Merriweather Post Pavilion
Animal CollectiveThere are no songs on here that I want to ever hear again. 1 star or F.
There are no songs on here that I want to ever hear again. 1 star or F.
Why would anyone listen to this? Don't get it, 1 star or F-.
Wow, this album is boring! 2 stars or D- because I always need sleep.
This is okay as background noise for other activities, so I guess 2 stars or D- would be a suitable rating.
When the aliens arrive I think they will be listening to this album. There is a strange but appealing feel to it that gets 5 stars or A- as a rating from me.
A great album for a lazy, rainy day smoking hash with a Bunson Burner and hot knives. The final two songs (All Along the Watchtower, Voodoo Child) are as good as a closing as any rock album ever.
Three great songs carry the album, the other songs are just good enough to earn a four star rating.
Not a big fan of this but interesting enough to rate three stars. I prefer a letter grading system where this album would get a C- for me.
This is why I have a lot of Greatest Hits albums. By the time I was finished I had forgotten how great Cisco Kid is. Rated D- or barely a 2.
Definitely worthy of at least 4 stars. Letter grade B+. I have always liked CCR a lot but not quite to the point of being a favourite.
Had not listened to this album before, I just knew Kashmir and Houses of the Holy (two great songs). On first listen I thought maybe 4 stars, but second time through I came to my senses and understood this was clearly worth 5 stars or a letter grade of A but not quite A+.
Just no! 1 star is generous. Letter grade F-. As a fellow factory worker used to say, better days ahead. (hopefully)`
There is just enough here to rate level 4 (B-). No outstanding songs just good english fun. It reminds me of British tv shows like the Darling Buds of May.
This album rates as a 2 or D- for me. There are several Deep Purple songs I like but there are none of those here.
If I had purchased this album in 1977 it would have collected a lot of dust alongside my MC5 album. I am a fan of David Bowie but this album fails completely for me. One star or F as a letter grade.
Not my cup uf tea but the three big hits carry this to 3 stars. Letter grade would be C- because I really don't like the final three songs.
The top five songs (Brown Sugar, Bitch, Dead Flowers, Wild Horses, and Can't You Hear Me Knocking) get this album to 4 stars or B+ for me, but the lesser songs prevent me from giving 5 stars.
Okay, okay, okay! I confess to everything just please make it stop! 1 Star or F- worst album I have ever heard, and that is saying something after Slim Shady.
Very good album. Tough to decide between 4 and 5 stars. I think maybe 4 stars but definitely B+ letter grade.
The album was not bad to listen to, but did not leave enough of an impression for me to be interested in hearing more. Two stars for me or D+.
I think there is a lot to like on this album, particularly the music. I don't like the lead vocals all that much and the "pscychadelic sounds' in the background remind me of bad 60's and 70's science fiction movies. Still I think 3 stars or C+ would be how I would rate it.
I think there are some decent songs here, but it is still only 2 stars or D+ for me. I just don't like Randy Newman's voice and I really don't like the orchestra music behind several songs on ythis album.
I think anyone needing to do a lie detector test should listen to a Marvin Gaye album before they take it because is voice can lower your blood pressure and heart rate, and relieve stress while you listen. For me though, it is not a favoured style of music but still a good 3 star album or solid C+.
This to me is a definite 5 star A+ album. Supertramp, like Queen, had an original and distinctive sound that gave relief to us in the disco era of the mid 70's.
This is an interesting listen. Not something I would normally listen to, but the more I listen the more I like it, so 3 stars or C+.
The the is is quite quite good good. 3 stars C+
Takes me back to many movies and tv shows of the 70's. 4 stars or B just for nostalgia.
Great voice but this style of music is not for me. 2 stars D+.
I don't like everything here, but what I do like I like a lot. Solid B or 4 stars.
Even though I really like Give Up The Funk, the rest does not raise this above 2 stars or D+ for me.
For me this is another album where the best songs are very good (Walk this Way, Sweet Emotion, You See Me Crying) to rate 4 stars or B, but the rest lower that to a B-.
I like it enough to give 4stars or B- and that could rise to B+ with more listens.
A couple decent songs but it just doesn't interest me. 2 stars or D+.
I can't even describe how bad this is. 1 star F-.
Just a good hour of music. Would have been a good band for a college pub in the 70's. The more beer you drank the better they sounded. I think 4 stars or a B is suitable.
Sorry, no thanks. 1 star or F for me.
I think Stormy Weather is a decent song, but the rest does not bring this album above 2 stars or D+.
This album helps me understand the popularity of hip hop and rap, which gets me to 3 stars, but when I compare it to the rambling garbage of Eminem it goes to 4 stars or a B rating.
Easily 4 stars but Ramble On and Heartbreaker push it to 5 stars or A- for me.
This album is like a questionnaire response to me because there are parts I dislike, parts I somewhat dislike, parts I somewhat like, parts I like, and the song Life that I really like. All in all 3 stars or C+.
A pretty good listen but maybe 3 stars or C+ would be my rating. An album that might seem grow on me with more plays.
The lyrics of the songs are good enough that his voice only lowers this to 4 stars or B for me.
I really don't like very much of this but will give it 2 stars or D-.
Didn't think much pf thr first few songs but the last half were much better to bring it to 3 stars or C+ overall.
Best I can say is it's better than Eminem so 2 stars or D-.
From start to finish this album deserves 1 star or less. F-
This is simply a great live album. five star or A rating for me.
The individual songs are worthy of 4 stars but they all sound so similar to me that I can only give 3 stars or C+.
I can almost smell the stale beer and cigarettes with a Sunday morning hangover, from a few decades ago, when I listen to this, so that must be worth 4 stars or B- at least.
This album is what it says it is. I am too old to be that angry so 2 stars or D+.
Easy decision to rate 3 stars or C. Nothing great but nothing bad just an okay set of songs.
Everything on this album fits together really well. I wasn't expecting it would be this good, which seems silly considering it is John Lennon. Five stars or A.
I can understand the appeal of this album, which probably deserve 4 stars, but since it is Kanye it is 2 stars or D for me.
Not really my fsvorite genre of music but the one band I do like is Metallica so I rate it as 4 stars or B+.
A good album but not quite as good as Metallica 1 for me so 3 stars or C+ rating.
This album is an okay listen but nothing really stands out for me so I guess 3 stars or C seems a suitabie rating.
Just squeaks into 4 stars or B- for me. Good album but I have never been a big fan of the Byrds and this didn't change that.
The best known songs are all worthy of 5 stars, and the weaker songs do not lower that rating much. For me I would rate it A- but still 5 stars.
Another album that benefits from the fact the first Rap album I heard was Eminem's Slim Shady. I didn't like this all that much but it is night and day better than Eminem. Still just 2 stars or D+ for me.
There is a lot on this album that I quite dislike but the three or four songs I do like are good enough to make me look farther into this band and rate this album at 3 stars or C-.
There are parts of this album that I might give 3+ stars but the rest lowers it to 2 stars or D+ for me.
Californication and Scar Tissue get this to 2 stars or D+ but that is where it stops.
One star from start to finish equals F-. Sounds like music for an alien invasion.
For some reason this brings memories to me of watching British TV shows from the sixties and seventies. My rating would be 4 stars or B+.
The songwriting on this album lifts it to 4 stars or B- for me.
This was 1 star for me when I was 10 and is still 1 star 56 years later, F.
It's like watching a classic Western movie without needing the film. A 5 star or A rated concept album for me.
Nothing that interests me at all so 1 star or F for me.
This is probably a very good jazz album, but I am not a fan of jazz at all, so it is 1 star or F for me.
This is okay as background noise for other activities, so I guess 2 stars or D- would be a suitable rating.
This is not a genre I have any desire to listen to though I found the final track to be tolerable at least. Still 1 star or F for me.
A very good album from start to finish. For me this is 5 stars or A-.
Just interesting enough for 2 stars or D+.
I never have understood why so many people think so highly of the Beach Boys. For me 2 stars or D- is generous.
Not my favourite style of music, and one song cannot carry an entire album. so 2 stars or D+.
Johnny Cash being Johnny Cash! 5 stars or A rating obviously.
Wow, this album is boring! 2 stars or D- because I always need sleep.
When the aliens arrive I think they will be listening to this album. There is a strange but appealing feel to it that gets 5 stars or A- as a rating from me.
The great songs carry the weaker to a 5 star or A- rating for me.
I can't say I enjoyed any of this so 1 star or F for me.
Androids are boring. This lasted a lot longer than I hoped it would. 1 star or F for me.
There are no songs on here that I want to ever hear again. 1 star or F.
I have no time for jazz so 1 star or F.
In small doses I like this, but as an album it is more than I need. It probably deserves better but for me it is 2 stars or D+.
Could not find the whole album but the pieces I found were okay. I would say 3 stars or C-.
This should be ona list of albums no one should ever have to listen to. 1 star or F-.
This was a 1 star album until Glory Box added the second star. 2 stars or D+.
Vocals are just okay but the lyrics make this asolid 3 stars or C+.
I think this album is definitely worthy of more listens. For now I would rate it 4 stars or B-.
Superstition and Big Brother get 2 stars or D from me but the rest leave it at that.
Lay down, light up, headphones on, volume up, close your eyes and climb the stairway. Then you will understand how great this album is. 5 stars or A+ without question.
I feel that this album is worthy of 4 stars or B based on three very good songs. (Dominion/Mother Russia, 1959, and especially This Corrosion.)
I know there are people who really enjoy this music, but I am certainly not one of them. 1 star or F for me.
The hit songs are pretty good but the rest is just ok so 3 stars or C- for me.
This album is just okay but doesn't make me interested in a second runthrough so 2 stars or D+.
A lot to like here. I think 4 stars or B- is fair.
With Tangled Up in Blue snd Shelter From the Storm, the rest of it easily carries this to 5 stars or A.
A very good album throughout. 5 stars or A-.
Take Me To The River is good but it is the only song worth more than one listen so 2 stars or D- for the album.
Too many memorable songs not to be 5 stars or A- for me.
I don't like this much but the rhyming has some interesting parts. 2 stars or D.
Music is pretty good on this album but the radio show stuff is just annoying. 3 stars or C- for me.
I have no interest whatsoever in this. 1 star or F for me.
Heroes is a decent song but an awful album, 1 star or F.
Good collection of cover songs done reasonably well so 3 stars or C-.
There are a few good songs here but not enough for a double album. Overall, I think 2 stars or D+ is where I would rate it.
Sounds a bit like a mix of Talking Heads and the Doors. 3 stars or C+ for me but that might improve some on a second listen.
Just a consistently good album. 4 stars or B.
There is nothing here that I ever need or want to hear again. 1 star or F for me.
I am not usually a big fan of live albums but this is an exception to that. 5 stars or A-.
The best songs are really good but side two is weak in my opinion so 3 stars or C+ is my rating.
Hard to decide between 3 and 4 stars but Emmylou's voice gets it to 4 stars or B- for me.
The only good thing about this album is that by the time it ended I had already forgotten that I ever listened to it. 1 star or F-.
A consistently good live album from a very 70's band so 4 stars or B- for me.
Just a really, really good album. 5 stars or A for me.
I would rather listen to this album than the Slim Shady album so that is enough for a 1 star and F+ rating.
There are some okay parts to this album but there is way too much I don't like at all to rate it higher than 2 stars or D.
This album is okay but just does not appeal to me which is probably because it is not meant for my generation anyway. So for my listening preferences this gets just 2 stars or D as a rating.
This album is 5 star good before it even gets to Free Bird. 5 stars or A+ for me.
Did not like it or hate it so 2 stars or D.
There are enough good parts to this for 3 stars or C.
The music and vocals are interesting enough or 3 stars or C-, but I would not go so far as to say I like it.
A lot of the lyrics are interesting but the style of music doesn't appeal to me. 2 stars or D+ for me.
I am pretty sure James Brown Live in 1963 would have been worthy of 5 stars and this album gives you a good sense of that. 5 stars or A for me.
Sultans of Swing is a great song but the rest is not at that level, so 3 stars or C+ is my rating.
The music is okay, lead singer is below average, so 2 stars or D+ seems fair.
Just a good album of 60's country music. 4 stars or B+.
I can't say that I like this album, but it is less annoying than most of the rap albums so far. 2 stars or D is my rating.
This album is twice as long as it should have been. There are too many songs that add nothing but noise to it. Some good songs here but overall it is 2 stars or D+ for me.
I didn't like this in the 80's and I still don't. 2 stars or D for me.
I liked this album better and better as it went along, just enough for 4 stars or B for a rating.
I think You Haven't Done Nothin' is Stevie Wonder's best song but the rest of the album doesn't interest me at all, so my rating is 2 stars or D+.
I had not heard this band before but I wish I had. Every song on this album is worthy of more listens. 5 stars or A.
You can't argue that these three women have great voices that blend well. For me, I find the choice of songs could have had more variety so 4 stars or B- is my rating.
A decent album but nothing to get excited about so 3 stars or C- for me.
There is some decent country songs here but only enough for 3 stars or C in my opinion.
Since I stayed awake for the whole thing I guess I can spare 2 stars or D- as a rating.
Why would anyone listen to this? Don't get it, 1 star or F-.
It is an okay album in some ways but not for me so 2 stars or D+.
I am not a big fan of Steely Dan and this is about half as good. 2 stars or D+.
A good album but nothing outstanding. 3 stars or C+ for me.
A consistently good album throughout, good enough for 4 stars or B after ny first listen.
Overall a great album of 5 stars with a couple weaker songs that hold it to an A rather than A+.
If you exchange the G for a P you would have a more accurate album title. 1 star or F-.
Too much jazz for me but there are a couple of songs that raiseit from 1 star. 2 stars or D- for me.
Al Green is the definition of easy listening and this album is an example of that. 4 stars or B- for me.
One great song with several very good songs equals 4 stars or B+.
Wow! This is extraordinarily bad. 1 star or F-.
I really like The Jean Genie, but the rest of it does nothing for me so 2 stars or D+ is my rating.
Simply a great album from start to finish. 5 stars or A+.
Defininitely not the best of the Bee Gees. 2 stars or D+.
By the end of this album I was glad just to have the ringing of tinnitis in my ears. 1 star or F.
Heavy metal at its best. 5 stars or A for me.
This album is okay but kind of boring after a couple of songs. 3 stars or C- for me.
There will never be a time when I like Elvis music. 1 star or F forever.
Even with Like A Rolling Stone, This album falls just short of 5 stars for me. $ stars or B+.
A good album that could improve with more plays. 4 stars or B- for me.
I like the last few songs much more than the first few. Overall, I think 3 stars or C+ would be suitable.
If you want boring music, odd rambling lyrics, and annoying vocals this is the album for you. 1 star or F.
A decent album but nothing outstanding so 3 stars or C.
This is okay background music but really quite dull. 2 stars or D+ for me.
I found this bland and boring but I really don't like or get rap so just 1 star or F.
A good album to promote constant yawning. 3 stars or C-.
I don't hnow what this is but I hope I never hear it again. 1 star or F- for this trash.
Her voice is worth 3 stars even if I don't enjoy the music much. 3 stars or C.
This is just not good, but 1 star or F+ for effort.
A very good album but not quite 5 stars for me. 4 stars or B+.
Some really good songs and some average songs, just enough for 4 stars or B-.
No thanks. Not interested, 1 star or F for me.
There are a couple of interesting songs here but overall I find it pretty dull. 3 stars or C-.
Not really a fan but there is enough here for 3 stars or C as a rating.
First time hearing Arcade Fire and I would say it is worthy of another look at least. 3 stars or C+ so far.
For a rap album the music is better than others I have heard here and the rhymes are the usual kind of trash. 2 stars or D+ which is as high as I go for this genre.
A consistently good album, 4 stars or B.
This is okay background music and Light My Fire is interesting but it doesn't inspire to hear more. 2 stars or D+ for me.
A good album but not the very best Sheryl Crow album. Still enough for 4 stars or B+.
Not really a fan of Pearl Jam, except for this album which I think is worthy of 5 stars or A-.
There are some good songs here, but only enough for 3 stars or C+.
A decent album of very unoriginal sounding original music. 3 stars or C+ for me.
Seems like one continuos, song and not a good one at that. 2 stars or D+ for me.
Springsteen in his prime is 5 stars or A+ for me.
An odd collection of songs here, but there is enough for 3 stars or C for a rating.
I don't care much for the jazz-sounding songs but the ballad songs are really good. Overall it is 4 stars or B for me.
It's okay as background music but really doesn't interest me so 2 stars or D.
A prime example of boring, weak 80's trash. 1 star or F for me.
To me this music makes me think of vintage car shows, and Happy Days and American Graffiti of course. 3 stars or C-.
There are enough good short songs here for 4 stars and the weaker efforts are too short to hate. B-.
With the talent in this band it is always 5 stars or A.
Just noise. 1 star or F.
It may be the Blueprint of Rap but it does nothing for me. 2 stars or D-.
A consistent really good album. 5 stars or A-.
For me this is a 2 star album with one 5 star song, leaving meat three stars or C as a rating.
Some of this is okay but it is just too long to keep me interested. 2 stars or D+.
I see darkness also, because this puts me to sleep. 2 stars or D-.
I have no idea why this album would be included on this list so 1 star or F-.
This is still a really good album after all these years. 5 stars or A-.
Okay as background music. 3 stars or C-.
A good album worthy of further listening. 4 stars or B-.
This is the Stones in their prime. 5 stars or A+.
A good collection of bluesy Rolling Stones songs. 5 stars or A-.
The instrumental parts at the beginning and end are pretty boring, but the rest is quite good. 4 stars or B-.
There are several songs I like here, but there are also a few that I don't. Overall 4 stars or B for me.
Doesn't appeal to me at all, 2 stars or D-.
A really good album that tells you where the Stones are headed. 4 stars or B+.
Good music to sleep through. 2 stars or D+.
Even with Mrs. Robinson this album is only 2 stars or D for me.
There is some good music here, but. it is surrounded by too much electronic trash to make me want to hear more. 2 stars or D+.
I have trouble staying interested in this album but there are some good songs on here. 3 stars or C for me.
This is so different than anything else that it must be good, so 3 stars or C+.
Not something I would listen to often, but an okay album. 3 stars or C.
This is both boring and annoying. 2 stars or D-.
Nothing too exciting but okay as background music. 3 stars or C-.
The vocals are just too weak to hold my interest. 2 stars or D+.
Not something I would normally listen to but good enough for 3 stars or C+.
Best thing about this album is the length of it. 2 stars or D-.
This album would be really good with a better singer, but is still good enough for 4 stars or B-.
This is an album that should be listened to. I think a lot of guitar players from the 70's were trying to sound like Hendrix. 5 stars or A-.
This is a good album that will probably grow on me with more time and listening. 4 stars or B.
1965 Beatles! Duh... 5 stars or A.
There are just enough good songs here for 4 stars or B+.
Not a big fan but it is okay. 3 stars or C-.
Apart from the theme song this could be the soundtrack of almost any 70's action movie. I have no idea why it is on this list. 1 star or F.
If I wanted to live in a monastery I would want to listen to this. 4 stars or B-.
No thanks, I already know enough swear words. 1 star or F.
Really impressed by this album so 5 stars or A.
Still sleeping. 2 stars or D.
There are very few albums that can compare to this in the 55 years since it was released. 5 stars or A+.
Congratulations to The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion! An album has to be exceedingly bad for me to prefer Christmas music and you have done just that. 1 star or F-.
No thanks to Christmas albums. 2 stars or D-.
Didn't like the first few songs at all but it improves as it continues. 3 stars or C-.
Compared to most of the rap albums I have heard so far, this is one of the best. But for me that only means 2 stars or D+.
This is a very good album but not quite 5 stars for me. So 4 stars or B+ is my rating.
Born on the Bayou and Proud Mary are good but the rest is just ok. 3 stars or C+.
Not a fan of jazz but it does help me sleep. 3 stars or C.
One great song, two really good songs, and a bunch of okay songs equals 4 stars or B-.
A good album for a sleepy Sunday morning. 3 stars or C+.
Just another 80's band where it is style over substance but decent music so 3 stars or C,
Makes you realize how old Willie Nelson really is. 3 stars or C-.
I have heard many better albums from that time period. This one could not hold my interest. 2 stars or D+ for me.
Just barely tolerable. 2 stars or D-.
A great voice but I just don't have any interest in any of the songs, except Hello and Remedy. 3 stars or C+.
Not their best album by any means but still good enough for 4 stars or B.
It is an album that would improve with more listening but my first impression is 3 stars or C+.
It's easy when the album rates itself. 2 stars or D+.
This is a one star album until Psycho Killer lifts it up to 2 stars or D+.
Not an album I would listen to often, but worthy of 5 stars or A- for the idea of it.
For me it is an okay album for a genre I don't like much. 3 stars or C.
Not too much better than reggae in the morning, especially Bob Marley reggae. 4 stars or B+.
I kind of enjoyed this album until the L.A. Blues fingernails on a chalkboard sound ruined it. Anyway 3 stars or C+.
Interesting voice but not a style of music I prefer so 3 stars or C.
ZZZZZZZZZZ! 1 Star or F-.
Not a bad album but a little too repetetive at times. 3 stars or C.
Consistently good listen. 4 stars or B-.
For me Jazz equals sleep. 2 stars or D.
Not a huge fan of ZZ Top but this is a good album. 4 stars or B+.
A perfect example of the music I hated in the 80's. 1 star or F.
Easy listening but quite boring. 3 stars or C-.
70's Math: Skip class + smoke joint + stereo at 10 + Magic Bus from Live at Leeds = Failure No Supplement on your transcript. Five star memories of a 4star or B+ album.
The best songs of Sly & the Family Stone are great and the others are just okay. All in all 4 stars or B+ for this album.
Kind of interesting but I am not sure I need to hear it again. 3 stars or C.
There is nothing particularly good here but it is not the worst album on this list. 2 stars or D.
I could not stay interested in this at all. 2 stars or D+.
There is nothing here that twenty other bands don't do better. 2 stars or D+.
Decent folk sounding music but missing any song that stands out. 3 stars or C-.
Impressive album once you track it down. 4 stars or B+.
I actually never listened to this entire album in the seventies, but now I wish I had. 5 stars or A-.
If you weren't around in the 70's and never heard of Queen or the Beatles or the Bee Gees, then this will have to do. 3 stars or C for me.
This is seriously boring, 1 star or F for me.
Even though there are some songs here that I don't care for, It is still undoubtably a 5 star or A album for me.
I never think I will like Leonard Cohen's music but as I listen it surprises me and I do like it. 4 stars or B+.
I wish I had listened to this in the 70's. I would have cranked this on the stereo just to annoy my parents if nothing else. Still good now so 5 stars or A-.
There is maybe 15 minutes of decent music here. Problem is there is an hour of garbage surrrounding it. 2 stars or D-.
A good album that belongs in my 5 star A- class category, that includes the influence of the band on later bands as part of my rating.
I think if I gave this more than 2 stars it would be an insult to Slipknot. So 2 stars or D- it is. They don't want me to like it and I don't.
The music is 3 stars but the creativity of. the lyrics are 5 stars. Altogether the album is 4 stars or B+ for me.
To rate this I needed to think about the comparable music of the late 60's as it does seem dated to me now. Still it is good enough for 3 stars or C+.
One decent song and the rest is more annoying than good. 2 stars or D+ for me.
For me this album starts and ends after the first song. Sorry Rikki, but 2 stars or D is my ratiing.
It is better loud but still only 2 stars or D+ for me.
Even though I don't enjoy the music as much as other genres her voice alone makes this worth 4 stars or B+.