Dec 25 2023
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American Idiot
Green Day
If you only listen to one Green Day album before you die, make sure it is Dookie. But hopefully you have time for two, as this one should also not be missed. Yes, it’s a fairly formulaic pop-punk album composed of catchy riffs and Billie-Joe’s signature vocals but the ambition and creativity to attempt the concept rock opera should be applauded - the segues between songs work well, a few nice changes of pace and instrumental arrangements, and the recurring lyrical themes make you feel like you’re on a journey, not just listening to a collection of songs.
Something to make America’s youth think about what was going on in their post-9/11 world without being preachy, but more importantly, packed with great tunes.
American Idiot, Jesus of Suburbia and Holiday are all memorable but it’s Blvd of Broken Dreams that is the real jewel in the crown.
Only loses a point for me due to a slightly weaker second half but it would be an easy 4.5, great start to this project for me.
*my CD version must be different to what’s on streaming now as I have a 13 tracks compared to the 9 on Spotify, altho the runtime is the same.
Dec 26 2023
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A Christmas Gift For You From Phil Spector
Various Artists
While I enjoyed the timing of this coming up, it feels like a strange inclusion for the list. Are there really many people who die without having heard this dozen or so schmaltzy Christmas standards? It’s essentially the 1960s edition of Now That’s What I Call Christmas so of course it contains all the festive classics but it feels out of place in the project for me. The narrated final track ruins Silent Night as well, sadly, and has me reaching for Simon & Garfunkel’s version to cleanse my palate.
Roll on, Boxing Day.
Dec 27 2023
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Modern Sounds in Country and Western Music
Ray Charles
This is the kind of challenge I was hoping for but also not prepared for with this project. How to rate an album that is quite clearly and objectively beautiful and essential, but so far outside my own wheelhouse that I’ve never heard it before and probably won’t put it into regular rotation.
It feels daft to underrate it based on my own ignorance but pretentious to just slap on a 5.
But I thoroughly enjoyed the listen, at times spine tingling and heart wrenching. Musically excellent and vocally delightful. While I may not put it into regular rotation, when it does next come up, I know I’ll be very happy to spend more time with it.
‘Midnight’ gave me goose bumps.
Dec 28 2023
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Violent Femmes
Violent Femmes
I must’ve listened to Blister In The Sun a hundred times in indie clubs through my University days without knowing what it was called or who it was by. So I was immediately grateful for that discovery. The remaining half hour or so was unremarkable.
The sound doesn’t deviate much from track to track although the acoustic bass is fun and I had a few chuckles at the lyrics. Can’t see myself coming back to this one, and not sure I really get why it makes the list. I guess you had to be there.
Dec 29 2023
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Brilliant and seminal album, an important piece in the history of hip-hop but also, more importantly, a joy to listen through, with bangers at every turn and lyrically engaging.
Manages to sound fresh even nearly 30 years on.
Jan 01 2024
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Red Headed Stranger
Willie Nelson
Bluesy country rock. It's a little formulaic and the album doesn't stray far from its template but there's a quality to Willie's voice and guitar playing that I can't help but appreciate. The storytelling and concept feel to the album was an unexpected treat and I definitely plan to give this more time in future.
There's plenty to like about it, even in a style and genre that I would never choose for myself. It's a very very strong 3.5 that could even end up a 4 if I were to get to know it better.
Jan 02 2024
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Hot Rats
Frank Zappa
Something of a surprise - I had no idea Zappa was this jazz-influenced but it's clear this is an adventurous and highly accomplished record. I pretty quickly found elements worming their way into my brain and as challenging as Captain Beefheart's singing may be, his performance on Willie The Pimp is memorable and brilliant in its own way.
The bluesy elements and dense production definitely appealed to my more classic rock taste, although the composition is looser than I tend to prefer. I can understand why this is an important album and glad to have met it, but we're likely to stay acquaintances, rather than friends.
Jan 03 2024
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Fred Neil
Fred Neil
- "Sorry to let you know you have died. Welcome to heaven. How are you feeling?"
- "Relieved that I listened to Fred Neil before I went. Wow. That was lucky."
Said nobody, ever.
Give me actively terrible over offensively bland and unmemorable, any day.
Jan 04 2024
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That's The Way Of The World
Earth, Wind & Fire
Probably not for me but lots to appreciate and some great numbers. Shining Star is great, and plenty of this album feels familiar from film soundtracks and the like.
Jan 05 2024
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I'm Your Man
Leonard Cohen
I know Leonard Cohen a bit so wasn’t surprised by the fantastic voice and the songwriting. I was surprised by the 80s flavour to the production and instrumentation. Almost go so far as to say cheesy in places but this was an enjoyable listen and I am glad to have given it a couple of goes through.
Jan 06 2024
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Michael Jackson
A classic that could be heard everywhere in its time. Listening to it now I was a bit surprised by the number of slower songs that I didn’t really enjoy so I can’t quite give it that 5 stars but it is rare to find the sheer quality of the title track, The Way You Make Me Feel and Smooth Criminal, all sitting together on one record.
Jan 07 2024
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Rid Of Me
PJ Harvey
Lot of respect for Polly Jean and gave lots of her albums a go but none of them ever seemed to stick with me.
Same for Rid Of Me. First track was great but I felt it went off the rails a bit after that and after two listens I’m glad I know it now but don’t think it will enter my rotation. Heavy influence on a lot of great artists too, I can hear a lot of this in Garbage, Elastica and even more recently Wolf Alice. It’s one of my stronger 3s for sure.
Jan 08 2024
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The Teardrop Explodes
I've never been massively keen on the post-punk/new wave sound but I enjoyed this more than I expected. Its influence on some of my favourite 90s Britpop bands is really clear to see as well.
Jan 09 2024
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The Doors
The Doors
Quite enjoyed the overall vibe and some classic tunes. I don't love the proggy, organ-led numbers or the long stonery jams. It's probably not quite up my street but I am glad to have given it a couple of listens and I do get the hype, at least at the time.
Jan 10 2024
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Obviously know Bjork but this was a new album to me and one I enjoyed through twice. She is a mad genius and it’s about of fun to hear her creativity. An influence on many many other musicians. This worked well for background atmospherics and it might just be the time of year but feels frosty, delicate but powerful.
Jan 11 2024
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She's So Unusual
Cyndi Lauper
I was pleasantly surprised by this one! All I really knew was Girls Just Wanna Have Fun but ended up gladly giving it a second listen. Also learned that Cyndi Lauper wrote Time After Time. Plenty of good tunes and overall an enjoyable listen.
Jan 12 2024
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Made In Japan
Deep Purple
Quite enjoyed my slice of classic rock this week but I don’t tend to love live albums and there was a bit more on the jammy side here. It lacked a bit of punch and cohesion for my liking but a lot of fun.
Jan 13 2024
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Electric Ladyland
Jimi Hendrix
Just an essential album for any guitarist. Was great to give this a couple of proper airings. I knew all about Voodoo Child (Slight Return) and All Along The Watchtower but Little Miss Strange and 1983 are also brilliant.
Jan 14 2024
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My Aim Is True
Elvis Costello
All I really knew about Elvis Costello was his cameo in Austin Powers. So much more to be discovered. Great debut album that could’ve come from the 50s with its rock n roll swagger. Really enjoyed it.
Jan 15 2024
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Jan 16 2024
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Get Behind Me Satan
The White Stripes
A pleasant surprise today as an album I know well from when it was new. It’s not quite ‘White Blood Cells’ but the White Stripes in their prime were exciting and consistent, bashing out their unique brand of blues-rock. Equally capable of creating a catchy rocker like Blue Orchid or My Doorbell as a tender but accomplished piano ballad like I’m Lonely or Forever for Her.
Great album and very close to a 5. Comfortably a 4.5.
Jan 17 2024
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American Beauty
Grateful Dead
Really enjoyed this one. I know bits of the Grateful Dead from my Dad and they certainly know how to take a solo for a walk, go on a jam or write a hook that'll stick in your head. This particular one had some familiar hooks and tunes and some new ones. Definitely worth a couple of listens. Great album.
Jan 18 2024
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In A Silent Way
Miles Davis
First dabble into Miles and still not a big fan of jazz/fusion. Found the first half chaotic, noodly and directionless. Enjoyed the second half more and could contentedly work with it on in the background. That said, I’m quite happy to work with music on that is actually a lot more melodic and deliberate than this. It’s a 1.5 but I’m rounding up because it’s definitely not offensively bad.
Jan 19 2024
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Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere
Neil Young & Crazy Horse
Took a while to get to this as it's not on streaming but it was worth the wait, it's got some great stuff that I really enjoyed. He can write a hell of a song. I felt it tailed off a bit in the second half making it a strong 4, rather than scraping a 5.
Jan 20 2024
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It’s a great album, a dub and hip-hop classic that introduced me and a lot of the indie crowd to this kind of music through Damon Albarn’s connection. Really enjoyed having another listen. Although there are one or two odd experimental tracks that prevent it from being a perfect 5, it’s a very comfortable 4 and a half.
Jan 21 2024
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Amy Winehouse
Not really my thing but she does it well and has a hell of a voice. There were some memorable numbers but I just don’t see myself going back to it. Glad to have heard it though.
Jan 22 2024
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Ananda Shankar
Ananda Shankar
I don't really get why this belongs in the 1001. It's interesting to hear the sitar used in a contemporary (well, 1970...) setting, but the inclusion of Stones and Doors covers, especially in the opening run, make this feel like a bit of a novelty record. The most entertaining parts are the original works towards the end of the album but overall it doesn't get out of second gear, for me.
Jan 23 2024
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Channel Orange
Frank Ocean
I liked it better than I expected but I had really low expectations from brief previous encounters. Won’t be going into my rotation but I can see how it would be important within its genre.
Jan 24 2024
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Mott The Hoople
Listened twice and didn't really interest me. They sound like an imitation of Bowie but the tunes weren't catchy or interesting and I'm left wondering why this was included. Pretty ordinary to me.
Jan 25 2024
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Vincebus Eruptum
Blue Cheer
Fairly unremarkable 60s fuzz rock. Summertime Blues was a nice surprise; I only knew of the Who version (which is better). It's hard to unpick the influence of a band of 60 years ago when I am so much more familiar with all the artists it has since influenced but to me, on two listens there was nothing I'd come back to.
Jan 26 2024
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Screaming Trees
This has been a pleasant surprise. I knew nothing of Screaming Trees and didn't even know they comprised later members of Queens Of The Stone Age. This is a great melodic grunge album from a time when I was listening to a lot of this kind of music so I'm surprised it passed me by but maybe I just had plenty to keep me occupied at the time.
I'm glad to have found it now though. It's nothing massively groundbreaking but I am definitely keeping it on my radar for the future.
Jan 27 2024
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We Are Family
Sister Sledge
Not really my thing but objectively good and a couple of classics on here. I gave it a go but won't really be coming back to it.
Jan 28 2024
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Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
Simply the greatest album of all time. Even if it had come out today it would be incredible but the fact it is nearly 60 years old and changed the course of music makes it even more extraordinary.
Jan 29 2024
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Lust For Life
Iggy Pop
Listened to this a few times - really good album and a clear influence on a lot of the post-punk/garage type band and albums of the 90s and 00s. I am sure this one is going to head into my rotation now.
Jan 30 2024
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Can do without the screamy stuff but liked the second half. Quite a clear pathway to a lot of music I liked in the 90s and early 00s and a lot of great guitar work.
Jan 31 2024
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Dr. Octagonecologyst
Dr. Octagon
Had never even heard of this but if I’d discovered it in the late 90s or early 00s I would definitely have bought it. Great hip hop album that clearly influenced a lot that came after it. Glad to have found it.
Feb 01 2024
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Hot Buttered Soul
Isaac Hayes
A lot to like about this and something that I didn't know at all before today. Another pleasant surprise in that this album is 55 years old yet, to recycle a cliche, sounds fresh to me and has influenced a lot that I like, from Portishead to Labi Siffre. Probably won't be one I add to the regular rotation but I have enjoyed a couple of listens and certainly won't mind dabbling again in future. A very very strong 3.5!
Feb 02 2024
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The Grand Tour
George Jones
Oh dear. Just so dull. Very very country and it all sounds the same. Some poetic lyrics and he has a good voice but I have no interest in coming back to this.
Feb 03 2024
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Born In The U.S.A.
Bruce Springsteen
A lot of it didn’t really stand out, a fairly middle-of-the-road 80s rock album as far as my two listens went. Some nice familiar numbers but I have to say the lyrics feel a bit cliche and I don’t think there’s anything remarkable about his vocals or musicality. Just a few catchy hooks. The title track is by far the redeeming moment and a couple of nice numbers in the closing run.
Feb 04 2024
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Janis Joplin
Janis rocks and has some great songs here. She also wails and I enjoyed this one a lot. Really on the fence between 3/4 as I don’t really feel myself coming back to it on a regular basis. Probably the highest 3 I’ve given.
Feb 05 2024
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L'Eau Rouge
The Young Gods
What have I just listened to?!
Swiss French industrial metal apparently. And yet having found it bizarre and horrendous at first, I quite enjoyed a bit near the end and might give some of it another go. Some of it, I never want to hear again in my life.
Feb 06 2024
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Arthur (Or the Decline and Fall of the British Empire)
The Kinks
Pretty good Beatles-y rock. Nothing that really grabbed me but it was good and I'll keep it around for a couple more listens. It's hard when The Beatles did all this first and so very well, raises the bar to ridiculous standards and now with all the benefit of hindsight, it's hard to judge them fairly hearing them all together.
Still, I enjoyed it and will listen to it again.
Feb 07 2024
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The Notorious Byrd Brothers
The Byrds
My favourite new discovery so far. This is a cracking album and one I’ll be buying. Going Back is a brilliant song. They have a lovely psychedelic folk-rock sound that just rolls through the album and then they seal the deal with effortless harmonies. I really really like it.
Feb 08 2024
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Master Of Puppets
Not really my thing. Gave it a go and yeah in some moods there’s a good groove and some fine guitar work but I just can’t see myself ever choosing to listen to it.
Feb 09 2024
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Hybrid Theory
Linkin Park
I didn't particularly like Nu-Metal when it was new but it was at least interesting - mashing pop-punk with turntablism and rap. Now it feels dated and there's really nothing here I'm that interested in returning to.
Feb 10 2024
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My Generation
The Who
Really listenable and clearly a classic. More bluesy than I was expecting and I was surprised I only knew My Generation and none of the rest as The Who have always been a staple of my Dad’s taste.
Feb 11 2024
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Slanted And Enchanted
It’s an indie staple with a lot to like about it. Not quite as enjoyable to listen to as I want it to be but there are some fantastic moments, like Here and Fame Throwa. Really on the edge of a 3/4 but I’m in the mood to round up.
Feb 12 2024
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Django Django
Django Django
Only knew the name and nothing more before today but this was a lot of fun and an unexpected hit with me.
The 2010s was a quiet period for me with new music so it’s good to find some hidden gems that had passed me by.
Feb 13 2024
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If I Should Fall From Grace With God
The Pogues
Nah. Seems wrong to give an album 1 star that includes Fairytale of New York but I was just waiting for this to end and don’t see myself ever coming back to it. I’m sure it’s a great album if you love Irish folk but it was very much not for me.
Feb 14 2024
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Toys In The Attic
Lots of classics here. Already a fan of Walk This Way and Sweet Emotion but there is more to like and overall a solid selection.
Feb 15 2024
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Green Onions
Booker T. & The MG's
It’s just organ and guitars. It’s a cool groove and the title track alone goes straight into the library but the pace, instrumentation and mood never really shifts and it didn’t really stick with me. Glad to have found it. Will be moving on, thanks.
Feb 16 2024
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Is This It
The Strokes
One that I know very well but in my opinion, bettered by its successors. I didn’t quite get the hype at the time; it sounded a bit mechanical, the vocals are all distorted and I sort of felt the songs all sound too samey. It’s still one I listen to quite often though and was hugely significant at the time, which fortunately I was there to see.
Feb 17 2024
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Live And Dangerous
Thin Lizzy
Started off thinking this would be dull, generic cock rock but I got quite into it and found that lots of it was really good. Most of it is indeed generic cock rock and variations on the 12 bar blues but they could rock out and it has all the energy and grime you want from a live album. It’s probably a 3.5 but I’m feeling generous for some reason with this one.
Feb 18 2024
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Sheet Music
It’s wacky but I’ve listened to it a few times and really enjoyed parts of it. Nice to have something completely different but they could also write a good hook to be fair.
Feb 19 2024
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The Slider
T. Rex
Really didn’t grab me. Found myself thinking (wishing) something catchy like Get It On or 20th Century Boy would come on but it was all pretty drab and samey. Obviously got the wrong T Rex album for today.
Feb 20 2024
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The Clash
The Clash
Obviously an important album for punk and the direction music would go in from here on but after a couple of listens, nothing really got me wanting to keep it in my rotation. Decent but not incredible.
Feb 21 2024
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Mr. Tambourine Man
The Byrds
Liked it but not as much as the previous Byrds albums (Notorious Byrd Brothers). It feels a lot like The California Beatles and the best numbers here are jangly covers of Dylan songs. I like their sound but evidently they got better as they started writing their own stuff.
Feb 22 2024
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Make Yourself
Some good moments that I enjoyed. Generally very 90s alternative US, feels a bit cookie cutter at times.
Feb 23 2024
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Sign 'O' The Times
Liked this more than I expected. A varied mixture of sounds and perhaps a touch too long but there were some songs I really enjoyed and will spend more time with.
Feb 24 2024
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MTV Unplugged In New York
Really good album. Nirvana were just a bit before my time but I’m looking forward to digging deeper and live acoustic is a great different angle to approach them. Will keep this one in rotation.
Feb 25 2024
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If You Can Believe Your Eyes & Ears
The Mamas & The Papas
Liked this more than I expected to. It’s more mid 60s jangly folk rock but the songs are solid, catchy and I’m a sucker for a harmony.
Discovering so many contemporaries of the Beatles is also making me realise more how special they were, considering they basically pioneered this movement and achieved what they did in just 5-6 years. But I enjoyed this one twice and will keep a few highlights on rotation.
Feb 26 2024
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Night Life
Ray Price
I really thought the biggest struggle of this challenge would be RnB, Soul and maybe Jazz. But no, who would’ve thought? It’s the dull, depressing 60s Country albums that turn up from time to time. I will be forgetting this one immediately.
Feb 27 2024
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Music From Big Pink
The Band
I’ve discovered a fair bit of 60s rock and beat pop etc through this challenge so I was pretty keen for this one but it fell flat. Disappointed. Nothing really stuck with me after two listens and I can’t see much reason to go back. The overall sound was ok but never really turned into anything.
Feb 28 2024
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The Man Machine
Great stuff! A very cool album and hard to imagine this hitting shops in the 70s when it was a pretty new sound. It’s basically what has evolved into Daft Punk but a bit more atmospheric rather than dance floor friendly. Definitely coming back to this one.
Feb 29 2024
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Speakerboxxx/The Love Below
I actually liked this more than I remember. Still not sure there’s enough material for a double and it would’ve been incredibly consistent if it was whittled down to one disc but I respect what they’ve done here. Speakerboxxx over The Love Below for me but it’s a solid collection and doesn’t seem to have aged in 20 years.
Mar 01 2024
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Already know and like this one although it’s definitely stronger with the bonus tracks as ‘America’ is a prog masterpiece that the original is missing.
Mar 02 2024
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Neil Young
It’s nice but it didn’t blow me away. Admittedly I’ve heard it before but other than Heart of Gold and Out on the Weekend, it pretty much passed me by.
Mar 03 2024
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London Calling
The Clash
I live by the RIVERRRRRRRR!!
Mar 04 2024
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So Much For The City
The Thrills
Nah. I heard this one at the time it was new and a bit hyped but I found it dull and cheesy. Time has done nothing for it. No idea how it has made the list. Is he trying to sound American? It’s just not good and it was also too long, I could not wait for it to end.
Mar 05 2024
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Hotel California
Three songs in, I thought I was headed for an easy 5 but it goes a bit soft rock in the second half and overall just has a middle-of-the-roady feel to it. Title track and Life in the Fast Lane are brilliant though and generally just enjoyed it a couple of times through.
Mar 06 2024
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All Things Must Pass
George Harrison
Took a few days to digest this fully and there are some outstanding songs here, certainly close to being a 5 but I felt it just dragged a bit. It's a huge volume of work and such consistently high quality. In a way it might have been better as a tight, 12 track masterpiece but at least this way we get more of Harrison's genius, just spread across three discs, including all of the filler.
Mar 07 2024
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Countdown To Ecstasy
Steely Dan
I found this really interesting. I’m not sure what it is - a bit like rock but then it’s also funky and a bit jazzy. I did like it though, strangely. It’s close between a 3 and 4 but I think it’s going to fall on the higher side. It’s just fun.
Mar 08 2024
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Talvin Singh
I remember this when it was new and didn’t try it out but it’s nice. A lot of atmosphere and a decent album. Just not one I can see myself coming back to, but that’s probably not Talvin Singh’s fault to be fair.
Mar 09 2024
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Lou Reed
Owned this one for a while and probably never gave it enough love beyond Perfect Day and Walk On the Wild Side. It’s much more than that, really consistent and enjoyable listen. Tails off a bit at the end or it could even be a 5.
Mar 10 2024
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The Message
Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five
It feels like an important album in the history of hip hop but personally I don’t see myself coming back to it. Other than The Message, which is a classic. The rest was a bit slow and unremarkable.
Mar 11 2024
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A Hard Day's Night
It not my favourite or one of the Beatles’ 5s but it’s still packed with tunes and great songwriting.
Mar 12 2024
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David Bowie
Of course I know Bowie but I don't know this one. First three tracks had me really interested. But then it lost its momentum and direction and the second half was pretty disappointing, weirdly avant garde and just a bit random.
Mar 13 2024
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Power In Numbers
Jurassic 5
This is a stormer. I bought it way back but clearly hadn't remembered how good it is, just consistently excellent throughout. I probably didn't give it as much love as their debut back in the day because it doesn't have stand-out single type material but the overall quality is really high and the production is superb.
Mar 14 2024
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At San Quentin
Johnny Cash
Didn’t do loads for me but his patter is quite amusing and clearly he can turn a tune. Can’t see myself coming back here again.
Mar 15 2024
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Jean-Michel Jarre
It sounds a lot like an 80s movie soundtrack. Which in a way isn’t surprising as this is what JMJ did for a lot of his career. While it’s still pretty impressive in a ‘before its time’ kinda way, I just wasn’t that excited by the idea of listening to it again.
Mar 16 2024
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Bayou Country
Creedence Clearwater Revival
This gave me American Zeppelin vibes. Very similar sound but the voice is nowhere near as good as Plant and the guitar work is nowhere near Page. Some stuff I liked but not as much as I’d hoped.
Mar 17 2024
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Queens of the Stone Age
Queens of the Stone Age
Familiar with lots of QOTSA but not this one. And it’s good, consistent with their work but it’s no Songs For The Deaf to be fair. Slightly too long as well, but I later found out they added some extra tracks to the original release. Some great stuff but it’s not quite a 4. Not far off it but not there.
Mar 18 2024
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Lost Souls
I somewhat remembered this album from its original release but I didn’t remember how dull it was. It never gets going and never goes anywhere. I clearly didn’t remember it very well as it’s just not that memorable. The follow up was much better.
Mar 19 2024
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Fela Kuti
I appreciate the musicianship here but it's more jazz fusion and I just don't really click with it. Some very long tracks of (albeit impressive) just drumming. And drumming. I appreciate that Tony Allen is a legend but can we give him a band to stick an actual melody over that?
Mar 20 2024
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Straight Outta Compton
Another really strong entry in the hip hop genre and one that is just classic after classic. Amazing to think this happened in 1988, which is 36 years ago now, and the influence it spread across the decades that followed.
Mar 21 2024
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Safe As Milk
Captain Beefheart & His Magic Band
I've probably prematurely dismissed Captain Beefheart after hearing Trout Mask Replica many years ago and finding it pretty painful. However, I found a lot of good stuff in Safe as Milk and kept it in rotation for a few days while deciding between a strong 3 and a scraped 4. But every time it comes on I enjoy its bluesy vibes and variety so I'm going generous.
Mar 22 2024
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Black Monk Time
The Monks
Don’t really get what’s special or significant about this. It was ok, similar to much other 60s beat pop. Maybe I’m missing something.
Mar 23 2024
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Van Morrison
I was expecting a bit more as this one feels like it should be a classic but found it a bit bland. Some nice moments but nothing really grabbed me and doubt I’ll rush to return to it.
Mar 24 2024
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Among The Living
Bit of thrash metal. Not super keen. Obviously there’s always some good guitar work in these albums but there’s not enough of a melody and the drums are so fast it just feels exhausting. Not for me.
Mar 25 2024
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Solid Air
John Martyn
This was a joy to discover. Never heard of him but reading around his bio, I'm familiar with a lot of his peers and collaborators. Clearly a really talented guitarist and takes a lot of interesting directions on this album. At first seems like a fairly tame folk record but there are some real gems hiding in here. Very tempted to give a 5 but will go with a strong 4.
Mar 26 2024
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(Pronounced 'Leh-'Nérd 'Skin-'Nérd)
Lynyrd Skynyrd
Great album! One I’ve owned for a while and packed with bluesy classics. Come for Freebird, stay for Tuesday’s Gone and Mississippi Kid! It’s not a 5 but it’s a very very easy 4.
Mar 27 2024
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It’s very textbook punky new wave. A bit jangly for my taste but I can see where this comes in the line from the punk and rock eras to where we were in the 90s and today. Don’t see myself going back to it but I appreciated it.
Mar 28 2024
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Echo And The Bunnymen
More of the jangly new wave and just boring.
Not for me. Couldn’t wait for it to be over.
Mar 29 2024
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Sex Packets
Digital Underground
Some good moments that I’ve heard sampled in other hip hop and apparently pretty important in its place but it’s just so cringy to listen to. Sounds dated and embarrassing. It’s a whole album about some kind of weird sex drug. What?
Mar 30 2024
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The xx
Underwhelming. There was a fair bit of hype when it came out and I gave it a go then but didn’t really get it. Listening with fresh ears, I still don’t. It has some nice moments and overall a good vibe but it’s nothing I haven’t heard before or since really. Basic Space and Crystalised just about got me thinking 3 over 2 but it’s more of a 2.5 really.
Mar 31 2024
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You Are The Quarry
While Morrissey is a complete lunatic and wildly unlikable, I do try to separate the art from the artist. However, the ‘art’ here is also boring, full of asinine and hypocritical political bollocks and just not very good.
Apr 01 2024
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Diamond Life
There’s nothing like this in my collection so I guess I’ve learned about something new. But there’s also a good reason I have none of this in my collection. I can’t stand it.
Apr 02 2024
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To Pimp A Butterfly
Kendrick Lamar
Just not that inspiring. Better than some of the more drab RnB but it’s not as fun or exciting as the classic Hip Hop that’s been on the list so far. Don’t really understand why he’s considered as highly as he is. It was very average for me.
Apr 03 2024
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Dub Housing
Pere Ubu
Very random and quirky noisy post-punk type stuff. Pretty bizarre but I feel it warrants more than a 1 because it’s sort of innovative and original in a way and not boring. Can’t see myself coming back to it but it’s something learned that I’d never heard of, and I can see where it led to things like Pavement, Talking Heads and LCD Soundsystem.
Apr 04 2024
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Signing Off
It’s ok. I mean, it’s all very samey reggae. I liked the overall groove but it doesn’t really change formula throughout and had me waiting for it to end.
Apr 05 2024
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Van Halen
Really enjoyed it. Especially after days and days of duds, a bit of good old fashioned rock music. Easy to get into, rock out a bit and not overthink my 4 star rating. Knew Jump was great but there are numerous bangers here.
Apr 06 2024
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Live At Leeds
The Who
Don’t tend to like live albums and I also don’t know The Who much deeper than Who’s Next and the singles, so I’ve never given this a go til now. But it was a lot of fun with a number of really strong live takes. The medleys and jams are great, take a lot of these songs to the next level and they have some good patter with the crowd.
Apr 07 2024
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Highway to Hell
Generally enjoyable cookie cutter hard rock but it does start to feel a bit generic and samey by the end. Would be interested to hear the odd change of pace but not really their thing I guess.
Apr 08 2024
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In Our Heads
Hot Chip
Always liked Hot Chip and while this has been somewhere in my collection for years, I hadn't given it a fair crack for quite a while but it's a brilliant album, both eclectic and focused. Nice and chilled but has its boppy moments too, although I think it fades a bit in the second half which is keeping me from thinking too hard about a 5 star. No qualms on giving this a 4 though. Great stuff.
Apr 09 2024
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Natty Dread
Bob Marley & The Wailers
Nice little album although I found it tailing off in the second half. Never really made time to listen to a lot of Bob properly but enjoyed this and happy to have found it.
Apr 10 2024
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Killing Joke
Killing Joke
Some of the post-punk movement really bores me, even when I understand that it forms an important path from rock and punk to the indie and garage music I liked around the late 90s-early 00s. But something about this album really appealed. The rhythm section really gets into some grooves and I can also see the path to the likes of The Prodigy and Primal Scream through this. I can definitely see myself listening to this again. It is a chaotic, noisy mess at times but there's something strangely brilliant about it.
Apr 11 2024
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Bone Machine
Tom Waits
That was hard work. Good grief. A truly horrible vocal performance. But something about this prevents me from giving 1 star. There is some really nice music hidden under it and it's full of variety and intrigue. In a way it's a shame he ruins it by singing over it, to the point where I never want to listen to this again in my life, but I do have an appreciation for the character and craft on display.
Apr 12 2024
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Private Dancer
Tina Turner
Yeah just not my thing. I gave it a go. Next please.
Apr 13 2024
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DJ Shadow
Remember this one from the late 90s and it was pretty important in terms of opening the door to more of the mixing and sampling subgenre of hip/trip hop. It’s mostly great as background vibe music but undeniably cool.
Apr 14 2024
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Time Out Of Mind
Bob Dylan
I’ve been surprised not to have encountered Dylan yet in over 100 days, and here comes one I don’t know at all. I didn’t actually know he was still releasing decent new material in the 90s to be fair. It’s a good job he knows how to write a damn fine song and execute it with this much earnest authenticity, because he sounds like a goblin and that’s the only thing holding me back from considering 5 stars. Great album.
Apr 15 2024
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The Infotainment Scan
The Fall
Liked it. I know OF The Fall but not sat and listened to any of their albums and this one I enjoyed twice through. There's a bit of baggy type early 90s influence and a bit of post-punk new wave, a bit of a Talking Heads meets Primal Scream vibe but also with Smith's distinctive vocals.
Apr 16 2024
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The Fat Of The Land
The Prodigy
My reviews have settled into a much more succinct form since starting the challenge. Who has time to listen to AND write a full page review for an album every single day?! But this one is special.
I already loved the Prodigy by June 1997 and had been anticipating this one since the Firestarter single in 1996. I can't remember why I would have had a day off school on a Monday in June 1997 but I clearly remember meeting my best mate in town to buy a copy of this from Our Price at the moment of release, 9am. I also clearly remember taking it back home and smashing it on Dad's big stereo at about 9:15 and for most of the rest of the day, and much of the rest of the year. It's just an all time favourite. Are some parts of it dated now? Sure. Are there still new releases in the 2020s that borrow from and are indebted to it? Absolutely. I'm sure there were less well-known artists fusing punk and techno at the time but none were doing it AND breaking the UK charts with consecutive huge #1 singles.
The side-B suite of Mindfields - Narayan - Firestarter is one of the strongest 3-track runs in all of music, and while I was slightly worried that I may have gone off it somewhat in the past 25 years, I thoroughly enjoyed listening through today. It was a life changing album for me and a game changing album for music in the 90s.
Apr 17 2024
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I'd not come across this before but really glad I have now. Loved how distinctive and different it sounds. Really tribal rhythms and her voice is brilliant.
Apr 18 2024
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Pink Flag
It's good. I've often been underwhelmed by these 70s-80s post punk albums which is probably unfair as I'm coming at them with the benefit of hindsight and taking them for granted. You can hear the influence of this one in Ash and a lot of the 90s-00s guitar music I love, so it's great to experience it as part of that journey. I didn't quite love it though; the sound is great and I did enjoy the overall vibe but never quite found myself thinking I'd come back to it in any hurry.
Apr 19 2024
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Forever Changes
I liked it but not as much as I'd hoped. It felt up my street stylistically and there were lots of good elements. The searing guitar solos kept grabbing my attention but then they never lasted long and despite three full listens it never really raised my head above a pleasant nodding along. 1967 was a great year for albums but I'm a little surprised this is one that gets held in such high regard.
Apr 20 2024
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Today I learned that Amnesiac was essentially a Kid A leftovers album. It makes a lot of sense too, as it has very similar atmosphere and instrumentation, particularly compared with the pre-Kid A Radiohead sound. It also explains why this is a bit of a loose and inconsistent record. In places it soars and touches the highs of its predecessors but it doesn’t feel as coherent or rewarding a listen.
Apr 21 2024
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Let It Be
The Replacements
It has a lot of ingredients that I often like. Post-punky, crunchy and rocky. But beyond a couple of songs, the vocals really grated on me and the chaotic arrangements just don't land often enough. I don't really see myself wanting to come back to it.
Apr 22 2024
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I’m a Lonesome Fugitive
Merle Haggard
More 60s US country. Not my thing. But there's a little more here than in some of the previous albums I've been dealt. A bit more blues and some variety on the pace and overall feel. I still didn't like it much and was glad when it was over.
Apr 23 2024
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Fear Of A Black Planet
Public Enemy
Another classic from the golden era of hip hop. Just flows and never really drags for the better part of an hour, then you get ‘Fight the Power’! Great stuff
Apr 24 2024
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Black Holes and Revelations
I remember parts of this from when it was new and it's actually even better than I remembered. Some great electronic-tinged rock and Bellamy's voice and guitar playing are on another level. I thought about giving this a 5 but somehow just feel it's on the lower side of a 4.5, a little overblown and bloated at times. Fantastic album though and really glad to have rediscovered it.
Apr 25 2024
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Abbey Road
There isn't much to be said about this album that hasn't already been said. The first half is classic after classic and the second is one of the most fun runs of songs in the history of music. It's probably only my 4th or 5th favourite Beatles album but it's hard not to consider it an all-time great. And that's even when you allow for Octopus's Garden.
Apr 26 2024
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Gasoline Alley
Rod Stewart
It's a nice, safe rock album with some really enjoyable numbers but never quite consistently crosses over from good to great for me.
Apr 27 2024
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Buena Vista Social Club
Buena Vista Social Club
Not really playing on my home turf here but for a precious hour on a Friday afternoon, I'm more than happy to slip into the warm glow of a Cuban evening and enjoy this slice of the Caribbean. Impossible not to move your hips, admire the musicality and enjoy the vibes.
Apr 28 2024
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Armed Forces
Elvis Costello & The Attractions
The other Elvis has been a really fortunate discovery for me on this challenge. Who knew he'd done so much and carried the rock'n'roll torch for so long?! I liked this more than the previous one, he does catchy and hooky really well and lyrically there's loads to unpick, so this one stayed in my rotation all weekend and will stay on the radar.
Apr 29 2024
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Virgin Suicides
When it's good, it's really dreamy and atmospheric. It's also a lot of slightly out-of-context soundtrack music so at times you don't really know what to make of it. Air are fantastic and do what they do better than anyone else. But this one feels a bit odd outside of the film it was created for. Some great moments though.
Apr 30 2024
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The Who
I always have time for a concept album and obviously this is one of the 'rock opera' variety. It's got so many great tunes on it that even if the story gets incredibly weird and doesn't always make complete sense, the songs are there and it's great fun to listen to, regardless. Pinball Wizard has to be one of the greatest rock songs ever written.
May 01 2024
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John Barleycorn Must Die
I was a little concerned when it started off a bit funk/jazzy but then they pull out a really classic rock sound with some great guitar work and catchy hooks. I've enjoyed keeping this one around for a few days. Nice find.
May 02 2024
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White Light
Gene Clark
I didn't realise Gene Clark was a member of the Byrds, but it makes sense. The guitar playing is nice if pretty simple and it's a soft and enjoyable little collection of songwriting. Some great moments but a few too many that didn't really stick in the brain after a few listens, for me.
May 03 2024
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Searching For The Young Soul Rebels
Dexys Midnight Runners
Gave this a couple of goes but it really didn't click with me. It's not terrible and there are some good moments but I could never hear this again and not really feel like I'm missing much. Geno is good.
May 04 2024
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Led Zeppelin II
Led Zeppelin
When I listen to an album in the car, I often turn the volume up when my favourite song comes on. When I listen to Led Zeppelin II in the car, I often turn the volume up 9 times by the end of my journey. It’s probably my favourite pure rock album of all time. I defy anyone to listen to the opening riff of Heartbreaker and not want to be Jimmy Page just for a few sweet moments.
May 05 2024
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Joni Mitchell
I had to give this one a few goes through with the good headphones. It's a fantastic record. The minimalistic sound and the poetry in her lyrics are just perfect.
May 06 2024
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All Directions
The Temptations
This was a really pleasant surprise. I had no idea this is what The Temptations could sound like but reading around the progression of the band and their sound it makes sense. The brilliant 'Papa Was A Rolling Stone' is a perfect centrepiece but it's just groovy and fun the whole way through.
May 07 2024
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It's a decent slab of grunge. I would definitely have enjoyed it more if a third to half was trimmed off as it's a bit long and bloated with some of the more middle-of-the-roady mid-tempo stuff but there was plenty I enjoyed. Chris Cornell was one of the best vocalists of his generation, but I prefer his later work against the harder backdrop of Audioslave.
May 08 2024
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Taylor Swift
It's inoffensive if a little dull. I'm sure it would be easy to shit on Taylor as she's become irritatingly ubiquitous and I'm really not sure she deserves it. The songs are ok and she can sing them just fine but I don't really see the appeal above any other young pop female singing about their breakups while seeming to sit on a mildly feminist platform. I gave it a couple of spins but don't see myself coming back for any of it.
May 09 2024
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Pearl Jam
I've found it hard to decide how I feel about the 'between' albums that plot the course from the 70s classic rock I like to the 90s-00s garage rock I like. I know without some of them, we never end up with some of my favourites; the grunge movement is a crucial piece of the puzzle and this is a significant band and album of that movement. But I haven't got into most of them as much as I had hoped. I gave it a few listens and enjoyed it overall but it never quite felt like something I'd buy or consider essential. It's consistently good but never quite crosses into 'great' for me.
May 10 2024
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Fetch The Bolt Cutters
Fiona Apple
I respect this more than a lot of the bland two-note pop music. She’s gone for it with both feet and at least written something as cool as Under The Table. Lots of it is very very odd and doesn’t strike me as something I’ll be coming back to.
May 11 2024
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Coat Of Many Colors
Dolly Parton
Considering how far out of my usual territory this fell, I really liked it. She writes a nice country love song and tells stories that have some real emotional punch.
May 12 2024
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Just an incredible piece of work. From start to finish, creates an atmosphere, smashes it up, takes you on a journey and it still feels as amazing 30 years later. It’s as good sat in the background, listened to in detail on headphones or blasted on the stereo. One of the all time greats.
May 13 2024
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Youssou N'Dour
Had no idea what this would be and was a really pleasant surprise. If music has a colour scheme, this was one of the most colourful and joyous records I've heard in this challenge. Some outstanding playing and just a rich tapestry of instrumentation and melody. I was reminded frequently of Paul Simon's Graceland and clearly this style of music was an inspiration throughout that project.
May 14 2024
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This album was utterly ubiquitous throughout the 90s so it's hard to be really objective about it but giving it an honest listen through from front to back, it's held up really well and you can immediately see why it was such a massive influence on alternative music - and culture - of the time and the decades that followed. I've had a handful of grunge classics so far but this definitely stands above the others.
May 15 2024
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The Man Who
I’m pretty sure anyone who died without hearing The Man Who will be just fine with that. It was everywhere for a few minutes in 1999 partly because of the dirge that is Why Does It Always Rain On Me? But even that doesn’t really justify the hype. I’m giving it an extra star for Turn which I always liked, but it’s just not a great album.
May 16 2024
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Only Built 4 Cuban Linx
Once again, the list delivers really high quality in 90s Hip-Hop fare. I only (currently) know the tip of the Wu-Tang iceberg, so adding more context and background is definitely a rewarding process. The production is excellent and Raekwon plus an array of guests add superb vocals throughout. The quality rarely dips although it is a long old album to get through at times.
May 17 2024
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The World is a Ghetto
Gave it a few goes and thought it was fine. Some good moments but nothing to really grab my attention. The jazz/soul variations of rock are always interesting to discover, drawing from a slightly different palate of instrumentation to what I'm used to in the rock genre. Overall it felt nice for the background but not one I feel the need to add to my collection.
May 18 2024
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In Rainbows
Spent a few days here to make my mind up, although it's one I owned when it came out. There are some tracks I really enjoy here but there's also just too much arty, directionless later-Radiohead noodling under the whiny, mumbling version of Thom Yorke. I remember now why I lost interest in Radiohead after OK Computer. The good moments are too deeply buried in art noise.
May 19 2024
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This is a great album. Beck does so much hopping around between genres, styles and instruments and it's always fun and arresting. I don't think Guero quite reaches the highs of Odelay or the fun of Midnite Vultures but it's got good to great songs peppered throughout and never really dips too far below the median.
May 20 2024
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Water From An Ancient Well
Abdullah Ibrahim
I tend to roll my eyes when I get anything in the jazz realm but shame on me today. I had no idea how much I would enjoy this. Probably a bit elevator-y at times but the musicality really grabbed me, it's got some brilliant moments and overall a good upbeat vibe. A pleasant surprise.
May 21 2024
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Disraeli Gears
There's enough classic psych rock riffage here to warrant a comfortable 4. There's also unfortunately too much weird vibrato vocals (We're Going Wrong - yes you are) and what sounded like a bad Monty Python outtake (Mother's Lament) to hold me off giving a 5. Overall a great discovery and definitely one I'll be coming back to.
May 22 2024
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Exit Planet Dust
The Chemical Brothers
Exit Planet Dust came out at a time when the whole big beat genre was still mostly hiding underground and brought it to the mainstream. Hugely important and influential and also a lot of fun to listen to. They really soar with their collaborations and it's Beth Orton and Tim Burgess who take this album to another level. It's iconic and truly brilliant.
May 23 2024
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Bee Gees
I think this suffers from being too long in places but there is loads of it I really enjoyed and I like the overall concept feel of it. It seems they were trying to show the world they were more than just 'Stayin Alive' and job done, because I had no idea this sort of work was lurking in their catalogue and I'm glad to have found it now.
May 24 2024
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Crime Of The Century
Really enjoyed this and had to go back for repeat plays. Found it on the rockier and more accessible side of the prog spectrum and really cinematic in a good way. Naturally made to be played loud, I feel. Looking forward to trying more Supertramp in the future.
May 25 2024
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This Year's Model
Elvis Costello & The Attractions
Another Elvis Costello album but this one failed to grab my attention in any serious way. It's consistently good but doesn't ever really raise its head much higher than that and I don't think I'll come back to it in any hurry.
May 26 2024
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Licensed To Ill
Beastie Boys
The progression of the Beastie Boys from hardcore and joke punk songs to become pioneers of hip-hop is laid bare on these 13 tracks (and the album that followed) - from picking out the samples that range from Led Zeppelin to 80s television characters to tracking the beats and snippets that were subsequently sampled by the future hip-hop greats, it's very clear to see where this absolutely vital album sits in the history of the genre. It's a phenomenal record that takes rock and rap and forces them to play nice. Sure, some of the lyrical content is dated, but the Beasties were literally boys at the time, and the production is many years beyond its time.
May 27 2024
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More Songs About Buildings And Food
Talking Heads
Such a fun album. The beat kicks off and just never seems to stop. Easy to forget this album is over 45 years old! The influence it's had is enormous and it's also a really solid great album to listen to.
May 28 2024
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The Velvet Underground & Nico
The Velvet Underground
The emperor is naked, let's just be honest about it. Just because people say this is the coolest album ever made, doesn't make it any better to listen to. It has its moments but is wildly overrated in my opinion.
May 29 2024
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The Modern Dance
Pere Ubu
My second Pere Ubu album and I'm none the wiser as to why it's here. They seem to have been an important underground influential artist but it's just such messy noise and not a million miles from the last one.
May 30 2024
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The Genius Of Ray Charles
Ray Charles
Obviously a hugely important and talented musician but this style of music just does nothing for me personally.
May 31 2024
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Heroes to Zeros
The Beta Band
At their peak, the Beta Band were one of Britain's most innovative, creative and promising bands. Sadly that peak came and passed far too quickly. The aptly-named Heroes to Zeros soundtracks the period from their excellent Hot Shots II era to their breakup just months after this was released. It's a damn shame but they just didn't seem to be able to agree on the creative direction, some members struggled with mental health and they and collectively kept hitting the self-destruct button.
Lots of this album are of the playful, genre-bending variety that made them so exciting, but it lacks consistency and sags in the second half. I can't go lower than a 4 because they were just so special while we had them around (and outstanding live) but it's much messier than its predecessor and not as much fun as the 3 EPs that put the Betas on the map in the first place.
Jun 01 2024
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This Is Fats Domino
Fats Domino
I'm know this is an important, milestone collection from the very roots of rock'n'roll and blues but I prefer the later music it inspired. After a few goes, it's good stuff but doesn't really have me adding to my rotation.
Jun 02 2024
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The Boatman's Call
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
Always been aware of Nick Cave and sort of considered him a Leonard Cohen-lite. Probably a bit unfairly, but this album has done little to deter me from it. That said, there is some stellar songwriting here, he does a superb job of stripping back the production to make the lyrics the focal point. Would have liked the odd change of pace but in the right mood, it's an excellent record.
Jun 03 2024
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Antichrist Superstar
Marilyn Manson
I remember this being synonymous with a certain demographic at school, which put me right off but it you can't deny its influence. I went into it with an open mind though, but it's too long and really not as hard or heavy as I expected and left me a bit bored.
Jun 04 2024
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At Folsom Prison
Johnny Cash
Never been the biggest Johnny Cash fan but I found this engaging and I love the idea of him playing in prisons for some reason. He has a good bit of fun with his banter with the inmates and delivers his brand of country rock with humour and conviction.
Jun 05 2024
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Joy Division
Found this one washed over me as background music but I appreciated it a lot more a second time on headphones. It's moody and atmospheric and never in a rush, which is much rarer in more recent music. But I can see the influence from here on lots of great bands like Interpol, BRMC and Bloc Party who moved post-punk into the 21st Century. A challenging listen but well worthwhile.
Jun 06 2024
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The Scream
Siouxsie And The Banshees
Getting this immediately after Joy Division was interesting as I'm pretty sure it was a major influence on them and the two flow quite nicely into each other. Dark and angry but some great riffs and tunes and they really lean on quality basslines, which you can miss if you rush it.
Jun 07 2024
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When I Was Born For The 7th Time
Everyone will remember Cornershop for Brimful of Asha but I did a little more digging back in the day so I remember this album and it is a brilliant, colourful cocktail of indie rock and electronica with its British Indian influences worn very proudly throughout. It was a joy to revisit and has held up extremely well.
Jun 08 2024
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On The Beach
Neil Young
My third Neil Young and it's a worrying trend - I've gone from a strong 4 to a comfortable 3 but this one I can only give a 2. I didn't realise I had it on repeat and listened to it nearly three times without noticing. I just thought it had gone on a long time without ever piquing my interest. Just very bland and unremarkable. I understand why he's made the list, even multiple times, but surely this spot could've been given to something a bit more interesting?!
Jun 09 2024
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Primal Scream
The highs are high; Movin On Up and Loaded are two absolute anthems of the baggy era and helped spawn a genre and a whole range of subcultures. I owned this album but didn’t remember any of it outside those two tracks. On a few pills at an early 90s rave this album, I’m sure, was as good as it gets. I just find that on headphones in 2024, it’s hard to keep enjoying the formula for a full hour. Influential and brilliant in its time but happy to move on now.
Jun 10 2024
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Two Dancers
Wild Beasts
If nobody has yet taken this ‘singer’ aside and discussed alternative career options, it’s just cruelty at this point.
Jun 11 2024
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In The Court Of The Crimson King
King Crimson
I had high expectations and while it’s a good album I didn’t quite understand why it’s so highly rated. Some good moments and an overall well written and complete-feeling LP. But it misses in places and didn’t jump out for me as often as I had hoped.
Jun 12 2024
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Modern Life Is Rubbish
The album that started Britpop. Basically sounds like a week in the life of your average Brit in 1993. Light-heartedly cynical at every turn and full of wry smiles and nods to the British way of life. Not to mention the work of a master songwriter and a genius guitarist, in Albarn and Coxon, beginning to find their feet as a creative force that would influence and lead the whole Britpop movement. And it's just a fantastic record from start to finish.
Jun 13 2024
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Dear Science
TV On The Radio
Great record, kept this in my rotation for a few days and enjoyed tracks from all over it at different points. Varied but still cohesive. Reminds me of the Young Fathers more recently and had me digging into their back catalogue all week.
Jun 14 2024
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The Triffids
Odd lyrics, unimaginative production and generally forgettable experience bar one or two half-interesting moments.
Jun 15 2024
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Sticky Fingers
The Rolling Stones
I’ve always viewed the Stones as predominantly a singles band and I’m afraid Sticky Fingers has done little to challenge that preconception. Brown Sugar is great and I really enjoyed Midnight Mile but there was a lot in the middle that didn’t stand out in two plays through. Can you Hear Me Knocking has good moments but is just too long.
Jun 16 2024
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New Forms
Roni Size
Remember this being a towering influence at the time, a true drum n bass classic. And at times it scales those heights still today. At times it also sticks around longer than necessary and feels very dated but in fairness, it wasn’t written to be listened to while unwinding in my lounge after work.
Jun 17 2024
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Your Arsenal
I've been dreading the inevitable tide of Morrissey albums on this challenge but determined to give everything a fair crack with an open mind. Here goes... I really liked this. Yes, I struggle with his voice and knowing more about him as a person whose views I disagree with but I sat and enjoyed listening to pretty much every track of this album. The guitars are brilliant (credit to Alain Whyte and Boz Boorer, and probably Mick Ronson) and I don't hate Morrissey's dry humour on this occasion. A pleasant surprise, in spite of myself.
Jun 18 2024
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Live At The Harlem Square Club
Sam Cooke
Funky and foundational rock'n'roll. It's hard to put yourself into a 1963 state of mind and listen to this as it would've been heard back then, before rock music had taken all the turns it took in the subsequent 60 years. There's a lot to enjoy here though. The man can sing!
Jun 19 2024
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Snoop Dogg
Considering this album came out in 1993, its production is fantastic, the beats are smooth and grimy and it massively influenced hip-hop in the 90s. The only downside is the lyrics which are just puerile and uncomfortable in far too many places. That was the game though, and if you enjoy it in the right mood, it doesn't ruin the better tracks.
Jun 20 2024
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Crowded House
A pretty safe, enjoyable pop rock album that feels very 90s, I remember a few of these hits. Found this hard to rate as it was nice enough and has some great moments but also never really held my attention in a serious way. I won't begrudge it coming up again but I can't see myself seeking it out in future.
Jun 21 2024
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The Blueprint
The 90s Hip Hop selections have so far been excellent, showcasing the records that influenced the genre at the time and are still generally good to listen to today. Likewise, The Blueprint has held up well and is a reminder that Jay-Z was pretty ubiquitous at the time, collaborated with all the big names in a way that elevated both his work and their involvement. This one does strike me as a little 'safer' than some of the others though, less of an edge to it and perhaps a little overproduced at times. It's nice not to be cringing at the lyrics but it's also a shame they don't ever really hit deeper or challenge the listener too much.
Jun 22 2024
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Sunday At The Village Vanguard
Bill Evans Trio
I hate to judge a jazz album by its cover but this is as dull and loungey as it looks. I know it's great for people who like jazz but it just felt like background restaurant music and went on far too long. Looking more closely at the tracklisting, most tracks are played twice? But I couldn't have told you that. Not for me.
Jun 23 2024
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Imperial Bedroom
Elvis Costello & The Attractions
I wonder if there’s a trend in people’s ratings of Elvis Costello albums depending on what order they were generated. I’ve gone on the journey from ‘oh cool, Elvis Costello, the guy from Austin Powers. He’s pretty good’ to ‘Elvis Costello again? Ok. He’s good but why’s he here so many times?’ And finally I’m approaching ‘Really? Again?’ And my ratings will probably reflect that. I like the album. It has some great moments, I just don’t get why we need quite so much of his really-fairly-similar body of work. We get it. He’s good. He’s not THAT good though, is he?
Jun 24 2024
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Live Through This
It sounds a lot like a Nirvana album with Courtney Love on vocals to be honest. Good in places but not amazing. Definitely an influence on the post-grunge/punk scene, can hear shades of this in things like Ash and Garbage.
Jun 25 2024
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Songs For Swingin' Lovers!
Frank Sinatra
Classic swing and very easy to listen to but not really my home turf. Not one I've minded listening to but not really one I'll put on rotation.
Jun 26 2024
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Off The Wall
Michael Jackson
There's flashes of brilliance but his slow songs are just dire. Same experience on Bad, which I was really excited to get (months ago) but found that outside the upbeat singles, it's a bit disappointing.
Jun 27 2024
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Joan Armatrading
Joan Armatrading
I've had this on rotation for days and it's an absolute beauty. Sometimes it feels like a folk-rock album with some brilliant electric guitar and bass, but it's also so much more. The soul in her voice and gentle forays into jazz and blues make for an incredibly rounded and varied, yet consistent album. I didn't know this one before but I am so glad to have discovered it. The songwriting is first rate and she executes time and time again.
Jun 28 2024
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Jeff Beck
A times I thought I was onto something really exciting as he and the band are clearly all fantastic and can really rock out. But then I also found bits of this just odd - lots of it is covers or sort-of covers, including his take on 'Greensleeves' among the blues standards, and it has a weird flow, to me. Doesn't feel like a coherent album. One or two highlights but will have to move on to the next.
Jun 29 2024
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Steely Dan
I really enjoyed Countdown To Ecstasy so was excited to dig into Aja, but left feeling pretty nonplussed. It feels a bit elevator-y, very easy-listening and lacking in any real edge. Musically, it's solid and the songs are well written and constructed; It's fine and inoffensive but just can't think of any reason to keep it in my rotation.
Jun 30 2024
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Back to Basics
Christina Aguilera
I’m afraid this was never going to be a big favourite for me but she does have a fantastic voice and puts it to great use here. I appreciate that she leaned into the RnB and soul influence and her vocals work well in that oeuvre. It’s slick in its production and you can see why it sold so well and she was such a star. I didn’t mind it but it was definitely too long - two discs are really not necessary and while it’s all good fun pop, it’s not something I really need in my life.
Jul 01 2024
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Nothing's Shocking
Jane's Addiction
I've kept this on rotation for a week now and every time I hear it, I really enjoy it. They nail the dark and moody, they nail the rhythm section and I love how it's produced. It's also a huge influence on what came next - the alternative transition from 80s hair metal to 90s/00s post-punk that doesn't have to veer into punk or grunge. It's another pleasant surprise and welcome discovery. It's probably a 4.5 but I'm feeling a little generous and will definitely be adding this to my collection.
Jul 02 2024
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The Next Day
David Bowie
There are some great moments I really enjoyed but Bowie also likes to experiment and while I applaud his efforts, I don’t always like actually listening to them. When it’s good, it’s really good, but when it’s not, it’s pretty forgettable.
Jul 03 2024
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Mj Cole
Ah yes, UK Garage. Popular for 20 minutes at the turn of the century. And still grim. This album is far too long, full of awful vocals and irritating beats.
Jul 04 2024
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Def Leppard
Pour some sugar on me.
In the name of love.
Jul 05 2024
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The Piper At The Gates Of Dawn
Pink Floyd
Nice that my first Floyd album is the first Floyd album. And really good it is too. Hadn’t listened to this for many years but there are great moments I remember, like Bike and Astronomy Domine and great moments I was more than happy to be reacquainted with, like Lucifer Sam and Interstellar Overdrive. A sign of things to come, albeit via some lineup changes, and a great listen in itself as well.
Jul 06 2024
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Shake Your Money Maker
The Black Crowes
Is it pretty derivative blues rock? Yes.
Is it fairly generic and predictable? Sure.
Did I enjoy almost all of it for just being pure rock n fun? Well, yes I did.
Jul 07 2024
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Station To Station
David Bowie
I respect the art and genius of Bowie. He does piece together some fascinating work, that's full of ideas and interesting production. It's just not always that fun to listen to. I liked the slow burn on the opening track and there are some great details throughout but I found a lot of it was a bit of a slog to get through.
Jul 08 2024
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Manu Chao
He does what he does but it’s not quite my thing.
Jul 09 2024
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Tres Hombres
ZZ Top
ZZ Top are one of those bands I’ve always been aware of but never really given a longer thought. This is a great album though, so I’m really glad that it’s come up. I love the way the first couple of tracks bleed into each other, it’s a really strong start and time and time again they deliver catchy and brilliant dirty, bluesy rock. Only once or twice does it sag but this earned a week’s worth of replay; a comfortable 4 that I contemplated awarding a 5.
Jul 10 2024
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3 Feet High and Rising
De La Soul
Another great addition to the hip-hop selection here. Picked this one up on second-hand vinyl about 20 years ago and it was nice to get reacquainted today.
Jul 11 2024
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Justin Timberlake
Really really not my thing but also not that good.
Jul 12 2024
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Appetite For Destruction
Guns N' Roses
It’s hard to argue with an album that can boast Welcome to the Jungle, Paradise City and Sweet Child O’ Mine but it does have a handful of middling songs in there too in my opinion. Obviously it’s iconic and was a pretty important album of its time that inspired generations of future guitarists and subgenres.
Jul 13 2024
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Iron Maiden
Iron Maiden
Found it really hard to decide between a 3 and a 4 on this one. It was much less hard and heavy than I expected and I really enjoyed it overall. Some terrific guitar work and great changes of pace and rhythm. Definitely glad to have discovered it and will be a lot more excited and open minded when Iron Maiden (surely) reappear in the challenge.
Jul 14 2024
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AmeriKKKa's Most Wanted
Ice Cube
It’s another hit for 90s hip-hop. Production is great, the bass and beats are hard not to like and it’s generally just a good groove throughout. With the lyrics and vocals there’s plenty that’s poignant and clever but there’s also a fine line between what’s still funny and what’s a bit awkward. The majority falls on the right side but there’s a chunk of this album I’m not in a rush to listen to again. I don’t love his delivery but overall I’ve enjoyed the album.
Jul 15 2024
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Ryan Adams
Know this one well from 2001/2 and it’s packed with brilliant singer-songwriting that varies effortlessly from bluesy to rocky and ballady with a dose of the better kind of country in there too. The opening run of five tracks is pretty spotless (New York, New York, Firecracker, Answering Bell, La Cienaga Just Smiled, Rescue Blues) but the latter half does drop off. I learned today that there’s a second disc that apparently Adams always intended to be included. It seems he can be a difficult person to work with and was regularly at odds with his label but I must say, in my experience the labels know what they’re doing as the extra minutes only serve to dilute the quality here. It’s a fantastic album that I’m always happy to play but doesn’t quite sit in my absolute top tier.
Jul 16 2024
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Beggars Banquet
The Rolling Stones
About a month on from getting Sticky Fingers, which I liked for some individual songs but didn't love. This, I like more. There's more blues and soul and it stayed in my rotation for a few days quite happily. Much more consistent and more memorable for me.
Jul 17 2024
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Urban Hymns
The Verve
A stone cold 90s classic. Gets lumped in with Britpop but is definitely part of that post-Britpop maturing movement. You couldn’t go anywhere circa 1998 without hearing Bittersweet Symphony or The Drugs Don’t Work. Lucky Man and Velvet Morning were my favourites though. I think it’s a little on the long side and has some middling tracks in amongst the great ones. It’s still brilliant overall and has held up well 25 years on.
Jul 18 2024
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Definitely Maybe
One of those albums that will forever be associated with the whole Britpop genre/movement and spawned a thousand copycats. They had a formula and they delivered on it again and again. For me, there are a handful of mediocre songs here and as perfect as Liam Gallagher's vocals were for the band, they are also an acquired taste and bring back memories of what an arrogant, insufferable nugget he was as well. Noel could certainly turn a tune though and they captured a moment brilliantly.
Jul 19 2024
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Post Orgasmic Chill
Skunk Anansie
While I remember the predecessors to this album and I remember the existence of this one, I don’t remember any of it. So they apparently became a bit more sophisticated in the production and songwriting but also apparently became a bit less memorable. There are some good moments here but they really get lost in the mediocrity of general alternative mush. Skin was a great frontwoman and singer so they were very good when they were good. But I don’t see myself coming back to this again with any urgency. I am glad it reminded me to listen to their first couple of albums again though.
Jul 20 2024
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Seventeen Seconds
The Cure
I have no problem with slow burn albums that build tension gradually. As long as there is a payoff. This album felt like 35 minutes of build-up, and decent at times, but with no climax. I gave it three goes and none of it grabbed my attention at all. Fine for the background but not enough... happened?
Jul 21 2024
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Out of Step
Minor Threat
I love that albums like this happened and the impact this had on punk, post-punk and all the guitar music that came after it. But that doesn’t make it that great to listen to. Would it have hurt to give your angst a bit more of a tune? I’ll tick it off and move on.
Jul 22 2024
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Surf's Up
The Beach Boys
It’s great to sit and listen to a Beach Boys album that’s not either literally or effectively a collection of singles. Of course I know Pet Sounds and Smile very well but otherwise tend to lean into the hits. This is quite a different experience and one I enjoyed. The lyrical themes are different and the production feels a far cry from the Brian Wilson masterpieces. But it’s no less enjoyable for it.
Jul 23 2024
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I can understand why this album was so massive and continues to be considered a classic in the metal genre. It just does nothing for me. The drums are always maxed out (on speed and volume), the guitars chug along in much the same way on every song and there's nothing particularly interesting about his voice. I do get it but I'm not feeling it, personally.
Jul 24 2024
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You're Living All Over Me
Dinosaur Jr.
I wanted to like this more - you can see its fingerprints on a lot of post-punk, grunge/noise and indie of the 90s and 00s but I just found it a bit short on tunes and not particularly memorable.
Jul 25 2024
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Birth Of The Cool
Miles Davis
Backgroundy Jazz. It's just never going to be my thing, as cool as this is, I don't really see myself choosing to come back and listen to it again.
Jul 26 2024
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It Takes A Nation Of Millions To Hold Us Back
Public Enemy
Enjoyed the bass and beats and generally it's a great vibe. Didn't quite stick with me as much a Fear of a Black Planet but still good, solid stuff.
Jul 27 2024
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The White Album
Famously the soundtrack of the Beatles starting to break up. The White Album always felt to me like a sketchbook of musical ideas from all four Beatles that they were too tense and fed up of each other to agree on and properly produce. Had they not been breaking up by this point, they could conceivably have trimmed half of the album down, polished the chosen tracks and made another tight, 35-minute album. But luckily for us, we got to see the full workings of their minds and hear them play around with a whole smorgasbord of genres and styles. And astonishingly, they rarely miss. It’s a brilliant, if at times bonkers and confusing, absolute masterpiece.
Jul 28 2024
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Different Class
Fond memories of this from the mid 90s. It was nice to have a relisten, but I'm a bit offended on behalf of my poor, innocent teenage ears. Jarvis was one horny bugger!
Jul 29 2024
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Def Leppard
Not as good as its successor and sort of feel like once you've heard one track, you've heard it all.
Jul 30 2024
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Catch A Fire
Bob Marley & The Wailers
Nothing wrong with a bit of reggae, it's groovy and you feel incredibly cool listening to it. I do find after a while that I might appreciate a change of pace or a different dynamic.
Jul 31 2024
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Fire Of Love
The Gun Club
Quite enjoyed this raw and messy, punky number. Not exactly a masterpiece but short, sweet and to the point.
Aug 01 2024
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For Your Pleasure
Roxy Music
I'm not sure if it was the vocals, the music, the production, the lyrics or just the whole sum of its parts. But I found this to be dreadful, unlistenable and an absolute Displeasure. I never want to hear it again.
Aug 02 2024
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Rip It Up
Orange Juice
The better moments are really funky and a lot of fun - reminiscent of Talking Heads and baggy indie. The rhythm section is having a great time and I enjoyed it. The slower numbers didn’t do anything for me though and I generally struggle with overly ‘80s’ production and post-punk/new-wave vocal style, which definitely tempered my overall enjoyment here.
Aug 03 2024
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Deja Vu
Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
The vocal harmonies are first rate, there’s a fantastic blend of borderline country, blues and acoustic psychedelia that really hit the right notes for me. The vocal harmonies are first rate, there’s a fantastic blend of borderline country, blues and acoustic psychedelia that really hit the right notes for me. Worth listening to again and again.
Aug 04 2024
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Physical Graffiti
Led Zeppelin
Led Zeppelin were remarkably consistent through their first four albums. Then they got experimental. They dropped off a bit with Houses of the Holy, and then they came roaring back with this, their double, Magnum Opus LP, Physical Graffiti. It chugs through an hour and a half of various genres, ideas and variations on their signature blues rock and never really misses.
Genuinely might be the best rock album ever made and has an amazing cover, just to throw into the mix too.
Aug 05 2024
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Electric Warrior
T. Rex
Plenty of great glam riffage, I enjoyed it considerably more than its successor (The Slider) although the two aren't miles apart stylistically, I just felt it had more tunes. Maybe I was just in more of a T. Rex mood today.
Aug 06 2024
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Pink Moon
Nick Drake
Really impressed by what he does with almost exclusively a guitar and a voice. Fantastic songwriting and some really enjoyable guitar work. Definitely going to be digging deeper into his catalogue. It's exactly the sort of album I wanted to make about 20 years ago.
Aug 07 2024
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I know the singles of U2 but only a cursory knowledge of their LPs (I'm sure this won't be their only appearance on the list). While the singles do stand out on War, there are a lot of good moments further down the tracklist, not least "40" which I thought was just the change of pace that was needed. I enjoyed the album overall but it's not one I'm too disappointed not to own.
Aug 08 2024
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Fairport Convention
Very enjoyable folk classic. The fantastic Who Knows Where The Time Goes is its clear highlight but I also got a lot of enjoyment from the epic A Sailor's Life and Percy's Song either side of it. It's not my favourite genre but it's a great record that I enjoyed a few times through.
Aug 09 2024
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Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
Elton John
Picking this mammoth double album apart, you find all kinds of treats and tricks, from the proggy opener, Funeral For a Friend, to ubiquitous classics like Candle In The Wind and the title track, via the rather irritating Bennie and the Jets and Saturday Night's Alright (for Fighting) which never quite found a place in my favourites. For me personally, it's an impressive work of art but one I admire from afar. It won't make it onto my regular rotation but that doesn't mean it isn't a great record worthy of its success and acclaim.
Aug 10 2024
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Paul Simon
I don't think degrees of perfection exist. Something is either perfect or it isn't. But Graceland is perhaps the most perfect album of all time. Paul Simon's lyrics floor me time and again, his way of poetically portraying any emotion and making it beautiful is just unmatched. And here, he went outside the realm of popular music and brought the very best of what he found back with him. There isn't a wasted note, word or moment here, one I can listen to anytime, every time and hopefully many more times to come.
Aug 11 2024
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Ace of Spades
All just a little bit over-the-top for my liking. Yes, there are some killer licks and great rockers in there but I can't really get on with Lemmy's amelodic yelling and the rhythm and bass just lack nuance and variety.
Aug 12 2024
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Willie Nelson
I'm sorry but I don't get it. Willie Nelson has a great voice and I know he wrote some fine country music but what has he added to this relatively uninspired selection of predictable covers? It's interesting to hear a country legend take on classics of swing and pop but I just found it a bit pointless.
Aug 13 2024
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Simon & Garfunkel
Simon & Garfunkel seemed to evolve from fairly simple folk numbers to the big, grandiose songs and it’s interesting to see the progression as they got a bit more experimental and veered from the folk tradition. Not all experiments work out and while this is an interesting listen throughout, the more ‘concept’ elements are less compelling on repeat listens. But the genius of Paul Simon’s songwriting comes to the fore on the album’s best moments (America and Mrs Robinson are some of music’s best moments, period) and make it a classic nonetheless.
Aug 14 2024
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The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway
I’m a sucker for an overblown concept album so there was always a danger that I’d love this. Fortunately I’m also a sucker for a catchy hook, good riff and a bit of poetic storytelling and these are all present in spades. Of course, there is a lot here that is batshit crazy but it keeps on rewarding me with melodies, basslines and little fills that just bring joy to my ears. I had to come back to it a few times and kept expecting it to outstay its welcome (23 songs, 94 minutes…) but it never did. An absolute masterpiece.
Aug 15 2024
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Opus Dei
Batshit crazy Yugoslavian industrial-military metal. There are actually some pretty cool moments here and some rather terrifying ones. Sometimes you just have to Laibach, think of England and welcome discovering something a bit different.
Aug 16 2024
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Belle & Sebastian
I've always considered Belle & Sebastian to be one of the most inoffensive indie acts that never really became anything - they seemed to earn exactly the levels of tepid enthusiasm and moderate critical acclaim that they deserved. I almost smashed 3*** before I'd even got halfway through the album as it seems the 3***est album ever by the 3***est band of all time. But I held off, listened to Tigermilk three more times this week and enjoyed it a lot.
Aug 17 2024
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Sly & The Family Stone
This album just oozes sexy funk vibes. It's not the sort of thing I'd usually listen to regularly but they do it SO well, I'm definitely glad I've now discovered it.
Aug 18 2024
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Alien Lanes
Guided By Voices
Albums like this are one of the best things about this challenge. Scuzzy, Indie-adjacent 90s band I’ve heard of but never listened to? Good start. 28 tracks? Uh-oh. But wait, 41 minutes total. And all tracks under 3 minutes. Most of them under 2 minutes and some of them under 30 seconds? What’s up here then? Well, it’s a fun little blast through the mind of Robert Pollard. Some of it fades out, some blends into the next idea, some of it comes to a deliberate - and sometimes abrupt - halt. I didn’t necessarily love it but it kept my attention and I was keen to give it another go soon. This maybe a slightly generous score but I just respect the fact it does what it wants and never outstays its welcome.
Aug 19 2024
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Blood And Chocolate
Elvis Costello & The Attractions
I sort of feel the amount of EC on this list does him a disservice in a way. This is my fourth, from under 250 albums so far, and I can’t see much discernible evolution in his sound, there’s a lot of overlap and while it’s all good, there’s plenty that’s just that, and not enough that’s great. Not sure how many more times he’ll appear but it’s getting harder to be objective when I see his name appear. Again. I did really like Uncomplicated though.
Aug 20 2024
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Let It Bleed
The Rolling Stones
To be honest, I recall this album being better than this. Midnight Rambler and You Can't Always Get... are elite rock'n'roll and obvious standouts. I also quite like Gimme Shelter but there's a lot more forgettable in there than I'd remembered, which I guess makes sense somehow. 3 stars feels a bit low; it's consistently solid even if it's only fleetingly outstanding. Let's say a light 4, definitely would be a 3.5 if it were possible.
Aug 21 2024
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16 Lovers Lane
The Go-Betweens
Really bland and dull. No earthly idea why it's been included in the book. A bit like the jangly Smiths-y late 80s indie I’ve heard before and that’s not really helping its cause.
Aug 22 2024
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Sonic Youth
I'm generally pretty keen on raw, scuzzy indie noise rock, but then I never seem to enjoy it as much as I'd hoped. This was the case again with this album. I kept it in my rotation for a few days, hoping it would click but it never really did. It's a good overall vibe and I feel it's worthy of more than a 2, but I still feel a bit disappointed.
Aug 23 2024
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Songs Of Leonard Cohen
Leonard Cohen
I was expecting a much more depressing listen but either my preconception of Leonard Cohen is off, or it's based on later work once he's become old and sadder. Either way, I really enjoyed this; his songwriting and delivery are both excellent, understated but also grandiose. I'm looking forward to listening to more of his work and seeing how wrong I was to expect the worst.
Aug 24 2024
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The Slim Shady LP
There are some great moments here but it's mostly buried deep in layers of cringe. It was pretty shocking and fun at the time but we always knew it wouldn't age brilliantly. Fair play to Eminem for bringing this stuff into the mainstream shifting a LOT of units, but it's not one I feel the need to put into regular rotation.
Aug 25 2024
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A Nod Is As Good As A Wink To A Blind Horse
Has some cool bluesy tracks and overall enjoyed it but nothing quite raised its head above the 'pretty good' bar. I quite like Rod's voice and it's better with this kind of backing than what I've heard of his solo work. The harmonica is one of the best things about this record though. The title is comfortably the worst.
Aug 26 2024
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69 Love Songs
The Magnetic Fields
This one is an all-time favourite. An in-depth study not necessarily about love (after all, we know nothing about love) but about that great art form, the love song. Some of it's just transcendental, and some of it's just really dumb.
Could this have been shorter, tighter, more glossily produced and a bit more 'curated'? Perhaps, but then it wouldn't be anywhere near what it is; you'll find jazz, country, pop, indie rock, a bit of electro and a lot more that doesn't really fit any label except that it's a version of a love song.
I bought it years ago for The Book Of Love, after I fell for the Peter Gabriel cover. But I found that to be just the tip of the iceberg and a wonderful gateway drug for the creativity, humour and genius of this simply marvellous album.
Aug 27 2024
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Alice In Chains
Sludgy, dull and dreadful. I tried a second time on a new day but couldn't find anything redeeming and will happily never hear this again in my life. I don't hate grunge and at times I really like it as a genre, but this feels like it beds down into one chord progression, one guitar tone ('chug'), one tempo, all laid under that whiny, uninterested, reverb-laden drawl. Even the lyrics are utterly miserable when you can actually make them out.
Aug 28 2024
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Goodbye And Hello
Tim Buckley
There's some interesting stuff going on here musically and I respect the ambition in a lot of places, but I'm afraid I found his voice really hard work and it just didn't really stick for me consistently. Good in some places but never really much more than that.
Aug 29 2024
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David Bowie
I respect the art. Of course. You have to; it's Bowie. Still creating experimental and unpredictable music on his deathbed. So it's hard to separate this album from its context and story. I am trying to be really objective though and honestly, this isn't an album that I feel I'll be coming back to for regular replays. Once again, Bowie creates great tunes but buries them in a more ambitious and grandiose work of art. So yes, I can appreciate how GOOD this is, in spite of the fact that it's not really for me.
Aug 30 2024
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Meat Puppets II
Meat Puppets
My first encounter with Meat Puppets was on the Nirvana unplugged live album; it seems Kurt Cobain was a fan. I can see why, this is a whole collection of fun little nuggets of songs from lo-fi indie, folkish in places to angry little punk numbers. I like the pace of it; lots of 1-3 minute head nodders and all very listenable. Not one I can see myself buying but have had a good few days listening to it on and off.
Aug 31 2024
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Franz Ferdinand
Franz Ferdinand
Bought this at the time, mostly on the strength of Take Me Out. Still comfortably the best track on the album but there are some hidden gems in the form of Tell Her Tonight and Michael. I never quite fell in love with it as an album and don't feel that Franz Ferdinand really lived up to the hype. Fizzled out very soon after their patchy sophomore effort. Enjoyed the trip down memory lane as this took me right back to my first year at uni but it's still in the 'good' not 'great' column for me.
Sep 01 2024
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The Band
The Band
A band so inspiring they named themselves ‘The Band’ and released, as their second album, and album called ‘The Band’. I’m not sure what I was expecting here but it’s about as exciting as pocket fluff and while I read that they inspired the likes of Dylan, Clapton and Harrison, I’m glad they took that inspiration and turned it into something more interesting than this lot. It’s slow, ploddy country rock with one or two toe-tapping moments and a lot of meh. The Bland.
Sep 02 2024
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I've always known Carlos Santana was a good guitarist but it's good to be reminded that he (and his band) was making stuff this creative and genre-crossing as early as 1970. The Latin vibes combined with classic rock sensibilities and spotless execution made this a really enjoyable listen for multiple days.
Sep 03 2024
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Songs In The Key Of Life
Stevie Wonder
One of those consensus masterpieces that I've always been aware of but shockingly it took until today for me to sit and listen to the whole thing. And it's very easy to see why it's so loved and highly acclaimed by so many. So many iconic standards of soul and funk, some that I knew and some that were brand new to me. Some that frightened me on first listen; sounds I had no idea were being employed in the mid-70s and just a level of pure sexiness that is just unfair in these kinds of quantities. This is not my favourite kind of music and I don't own a lot of soul but it's clear how far ahead of his peers Stevie Wonder was and it's obviously a good starting point to dabble into the unfamiliar. I will be returning.
Sep 04 2024
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Mothership Connection
It feels a bit unfair to drop this badboy right after Stevie Wonder as it was never going to match up, but hey, I'm on a funk kick, why not extend the grooves. Enjoyed the vibes and had a good time with this on the rotation for a few days.
Sep 05 2024
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A Date With The Everly Brothers
The Everly Brothers
My wife walked in and asked why I was having a high school sockhop in 1959. Some nice harmonies but let's be honest, I'm never consciously listening to this again.
Sep 06 2024
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Now I Got Worry
The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion
After 20 seconds of mostly screaming, it seems like this is going to be a tough listen.
But wait. 40 minutes later and I've tapped my toe, nodded my head and smiled far more than I expected. It's dirty, dirty blues guitar with the lots of the good kind of experimental edge and a raw, raucous coolness that I can get on board with. A really pleasant surprise.
Sep 07 2024
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Surrealistic Pillow
Jefferson Airplane
It feels a bit cruel to notice this was a 1967 release as it was never really going to match up to Sgt Pepper, Piper at the Gates etc. It's nice enough and some songs I recognised straight away but it didn't really grab me in any powerful or lasting way. Maybe you had to be there.
Sep 08 2024
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Red Dirt Girl
Emmylou Harris
I know nothing at all about Emmylou Harris but from what I read, this is quite a departure for her in the latter stages of a long career in the country and folk scene.
I really, really enjoyed it.
What grabbed me first was the wall-of-sound production. In places it sounds more like Eno than Eno (Nod to producer Malcolm Burn here, it seems); combining hypnotic drum machines with rich instrumental layers and then just floats her voice over it all like syrup. And the vocals are just fantastic - she's able to turn her tone from sweet folkiness for the more country moments like the title track to bring a dense, ethereal quality to tracks like Bang The Drum Slowly and Hour Of Gold - huge shades of Massive Attack's Teardrop. Then just for fun, she drapes big power popstar vibes over Michelangelo and One Big Love. I very strongly contemplated giving this a 5, I just think it's one that you have to be in the mood for and while I don't think I always will be, I happen to be in that mood today.
Sep 09 2024
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Freak Out!
The Mothers Of Invention
Apparently this is some kind of parody of 50/60s high school rock'n'roll but then it's also really pointlessly weird for no good reason. Feels like an odd in-joke that I don't get. And while fragments of the normal songs are OK, the utter bollocks that passes for the final track is just an irritating, deliberate 'look-how-zany-we-are' effort. I'm sure Zappa is a genius but this was more annoying than funny.
Sep 10 2024
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People's Instinctive Travels and the Paths of Rhythm
A Tribe Called Quest
One thing this book has absolutely nailed is its coverage of classic Hip-Hop from the golden era across the late 80s and early 90s. This is yet another superb entry to the chapter. The beats are slick and just incredibly listenable. It never outstays its welcome and the blend of vocals keep it fresh, fun and arresting throughout. Still find it astonishing that this album, along with its peers, is over 30 years old. It surprises me that there aren't more acts like this in the 2020s; solo rappers and RnB artists seem to have taken over and it's a real shame.
Sep 11 2024
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Wild Is The Wind
Nina Simone
It's a delightful voice to listen to, and I'm glad for the challenge to have been educated and experienced it. But boy, did this one drag on. I really liked the upbeat bluesy rock'n'roll of I Love Your Lovin' Ways but the rest of the album slowed down to an almost pedestrian tempo and I found it far too slow and sad.
Sep 12 2024
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Lady In Satin
Billie Holiday
She's got a lovely voice, sure. It's just not doing anything that interests me, unfortunately. Getting this one the day after Nina Simone is possibly doing her a disservice as I feel similarly about both, but it's not a genre I enjoy listening to a lot.
Sep 13 2024
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The Velvet Underground
The Velvet Underground
Comfortably better than the iconic but underwhelming Velvet Underground & Nico, this one is rockier and has some actual tunes. What Goes On and Some Kinda Love are both great and even it’s token weird, avant-y epic, The Murder Mystery is superior to anything on their debut. It’s only getting one star more for me but if I could give half marks it would be 3.5 (vs 1.5).
Sep 14 2024
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Jazz Samba
Stan Getz
I’m pretty sure this is the best bossa nova album I’ve ever listened to and I’m also pretty sure that’s a title that is never at risk of being challenged too hard.
Sep 15 2024
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Truth And Soul
A pretty wild ride and a lot of fun! I was a bit confused at first as I couldn't really work out what this was. It feels like it's going to be quite hard rock, but then it has some ska elements, even quite soulful vocals, while getting very political and deep in a lot of places. I had to play it through multiple times and felt like it revealed itself the more time I gave it. I'd never heard of Fishbone but this is definitely a worthwhile discovery and one I'm not sure I ever would've made otherwise.
Sep 16 2024
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It's no Hotel California, is it? Found this to be pretty drab and unremarkable country rock. Never actually offensive but just nothing reached out to me at all after a few listens.
Sep 17 2024
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In Utero
Ok, I get it. You’re a grimy, punky grunge band railing against the establishment when you suddenly get massively popular from your polished, commercially-friendly album. How do you respond? Why, you make a deliberately abrasive and decidedly un-commercially-friendly follow-up. It’s pretty hard to listen to in places, but the songs that were taken and remixed to be more palatable (Heart-shaped Box and All Apologies) are, well, much more palatable. Maybe that means I’m pretty basic when it comes to my taste in grunge, but I’m not gonna argue with that.
Very Ape, sampled as the basis for the Prodigy classic Voodoo People is a bit of a hidden gem as well.
Sep 18 2024
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I Want To See The Bright Lights Tonight
Richard Thompson
A familiar old friend - one of my Dad's all-time favourites so an LP he has given me when he replaced it with the CD. It's quite understated and easy to miss the quality of songwriting if you're not looking out for it. I still think it starts too slow but picks up from the title track onwards. Down Where The Drunkards Roll is a classic. If you have any interest in folk, it's surely essential but I am content to listen to it from time to time when I'm in the mood.
Sep 19 2024
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Talking Timbuktu
Ali Farka Touré
I love this challenge for discovering albums like this. Never would've listened to it and would be missing out. I've heard of Ry Cooder but Ali Farka Toure is completely new to me. The man can play the blues though; there's a general grooviness and great vibes throughout. And unlike a lot of blues albums, it feels full of joy and colour. In its best moments, it reminded me of Graceland, which is an absolutely massive compliment.
Sep 20 2024
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Want One
Rufus Wainwright
This one has been really hard to rate and I've had to listen to it about four times to figure out how much I like it. At its best, it's really good; he builds these grandiose tunes with loads of instruments and theatrical levels of drama and songwriting. But then the pace drops off and I just can't quite get on board with the slow burners. His voice falls somewhere between Thom Yorke and Robbie Williams, which is odd for a North American. But it also means it veers into 'whiny' when it's going too slowly.
11:11, 14th Street and I Don't Know What It Is are brilliant, but the rest just doesn't do enough for me to think I'll be back. I'm glad I have given it a go, though.
Sep 21 2024
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Black Sabbath
Black Sabbath
And on the 8th day, Black Sabbath created Doom Metal. And it was ok in places. I quite like the long, atmospheric moodiness of some songs but it didn't blow me away. Quite amazing that later in the same year they came back with Paranoid, which seems a lot more deliberate and sure of itself, where this debut feels a bit more of an experiment.
Sep 22 2024
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Joan Baez
Joan Baez
You’ve got to be really spectacular if you’re coming at me with 13 covers of traditional folk songs on just a voice and guitar. She’s a good guitarist but the arrangements are nothing to write home about and she’s a good singer but the constant vibrato just gets annoying. El Preso Numero Nueve was the most exciting moment as you try to understand what it means in realtime. Sorry Joan but it’s just not that essential or interesting to me.
Sep 23 2024
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Heaven Or Las Vegas
Cocteau Twins
Spot the fake Cocteau Twins track name is the quiz round we never knew we needed...
a) Iceblink Luck
b) Fifty-Fifty Clown
c) Socketface Grapefruit
d) Frou-Frou Foxes in Midsummer Fires
Some albums just scream 80s at me from the first few seconds and I immediately fear the worst (despite being released in 1990). In fairness, it has some hooks and the overall sound is richer and less cheesy for the most part than I was worried it could be. I find myself quite enjoying the shoegazy production and her vocals somehow both irritate and intrigue me, at times I swear she's singing in a strange foreign language. Spotify doesn't have the lyrics so I never bothered finding out.
Sep 24 2024
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Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness
The Smashing Pumpkins
It's a modern classic that helped define post-grunge and late-90s alternative is very much indebted to it.
There's always a temptation to take a double album that has flaws and proclaim that 'if you cut out x and y, it's a perfect album' but that always feels like an insult to fans and artists alike. There's a reason and a place for all of this and it's a journey, albeit a long one, that deserves to be travelled in full. That said, this journey does sag in the second half and takes itself out of contention for a fifth star, from me. Is that fair, when it easily has ten or more tracks of 5-star quality? Well, if I'm going to appreciate the full journey for the journey's sake, then I can judge this journey to be a little too long and a little bit self-indulgent.
The run on side one of cassette one (yes, this was an old Walkman favourite of mine) is absolutely ludicrous though.
1. Mellon Collie...
2. Tonight, Tonight
3. Jelly Belly
4. Zero
5. Here Is No Why
6. Bullet with Butterfly Wings
Sep 25 2024
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Ray Of Light
The title track was definitely a guilty pleasure for me at the time and I have a lot of respect for the fact the Like A Virgin and Isla Bonita girl came up with this in 1998... and had a massive hit with it. Frozen is brilliant as well, but while the overall vibes are good, I'm a little disappointed to learn that the singles are its best moments. So while 70% of this is new to me, nothing is quite as exciting a discovery as I'd hoped. Still, the production is excellent and overall I'm glad it's included as it's definitely a snapshot of the time and a testament to Madonna's versatility, something that probably doesn't get talked about enough.
Sep 26 2024
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Jagged Little Pill
Alanis Morissette
In 1995 I was irrationally irritated by the fact that a song about irony, called Ironic, could be filled with so many bad examples of things that, ironically aren’t actually ironic. They’re mostly things that are just a bit of a bugger. Eventually I developed the theory that the irony all along was that the song highlights examples of things that people seem to call ‘ironic’, despite them actually just being a bit of a bugger.
Still, Jagged Little Pill, bloody good album.
Sep 27 2024
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Fleet Foxes
Fleet Foxes
Hard to explain but something about this album left me just a bit cold. The ingredients are there; good harmonies, nice, well-crafted indie-folk-but-not-quite, but I've been playing it for a few days and every time it starts again I don't feel like finishing it. Somehow less than the sum of its parts.
Sep 28 2024
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Jethro Tull
I know my Dad is a fan and his classic rock taste is generally superb. So I'm not sure why I always gave Jethro Tull a miss. I knew there was flute involved but while I don't mind the flute in itself, I assumed it would feel like a bit of an anachronism in rock music. Well, my own loss as this album is great. The melodies and chord progressions got easily stuck in my head and I'll definitely be coming back to it. And the flute works just fine, as it turns out.
Sep 29 2024
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Broken English
Marianne Faithfull
Well, today we ran the gauntlet from ‘OK this is actually pretty funky’ right down to ‘Good grief, do you kiss your mother with that mouth?!’
I’d listen again, but certainly not in polite company.
Sep 30 2024
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I Never Loved a Man the Way I Love You
Aretha Franklin
It's just a great vibe and while it's not my home turf, it's great turf to spend time on. My favourite moments are the bluesier numbers but you can't fail to admire the quality of her singing throughout.
Oct 01 2024
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Live At The Star Club, Hamburg
Jerry Lee Lewis
It's fine. A chaotic rowdy live rock'n'roll album of almost entirely other people's songs. Nothing massively exciting and actually pretty exhausting to listen to if we're being brutally honest.
Oct 02 2024
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Steve McQueen
Prefab Sprout
The first 10 seconds was ok but it went downhill, and fast. Something I never want to listen to again in my life. I'm often bewildered at how we took the amazing rock of the 70s and went so far backwards in the 80s. But we did. And luckily the 90s turned up to save the day. This is dull, terribly produced and totally unmemorable. I guess we could blame The Keyboard but plenty of people figured out how to use it without creating soulless cheesy pap. Prefab Sprout did not.
Oct 03 2024
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The Police
Oh yeah, The Police, I like them. I have that greatest hits collection, it's great. Wait, what's that? It's a load of weird noise. But why? They made such great singles... OK, phew, here we go. Every Breath You Take. But no, that's it. Really the only memorable moment on this album. Earns it a second star on its own but I can't find any reason to go higher than two. Miss Gradenko has a cracking bassline, to be fair.
Oct 04 2024
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PJ Harvey
Feels a bit cliche but it's just good, gritty indie rock from indie rock royalty. I can't really explain why I've never got massively into PJ but while I've never loved her work, it's very consistent and highly listenable.
Oct 05 2024
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Machine Head
Deep Purple
First guitar riff I ever learned. Me, my mate Sam and a million other budding young guitarists. A fire in the sky.
Oct 06 2024
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Lost In The Dream
The War On Drugs
Once again I’m left bemused by why someone felt strongly that this warranted a place on this list. Perhaps it was close to a publication deadline and they wanted to take a punt on something new with a mildly evocative name. Sadly the music is as bland as rich tea biscuits with one or two moments of vague interest.
Oct 07 2024
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Sound of Silver
LCD Soundsystem
Great timing for this one and a certified banger. You have the outrageously funky North American Scum and Watch The Tapes, along with the emotional punch of Someone Great. I never quite got New York, I Love You but You're Bringing Me Down but it makes a good comedown closer, I must admit. I've always considered LCD Soundsystem one of those acts I like the idea of them more than I actually like their music but this was their finest hour and it's a top, top record.
Oct 08 2024
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What's Going On
Marvin Gaye
Just a lovely warm vibe, hard not to move your body. I must confess it’s my first time listening to this classic and I think it deserves more time to fully appreciate. Christie loved it so it gets a bonus star for that.
Oct 09 2024
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Odessey And Oracle
The Zombies
I'd never heard of The Zombies so this was an interesting little rabbit hole. The album is nice enough, mildly psychedelic beat pop - I particularly liked 'I Want Her She Wants Me' but overall it was nothing to rush to write home about after a couple of listens.
Oct 10 2024
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Warehouse: Songs And Stories
Hüsker Dü
This was a really pleasant surprise, even for a pretty long album (70 mins, 20 songs), I had no idea what Hüsker Dü were all about and I found that album cover frankly offensive. But they're like a melodic, post-punkier 80s REM with some great tunes and a handful of really catchy hooks. I found myself adding more and more tracks to my playlist and having a good dive down the rabbit hole. Definitely the sort of day I hoped for when I started the challenge. Would not have discovered this by myself.
Oct 11 2024
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Bongo Rock
Incredible Bongo Band
Is this the album that launched a thousand hip-hop careers? Quite possibly. I had no idea what to expect from what appeared to be 80 minutes centred around bongo drumming, but mercifully, it was much more than that and funky as hell. It might actually be my favourite discovery yet from this challenge.
Oct 12 2024
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The Köln Concert
Keith Jarrett
It's hard to argue that this is a pretty lovely album. I have nothing like it in my collection and I probably never will, but if I did, I think it would be this one. Reading the context behind it was really interesting too. To think he made this up as he went along, on a piano he didn't expect to be using, at a time and place that wasn't ideal, when he was tired, hungry and in pain.
The experience for me, was long drifts on one pattern that feel calming and a bit backgroundy, then he decides to shift key, do something unexpected and grab your attention again. I didn't think I had a favourite solo improv jazz piano album, but I do now.
Oct 13 2024
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Youth And Young Manhood
Kings of Leon
A wise old sound engineer once told me there are two things a great album can be made of. Great songs or great memories. And sometimes both. Well, the songs on Youth & Young Manhood are regularly great (Dusty, Trani, Holy Roller Novocaine, Red Morning Light…) but the memories are what make this an easy 5 for me. I went to university in 2002 believing nightclubs to be somewhere you went reluctantly so as not to be the only one home on a Saturday night, danced ironically to bad house music and tried desperately not to waste all your CD money for the month on sickly alcopops or horrible lager. I left in 2005 with great memories of nights at Fuzz Club and the Leadmill spent in my ripped jeans, t-shirt and tie, listening to great indie rock’n’roll and drinking (horrible AND sickly - but I didn’t care) snakebite til the early hours. It only takes the opening chords of Molly’s Chambers to transport me back.
Yes, I grew out of those days around the time KoL grew out of them too and became a shit U2 tribute act without the tunes. But in those heady days of my own youth and young manhood, this was a firm favourite.
Oct 14 2024
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In 1999, you were never more than 50 metres from someone listening to a track off this album via a film, TV show or advert.
I don't think it's aged very well though and it's still definitely 6 tracks and 20 minutes too long. It's almost like he tried to make something to cater to every commercial opportunity that might come up... and forgot it was also supposed to be a coherent album. At it's best, it's really good though.
Oct 15 2024
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White Blood Cells
The White Stripes
Something of a modern classic and another one that featured prominently in my university years. Not all of the experiments paid off so it has a few misses to go with the likes of Hotel Yorba and Fell In Love With a Girl, but overall it was great to see the blues-garage-rock crossover at the time and at a time when minimalist production was peaking. It's hard not to love the style and aesthetic as well. They were just so damn cool.
Oct 16 2024
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KE*A*H** (Psalm 69)
Very aggressively not my thing. It's somewhat cool in places, a few unexpected twists and turns and I appreciate the drumming. I'm never going to willingly listen to it again but it's good to have options for if I ever need to make someone wake up screaming in abject terror.
Oct 17 2024
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New Order
I just really struggle to get on with New Wave. We discovered keyboards and drum machines and for some reason decided to replace everything that was good about rock music with these thin, synthetic, monotonous tunes. For all their plaudits, this New Order LP delivers them in spades. I understand and respect the impact this had on dance music and some of the sub genres that emerged in the later 80s-00s, but twice through was more than enough for me. I just didn’t enjoy it.
Oct 18 2024
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Take Me Apart
This album has 20 people listed as producers or instrumentalists, including Kelela herself. I've no idea what they were all up to, as this sounds like something that could be knocked together on a laptop in about a week. Her voice is ok but it's just generic RnB. I gave it a second chance but couldn't last a full go through. Whatever was bumped from the previous editions to accommodate this 2017 effort was almost certainly more deserving of its place.
Oct 19 2024
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L.A. Woman
The Doors
I listened to this a few times and feel like I enjoyed it more with further listens. Some fantastic blues-rock and a lot more developed and hooky than their debut which I thought was good but not great. My biggest gripe is the vocals but overall, I can see myself coming back to this when I'm in the mood.
Oct 20 2024
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Highly Evolved
The Vines
It's 2002 and unbeknownst to us at the time, print-music-media has just about peaked and will soon decline rapidly. So how is the NME spending its prime-to-twilight years? Well, these are the days before rage bait and 'engagement'. In this simpler, less cynical age, engagement = sales. You don't actually want or need your readers to feel the need to argue with you. You want them to feel excited enough to keep paying money to read your pages every week or month. So how do you excite your readers? You tell them on a regular basis that THIS IS YOUR NEW FAVOURITE BAND! This is a SCENE and you want to be part of it! Every few weeks something else was ESSENTIAL listening according to the NME. It published a COOL list and a ROCK'N'ROLL list. And so we bought the magazines and CDs and gig tickets with our precious student loan money and loved them for a few months. Then we grew up, got mortgages, had kids and put our old CDs in boxes in the loft.
And so with a little trepidation I'm here, rediscovering these LPs and realising I've not listened to them for 15-20 years and I'm really not sure how they've held up. Did The Hives do anything after Your New Favourite Band? (Insane fact: they actually did loads BEFORE it and it wasn't even really a proper album. Who knew?!) Did Bloc Party simply run out of ideas after their brilliant debut? (Yes.) And whatever became of The Vines? Like many of their garage rock revival peers, it seems from memory that they rode the hype train to decent sales of their debut, made a patchy follow-up then disappeared into oblivion.
So I was actually pleasantly surprised to give this a spin after two clear decades of the CD gathering dust in the loft and discover that it was... really good. They didn't cling too stubbornly to the garage rock template, veering into some fairly successful experiments with slower songs, piano numbers and acoustic flavours while still peppering you with some great 3-minute rockers (Get Free, Outtathaway, Sunshinin'...) at regular intervals.
There's a decent chance I'll wait another few years before busting Highly Evolved out of the loft box again, but I'm quite satisfied that in spite of the fact I will have bought it on the strength of one article, one glowing review and a couple of solid singles, I did have some sense of what made for a good debut album. And I might even dig into the six (SIX!) Vines albums that have come out in the meantime, as it turns out. Good for them.
Oct 21 2024
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Lloyd Cole And The Commotions
I seem to be in the thick of a wave of New Wave. I've learned that this is one of my least-favourite genres in music. However, despite the heartsink and perhaps helped by my rock-bottom expectations, I thought this was pretty good for the most part and didn't mind giving it a second listen.
Oct 22 2024
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Wish You Were Here
Pink Floyd
This gave me an immediate Shine when it came up. Immediately transports me back to listening to Dad’s records On his stereo in our first house. You remember little shards of music from your youth. It’s Crazy how then listening as an adult, it all fits together as a mixture of memories and new discoveries - I found myself flipping it over and listening twice in one sitting. A true Diamond of an album.
Oct 23 2024
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With The Beatles
I think it’s ok to admit that early Beatles were just ‘ok’. I understand that they were starting to do things that other bands weren’t, but while there are some classics here (I Wanna Be Your Man, Hold Me Tight, All My Lovin’) we also have half an album of fairly ordinary rock’n’roll covers that don’t really add much to the story. Maybe it’s because we know how spectacular the story becomes in its later chapters, but I can only call it like it hear it.
Oct 24 2024
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Einstürzende Neubauten
Alright lads. You’ve had your fun with the power tools in the studio. We’ve all got actual jobs to do now.
Oct 25 2024
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Twelve Dreams Of Dr. Sardonicus
As a rule, if there's a late 60s/early 70s classic/psych rock band that I've never heard of, it's either because my dad never heard of them or never liked them. So I was immediately suspicious. It turns out I'm going to have to be the one to introduce him to Spirit, as I thoroughly enjoyed this album. I didn't just like the tunes or the songwriting either; it hangs together as a concise project as well, sort of concept-y without leaning too heavily into it. I kept this one on rotation for the whole weekend and am quite likely to buy it very soon.
Oct 26 2024
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The Black Saint And The Sinner Lady
Charles Mingus
This is the jazz equivalent of that awful Adam Sandler film where everyone talks over each other constantly and the whole thing is stressful. It sounds like a random cacophony created by people who are presumably actually really good at their instruments. Why not just write something coherent? I dunno. There’s something somewhat cool about it but I just didn’t enjoy listening to it and I doubt I will again.
Oct 27 2024
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I Should Coco
Britpop was equally brilliant and terrible for some of its poster children. Yes, it thrust them into the limelight, got them sales beyond their dreams (you'd imagine), and created anthems out of songs like 'Alright'. But at the same time, Supergrass are a genuinely fantastic band who nailed the genre, created multiple really strong albums that pushed its boundaries and really deserve to be seen through a wider lens. It's a real shame if they felt the need to play Alright at every gig they ever played, as it's far from the best track on offer here. They had an excellent knack for fills - nothing is ever just a simple chug through a chord progression. They add clever guitar work and basslines at every turn and while some moments are a little on the more playful side, they were basically kids at the time, and tracks like Lenny, Strange Ones and Time are hidden gems.
Oct 28 2024
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New Boots And Panties
Ian Dury
This was a lot more punk than I expected and a lot more punk than a lot of the more iconic, stereotypical punk acts that seem to be touted as pioneers. It's pretty cool in a lot of places, albeit also very, erm, gritty in others.
Oct 29 2024
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Fleetwood Mac
This feels like the big, ugly, complicated older brother of Rumours. It's not as immediately accessible or timelessly catchy but it goes to some fascinating places and tries some really interesting things. There are flashes of real beauty and I listened to it repeatedly through the day, having never given it a chance before. There's somehow both the feeling of dense overproduction and too many ideas, while also seeming to be stripped back to its bare parts. I actually really enjoyed it and glad I've given it the time of day. There's loads to like here and it requires patience. While the gold is buried in a lot of 'stuff', it's largely good stuff that is worth wading through.
A couple of minor things that bothered me though are a) it's too slow for too long. Some lovely songwriting but the tempo hovers at a very pedestrian level. And b) why oh why must you fade out so much?! A good song deserves an ending. I imagine some of this was based on time constraints, but surely that's a question of deciding what to take out of the song, or which songs to cut, not just turning the volume down slowly every time you pass the 4 minute mark.
Oct 30 2024
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Teenager Of The Year
Frank Black
Polish up the production a bit, give it a less bizarre cover artwork and title, lop off about 8 tracks and 20 minutes and you have a certified masterpiece on your hands. However, you also lose a lot of the chaotic charm. It took me a few days to digest this fully as it is all over the place but I have enjoyed it more and more the more I've got to know it. It reminds me a lot of Stephen Malkmus, who I already considered a true lo-fi genius.
The changes of tempo and raw bursts of furious melody are fantastic and for someone I'd never heard of or seen before (although of course I know the Pixies somewhat), I am really really glad to have met Frank Black this week.
Oct 31 2024
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Every Picture Tells A Story
Rod Stewart
Sort of feels like once you've heard a Rod Stewart song, you've heard them all? And once you've heard eight or nine of them in one go, you've heard every Rod Stewart album ever. I quite liked Maggie May though.
Nov 01 2024
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The Number Of The Beast
Iron Maiden
Pleasantly surprised again by how non-scary and heavy Iron Maiden truly are. I do have time for a dose of hard rock from time to time and there's some great stuff here. Probably not going to emerge as a personal favourite but I've not minded having this around for a few days.
Nov 02 2024
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Darkness on the Edge of Town
Bruce Springsteen
Sorry but I don't really get it. The bombastic 80s Springsteen somewhat ok, patriotic and singalongable but this too-cool-for-school, drawling unremarkable Springsteen with odd saxophone interludes, I just got nothing from it in two listens and couldn't hack a third.
Nov 03 2024
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Haut de gamme / Koweït, rive gauche
Koffi Olomide
Pretty funky. Reading his bio made me sad and unfortunately you can't unread these things. I'm glad the music brought me some joy before I read it though.
Nov 04 2024
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David Bowie
My parents gave me something of a Bowie entry in my early music diet but I realise now that I barely scratched the surface. Changes, The Jean Genie, Major Tom... Bowie snacks. Bowie purée; easily palatable and tasty in small quantities.
Then I went off to university and bought a Best of Bowie compilation so I'd know it all. A Bowie buffet. Still nice and tasty and nothing too challenging. (I also bought Hunky Dory, which as far as I could tell, was fairly straightforward but I mostly skipped from Changes to Life On Mars? and gave the rest a miss.)
Now this challenge is gradually educating me on Bowie in a way that puts all of my existing knowledge to shame. Full Bowie meals are hearty, complex and unpredictable. The man was obviously a genius and a total innovator, and much more of a nuanced, acquired taste than I ever realised. Listening to full albums is an eye-opener and a fascinating experience. I don't love it all, and some of it I don't really like but he picks a direction and goes for it with all of his creative force, which I can't help but respect.
Low is probably my favourite Bowie discovery so far, although it's also challenging in places. There's a definite groove and mood running throughout but it feels hookier and cool in a way that I haven't quite found with his work yet. The experiments are still bizarre but this time, he kept the bass running and the atmosphere similar, so they kind of pull you along. The first half is an easy 4. The second half is more of a 3 but it's a comfortable and interesting 3, so we'll go on the high side.
Nov 05 2024
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A Rush Of Blood To The Head
Coldplay are a bit of an easy target, what with Chris Martin being so irritatingly pretentious and utterly sold out at this point. But when this album came out, they were still on an upward trajectory and this was, in all honesty, an excellent progression from the groundwork laid by Parachutes a couple of years previously. There are too many excellent songs here to dismiss it as coffee table rock but it was starting to waver dangerously close. I must confess it has aged well and perhaps a 20 year break from it was what we all needed as it was just so ubiquitous at the time.
Nov 06 2024
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The Beach Boys Today!
The Beach Boys
Always considered the Beach Boys to be 'just' a singles band.
Of course with the exception of Pet Sounds. Oh and Smile/Smiley Smile which I really like. And then I got Surf's Up and that was really good too. And actually this is packed with gems too.
Maybe it's time to reconsider.
Nov 07 2024
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Let's Get It On
Marvin Gaye
Objectively clearly very cool but I just can't imagine myself choosing to put this on, it's just not a style of music I enjoy.
Nov 08 2024
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Ogden's Nut Gone Flake
Small Faces
How could they ruin that brilliant first half of swaggering late-60s psych rock with the frankly ridiculous story concept on the second half?! I kept coming back though, as the music itself is so good.
Thankfully Spotify has a massive deluxe version with a superb stereo mix and some alternative takes, so you can virtually piece together everything that is awesome about this record without the nonsense mockney narration. On the one hand, what a shame they didn't just make that, take their 5⭐s and move on. But on the other hand, they clearly had this quirky idea, took a load of drugs and made something a bit different. Is it mad genius? Maybe. I have to take off a star as it's just so hard to enjoy side 2 in its original form.
I'm really glad to have discovered it though; the title track, Afterglow and the single versions of The Journey and Mad John are all damn fine songs.
Nov 09 2024
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Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots
The Flaming Lips
I tried this once and dismissed it at the time, partly because I couldn’t stand Wayne Coyne’s vocals and his overall zaniness. 20 years later I’ve given it a fair shot and enjoyed it more. There’s a lot of careful craft and a vast array of ideas crammed into the dense, dreamy layers here and it’s actually quite lovely in places. I still found it pretty weird and don’t like his voice any more than I did before but I appreciate it’s a great work of art and have been happy to keep it on rotation for a few days. I’m also happy to be moving on to the next thing now.
Nov 10 2024
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m b v
My Bloody Valentine
I feel this warrants a review in two halves as the album felt like that to me.
First half: it’s not exactly Loveless, is it? Sounds like a load of half-finished ideas from those sessions that he’s reheated and churned out for the sake of getting them off his plate at last. 2 stars
Second half: ‘new you’ feels like a statement, it’s time to drag MBV into the 21st century with more progressive beats, more defined sound and much more engaging pace to the songs. I will definitely be coming back to tracks 6-9. I’m almost tempted to buy the record and just never bother with side a. 4 stars. Thankfully pretty easy to give the average here.
They also have an irritating habit of naming songs like they’re reading a scrabble board. Except it’s a game of scrabble being played by two robots who have only learned pronouns, prepositions and conjunctions. Is this and yes? In another way, nothing is.
Nov 11 2024
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Brilliant Corners
Thelonious Monk
It's jazz. It's kinda cool. If you like jazz. Which I don't.
Nov 12 2024
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Hot Fuss
The Killers
I was excited to see this come up - very much of my era, memories of university and one of few albums now that my whole family will get on board with. That said, it is pretty front-loaded with most of its best songs in the opening run and then sags in the middle. Glamorous Indie Rock & Roll is one of my all-time favourite songs though so I'm always happy to let it run to the end.
Nov 13 2024
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The Soft Bulletin
The Flaming Lips
Just a few days after Yoshimi, a good way to give The Flaming Lips a proper go. I liked this one more, found it a bit heavier and catchier and less wacky and far out. I generally love a concept album but this one, being more of a standard LP was more of my thing. I felt my 3 was a little bit of a rounding-down for Yoshimi which was a weak 3.5 so I'll balance that out by rounding up this guy, which is a much stronger 3.5, to a 4.
Nov 14 2024
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Fulfillingness' First Finale
Stevie Wonder
Kind of amazing how Stevie was pushing boundaries such a long time ago; he's playing with sounds and sonic ideas that I would not have associated with the early 1970s at all. It's outside my comfort zone but multiple listens have all been really enjoyed although I don't think I can pinpoint a particular track or tracks that have really stood out. Just a lovely load of vibes and a fabulous performer.
Nov 15 2024
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Rising Above Bedlam
Jah Wobble's Invaders Of The Heart
Quite enjoyed the colourful, world-y vibes. So was very surprised to dig a little deeper and find that Jah Wobble is an old white punk from Public Image Ltd and a close associate of the Pistols. There are some great atmospheres and movements here and loads going on. It's all quite unexpected and unpredictable so while there are a couple of bits I really like, there are also bits that don't click but it's a good discovery and a good bit of education for me.
Nov 16 2024
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At Mister Kelly's
Sarah Vaughan
She’s got a lovely voice. This style of music just does nothing for me unfortunately.
Nov 17 2024
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Boy In Da Corner
Dizzee Rascal
Fix up. Look sharp.
Was never really my thing but the album is better than I remembered to be fair. I also feel the need to slightly round up here to counterbalance all the reviews claiming that UK hip-hop is shit. Firstly because it isn’t, but also because this ain’t it. This is grime. It’s like saying Blur proves that UK grunge was shit. I can’t really in good conscience go above 3 but happy to go that far.
Nov 18 2024
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Time (The Revelator)
Gillian Welch
It was pretty enough, singer-songwritery country folk and at first I found it quite pleasant but I also started to lose patience with it not going anywhere or showing much variety or innovation. Then the final track epitomised the whole experience by lasting 15 MINUTES and also going absolutely nowhere. Meandering, to put it kindly. I'd never heard of Gillian Welch before today and there's a good chance I'll have forgotten the name by the end of the month.
Nov 19 2024
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You Want It Darker
Leonard Cohen
This really knocked me sideways on first listen. What an album. The songcraft and poetry is stunning and he delivers it in such an authentic way. Nobody has a voice like him. That's not to say it's my favourite voice and I certainly couldn't listen to this on any old day, but objectively I can only have huge respect for him.
On second listen, I dug a little deeper and found out that he literally made it on his deathbed. He's staring death in the face and going, 'yeah I need to make a record out of this.' Which is both defiant and heartbreaking. I've consistently found Cohen's albums incredibly solid on this challenge and while I don't feel drawn to go out and buy this one, in the right mood I will definitely return to it.
Nov 20 2024
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Myths Of The Near Future
I kinda go between finding this funky and interesting and just chaotic and stressful. From two listens though, I've consistently been waiting for it to end. I really think they struggled to predict what would stick in these later editions. This one is rather forgettable and long since forgotten.
Nov 21 2024
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World Clique
Even Groove Is In The Heart can't save this.
Nov 22 2024
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Queen Of Denmark
John Grant
Inventive, funny and utterly heartbreaking. This is one of the best albums I've heard in a long time and I had no idea who this guy was before today. I expected the worst when I saw the strange cover and started the first track, and let it wash away in the background while I worked. But it soon caught my ear and I had to start over on headphones and engage fully once I realised I might have a real gem on my hands.
There's a special rung in hell reserved for people who waste good loose-leaf tea. But I brewed up, poured a pot and then got entirely distracted by the lyrics of song after song, meanwhile enrobed in a beautiful combination of catchy melodies, creative instrumental fills and moments of inspired genius. My tea was stewed and luke-warm by the time I remembered to drink it. But it was totally worth it to discover John Grant. Fantastic stuff.
Nov 23 2024
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She’s got a great, soulful but authentic voice; it’s impressive how she can channel who she clearly really is herself, while wearing her influences right on her sleeve.
This is not a style of music I really enjoy but I’ve appreciated it and respect the quality of the songcraft and the talent. Don’t mind hearing it again but probably won’t seek it out.
Nov 24 2024
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Pretzel Logic
Steely Dan
Steely Dan is an artist I’d heard of but never listened to before this challenge. 3 albums down, I think I’m starting to get it. Music that sounds like it belongs in TV theme tunes. Technically very good music, but all very sanitised and safe, while the lyrics make little or no sense most of the time. I don’t hate it.
Nov 25 2024
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New Wave
The Auteurs
It’s a shame I can’t stand his voice because there’s definitely some great tunes here and lots of ingredients I’d otherwise like. The guitar work is really good and interesting in a lot of places. Apparently this was one of the founding Britpop albums so I do respect that about it but I can’t see myself wanting to return to it particularly regularly. First track is great though.
Nov 26 2024
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The Wildest!
Louis Prima
I've said before when rating jazz albums that if they stopped all just 'improvising' and agreed what they'd play together, they would sound so much better - as they're all clearly fantastic musicians. Thankfully here we have a jazz album where the musicians have decided what to play and all play it together. Yes, I realise that jazz has many forms and this bluesy/rock'n'roll form is just one of them, but I like it a lot more than the make-it-up-as-we-go-along kind. It's not really my thing but I enjoyed it and yeah, you can't deny he has a pretty cool, iconic voice.
Nov 27 2024
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Elephant Mountain
The Youngbloods
Had never heard of The Youngbloods and after a couple of listens, I still can't really figure out what this is. It's not really typical late-60s psych rock although it veers that way at times. It has some country leanings but then it also feels a bit yachty and soft rock, with a handful of instrumental interludes. There are some nice moments here but I couldn't quite get into it as an LP.
It's good to challenge one's perception of genre, especially in an album that is over 50 years old. So I respect that about it and I will give it some more play in the future. I also absolutely love that cover art. Not sure why but it really appealed to me as an aesthetic.
Nov 28 2024
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Bee Gees
The two Bee Gees albums I've been served so far have confused me. This is the band of 'Stayin' Alive' and 'Night Fever' fame? Apparently they started off doing this soft-rock countryish thing and while I enjoyed Odessa, I'm not so convinced by this. There are some nice moments but I cannot be doing with the vibrato vocals.
Nov 29 2024
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A Grand Don't Come For Free
The Streets
I remember listening to this for the first time when it came out and thinking it might be a modern classic. A concept album for beginners; pretty straightforward story, easy to follow, written in modern English and sprinkled with humour. With a happy ending, to boot. A fairly accurate snapshot of life in 2004. Not my life, though. The humdrum life of a bored druggie whose daily highlights include monging out on the sofa, cheating on his girlfriend and getting into drunken scraps on a night out.
Listening to it 20 years on, unfortunately all I can muster is cringe. It has not aged well. Even the beats and Mike's rapping at one time seemed fresh and a bit different but in the cold light of day you have the sound of someone who can't rap, talking through the tracks with poor sense of rhythm and a lack of poetic nuance. He even struggles to hit some notes within his own songs. It's your song. Why not change the pitch instead of just accepting that you'll sing it badly?? Fit But You Know It was always the most fun moment, a bit of a working-class 'Parklife' for the garage generation, but its inane lyrics have caught up with it and rendered it skippable. I'm embarrassed to risk my children hearing this album, sadly. I can't slate it completely because it was something at the time, but that moment has passed and it's something different now. Something I don't really care to listen to anymore.
Nov 30 2024
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I can very much remember this one coming along and blowing me away. They front-loaded it with the singles that had come out, so Beetlebum and Song 2 were already familiar but it then did for Britpop what the late-60s Beatles did for beat pop. Took it, threw it out and made a bold shift into a different direction. Britpop carried on doing its thing for a couple more years but with its primary flag-bearers now firmly focused on exploring their American influences, this marked the beginning of the end.
Gone were the character-based songs and in comes the more personal writing, heavier riffs and more sonic experimentation. The Great Escape was the album everybody seemed to want them to make after the cultural phenomenon that was Parklife, but this was the album they wanted to make. Graham is absolutely in his element, tearing through guitar lines that are deceptively complex on Country Sad Ballad Man and I'm Just a Killer For Your Love, then throwing together chords and words with effortless effectiveness on You're So Great and Look Inside America, but it's when the band started to push the genre envelope the most, on Essex Dogs, On Your Own and the hidden gem, Death Of A Party, that this dark, growling masterpiece really comes into its own.
1997 was arguably my favourite year of all time for new music and this is the dark horse for album of the year.
Dec 01 2024
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A Little Deeper
Ms. Dynamite
Not one I’ll be coming back to but not as bad as I feared it could’ve been. Some decent moments.
Dec 02 2024
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Sisters Of Mercy
It’s like doom metal and new wave had a baby. But even more ugly and fucking irritating than I even dared to expect.
Dec 03 2024
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Fiona Apple
The more closely I listened to this, the more I liked it. At first I was just relieved it's less kooky and challenging than 'Fetch The Bolt Cutters' but then I started to find it samey and wished she'd taken a few more risks after all.
Then I listened to it a couple more times and thought, yeah ok. She does a fair amount of rocking out and there's a range of subtly different styles that showcase her fabulous voice. It reminds me a lot of Beth Gibbons but the production isn't quite at Portishead levels. Nevertheless, by the time I'd had a third go, I was really enjoying it. Probably more on me for not really giving it enough attention at first.
Dec 04 2024
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The Good, The Bad & The Queen
The Good, The Bad & The Queen
As a Blur fan, this is pretty familiar to me but I gave it a few goes through anyway. And to be honest, I feel the same way I do about it now as I did when it first came out nearly 20 years ago. Yes, it's interesting and packed with some good ideas, fun instrumentation and experiments with layers and tempos. And it's all well executed and high quality, musically.
But I just don't find myself particularly grabbed or excited by it. Sorry, Damon.
Dec 05 2024
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Honky Tonk Heroes
Waylon Jennings
I just really do not like country music. I can’t connect with it and the only real relief here was how short this record is. I am giving a bonus star for the quite superb harmonica performances on display, however.
Dec 06 2024
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Hail To the Thief
I do get why you’d make something like OK Computer, basically building the blueprint for experimental rock, with the world sitting with baited breath for your next move… and go nuclear with what Radiohead did next. But that doesn’t mean I particularly enjoy it.
Thom Yorke stopped singing like a rock singer and adopted his fractured, falsetto style, Johnny Greenwood basically abandoned the guitar for synths and the drums became mechanical and stuttering. Hail To The Thief is probably the ‘rockiest’ of their experimental shift from where I’m sitting but I just can’t get on board with it. I’m craving a riff, hook or melody in the swirling murk. Maybe if they’d always been like this, I’d have appreciated it more but I’m just frustrated that what we had on The Bends and OK seems to have been thrown out. There are some nice moments but it’s too much hard work to go through this and keep finding them amongst the discordant space debris.
Dec 07 2024
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Axis: Bold As Love
Jimi Hendrix
Maybe unluckily for this album, I've had it after Electric Ladyland, which feels like an untouchable showcase of what Hendrix could do, both as a virtuoso and a visionary of the complete, wider production of the album.
Axis seems smaller in scope and where there are flashes of his genius and some fantastic songs, it still feels like he's finding the direction he wanted to take us, or perhaps the exact destination. If this was the only Hendrix Experience album it might be even more impressive to me but it does suffer from the fact that I now know he will go on to reach even higher heights.
I personally found this album a bit difficult to get into as well; it didn't flow naturally and feels like a smorgasbord of nearly-finished ideas. But when you're dealing with these levels of genius and innovation, even a nearly-finished idea can be something pretty special.
Dec 08 2024
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Street Signs
A hidden gem of an album! Had to go to some extra effort to tick this one off but it was definitely worth it. Latin-flavoured funk/rock with hip-hop elements and just all-round great vibes. Immediately swivelled my head when I heard Chali 2na's guest slot on Who's To Blame (aka the best voice in rap, IMHO) and repeatedly wanted to add tracks to my Spotify playlist but sadly couldn't as it's not on the UK version.
So yeah, I bought myself a copy of the CD and can see myself coming back to it often. Reading a bit more about Ozomatli is fascinating too, just a cool group and one I am really glad to have discovered.
Dec 09 2024
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I’m really glad this album chose a quiet Sunday when I could lie in bed and do nothing but pop in my earbuds and *experience* it. I suspect there are other artists who create music like Björk’s work but they aren’t as famous or successful and she’s doing this while holding her own in the mainstream. Reminds me of Bowie in her ability to innovate and push boundaries while also remaining fiercely confident and individual in her style. There are also a lot of shades of instrumental post-rock in her soundscapes and mournful strings. All exacerbated and punctuated by her breathless surrealist and distinctive vocals. You can only respect the hell out of her as an artistic force.
Is Vulnicura something I’ll now put into regular rotation or go out and buy? Probably not. But is this listening experience exactly the reason why I am excited to open the app and take on this challenge every day? Abso-bloody-lutely.
Dec 10 2024
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Didn't have 'came within a hair's breadth of awarding ABBA five stars on the old 1001 generator' on my 2024 bingo card. But here we are.
It's basically wall-to-wall perfect pop songs. Even the songs I didn't know before today are catchy, funky and well executed. At no point did I get bored of this. Even the title track, a fun little instrumental interlude, is cool. If I liked pop music just a smidgin more, I'd be here dishing out an extra star but the reality is, I won't be coming back to listen to this all that regularly.
Dec 11 2024
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Maverick A Strike
Finley Quaye
I remember Finley Quaye but I'd forgotten the actual tunes and this has been a pleasant stroll down memory lane. It never really grabbed me in a major way back in '97 and it also hasn't now but it's pleasant enough.
He does a nice job of combining his singer-songwritering with some Reggae-tinged RnB, which was certainly having a moment at the time. I appreciate it, although it's not really my favourite thing.
Dec 12 2024
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Holger Czukay
I found this hard to rate as it's not particularly straightforward or accessible but there were loads of really interesting ideas and some fun moments that made me smile. The overall vibe was great. It feel unfair but I'd have almost definitely rated it a little higher if it was divided into more palatable tracks and the ideas fleshed out and tidied up, but I also appreciate that a lot the charm is in the messy looseness of it.
I find myself coming down on the slightly lower side of a 3.5 because I don't think I'll choose to go here again but if it comes along I'm happy to have it on. If my finger slipped and gave it a 4, I wouldn't go back and change it.
Dec 13 2024
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Like A Prayer
I pray that I never have to listen to this again.
Dec 14 2024
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American IV: The Man Comes Around
Johnny Cash
Here's the thing. This has a lot of lovely moments. His version of In My Life is very sweet. Hurt is excellent. His Bridge Over Troubled Water gains a nod from me for applying a different formula to one of the greatest songs ever written. But I don't really understand why this is here. It's a nice passion project or something for someone starting out to showcase their voice and/or playing. It's a nice thing to do live for unsuspecting punters. And sure, your fans might appreciate an album of your interpretations of covers.
But why is it here, on this list? Can we not have a bit more coverage of artists who didn't make the cut at all, rather than this guy, once again, but singing other people's songs (and some of his) that we've already heard before?
Dec 15 2024
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Soft Machine
Look, I'm fine with experimental. I love some experimental music. But I also understand that some experiments just don't yield good results. It's ok to admit that.
What baffles me is that this experiment, in which four apparently excellent musicians get high and/or drunk and muck about on their instruments (sadly including the quite awful vocals of Robert Wyatt), has made it not only out of the jazz club where it took place but was then actively and consciously pressed onto a release and shared with the world. Sold for money. And even after that series of questionable decisions, the editor(s) of this book somehow decided to go one further, and that a lot of pissing about with instruments was worthy of being deemed a *MUST* hear. And I use the term 'a lot' because it is. 75 long, hard minutes. SEVENTY-FIVE MINUTES. It took about half an hour for any discernible melody to attempt to emerge and I use the term very loosely indeed.
I had high hopes as my Dad has raved about Soft Machine for years but either he had gone off them by this point, started to lose his hearing, or he was just taking the piss out of me.
Dec 16 2024
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Massive Attack
Massive Attack had an incredibly consistent run in the 90s, starting with Blue Lines and ending with Mezzanine, but Protection happened in between and is, for me, the weakest of the three. That's not to say it's weak, by any means. Protection, Karmacoma and Sly are all fantastic, brooding, sublime pieces of trip-hop magic. There's a great vibe that doesn't give up for the full LP but it does sag in the second half.
Dec 17 2024
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I've liked R.E.M. for a long time but I somehow just saw Murmur as Radio Free Europe and a bunch of other songs. I'm a lot more familiar with the major label stuff of the 90s but more fool me as I've now had this on rotation for days and it's stacked with quality songs that draw you in with catchy hooks left, right and centre. Michael Stipe has an excellent way of harmonising his vocal melodies with the guitar lines and it hits my ears in just the right way. I was strongly considering giving this a 5 in the end but I know the best is yet to come for R.E.M. as they perfected their sound and got even more consistent in the years that follows. For a debut though, it's an outstanding record.
Dec 18 2024
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The Low End Theory
A Tribe Called Quest
I just love the production across this album. It bangs where it needs to and then it's also smooth in all the right places. Q-Tip is a huge talent but it's also fun to see the burgeoning talent of a young Busta Rhymes emerging. They switch up lyrical styles often enough to keep it fresh and keep your attention but there's a strong vibe running right through it with some just fantastic basslines.
Dec 19 2024
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Come Away With Me
Norah Jones
Siri, please choose me the musical definition of the word 'vanilla'.
Of course, her voice is gorgeous and she doesn't feel the need to push it or shove it in your face but this album can fade so effortlessly into the background, even on repeat listens on headphones, that it may as well just stay there.
Dec 20 2024
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Maybe there will be days that I'm in the mood for a thrash metal-a-thon but today was not one and honestly, they aren't a regular occurrence. Rapid bastard drums and growly vocals just can't make up for what I will admit is some cool guitar riffery in a few places. And it's too. Damn. Long.
Dec 21 2024
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Had this a few days after Murmur, which I appreciate but it’s hard not to compare them directly. Document is definitely less fun and less catchy (End of the world as we know it… notwithstanding) but Finest Worksong is up there with my favourites. There are a few songs here that feel a bit samey and they were taking fewer risks at this point. I was tempted to give Murmur a 5 but rounded down in the end so it seems only fair as I’m feeling 3.5ish to round up this time.
Dec 22 2024
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Moss Side Story
Barry Adamson
I had a film soundtrack before in the challenge and it was Air’s Virgin Suicides. It’s quite nice but felt like without seeing the film you were missing a bit of context to fill in the blanks.
So what about a soundtrack to an imaginary film? Here, I know I’m not actually missing anything as it doesn’t exist. So Barry Adamson has a bit more of a job on his hands, painting all of the imagery sonically where there is none visually. And to be fair, he does a decent job; before reading about it, I figured this sounded like a film and he creates some great moods and atmosphere.
There are also a lot of sections that feel like a GCSE music student got a brand new keyboard for their big project and want to try everything out. I admire Barry’s creativity and imagination but ultimately decided on a B minus. It was interesting but I’m not that likely to come back to it again.
Dec 23 2024
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Chocolate Starfish And The Hot Dog Flavored Water
Limp Bizkit
Hey kids, we made you an album about willies and bums and lots of swear words so you can feel badass around the bigger boys and cosplay at metal.
Tragically, there are a handful of semi-decent tunes but they’re all ruined by ridiculous lyrics when all Fred Durst really has to say 90% of the time is fuck you because fuck you.
It’s one star for The One and another star for the other 70 minutes.
Dec 24 2024
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You've Come a Long Way Baby
Fatboy Slim
You can put forward a very strong argument that Big Beat was as important a part of British music culture of the 90s as Britpop was. Fatboy Slim was instrumental in bringing it to the mainstream; this album was pretty ubiquitous for about a decade, between Rockefeller Skank and Praise You being big hits and Right Here, Right Now popping up in all sorts of places. And even now with more mature ears, it’s still a really consistent album that encapsulates his style and the whole movement perfectly. I thought my opinion of it might have cooled over time but I just don’t think I can justify not giving this a full 5 stars. I love it.
Dec 25 2024
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Iron Butterfly
First half was a string of forgettable organ-based psych rock and the only memorable thing on offer is the epic title track on side b.
Memorable doesn’t necessarily equal ‘good’ though. It’s memorable for being very long and having a catchy riff. I much preferred the Incredible Bongo Band’s version of it though.
Dec 26 2024
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Raw Like Sushi
Neneh Cherry
Christmas Day!
And the generator has brought me a lump of coal. Pop album from the late 80s. I didn’t want to write it off before it even started but I did write it off pretty soon after that.
My Christmas treat was discovering that the Spotify version contains 4 bonus tracks that I was quite happy to bin off. I recently gave a sort-of similar Madonna album a 1-star and this feels a bit more authentic and interesting. But I won’t be rushing to listen to it again.
Dec 27 2024
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Pet Shop Boys
I wouldn’t mind a world where I never have to hear the Pet Shop Boys’ music ever again. In fact, can we arrange that please? I’ve never understood it.
Dec 28 2024
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Music in Exile
Songhoy Blues
I've never heard of them, I'm not sure what this is and I can't understand a word of it. But good grief, these funky Malians can rock. It's all the best kind of funky blues-rock and I could listen to this over and over again. I actually did, for the past week, to be fair.
Dec 29 2024
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Sufjan Stevens
I remember listening to this the first time, with a bona-fide Chicagoan; Nate, my great friend from university, who spent a year in Sheffield and many a great night was spent swapping recommendations and rocking out. I even spent a week with him in Chicago and I do miss him. This is almost certainly my favourite of his recommendations and I love that it'll always remind me of him. It was supposedly the start of a project to create an album for every US state. He also made '(Greetings From) Michigan', but then stopped, presumably because 50 albums is pretty ridiculous and more than most artists would muster in 5 lifetimes.
This in itself is a gorgeous project though, the songs are deeply affecting and cover both rich and stripped-back production. While its 74 minutes can feel like a lot, it takes you on an emotional journey and is well worth every minute. An indie masterpiece.
Dec 30 2024
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The Gershwin Songbook
Ella Fitzgerald
It wouldn’t be a challenge without some feats of endurance and this was certainly one. It was enjoyable though and with today being a quiet Sunday, I was able to blow through it in one sitting. Her voice is great and even for someone who would admit to not liking jazz, I quite liked it all. With a lot of these songs you can play ‘guess the next line’ with reasonable success and it’s always toe-tappingly melodic. I can understand why it’s on the list as it’s pretty impressive as a collection but I’m surprised by its relatively high score considering how few people seemingly make it through the whole thing. I suspect there’s a lot of ‘I got bored of it but she’s a legend so I’d better at least give it a 3’. I won’t listen to the whole thing again but parts of it were certainly worth the investment of time.
Dec 31 2024
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Kind Of Blue
Miles Davis
Always find it hard to rate jazz, as I'm sure this is much better than I believe it to be, I just don't dig jazz music and I never choose to listen to it. If I was in a lift, or struggling to drift off to sleep, or perhaps in a jazz club with a nice drink and good company, I'd be more than happy to let some Miles Davis rinse over me, as he's very good indeed. But I'm only in these scenarios very rarely, sadly.
Jan 01 2025
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Elvis Presley
Elvis Presley
I guess there's validity in choosing an album of covers for its cultural significance. This is an iconic and important album. But his rock'n'roll covers are less good than the originals and I don't enjoy Elvis at a slower pace at all; the ballads were really hard work. At least the whole thing is fairly quick and easy to blow through.
Jan 02 2025
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Todd Rundgren
This was a total, pleasant surprise. It's somehow quite experimental, especially in its production and songcraft, but also highly accessible. I didn't read until after my first listen, that this was divided into four distinct sides; the opening run is all safe, soft-rock ballads, but that's not to say they lack creativity and edge. Then he starts *trying stuff out*. And a lot of it really, really works. The songwriting is great, the guitar work is fantastic and the production is frequently excellent and very engaging. It simultaneously reminds me of late-60s Brian Wilson and early-70s John Lennon and I am definitely listening to this some more.
Jan 03 2025
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Gunfighter Ballads And Trail Songs
Marty Robbins
He has a lovely voice and some really pretty harmonies. I really really don't love this genre, the stories are all basically country and western stories of stealin' girls and shootin' bad'uns and rustlin' horses. I can see the charm and I didn't hate it, but it's not really for me. Tip of the cap for El Paso, though, which is a brilliant song and immediately brought me back to watching Breaking Bad.
Jan 04 2025
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One Nation Under A Groove
It’s got a funky vibe to it but it also goes around in circles and gets stuck in its own groove for long periods of time. I’m ok with a couple of tracks of directionless funk but after an hour it gets a bit old.
Jan 05 2025
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Joni Mitchell
I've always known and respected Joni Mitchell as a top, top tier songwriter but I'd not really sat and listened to her albums properly before starting the challenge. Then Hejira absolutely blew me away, so I was really looking forward to trying Blue, which seems to be her most iconic and 'classic' work. And it has delivered.
The songcraft and the quality of her singing and playing are fantastic; she's a true poet and a master of melody. I am more on the fence about my rating here, and maybe it's just because I heard this one later but it's not affected me quite like Hejira did. I don't know if that's because I've mentally set the bar too high, or if it happened to be the mood of the day but while I have gladly played this a few times, enjoyed it a lot and will keep it on rotation, I don't feel as excited to keep coming back to it as I did with its big, complicated older sister with her stunning double-bass work. The songs on Blue are probably just as good but I think I prefer the production and denser instrumentation on Hejira.
Jan 06 2025
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Green Day
When it comes to 90s pop-punk it simply doesn't get better than this. Dookie was essentially the blueprint for what hundreds of bands started doing, to the point where every track on this album now sounds like dozens of others, where in truth, THIS is what they were all going for. I remember playing it on repeat for hours on my old Walkman and honestly couldn't pick a favourite track.
Jan 07 2025
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Otis Blue/Otis Redding Sings Soul
Otis Redding
Don't know much about RnB,
But I do know Otis Redding had a wonderful voice,
What a wonderful album this could be
Jan 08 2025
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Hearts And Bones
Paul Simon
Paul is a genius and has so much quality output through his career. Hearts And Bones is not my favourite of his solo albums but even a middling Paul Simon record is clear of much of the competition. Cars Are Cars seems to be the butt of a lot of jokes in other user reviews but I've always liked its commentary - it's not about cars at all but people - although it's not exactly a lesson in subtlety. It's one that I don't have many favourite tracks from but Paul weaves his poetry throughout and his ear for a melody is timeless. He's even able to turn 80s production into a thing of beauty, which takes some doing.
Jan 09 2025
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Duck Stab/Buster & Glen
The Residents
Barely listenable. I've said before, I don't mind a bit of experimental, but I'll be experimenting with the 'off' button now.
Jan 10 2025
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Bizarre Ride II The Pharcyde
The Pharcyde
Enjoyed this a lot but it didn't quite take me to the places some of the 90s hip-hop has. I guess it's a bit more jazzy and feels like more of an RnB blueprint. I appreciate the fact its lyrical content is more comic and ridiculous humour than the more aggressive themes we were getting from the likes of Snoop and NWA. Overall great grooves but I'd say I 'liked', rather than 'loved' it.
Jan 11 2025
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Foo Fighters
Foo Fighters
I remember hearing this in 1995 and it didn't grab me at first but their second and third efforts became favourites. And eventually I came back to the debut and enjoyed it more. It's quite rough around the edges, where the Foos quickly became a lot more polished, but that's not entirely a bad thing. The layers of polish have reached such exorbitant levels by this point in time that I've taken no enjoyment from anything they've made in about 20 years now. There are some absolutely brilliant moments here but too many forgettable ones to really consider it for anything higher than a 4.
Jan 12 2025
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Depeche Mode
I just cannot get on board with new wave. There’s good bits here; some catchy hooks and elements of the lyrics but yet seen to fixate on a short refrain and just build a whole song around it, dripping with cheesy 80s production, tinny, uninspired guitars and drum machines and that vocal style, I just don’t get it. It’s weirdly over articulated and stuck up, while also being drenched in reverb and featuring needless vibrato. I just don’t get it.
Jan 13 2025
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John Prine
John Prine
Well, I'm not really keen on country so this poor guy never really stood much chance. But I got into the lyrics and have a lot of respect for some of what he's saying. The fact 'Your Flag Decal Won't Get You into Heaven Anymore' could have literally been written last year about the world today really got me.
He's also got a great voice and I enjoyed the harder edge that crept into the latter songs on the album and kept me going after the slight lull just after the middle. It's still not going to rank among my favourites but I didn't dislike it.
Jan 14 2025
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Siamese Dream
The Smashing Pumpkins
I really should've been on this 30 years ago to be honest. I liked Mellon Collie but I never dug into more of the Pumpkins' albums. Admittedly it was harder to do so in the 90s, before streaming was even a twinkle in Napster's eye, but it's my loss - had I bought the CD at the time it would've been worth every penny.
Part of me thinks it's better than Mellon Collie; it's tighter (shorter) and a bit more consistent. There are still changes of pace and volume but the overall feel is more raw and immediate. I was on the fence between 4 and 5 with that album and I feel myself in the same place here. Maybe the fact I don't have the nostalgia factor means I'm not quite there but both albums would fall under 'strong 4' rather than 'just about a 5'.
Jan 15 2025
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Henry's Dream
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
I was pleasantly surprised by the last NC&TBS album I got; it was less depressing and dark and more interesting than I was expecting. This feels like a bit of a recalibration. I didn’t enjoy it much. It’s chaotic and a bit overly dramatic. I think Nick Cave has a great voice but it’s much more effective, in my opinion, when deployed in a more stripped-back and intimate manner.
Jan 16 2025
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The Age Of The Understatement
The Last Shadow Puppets
I generally try to give an album at least an initial listen before digging into the story behind it. All I could think here was 'why is this band trying so hard to copy Arctic Monkeys?!' and then I had a look at the wikipedia and now I understand. I'm a bit disappointed in myself now as I can't unknow that detail and review it objectively on its own merits. At least I no longer think it's a rip off, but I don't quite understand why it's a necessary addition when and there are lots of other valid entries from the 00s that seem to be missing. It's not as good as what AM were doing at this point either. It maybe helps explain why they ended up changing their sound so drastically in recent years though; and the influence of James Ford is very apparent. Kind of charts the development in Turner and Ford from mid- to later-era Monkeys. Unfortunately, that’s where I stopped liking them, so while there’s some good, atmospheric kinda cinema-noir stuff here, overall it feels self-indulgent and a bit up its own arse.
Jan 17 2025
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The Bones Of What You Believe
Not funky enough for dance music and outside of a couple of decent tracks, not interesting enough for chilled headphone relaxing music. And kinda pretentious to boot. I gave it three attempts and couldn’t get into it at all.
Jan 18 2025
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The Wall
Pink Floyd
It's 1996, I'm 13 and all alone in the Czech Republic. A school exchange trip and the furthest I've ever felt from home. There were about 30 children from my school but we were a bit of a random crew, I don't remember any of my actual friends being there, and after the school day ended, we all disappeared back to our host houses all by ourselves. A well-meaning family of essentially strangers have put me up in their home but we don't speak the same language. Throw around cliches like 'character building' and 'expanding horizons' all you like but in that moment I felt pretty terrified and very homesick. So the Czech teachers organised an outing to the cinema in Prague. Seems a nice idea. But for some bizarre reason, the film they took us to see was Pink Floyd's The Wall. Maybe because they figured we were British and Floyd were British. Maybe they were just a decade and a half behind our movie release schedule or the cinema just didn't have a lot of options. Either way, we sat in confusion as this surreal rock opera played out in front of us.
Now, I knew some of the music as my Dad has always been a big fan of Floyd but I'd never seen anything like this. "So ya... thought ya... might like to... go to the show. To feel the warm thrill of confusion, the space cadet glow." A number of our group left the auditorium because they were actually bored or confused. A handful more left because they were offended by the content. (I think this was around the In The Flesh Pt. 2 mark.) But I was having a great time. It was an arresting and engrossing film which brought the story of the album to life in vivid technicolour. It was shocking at times, as well as fascinating. But the music was absolutely amazing. As soon as I got home I asked Dad if I could listen to the album. My Mum was horrified that we'd been shown this film on the other side of the continent. My Dad was chuffed to bits and got the old record out immediately.
The Wall has been one of my favourite albums ever since. Obviously Comfortably Numb and Another Brick.. pt.2 are all-timers but Goodbye Blue Sky sends absolute chills down my spine every time. Run Like Hell is pure adrenaline. I almost feel like it's too obvious to give this one a 5 but for me, it's not influenced by how big, popular, iconic or acclaimed it is today. It all comes down to the fact I remember sitting and listening to it in the cinema in Prague nearly 30 years ago and how deeply it affected me both then and now. It's a masterpiece.
Jan 19 2025
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One World
John Martyn
Didn't enjoy the songs on offer here as much as those on Solid Air, but the overall vibe and sound was lovely with some great guitar work and production. He has created some really warm and interesting tones and atmospheres and this was easy to listen to multiple times, although I was waiting for it to grab me a little more convincingly and it never quite did. His voice has grown on me too, although you can almost feel the cigarette smoke doing its work on his lungs throughout.
Jan 20 2025
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Stephen Stills
Stephen Stills
Had this on rotation for a few days seeing which individual songs stand out but it just hangs together really well as an album. I love the overall sound and Stills' guitar playing is excellent throughout. The second half shifts between styles in a bit of a strange way, I feel like I'd have played with the tracklisting if it was up to me. I already enjoyed the CSNY I've had so far so I'm definitely going to dig a little deeper into Stills' catalogue.
Jan 21 2025
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The Chronic
Dr. Dre
Can't fault the production or the vocals themselves, but the lyrics and skits are a bit cringy in places. It's a shame (for me personally) because I'm less likely to listen to this knowing there's more violence and sex in the lyrics than I usually want to hear but the beats are fantastic and Dre has done a great job of getting guest vocalists in to mix it up throughout. Snoop Dogg is a stand-out but overall just hearing changes of tone and pace keep this interesting throughout.
Jan 22 2025
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Stan Getz
I guess some elevator music is better than others but I just can't see myself choosing to come and listen to this other than to have pleasant background noise rather than silence. Just not my thing but nice enough and inoffensive.
Jan 23 2025
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Future Days
As far as ambient experimental jazz-adjacent rock, this is really nice. I found it great for background while working or reading and very soothing without being boring. I don’t think there’s quite enough to really write home about or trouble the 4/5 ratings but I’d be happy to listen to it again and I can see why it’s something that a lot of people would love.
Jan 24 2025
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Duck Rock
Malcolm McLaren
Don't really know how to review this. The front cover sums it up pretty well, it's cool in a way but also a total, confusing mess. The background story here is all a bit awkward with Malcolm McLaren essentially ripping off artists from Africa and the Caribbean and not giving them credit for it. So it becomes an exercise in separating the art from the artist and difficult to be truly objective. Thankfully, it's not actually good enough for that to muddy the waters for me. The great moments are immediately ruined by bizarre experiments and a total disregard for sequencing or flow. Every time I think 'yeah I might bookmark that track' it descends into nonsense. An interesting discovery, I guess, but also one I'm not too fussed to see the back of.
Jan 25 2025
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Can't Buy A Thrill
Steely Dan
My fourth Steely Dan album and further cements them to me as ‘a band who once existed’. I had a bit of an emotional rollercoaster as I recognised the opener and tried to work out where from. Then excitement as I realised it was from Guitar Hero, which I loved and brings many happy memories. Then anguish as I remembered this was one of the hardest songs on the game and cost us HOURS of getting that boring long intro exactly right only to fall down on the stupid solo. I doubt I’ll be back for more.
Jan 26 2025
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British Steel
Judas Priest
I’m ok with a bit of hard rock but this went around two clear times and never remotely piqued my interest. Next.
Jan 27 2025
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Bitte Orca
Dirty Projectors
Found this really interesting and enjoyed a few plays through. I knew a couple of Dirty Projectors songs but never really got into any of their albums. This kinda reminded me why. They have a load of creative ideas and throw disparate beats and instruments together in a really playful way while the vocals skim around on top and through in a very indie kinda way. There are moments when I love it and it excites me but they always seem to skirt around a great idea and never quite turn it into a fantastic song. The elements are there for this to have been a 5 but it just never quite realises its potential for me. I’d buy the album if I spot it in the wild some day but I couldn’t pick out one track to add to my playlist.
Jan 28 2025
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Carole King
An album that you know before you’ve even listened to it. Classic, classic, classic, her songwriting is up there with the very best. The first half is impeccable but I found the second half just ‘great’ and it didn’t quite move my heart to a 5, even if my head was almost convinced after one listen. Home Again is perhaps a little lesser known among the many-times-covered hits here but it’s an absolutely wonderful song that I listened to over and over again.
Jan 29 2025
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There's No Place Like America Today
Curtis Mayfield
Highly listenable funky soul with great lyrics and vocals. Didn’t mind this at all. Not my usual cup of tea but I quite enjoyed it for the day and wouldn’t mind coming across it again in future.
Jan 30 2025
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The epitome of Britpop. I probably can't be truly objective about this album as it was one of the first cassettes I ever owned and I wore that sucker out. And then I also bought it on CD as soon as I had a CD player and I also bought the LP when I saw it one day because I had to have that iconic front cover in the largest format I could buy. I spent hours perfecting the riffs on Parklife, End of a Century, Jubilee and Magic America on my first electric guitar while trying to get my hair to look like Damon Albarn's. It was genuinely a life-changing album for me and I can listen to it anytime, from front to back and on a loop.
If I'm trying my hardest to be objective, I'd highlight the variety and musicality of Tracy Jacks, Badhead, The Debt Collector, To The End and This is a Low. Here was a band who had self-imploded on tour in America two years prior, come back with the fantastic Modern Life Is Rubbish, which wasn't rubbish but didn't sell very well and now had to make this record work, somehow, in order to save their career. It's the sound of Damon maturing into a top-tier songwriter while Graham Coxon cemented his place as one of the finest and most versatile guitarists of his generation. It's lyrically astute and sad and funny and a remarkably vivid reflection of Britain in the mid-90s. For me though, most importantly this is the album where Alex James comes of age. Blur's elegantly effortless bassist kicks proceedings off with the classic intro to Girls & Boys and sets the entire tone of the album. It's not just a collection of moody musings, oddball characters, doomed love songs and wry observations from park benches and underground trains and nostalgic windows into a resurgent London. It also repeatedly implores you to get up and dance, bop, pogo and mosh, by having the coolest rhythm section in British music at the time.
There seems to be a bit of anti-Britpop backlash in some of the reviews and ratings here, and for this to be sitting with an average rating below the global average is absolutely criminal. I can only assume that you just had to be there and the majority of my fellow album generators weren't, which I guess makes me the lucky one.
It gives me a sense of enormous wellbeing. And then I'm happy for the rest of the day, safe in the knowledge that there will always be a bit of my heart devoted to it.
An absolute stone-cold classic.
Jan 31 2025
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Sunshine Hit Me
The Bees
Really struggling to understand why this is here. They're like a less fun Beta Band. The vocals are half-hearted and the music is predictable and dull. There was definitely more exciting and essential music coming out in 2002; I remember being there. And this was not it.
In fact. If anyone is reading this, just bin off The Bees and listen to 2002's The Beginning Stages Of... by The Polyphonic Spree. It's everything this album promises but doesn't deliver. Symphonic, optimistic and joyous indie rock that makes the sun itself into a spiritual force. A lot of the critical attention the Spree got at the time centred around their cosplaying as a sort of cult with frontman Tim DeLaughter as their leader, wearing matching, flowing robes and performing as something between a choir, orchestra and rock band. The music itself deserved a lot more of the hype though as their fantastic debut combined their 25-piece instrumental wall of sound with driving rock and DeLaughter's dreamy vocals to create a 10-'section' journey that flows from track to track. You've essentially got a more epic, less depressing Arcade Fire but without the indie darling tag. 5/5
Oh, but it's a 2/5 for The Bees. Not even interestingly bad enough to get a 1 and earn a place on my summary page, no. To mildly dull 2-star purgatory with you. Buzz off.
Feb 01 2025
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Frampton Comes Alive
Peter Frampton
Man! That guy's guitar is talking!
HEY! My shoes are talking too...
Feb 02 2025
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Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
I bought this album in 2001 on the back of a glowing review. And I got it home and listened to it once and returned it to the shop. In those days there were some CD shops that would let you exchange something you didn't like, as long as it was still in perfect condition. And up until today, I didn't even remember anything about it. So when I opened the generator this morning, my heart sank a bit. But I am committed to the challenge and was determined to give it a fair crack.
Well, I'm torn between glad that I did, and feeling foolish for not being more patient with it in 2001. Because this is a fine record, and I've missed out on 20+ years of having it in my collection. I can't even remember what I exchanged it for. Yes, it takes a long time to get going, and not just at the outset, but a number of tracks are slow and difficult and it loses its momentum a few times.
Acknowledging that I should've been more patient with it is to stress that this album DOES require patience. They were not afraid to build up the layers one by one, painstakingly constructing dramatic tension slowly and deliberately and wringing every last trick out of the studio to paint shadows, glimmers of light and echoes of colour that you have to sit with and focus on in order to fully appreciate. At times it's the sonic equivalent of looking at a pointillist painting; if you sit too close, you'll just see disparate dots, but if you sit too far back, you lose the detail and atmosphere. With this one, I found that having it on in the background caused it to slip by; it needed to be listened to, rather than heard. This is probably where I went wrong in 2001. I was only a teenager, to be fair.
There are times I'd like to have heard them hone in on one idea rather than drop it into another idea and bounce them off each other. It's deceptively experimental for something that on the face of it, feels like a very cookie-cutter turn-of-the-millennium indie album at first. I don't feel like there are tracks here I want to add to a playlist and listen to to death, but when I have an hour free, I'll definitely listen to the whole thing again. I'm sure there are details I've still missed, even after three listens in 48 hours. I'm certainly interested enough to have a dabble in the rest of the catalogue too.
So thanks, Wilco, for waiting 23 years for me to truly find this album. Sorry I wasn't quite as patient with you. But let's be honest, that 7-minute opener is really pretty heavy going.
Feb 03 2025
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Cosmo's Factory
Creedence Clearwater Revival
It's consistently good blues rock but I don't really feel much more than that. Up Around The Bend is the second song in about a week to give me Guitar Hero flashbacks and I learned today that Eric Clapton didn't write 'Before You Accuse Me'. In fact I then learned that CCR didn't write it either. So there you go. Three times through but nothing that blew me away.
Feb 04 2025
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Aha Shake Heartbreak
Kings of Leon
Still long before selling out, Kings of Leon were absolutely swaggering at this point. They also weren't making huge waves in America, which was fine as it meant we got to appreciate them on the smaller-venue scene in the UK while they were absolutely battering tracks like The Bucket, Pistol of Fire and Four Kicks.
There's definitely an argument that there's too much unchecked testosterone and not enough finesse on display here but I didn't particularly care then and I'm not about to pretend I'm too highbrow now to enjoy it still.
Rise and shine, all you gold-diggin' mothers.
Feb 05 2025
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Come Find Yourself
Fun Lovin' Criminals
Don't ever reach a point in your life where you're too much of a snob to admit that Fun Lovin' Criminals were just a decent three-piece having a good laugh. Were they the first or best to ever put rock and rap together on a record? Certainly not. But Come Find Yourself is very listenable from start to finish, it's pretty distinctive and like it or not, it holds up against anything else that attempted this sort of thing at the time.
Feb 06 2025
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Djam Leelii
Baaba Maal
I realise this is entirely the fault of my rigid white western understanding of music. I blame myself, not the artists. But this sounded like a disparate series of repeating instrumental patterns that didn't really turn into a cohesive melody at any point. I can appreciate the overall vibes and the rhythm of it, but I wouldn't choose to come back and play it again.
Feb 07 2025
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The Specials
The Specials
I’ve never got into ska. It’s interesting to see it emerging as a sort of oddball love child of reggae and punk at this point in time. But that doesn’t quite equate to me wanting to pop this on and listen to it again.
Feb 08 2025
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Fela Kuti
Always interesting to read a bit of back story around an album and this is a wild one. The album that led to his mother being thrown from a window to her death is shocking enough, but Fela Kuti apparently marked the anniversary of this event by marrying 27 women on the same day.
Either way, it's a somewhat funky afrobeat/jazz kinda fusion but I didn't really get on with it and don't see myself coming back for it.
Feb 09 2025
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Paul's Boutique
Beastie Boys
I’d clearly heard that ‘Sgt Pepper’s of Hip-Hop’ cliché as a younger man and repeated it somewhere as I remember being told it was the whitest thing I’d ever said. Probably a fair call.
While clichés are often unimaginative and reductive, there is sometimes truth to them and the fact is, this is as groundbreaking and phenomenal an album in many ways as Sgt P was in its time. The production and sampling amount to an absolute masterclass and while you can question the Beastie Boys’ lyrical themes and maturity, they truly nailed the delivery and execution. It’s a belter and one of my all-time favourites.
Feb 10 2025
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Hounds Of Love
Kate Bush
Is Kate Bush Britain's answer to Madonna? It's VERY 80s synth-pop and not my thing at all but I guess I respect the experimentation and some of her more ambitious ideas. I'm more impressed than anything at hearing the original Hounds Of Love, as The Futureheads clearly heard something in that and turned it into an absolutely banging garage rock song that I would never have imagined possible.
Feb 11 2025
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One of those albums where it's really hard to form an opinion over a short space of time and then a simple score out of 5 feels too dry and reductive.
I was pretty optimistic as XTC is quoted as being a big influence on Britpop and Blur in particular, and I definitely felt similarities to Parklife tracks. I was also optimistic as I 'met' Todd Rundgren last month on the challenge and really liked his solo album, and then read that he'd been brought in to channel the songwriting and arrangements here, and had wanted to build on the concept elements. All really promising before I'd even pressed play.
So I was a little underwhelmed on the first listen but went away and found that bits of it had embedded themselves into my head. There are these great little bits of melody and hooks sprinkled throughout that really caught my ear. I don't necessarily think the 'concept' landed in the way that some albums nail it; songs run into each other quite seamlessly and there are noticeable lyrical themes, but it doesn't feel like a journey or experience to me. And the risk is that by running into each other, it can feel like a series of long pieces without enough definition.
I'm probably being a bit generous and giving it more of a chance to 'click' with me as I want to like it, but I did find it really interesting and I will keep it in rotation a bit longer as some parts have really stuck with me. I feel like I'm still guessing at my rating at this point, and it might be one I amend later.
Feb 12 2025
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I generally quite like a bit of prog but I found this a bit inconsistent and over the top in places. The bits I liked, I really liked but they got a bit lost in the noise here. I certainly won’t mind coming back to this but I probably won’t seek it out too often.
Feb 13 2025
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Found this somewhat funky in places but it didn't really grab me and went on too long. I've discovered some good Prince through the list but this wasn't it.
Feb 14 2025
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Locust Abortion Technician
Butthole Surfers
I like it.
What's not to like?
Custard - good.
Jam - good.
Meat - GOOD!
Feb 15 2025
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Giant Steps
The Boo Radleys
Hints of early Britpop, some melodic indie vibes and flavours of shoegaze. But it doesn’t really lean hard enough into any one lane so it’s left me feeling a bit mixed. I like a lot of the ideas but as a whole album it just lacks coherence and direction. Somehow less than the sum of its parts, in spite of it having some cool parts.
I feel a bit bad for them that it was the cheerily basic ‘Wake Up Boo’ that subsequently made them a bit of a name in the UK. This earlier stuff is far more interesting but maybe it’s a lesson (for us all?) in what sells. Unsurprisingly enough, if you want to sell a lot of records you kinda need to make something catchy. Three plays through of Giant Steps was very interesting but ultimately not enough of it really stuck with me.
Feb 16 2025
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I'm not particularly keen on jazz but this is something else entirely. The real star here is the percussion section. Relentless afro-cuban drums that you physically cannot hear and not at least move your hips just a little. And yes, I certainly did.
Feb 17 2025
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Brothers In Arms
Dire Straits
I'm pretty sure if this was new to me today, I'd think:
1. Ugh 80s soft rock.
2. Too much sax and too cheesy.
3. They all go on too long.
4. OK fine, the guitar work is great.
But there are very few albums I've heard more in my lifetime than Brothers In Arms. Countless long car journeys and dozens of Sunday roast dinners spent as a child with this as the soundtrack. So of course there's some nostalgia involved but while I probably can't be truly objective about this, I've actually not listened to it much as an adult and I had forgotten just how good a guitarist Mark Knopfler is. There's also something to be said about letting a song breathe. While a lot of rock music in the 90s and 00s seemed to be based around a 3 or 4-minute template, the tendency here to go for seven or eight minutes might have annoyed me on something less familiar but if you have the time, it's great to sit back and let an epic like Why Worry or the title track gently unfold on your ears. I also have to give a nod to the fact that as a 6 or 7 year old, I dedicated hours and hours of my life to perfecting my air guitar rendition of Money For Nothing and it was definitely an inspiration to me taking up the real actual guitar soon after. So nostalgia wins today, the rating goes with the heart but the head is not exactly arguing.
Feb 18 2025
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Achtung Baby
It’s packed with great songs, including some that I’d totally forgotten about. But it’s also U2. The U2 tax must apply. You can’t just be U2 and make great songs and think you can get away with it. There’s always going to be that begrudging feeling that you’re U2. It annoys me a bit that I did pause and wonder if I was going to give this five stars but thankfully a couple more listens reminded me that it is U2 and I just don’t want that hanging over me for the rest of this challenge. Sorry boys.
Feb 19 2025
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Pet Sounds
The Beach Boys
Pet Sounds is definitely an album I’ve taken for granted. It was always part of my childhood but somehow didn’t leave the impression on me that the likes of Rumours or Sgt Pepper did. Besides having the best song about being homesick on a boat ever made, it seemed like a catalogue of fairly simple love songs and a couple of instrumentals. It’s over before you really feel you’re into it.
But I’ve given it a few listens this week, proper, nothing-else-but-headphones listens and boy is that the beauty of it. It makes you think you’ve heard a simple love song when you’ve actually heard the masterpiece that is God Only Knows. The genius is in making something really immaculately crafted feel like something so simple and pure. It actually had me feeling quite emotional just focusing on the lyrics and getting lost in them. I mean, they’re lyrics I’ve known for years but *heard* without really *listening* to them.
My first reaction was ‘oh ok, Pet Sounds, that’s an easy 5.’ Then I thought ‘ah but is it, shouldn’t I actually give this a bit more thought and be more critically minded?’. So I was, and yeah, it’s Pet Sounds. It’s an easy 5.
Feb 20 2025
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Tom Waits
Tom Waits seems to straddle the line between cool experimental blues and utterly batshit crazy. I can’t quite work out if having the voice of a grizzled old cartoon toad adds to it or detracts from what would otherwise be a much more comfortable listen. I find myself not hating it. I also find myself needing it to stop after a while.
Feb 21 2025
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A Girl Called Dusty
Dusty Springfield
Can’t deny she’s got a fantastic, distinctive voice and knows how to use it. I always mentally put a ceiling on how highly I can rate albums which the artist hasn’t written any part of. I know, I know, that’s how a lot of artists worked in the 60s and before and there were some brilliant songwriters intentionally writing these songs for great singers, but part of me wants to know what *she* had to say, as well as what songs her label/producer/manager thought would sound good in her voice.
Feb 22 2025
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Exile On Main Street
The Rolling Stones
My favourite flavour of Rolling Stones is definitely the dirty, dirty blues variety.
It always feels a bit lazy to criticise double albums for being too long or 'sagging' at some point so I try to avoid that critique but I have found even after a few listens that particularly the first ten or so tracks have a bit of a habit of blurring into one. I personally found myself digging the second half more and if I had this on LP, I'd probably default mostly to listening to disc two. I've been gaining a massive appreciation for the harmonica recently and this has some truly vintage parts on the old mouth organ. So that helped tip me from a strong 3 to just about a 4.
Feb 23 2025
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Trans Europe Express
I've always suspected I'd quite like Kraftwerk and getting Man-Machine here last year proved me correct. I think it may be a shame I had that album first though, as this feels like more of the same and just a bit repetitive in comparison. There's some cool ambience and I enjoy the flow of the tracks into each other, but I don't think I'll be coming back to this as often as its more iconic, distinctive successor.
Feb 24 2025
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Peter Gabriel 3
Peter Gabriel
I'm sure I apply a Sunday morning boost to albums when I have the time to sit and do nothing but listen to them on headphones while having a lovely lie-in. I also have a lot of time and respect for Peter Gabriel, so this one is onto a winner already. He's got just the right level of experimentation for my taste, it's unusual and interesting without being overly strange for the sake of it. The songwriting is also on point when you're able to listen to it properly; Gabriel is poetic in his storytelling about violence, isolation, mental struggles and apartheid, and the instrumental arrangements are often fascinating.
I will be coming back to this for further listens and I'm always interested to hear more of Gabriel's work. He reminds me a lot of Bowie in his eccentric genius and artistic bravery.
Feb 25 2025
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Follow The Leader
Maybe I just wasn't in the mood to be yelled and growled at today but this just isn't something that has resonated with me and I don't plan to go back for more listens. I don't hate it but I also don't particularly like it.
Feb 26 2025
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Street Life
The Crusaders
Super cool and funky. Not something I'd have found or will choose to put on again, probably, but something I've enjoyed listening to. Even if it does sort of sound like the theme tune to an American gameshow a lot of the time. The guitar solos in the second half definitely helped secure that third star for me. Smooooooth.
Feb 27 2025
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Basement Jaxx
Feb 28 2025
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Anita Baker
One of the longest 36 minutes of this challenge. Will never listen again. Sorry Anita, it's nothing personal.
Mar 01 2025
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3 + 3
The Isley Brothers
The best bits are great - That Lady, Summer Breeze and Sunshine (Go Away Today) are brilliant, but to be honest, funky soul isn't really my favourite so the majority of the album was cool but not particularly memorable to me. I quite enjoyed it as background a few times though and it has got me listening through the excellent Anchorman soundtrack again, which is definitely to be welcomed.
Mar 02 2025
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The Dark Side Of The Moon
Pink Floyd
It’s a defining and seminal work of art, a true masterpiece that flows, peaks when it should and feels head and shoulders above its peers of 1973. It has a bit more saxophone than I’d wish for and Clare Torry’s vocals are… a lot.
I can already feel myself going back and forth with my future self questioning if I was trying to be too objective or contrarian here but if I’m putting on a Floyd album, it’s more likely to be Wish You Were Here or The Wall, and I probably even prefer the less abstract concept of Animals. This is undoubtedly one of the greatest albums ever made by one of the most exceptional bands to walk the earth, but to me it’s sat in (the very top of) the second bracket of my personal favourites.
Mar 03 2025
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Let's Get Killed
David Holmes
I thought this was great. Somehow it hadn't crossed my path at the time but I was enjoying other albums in its wheelhouse at the time (Bentley Rhythm Ace, Midfield General, Squarepusher) and would definitely have bought this if I'd heard it circa 1997-99. It may not be something I'll be putting on regular rotation but I'll come back to it at some point. The field recordings make for an interesting touch which could've come across a bit as cultural tourism but for me they punctuate the longer tracks and vary the pace a bit.
Mar 04 2025
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Apocalypse 91… The Enemy Strikes Black
Public Enemy
Came back to this multiple times this week and it’s such a solid and fantastic album. I didn’t know how consistently good Public Enemy’s output was in the late 80s-early 90s but I’ve enjoyed finding out. Fun to pick out ‘…Arizona’ from one of my favourite video games of all time - not Guitar Hero this time but the fantastic Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 4 and just a run of absolute belters.
Mar 05 2025
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Walking Wounded
Everything But The Girl
I never really liked EBTG at the time and a listen through this has reminded me of why. That slightly-jungly beat just batters on for the whole thing and goes nowhere interesting. Tracey Thorn has a decent voice on her but I just remember seeing their music videos on a loop in the old VH1/MTV days and thinking she just looked so miserable all the time.
I don't really see the ambient cool trip-hop type connections some people seem to be finding here. Nowhere close to Massive Attack or Portishead levels.
Mar 06 2025
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Fuzzy Logic
Super Furry Animals
I was so happy to see this turn up on the list. A pleasant surprise. Super Furry Animals get lumped in with Britpop but they absolutely transcend the genre. What we have here is their debut, a relatively straightforward rocker but it was the first step on an eclectic and fascinating journey. They wouldn't hit their creative stride right away but within a few albums, the Furries would be experimenting with more psych elements, fusing both mellow acoustic and upbeat indie rock with techno and electronic excursions, often within a single track and always with their trademark eccentric lyrics and undisputed ear for a melody and a hook.
They also broke a series of brilliant and unusual records later in their career; highest-selling Welsh language album (Mwng), most UK top-40 singles without a top-10 hit, and apparently the first band to release an album with an accompanying DVD (Rings Around The World). So I'm giving Fuzzy Logic a solid 4 today but I want it to be known that SFA deserve 5-star recognition for being a ground-breaking and wonderful fixture in British music history.
Mar 07 2025
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Double Nickels On The Dime
The more l listen to this, the more I enjoy it. Hard to believe I grew up thinking The Sex Pistols were the epitome of punk, while there were so many more authentic and interesting punk bands doing things like this just a few years later. It might be a victim of its own length; as much as I kept checking track names because I was enjoying them, I was also constantly surprised how much album was left to go. Can’t help thinking I’d have liked it even more if it was half as long. But there’s always a risk then that they’d have edited out the best tracks. So we’ll take it as it comes.
Mar 08 2025
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I See A Darkness
Bonnie "Prince" Billy
I think there’s some solid songwriting in here but I just couldn’t get into it even after three listens. At worst it’s fairly ordinary folky singer-songwriter fare but I can see how it would be more than that to some people. Just didn’t get there myself.
Mar 09 2025
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Qui sème le vent récolte le tempo
MC Solaar
This basically sounds like French Tricky to me. Admittedly I quite like Tricky and the beats/production here are pretty cool. As entertaining as it was trying to pick some meaning out of the 20% or so of the words I understood (baby, baby, strawberry, raspberry, music…) my bigger issue was that it didn’t really shift in tone, tempo or mood for most of its hour-long runtime. So I can’t see myself coming back to it again anytime soon.
Mar 10 2025
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Scott 4
Scott Walker
I don't think this really knows what it wants to be. It's croonery and corny at the beginning, then it sounds like it belongs in a James Bond film, but in the Roger Moore era. It's quite impressive from an instrumental, production standpoint and he has a good voice if you like that sort of thing. The last couple of tracks were surprisingly great but nowhere near good enough to rescue this as an album, for me.
Mar 11 2025
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Guitar Town
Steve Earle
I groaned a little when this kicked off as I am not a country music fan. But as it wore on, I found myself really enjoying a lot of the songs. I do like a bit of sparingly deployed slide guitar, the drums were on point and anchored the solid, driving rhythm section. It also veered on the bluesy side quite often, which I am generally on board with. There are a few cheesy clunkers near the end but a couple of songs here I really liked.