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k.d. lang


Album Summary

Ingénue is the second solo album by Canadian singer k.d. lang, released in 1992. It is Lang's most successful album on the pop charts, both in her native Canada and internationally, and has more of a cabaret flavor than her earlier more country-influenced work.







  • Country
  • Pop
  • Folk
  • New Wave
  • Singer Songwriter


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Thu Nov 04 2021

I had this on tape in 1992. I bought it because "Constant Craving" was such a captivatingly cool song that I wanted more... and was sorely disappointed by the album. I can say that generally, the laidback chic of Ingenue is no place for a 17-year-old. But even now, I don't feel like I'm really in the hipster wine mom demographic that would get the most out of this. But just imagine having a relaxing evening in your renovated villa, pulling up a kitchen stool, pouring a glass of pinot gris and enjoying the heck out of this classy album. Still, "Constant Craving" is a tune.

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Fri Sep 17 2021

I should start by saying that this kind of low key adult contemporary music with the occasional country twang is absolutely not my thing. Not that I hate it. It just would never occur to me to listen to it. But I'll do my best. The first thing to note is that k.d. lang is an excellent singer. She has a warm timbre, tremendous vocal control, perfect pitch, and uses vibrato effectively (faithful readers will know this is one of my bugbears). The second thing is that the arrangements by lang, Ben Mink and Greg Penny are extraordinarily detailed, subtle, and sonically pleasant. That leaves the songs themselves. Perhaps Ingenue is the sort of album that requires several listens for the songs to sink in. While pleasant enough to listen to, nothing much seems to stick in my reptilian brain. That is evidently not what lang was going for, but still, if you're going to do what is essentially an album of pop songs, shouldn't there be some monster hooks, either instrumental, melodic or both? Maybe it's not fair, but that's my opinion and I'm sticking to it.

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Thu Jan 27 2022

I once got into Prince to seduce a girl (who grew up to be a lesbian) and it was pointed out to me that maybe K D Lang would have been a better choice. Having listened to this album for a second time (once in the 90’s and once just now), I can conclude that, even if I’d been successful in my seduction, I would have felt utterly filthy in using such a piece of schmaltzy tatt for my own personal gain. I feel much happier as a lonely Prince fan than I would a K D Lang aficionado with a harem of loose moraled females.

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Wed Apr 07 2021

I never really listened to kd Lang and wow I thought this was great. Beautiful voice. Stylistically felt ahead of its time. I’ll have to see how my rating holds up with time but today this did it for me

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Wed Jun 16 2021

I love this album. It was among the first batch of cds I ever bought (thank you Columbia House!) and have probably played it over 1000 times and I look forward to hearing it at least 1000 more. k.d. lang has an incredible vocal instrument. First arriving on the scene as a "new" Patsy Cline, she rose to prominence in country circles (despite hailing from Canada). With this album, she (mostly) left her torch and twang behind to prove herself a force in the adult contemporary market. And with the hit "Constant Craving", she did just that and found, in this listener, a lifelong fan. Vocally, her tone is so pure. She bends notes to her will, coaxing emotion out of words and phrases with seeming ease. When she sings of pain, it is palpable. When she sings of joy, it is infectious. When she sings of longing, it is intense. This particular collection of songs shows a range that some of her other albums don't. (I own them all, but this is the one I come back to most.) From the bouncy, coquettish Ms. Chatelaine (a cheeky flip-side to her normally butch persona) to the spare, haunting Tears of Love's Recall, she runs the gamut of a true chanteuse's repertoire. k.d. lang is a true musical artist. 5 stars for me; no hesitation.

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Wed Jun 15 2022

p688. 1992. 3 stars Middle of the road songs offset by terrific voice and production. There simply aren't enough standout songs - after a while they tend to just blur in to each other. Not sure it is essential listening.

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Thu Jul 08 2021

A go big or go home effort that's swelling - nay, engorged - with wistful orchestration. Occasionally the melodies are strong enough to carry that weight. The Mind of Love sounds timeless before its 3:48 are up, swooning like a Joan Fontaine character, Miss Chatelaine goes full throwback with its accordion, and the muscular Spanish-guitar-I-think on Still Thrives This Love (silly title) brilliantly complements Lang's voice, which always holds up. But too often the writing, melodies or both don't, and collapse under the weight of their decoration. A shame, because there's so much promise here.

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Thu Jul 08 2021

This album made very pleasant background listening as I was making dinner last night. It never insisted too too much on being more than background music, but there was enough to twist my ear that I figured - sure, maybe I could see what it’s going for.

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Thu Nov 02 2023

More '90s background music! Never actively listened to this despite it all being extremely familiar 30 years later. Interchangeable with Annie Lennox's Diva for the same reason; depends on which department store you happened to be in at the time. Constant Craving isn't bad, Miss Chatelaine quite irritating, rest averages a solid *meh*

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Thu Nov 02 2023

Constant Craving is a smoothie, the rest beige'd me out and I failed to reach the end of a second playthrough.

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Wed Jan 20 2021

this is exciting to me because this is the year I graduated from high school, she looked so different and cool and I knew her from country music <> this second song reminds me of Anne Murray (if you don't know her, "Could I have this dance" was a fave in middle school); i just LOVE crooners and especially as an adult hearing her sing love songs to a woman is so inspiring - she was doing that in the 80s and 90s when that just wasn't done but she made it seem so commonplace - BRAVO, KD!; I also liked her name a lot because it sounds like Katy but is just initials :) <> Miss Chatelaine has a resort music style that reminds me of Barry Manilow's Copacabana which I like <> Outside Myself sounds like it should have been in a James Bond movie <> I also really like the music that Spotify chose based on this album :)

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Fri Sep 02 2022

Damn, what a voice. And k.d. lang knows how to use it to beautiful effect. She's got an impressive range, but doesn't spend any unnecessary time finding reasons to impress with vocal acrobatics. She hits notes with authority, with a shimmer of grief even, when it's the right emotional pitch for the moment, and she sings sweetly and quietly when it's right. She sticks to her sweet spot most of the time, and there's a lot of it. She's a singular singing talent, to be sure. The production is just as spot-on as her performances. Great harmonies, expert instrumentation — not a sour note on the entire album. The only reason this isn't an easy 5-star is that the songs do blend together. There's not much of a change of gear from start to end. That's intentional, certainly, but that's the one key that holds me back from a "perfect" score. It's an 8.5-9 on a 10-point scale in my book. One weird point, how did "Constant Craving" get chosen to close the album? Seems like it should have been placed way earlier in the mix. Easy to say after the fact, but it's so clearly the most accessible track on the record.

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Fri May 28 2021

I'm new to lang's discography, but as far as I can tell the arc within this album is a recursive version of the album's place in it. We move away from country instrumentation, while the sound palette and the voice remain lush. I can't help but think it would be a better album if it was more explicitly country. At the same time, the first couple tracks are where I felt most strongly that I was listening to standard adult contemporary. Perhaps that's still true, but only mostly.

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Wed Apr 14 2021

Grand. Same song over and over. Good song though.

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Mon Jun 14 2021

I remember listening to some k.d. lang songs back in the 90s; liked her then, like her now, although it's been a long time since I've listened to her music. What a voice, and a really good writer, but it can get a little too -- not sure what the phrase is, maybe "Big Band ballad style" -- for me. 'Constant Craving' is great.

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Thu Jan 12 2023

Wikipedia describes this as a "cabaret" style of pop music, apparently a departure from kd lang's more country-tinged style. Well, that sucks. Cabaret pop was surely designed to bore me to death. I think the infamous Scott Walker album that I hated could be put in that category too. kd seems to have a great voice, obviously talented, but this kind of music is a snoozefest for me. No thank you. Favorite tracks: Still Thrives This Love. Album art: A strange painted portrait/silhouette thing. No problem with it, but even though it's pretty generic, it suggests better music than the album contains. 1.5/5

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Thu Jan 04 2024

Ugh, I'm only 70 albums in and I have to listen to ANOTHER k.d. lang album?! I didn't even want to listen the first one! There's nothing on this album that I needed to hear and I didn't make it through a single song before feeling compelled to fast forward to the next. There's very little here that would distinguish one song from another anyway so it didn't really matter. Hard pass.

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Thu Jun 17 2021

Tego mi wlasnie bylo trzeba po bestiowych bojsach, album calkowicie nieznany, z krainy losi i syropu klonowego, artysty o dosc ciekawym pseudonimie artystycznym, ale najwazniejsze zmiania tonu w porownaniu do poprzedniej pozycji, bo k.d. lang to wokalistka ktora tworzy muzyke popularna o tak zwanym ambitniejszym brzmieniu, z okladki bym nawet nie powiedzial, ze jest to wokalistka, bo postac na niej wyglada dosc hermafrodytycznie, pajecze zmysly sie sprawdzialy i wikipedia potwierdzila przypuszczenia, ze dykowym to bedzie album, po uslyszeniu wokalnych umiejetnosci pani Kathryn uderzylo mnie to zderzenie przeciwienstw, jesli chodzi o wyglad, a barwe glosu, a dlaczego az tak bardzo bo dodatkowo teksty sa pisane bardzo chlopsko, wiec polaczyla tutaj wszystko co najlepsze z dwoch swiatow, jesli teksty rzeczywiscie byly jej autorstwa, lecz prawdopodobnie byly, bo kawalki zawieraja multum autobiograficznych watkow, opowiadanych na 10 trakach, dajacych 40 minut mateiralu, spotifajowa wersja albumu, to deluxor na 25 lecie gdzie pojawia sie takze wersja plyty z mtv unplugowanego, ale niestety lokalizacja obecna nie zezwala na jego odtworzenie, jak juz wspominalem o tym ze pani glownie wokaluje, to niespodziewalem sie niczego wiecej, a wikipediowy pejdz bombarduje instrumentalami ktorymi tutaj podobno czaruje, bo mamy tu electric and acoustic guitars, mandolin, tamboura, tambourine, percussion, Tma, wiec lista dluga i szeroka, na uwage zasluguje takze osoba odpowiedzialna za produkcje tego albumu, bo jest to solidny mix do ktorego ciezko sie przyczepic jesli chodzi o aspekty techniczne, a takim produkcyjnym duchem jest tutaj ben mink, brzmi chinsko, ale jednak kanadyjczyk, ktory takze sporo instrumentalnego wkladu w plyte mial, nawet beatboxowe sekcje robil, wiec czlowiek renesansu, dodatkowych 10 muzykow studyjnych nawet nie bede wymienial, bo album jest naprawde bogaty w brzmienie, ale jednak nie jest ono przytlaczajace i nie zacmiewa historii opowiadanej wokalnie, na plejaka leca traki 3, 4, 7, 10, dziwne nanowe viby daje ta plyta, ale tak mam chyba zawsze z mocnymi piosenkarkami, ale taki outside myself to cos co mogloby byc themem nanowym jak nic innego, zacna plyta i dobry blind pick

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Wed Mar 10 2021

A lot of the songs on this album sound familiar even though I’m sure that I’ve never heard them before. They’re just really good songs and I get good vibes from them. I love the instrumentation especially the clarinet on Still Thrives This Love. The accordion is also interesting and I like it. Honestly almost everything about this album is great. Not quite great enough to be a 10 because it’s not that mind blowing but it’s still a really solid album. Season of Hollow Soul reminds me of ABBA for some reason but overall this album does sound like it’s from the 90s but aged will. Favorite songs: Save Me, The Mind of Love, Miss Chatelaine, Wash Me Clean, Still Thrives This Love, Season of Hollow Soul, Outside Myself, Constant Craving Decent 9/10

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Sun Jun 20 2021

hmm. am i going to like this? nice voice. i thiiiink its a woman. yeah it is. this first song is nice but im afraid i might get bored quick. lets see. i love the vibe provided by whatever instrument it is playing at 2:32. her voice reminds me of someone but i cant place it. aw this sounds so nice but im bored :( why am i like this lol. okay i take that back i got into it after a bit and my mood now matches this album lol. miss chatelaine: this song is making me so happy i want to cry lol. wash me clean: her voice sounds so full (?) and comforting :( i teared up. lmao. "shadows now curtain the moon, but faith swears it will shine again soon." idk why i got so into this. typically i wouldnt like this type of music i think. im done and i feel so exposed lol. i feel like i just finished up a long crying session xd anyways uhm i only processed about 1% of this album and i need to listen to it 99 more times to get better acquainted with it. starting my first replay as i finish writing this. saying that i love this album is putting it lightly :)) <3

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Wed Mar 30 2022

A masterpiece. Just perfect.

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Fri Apr 01 2022

Highlights are The Mind of Love, Miss Chatelaine, So It Shall Be, Constant Craving. I don't know why I never thought to look up more of her music. It's beautiful, and I love it.

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Sun Jun 19 2022

Ingénue indeed!!! I loved this album in the 90s and still do. It’s filled with lush emotional torch songs, incredible vocals, interesting arrangements and ends with one of the greatest hits from my days as an announcer on adult contemporary radio. I am still having a love affair with this album!

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Sun Jun 19 2022

Lush, beautiful, and (and I don't use this term lightly) romantic. Excellent songs and a gorgeous voice. A-plus!

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Wed Jun 22 2022

I really like this album a lot

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Fri Sep 02 2022

THIS is the kd lang album that 100% belongs on the list. An album with iconic bookend songs and such beauty in between. kd's voice is so strong, healthy, and lovely. She is no ingénue here. This album reflects real work and dedication to her craft. Interesting that this album was recorded in Vancouver. Something about the cool, high-style of the songs is reminiscent of that shiny Vancouver vibe. Ending with Constant Craving is brilliant. I love every breath on this album.

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Thu Sep 01 2022

This is where k.d. lang found their voice and their style. A very accomplished album with beautiful tracks and emotional depth. This has definitely earned its place on this list. It was an album. I loved back in 1992 and I still love it today. I think it ends with exactly the right track because it just leaves you wanting to play it more and more.

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Mon Feb 06 2023

God I love her voice Listening to this reminds me of listening to Jeff Buckley’s Grace for the first time. There isn’t much higher praise I can give an album

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Thu Feb 16 2023

10/10 god damn! the earlier stuff I’ve heard of k.d. lang I didn’t really like, but this is something special southern country really isn’t my thing, but this feels like something so much better I don’t know how to explain it it’s just such a beautiful album

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Thu May 18 2023

I don’t think I’m capabale of thinking about this album critically. She had been a country artist before this album. She was quirky and strange, her songs full of humor. In the three years between Absolute Truth and Twang, she came out as a lesbian and to further alienate herself from a still very conservative musical genre - she became an outspoken animal rights activist. With this album she transitioned to an adult contemporary artist. She was suddenly doing music that more closely resembled what you would hear in nightclub and more likely some seedy French place. The production and vocals immaculate. The album itself is very much about unrequited love and is an emotionally complex work from an artist who not only reinvented herself but stepped out with new confidence and a bit of a cavalier devil may care attitude not accepting compromise with her audience. It is an artist saying this is who I am and my desires and if you don’t like it, I don’t really care.

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Thu Jun 08 2023

оо о очень приятьненько :)

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Fri Jun 09 2023

would be six stars if I could.

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Tue Jul 04 2023

I had only heard a couple of songs off this album, but the whole thing is gold.

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Fri Jul 07 2023

So different at the time. So alternative it was our mainstream. Stunning. Gripping emotional languid emotional almost purple and atmospheric - a sound that lasted a decade until we probably heard it too much. Soft samba country blue no genre ... It's so VERY different to occasionally turgid garage boy albums on this list. Yes this is much needed colour, warmth, sensuality and a female swooning voice. Take me to your place and play this.

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Thu Aug 31 2023

That voice. This is a remarkable record that covers so much musical territory. It feels like the perfect nightclub set. And, that voice. A classic.

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Mon Sep 04 2023

Wow. A lot better than I thought it would be. Every song is solid. Favorites: Save Me, Miss Chatelaine, Wash Me Clean, Still Thrives This Love, and (of course) Constant Craving

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Sun Nov 12 2023

I’d never listened to k.d. lang, so I had no clue what to expect. It’s really easy to listen to, with a nice blend of styles!

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Mon Dec 18 2023

I had never listened to this album, but was aquatinted with a couple of the songs though. Lang’s voice is simply magnificent, a total treat to hear the perfect and respectfully restrained use of such an incredible instrument. No modern-day over singing and false emotion. Just absolutely miraculous to sit back and enjoy such a supreme talent.

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Thu Jan 18 2024

I almost had whiplash going from Red Snapper to this album, but wow this was a treat. Never heard of k.d. lang before. But this was really pleasant to listen to. Gentle music and I love her voice. Miss Chatalaine made was great, as was Constant Craving and Save Me.

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Thu Jan 18 2024

I didn't know much about my dad as a person but I knew he was a k.d. Lang fan and he loved Santana. He hated Wayne Newton and the songs 'Born in the USA' by Bruce Springsteen and 'Captain Anarchy' by Anti-Flag. This is a beautiful album and it gave me little glimmers of nostalgia.

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Wed Jan 24 2024

Her voice should bee on the Land o Lakes label. So beautiful.

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Sat Jan 27 2024

Rating: 9/10 Best songs: The mind of love, Miss Chatelaine, Still thrives this love, Season of hollow soul, Outside myself, Constant Craving

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Tue Feb 06 2024

She puts so much feeling into such subtle songs. She probably wouldn't pass the auditions for one of those TV talent shows and their need for histrionic caterwauling. Yet she also avoids the boredom that other laidback singers (e.g. Lucinda Williams) tend to inflict. It's all down to that voice and the brilliant performance of her band.

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Fri Feb 09 2024

i think this was one of the first women albums we’ve heard?? also one of the saddest, but i loved it

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Fri Mar 01 2024

Loved this one, was listening to it on the bus form Birmingham airport to the city centre. I foolishly got on the bus instead of taking the train which cost me about half an hour extra of travel time. The production is really nice and her voice is lovely. Giving a 5 cos i'm deffo gonna listen to it again

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Fri Mar 08 2024

I LOVE this album! I love the use of the instruments as well as Lang's vocals, and every song is SO amazing! One of my favourite albums out of the so far 44 generated!

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Wed Mar 13 2024

k.d. lang is one of my all time favourite artists so this album is a favourite too. I remember learning something important from it... listening to it when it first came out, I sometimes felt myself wishing k.d. would really let loose and sing the way she can but I realized that she was (I think!) treating her voice like an instrument among the group. It made me appreciate the idea that even though you can blow the roof off with your singing, and people love that!, not doing so can be the right approach for the musicality and emotion of the songs. And helped me appreciate a whole range of other singers when I encountered them later on. Anyway it's gorgeous and emotional from beginning to end.

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Wed Mar 20 2024

Voice of an angel. So rich sounding and special.

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Wed Apr 17 2024

Really like it. Pretty chill

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Sat Apr 27 2024

A versatile and somehow calming listening about the evergoing topic of love.

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Fri May 03 2024

I am biased towards lesbians so I thoroughly enjoyed this

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Wed May 15 2024

Have always loved this album

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Thu Jul 04 2024

Really good album and artist that I've never heard of before.

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Thu Jul 11 2024

I bought this with ignorance. I listed with open ears & expectations. Decades later, I'm still haunted, still quietly taken aback by this. Never mind her earlier debut this site gave, this is the album I am both haunted and graced by still. Superb. 5 stars.

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Thu Jul 11 2024

really really good, her voice is so beautiful and the songs are so delicate. I don’t know how often I’ll really be listening to it but it was really good

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Thu Jul 25 2024

KD Lang is a special treasure. This album is proof of that.

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Thu Dec 31 2020

Great songwriting, has a classic feel with some twangy guitar melodies

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Fri Apr 30 2021

This genre reminds me of my mom, but she has a very lovely voice and sound

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Thu Jul 22 2021

The album was pretty good. There were a few songs I didn't like but it was mostly good. It was good background music. My favourite songs were Save Me and Constant Craving. 4/5 stars.

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Wed Jun 16 2021

A brilliant album. Has the feel of a classic American song book. Wistful, melodic, romantic. And what a voice.

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Wed Jun 16 2021

Kinda a cool sound haha. Her lyrics are super over the top but a decent listen.

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Thu Jun 17 2021

Outstanding production and mix. Lots of effort into every song. May not be a daily listen but a delicatessen to have in specific moments.

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Thu Jul 29 2021

listening to this album, it grew on me.

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Wed Sep 08 2021

Fantastic voice. Superb production. Way more to offer than just Constant Craving. So ... what exactly does it say about me if I really liked this album?

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Fri Nov 19 2021

Gotta be in the right mood for this but I definitely was.

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Wed Jan 19 2022

Dásamlega ljúf og góð plata. Elska röddina hennar.

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Thu Jan 20 2022

Okay first track has me intrigued. Miss Chatelaine has a sort of easy riviara mood about it. Wash Me Clean has a nice hook.

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Thu Feb 17 2022

Just love this. KD Lang has the most beautiful, expressive voice nd just glides through these gorgeous songs. Wonderful

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Mon Feb 21 2022

Very pretty music. Beautiful voice without annoying affectations or histrionics. No country this time, which makes this all-round appealing. A lovely album.

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Fri Mar 04 2022

Excellent, excellent! Really enjoyed this album! Don't know anything about k.d. lang but reading up I'm glad we got this album rather than an earlier one that leaned into the country genre

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Wed Mar 30 2022

Tää on näitä levyjä, jotka toimii vaan kokonaisena. Monesti palaan tähän ja kelaan mitkä ne hyvät biisit oli enkä löydä yhtään. Mut kun jaksan kuunnella kokonaan, oon aina ihan myyty. Tosin näin duunin lomassa paikoin turhan rauhallinen / minimalistinen. Vinskalta iltamyöhään peukku.

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Thu Mar 31 2022

Кантри, которое не звучит как кантри. Альбом смог увлечь и несколько песен я "лайкнул" с чистой совестью. 7/7- из 10.

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Thu Mar 31 2022

It was hard to focus because the weather was aggressively awful while I was driving to work and listening to this, but it think I enjoyed this elevated lounge act a lot!

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Thu Apr 14 2022

didnt really expect to like this as much as I did

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Thu Apr 21 2022

Smooth listening- very enjoyable!

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Wed Apr 27 2022

Traditionally not a fan of this type and style of album, but it’s hard not to like ‘Ingenue’. k.d. langs voice is undeniably awesome and beautiful, and she shines here with songs and arrangements that are uniformly excellent.

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Wed Apr 27 2022

It’s easy to like an artist that saves the hit to the very end. “Constant Craving” is a great song, and the lead-up is languid, then charming, then stylish, then smooth – every track thoughtfully conceived (merging jazzy torch songs with country textures) and executed with verve and polish, the singing assured and accomplished, the playing distinctive and adroit. Well done, k.d.

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Mon May 02 2022

Very nice! Chill. Think she's a good songwriter.

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Wed May 11 2022

Smooth smooth stuff. Some killer songs on here

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Tue Jun 21 2022

Is it bad that I thought she was a boy before doing this?… The album starts with save me a slightly jazzy track but also with some tribal sounding drums. Her slow but fairly strong singing style really matches the music played so it’s good. The mind of love has completely different sound ( being acoustic guitar led) while having the same general feeling ( relaxed and loungey) it’s not a favourite song of all time but I still enjoy it and see the appeal that it has. Miss chatelaine is still majorly acoustic but faster paced it’s certainly a good song but one that’s hard to put my finger on. Wash me clean is the slowest track so far a kinda gloomy little thing verging on dull and drab but not quite that boring. At the start of so it shall be has a kinda artificial and repetitive beat to it but somehow still impresses with her vocals; later on the song gains other elements the violin especially is class. The on the edge strings at the start of still thrives this love are so thrilling and fresh for this singer but it goes into this tribal rainforest forest sounding song with the occasional strings still the albums best overall! Season for a hollow soul is also awesome it’s gloomy but by no means boring love the rhythm and the exploding chorus of this one. Outside myself keeps the same gloomy yet relaxed tone this time being primarily acoustic guitar based but with a killer piano solo in the middle. Not my favourite but still great. The penultimate track tears for loves recalling has amazing lyrics a brilliant piano track I personally think the layered on drums ruin it a little but at the start only coming into full power a good minute in especially when the strings come brilliant song. Also good lyrics. The album closes on the song constant craving a fairly fast paced but a somehow fitting little acoustic epic to close the project all off not the best not the worst. It’s good, not really my kinda thing, but still good great album all around.

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