are quite a few filler songs on this album. Album artwork: Great cover
This is very good indie. I have listened to urban hymms before but not this. Its a good and easy listen and I will listen to it again. There are some great songs on this that you just dont hear very often. Favourite song: So it goes, On your own and history Least favourite: All good Album artwork: Great cover
This album was great fun. Different to what I was expecting. Listen and Question 67 and 68 are great tunes. I am man could be Hendrix, I love that song! Favourite song: Im a man Least favourite: Free from guitar never needs to be listened to again. Album artwork: Its a cool cover.
This dude has a great voice and sound. Great rock and roll sound. The album though is very one dimensional with very little else to offer. I can see why its historically important but for me its very samey Favourite song: Cry to me Least favourite: nothing is bad but little stands out Album artwork: Standard cover
Not bad but not something I would listen to again. I'm not a big hip hop/rap fan but I can see this album is good in that genre I enjoyed Crompton. Maybe that is the Dre Dre influence. Favourite song: Crompton Least favourite: A lot of the songs are just the same Album artwork: Not for me
I was really happy to see this album on a nice summers weekend. I went to see the Who recently at the RAH and they played a section of the set of Tommy songs. It sounded so good live. This album will never be Who Next but it tells a story and is a fun listen. There are some great songs like Pinball Wizard and I’m free. Favourite song: Pinball Wizard Least favourite: There is a lot of filler Album artwork: Iconic album art
Not for me at all.
I had never been a hendrix fan. I enjoyed this album though. The music is amazing. I will relisten to other albums. Looking at the tracks EXP is not needed. Up from the skies is an excellent song and I really enjoyed Spanish castle magic. Favourite song: If 6 was 9 and up from the skies. Least favourite: EXP Album artwork: Love it
This is a nice little listen. A great album I will listen to again!! I really enjoyed my baby and me and Booby McGee, there are some great songs on this album. Mercedes Benz is a classic song and really important. Great and powerful lyrics. Favourite song: get it while you can. Least favourite: There is not a bad song on the album Album artwork: Cool cover and a cool lady.
I have no idea what is happening on this album. Its like French heavy rock with a touch of pop. its not for me at all. The album has so moments of dramatic and great music such as Les Enfants but the rest of it is drivle. Favourite song: Les Enfants Least favourite: The rest of the album Album artwork: Cool cover
This was OK, Lots of instrumentals. The album has great guitar playing but nothing was exciting on the album. Favourite song: St Stephen Least favourite: Feedback Album artwork: It is a cool cover
I have listened to this album before but never enjoyed it as much as this time. Love is lost, valentines day and where are we now are great tunes. I find the album to be very moving, that said it can’t be compared to one of his great albums. Favourite song: love is lost. Least favourite: I wouldnt mind if I never heard heat again. Album artwork: Iconic cover
I did not think I would like this album but I really did. It got 2-3 plays back to back. I have never been a Genisis fan but maybe I need to give them a go. Favourite song: Family Snap Least favourite: Lead a normal life. Album artwork: Love the cover
Awful, I did give it my best go though!!
It’s a short album but its stunning. Lovely music and beautiful lyrics. I reviewed five leaves left about 3 months ago and didn’t enjoy it at all. I found Drakes voice tough to enjoy. On this album it really works with the folky guitar sound. I enjoyed this and will listen to it again. Favourite song: Things behind the sun Least favourite: Horn Album artwork: I love the album cover
This album is fun. it started really well with Dog eat dog and antmusic. The lyrics are nuts. I have no idea what this album is about but will listen to it again. Favourite song: Antmusic Least favourite: Los Rancheros Album artwork: Great cover.
I'm genuinely pretty shocked by how much I loved this album. Its totally brilliant. I've never listened to OMD before and am now going to have to go on a journey learning all about them. This album is excellent - lots of changes and difference in the tracks, Its a very good listen. Favourite song: Sealand and Joan of Arc Least favourite: Architecture and Morality Album artwork: Great cover
High enegery and great start with what we do is secret. Hearing that set the scene for an hour of punk. After a while it all got very same! I couldnt understand a lot of the lyrics as they got taken over by screaming. That said the sound is great. Favourite song: every song was the same and average Least favourite: same again Album artwork: I love the cover art
I have never really liked the Pixies before, but I loved this album. It has some great songs on like Alison and Is she weird. Its a solid begining to 90s rock, yet slightly repetative after 6-7 songs. You can see Ash, Feeder and other bands like that being really inspired by the Pixies and this album. Its very close to their sound. Favourite song: Alison Least favourite: Hang wire and stormy weather. Album artwork: I love the artwork
Probably Lennons best solo album and its his first. You can hear him really creating his own sound here. Great first 3 tracks. I couldnt remember I found out and loved it. Working class hero has always been one of my faves. Favourite song: Working class hero. Least favourite: God and look at me Album artwork: Love the cover. Great tree!!!!
This album was not for me. It was general punk pop but not very interesting or engaging at all. Great album cover though!
What a tune Jigsaw falling into pieces is. Only ever heard that one before from this album so the rest of the album was a suprise to me. I have to be honest It started badly. I really couldn’t stand 15 Step After the disapointment of track 1 the album improved dramatically with bodysnatchers and then with Nude which I would say is the standard Radiohead sound!! That said there are some great songs on this album and its a really enjoyable listen, it will be listened to again! Favourite song: Jigsaw falling to pieces and Bodysnatchers. Great songs. Least favourite: 15 Step Album artwork: Great album cover
The artist’s name is a mouthful. Great voice and sound though. Very Public Enemy. My first though was that this is socially well-behaved rap and hip-hop. Nice lyrics and messages. The lyrics on Television, the drug of the nation and Satanic Reverses are amazing. Very important of the time. Favourite song: Television, the drug of the nation Least favourite: All tracks were good Album artwork: OK cover.
I love Blur. This album starts really well with Beetlebum, Song 2 and Country Sad Ballad man. 3 great songs There is some filler on the album like chinese bombs and theme from retro. Apart from that it is a strong indie album. Blur are good, but they are not Oasis!!! Favourite song: On your own and Beetlebum Least favourite: Theme from retro Album artwork: Love the cover
This was always going to be tough. I have always hated Pink Floyd. Terrapin was such a dull opening. It was like a poor Beatles song. The whole album was just boring! Favourite song: None Least favourite: All of the songs. its a 1/5 for me! Album artwork: Its a really cool album cover
I have always loved this album. Great hip hop, A little bit samy after a while hence a 3/5 Favourite song: CREAM Least favourite: Clan in de front Album artwork: I wouldnt hang it up at home
Generic hard rock. the sound of everything that was wrong in the 80S. This album is not for me. Favourite song: Lil devil is ok I suppose. Least favourite: Peace dog, awful rock! Album artwork: Not the kind of cover I like
Great album. Ska music at its best The album is just full of bangers. absolutley brilliant. Favourite song: Gangsters, what a track that is!! Do the dog is also a little favourite and great live. Least favourite: They are also classics. Album artwork: Iconic cover
One of Bowies finest. I love it. Its a great start, Young American is one of my favourite songs. its amazing. Almost perfection considering its a change in direction and new sound for Bowie. The album has other belters like fame and fascination. Favourite song: Fame and Young Americans Least favourite: All good Album artwork: Amazing cover
I don't know much Emmylou Harris, I heard some of the tracks she did with Robert Plant and was never a fan. A legend of folk, the only problem is im not a folk fan!! Chilled music, nothing stands out and nothing is horrible. Its a very biege album. Favourite song: Nothing stands out Least favourite: Nothing was horrific Album artwork: A little scary
This guy comes with quite a reputation. Nick Cave loves this fella. This is a great prog rock album, its different and game changing. There are some great tracks on this. I loved Epitaph and 21st century schizoid man. For me though there are far too many instrumental songs. Its good this album but not great for me Favourite song: Epitaph Least favourite: Moonchild Album artwork: Mental cover
This album is very elctro pop meets Indie. Hot chip have a great sound. Motion sickness is a tune. Favourite song: Motion sickness Least favourite: Dont deny your heart and look at where we are. Album artwork: Love the cover
This album has stood the test of time. I loved this back in 2007 and love it now. There are so many good songs on this album, electirc feel, kids and time to pretend are my favourites as everyone elses!! Its ashame they never hit these hights again. Favourite song: Time to pretend. Least favourite: everything is good. Album artwork: Love the cover
This album is fantastic. I have played it 3 times in a row very early on a Saturday morning making this a great start to the weekend. There are some great tunes like Arabian nights and Monitor. Favourite song: Monitor Least favourite: All great tunes. Album artwork: Great cover, I have no idea what is going on with it.
I couldnt get into this album at all. The songs did nothing for me. I couldnt really pull out a genre and what the album was trying to do.
Music to have on in the background but nothing more. I have nothing really to say about this apart from this is why this project is amazing as I would have never listend to this otherwise. In summary 1 hour of solo piano playing is boring!!!
This is a really easy listen, classic hip hop and classic early 90s. Enjoyed in the background this morning and then listened to again in detail. Great beats. Maybe I like hip hop as I have enjoyed a few of these albums now. Favourite song: What Least favourite: all good songs. Album artwork: Cool cover
I am not a Kanye fan, that said there are some great songs on this album. Dark Fantasy, all of the lights and Power are paticularly good. I liked this and will listen to it again. Favourite song: Power Least favourite: all of the lights interlude Album artwork: Basic cover
This album is very good. I was suprised as I have not enjoyed other Pixies albums. This will be listened to again and again. This album has a collection of great tunes like here comes your man, debaser and monkeys gone to heaven. Fun songs with great music and lyrics. Its a solid 4/5 for me. Favourite song: Monkeys gone to heaven and Mr Grieves Least favourite: all songs are worth a listen Album artwork: great cover. works well with the overall theme
Its a fun album. Lots of funk and happy music. Average hip hop, will probably never listen again
Great voice and great lyrics. Its just not an easy listen for me. There is just something missing for me. I think the album lacks fun. Favourite song: River Least favourite: everything was much of a muchness Album artwork: Great cover
What an album, It has all the Blondie staples and then great tunes to discover like Picture this and pretty baby. Blondie has a great sound and Debbie Harry has an iconic voice. I rediscovered Sunday Girl and 11:59, so thank you to this challenge. Favourite song: Heart of glass, one way or another or hanging on the telephone Least favourite: Fade away and radiate Album artwork: Really cool cover
This is an odd album!! Its like a cross between a Disney soundtrack and a Chrismtas album an album I want to not like but it is then saved with some great tunes on it. I loved Dont tell me your troubles, you win again and Born to Lose but around those tracks there was a lot of filler. Favourite song: Dont tell me your troubles Least favourite: Midnight Album artwork: Cool cover
I loved this album, great backgound music to move your head to and work through your day. Great electronic album. Favourite song: Leave home and in dust we trust Least favourite: All good tracks Album artwork: amazing cover
Cheap trick is a new one for me but I do love a live album, so I was looking forward to giving this one a go. this felt like boring and generic rock. Nothing grabbed me at all. Uninspiring music. The crowd seemed flat. I have no idea how this album made the list as there is nothing new, different, or engaging about it. Favourite song: I want you to want me was quite pleasant Least favourite: Need your love (it was just long and very boring) Album artwork: Cool cover
I actually enjoyed this album, this surprised me as I gave the man machine a very low score and found it a tough listen. There were some great tunes on this. I really enjoyed showroom dummies and trans Europe express. The whole album was an easy listen. Favourite song: Showroom dummies Least favourite: all good Album artwork: Great cover
I really enjoyed this album. I got a brand on you is one hell of a tune! its a good album and will be listened to again Favourite song:I got a brand on you Least favourite: All good Album artwork: Cool cover
Just random noise and nonsense. If this is clever I dont get it. Awful. Favourite song: Nothing Least favourite: Every track Album artwork: Good cover
II loved this album when it came out, that said I was 22 years younger then. Listening to it again after so long I had the following thoughts. There are some great songs on this like Stan, the way I am and the real slim shady. the album is too violent Its homophobic and misogynistic However, I can’t work out if this is sarcasm or not! Favourite song: The way I am Least favourite: all good Album artwork: Good cover
I love Queen. they are the first band I ever fell in love with. This album is not one I have listened to much though. Seven Seas of Rhye is superb. Such a good song. I have so many memories of watching this at Wembley on TV. There are not many of the classic hits on this album but that doesnt matter. As a piece this album is amazing. I really loved it. Favourite song: Seven Seas Of Rhye Least favourite: Procession Album artwork: Iconic cover
This album was not for me. Its a poor mans Jonny Cash, with a little more cowboy and sad songs. Its not the type of country music I like and enjoy.
This is one of the best pop albums on the list. Firstly, it has great songs on it. Versatile sounds like going from fighter and dirty to beautiful. 3 great pop songs and songs of the early 00's This is as good as pop gets. Too much filler for me though like underappreciated and make over. This makes it a 3 for me. Favourite song: Dirty Least favourite: Underappreciated. Album artwork: Cool cover.
I went into this with little expectations having not really heard a screaming trees song before. I found it to be mediocre grunge. There is nothing good or stand out on this album Favourite song: All I know Least favourite everything was a little bit bland Album artwork: nuts cover, not one you would hang up at home
This is a great album. So many good songs on it. This will be listened to again. Favourite song: Bodyrock, natural blues and porcelain Least favourite song: all good tracks Artwork: great album cover
I had never heard of this fella so I went in with no expectations apart from a recommendation from Phil Collins which can never be a good thing. I thought dealer was a terrible song. Boring with terrible lyrics and vocals. It was a tough start. I really didn’t enjoy this album at all. The only saving grace was big muff. That was an ok song. Favourite song: Big muff was ok Least favourite song: the rest of the album Album artwork: Cool cover
I have always wanted to listen to an LCD album so this is my chance. I really enjoyed this album. There are some great songs on it like Tonight, call the police and how do you sleep. Such a good mixture of upbeat songs and ballads. Favourite song: How do you sleep Least favourite song: Black screen was just so long and not needed Cover: It’s a simple yet effective album cover
I really enjoyed the first 2 tracks. It set me up with lots of optimism for the rest of the album. The peak was runaway. What a great song The album is all over the place from a genre perspective. Indie, pop, dance and electronic music all in one album. I love it Favourite song: zero and runaway Least favourite song: all good songs. I also enjoyed the acoustic versions on the special edition of the album. Artwork: great album cover
I am not a fan of this genre so this was always going to be a rough listen. Track 1 confirmed this. To sum up this album I think it’s simply Just awful. Favourite song: none Least favourite: all of them Artwork: not good.
This album is ok at best. Average grunge, pop and indie, you can’t tell it wants to be an Foos or Nirvana type album but it just isn’t. If I can’t change your mind and hoover dam are ok. The rest of the album is just so bland and average. I have no idea how this album can make a list like this. Favourite song, Hoover Dam Least favourite: most of the album Artwork: ok
I always struggle with foreign language music. Lyrics are important to me. I found the album boring and receptive. It was a very hard listen. I am going to need a good album tomorrow to pick me up from the last 3-4 days
Flower power at its best. Grace Silks voice is amazing. Her songs on the album are the highlight. Somebody to love is the standout tune but there are some other belters like white rabbit and she has funny cars. Favourite song: she has funny cars Least favourite: everything is cool Album cover: standard cover
At first sight, I judged a book by its cover and thought I would hate this album, by track 4 I was hooked I knew some of these songs, fly or die and she wants to move. Massive tunes!! This album has it all. Hip hop, Jazz, pop and even more. Favourite song: she wants to move Least favourite song: all good Album cover: Good cover
Awful album. just noise and shouting.
I need this album after the last week or so. I am returning from Mexico and a 5/5 album was needed for my first day back at work. What a start with Brown Sugar. Such a good song and guitar riff. Wild horses is one of my favourte songs and Sister Morphine is so under rated. This is a top top album. Favourite song: Wild horses Least favourite: All top tracks Album artwork: Iconic cover
Lose control, Goldfinger and girl from Mars is such a strong start to an album and is the sound of my youth. This is a great album with catchy songs covering punk, indie and grunge. the Album has variety and substance. They were 19 when they wrote this album which is incredible. Favourite song: Goldfinger and girl from Mars Least favourite: All good Album artwork: Great cover
Another band I had never heard of and loved. Standard punk album. if you love punk you will love this. There are some great songs on this. I really enjoyed know your product, memories are made of this and private affair. Favourite song: Memories are made of this. Least favourite: All good Album artwork: Cool cover
Jazz is not for me at all. This album was pleasant in the background but that is as far as it goes for me. Favourite song: There was not one track I would like to listen to again Least favourite: Nothing was bad it was all just meh!! Album artwork: OK
This is an album I never knew I needed in my life. This is, Freedom and break are a strong start to the album. they are great song with variety and strong lyrics. Favourite song: A day at the races Least favourite: Fanstastic album. I couldnt fault a track Album artwork: Cool cover
I always loved this album, great artist. Brilliant lyrics with a great abnd and music. The only thing stopping this becoming a 5 is I feel there is a bit too much filler on this album. Favourite song: Last living rose and let Emgland shake Least favourite: England and On battleship hill Album artwork: Brilliant
A clear 10/5 or 20/10. This album is one of the best albums ever made!! Amazing lyrics, powerful music and such good guitar playing from the opening of the title track all the way through. The songs are melodic, meaningful with riffs you will remember forever and try to repeat badly yourself on a guitar! The album is full of classics with every song being important to the album and being worthy of being a single. Favourite song: Cemetery gates and there’s a light that never goes out. You could though make a case for any song on the album. Least favourite: none, they are all 10/10 tracks Album artwork: Iconic
This album is background or lift music at best. Some of the tracks are pleasant in the background and others are just annoying. I have no idea how this album made the cut. Favourite song: The number song and what does your soul look like are OK. Least favourite: A lot of the music on this album is meh and background noise. Album artwork: Cool cover
Country music is not an easy listen for me!! The album is dated and just boring wirth lyrics that just dont relate anymore!
I am not a grunge fan. I find the music all very generic and moany. i can see why this album is top of the pile for grunge but it’s not for me. Its wrestling music!!!! I couldn’t pick a favourite or a song I dont like, the album was just very meh! Album artwork: Cool cover
Fun, nonsense and annoying. I wanted to hate this album and did in parts but overall, it’s a nice listen. The album is an easy listen and has some enjoyable tracks, but it begins to get annoying as you go through the album. There are no deep and meaningful lyrics and songs on the album, just fun and cheesy rock songs with catch riffs and titles, get your hands off my woman is a great example of this!! Favourite song: I believe in a thing called love, Friday night and growing on me Least favourite: Giving up and stuck in a rut. They are songs in the second half of the album and by this time I was giving up!! Album artwork: It’s a cool cover
My second Beck album and I fear there is more to come. This album was OK at best not one of his strongest, so I am very surprised it made the cut of this list. I really enjoyed the opening tracks E-pro, Girl and missing. Its was a strong start but the album moved to a more repetitive and slower middle and end. Beck's music is funky, with a hint of indie and grunge yet samy after a while as I do not feel he tries anything new and different. Its an average album. Favourite song: Girl Least favourite: Broken drum and scarecrow Album artwork: It’s a fun cover
Not more Elvis!!! Elvis is phenomenon and a legend, I get this, but he has not made a good album he just has a great voice and sings what he is told to sing! There are some nice tracks on this like the girl of my best friend and Like a baby Favourite song: The girl of my best friend Least favourite: Soldier boy Album artwork: Standard Elvis album cover
Gorillaz were just so different at the time of release, when this popped up, I was looking forward to listening to this after so many years. Clint Eastwood and all the remixes of it are brilliant. I never tire of hearing it. Such a good song and sound. There are other great songs too like Punk, Sound check and Re-Hash. I like this album, but I do think Demon Days is better! I will listen to this more regularly. Favourite song: Clint Eastwood and Punk Least favourite: New genius brother Album artwork: Great cover and the artwork of the band is now stuff of legend.
Janis Joplin is an amazing singer, really powerful and raw. This album had a strong blues feel and had some great guitar riffs. I really enjoyed it. There are some great tracks on this like Turtle blues and piece of my heart. The album cover is also fantastic. Favourite song: Piece of my heart and magic of love Least favourite: all songs are good Album artwork: I love the cover
How have I never heard of this before, this is like good Kanye!!! This is good rap music, it is fresh and clean, it feels responsibile with a good message that has not dated. The music has it all with some songs featuring R&R then spanning the spectrum to Jazz. Its unique. Favourite song: Kick, Push" and "Daydreamin' Least favourite: Outro, what was that all about! Album artwork: I like the cover
Another Tom Waits album!! Whatever he records I just cant stand his voice! Terrible. I hated this album Album artwork: The cover sums up the album
What a first studio album this is!! It could easily be a greatest hits album. You won’t see a better opening than purple haze, manic depression and Hey Joe. Just brilliant. So many hits that remind me of going out when I was 18-21 and are the reasons, I love music. Stone Free being the biggest. I love it. Its a 5/5 easily Favourite song: Manic depression, Stone free Least favourite: None, all songs are fantastic Album artwork: Perfect album cover
I am not into heavy metal or thrash metal in any way at all. I was surprised that I enjoyed Master of Puppets and Battery as I went into the album with a negative mind frame. The guitar riffs were good and catchy, only downside is the songs are a little long. I grew to like the album. It has some good melodies and acoustic moments. its a 3/5. Favourite song: Master of puppets Least favourite: Disposable heros is not for me. there is a lot of screaming involved there. Album artwork: Cool cover, I won’t hang it up at home though
I can’t believe this album is now 20 years old!! I used to love this, so I am looking forward to giving it another listen, its been a long time. Slow night, so long is great. Its the KOL era I know and love before the haircuts and pop. KOL should have stayed this way. Its a good album, nothing more than a 3/5 Favourite song: King of the rodeo and Bucket Least favourite: Milk Album artwork: Cool cover
Sexy boy is one hell of a tune. So many memories come back from late teens early 20s when listening to it. The album is easy listening and great in the background. Favourite song: sexy boy Least favourite: There is nothing bad on this at all. Album artwork: cracking cover
Yes, what an album!! glam rock at its best. every song is a belter. I put this album in my top 10. The perfect day demo is wonderful. Favourite song: Vicious and walk on the wild side. Its a very tough choice though, I could list out the entire album here!! Least favourite: Goodnight ladies if I had to be picky Album artwork: Perfect cover
Short, sharp, and great. Punk at its best. 21 songs in 36 minutes is impressive feet. I had never heard of Wire or pink flag before, but I was impressed. It seemed very ahead of its time for a 1977 release. Favourite song: Three girl rumba and ex lion tamer. Least favourite: Nothing was long enough to not like Album artwork: Cool cover
The songs sound like good punk, the lyrics are silly and funny which is a good sign but for some reason I found the album a bit stale at fist. After a second or third listen though I grew to love some songs, and it really changed my opinion on the album. The cover of I got you babe is quite unique and California sun, two tub man and I live for cars and girls are great songs. It’s a fun album. Favourite song: California sun and two tub man are great songs. Least favourite: Master race rock Album artwork: Interesting cover
Nice folk music, This album has some great songs on it and some not so great songs. Its a real mixed bag. I really enjoyed the end of the rainbow and when I get to the boarder Then there were songs that I just could not get on with like the great valerio and the little beggar girl. Favourite song: The end of the rainbow Least favourite: the little beggar girl. It could have easily featured in Robin Hood the Disney cartoon. Album artwork: Simple and effective cover
I was never really a fan of Nirvana and never understood the hype, but this album is good. It adds cover to the hits, and they sound fantastic acoustically. I never really appreciated how many great covers there are on this album until now. Favourite song: About a girl, the man who sold the world and where did you sleep last night. Least favourite: I have never liked Pennyroyal tea Album artwork: Cool cover
Clowns is very dull!! and on reflection I found the album to be very dull. I am not a fan of her voice at all. Favourite song: Little bird is a lovely song. Least favourite: The rest of the album. Album artwork: Cool cover
This album is Radiohead at their best. Fantastic stuff. High and dry and fake plastic trees are fantastic songs and then further down the album you have just and my iron lung. there are some great tunes! Favourite song:Just Least favourite: Sulk Album artwork: Iconic cover.
This album is simply awful. Nonsence cowboy music. Favourite song: There really wasnt one Least favourite: All of them Album artwork: Very American
This album was funky, It was OK but nothing more. It couldn’t keep my concentration and became a background sound. This is not one I would listen to again Favourite song: Family affair Least favourite: The instrumentals towards the end of the album Album artwork: American
When I saw the first track was 20 minutes long I nearly gave up from the start. I have never listened to an Emerson, Lake, & Palmer before and had no idea what to expect. I will not be listening again Favourite song: None Least favourite: all of them Album artwork: Great cover.
I really agree with a lot of the comments. I really do hate prog rock!! This album does have some cool moments in around all the intrsumentals, Larks part 2 was a good song. Apart from that it is another poor album Favourite song: larks part 2 Least favourite: All of the other tracks Album artwork: Cool artwork
Lots of funk and disco but not as good as Thriller. Dont stop till you get enough and Rock with you carry the album. Fantastic songs but past the opening to I found it to be very average Favourite song: Dont stop till you get enough Least favourite: Get on the floor Album artwork: An odd man
I have always thought of Alice Cooper as a bit of a joke act, and I have never taken his work seriously before now. I really enjoyed this album. It was fun. I am surprised. I really enjoyed Mary Ann, I loved the dead and Billion-dollar babies. Favourite song: No more mister nice guy Least favourite: Sick things Album artwork: A bit of a lame cover. I expected better
This is going to be a tough listen. This was not for me at all. 90S pop and R&B at its worst, good voice though!! Favourite song: honey was an ok pop song. Least favourite: The rest of the album. Album artwork: Hot!!!
Great songs, fantastic voice and angry lyrics. I like it a lot. Pop art at its best. Sleep to dream, sullen girl and shadow boxer are great songs and Carrion is a lovely way to finish the album. There are so many good songs on this album 6/10 are / were big hits. Favourite song: Shadow boxer Least favourite: Never is a promise was a little boring. Album artwork: Lovely eyes!!
Good, old fashioned garage rock. 12 great pop songs in under 30 minutes. I really enjoyed this album. There are some great original songs like the witch and Strychnine and some classic rock and roll covers. This album is good fun. Favourite song: Have love will travel and money Least favourite: Walkin the dog Album artwork: Basic
Not a fan of this at all. Its safe to say I dont not enjoy drum and bass
The second album in a row that my review is just one word. Awful!! This is not an album, its a history lesson in indian music and culture.
I really enjoyed this album, I had heard the singles before and liked them even more as an album all together. Its very good and complete I had never heard ninteen hundred and eighty five before, what a great song. That will be played again!! Favourite song: Band on the run Least favourite: Bluebird, I was not a fan of this at all. Album artwork: Iconic album cover
90s grunge music was never my thing. I feel the album starts well but gets boring as it progresses. there are songs at the start where you can see they are trying to do something different and something that is a bit more than 90s grunge. The album has moments and great melodies. I would explore more smashing pumpkins. Favourite song: Disarm Least favourite: the latter half ot the album Album artwork: A bit creepy.
I like female punk music, I never knew this!! The vibrance and energy is amazing. Favourite song: Call me is a great tune. Least favourite: All songs are good but they do get a bit repetative after a while. Album artwork: Cool cover
The album cover makes me want to love this album enough I want the print of the cover on the wall at home. Lets see!! I have not heard much Steely Dan before but this album is a great introduction for me. It has some of their most popular hits and the rest of the album is really good too. The opening three tracks are really good and set the tone for the album. Favourite song: Do it again and reeling in the years. Least favourite: All tracks are great. Album artwork: I love the album cover.
Good album but nothing special. It feels very average. Bar a few songs I would not listen to this again. Celebrity skin and hit so hard are good songs. Favourite song: Hit so hard Least favourite: All are OK. Album artwork: Cool cover.
This was not for me at all. Some moments of nice music though
A very average rock / punk album. Nothing to write home about at all but pleasant to have on in the background and not have to concentrate on. There are some fun songs and high energy in moments making some of the tracks good. Homesick and get free for example is great. Favourite song: Homesick Least favourite: 1969 Album artwork: Cool cover though
I have never understood the hype with this album or Radiohead. When listening to their albums I have never thought 5/5 or amazing. I can see that they were something different at the time of release and a challenge to Brit Pop and indie but the songs to me are very whiney and lack variation. This album has some big hits on this though like Paranoid Android, Karma Police and Subterranean homesick alien, but on the other hand some very boring numbers like Exit music and let down. Favourite song: Karma Police Least favourite: Exit music for a film Album artwork: Cool cover
A brilliantf funk album, with a blend of rock and psychedelia all thrown in. Its a very enjoyable listen. Favourite song: One nation and who says a funk band cant play pop Least favourite: All great songs Album artwork: Cool cover
I dont understand this at all. I would give this the lowest score possbile if there was something below a 1.
I really didnt get on with this at all. 1/5
God this is long!! Interesting concept to add a string orchestra to this band and songs. I liked it. It added a layer to the music I had not experienced before. Favourite song: Master of puppets is a great song, but does it need to be 9 minutes!! I also enjoyed no leaf clover. Least favourite: The rest of the album became much of a muchness. Album artwork: Love the cover
I am not that familiar with Eels; I have no idea how I missed them in the 90S There are some stand out songs on this album, Novocaine for the soul is a brilliant opening track. I also loved your lucky day in hell and not ready yet, but there is quite a bit of filler. It’s an album of good moments. Favourite song: Novocaine for the soul. Least favourite: Manchild, I was not a fan of at all and Spunky was pointless. Album artwork: The album title is summed up in the album art
Brilliant album, great lyrics, and great music. 4/5. I shall delve into the back catalogue. Favourite song: Lyrics and shutdown Least favourite: Numbers Album artwork: Average cover
Double albums rarely work. This album has some great songs on it but there are 28 tracks covering 2 hours, so there is lots of filler. An ode to no one is an example of that. This album had some beautiful moments. Mellon collie is a lovely instrumental and the album really kicks off with the fantastic tonight tonight. It was a strong opening but really dragged until track 14 take me down. Favourite song: tonight tonight. Least favourite: I was not a fan of zero or ode to no one. Album artwork: Creepy cover
I was excited to see this album. This album is a fun pop punk album that spans all genres but focuses on reggae & ska. It’s fun and an easy listen. I will go there and say I think their version of heard it through the grapevine is the best cover I have ever heard. Favourite song: Heard it through the grapevine Least favourite: All songs are worth a listen Album artwork: Iconic cover
This album is far to sexy for me!! One good song and 7 others seductive numbers that don’t really add much. Not one of Marvins greatest’s Favourite song: Let’s get it on Least favourite: You sure love to ball and just to keep you satisfied Album artwork: Good cover
I love this album! Punk yet catchy pop that flows really easily. Its such a good listen. Iggy with Bowie is some double act. Favourite song: The Passanger and lust for life. Least favourite: Album artwork: Iconic cover
A couple of good songs in Lazy Sunday and Afterglow but apart from that I really didnt understand the album at all. Lots of nonsense. Favourite song: Lazy Sunday Least favourite: All of the album Album artwork: Cool cover
More Jazz, This album was not for me at all.
I had never heard of pavement before! My first thought is very generic 90s alt rock and indie. It was a nice album but nothing stuck out. It reminded me of American Pie and music from that era of american comedy. Favourite song: Newark Wilder and cut your hair Least favourite: the rest of the album is very meh. Album artwork: Cool cover if not a little messy.
70S Sabbath is very good! One thing that Sabbath do well is mix heavy rock with beautiful moments. Changes followed by FX is a great example of that. I love Ozzy’s voice on this album. This album is great. Favourite song: Changes Least favourite: I hate a not needed guitar solo. Wheels of confusion has a very long one Album artwork: Cool cover.
Well-crafted and produced music, in summary this album is cool folk rock! I love the Waterboys. My only critic is the album is very long with little variation. Favourite song: Fisherman’s blues is a great song Least favourite: The stolen child. Album artwork: Cool cover
Sexist, misogynistic, and homophobic lyrics. Very dated and uncomfortable listening! Favourite song: I didn’t really like anything Least favourite: All of the tracks Album artwork: not for me
7 songs and 38 minutes. It’s a short one!!! Great intro to Deep Purple though. I have not heard much of their work apart from smoke on the water (what a guitar riff that is!!) I really enjoyed Maybe im a Leo, pictures of home and never before. There are some great Dad rock songs on this album. Favourite song: Maybe I’m a Leo Least favourite: All were good. Album artwork: Good album cover
Polarising reviews. I was looking forward to giving this a listen to see where I sit on the 1’s or 5’s. There is little in-between. I gave it 2 listens before reviewing to make sure I was fair as this album is nuts. On reflection this is an album of moments, some of them are brilliant and some of them are just bizarre. I can’t work out if I love Sat in your lap and there goes a tenner or absolutely hate these tracks. Favourite song: I couldnt pick one, they are all nuts. I dont know if I love them all or hate them. Least favourite: Same as above Album artwork: Cool cover
This is a very good album. Bob Marley is a fantastic talent for writing accurate social commentary lyrics that’s still work and are applicable to this date! There is anger and happiness on top of great music in this album. Favourite song: Stir it up and concreate jungle are great songs. Least favourite: All songs were good. Album artwork: Cool cover.
What an album of storytelling! Clear 5/5 even though I am biased with my love for the boss! Such a different sound to the E street band. The Boss meets Cash and Dylan. I like this album a lot but it doesn’t come near to born to run, the river or born in the USA. still a 5 though. Lyrically Springsteen can do everything. Favourite song: Atlantic city Least favourite: All listenable with a story to tell. Album artwork: Fantastic cover
An average album, one that can be easily put on and forgotten about as it is playing. The album had some nice moments like Court and Spark and help me, but I did not enjoy the moments of Jazz that seemed to run throughout the album. Favourite song: Court and Spark Least favourite: Twisted Album artwork: I like the cover
Not more Simon & Garfunkel!!!! I find it hard to find any enthusiasm to listen to any of Simon & Garfunkel work. The music is slow, passive and boring. In short, it's a dull album full of passive songs that you dont really care about or pay attention to. Favourite song: homeward bound Least favourite: most of the album is boring Album artwork: lame
I thought this album was a lot earlier than 2007. Where is my mind is a great tune. Its a good album. Not the type of album I would listen to lots but I would listen again. Favourite song: where is my mind Least favourite: River Euphrates Album artwork: Cool cover
This album is cool. Really good in fact. The sound felt new and different, and the tracks showed variation. I really enjoyed this. Favourite song: So many to choose from, I really enjoyed solid ground, Piano joint, and Hero. Every song was great in its own right Least favourite: Nothing to pick here Album artwork: Cool cover
Awesome album, an album I was not expecting much from but really enjoyed and will listen to it over and over again. This album can easily be background music or an album to really pay attention too. It has it all. Musically there is some great drumming on this album!. Favourite song: I have always loved safe from harm and unfinished sympathy but discovered day dreaming and blue lines through this challenge. So many great tunes. Least favourite: None Album artwork: Love the cover
This album sounds like all R&B albums. It could be anyone, singing anything. Very meh. This one is particularly bad. I have no idea how it made the list. Favourite song: I couldn’t pick one Least favourite: All tracks Album artwork: Meh
I did enjoy this, it is great background 80 electronic music. Lots of Synths and some fantastic baselines. Favourite song: Pacific 202 Least favourite: nothing to hate, there are some great sounds and tracks on this album Album artwork: Cool cover
What an album. I have always loved this from my first listen 30 years ago to now. You couldnt make ths album better. From a Beatles perspective it can only be beaten by Revolver Getting better, a day in the life and Lucy in the sky with diamonds are perfect songs. Favourite song: All of them Least favourite: Everything is perfect Album artwork: Iconic labum cover
Rock that borders onto metal is not my thing. There are a couple of good songs on this album but that is about it! Favourite song: Zombie eaters was a good song out of a bad bunch and I liked the cover of War Pigs but it doesnt touvh the original. Least favourite: The rest of the album Album artwork: Cool cover
Not for me, It sounds like the sound track to Aladdin 2!! I did enjoy some of the music and I appreciate the change in vibe and being taken out of the comfort zone but I won’t be listening to this again. Favourite song: Aalach Tloumouni Least favourite: The rest of the album Album artwork: Not one I will be hanging up at home
Having seen Elvis Costello play an acoustic show recently I was very excited to listen to this album again! I started to play this album on Monday morning at 9:30 and welcome to the working week came on loud!, great song, and a great welcome to another week. So many good songs on this album, I love Blame it on Cain, Alison, and the angels wanna wear my red shoes. This is just a fun pop album that is easy to listen to. Favourite song: The entire album is superb Least favourite: There is not a bad song on the album Album artwork: Cool cover
It was allright, as good as an Eric Clapton album can be. Layla is a fantastic riff and song though I think if I had to sum up this album and Claptons career I would say generic classic rock Favourite song: Layla Least favourite: every song is a little meh Album artwork: I love the cover
This is a great album. The The have a great sound that feels unique. Another example of why the 80s was so good. Favourite song: Perfect Least favourite: Not a bad one on the album Album artwork: Cool cover
This was poor, loud, and pointless noise with over sexualized lyrics. With reagrds to the tracks nothing stood out. I am guessing this made the list as its very early punk and at the start of the era. Favourite song: None Least favourite: All of them, its a poor album Album artwork: meh
Double album with an 11-minute-long opening track. Very brave and it works. The album has so much variety from ballads, Reggae, and rock. everything is nailed and perfect. It’s an easy 5/5 album Favourite song: Bonnie and the Jets and Saturday Least favourite: Jamaica jerk off. this really didn’t work. Album artwork: I love the cover
I had 0 expectations from this album, but I really enjoyed it. This has been downloaded and will be listened to again! I had never listened to them before but feel I have seen them live at a festival once. I was not expecting all different types of genres. Rock at the core and a little Springsteen thrown in with elements of pop, psychedelic, glam and everything you can think of. Fantastic melodies but lacking a couple of real bigger hitter on the album that would make it memorable. It’s a 3/5 but nearly a 4 Favourite song: Something for the weekend Least favourite: Everything was worthy of being on the album Album artwork: Cool cover
I was not a fan of this album at all. I thought the lyrics were dated and dangerous and offered nothing new that was not done and done better 20 years ago. Poor album
I am not that familiar with R.E.M and looking at the track list on this album it has none of the big hitters are on it. I am looking forward to seeing what this album is all about. It was OK, A 3/5. Musically it was very tight. You can hear that R.E.M guitar sound forming and there is some brilliant piano on this. I feel the album lacks a killer song that you remember it for though. Favourite song: Radio free Europe Least favourite: All songs were OK to good, nothing is bad. Album artwork: Cool cover
This is a great album, Lots of variety and great music and lyrics. I really enjoyed it. Shameika and I want you to love me are 2 great songs to open the album and real set the tone and it goes from strngth to strength from there. Favourite song: On I go and under the table Least favourite: All tracks were good Album artwork: Cool cover
I enjoyed this album a lot more than I thought I would. You can hear so many bands that have been influenced by Bert Jansch. The album is hard to put into a genre, the tracks go from Blues to folk to pop linked together by some great guitar work! Loved it!! Favourite song: Angie and Needle of death Least favourite: Alices wonderland Album artwork: Cool cover, It’s a classic look
I agree with a lot of the reviews. Cabaret / Christmas songs that are perfect for a hotel or restaurant. There is nothing on here that grabs you or is worth listening too. I have no idea how it made the list.
I was so surprised by how much I liked this album. The music was really good, it sounded new, different and refreshing. This album is such a good surprise and why I have loved this challenge. Favourite song: Come on feel the lilinoise is a great tune. Least favourite: Prairie fire that wonders about was a bit too whimsical for me. Album artwork: Superb artwork
Electric music without any point or substance. It was an OK listen, but I have nothing positive or negative to say. It was just on in the background and nothing grabbed my attention. French music and language just doesn’t work for me. Favourite song: Metronomiuc underground. Least favourite: Nothing was terrible, but nothing stood out. Album artwork: Very cool cover
This challenge has taught me I really like early hip-hop and arrested development. This is a great album. Funky music and great lyrics. I was 10 when this album came out and I have great memories of hearing Mr Wendal and Tennessee on the radio. I loved haring these again Favourite song: Mr Wendal Least favourite: All good. Album artwork: Cool cover
This album is a classic and a clear 5/5. I think five yearrs is one of the best album openers there is, then you have the album (which is superb!!) followed by the best close to an album you can find with Suffragette City and Rock ‘n’ Roll Suicide Favourite song: Starman, Suffragette City and Rock ‘n’ Roll Suicide Least favourite: Every song is brilliant Album artwork: Iconic cover
Halfway through track 1, I decided that I would not like this album, I thought this is just Jazz and not for me like many other jazz albums on this challenge. I was wrong. as the album went on it grew and I grew to enjoy it. This album has far more to it than just jazz. it is funky and groovy with some great instrumentals and meaningful lyrics and songs. In summary the album is not one that I would run to put on again, but I enjoyed it none the less. Favourite song: Least favourite: Album artwork: Good cover
This is a fantastic album. So good considering at this point the Beatles were falling apart. George Harrisons finest moments with something and hear comes the sun. 2 of my favourite songs. Macca is also at his best in this album golden slumbers and came ion through the window are fantastic songs. There are also some hidden gems like she came in through the window and oh darling. Favourite song: I can’t pick, this album has come together, here comes the sun and something on. 3 of the best songs you will ever hear. Least favourite: Because Album artwork: Iconic cover, probably the best!
Even more Metallica, this must be the 3rd or 4th now in 320 odd doing this challenge! My gut reaction is not another album and its a long one at 1 hour and 5 minutes for 9 tracks. This is all a bit meh and sounds like all the others. There is nothing new and different. Favourite song: I enjoyed eye of the beholder and the opening guitar riff to one. Least favourite: The rest of the album Album artwork: Cool cover
The best album of the Berlin trilogy. This album has all the sounds and genres that Bowie has tried before and doesnt brilliantly. Its a top album and one of Bowies best. Heros and Beauty and the Beast are the standout tracks. Joe the lion is also a hidden gem. Every song could have been a single. Favourite song: Heros Least favourite: Everything is superb Album artwork: Iconic
Not as good as different class but a very good Album. I love help the aged. Major Bowie vibes from this record. Favourite song: Help the aged. Least favourite: All good Album artwork: Sexy cover
Looking at the track listings and awful titles of the songs this is going to be a very hard listen. Favourite song: Least favourite: Album artwork: I wont be hanging this one up at home.
I really liked this album. I would listen to it again. I have always loved the song Without You but had never heard this version before. Some good Beatles inspired pop songs. Favourite song: Without You Least favourite: Coconut. What on earth was that about. Album artwork: Standard album cover
I found this album a real struggle. It’s nothing like back to black. I find Amys voice a tough listen, and it grates as you go further through the album. There are no big hits on this either to help to redeem my score. Favourite song: I couldnt pick one Least favourite: All the songs were just not for me. Jazz mixed with pop is a bad combo. Album artwork: Good cover, she looks waisted on it though
I loved this album. It wasnt one I was familar with all the way through but I really enjoyed exploring it. Cohen is one of the greatest musical storytellers there is. Great lyrics delivered well. Bird on a wire and the partisan are great songs. Favourite song: The Butcher and Partisan Least favourite: All great stories Album artwork: Standard Leonard Cohen album cover
I really enjoyed this album. Great song and great memories from nights out 20 years ago. I can’t believe this came out in 1989. I can see why this is an influential album and a trend setter for this genre. Lots of songs and beats that have been heard on many different albums and nights. This is a brilliant record. Favourite song: Back to life and feeling free are great tunes. Least favourite: Nothing is bad on the album. Album artwork: Cool cover.
This is a good album, Great tunes and a great sound that is very unique to the band. I am a Depeche Mode fan, but this one has gone under the radar with me before now. I will listen to this again. Favourite song: Nothing and Strange love Least favourite: All good tunes Album artwork: Cool cover
This album is really going to test the aged old saying of quantity does not equal quality. Let’s see. 3 hours is going to be a long chunk out of my day. Track one grabbed me, I liked it, following on the album had some nice moments like I don’t want to get over you, the one you really love and Fido, your leash is too long. Overall through it was full of filler and was like a poor Leonard Cohen album, lots of love but poor story telling. It went on too long. I feel with 10 of the best tracks this could be good. Favourite song: Absolutely Cuckoo Least favourite: 60 out of the 69 tracks Album artwork: Simple yet smart cover.
4 songs and 33 minutes, a very different challenge today than yesterday’s 69 songs and 3 hours with The Magnetic Fields. After that I needed the time back. The only issue is 1960s jazz, probably my least favourite genre of music. This is just not for me at all. Hotel lobby music. Favourite song: I couldn’t tell the difference between the 4 songs on this album. I couldn’t pick a favourite or least! Least favourite: Same as above. Album artwork: Serious
This is such an average album. I have never understood the hype with Sting or the Police. There are a handful of good songs on this like message in a bottle and walking on the moon and some hidden gems I had never heard of like no time this time and the bed is too big without you. The rest of the album is very meh though. Favourite song: Message in a bottle Least favourite: Reggatta de blanc Album artwork: Iconic cover
Listening to this album you can really hear the Shamen move from psychedelic rock into a new rave sound. I really enjoyed move any mountain, what a great song to start the album. Its an OK album but not one I would want to listen to again Its avergage. I have no idea how it made the list. Favourite song: Move and mountain and Hyperreal orbit Least favourite: Omega Amigo Album artwork: Standard album cover
Another Clapton record or at least an album he is featured on!. It’s going to be a tough day. This album I am aware of and always liked. I think it’s the John Mayall influence. This is a good Blues album. I love What I’d say, another man and All your love. Great songs. Favourite song: What I’d say Least favourite: All good Album artwork: Cool cover.
French rap!!! I went into the album with a very negative mindset based on an important component to good rap is being able to understand what is said!! The music is very good and very varied. Great beats but lyrics are important to me. I cant score this album easily without knowing whats being said!
This album is not for me at all. I enjoyed the Fugees but this was a struggle.
Very short album, it was ok. Nothing stood out. I do wonder how this made the list. Favourite song: moonshine was a good song Least favourite: track 1 Album artwork: Cool cover
It seems very appropriate to be listening to this whilst in Nee York!! I have never heard a Ryan Adams song before but have heard good things. I’m excited to listen to this. I really enjoyed this. I will listen to this again. It’s an album I would have never tried without the nudge from this challenge. Favourite song: Somehow Someday and when the stars go blue Least favourite: Sylvia Plath and enemy fire. The album goes on a mid album slump. Album artwork: cool cover, very born in the USA
I had no idea this was Belinda Carlisles band!! I loved a couple of her solo songs! At first listen I thought, Another generic female punk group and album. I was wrong, I enjoyed this album. it’s a good listen. What can go wrong when an album has great music and fun lyrics. There are some great tracks like, tonite, automatic and lust for love. Favourite song: Tonite was a good song Least favourite: All songs are fun and a good listen. Album artwork: Cool cover
Not an album I will listen to again. Horrid lyrics and boring beats. It’s also very hard to give any of your time to such a bigot and moron. All falls down and the new workout plan are great songs but the rest of the album seems lazy. Favourite song: all falls down Least favourite: the school spirit tracks are all awful Album artwork: freaky
I have never heard of this band or any of the tracks before so I am looking forward to some 60s Psychedelic rock. This album has some great songs but goes on a massive decline as you go through the album. Songs like the king is in the counting house and toonerville trolley are just awful! This should be a short 6-8 track album of just the good stuff. Favourite song: Get me to the world on time and Are you loving me more but enjoying it less. Least favourite: The Toonerville trolley, what on earth is that all about. Album artwork: Standard 60s classic cover.
Last night, Hard to explain and someday are songs that remind me of my going our days, such belters!! This is a really good indie album. Effortlessly cool and completly fresh and unique sounding. 5/5 easily!! Favourite song: So many of these tracks are 5/5. If I had to pick 2 favourites I would pick Soma and Last night. Least favourite: Everything is perfect Album artwork: Nice!!!!
The perfect album!! Pure rock and roll. It’s in my top 5 for sure. Favourite song: supersonic and slide away Least favourite: you couldn’t find a bad song on this album. Album artwork: One of the best covers of all time.
I liked this album. I had know idea it was produced by John Cale. Very cool!! Art, rock, pop and punk. What more could you want. Favourite song: Hospital Least favourite: all songs are good Album artwork: nice cover
Amazing funk, the sound of the 80S in one album. This is album sounds dirty and sexy. 1999, Delirious and D.M.S.R are great funk songs. I really enjoyed this album Favourite song: 1999 Least favourite: All good Album artwork: Cool cover
At first, I was surprised that this made the list. After listening to this again for the first time in probably 10-15 years I am now not surprised. It is very good. Supergrass best album for sure. Its full of indie hits. Favourite song: Stange ones and Allright Least favourite: Every song is a good one Album artwork: Great cover
Movin on up is a great tune and great way to start an album and set the tone. Unfortunately, the album goes downhill very quickly, as the album progresses it gets worse. Psychedelic background music is a struggle and not an easy listen. I have had this album in my collection for years and years and this challenge is the first time I have managed to get all the way through it. The album has some great moments though that give it a score of 3/5 like come together and loaded (even though loaded is about 4 minutes too long) Favourite song: Movin on up Least favourite: Dont fight it, feel it and inner flight. Album artwork: Brilliant cover
The perfect Christmas album to listen to on Christmas Day with the family. This can only be listened to in December but Phil Spectors versions of these hits are good. Favourite song: Santa Claus is coming to town. Least favourite: silent night. I have always found this song creepy. Album artwork: Could be more festive
Chilled out soul music that is just a little boring. It feels like the album wants to go somewhere but it doesn’t quite get there. In short this album is dull. Favourite song: Least favourite: Album artwork: Not one for the wall at home.
This album was OK. Not my type of music and not something I can ever see myself listening to again though. Favourite song: couldn’t pick one Least favourite: again couldn’t pick one Album artwork: Cool cover
Australian Smiths or Cure. Really good stuff!! Favourite song: Love is a sign, You cant say no forver and streets of your town. Least favourite: Im allright was not the best if I am being picky. Album artwork: Cool cover from a great band
Cashing in was a great tune. I had to wait to the end of the album to get to a song with meaning and not just noise. I did not enjoy this album. No Melodies and pointless lyrics. Favourite song: cashing in Least favourite: tracks 1-8 Album artwork: I love the album cover
I am biased as Queen are one of my childhood favourite bands. Its brave to start an album with an instrumental but Brighton Rock is a masterpiece. Then being followed by Killer Queen which could be Queens greatest song ever is a strong start. In summary this is not the best Queen album but it is a very good one. It works very well as a piece and shows Queen in a very different light to the over played greatest hits by show casing hidden gems like flick of the wrist and lily off the valley. Favourite song: Killer Queen is one of the best songs of all time. Least favourite: Tenemant funster. Awful Album artwork: Superb cover
This album is pleasant background music but also easily forgettable. Nothing grabbed me at all, everything sounded the same and blended into one. Jazz and folk are not my genres and when mixed together give you a 1/5 Favourite song: I couldn’t pick one Least favourite: Harry’s House / Centre piece. Album artwork: Cool cover
80s Music at its best. I really enjoyed this album. There are some great pop songs on this album like Open your heart, The things that dreams are made of and dont you want me. Favourite song: Love action ( I belive in love) and dont you want me. Least favourite: All good Album artwork: Cool cover
I really enjoyed this album. I saw Badly Drawn Boy support Squeeze in November and meant to listen to this album the day after that and never got round to it. I am glad I did today. There are some lovely melodies and pop songs on this album. Favourite song: The Shinning is a lovely song, and I really enjoyed once around the block. Least favourite: I enjoyed all the tracks on the album. Album artwork: Cool cover
I have never listened to Z Z top before, I am looking forward to this, I am expecting Bearded rock and roll!! What I got is what I expected and I enjoyed it. Beardy blues rock with some great guitar riffs. The album is enjoyable but not ground breaking, its a decent score of 3/5. it lacks a couple of really big songs! Favourite song: Hot blue and righteous and La grange Least favourite: None of the tracks were bad! Album artwork: Green!!!
A super and perfect album if not a little long. I feel this album could challenge for being the Beatles best if it was 11-12 of the best tracks from this double. There are perfect songs on this like Glass onion, Blackbird and while my guitar gentle weeps that showcase all the Beatles and their talent. Ob-La Di, Ob la-Da will always be one of my favourite hidden treasures. Favourite song: Ob-La Di, Ob la-Da and Back in the USSR. Least favourite: Revolution 9, mother nature’s son and cry-baby cry are just not needed Album artwork: Classic
This is a very interersting and different listen. I enjoyed this! album and will listen to it again. Musically the sound changes so much throughout the album. Its very clever. The album did take a massive dive at the midpoint though from Dead finks onwards. Favourite song: The Paw Paw Negro Blowtorch and Babys on fire. You can see Talking Heads and Bowies in these tracks. Least favourite: Tracks 8-10 Album artwork: Cool cover
1hr and 33 minutes of late 60s jazz. What a way to start the week!! I was not a fan at all. Everything sounds the same and is boring. I couldnt pick a favourite or least favourite track. Album artwork: Cool cover though
I surprising liked this album in moments, Initially, I judged a book by its cover and thought it wouldn’t be my thing, but it was good. There is good variation in the album with a very unique sound throughout with a sense of familiarity like I had heard it before with tracks like Pumpkin and Hell is round the corner. Favourite song: Overcome and Black Steel Least favourite: Abbaon fat tracks. just horrible lyrics. Album artwork: Not for me.
This is a brilliant album, a 5/5 that I was not expecting to give. This is the first time I have given a Roxy Music album a full listen and I love it. Once this album finished, I went straight into Avalon and followed it on with for your pleasure. You can hear so many artists influenced by it like Morrissey and Nick Cave to name a couple. I loved Prairie Rose, A really good time, All I want is you and Out of the blue. There are so many good songs on this album. Favourite song: Out of the blue is a brilliant song. It has an amazing baseline throughout and instrumental in the middle. Least favourite: Bitter- Sweet, I just didn’t get this one. Album artwork: Lovely!!
A Bee Gees concept album!!! and not only a concept album, but it’s an album also that caused the group to break up! I am excited to listen to it all the way through. When I last heard this about 20 years ago, I thought it was naff! Listening again there is a country influence on this album which I don’t think suits them and their melodies. There are also some very odd songs like Edison and Melody fair and no big hits. The Bee Gees have made some of the greatest pop songs of all time. there are not any on this album though. It’s one I wouldn’t listen to again and was not worth the heartache it caused them in the 4 months it took to record. That said I love Robins voice and Lamplight is a great tune! and I love First of May so that gives this album a 2/5. Favourite song: Lamplight and First of May Least favourite: Most of the album Album artwork: Standard yet effective.
I liked this album. Had no idea what the lyrics say but the music is funky, well put together and fast paced. That said I am not sure I would listen to it again. Great grooves, great variation and some great guitaring on this album. Favourite song: Mesus Filhos, Meu Tesouro has a great sound to it. I have no idea what it is about and I love Africa Brasil, it has a real feel good vibe. Least favourite: Nothing was horrible. the music on the album is very good. Album artwork: Good cover. its doesn’t look like a 70s cover
90s alt-rock is such an average genre of music. there are so many bands this album could have been and so many bands who were doing the same thing at this time. Mrs Robinson and knowing me knowing you are good covers; they get a star on their own! Apart from the covers this is a very basic album that could be by anyone at that time and is instantly forgettable. That said I enjoyed Rockin stroll and It’s a shame about ray. Particularly the demos that are on the extended versions. Favourite song: Knowing me knowing you Least favourite: Nothing was bad, yet nothing was very good at all. Album artwork: Cool cover.
I do love a good live album and this one is very enjoyable. Frampton is a good songwriter, and fantastic guitarist who sounds like he is having fun on stage. There is a huge hint of Dad rock, but Dad rock at its best. Baby I love your way is a fantastic song. Favourite song: Do you feel like we do was brilliant. What a guitar solo to finish the gig. Least favourite: I really didnt enjoy the jumpin jack flash cover Album artwork: Cool cover
This is a good album. Great bluesy sound, with good lyrics and vocals. I enjoyed it. Plus, points are the bluesy sound, the backing tracks, the lyrics, and vocals. Fantastic! On the negative side the album is very front loaded and far too long. It could have easily been the first 10 tracks. Shorter and sharper would have made it a 4/5 There are some great tracks, I really enjoyed too afraid to love you and ten cent pistol. The big hits tighten up and Howlin for you are great tracks too. Favourite song: Too afraid to love you Least favourite: the last 5-6 tracks. they feel like filler. Album artwork: Love it
An awful person singing about awful things. The lyrics on this album are genuinely awful and repressive. It’s a 0/5 score if that was possible!!
I love the Wu-Tang Clan, When this albm came up I was excited to give some of the members solo work a go. This album has very clever lyrics that flow well. Its a step ahead of other hip hop albums as GZA talks about important subjects in a meaningful way. Very good!! Favourite song: 4th Chamber and I gotcha back Least favourite: Everything had a place and was worth a listen Album artwork: Not one to be hung up at home
The indie artists of the 90s and 00s love this album. Noel Gallagher raves about it. I have never understood the hype. There she goes is a fantastic tune but it doesn’t make an album. That said let’s give it another listen. It’s been 20 years!! After another listen this is a fun / average Britpop album with 1 great song on it. I also enjoyed IOU and Freedom song. Its a better album than I originally thought!! Favourite song: There she goes Least favourite: Nothing is bad, there are just quite a few average tunes on it. Way out is a good example of that. Average music and average story telling lyrics Album artwork: It’s an iconic album cover
This is not my thing at all, yet it’s a fun listen. It’s a protest album with powerful lyrics, strong energy, and great music throughout. It’s fun. Favourite song: Only 4 to choose from but it is easily Zombie Least favourite: Everything was an easy listen with some great beats. Album artwork: Cool cover
Around the world is a good song as a stand-alone song, when you listen to it as part of the album its repetitive and boring as all songs on the album follow the same pattern. I know people adore Daft Punk, I have never understood why. This album in summary is dull, all the songs are the same with repetitive lyrics and very little change in gear. It’s just very boring. I have no idea how this made the list. Favourite song: Around the world Least favourite: Everything is just very meh and boring. Album artwork: Cool cover
I can’t believe this album is 30 years old. I can remember it coming out and Waterfalls being all over the radio! Its OK with some good pop songs but not really my thing. Favourite song: Switch, waterfalls and creep are great tunes Least favourite: Sexy interlude and Intermission lude. I am not sure they were needed Album artwork: Standard album cover
This album is perfect. My favourite Dylan album. Every song is a belter. I loved the turn to electric and the new rock and roll sound of Dylan. It is also great to hear the move lyrically from politics to love. Dylan is a poet! Favourite song: I love stuck inside of mobile with the memphis blues again and just like a woman. Least favourite: Every song is perfect Album artwork: Iconic album cover.
This felt like a parody album or a bit of a joke. It has some good moments but is so random in parts. The album switches from French to instrumental with no rhyme nor reason. That said it has some good tracks on it, I really like "songs of love". I have heard it somewhere before but I can’t picture where (Father Ted). I also enjoyed 'love is lighter than air". You can see why the reviews are so polarising. The good moments on the album lifted the score to 2/5. I liked the miracle is mine from the extended version. Maybe this is just because I am a fan of father ted. Favourite song: Songs of love Least favourite: The theme from Casanova is a very boring instrumental. Album artwork: Cool cover
A perfect album. Full of energy and anger with powerful and socially important lyrics. The meanings behind the songs made in 1980 are still relevant 40 plus years later. That's entertainment' should be the national anthem. It’s the song of my youth. Favourite song: That's entertainment, start, pretty green. I could list out every track Least favourite: Nothing. its perfect Album artwork: Iconic cover
This is so 80S!! The main tracks on the album, "like a prayer", "express yourself" "cherish" and "pray for Spanish eyes" are superb. I also enjoyed songs I had not heard before like "till death do us part" On the downside, there are some bang average songs on this album there to make up the numbers like Love song and "Dear Jessie" In summary this is a good fun that is very of its time. Favourite song: "Like a prayer" is one of the all-time great pop songs Least favourite: There were some tracks on the album I just couldn’t get into like "Love Song" Album artwork: Great cover
There are some tracks on this album Hotel Yorba and Fell in love with a girl are fantastic rock and roll songs. 2 minutes each of guitar music and raw energy. Great songs. Favourite song: Hotel Yorba. I have always loved this song. Least favourite: From track 10 onwards there is a lot of filler. I feel this album could easily just be the first 10 songs. I didn’t enjoy I think I smell a rat. Album artwork: Cool cover
I really don’t get the hype with Jay-Z. I find this record hard to rate as it was just very mediocre, nothing stood out at all, and it was all very same! Really dull stuff. I will never listen to this again. Favourite song: All I need. Least favourite: Almost every track in the album. Album artwork: Meh!
There is a couple of very nice songs on this album Close to you and Weve only just begun are lovely. The rest of the album is just really wet! Favourite song: Close to you. Least favourite: The cover of help is awful Album artwork: A little bit creepy
This is a really good album. I always had Lennon down as a single’s solo artist. I take it back. this is a great album. Taking away the big hits of Imagine and Jealous guy there are some great hidden gems like How? and crippled inside. Favourite song: Jealous guy. I have always loved that song. Least favourite: There isn’t a bad song on the album Album artwork: Iconic cover
I really enjoyed this album; it was a pleasant listen with some great lyrics and melodies. It will be listened to again. I felt it lacked a couple of killer hits for it to be anything more than a 3/5 Favourite song: Tiny Dancer is a belter. Least favourite: "All the nasties" was a bit naff Album artwork: Cool cover.
Every song is pure rock and roll fun. I loved the album and will listen to it again. It is the birth of rock and roll. Brilliant vocals and great guitar. The demos on the deluxe version show just how raw and powerful little Richard was vocally. Favourite song: Tutti Frutti and long tall Sally are brilliant tracks Least favourite: Everything is really good. Album artwork: Cool cover
Kings of Leons transition to pop music and a new teenage fanbase!! I heard this album so much growing up. I hated it at the time, let’s see how I feel 15 years later. The start of the album is superb, Closer and crawl are traditional KOL songs, driven by pure raw pop rock. Use somebody and sex is on fire are great pop songs that bring in new fans and widen their reach. It’s a great start. After track 4 the album really does drop of a cliff. The rest of the album feels like it is going through the motions with the tracks being very dull and samey without any style. The album is not one I would listen to again. Ill stick to the greatest hits. Favourite song: the first 4 songs, they are superb. Least favourite: Be somebody, overplayed and awful. Album artwork: I like this cover, I do remember it being different and green back in the day.
This album is not for me at all. Favourite song: I couldnt pick one Least favourite: There was nothing on the album I enjoyed. Album artwork: Meh
The only Death in Vegas song I know is Scorpio rising so I am looking forward to listening and learning more about them. The album starts with Dirge and its a great start, its dark and gloomy and builds well. I love it. Aisha was also a fun track. The rest of the album was just boring. there was nothing that grabbed you. I am shocked this made the list!! Favourite song: Dirge and Aisha are great tunes Least favourite: The rest of the album was just boring Album artwork: Cool cover
Not my type of music at all. In summary I found this album to be background noise and absolute rubbish!! Favourite song: Oxygene part 4. I have heard this somewhere before and can’t quite place it. Least favourite: Every song on the album called oxygene! Album artwork: Cool cover but that’s about as good as it gets.
Creedence Clearwater Revival have such an American sound. Rock and roll with a dash of country. There is some great guitar on this album. Penthouse Pauper was a great song. Proud Mary is an all time classic. Favourite song: Good Golly Miss Molly. Least favourite: they were all good Album artwork: A bit blurry
This is hip-hop I can truly get into and enjoy! After my first listen, I immediately played the album back-to-back three more times—it’s that good. Lyrically, musically, and through its well-chosen samples, this album delivers on every level. It manages to be funny, powerful, and even intimidating all at once, showcasing brilliant craftsmanship. The variety here is incredible—different sounds, styles, and rappers all coming together to create something special. This album has it all. Favorite song: Don't Believe the Hype is an absolute banger, and I also loved Terminator X. Least favorite: Honestly, every track is worth listening to—there’s no filler or weak spots apart from possibly show em wathcha got. Album artwork: Not something I’d hang on my wall, but that doesn’t take away from the music
I once had the chance to meet Ray Davies—an incredibly well-dressed yet delightfully eccentric man! The Kinks Are the Village Green Preservation Society stands apart not only from other Kinks albums but also from what most bands were doing at the time. It has a distinct Beatles-esque charm, yet it remains uniquely Kinks in its storytelling and nostalgia-infused melodies. Favorite tracks: Animal Farm and Picture Book—both feature fantastic lyrics and melodies. Least favorite track: Honestly, there isn’t one. Every song on this album is worth a listen. Album artwork: Absolutely love the cover—it perfectly captures the album’s timeless, whimsical feel.
This isn’t my usual genre, but I gave it a fair shot. In short, the album starts strong but gradually loses momentum. It’s far too long, with too much filler weighing it down. Favorite song: The opening trio—Independent Women, Survivor, and Bootylicious—are the undeniable hits. Great pop tracks! Least favorite: Everything from track 4 onward, with Nasty standing out as one of the weakest. Album artwork: A cool cover, at least!
Unfortunately, I really struggled to connect with this album. None of the tracks stood out to me, and I couldn’t find one that I truly enjoyed. I’m honestly baffled by its inclusion in the Top 1001 Albums of All Time list. While I can understand that musical tastes are subjective, this album didn’t resonate with me on any level, and it didn’t offer much in terms of innovation or lasting impact. It left me wondering what made it so highly regarded.
This album is solid overall, with standout tracks like What's Love Got to Do with It and Private Dancer, which showcase some truly memorable pop moments. These big hits are undeniably catchy and demonstrate Tina Turner's incredible vocal talent. However, the rest of the album feels a bit lackluster and doesn't quite live up to the strength of those iconic songs. It’s a bit of a mixed bag, with some tracks feeling forgettable or uninspired. Favorite Songs: What's Love Got to Do with It and Private Dancer Least Favorite: Help – I wasn’t fond of the cover version at all. It didn’t capture the energy I expected. Album Artwork: I really like the album cover—it’s stylish, and the cat adds a cool, quirky touch!
I’m slowly but surely becoming a Led Zeppelin fan thanks to this challenge. Physical Graffiti is nothing short of a masterpiece, and I absolutely love it. The guitar work on this album is exceptional, truly some of the best I've heard. The lyrics and vocals are powerful and captivating, adding so much depth to each track. One thing that stood out to me is how much Trampled Under Foot reminds me of Take Me Out by Franz Ferdinand. It feels like the band must have drawn inspiration from this track while crafting that iconic song. Favorite tracks: Trampled Under Foot and Kashmir Least favorite: Honestly, every song is worth a listen—there’s not a bad track on this album. Album artwork: The cover art is brilliant—I love its design.
This might just be the most unapologetically '80s album I’ve ever heard. Initially, I wanted to hate it—but somehow, it grew on me. That said, I don’t think I’ll be revisiting it anytime soon. Favorite Tracks: The first three songs are genuinely fun, full of energy and catchy melodies. Unfortunately, the momentum fades as the album progresses. Least Favorite Track: Flesh and Blood is a bizarre clash of ska and ‘80s synth-pop, and the result is pretty rough. It just didn’t work for me. Album Artwork: The cover is undeniably cool—easily one of the album’s strongest points.
I went into this expecting some run-of-the-mill dad rock—let’s see what I actually got. To my surprise, this album leans heavily into a glam rock vibe rather than the heavier sound I anticipated. And honestly? I loved the campy, over-the-top energy it brought. Favorite Song: Walk This Way is an absolute classic—such a fun, infectious pop-rock anthem! Sweet Emotion stood out too, bringing a different kind of vibe that I really enjoyed. Least Favorite: A lot of the tracks felt pretty forgettable—nothing terrible, just a bit meh. Album Artwork: The cover? Absolutely awesome.
I had never heard of Violent Femmes before, so I went into this album with no expectations. What surprised me most was how ahead of its time it sounded—despite being released in the 80s, it has a raw, lo-fi energy that feels more in line with 90s indie rock. The band’s stripped-down sound and unfiltered intensity immediately stood out to me. Favorite song: Blister in the Sun—an undeniably catchy and infectious track. Least favorite song: Honestly, I enjoyed every song on the album and will definitely be giving it another listen. Album artwork: A slightly eerie cover that adds to the album’s offbeat charm.
I’ve been looking forward to a Sparks album popping up on the list, and this one did not disappoint. "This Town Ain’t Big Enough for Both of Us" kicks things off with a bang. It’s dramatic, theatrical, and easily one of the strongest songs in Sparks’ entire catalog. That falsetto? Iconic. After a full listen, I can confidently say this album is pure glam rock fun. It’s not weighed down by deep meaning or heavy themes, but that’s part of the charm—it’s an effortlessly enjoyable listen. Every track bursts with eccentric energy and quirky melodies. Favorite song: This Town Ain’t Big Enough for Both of Us Least favorite song: Nothing stood out as bad Album artwork: Funky and fitting for the music
Ray Charles is undeniably the man. I’m not usually a jazz fan, but if I have to listen to jazz, I want it to be him! This album stands out with its rich variety and dynamic sound, making it an easy exception to my usual tastes. There are some fantastic tracks here—Deed I Do and It Had to Be You were definite highlights for me. You can really hear the foundation being laid for the rock and roll explosion of the ‘60s, which makes this album feel even more influential. Even if jazz isn’t usually your thing, this album is worth a listen—Charles brings so much soul and style that it’s hard to resist. Favorite song: Deed I Do Least favorite song: Just for a Thrill—way too Disney for my taste. Album artwork: Cool and timeless.
This album did absolutely nothing for me—I’m honestly surprised it made the list. It lacks standout moments, the hooks are forgettable, and the overall sound feels like a generic take on ‘90s indie. I struggled to find anything worth revisiting. Favorite song: Couldn’t pick one. Least favorite: All 17 tracks. Album artwork: Cool cover, though.
This album is packed with jazz—but not in a good way. At best, it serves as background noise, but even then, it’s forgettable. Favourite song: I couldn’t pick one… mostly because every track sounds the same. Least favourite: All of them. Album artwork: The guy on the cover looks like he just sat through the whole album—poor guy.
"Exile in Guyville" is a fantastic album, blending meaningful lyrics with a raw, punk-influenced sound. Every track feels intentional, making it a great listen from start to finish. Favorite song: Divorce Song Least favorite song: None—every track is solid. Album artwork: A great cover that perfectly suits the album’s tone.
"With the Beatles," the band’s second studio album, solidifies their signature sound and hints at the greatness to come. It sharpens their pop instincts with tight harmonies, energetic performances, and sharp songwriting. This record has it all—seven original Lennon-McCartney tracks, George Harrison’s first composition (Don’t Bother Me), and a selection of fantastic rock and roll covers. It’s a near-perfect album that captures the raw excitement of early Beatlemania. Favorite Song: All My Loving is an undeniable classic, while Don’t Bother Me surprises as an underrated gem. Their cover of Roll Over Beethoven is pure rock and roll magic. Least Favorite Song: Honestly, there isn’t a weak track here. Album Artwork: Simply iconic. The moody, high-contrast portrait perfectly reflects the band’s rising stardom and remains their most striking cover."
The Cure has such a distinct and captivating sound, and this album perfectly showcases their darker, more atmospheric side. It’s not designed to be a crowd-pleaser—there are no big pop hits here. Instead, the music is haunting and immersive, featuring brilliant guitar work, hypnotic loops, and eerie, mysterious synths that pull you into its shadowy world. Favorite track: 100 Years—an absolute standout with its intensity and gripping energy. Least favorite track: Pornography—a slow build that doesn’t quite land as strongly as the rest. Album artwork: A striking and moody cover that fits the music perfectly.
Kate Bush remains an enigma. Every time I revisit one of her albums, I find myself both intrigued and challenged. I’ve always struggled to fully connect with her work, as many of her songs tend to blend together for me. That said, this album had its moments. Reaching Out and Heads We're Dancing stand out as fantastic pop tracks, showcasing her unique ability to tell stories through catchy melodies but there is also a lot of tracks that dont really offer much at all and all sound very similar. Favorite track: Heads We're Dancing Least favorite track: I struggle with whimsical, dreary songs like Deeper Understanding and Rockets tail. Album artwork: A stunning cover that perfectly captures the album’s essence.
This album is truly fascinating—one that takes multiple listens to fully process. On my first two plays, I swung between loving and hating it, unsure where I truly stood. Before this, I had never heard of The United States of America (the band and album, not the country), so I had no idea what to expect. What I got was something wildly unique. It feels like Sgt. Pepper’s meets early electronic experimentation—avant-garde, unpredictable, and at times, completely unhinged. With 20 tracks, some are absolutely brilliant, while others feel like total garbage. It’s hard to articulate exactly what this album is or whether I love or loathe it. For something released in 1968, it feels shockingly ahead of its time. The fact that there’s no guitar on the entire album makes it even more intriguing. Favorite songs: Hard Coming Love and The Garden of Earthly Delights. The album starts strong from track 2 through track 7. Least favorite song: The American Metaphysical Circus—it just felt out of place compared to the rest of the album. Way too circus-like! Album artwork: A really cool cover that perfectly matches the album’s experimental nature.
I’ve just discovered a new guilty pleasure—World Clique is a fun, infectious dance album that’s impossible to resist. The beats are catchy, the energy is high, and I thoroughly enjoyed every track. This is definitely an album I’d revisit. Going in, the only song I knew was Groove Is in the Heart, a track I’ve always loved. The rest of the album carries that same vibrant, feel-good energy, making for a great listening experience from start to finish. Favorite song: Groove Is in the Heart Least favorite: Honestly, every track is worth a listen. Album artwork: A cool, psychedelic cover—very Scooby-Doo vibes.
I had never heard of Ute Lemper before, so I had no idea what to expect from Punishing Kiss. The album has a distinct German Gainsbourg vibe with a touch of Bond soundtrack flair. Unfortunately, it just didn’t work for me. It feels raunchy but ultimately unimpressive and cabaret—definitely not something I’d revisit. Favorite song: If I had to pick one, Passionate Fight would be my choice. Least favourite song: every track Album artwork: She’s undeniably stunning.
I've always wanted to like Elbow but have struggled to connect with their music. That said, I was looking forward to giving The Seldom Seen Kid a proper listen to see if it could change my mind. I can definitely see the appeal of this album—it has shades of Coldplay and Radiohead, two widely beloved bands. Musically, it’s fantastic, and the lyrics are beautifully crafted. However, for me, the pacing feels quite slow. A song like The Loneliness of a Tower Crane Driver is undeniably beautiful, but it’s not something I could listen to repeatedly. The album leans heavily into a melancholic, almost dreamy atmosphere, which doesn’t entirely resonate with me. Favorite song: Grounds for Divorce—a great track with a strong, driving energy. I also like One Day Like This, though it has been overplayed in recent years. Least favorite: Starlings—it’s such a slow start to an album that it feels like you’re waiting for something to happen. Album artwork: A cool cover. I also really like the interactive version on Apple Music.
I had never heard of Buffalo Springfield before, so I went into this listen with no expectations. There are some great songs on this album! I really enjoyed Mr. Soul, A Child's Claim to Fame, Bluebird, and Hung Upside Down. The way they blend blues and psychedelic sounds is really well done. Overall, I agree with many other reviews—when this album is good, it’s very good. However, there are also moments of mediocrity, making it a clear middle-of-the-road album. Favorite songs: Mr. Soul and Bluebird stand out as fantastic tracks. Least favorite songs: Everydays and Expecting to Fly. Album artwork: A very whimsical cover.
My second Cure album this week, and this one is a longtime favorite. Disintegration is a stark contrast to Pornography, yet just as powerful in its own way. From the very first notes of Plainsong, the album pulls you into its world. It’s an incredible opening track—lush, melancholic, and absolutely mesmerizing. And what follows is nothing short of perfection: a collection of deeply emotional, orchestral, and immersive songs that feel timeless. The atmosphere throughout is dark yet beautiful, haunting yet inviting. It’s an album you can play over and over again, always finding something new to appreciate. Favorite songs: Plainsong, Lullaby, Lovesong—though honestly, I could name them all. Least favorite song: There isn’t a single weak track. Album artwork: Absolutely iconic.
After listening to Desperate Youth, Blood Thirsy Babes and reading various reviews, I’ve come to the conclusion that this album simply isn’t for me—I just don’t connect with it the way others seem to. While there are some interesting musical moments, the vocal delivery feels uninspired, and the album as a whole lacks momentum. Across its 11 tracks, it constantly seems to be building toward something, yet never quite reaches a satisfying payoff. In the end, TV on the Radio doesn’t resonate with me. Favorite track: If I had to choose, “Bomb Yourself” stands out. Least favorite: Unfortunately, the entire album. Album artwork: The cover is fine, but nothing particularly memorable.
I was very surprised to see a Barry Adamson album make the list after listening to some of his other work, but I couldn’t wait to give this one a go. I’ve always loved his contributions to The Bad Seeds. Overall, this album has some great tracks but also a fair amount of filler. It felt about four or five tracks longer than it needed to be. You could easily cut out Dirty Barry and In a Moment of Clarity and focus on the stronger, more complete songs like Something Wicked This Way Comes and The Sweetest Embrace. Favourite song: Set the Controls for the Heart of the Pelvis—what a track! A fantastic way to open an album and set the tone. There are some great songs here, and The Sweetest Embrace is brilliant. That said, I might be a little biased, as I love Nick Cave. Least favourite: The Big Bamboozle—one of several instrumental-led tracks that I just didn’t connect with. Album artwork: A really cool cover.
I’ve never been a fan of Super Furry Animals, so I expected this to be a tough listen. After not enjoying Fuzzy Logic at all, I was surprised to see them get a second album on this list—this band has just never clicked with me. "Alternate Route to Vulcan Street" has potential but never really gets going. From there, Sidewalk Serfer Girl follows, offering little more than standard UK rock of its time. It’s a dull start, and the album never picks up or improves from there. To be fair, the band experiments with different sounds throughout, but none of it really lands for me. Favorite song: Touch Sensitive—one of the few tracks I enjoyed. Juxtapozed With U was also a good one. These two tracks alone push the album to a 2/5 for me. Least favorite song: Receptacle for the Respectable—what an awful noise. Minature is also completely pointless. Album artwork: The cover gives off an electronic music vibe, but that’s not what you get at all. That said, it’s a great cover.
This challenge has not been kind to me this weekend. First, Super Furry Animals—and now, more jazz. Unfortunately, this album felt like dull background music. The tracks blended together so seamlessly that I struggled to tell when one ended and another began. Track 3, in particular, stood out—but not in a good way. It had an odd, 1950s Disney-esque vibe that felt completely out of place. Very bizarre. I can’t help but wonder how many more jazz or swing albums I’ll have to endure. Favorite track: None stood out enough to pick. Least favorite track: Track 3, without a doubt. Album artwork: Nothing noteworthy to mention.
This album is okay. I’ve always found Ride to be fairly standard indie—nothing groundbreaking, but still worth a listen. This record follows that trend. It has a strong Cure influence, with dark tones and melancholic lyrics. Definitely not an album to put on if you're looking for something uplifting. Favorite song: Vapour Trail—it was decent. Least favorite: Nothing stood out as particularly bad, but nothing really stood out as great either. The album is the definition of average. Album artwork: I actually really like the cover.
This album is a standout example of UK electronic pop at its best. I played it at home, in the car, and even at work—it’s truly an album for all occasions. It’s a fun, effortless listen, packed with well-chosen samples that add to its charm and energy. The production feels fresh, making it an engaging experience from start to finish. Favorite track: A tough choice, as I loved Girl VII, Nothing can stop us now and Stoned to say the least, but I have to go with Only Love Can Break Your Heart. It’s one of those rare cases where a cover surpasses the original—sorry, Neil Young, but this version is incredible. Least favorite aspect: The album has a few too many short filler tracks, some barely over a minute long, which disrupts the flow for me. Album artwork: A sleek, visually striking cover that perfectly complements the music.
Jazz-infused psychedelic rock—what could go wrong? I’ve never heard of this band or album before, so I was looking forward to giving it a listen. Overall, I found the album to be an easy listen with some great moments. That said, it’s not something I’d revisit often. Favorite songs: Flying High and Not So Sweet Martha Lorraine—both are great tracks with some lovely, twangy guitar. Least favorite: Grace felt pointless. Album artwork: Cool cover.
A Tough Listen—For All the Wrong Reasons From the very start, I had a feeling this album would be difficult to sit through—and I was right. The sound is grating, the lyrics fall flat, and there’s nothing remotely enjoyable about the experience. It’s a mess from start to finish. Favorite track: None worth mentioning. Least favorite track: The entire album. Album artwork: Bold attitude, but not something I’d ever display.
I went into Raw Like Sushi by Neneh Cherry with no real expectations, but I ended up having more fun with it than I anticipated. This album is undeniably 80s—both in production and style—which is a big part of its charm. The beats are infectious, and there are some genuinely solid tracks here. That said, some songs already felt dated even back in 1989, and they haven’t aged particularly well. While I enjoyed the listen, it’s not an album I see myself returning to. Favorite song: Nothing really stood out as a clear favorite—some tracks were decent, but none felt like a standout hit. Least favorite song: Buffalo Stance didn’t work for me at all. Album artwork: Bold, confident, and totally in-your-face—just like the music.
When I first saw this album, I expected to hate it — but I didn’t. Clandestino is energetic and fun, with some great guitar moments and a handful of standout tracks like "Bongo Bong." I especially loved how "Bongo Bong" flowed into "Je Ne T'aime Plus" — fantastic! I struggle with lyrics in another language since I love hearing the story behind a song and following where it takes me. Because of that, I’d rate the album 2/5 — but I can definitely see why people like it. Favourite song: Bongo Bong Least favourite: There were a lot of songs I just didn’t connect with. Album artwork: Cool cover.
Before listening to Golden Hour, I had never heard of Kacey Musgraves, so I was curious to dive into this 2018 release. Exploring modern music outside my usual genres is part of why I took on this challenge, and this album felt like a good place to start. The opening track, "Slow Burn," lives up to its name — it’s a gentle introduction, but it never really takes off for me. On the other hand, "Lonely Weekend" and "Butterflies" are more engaging and easy to enjoy. My favorite track, though, was "Love Is a Wild Thing." It's beautifully written and captures the heart of the album with its emotional depth and warmth. What stood out most were the lyrics. Musgraves brings a socially conscious edge to country music, which isn’t something you encounter often. It gives the album a sense of purpose and authenticity beyond the usual themes of love and heartache. Overall, Golden Hour is a pleasant listen. It’s not groundbreaking for me, but I’d happily give it another spin. Favorite song: Love Is a Wild Thing Least favorite: Slow Burn and Mother — both felt a bit too slow and dry. Album artwork: Cute and fitting for the album’s vibe.
This one’s tough. While I really enjoyed some of the music and samples on the album, the lyrics are just dreadful — misogynistic, violent, and ultimately pointless. It makes for a difficult listen. The intro is a perfect example: the samples and musical flow are impressive, but the lyrics completely ruin it. Honestly, I’m not sure this album should even be played anymore. This is the easiest 1/5 I’ve ever given. There really should be an option to give no score at all. Favourite song: Juicy is a great track. Things Done Changed was okay — but even then, it’s about robbery, violence, and identifying a body. Lovely stuff. Out of 19 tracks, only two are really worth a listen. Least favourite: Fuck Me is particularly awful. Album artwork: He was innocent once!!