Master Of Puppets
MetallicaProbably the best metal album of all time. Orion deserves more respect.
Probably the best metal album of all time. Orion deserves more respect.
First album doing this! Liked this a lot very progressive for 1991, jazzy funky samples and Beats, funny and social commentary lyrics, little known Busta Rhymes at the end. Get the toilet paper because your rhymes are butt. Smooth
Punk classics, it's shit living in Britain in the 1970s. Yum
I did listen to this as a kid remember Tim had a copy. Appreciate it a lot more now. Beautiful vocals and instrumentation. Possibly one of the best opening songs on an album?
Short and sweet from Bowie during the big coke years. Lots of funk influences and a ten minute title track. TVC15 and title track my faves
D'ya like jazz? Only knew girl from Ipanema from this but my god it was glorious. Silky smooth - interesting reading into the history of bosa nova. Glorious saxophone and vocals.
Dark and gloomy. Didn't know this album. Wasn't my favourite but some great tracks including the title track and A Forest
Bluesy goodness - one of my faves as the opening track. Waiting for the sun felt ahead of it's time. Peace Frog another highlight.
Bit cheeky putting a live album on this list. But a great live album. All the classics. They own the stage. I wouldn't have put this on this list but no disrespect to Thin Lizzy
I thought it was okay. Heads will roll great choon
Mad this came out in the 70s.
Folky indie rock lots happening but liked it a lot
One of the best metal albums of all time. And it pissed off evangelical Americans. Pure riffage
Political, funky heavy beats, yum
Indie pop poetry wasn't captivated by this but liked Fuck & Run a lot
What were they smoking to put this on the list. Some absolute bangers but a lot of waffle
Short n sweet thrashy goodness. Grim lyrics (id lean on potentially distasteful) but iconic album nevertheless
It's fine. I remember this releasing and it being fine. Can't say you need to listen before you die
Adele has always had an amazing voice. Mad this is a debut album. Not really one you need to listen to before you die tho
A voice like an instrument, beautiful musical accompaniments, pulls on the heartstrings. Good stuff
It's Morrissey.
Britpop at its best. A real mix of genres on this one all telling a tale of 90s Britain. Good stuff
On paper this is right up my street. Never listed but prime alt rock. Some insane guitar work in particular the solo on Soma. Dreamy vibes meets punchy rock. I think I will re listen as in parts found a bit difficult to get into.
First Queen album I've listened to that wasn't a greatest hits. So many great tracks I didn't recognise. Campy and goofy in places in all the good ways. Great harmonies, loved the Roger Taylor led song. Brian May saucey boy
Under the radar. PJ Harvey is badass.
Synths and trains. On repeat. Very cool.
I thought this would just be the title track and a load of filler. Some really hauntingly beautiful tracks on here. What a voice. Notwithstanding the title track is a 10/10 sing along classic
It's Talking Heads. It's always elite
Transported me to a Cuban bar. Blissful
Self indulgent and very average indeed.
Enjoyed this. Punk with a lot of avant-garde, very raw but fabulous musicianship. Cool vibes surfer escque definitely see the Cali influence. Bit too long for a punk record in my view.
Oasis and Blur in the space of two weeks. This app knows. Another classic Britpop album with no skips filled with stadium anthems.
Yummy blend of rap, rock, and punk. Some elite samples on this. Goofy in places but in a good way. Great flow between the three of them
Nice folky rock fabulous lyrics and saxophone goodness. Loses a star because a man in a record store in a random Norwegian town told me he wasn't a nice bloke when he met him
Parts of this were haunting and beautiful, other parts made my ears hurt. Not aged that well for me
Witty and iconic post punk. Johnny Marr the king. Loses a star because Morrissey but I won't begrudge his genius on this album.
Simply lovely. Folk goodness that sounds like some dudes jamming
Probably the best metal album of all time. Orion deserves more respect.
Not a massive fan of live albums but this is so raw and intimate. Classy covers rock on
The soul machine lacks soul. I'll be around slaps tho
Very cool and sexy, nice production. Groovy baby
Loved the noise rock and shoe gaze, some of the vocals weren't to my liking but can see the Sonic Youth influence in a lot nowadays
Radio "blues" I remember really liking this as a teenager but it just has no soul or flavour. Mayonnaise
Lovely folk rock goodness, Joni Mitchell knows how to write songs
Me: mum can we listen to Radiohead? Mum: we have Radiohead at home The Radiohead we have at home:
She chicken on my shack till I back
A stellar blend of county, folk, and psychedelic rock. Felt very progressive for 1974. Noice.
Back when they were interesting. Loses points for Chris Martin pretending to be working class
Psychedelic grooves, some seminal stuff on here, lots of genres peppered in. Cool man
Electro punk goodness. Holds up very well indeed.
That was pretty dandy
Second Metallica album on this list. Doesn't hit the heights of Master of Puppets. God awful production. Starts off strong with Blackened, weak until One, continues to not quite hit the mark
Hell yeah
Beards, beer, and bros
Flower power baby
U2 will have to listen to this rubbish
Essential to this list
Undeniable influence silky goodness let's gooo
35 mins of straight fire
Seminal british indie. They've never been able to top this amazing debut.
I'll be polite and say it wasn't for me. BTEC Bjork
Slightly more straight edge Jethro Tull with cool jazzy blues vibes. Very cool
Big up the bob. What a poet
Cool cats splendid instrumentation I don't get the hate
Life in Britain being shit produces some great albums. Loved this
Pretty good, liked the rockabilly influence. Can't say it stood out for me
Mc Blowfish is the perfect metaphor for this album: cringe and bloated. Gets an extra star for production
Rolling Stones suffer from same issue as Queen, Greatest Hits-itus. However, this album is still full of silky cool, sexy rock n roll. Has brown sugar aged badly? I dunno
I can appreciate aspects of the minimalist hip hop vibe, but not really my bag, felt a bit dull and not a massive fan of Lorde's voice. Silky production tho.
This one is nuts, some real driving drums through out. Propa Bri'ish glam rock. It just all sounds the same
Nukes are bad
I only had Sticky Fingers this week. Clear to see the evolution. Aside from Mother's Little Helper and Under My Thumb, this album is just Beatles covers
Second TCQ album on this list. Pure rhythm and witty flows. Wicked production. Ahead of it's time. A bit too long for me
Synth pop goodness shame about the pretty tragic vocals. Can't say I enjoyed as much as Substance
Bob Dylan is a poet and a genius. Love the bluesy somberness on this one. Harmonica way too high in the mix it nearly burst my ear drums. A bit repetitive after a while
Hippy folk goodness. Mysterious and smooth. Good shit but a record store owner in Norway once told me he's a prick so loses points.
The first 5 songs of this album are generation defining indie rock. The rest is filler. But my god they have some hits.
Based Afrobeat 🇳🇬
Bookended by Gimme Shelter and You Can't Always Get, this is largely run of the mill blues rock, but they do it so well for some British geezers. 3 Stones album in quick succession from this generator. Ive had enough.
Aggressive and fast paced, clearly big The Clash fans. Underrated britpop. Alright is massive.
Hauntingly dark. More groovy than a lot of tracks on Unknown Pleasures, more of the post punk than new wave. Struggled with some of the vocal performances but lyrically top notch