Live At The Regal
B.B. KingI'll give this 3 stars just because it's B.B. King, but I don't have the willpower to go through a full live blues album. Not at this stage of my life.
I'll give this 3 stars just because it's B.B. King, but I don't have the willpower to go through a full live blues album. Not at this stage of my life.
One of the best albums ever. Hands down.
I was never a big fan. I know they covered up for their lack of bass in the studio with clever EQ and layering of guitars, but their live sound was dismal. I believe Jack White has made much better music post-White Stripes. Giving them three stars because they still had some nice riffs and rocking tunes here and there.
A beautiful album. Thundercat is THE CAT.
I've never been that much into hip-hop, but this late 80's/early 90's tracks by Public Enemy do bring some nice memories back. Love the production, all the layered samples and the flow on top of it. Those were nice times to innovate with this approach.
Not the kind of music I'd listen to on a daily basis, or ever, as a matter of fact. I'm just not a fan of blues-rock in general. However, I still think this album is interesting due to its production history, the fact that it was the first ZZ Top album made using synths and drum machines plus guitars and that it was basically just Billy Gibbons and the producer in the studio, while Dusty Hill and Frank Beard did almost nothing.
Beautiful album, one of those important works that you know are lingering around but never actually get to listen, until you do.
Quintessential 90s alternative music. I grew up to this.
Enjoyable and melodic, but not something I'd return to every day.
An important document in music history. I recognize the massive influence this album had in electronic music and synth-pop.
Another great classic for which I wouldn't always be in the mood. Perhaps to leave it playing in the background, but this is not the type of music that draws me in to active listening.
Great pop album from the 90s. It contains one of my favorite pop songs of all times: "All I Wanna Do". However, I've only listened to it in full a few times. Might return later on to it.
It's a beautiful, soulful album, literally. I could really use some more repeated listens.
Nice, modern, timeless classic. This will be an album to remember the 2010's in the upcoming decades.
Nice vintage rock'n'roll, but not something I'm to keen on listening to. Actually, I didn't even know about this band, but the resemblance to the Rolling Stones is striking. And I'm not that much of a Stones' fan... :-P
Not even remotely interested in country-folk & bluegrass... skipped after 1/4 of the first song.
One of my favorite albums ever, Pearl Jam at its very best--they were young and inspiration was fresh. I go back to this album every now and then and never get tired of it.
This was alternative rock before alternative was even a thing. Maybe even ahead of its time, doesn't really sound like a 70's album, but it proves just how influential it was back then.
I'm not generally in the mood to listen to this type of primal, 3-chord led, rock music. I understand its importance, but I just can't make myself listen to this album back to back.
Not even a chance...
I've been really interested in Brazilian music as of late. This album starts off really well, but then it gets a bit "baroque". Don't know if I'll get back to it anytime soon.
These guys wore the shoes at the onset of the shoegaze scene.
I can't say I've listened much of Leonard Cohen before, so I was half-expecting this to be some sort of near-spoken word-styled folky/bluesy jazz. However, it turned out to be a rather 80s-sounding affair which I more or less enjoyed, more than I expected, for sure. 3 stars.
Classic & classy 80s synth-pop. Nice for a one-off listen.
Not a bad album, but it just doesn't engage me.
A timeless gem, one of my favorite jazz albums of them all, I'd give it six stars if I could!
Well, never thought I'd enjoy such a folk-pop/rock album as I enjoyed this one. It's got repeat value.
Not my cup of tea.
Don't make me listen to more than two songs of ABBA in a row, thanks :-D (and I give it three stars because I still recognize it's a nice pop album of its time)
At first I thought I wasn't going to make it but I ended up listening from start to finish, really entertaining.
Does it get any more soulful than this? I don't think so!
Classic Synth-Pop/New Romantic, truly enjoyable!
Chances are slim to none with this one...
This album should be more famous within Queen's catalog. Loved the harder bits.
One of the best albums ever. Hands down.
So I guess it's not OK to listen to Marilyn Manson these days. And I was never a fan of his to begin with, so good riddance.
Well, first two songs are OK but it gets kind of boring after a while, and a song about fucking Che Guevara? "Communist Rock"? No, thanks... next!
Not too bad, folksy but with cool world-music under- and overtones. There are some nice compositions here. Enjoyable throoughout. Will I get back to it? Only time will tell.
Not a big country fan. Please, next.
Great primal funk, still with lots of R&B roots and an emphasis on the "B(lues)" part of it.
Post-punk for me can be pretty hit-or-miss. There's a reason I had been missing this album until now. It just doesn't have it for me.
Thought it was going to be more psychedelic than it ended up being. However, it's some nice old-school, bluesy rock'n'roll and Jeff Beck was already a guitar-hero in the making. Interesting listen.
One of those classic albums that I had never really sat down around to listen. It's really good! Love how pre-90s it sounds.
I wasn't sure if I was in the general mood to listen to this, but gave it a shot anyway. Not bad! A good, enjoyable listen of its time and era. Liked the fact that it's rhythmically varied, it's not all just run-of-the-mill blues-rock. It's got rock'n'roll, it's got soul, it's got R&B. That's how you do it.
A timeless classic, full of soul, 60's R&B and even funk. I'm not the biggest fan of Joplin, but I'd give this one another go. The playing is superb.
I gave the first song a listen and got a general glimpse of it. There's something about this era of rock'n'roll that I just don't connect with. From the 60's I prefer jazz and soul, but 60's rock it's too often a no-go. Everything changed and evolved so much during the 70's that it feels whole eras apart.
No country for me, the old man. Next.
Sorry, I hate this kind of bombastic, theatrical rock'n'roll. It's literally one of the most boring forms of music for me.
I'm just totally not into this kind of music. Sorry.
BEST METAL ALBUM EVER. I'd give it six stars if I could.
A magnificent album, modern, forward-thinking, deep. Long live Bowie.
I've never been that much into hip-hop, but this late 80's/early 90's tracks by Public Enemy do bring some nice memories back. Love the production, all the layered samples and the flow on top of it. Those were nice times to innovate with this approach.
I can totally imagine how powerful this would've sounded back in 1970. It sounds powerful and loud even today, so guess this was super heavy back in the day. Good, primal garage rock.
It's a classic, and even though I'm no big fan of Santana's later output, I recognize he was at his most creative here.
Electrotango & chill.
<<Pitchfork reviewer Brent DiCrescenzo believed the "raw magnetism" of the sampled recordings was lost to "innate digital recording techniques", resulting in music that was "fun and functional, yet disposable.">> -- and this is pretty much my same take on this album. I accept it's a piece of late 90's music, nice for the memories, but I always found all those old blues samples a bit boring, perhaps because they're so repetitive. Three stars anyway.
It started kind of slow for me, but it proved to be a grower of sorts. Guess it was because I was waiting for some sort of 80's new wave banger, but turns out it's more of a baroque pop thing. Enjoyable.
This is some fine ambient/downtempo/electronica material. Guess I should've listened to it more, back in the day, but it's never too late!
Another late 60's Americana/roots/folk/country/blues rock thing I firmly believe I won't listen to (in fact, just listened to the first song).
Excellent album! I definitely need to pay more attention to The Flaming Lips, and will sure do.
A masterpiece of early-to-mid-80s, funky R&B.
Not particularly fond of Dylan's voice. Next.
Back in 2003 I wouldn't have listened to this purposefully, even though I truly enjoyed its three main singles. Nowadays I'm better prepared to enjoy it, and enjoy it I did. Beautifully crafted album!
Not a bad album, but also not the kind of music I fully enjoy. Could let it playing in the background, perhaps.
I wasn't too thrilled about the prospect of a "chamber pop", but thankfully it wasn't too bombastic, it actually has some pretty good melodies. Would listen again.
This one belongs to my childhood, I had the vinyl, used to listen to it a lot, but then grew distant with pop music in general as a teenager. I'm giving it four stars, a rating I only reserve to really important albums in my life or ones that I hadn't listened to before and that honestly blew me away, because I understand the overall importance/significance of this album in modern music history. Plus, it's got its fair share of funky grooves. I might eventually re-incorporate it into my playlists.
Cool oldschool punk. I was surprised by the horns in the first track. And no, I had no idea about this band, don't remember having ever listened to it before. I might've read about it, perhaps. But all in all I liked it!
Bored of these Rolling Stones albums already.
I reckon I'm at 0 when it comes to Roxy Music, one of those legendary bands I've never got around to pay attention to. At first I thought it was going to be too bombastic, but thankfully it stopped short of "too". Nice eclectic mix, a couple of fillers, but overall a good album, very creative.
I have never really paid much attention to Morrissey and the guy's a well-known prick. But he made good music back then and this album sounds very 90's, which, in my book, is always a good thing.
This outlandish brand of funk is not my preferred one, but it's an overall enjoyable album. Guess it'll be my entrypoint to the rest of P-Funk's discography, of which I'm largely ignorant.
Two Roxy Music albums within one week are just too much for me. The first one was OK, this second one feels a bit overwhelming already. Didn't feel like listening to it completely.
A true classic, I actually discovered this album through Bill Laswell's "Panthalassa" reworks. Then I went straight to the source. It brings back some memories of good old days.
A true classic. Back in the day I didn't care much for it, but now I see its potential to grow on me.
This is Golden Era Hip-Hop for a reason.
The first song is OK, but the rest of the album just fails to catch my attention. Sorry, next.
I have no idea why this album totally escaped my radar back in the day, but it's an enjoyable one, totally capturing the essence of those late 90's years. Would listen to it again.
Not my daily cup of tea. I'll give it a two just because I know it's a good album in its style.
A classic, modern-era pop album. It's not something I'd listen to every day but it does bring back some memories, and, anyway, back in the day it got lots of airplay!
Another classic 80's pop album. I left it playing and it went like a breeze. It's got its couple of megahits so it sounds somewhat familiar, but it's not what I'd play on a daily basis.
Not a bad album but I don't think I'll get back to it anytime soon. Respect, though.
I was never a big fan. I know they covered up for their lack of bass in the studio with clever EQ and layering of guitars, but their live sound was dismal. I believe Jack White has made much better music post-White Stripes. Giving them three stars because they still had some nice riffs and rocking tunes here and there.
This album totally escaped my radar, but it's quintessentially 90's alt-rock. Fun to listen, ejoyable melodies, round compositions, memorable. Like it!
Early Pink Floyd at its psychedelic best. Guess fucking Roger Waters wasn't a stupid millionaire communist supporting third world, human rights violating dictators as he does today. I hate him with my guts. Pink Floyd is a great band, though.
Ahead of its time. Love how creative it is.
I wasn't super-thrilled about yet another EC&TA album in less than one week, so I did not listen. Next, please
Let's say that I'm not particularly fond of 70's English folk rock.
Nice 90's oldschool hip-hop. I've been in the mood for this kind of sound ever since watching Netflix's Evolution of Hip-Hop.
Nice album. That's it.
Hell yeah! \m/ Quintessential, pioneering heavy metal album. This thing started/inspired so many other great albums to come it's unbelievable.
Enjoyable album, however, I don't how much of a replay value it has for me. Let's give it three stars anyway.
This is exactly the kind of trad-rock that sends me out to sleep.
Enjoyable, late 90's power-pop with grungey guitars and memorable hooks. I didn't pay much attention to it back in the day, but I might do it now.
I'm afraid I'm not in the mood for this.
A fine, enjoyable album.
If there's an album that defines 1989 musically, this is it.
The perfect mixture of late 90's alt-rock & nü-metal. I should've paid more attention to this one when it came out, but I'll surely get back more to it now that I've rediscovered it!
Beautiful, groovy, funky & sexy.
Delightful turn-of-the-millennium pop-rock.
I guess it's an okay mid-90's album. Didn't want to just give it two stars, because I didn't finish it, but I could leave it playing in the background... without paying much attention.
Amazing album and one I need to get back to more often.
A true classic of British reggae, before they went the pop-reggae route (which wasn't that bad, IMHO).
Pleasant surprise. I wasn't in the least aware of this album. The Badly Drawn Boy name was something I had only encountered a few times, but don't remember having ever listened to it. However, I found it truly enjoyable. Will get back to it.
Silky & Smooth™. Nice grooves.
Essentially, did not listen. First tune failed to get my attention in the very least.
A true classic.
At first I was a bit reluctant but, man, is this album a classic or what? Brilliant songwriting!
A beautiful masterpiece of alt-rock for the ages.
Classic hard-rock with a groove 'n swing. Gotta get back to it eventually.
No swamp/country rock for me, please.
Nice trippy album.
A fine, groovy, and soulful album.
Not interested.
Psychedelic Brit-pop/rock is a thing and this album is pretty enjoyable. I was reluctant at first, but it soon caught up. Three stars!
I was thrilled about the prospect of listening an 80's quiet storm album, but this ended up being too poppy and overtly polished for my tastes. Had this been a Latin American album, it would've been part of a telenovela soundtrack.
I like the fact that it is short and sweet. Three stars because it's a good album. No more than that because I'm quite sure it's highly likely I won't listen to it again... *shrugs*
This album is a whole era in and out of itself. Never gets old. Back in the day I didn't pay much attention to it as it was everywhere and it wasn't underground enough for me (yeah, I was that teenager). However, by the time In Utero was released I had already embraced Nevermind and still love this album to this day. I listened to the remastered version for this review and really rocked to it.
One of the best MTV Unpluggeds ever. Nice memories from back in the day. Plus, for some reason 1001 Albums Generator threw me two Nirvana albums in a row, which is never a bad thing.
Never been a Neil Young fan *shrug*
The title-track is a great tune, but the rest of the album, although not really bad, just doesn't keep up. Three stars anyway, cuz it's something I could leave playing in the background.
1950's American folk won't stand a chance on my player.
Except for the title track, which does have replay value/potential, there's nothing much left here to truly grab my attention.
Gave it a chance, not interested. Next,
A true classic, need say no more! \m/
Interesting sonic document from the 80s, but I don't think I could return to it.
I'm totally not into these type of "oldies", but will give it a 3-star rating because "Blueberry Hill" is a fine song.
This is one those bands that I've known about for ages but never really gotten around to actually listening to it. Now I did and found that this is some enjoyable alt/noise/indie kind of thing. Nice melodies and lots of fuzz'n'overdrive.
I'd rather not.
Great roots punk, gotta admit I wasn't aware of this band, but it was surprisingly enjoyable. These guys should've been more famous.
It's Steely "polarizing" Dan. I still love Aja better than this one, but c'mon, it's Steely fucking Dan.
Another one of those classic 90's hip-hop albums that I didn't care about back in the day, but that prove to be really good works of art.
60's American folk = not my thing. Next.
Folkish at times, classic riffs all the way, and Plant's voice. Plant makes it all worthwile.
Surprisingly good and interesting krautrock. I've never been a huge fan of the genre, but this album is worth the listen.
Wish I could come up with descriptions like this on my own: "...dry ice-piercingly intense guitar drones and hefty nods to miasmic hardcore soup, oozing a contrary trance-spun drone. Noise becomes beauty as feedback is layered over vocals over feedback ad infinitum."
A beautiful album. Thundercat is THE CAT.
It perfectly encapsulates those 80's synth-pop vibes.
So this is the album where that song from \"The Graduate\" came from.
Smokey 'n' smokin'. Too bad Spotify's version has glitches, like a bad digital transfer. Will look for a physical copy of it, or at least a lossless digital one.
Nice oldschool alternative hip-hop with some jazzy overtones.
Groovy! It starts off with a really nice pace and it never lets go. Recommended.
Guess I'd prefer their more psychedelic side.
Another band which I neglected for ages, but always knew was there. It's like indie-rock with early grunge guitars. Guess it takes a few spins to really settle in.
Great early 00's hip-hop. I must confess I had no idea about this one, but loved the production and the overall vibes, like a more electronic sort of hip-hop (as opposed to old-school sampling). So yeah, the "future" part in "Afterfuture" does have sense here.
I'd give this album a 4-star rating if the songs were shorter. It's 139 minutes, over two hours of music, which is not necessarily bad, but this kind of compositions can get very repetitive very quickly, even though it's some pretty outstanding, classic drum'n'bass. "Lo bueno, si poco, mejor".
I'll give this 3 stars just because it's B.B. King, but I don't have the willpower to go through a full live blues album. Not at this stage of my life.
Classic Golden Era, Gansta Rap. I'll give you that.
I was totally in the blank with this one and a bit reluctant at first. But turns out this is quite a good album, a hidden gem of Brit-Pop. At times, it made me think of a British REM of sorts (mainly because of the vocals).
A pretty smooth album, for sure, 90's neo-soul at its best. Will get back to it.
I thought this was going to be unremarkable for my tastes, but found myself leaving it playing. 3-stars for that.
I didn't find this album engaging enough, too bombastic perhaps?
Such a crazy album, you can feel the overall *freedom* of it. This is "experimental rock" back when there were real experiments in music. Nowadays the term is used very liberally at times. Zappa was a motherfreaking genius.
A jewell of pop music. Curiously enough, my favorite ever PSB song is a B-side off this album: "Decadence". All in all and except for just a couple of tracks, this album has agedd pretty well. Impressive what they achieved before computer DAW's.
Grime is one of the most interesting subgenres of hip-hop and this album is grime at its purest.
Soulful and smoother than smooth. Perhaps too smooth at times? Anyhow, this is excellent, quiet storm, late night music.
Guess my brain just lacks the correct neurochemicals to find this music appealing. There isn't a single anchor point here to make me want to listen to this kind of folk.
So grungy.
This album sounds exactly like 1991 dance, but I failed to hear its grandeur. Guess there are better dance albums off '91 out there, dunno.
A true masterpiece, timeless, a jewel for the ages. Let's give it 10 stars!
When you listen to this you understand just how much contemporary indie/garage bands ripped off Iggy Pop in the name of "back to basics".
I discovered The Chemical Brothers, like many people, with the follow-up to Exit Planet Dust, the also amazing Dig Your Own Hole, and back in the day getting my hands on these albums wasn't that easy. Even considering that, I hate myself for not having listened to this album in full back in the day. I only knew a few songs, which I thought were great, but listening to the overall album is a whole another experience. Damn, guess I'll be listening this one on repeat these days.
Classic 90's Brit-pop. Wish the full album were available in Spotify.
I gotta admit I had no clue about this album, or even this band, and that, at first, when the very first track was playing, I was a bit hesitant about letting it even finish. However, I resisted the urge and found myself enjoying the album. Not great but not boring, either.
A nice throwback to late 90s alternative music. I love Mano Negra's "Casa Babylon", a fucking masterpiece. But Manu Chao's solo output seems a bit too bland (not to mention progressive lefties love songs about Subcomandante Marcos [and no, I'm not an alt-right conservative]).
The guy who compiled this list is clearly a huge EC&TA fan. I don't think I'll ever become one.
A true '97 classic, need say more?
This is some nice early pop-punk, really catchy.
Talk Talk is a band that I really, really need to listen more. This is a great album, it's got some nice melodies going on, plus all those grooves that these guys were well known for.
A great album, I'm kind of ashamed that I only knew "The Seed (2.0)", but back in 2002 I wasn't too interested in this genre. This is one I'll surely get back to and perhaps give it 4 stars.
This is a modern masterpiece and it deserves much more of my attention.
Never heard of this band or album. It rocks hard enough but it actually failed to grab me -- I couldn't find its uniqueness. 3 stars anyway, for the rock.
Did not listen...
Easy to listen to and the "-tronica" in "folktronica" makes it a bit more interesting for me than if it were only "folk". However, as it goes on, near the end, it start to become a bit bland and kind of same-sounding. 3-stars anyhow.
Beautiful early-to-mid 90s memories with this one. Teenage years soundtrack. I would often swing back and forth between more extreme metal and grunge/alt-rock. I preferred this one to Nevermind as it sounds somewhat rawer, but I'd give 5-stars to both of them (and if you ask me, my actual favorite is Incesticide...).
The origin of all things devil-horned \m/
Oh, those late 80's vibes, the 90's were just around the corner and things were taking a good shape. Love how these guys would mix several influences into their brand of groovy hard rock.
Classic goth, too bad Spotify doesn't have the full album right now, but will look for it somewhere else to give it a full spin. So far: 3 stars!
Yet another classic, though I like Issues best
This album only gets better with time. Quintessential mid-90's alt-rock.
Steely Dan is so classy. This was their first album and they were already a solid band.
Back in '99-'00 I was almost sick and tired of this album as it was pretty much everywhere and that's a sure way to make me run away from an artist. However, I've always been a RHCP fan and I just gave this album time to cool off. How long? Some 15 years x-D ...I still think Bloodsugarsexmagik is their peak achievement and I resented a bit that they lost a huge chunk of their funkier side, not entirely, but just enough. Guess they've reclaimed some of it since, but, anyway, Californication is a huge album.
This is a 4-star album, because the 5-star one would be Ritual De Lo Habitual.
A true fucking classic. So many things came out of this. I was always more of a Maiden fan than a Priest one, but c'mon, it was 1980 and this was already Priest's 6th album. They were pros already, they paved the way for 80's metal.
Three stars because of the overall alt-90s vibes, but I don't know if it's such an enormously great album. Just nice enough.
French just adds another layer of difficulty for me to fully enjoy this.
Not quite my tempo.
Beautiful music, but I'm rarely ever in the mood for 60's jams.
Formulaic blues.
Oh, what a beautiful jazz, perfect any day of the week.