The Human LeagueElectronic pop. an immensely fun album that had me grooving the whole way through.
Electronic pop. an immensely fun album that had me grooving the whole way through.
I was looking forwards to this album, but for a rock opera, it was just so…boring. A few good songs scattered here and there but just not much else to care about. Some songs almost had some unintentional humor with how dumb they sounded.
Folk country. I liked this album a lot. Pretty simple but the songs carry a lot of emotion, with some humorous lyrics sprinkled in. On a personal note it also felt like an album my dad would enjoy.
French pop. I didn’t expect to like this but I really did! It was super catchy and the songs had a good way of keeping you guessing. One song might have a killer bass line and another with an interesting keyboard. Even though it was pop, it felt complex, but still easy to listen to.
Country rock. The Eagles get a bad rap because of one line in a movie, but this is honestly a stellar debut. Fun song with good harmonies and different feels. Perfect length. I enjoyed it.
Not my favorite. I don’t think I’m a big fan of the slow R&B. I did really like the song black cat though.
If I wanted to listen to an hour of instrumental jazz, this is probably the album I’d listen to. Unfortunately I don’t think I’d want to listen to an hour of instrumental jazz very often.
An odd album. Soft pop with ethereal sounds and choir-like vocals. I liked it.
A good old classic rock album. I liked the concept and felt that it mixed it up enough to be interesting. I wasn’t a big fan of the vocals. A pretty good album.
Great. Heavily blues inspired rock album with classic after classic. Sometimes gets a little meandering in the middle of long songs but an amazing album.
Some nice slow jazz. I like it, but it’s hard to sit through a full album of instrumental songs that flow into each other. Sounds like one 45 minute song. Got pretty good in the last 10 minutes or so. This is a vibe album to put on in the background.
Gives me kind of an indie sound but also reminds me of old 60s rock bands with the simplicity. I liked it.
A mix of pop and R&B. Sounds like an off brand Michael Jackson. I liked it but didn’t really get me like I wanted.
Classic hard rock album. So many good songs here, good from beginning to end. Mixes it up to stay interesting. Hard rock songs, epic masterpieces, more bluesy feeling stuff, it’s all here, and it’s all good.
Slow R&B/pop. Felt like I was listening to the same song 12 times. She had a nice voice, but didn’t really get the chance to show it off until maybe the last song. Definitely not my thing.
Not too bad. A simple album with some interesting elements. Nice and short.
South American folk music. A lot of call and response singing. Songs too long for what they are. The drums and sparse guitar were nice though.
A fun jazz album. A lot of other jazz hasn’t really hit with me, but this was up tempo and I enjoyed it a lot.
Ambient electronic music. The title track felt like a mix of Mass Effect and Pink Floyd’s “Echoes”, and I really liked it. The others didn’t grab me as much. Good background/vibe music.
Classic rock album. Amazing guitar work demonstrated across slow and fast songs. So many good songs here. Unfortunately there were a few I didn’t like, and I think at times all of the sounds of the instruments and the singing and the effects just covered each other and became noise. So close to perfect.
a definite dad rock album. I was surprised how much I actually enjoyed it though. Very understated instruments with some lovely guitar solos.
60s pop album with some soul influences. Nothing too spectacular as far as instruments go, but what elevated this album for me was the vocals. Dusty can sing! I enjoyed it.
Simple folk album. I liked it, thought the brothers harmonized well. Not enough to elevate it for me but still I enjoyed.
Indie folk album? Just one guy and his guitar & piano. I really liked it. The songs were soft, slow, haunting in parts, but beautiful. Insect Eyes was a really good song. The majority of songs were only 1-2 minutes long so the album really felt like it was moving at a breakneck speed despite the typically slow tempos. I want to listen again.
Bluesy rock. Not as polished as Eliminator but more impressive instrumentally. Lots of good guitar solos. Another good album from them!
An oddball album. Felt like an instrumental jazzy cover album with a very prominent organ player. Some of the songs I had heard before but not necessarily from this album. Feels like they’ve been sampled a ton. The organ kinda wore on me after a while. Felt like being at a baseball game.
French pop. I didn’t expect to like this but I really did! It was super catchy and the songs had a good way of keeping you guessing. One song might have a killer bass line and another with an interesting keyboard. Even though it was pop, it felt complex, but still easy to listen to.
A strange album. Jazzy rock? It’s hard to define but at least it was interesting to listen to the whole time. You never knew what was going to happen next. Long guitar solo? Saxophone? Some instruments I’ve never heard of? Check.
Indie pop. I didn’t really care for it. I didn’t really like the vocalist, and nothing really excited me at all about this album. Some of the slower parts were okay I guess.
Keyboard heavy soft rock. Nothing mind blowing but decent easy listen.
Indie rock. A lot of nice tunes here. I enjoyed it.
electronica. Sounds like the soundtrack to a science fiction SNES game. To be honest, I kinda liked it. My only real complaint was that I felt that the songs were a little bit too long, which wouldn’t be a problem if they weren’t so repetitive.
Classic rock. A couple of really good songs here like Sweet Emotion. I felt like the production needed a little work, especially with the vocalist. I felt like in half of the songs, everything was muddy and difficult to listen to. Wanted to like this more than I did.
Folk music. I appreciated some of the songs but thought they’ve been covered better by other artists. Just seemed to me that he didn’t sing his songs with any emotion and so it all felt a little flat. Not much to differentiate the songs from each other either.
An odd album that jumps through a lot of different genres. There were some songs on here I liked but probably not enough to listen to the whole thing again.
Alternative rock with a pop feel. Not too bad. Started off strong then kinda died off at least for me.
Rockabilly music. Think “Johnny B Goode”. It would’ve been okay but the singer’s constant screaming really made me dislike this album.
Indie rock? Sounds kinda like Beatles I guess. I don’t have much to say about this one. Didn’t really stand out for me.
Classic gangsta rap. Good beats, clever lyrics, good from beginning to end.
Of all the Beatles knockoff bands I’ve heard, this is the best so far. Good harmonies and songs that bring out different feels. I really enjoyed it.
Alternative rock. I was getting heavy Nirvana vibes through this one. Switches from slow songs to fast ones pretty often which keeps it interesting, but I wasn’t a big fan of the screaming vocals on the faster songs. Still a good album.
Classic r&b. Not much to say about this one. It’s well done, short and sweet.
I have listened to quite a few r&b albums so far, and while I’ve liked some of them, I haven’t really loved any. This is my favorite one I’ve heard. Felt like a concept album with varied songs, lots of depth. Even the instrumentals were great.
A jazz album I actually love! Mostly due to the bass guitar being front and center for a lot of the album, gives it a different feel.
Classic rock? A very unique sounding album though. I don’t know how to explain it, but almost sounds like the soundtrack to a musical with the singing style and bits of comedy thrown in. I feel like I need to listen to it again.
Another oddball album. I suppose I would call this synthpop if I had to label it. Not a bad album by any means, but nothing really stands out about it. Kind of devolves into background noise.
Classic rock. Felt a little on the simple side to me. There were a few songs I enjoyed but not much reason to revisit for me.
Alternative rock. REM is one of those bands I loved growing up, I’m not sure why. I still feel like they’ve got some of the greatest songs ever written, but they’ve also got plenty of forgettable tracks as well. This album is the same. A couple great songs, and a bunch of other ones that I forgot as soon as they were over.
Not the Fleetwood Mac album I wanted. Rumours is one of my favorite albums of all time, and I had high expectations for this. I was pretty disappointed. Everything about this album just felt flat. There wasn’t any of the genius that the other album had. It didn’t hurt my ears or anything, but I wanted more.
Spacey indie rock. Definitely a vibe album. Fortunately I happened to listen to this album driving by myself late at night in the rain, and it fit perfectly. Most of the songs were fine, but the final song on the album literally had a woman counting from one to a hundred in the background and it made me feel like I was losing my mind.
An interesting album. I could see where this band was influential to a lot of others, but as is, I didn’t really care for it. Too many times it felt more like noise than music. The only song that really stuck out to me was the last one on the album, and I wish there had been more like it.
Another Talking Heads album. I didn’t like the last one, and I didn’t like this one either. I usually like stuff that’s a little different, but I think this band is just too oddball for me.
Old country ballads. Simple, reminded me of old 50s crooners at parts. I enjoyed it.
Hey I just got another album from these guys. Not too bad but I felt like it fell into “noise” more than music a lot of the time. My favorite parts of the albums were the slower, more stripped back songs.
British singer songwriter. Not too bad but nothing special either. An easy listen that faded into background noise for me.
Classic crooner jazz. What really makes this are the vocals, she has an absolutely lovely voice. This album made me feel nostalgic even though I’m in my early thirties.
I admit I had no idea what to expect from a band called “The Flying Burrito Brothers”, but it turns out it’s classic country. This album started out really strong, but then kinda devolved into your average country album. Loved the first song though and the rest of the album was a fair listen.
More of a complex album from the folk duo. Not too bad. “Hazy Shade of Winter” was a favorite song from this album.
A very eclectic album, and not one I enjoyed. The first half wasn’t bad but the vocals were terrible, just overridden by everything else. Took me twenty minutes to even realize they were speaking another language because it was all so muddy. I think it would’ve been better as an instrumental. But the second half was just bad, with a song that sounded straight out of a generic “Spooky Songs to Play at Halloween” album.
Synth pop. I thought I would like it a lot more than I did. Even the title track fell flat for me.
Folk country. I liked this album a lot. Pretty simple but the songs carry a lot of emotion, with some humorous lyrics sprinkled in. On a personal note it also felt like an album my dad would enjoy.
British rock. I felt like the album would go from a song I really liked to one I couldn’t remember anything about immediately after it was over, and just alternated until it was over.
Singer songwriter. It was fine, but didn’t really distinguish itself from all the other Bob Dylan-esque “guitar and harmonica” albums.
Metal. This album had the curious habit of alternating pretty consistently between songs I really liked and songs I really didn’t. I liked the more thrash sounding stuff; Hero was a standout.
Jazz. Not bad, but I’m just not really a jazz guy. A bit on the long side for me as well.
Rap. I enjoyed it. Interesting beats and lyrics. I don’t really have a lot to say about this one even though I really liked it.
Synth pop. I didn’t really care for it, didn’t feel like anything really stuck out for me.
Latin folk music. It was okay, nothing mind blowing.
Rock. Pretty good, but I’m not really a fan of live albums. I would’ve much rather heard the studio versions.
I feel like The Bee Gees get a bad rap. Unfortunately this album isn’t doing them any favors. Felt like they wanted to be the Beatles, have their own Sgt. Peppers. Didn’t quite get there.
Prog rock album. Pretty good but really long and I felt like the album had some filler songs that didn’t stand out. Still there’s a lot to take in here and I liked it enough to want to listen again.
Country rock. The Eagles get a bad rap because of one line in a movie, but this is honestly a stellar debut. Fun song with good harmonies and different feels. Perfect length. I enjoyed it.
Prog rock. I’ve got a lot of nostalgia for this album. Looking at it more objectively, I think it still holds up really well, except for the multiple minutes of near silence in “Moonchild”, broken up by just the slightest of instrumentation. Other than that, one of my favorite albums.
Rock n roll. Kiss is frustrating because they open the album with one of the greatest rock songs of all time in Detroit Rock City, then follow it up with a decent song, then have like 8 duds in a row.
Pop with some soul influence. I was a little biased against this album because I’ve heard a lot of the songs so much on the radio, but this really is a fantastic album. Great vocals and lots of different styles of songs.
Classics. Even a few bumps in the road can’t stop me from loving this album.
British indie pop? An odd feeling to this but I kinda liked the somber sleepy feeling the album had.
Another odd album. Mostly slow ballads with piano, but with a couple of rock songs thrown in. I wish they had leaned more into the rock stuff, I liked it a lot more.
Soft rock. I didn’t really care for this album much. I did enjoy the rendition of “Hallelujah”. There was one weird grunge sounding song on the album that really stuck out, but I didn’t like it much either.
An interesting album. Rock, but with influences from country, jazz, others. I liked it a lot.
Singer songwriter with a folksy feel. A perfectly acceptable album.
Very Eclectic feeling singer songwriter. I honestly don’t have much to say. I enjoyed it I suppose.
Pop album I guess. Kind of a slower affair, but I liked it. No real low parts, but no real high parts either.
Hard alternative rock. It reminded me of some bands I used to listen to. Not quite good enough to get full marks but I enjoyed it all the way through.
Hip hop with an African feel. I didn’t like her previous album and I didn’t like this one either. I think it’s just not my style of music. I don’t think it’s bad, I just don’t like it.
After 3 albums, I’ve come to the conclusion that this band just isn’t for me. They’re talented for sure but it’s just too weird for me. I did like this album more than the other though.
Synth pop. Never really evolved beyond that, and that’s okay. Still fun. Take On Me is excellent of course.
Rock. Better than the other album of his I got. A little too long and repetitive for me though.
Pop. Pretty good, I liked the male and female leads together. I could easily see some of this on the radio.
Good old rock and roll. A great album with lots of classic songs.
Electronic pop. an immensely fun album that had me grooving the whole way through.
They don’t call her the Queen of Soul for nothing. Some genres are made by their vocalists, and you can’t sing soul if you can’t sing. Aretha can sing.
Mostly ballads but with some rock influences here and there. It also felt a little tongue in cheek with some of the humor. Overall a good listen all the way through.
An interesting album. Sounds to me like a mix of Thin Lizzy and punk music. I could see this being a big influence on later bands.
This was unexpected. I guess it was overall a pop album, but with influences from varied places: hip hop, rock, hymnals. Very fun all the way though.
British rock, very Beatles inspired. It was okay.
Country. Not really my favorite genre but not offensive.
Rock. A couple of great songs mixed in with some forgettable ones. White Rabbit rules.
Rock. Pop punk, but lots of classics on this album. A little repetitive in parts and some songs were a bit too long for their own good, but a good one overall.
R&B. Not too bad but not really my thing.
Atmospheric electronic rock? Gave me Pink Floyd vibes which I loved.
Funk. A little too laid back for me. Decent background noise but that was about it.
Rock. I was actually a little disappointed with this album. A few great songs, but mostly I didn’t like the vocalist in a lot of the songs, and the vibe was just a little off.
Pop. Wow I really didn’t like this album. It felt like there were a bunch of do things tried, but all of them were terrible. The whispering, the sudden stops, the auto tune, the cover. There were a couple of okay songs here, but not one I’d recommend.
Hip hop. Pretty good, I liked the jazzy production and the lyrics were clever. It did feel a little repetitive in style near the end and one song didn’t really stand out as great?
Bluesy rock. Your enjoyment of this album will depend on how much you like blues guitar. if you love it you’ll love this album. If you’re like me though, it starts to take over and be a little much. The title track is truly excellent, but I didn’t feel like there was any other track on the album that really stood out.
Alternative rock. I liked it a lot, wish the vocalist was a little more clear. I thought he was hard to understand. Also hated the song with feedback, always hurts my ears.
Rap. I didn’t like this. I don’t like the short staccato form of rapping and the overt sexuality really turned me off, although I understand that’s a personal thing.
Metal. I apparently really liked the other Slipknot album I listened to, but I didn’t care for this one. It sounded a little raw, too much screaming, not quite enough musicality to keep it interesting.
Rock. Truly a classic. I love these albums that are essentially a “greatest hits” collection, just so many good songs from beginning to end. Even the songs I hadn’t heard before sounded stellar. Just perfect.
80s rock. Started off really strong but petered out in the second half. Loved the bass.
Hip hop. I don’t really like the Beastie Boys. It’s mostly the style of rap, just gets on my nerves. It’s a shame because the beats and sound is good.
One of those albums that I don’t really know what to say. Not bad, not great. Changes it up enough. Right about average.
On one hand I admire someone who makes music that is uniquely them. This album sounds like it was trying to take the piss out of the Beatles, but it was just too weird for me.
Pop with a bluesy feel. Not too bad, but some of the vocalizations got on my nerves.
Rock. Not bad, a little softer than I expected it to be. Still a fine listen
Hard rock. A fun album all the way through, although there are a few songs that kind of blend together. The vocals aren’t bad, but they kinda wear on my ears after 40 minutes. Still though, some excellent songs in here. Would probably give it a 4.5 if I could.
Rock. The first half of the album was better than the second half, almost felt like they could’ve been two different albums. Still good though.
An early queen album, definitely before they really nailed down their sound. There are a few flashes of greatness here but overall only decent.
I love this album. It’s not perfect, with some nasally vocals and some songs that are a bit grating, but it flips from good hard rock to beautiful soft melodies quite successfully. There’s a lot of interesting musicality that makes the songs stick in my head.
Wow this came out of nowhere. Started off like 80s pop but with a soul voice, and I enjoyed it. But then it continued to get more experimental, throwing in Celtic music and old hymnal style singing. I enjoyed it a lot.
A mix of easy rock and country. It was okay but nothing really stood out.
Hip hop. Her first album I enjoyed much more. This one leans more into the rap, and it just felt a little flat and repetitive. There were some songs I enjoyed, but a lot of things I didn’t.
An album of two halves. The first half was very punk sounding, then the back half was a lot slower. I liked the second half a lot more.
Quite an odd album. Classical jazzy rock with French spoken word vocals. Musically it was enjoyable but the vocals weren’t.
Alternative rock with soul-esq vocals. Pretty good.
Hip hop. Pretty good and lyrically impressive. I was starting to get a little tired of it by the end but still really good.
Alternative rock. I didn’t like this album. It was almost too busy in most tracks, which made it difficult to actually listen to any particular part. It was also repetitive. My favorite song was the last one, a spacey instrumental, but even this lasted 2 minutes longer than it should have.
Bluesy rock. Pretty good, enjoyed the instruments and the vocals.
Electronica. Not too bad and a few catchy songs, but I was expecting more. The vocals were too repetitive and the songs dragged on a little.
Blues. His gravely vocals work well here. Simple songs that are enjoyable to listen to. The album was too long but it’s a good one to pop on if you want some blues.
Classic rock. A few good songs and no real bad ones but it just started to sound too generic at the end.
Almost like synth funk. Weird but I liked it.
Rock. Some good stuff here but overall it felt too noisy for me. Difficult to parse out individual instruments.
Hip hop. I didn’t really like this album. The beats were plain, the vocals weren’t great, a lot of the time it was hard to understand. I will give the lyrics some credit, they were pretty clever throughout and flowed well but overall just ok.
One of the first things I saw when I was searching this album was a playlist titled “Coffee Shop Mix”, and that’s a pretty apt description. Nice and soft, with guitar, piano, strings, and a nice smoky voice to tie it all together. A perfectly listenable album.
A mix of easy listening and country. Not too bad but a little flat.
Hair metal. Nothing really special here, nothing to differentiate this from other more famous bands, no songs really stuck out to me afterwards….and yet I still had a good time listening to this album. I just liked the driving guitars and the sound.
Soul. The first half was pretty good, the second half was pretty boring.
One of those odd albums. Pop but done a lot of different ways. Slow ballads, dance stuff, songs I can’t really describe. Overall I liked it, but probably a little weird to give a raving review.
Classic rock. A good short album, lots of good songs, but a few felt too samey which I feel is just the band.
Grungey alternative rock. I love this stuff. Black Hole Sun followed up by Spoonman is just fantastic. The album was a little too lengthy and the sound half dragged a bit.
I always thought of Rolling Stones as a simple rock band but this album definitely stretches out what they could do. Lots of good heartfelt ballads mixed in with rock and roll. Good album.
Jazz. Pleasant to listen to. Would make a good soundtrack.
Alt rock/pop. Not too bad, something that would make good radio noise.
Bluesy rock. Pretty good but I didn’t really care for the vocals. Sounded almost electronic in a way.
Alternative rock with a poppy feel. Not bad, but forgettable.
An eclectic album. Pulls from rock, country, folk, to have a very nice album.
I was looking forwards to this album, but for a rock opera, it was just so…boring. A few good songs scattered here and there but just not much else to care about. Some songs almost had some unintentional humor with how dumb they sounded.
I typically don’t like live albums, and this album is a big indicator of why. The crowd noise is terrible. Hearing people scream over the songs just takes away all my enjoyment.
R&B styled pop. Not too bad, but dragged on a little for my taste. She can sing, but it felt pretty bare.
British pop rock. Pretty good, a little off the beaten path but enjoyable.
Soul music. The instruments are pretty basic, but that’s okay. The focus is on Aretha Franklin’s voice, and rightfully so.
Rock. Pretty good, with some absolute classics, along with a few songs that didn’t quite hit. Very good though.
R&B, funky pop I guess is how I’d describe this album. Not too bad, but nothing really stood out.
Indian music. I enjoyed this, mostly because it was novel. I liked the little bits of music theory thrown in, to kind of explain what he was playing.
Folk music. I loved this album. It was simple but excellent. The vocals, the instruments, the lyrics. Top notch.
Definitely an experimental Who album, and I appreciate that they try different stuff, but I still only thought this album was okay. A few good songs scattered throughout.
Classic rock. Very much a bluesy rock vibe. Simple but done well.
Classic hip hop album. Love all the different flows and clever lyrics. A few stumbles but too many hits to not love this album.
African acapella. Interesting and I did enjoy it, but a full album was too much. Some instrumentation would’ve helped bump this up a little bit. Not even anything fancy, just a simple drumbeat, maybe a little guitar.
Sounds reminiscent of hard 90s alternative rock, but with the noise turned up to 11. Unfortunately this made the album difficult to listen to, since many of the songs just sounded like a wave of indistinguishable sounds. Add to that the ample feedback for some songs which literally hurt my ears and you have an album I didn’t enjoy. A little pared back and I probably would’ve liked it.
Hard rock. An absolute stellar album that rocks hard all the way through.
Interesting album, I can see why it’s so influential. Almost like early alternative rock. A good mix of songs and feels. One thing I didn’t like the the gratuitous use of feedback in the latter half of the album. I hate when songs have noises that make my ears hurt. Still pretty good though.
Electronic rock? I guess? A little reminiscent of the Beatles sometimes with their vocal harmonies. There were some moments where I was kinda getting into it, but there was a lot of noise and it didn’t stick with me.
Feels like one of those 90s alternative rock bands I always like so much. More of a poppy feel with the vocals. Not really a dull spot on here and I enjoyed it from start to finish.
Such an oddity of an album. So many different genres here. Goes from jazz to pop to almost old school hip hop. Almost makes me wonder if this was a soundtrack or something. I feel like I should listen to it again.
Country rock. It was alright, nothing really stood out to me personally.
A sparse album with electronic, spacey feel, and an almost spoken word vocal style. This feels like an album that’s deep, personal, and meaningful, but as a music album it was just okay. All of the songs sounded pretty much the exact same.
Opens with some classics and is a pretty solid album all the way through. Something about it just doesn’t make it hit that next level for me though.
I’m a pretty casual hip hop fan who enjoys Wu Tang, especially their first album. For some reason their solo albums haven’t really clicked with me. This was a good rap album but lacked the interesting changes of a full WTC album.
Funky. But not as good as I wanted it to be. Songs were overlong and repetitive. I wanted it to be shorter, punchier. Instead I just got bored.
Weird techno euro-pop. Very laid back style of music. Just a bit too odd for me. I think one Bjork album is about my limit.
Old classic soul music. It’s a simple album but one that is fun and fun to listen to throughout.
Classic heavy metal album. Some absolute bangers here.
Another album that defies easy classification. I guess I’d call it euro electro pop. Starts out with some mostly instrumental stuff that is nice as background music but evolves into fuller songs as the album progresses. I enjoyed it.
Old school r&b. The title track was absolutely fantastic and the rest of the album was very enjoyable as well.
Folksy rock. This might be, pound for pound, the greatest album of all time. Just hit after hit. Even the worst song on this album could be the best song on lesser albums.
Thrash metal. This is a tough one. It sounds a little “thin” and some (most) of the songs are overlong. But for every clunker there’s a classic right behind it. I think I would objectively give this a 3 but an extra bonus point for nostalgia.
A laid back pop concept album. Another odd one but I really liked it. Interesting if nothing else.
Like alternative British rock. Not too bad but not much stuck with me.
Pop rock. A little same-y sounding throughout but definitely a guilty pleasure belting out to some hits.
Jazz. About as jazz as it gets. Most of this album had a very laid back sound to it, very understated. Good background music. I enjoyed it.
Folk rock. I would’ve liked this a lot more but I really didn’t like his voice.
Sounds like British pop mixed with the Donkey Kong Country soundtrack. Another oddity.
Pop rock. Pretty fun throughout. Electric Eel is a banger.
Hip hop, but sounded different than what you’d expect. This sounded like hip hop for “intellectuals”. Some of the songs sounds like they were written with a thesaurus. It was ok.
Rock with a punk vibe. A bit repetitive at pets but I was jamming the whole way through.
Prog rock. This is a pretty solid representation of the genre. Roundabout is a classic of course but the rest of the album was good too.
Trippy vocals with jungle beats. Such an oddball but I really liked it.
Folkish rock. I knew Come On Eileen of course but this album is so much more than just that song. Definitely a good one.
What an odd, eclectic album. Feels like they tried a different genre for each song. Folk, rock, pop, it’s all here. Even a disco cover of Comfortably Numb. Not bad for sure, all the music was good, but I definitely need to give this one a relisten.
Man plays a piano and sings. A classic album with hit after hit after hit.
Folksy rock. Pretty good, some songs had good lyrics and emotional vocals.
Interesting. Kind of like a slower U2. Or maybe Springsteen? I don’t know, but pleasant if nothing else.
It’s jazz. And if you’ve listened to one jazz album, you’ve listened to them all. Okay, maybe not, but you have listened to a majority of them. And this falls into that majority.
Reminiscent of Tom Petty, but worse. Somehow felt offbeat and boring at the same time.
Pretty good pop album. Nothing earthshattering but fun throughout. Started off really strong.
Prog rock. Some good songs in here but mostly boring.
As a rule I generally don’t like live albums but this one was pretty good.
Classic country. A good listen, if nothing else fancy.
Grungey rock. Not bad but nothing special.
Alternative rock; punk vibe. The Offspring always sounds kind of corny to me, but their songs are still lots of fun.
Folkish, like Bob Dylan but with a deeper voice. I liked it.
Light r&b + funk. Pretty enjoyable.
Kind of a soft alternative rock with a bluesy vibe. Pretty good.
80s as all hell.
Kind of a folksy rock. A few good songs but mostly forgettable.
WOO HOO!! (And 13 forgettable alt rock tracks)
Alternative rock. I had this album growing up and there’s still plenty of classic tracks here. It’s definitely getting a nostalgia point from me though.
It’s jazz. If you like jazz, you’ll like it. If you don’t, then you won’t. For the rest of us, it lands right square in the middle.
80s love ballads. Plus a funky bass guitar throughout, which really saves the whole album if you ask me.
A very interesting instrumental album with lots of different feels and instruments. Almost perfect but the werewolf portion of the album took me out of it.
Classic hard rock album with great guitar. Not much more to be said.
Interesting mix. Started off super strong but fell down a little after that. Still really liked it.
Wonderful heartfelt folk album.
Rock and roll with a lot of older influences. Wasn’t bad but not really my thing.
An odd album but good enough.
Hip hop. Pretty good beats but the flow sounded about the same every song.
Kind of like an alternative rock. Really liked this one musically.
Folk. Not bad but a lot of the songs blended together. Some standouts though.
Soft/pop rock. A few good songs but mostly just ok.
R&B mixed with some electronica. Pretty good, took a little while to grow on me, might go up with another listen
Old rock, kinda reminiscent of early Beatles. One or two good songs, everything else not really my thing.