Rubber Soul
BeatlesThe turning point in The Beatles' discography. Great album that heralded even better ones.
The turning point in The Beatles' discography. Great album that heralded even better ones.
One of the first albums I listened to when getting into jazz. Amazing brassless jazz album. Just a piano, drums and bass and it sounds great.
Amazing album front to back, all killer no filler. Truly one of the best albums ever created, not only based on the quality of songs but also the composition of the album itself. Absolutely exceptional album.
I really don't enjoy electronic music and this was no exception. To make matters worse spotify onky has deluxe version of this album which is weird. Normally deluxe albums give you the album itself and then extra songs after those original ones but here they were mixed which made listening to it very annoying.
I feel like it's really difficult to dislike Stevie Wonder's style therefore the album is enjoyable to listen to. However I don't think this album needs to be this long and it just didn't keep my interest the whole way through.
The cool kind of weird alternative up to the point when they start to sing... I just don't enjoy listening to German language.
There is a very nice vibe to it, quite hippy. A little too screamy for me but I can definitelly see why some would love it. Madame George is definitely a highlight of this album.
Not my favourite R.E.M. album but still quite enjoyable. Vocals are sometimes more mumbly than I'd like them to be but otherwise the sound is nice. 2nd listen was better than the 1st. Highlights: Moral Kiosk, Perfect Circle and Sitting Still.
Screamy white rap from 80's/90's is definitelly not my style but the album as a whole was not bad. Highlights: No Sleep Till Brooklyn and Fight For Your Right.
It's basically an old time rapping. Music is just there to be a background for a guy to "sing" his poems. Quite enjoyable, melancholic in it's slow tempo and emotional lyrics.
Enjoyed it very much. It's just a great melodic Brit rock album. Highlights: High And Dry and Just.
I like alt rock and this album is no exception. I like how lyrics are bot at tbe centre of attention here and the distored guitar is the main focus on this album.
I really didn't enjoy this album. Which is a shame as it has the coolest cover so far.
Didn't enjoy the album even thought it wasn't obvioualy bad. It's just that it lies on the intersection of genres (punk, alt rock and hard rock) and it's not great at any of them. No idea why it's on the list.
It 's ok but not exactly my kind of electronic. Not enough lofi hiphop vibes.
I like the narrative of the album the most. Lyrics and music are alright but the story and compostion of it is what makes it good.
While rap is not my favourite genre I enjoyed this album especially for the flow of Method Man.
On average I liked Richard's songs more but I like Down Where The Drunkards Roll the best out of this album. As a whole it's ok.
Started strong and declined rather quickly.
Both the flow and the music are great, lyrics are also quite good. I love the jazz samples used in it.
Overall album is ok, it's Depeche Mode so it ain't bad. Personal Jesus, Enjoy the Silence and Policy of Truth are definitively the best songs here, standing out from the rest which are just ok.
I feel like it's really difficult to dislike Stevie Wonder's style therefore the album is enjoyable to listen to. However I don't think this album needs to be this long and it just didn't keep my interest the whole way through.
Great album with many of my favourite songs from Nirvana. Unfortunatelly there are a couple duds here that make me rate it not as high as I would like to.
Is ok. This album lands perfectly in the middle of the scale as I neither like it nor dislike it. Love Pt. 1 (Poem) is the highlightest of highlights as it's the only one I can say I actively liked.
As far as hip-hop goes it was pleasant but I didn't love it. It's fine.
Quite alright. It's MJ so it's hard for it to be bad. Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough is the obvious hit from this album.
I hate electronic music. It started terrible, later it was a little more tolerable but that didn't change the first impression.
Nothing special. Just a fine hippy album.
Another album that's simply ok. Quite pleasant but I don't really see the need for it to be on this list.
A true musical experience. Just all around great album from one of the greatest guitar players ever.
Another one of those albums that are perfecrly fine but I'm not sure it needs to be on this list. The titular song js amazing but apart from that it's just a good rock album but not mich more.
It's Dylan and he's always good. I'm not much of a fan but it was good. The album totally desrves a higher rating than what I give it but I'm just not a fan of Dylan's style (usually).
I love Queen, they're one of my favourite bands of all time. This however is one of my least favourite albums of theirs. Seven Seas Of Rhye is THE BEST song from Queen II but there is nothing else here that would be anywhere near this level of good. I still like the album very much but it won't get a 5. There are 3 Queen albums on this list and I think there are better ones that deserve to be here.
Uninspiring. I liked how it differs from other albums by having a lot of short songs rather than the usual number of songs with the usual length. But we all lnow that quantity doesn't mean quality.
I liked it. It had some real chill anime vibes.
An inoffensive rap album. Was ok.
It's so very reggae and I'm not a fan. Nothing outstanding maybe except for lyrics which usually are "woke" either way...
Like Leonars Cohen but more vulgar which I respect.
Too punk for me.
I like the minimalistic feel of it. It's just a songer with her acoustic guitar and a bit of accompaniment but not too much. Very cool vibes that fit the lyrics very well.
Like I said oreviously it's hard to dislike Stevie Wonder. This album was better than the previous one. More concise and had a better structure. I liked it.
Good british alternative rock. Nothing amazing or revolutionary but a solid album nontheless.
Apparently baroque pop is a thing and apparently it's a subgenre of rock and not pop. Either way I liked this album. It's just a man singing his songs accompanied with melodic rock music.
Lyrics were hard to discern and I don't like that. There were a couple of cool riffs but apart from that music was not my style.
Just a man telling his stories and some jazz in the background. But I love it. It couldn't be bad with that voice and that jazz. A studio recorded album that tried to recreate the feel of a small jazz club and succeeded.
This is the right amount of punk. A classic. Honestly it's way tamer than I thought it to be.
Overall the album is solid but nothing amazing. However it ended on the highest note possible - Time of the Season. This song by itself is 5/5 which makes rating the album difficult...
A man and an acoustic guitar. Cool but I've heard better versions of this type of duet.
There's nothing wrong with this album but it's not my kind of music. Just a noninteruptive scottish pop.
Eh... There's too much synth in this rock. New wave was alright but not in this particular case.
I'm too old for this. Rap metal is not a genre for me anymore if it ever was. Killing In The Name is the obvious highlight here but I like it way less than I used to.
Quite alright. Life's What You Make It is the highlight here that even got a cover which was way more popular but oh well, that's how life works I guess.
Quite peculiar, very interesting, pretty chill.
A rather diverse album that's good all around which is quite an accomplishment when playing so many different styles.
Very good instrumental music. Part 4 is the best by far thought.
It was alright to listen to but it's supposed to be punk and in my opinion it was quite boring for it to be punk...
Good ol' rock 'n' roll. It's neither very hard nor very pop-y. Perfectly balanced as all things should be.
Another rock album that hits the perfect spot (not too heavy, not too light). It's an hour long album with 5 mega hits and most of the other songs are almost equally good just not on the same level of popularity. There was like 1 song which I was meh about and that's impressive on an hour long album.
It's David Bowie so it's gotta be good. Most of this album is simply good, but there are two songs here that I would say are my favourite songs of his: Changes and Life On Mars. While the album is a 4/5 those two songs are 6/5.
The turning point in The Beatles' discography. Great album that heralded even better ones.
Early 2000's american indie. Boring.
Apparently this was supposed to challenge the "British Invasion" and compete with The Beatles... No.
While not entirely horrific, it was still very unpleasant.
I like it.
Clapton is god. One of the greatest guitarists ever and an overall very good album. No duds but also not a lot of mega hits, just some very solid tunes.
Good ol' "new" Cohen. Quite alright but nothing spectacular.
It's good but there's a bit too much synth for my liking. The titular song is an obvious highlight here.
Very good album for a one time listen. While I liked it, I don't foresee myself coming back to it. The album tells a coherent story, it's alternative rock which I like but it didn't grab me like it could have.
Another big fat NO for the band. Eight Miles High may be the only song I might consider saying that I enjoyed, mostly for the solo.
Very old timey rock 'n' roll. The biggest surprise was this tame version of Love Hurts which felt... weird but nice.
Song 2 is amazing, the rest is very meh.
Another album with 1 great song (California Dreamin') and the rest is meh.
Very good. Even though most of songs on this album are not mega hits and only Immigrant Song desrves to be called that, it's a very good rock album.
Great debut album. Pink Floyd amazed from the very beginning and I love it.
It's a third Cohen album and it all sounds the same. It starts to get boring.
I hate albums like this one. Cause most of it is very not my style but there is 1 mega hit on it and everything changes. Killing Me Softly With His Song is a banger, Mista, Mista is also quite alright, rest I don't like.
I'm not much of a fan of live albums except for a few outstanding ones. This is good rock for sure, but it's live...
Very good metal album. My opinion may be a little skewed as it's the first album I listened to using KZ ZS10 Pros and the experience of listening to music with good headphones is so very good.
I'm quite unimpressed. La-La-La-Lies is quite good and the titular song is by far the best one but... it's so very generic and I feel like the mastering here is quite subpar. With my new IEMs My Generation sounded quite like a mess, which I wasn't able to hear before.
Very "polite" new wave band. Nothing special, just ok.
It says something that my favourite track on this album is a 23 second skit that's basically only samples with 2 lines of vocals. Not exactly my style but a good album nontheless. Apparently it's been very influential in rap/hip-hop world and I can see why.
Very nice garage rock'n'roll. There's a good mix of really good covers of classic rock'n'roll songs and a couple of original arrangements which are plenty good themselves.
I was very pleasantly surlrised by this album. Looking at the cover and the name I was absolutely expecting reggae which was not the case. Instead I got cool trip hop I could chill to.
I didn't quite like it even thought it's 90s garage rock / grunge which I should at least enjoy a little. But something was off and I didn't.
Actually very good album which has plenty of great songs. At first glance I knew that Faith was good and expected other songs to be OK at best. But it was actually very good.
Very good rap album which I didn't like. Ms. Jackson was great but almost everything else is very much not my style. However I see why it's considered to be great and why it deserves to be on this list.
Great cover of Hallelujah... as far as other songs... they're also here. Very much an album where one song is head and shoulders above everything else.
One of the first albums I listened to when getting into jazz. Amazing brassless jazz album. Just a piano, drums and bass and it sounds great.
Very influential and historically important album that's still as amazing as it was back in the day. However I have a small quibble with it. I tried listening to the original mono version and it felt very bland. Stereo is just so much better. Also this was the first album I listened to on Hifiman HE-400i.
I really don't enjoy electronic music and this was no exception. To make matters worse spotify onky has deluxe version of this album which is weird. Normally deluxe albums give you the album itself and then extra songs after those original ones but here they were mixed which made listening to it very annoying.
I wasn't expecting much after looking at the wikk but I was pleasantly surprised. It's a very solid pop punk album.
Miles Davis did it again. He revolutionized jazz once more. Amazing jazz album.
Very good. I mostly knew Paul Simon for his time in Simon & Garfunkel and his only solo hit I knew was Al. He's a very talented songwriter.
Great album, very consistent all throughout, no noticable duds. I absolutely love The Black Keys' style. Immediatelly added this one to my collection. Saying all that I'm not 100% sure about my rating, it gets 5 stars as I imagine I'll only like it more with more listenings.
Quite alright. I might have been a little too harsh on Astral Weeks which I got at the beginning of this journey. Having a little more perspective changes a lot.
German kosmische musik is definitely not my style. The album has some fun moments but overall it's too weird for me.
Pet Sounds it is not. There are some fine tunes here but overall nothing super impressive.
Honestly kinda annoying.
Amazing voice. It's not something I would listen to often but it's great piece of music. Just not exactly my regular style.
Another post-punk album. It's quute pleasant but nothing spectacular.
I dunno... just another punk album. Bad? Eh. Good? Neither...
Even thought bossa nova is a form of jazz I don't think I'm a fan. It's weird, it doesn't sound bad but I wanted to stop midway through the album... I soldiered through it and it got better later but it wasn't easy.
Started really strong and ended just fine. 3 heavy hitters at the beginning were a slight shock as I didn't expect they were from Van Halen's debut album.
This album answers the question that nobody asked before "what if Velvet Underground & Nico had more reverb and feedback noise?" The result is an album that wears its inspirations on its sleeve while at the same time inspiring a whole new genre of music. It's definitely not an easy listen but it's pretty rewarding even if the quality of the album is quite uneven throughout.
Solid album but not really my style. The entire album was quite dark and grim which makes sense for a goth band but I very much prefer the more upbeat singles by The Cure.
Very good rock album. Way better than Murmur, R.E.M. feels like a fully realised band on this one.
Very good album. Maybe it's just me but it gave me a lot of Graceland vibes even though it's quite different.
Very solid americana album. Not a lot to add here.
Very nice art/alternative rock album.
First rock opera and it's fine. A little long, has it's moments but also quite a bit of filler making it just fine.
The titular song is a 20 minute prog rock epic and it's very interesting. The rest is good but doesn't really compare to the first track.
The album is more than just More Than A Feeling. At least that's what I thought while listening to it. Later on I didn't remember anything about it apart from that hit song. It's good but very repeatable to the point where tge songs blended together into one constant stream of music.
I liked how upbeat the album was but in the end it's still just country which isn't really my genre.
Joy Division is not for me. I like Love Will Tear Us Apart and not much more. I can't complain about the quality of music because it's rather good, but it just doesn't speak to me.
Very good prog rock album however Tom Sawyer is the de facto hit song from it overshadowing everything else.
I'm usually not a big fan of electronic music, but this album is just great. I know the bar isn't very high but it's probably my favourite of its genre.
Amazing 5 singles, some of the best RHCP ever made. The rest of the album is fine, nothing very memorable outside of those hits, but everything kinda just fits together.
Not a lot of hit singles on this one, but it doean't matter because the album is amazing as a whole. Hendrix's style is just great and it's hard for me not to like whatever he's recorded.
Weather With You is a definite highlight of the album. It's good but nothing spectacular.
To quote the man himself "music as ignorable as it is interesting". Great starting spot for ambient music.
Very good classic blues. What else to say.
Peaches En Regalia is an amazing track. The rest of the album is also great, from technical point of view. However it's exactly my style.
Truly a masterpiece. Amazing clash of personalities of some of the best jazz players of all time recorded on a truly timeless album.
Nothing special, very generic rock with two exceptions. Fell In Love With A Girl and We're Going To Be Friends are great, but the rest is nothing spectacular.
Very good hard rock album. Child In Time is amazing, Bloodsucker is also pretty great. The rest is ok. I just don't feel like there's a lot of substance here. Good listen but not something I will often come back to.
Not a fan of this one. It's quite weird and I have to admit that this is probably a kind of album that would grow on me with multiple listens... which I'm currently not willing to give it.
Great indie debur album. Some amazing hits and some more niche bangers. Great stuff.
Not the best CCR album (that would be Cosmo's Factory) but it's not far from it. Great record.
Super energetic, no wonder Rock'n'Roll became a craze at the time. I cannot deny how influential Little Richard and this album were but music moved foreward and it doesn't stand out as much as it used to. Songs are quite simple melodically which makes them very similiar to one another.
Very good art pop. A little out there but in a good sense.
Very good country rock album, but not something I would come back to often. Heart Of Gold and Old Man are amazing, but the rest is still solid.
Very good, very groovy album. Great soundtrack that tells a story even without the movie. Funky as hell.
Amazing Prog album with issues. Because of money/time problems the recording of the album had to include solo compositions of each band member. Those were not that good. The rest however is top prog, especially Roundabout.
Great production up until the last few minutes of Runaway. After that the album dips a little in quality. However the front of this album is purely amazing.
Album started strong but got a but boring towards the end.
Quite alright but not my style.
Good - Imagine and Jealous Guy. Meh - the rest.
It's a classic for sure. A very historically important and influential album. But I'm not sure how much I actually like it. It's great but I feel like my opinion is a little scewed by the reverence of it.
American Pie and Vincent are amazing songs. The rest of the album is an adequate collection of perfectly fine folk songs. Nothing bad, but also nothing outstanding (except for the two songs I mentioned).
Great music but not an amazing album. There are plenty of superb hits, but the album as a whole is quite long and a little inconsistent. Cutting the run time by 2 songs would have made it great, but as is it's good.
Monumental live album.
Fine. It's Your World is a defonitive highlight of the album. The rest ranges from meh to fine.
Very enjoyable. Title track is great, other songs are slightly below it quality-wise but are still quite good. Overall good album I will definitelly return to.
This is such a weird album. Ray Charles tried to straddle between country and soul but in my opinion didn't fully succeed in any of those genres. Because of that it's a very mixed bag of songs that are neither painful nor really exciting to listen to.
It's fine. There are some good riffs here and there but overall it's not for me. It gets quite tiring to listen to this almost hour long album. I get that is what appeals to fans of the genre but not to me.
Early Beatles are not my favourite. The album was good but very simple. I prefer their later releases where the band has pushed many boundries of music. This is fine.
Better than I remembered it to be. There's plenty of amazing hits while the rest of the album is rather consistently good. The quality dips a little at the end but that might be just me not enjoying too long albums which this is one of those.
It's good. Nothing on this album beats the intro to the first song but overall it's consistently good.
Summertime and Piece Of My Heart are amazing. So is cover art. The rest of the album is fine but not much more.
She Comes In Colors is amazing. The rest is nothing special but still enjoyable.
Poet first, musician second. Quite monotonous as it's focus was on lyrics way more than on melodies. Worth a listen but I won't be coming back to this one, Leonard Cohen has made some better material later on.
Simply great. I will definitelly come back to this album in the future. Mother is the single track that didn't grab me immediatelly because of how different it is but I'll probably like it more with consecutive listening. Everything else on this album is just consistently good.
Musically it's ok, lyrically however it's great. Amazing satire with some catchy tunes in the background.
I would have never suspected the debut album of the man that rocked the world to be this tame. This album has both some true rock'n'roll classics as well as some slower ballads. Pretty good but not as good as some other R'n'R artists Elvis "borrowed" from.
Yellow is amazing. I don't know why would this be an album you have to listen to before you die. It's an ok debut album from an early 2000s rock band but it doesn't compare favorably to their competition.
Quite alright but not amazing. Would work great as background/lounge music but not as an album to be listened to front to back. I liked the vibe more than the actual melodies.
Very good fusion jazz. Not all tracks are winners here but overall it's pretty solid.
It's too fast for me. I get that speed is one of the defining characteristics of thrash metal but in this case there's not much else here apart from the speed. Technically the album is solid, but that's not enough to peak my interest.
Very good but moat of its strength comes from When Doves Cry and Purple Rain. The rest of the album is good but pales in conoarison to those two hits.
Quite alright brazilian pop which definitely is not my wheelhouse. There are actually 2 artists on this album, Milton Nascimento to whom this album is assigned on this site and Lô Borges who only has 4 songs on the album but in my opinion by far steals the show.
Very good and rather challenging.
Please stop. Lyrically it's a little too prachy, melodically it's fine at best but mostly it's meh. I wanted it to end after 2nd or 3rd song.
Just great, in regular rotation.
Better than their debut, has more hit singles and is overall quite alright. But it still isn't as good as their competition...
Very difficult listening. It's great but not exactly my style. I can understand why so many people love it though.
It's good. Titular track is better than others but not by a lot. Overall very consistent in quality.
Amazing album that redefined the band. Idioteque is my favourite track but all of them are simply great. Not my favourite Radiohead album but top 3 for sure.
Very different to Remain In Light and that's perfectly fine. I liked it.
Another amazing album and another career defining moment for the band. Great track all around with Videotape being my favourite. Better than Kid A in my opinion but I still prefer OK Computer to it.
I don't know how to feel about this album. On one hand I liked majority of tracks, on the other hand I felt it prolonged quite quick.
Peaks at the very beginning with the first 2 tracks. Then it's mostly downhill from that. Still very good as far as debuts go but Led Zeppelin made much better albums than their first one.
Very good. There arw a couple track that are considerably worse than the others but there are 4 great hits that make up for that in spades.
I wasn't amazed by it at all. It's perfectly in the middle of the road but I kinda hoped for more.
Great album. Starts very strong and goes strong for most of its runtime but I feel like the last 2 tracks are considerably worse than the rest.
I found this album to be very uneven. The big hits out of it are very good, top notch hard rock / heavy metal songs. Everything else however is very mid and I didn't really find a "diamond in the rough" among the deep cuts of this album. Overall it's just fine.
An underrated gem and one of my favourite psychedelic rock albums. I'm so very glad this album is on this list cause otherwise I would have never found out about it. There are plenty of album choices that I disagree with and they absolutely don't have to listened to before you die, but this one for sure fits the description.
Is this the so called "dad-rock"? Definitelly yes. Is it good? Also yes. There's a couple of meh tracks in the middle but there's also a lot of good stuff here. Not an album I would listen to on repeat but when the mood comes some "dad-rock" is perfectly fine.
Amazing jazz concept album. The idea behind it was to write the album as if it was a ballet and I can absolutelly hear that. It's not an easy listen but very much well worth the time.
Very solid. Absolutely can understand why for some people it's R.E.M.'s best work but I still think Automatic for the People is their best album. Very overtly political.
I'd say it's perfect if not for the Yellow Submarine... otherwise it's an amazing album that only cemented The Beatles' status as the best band of their time.
Quite good but not my style. I appreciate it for what it is but I'm probably not coming back to it much.
I find this album both good and fun. At the same time I don't think I'm going to revisit it anytime soon. It just didn't really peak my interest as much as some other heavy metal albums.
Great album that I'm not entirely sure what to think about. Usually if I feel like that about an album I'll end up listening to it more and more until I finally make my mind and at that point I'll be a fan. Therefore I'll skip to the part where I like the album (even though it's kinda lengthy) and rate it appropriately.
Very stylistically diverse album. You'll find everything here, from more ethereal dream pop to effect dense shoegaze and heavier grunge. Which might be the reason this album has garnered quite a bit of mainstream success as opposed to more pure shoegaze records.
There are a couple of duds on this album but overall it's pretty solid. Stylistically it's a little weird as it's pretty much spoken word rock and that's cool.
Great album if a little long. It's length is probably going to be the only reason I don't listen to it as much as it deserves to be listened to.
Down By The River is great, the rest of the album is fine.
One of the greatest albums of all time and my favourite Beatles album. Revolutionary for its time and still holds up today. Can't say enough good things about it because it's basically perfect (in my humble opinion). I like all the tracks even those people think are not that great like Good Morning Good Morning or For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite. My least favourite song here is Lovely Rita which I still like just not as much as the rest.
Very good. An album that pushed the boundries and set an incredibly high bar for a new music genre (at the time) shoegaze. This album is another case where I wish the rating system on this site had more than just 5 ratings. By giving it a 4 I feel like robbing it of the credit it absolutely deserves, but I also don't feel like it deserves a 5 yet, for that I'd need to listen to it a couple more times.
Very good christmas album. Darlene Love had probably the best tracks on it but it was good overall.
Very solid album. A bunch of hits surrounded by pretty good deep cuts.
Quite good but I still prefer Californication better. I much more like the more regular rock or funk rock tracks than the rap rock ones which I feel is a bit dated as a genre nowadays (at least for me).
To say that White Album is experimental is like saying that grass is green and sky is blue. It's quite a mixed bag, it has some of The Beatles' best work and some of their least memorable. Regardless of inconsistency it's still an amazing achievement in their discography. Some bands can only dream to achieve the heights of this album but the Beatles have had even better ones. Truly one of the best bands of all time.
Amazing album front to back, all killer no filler. Truly one of the best albums ever created, not only based on the quality of songs but also the composition of the album itself. Absolutely exceptional album.
Magnificent fusion jazz album. Very atmospheric, music speaks for itself, the reflective melancholic vibe comes through 100%. Miles Davis being genius as always.
Another great Bowie album. It's not one of my favourites but it's still really good and it desreves to be recognized among his greater works. Also the cover is iconic.
It's amazing especially looking at the circumstances in which this concert happened. Keith Jarret had mild food poisoning, he was playing on wrong piano and there was some delay to everything that happened. Even with those hurdles he managed to perform one of the best (recorded) piano jazz concerts.
I know it's a very basic take but I think this album is very good. I know Metallica somewhat "sold out" with this album by going more mainstream as opposed to their previous very much thrash metal style. But this album is simply great.
Very good, very chill album. It's very easygoing but that doesn't mean it's poorly made or anything like that. There is certain art to making an album this seamless.
Simply amazing.
Quite alright. I can see myself liking it more with more listens as it has pretty distinct sound I'd need to get my ears more used to.
This is the definition of an alright album. It has a couple great hits, nothing in particular stands out as bad, but at the same time the album as a whole is somewhat unremarkable and forgettable. It's perfectly fine.
Great album with amazing singles however the rest of the tracks are significantly worse. As a whole Ten is still very good if a little inconsistent.
In my opinion the best Led Zeppelin album. It's just very solid, no duds, everything is very good.
Great album. A little long for my liking as it's a 70 minutes single album. Regardless I really enjoyed it. Most tracks sound pretty same-ish but all of them are very wrll made and it doesn't make the monotonous.
Very solid space ambient album. Really like it.
Pretty good. Usually I'm not a live music enthusiast but this album barely felt live to me. Performance was stellar and I didn't really hear the audience disturb the recording so that's also a big plus.
Great swing album although a little repetitive. Luis Prima's voice seems to be larger than life here. Sure there are some songs here that sounds almost identical but I'm not holding that against the album.
Great album. Not much else to say here. It's in my rotation for a while now and I don't see me getting bored with it.
Amazing album that pushed cemented Pink Floyds status as one of the greatest bands right after their groundbreaking Dark Side of the Moon. Some say Wish You Were Here is better but to me their basically equal but most importantly different. DSotM is more immediate while WYWH takes it's time to build up. Either way amazing stuff all around.
Amazing. Right out of the gate this album defined prog rock genre and set a very high bar for anything that would follow it. Overall great stuff.
True classic. One of the best albums ever recorded. Progressive rock at it's peak.
80's were a rough time for rock. Brothers on Arms is a very good album but it's pretty far removed from modern rock. It's not a bad thing by itself but it most likely means that I won't be returning much to this album.
Pretty nice synth pop. Not much else to say here. A solid album.
Amazing. Beautifully painted soundscapes all thought the album make it a true classic of the genre. Can't help but adore it.
Apart from Blister in the Sun it's nothing extraordinary or special. Some solid rocking but nothing very memorable.
I love 90s/00s alt rock so this should be a no brainer for me. And while the album is great it just never clicked with me to the same degree as some album from that genre from that time period.
Absolute masterpiece. Perfection on every level. It's honestly excruciatingly difficult to find any flaw in this album so I'm not even going to try. Also balls.
A truly classic album if I ever heard one. Very front loaded and honestly a bit uneven in the second half. And because of that it's not exactly one of my favourites in the alternative rock landscape.
So very good. Sade's voice is amazing and this entire album is a masterclass in storytelling. Great stuff.
A fine outlaw country album. I imagined Willie Nelson sitting on a porch in a rocking chair playing guitar telling his stories when I listened to this album. It's alright but I'm still not really into country therefore my score is as it is.
Very solid album but it's a little too techno for an album that calls itself ambient. This is basically my only gripe with this album as most of it is really good, especially from the technical point of view.
Excellent album. For me it's the best one from the Berlin trilogy for sure and I might even go as far to say it might be Bowie's best overall. For me Low and Ziggy are Bowie's peak and depending in the mood I might say that one is better than the other.
Very good. Very ominous in it's vibe, cold and calculated. Certainly not an easy listen. I had to digest it twice to kinda "get it" and it's the type of album that I can see myself appreciate even more the more I listen to it.
Probably the most "hard" rocking Queen album. It's very good but once again it's nowhere near my favourite from that band.
Very solid trip hop album. I can absolutely see myself liking it more if I come back to it.
Amazing debut. Great garage rock album and one of the earliest examples of internet fame translating into a massive success. I love this album and keepnit in constant rotation. It's hard for me to find a bad track here.
Definitely overhyped. People say that Grateful Dead were at their best when performing live... too bad I'm not a fan of live music. As is American Beauty is a weird mix of americana, country and psychedelic rock that's just fine but doesn't excel at any of thise particular genres.
Amazing art pop album, truly a classic. Absolutely deserves a 5 if not for 1 small thing. I'm pretty sure that I suffered physical damage listening to that oscillating effect on my headphones. It's really hard to listen to it without getting a headache which is a shame...
Very good, definitely revolutionary for its time and greatly influential for many years to come. For me it's not exactly the sound I'm actively looking for these days. In the past I liked it way more than now, but tastes change and evolve so I'm not blaming the album for suddenly getting worse or anything like that.
Great fusion jazz / funk album. It's a classic for good reasons.
A true country classic. Very solid live album, Johnny Cash has great chemistry with his audience which adds to my enjoyment of this album very much.
Quirky but in a good way. Album starts with a couple shirter songs that I wish were just a little longer. Then you're hit by a masterpiece cover of Without You which is followed by the goofiest song on this entire album Coconut. It's a little weird but I like it.
Pretty good classic album. The historical birthalbum of heavy metal. The album is revolutionary in its own right, however it didn't really wow me as much as I might have expected. Unfortunately it pales in comparison to their next release which very well might be the best metal album ever made.
It's my 2nd time coming back to this album and it's much better now then at the very beginning of my music journey. Great synth work throughout the entire album.
Great album that I have 2 relatively small issues with that are tied together. First is that the jam session at the end of this triple album is alright but nothing overall spectacular. And the second is the fact that it's a triple album and it's absolutely too long. There are some truly amazing songs here but I don't think I'm going to come back to this record frequently purely because of its length.
Great album. I really enjoy Taylor's collaboration with Jack Antonoff on folklore and evermore. I wasn't much of her fan before but with this change of style I'm a changed man.
There's a lot of radio/MTV hits on this album that I forgot about. And that's the extent of the "good" things I can say about it. The album is very monotonous, production is meh, I disliked every single rap into by Mike Shinoda (I think he's best used for backup instead of main vocals). Nostalgia is a hell of a drug but revisiting this album after many years made me realise it's actually pretty mid.
Pretty good new wave album. Some amazing hits and some meh deep cuts. Overall it's fine but it's not something I'm gonna add to my constant rotation, but I'll be glad to return to it from time to time.
Great album. If not for Smackwater Jack this would have been a 5 but that track while alright feels weird here. I've grown to like it but it still comes out of nowhere and completely changes the vibe of the album. Other than that it's truly a masterpiece in storytelling and minimalistic arrangements.
This list is full of amazing David Bowie albums and this one is no exception. Great concise album, not on the same level as Low or Ziggy (those being my favourites) but it's pretty close.
Very solid album with some great hits. The deep cuts here are pretty meh but don't drag the good songs down. The End takes this album up a notch.
It's quite ok but I wouldn't say it's my favourite Bjork album. It feels very samey throughout, which by itself is not a problem but it's not really my genre so that only accentuated some of the things I dislike about electronic. I've only listened to it once and I could see getting accustomed to it with more listens but I'm not sure if I want to come back to this record much.
So very good. The album left me speechless and I couldn't rate it for a couple of days. I had to really think hard about it because it's so good. Very atmospheric as all great post rock albums tend to be. Feels very much as if it was out of this world (it's from Iceland so that's pretty close to the truth). I'm definitely going to return to it many a time.
Great album. Probably my favourite from this genre (which isn't exactly my forte). Just really solid overall, great vibes all around. It's groovy, it's melodic, it's simply very good.
One of the greatest albums ever put to vinyl. A real mastepiece. Some of The Beatles' best tracks are on this album, even the more silly songs like Maxwell's Silver Hammer are pretty good here. However the absolute best part of this album is The Meddley. A true classic in every meaning of that word.
This is when music albums started looking like what we know an album to look like. Some would even say it's the first concept album. It's good, revolutionary in certain aspects, very standard when it comes to music. The album can feel a bit long as most of the songs are pretty similar both melodically and thematically.
I consider it pretty funny that The Wall is basically a Roger Waters solo project but the best song on the album is David Gilmour's Comfortably Numb. It's definitely worth it to listen to it once but because of how thematically heavy and how long the album is it's not going to get constant rotation from me.
Technically it's a very good prog record. However it's mostly unexciting to me for no apparent reason. Tears is my highlight from the album.
Very solid soul album. Respect is the biggest hit and the obvious highlight.
Great album, very influential, a little difficult to listen to (at least at first). Very much something I had to warm up to just as most everybody back when it came out.
Overall good but not exactly my style. I like my hip hop a little less aggressively 90s than this.
Very solid and most importantly consistent country album. All songs are quality throughout the entire record. Enjoyed it enough to potentially return to this album later on.
A proper prog rock album. Clean to a fault. While Fragile is far from perfect I think because of its imperfections I like it a but more than Close To The Edge. It's still a very good album but it kinda feels a little bit too sterile to me.
Stellar production, amazing beats and pretty mid lyrics. Great album that defined G-funk as a genre. Very solid "features" from Snoop Dogg, one could almost mistake this for a colab album.
It's pretty alright, quite funny in a certain way. Overall a fine mix of country and psychedelic rock... but mostly just country.
I'm very conflicted about this album. Obviously it's great but I can't stop myself from feeling a little "off" about it. Past me who loved this genre more than I do now wouldn't have liked this album as much as I wasn't really able to appreciate truly good music back then. But present me is a little burned out on alternative rock so even though I can see what makes this album great I don't enjoy it as much as I feel I could. Oh well... I'll probably revisit this particular review in a couple of years thinking how stupid I was when I wrote it.
Amazing opening track, the rest of the album is a little inconsistent but it's still very good.
This album shows the genius of Miles Davis even before he was THE Miles Davis.
Great debut album, solid rap classic.
Truly a timeless classic. It works wonders as an introduction to jazz.
It's a very solid early 2000's alternative rock album. I know it's not perfect but it's one of two albums that got me really into music as a serious hobby and not just something that plays in the background or in the car. Also it's got to be one of the greatest debut albums of all time.
What can I say about this album that hasn't been said already. One of the greatest albums of all time and one of my personal favourites as well.
Groundbreaking rap album. Positively weird.
Great rap album. Kendrick has shown that he's one of the best lyricists out there and this album was just the beginning for him.
Very good prog rock album. Quite weird but that's to be expected from this genre.
Very good soul album with great sociopolitical commentary on USA's state at the time. A classic album through and through.
Amazing soul album. Isaac Hayes had an outstanding voice which made the title even more fitting to the whole album experience.
Really good album that opens with possibly one of the best guitar performances ever recorded. The rest of the album is still pretty good but pales in comparison.
Dolly Parton is a national treasure and this album proves it. While I'm not much of country fan I really like this album. Dolly's storytelling is stellar same as her vocal chops.
Great pop album. 80's were a very mixed bag when it comes to popular music but this album for sure is a winner. It's just very solid throughout and while not every song is a bona fide hit, none of them are actively pulling the album down.
This album is very much just alright. Ace of Spades is a great single and if you've heard it you've heard the entire album honestly. The entire album sounds very similar and there's barely any differences between the songs. I'm not saying it's a bad thing but in my eyes this makes this album just fine.
Great album, very pleasant to listen to. Great arrangements of some real classic standards with very interesting vocal interpretations by Willie Nelson.
Truly amazing eclectic art pop album from one and only Kate Bush. It's really hard to describe this album as Kate Bush has her own distinct style and this might be the most uncompromised an album of hers ever was.
The album is alright. A little more pop oriented radio friendly album than the other albums from the "holy trinity" of shoegaze. The reason why I love this genre is the rich soundscapes which are a little lacking here hence I'm not as much of a fan. Also the vocals were pretty meh and those are pretty important for a shoegaze record.
It's good but far from something I would enjoy returning to. Gets samey pretty quickly for me but I'm not really a fan of country so there's that.
If you look up psychedelia in an encyclopaedia you'll find this album as an example. It's positively weird in a way only early psychodelia can be. Overall I'd say it's pretty good as a novelty kind of thing rather than an album in a constant rotation.
Peak Dylan. Great storytelling, solid melodies, mesmerising vocals. What else to say, it's a classic.
Quite an interesting album. Bill Callahan has an enormous presence thanks to his incredible voice telling tales of wonder on this album. Pretty nifty singer-songwriter album overall.
A true masterpiece through and through. One of the best albums of 2010's, one of the best rap albums, Kendrick's magnum opus. Everything here is amazing, the lyrics, the flows, the beats, it's all just great. What else is there to say about this album that's not been said before?