Out Of The Blue
Electric Light OrchestraGreat experience
Great experience
Exactly what I expected, cool album with an insane vibe in its simplicity. Bob Marley absolutely shines in there with incredible and entertaining performances. To try with weed. 3. 5
Beatiful instrumentals and James brown's vocals performances are very good. The whole atmosphere made me feel like I was present at the live
Genre blending like nothing I've ever heard, apart from influences some songs on this album are genuinely of opposite genres. Lot of fun
Metallica is, with black Sabbath, the most accessible metal band for a new listener,vecause their music is not too extreme and they're well recognized all over the world as one of the biggest bands of all time. Despite having a lot of albums generally considered bad or divisive, like st. Anger, metallica is always mentioned in the top 4 of thrash metal , but why? The answer is obviously their first albums run. Some consider it a 5 albums run that ends with the black album, others leave it out because it's too poppy. However, it's indisputable that... And justice for all is part of these incredible albums run. The overrall sound of the album is fantastic, every song sounds very diverse while still maintaining a cohesion, and the balancing beetween vocals and more impressive solos is perfect. Despite every song being pretty long, not a single one sounds dragged on. This album contains some of the most loved Metallica songs, like One, but still manages to sound very good as a full experience. Not a 5 stars because it's not my favorite of theirs but every album of their first 4 albums run could be considered their besg and I wouldn't absolutely be mad at it.
Ton of fun. The album isn't very diverse but it works pretty well, expecially lived the instrumentals mixing pop and some jazzy influences, very unique
Easy listen, nothing too mind blowing or diverse sounding but still very enjoyable
Very good psych rock. Consistent all the way through, great combination and palace of instrumentals and vocals. Weird out the wall, I love this.
Despite being familiar with every other the Smiths lp (and even their first singles compilation Hathful of hollow) I had never listened to this album for some reasons. I'm glad I did now, because this is unexpected peak. The Smiths are a band I really like, even tho their sound didnt evolve much (which is fine since they've got 4 albums), but this feels different. Morrissey shines as usual and the instrumentals were, idk, very fuckin good. Solid with many highs and no lows.
The way this album mixes traditional Brazilian vocals with late 60s psych rock is just so mind blowing and weird to me, what a fascinating and beatiful album
The rolling stones is one of the most iconic rock bands of all time, and even tho they're considered more of a singles band than an album band, this album is amazing. Way more varied than I would have expected. Solid with some highs, expecially int he first half, but overrall amazing
Vibey, but the songs are all pretty similar and some drags on a bit too much, expecially towards the end
Straight out the 80s,pretty good and vibey but not new enough dot this to be a 4 stars
More songs about buildings and food is one of many great talking heads album, wich unfortunately gets overshadowed by the band's most acclaimed records. However I dont feel like this album is worth less than than their most popular records: unique, catchy and solid. Absolutely underrated
Post rock is a weird genre, at least from my experience. Its more about the emotion the music evokes than anything else, and sometimes it works very well. This album is no exception, it works very well as a complete experience, blending influences from different genres.
Grew on me a lot on second listen, it's actually very weird and very good!
Good album overrall
Incredible album
So many iconic songs and not as repetitive as people make it
Way more pop oriented than I expected, very Catchy but can become a bit repetitive
Not really my kind of music, found it pretty long and just bland, not even many memorable moments
Boring and monotone
Some interesting moments & cool songs, but also a lot of forgettable tracks, most of em tbh
What a voice goddamn
One of the Most surprising albums so far
The peak of that west coast g funk sound, it don't get better than this
Just another prove of how David bowie is the greatest musician ever