Bee GeesWas expecting “Staying Alive” and had to settle for my best effort at Staying Awake. I didn’t get this at all. 1.5
Was expecting “Staying Alive” and had to settle for my best effort at Staying Awake. I didn’t get this at all. 1.5
Wow it’s rare that I hate something instantly. This accomplished that feat.
Didn’t particularly dig this. Nothing wrong with it but just meh. Very doesn’t belong on this list.
I am conditioned to see Sinatra and think oh it’s a classic this will be good. But it’s kinda not. His voice is nice but the album is a drag. 2.5
One of the OGs of the style. Still incredible even all these years later.
Starting with a strong one
Definitely like the funkier more than the gospel like
Meh. All sounds same
Man, nostalgia for this one. High school all over
Don’t remember this at all. Not a style i typically like. Drone-y. Come Together is ok though.
I remember her hits and they are still amazing but some of the ones I didn’t know hit lyrically too. Better than I knew.
It’s weird that it’s been five years already. I’ve never really listened to this one, so far it’s melancholic but 100% Bowie. He knew he was close to the end.
Not really my style but I can respect the production values and thematic vision. Listening again, it’s growing on me, it’s very tight
More high school nostalgia. I wonder what it would have been like to experience this as “current” music though. Weird to hear some of these alternate versions to the ones I know. Not sure which first
Another one I can’t really relate to, but understand it. Musically it’s got some good production and some interesting samples. Also some corny skits.
Another one I already know well. This band has always been about the bass guitar for me. Obviously the other stuff too whatever lol
Ooh my first impression are this is going to be cool. I really enjoyed this one. Surprised it’s the first time I’ve really heard it.
I want to like this be use I know it’s culturally important but man it’s a bit of a chore so far. Cold is interesting Listening more and I still don’t really feel it. Oh well
I dig this. He so young here. Such a mood music. You can feel exactly where he’s singing about. Helps that it’s got my favorite style bass
Some bit a goodness. His voice is nice to hear. I’m just not moved by it that much.
Still feels fresh. Got that obvious Niles Rogers influence.
Not my fav
Huh. I’m shocked by how much I like some of this. I’ve been chasing the feeling that I got from his song at the end of Good Will Hunting since I first saw it. Don’t think it’s possible to get that again.
Quite a few songs on this that I know that I didn’t know were them. Good stuff
This is corny. It’s try hard and “edgy”. Not for me
It’s ok. Don’t love it don’t hate it.
This is pretty good and clearly Steely Dan but lacks a bit of standout hit. Would probably grown on me but as is, probably more elevator music. Listened again, it’s pretty darn solid if not amazing. Could see how it’s got staying power
Classic. If you don’t find yourself singing with the harmonies there’s something wrong with you.
Man I almost didn’t listen to this one. Sure glad I did, it’s quite a bit more musical than I was expecting from “punk”
This is why I’m doing this project. I’ve never even heard of this group let alone listened. This is wild.
Good not great. The song I was most excited about was a suggested song after this album from a later Bowie album.
Just can’t get into this. It’s like store brand skynnard
Spotify only has partial album. Oh this is the “Our house “ guys. Love that song
What a monster. Every track is a hit so far. Didn’t know all of these were from same album
I like the guitar and slide guitar. Feels like I’m eating at a BBQ restaurant.
I like her voice. Musically it’s ok. I suspect it’s mainly a lyrical success but I haven’t closely listened.
Classic. Shame some of these have been so associated with other things for me (CSI). Interesting to hear some of the other tracks
Well this is some weirdness. Cant say I liked it, disliked at times even.
Finally one I already know really well.
I’ve always been torn about Led Zeppelin. Musically it’s great but his voice annoys me. At the time I would have thought this as a revolutionary.
It’s ok. Got some cool psychedelia sounds. Not mind blowing, but pretty decent
Some of this pretty decent with the perspective of when it was. Had no idea Elected was the inspiration to the Ramones. I don’t really feel like it stands up as “hard” like it used to be haha
I had no idea Not Fade Away was not a dead original. Clean vocal album not something that I really like but I appreciate it. Good simple music but they seem like an obvious influence on others.
Man this is dark. Not so much enjoyable but it’s really powerful
Wow. I know these songs but this is high energy. This would have been nuts to see in person. This is great
Takes a while to warm up. Kinda boring if I’m honest. I guess this was up against disco and soft rock making it more influential as “hard” but it’s just kinda meh to me. One or two good tracks doesn’t make this a great album for me.
Man I remember this one. This was a big one
Oof. Might skip this one.
I’m not quite sure how this is super influential or anything. It’s ok.
Ok, but mainly for a couple of hits. While album doesn’t stand up.
Kinda pre grunge feel. Nice clean music but Lou reed esque vocals
I’ve never really understood the hype of Prince.
Love. This one is genuinely life changing for music.
I know why this is considered big. Kinda rocking back up post grunge. I just don’t really like it. It’s ok.
Meh. Standard 90s bland rock
Odd. But quite enjoyable. Glad I’ve heard this now.
His voice is annoying as fuck and the guitar can be a bit masturbatory but you can’t deny this was a huge album. Full of hits and influence.
Not really into it, but it seems like “good” punk
Impressive but not really my style.
God so much of this is cliche now but they invented it
A little confused why this is rated so well. Probably grows on you.
This is shockingly still really good
Some great songs and some meh. Would be 3.5 if I could.
Some great songs and some meh.
Didn’t enjoy this one as much.
Yes. Not many are going to get five star but this does
So far I really dislike this. It’s like elevator music that’s depressing. The fact that I can’t just ignore it is wild, it actively pisses me off
Jesus. Almost cut myself on all this edge. I like the some of the music but the vocals are just cringe.
Probably needs a lot of listens and drugs.
Quite Chicago-y.
It’s ok
Own this, bought on NASA Glenn trip. Not quite as good as their previous but still amazing
One of the most amazing jazz records of my experience.
Spotify didn’t seem to have this one. Listened YouTube for like 10 seconds. Not my style
Couple gems rest meh
Outstanding. I didn’t know this existed. Five star would have been achieved with only Ecstasy of Gold
Really like this one
I don’t love it don’t hate it.
Life changing album for me in high school. Absolutely incredible.
I didn’t realize how many of these famous tracks were from ONE album. Wow
Just kinda boring
Didn’t like. Don’t see the appeal.
Interesting. Sounds like 70s church.
I quite liked this one. Winston too.
Other than respect, it’s ok.
Just a little hard to get into. Can tell it was something in the era but it didn’t age well for me.
Not my style
Got that sound of the psychedelic rock but just isn’t good. Maybe spotify is missing songs
Pretty fun
So great. It quite five star but would get 9/10
I can see where this was headed but just doesn’t do it for me.
It’s good background music but just lacks an engagement for me. Miss the harmonies that made CSNY so great. While talented, these quiet guitar licks don’t do it for me.
Title track I remember. Decent track. Otherwise pretty forgettable 90s music.
For the most part, never heard this. I know I’ve heard samples from this though. Pretty good. I enjoy it lyrically and a lot of it still as relevant as the day written.
I don’t love Elvis but man he’s undeniable.
My favorite part is when it ended. I won’t be giving out many 1 stars but this one sure earned it.
Not really my favorite. I appreciate it being impactful but not likely to listen to it again. Jimmy is probably my most enjoyed track.
I love Dave Brubeck. He was one of the first that showed me how important time signatures were and how atypical time could be so intriguing.
Boy you just didn’t need much musical ability to make Brit punk. Only the last track was interesting to me. The rest you can literally skip to any point in any track and it sounds the same. Not for me.
Pretty repetitive and not all that interesting.
This would be 4.5 if we could do those. Know so many of these songs but didn’t know their titles.
Three big hits on this album took my right back to high school. Other stuff not quite as good but true to the same feeling. Solid 3.5 but I’ll go ahead and bump to 4
Haunting and beautiful. Another one I knew quite well before this project
The album aged mostly well, the interludes are corny and cringe now but they kinda were then too. Mostly reminds me of college parties, I wasn’t exactly the target audience of this one.
Seems like basically every generic indie band from that era.
Very good Cuban sound
Wondering when I’d get this. Lives up to its worst rating. Holy bad.
Pretty good sound. Like it but it’s not likely to make my rotation. 3.5
I liked it. I had head some of it before not knowing the name. Some of the street talk was amusing some annoying. The music was very cinematic and energetic. Good stuff.
Hard to get into. Feels like you need to really absorb lyrics but the music and voice doesn’t make me want to dive in. Feels like it insists upon itself.
This is a throwback to school dances. Gotta admit I’ve only heard Humpty before this listen. The rest of pretty good, funky samples decent rhyming. Considering the era this is pretty darn good. RIP Shock G who just passed.
Lenny Kravitz has always been a weird case of underachievement to me. He’s clearly extremely talented but just went away. Maybe that’s what he wanted. Anyway this album has some good stuff but I don’t think his best.
His voice has always annoyed me. Some good tracks here though.
Some good some not. Music more engaging than lyrics. Particularly like bass guitar. Change might be my favorite.
I like it. Would be 3.5. But tiebreaker I’ll lean up.
Boring. Scream singing. Drums too forward on a lot of tracks and an overall focus on LOUDNESS. Sounds a lot like white stripes but bad.
Lo fi. Lo enjoyment.
I get that it’s a style, maybe if an important album to that style but it’s not even slightly enjoyable. The UK-ness of this book is showing.
I dig it. It’s fun to hear some classics through his voice.
I think I like the non remastered version of this better. Hard to stream though. It’s not easy to understand this in context. This was probably absolutely mind blowing at the time. Now it’s still good but not 5 star.
The voice and harmonica combo will just never get old on this one. It’s just so uniquely him. Lot of hits here. Instantly takes me back to when I first heard it.
Man I forgot just what a giant this album is, so many hits. Her voice and style opened the doors for so many.
Hard not to rate this well. Not every song is a gem but those that are make up for it. I’m thankful that Wayne’s World revived the interest in Queen.
Live Motörhead is still Motörhead. Autocorrect knows that name. Cool. A little of this went a long way for me and by about the third song I was kinda done. Ace of Spaces and Iron Horse I like best.
This one is so good. I’ll stretch to a five
Ok. Really slow start to a lot of tracks. Not bad but not special. Found myself skipping around a lot in the second half. 2.5
Concept portion was kinda neat as a concept but I don’t need to hear it again. America is good the others totally forgettable. Side B has fun. I had no idea Hazy Shade of Winter was theirs, I only know the Bangles version.
I like it. Interesting that this was the start of bossa nova. Sometime we just kind of take for granted as existing music.
One of the OGs of the style. Still incredible even all these years later.
Holy crap all these hits are the same dude on the same album. Wow.
The title track is a classic that I’d heard a million times. Not much else familiar on the album and if I’m honest I can see why. It’s just not engaging. Really samey soft lyrics over very safe music.
I enjoy the music but her voice just grates on me.
The writer of this book being from UK is showing. Never heard of this. Sounds like pretty standard 90s britpop at first but it’s a lot deeper than that. Glad I pushed past my initial impression. I’m a little surprised these guys weren’t bigger in the states.
Easy to listen to, pretty easy to visualize the story. Not something I’d listen to much.
This isn’t my sound. But it sounds like a reasonable version of that sound. 5/10
I respect this but don’t particularly like it.
The hits from this album are as big as ever but I’m surprised by some that I hadn’t ever heard. “Right” is great, funky bass and rhythm. No Ziggy on this one. For better or worse. 4.5
I am conditioned to see Sinatra and think oh it’s a classic this will be good. But it’s kinda not. His voice is nice but the album is a drag. 2.5
Was expecting “Staying Alive” and had to settle for my best effort at Staying Awake. I didn’t get this at all. 1.5
Been a long time since I listened to this. This was so big at the time, really set the bar of what “alternative” could be. Harder rock or softer elegant pieces. The guitar pedals effects and drums mix/level just scream early mid 90s 4.5 stars, rounded to 5
There are several songs on here that by themselves would pull an album score up, but to have them all together is bananas. What a monumental album. Wooden Ships hit me hard when I first heard it back in probably middle school and hasn’t ever lost it. I wonder how I’d feel about this album if I didn’t have nostalgia attached to it. The vocal harmonies are timeless and the guitar is still great. I bet still 4 stars at least, but with nostalgia this is an easy 5
It’s powerful and clearly showing his potential but I’m too far from that era to experience it properly.
I really like the first track but after that it’s kinda all unfamiliar. It’s pretty good britpop or whatever classification this would be. Hard to hear his voice and not think gorillaz
The only value in this one is the historic documentation of Syd’s degradation. Some of the songs I know mostly from covers that Fishman would do before he played the vacuum. I’ll round a 1.5 up to 2 just being generous.
Another British one I’d never heard of before. (That’s a recurring theme of this book) it’s pretty enjoyable in the moment but not something that screams to me or will likely get replay.
If you could wear a CD out I would have worn this one out back in the 90s. It was so deep to me then. Still sounds good.
Never knew this bands name but have heard these songs a lot. Some of its just 80s so bad that it’s good. I dig the hell out of wobbly baselines and the glorious synths.
Know a whole lot of these already the others sound similar. Hard to identify with this and not feel like a bit phony but I like it.
Ten seconds in … gee what decade did this come from? I’m trying I’m trying I’m trying not to just skip tracks This is really where a ten star system is needed. They aren’t as bad as other 1 stars but I feel worse than 2 stars. But I’m trending down on this one.
It’s fine. Not something I really liked or disliked. I can see how this would appeal in certain moods or stages of my life.
Not enjoying this. I’m pretty amazed this was considered good. The music is pretty ok but his voice is awful and lyrics are just dorky
Undeniable influence. After first two tracks though it just kinda drags.
I was pretty meh about this when it came out. Same 25ish years later
Not for me.
Man there are more hits on this album than I realized. Knew the songs but not the names. These were crazy hits at the time are are still essential party jams.
I don’t love it, didn’t hate it. Decent background music.
It’s kinda samey but what he does, he does well.
I just don’t see how this is anything special. Maybe I need to be on heroin. It’s not terrible but nothing I need to hear again.
The bigger hits on here I know and like but don’t love. I can see how this was a big influence though. Some of the tracks were pretty forgettable. I bet these guys were super fun live. 3.5 stars
What needs to be said about Skynyrd.
I know I’ve heard this group before because I recognize the voice and sound. But I don’t think I’d heard any of this one. It’s pretty good, I enjoy it musically and at times when I’ve paid attention, lyrically. The silent track was probably interesting …. Once. Then just annoying. I’ll check more of them out.
Pretty good, not something I’d likely play again other than the hits. 3,5
Such a great one.
I liked this. Felt like so many of these i kinda knew, but not these versions. Maybe they are covers or covered.
This is an experience. Wow.
I wish I had found this group earlier. I love it and have found so much through the too. Definition of a five.
This album is all over the place. Some of it I’d consider decent, if a little bit clunky. Like a high school garage band. That part has me in the three star range. But then you get into the droning single sustained sound that makes you feel like all but one member is on a cigarette break. That’s solid 1/2 star territory (depending on the sound). I’ve had the urge to skip to the next track frequently. This could be the most masterful work lyrically but I have no idea what they’re saying so I’d never know. This would be 3/10. So I’ll round it to 2 as it isn’t quite down with the one star stuff.
This is going to be hard. I really dislike this genre. I don’t even want this in my Spotify messing up recommendations.
I don’t much like country but listened through this. It was fine, I’m sure it has more meaning and significance to fans on the genre. Just sorta seems like generic country to me though.
It’s ok. Nothing that really moved me. As I was listening a song came on that was really good … but I realized album was over and Spotify had suggested me an Arcade Fire tune. So 2.5 stars, which I’ll round down
High school flashbacks. Hard to imagine that era without this album and band. Extremely influential and still kicks ass to this day. Easily one of the top albums on this whole list in terms of “must hear”
As far as the genre goes, this is pretty clearly at the top with Marley. Not music I’ll likely listen to again but maybe on a beach vacation or something.
My review for this one didn’t stick. I’ve never understood Springsteen fandom. This one is no different. It’s boring and just seems phony. It’s not offensive to the ear so it escapes a 1.
Never heard any of their early stuff. I can see they had a lot of innovation going and sound that carried forward. Can’t say much of this was ultra memorable but it’s a good enough listen.
Royalty of progressive rock. This is one I knew some of but never heard as a complete work. It’s solid four.
I knew the hits, how can you not love these cheesy ass songs.
It’s ok. The hits are obviously the high points and the rest is forgettable. Not best Clapton.
I didn’t know the name but knew some of the tracks. Pretty enjoyable. Lot of it was just Beatles-light but his more vocal Exploratory bits stand apart. I’d do 3.5 if I could but I’ll stay 3.
Funky as all hell. Love the organ, the voices are great. Bass just all up in there. This probably blew minds in the day.
Oldie reminds me of road trips from my youth. I don’t love it but very influential.
Interesting sound, I enjoyed it.
Didn’t particularly enjoy this one. It’s got a familiar feel to artists that came later so I assume it’s on this list as an influence. On its own though I find it pretty forgettable.
Couldn’t get into this. I heard a lot of samples that I know I’ve heard elsewhere, these guys probably were first. I don’t know why I didn’t like this, seemed odd cadence and somewhat low energy. Still better than a lot of modern style.
I know very little in this genre so it’s a bit hard to rate. Sounds like Brazilian lounge music. It’s enjoyable.
Not typically my type of music. I enjoyed the first track a lot, it’s one I knew. The rest of the album ranged from weird and not great to pretty good. I won’t revisit this but can see it as a step towards stronger female singers
I just keep wanting it to be Gorillaz. Still good.
It’s pleasant enough and all signature VM sound. Just nothing really stood out for me.
I wasn’t moved by this. Pretty boring.
I’m a little confused why this is on the list, it’s quite fun and I like it but it’s derivative and seems like a cover band. Nonetheless I enjoy it so it’s getting a good score. This for me, is will and Carlton at the dance off. Ha.
Didn’t like as much as his other work.
Don’t really dig this. It’s got a Leonard Cohen feel to it, just not as interesting. It’s an achievement to do a whole album solo but this could have benefitted from a little bit more accompaniment. Moses and Dixie feel like highlights for me. Very unlikely I’ll revisit this one.
Shoegaze just isn’t for me.
Meh. This doesn’t work for me
Been a really long time since I’ve listened to this one. I don’t love it but man you can’t say it wasn’t revolutionary. Absolutely amazing command of sound. Easy to see how Reznor has successfully done so many soundtracks. He gets emotional music.
I expected and hoped for something more ridiculous from “The Flying Burrito Brothers” Instead I got relatively straight forward dusty trail music. Not my cup of tea, but it’s decent. Wheels I think I liked best.
This defined so much of that era. The hits still hit as hard as day one. I hadn’t listened to this all the way through in a long while but it still fantastic.
Looking forward to this one. Know some PSB hits but never explored them. After listen: Not exaclty what I was expecting but very danceable and good energy. Lacked some “catchy ness”
I’ve never listened to this the whole way through. The hits are still as epic as ever and I found a lot of the in betweens to be really good examples of highly technical metal. I think Metallica will always have the crown for me of king. Not only did they help establish the genre, they did it with clean intentionally played music, not just noisy shredding. Every note has a purpose. This one isn’t my personal favorite of theirs but it’s inpossible to deny the influence and lasting quality. I’d do 9/10 if we were on that scale, but it will be a 5.
Pretty standard stoner rock. Not much as a whole stuck out. The guitar is good the rest meh. Dislike this style drums.
Nice voice. Not my style music hard to be objective.
Hard meh.
Beautiful voice. Timeless.
I feel stupid that I know almost all of this music but didn’t know it was ALL Herbie Hancock. What a legend.
This is a surprisingly high quality recording. I wasn’t familiar with this bands work beforehand. I had heard the boys are back song of course but didn’t know it was them. I found this to be pretty fun and medium-high energy rock. Some of the songs feel a little generic at times but the instruments all come through balanced and just work. I don’t know if I’ll intentionally revisit, but I won’t turn it off if I hear it again
Another strange one by the master of strange. Liked this one more than the last of his I reviewed.
It’s ok. Not really my favorite.
I’m shocked how much I liked this, not at all my typical style but it’s just so good.
Didn’t particularly dig this. Nothing wrong with it but just meh. Very doesn’t belong on this list.
Classic, no one quite like Cat Stevens.
Definitely dig this but not quite 5
Another one that’s highlighting how British biased this book is (duh author from UK) I just had another happy mondays album a couple of days ago so unlucky RNG from the site. I don’t know that I’ll genuinely give this the shot it might get in a few weeks. The meh is still hard from the last one.
This was quite weird. Like a concept folk album with some psychedelic rock thrown in once and a while. I didn’t dislike it but it didn’t do much for me. Might grow on me if I listened a bunch more. The first suggested Genesis song that came on after this album instantly reminded me how much they can rock, but this just wasn’t it.
Another punk record that I just can’t get into. Very samey and just not interesting.
Wish Ace of Spades wasn’t the first song because it’s leagues above the rest of the album. That said, the other stuff is pretty good if you’re in that early speed metal mood. Just don’t listen to the lyrics. Hot crap some it it. Especially Jailbait, I don’t know if that was accepted in its era but oof that’s cringey now. This is right between at 3 and 4 for me. I’ll let the title track push it to 4. Incidentally, Ace of Spades is the best taco on Torchy’s Tacos secret menu. If you happen to be anywhere near a torchy’s, check it out.
How did this come out in 2017? I saw them at festivals in this era and it just felt much “older” as does this album. Not in a bad, I just mean from another era. An era that I happen to like. This one didn’t come alive for me until “how do you sleep?” It made me realize I needed to turn up the volume. This music just needs to be louder.
I love that Beck has always just defied boundaries. This album is now exception. Still as fresh as day one. Love that extended bonus content too.
Enjoyable if not a little weird. I don’t know her stuff all that well but it’s always entertaining.
Listened to this one a bunch of times. More than I normally give an album. It’s great, oddball lyrics that I’m not entirely sure I followed but liked. Elements of progressing psych, electronic and all sorts of just unique Flaming Lips. Definitely 9/10
Boy this is cringe from a lyrics standpoint. Music ok to good. Wouldn’t listen again
I’m not sure you could find an album that has more of that “early 90s” sound. I also like that this music is all over the place. Tons of secondary styles. None of which particularly move me, but it was fine.
Bleh. Don’t get why this is on this list. Its so generic.
Excellent blues rock album. You can clear hear how he influenced so many future bands. 4.5
I saw her in the festival circuit supporting this album. It’s not really my thing but she clearly has talent. Nothing on this album really stood out to me though, all just brooding love lost lyrics.
I can see the influence but it sure gets old in a hurry.
Several on here I’ve never heard in addition to the super hits. Oh! you pretty things and Andy Warhol stand out and great songs new to me. It’s a 5
Sounds pretty samey but I really like that sound so it works out. At the time this was ground breaking use of those techniques. It’s still great even all those years later.
Oh. Now this is cool. It didn’t keep same energy throughout but i liked it.
I’ve never understood the obsession with the Black Crowes. Their music is ok to good but the signing is flat and poorly mixed. Mumble rock. I wouldn’t turn it off but I wouldn’t turn it on either
Missed this one where it was new. Wasn’t really my scene, still mostly isn’t. Some tracks I enjoyed but the more screamy vocals don’t work for me. 2.5
Meh. Doesn’t stand the test of time.
4.5 side one is a masterpiece.
I liked it, odd that I’ve heard almost none of this one. Wouldn’t call myself an ABBA fan exactly but it’s been around. It’s a good listen
Wonder situational music. What a voice and unique sound. Such a tragic story he lived.
Don’t know much of this music so hard to compare. But I enjoyed it.
First song.. hey this is pretty cool. Second song. Ok still pretty neat. Halfway through … holy crap this is dragging.
Wow it’s rare that I hate something instantly. This accomplished that feat.
This is music that takes several listens to grow on you but after it has, I really enjoy it. It’s almost like being “in the know” in a weird way. Like you appreciate the little notes and specific little sounds that aren’t obvious on first listen. Well I do anyway. I frequently wonder how many on this list I didn’t like or felt meh about are the same way.
Has a familiar vibe. Somewhat like a tv on the radio and two door cinema feel. Nothing really stood out, but it was pleasant enough
It’s Neil young without the blazing guitar solos
Not ever going to work for me. Just can’t get into this style.
High school for me. Been a while that I listened to the album in full play through. Forgot how much of a giant it is, still really good after all this time too. Every single song hits me with massive memories. Some good some bad, but still a ride I’m glad to take.
Incredible timing. I was listening to this one on my own two days before this popped up here. I hadn’t listened to it in years prior. If you like heavily sample driven music that’s very cycling and self referential, then I think this is going to work. So many things to notice on replays. I really dig this music.
I don’t know why this was on the list. It’s fine but not special. 2/5
Production sounds good but this isn’t my jam.
Never listened to any of this album that wasn’t on the radio. The songs seem pretty simple now but they are still good. Strong voice doesn’t need too much help.
One of the very best. For anyone experiencing this for the first time(and enjoying), try to find the movie that goes with it. It’s so good.
It’s ok. Hard to understand why it’s on a list like this.
I’ve never actually listens to this one the whole way through. What can I add to what’s already been written about the Beatles? Impactwise this is obviously a 5. Personal rating id probably but it as a 4. I started this list trying to be objective but have moved to subjective for my own tastes. So 4 it is.
Awful. Like a first year dorm kid playing for smokes.
Wow this is fantastic. I knew a few of the songs already but it’s really incredible as a whole. The standouts for me are the songs with Thom.
I didn’t enjoy this. Didn’t hate it but it’s just not doing anything for me.
Near perfection for me. Not a bad note on this one.
Not much to this for me. I bet with repeated listenings I might notice some things. But for now it’s just simple ambient.
An evolution they took that I liked. Less bouncy and more harmony. I think how much I like this is based on how familiar it is, having been drilled into our heads forever. Hearing this today for the first time probably wouldn’t even make an impression.
Not on Spotify.
Not their best but I still like it.
This is such a weird album. The songs that made it to the radio (perfect day, wild side, satellite) are classics and stand up today. The others are cringey are best and just flat out bad in some cases. Lou Reed is definitely a unique experience and I think you have to have a specific mindset to fully grasp it. Maybe I don’t have that. 3/5 mostly pulled by those three songs.
Boring. I found myself just not listening to it at times. Normally when an album pops up here that I’ve never heard of it’s some British oddball stuff that has/had no US impact. Feel like this is one of those. Evidently people claim this to be the original trip-hop and led to Portishead etc. for that reason I’ll round a 2.5 up to 3
Clear influence but it just hasn’t aged well for me. I just wanted it to move me more.
Weird one. I bounced between hating it and kinda liking it. Very unlikely to revisit.
Definitely meh. Didn’t really like Oasis when this came out. Don’t really like it now.
30 seconds into this I could tell I was going to like it. No idea how I missed this in the 90s. Honestly a little goes a long way though unless you’re in a bedroom situation.
Just kinda cringey. It’s art but lacks a campfire quality that might make it sound like a western tale. There are a few Nick Cave moments I love, but none of them are here. The best part was PJ Harvey.
Other than good times this didn’t have a ton of value for me.
This is like discount Dylan. Doesn’t do much for me.
It’s signature Joni. I don’t love her voice but it’s very incredible.
I had no idea she was still active. No standout hits for me on the play through but she still sounds great. I like the weird rhythms. Hard to say if it’s a “must hear” without some historical perspective on it. But it’s decent.
One hit and filler.
Decent, I liked it.
Not my jam. I like some metal but this isn’t it.
First song is the best and most recognizable for me. The rest of the album is more “generic” late 90s. It’s fine but pretty skippable. I’ll be generous with a 3.
I’m behind on my days so this didn’t hit me on the right day. But it’s so perfect of course for the time of year. Some of these aren’t my favorite versions, but it’s a great one. A lot of these I prefer male voices. Sleigh Ride, Marshmallow world,Winter Wonderland. Christmas are my favorites. Can’t do 5 because it doesn’t work in June.
Decent. Didn’t make a huge impression of me, but I enjoyed it.
Psycho Killer alone get this to positive territory, then the rest takes it to a 4.
I’ll admit I don’t get this. It’s not offensive but I don’t enjoy it.
Easy 5.
This is a good one that’s belongs on the list but still isn’t my favorite. It’s good but not something I’ll add to my short list.
Was interesting for a while but then just got repetitive.
This isn’t my favorite style of music, but I can see the influence on future work and artists. This must have been jarring at the time.
Took me a minute to warm up to it but I dig it. Definitely didn’t know the origin of some of these tunes.
This wasn’t for me. You could skip to almost any part of the album and it’s the same held warbling note. Art i guess.
Honestly didn’t make much of an impression
It’s alright.
Cheesy. I don’t do the drugs required to enjoy this.
The hits are great. The rest was just there.
Enjoyed this one.
I’ve always felt The Rolling Stones were overrated and this kinda backs it up. This is all unmistakable as them but at the same time entirely forgettable. Loving Cup holds a special place for me, mainly because of another band’s covers of it.
I have to be in a specific mood for Cohen and to be honest, I’d rather just read the lyrics.