Catch A Fire
Bob Marley & The Wailersnot my bag
not my bag
Liked it at first, upbeat, was in the mood for it. But got annoying after a while.
Back to my youth! Great ti listen to this again.
Wow, forgot (or didn't take enough notice back in the day) about how violent and misogynistic this is. Good beats, but the words spewing out, eugh.
Was one of my Dad's favourites. I love Imagine the track, but rest of the album is so-so for me.
Never listened to the whole album, just the more known tracks, so this was a good listen.
I like some of the more popular ones, but the rest not for me
meh, not interesting
Like it
ok, but wouldn't seek it out
of its time, enjoyed some of it, some a bit meh
Liked the hits/singles, but found much of the other stuff plodding
deranged and shouty
Recognised the popular songs, didn't know it was this band. But they're not my thing, got bored and a bit irritated by the end.
Was never really into them, but the singles are really good. Not that fussed about the rest of the album.
Like a bit of T.Rex, never listened to a whole album. Quite liked it.
Not for me, found it a bit boring.
Always liked the hits, again never listened to an album of theirs. Some of it was good, others not so much.
Sublime, beautiful. I never realised how beautiful and delicate the title track is, until listening on headphones (instead of people signing along with a rousing chorus). And the the whole album is amazing.
Very good, but not something I'd go out of my way to listen to.
Spoiling me with another amazing Simon & Garfunkel album. I never knew I was such a fan, it's like my 'new' favourite band.
Great single, but not so bothered about the rest of the album
like it, if I'm in the mood as it's not my usual cup of tea
Ah yes, double albums used to be a thing. 1hr 41mins is too long! I really liked some of the tracks on this, a good edit would make this a great album.
hard no. bailed halfway through.
Liked some of it, mostly wallpaper for me
Liked some of it, really the ones I know from the 80s/90s. Not really my thing, but it's ok.
can't not like a bit of Fleetwood Mac, never listened to a whole album, I didn't know some of the tunes I recognise were by them.
First time listening to Taylor Swift so interesting to hear what all the hype's about. Some were ok, others a bit meh.
Long album! Really loved some, others not so much. A very mixed bag, but overall I liked it.
a bit meh for me
A classic, every track is great. Awesome!
Never really listened to Black Sabbath, just know the more famous tracks. Yeah, liked it.
Excellent for the genre, but for me it's a time and place type of music - live gig in a pub with a pint. Too frenetic to listen to all at once at home! So scoring based on own listening preferences.
Totally new genre for me, and I liked it.
Nope, not for me
Good fun, wouldn't listen to a whole album by choice.
No, not for me. Didn't know his name, but I do know 'Without You' - great tune, the only good one on the album though.
Classic. Never gone out of my way to listen to them, or a whole album, but I like this one. Some classic tracks on here.
well that was quite boring
a bit dreary for me
I like Neil Young, but this album didn't do it for me.
Some classic 80s hits, not the whole album though
not my favourite
A bit boring, not my 80s jam.
Not my thing
Good, but not me thing.
Classic 80s!
Quite chill, but then a bit boring
They were never a favourite back in the day. I appreciate how they bring the noise, but still not a fave.
Yep, some solid tunes in there. But not really an album I'd purposely listen to.
Well, it's Stevie. He's quite awesome.
a bit dreary
Truly awful
Ah yes, On A Rope. I'd definitely have been dancing about to this at a summer festival in the 90s. Whole album doesn't really stand the test of time though.
Never bothered with then before, just know the singles. But this is properly 60s groovy in a good way.
It's a classic, and I really like some tracks, surprised by others. But not something I'd reach for. 3.5, so I'll go for 4 stars.
Never heard of them, and liked it at first. Nice loungy, breezy, smooth tunes. But then got a bit boring. Ok for background chill music.
Honky Tonk, not something I'm naturally drawn to, but it quite fun
90s classic. Gorgeous, love it!
A 3rd S&G album! I like it, not as solid as the other 2.
Quite boring
Could only listen to tracks 3 & 4 on spotify, but was ok just didn't blow me away or anything.
Sorry, but I don't want to spend 3hrs 15mins listening to show tunes, even if they are sung by Ella. Moving on with my life.
I started out liking it, but then wasn't so bothered as it went on.
I like Iggy.
Pet Shop Boys are awesome. Not my favourite album though.
not my thing
A bit meh for me
Like it!
Some tracks I'm not so bothered about, but the others make up for it.
Not my thing at all
Not my thing either
ok, but not that fussed
Iggy and The Stooges are definitely up my street, but not really feeling this album
No, not for me.
ok, not my favourite Bowie stuff though
Not my usual thing, but quite liked it
Heard of them but never really listened to their stuff. Made me feel calm and kind of joyful. Made me want to (learn and) dance salsa in a tropical bar by the ocean under twinkly lights!
No. Didn't make it though the 1st (18 min+) track. Life's too short.
Great, of course!
Takes me back to clubbing days :D Still sounds great.
2.5 hours of The Who, with repeated tracks (original, remix, live...). You really need to be a fan to get through it. I'm not, so didn't make it through the entire double album.
Short and punchy. I like them but not a massive fan. Good in short bursts!
If I was into this genre it would be a 5 star, but I'm not. Though this is a great album!
I remember some of these tracks from the 90s! Still like them, but wouldn't stick it on these days.
Quite pleasant to start but then his voice got annoying
Some classics in there. Liked it but not enough that I'd search it out again.
Yeah, it's good
Never heard of this, but I like it!
Not a really a Pink Floyd fan, I mean it's ok
Not my genre but liked it despite myself!
ah, memories...!
Don't mind it, but not my thing really.
Everybody Hurts - a devastatingly beautiful song. A great album.
I liked a few tracks, but mostly was annoying
I really like it, but it just doesn't totally grab me.
I thought I liked Blur more than I actually do, I found this album quite dull.
Nice groovy and smooth 70s tunes for a Tuesday morning.
we should still be this angry. great album, definitely a classic.
I thought I liked The xx more than I do this album. Maybe I just liked the singles.
Yes! Perfect for a Monday morning.
not my thing
pretty excellent
Really liked some of it, but some tracks were just ok for me
Unexpected. Not heard of them, and really quite like it!
Very different from what I was expecting, but I guess I only know Californian Girls. This is more like protest songs so that was interesting. But the music style wasn't for me.
I like Massive Attack
not my thang
Gorgeous, a classic
I was never a U2 fan, but I did really enjoy listening to the singles from this album again. The rest was ok.
it was quite nice but quite forgettable too
Can't beat a bit of Dusty, classic, gorgeous
not my thing
yeahhh, not my thing
Way too long at 2hrs 17m. Recognised and liked some of the tracks, didn't know the name of the band before. Disc One was quite nice, but not so bothered about the start of disc 2 and decided to call it quits there.
Love some of these songs, but now realise that it's only the 1st half of the album. Not so fussed about the 2nd half. But the 4 stars anyway because the good tracks are awesome :D
not my thing
I guess I really like the Dusty hits, not so much the other stuff
Loved all the hits, but the others were so-so for me
so 80s :D
audio torture
quite terrible, can't get through this one either
very good!
Listened to it a few days ago and can't remember so I guess it didn't make much of an impression.
Kinda meh
a good album, it's the Stones.
A bit of Stevie Wonder is always good.
Not my thing
I like quite a bit of the Cure but this was a bit dull
awesome and funny!
Liked it, different from the later stuff, but I like the later stuff more
Wish I'd seen this on Xmas Day, listening to it on 3 Jan!
Well, it was one of my fave albums back in the day, so...
Not my thing
not a fan, but the singles are fine.
Needed a blast of this today!
Never really listened to them, but I like. It was great for focus work, nice beats and instrumentals in there.
Got to admit, didn't get past the 1st song. Really not my thing and not in the mood.
I like Radiohead, mostly 90s stuff. I didn't really know this album. Nothing stood out too much, a bit samey.
Well it's all the classics live, so can't not be great! A blast of feel-good.
It was ok
I liked it quite a bit, but didn't love it. Liked her voice.
Classic Sabbath!
Bit of a fan back in the day! Maybe not stood the test of time all that well, but there's a handful of great tunes on there.
Not my jam
blast from the past, the 80s. But not something I'd stick on now.