Kanye Westunbelievable. fucking amazing.
unbelievable. fucking amazing.
This is one of my favorite albums. It's raw. And i think it rocks. Except for Frankie tear drop wtf Alan.
this dude's vocal range is freaking NUTS. Liked the first song the best by a good margin but psychadelia has been big for me the past few years so this album just felt like another thing I'd be intentionally seeking out anyway. great stuff!
It's the pixies! My cool friend showed me fight club in high school (i mean, he did drugs, and hold older siblings... but now he's a marketing director who DJ's on the side, so... already your judgement of cool is suspect). Anyway, FIGHT CLUB. Where is my mind starts playing as civilization collapses, and that part of you, that feels conviction about things whispers in your ear, "this band fucking rules. you should fucking listen to them... but you're on the fence about Helena Bonham Carter. You're a TEEN so you don't, like, feel total conviction. You're not a psychopath. You're just a hoopy frood that wants to say things at parties like: 'That lyric is based on an experimental french film called Un Chien Andalou,' so that people know you like, know stuff and are cool and relatable." So, you take a trip with frank black to alt/noise/rock land (Amherst, Massachusetts). But you're skeptical of surfer rosa. Well, not her specifically. She looks great. You're very happy with her wardrobe. But the album she's on the cover of is A LITTLE weird. Where is my mind is so... accessible. But what's this bone machine about? Why does he pronounce broken face like broken fist in an insane falsetto voice. It's just. ROugh. It's pretty lo-fi. He's so squeaky sounding sometimes! Why is he doing that? The girl is a nice foil. We like her. what's her deal? But you go on to another pixies album because, honestly, that was not the band you felt like you were going to be listening to when you finished fight club. Luckily, Doolitle is out and that's more approachable. SO you listen to that and you're like, cool. really cool. I like the pixies. I am a pixies fan. And then one day you come back to surfer rosa and you realize it's a masterpiece. Is it the emperor's new clothes? Do I have different ears now? Am I older? Is this a band's band? Probably. But you like it. You're a real pixies fan now.
van morrison's voice is cool. there's an appeal there. I would throw on this album for fun. But i wouldn't notice it much. and i might be annoyed if like, the song moondance comes on. so, it's fine in the background.
The Stranglers burst onto the scene - "Some day I'm gonna smack your face". These droogs bring some more elaborate musicality to punk, with liberal usage of the organ
Fine background music for the bedroom, but not very inspiring beyond that
That song is alright. That song is alright. They just seem overplayed
Chill album. Good background music but full of depth if you want to listen closely. The two big hits on the album bring some extra energy as well
oh finally i get the option to rate an album after refreshing: which is how i feel about this album.
Just didn't grab me
fucking amazing
really appreciated this album. nice. punchy. punky. low-fi. goodness.
very light. easy. some familiar hits. very pleasant listen.
Love a good metal album Not sure what stands out to me here. But I found this to be a very solid listen.
For the birds
unbelievable. fucking amazing.
just could not get into.
I really enojoyed this album. It was sort of weird. sort of engrossing. and in a very interesting way sort of lilted along. loved long gone.
gave this a few listens, it grew on me, after a while.
Good listening. The singing got less grating but still noticeable even after two listens.
i like metal. this was a nice listen. had some good songs. several good listens!
such a talented fucking band. immigrant song tangerine these are incredible. their range. fantastic!
great uh, album cover.
He's a great musician, with a voice I loathe.
East, breezy, and smooth. I liked it!
I like the funk
listened to this with steven! good times. fun album. don't remember too much, but remember enjoying it but not loving it.
The songs seemed the same. And none of them were that appealing
So fresh
Meh. Pop schmop.
I appreciated this album, but it's not really my speed
some of the songs were "fun" but I didn't really like the album.
fun album, very electronic feel, i think they were pioneers? dunno. enjoyed it though.
not for me, not explicitly bad but, some of the songs were distracting because i just did not like them. at all.
big electronic fan, so hearing earlier stuff is fun, it's certainly more primitive but there's something kind of fun about that.
enjoyed the quirky singing, did not love all the songs, but it piqued my interest.
great content. good pacing. enjoyed the fanciful lyrics. for me this fills the excellent workout jams niche.
meh, there are some fun poppy songs but, it's just not my style at all. i'm sure some of the stuff he was doing is NOW overdone but wasn't then?
love money for nothing, but was surprised how much I didn't like the rest of the album. the songs were fine. slower than i was expecting. Money For Nothing isn't necessarily a fast song, but there's something about it's.... swagger, that the rest of the album just didn't really have.
this was a very fun album. Traffic is clearly very skilled muscailly. The tone of some of the songs on the album was very much like the Battle of Evermore by Led Zeppelin for me which I have a huge soft spot for.
Some of the songs were good. Most of them were fine. I didn't particularly like it.
I've loved Damon Albarn since I got into the Gorillaz in high school. I listened to Blur a decent amount then to try and "get more of that albarn sound" and honestly didn't like it much, or didn't feel like it stood out (gorillaz are WEIRD, Blur sounds exactly like an indie rock band). But yeah, Modern life is rubbish has a lot of really fresh fun songs. I think the pacing of the album is really great and I love albarn's voice so much.
Enter Sandman is such an epic song. I am also going to give this album 4 stars it was very pleasing. that's my takeaway.
chelsea is a good song. but I actively do not like his other stuff. at all.
ugh. I'm sorry. I just don't like this music. I don't know why. It seems boring? I know i'm a huge minority. I'll never know if I actually just don't like popular stuff. But nothing except dancing in the dark catches my attention but like, there are covers of that song that I think are absolutely beautiful and almost chilling and when he sings it i just do not get that at all.
This album is great. There are some real bangers here. I've been listening to a lot of punk recently. This is one of the canonical punk albums. I'm not sure I think it reallllly delivers but i could listen to this a lot.
Very fun, super dancey.
ALSO very fun. two disco-y albums in a row. fun.
holy fucking shit. YES.
album started out quite rough for me. Felt too 70s cheery bologna. But then it got kind of funky, and I enjoyed it. so. 3 stars it is.
This album is a gem! Hero and You Ain't the problem are so damn good. could listen to this one all day.
very fun. portuguese is such a beautiful language.
listened to this one a lot as a kid. i feel like it's loaded with hits. i'm alone in this feeling haha.
a little "old sounding" but i enjoyed it. some of the tunes were quite catchy. Def some songs i've heard from "somewhere" which speaks to the albums legacy I suppose.
couldn't really get past the singing. Like Timbre TImbre, maybe if i listened more I could get into it.
some catchy riffs sometimes, the lyrics are fun sometimes, but nothing really stands out to me.
It just sounds like good folk music. So it's good.
i do not like this album quite as much as modern life is rubbish, but, good job damon. great listen.
this was a very good album. I enjoyed listening to it. got a lot of modest mouse vibes with david byrne's singing so, that's probably where isaac brock, uh, got that idea, but it's working. Instrumentally some of the songs I was really into and some of them I could leave it. Mind was particularly catchy and i'm not sure i'd heard it before.
I need to give this another listen. You can tell some of it is "quite" experimental, but a lot of it is pretty solid. ANd i feel like it's the kind of album that can really grow on you.
this album is insane fun. enough said.
uh this album was really fun. Son of a Preacher Man is just hella catchy. and there were some other fun ones. in the land of make believe was great. i think the heartfelt tone / old timeish feel is good background music for me?
never heard of krautrock! Loved this, need to do a deeper dive into the genre. very interesting.
this album fucking blew. that's my take.
Felt like fine reggae. Wasn't listening to the words much?
Solid, didn't love it
Never listened to this whole thing, find it very engaging
Very compelling
when i listen to this it sounds bad to me?
So fresh. So funky. This album hugger really hits the spot for me
this dude's vocal range is freaking NUTS. Liked the first song the best by a good margin but psychadelia has been big for me the past few years so this album just felt like another thing I'd be intentionally seeking out anyway. great stuff!
there were some hits, but I just can't put my finger on WHY i only felt like this was OK.
paul simon is fine. this album is sort of slow.
interesting mix, was a fan.
i'm digging this 90s rap!
back to back, let's go!
I like her voice. Would re listen. Not my favorite but ... Solid!
there was something very creative here. i didn't like all of it. but i appreciated it.
i just fucking hate these whiny ass lyrics. talking about being so angry and wanting to hurt someone. fucking nerd. the angst. it's too much.
i'm bias. but this was OK. maggie may is a cool song.
Enjoyed the listen, bit came off as a little generic. It's possible they pioneered that sound though >_< ???
She's saucy. But the album sounded a lot like itself. And that sound is meh, fine.
I liked the sound but it didn't feel novel. Felt like a superchunk album. Or maybe wilco? Or maybe something else? But I think the sound is novel for the time so... 4 stars.
Really liked this. Not sure why.
i liked it more than i thought I would.
so fucking fresh. only ever listened to the hits. wow!
Weirder than I was expecting. But didn't really catch me.
Also weirder than I was expecting but I didn't really care for it. But it's more Brian Eno. And I wanted to.
twee and enjoyable.
I just love blur. And I've always loved Damon albarn. The story of how song 2 came about is very funny. Really their most breakthrough stuff in the us market at least. But this album is delightfully weird.
Loved it! I felt the album had a nice range. Solid rock. Some occult sounding shit. Some folksier stuff. Really fucking solid album.
this stuck out to me. enjoyed many of the songs.
Fine rock album.
i mean. american pie is good. the rest of the album was fine.
listen to them a lot. just really fucking interesting.
was surprised how much I liked this album.
been digging the old rap, there was some good here, but overall, not a fan.
this is the only pink floyd album i like. shiny on you crazy diamond uh, is a bit excessive at times. but wish you were here is just such a great fucking song.
honestly skipped arcade fire. Funeral was like. really fucking good though.
so. huge fan of psychadelia. come to find out, this was some of the OG shit. love it!
green onions is LEGENDARY... the sandlot baby! but the album does sound like itself.
I wanted to like this album more than I did. It was fun, but it did not really resonate.
I liked this one so much more than the last dusty album. it reminded me of the fallout soundtrack steven used to play, very fun.
fucking amazing album.
read a bit more about big star, cult following, etc. etc. this album was... solid?
keep that krautrock coming! love it.
really great album, some of the hits but also some songs i had never heard and thought were really great.
my kind of music!
no, phil spector is... just this guy you know?
just not my kind of music. but I acknowledge it's good for what it is.
she has a nice voice, she has other compositions i've enjoyed, but not this one. she had a great cameo on portlandia once too!
ugh. i want to like this. but i do not.
it's fine. maybe too slow for me somehow? bitter sweet symphony is of course pretty legendary. And some of their songs. like Lucky Man. sort of make me feel like they're sort of modern tom petty. and tom petty is great. but, it's just a certain kind of speed you know?
This album was VERY fun. But I just didn't like it as much as some of the other rap that's been around so. I'm giving it a lower score. Sorry arrested development. you were better a show. But all the talking IS fun.
This was too off-putting for me.
not really
i should re-listen to this. I remember thinking. OH. this is where that's from several times. so let's say that's 4 stars.
This album was delightful. MY use case is work jamz though. so i am bias.
big stooges fan. listened to the first season of "No Dogs in Space" which is a music podcast and their first season is about punk and their first series is a three parter on the stooges. Which obviously adds to one's appreciation of music. Search and Destroy is my favorite song here. But proto-punk is known for being relatively simple/DIY-esque and that's a big part of its appeal. So, even though this is the stooges third album, I wouldn't say they've really broken the mold with any of these songs, or done anything crazy impressive or made songs that are intricate/complex/deep. They've harnessed an attitude, distilled it into something sonic, and disseminated it. And it clicks with people (like me) because you can feel something there. Also, James Newell Osterberg jr (aka Iggy Pop) was really the first one to do this sort of thing and his influence in this scene is legendary for good reason.
no! none of it. i'm not even sure I'm going to be able to finish this. fate must have a reason. why ELSE endure this album?
yeah this album was WHACK. it was so dope. it reminded me of synth pop acts like US girls or the knife. i listened to this album like 7 times. i just loved it.
i think it's just his voice i'm not super hawt on. but the tunes are also solid.
I listened to this album several times. SO up beat. SO fun. was very surprised. I hadn't listened to this gem before or wrote off the beastie boys way to early.
meh, I like this kind of music so I thought it was fine.
so twee so cute. so great.
I've just loved fatbot slim for so long. I used to get pumped on the bus to speech and debate tournaments on songs from this very album. so. uh. let's fucking go.
I don't know why. But I love this band so much. Jonathan's voice is just odd. And great. I've listened to I'm straight for days on end. And know the lyrics by heart. Fantastic.
i fucking hate this album. except for the songs i like. this is tough because i do really like the beatles but this is where it starts to go downhill for me.
So compelling!
so good!
also so good.
loved this album!
finally something from brian eno i like. obviously, huge into him as the godfather of ambient music. that's my jam (not jam?) a solid amount of the time. But like, i didn't love roxy music, and his solo career is meh, so i'm glad david byrne was able to steer this into a direction i enjoyed.
Because of some video game Steven played. I have a lot of prior exposure to this guy. Only one song. But my love for it carried over.
really solid, really melodic, really peaceful, easy listening.
i reallllly liked this album. i want to give it 5 but I can't.
that strawberry song though, incredible.
SKA legends. this wasn't bad.
one of my favorite albums of all times. so...
'lil rough, bit brittle, but pretty powerful.
content wise, david byrne is on fire. I really like him as a lyricist. his songs can be funny, subversive, and powerful. I don't always love the songs themselves but for some reason as a person that doesn't really pay attention to lyrics that much that's what makes this 4 stars for me. This man annunciates. that helps.
this is a really good album and I really like the songs, but there's something almost muted, or held back. and maybe that restraint is appealing to some.
bowie is good. but this album doesn't really stand out to me. it's weird to listen to an album that has creative things that you feel like you should like, but you just don't. for example the song if you can see me, is frenetic and weird. but not my style.
4 stars easy. we got fast songs, we got slow songs. we got sad songs. we got fun songs.
I would listen to this again. But i didn't love it or love love it. The deluxe version was silly long. And the songs started to blend together.
Hell yeah!
Yeah. Eagle by eagles for eagles. We get it. But that album was good.
I listened to this album 4 times. Years ago I felt this album was too trippy. And the flaming lips I wanted sang garage rock anthems like She Don't Use Jelly. Obviously Do You Realize is a masterpiece, and I wanted that song to exist so internally i was inconsistent and really reacting to a band growing in a direction that was different. Years later, especially with my current penchant for psychedelia, I find this album very gripping. I'm not sure I have new favorites. But I certainly enjoyed many of the songs in a way I would have described as "filler" before. That's fine, and that's how a lot of album's other songs are characterized when they have hits like Do you realize? (the official rock song of Oklahoma!), it's just hard to compare. But it's nice to acknowledge the change. And part of growing up is remembering that beliefs and opinions generated before now were done so by a different you. I can't 5 start this album. Especially while listening to the masterpiece that is Surfer Rosa. But the flaming lips are great. And this album was fantastic.
This album had some bangers. And I listened to it several times. I can't 4 star it for some reason but I did like parts of it a lot, and some parts really did sound like filler.
It's the pixies! My cool friend showed me fight club in high school (i mean, he did drugs, and hold older siblings... but now he's a marketing director who DJ's on the side, so... already your judgement of cool is suspect). Anyway, FIGHT CLUB. Where is my mind starts playing as civilization collapses, and that part of you, that feels conviction about things whispers in your ear, "this band fucking rules. you should fucking listen to them... but you're on the fence about Helena Bonham Carter. You're a TEEN so you don't, like, feel total conviction. You're not a psychopath. You're just a hoopy frood that wants to say things at parties like: 'That lyric is based on an experimental french film called Un Chien Andalou,' so that people know you like, know stuff and are cool and relatable." So, you take a trip with frank black to alt/noise/rock land (Amherst, Massachusetts). But you're skeptical of surfer rosa. Well, not her specifically. She looks great. You're very happy with her wardrobe. But the album she's on the cover of is A LITTLE weird. Where is my mind is so... accessible. But what's this bone machine about? Why does he pronounce broken face like broken fist in an insane falsetto voice. It's just. ROugh. It's pretty lo-fi. He's so squeaky sounding sometimes! Why is he doing that? The girl is a nice foil. We like her. what's her deal? But you go on to another pixies album because, honestly, that was not the band you felt like you were going to be listening to when you finished fight club. Luckily, Doolitle is out and that's more approachable. SO you listen to that and you're like, cool. really cool. I like the pixies. I am a pixies fan. And then one day you come back to surfer rosa and you realize it's a masterpiece. Is it the emperor's new clothes? Do I have different ears now? Am I older? Is this a band's band? Probably. But you like it. You're a real pixies fan now.
So inventive! I love the like it's electronic-pop-irreverence . It's not full of things I adore, but it's close and I really appreciated it. synth-pop has always been one of my go-to rock subgenres and it was so cool to be able to hear one of the first bands in the genre on the album where they really hit their stride.
it's nice. it's funky. i don't love all of it. but i could listen to this album a lot.
I honestly think I don't like the live recording. I don't think the acoustics are great. It's in the direction of things I like.
I mean. This is great right? It's dancey and alternative. Can't get enough. It's the more eclectic, more electronic, child of Joy Division. It works. It just works. - "But it sounds kitchy sometimes, Mr. Disco has literal pew pew sounds!" - "well that's just what the future sounded like in the 80s!" My favorite New Order song will always be Age of Consent.
This guy has a fantastic voice. I didn't much care for the national in early college around the time this album came out and it's nice to discover you were wrong about something, especially when being wrong means experiencing something over 10 years old like it was new.
The music apple for itself.
It's not just U2 now. It's me2.
Do you like things that are wary of being liked? Then have i got a band for you.
I feel like I should like this more. But for some reason the DIY aesthetic (embodied by the vocals which I didn't really like that much) felt more naive then cool.
i listened but have since forgot abit. it was def indie. and i thought it sounded fine. might relisten later...
i just couldn't get into this. it's certainly LIKE tons of stuff i like. but it isn't. sorry wire!
ugh. so good. it's got a garage/grunge sound that I really dig, the vocals are appropriate for the genre. It's playful and it rocks pretty hard.
I loved this album! the vocals were great. I thought the songs were good. and I liked
This is just fucking great.
good background. not necessarily my cup of tea but. it was nice.
FANTASTIQUE! Some really famous songs on here. young me remembers the dope ass theme for THe World is not enough. great band. i can't 5 star it, but i loved it.
super.fucking.catchy. you go sting!
meh, it was fine
so. here's the deal. van morrison was my first album. so whenever this playlist starts I hear. and it stoned me. whenever this playlist I'm building ends I hear. and it stoned me. sometimes I just hear and it stoned me. in my thoughts. this man's voice is in my head a lot. so, now, i like it more thank i did.
dood. this album was good but like. stop having sex and getting blow jobs in the middle of your songs. this guy is obviously dripping with talent though. really enjoyed this album.
i really love ice cube.
I don't know about this one. not sure why.
uh this was fun. i didn't like a lot of it, but some of it was great.
war pigs. and, yeah, this was fun.
Very compelling
So freaking good.
solid rock
i would throw this on in the background to create a mood. and that mood is a fun if not excessively celtic one.
he's just fun.
i can't 5 it. but this album was really great.
it's a bit groovy. but not my taste.
lol. allergies. cars are cars. get outta here you silly boy!
Ya. So fun.
classic. bobby D. too folksy too furious.
catchy! lotta bangers.
soft spoken. garage rocky. i thought it was the flaming lips for a second. it was good.
This is one of my favorite albums. It's raw. And i think it rocks. Except for Frankie tear drop wtf Alan.
really really compelling. could listen to this a bunch.
really enjoyed this!
i hated this when i was in high school. now i think it's pretty good. but. it is so freaking long.
this was solid. but it's not exactly my speed
this is one of my favorite albums. i can't be impartial. all the songs are great. even all tomorrow's parties. which i should hate. i think is hauntingly beautiful. the black angel death song. incredible. venus in furs. amazing.
She's so talented. And as poppy as the album starts out it gets pretty weird. Love it.
it's like british cake. i like it.
great early electronic. listened to this several times.
clearly creative, and some of it was very catchy, but not for me.
soOOooo sweet. the OG twee boiz
this is not my cup of tea but I really enjoyed having it on in the background. which essentially is what 1001 has done to me. If it's not objectionable somehow (looking at you pere ubu, being unlikable isn't a likable trait) music outside your wheelhouse can be very pleasant to listen to.
solid in it's field i'm sure. appreciated.
this album was really cool. in part because it was quite unique. very impressed.
i fucking hate this
uhhh. ya, it's kewt?
Iron maiden helped me get in to metal but this album was more of a caricature than it was engaging. But that's a hard critique to back up. Generally i appreciate metal for not taking itself too seriously. And this album doesn't. Which i love.
the twee boiz strike again. cute as shit.
This album is very inventive. It's quite varied and fairly long. Really enjoyed.
Yes. Just this black viscous goopy wave of cacophony scored with deep bass and vitriol. Love it.
this album was great!
Yes. Could listen to this album a bunch. Every song isn't great but i like the twang and The vocals are appealing
3. did not like this as much as i thought i would. i did like the remixes a lot though.
it's fine.
fine. thought i'd like it more. recording wasn't great imo.
i like this kind of music. thank you brian for inventing it.
big fan of this album. Time of the season has been a fave for awhile and I like the rest of the album too. Nice, punchy 60s.
very solid.
I did... really think this was fun. but it's not something I'd go out of my way to listen to.
very pleasant.
ugh. i just couldn't.
loved this!
meh, i guess it just seemed like regular old dude and acoustic guitar.