Central Reservation
Beth OrtonIf the color beige was an album.
If the color beige was an album.
No big deal, it’s only an absolute masterpiece.
Are you joking me? How have I not heard this before? A killer woman-led punk album with sax!? Hell yes. I can imagine they had a major influence on the riot grrrl movement! Loved it, but I wonder why the track listing is all cattywampus on Spotify. I took the official track listing from Wikipedia and just put the songs in that order in my queue. Listeners beware!
Albums like this are the reason I love this project so much. I had absolutely no clue what to expect and had never heard of the artist or album, but both the naked penguin man and the fact that Brian Eno was the producer had me feeling hopeful. This just hit right today. Slightly bizarre and utterly beautiful, I've got nothing to complain about.
A+ for the band name A+ for the confusion in the ratings/reviews A+ for really being an original album that should be listened to A+ for being experimental AF A+ for insane level of influence Guys, I had a great time. Y'all can go listen to another Britpop album.
Have realized my mistake in not understanding the greatness of this album since my initial rating… this SLAPS and 4 stars was a joke.
Great stuff - never heard of it before.
Not my thing.
Who was I joking? Of course this is one of Springsteen’s most memorable. This aged better than a fine wine for me.
Some interesting bits, but couldn’t keep me entertained enough for the whole album.
Great stuff. My first impression was that newer Dylan would be forgettable, but this has some great stuff on it.
OK, I have to give it up to him... pretty good songwriting and memorable melodies. Enjoyed this way more than I expected, while being just as startled by Rednecks as everyone else. Worth a listen!
Cool new discovery! Had a hard time listening at one time, but enjoyed the whole thing. Would go back to a few songs.
It's fine, but nothing special. Had never given it a fair listen and am happy I did now, but happy to move to other things, too.
A classic.. I’ll have to go back to appreciate it fully.
I didn’t need to listen to this. Every Arctic Monkeys song sounds the same.
Not my favorite Pink Floyd album, but it’s still Pink Floyd.
Didn’t know this existed but happy I was made aware… Seems like they’ve been influential but that also doesn’t mean I enjoyed this enough to go back and listen again.
What is there to say? Even as someone who vaguely enjoys Metallica, I would've never sat down and listened to this front to back but happy I did.
Still feel like the only Doors songs that I enjoy are the ones I already know. Love Her Madly? Yes. A whole album? No.
Love it. Perfect.
A classic.
This was a blast. I don't know if I have ever listened to a whole Johnny Cash record before and I'm happy I did.. such a fun discovery through this.
The Beatles have never done anything wrong in my eyes. This is perfection and isn’t even one of my favorites.
Had never heard of this, so was happy to have a new discovery after a few days of well-known albums. It was entertaining, but nothing extraordinary. Hard to move past the burrito names, though...
Found some new (for me) solid Motorhead songs. Looking forward to some studio albums.
Always a good idea.
Can’t believe I had never heard of her? I can tell she’s been an important influence, but also not really my cup to tea.
Nothing to say here. Masterpiece.
I mean, it's not bad, but there is no variation and not my vibe. Sounds like 40 minutes of the same mediocre song.
I can't help but compare Cohen to Dylan and I just love Dylan way more. Happy to have heard this and definitely need to go back to it again.
It's fine, but it'll never be my jam.
I admit that I skipped through this... I can't listen to an hour of Kid Rock. I'm sure he did his best and I'll give it to him, Bawitdaba kind of slaps.
Slightly disappointed that this just seems to fall in the "Britpop" where things seem to be pretty monotonous. I was looking forward to this listen, but happy to move on.
Some really strong songs, but didn’t blow my socks off as an album. But it’s still Elvis Costello.
What an album. Loved it.
I don’t know what I was thinking, but I was expecting something else from the Yardbirds. It’s cool, but doesn’t stand out from anything else in the era.
Can't get into it.
Just beautiful every time.
While I don't mind Thin Lizzy, I really wasn't expecting to enjoy this as much as I did. Way better than expected... I guess I never realized they had so many great songs.
What did I just listen to? Loved it.
Love the Beastie Boys and am ashamed I have never listened to this straight through. I suppose I prefer listening to singular songs as opposed to albums when it comes to them. Still enjoyed this thoroughly.
I admit that I had never even heard of Scott Walker. Interesting listen, for sure.
As most of the other reviews, strange to have a compilation on the list. Also, I would've maybe enjoyed this when it came out, but just not my thing nowadays. Two stars because it is better than Kid Rock without a doubt.
After hearing about Edgar Wright's movie on Sparks, I kept meaning to check them out and never got to it. Boy, this blew me away in a bizarrely delightful way. Happy to hand out my first 5-star review that isn't to one my tried-and-true classics.
First Joni Mitchell album I've heard. I get the hype, but it isn't something I'd often go back to. But I've got to give credit where credit is due...
I thought I'd enjoy this less than I did. It was an entertaining listen and happy to know who Gene Clark is now.
The songs I didn't already know are quite forgettable. Wondering how this generic of a band could become so famous? Just gives me slimy dad vibes. No, thanks.
I was suspecting that this would be something that maybe just slipped through the cracks and would maybe even be good. But nah... my initial reaction was right. Samesie 90's mush. Next.
Well, I guess this is the kind of crazy shit I signed up for here. Although it made my beautiful sunny October walk in the park slightly less pleasant, I still feel it has its rightful place in the world. Maybe not in my world, but somewhere. A part of me also feels like I'm not qualified to give this a proper rating, so just going with a good ol' 3 to not mess with the average too much. Kind of hated this, but also kind of want to get drunk and give it another listen.
Enjoyed this! My only issue was it felt a little drawn out towards the end, but it definitely deserves another listen.
Terrible timing to be giving this a listen, but it's unfortunately a perfect album...
Anyone who has an album with so many back-to-back bangerz automatically gets 5 stars. I don’t make the rules.
One thing this generator is doing is causing me to realize that there are so many classic albums I’ve never listened to. Happy to be changing that now. This was a delightful 28 minute addition on my Saturday night walk. I don’t think there is anything more to say.
I think this is a classic case of an album's relevance getting lost in antiquity. Didn't excite me one bit and doesn't stand out compared to anything else from that era.
I remember how groundbreaking Gorillaz were when they came out. I get the hype, but I wouldn't go back to this. I guess it's just not my cup of tea and I've heard the singles so many times. With that said, it still deserves at least 3 stars.
Started listening and then skipped through towards the end. Could not get into this. Reminds me of anything else that could've come out of England around that time and it's just not my jam.
I surprisingly kind of loved this. Who knew the Bee Gees have more depth than their cheesy disco would lead you to assume. I shouldn't be surprised since I knew First of May from an old mix my mom would play in the house while cleaning but had somehow forgotten about. This deserves another listen, but what a pleasant surprise.
Some interesting stuff but overall, it felt kind of forgettable to me. Putting it on the list for another listen, though...
I've been listening to this album for years, but I made sure to give it another fair listen today. Once upon a time it meant more to me than it does now, and even though it isn't a favorite anymore, it's still great. You've got to give it up for such a strong first album that hasn't lost its relevance over 30 years later.
Ok ok ok, I liked this. I can see they influenced many bands to come after them and it was a quick and enjoyable listen.
Once again, bad timing, but can't deny it's a great album.
I was excited when this popped up, but I guess I thought I’d like it more than I actually did. Probably deserves another listen before a rating, but we’ll go with 3 stars for now…
I dig their unique mellow vibe. This was a cool listen and they seem to still stand out from other bands from the era. I think I have severely underrated them over the years.
I remember hearing about Nick Cave for the first time in 2008 in college... for some reason he wasn’t a name that I grew up hearing but kept meaning to give him a listen. I’m happy I had an introduction now. I enjoyed this! It didn’t need to be as long as it is and I think that it should’ve ended before O’Malley’s Bar. There is no way that song needs to be 14 minutes long… silly lyrics and a woman with my name got killed. With that said, happy to have heard it and overall it was enjoyable. No complaints.
I don’t know, I think I should appreciate Tom Waits more than I do. I’ve got time, though…
Do I need to say anything?
If an album's only claim to fame is that it has a massive hit on it, then it isn't a good album. Forgettable stuff.
Not bad and I can see the appeal, just not my jam.
My only complaint would be that it’s a bit long, but it’s still Jimi ♥️
So good.
Not bad, not great.. nothing really stood out to me, but no complaints!
Some fine vibey ambiance tunes... not an everyday thing, but I can never fault Eno.
This is the kind of stuff I came here for... bands I really should know, but don't. I liked this quite a bit. Sounds very 90's when listening to it for the first time now, but there were some really beautiful melodies and just all around good songs here.
I can never add anything else to these classic albums that I know like the back of my hand. 5 stars, that's all I have to say.
Kinda rad. Crazy shit.
Wall-to-wall banger factory. I said what I said.
Way too funky. Loved it.
Can't complain, but I will say it has maybe too many covers that were done better elsewhere. But go, Tacoma, go!
I don't know, I feel like I'm missing the cultural relevance here to really fully appreciate it. There is nothing wrong with it, but not really anything right either.
Nahhh, don't like this. I don't even feel like explaining myself.
Some of the best shit out there. Grew up with this and it will never get old.
It’s alright, but forgettable. May need a few more listens, but I can’t promise I’m up for it.
I feel like I'll really like this after a few more listens. It was already rad the first time through. Needed this push to get me to listen to her after hearing about how iconic she is.
Please no. Boring, dated and just not good.
Iconic. Today was a good day because I listened to this.
This really hit me in the right feelings today.. lovely classic folk.
I dig it… y’all need to stop comparing country music from the 50s to your favorite stuff coming out these days.
Sleazy dad Nascar rock... hate it. No, thanks.
Hell YES for Yes.
I was skeptical at first, but actually enjoyed this as a soundtrack while wandering around a rainy flea market. If I had more options, I’d probably say 2.5 but I think it’s fair to round up to 3.
No big deal, it’s only an absolute masterpiece.
What a tragic, beautiful, wonderful album. Can't fault her.
This is the first time I've ever given Marianne Faithfull a fair chance. Love the synthy / new wave vibes, I just feel sometimes the songs are slightly forgettable. Starts out with a bang for sure!
This was cool, had never heard of The Fall. Solid album, but I just feel like it’s such a shame to be introduced to all these prolific post-punk groups so out of context. It makes me feel like I’m probably missing something? Dragged on a bit at the end, but cool stuff.
What a banger of a debut album... I'm just imagining how iconic this must've been coming out in the late 70's. Great stuff. I don't think it can come close to London Calling, but still deserves 5 stars for sure.
I’ve always meant to check them out, but never got to it. I thoroughly enjoyed this and even though it’s a bit samesie, I feel like that’s also part of what made it so vibey cohesive. Also, I’ve got a soft spot for Sub Pop as a Washingtonian. You know what? I’m giving this 5 stars!
Such an interesting mix of slightly tinny and industrial sounds with dissonant punk vibes. I wasn’t sure how to rate this but I thought long and hard about it and read more about Albini and just gained more and more appreciation for everything about this. So innovative and still holds up after everything that has come since.
I was dreading this as soon as I saw I had this album today but I tried to be optimistic, thinking it must be an alright pop album. I still didn’t enjoy it at all, though. I don’t care if there are two big singles off of this album, they aren’t enough to make up for anything here so it’s a no for me, dawg. It’s nothing groundbreaking or original, the lyrics are dumb and his voice is grating. Sure, this is completely subjective based on hearing about him since my childhood, but it’s also my rating.
Aye aye aye, bop after bop after bop. Loved hearing a few deeper cuts that I had never taken the time to listen to before. What a great soundtrack on my sunny Monday morning in January.
Same vibe that I get from the Arctic Monkeys... if only one Manic Street Preachers existed, that'd be enough. There isn't much variation and none of it is good enough to keep my attention. Fell into a rabbit hole reading about the singer's tragic disappearance, though :(
Loved it. My only bone to pick is the amount of covers that leave it feeling like less of a cohesive album.
What can I say... I get the shtick, but I would've liked it to be at least a bit more enjoyable to listen to. With that said, I can still appreciate the utter absurdity of it all. Let's call it 3.
That must've been a helluva show to be at. Creepy dude, great performer.
I think I like this better than Aja, but it also helped me put my finger on what bothers me about Steely Dan… Donald Fagen over pronounces every word so much that it gives me a weird musical theater vibe. Cannot get into it. I know I owe them more chances, but I just don’t think I’m the right audience.
This album may as well be part of my DNA… loved it as a kid, love it just the same now.
I feel like I should preface this by saying that I’d get it if someone weren’t really into this after just getting it randomly here. I may tell you you’re wrong, but I’d get it. You just can’t fault Faith No More for their one of a kind sound and how insanely innovative they were. Also, can we talk about how iconic Mike Patton is? Grew up with this and still love it. Maybe even more now!
Loved this. I think this is an easy 5 stars, along with Costello’s two albums before this. Only knew a few songs, but it’s amazing all the notable different influences that got pulled into this while still feeling utterly Elvis Costello.
It’s just a masterpiece. I saw Jack White this last summer and went through their whole discography beforehand. It all lasts the test of time, even while it could’ve been easy to write them off as slightly gimmicky. But that is some good shit that I’ve loved since it came out when I was in middle school. And hell, I may even love it more now! Also, Seven Nation Army doesn’t even come close to being their best song… dig deeper, y’all.
This was fun.. interesting to hear that early 90's influence since I'm only familiar with NY's earlier stuff. There are some really good songs, but I think also a few forgettable ones after my initial listen. Listened to this on an Apple music trial, but may buy it on vinyl or otherwise to go back to it later.
Nice… felt myself loving it more and more as it went on. At first I was hoping for the more folky NY, but he had me hooked.
Whoa, cool new discovery. And guest vocals by Malcolm Mooney! Need to look more into Jane Weaver...
You can't rate this any less than 5 stars, you just can't. This is the literal groundwork of pop to come. Can someone hook that Sloop John B / God Only Knows side A to B transition to my veins? Innovative, creative, fun and perfect.
Struggling to decide between 4 and 5 stars. Although the double album spanning 2 hours is quite the ballsy move, I think it works and loved the whole thing. Most of the OutKast songs that got really big are the more André 3000 type songs, probably since they’ve got a unique sound. But with that said, I think I enjoyed Big Boi’s half even more. I guess if something tops Hey Ya, then it must deserve 5 stars.
I’m not sure I needed to listen to this. It’s fine, just nothing out of the ordinary. Stills is still great, though, so I don’t wanna diss it too much.
Nahh, easy listening adult contemporary bullshit from a creepy son of a bitch. Pass.
Sure, let's legalize it, but this is some boring music. I'm not sure I'll ever "get" reggae. Not my cup of tea.
No shade, but I was hoping for a bit more energy out of a live album. This just simply can't compete with the likes of Johnny Cash or Thin Lizzy who have amazing live records. I know B.B. King is a legend, but I didn't enjoy this as much as I thought I would've.
I'll start by saying that I do like the Rolling Stones, but I have a lot of bones to pick here. Aside from Mother's Little Helper, Under My Thumb, Out of Time and I Am Waiting, we're just left with generic bluesy songs I could find anywhere. The Stones still remain for me a band with some REALLY good songs, but their albums are weak and this album made me pissed at any Stones / Beatles comparison that has ever been made. The Beatles are perfection, the Stones are generic blues. Also is there any reason that Going Home needed to be over 10 minutes long? And maybe the girl isn't stupid Mick. Maybe you're the problem.
Funny listening to this now and thinking I was listening to these lyrics as a 14-year-old girl, but hey, I had good taste back then! I've loved this for years, so innovative and creative and satisfyingly abrasive. Nothing else to say, it's just a masterpiece.
Sing it, Bob. One of my favorite songs of all time is Visions of Johanna... can never get enough of this album.
What a heartthrob… this was a bunch of fun.
I read some of the other reviews before listening to this and there were quite a few saying it lacked energy or droned on too long. While I know Dylan can get pretty long-winded, I loved every second of this and felt the energy packed hall. I also love everything about Bob Dylan, but still. I'd give my eyeteeth to have been able to see him in his prime...
Meh, I'm bored. Not convinced here.
There'd be no punk as we know it without this album. Gotta give it up to Iggy and the boyz.
So happy to see my favorite Dino Jr. album popping up here… just them this and album and them as a whole.
Definitely not Sonic Youth’s best, but I love it just the same. They’re a band I can never fault…
Can you imagine making an album where Thriller, Beat It and Billie Jean are all back-to-back and they're not even the only good songs on the album? I can't. What a ride.
I had absolutely no expectations with how this would be. Admittedly, my brain turns off whenever I see that something is electronic. I have to say, I was pleasantly surprised. Not bad, not bad at all.
This is the literal foundation for indie bands in the 2010s and no one can convince me otherwise. Love this album front to back and it's so apparent how influential it was on music to come. Also, I'll never be over Costello's pure sexy vibes.
This was a blast. Something I would’ve never jumped into on my own.
Really solid and enjoyable album... the only reason I decided on 4 stars is due to the fact that I'd probably never choose to listen to this again on my own accord. But for real, really great funky stuff.
Holy moly, what an album. This generator is making me a bonafide Queen fan. Who would’ve thought!?
This was fine for background music, but wouldn’t be adding it to my list of favorites. I can see keeping it on hand if you want some unobtrusive tunes at a dinner party or something similar, but I prefer my music to have a deeper connection for me.
Best White Stripes album. Is there even an argument?
Jeez, this was great. PJ Harvey is such a hole in my music knowledge that I’m continually enjoying filling.
Ehh, it’s fine. He’s fine. Can’t say I’ll be revisiting this often, but there were enjoyable bits.
Ok, I’ve got to give it up to him. This was much more enjoyable than expected. I found myself grooving to every song!
Killer. I loved this so much. Seven songs jam packed with emotion and passion and variation. This album gives you a good idea of how Neil Young is heralded as such an icon.
Anyone who knows me knows how I never shut up about Talking Heads. Want to come over to my place? Ok, we’ll you’re going to have to stay up and watch Stop Making Sense with me. Those are the rules. With that in mind, I couldn’t contain my excitement when this popped up today. I’ll take any excuse to listen to this masterpiece. When the album opens with David Byrne’s scream, you just know it’s going to be an energetic ride. I could go on and on, but I’m just going to enjoy!
Britpop bleibt Britpop. It’ll always be a hard pass for me. The last song was alright, but I didn’t need anything leading up to that.
No shade, she’s got a lovely voice. I just can’t enjoy a whole album of what seems like slightly canned music. I think 2 starts is doing her dirty, but 3 is too many…
What a beautiful, pleasant surprise. Lovely and pleasant and honest songwriting that reminded me of a mix between old-school country and Scott Walker. Saving this for future listens!
I could say a lot of things about this, but I think the biggest takeaway is that it’s just not for me.
Cool new find. I had never even heard of him! Rad 90's rap with some nice jazz influences. I guess if you're gonna be misogynistic, then you should at least make it enjoyable by rhyming coochie with Gucci.
A smooth and funky 35 minute experience. Good stuff.
Not sure that I’ve ever sat down and listened to this front to back until today, but I still knew every song. You can’t deny this album’s legendary status. I’d be a fool to dock any stars!
I think I need to listen to this again, but I also think it’s pretty overrated and underwhelming. Didn’t hate it, but also didn’t love anything on it.
Cool listen! Probably would never reach for it, but no complaints either.
It’s a vibe for sure, but something I’m rarely in the mood for. I can appreciate her iconic status, but it’s just not really my thing.
I kept putting this off based on the reviews, but it’s not bad at all! I even really liked In and out of the Shadows. Next time I see his name pop up I’ll be more open minded!
I was worried I’d like this and have to rate it lower than I normally would for Clapton being a Nazi. Luckily it’s boring AND Clapton is a piece of shit.
A bit one-sided as an album but Green Onions sure is a timeless bop.
What a cool album. This will take a few more listens to really sink in, but love it already. I was vibing to the whole thing while cleaning, but Monitor really stood out in my first listen through!
Yes yes yes. This is insanity.
What a story! Happy to have had this brought to my attention here because I don’t think I would run into it anywhere else.
I knew it'd be a good day when this album popped up this morning. Kraftwerk slaps, you just have to admit it. I had to listen to the German version, though. I feel like it's the only right way to do it. One of the easiest 5/5 ratings I've given.
One of my more embarrassing opinions is that I have been known to defend RHCP, but not even I can defend this. There are about three or four OK songs on this album and a whole lot of bad ones and it's just not an album that is enjoyable to listen to straigh through. They always seem to think that more is more, but we could all use a little less from Blood Sugar Sex Magik.
I still don't know what to make of Tom Waits. I know I said this last time, but I still need more time to form an opinion. I feel like I SHOULD like this, but I just wasn't feeling it today. And let’s be honest, I probably never will.
Wow, this was beautiful. I need to defend Coldplay more than RHCP I guess.
Kinda cool, not mad at this at all. It was a wild ride, for sure. Who knew I'd be enjoying Alice Cooper more than Tom Waits?
I almost enjoyed this at the beginning, but man... it dragged on and all started sounding the same. If we're being honest, this is just pop dressed up like grunge. Not into it.
Ok ok ok, really good for a Rolling Stones album. I'll give it that. Still keeping my title as the most critical Rolling Stones fan, though.
I didn’t finish it and I’m not going to. I just can’t. Please no more Tom Waits.
Hell yeah! Early punk meets new wave. Sign me up.
Just perfect in every way and this isn't even Radiohead at their best IMO. This gets all the stars possible.
I’ve got nothing to add. This is probably one of my top 10 albums of all time.
Tribe can kick it with me.
This made me want to stand up from my desk and start doing the salsa. What a fun album!
This is one album by The Smiths that I wasn't fully familiar with and what can I say? They just don't disappoint.
She did her best. Slay queen.
That’s one vibey chicken shack. Not bad!
My Stones criticism continues... it's OK but too much filler. The Beatles would never...
You can’t deny her talent whatsoever and there were some great songs here. For me this lacked enough variation or perhaps just interest from my side for me to find it great as an album.
Huh, that was an adventure and truly something I’d never have listened to. Not my thing, but who am I to judge?
One of the many perfect albums by Talking Heads. Hook it to my veins.
This was such a beautiful and pleasant surprise and I couldn't have said it any better... some days just chicken bones. Ready to go down a John Grant rabbit hole after this!
This was just absolutely not for me. I can’t say it’s bad, but I’ll be happy to never listen to it again. I can tell he’s a bird now by the way he sings.
Interesting, but I can't see myself going back to it. There are just so many bands that have done this style of music way better.
One of the worst concert experiences I have ever had was seeing Pavement last year, but that had nothing to do with the band. Since then I have been working on regaining my love for them. In short, men are monster but Pavement rules and this album is one of their best, if not their very best.
What did I just listen to? I can appreciate the creative process, but I can’t say it’s enjoyable.
I was looking forward to some dreamy shoegaze when the first song started playing and got left with mostly run-of-the-mill, albeit strong, indie. Great album, but lacking a little something for me to include that last star.
Sexy, funky, groovy, perfect. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
This just kept getting better and better. Iconic.
Some very strong parts, but also some very weak parts. Loved the variation on styles most of all. Thinning this out a bit could make it an easy 4, but not as it is for me.
Jesus, this was beautiful and also kinda ripped my heart out on this gloomy and melancholy day. Will be revisiting for sure.
Some pretty good songs here, but as an album I found it very drawn out. Not bad, not great.
What is there to say? A perfect album from the post-hardcore GOATs.
Oh boy, I gave it a chance but that’s about all I can offer here. For anyone asking, the music is as bad as the album cover.
I always like putting an artist/album/title to songs that you know for some reason like with Alone Again Or. Apart from that, this wasn't really anything to write home about for me. Can't imagine revisiting it, but it was fine.
I wanted to like this more than I did. It started off cool, but quickly felt very repetitive even with it not even being 40 minutes. I have to give it up for the genre-defining aspect, though!
Another perfect Dylan album. How can an album that kicks off with Like a Rolling Stone and finishes with Desolation Row be anything other than 5 stars? See? It can't.
Queen! The rating is just based on my taste and potential desire to listen to this again. I’m sure she actually deserves all 5.
Far too many songs that were not spectacular in the least and are far too long. Dire Straits belongs in the same category as Steely Dan for me... don't need it.
Just not my thing, although it did keep my attention. But still, nah.
Rod is the king. Great stuff that reminds me of good times with my parents listening to him as a kid. Reason To Believe is such a killer closing song to this album.
That ENERGY! Sam Cooke killed it.
I'm going to put this in the category of "this isn't for me and I don't understand it," but that doesn't make it bad. I gave it a fair chance and listened to it front to back on a walk, but I can't see myself revisiting this. Keeping my score neutral...
Taken out of the 60's Zeitgeist, I feel like this just loses its relevance. I'm sure it belongs on the list and was a breakthrough then, but we've heard so much psychedelic music now and albums like this get lost in the mix. No songs really stood out to me, but it wasn't bad and I didn't mind it as some chill background music. I suppose I'm happy I heard it, but I can't say much else.
Not Pavement’s strongest, but still holds a special place in my heart. And you know what? I get to rate things my way!
Fuckin’ YES. Sing it, Iggy. Great album that is Berlin through and through 🤍
If the color beige was an album.
One big vibey extravaganza... more of this please.
An alright pop album with some weaker songs. Not bad, not great.
This is just SO not for me. Everyone else can enjoy if they'd like.
I need more melodies, Joni. You can ramble some, but you've got to come back and catch me sometime.
Do you want to get up and smile and dance for an hour? Put this on.
This album really blew my mind. I was expecting straight up funk and was met with a crazy psychedelic / funk / rock fusion. And I mean, can we think of a more insane name than Maggot Brain?
First off, it's a bit crazy that it took over 200 albums for me to get my first Bowie. Second, it's equally crazy that I had never listened to this album before. There are so many Bowie albums and I guess I just somehow missed this one. But alas, my eyes have been opened and what can I say? It's great. Not my favorite of his, but that doesn't mean it is anything less than perfect.
The downside of staying curious and trying new things and listening to new music is that you'll sometimes run into things that have been done better elsewhere. The other day I ordered a beer I wasn't familiar with and was utterly disappointed. It had an aftertaste that lingered too long and a flavor you were sick of after the first sip. But it still reminded me enough of better beers that I would've enjoyed more. Want Two gave me that same feeling. Sure, I could've loved it given my taste in similar artists. But I didn't. All I could think was how hard he is trying to be innovative and different, only to miss and leave me wanting something else.
Every time I thought I was leaning towards giving this album 3 stars, Elton would hit me with another beautiful melody. He's an icon and you can't deny it. With that said, I may never listen to this again, but it's still extremely solid.
Iconic title song, but I think the album will take a few more listens to really sink in.
Chill vibes on my sunny train ride.. I’ll save this for background music at a party.
Very interesting to put Tainted Love into the context of an album and I’m always down for some new wavy synth pop, but nothing else really stood out here. Average, meh, ready to move on.
A complete new discography that absolutely blew me away. Struggling to compare this with… anything else? Had to listen twice in a row and will be going back again.
I have to begin by saying that I am a MASSIVE R.E.M. fan. Their first FIVE (!) albums before this are all perfect. Like seriously, there is no sign of weakness in FIVE albums. Insane. Even though I feel that this is the first R.E.M. album with any slight lack of perfection, it’s still amazing and deserves a full count of stars. I mean, it has two stone cold classics that aren’t even the best songs on the album. Who can complain?
Too much fun!
If music fails to evoke ANY emotion whatsoever, I think that's probably the worst case scenario. You could put this on in any store where suburban moms shop and it'd be the perfect soundtrack. Unoffensive, easy to ignore and completely boring. No, thanks.
Beautiful and interesting for sure. I just wish I could've enjoyed it in a better setting. Had to listen on YouTube with ads, which is an awful experience. If I find this one vinyl, I'll definitely grab it to give it the fair chance it deserves.
He’s got a beautiful voice and this was enjoyable enough, but a lot lower energy than I was expecting. Didn’t catch me like I was hoping it would.
For whatever reason, I’ve never really paid attention to The Cure. This was an amazing official introduction to a full album. Loved the dark new wave sounds and jangly guitar. Looking forward to hearing more from them.
Beautiful and way less dated sounding than I was expecting.
This type of music has to easily be one of my least favorite genres. I'll be honest, I only skipped through after I saw this was over an hour. I had to tap out. I feel slightly bad giving this one star, but it also does make my skin crawl.
Definitely would not be able to make it through the full version, but I think that has more to do with my lack of interest and not the quality. It's fine and cool to have gotten a glimpse into, but happy to see what else is to come.
34 minutes of sheer perfection. I've been listening to and loving this album for years and for some reason, it hit even harder today and I needed to listen twice through. Insane.
Utterly beautiful.
The first Can album I discovered and it BLEW ME AWAY. Made my day seeing this pop up this morning. Banger factory.
"I don't know where the sunbeams end and the starlights begin; it's all a mystery." I really got into this album around 2010 when I was doing my undergrad in Seattle and it brings me back every time. Since then I've probably listened to this over 100 times and still love it just as much now as I did back then. Perfect complement to my sunny walk this afternoon.
This is the second record by The Jam I’ve gotten and they’ve both been new discoveries. It’s cool, cool Kinks cover and there are some songs I’ll go back to. I really want to keep discovering them and I’m sure I’ll grow more fond. It’s the type of stuff that is right up my alley but just doesn’t stand out too much.
Yesss, Brian Eno, go OFF! Love this album so much. It’s the perfect mix of minimal ambient tracks and beautiful subtle melodies. He just knows how it’s done.
Ohhh, no! Guadalajara won’t do! 🎶 I’m trying not to talk shit and I know they’re very highly regarded, but I just don’t understand. I’m hoping after 3 Steely Dan albums that I’ve exhausted the list. It’s fine, OK?
One of the most iconic first notes of any album. Classic.
I can appreciate a good pop song, so I didn’t mind this. I can’t be certain that I needed to hear it before I die, though. Oh well, it’s a done deal now.
This is one of those bands I've only heard about but never checked out, even though I would've been the perfect demographic when this came out in 2012. I was pretty stoked seeing this pop up this morning and, boy, it did not disappoint one bit. Pure energy and vibrancy without feeling too over the top.
A great example of simple, no frills, amazing and influential stuff. So good.
It sure is long, but I sure did enjoy it. And it’s Nick Cave… who am I to complain?
So people like this stuff, eh? Interesting.
I dunno, it’s alright but I think I’ll have forgotten it by tomorrow.
No doubt that this is full of good stuff, but just not what I’m looking for in an album.
Cool and different sound to Faith. Gotta give it up.
I vividly remember this coming out and loving all the singles. What a nostalgic trip listening again was after all these years. I’ll never not love it, but it isn’t a perfect album. It’s extremely top loaded and could be a lot shorter. I think I’ll create my own reordered version as a playlist that would make it a perfect album! Sometimes less is more, boys…
I’ve never REALLY gotten into Joy Division and I have to say, this also did not do the trick. Sometimes you need someone really passionate about a band to guide you through a discography, but for right now, they’ll remain a bit lost in antiquity for me. This lacked in variation and interesting melodies for it to be great for me. I will give it another go, but let’s see…
This kinda rules. Body Count is a BOP.
An album that begins with London Calling, ends with Train in Vain AND is fun through the entire hour-long duration is nothing less than five stars. Sorry, I don’t make the rules.
An important bit of foundation for many amazing albums to come. Such an original and innovative sound that could only come from SY.
The dread I felt when seeing this pop up... I guess the best thing I can say is that it was slightly better than I expected. But I can't say anything else nice.
After listening to Hejira, I kindly asked Joni for more melodies and this time she came through a bit more for me... Couldn't sleep and listened to this over an early breakfast on the balcony. Enjoyed a lot of it, but also felt myself wanting to skip a few songs. I think I'd like to give this 3.5 stars, but I'll round up to 4 since I DID enjoy it more than Hejira.
Alright, now I feel kind of bad for never really giving Genesis any sort of attention. This kinda slapped. I'll have to explore the other Gabriel albums now...
Sultry and fun quick listen that I'll forget in no time.
Absolutely incredible artistry that is equally as haunting and beautiful as it is unique. I can feel this becoming a quick favorite. These songs push the boundaries of the common verse/chorus/verse song structure and are almost completely unintelligible, but still feel warm and inviting. I might be going out on a limb here, but I'm getting the same chilling and avant-garde vibes that bands like Pink Floyd created before and on the other side, bands like The Mars Volta carried over into the aughts. I'm sold. Man... I just love this project so much. As cheesy as it sounds, there is so much beautiful music to be discovered and this just made my whole damn week.
Ok ok ok, I’ve never listened to a whole Duran Duran album and this slapped for sure. I do have to say, however, that the well-known songs ARE the best. But still… slay, boys!
I wasn't sure whether or not to think this was only fit for a renaissance fair, but I ended up enjoying it immensely. That's a renaissance fair I'd be game to attend.
I've never been able to get behind their vibe and I won't lie, I skipped through a lot of this. It feels like a slightly more modern version of The Black Crowes which is really not something that we need.
While I love the Beastie Boys, I'm still not convinced that I love their albums as a whole. Can't deny the greatness, though.
Nah… they’re a one-hit wonder band and you can’t convince me otherwise.
Yes, yes and yes. Give me that dissonant noisy goodness. This is just so raw and honest that I can’t find it anything less than perfect.
He's unfortunately a genius. Still opting for 4 stars here since I think this one is weaker than some of his others (like MBDTF and Graduation.) Also, he can handle getting a hit to his ego.
Not even close to his best, but I still can't fault him. Fun, funky and an innovative move from his previous stuff that still works.
A beautiful and simple set of no-frills covers by a legend. What is there not to love?
Absolutely not. That’s the review.
It's good, just not my jam so much. I don't think I needed Paul Simon to have the whole solo career he's had, but I can't stop him.
What a perfect album to get on the Fourth of July. First heard of this back around 2010 and loved seeing this pop up... Woody Guthrie is the man. I absolutely love Billy Bragg's melody for Way Over Yonder In The Minor Key, but man would I love to hear how Guthrie would've sung it. All in all great stuff.
More interesting than I expected and who saw that Iron Man Cover coming!?
Oh man, I know it was massive and influential, but I just can’t… I won’t give it just one star, ok? That’s the best I can do.
Dare I say it? I think this may be The Kinks’ best work. Hadn’t listened to it in years and loved rediscovering this masterpiece. So good!
I can’t argue about the few bops on here, no doubt. BUT, The Doors are just still not an album band for me. Y’all can hate me all you want.
Wow, those are some bad lyrics.
It’s my birthday and I get blessed with this BANGER!? How’d I get so lucky!?
That was one batshit insane PARTY! This is exactly the kind of stuff I came here for. Too crazy, I loved it.
So bland. How does something like this make the cut? Am I missing something?
Cool discovery! Perfect album to have to go in a work tunnel after some time off.
I’m just not a fan of The Police. Entertaining enough, but I could live without it.
Fun and funky. It feels slightly cheesy and outdated now, but I can understand the appeal and influence it must've had when it came out.
Makes me panic.
This was just about what I would expect it to be. Quick, fun and definitely very influential. For me it’ll get lost in the mix of all the truly great albums out there now, though.
Wow, this really surpassed my expectations. Common has never really been on my radar for some reason. I’ll need to let this sink in a bit, but it’s definitely at least 4 stars!
I don’t think there is anything I can say that hasn’t been said. It deserves all the praise it gets and more. Perfect.
A good, classic, easy-listening hip hop album.
So 90's, but I definitely have more appreciation for her now than I would've back then. Such a beautiful, natural and simple voice that is still so powerful. Fun listen.
I can't get into this. Absolutely hated everything about the lyrics to Pencil Skirt and nothing about this album made me excited in any way. Not sure why this made the cut.
One of those things that I suppose I feel sort of unqualified to rate? If this kind of music isn’t part of your culture / socialization, I think it might be pretty hard to get into. It is good background music for reading? Yeah, why not. Do I understand the impact or influence of this at all? Absolutely not. Are the songs way too long and repetitive? Definitely. Uhh, I guess we’ll go with 3 stars then?
Whoa, Hot RATS! Before now, I’d only ever listened to Freak Out! by The Mothers Of Invention (prompted by this here generator) and found it interesting enough, albeit slightly gimmicky. Hot Rats is legitimately unique, entertaining and straight up GOOD as an album. Didn’t think I’d enjoy this as much as I did. I now won’t be dreading anything else by Zappa!
Oof, not for me. I’d say this album is a fitting soundtrack for a pretentious coffee shop, but can’t keep up with the bangers on this list. Won’t be revisiting anytime soon.
I’ve got a real soft spot for the Carpenters. Simple, honest and beautiful music that also reminds me of my mom. Karen Carpenter was such a killer singer and drummer who ultimately was ruined by the pressure women had put on them back then.
Non-stop energy! Super cool listen. Screw it… 5 stars.
After deciphering that Infamous Date Rape is more of a social commentary than being inherently misogynistic, I’m happy to be able to say this album SLAPPED.
I suppose I’ll never have really much to say against 80’s hip hop, but I also don’t have much else to say in general. It’s cool! Easy listen! Fun! Am I ready to move on? Yes!
Very of its time, which is fine, but it also didn't really catch me. Ok, but not more nor less.
I did not have fun. If I have to listen to Free Bird, then I at least want to be watching that video of the Polish hot dog machine malfunctioning. Have you guys seen that video?
Feels like a totally random selection of mediocre songs that go on and on and on. How'd this make the list? Or am I just completely missing what he's doing here? Either way, I didn't have a good time.
You can't argue about this one, you just can't. I've probably said this about many other albums, but I am going to say it again... one of the most iconic album openers ever.
Shoots me straight on back to being a teen in WA in the aughts. I love everything about this album. When I rated Pet Sounds a while back, I noted that it laid the groundwork for music to come. This is a perfect example of an album that ran because Pet Sounds walked. Beautiful, clever and original melodies that JUST WORK. So much yes, so much beauty and enjoyment.
Shiiiiiit, this is so good. I know Sigur Rós, but really listening to a whole album from cover to cover us another story altogether. Genius. Love it.
Whoa, I guess I never knew that Elvis could do solid studio albums. Where have I been!? This is a no skip banger factory AND it includes two SCCs (stone cold classics)!? How could a girl give this any less than five stars!?
Insane as a debut album, while also not being one of their best imo. But I’m still not going to be that asshole that gives Zeppelin less than 5 stars.
It's great without a doubt, but maybe not as strong as some albums to come. The bar is high, but it's still Bob Dylan!
The only thing I knew about Anthrax was Scott Ian being on every VH1 show back in the day. It could’ve stayed that way, this kind of sucked.
Whoa, super cool new find. How’d I miss this before!?
Those are some annoying lyrics. Nope.
🎶 Tangerine, Tangerine, living reflection from a dream I was her love, she was my queen, and now a thousand years between 🎵 Perfection.
Still most of the time feel too dumb for jazz, but Coltrane is the man and this created a lovely vibe in my living room. Would give again.
Are you joking me? This SLAPS.
I had no expectations and loved every second of this. Where has this album been all my life? Whimsical and groovy and light and clever and fun. Go, Syd, go! Kinks / Beatles / Eno and Floyd vibes all at once.
Gotta give it up. I mean, they gave us some great songs for Halloween playlists to come. In all seriousness, though, solid album from an iconic band.
What? How’d this get here?
You definitely have to be in the mood for this vibe, but man, it hit right today. Chillingly beautiful soundtrack to my melancholic walk around Tempelhofer Feld this afternoon.
Your account should get suspended if you give Purple Rain anything less than 5 stars.
It’s fine and I really appreciate some metal, but over an hour of those vocals is enough to give me a panic attack. Not for me.
An interesting listen that makes me want to dig deeper into The Fall’s discography. With that said, I can’t say I *loved* this album, but I get it and appreciate their influence enough to spark my curiosity. The verdict’s still out…
Fuck this self-righteous asshole. I’m not listening to over an hour of mediocre blues. (But I did skip through it enough to justify my rating!)
Complex, jazzy and punk AF. Love it.
Hoping that this is the second and last KoL album I have to listen to. Modern butt rock vibe that I can politically align with. Next.
Ok, respect! Loved the feeling of scrolling through the radio. Cool songs and great vibe through the whole thing.
I’m slightly torn on my rating. I totally get the cultural and political impact this album had, but do I enjoy it as an album as much an others here? Nope. There are some bangers without a doubt, but other songs I’d be happy to skip. Don’t judge me.
Dude loves ants. Cool listen, though.
How have I been sleeping on this for so long!? What a total surprise. I was so put off by how long it is but I loved EVERY SECOND. Even with 18 songs, none of them seem superfluous nor do they drag on at all. So much energy and originality and passion and fun. Great stuff.
Not bad, but mediocre enough that I will have forgotten all about it next week. 3 stars is probably even too generous...
The fear I feel when I read 90’s British electronic music… I gave it a fair chance, I did. The problem is, though, that it was just what I expected it to be and then he even sang about licking Colonel Sanders’ fingers.
I was really curious after reading the controversial reviews and was really into the first half. For an album that is pretty average in length, it got tedious pretty fast and I was really ready for it to be done. Not bad, but also not one of the greats for me.
When David said “baba, shooby doo wa,” I really felt that. This album is as equally hilarious as it is legitimately great. I’m not even ashamed to say it… 35 minutes that are jam-packed with pure energy.
Jeeeez, this blew me away. Hook it to my veins.
Imagine putting out a literal masterpiece and then having the task of creating something to come after it. Now, m b v is no loveless, but it’s still really fucking good and definitely holds its own! Love it.
When will the list of 90's UK electronic music be exhausted? I've only got so much trying to understand it left in me.
Cool journey. Loving finally getting more familiar with early Genesis! Had to listen over a few days and the length is something that I wasn't stoked about, but all in all I really enjoyed this.
For some reason I was familiar with this cover of Jumpin' Jack Flash and really liked roughly the first half of this album. It started dragging a bit at the end. Not too shabby, though!
Dude needs to move on.
Solid. But with that said, I think he can do better.
This is the perfect definition of "not for me." I couldn't get far enough to see if there was any variation here and I'm not even sorry about it.
I can't say it's a strong album, but it did make an insane impact when it came out. Does that make it my thing? Absolutely not, but I can't deny the justification of it being here so I'd rather stay neutral.
What a LEGEND! This album is such a ride an deserves all the praise it gets and more.
Cool album. I never really gave FF too much thought, but I hear the cool new wave / punk influence and they did an album with Sparks, so they’ve gotta be at least kind of cool.
Sure, I may be giving it 5 stars, but it might be my most reluctant perfect rating. The Who are fine, but IMO a little over-hyped and then I won't even get into the allegations against Pete Townshend... With that said, is Tommy an iconic album? Of course it is. And especially an iconic album as an ALBUM. You've just got to listen to it in its entirety and please do it before you die. So yeah, sure, 5 stars.
From my current perspective, I can see that this is a very mediocre, run-of-the-mill album. However, it'll always give me a warm and nostalgic feeling. My first big stadium concert was seeing Travis open for Dido in 2001 in what was then known as Key Arena in Seattle. Such a special memory with my mom and sister and it was a really important experience that opened my eyes to the world of music and concerts. 22 years later and I'm nerding out on an album a day, constantly searching for new music and still going to concerts regularly. *insert happy tear emoji here*
Nah, it was enough having heard Smoke on the Water countless time. Didn’t need this.
Whoa! This was great. Of course it's of its time, but it definitely still holds up as a solid pop/R'n'B album with an interesting (and still relevant) concept, catchy melodies and variation. Janet killed it with this one.
I know she’s iconic, but this album dragged for me. I was on board for the first third, but seemed to begin lacking in variation to keep my interest. Not bad, but not my taste.
I had only ever listened to Pink Moon, which I absolutely love. I was happy to see this pop up and really enjoyed this fuller sound. And what a cool album cover!
The epitome of bland. It kind of felt like eating a plain, unsalted cracker. And can you imagine giving yourself this name? Ugh.
Sooo good. Straightforward and tight with great musicianship and melodies. Those baselines! And the rockabilly vibes! It’s also super accessible but so varied in styles, which I can’t imagine is an easy feat. Such an awesome discovery! Tucked away safely for future listens.
I don’t want to listen to a film score. Don’t put me through this. Ok I listened to it, don't worry. I just can't get behind listening to a score out of the context it was made for and especially not in this case because it just doesn't work as an album. I'm sure I should watch the movie, but that's not what I signed up for here.
Shiiit. What can I say? We’ve got MASSIVE timeless hits here that make up an amazing genre-defining album with political themes that are still relevant today. Incredible. Black Sabbath at their best.
Fucking YES. Amazing band and album that ended just as strong as it started. You can totally hear their influence on other all-woman outfits to come, as well as on the riot grrrl movement. Great stuff!
Not my thing. There isn’t anything wrong with it, but I think it’s the over the top vocals that bother me. Hallelujah is, of course, amazing, but that has little to do with Buckley.
Perfect pop album with a cool 80’s inspired theme. Y’all can hate all you want, but Taylor can make solid albums ranging from country to synth-pop to stripped down acoustic. There is no denying her talent and influence and this album is definitely exemplary of that. Aside from everything above, I think we need to also spend more time celebrating the women who make art (primarily) for other women. It’s something that gets belittled far too much and there is such beauty and importance to girls and women feeling heard and represented through contemporary artists.
I can’t put my finger on it, but something about this just doesn’t vibe with me. It almost feels like the vocals are sitting right on top of the instrumentation, instead of harmonizing with it. I knew a few songs already and the others just didn’t excite me anymore. I feel like this should be right up my alley, but it’s just not…
This is definitely one that you need to let marinate. Legendary stuff to come out of a legendary year in music. I had only known a few isolated songs from podcasts and playlists, but this really blew me away... dark, chilling, tragic and oddly beautiful. While reading more into it, I found that there is a Lance Bangs documentary on them that focuses on this album available on YouTube for anyone interested... https://youtu.be/GsRpS6XGiOs
70 minutes of this bullshit!? Are you joking me!? I wish it were hardcore...
I think you would’ve had to have been there. I’m not really sure how I feel about The Allman Brothers Band as a whole, but a live record that feels like a jam session isn’t really up my alley.
No, thanks. Next.
I had some pretty high hopes for this starting out, but quickly realized it wasn’t really for me. It felt like a Britpop band doing their best take on shoegaze and became monotonous after a few songs. It’s not bad, but there is so much better stuff to come from the early 90s.
Leonard Cohen is one of those artists that I have always kind of struggled to connect with personally. Songs of Love and Hate is great without a doubt, but I still always felt like I was missing something. When I saw this pop up, I expected to struggle through it but this CAUGHT ME from the very beginning. Man, this is beautiful and haunting. Leonard, you were a genius. I get it now.
A+ for the band name A+ for the confusion in the ratings/reviews A+ for really being an original album that should be listened to A+ for being experimental AF A+ for insane level of influence Guys, I had a great time. Y'all can go listen to another Britpop album.
This is a tough one for me to rate. I've always been a bit put off by Green Day's whole vibe / image / overall sound and would never consider myself a fan. With that said, I do have to admit that this is a great pop-punk album and was so significant and influential in the 90s and beyond. I can only stand so much of Billie Joe Armstrong's voice and found it a bit grating by the end, but it's a strong album for sure.
Super cool Latin jazzy vibes. Happy to add to my small collection of saved jazz albums.
They just keep those bangers coming on this one. Hell yeah.
What do you want me to say? Don’t ask a Talking Heads superfan for an objective review here. It’s one of the many perfect albums from one of the greatest bands of all time. If you disagree you’re wrong.
I’m a big fan of The Smiths, but I had never heard any of Morrissey’s solo work. I’m not sure if this was the right place to start. I listened to this album twice through and nothing stuck. The verdict’s still out on Morrissey, but this album isn’t anything spectacular.
Man, I don’t know. Feels like I should like this album, but only one or two songs stood out. A bit mediocre, if you ask me.
I had no idea what to expect, but this has some pretty cool big 80s sounds. It manages to be both really mellow and also mixed in a way that gives all instruments their respective limelight. It's not afraid to be bass / keys / percussion heavy, which is something often missing in modern production. I feel like this could grow on me more and more (or maybe not :D), but I'm not mad. Not bad, not bad.
It's fine, The Who's fine. But nothing more. Fight me.
This has some interesting bits, but also way too much filler. Not really my cup of tea.
First of all, this album cover really threw me for a loop because I knew the US cover way back when. After that got sorted, I was excited to revisit this after not having listened to it in ages. It definitely still holds up and is a really strong debut album! I guess it just isn’t really my taste anymore, but still a fun listen.
After this being my second Undertones album, I just was able to piece together that I know them from a compilation of Irish hits that my family had back in the day. Love making these connections! Solid album and up the Irish, of course.
Happy day 365 to me and I’m blessed with a masterpiece. This is SO good. Don’t trust the haterz.
What a perfect album cover and beautiful album. Another Neil Young album that I had never listened to and the fifth I've gotten here already. At times I think there must be more artists deserving of being here instead of numerous Neil Young albums, but he's just SO GOOD. Loved every second.
As basically everyone has written, it’s a pain to have to listen on YouTube, but you’ve got to do what you’ve got to do. I had zero expectations but I ended up kind of loving this!? If nothing else, this is so historically significant with the Eisler / Brecht combo and includes some great compositions and politically interesting lyrics. With that said, I do have a degree in German literature, so I may have a slightly higher tolerance for this, but give it a chance! Also, Bankenlied is an absolute BANGER.
Such a fundamental album in the evolution of punk and it’s nothing but pure energy and aggression and FUN! 21 minutes put to great use.
Fun listen!
Great stuff! Had a blast listening to this.
The excitement I felt when this popped up… Funky, fun, experimental and so influential. I’ll always love anything Chris, Tina, David or Jerry touch, so this is an easy perfect score in my book.
Incredibly boring.
This is a crime against humanity.
The definition of average. I'm not a big fan of The Who as is and this is a pretty unspectacular live album. What am I missing here?
Wow, that was underwhelming. How'd they get their strange cult following? I kept waiting for something to happen and it never did. What a drag.
Some interesting bits, but didn’t excite me too much.
A perfect album that I know like the back of my hand. One of my earliest memories is of my oldest brother telling me that the two little girls on the front of the album were the band in hopes of making me interested in his music taste. I mean, as a former little girl, I do understand how important representation is and well, it worked. It’s been 30 years and I still love every second of this album. And can we agree that Mayonaise is one of the most beautiful songs ever written?
Wow, that was all over the place and potentially one of the least cohesive albums I’ve come across. With that said, it’s not terrible but I think trying to be too much at the same time and I’m not convinced that it worked.
Finally a Stones album where I have zero bones to pick. A truly perfect album and iconic Andy Warhol cover. So much fun.
Something is missing here for me. There were several songs that I *almost* loved, but then didn't. I think it's too of its time and can't quite commit to a solid vibe that I can get behind. It's good, but it's not great. That's my review.
An album I’ve heard at least 100 times that begins with one of the greatest songs over 20 minutes long. Rush is great, 2112 is a masterpiece and there is nothing else that needs to be said.
I never would've given this a try otherwise, but it served as a great soundtrack to my tidying session on this dreary November day. I made sure to take the time to really listen to and focus on some songs and it was really enjoyable. I especially loved Vibraphonissimo and Operation Tango. Great stuff!
I don't think I have listened to this album since high school, but it's just as great as I remember. After seeing Depeche Mode live for the first time this past summer, I can appreciate them even more. Love the mix of moodiness and darkness with great songwriting. It all just works.
I kept trying to come up with reasons for why I should only give this album 4 stars, I guess since I wouldn't have considered myself a Tears For Fears fan before this. But then again, I never gave them a fair chance. But can we talk about that transition between Broken and Head Over Heels / Broken? And how this album also has the two super hits Shout and Everybody Wants To Rule The World? And how none of the other songs are weak at all? Screw it, 5 stars. I'm a fan.
Incredibly solid album. It probably really deserves a perfect score, but for me it lacks a bit of variation to really blow me away as an album. With that said, iconic stuff!
Not a vibe I'm always in the mood for and I think so far I've enjoyed Abattoir Blue / The Lyre of Orpheus the most, but still a great album. I'm waffling somehwhere between 4 and 5 stars, but Nick Cave is a legend so we all know the answer is to round up.
With all due respect, this kinda sucks. I grew up in Washington and TOTALLY get the influence and importance and legacy of Alice in Chains, but I just can't anymore.
I never thought I'd ever listen to two different Randy Newman albums, but here we are. Can't imagine I'll ever be going back to this, but it's fine just like the other one.
Justice for Sinéad! Amazing voice and timeless artist... one of the best ever. RIP
This ain’t it, bruv.
Such a LEGENDARY record. The influence, the artwork, the timelessness, the everything… it’s all great. I don’t want to live in a world where this album (and everything to come as a result thereof) doesn’t exist.
Entertaining, but I can’t imagine myself going back to it often. I think for me it’s slightly too much of its time. Cool enough, though.
I remember disliking Screamadelica and also didn't love this overall. The songs that don't sound like a video game soundtrack are fine, but nothing too special. With that said, I feel like some hardcore Primal Scream fan could change my mind, but until I come across that person, I'll keep channeling my inner crotchety old woman. Also, the album cover kinda blows.
That funky bass! 40 minutes of groovy disco pop, what more could you want?
Albums like this are the reason I love this project so much. I had absolutely no clue what to expect and had never heard of the artist or album, but both the naked penguin man and the fact that Brian Eno was the producer had me feeling hopeful. This just hit right today. Slightly bizarre and utterly beautiful, I've got nothing to complain about.
While I do believe that Nevermind is Nirvana's magnum opus, I'm still quite shocked at the vast difference in rating between the two albums. Are you guys all hearing the same In Utero as I am? What are y'all docking points for? Perfect third album by one of the most iconic bands…
There is no doubt that this is a really solid metal album, but would I ever put this on for enjoyment? Absolutely not. I can appreciate it, though!
Pure goosebumps from start to finish. How do you even begin with writing something like this? 1000/5 stars.
I found it hard to decide whether I liked this or not. I think it will take a few more tries to really have a true opinion, but I suppose for right now I can say that I found it more enjoyable than not. Don't want to do you dirty, Suzanne.
Now, it's no Doolittle or Surfer Rosa, but that can't be the only standard. Still love it and one of their best!
Another great album from The Stooges! Proto-punk GOATs!
I once won tickets to see Simply Red at the Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg and didn’t go because I assumed it’d be terrible, regardless of the beautiful venue. Now today I learn that they butcher a Talking Heads song!? Feeling vindicated. This sucked.
I liked this better than Your Arsenal! Still can’t hold up to anything by The Smiths, but still really like it.
What an INSANE debut album! No skips, no complaints, no notes.
Man, I forgot how great this album is. Dare I say that I may even be my favorite Zeppelin record?
This album is no easy feat but I really wanted to give it a legitimate go, due both to its status and reputation. It's full of beautiful and creative chaotic moments and Spanish Key is a certified banger. I can't say I enjoyed every single minute, but so happy I've listened to it now. It sure as hell deserves its place on this list.
This blows.
Yess, love the horns! Pure, raw energy… SO good!
Oh man, this isn’t for me. It didn’t feel like there was much cohesion from song to song and dragged on for me. Next.
This just really has no business being nearly an hour. No, Lenny, nobody out there even cares.
Love Creedence, but they’ve got stronger albums. Still thoroughly enjoyed these 33 minutes, though!
A quick, fun and easy listen! Sounds like she shouldn't have been putting up with that husband, though.
This was so grating after a while and it’s only 35 minutes long. Not my cuppa tea.
I'm not sure I've ever hated something so much in my life. How did anyone think this had any business being an hour and a quarter long? War crime.
I love to defend Taylor and this is a *good* album with really solid songwriting, but I have a few thoughts. First of all, it's too long which is keeping it from being stronger in my opinion. There are a few filler songs that could've been cut. Also, it's hard and probably too early to say if this will stand the test of time and really stand out as one of her best albums. 1989 is inarguably an extremely tight and influential pop album from the past 10 years, but I'm not convinced that evermore is going to have that same status meaning I'm not sure it will stand up against a lot of other albums on this list. Yes, it's good and yes, there is a place for Taylor here, but not more than 3 stars for me.
Of course he's an icon, but very few songs I'd consider putting back on. Nothing to fault here, though, just not for me.
Cool vibe, but not my thing.
Not bad, not great. Just The Byrds.
What a KILLER album. Tight songwriting, great melodies and bass lines, zero superfluous songs and just long enough to leave you wanting more. This will be going on my regular rotation… INSTANT 5 stars!
Great album without a doubt! Oasis isn’t necessarily my thing, but I can’t deny that this album is super good.
What an album! I had only heard Ponta De Lanca Africano before and loved it. The rest of the album is just as good with really no lulls. Adding this to the regular mix!
This has some really beautiful moments, but probably didn’t click enough with me to be too memorable over time. Pretty crazy to have a whole Wikipedia article over your death, though.
I do like Silver Jews, but this just is not strong as an album. I don’t blame anyone for giving a low rating, but something in me feels the need to rate higher than I would had I not known them before.
Are you joking me? How have I not heard this before? A killer woman-led punk album with sax!? Hell yes. I can imagine they had a major influence on the riot grrrl movement! Loved it, but I wonder why the track listing is all cattywampus on Spotify. I took the official track listing from Wikipedia and just put the songs in that order in my queue. Listeners beware!
Y’all have exposed me to far too many Steely Dan Albums. This might be the worst without any well-known hits. If I can’t sing “Oh no, Guadalajara won’t do,” then what even is the point? If I’m being honest, they’re fine but I’m just SO DONE with any other albums popping up here. Four is plenty!
Ate a ham sandwich while listening to this and didn’t even realize it. Those are some sweet bass lines, but I think it’s probably the weakest album of theirs.
Anything that TRULY broadens my horizons earns a perfect score in my eyes. That was batshit insane.
Good shit. Don’t love to sit down to a whole Cypress Hill album all the time, but I get it.
Well didn’t that make my Christmas morning bright and jolly? Too bad Phil Spector is a creepy motherfucker.
This was cool, but felt a bit tedious after a while.
This is absolutely insane, but this is also why I’m here.
Deep Purple will never be for me. These songs aren’t great and I don’t want to hear their live jam session. Nah.
So much nostalgia! Not their best in my opinion, but boy did it hit right today.
Cool enough.
What a killer album! How had I never listened to this before!? Such an interesting saxophone hook to open an album… got me from the first note.
Listened to this in a foul mood and it put me in a worse mood. If it weren’t bad enough, it finishes with a godawful cover of American Pie. Where’s the 80’s Madonna!?
Not bad at all! I think I would’ve given this one more star had it not been so incredibly long and had it not gotten quite a bit weaker towards the end. Nice job, Xtina.
Another one? Y’all have already put me through this once before. I’m not in any mental state to listen to this in its entirety, but I know the vibe and it’s not for me. Sticking with 2 stars since they’re at least marginally better than Kid Rock and Limp Bizkit.
Pretty cool, but not something I’d go back to for fun. I get it and really appreciate being introduced to their stuff for sure.
Brightened my sleepless early morning right on up. Love these vibes.
Love the album name and it’s fun enough! That’s about all I can say.
Absolutely KILLER. More of these discoveries, please.
Solid stuff. Typical music that you hear sitting in a diner and go "Oh yeah, this is a cool song." And then you move on with your life.
Never thought I'd sit down and listen to this album as an adult... I knew almost every song from simply being a teenager in 2004. This is definitely past Green Day's prime, and it is WAY too long. If it were most tight and concise, I feel like I could've gone with a 3, but I'm not feeling that generous with this today.
Someone’s gotta tell me why I needed to listen to this album. Dude’s got no variation. And the name of this album??
Imagine how much cigarette smoke was in that room. With that said, cool live album with great energy! I’m afraid I’m missing some of the cultural significance not being a Francophone, but it’s still good taken out of context and listened to as is.
Sightly more stressful gameshow music. With that said, it's fine.
Admittedly a lot better than I expected. Just not really my thing!
Not bad, typical Morrissey. Could take it or leave it, to be honest.
Roughly the same way I feel about Fatboy Slim... this is probably as good as this type of music will ever get for me. I get it, it's just not for me.
I can already tell that this will be one of the coolest discoveries throughout this project. How is this his eighteenth album? How is this so long and still SO GOOD? I'm afraid I have grossly underestimated Stevie. I'm a convert. I can imagine we'd have no modern-day R&B, soul, pop or funk without the influence of this album...
Can’t be upset about this one. So many great songs!
90’s action movie background music
This wasn’t even OK.
They’re cool, but very little variation like on Actually. I’ll revisit both albums, though!
That’s a shit ton of bongos. Still served as great background music while reading!
Nah, boomer rock from a racist asshole. Don’t need it.
My patience is really being tested this week with mediocre music. We’re all lucky I’m almost halfway through and can’t give up now! Nope, never needed to listen to an entire Aerosmith album.
Reggae is not my jam, but I'll give them credit for their anti-Thatcher messages! Fuck that bitch.
Really fits into that era's Zeitgeist and I can totally hear the Teenage Fanclub comparisons. Also, I'll always root for the Irish! I'd say the album is a bit front loaded, but really still enjoyed it.
“We strictly do 80s Joel music, sir!” Man, there are no misses on this album… banger after banger after banger. I loved it which I’m sort of surprised about, but I’m not too cool to give Billy a perfect score.
Cool as always, but lacking a little bit of action for me in the middle.
What a crazy sonic EXPLOSION from start to finish! I'm not sure if they have plans to do more or not, but I love how they came in and did something insanely innovative and downright good, while not forcefully tying to relive their initial fame. Something like this can easily become gimmicky and they managed to tastefully not overstay their welcome. Loved this reminder of cool System Of A Down is!
This wasn’t bad and I really liked the song with Mark E. Smith. However a lot of it seemed to blend together and overall it wasn’t really my thing.
I don’t know why I dreaded this so much. Maybe Rob Thomas has something to do with it. Way more enjoyable than expected! And short and snappy enough to not get old.
A true classic that I basically grew up with. Angsty dissonant goodness that rings true over 30 years later. What an absolutely PERFECT debut album! Effing pioneers in what they did.
On the weaker side of his discography, but not bad, of course!
The best way I can describe this album is that it’s almost cool and edgy, but just missed. Sorry, Tori.
Shit, I’ve only ever really peripherally cared about TV On The Radio but I think I am going to have to change that. I saw them open for NIN along with Bauhaus back in 2006, but I think they’re something that I wouldn’t have appreciated as much back then and never really actively sought them out after that. This was a super cool album and I can sense the layers to be discovered with further listens! Such a great, experimental find… absolutely loved it.
Fuck yes.
A beautiful, tragic and simple 28-minute journey of pure sublimity. Fully entering my honk tonk era with this one and I’m not even almost sorry.
Such a perfect album to transport you to a different time and place. Made me smile and sway… can’t ask for more. Really discovering my love for old school country!
I made it through 2/3s of this to realize that I don’t need to spend another hour on it. Now, a few songs are good without a doubt. But is this a good listening experience as an album? Absolutely not. And some songs are outright bad and/or simply fillers. I can understand that it’s a fun project to put together for yourself, but to write 69 love songs for the sake of it doesn’t really cut the mustard for me as an album.
The Who is overrated and I never need to hear Baba O’Reilly again. Fight me. With that said, it’s an iconic album, I know. And those last two songs are some of the best ever. I don’t want to be a complete ass, so 4 stars.
I wasn't ready to actually enjoy this? But ok. Reminded me a bit of Billy Idol while his voice also sounded a tiny bit like Glenn Danzig. Fun stuff!
Cool album! I can't say that I'd ever turn on this type of music for fun, but I dig it just the same.
I definitely need to give this another listen, but I’m a sucker for a good Danger Mouse album. I think it’s far from perfect, but a cool effort that hit me right.
Surprisingly solid for what it is and took me back to my teenage years where this was literally EVERYWHERE.
Love the rawness of this album. There isn't a bad song on it! Unique and fun and edgy and lots of other good things, too. More, please!
Not bad at all! I’ve never been a Foo Fighters fan, but this is a solid album for sure.
I’ve never been more confused by an album? I loved parts of it and absolutely hated other parts. I don’t understand the vibe at all and can’t fully align with it, but with that said, some songs were cool. What did I just listen to?
Enjoyable enough, but I’ll probably shortly have forgotten about it.
I think Led Zeppelin has already perfected their art, but this is still amazing. How do you even make a masterpiece like this?
I had fun! You also want to have fun? Put this on.
That was a helluva lot of bluegrass. I can see it was very influential and includes a lot of certified legends, but it's slightly lost on me. Enjoyable enough, way too long and I don't know what else to say.
Enjoyable enough, especially with my low expectations after reading the reviews. Not great, not terrible, but I didn't hate it!
Cool introduction to the band! I had never given them proper attention before. Really enjoyed this, but it does slightly lack in variation.
This is kind of annoying. I think she found her stride later on, because I assumed I would've liked this a lot more knowing some of her other stuff.
Only love and respect for Queen Bey, but this isn’t anything more than an average R’n’B album. I’ll go with three stars since there are certified bangers on this album, but it’s really got way too much filler as well.
Pleasant, average, forgettable. I don't have anything negative to say, but I'm also not sure it deserves a place on this list.
After making some of the best albums ever made, Paul needed to let us know he wasn't done. Such a beautiful album with no weak songs! Love it.
I always forget what band Jeff Lynne fronted and I'm always surprised it's ELO. You can really hear his influence on the Traveling Wilburys, though. This was fun and bright and sunny and catchy. I reckon we could've cut a few songs had Jeff invited me into the studio, but well, he didn't.
What in the world!? This was really, really good! I didn't know that loving a French rap album would be in the cards this week, but we love a pleasant surprise. Hell yeah, MC Solaar.
I'm already PMSing and feeling down in the dumps and now you throw an Elliott Smith album at me? I've always found him overrated and depressing and I can't see my mind changing anytime soon. Nope, it’s not changed.
A classic. lol @ the reviews
We love a stone cold classic on a Friday! What else can I say about this album that hasn’t already been said?
Ray‘s here to deliver the chill vibes.
This was an interesting listen for sure and it certainly does not feel like it came out in the 90s. I can't say I loved the whole thing, but there are moments that I love and others that I'm not sure how I feel about after just one listen. I can't imagine it will become a favorite, but it was a ride for sure.
Tomorrow is day 500 and I get a masterpiece already today!? I can't complain. Love this album so much... definitely one of his best!
Nothing terrible, but so not for me. I’m the kind of person who gets distracted by music so easily, like please don’t talk through my favorite albums. But some music doesn’t register past background noise and this is a perfect example. Day 500 could’ve been better, but it also could’ve been Limp Bizkit so I’ll keep my mouth shut.
There were moments in which I thought, is this cool? And maybe it was true in those moments. Was it good as a whole? Absolutely not. I don’t get the vibe, some songs feel as if they were a draft and man did it draagggggg. I think like this slightly more than Dummy, but it still didn't do it for me.
What a great album. Hat’s off to John Cale for being one of the masterminds of the Velvet Underground but then also being a genius in his own completely different realm. Such an original voice and fun theatric songs… love it!
Sounds like an whackier old school Primus.. I dig. I also feel like it’s my job to offset some of the bad ratings. I am literally here for this insane shit I’ve never heard before!
I unabashedly love this. You’re a fool if you can’t admit this is chock-full of bops. It’s a certified SCC (stone-cold classic,) if you will.
Annoying-ass-dated-boomer-bullshit rock. Fuck off.
The most bland easy-listening bullshit album I’ve ever heard. Who likes this!? And why is it so long?
Cool vibes! I can’t always 100% identify with jazz, but I enjoy it in the moment and this made my living room feel cozy tonight.
Hated everything about this except African Dance. This did not age well. That extra star is for the one banger on the album.
Steely Don here to ruin my day. Who told this man he should make solo albums? Overproduced and underwhelming... the boomers need help.
Gimmicky and gets old really fast.
This has some entertaining bits, but quite a few songs sounded pretty similar to me. Not bad and I didn't hate it, anyway.
I don’t get The Byrds. They’re essentially a famous cover band. It’s fine, but I don’t need it.
Better than I expected, I’ll give it that. I also really enjoyed 3 Kilos, but there were also other songs that I didn’t like. Not bad, though!
I think I can safely assume that every Morrissey album that pops up now will be a solid 3. I know he's a great lyricist and singer, but these albums just don't even come close to the greatness that was The Smiths. I think one Morrissey album would've been enough for this list... and this one could've been it! Nice enough, but missing some edge for me.
I'm pretty sure this is my favorite Jack White album. There are many perfect White Stripes albums and he went on the have a cool solo career while also just being a crazy cool dude. No notes.
I did not enjoy this. Way too proggy and then they finish with a weird Nutcracker cover? I don't know...
Blew me away. What a great cohesive sound while varying in songwriting so much. Need to revisit ASAP!
SO good. Can you imagine having been at that show?
Perfect blasphemous album for Good Friday. 10/10.
Some of this was better than expected, but I was straight up cringing during other parts. Nah...
Strange album, strange band. They’re kind of all over the place and I don’t know if that’s a compliment or not. I didn’t hate it, though.
For some reason this just hit different than Arular. Was is the Pixies reference? Or the greatness of Paper Planes? I can’t say right now, but it was a whole vibe.
Not only does Frankie say Relax, he also goes HARD. Loved this way more than I expected to. It’s a bit long, but still strong!
I used to not be able to get their appeal at all, and I can still see how they're not for everyone. But there are so many brilliant moments strewn throughout the seemingly calm and melancholy vibe. I really enjoyed this.
Oh yes. Dissident vibes from home. Gotta love it.
Perfect chill vibe. Can imagine this being great for a sunny day! Based on the smoothness of this album, those men could probably swoon their way into most situations.
This wasn't great, but I made it through. Weird choice for the list.
An album doesn't get much better than this. Perfection through and through.
I just hate this vibe and I’ve got nothing else I want to say.
What did I do to deserve Super Furry Animals two days in a row? Snoozefest part II.
Absolute pioneers in what they did... 1987!? I saw them a few months back in Berlin and they put on amazing show with great political messages. As a whole, I wasn't expecting to this to be as listenable as it is and not only did I enjoy it, this deserves a way higher average. Justice for Napalm Death!
Cooler than I expected at first! Can't really compare them with anything else. I think I'd need a bit more variation for a perfect score, but cool listen!
Melody must’ve been a good bitch.
Took me a few tries to get into it, it’s good but it’s still giving these vibes: https://youtu.be/X7W9ws2PTXk?si=dmFfyt0qNOKuxasd
I suppose I prefer it to him singing about his ex for a whole album, but this still ain’t it. Don’t get the hype.
Average 90's alt BS. Of its time, nothing stands out and forgettable.
I get it, they’re important and one of the Big Four, but you know what? They’re also kinda lame. This was fine, I think I’m just a little more picky with thrash.
I’ve rated enough electronic albums an average enough score because I know I’m a bit biased when it comes to the genre and I’m sure somewhere deep down they have their place. But now today I’m just not in the humor for it. Prodigy, you made my bad day worse and y’all can fuck right on off today.
So influential but so original. Just great!
Simple but effective! What it lacks in variation, it makes up in consistency. I’m not gonna be the asshole here to bash the Ramones.
This was fun enough, but didn't stand out much. Songs in the Key of Life absolutely blew me away in comparison...
Really good, but not quite perfect! Could’ve been tighter and more put together with fewer songs and a bit more variation.
Enjoyed some of this more than I expected, but then got sick of it really fast as well. About what is expected…
I dig this insane shit.
No real complaints, just perhaps doesn’t stand out so much.
Cool new discovery! I think this would take a few listens to sink in, but enjoyed it for sure.
Objectively great album, but nostalgia also plays a huge role for this one. I’ve loved since it came out and am still a Beck fan! You’re probably asking the wrong girl to rate this.
Leonard, buddy, you can do better. The songwriting is still there, but those compositions ain’t it, bruv.
Fun album! Strong from front to back.
George, you doll. Perfect album from a perfect Beatle. I’d struggle to find a more consistent, cohesive, beautiful or downright GOOD album of the same amount of ambitiousness and length. Don’t be a fool, give this 5 stars! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I’d put this somewhere between a 3 and a 4. Kinda cool, kinda forgettable, kinda lost in antiquity. All in all, it won’t stand out in this project but I enjoyed it for the time being.
Listened to enough of it to realize some parts are alright musically, but he still sucks. Creeps don’t get stars.
Solid pop album with some timeless hits, I’ve gotta admit it. We could’ve cut out a few songs, Justin, but not bad!
Not for me. Bland and uninteresting and boring and repetitive.
I remember hating Gold, but this was actually quite strong and enjoyable. I know he’s a dick, so I won’t rate it too highly, but that’s another story.
There is like zero cohesion to any of this, but I still dig it? Short and sweet.
Solid 90's hip hop. Nothing more and nothing less. Some iconic songs here, though.
Some strong songs and overall cool moments, but unfortunately that doesn't cut it for a perfect album. Pretty cool, though!
Such a good vibe. Loved it and just recently scored it on vinyl. I’m sold.
What a pleasant surprise! This was super cool, a bit long and samesy. Still enjoyed it front to back.
Now this is a weird one to rate. On the one hand, there were some great moments of really brilliant songwriting but I still hated the execution of it. I also found myself being quite annoyed by a lot of the lyrics. What is this and why is it here? Why couldn't they have put some of the great moments to better use? I don't know, man... Not for me.
What a cool album. It's no wonder it's always listed as one of the best to come out of the 80's. The only thing that would make it possible for me to dock any stars is just that it's not the exact type of music that personally moves me, but I can't knock her for that. Great stuff!
I mean, there were a lot more interesting things going on in 1987 in the music world, but they gave it their all, didn't they?
Just like the Be, pleasantly surprised again! Common has a new fan from the generator. Hell yeah.
Some songs were cooler than expected, but most were just as shitty as expected. Nah, get out of here with this.
What a vibe. Just perfect as always!
Uff, this was a hard listen. A bit too out there for me. It feels like it’s experimental for the mere sake of being experimental. Couldn’t get into it.
So much fun and energy! Loved it!
This blows.
Still know this album like the back of my hand although I’ve grown out of it now. There is no doubting that Chris Cornell is one of rock’s most amazing singers and this was such an important album for an influential band. Even if it isn’t exactly my thing anymore, I can’t deny its greatness and of course its place here!
I think I remember feeling more energy from the live performance during the San Quentin album, but still loved this!
Party in my ears + Kraftwerk. I’m in.
I just can’t get into reggae. I’ll be happy when I don’t need to try anymore.
Perfect early punk album!
What a delightfully bizarre and beautiful album. This was cool to listen to having watched The Beach Boys docu just a few weeks back. Loved having the context of the album and knowing the circumstances around its recording. Innovative and troubled and enjoyable and lots more!
I wouldn't exactly call myself a Slayer fan, but it would be crazy to deny this album's greatness. Short, to the point and enjoyable the whole way through.
Good in the background but I wasn't as a gripped by it as I was hoping. Enjoyed the listen, but something was lacking for me for it to really catch my attention.
Absolutely not.
Now THIS is the Madonna I can get behind. What a great record… pop at its best!
Came for the crazy album cover art, stayed for the grooves.
Dare I say, I hear some very heavy Talking Heads influence throughout this? Other Voices could straight up be on Remain in Light with those funky polyrythms! What a great album and what a great way to put a modern spin on what laid the influence for these sounds. LOVED it.
Solid soul! Really enjoyed this listen.
Gets better as it goes. If you're going to take a break from Dino Jr., then at least make it worth it!
I really liked this. The only thing missing was a variation among the songs. It almost sounded as if they'd run out of ideas in their songwriting and relied on easy and predictable melodies with simple lyrics. It happens and is something you often hear towards the end of a band's peak, but still solid.
Whoa! Didn’t know I loved Sepultura! I can’t remember what I didn’t love about Roots, but this was SO GOOD!
Had no expectations, but this hit right today! Short and sweet. What a surprise.
The Queen. Can you imagine these lyrics today, though?
Cool and raw, but something was still lacking for me for that last star.
Just love ‘em. Such a distinct vibe.
Fun! Just not as good as Songs in the Key of Life. But Stevie is great.
I mean, what can I say? I loved it when it came out when I was 9, but I’m nearly 34 now and this is just funny. Go ahead and Email My Heart, Britney.
Oh man, there are maybe two semi-cool songs on this album. That won’t do it for me. Insane dude, too.
Not rubbish, but did drag a bit in the middle. Still strong!
Pretty average and his voice really grated on me. I don’t think anyone really *needs* to hear this one.
Cool new discovery! I dig it.
If someone told me this was a favorite of theirs, I would run very far away.
This is cool! Some strange lyrics, but overall I enjoyed the vibe. Super funny that I got this on my birthday and there is a song called Birthday 🥳
Really solid! Enjoyed this the whole way through. Not sure how often I’ll go back to it, but she was a legend for a reason.
There was nothing bad here, but also nothing outstanding. Enjoyed most of it, but it was a little long and nothing that stuck out from the crowd.
Cool enough, but standard 60’s rock.
Just perfect.
Rufus is the king of “roughly four cool songs on a mediocre hour-long album.”
Just not my cup of tea.
This was... weird? Kinda cool, kinda not. But dated, for sure. 3, I guess?
Misogynistic and boring.
Who is this for? Musical theatre vibes to canned music.
I know they're highly esteemed, even with those I normally trust. But I don't know, this seemed to just amplify the annoying parts of Faith No More without the coolness of Mike Patton.
I want to like it more than I do, but some of those songs are lacking originality. One banger can't carry the whole album.
I was expecting more from The Temptations, to be honest. Average, but fine!
Great album!
Hell yeah.
This didn't do it for me. A few cool moments, but that ain't enough dawg.
Yes is a solid 4-star band. Always enjoy it, but never need to go back to it on a regular basis.
The king of versatility. A perfect mellow album from the man who can do it all!
Interesting and I know it's super influential, but too ambient for me to stand out and really catch me.
Some of the best out of the Grunge movement. Perfect, tight, dissonant, clever album. More, plz.
If Mudhoney is on the best side of 1991, this would have to be on the worst. Why did they decide to take the worst parts of some great genres and mash it up into something awful?
It's alright and gripped me enough. It'll end up in the forgettable pile, though.
Today I learned that I really don’t enjoy Tina Turner.
I don’t know.. I think their image and everything I know about the Courtney Love is coloring my opinion here, but it is what it is. Maybe I would’ve rated it better on a different day, but I was happy when it was over.
This is embarrassing and I hated everything about it.
Beautiful album that reminds me of a lovely time in my life.
Dollar dollar bill, y’all! 💲 Are we dealing with the best hip hop album, ever? I think we might be.
I think I’ve just found my least favorite type of music.
Classic jazz album! Crazy to think about what Davis went on to do with Bitches Brew, but can appreciate it all!
Wow, that was extremely underwhelming. If this is your favorite album, then I’m sure your favorite food is dry, unsalted crackers.
Who could even deny it? It’s perfect.
I just got one of their albums and it made me realize that they're embody my least favorite type of music. Now you lay this shit on me again?
Expected a few more bangers, but still was a cool listen. I’ll go back to it and see if it grows on me more.
She Bop has no business going that hard. Damn.
I'm sure it did a lot for the music world, but it did nothing for me. Those dated vocals can go suck it.
Now listen, I love my fair share of unlistenable shit. Throbbing Gristle? Make it throb harder. Einstürzende Neubauten? All day everyday. But there is nothing about Tom Waits that makes me understand the appeal. Bullshit, self-righteous garbage for alt kids to pretend to like in order to fit in. I tried to be more fair the first few times I got his stuff, but now hating Tom Waits has become part of my personality.
I... don’t like this. How can you be so close to being cool, but miss so hard?
I just love it so much Dino Jr. 4eva ✌🏻
Cool and cheesy and lame at the same time, great mix.
Whoa, cool surprise! Some songs I liked way better than others, but enjoyed the listen.
As much as I want it to be overrated, it's just not. Great stuff.
Not even close to their best and it's still perfect. They've got to have one of the strongest discographies of the era!
What a band, what an album! I’m on a perfect album roll. Let’s keep this going!
Basically all the stars are for Fuck The Police. I'm sure I'd give out more if y'all didn't hate women so much.
Whoa! Second TV On The Radio album I've gotten here and I think I like this one even better than the last. Great soundtrack to my train ride back to Berlin on a Monday evening.
What a trip. Dig it.
Deep down in my heart, I know that this isn't *actually* a perfect album, but man does it hit right. It gives me that perfect synthy vibe that I am always down for. Fun times all around!
What is this shite?
Heeeyyyy now, hey now now! Sing this corrosion to me! Yessss, so good.
Really, really loved this. Reminded me of a mix between ambient Brian Eno-esque music and Daft Punk... chiller, but accessible, melodic and fun just the same.
COMPLETELY underrated. This was a fun ride. Loved it.
An ultimate classic.
Tried too hard and ended up sounding like an even more boring Elliott Smith.
This could have only ever come out in 2009. I mean, there is a song called Too Many Birds. There are definitely some beautiful moments here, but it’s ultimately too samesy for an entire album for me.
Now, I’m a big fan of good pop music and keep up with what’s current and trending. When this popped up today I got excited to see what it’s all about, but got pretty disappointed pretty quickly. None of the melodies felt original, the music is all toned down and over-produced, her vocals, while pleasant, have little variation and the lyrics are oftentimes very simple and uninteresting. To not be compared to better pop artists out there, I would’ve liked to have heard more country here. Wish I had more to say, Kacey!
Weird and fun and catchy and everything I want from Roxy Music!
Such a great vibe! Happy to have been able to see them live this year.
That FUNKY bass! Perfect.
I can't express how much this just is not for me.
Crazy shit... loved every second of it. Experimental in different ways that reminded me of Björk, Low and Bon Iver, among so many other things. Definitely entered my regular rotation.
Weird band for me. I can't really make heads or tails of them, but this album was definitely better than Infected. With that said, it was fine but will never be a favorite.
Prog jazz? Not anything that I think I’ve ever needed.
Like anything Screaming Trees or Mark Lanegan, it's extremely solid and quite good, but for me there is also something about it that is kind of forgettable. Still a cool listen! Don't think I have ever heard this whole album before.
I can’t say I loved this… or even liked the whole thing. But it had some extremely beautiful passages and it’s also incredibly daring and unique. I appreciate the songwriting and musicianship and I’m here for things I’d never listen to otherwise instead of the 28th Elvis Costello album (although he sure does have some bangers.)
From that first sample to the last… just perfect! Also quite back heavy with the hits, but the first half is just as good.
A true classic. What an album!
Extremely important voice, but this is also a bit of a snooze fest musically. I said what I said.
For some reason I thought The Dandy Warhols were something completely different. I guess I should’ve known better after having watched Dig! but it didn’t register. Expected boring Britpop and got cool PNW shoegazey vibes!? I need to dig into their discography more!
Great album! It got a little weaker for me in the middle and I felt that a few semi tracks didn’t make up for the length, but all in all, I enjoyed this more than any of their solo stuff.
Whoa, I can get behind those catchy hooks! Loved this fun and clever album. Great stuff!
I feel like they've all done better things, the songwriting lacked a little for me (except for Wildflowers...) Still a cool listen. I felt like I should be getting emotional over a cold beer in a saloon.
Perfect pedicure soundtrack today, although it was hard to keep myself from dancing. Can you imagine this being your debut album? Insane.
Dear Generator, I liked it, but it wasn’t my favorite. Nothing stood out, but the vibes were on point. Xoxo, Cathleen
ding dang dong dong ding dang dong dong ding dang One of my more embarrassing opinions is that I kinda dig this album. Bite me.
Pretty cool! Not too much stuck, so I think I’ll need to give it another go. I know she was a legend, so we’ll give her the benefit of the doubt.
A masterpiece in its own right. Paul is king. It’s not up for debate.
Generic 90s BS… and can we talk about the lyrics to Flower?
This sucks. I don’t care about his skills and Rod Stewart did better things. Nothing about this excited me.
So bland I didn’t even notice it was playing in the background.
What? I liked the first song and then it turned into a chaotic mess of experimental try-hard music that just misses.
No shade to Dusty, but this is a compilation of others’ hits and can’t stand up against the other great stuff here in my opinion. I don’t love her voice enough gor it to make up for anything either.
I love me an early Ol’ Sourpuss album.
Not only one of Bowie’s best, but definitely one of the best albums ever recorded.
What is this? At first I was annoyed, but then I had to laugh during Midnight Carousel because it’s so bad.
Killer album! Love a great new discovery.
Your aunt who thinks she can sing.
Just beautiful.
This kinda blows.
This album goes to show that legends don’t always make legendary albums. Snoozefest 3000.
Not a bad Brit pop record!
I dunno… they hit their stride later. I’ve also written all I need to write about the Stones.
Absolutely not.
Not bad, but I’ve never been a fan of her voice.
I think I liked it. I don’t really understand them as a band. Is it gimmicky? Is it cool? Whatever. I’m too jet lagged to come up with a better review.
Hmm, not for me.
It’s been one of my favorites for years 🤍
A lot going on here, but compact enough to keep me interested. Sure.
Really like this, so many classics. The different songwriter concept has so much benefit to the bands that know how to implement it correctly.
The definition of not bad, but forgettable.
Just not my genre. Maybe the live performance was cool, but don’t need to listen to it now.
Just had War by U2 a few days back and just like that album, this has also been one of my favorites for decades. I remember walking around my high school with a burned copy and listening to it on my Discman. Also, Find The River has to be one of the best album closing tracks EVER.
I have my own bones to pick with The Byrds, but this was enjoyable to be fair...
Ohh yessss. Dirty Diana goes so hard and then is followed by Smooth Criminal. You can’t fault it.
A perfect set of mini songs that each pack a punch of their own. Such a unique and entertaining album!
I’m bored.
Another album I remember having a burnt copy of during high school. Still love it just as much today. Happy I got to see them live last year ❤️
Everyone who knows me knows that I never shut up about Talking Heads. I’ve already said everything I could ever say about them. One of the best bands ever.
This album gets the award for the shittiest cover ever. But with that said, cool stuff! Love the vibe of the more toned-down vocals leaving plenty of room for the bass and synth.
Respect for him writing this… I’m sure it was a cathartic experience. But that doesn’t make it an enjoyable listen.
I think there’s a great album in there somewhere, but some songs are a bit lackluster and it’s SO long. With the amount of Elvis Costello albums here, we could’ve saved some room here for another great album that’s been snubbed.
I love Lou Reed. I live in Berlin. There is only one thing for me to do here.
Some great classic hip hop with themes as relevant today as they were back then! I even spotted a Tom Tom Club sample. Hell yeah.
Amazing! Anytime I thought I wasn’t loving it, the songs managed to come back around and grip me again. With that said, this one definitely needs way more than just one listen.
I don’t remember I Should Coco being as cool as this, but maybe it just hit right today. Not too shabby!
It’s fine.
It was FUN! Not more and not less. I dig it.
This did not pass the test of time. The Humpy Dance gets a star, though.
Pretty cool, but dragged a bit towards the end.
How many albums does this fucking band have in here!? I’m pretty sure this is my third. With that said, I think this is their best here yet. Monotone, but not completely unlistenable and it’s short and sweet!
Eno at his very best. One of my favorites EVER!
Such a great album! Perfect from front to back.
Life is too short to listen to this album. This sucks hard.
Great stuff! Perfect background music to my reading session this evening.
Hook it to my veins.
One of the best albums ever made by the best band ever. One of my fondest childhood memories is listening to this in the car with my oldest brother. It will always hold such a special place for me.
Quick and fun enough, but there isn't too much going on to make me go back to it.
What a cool and stripped down proto punk album. So great! And extra points for Jerry Harrison.
Banger after banger after banger.
Great raw sound! Loved seeing this pop up.
I've turned into such a sucker for these old country albums. This is pure fun and full of energy! So important for music to come, as well.
Love love love. And I get to see Paul THIS WEEK in PARIS! Best ever.
I have a personal vendetta against The Doors, but I know they’re not *actually* that bad. With that said, I was expecting to like this a lot more than I did with as much hype as it gets. I’m sticking to my opinion. The Doors are overrated and this isn’t better than your average 3-star album.
Stable, I’d say. Really good moments, but it sure is long.
Jeez, so happy to see this pop up. This has been one of my favorites for years. Arcade Fire once meant a whole lot to me and Win really spoiled their magic in my eyes, but the music is still the music. Great stuff, shame about the dude.
Extremely good. What an album! And those covers are unique and perfect.
THIS is the stuff I come here for. Blew my socks right on off. Will definitely be coming back for more!
Not my thing and extremely forgettable. There were a few funky moments to bop around to, but overall I could pass completely.
What a vibe! Every time I thought this was less than perfect, I was gripped again. Beautiful!
One of the best albums ever made. I may be PMSing and everything makes me cry right now, but this ALSO made me cry. Love it so much.
I don’t get this? I remember liking another one of his on the list, but this was a little too experimental without any substance for me. Maybe it’d hit differently after a few more listens, but you know what? There is way too much good music out there for me to do that.
So beautiful! I only knew Cranes in the Sky, but this is great from front to back. Go, Solange!
Catchy, complex, fun.. we’ve got it all here. Such a good album.
This won’t last more than a few minutes in my memory. It’s fine for what it is, but I don’t need what it is.
I can 100% appreciate this being on the list because it’s something completely new to me and also very original! With that said, it couldn’t be further than my preferred sound than it is. It feels like a cheap 90’s Evanescence rip-off that I just don’t need. I don’t want to be too mean with my rating, since I’m happy to have been introduced to this. But I also kinda hate it? Please forgive me.
First song’s a bit rape-y, innit? I kind of think I just don’t really get this. There were times I thought I hated it and times I thought I loved it. Feels gimmicky and also way too English for me. There could be a great album somewhere in there, but I didn’t find it on the first listen through.
Perfect hip hop album!
Cool vibe!
I don’t think I’ll ever understand Joni. Not my thing, but it wasn’t terrible.
I really liked this! Maybe not perfect, but a cool album for some good mood music.
Not their best in my eyes. Solid for an hour, but there also aren’t many songs that stand out.
I’ve been waiting for good ol’ Tom to pop up! Love it. Such a perfect album.
I can’t think of a more appropriate album for Christmas Day. 5/5, no notes.
Amazing new find here! What a great mix of funk and jazz that never fails to be entertaining and exciting.
This has got some bangers without a doubt. But that overall vibe is just not for me.
A lot of important topics covered and some great songs, but there is also quite a bit of filler in my eyes. I’ve never really understood the hype.
Billy Bragg always seems like someone I’d be into on paper, but it just doesn’t work that way in execution. The songwriting feels a bit generic and the themes a little too forced. Average.
What a debut album! Heavy, melodic, influential and just great.
I really liked the first half, but towards the end it all felt like variations of the same. Were these guys even influential?
It's fine, but feels a bit average for someone who isn't SUPER into hip hop. I can't imagine I'll go back to it.
Super cool! A lot more experimental and complex than other similar bands from the same scene, but still manages to be entertaining. I vaguely knew who they were, but happy this came up.
This really feels like it never caught its stride. I was expecting more.
Cool messages and bonus points for speaking out for Palestine in 1992! There is a great album in here somewhere, but I think we would’ve needed a great producer to go through a clean it up a little. At times it seems pretty rudimentary and/or amateur and stilted. His rapping is more spoken wird at times which comes of slightly cringey. I did enjoy it and respect the project!
It’s good in its own way and also has so many timeless hits. It just feels a bit rudimentary and simple to really call it a masterpiece. I feel like any number of stars I go with, there could be an argument for more or less. I need to be fair, though!
Those are some embarrassing lyrics. What in the world.
Super cool! I felt like I was taken to a Renaissance fair and I loved every second of it.
Pretty cool, but nothing spectacular. Interesting band to end up here, but I can dig it.
Man, I love LCD Soundsystem. Wish I had got into them earlier! Such a cool sound and so clearly influenced by Talking Heads.
The BOSS! It’s so good that Born In The U.S.A. is the weakest track on the album. Killer.
Yes is always cool! But still not completely my jam.
Pure atmospheric vibes! Sometimes this project makes me realize how much I love music. What a ride.
Nothing special, but it’s a solid and easy-to-consume pop album. It does seem slightly mass-produced / soulless, but I’m not sure if that’s a product of the mellow vibe or not. Not really sure how much this belongs here… I could understand the album with her biggest hit that everyone knows instead.
It’s Sabbath.
NOISE! One of the greatest albums ever by one of the greatest bands ever! Such a perfect mix of melody and distortion and dissonance and so much more. Perfect.
I had no expectations for this since I remember not really liking Julian Cope’s stuff. Surprised that this was tons of fun! Really enjoyed it.
It just keeps getting better and better, doesn’t it? What an album! What a songwriter!
I couldn’t make it all the way through. And I’m quite honestly embarrassed that I almost got through half of it.
A bit of a snooze fest, innit? Now, I love a good pop album but this just ain’t it.
Whoa, that was crazy. But was it cool? I don’t know. Not as cool as Can, anyway. But I love getting an experimental and controversial album I didn’t even know existed.
A real grower of an album. For me it took a few good listens to really uncover everything taking place, but it’s so worth it! And I feel like it just gets better and better by the end. Don’t give up on what seems like a mellow album, listeners! So good.
Solid enough, but failed to grip me like a lot of the other country albums that I've loved here. Seems like a cool enough guy, but I think I'm missing some of the cultural relevance to really get it.
The best live album ever recorded? Probably.
Not bad! Strange mix of songs, but enjoyed most of it.
This blows hard.
Super interesting mix of new wave and Genesis-esque progressive music. With that said, some songs sounded like they could’ve been straight out of the nineties? I don’t care, I dug it.
Really exceeded my expectations! I knew the first track, of course, but was surprised at the depth and variation and melody throughout. I even feel like it gets stronger as it goes. Cool album for my evening at home.
All the reviews mentioning The Beatles make me wonder if any of you have ever listened to The Beatles? But with that said, this was fun. Bizarre, but fun.
This album further strengthened my opinion that XTC falls more into the prog category than in the new wave category like I once thought. This was strange and fun and unique and pretty. I liked it.
Some fun grooves! And loved that opening track.
Felt incohesive as an album, but definitely had moments of greatness.
Good shit.
I had such high hopes, but this wasn’t fun to listen to.
One of the best there ever was. yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah YEAH!
Such a ride! Super fun and experimental. The Beach Boys are just geniuses.
I think I expected something else, but was pleasantly surprised! Cool album. I think I got a little lost along the way with the length and lack in variation, but great just the same!
It slaps. I vibed to the whole thing.
I don’t think this is for me.