Another Green World
Brian Enothis sounds like a beautiful dream. i am so glad youre here
this sounds like a beautiful dream. i am so glad youre here
rough day. dont wanna write anything happy new years though
its nights like that one that remind that the paths we walk are nothing but miracles. in the grand scheme of things we are all miracles, in a metaphorical sense. to be is divine, godless or not.
its not even awful but theres just something about this i find appalling
I mean i guess its pretty good. Its just not really my style. I find blues to be pretty tiresome.
it was great, actually. still not what im looking for but i liked it.
please no more blues. the drummer was good though
NICE! too theatrical though
dude this is so crazy!!!
its nice
i mean it was good but the youtube playlist was fucked up
it actually is that good. not the greatest album ever made but, damn, it hits hard.
yeah its pretty good
there truly is some magic to it
some songs are awesome, some are kinda lame
what a nice and relaxing album
yeah i guess its good
one of those albums you can listen to
theres some beautiful songs here
i mean theres some really beautiful songs here but most of it i just dont get. that last song goes absolutely hard though
i really like the songs
vegan type beat
this album is my love, my life
this my shit yeah girl
meh, some food songs but kinda boring
really nice RECORD!!!!!!!!!!
yeahhhhhh idk
this album might be
give me that noise
kind of a bop
trying to find the end of my burning silhouette
so joyful. takes my heart out for a walk in the park.
yeah i liked it
cha cha cha very nice
this sucks
i dont want to listen to this. its not bad. theres nothing wrong. i just dont feel like it. i cant stay here. this place hurts my eyes and the humid, dense smell of the air brings me down. but, at the same time, there are thorns tied to my heart, and when i move the sink deeper and deeper. i cant stay here. it hurts to leave. i cant stay here with you and i. it hurts to be with you and i.
im sorry what were you saying? i fell asleep
giving this one a 5, i dont care about anything else in the world right now other than letting go
i was dead all day, i escaped. i was mad all day, i escaped.
its black country out there
woke up in the night and got caught with a glance, this might be my last dance. in a giant world with no haters or fans, this might be my last dance. let the roots in my bed tickle my tired stance, this might be my last dance. every mirror is knife ive a tendency to grasp, this might be my last dance. its not unbecoming of me to call in such an obscene scene, for i am not pristine, nor clean. im cursed to die like a dream, cursed to see like gleam. drop it onto the floor, let it shatter like a dream, let it shine like a gleam. this might be my last dream in a world of nightmares, this might be my last dream. its not unbecoming of me to be such an absurd being, being for the benefit of noone it seems. yes, i see. i string together a picture of blood, paper towels and minute details. it glows under a dim light from nowhere. its a road, to nowhere. there is only one light. it comes from nowhere, it seems. i go nowhere, it seems.
blood breaks out of me, i deserve it. i dont deserve to keep it. i figured it was only a nightmare, but now it seems like a dream. theres a shadow hanging over my bed, every night it gets lower. i get shivers from its gleam, every night it gets colder. its finger counts my days, every night i get older. its hole its an oracle, every night i get closer. its the morning again. the sun cast a light over my regret, its shadow picks from behind bed. opportuniyies squandered, dont have the life to care, only to sit and ponder which one will leave next, the answer wont make me calmer. please let it be an armor, no weight, but thats just the opposite of hate. i cant relate. shots fired on the streets make me shake the bed, makes me wonder where the bullets will be lead next. please paint with red, please shatter my neck.
its nights like that one that remind that the paths we walk are nothing but miracles. in the grand scheme of things we are all miracles, in a metaphorical sense. to be is divine, godless or not.
i live on an island in a continent
i saw the memories i never had in the dreams i wanted to live. no difference between the distance between me and them, and between heaven and hell. or purgatory, at least. i saw the most demented thoughts buried just beneath the surface, and, as the rain pitter pattered over the grass, the thunder glanced above it, sure that it will never strike. my heart still stopped that day. i saw the least repented outlaws and their violent crimes in the pictures i painted inside my head, their eyes rotten and their will unjust. i didnt want to stay, yet here i am. i saw the inmortal remains of my mothers orbiting around my brain. i extended my arms upwards, like antennas to the sky, but their voices never reached so far. i saw the daughter i wanted to be, but my voice didnt reach so far.
look out the window and see snow, shadows bleak concrete floors but i dont want to see more. this city is rotten at its core but words of kindness float above it all, like vapor from fungi gorge or an upside down shore. flightless birds are a bore, necessary to grow bindless from this prison where im born. highness glistens throught the core, its an image beautiful, unexplicably so. i let the dog out the street door. this album sucks btw
frightening closing doors and screeching grinders, the thought passes like a bird, mind her widening blinders, flattening imposing foes and friendly outsiders, allies squandered. cohersing yours truly to share words kinder, couldnt find them in my core, an enlightening reminder. albums great but needs some spice imo
every time i see my body i pass away. with the way i live my life its a miracle i make it through the day. im tired and wired to look for something to play, not something to heal my dismay. just the way i stay. every morning i pass away, its an act of mourning the boring way scorned i wake. im laying in wake, alive and awake but inside i pray my heart burns like a cigarrette stake. im waiting for accidents, im frail and fleeting, and every night i pray in my sleep that my heart stops beating. i taste the sweet season in dreams, it still takes like acid and feels like linen. mi vida es un maravilloso crimen. passing by, the birds see my crying eyes and shine like beacons. i kneel down and grasp the sand. it falls through my hands. i grasp the sand again, wondering how long ill last. i really like this album but the sex skits are awful
tangled wires in my heart, im just looking for my seat. the bumps in the road set me back like the heat. i bounce and try not to fall off my feet. i get off the bus, im tired and beat. i walk to the station, the rain tastes so sweet. i wait there for hours and a stranger there asks me if she can sit there beside me. i know ill be late if the train wont arrive. the air hugs tenderly my withering sigh. if i have to call it to make it in time, the price of the ticket wont be just a dime. i call the train, but im too tired to try. i call the train, i might let it pass me by. i call the train, but i just stand by. i call the train and she leaves me behind idk i might return to this one
its cold. the window is closed, though my imagination is old. its images hold no power, the wind blows the tower off. my offering is this poem retold, to you, now its yours. the thoughts close in on me like a tiburón, my blood of ghoul cast upon the first stone. i loved this one
not for me
haha what a great album. i hope the people who made it dont have extreme political views
words of an outsider, i write like an alien. pale hand holds the pen, a liar trying to confess. a buzz when i press, but its all in jest. this gesture is like an empty stage, making my own rumours even though its just a guess. my head hurts like a tumour but i dont want to feel less. im trying to play before it turns posthumorous, this one whispers "never doom her, shes a bloomer". broken womb, i lift the pen, again i drew her kinda one note, but it is a beautiful note
babbling on my way to my sleeping cavity, im where incandescent pain and cold rain meet muted humanity. the scenery is quite a catastrophe, but the rock wont show no cold shoulder, an affirming hilarity. nothing funny about it, but i needed the laugh. something to hold on to when i feel like im trapped. when the pest inside my brain acts like a runaway train and smashes through my parade while my secrets unwrap. its all there, it always has been. but nobody will know, im a never has been. why is he saying such nasty stuff about women?? anyway, quite an uhhh eclectic listen. synths sound kinda outdated though
por aqui camina la muerte. las paredes se me acercan pero nunca he tenido tanta suerte pues estas se detienen al ver que yo soy la misma persona que prendio el fuego que incendio el puente. el bosque esta quemado y ardiente, para poder cruzarlo deberia estar armada hasta los dientes pero tengo tensa la mente y desprecio como se siente estar tirada en la cama como siempre, tan impotente. very enjoyable album
the red drives me insane, im glad its always there. the option to show my insides, hope no one stares. it stings, it hurts, i love not to care. alone, sitting atop my back broken chair. in my own lair, im a prisoner. im a lioness, so mystical. when i set sail, through the cyclical. and my mind flails, egotistical. mingus the goat, more like the feds
fuck whatever youre thinking about
i hate this
rza the razor, with boring lasers
kinda freaky, i definitely enjoyed it. idk what theyre saying though
goes hard
cant stay focused. i feel like im going insane.
ive got a pregnant snake
two swords. the bongs are too boring, i need more daring combinations.
saying this album is bad is just plane stupid
i dont enjoy this
this is one of those albums made by MICHAEL
this album was not made by TOM
one of the worst albums
a lot of effort was put into this album
songs range from boring to annoying
this is great but i want to kiss boys
hmmm what AN mojo going
makes me SICK
While it sports various moments that combine the verbal gymnastics, dark themes, powerful beats and satirical characters perfectly, most of the time it crumbles under the banality of its own violence
music for people who eat churros twice a week
sucks monkey butt
hmm m m m m m FUck the sun
girly this shit is ass. this is just straight ass
where is the high octane gaming action??????
might relisten
superunkown? oh yeah well i wish i didnt know this album beotch
oh you want me to review this album? this one? this one specifically? you pulled this one for me? you generated this specific album particularly for little ol judy? out of all the albums that there are and that you listen to on the thing, you want me to listen and then review and rate this one in particular? well its ok i guess
save the worthless words drifting out your mouth take the lonely sun youve been singing about lakes of shadows silhouettes drown you under the clouds left to ponder mistakes and whereabouts fake your image in the mirror sleeping wake up to the sound of nightmares leaking make the best of time thats quietly thinning crave the dreams above the walls of living ngl this is kind of amazing
- not gonna lie i actually really enjoyed this one, even if it got a bit mmadmmadmmfasdmfjahsdjgajsdhf OH MY GOD A BEAR IS TRYING TO KILL ME ILL HAVE TO USE THIS BASEBALL BAT TO DEFEND MYSELF. - I jumped atop my desk in order to achieve a height advantage as the bear slowly stumbled on his way to attack, thinking I had entered his territory. - I dont want to do this you fucking bear! - I howled from across the room, but the bear didnt understand. It couldnt understand. As it approached me, I smacked it on its snout with my baseball bat, which enraged him. The bearstumbled backwards for a moment before pouncing on me with its huge claws. I managed to jump over him at the last second but, almost instantly, the bear turned around and made one final attempt to kill me. In one final assault the bear reached downwards to bite my head off but I managed to use my baseball bat to defend myself. As the bear bit into the wooden bat, he hurt its teeth, giving me enough time to escape. - Im sorry bear but i had to! - I yelled as I ran away.
- great album. im in a good mood so ill give it five stars The words came out of her mouth like wind blowing through the branches of an oak tree, as she slowly walked towards the balcony. The cold air christened her skin as she slid the glass door open. Let the cold in. Out of her coat pocket a cigarrette, light it with a despondent look over the forest.
so i was at a coffee shop this one time. i was sitting by window when the waiter approached me to hand me my solicited cappuchino, with a pair of free chocolate cookies. as he walked towards the table where i was seated, he contemplated the urban scene unfolding behind the confines of the coffee shop, in the outside world of the busy city of amsterdam. he stopped to think before quietly leaving the tray he brought on the table, and turned towards the cash register. but, as he started walking, he bumped into this very tall man who had just entered the store. said man was wearing a pair of windsor sunglasses, which covered what seemed to be two tired eyes, one of them staring off into the distance while the other focused on the waiter. said mans hair was messy and not well kept at all, which, combined with the beaten leather jacket and dusty beige pants he was wearing, gave him a very rough look. "oh sorry sir" the words fell out of the waiters mouth like drunken butterfly, a beautiful voice carrying itself across the air bumbling and hastily. the man muttered something very quietly as he pulled a cigarrette from his back pocket and held it in his mouth, softly biting its end. the waiter stood unamused, and proceeded to continue his way towards the cash register when the man tapped him in his shoulder. "i must see your manager. mr roger" he said while still holding the cigarrette, it seemed he had no plans to light it. the waiter awkwardly pointed towards a door at the end of the coffee shop, right next to the ladys room. the man looked around before taking a few coins from his pocket. he tried to give them to the waiter, but instead he dropped them on the ground. the waiter stood unamused. the man went into the room and i thought that would be the end of it but, around five minutes later, a gunshot was heard coming from that room. everyone in the coffee shop started panicking, and crowds of scared customers ran outside like deers escaping from a hunter. i tried to do the same but, as is made my way to the door, i slipped on puddle of water in the floor so i resorted to hiding under the table before the shooter saw me. i heard the doors swing open, followed by some footsteps. then, as if nothing had happened, the man from before approached the waiter. "thanks for the uhhh cooperation, much obliged" he said before leaving. the police arrived shortly after and, even though the couldnt find the man, i was asked to talk to the police and provide a description of what happened. i was taken along to the police station in an ambulance. the same ambulance, in fact, that was being used to take the now deceased owner of the coffee shop to the morgue. during the trip i listened to this album and i imagined as if voices in the background were the people in the coffee shop. interesting listen, very enjoyable.
im so tired wth
very meditative. once upon a time we could hold each other tight but that loving paradigm has been shattered without purpose. i know its not a crime to say bye without a rhyme but you didnt leave a dime or a letter for my person. you think i try to whine but the words that here i cry are not tears for a grey sky, but for my womanly brethen. girl he might leave you behind, but life flows like the nile, because the contract we sign is written with and old pencil. i like it
sounds like urine. im having a bad day and this album sucks
propaganda prop a gander proper banter is this a 5? im not sure, but it is beautiful and delightful and frail like snow, a frivolous home of wonder.
are you fucking kidding me i already listened to this bitch ass busted ass album
twisted fate seal me away in a carcass or coffin made specifically for someone like me who might already be dead with weary feet and missing teeth a smile may never tread teary eyed clown and burning gown my blood paints my lips red cool album, really enjoyed it you LIARS YOU LIARS LIED TO ME LIARS LEAVE ME ALONE DONT LET ME BE WITH YOU LEAVE ME ALONE DONT LET ME BE WITH MYSELF AND BE ALONE
djangoooooo its the album that i write about here djangoooooo its the album that impales me with spears so dear fear fuck this album
i wish i had never been born ngl good album
hey i already listened to this album it was very good its very good now or is it not now but later sooner or later the time would prescribe me a saint or a patron with letters or papers denied for vacants
this album is like birds wings fluttering and voices so beautiful singing through quiet nights guitars ascending in songs through skies of familiar madness for us dearly
i hate this
seen crazy shit girl crazy shit
one of monks not as good albums hmmm meditations ponder
one of the best albums of all time
feels like something ive already listened to but worse
not a big fan, in fact, i despise this album. awful title
this album is great but its not five stars
such a fun album
i mean it really is stunning, and just so beautiful. at the start its like this sprawling chaos of beauty that can be kinda hard to take in in a weird way, but by the time it ends it fits perfectly. it really does fall into place. and the ending is honestly breathtaking, having such a quiet but powerful song to close an album so spacious is perfect, it ties the explosiveness of the emotion with the intimacy. and by god this album is intimate. i crawl into it like a bed and lay under the covers warm. i love it. i really do.
i dont know what you think ive done
wait what did he say about golden showers
didnt grip me!!!!!!!! it had some cool tracks though one of the worst albums
relatable i like it
admittedly shittily, the synergy breathes stink, breeding anfetamine heart pumping steadily, riding the beat partly bumpy ride along the ferris wheel, balloons loom fright and bleed, on noon lights red skin, moon fools a griped fiend but the grooms wake was heavenly my heart pump ketamine i didnt like this album
cherish is a word i use when i bathe in the morning cherish is a world ill go to in when i die cherish is a word i scream at the top of my lungs cherish is a worm crawling through my heart
in the this album sucks so much i wont even finish the poem
this albums bad but its not one star
this album is decent but its not three stars
i need some dick fr
literally me
I’m not here
Red is better
One of her best albums titled “”like a prayer ,is one of her (Madonna) bestw orks
idk I guess i like the track sequencing
yesssss i love this hahaha I slap you on the chest as I drop dead on the couch like a boulder breaking through a trampoline
Carbon monoxide noise is a painting spat out by you Fog pendulums drifting out of the red green blue I can hear the chalk bloated as you loudly boast And that’s funnier than all of those
buncha sell outs these guys, i tell ya!!! awful album
yeahhh i guess this is a five maybe yeahhh i guess... lets just leave it at that, shall we?
such a bore!!!! i didnt like it, really, but i didnt hate it
SHUT UP!!!!!!
its pretty... ok, i guess, but dont get any big ideas
i just want to be dead, admittedly unseen, intimately unknown, i just want to be infinitely asleep this album fucking sucks btw
the silly pink bunny who lives by absorbing the anxiety in my brain like a sponge and spreading it all over the nerves and blood vessels is dancing to the beeps and boops and wrangs and yahoos, the music. she absolutely loves the rythm and voice of its tentative whisper, holding it close to her beating heart. she looks around to see if anyone is watching before jumping up and down and shaking her head to the beat, but she lays down on the floor during the more mellow songs in the record. however, she never stops moving, for, if she were to do so, she would cry death of whimsy.
can you can you point it out this can you see it through album can you take it down is can you be a saint pretty can you kill a clown good can you mirror one ill and then make it count say can you wait to die although can you leave your friends a leave them all behind bit all behind the fence too can you kill a saint long... can you be a clown close can you feel the warmth to of your longing gown four
hellowww everyonewww imww backww withww anotherww reviewww andww iww mustww saywww thatww thisww albumww wasww prettywww goodwww iww likedww itww althoughww itww couldww feelww aww bitww sameyww atww someww pointsww ifww imww beingwww honestww soww yeahww thatswww 3ww starsww verywww closeww toww fourww starswww yeswww youww maywww goww nowww
along pink floys darkside of the moon, abbey road is regarded as THE album. not just one of the beatles albums, its THE album. its an inescapable album. its a gigantic album. its very good. and its also a surprise. born out of a very complicated and maybe troubled period in the beatles history, its nothing short of remarkable the fact that the beatles still sound like theyve got it all figured out. they shine and sparkle, with their characteristic glimmer of joy. dont get me wrong, one would not expect an awful album from the beatles, but abbey road is not just songs, its a complete thing. my main struggle with the beatles has been that, at the peak of their greatness, they struggle to deliver one complete thing. a single, solid statement. here it is. this is the thing. abbey road is not my favourite album, but i dont regret any of times i decided to indulge in it. it is a very confident album when it comes to its presentation. it feels almost as if their beatles are inviting you remember what they have always been, warts and all. warts being "maxwells silver hammer", my least favourite song in the album. its one of pauls many silly, whimsical songs, such as "when im sixty four", song which i find to be much more succesful at playing the part. while "when im sixty four" makes me smile, "maxwells silver hammer" makes me check my watch. "oh darling", however, is quite good. thats it. so are the rest of the tracks here. the standout stracks, such as "something" and "here comes the sun", are obviously excellent, but that is not to say the rest of the album is not on a similar level, proved by tracks such as "because" and "come together". the consistency is notable, thats for sure. as one, complete thing, however, i feel like the entire album is only an intro to "golden slumbers". by itself, the track is delightful, but its short runtime makes it feel like it came out of nowhere. in its place in the album, however, right after "she came in through the bathroom window", "golden slumbers" aquires a particular sense of intimacy as pauls sweet voice takes you to sleep before rising you to the heavens above. truly wonderful. "carry that weight" certainly carries on with that momentum and lets it crash in "the end". great album. it also feels like a fitting ending to have "her majesty" as the last track, leaving the beatles to invent an entire new concept in their last album. this album fucking sucks btw
this cover art sucks and this cheese makes me queasy
it was ok but why did he start rapping
youd look so powerless covered in bandages one more sleepless night i know you know im right please just stay all things must all things must hide away cool album i guess
lay me down in the green brown fields tongue out so i can sweat a twinkling walking shower eyes open so i can see the fleeting goodbye sunset nose twitching so i can smell the deafening fiery powder running cross my cheek it makes me happy when others recognize it as bleak put me down in the green brown fields its all thats left its all ive got in the blood let me marinate not the first time i rot cool album btw
inherit death like a birthright
like a feather dancing between the rain drops the pavement shall crack beneath the weight of the sins made by all the citizens of the kingdom under the reign of veil everyone is by themselves everyone is by themselves alone
"at the time, didnt recognize myself til I was petrified but half the time Im not myself so most of the time I dont question why"
lizards living in my bed, lizards laying purple eggs let them run along my legs, let them chew on my tossed dregs this one is insidious, this one is facetious their faces like angels, sheets like soggy papers but their eyes are filled with dread, drooling beasts like drunken men screaming like a broken tape, make them go or make me dead yesterday i climbed away, to the rooftop where ill stay til the lizards die or fade, maybe im just tempting fate
i once had a life and moved in a direction, i once had a gun and a fire of questions, i once had memory and a song in my tongue, i once had to starve, ive a broken heart, ive a mind for none albums pretty good ig
i thought this was great actually, a very nice surprise
i support animal testing, throw this one to the litter of piglets
get uhhhh something carelesss
i got nothing out of this
all albums should be 10 minutes long, fuck this garbage
me and the girlies about to kill a guy
i hate this one oh i HATE this one huh
this album is good
oh yeah? you like this album? huh
this sucks and i dont know if it had to be that way
the interesting thing about this albums is that gary numan doesnt give a fuck about what you think though a lot of this album was kinda unremarkable tbh
i was faded in a day, i was blinded by storm, i wish i was a beautiful princess in a day in a week in a year in a life in a dream
how i wish how i wish you wouldnt miss me
i dont even have a weasoling for this
yessssss easiest five of my life
not too bad
ill have to raise my standards
for a minute there i thought id die i thought id stay
its not even awful but theres just something about this i find appalling
i liked it ngl
didnt like it as much as i thought i would tbh
okay i actually really like this
i am so frustrated at this album, and i am so frustrated at myself why do i give valuable time to people with a snot filled whine
time is not real
she dug a hole beneath the river and there she found traces of my broken face what the fuck is this pacing
if you want to kill me come and fucking get me ill be waiting here with a gun a dead mouse and a bucket of black tar soaked bread
must it come so cruel, must it be so brave?
i will eat you alive i will eat you alive i will eat you alive i will eat you alive enjoyable, quite so
its very good but not so much my style
so sweet
ayeee what is this
ill come running through the suits, the empty elevators, concrete portraits and tarmac carpets, through the meaninglessness, empty utterance and growing ambivalence, loneliness and resin pit homegrown masks, ill come running til my legs turn to weakness
this album is like a brand new computer
oh, yeah i know this one
good times for a change
this album is astonishing
heh not too bad i guess
this fucking sucks ehhhh its okay
imma be frank this sucks
drunk fuckery, it might bite off its tongue
too straight
tender titan, striking iron
i take my life like i kept it
me if i was an album that sucked ass:
i am in the soil chewing bone restless
if you could go anywhere where would you go
chore is right...
once again, choke in my own blood fake therapist help me put on a smile though my crooked back smells of death i shall flop along the pavement please, father, packed like frozen tuna and melting stares im a sinner with a burning veil living with a rotted mouth
please for once in my life let me listen to something nice
im so im so im so northern california
its going its going its going its still going its gone
stars are, sleeping in counting, twice per beat
im pretty sure this is a 5 yeah
very sticky album
how many times will i have to listen to this album
i didnt run, ill never run
and ohhh sometimes i get older than i want
its just not very much
its a thump but its a dream but its a madness
"youre lazy, just laying in bed"??? well fuck you too
give me back my cigarettes and a stench of hate you can keep the furniture with the dust on the shelf three kids in the chimney and a spark in there as well car parked in the forest dont want anyone to stare burn down the whole hotel, release me release me
how am i NOT giving this a five???
one of the best albums for being a aaaa stealthy
i cant help but float in space your fading face is passing by
i just wanna go real hard i just wanna die real fast blessings like counting stars blessings like counting stars
yeah ive got a hounddogggg ive got a philadelphia boar and i ride into a volcanonooooo and iiiii break down the doorrrrrrr ii v i
but this time on a plane
sad. low energy, a body beaten and bruised. a body disfigured when seen in the mirror. a person broken when seeing herself. a teardrop. two teardrops. walking with naked feet. broken highway. big ideas. a cold staircase. lips twisted and frozen. lips with the skin chewed off. low energy. burning scars. a mind to never wake up again. this body isnt mine.
dude shut the fuck up atrocious as close to a one as you can get
very very good isnt it good
beautiful angel pulled apart at birth
right here, right now
this album dropped the science
do you remember me im that face you always see
i guess its interesting but its also not very good. i mean, why bother?
okay but why did he start singing about banging a fifteen year old the rest was ok though
houses move and houses speak
yeah i got a dog but before i was born
not the best bbking album
hes like "and this one thing happened and then this other thing happened" and i dont care about either of those things you know?
a lot better than the other fat album
i fight gravity
its such a beautiful day, its such a lovely kiss
i used to be so frightened
hmm yes very very nice
hmmmm no
everyone knows but nobody cares
best album that starts with the letter b
today is the first day of the rest of your days so listen to some better music
this a point thing
guy on the right represents how i felt while listening to this its ok
is this any good i dont know im not sure
fuck a staccato
production could be better, pacing could be better
haha thats cool man can you leave now
surprisingly good
so tell me now, what you are made of this is what, graves are made of very, very good album
eh i thought it was okay
idk it feels like a superficial examination thats got a lot of different styles going on but doesnt explore them too deeply, doesnt feel very thought out. not to demean the work of the musicians cause the performance are pretty great. or maybe i just dont know
eh, its not too bad
putting crystals under my pillows
this is ok but i feel like theres a lot of better noise rock albums
theres something irresistibly charming about this records. not so much a loving embrace, more like a quiet longing, floating down an empty stream. the effect wears off though
definitely worth a listen, but i feel that the beautiful moments that this album creates are kinda surronded by a lot of meandering and less exciting parts
id be saying less like i forgot
my heaven is drowning
cumpleaños chica no hay que preocuparse
not as good as the other one, but maybe im just in a bad mood
heck yeah
can i get uhhhhh
todo es tan tranquilo que el silencio anuncia el ruido de la calma que antecede al huracan
homophobia :( slaps tho
this sucks ass
can i get something good now
stuck between an intercultural handshake and pothead spongebob. maybe to someone more familiar with this kind of music its sensibilities are clearer, but the tackiness can cling to my ears and the pendulum swings back and forth.
this bangs, unexpectedly
ive loved pretty much everything ive heard from pj harvey but with this one im not sure i see the vision
its pretty good
and it sa hole in th eheadddd
but i jest so
would be great instrumental album
this is awesome. thank you so much
sad whimsy
no surprises here
this album is held back by two things
come on give me something that will make me...
i could give this a higher score but i had a bad day
i could have given this a higher score but i had a bad day
oh yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
this album is very good once you start listening to it
like an image passing by
yeahhhh ive got a hounddog and a runaway trainnn
oh look, a brand new scare
better than the other one tbh
very pleasant surprise
buncha punks
sorry im late, kendrick dropped. anyway, great album
yeahhh i dont like this
fucking sucks ass
i love the sound of this album!!! i wonder what the lyrics are about
woohoo lets get this party started
i fit in this world
album at the edge of 3
why are you so mean to her
idk... theres something here
pretty good but i had a bad day so it fucking sucks
yeah i love this
one world? more like one butt
this sounds like a beautiful dream. i am so glad youre here
this is great
something about ccr just doesnt click with me
british twinks having fun
it was quite good but im not sure i GET get it
i mean i guess its pretty good...
this album is so green
im not sure this album is real
oh yeah whats up
more like the bores
frickin sweet
hello what
im too sad to listen to this album
it was some great songs, it was some awful songs and the guy sounds like a creep
this is one of the worst albums yet
a lot better than that shit ass piece of shit garbage fuck all hysterical 1/5 “greetings from la” album
+1 for honesty but i dont like it too much
oh i hate this
its not allll bad...
merry christmas, chucklenuts
fucking AMAZING
is this it?
islands raining down
i despise this album. to be clear, i absolutely hate it. there is nothing worse than this music. in the world there is nothing worse
rough day. dont wanna write anything happy new years though
talking heads continues to be one of the best bands
idk i really like this
very cool
you already know what i think of this amazing album
just kinda sucks ass
i dont know how they do it, i dont know what their diet is, i dont know who the people in this band are, ive never met them, but talking heads is just consistently bewildering
not as good as the other leonard cohen albums ive listened to but thats ok. oh im sorry
yes lets gooooo this shit is lit fam
pretty grape :D
shes so cool
sha sha sha shake it like a dog in the rain
ohhhh nooooo why bother
this album is totally frickin awesome
oh i hate this man
its brian eno in the studio. how could you expect less than magic? how could you expect less than a world of comforting whimsy and wonder, as treacherous as its fleetingness may be? how could you expect less than to hold that world in the palm of your hand, like eternity in an hour?
i think its quite good, but i also dont like it as much as i thought i would. like it seems kind off my vibe??? but not really. fuck you
oh i didnt know we had good music on this list
stop talking about love god damn. be hateful
to be lost, found in sound, of this room
so crap i hate it
the angels pulled a joke on me
i mean its got some great songs but overall its just kind of a mess
im one to think this is ass
its peak
should be called Chemtrails over the water park considering all the watery reverb on this thing. is that funny?? idk i just have nothing to say about this album... i guess thats just what happens when you get jack antonoff as your only producer for your pop album. it turns out very clean, to a fault. songwritings pretty good though
peak adjacent
this album is quite great. it just doesnt hit that level greatness that makes it a 5 for me. when it comes to early 90s classic rap albums, im more of wutang and Nation of Millions girl myself but NAS is undeniable, and ILLMATIC is unignorable
i really dont want to, but its really hard for me not to think of The Bends as a stepping stone, instead of an achievement in and of itself. Because, part of the undeniable merit of this album is the fact that it functions, at least from my perspective, as a sort of proof that RADIOHEAD are something different, if not here then in OK Computer. the audience doesnt really need to hear this; we'll either accept the band as they are or move on. i think its radiohead themselves who needed to give themselves a bit of credit, and really try to make something special in a world where their role was cut out for them after the commercial supernova that Creep was. after all, they really are more than a bunch of loud, self-pitying british rockers. they are a singular entity. and i think said entity would not start to take form until the recording of Fake Plastic Trees, one of the standout cuts on The Bends. i always see people throwing around quotes about how thom Yorke was inspired by seeing jeff Buckley live to overcome a hurdle he faced with this song, which is a bit funny to me cause i dont think thom had ever sounded this liberated as a vocalist. he glides and cries as gravity slowly crushes his bones, if not overcome by the possibility his dreams of love may turn to a plastic reality. but "you can force but it will not come", The Bends is still a period of growth and its accompanied by many painful advancements. Bones sucks ass, high and dry is the kind of plasticky nightmare that thom has in Fake Plastic Trees (and an actual self-pitying song), Sulk is subpar specially compared to Black Star and (Nice Dream), which blow it out of the water. some of their worst moments, honestly, but seeing them helped me realise how much the band improved at quality control. i mean, Maquiladora is better than like half the album and they didnt include it, and Talk Show Host is up there as well. they really would come to know their strengths, both as songwriters and as artists who really know how to sequence an album. but also, i talk a lot of shit about The Bends but damn, some stuff here really blows me away. Fake Plastic Trees, Street Spirit, Planet Telex, Just, they really pushed this more commercial 90s rock sound to the limit and did the best they could. as a complete album experience though? eh. i dont like it that much. and i fucking love radiohead, so that says something
killer record. i wish all the punk on this list was as good as this
yeah abba is awesome. not as good as arrival though
ngl i expected a punk album, but this is very good. actually a lot better than i expected
yes please
yes sss bjork my goat. this list needs more albums like this, actually interesting and unique stuff that bangs
teary eyed fucking
i tried to enjoy this but i couldnt. i thought it was boring and redundant, i didnt like the production or the mixing, there were some cool guitar riffs here and there but the performances werent anything too great either. idk just an underwhelming album, is all. not completely terrible though, just pretty bad. but maybe its just me.