Kings Of The Wild Frontier
Adam & The AntsIt's so bad I actually really enjoy it These guys shitposted before shitposting was a thing. Truly revolutionary.
It's so bad I actually really enjoy it These guys shitposted before shitposting was a thing. Truly revolutionary.
Really fun album, blends many genres together. Especially love the jazzy parts in particular. Guitar solos are cool and the riffs are good but get repetitive sometimes. Bass is quite prevalent which I always like in music too The opening track, Funny Vibe and Which Way To America are standouts Defo gonna be listening to this again
No more Beatles I beg
Not overly shit. Just boring. Like half the albums I've had on this list already.
It's unlikely I'm gonna rate these sort of albums any higher than a 3. They're cool, they're calming, she's got a great voice, just not my style. Gets a bit boring after a few
Very groovy, much like. Very different to usual taste, but it's the GOAT what's not to like. Vocals very nice Starts off meh with Up From The Skies but gets much better after Album cover is a bit odd
Title track fucking rocks. Holiday/Boulevard Of Broken Dreams is imo their best song in their entire discography, let alone on this album Starts off really good but after Extraordinary Girl/Letterbomb it tails off a bit WMUWSE is a bit overrated - it's good but not that good
First album I don't recognise Admittedly, when I saw it was an 18 song album I was skeptical since I assumed it'd be too bloated, but the first few songs have been really enjoyable. The opening track, Howlin' For You and The Only One are amazing tracks Fuck me Ten Cent Pistol is good My initial fears of it being bloated were partly true, although most tracks deserve to be on the album. I probably wouldn't miss The Go Getter or Unknown Brother. Definitely one to revisit every now and again
Seven Nation Army obviously fucking slaps, followed up nicely with Black Math Love Meg's vocals on Cold, Cold Night These slower songs just don't really cut it. Seven Nation Army sets such a high standard that most of the songs can't live up to, especially the slower ones. I don't think his voice is suited to them. Simplicity=good, sometimes. I think this one is too simple too often. Little Acorns and Hypnotize are quite good. It's just, meh. I can listen through it fine enough I'm just rather bored doing it. Except that last song. What the fuck was that.
Absolutely beautiful voice she has got. She gives me cozy café vibes Caught myself dancing to The Click Song once or twice. Where Does It Lead is a beautiful song too. It's not something I'll likely listen to again in the near future but I can see why so many hold this album in such high regard. It'd be hugely disrespectful to rate this any lower than a 3.
I've never understood the hype The Beatles get and this record proves it. It's too bland and I find the vocals annoying. Love You To and Yellow Submarine are some bright spots in the album, but it's far from enough to make this worthy of a decent rating. I like the ideas of the different instruments they used compared to their other albums, but I don't think they executed it as well as they could, or should, have.
Country music is either really shit, like on the pop sides of it, or really good like Bluegrass and Outlaw Country. First song is absolute garbage but Cowboy Movie is better but it drags on too long. Laughing is a great song but again I think it'd benefit from being about a minute shorter. I like Traction in the Rain too. It's a nice, calm, solid album. Not bad, not amazing either.
I knew how good Kanye is but I've never listen to a full album until now and I've realised how much I've been missing out. Super fun listen, maybe slightly too long but it keeps a high standard throughout. Not even his best stuff either. We Don't Care, Through The Wire and All Falls Down are proper bangers.
It's actually better than other Beatles records I've heard. Still not great. But better. Ish. The opening track and Roll Over Beethoven are pretty cool. Slightly generous 3. Probably a 2.75
These vocals ruin it. When Rod shuts up I enjoy it more, like Greensleeves. Whilst it's definitely not the worst thing I've ever listened to, it's boring, not really any stand out tracks. The riffs are decent and the drums are good, but it evokes nothing in me. Combined with the god awful singing makes this a long one to listen to.
I quite like this rambling style of singing she's got going on. It helps with the storytelling and really captures the "roadtrip" vibe. It's a nice, calming album but too samey and gets boring after the first couple of songs. Probably one to listen to a couple tracks from every now and again rather than playing the full album. A generous 3 me thinks
When I started this project, I vowed to myself that I'd listen to every single album all the way through, not matter who it was by or how much I hated it. That was before I saw this one was over 3 hours long. Yeah fuck that. If it's any good I'll listen to the majority of it, unlikely it'd be good enough to reach the 2 hour mark. She's got a great voice but it's the same as most other jazz records from that time. I can listen to a few tracks before I get incredibly bored. Definitely not sitting here for an hour, let alone three.
The first couple of tracks were just boring, but not terrible. I thought the album would be one of those boring-but-not-overly-shit albums I've had every now again. I was very wrong. The vocals make me want to crawl out of my skin. It's the epitome of the shit music that's being released recently. It doesn't have it's intended calming effect due to how bad it is Standout shit tracks: • A Violent Noise • Performance • On Hold
It's just fucking shit. Breaking Up Slowly was ok and Dance Till We Die put some much needed energy into this album but it's far from enough.
This sort of Beatles-esque psych rock just does nothing for me. It needs something else to add energy into it It's not terrible but it's all just a drag to get through. Butcher's Tale isn't too bad to be fairs
I'm not usually a massive fan of this sort of music but this was a fun listen Animal Farm and Village Green are standout tracks.
Decent rock album, don't love it, don't hate it. Probably on the higher side of 3 I Love You gives off creepy uncle vibes Good Morning is a great track. Liked the opening few too and Cool As Kim Deal
Some tracks are pretty good, like Lost Ones and Every Ghetto, Every City. Not sure it warrants being an hour and 15 minutes long. It gets boring about halfway in. At least it's something different on this list
I'm not even a month in and this is my third Beatles album what the shitting hell is this about About as shit as it gets for the Beatles. Too boring, too samey, vocals hurt my ears. There's still so many Beatles albums to get through too fuck sake. I've gone through 3/7 I don't want to see another one for at least a year
I'd fallen out of love with these guys but after listening to this album I've gone back to loving them again. The Power of Equality starts it off extremely well, and the one-two combo of the title track and Under the Bridge is absolutely sublime Anthony's vocals are amazing, bass is super punchy, catchy riffs. Best album I've had so far Sidenote: This is my 20th album and my first 5 star worthy album - that does not bode well. I'm either really unlucky, or I'm in for a long three years
I'm not sure I'm a massive fan of the enhanced Bluesy elements of this album. It's weird, I feel like I should enjoy this album more than I do and I've tried very hard to do just that but it's not clicking. Like most albums I've had on this list, it's just meh. Nothing really stands out at me - Immigrant Song was good when I first listened to it a few years ago but the more I listen to it the more tedious it gets. I'll always respect Led Zeppelin for the inspiration they've given for so many great bands. I'm sure there'll be an album or two of theirs I'll like more.
Pretty fun album and it's not too long so I don't get bored of it. Some lovely harmonies in there Title track and Love Is A Hurtin' Thing are standouts As with most albums in this genre I'm not likely to give this a listen any time soon but it was enjoyable nonetheless
Señorita was actually kind of a bop in all fairness I mean the rest of it was one hour of pure cock and ball torture but that first song was alright at least
Middest of the mid 40,000 headman and Cryin' To Be Heard are good tracks. Rest is just bog standard
Sometimes I find the vocals alright but others I can't stand, like I'm Your Man - "I'd howl at your beauty like a dog in the heat". Ew. The synth is fine but gets tedious fast. After that it just sounds like an old man doing karaoke 15 pints in Saying that Jazz Police I enjoyed, not sure it warrants a higher rating because of this however Maybe a harsh 2 but compared to what I've already rated in 3 I think a 2 is justified
Fun album, better than the one of theirs I've rated previously It's a harsh 3 I enjoyed this one but not on the same level as the 4s
Love some old school hard rock every now and again but it can get too samey after a while The lyrics and vocals are quite cringe but that's common with all glam rock. The riffs and the bass make up for it If I wanted to listen to some glam rock/metal I probably wouldn't choose these over the likes of KISS or Skid Row
It's so bad I actually really enjoy it These guys shitposted before shitposting was a thing. Truly revolutionary.
I'm quite surprised I enjoy this one. Most of the time with these calmer albums I find they need something a little bit more to add to them to make them more enjoyable, but this one was different. Whether it was his voice or the mood I was in I'm not sure, but this is one I will definitely be revisiting.
Really fun album, blends many genres together. Especially love the jazzy parts in particular. Guitar solos are cool and the riffs are good but get repetitive sometimes. Bass is quite prevalent which I always like in music too The opening track, Funny Vibe and Which Way To America are standouts Defo gonna be listening to this again
Jazz is such a drag to get through. It's not terrible by any means, it's just incredibly boring Give me jazz-influenced genres any day of the week and I'll eat that shit up, but jazz by itself it too tedious. It's needs something else alongside it
This album has potential somewhere yet it didn't reach it. I enjoyed the opening song but after that it dropped off a bit. It just needed something else but I'm not sure what I'll probably check out their other albums this one was interesting
First two tracks are absolute bangers, drops off a bit after that I think I prefer the harder tracks in this compared to the slower, softer ones Brian's guitar work is insanely good and the vocals are legendary - shocker, I know. They've definitely got better stuff but this is still a great album
You would have thought that a double album being 82 minutes long would get old but surprisingly it didn't It wasn't anything special but the varied songs kept me somewhat engaged Solid throughout, higher side of 3
Whoever told him that he could sing deserves to be shot Other than that it's pretty sub-par indie rock
I should really like Led Zeppelin and I really want to but their music just does nothing for me. Technically it's really good but I just find it boring. No song really jumps out at me, there were the occasional bits, sure, but not enough to keep me interested.
I'm not sure what to rate this one. My main genre is metal. I've grown into focusing less on the lyrics and vocals and more on the riffs, guitar tone, drumming, etc. From this standpoint it's a 5 star album. When I focus on the lyrics it makes me feel ill. I did not sign up to listen to Axl Rose's sexual fantasies. Evens out to a 4 I'd say
It's unlikely I'm gonna rate these sort of albums any higher than a 3. They're cool, they're calming, she's got a great voice, just not my style. Gets a bit boring after a few
Shite all round
No more Beatles I beg
These type of albums I don't hate just find boring so I'll usually rate them a 3 but I don't like her voice that much so it goes down to a 2.
Folk can be a boring genre of music and this album is a prime example of just that. It all sounds the same because of his voice that doesn't vary in pitch and the only instrument used being an acoustic guitar. Like others, it's not awful, I guess. Just reeeeeaaaaaaalllllllyyyyyy long to get through despite being less than half an hour long
This is an album to listen to in the evening or night, not at 4:30 pm like I have been I like the synth and the overall atmosphere of the album Nothing too special, and I'm pretty sure he has better stuff, but decent nonetheless. Ooo that random bit of sax in the middle of the last song was good
Not overly shit. Just boring. Like half the albums I've had on this list already.
Bruv I did not need 20 minutes of factory funny moments followed by coked up cavemen Parts of this I really enjoyed, like Paperhouse and Halleluhwah were great, and if they hadn't decided to lose their brain cells halfway through this would have been a great album
Pretty fun, perky album. Gets tedious fairly fast but still a decent one
Cool album but not really my preferred genre of music I likes the more energetic songs than the softer ones. If they had more of that I'd rate it higher Heads Will Roll is obviously a banger, and I liked Dull Life too
It grew on me this one. I was thinking it might have needed something a bit more but as the album went on I started to enjoy it more. La Grange and Beer Drinkers & Hell Raisers are standouts Cool album
It was ok I suppose, I didn't hate it. I like the bit of variety this gives compared to the rest of the albums on this list It's very samey, which is bad for an hour long album as it just gets tedious to listen to fast Didn't really invoke anything in me but I can see why people would enjoy this
Decent chill album. Don't hate reggae, don't love it either
I found this quite an interesting album. Very groovy, very different - especially to what I usually listen to. I probably wouldn't complain if someone put this on, but if I ever wanted to listen to this again I'd have to be in a specific mood. I can't just play this whenever, it'd get annoying. Also I can get too much of this. It gets annoying, especially how similar the tracks are. Not to say it's bad, however, because I still enjoyed it somewhat. It can just get too overstimulating
This album could have been 1000x better than it actually is. It's got some aspects for it, like the vocals, guitar tone, and the energy but it's just ruined by the drumming and awful songwriting. I didn't like the calmer songs on the other album of theirs I rated "It's Blitz!" and it's the same for these ones. I'd argue they're actually worse It had the potential to be a 4/5 star album, it just got nowhere near that
She looks as good on this album cover as the songs on the album - absolutely stunning I love me some saxophone. Adds to the overall atmosphere of the album I thought the absolute banger of Smooth Operator would set too high of a standard for the rest of the songs to hit and the first couple of songs after that made my fears come true. It got to Frankie's First Affair and it came back to the highs of Smooth Operator and didn't come down again after that
The vocals on this were decent, but I was more focused on how insanely good the bass and guitar work were. Some disco type music can be repetitive, soulless and over-produced but this had me hooked. I would be dancing to this after a few on a Friday night Title track was by far the best song on the album. Went slightly downhill after that but still a great album
First track actually goes hard Followed by the fucking monstrosity that is Cowboy. Why dude Bro someone get their two year old away from this man why is a child rapping on here Labelling this as metal is a disgrace to the genre, it's more butt rock Only God Knows Why must be the literal worst song I have ever listened to. Not an exaggeration. I really, really tried to like this because I thought it would be funny to piss everyone off by playing it infront of them but fuck me, that was BAD. Easily the worst album I've had so far. I'd rather rip my toenails out with my bare hands than listen to this shite again Oh and just when you think the torture was almost over, and you thought it couldn't possibly get any worse, he drops the n word. Fucking hell lmfao
I wish I enjoyed this album more than I did. It's varied with sprinklings of different genres in there. Just something didn't click for me and I'm not sure what, maybe the production, maybe the vocals? I'm not sure I understand why people like this one, it gets a high 3 from me
For me, synth pop as a whole gets annoying after a while and this wasn't really different. I don't think this was bad by any means, just forgettable. I didn't like the vocals either. It had some cool parts, like Elegia. Not likely to revisit this however
I don't think it's terrible but it's too repetitive and too samey. I've heard worse but I'm never gonna listen to it again
Do we really need the entire Beatles discography in this list? I get having 2-3 because it's the Beatles and whatever, but surely the point of this list would be to showcase different albums from different bands in the more obscure genres, I think those are the albums you should listen to before you die. The album albeit wasn't terrible I think it's one of their better ones, but their still one of the most overrated bands in history.
Not a fan. It's very repetitive and there's not much variation in the songs. I don't like her vocals and the lyrics weird me out in some songs It's gets a 2 for its creativity and uniqueness. Plus she's willing to experiment which is always nice to see in music. I've heard worse on this list and I think it's unfair to group it with the albums I've given 1/5
There wasn't really any aspect of this album that I liked. The vocals absolutely sucked it was hard see past them. I eventually did, and I thought both the acoustic and electric guitarwork was below average. There were no real changes of pace in the songs and it all became a drag. The harmonica solos sucked too. Usually I love these random instruments in songs but it was just blasted as loud as possible down the mic. It was a tough one to get through
It's an easy listen, it's nothing too complicated, quite catchy. A nice listen Not sure the album is good enough for it to be 54 minutes long as i was a bit sick of it by Foot Of The Mountain. I liked the opening tracks though and Moon On Your Pyjamas
From what I've gathered, this album isn't one of his favourites amongst fans. I find this album to be very underrated in that case because I really enjoyed this one. It's warm and upbeat and his voice is unsurprisingly amazing. I was deadset on giving this a four and I was trying to think of reasons to mark it down but none really came. Too samey? But I didn't get bored of it. Cheesy lyrics? Probably 80% of music has dumb lyrics. It's just a really solid, easy-listening album and it will most likely become a comfort album of mine They Won't Go When I Go is my favourite track
A pretty decent modern pop album me thinks. Nothing really bad about it
The music itself gets a 3/4, but the concept of performing a concert in a prison is fucking awesome. The whole idea of it and the interactions Cash had with the crowd add to the album. Absolute fucking comedy when they started cheering when he sand about shooting a women
I've heard enough Christmas songs over the past month Pissing me off Merry Christmas fuckers
It's certainly one of the albums of all time Ah fuck it it's a fun one
The concept itself of the album was interesting but I'm not sure the music did it justice. The music was decent but nothing really hooked me in Pinball Wizard is a banger tho
Their more energetic songs, like Lion Thief and Easy, were miles better than the softer ones. Not to say they were terrible, but pretty generic and forgetful. Not sure the mixing of the album helped them necessarily Still a decent one nonetheless Sick ass cover too
The faster paced songs like the opening track were great The rest of the songs dropped off, becoming the sort of café shop background music a lot of jazz and swing is
I love the melancholic atmosphere he created, really boosted by his vocals, which are definitely the best part of the album Some tracks are really good such as Speed Trials, Alameda and Angeles, but the bad songs are quite the drop off compared to the rest. Albeit there aren't many, they drag the rating from a possible 5 to a mid 4 Still a great listen, definitely deserves a revisit
Found her voice annoying on some songs, but I liked We Do What All We Can and All I Wanna Do as my standout tracks Music behind the vocals was pretty generic and meh
I've always meant to listen to this album at some point. This project gave me the kick up the arse I needed to finally get round to this, and holy shit I've been missing out. Easily one of the best prog rock albums ever. I would give it a 5 immediately for Epitaph and 21st Century Schizoid Man alone. Ends on the title(ish) track sublimely making this the best album I've had in my (just over) 2 months of generating albums Only downside to this is the 8 minutes or so of whatever-the-fuck at the end of Moonchild. Why they decided to add in random noises beats me tbh
I disagree with those saying that it's just another shitty Britpop album and whilst I'd be inclined to agree with them, as I hate Britpop as a genre and through browsing the list of albums it seems that the afore mentioned tend to make up a fair portion of the albums, I think lumping this with the others doesn't do it justice. It clearly has the Oasis-fueled Britpop elements that I've heavily grown to hate living in a town just outside Manchester, but it also holds some pretty cool prog and psychedelic rock inspirations that I think elevates this album a fair bit. Plus I like the vocals on most of the tracks I was pretty far from enjoying everything on this one, but some tracks I'll definitely be coming back to, like Pull Together and Daniella. A high 3.
The beats and production of the album are great and the other rappers provide some nice variety and adds to the flow of the album. Snoop's rapping of this album is decent, but he's done better since this came out. I'd look to his other albums if I wanted to listen to him
What in the Skyrim
It's quite a variety of different genres which I quite liked which kept things nice and varied, like the piano in Canary. I didn't like the folk and pop rock aspects of it Her voice was ok in some songs, but worse in others. She sometimes reminded me of that hippie chick that sings in the TV show Friends
Down To The Waterline and Sultans Of Swing are absolutely fantastic tracks. Unfortunately the rest of the album doesn't live up to the same heights as those two. It drags on a bit. There were the occasional cool parts like the ending of In The Gallery but not enough imo Slightly high 3 because I definitely wouldn't complain if this was put on
It's a pretty decent alt rock/grunge album. Some of the riffs were nice and catchy and I loved the guitar tone. On the other hand, I really didn't like the vocals. I tried hard to get into them but even after a couple of relistens I just can't get past them. I'm not a fan of the acoustic guitar bits and their slower stuff in this isn't as good as the rest of the songs Overall it's solid, but I wouldn't choose these guys over the likes of Alice In Chains, for example Quiet and Soma are my standouts
The bass and the guitar work were really, really nice and groovy The songs were too stretched out. 9/10 I'm all for longer and fewer songs in an album but I don't think the music was suited to that. Each song would have benefitted from being 2-3 minutes shorter in length, because after that it got repetitive and tedious. It's a shame really, it could have been a great album
Classic hard rock album that you can't really go wrong with. Only thing stopping me from giving it a 5 is a few of the songs towards the back end that I didn't enjoy for whatever reason. Maybe they just weren't as good, or I began to get tired of the album A high 4
I've never given a Smiths album a listen until now so I'm not sure if they have any better stuff It's very typical of the 80s British indie rock that was being put out at the time, and I think this album does it ok but pretty standard Marr is getting the praise for his guitar work but I think the true hero of this album is Andy Rourke's bass, especially on Barbarism Begins at Home. I can't make my mind up on the vocals. They suck sometimes, but others I think they suit the music well
I was scrolling through the reviews to this on here and saw someone saw this album was inoffensive, which I think is the perfect word to describe it. It's decent, but sounds like every other 80s British New Wave/Post Punk band that are littered in abundance in this list. Only real standout quality was that I liked the bass in some songs. Everything else was just forgetful
I wasn't sure at first but it grew on me. Maybe slightly too long and rather repetitive, but I still enjoyed it The vocals were good and fit the music well, especially on Ko Wone Mayo
The more well known songs are good, like the title track and Smooth Criminal, but the rest don't really live up to the same heights. His vocals don't do the backing track justice. Some of these basslines are amazing. If his voice was better it could be a 5 star album
Old school hip hop is definitely the best form of rap. This one is more fun and light hearted compared to others The main hits are good, but it's the songs I'm not seeing getting talked about as much that are the proper bangers, for example Hit It Run and the title track The beats are good but get a tad repetitive. It also ends on a couple weaker songs which is why I'm not giving it a 5
Some of the tracks are way too cheesy, but others are some of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard Richard's voice is decent, but Karen's is a thing of gold. These harmonies are insanely good too It's not one to listen to often, I think I have to be in the right mood to enjoy this properly
If I had to choose only one word it rate it with it'd be overrated - quite a common theme on this website tbh How Mr Brightside is as popular as it is baffles me. It's mediocre AT A PUSH, and I blame every karaoke bar, radio station and shitty house party for decimating it even further Most of the "hits" on this album are a similar case, but the opening track and Somebody Told Me are admittedly pretty decent The rest - the filler, I guess - is just forgettable. I appreciate Everything Will Be Alright for being different, but it was still not anything special
Not a massive fan of indie rock, this album kinda explains that The guitar tone I quite like and some of the riffs are decent, but that's about all she wrote for the positives Everything else is pretty shite, especially the vocals. Oh my fucking God they suck so bad it's like he's singing in the shower. At least act like you want to be there I was gonna give it a 2 but it gives me the same wincing, grim feeling the rest of the albums I've rated 1 give me
Pretty standard, generic dad rock band, can't go wrong with it Ended nicely on my favorite track on this, You See Me Crying
I like this, it reminds me of Discovery by Daft Punk - which, by the way, is not on this list. I find that disgraceful. Some of these bass lines are amazing. It's a great chilled album, vocals are decent too I think the first track is superb, but it drops of a bit after that. Great listen tho
It's fun, it's catchy, it's vibes, I like
I've had a fair few albums similar to this - similar in terms of tempo and atmosphere - and they've all just been boring. They aren't terrible by any means, but nothing sticks to make it memorable. The best way to describe these would be inoffensive, I guess
Quite enjoyed this one in many aspects. Loved the bass and the acoustic guitar, and the more random instruments like the violin and trumpet in a couple of songs were a lovely touch. Vocals were good on some tracks too but worse on others. The first two tracks were amazing, alongside The Red Telephone. Only thing stopping me from giving it a 5 is there was a considerable drop off from the good songs and the bad, like Old Man. For someone who isn't massively into his 60s music, this is for sure one of the better ones I've listened to
Quite the mixed bag to be honest Some tracks were decent, like You're All I've Got Tonight and the ending track Most tracks were fine, just dull. Then there was whatever the fuck I'm in Touch with Your World was Levels out to a 2, maybe just off a 3
Pretty decent record, nice café background music. It was quite nice for a Sunday morning Got more boring as it went on
An album full of covers, that are all sub-par versions of their originals. They sound disjointed and I don't think suit the style of the Rolling Stones It's probably a harsh 1, but they've done miles better after that. It's also definitely not one to listen to before you die, and there are miles better artists and albums you can listen to in this genre for better music
I think it's inferior to BSSM in pretty much every way. I prefer the energy, the riffs, the bass, the guitar tone, etc. on their other album on here. The only thing the same is Anthony's voice, which has definitely grown on me more and more I listen to these guys That's not to say that Californication is bad by any means. It's still a great album. It has its songs, like This Velvet Globe and Emit Remmus, but the highs aren't as high and the lows are lower.
It's not terrible, I think - I guess? It's just incredibly dull and uneventful. If it was a 30 minute album rather than an hour maybe I'd have given it a 2, but it has no right to take up that much time whilst being one of the most boring albums I've ever listened too His vocals suck too
I just don't get the appeal unfortunately. I'm all for experimental stuff and it's these types of albums that probably should make the list due to their uniqueness, but it just didn't click. I don't like the production, the synth, and hated the vocals.
It needed more energy and more from the backing band, because his vocals are definitely not good enough by themselves. Saying that some of the bass lines I liked, and a bit of the guitar work was ok. A couple of tracks I liked, such as Lipstick Vogue and The Beat. The rest were just boring and needed something more
The hits of this album are a 4, maybe even a 5. Songs like Dreams, The Chain, Go Your Own Way (shoutout to that amazing guitar solo at the end of it. I liked the ending track too. The rest of the songs on the album let them down. Too mellow, too soft, too uneventful. Not enough passion in the "filler" songs. Is it a good album? At times yes, but not consistently Does it deserve to be the highest rated album on this website? Absolutely not
Oh so very inconsistent. Some parts were very, very good, but when she tried hitting the high notes it's was BAD. If she toned it down a notch this would have been miles better
The first half or so I was enjoying. I'm not a massive fan of live album, but you couldn't really tell it was one so it didn't make much of a difference. It just dragged on and on and on. Cut it down by at least 20 minutes and it's a miles better album
I've given this list a fair bit of shite but one positive thing it's done for me is introduce me into my liking for soul/funk music. The main reason why I like this stuff is the bass, and Verdine White is one of the best in the business. The vocals and the harmonies are good too. All round nice album
Pretty fun one. Simplistic, energetic and catchy one that I can't really dislike all too much Probably wouldn't be disappointed if I'd missed out on this, it's very generic as a 70s Punk album
The ambient stuff I can't really go wrong with, but they don't do enough for me to seek them out to listen to again. It's nice and calm, but boring. Goes on for too long too
Better than Meat Is Murder for sure, but I still think The Smiths are overrated a bit. I liked some of the songs on here quite a bit surprisingly, like Last Night I Dreamt That Someone Loved Me. Morrissey's vocals on that song in particular were pretty good, alongside other times. He's far from consistent with them, as he went back to his whiney wankery that was more prominent on MIM. It's one of the better New Wave albums I've listened to, but that genre as a whole is so incredibly mid. I've given so many threes it's getting tiresome
I've come to the conclusion, I just don't like jazz.
Fast-paced, energetic, just what you want from a punk album. Pretty bog standard for one though
It's pretty basic, but still catchy and an easy enough listen. His vocals aren't as bad as some people are saying but they aren't exactly on par with Frank Sinatra so it lessens the quality I've seen these guys live about a year ago. I enjoyed it and I'm not that big of a fan of them
Always thought that Radiohead are overrated, but it's good to come back to stuff I don't like every now and again to see if my tastes change. It's what got me into death metal, after all. Yeah nah it's still shite
Fucking hell Prince at least take me out to dinner first I get his whole aesthetic and how he wants to portray himself, but to me it just comes off as pretentious and a bit of a wanker A lot of these songs are at least 3 minutes too long, making them feel so, so repetitive. Not all songs were like that though especially towards the back end, such as Free and International Lover
Not quite sure what to make of this one I enjoyed it somewhat
I didn't listen to all of it, because listening to it on YouTube is a pain in the arse. I don't think it deserves to be one of the lowest rated albums of the website. I like her voice and the music behind it, but it got repetitive and is probably too long
This is my second Bob Dylan album, and I gave it a lot of shit for the obnoxiously blaring harmonica and his god awful vocals. Both of which are much more pleasant in this album, but still pretty underwhelming. He's a great storyteller obviously, but the voice of said storyteller isn't for me. It was quite beautiful and calming at times, but, like most albums on this list, got repetitive.
Enjoyed this a lot more than I thought. First three tracks were absolutely amazing, especially with the piano and saxophone additions. They compliment his voice really well. Some songs were a drop off, going on for longer than they needed to, like She's Always a Woman. Ended on a really high note though.
This one took me some analysing to realise how good this album is. I was about to dismiss it as some random Techno album and lump it with a the other few Electronica albums I've had already. Upon further reflection, though, it's a lot more complex than I originally thought. I'm not a massive fan of albums that require me to actually think about why it's good, I'd rather it just sound good at first listen. In my far prom professional opinion, those sort of albums sometimes come off as pretentious and annoying. Not quite sure why this one is an exception, but I enjoyed it. It still has some of the generic themes of Techno albums (prime example goes to Pearl's Girl - loved the pace and energy it brought) but it also incorporated elements of rock as some New Wave stuff that go underappreciated. It started of slow, with the first two songs being way longer than they deserved to be, but after that it picked up massively. Sure, it was repetitive, but I've yet to find a Electronic album that isn't.
I criticised Elephant for being too simplistic. This one if far from that in all fairness. But that doesn't make it better. Like Elephant, the slower songs are the weaker ones, which seems to make up a majority of the album. Some stuff was catchy, sure, but it wasn't anything special. Blue Orchid on this album is what Seven Nation Army is on Elephant. It sets such a high standard for the rest of the album that the rest of the songs just are nowhere near. I appreciate the variety of the songs, and I'm all for experimentation, but this wasn't it.
Some decent bluesy-folky rock. I enjoyed the bass and some of the saxophone parts, alongside his voice too. It was an easy, catchy listen and it didn't really put much of a foot wrong. Not really my jam, but can see why people like it. A high 3
Another drag to listen to, like the rest of the jazz albums I've had. I'm sure the jazz connoisseurs of this website will be no doubt creaming themselves whilst listening to it. Not for me though. I'll go cream to some Bolt Thrower, my beloved.
I listened to Mezzanine for the first time about two months ago and I absolutely loved it since, so I am very happy to get given another Massive Attack album on here. This is really good for sure. The variety of different vocalists keep things fresh, which is always nice with an Electronic album, and it's a great downtempo album after a long day - or to get absolutely blazed to, take your pick. It doesn't get a 5 because they've done better stuff, and some tracks are weaker than others, such as Spying Glass. Horace Andy has done some bangers with these guys, but this wasn't one of them. It's also not an album you can play at any point in the day. I have to be in the right mood to properly enjoy it. One small annoyance I have with Massive Attack is that I don't get to hear enough of Robert's vocals. I think he's a great vocalist, but he doesn't have that much to sing on this or Mezzanine. I wish he was given more.
Absolute banger. I can't really say anything bad about this album in all honesty. The guitar tone is good - sounds a lot like Dream Theater - the bass is absolutely fantastic and the riffs and solos are even better. His vocals are decent too - one of my favourite prog rock albums for sure. Standout tracks are Tom Sawyer and YYZ
That first song caught me well off guard it sounds like it was made for a movie or a theatre performance. I quite liked those sort of dramatic songs that appeared every now and again, considerably more than the slower stuff. His voice is undeniably great It's very, very dated though. Not just in the music but the lyrical content too
It was alright, I can understand why people enjoy it so much
Better than the other two Led Zeppelin albums I've rated already. Not sure why this is, but I enjoyed it. That opening 4 run of songs are absolutely great
Can definitely tell it was produced by Kanye He's not as good of a rapper as Kanye is, but it's still a great album
Quite good, one of the better reggae albums I've listened too I think the songs went on too long, it got quite samey. There wasn't much need for the instrumentals either
Definitely better than the one I had of theirs previous - the bright coloured one, I think it's got some flowers on it. Can't remember the name and can't be arsed to look. The first four tracks are phenomenal, but it gets a three because everything else after that is a considerable drop off, which is a shame really.
Yet to find a New Wave/Post Punk album I've enjoyed. Not that I dislike them, they're just not for me I'd usually rate this a 3 but for some reason this just comes off as, I don't know, pretentious? I'm not sure how to put it but it just annoyed me for some reason so fuck you
Don't think I've ever seen someone less qualified to say the n word than this guy That's not the reason I'm giving it a 1 by the way. I'm giving it a 1 because it's worse than This Year's Model in every single way, his vocals SOMEHOW managed to piss me off even more, and Elvis just annoys me. At least I don't have to see his face on the album cover anymore
This website every now and again gives some absolute gems and this is for sure one of them. Not sure how to word it, or put it into a genre. I just know I like it, and that imma listen to it again
Honestly if it wasn't her singing I would have enjoyed it a lot more. Her voice just isn't for me
Usually, I love me some distorted shit, like distorted bass and guitars. It's fucking amazing in doom and sludge metal. So I would have thought that I would have liked this too. The similarity between this and doom metal is it's repetitiveness. But with doom metal, you can get away with it because the riffs are so fucking good. With this, it gets old fast. That, backed up by the subpar drumming, god awful vocals, and clear rip-off from The White Stripes (of which I am not a massive fan of anyway) makes this album not very good. It gets marks for the overall noise of it, because it's absolute filth and I like that. I also would rather listen to this than Justin Timberlake, or another Elvis Costello album, so it gets a 2.
Average pop album
Fuck yes man, this is the sort of stuff I'm looking for. It brings the best parts of techno and adds in some Asian elements and it creates a godlike combination. Really unique, really talented, a nice breath of fresh air. Probably the only reason I am not giving it a 5 is my opinions on techno and genres adjacent. I need to be in the right mood to listen to it, and especially with this album due to it's far-fetchedness. A high 4, nonetheless.