The TriffidsFears for tears Simpler minds Depeish mode Uncultured club Old order Frankie doesn’t go to Hollywood Oh, they’re Australian? Nick cave and the worse seeds Men slacking off INXEEDINGLYSMALLQUANTITY Empty house Bleh. This sucks
Fears for tears Simpler minds Depeish mode Uncultured club Old order Frankie doesn’t go to Hollywood Oh, they’re Australian? Nick cave and the worse seeds Men slacking off INXEEDINGLYSMALLQUANTITY Empty house Bleh. This sucks
Sometimes. You’ve heard about an album your entire life, sometimes, said album is one of your dad’s favorite albums, sometimes, said album is lauded as one of the greatest albums of all time, sometimes, said album is made by two British asshole brothers. Sometimes, you come in with low expectations when listening to something that’s universally beloved, maybe just to be a contrarian, maybe because you dislike the people who made it, maybe because you don’t think it’ll live up to the hype. Sometimes.. people get things right, and sometimes universally beloved albums are good. Sometimes they’re one of the best albums you’ve ever heard.
I think this the platonic ideal of a rock album
I’m a huge funk fan, why did I not listen to this sooner?! Will be revisiting often for the foreseeable future.
Wow, I get why Bob gets talked up so much, I’ve never heard an album where some elements felts decades ahead while others felt perfectly plucked from the early days of recorded music. Great lyrics although the rhymes can come off as a bit silly sometimes. Didn’t expect so much harmonica but it worked well. My only major complaint is that it ran a bit too long, the song mobile in particular feels like it could’ve been cut in half. That being said I think this will only grow on me on continued listens
Wow, I get why Bob gets talked up so much, I’ve never heard an album where some elements felts decades ahead while others felt perfectly plucked from the early days of recorded music. Great lyrics although the rhymes can come off as a bit silly sometimes. Didn’t expect so much harmonica but it worked well. My only major complaint is that it ran a bit too long, the song mobile in particular feels like it could’ve been cut in half. That being said I think this will only grow on me on continued listens
punk and new wave had a baby and it’s very British and will go on to influence all of alternative music for the entire 80s. Extremely fun, all killer, no filler.
To all my fellow gen Zs (and millennials) , I’m very happy to report this album did not disappoint. After listening to Thinkin Bout You, I had fears that this wasn’t going to click with me, but with each track I was further convinced that the incessant praise frank has received is deserved. Pyramids especially is fantastic, the R&B equivalent of a prog rock song. I guess he was right, the best song wasn’t the single. Giving this an enthusiastic 5
I’m a huge funk fan, why did I not listen to this sooner?! Will be revisiting often for the foreseeable future.
Love Bowie but this ain’t it, not unlistenable but not essential in the slightest, he has 8 other albums on the list, this one doesn’t need to be here
Not bad. Fun but Forgettable
This was my first time listening to this in full. But I already knew it was gonna be 5/5. I mean. C’mon.
Interesting for sure. Had a lot of fun with it. Deserves to be on the list but it’s not outstanding
Glad I was in a good mood or this would’ve absolutely made me cry. Fantastic listen.
Not my thing but deserves to be on the list.
As someone who was a fetus when this style of r&b was popular, I recognized all of the synthetic instruments on this albums as the same ones they use for video games. So listening to this album felt like I was fighting Regigigas on my DS while Beyoncé was singing in the background. Also what’s up with all the weird interpolations?? Tarzan boy? March of the gladiators? This album feels like I'm having a fever dream inside of the Wii shop channel.
This kicks ass.
Pretty killer, a few tracks that didn’t click with me but otherwise great
Tbh I think every album needs more songs about buildings and food. Talking heads rules. This album isn’t an exception.
YESSSSSSSSSSSSS! One of the few albums on the list I’ve listened to before. This album is genuinely magical, it feels like you’re exploring a digital wilderness.
Had me interested 30 seconds in, a whole lot of fun, this is why I’ll never say I’ll hate a genre, 5 years ago I would’ve said I hated country, I hadn’t found stuff like this yet.
This album doesn’t make me feel like I’m on the beach, it feels more like a prairie, that being said, it’s still really good.
Sucks that every other heavy metal band that came after them saw this and thought “whoah.. loud guitars and dark lyrics” and not “whoah.. you can make an album that sounds badass and has a harmonica and a jaw harp” (don’t worry, I like metal, but y’know sometimes some more weird stuff would be nice)
Makes me remember that there are good bands to come out of the 2010s half of the “alternative” era . Still kind of has that apple commercial vibe but with a lot more flavor. Plus it’s not their fault this sound has become synonymous with advertising. Good stuff
Just some of the most polished music the 80s has to offer, somehow is both perfect and still has personality.
A few songs I really vibed with, the rest felt goofy by modern standards, but I get why its here.
Unbelievably whimsical and beautiful, Newsom manages to tell a story on every single song, this is the album you would get if a bard from the forgotten realms was transported to modern day earth. People were complaining about the length but ITS BECAUSE SHE’S TELLING A STORY! THE SONG ONLY ENDS WHEN THE STORY IS DONE!! Plus it’s not like it’s just the same verse chorus verse, she puts a lot of effort in making the music follow the story. Maybe it’s just cause I’m a nerd, but this is a ten out of ten
He’s got the Voice of an angel, only gripe is the songs can blend together
This album sounds like it was written by a group of whimsical gnomes
Got a machine head! It’s better than th- oh, never mind, wrong band. It’s fine, first few songs are great and then it kinda peters out
Not my thing, but very influential both in grunge and in the fact it signaled how long 90s albums would become :/
An album that is inexplicably both unbelievably strange and yet I fully understand why it was so popular. The late 80s were kinda dire in terms of popular music, this is an exception (Side note, but while listening to this I thought that living colour was kind of a rock parallel to public enemy, then lo and behold chuck d and flavor flav jumpscared me in the middle of a song) Will be listening again
Sometimes. You’ve heard about an album your entire life, sometimes, said album is one of your dad’s favorite albums, sometimes, said album is lauded as one of the greatest albums of all time, sometimes, said album is made by two British asshole brothers. Sometimes, you come in with low expectations when listening to something that’s universally beloved, maybe just to be a contrarian, maybe because you dislike the people who made it, maybe because you don’t think it’ll live up to the hype. Sometimes.. people get things right, and sometimes universally beloved albums are good. Sometimes they’re one of the best albums you’ve ever heard.
Giving this a two not for it being extremely bad but rather that I don’t think I will have any memory of the album by tomorrow except for maybe the annoying high pitched noises on the title track
I think this is the first album on the list I danced to while listening to, that’s gotta warrant 5 stars
I think this the platonic ideal of a rock album
Higher peaks and lower valleys than ziggy stardust. But the peaks are so high it warrants a 5
Man, the singers are great, but Phil Spector really Killed this one. Just absolutely Massacred the production. Murder. …Ok. What do you want me to say? It’s a really good Christmas album. That’s about it, I don’t have much to say, so I had to take a cheap shot. Just like Phil did with his ex wife!! HAH! ..Fuck that guy.
New Order has the special ability to combine every good part of the 80s into one great package. It’s the musical equivalent of a gumbo, and I loooove gumbo. Say what you will about the very 80s synths, but to me that’s the gumbo’s spicy sausage, not everyone’s gonna like it, but man it’s good when it works.
How the hell do you make a double album with 21 tracks where none of them feel phoned in!? Stevie Wonder cooked with this one. My compliments to the chef
Ew, ew ew ew nope. First album on the list I couldn’t get through, even without the…. context… I don’t want two French people whispering in my ears rock plays in the background. Ew. Maybe it belongs on the list. I dunno, ask the French. It doesn’t belong on my list, that’s for sure.
Feels like they were just getting started :( it’s a great album nonetheless. Excellent and abrasive, Kurt sounds strained on some of the songs, and it suits the album’s sound well. Wish we could’ve gotten more
Four Bowie albums?!???? I’m only 40 ish albums in! Anywho, love Bowie and I appreciate the gospel and funk influences on this one, but it’s not the cream of the crop, still great
Steely Dan has gotta be one of the top 5 funniest bands of all time, an imagine being insane perfectionists, insanely critically adored, and extremely divisive all while making this gentle jazzy soft rock. That’s fucking hilarious. The best part is that the critics are right
Everyone say thank you to D’angelo for inventing sex
Ok this is getting ridiculous, this is my fifth Bowie album and I’m not past 50 yet, anyway Bowie stays winning, he’s a one of a kind artist, but this one faded into the background more than the others I’ve gotten, even the one I rated lower was more memorable.
New order stays winning, especially like the opener
I’m glad I wasn’t in high school when this album was popular. Probably would’ve gotten called a lot of slurs for not liking it.
Duran Duran is such a singular band, they’re one of the most iconic groups of the 80s. This album is amazing front to back and is unmistakably Duran Duran.
If you don’t like this album you can go funk yourself
Sometimes abrasive, sometimes beautiful, probably one of my favorite albums of all time. Also it might be sacrilegious but I prefer this version of hurt
Going in expecting generic pop music with a great singer from what I had already heard, I was proven wrong, the album cuts are absolutely amazing, in my opinion better than the singles but that also could just be the fact I’ve heard them for a good 15 years now in the grocery store
My dad’s favorite band, so it’s hard not to have an attachment to them, but some of the singles are worn out for me, plus I think I like their earlier stuff, sorry dad. Still good though
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUUGH! This is some good shit, never would’ve found this without the list, this is how you mix the blues with alt rock, the black keys could learn a thing or two
These guys can certainly write a much better song than their contemporaries, to be fair though that’s not that hard when your contemporaries are mötley crüe and poison. Not to say they’re not good songwriters, they make that pretty clear, even with some sleazy lyrics. It’s solid, rock on and so forth
It’s freezing cold today, so this album felt like a little out of place, but I think the second best place to listen to this album other than a tropical beach is in the cold, actually, because it feels like a nice warm blanket and puts a smile on your face. Just a pleasant album all around :)
Pretty cool stuff, I had only heard strange brew and sunshine of your love, and to be honest I wasn’t a huge fan of strange brew, but as a whole album this was a very good time.
Can’t say I’ll listen to this again soon, but it’s interesting enough that I’ll be thinking about it for a good while, I don’t think this should be the lowest rated album tbh
The Problem with coming late to something influential is it loses what made it so important, so honestly I didn’t really get much from this album :/ but it certainly deserves to be on thelist
Pleasantly surprised by this one, then again, when an album is described as power pop, there’s a 90% chance I’m gonna like it, great stuff.
I try to be critical of these albums, but it’s hard when you make something this weird and fun. Excellent songs, just a great time all around. I’m gonna have given 500 of these albums a four or five when I’m done with this.. geez
Yeah he sucks, but I’m not gonna boycott an artist because they’re a terrible person, then half the list would be null. Plus I don’t see you guys boycotting the Christmas album made by an actual convicted murderer. Anyway now for the actual review. This is some of the best hip hop production I've heard. Insane lyricism, kinda feels like every important rapper from the early 2000s showed up in this one, some emotional moments, some super fun ones, this is one of the best rap albums I’ve ever heard to be honest. Sucks that Kanye would go into a downward spiral 20 years later. But I’m not gonna let that deter me from saying this album is excellent.
A fun listen, felt like a mix of blues, singer songwriter, alt rock, and country with jack white’s special twist. A lot of fun, you can really feel the love for all sorts of music coming from this album
This whole album felt like a slow climax to a peak, like in a film, but ironically the most climactic songs were the parts I was least interested in, i was a big fan of the quiet ambient parts, they felt hypnotic in soothing with a rock twist. But the more boisterous rock parts weren’t bad but not as interesting. All and all a good album that I will revisit
Fun fact! Brian Warner went to high school about 30 minutes from where I live, not just that, that high school is also my older sibling’s Alma mater, and he was on the baseball team with my friends uncle! …These facts would be a lot more fun if he wasn't a terrible person… anyway the album itself is pretty good, if you’re working with Trent reznor it’s hard not to be, only issue is it’s length and the awful, awful lyrics.
..I really love R.E.M. but honestly? This one didn’t really do it for me, there were a few great songs, but it fell a little flat. The one I love and it’s the end of the world are still amazing though.
I don’t really have much to say for this one, it’s a great album made by a band that would change music forever
One heck of a weird album, a raspy British old man whispering over discordant jazz was not something I knew I wanted
A wonderful quiet acoustic album with an excellent singer, I don’t really have much else to say except I’ll listen again
The production on this album is INSANE. Yeah I know it’s cheesy, whatever I don’t care. Just listen to it, you can hear every single instrument, they all sound crisp. And it never drowns out baker or the backup singers. This album is luxurious, it’s like drinking a cold glass of water at 3 AM when your lips are dry.
Ughhhhhh. The type of songs to sell a MacBook Pro. The type of songs they would play at a new coffee chain that’s has “locally sourced beans”. The type of songs that would be in the background of an Obama 2012 campaign ad. The type of songs I would hear in the car while my dad was listening to alt radio and I would think “this is boring. when are they gonna play the one about the pumped up kicks?” Ughhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Laaaaaast niiite, i heard this album. It was very good. I really enjoy the clean guitars mixed with Julian Casablanca’s raspy vocals. Solid all around, will listen again
This is some Killer Klowns from outer space ass music, not bad honestly, compared to other abrasive albums on this list idk why this is one of the lower rated ones. It’s fun, a solid thumbs up from me
If this album was just around the bend girl and the title track it might be a 5, but there’s a few stinkers and it goes a bit too long. Will be for sure revisiting some songs, just not the whole album
The thing about some early punk albums is that they can kinda blend together. Blondie does not have that problem. The bits of pop, disco, new wave, and I think even a bit of reggae? An great showing from a fun band
An insanely good live album. I made a realization, I think I really like thin Lizzy? Like really like them. Gonna have to check more of their stuff out. The transition from cowboy song to the boys are back in town put a massive grin on my face, but this album does run quite a bit long. That being said Thin lizzy deserves more love. RIP Phil lynnot
I don’t get the people who say this is generic, like if you’re gonna levy that against some of Foo Fighter’s biggest songs, yeah I get that 100% but this album is interesting! The songs sound different from one another, there’s one where Grohl is screaming, the opening track has a power pop-y chorus. it feels like it takes in a bunch of different genres and puts it into one emotional and excellent package. I’m worried that I might like this than more than nevermind, guess we’ll have to see when I get it generated
Love it! It’s got a very whimsical sort of off kilter approach to rock and electronic, with a bit of jazz thrown in for good measure. I can hear the influence on this one, a lot of bands I grew up loving definitely loved this album
This did absolutely nothing for me, I don’t mind stripped back, minimalist albums, but I’m not a fan of this one
She’s a good singer, production sounds dated, I don’t really have much to say, it’s fine?
What a wild album, the multicultural influences from all around the world are really cool, mad respect for actually working with artists from said cultures, also really like Paul’s meandering vocals. I don’t think this album should work, but it really does
This album starts strong with two great songs and then just kinda meanders for the next hour. Good background music
One of the most loud, abrasive, and aggressive albums I’ve heard that’s still approachable to the average music fan, not to mention they did all of this with just a guitar and a drum set. The same way Nirvana showed that you could be unbelievably loud with just three people, Meg and Jack show on this album that you can be even louder with just two.
Yes this album is corny, unfortunately corn is delicious especially when you but some smooth synth butter and some rock n roll salt This white boy can, in fact play that funky music. Extremely well at that.
Tons of undeniable classics, great riffs, and an excellent vocalist. I have no complaints.
Never listened to a full Costello album, but I know for a fact he has better stuff than this. Still solid showing I suppose, also can tell that they might be giants were very much influenced by him, so that’s a plus.
Psychedelic sixties rock mixed with ‘00s indie pop. Great stuff. Two weeks is one of the best songs ever made
I knew the singles of course, I didn’t expect Santana to be so jazzy! What a wonderful album, had a great time with it.
Fears for tears Simpler minds Depeish mode Uncultured club Old order Frankie doesn’t go to Hollywood Oh, they’re Australian? Nick cave and the worse seeds Men slacking off INXEEDINGLYSMALLQUANTITY Empty house Bleh. This sucks
If toy story was set in the American south at the turn of the century. Pretty damn good apparently
Ahh.. the album that made me an insufferable jazz nerd in high school. Need I say more?
A bridge between the golden age and the worlds beyond. I’m biased towards jazz rap, but it’s hard to be critical when both members are bringing their A game to producing and rapping. 9/10
Oooouuughhhh… I love electronic music so muuuuch
I went to a concert of their a couple months ago, I was freezing cold and had a migraine so I laid down on the blanket we brought, and just kinda dissociated to the music, it’s pretty good dissasociating music
Speech is a good rapper. But maaan.. the lyrics are so annoying and preachy… it really took away from my enjoyment of the album, especially because the production is really interesting and unique! It’s not like they were trying to be a tribe called quest, I know they get compared a lot but they’re definitely distinct. This would be a five if the lyrics were less annnoying
Elliot smith style songwriting with its own unique sonic palate, right up my alley and it was a strike
This is a perfect argument for why album experiences are so important, none of these songs on their own would be five starts except maybe Folsom prison blues, but together along with all of the banter, noise, and applause it makes for a wonderful experience that put a smile on my face, whether that was from genuine emotion of the songs being delivered to prisoners or when everyone started cheering during the song about being on cocaine and killing your wife. No notes.
Everyone say thank you to miles Davis for inventing being cool
I am fROMOHIO, so I gotta say, I’m honored that the album named after our “great” state is this good. Helps that I love 80s alternative and good bass licks.
Not my favorite electronic album, mostly because it’s too over the top for my tastes, there isn’t really a breather until the second to last song. Still. This is good, undeniably a great album. Kinda clicked for me when I read people talking about psychedelics in the comments, made a lot more sense. Still, I don’t do shrooms, and I can’t dance, so this is only a 4
Wanted to come up with a pun based on a lyric off of this album but I can’t make anything mor memorable than Mr. D-O-double-G can. For shizz
Pleasant, perfect for the shift to spring that’s happening right now. That being said it kinda feels like a kids album at some points. Inconsistent but nice
This would be an amazing, catchy, and well written album if it was just the full tracks if they cut the interludes. Seriously all of the interesting political commentary comes from the full songs! And the interludes just kinda feel like afterthought that make the salient message feel heavy handed. Would be 10/10 if they trimmed the fat, instead It’s an 8, still rounding up to five stars because I will for sure be revisiting the full tracks
Nile Rodgers is the most influential guitarist of the 70s, yes I understand the gravity of that statement, fight me. But that’s not to downplay the other musicians on this album because hooooooly shit, everyone sounds flawless on this album. Before you could electronically program your dance music, they just had to record this shit raw! Huge props, disco never died, Nile became disco.
Look man. It’s a five. I know it’s a five, it’s John Coltrane. I’ll get back to you when I’m done, but look at my fucking highest rated albums. I know what I’m gonna give it. I don’t need to listen to the album to give it a rating, but I’m gonna because it’s gonna kick ass. Update: FIVE. STARS.