...And Justice For All
MetallicaAs a bassist, I feel for Metallicas bass player on this album... Would be nice to actually hear him... Love master of puppets, but not this one...
As a bassist, I feel for Metallicas bass player on this album... Would be nice to actually hear him... Love master of puppets, but not this one...
wtf... Started with me interested, some nice grooves, but hell, does it loose me towards the end... If you want an Album Like a long, drugged jam Session, this is for you, but if you're looking for songs, go somewhere else... Dropped by 2 ratings towards the end for me...
Maybe I am in a weird mood today, but this record is Just sooooooo mediocre and boring... Maybe I'm a Stan today, but hard no...
This one is easy, all time favourite of mine, there is only one song I usually skip, if I am in the mood, everything else is basically perfect.
Hmm... classic, but I am getting bored of classic rock... still not bad, but a lot of songs just go on for too long
Good but a bit samey after a while
Very colorful, a lot is going on... makes me interested in listening to more Prince albums
Psychedelic, experimental, I think I'll love it after several listenings...
Beautiful and tasteful guitars, and an amazing voice... Dire Straits, nothing more to say
Well, it's Beasty Boys, hilarious at times, always groovy, and just fun to listen to... Maybe not my favorite album of theirs, but still really good.
Intriguing record, not every song catches me during my first listening, but I kinda wanna come back to the album. Intervention is the best track so far, staying with me after the album is finished. It dances between 4 and 5 stars, but especially the high variety of the tracks pushes it into 5 stars.
If you want to build up some tolerance against repetition torture, this is for you. Some songs are re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-really annoying, but there are some bangers though... Overall, would I listen to the entire album again out of my own accord? No. Would I be massively opposed to listen to it again? No Would I listen to individual tracks? Hell yes. So, I guess, the entire album is ok, middle of the road for me.
Purposely bad is still bad... Might deserve the first 1 star rating...
Our house is good, the rest is ok, but a bit to random for my taste
Just what I needed, Irish See Shanties kinda, reminds be of Mumford and Sons and Runrig... Really nice, not every song is great, but overall I'd say 4.5, so 5 stars
Not a huge Beatles fan, but still a good album, quite a lot of variety, would listen again...
wtf... Started with me interested, some nice grooves, but hell, does it loose me towards the end... If you want an Album Like a long, drugged jam Session, this is for you, but if you're looking for songs, go somewhere else... Dropped by 2 ratings towards the end for me...
Great Album, with awesome bass sounds... Needs multiple listenings but definitely between 4 and 5...
Meh, boring... Not great, but not terrible either...
I like this album, some of Coldplays best songs... quite melancholic... Definitely would listen to it again, even seek it out, so therefore 5 stars...
Like it, nice feel to it, but don't love it
Needs multiple listenings, but amazingly depressing album...
This is good, not exactly thing, but still very beautiful. The Spotify version is the wrong one, search it on YouTube.
Long jam session, cool but also annoying and boring at times... It's ok...
Highly enjoyable, good production, great voice and songwriting, cool Bass lines... Not 5 stars, but an easy 4
3 Stars, Not great, Not terrible...
Doesn't hurt... Bass lines are cool though...
Classic and I just love the bass lines, so groovy...
Didn't like it at first, but it grows on you. It's fun, I will listen again.
Funky, very old school, fun, but also kinda forgetable... middle of the road (for me).
Very meh... One number everyone knows, a few good ones, a lot of forgettable ones...
Groovy, old-school, not great, but good with a few weaker songs
I really loved this, and just for being very British, one extra star...
This one is easy, all time favourite of mine, there is only one song I usually skip, if I am in the mood, everything else is basically perfect.
Nope, First I thought meh, but it's just boring and I started to actively dislike it...
Gotta give it to them, 14 songs in 15 minutes is efficient... And it definitely does not overstay its welcome. Musically, I just do not like punk, it is to boring to me, fast, but monotonous... So it would have been 2 stars. but one extra star for not wasting my time.
I don't want to continue, some nice songs but just boring...
Garden state soundtrack
Well, Prodigy, it's cool...
Nice Blues album, but not my music... Still good
Classic, but a bit to classic for me... Still good
Not the biggest Bon Jovi Fan, but man, this album is fun... And at least 4 top hits on it that most people will recognize, which is incredible... Musically it is great, all instruments are clearly audible and complement each other beautifully. Easy rating...
I don't think I like the Beatles...
Cool, but not really for me...
As a bassist, I feel for Metallicas bass player on this album... Would be nice to actually hear him... Love master of puppets, but not this one...
No, Just boring, no...
It's Bob Dylan, it is good, but some songs also go way too long... Still, above average
"Musicians such as Björk and Big Boi have cited The Dreaming as one of their favourite albums..." Yes, I see that 😅... I appreciate what Kate does on this album, but for me it is to weird and not memorable at all... Crazy, different, but only occasionally good melodies...
Damn, as someone not actively listening to Creedence, I knew about 75% of the songs on this album and all of them were good... I do not love the sound, but the vocals and the songwriting, damn, it is good. Definitely impactful record.
Good songwriting, but I don't like the sound...
Don't like the voice, otherwise ok
Not an Album, but a compilation... For background music.
Synth Pop at its greatest... Love it, need to listen to more...
Weird, but not bad... Heroes is really good, towards the end the album becomes quite psychedelic...
It's a classic, I love it
Hmm... It is cool, but also annoying... Annoyingly cool, like trying too hard to be cool, I have a hard time taking it seriously, then again, the record is also not taking itself seriously... Middle of the road for me...
Damn, I love Muse, but never listened to this specific record in it's entirety before... Now I know why, musically it is good but not great, only a few songs that stick with me... Hope this is not the only record on this list, but this one was only ok for me...
Kinda like it, old school but catchy...
I don't get punk...
It's like a grungy Nick Drake, sometimes Placebo Vibes... I like it, good vibes...
Classic, bit very slow... Those were the times...
Mixed bag, a few really great songs with memorable melodies, in between a bunch of soundtrack like jam sessions... Would give 5 stars for 2 songs, but the rest drags it down...
Awesome Bass playing, inspirational... Good songs, would listen again...
Great atmosphere, beautifully weird, I love it...
Good voice and one song everyone knows... But somehow, a lot of the songs on the record sound like the first one... Guess that's Blues...
This one was weird, it came in two days after In Rainbows, an album which I loved... somehow, this felt less meaningful and more random... maybe it needs time, but for now, this is only OK for me.
As the singer of my last band often said about songs: "Des duad koam weh", which translates into "It does not hurt anyone"... Music sometimes needs to hurt, this was just ok for me.
Nice songs, good singer songwriter stuff, but only good.
Liked it initially, then it became meh... Then it kept on going and became annoying...
Maybe I am in a weird mood today, but this record is Just sooooooo mediocre and boring... Maybe I'm a Stan today, but hard no...
Nice, but I would not seek it out... It's ok...
It's more like a jam session, not really any songs... Nice for background, but not for active listening...
One word, cool. The voice, the minimalism, great stuff... Perfect length and perfect 1st and last track. Easy 5.
Uneventful, like taken the quietest songs from Mumford and sons and making an entire album from them... Like Nick Drake, but more boring... I do not hate it, but I also do not like it... In fact, I find it annoyingly boring...
Smoke on the water is overrated, but also instantly recognizable. The rest is ok, but not great (for me). I definitely do not like the sound of old school heavy Metal, it's to soft for me. Still, a good record at 3.5, so it gets a 4.
I like Nick Cave and this album was a bit of a rollercoaster... Initially I did not like the lyrics, but loved the voice. Instrumentation is minimalistic, but also very cool. Then I was draw in by the atmosphere and I loved it. Then it kept going for 1-2 tracks too long. Well, I like it more than Deep Purple and I gave 4 stars there, so 5 it is...
Man, this was annoying... When it started, I was like "This might be a good record for riding the bike home". Then it kept going and became more and more annoying... Musically it is so bland, nothing sticks in my mind. This is a clear NO from me.
Well... I love the first song... and I love The Sun Always Shines on T.V... and that's it. Those were the two songs I knew, and no I know why. The rest is simply not as catchy or memorable. Still, I did not hate it, and for those two songs alone it need to bump it up 1 star.
Not for me, simply no... To much going on and not enough to latch onto...
Hmm... classic, but I am getting bored of classic rock... still not bad, but a lot of songs just go on for too long
This one is interesting, listened to the first half and it annoyed me after a while... one day after, I listened to the second half without knowing it (I though the next record on the list was playing, but spotify tricked me)... I like the second half more, but it is still just ok... Lately, a lot of records I got were just ok, either I am in Stan-mode or this is just some rough patch... anyhow, this one is ok, nothing special, so 3 stars.
First track is the best, memorable... The rest less so. Great vocals, but it all becomes quite boring as it continues... Good for music in the background though.
Cool, I like it, even the super long songs are ok for me
It's hip hop, not a huge fan, but this was ok, actually groovy and head bump inducing...
First thought after seconds: British. Otherwise quite forgettable. Musically not bad, but nothing really sticks out...
I like it, some Beasty Boys vibes, rythm section is amazing and grooves like crazy. Nice blend of blues and rap.
This. Bad. Trip. Does. Not. End. Best track is Moonshake because it is short.
Good sound, vocal mixed to much into the background, which is sad since the vocals are cool. Overall, kinda forgettable sadly...
One guy playing piano... This is the definition of meh...
Amazing sound, especially the bass. Songs are fun to listen too but except the first one do not immediately stick in your head... Multiple listenings will fix this though... I stopped after good Feeling as it is the perfect end for this record.
Musically great, great vocalist, great session musicians (as a bass player, I love the bass lines)... But the style of music, it just ain't for me... 80s soul, I cannot appreciate it, it fades into the background for me. Great music, but it does not connect with me.
This one grew on me during listening to it... Great melodies, great sound and quite varied... A strong 4.5, but in this case I drop it to 4... More listenings could bring it to 5 though
This one was amazing, a course on how to play more by playing less, lovingly minimalistic... No hits, so no individual song stays with you but you'll remember the overall feeling of the record...
Try listening to this while waiting for a delayed train while being already late for an appointment... Easily removes one star... Anyhow, was pretty meh from the start, did not finish this one.
This is Primer level shit, I don't understand it but I love it. It does not fully connect with me since the songs do not have a lot of recognicability (at least for me), but they have soul.
Beatles vibes, too old school for me...
Never been a big Jack White fan and this record did not turn me into one... Good sangs and annoying songs, in the end, it sits in the middle.
Surprisingly, I did not like this as much as I thought... Experimental and weird at times, a bit much for me. Maybe multiple listenings will help but for now it is ok.
Nope, stopped in the middle, not for me... Did not hate it, but it's just boring and I will never listen to it again.
Will not remember after T-2 days... Yep, already forgotten...
Why is this on here... No songwriting, just jamming... This is not a record
Not for me, again... Quite the dry streak at the moment... It's the Who, it ain't bad, but it's too old school for me, nothing to latch onto... Still OK
Nice, obviously girl from Ipanema, but the rest is also nice... Not mind-blowing, but nice...
Amazing, I basically knew every song, perfect length, great album
Did not like at the start, but man, this shit grows on you... So many great songs... Gets worse in the second half, but still overall great
I literally fell asleep, not for me...