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From the book 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die.

Sunshine Hit Me

The Bees


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Sunshine Hit Me
Album Summary

Sunshine Hit Me is the debut album from the British band The Bees. At the time when the album was recorded the band only comprised Paul Butler and Aaron Fletcher, who wrote, performed and recorded the album alone using a home studio in Butler's parents' garden. Both Butler and Fletcher had been active in the Isle of Wight music scene for a while, performing in local indie/electronic outfits Pnu Riff and, more recently, the Exploding Thumbs. Butler had also guested on several other albums produced on the island, including some by Max Brennan. The album is eclectic and summery, with a range of influences that include psychedelia, Jamaican dub, reggae, indie, 1960s rock and others. It earned a Mercury Music Prize nomination and also featured in the 2005 and 2008 editions of the book 1001 Albums: You Must Hear Before You Die by Michael Lydon. The main single "A Minha Menina" was used in a Citroën car advertisement, which also helped the band to get noticed. The track was also used in an advert for Magners Irish Cider in December 2008, as well as a Mars advertisement in Australia in 2002.







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Jul 20 2023
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I expected nothing. I got a sun-drenched palette of lazy days lounging by a pool with a margarita and a good book. Refreshing. Possibly not life-changing but the best vacations usually aren’t.

Jul 14 2023
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Sweet little record, too gentle for this world, baffling to see on this list though.

Aug 11 2023
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Fantastic songwriting and arranging. Would’ve given an extra star if the album had the production quality and musicianship it deserved.

Sep 12 2023
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Remember The Bees? No, of course you don’t. They were a flash in the pan and unless you were reading Mojo or Uncut in 2002, you’d have no fucking clue who they are. It’s cool they covered Os Mutantes, that’s about it.

Jul 17 2023
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Album art suggests hipster garbage. It has fuck all plays on Spotify; unless it was only added yesterday, there's no way it's important or influential in any way whatsoever. It has to be from the UK - nothing so unknown would ever make this list from any other country - but a wrestler on the cover? That's not so British. Maybe that's the gag and it's just the ultimate UK hipster statement? Yep, UK and wussy annoying hipster pop. I could FEEL the cynicism coming through the speakers. It felt like it wanted to be clever, but it was just painful. I outright hated it. Music hard to describe, like an art school kid with no talent trying to do things like reggae and jazz? Singing was horrendous. Absolutely no reason for this to exist. 1/5.

Dec 24 2023
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Have you ever seen those shows where Gordon Ramsay or Jamie Oliver or whoever go to some distant country and try all the food, then cook their own version and claim it's better - basically because it was done by brits? This album is the musical version - a bunch of technically proficient facsimiles of styles and genres that these chumps presumably love, but can't stop themselves from trying to "improve". They presumably hope this makes them seem cultured and worldly, but to me it just reeks of entitlement and privilege. Not the worst album, but one of the most irritating. Car adverts have a lot to answer for - why didn't they use the original Brazilian song? (read the wiki!) These lot would have been better setting up a label or becoming radio presenters, if they actually wanted to promote and celebrate the music they are instead ripping off. Good luck to them i guess, but very much not for me.

Aug 03 2023
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Thank you 1001 for introducing me to do many new albums. Except for all the crap ones like the one after this.... Music is meant to be fun. To press a musical pleasure button. Bring about a wanted emotion or distract from an unwanted one. This one is a very, very out there version that. This is at the DEADPOOL end of the spectrum. Soothing quirky irony is track one. I gird myself for the 2nd. Oooh, funky. I like the kettle. Oh shit I might be hooked on a new album. And wildly new genre that feels created all for me. I'm in a good mood with this. Immediately added this to my "grooving mornings" playlist.

Jul 26 2024
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Every good band begins with a B. The Beatles. The Beach Boys. The beastie boys. The Bees also begins with a B but don’t let that fool you

Aug 04 2023
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Short and sweet, interesting arrangements. Got a little tired of it towards the end, but happy I listened to this cause I ain't heard of em before. Light 3.5 Fav track: sunshine

Jul 15 2023
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This is absolutely my favorite McCartney album of the 21st century.

Sep 24 2024
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Hey buddy, you could have just releases "200 albums you must hear before you die" if you knew you were incapable of finding more essential albums than that.

Jul 21 2023
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Smooooooooooooooooth… garden shed energy.

Aug 09 2023
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Chill vibe. Enjoyable, though actually disliked the Minha Menina one that was so popular

Oct 30 2023
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I like it. It’s a little weird, a little silly, and an eclectic mishmash of styles. I also like the album cover. It made me want to listen to more of their music—which is a compliment to the album as it is. I’ve started listening to their second album and I think it’s clearly superior—I’m finding that the 1001 Albums seem to overvalue debuts. I must also admit that I’m surprised that this album made the cut and I’d be curious to know the reasoning. In any case, this is a solid album that was fun and surprising and left me wanting more. That earns a solid 4 stars.

Jan 12 2024
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Our second noughties latte-lounge album of the week, a reggae-fan’s one this time, playing in the corner, staring at its feet; go get me an espresso, and grab yourself a 2 while you're at it! I imagine this is the LP that the “pretty annoying” guy in Limmy’s sketch would have on vinyl. This record has some sharp glints, Sunshine followed by A Minha Menina making my ears wiggle before the dozy vibes returned and did their somnolent magic. The instrument sounds are frequently divine. Yet most of it doesn’t so much waste my time as evade it.

Dec 10 2023
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completely unassuming and instantly forgettable.

Jan 12 2024
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Drifted past aimlessly, the only moment of note being a half-arsed version of A Minha Menina. Hopefully "Os Mutantes" appears later on; The Bees certainly do not deserve distinction being on here instead. 1* for wasting my time

Jul 15 2023
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Super eclectic and a super enjoyable listen

Oct 18 2023
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Not my type of music going into it but man was I pleasantly surprised. A minha menina is great, I had to listen to that one twice, it was so good. The album is really great. I'm probably going to have to get more restrictive with the 5 star ratings pretty soon. It's been like 3 in a row. Well, anyway. Albums dope, will definitely put it on again as background while studying or working.

Nov 10 2023
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Really enjoyed this listening experience. A good flow to the album, with instrumental tracks between the main tracks.

Nov 15 2023
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Fun, sunny and chill indie pop from 2002. I caught on to the accents quite quick but didn't initially expect this to be a British band - It has a very west-coast US feel to it in my opinion. Certainly doesn't suit the shitty weather the UK has once again blessed us with on this cold November morning but I needed something like this to raise my spirits. I loved this album a lot, it may not be the most exciting but I just appreciated getting to vibe with it. Another great introduction to something right up my alley! Also I went and listened to the original Os Mutantes version of A Minha Menina after this. I can't decide which one I prefer more, but The Bees certainly did it justice in their cover. Either way, Jorge Ben wrote it so of course it was good. Favourite: A Minha Menina

Dec 15 2023
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Chill ass album. This reminded me of Tyler, the Creator’s Flower Boy to Call Me If You Get Lost run, laid back and summery, big focus on production over vocals.

Dec 20 2023
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Great album. Chill consistent indie rock. Interesting and enjoyable.

Dec 31 2023
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Mellow. Lo-fi. Spans many decades.

Jan 03 2024
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Fun, funky, smooth, pretty, jut a great time

Jan 14 2024
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what a wonderful album, endlessly original and full of diversity I loved this so much, I gave it a relisten two more times after it ended- 10/10

Jan 21 2024
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Sehr geiles souliges Album. Klingt sehr gut im 3. Zimmer.

Jan 24 2024
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hasta el momento uno de los mejores discos que he escuchado, con una variedad de ritmos que transportan en viajes en el tiempo.

Feb 01 2024
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These guys are great and I don't just say that because I keep bees.

Feb 12 2024
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Rounding up for nostalgia, I still love this

Mar 29 2024
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super band, would have like more records from them as i proper rinsed this one in the early zeroes

Jun 07 2024
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I couldn't decide if I liked this album as a four or a five, but the fact that I have listened to it three times already, I think means that I have to give it a five. I love the unique Lofi sound. Angry man was probably my favorite track.

Jun 27 2024
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Dreamy, soft, and fun. "Hard to be in a bad mood if this is on" type of shit.

Sep 04 2024
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Never heard of this band but I loved this style, awesome debut and feels ahead of it's time for 2002.

Sep 18 2024
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5/5 Low-key, chill, funky tunes, with surreal, simple vocals. I love it. The whole experience is fantastic, creating a unique sound of pop whilst retaining a sense of weirdness about it almost like a slower, more laid-back SMiLE. Angryman in particular is a special kind of song that is full of soul, and Sweet Like a Champion is such a sinisterly beautiful track. The A Minha Menina cover deserves a shoutout too for its great take on a classic, and a timeless feel. Punchbag 4.5/5 (LEAST FAV) Angryman 5/5 (FAV) No Trophy 5/5 Binnel Bay 5/5 Sunshine 5/5 A Minha Menina 5/5 This Town 5/5 Sweet Like a Champion 5/5 Lying in the Snow 5/5 Zia 5/5 Sky Holds the Sun 5/5

Jul 22 2023
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Joyful without becoming too twee. Best track: A Minha Menina

Aug 01 2023
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Zomers inderdaad. Kon er wel van genieten

Aug 02 2023
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Buenísimo. Me gustó que esté en la lista.

Aug 28 2023
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Totally dug, perhaps because one listened during a lazy afternoon, during which one was (unfortunately) not stoned, lest one would have liked even more. One plans to listen again sometime, when lazy, stoned or, ideally, both.

Sep 06 2023
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Þetta er og hljómar heimagert, en er um leið ljúft og sjarmerandi. Renndi tvisvar, gæti oftar.

Sep 07 2023
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Wat een chille zomersound, heel erg lekker. Kan me voorstellen dat dit ook vrij origineel was toen het uitkwam. Op een gegeven moment een beetje saai.

Sep 13 2023
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Pues en general, bastante bien. En verdad, la canción "más grande" es la que menos me ha gustado...

Sep 13 2023
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I liked this more than I thought I would 3.5 stars

Sep 16 2023
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When I saw that this album was a early 2000s indie album I went in expecting at least a decent album and it exceeded my expectations. This album started off really strong and mostly kept up the momentum throughout the whole thing. I liked the first song and I was really surprised by the cover of A Minha Menina like I never expected to hear that anywhere beside that os mutantes album. It was also weird and fun to hear a waltz come out of nowhere near the end. I loved the overall vibes but some of the songs near the end kinda let me down so I'm not quite sure if this gets a 5. I listened to this the whole day and I still not idea if I should give it a 4 or a 5 but I’m giving it a really solid 4 only because I didn’t get that excited feeling that I get when I’m listening to most of the other albums I’ve given a 5 to.

Sep 20 2023
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Really really nice surprise ! Don't know how to put it in other words but this album sounds really fruity

Sep 29 2023
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This band is completely new to me, but I'm an instant fan. I loved all the great keys and organ parts, the raw-sounding vocals gave it a kind of timeless quality, and the variety in style over the album all made it great for me.

Oct 06 2023
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J'ai passé un bon moment c'était smooth une belle musique en fond pour une soirée relax / pluvieuse avec un feu peut être.4.25

Oct 08 2023
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Very calming music. Not too bad.

Oct 10 2023
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I have a method now to these UK bands of assuming they will be garbage based on the trends we have so far, but this one was great! Lots of fun tracks on here, almost felt like a low fi hip hop album mixed with some pop.

Oct 19 2023
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I was pleasantly surprised with this pretty modern sounding summery album. 7/10

Oct 27 2023
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Ooh, I like this a lot. Missing a real shine factor, but I wonder what the rest of the discography looks like.

Oct 27 2023
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Essential Tracks: A Minha Menina (Playlist) Punchbag Sunshine Sky Holds the Sun

Nov 01 2023
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This was so good! Put me in a good mood. Perfect for chilling out. I'd rather not type the eight songs I liked here, it would be too much. What I found funny was that I only had heard Os Mutantes a few days ago and remembered A Minha Menina!

Nov 01 2023
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I'd never heard of The Bees (and sort of surprised they made this list when I first started to listen through) But I actually quite enjoyed most of the tracks - feels like would be a sunny-afternoon-gardening kind of vibe. Some of the tracks felt like they just had a few too many instruments trying to do too much, but overall I would listen to again for some chill background music. The track Sunshine scratched my brain in a way I didn't know I needed and I ended up listening to it on repeat Buzziest track: Sunshine

Nov 03 2023
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Pleasantly surprised, will add it to the rotation

Nov 10 2023
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Indie, but different influences, and more nuanced than expected. A soft on the vocals, but good harmonies. Really good. 3.8

Nov 14 2023
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I really liked this album. It's kinda muffled and subdued in a very chill way. Some of it reminds me of Jack Johnson. Really good to listen to while doing a repetitive task with your hands, like stretching a canvas or doing the dishes.

Nov 15 2023
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Wow I'm not sure how I've never heard of these guys. Reminds me heavily of stuff like The Unicorns and of Montreal which is my JAM. This is super funky and fun. I want the vinyl.

Nov 23 2023
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Yeah! I dug it! Never heard of these folks before, but I might have to check out more of their stuff.

Nov 23 2023
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Never heard of this band before but the album was decent, laid-back indie rock. Good stuff

Dec 07 2023
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Nice easy listening with Standouts in Punchbag, Angry Man, Sunshine, A Minha Menina, This Town, Sweet Like A Champion, and Sky Holds The Sun. The only reason this doesn't get 5 stars is because of how fatiguing listening to the album cover to cover can be.

Dec 09 2023
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Kaikki meni niinkuin luvattiin auringonvalo osui, mehiläiset asialla.. ei talvesaikaan uskois heh.. mutta niin siinä kävi 8/12/2023 hyvä päivä kuunella pakkoalbumi..

Dec 12 2023
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Didn't immediately register that this is the same group as "A Band of Bees". I love these guys! I'm more familiar with their 2007 album Octopus, but this was a joy as well.

Dec 16 2023
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Very refreshing! Like eating a lovely, perfectly ripe citrus fruit after a week of eating nothing but meat and potatoes. Like a gentle breeze on a humid afternoon, or discovering an oasis in the midst of a desert of monotony. Will listen again. 4 stars.

Nov 28 2023
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Enjoyed the vibes of this. Punchbag was a good tune. Will check them out more.

Dec 25 2023
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first listen a fun little artsy thing

Dec 28 2023
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Surprisingly entertaining and unique album. Some of the instrumental songs are a bit boring though.

Dec 30 2023
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Delightful and lovely and pretty interesting, too. One likely heard (and got annoyed) by "Ah Minha" in real time that summer and, annoyed, chose to ignore the rest of this, which has aged terrifically well. So that's one loss – otherwise this is one's genre and era and remains up for eccentric/offbeat indie rock/pop with a kaleidoscopic, genre-hopping bent. It seems both spicier and less slight, not at all a novelty or a gimmick, which one could see less refined listeners mistaking this for. The overall, relaxed vibe is a clear throughline, which makes the variety that sits atop even more of a wonder. Each microgenre works well, and non-dilletantishly – that is, they add to it while remaining respectful. Every cut has its merits, but "No Trophy" and "Sweet Like a Champion" and "Lying in the Snow" and "Zia" and "Sky Holds the Sun" are personal raves. "A funky little curio," indeed (as the indexed review has it). And seems as good a time as any to recommend not sleeping on The Books, a similar (if not quite as good or fun) group from same era US.

Jan 03 2024
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If you're a music critic formulating a list of 1001 classic albums you must hear before you die, you can probably do the 1960's and 70's in your sleep. But once you get to the last five years or so, it gets a lot more difficult to know what will stick in the long-term. The Bees' debut album, "Sunshine Hit Me", was released in 2002, featured on the 1001 list in 2005 and 2008, and then disappeared without trace. But I knew about it because my girlfriend's dad adores this album, and it's been nice to give it a proper listen here. The title (and accompanying album art) capture the sentiment and feel of the music very well: we're hit, stroked, walloped, biffed and tickled by sunshine in all its musical variants across the whole album. Featherweight electronic piano and whistling organs dominate, with the tone veering from sleepy to jaunty (but always cheerful). The Bees don't sound remotely interested in pursuing fame and notoriety: instead, they're quietly content in their own little corner of the world (presumably much like anyone else living on the Isle of Wight). "Punchbag" introduces things appropriately enough, with some drowsy, electric piano arpeggio and crisp, straightforward drums under a crawling melody. "No Trophy" is some light and airy reggae, complete with a shuffling drum beat and organ comping. "Binnel Bay" is a simple vocal refrain structured around some calypso percussion. And soon afterwards comes a cover of Os Mutantes' "A Minha Menina", which I'd heard before: it naturally doesn't live up to the original, but is reasonably faithful to the song's spirit. Even when the band tear through a classic like this, or lean more into rock or funk (see "Angryman") they retain a chilled and breezy feel throughout, owing to uncluttered arrangements, spacious production and lighter-than-air vocals. In the second half of the album, the individual songs feel a little less distinct, but the blissful vibes continue: the instrumental codas of "Sweet Like a Champion" and "Lying in the Snow" - and especially "Zia" - have very heavy undertones of Rick Wright playing some early, pastoral Pink Floyd (circa 1969-70). And "Sky Holds the Sun" is a lovely mellow note to end things on. "Sunshine Hit Me" is simple, unpretentious and not groundbreaking whatsoever: think middle of the afternoon at a family friendly festival and you aren't far off. That said, I have enjoyed listening to it quite a bit, and if it were some long-lost 70's release I know I'd be absolutely raving about it. I'll give it its due: sometimes it's nice for music to be nice.

Jan 08 2024
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This was a complete surprise. It almost felt like a Wes Anderson movie. Fun, fresh, with just enough weirdness to make it enjoyable.

Jan 14 2024
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4.5 Another album full of bangers that I probably never would have discovered but for this project. Also super excited to get some more stuff that isn't classic rock or adjacent. Eclectic is the perfect word to describe the album as a whole, almost to the point that it feels disjointed. Regardless, I have a feeling most of these tracks will make it into my regular rotation. Angryman and Sky Holds the Sun are immediate favorites.

Jan 14 2024
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Not what I expected. Good stuff.

Jan 15 2024
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I really liked the album.. Will listen again

Jan 15 2024
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Favorite tracks: Sky Holds the Sun Rating: 4/5

Jan 16 2024
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Ah, it's one of those albums with an ideally-suited title. "Sunshine Hit Me" brings warm energy to the listener. I do not know if The Bees' ambition was limited to inducing good vibes, but that's what I got from this album. That and a strong influence from the 60's pop bands: The Byrds, The Hollies, etc... Overall, a decent album that deserves your time.

Jan 22 2024
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Behagelig indierock, har en lille smule 60’er rock og lidt psykedelisk over sig

Jan 26 2024
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An eclectic but inessential tribute to good music. Still good music though. Especially enjoyed the slower, jazzy beats at the end of the record.

Jan 30 2024
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Lovely eclectic album - and excellent addition of A Minha Menina cover - all in all fun and colourful.

Feb 03 2024
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Mellow and tropicália infused psychedelic indie pop. I appreciate this a lot more now than when I first heard it honestly, it's a nice album. Not like OMG THIS IS THE SHIT, but definitely easy on the ears. I'll need to check out their other stuff.

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