Big BlackFeels like I had carnivorous earwigs inserted into each side of my brain through my ears
Feels like I had carnivorous earwigs inserted into each side of my brain through my ears
The beginning scared the shit out of me I thought Annemarie was being axed murdered downstairs. After finding out she was not being axed murdered and I had listened to about 20 more minutes of this album it gave me the urge to go on an axe murdering spree just to make sure that no one else on my street would ever have to listen to this album.
I love this album cover. That was such an unexpectedly cool album from never hearing of these guys. I am very glad I listened to it with headphones on because there were a lot of different sounds going on with the electronics. Liquid Bird was my favorite song on here This album reminded me a lot of that Primal Scream album that came up over the summer. If I was also sitting on a beach and drinking some ice cold brews this would probably also get a 5, but instead I am sitting at my desk working on a cloudy day. Pretty solid 4
Out of all of the British punk albums we have listened to that was definitely one of them. Didn't love it or hate it. Just 34 minutes of music. Hilarious that they fit 16 songs into that amount of time
Awesome first song on the album to kick things off. The all good people is an absolute jam which I knew of but didn't know the name and honestly didn't really care for until hearing it on this whole album and now I have relistened to it 3 times. Such a great progressive rock album. I am happy that Yes finally got their breakthrough on this album after the third try of albums
Makes me want to smoke a joint at 7:58am The Heathen is low key a face melter I like that every song starts with the same snare drum sound Who could have tried to assassinate Bob Marley??
Lots of sounds Definitely can tell this album was from the early 90s Not really my type of music
Tin Soldier Man is an A+ The 60s seemed like such a simpler time
Makes me want to watch fresh prince Didn't realize how many of these songs I know Dumb dumb du du dumb dumb du dumb
He looks like Jim Carrey on the album cover Very cool dynamic of performing in a prison and hearing the inmates. Especially laughed when they booed the warden. Loves the combination of songs about cocaine and then love songs Johnny Cash's voice is legendary
I was very excited to listen to this album because I have never heard of Television This album has aged very well. You could tell me that this album either came out in 1977 or 2017 and I would believe either one Love the pronounced bass and the 2 guitars it sounds like I thought the song Marquee Moon ended 3 different times but it kept coming back Really really enjoy this album I will be re-listening many times
Listened in the car. Sounded P good though
Cyndi has a very distinct singing voice Time after Time is a prom dance jam that I didn't know was her song Wouldn't have ever chosen to listen to any of her songs if it wasn't for this. But I did enjoy it. Better than that Prince album
Fun album to listen to while cooking salmon al pastor
If someone asked to show them punk for the first time I would show them this album I would have loved to go to one of their shows in the 70s and 80s
Had some bangers. Bawitdaba and Cowboy always go hard. But then had some absolutely ridiculous songs that I would just be laughing at. I like the mix of rock, rap, and autotuned country that Mr. Rock was able to mix together. Enjoyed way more than I thought I was going to. Great album to listen to while washing dishes
What did I just listen to?? When Girl was on I took my headphones off at least 5 times to make sure it wasn't playing out loud while I was in my office Would not recommend doing drugs and listening to this album
Big Tony Hawk Vibes Pretty standard generic punk From the same area as King Giz and Tame Impala so that's P cool
Couple of classics that I didn't know were on the same album which was cool to hear This is definitely an album to listen to through headphones because in most of the songs the audio is set differently in your left and right ears which is very cool Very enjoyable album
I feel like Prince is trying to bang my eardrums the whole time and it is making them very uncomfortable because they are prude Was hoping for more shedding Not my choice album to listen to while entering data into spreadsheets I Could Never Take the Place of your Man shreds like I wanted
I like the songs I knew. The rest were just meh. I like older U2 but this just didn't do it for me At least they didn't force this album onto everyone's phone
Sounds like it was recorded by Cyndi Lauper's emo daughter Definitely fits right in with the grungy 90s music I wanted this to be bad so I could say they picked the right band and album name but I actually enjoyed it
The singers voice is heavenly British 80s pop is so fun This is one of those albums where you close all of the blinds and dance and your house in your socks The last song Listen is trippy as hell I was not expecting that. As Kevin would say "I would like to do drugs to that song"
Very busy with a lot of random noises and talking Sounds like it is from a musical It's like a PG version of that Suicide album
Classic 90's beats I liked the beginning and middle but kinda lost interest by the end The Boomin' System reminds of when me and the homies would ride around the mean streets of Cape St Claire bumping Lil Wayne in Leighton's Toyota Solara that had a an 18 inch subwoofer in the trunk Milky Cereals play on words is absolutely legendary I was laughing the whole song
Gotta love some good old fashion blues Total jams the entire album I can definitely hear that this band took inspiration from other bands like Goose and Umphreys McGee
Listened to it while grilling so wasn't fully paying attention but I was a great album to have on while grilling. I liked the story telling aspect that's always cool when albums have that Seems like they would be a fun live show Going to relisten again to get the full experience but my original thought is that it's good not great
I don't know how to rate this album. I liked it for what it was with how good he was at singing and the song writing, but probably wouldn't listen again. It is hilarious that his first 4 album names are Scott, Scott 2, Scott 3, Scott 4. I really liked the first couple songs but then got a little strange at the end.
Out of all of the albums I have listened to that was definitely one of them. Nice to listen to but nothing special. Simon needs Garfunkel Think too much (a) is a jam
This band should really be singing about Drive-By Truckers So. Many. Bangers. Dan and I once went to a Lynyrd Skynyrd show back in 2011 at Aberdeen Proving Grounds and Dan got the worst chigger bites I have ever a human get. We then went back to my apartment in Towson which I had just moved into that day and sat with Mike Myers and crushed a bag of Franzia while watching Always Sunny and playing pong. Dan thought that the bed he slept on gave him bed bugs and it almost made me move out of my apartment in one day
Gave me flash backs to Kate Bush but it at least had a couple of songs that were listenable
That was some rock for sure. Couldn't tell if there was 1 singer or 5 I liked the pump up speech in the beginning of the show. More bands should do that to get the juices flowing
Such an iconic voice and lyrics. I really want a leopard-skinned pill-box hat The harmonic fucks
If modern country sounded like this I would definitely listen more Guitar Town sounds like a fun place This album makes me want to jump into my Toyota T100 and drive endlessly down a dirt road
Such a truly strange album but I dig it. I did not know what to expect at all going into this album except for Kevin saying "I know some nick cave but don't know anything on this album. Hes...interesting" Very unique sound I would have no idea what genre to put this in Would definitely do drugs and listen to this album again
Would eat a fistful of ecstasy and listen again British electronic music singers are funny sounding Melt lived up to its name it certainly melted my brain
Out of all of the British punk albums we have listened to that was definitely one of them. Didn't love it or hate it. Just 34 minutes of music. Hilarious that they fit 16 songs into that amount of time
Perfect album to listen to on an Easter Sunday morning when it is approximately 38 degrees out Captain Sassy told me to keep an ear on the drummer. He is smacking those skin cans hard for sure I
Some pretty good guitar. Sounded like a pretty silly album
This whole album made me want to sniff some glue Every song sounded the exact same to me Seems like the key to making a 70s punk album is just the same chord and repeat the same words over and over
This is what my leg hears when it falls asleep
Love Rod Stewart's guitar sound. Its I funny that he has people from The Faces play on this album, but wanted it to be under his solo name
Renegades of Funk is a cover 🤯 I like the go go sound throughout the album then it really pops off in go go pop Very solid hip hop album which I could imagine influenced a lot
Willie Nelson is a dude. I would go in and out of paying attention to the album but when I was in I could hear his guitar/banjo shredding skills Glad I saved this album for a Saturday morning
Can't say I've ever listened to a full salsa album like this but this one was absolutely Feugo🔥
Almost too chill for me but it was a great Sunday morning listen. I like the combo of Getz and Gilberto how they compliment eachothers sounds
Started off a little slow but definitely picked up nicely a few songs in Has some really nice beats that I recognize from more recent DJs doing remixes Very solid electronic album. I really enjoyed the different types of songs from heavier bass with lyrics to lower songs with just instrumentals
The only thing that album did for me was make me want to listen to Judas I did...and it was awesome. I hope that Screaming for Vengeance or British Steel come up on this list
Another pretty average British punk album in my mind. There were some parts that were pretty unique but nothing really stood out to me spectacularly. The cool thing though with all of these punk albums is that when they end on my Spotify, Television always comes up as the next song so I get to listen to them.
Dusty's got some pipes! I love when I go into an album thinking I won't know a single song but I end up recognizing 3.
Absolute perfect album in my opinion. The whole band and Aretha are I'm perfect sync in every song. Have to love some great horns to go with such a powerful singer. I wish somehow Aretha and Dusty could do a duet album.
Just an old fashioned no nonsense techno album just like Grandpa would have liked it. I wonder if these old techno artists ever had the thought that they would influence DJs in the 2020s to create music that would have millennials show up to Echostage while rolling harder than a wheel of cheese going do a hill in Gloucester on a brisk fall day and dance around with glowy tips on their fingers while sucking down lollipops. I really liked that in one of the songs they took the sound of an F1 car flying by and used it on repeat as an effect. Techno's not really my jam but this album got me moving around my kitchen.
I tried to make it all the way through, but I couldn't do it. I don't really like my music to be "challenging" to listen to as the artist says this album was. If there is any reason why I should continue to listen please let me know
I wanted to give this album a 1 so bad just to see Kevin's head explode in anger. The style of music that Radiohead plays is so unique with a combo of rock and also acid tripping vibes. Weird Fishes is a jam for sure
Not as much jazz as I was hoping for. There has been a theme to our last few days where these albums are just a bunch of repeating sounds. The ending few songs were my favorite part of the album The Rough and the Quick sounds like what Ray Allen based his famous 2010 tweet off of.
The singer sounds a lot like David Bowie I really liked the beginning of the album with the strings/synth and whatnot through the first couple songs Really slowed down too much in the second half of the album
Lots of poppy Beatles songs. Definitely not my favorite album from them but I like it I would recommend Kevin does drugs then listens to this album
There were some good parts which I really liked but then there were some really bad points. The singers voice was very unique and it worked in the good parts. Novocaine for the soul started the album really well and I was excited for the rest of the album but then it went quite downhill. Makes sense after looking at the listen numbers on Spotify that song has 40 million listen then the next highest on the album on has a couple million.
That was chaos, but I really liked it. At times it sounded like each member of the band was playing a completely different song from each other. Very early heavy rock which I really enjoyed
The synthiness was awesome on this album. It went very well with all of the instruments especially the bass on Lullaby I could listen to this album on repeat while taking down the almighty Mecha-Streisand
Again, British punk just isn't for me. And it feels like we are being over loaded with them. May just automatically give them all a 2
The beginning scared the shit out of me I thought Annemarie was being axed murdered downstairs. After finding out she was not being axed murdered and I had listened to about 20 more minutes of this album it gave me the urge to go on an axe murdering spree just to make sure that no one else on my street would ever have to listen to this album.
Easy listenin music
Good old fashion rock and roll by Mr. Young
This album was all over the place. I wish it had the upbeat feel of the first two songs throughout the whole album but I still enjoyed it
Absolute masterpiece of an album with songs that transition so well into each other. I love how there are some all time classics on this album surrounded by songs that you wouldn't necessarily listen to by themselves but make the album so great
My favorite all time musical production I have listened to S&M no fewer than 75 times and the first time was one I was about 10. Metallica was able to take their best songs and make them even more epic with the addition of the orchestra. One is the epicest I am truly jealous of anyone who has just listened to this for the first time because of this list. Let's give it up for the orchestra YEAAHHHAA
I really liked the instrumentals in every song. His extremely baritone voice worked towards the end of the album for me but caught me off guard in the beginning and took some getting used to.
"I got a dick for a brain, and my brain is going to sell my ass to you" is an all time line The guitar in each song is very unique which I really enjoy. Not the biggest fan of the singers voice but that instrumentals are very good
I opened up the album 1 second before my coworker walked by so they almost got a face full of boobs on the album cover First song was a jam but was quite different than all of the other songs so I didn't really know what was coming next each song. I can't remember which one it was but the song where they were speaking German or something was spooky. I liked the album and it makes me want to check out more Roxy music.
Loved everything about this album
Classic 90s alternative sound. I was really expecting a completely forgotten one hit wonder banger that would come on while at the neighborhood pool in the summer of 1998 to be on this album randomly
Feels like I had carnivorous earwigs inserted into each side of my brain through my ears
Such a good voice and great instrumentals to go along with it
First 2 songs are timeless jams. Sodapop was fun but not necessarily a good song. Rest of the album I am fully happy with leaving in 1999
Such funky raspy singing voice in a great way Love some old music with simple horns and drums and a baller singer upfront
Amy was such a badass RIP. This album sounds to me like a very unique style of rap that I've never heard before. I really liked the songwriting and lyrics. Glad I listened to the YouTube version rather than the "US Clean" version on Spotify mainly for Fuck Me Pumps I have never really listened to her but definitely will be now.
I always forget how old this album is. So many great songs from my childhood that I still listen to this day. It's tough to rate fairly for me because I have listened to this album so many times so I am not sure if it's just my nostalgia but I absolutely love this album This was my favorite type of music growing up with the banging snares and powerful guitar riffs Billie Joe is an awesome alternative singer and frontman Shout-out to the album cover also
I saw punk in the description and was disappointed. But this album was far from normal punk. Pretty poppy and got me moving
Good classic sound that I enjoyed Watching the Detectives is very reggae like and is awesome
Holy hell what a powerful voice and amazing sounding guitar to go with it. I was never the biggest fan of the song Me and Bobby McGee, but after listening to it in the middle of the whole album my mind has been completely changed. This album was amazing. Move Over and Cry Baby were such powerful songs to start it off and set the tone for the whole album and Get it While You Can ended it perfectly.
Sure does like singing about crack rocks Pyramids gets hella fun P cool album nothing spectacular but I liked it
Gives me the Willy's, but in a good way. I don't want my shoes tied, Eno! Such a trippy album with some crazy electronic noises and mysterious singing. Not sure if I would pick to listen to any Eno albums in my free time, but i know I will definitely be happy to listen if any more come up. This album did drugs then listened to me
Super cool jazzy sound with the African singer is a great combo. This would have been such an awesome thing to see live at the time
Awesome first song on the album to kick things off. The all good people is an absolute jam which I knew of but didn't know the name and honestly didn't really care for until hearing it on this whole album and now I have relistened to it 3 times. Such a great progressive rock album. I am happy that Yes finally got their breakthrough on this album after the third try of albums
Some pretty cool beats which I would like to listen to maybe 1 song every so often or just as background music. It got pretty old pretty quickly and was hard to listen to a whole album of outtakes and experiments
Very calming album which was great to listen to while working. Ella is a great singer and the lyrics were pretty good. I laughed at the words in Let's Call the Whole Thing Off
Such an awesome album that you can listen to in many different situations. Love the combination between slower and faster songs. The guitar and drums play so well together to always keep the song moving along. And the singer, who's name I can't remember, has a voice that goes so well with the sound
That was an album. Nothing spectacular nothing bad
Clapton's guitar rules. I knew a few songs on this album that didn't know were by this band like Little Wing and Bell Bottom Blues. And of course Layla is just a classic kickass song. Love how Derek and the Dominoes made the 1 album then peaced out.
This would have been a much better album if they just fired the singer into the sun. I really liked the instrumentals but could not jive with the singers voice and it kind of ruined it for me
Solid Bowie album all around. He really lunched me out with the pianos on Aladdin Sane
Such a strange album in a good way. As a wiseman once told me "Them Changes is a great song to eat potatoes to" Was not expecting a Wiz Khalifa apperance
Mr. Cohen's very deep voice is so unique and it goes very well with the female singer who is in a few of the songs. It also sounds amazing with some of the electronic/synthesizer instruments that are in the album
I wish I knew more about piano to give this a more credible review. But this was by far the best solo piano album I have ever heard. It even tops Peter Griffin's performance in Family guy when Lois would force him to get absolutely buckled because it was the only way that he knew how to play piano.
Funk, funk, and more funk
I think I accidentally listened to this album on shuffle while cutting the grass. That has nothing to do with the rating but I was just confused when it ended with the last song being in the middle of the album. As for the actual album, it was alright. None of the songs really stood out to me. I wanted to like it because I like a few Queens of the Stone Age songs that came out later.
That jaunt groovy as hell. Makes me want to throw on a leather jacket and 2step down Main street. Really like the unique noises that were used to keep the rhythm going. New frontier is a jam
21st Century Schizoid Man really kicked things off with a bang. Then I enjoyed the slowed down more instrumental middle. Whatever that is called that was happening in Moon Child had me on the edge of my seat waiting for it to start up again which it certainly does during Court of the Crimson King. Love this album and happy it was brought up because I have heard of it but never listen to it once.
Just a very solid rock album that I would listen to any day of the week. Last Nite and Someday are classics
Such a strange album but with pretty cool instrumentals. The lyrics and style of singing we're not for me. No one should ever have to listen to Sex Dwarf
Station to station is a very cool song, but it was really the only memorable one to me. This album sounded like much heavy rock guitar like than most Bowie I am used to. Again another very solid album from David
Very different than Dookie, and not as good personally, but still a great album with some nice hits. Holiday going into Boulevard of Broken Dreams is a great transisition. Something about Green Day just gets me going. Billie Joe is an awesome frontman
Almost all of the songs sounded the same which was ok with me because they were all good. Wish I was able to pay attention more but I was running around while listening. Still enjoyed
Bunch of noise which I was hoping would turn into something epic but that never came
Holy bass slapping! The synth throughout the whole album was awesome. Had some very strange noises that came out of nowhere but I got down with them. I've heard Hungry like a Wolf a thousand times and didn't really like it as a single but it was great within the album
Sounds like an rock album from the 60s
Peter Gabriel seems like a guy who would take a fistful of whatever drugs you wanted to hand to him with no questions. There was nothing special about this album to me until the last 3 or 4 songs then it started getting spooky and good
Mad chill
I like the heavy instrumentals but the style of singing throws me off at times
This is an album that I have always wanted to listen to but never have so I'm glad it came up. That guitar sound tho!! I know it's a band of two but they somehow make sound like there are 4 people. I really like that they both have songs that they sing. I really wish that Seven Nation Army wasn't ruined by being played at every single sporting event because that is such an epic song. I always love albums that have a combo of slower and faster songs Ball and Biscuit is a jam
A very solid album. Love the White Stripes guitar sound it's very unique. Would definitely listen to this album many more times
Rock album
I didn't know that it was possible to go from really weird erotica, to punk, to funk all in the same album but this insane man was able to do it. At first I was going to have to knock the album, but honestly the creativity and uniqueness won me back by the end. The only thing I could think in the beginning was that his voice sounded like the parody of Randy Newman from Family Guy
I like the flow and beats but I agree with a lot of reviews that it was a bit long and lost me towards the end
Didn't really do too much for me. Orange Crush was a jam though
Rods voice kind of annoys me after a while but this was good song writing and solid soft rock
Crazy unique album that I had no idea where it was going to go after the first song. Really like the jazzy symphony beginning that then turned into sounding like Deep Purple. Then finished off with the absolute banger of Blues pt2. The drum solo and jazz mix was awesome and I think there was even a Cream sample thrown in
Pretty typical 90's alternative to me. There were some good songs that stuck out I think If you Don't Want Me to Destroy You was my favorite. But then pretty forgetful otherwise. Good background music
Pretty disappointing album for the praise that I have heard from it. A bunch of really weird mini songs that I didn't enjoy too much. They really liked singing about pinballs
Even though I couldn't understand a single word that was being said, that album ruled. The synthy dream like sound in the background the whole time was awesome. I am going to say something that hasn't been said in this group in a while: I would like to take drugs and listen to that album
Hell yes instant 5 stars for this baller album. So many hardcore songs with such distinct bass or guitar lines that give me the chills. Settle for nothing is awesome
I was not expecting the singer to sound like that to be honest. Very good album that didn't really wow me but was nice
Well that sure was whacky. I am glad I listened to it but highly likely I will never play on of those songs again. The DJ radio show bit was hilarious. 2/5 for enjoyment but 4/5 for creativity.
Some kind of weird folk punk mix that I didn't really jive with. The song Day Old Blues annoyed me
First great album by and absolutely legendary band not much more needs to be said
Genre: Noise is correct. I really don't like the main singer and the background singers make it even worse. This type of music to me just seems so generic and all of the songs sound the same
Buffalo stance was catchy, but the rest of it was hot garbage. Sounded like if AI created a new Michael Jackson album
That album was great. I liked how the songs had different tempos in order to keep things fresh. The guitar part at the end of Back at the Farm, and the yazz flute in River to Consider were my highlights. I really liked the guitar and drum work in this album.
The Boll Weevil song is a jam. Oh hell yeah 2 songs about bugs in a row I had no idea what to expect with this album and what I really didn't expect was a song about woof to end it
It is no surprise at all that this band used to open for Oasis, they sound the exact same. Area 51 is a very cool instrumental track. I wish all of the songs were instrumental because I do not really fancy 90s British alternative singers voices Get On It was the best song by far and probably the only song I would listen to again It was very cool of them to include Rob's Theme to honor their keyboardist Rob Collins who died in a car crash while recording the album
I see Alice in Chains, I get excite. So many of their hits on this album. Junkfuck yeahhhhhh, Junkhead into Dirt is a sneaky good combo of 2 lesser known songs. The opening bass line of Would give me the chills everytime. Fun fact, Angry Chair in midi version was used as one of the songs in Doom 98 for computer back in the 90s. That game rules. The grunginess of this album makes me feel like I need to take a shower after listening to it and I mean that in a great way. The only song I don't like on this album is Sickman, but then Rooster comes after it which fixes everything. RIP Layne Staley
I'm definitely going to keep on chooglin' CCR is great not much more that I can say
Bittersweet Symphony is a great way to start this album. It is the only song I know by them and it was cool for it to be first. Catching the Butterfly and Neon Wilderness are a nice trippy twist in the middle of the album The strings that are featured in a lot of songs really lift this album up a notch The album ended pretty weak in my opinion but still a very good album all around
Sounded like a Broadway musical score. One of those albums that I am happy I listened to but will never listen to any of those songs ever again
Dancing Queen might be the definition of a bop. Happy Hawaii was a very fun song to end the album. The middle was all good but pretty forgetful
I didn't listen to every single lyric which I feel is the point of that album. The harp was pretty cool throughout the entire thing. Her voice and singing cadence made me uncomfortable at times. When that guy started singing on Only Skin that was pretty much the only change in musical notes that I noticed in the whole album. Would definitely not listen to this album while on any sort of drug at all
So many hits on this one. Alabama Song (Whiskey Bar) is my favorite for the goofiness. The End is such a strange but good song there is so much going on in it. It sounds like no other song on this album which is a cool way to round it out.
I would never guess that this album was from 1969, it sounds like it is from 2009. The guitar work is incredible. Reading about him is very interesting. He did not play live shows or do any interviews which is likely why he did not get much recognition. The songs and songwriting reflect his personality. No particular song stood out to me, but the album as a whole was very enjoyable.
Everytime I listen to Talking Heads it makes me want to take a big whiff of Jenkum. I've never listened to a Talking Heads album completely through. This one was alright I am guessing that there are probably better ones based off of the songs I know Once in a lifetime is a jam.
People Everyday has some great flow and love the female singing the chorus. All around this album has some real fresh beats and I like the variety of singers. Makes each song completely unique Some of the background noises are throwing me off a little bit and can makes the songs sound a little too busy
Not sure why but that is not what I was expecting that album to be. It sounded like a big collection of video game background songs. That being said I really enjoyed it and it was great music to have on while getting things done
Never was the biggest fan of Sting's voice, but listening to the whole album changed my mind a good amount. The guitar and bass in Deathwish is awesome I really enjoyed the pop/rock/reggae combo of this album. It is really demonstrated on Walking on the Moon. But then On Any Other Day comes on and weirds me out. I normally like songs like these but this one did not work on this album. The album went downhill after this and took it from a 4 to a 3 for me. No Time This Time sounded like it was going to save it with the nice guitar, but then Stings annoying voice came back.
I am sure that album is someone's favorite album, but it didn't really do much for me. Instrumentals were pretty cool but nothing special
That's gonna be a no from me dog
I don't know if I have ever listened to them. They sound like if Radiohead and Smashing Pumpkins merged. The way that they play guitar and drums make it seem like every one of these songs could be in Rock Band the video game. The more that the album goes on the less I like it to be honest. I can't really tell a difference in any of the songs and the singer just doesn't seem to fit in with the style of heavy rock. The drumming on Nothing Much to Lose is pretty hardcore though I must say. Good not great album. Feels like a 2.5 but i'll give it a roundup
This album is filled to the brim with power chords, face melting solos, and Lemmy's distinct raspy voice. Everything goes so well together and makes me want to punch through a wall. Obviously Ace of Spades is an all-time classic metal song. The Chase Is Better Than The Catch was my second favorite as it felt the most unique. All of the other songs had very similar sound, but I am not mad about it at all. This album fux \m/
Accidentally exited out of the browser with all of my notes so I don't feel like typing them all out again. So here's a summarization: I have never listened to this band but have heard of them, and for some reason I thought they were an indie soft rock band that I would hate. Very pleasantly surprised because that album was awesome. The electronics, horns, strings, and harmonizing singing is all right up my listening wheelhouse. I will be listening to this album again at some point.
Everytime I listen to Beastie Boys I always think that they are a parody band for some reason, must be because the multiple singers sound funny to me. All of the songs on this album sound like every Beastie Boys song I have ever heard. Not the biggest fan of them.
I can't wait to listen to this album, I already know a lot of songs but not all of them em em em em em Movin out gets me going everytime The Stranger rips. the whistling in the beginning and end is spooky. Scenes from an Italian Restaurant is my favorite song to sing along to. It would be hardmode on karaoke. Only The Good Die Young is an all time classic Get It Right the First Time is a new song for me and it is groovy as heck. Instant add to a playlist Everybody Has a Dream is such a good closing song with the slow build up into the intense choir singing then ending with the piano outro and the same whistling as The Stranger After typing out all of these song names I realized every song title on this album is so long Pretty much a perfect album to me well done Mr. Joel
I can't be the only one who couldn't understand a single word on that album right? I was just thinking that this list has a gone a long time without shoving a punk album in our face and I hope it stays that way. Punk just doesn't do it for me.
I love going into an album having no idea at all what to expect. Luckily this album came out on the good side of me liking it. Each song sounded so scattered yet so organized at the same time. I love how every instrument is highlighted at some point with their own moment to shine. Time With You is my favorite song on this one Think im going to spell my name jAMES from now on
That may have been the strongest song called "Intro" ever and got me hooked right away. VCR->Crystalised->Islands continued the jams and I thought this was going to become my new favorite album. The middle got a bit boring and repetitive. But then Night Time came on and hooked me back in. Another band I have never heard of which blew me away. If it wasn't for the slightly boring middle part and this would have been an easy 5. I was also hoping for a little more with Stars. But I would say this is a 4.9
I think I have heard everyone of these songs at one point but never all at the same time. My favorite line was "I'm on a plane, I can't complain" The Man Who Sold The World is a classic. I will never unhear the feedback in that one part. I know this is an all time classic album and Nirvana is legendary but they for some reason just aren't my cup of tea. But still enjoyed this album
The first 2 songs were awesome to listen to on the beach. Then it definitely picks up starting at the third song I can't tell what type of genre this is but is quite cool Star is awesome. That is an instant add to a playlist Stuka is trippy as hell. The end with headphones on is wild Medication is completely different than the rest it sounds like the Strokes right in the middle of the album Trainspotting has an awesome build up into some really nice groovy guitar then into some sort of weird harmonoca This album is out of control I love it
All of these songs sound like that Elvis Costello song about the detectives which I like. But I don't need a whole album of that
Got my feet tapping for 37 straight minutes with some great high hat work and soulful singing
Pretty good but repetitive beats. Also very good singing in the first 2 songs. Holdin on goes pretty hard and funky. African dance is a great instrumental. Back to life was a surprise that I knew Overall a cool album with some nice beats and singing. I also like the transitions between a few songs. While the songs sound unique to each other they are pretty repetitive themselves
Don't really like his voice and some of the songs sound like each instrument just played their own song and smashed them together and hoped they worked. Also I was not sure if I was supposed to listen to the Iggy Mix or Bowie Mix so I just listened to whatever version came up on Youtube
Beats are a little repetitive for my liking. But the flow of the lyrics is really good which I would assume is the focus. I really like the Up On Cripple Creek sampling on Beyond Comprehension The songs all started sounding the same to me and wish it was only about 30 minutes long. Still enjoyed
I'm just getting down for the funk of it. The bass line in Grooveallegience is next level. I pledge allegiance to the funk for sure I don't know what I expected from a song called Promentalshitbackwashpsychosis Enema Squad (The Doo Doo Chasers). But now the name of it definitely makes sense. Solid guitar shreding behind some really strange lyrics Maggot Brain SHREDS! All of these songs names lunch me out so hard
Very nice guitar and singing. Neighborhood Girl was probably my favorite song. Other than that nothing really stood out but still a good album
Didn't know Heard it Through the Grapevine was a cover Runaway child running wild was a bit of a jam eh? Might be the most soothing singing voice and drums on I need your loving I really like the amount of singers there are. Brings a different element to each song Great mix of slow love songs and upbeat songs to get your feet tapping
Only knew Fast Car by her but definitely came out of this album liking more, especially She's got her ticket. She has such an incredibly unique singing voice and the guitar in this album is much better than expected
7 out of 5 on the lunchin scale. 4 out of 5 on the enjoyment scale I never thought Autobahn the song was ever going to end. The slow build up on Konmentomelodie2 was my favorite part of the album. I want to take drugs and listen to this album, but I am not sure what the correct drug would be
What a mad start with the first 2 songs. Then goes into an album jam session with Mr. green Genes. Then that jam session never really ended he just added a bunch more instruments. Zappa seems like a crazy guy which is awesome. But I am not surprised that he named his daughter MoonUnit
Elvis has a funny voice, I really hope that is how he talked normally as well that would crack me up. These really old albums are hard to rate. Would sound way better if he would introduce a synthesizer or electric guitar or something. He really missed out on his opportunity there. This music is not really my jaunt but I can see where it was really good at the time I think? Just for fun I am going to take the side that he was completely overrated. It was cool to listen to this because of the history but thats pretty much it. At least this album was only 28 minutes long
Where is my mind is a great song. The rest of the album not so much. A little too disorganized and shouty for me.
Wish I could have paid attention to this album more because I really enjoyed having it on while being pissed at my coworker and trying to fix some work so I was in the zone. I really like the guitar and chorus part of Heart of Glass. Is that Animal from the Muppets on Just Go Away?? I liked that album much more than I thought I was going to it was much more rock than I expected
I want to sit at a blackjack table and sip gin and tonics all day while listening to Frank. He has such a legendary voice and the high intensity horns with the low bass line are a perfect compliment
One of my favorite all time albums that I have listened to about 50 times. Every song is absolutely great in its own way. And it ends perfectly with one of my top 10 favorite songs of all time with When the Levee Breaks
That was an adventure. I could just picture that whole performance being in a dimly light room that absolutely reeked of cigarettes. I didn't think I was going to enjoy listening to that while working from the start. But then I got completely sucked in. The changing between story telling and songs was perfect
I think I liked the first half more it was a little more trippy while the second half become a lot more rock. I enjoyed the whole album but the front half sounded more unique. This is a high 3 for me
Not for me
I'm happy that this is on here. I've always heard of Arcade Fire but never listened and have always wanted to. The Neighborhood songs are awesome especially #3 The speed up part at the end of Crown of Love was a very welcomed surprise I know Wake up it's a great fit in this album to be a single That album was very good. For me it definitely peaked in the middle then fell off with the last two songs. But still an album I will be listening to again. Strong 4
The singer has the most sterotypical 80s voice This album started out sounding like it was going to be a typical love album. But then it introduced a bunch of cool instruments and sounds. I can't tell if I like this album, it is pretty weird. Think it's a 2.5 but im going to have to round down.
The guitar and piano on this album are pretty good. But I can not get over this guys voice he sounds like if someone was doing a bad impression of himself. I don't understand what this album is supposed to be. I am trying to listen more in depth but i just can't get over how ridiculous his singing is.
It's just a bunch of weird talking. A bunch of the song would be ok if there were only a minute long Running up the hill is a bop. And cloudbusting is pretty good Making the witch was really weird but not in a good way. Back to old Kate Bush style which stinks I walked outside and when I came back in more weird shit was happening in Jig of Life This album stunk but at least there were some actual tracks that I could call songs in the beginning so that saves it from a 1
This album was a great combo of classic 60s rock and then some pretty trippy songs it was a nice balance to stop any repetitive sound. My highlights were Thoughts and Words and Mind Gardens for the psychedelic aspect. Then followed with the ending of My Back Pages and Why for the rock
I normally don't like when there are too many people taking turns singing in hip-hop, but this group does it extremely well with the 4 or 5 contributors. A Day at the Races goes hard didn't look up who had that last verse but he was flowing. Not my usual type of music but this album was very good. The beats were great to have on in the background and kept my feet moving.
Personal Jesus is a banger and it gave me instant flashbacks of running over hookers with a tractor in GTA: San Andreas. This album has a crazy amount of 80s synth. Especially on Enjoy the Silence there is so much going on. There are points in this album where he sounds like Bo Burnham to me and I was expecting some ridiculous songs
Makes me want to sit around a campfire on a brisk fall night. Love how the whole album is just guitar, harmonica, and Bob.
Incredibly soothing instrumentals contrasted by Van Morrison's extremely harsh voice. He voice works well at points but it's kind of tough to listen to a full album of. Overall a good album pretty much exactly a 3 rating
These noises are all that I could hear the one time when I accidentally took way too many edibles and I felt like my brain was vibrating l. AB/7A was a pretty cool little beat that actually resembled a song My dog listened to this album with me and based on her pacing and nervous behavior while the album was on I going to guess she gave this a 1/5 Not what I really enjoy listening to, but it wasn't horrible this is a 1.500000001/5 so I'll round up to a 2, my lowest possible 2 score. Still better than whatever that trash was that Kate Bush put out
I know a bunch of songs on this album but have only listened to it all the way through maybe once or twice so i am excited. Love the funk to kick off this Wednesday morning. The transistion from If You have to ask into Breaking the Girl is great. I always thought that BtG had a great intro but it makes way more sense now. So much funk up and down this album with one of my favorite songs Under the Bridge sandwiched in the middle to slow things down a bit in a great way.
If I remember hearing correctly this is still the highest selling debut album by a band ever. First 5 songs are all fast paced typical sounding classic rock songs highlighted by Foreplay / Long Time which is defintely the jam of this album with the long lead in. Last 3 songs slow down but still have very solid guitar solos. Something About You is lowkey a heater. I have heard this album so many times so I don't want to be biased based on nostalgia, but this album rocks I enjoy every single song on here. There is nothing really spectacular about it but it is just completely solid all around.
Good ol American southern rock right there. I could listen to ZZ top all day
The instrumentals were very pleasant. Sounded like I was in Final Fantasy the whole time. Her voice was a bit unnerving though. And the whole album was kind of the same I didn't need 45 minutes of that
Nothing spectacular but a very nice listening album the whole way through. Perfect length of less than 30 minutes in my opinion. Could have told me that was a Beatles album and I'd believe you. I was not expecting Silent Night to close it out mixed with a very depressing news story.
Pretty standard sounding album until it got to Suburban War then it started picking up a bit. Sprawl II was probably my favorite song, it was cool that it sounded like a new singer. Pretty underwhelming compared to the Funeral album from a couple weeks ago
Kraftwerk is great such a change of pace! I am now a robot apparently. Spacelab sounds like I'm either entering or exiting a k-hole Great album to have on which you don't really have to pay too much attention but can still really enjoy the trippy beats
Just the most ultimate face melting shredding possible. Voodoo Chile just keeps going and going and gets better. Little Miss Strange confused me with the singing when it came on I thought the album was over. Then it went into Jimi doing his thing and I knew we were still on. Some certainly trippy songs on this album which I didn't expect from Jimi. Mainly Burning of the Midnight Lamp. 1983 is absolutely a Merman he should turn to be. And by that I mean it is a certified jam session. This is a very long album, but I am mostly ok with it because all the songs are unique and the jams just keep flowing. All Along the Watchtower may be the greatest cover ever. Voodoo Child to end it is perfect. I really liked this album but there are some songs that are pretty forgettable. So this is a very high 4 for me.
Very solid album all the way through which I enjoyed listening to. Nothing really stood out in particular except for the different singers voices were very unique and were the focl points of the album. Through the Iron Gate at the end was probably my favorite with the nice little guitar riff that they kept repeating. Would probably need to listen to the album again to get a good appreciation for it, but thorugh first listen it was solid.
Really funky Clapton sounds in the first song. Pink Floyd vibes in the second song This singer has a really nice raspy funky voice I like how you can have no idea what type of song is going to come next each song is so unique. Could be funk, rock, jazz, or trippy. They way that Small Hours is the ending just being super peaceful with some nice ambient wave music was the perfect way to cap off the album. This would an excellent drugs album This is exactly what I love about this album of the day thing. I had no idea who John Martyn was going into this but now I feel like I have to learn everything about him. Absolute 5/5
This is such a great album to cut the grass to by murdering those blades of grass and head banging the entire time Sulfur is classic slipknot singing Psychosocial has been on my snowboarding playlist for years and is a song that I could absolutely see myself getting in a fight with a Jerry too Didn't realize how many bangers were on this album I didnt know many of the song names. Sulfur, psychosocial, and dead memories all go so hard The album was starting to lose me for a bit just turned into way too much metal. But Snuff brought it back that's a new song for me which was great. The drumming on the album is definitely the highlight that man is banging some skincans hard There were definite highs and lows on this album. The highs were just so baller that they outweighed the lows
Paint it Black and Under my Thumb are the two songs I knew on this album and they are both great songs. Every other song didn't really stand out and just sounded like pretty generic classic rock songs. I could have really done without ever listening to Going Home, that was a bit disturbing I felt like I was being sexted non-consensually. Pretty much a perfectly average album, as 3 as it gets.
Maybe one of the most iconic albums in history. I can't believe they made this whole album in 3 days and the title song Paranoid only took them like 45 minutes. War pigs is such an epic song to lead it off. Iron man probably had one of the most iconic guitar riffs of all time. Ferries wear Boots is such an underrated song and absolutely hilarious song name. I've listened to this album so many times that it is impossible to give it anything else but a 5
Pretty standard sounding 60's album. If someone were to ask me what early rock sounded like this would be the exact album I would show them. No standout songs
Listened to this album while working but the beats were very good. I wasn't really following along wiht which song was which but it didn't matter the whole album was excellent. Common's flow is very good and matched the beats perfectly. Wish I paid more attention to the lyrics to really get an idea of the album. But I enjoyed the heck out of the album. Haven't really listened to Common before so it was a nice find. The live song with Kanye on the Chapelle show is great, mainly Kanye, wish he didn't like fish sticks so much and was such an absolute weirdo now.
Not at all what I was expecting from Bob Dylan to start with Love Sick, but then looked and saw this album is from 1997 so a much different style. This whole album is kind of weird sounding Bob Dylan does the 90s blues with a weird singing voice. Cold Iron Bound is definitely my top song on this one. Other than that nothing really stood out. I wish this was like 30 minutes shorter. They could have cut out the whole last song that seemed like it was never going to end. Was thinking a 2 on this but the instrumentals are quite good so I'll go low 3
Traffic shreds in the beginning of this album before it cools down before Feeling Alright, which I didn't know was by Traffic and is a jam. The whole album is some great rock with a little bit of trippiness sprinkled in. I really want some Medicated Goo. It sounds delicious and that song was a bop
Dark fantasy is an awesome start with the choir singing. The POWER>All of the lights section gets me so hyped I love when those songs come on while I'm snowboarding. Monster is a crazy song but it fits so well with the outrageousness of the album. I love the amount of people on So Appalled they were just tossing that song around and each taking a turn throwing in a verse. The whole song of Runaway is a beautiful song but the piano outro in particular really makes the song. The ending of Blame Game is hilarious I think that is Chris Rock which would make sense. Such an incredible album I may have not ever listened to it all the way through which is a shame that I have waited this long. Easy 5.
That was some interesting funky ska punk combo that sounds like it was way produced way more recently than 1978. Not the biggest fan of his voice but the instrumentals were quite good. I did really like The Beat.
Starts off really strong with Mother and Chile Reunion but then kind of goes downhill from there being way too slow for my liking. I have heard covers of Me and Julio Down by the Schoolyard, but never this original. That song was good.
Album started off enjoyable, but then got pretty exhausting to listen to the 80's jams over and over. If i were to show someone what 80s music sounds like this would be it. Nothing really stood out to me and it was difficult to have this on in the background
One of those albums where I know so many of the songs but have never listened to it all the way through. This is the perfect Beatles with a mix of early rock/pop and completely trippy nonsense in a great way.
The opening song sounds like a Doom 98 song. The rest is kind of an unorganized nonsense of music and singing. Paintwork is a nice halftime song that has a pretty nice hooking beat and low talking. Probably the only song I liked on this album. Not my jaunt
Marvin Gaye may be the best singer I have ever heard. Along with some great jazz instrumentals this is such a great album. Is That Enough is such a good song I was about to give this album 5 stars just off of that. The intro and outro are just so good.
Had to stop and start this album a lot while listening so I never got in a good flow. But it sounded pretty much as expected from Bob Marley which was very nice and I enjoyed it all. Nothing too crazy, and it was nice to hear all new songs that I have not heard from him with exception to that alternate version of No Woman no Cry. This is the benchmark for Reggae.
Very pleasant singing and acoustic guitar with a piano. I really wish I was listening to this album while just chilling in a hammock or chair out by the water. Not my normal type of music I would go to but I really enjoyed this album.
This is just straight up old fashioned rock. Alex Turner is a rockstar.
I am not the biggest hip-hop fan and I am sure this is a great album for those who are, but it's not for me. I have trouble listening to songs where there is only one repeating beat going to whole song. The flow of the singing is what should be focused on which when I was listening is good, but I tend to zone out a lot with the repetition
I liked the beginning few songs then heard them stirring sounded like I was in a Skyrim dungeon. But then it got a bit too folky for my liking. Good album but probably won't even listen again
I really like the scratchy old timey sounding guitar to go along with the horns in the whole album. Bang a Gong is a classic that I didn't really like as a stand alone, but having it in the middle of the album it is a great song. Overall solid album with some unique sounds with a little bit of funk.
This is an interesting album I don't quite know what to think of it. It's like indie/country/folk mix. Not really a big fan of the singer. Bad Liquor does not fit on this album at all I thought it was put in the Youtube playlist on accident. This album didn't do anything for me I was happy when it ended.
Such deep dark Sabbath. I love how spooky it starts with the beginning of Black Sabbath then just goes into some face melting. The harmonica on Wizard to follow it up is a great transition. The remaining songs are just hard guitar riffs with Ozzys signature voice to go on top of it. NIB being the highlight of that. I like how it's only technically 5 songs but there are about 10 songs on it.
I liked this one way more than the first Van Morrison album we listened to. Not sure if I was just in a better mood or it was just actually better. His unique voice went very well with the jazzy instrumentals the whole album. A few hits mixed in with some new songs I haven't heard before that I found myself really liking.
Starts off so hot with Bodhisattva which rips right out of the gate. Cools down a bit until My Old School which is an awesome song. Then King of the World is a great song to end on. Reminds me of the band Midlife with some of the sweepy synth. The whole album was very strong with those couple very high points. Steely Dan is great I hope there are more of their albums on here
I felt like I was changing between being in a nightmare then into a good dream then back to a nightmare this whole album. The Swinging Detective was my favorite song. Sounded like it was the intro to a James Bond movie. This album kept me on edge the entire time and I had no idea what was coming next. You would have to be really messed up to want to take drugs and listen to this album. This might be the hardest album to rate so far. It was so strange but I also kind of appreciated it for what it was and found myself enjoying it in the background. I'm going to have to put this at a 3 because there were parts that I loved but then also parts I hated. Such an interesting concept to make a soundtrack for a non-existent movie.
Kendricks flow is so perfect and the lyrics are on point. Might be one of the best songwriters in rap. Bitch don't kill my vibe is such a jam and really sets the tone of the album as the second song. Money Trees has such a hard beat and the chorus is so catchy. That whole album is so hardcore. The random gunshots put me on edge.
Very unique style of music with the singer being the main focal point with his crazy change of voice. I had to look it up to make sure it wasn't two singers. I didn't really have any standout moments on this album except for Epic which I already knew, but Woodpecker from Mars was a pretty good harsh instrumental to end it on. Those two songs earned this album a 3, but it is a low 3. I don't think I will ever listen to another album of theirs by choice, it is just not my style.
Read his Wikipedia and he has a crazy backstory where he wrote and recorded this album in 7 days after being released from a mental hospital for a "delusional-driven" attempt to attack his band members. The album cover art certainly makes him look like he has some psychological problems. Skip played every instrument on this album. Starts off sounded like a typical southern rock kind of album, but then got really trippy at War in Peace. But after that went back to what it started out as, just a bit darker. Grey/Afro made me really uncomfortable which is probably the point. The strange drum beats and low singing voice was just straight spooky. What a way to end this incredibly dark album. I wish it was more of the War on Peace style. I cannot get over how uncomfortably weird this album was. I have never heard of Skip Spence and I probably won't listen to anything of his again. But I did enjoy this enough for a 3.
Oh hell yes a supergroup featuring Alex Turner. I knew the voice sounded familiar when I started the album. Love the strings in Stand Next to Me. Then more strings on The Chamber are also great. I love rock bands that incorporate strings. Ok now this is just turning into a straight up symphony with Only the Truth. Such an awesome album from a band that I did not know existed, I wish they were in my life much earlier. The orchestral instruments that they are able to blend in with the rock is one of my favorite styles of music. And with Alex Turner being the front man and this guy Miles being the backing vocals for most of the songs just creates a perfect vocal combination. Easy 5, going to go listen to their other album right after this.
Listened to this mainly in the background and with it being on Youtube it was tough to follow the individual tracks. It took me a minute to get hooked in the album because it came out very strong with he powerful singing voice. But once it got going I really liked all of the different instruments and horns that went along with her voice. This was a very peaceful album to listen to and found myself really liking certain parts of it. 3.5 rounded up because I am on vacation and in a good mood.
Pretty good album that was very easy to listen to. Has some very good guitar at points. During some times in the album I was thinking of giving it a 4, but then other points were quite boring and kind of all blended together. So this is a high 3. I did really like the last song Caught By the River that had pretty high energy and was probably the best song on the album.
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I have listened to this album so many times that it is going to be very hard to give this anything other than a 5. Starts off so strong with Invaders, it really just sets the tone for the whole album with the speed guitar and drums. 22 Acacia Avenue has some of the smoothest high-hat work during the chorus that for some reason I have always really liked in this song. Then the slow down after the first 2 times going through the chorus to just slowly melt your face, followed by it picking back up to melt your face quickly to finish the song is quintessential Maiden. Number of the Beast is the song that introduced me to Iron Maiden becasue it was featured in Tony Hawk Pro Skater 4, so no matter what I will always have a soft spot for that song. The drumming in Run to the Hills in the very beginnning and 3/4 of the way through get me so pumped up every time I listen. Combine that with the high energy drawn out lyrics and Bruce's voice make for such a fire song. Gangland is really the only knock I have on this album for some reason this song doesn't really do anything for me. Something about the cadence of the way he sings it just kind of throws off the album. If they would have just gone straight from Run to the Hills into one of my favorite songs of all time, Hallowed Be Thy Name, this would be a near perfect album for me. Speaking of Hallowed Be Thy name, the bells that start it off give me serious chills every time I hear them. Then the whole song just builds up with increasing speeds to the climax of the song which is right at the very end. Perfect way to cap off such an amazing album.
Probably the trippiest rap album I've heard. Which makes sense with Thundercat featuring. Alright if such a banger, enough said. i really shows the range of Kendrick by just completely changing the tempo and beat from the rest of the album This album is all over the place in a great way. I was engaged in listening the whole time cause there were no boring parts at all. Mortal man is an extremely impressive 7 minutes of song followed by the speaking between Kendrick and someone else which is a perfect outro
Starts off with very spooky mysterious bells and piano. Jumps around all over the place from heavy to soft. I really laughed at about 20 minutes when they started listing the instruments that were coming up. The Glockenspiel/Bass guitar combo was fire. Oh hell the "2 slightly distorted" guitars might be the best. Nevermind the mandolin takes it. It just keeps getting better and better with the new instruments I can't keep up. OH SHIT TUBULAR BELLS!!!!!!! Part 2 sounded like some Final Fantasy 7 soundtrack where you are wandering through a wood looking for some Chocobo. Much less engaging than part 1 but still quite awesome. Woah I take that back at 12 minutes when they start speaking in tongues and the drum fill comes in. This album was the exact opposite of Kollaps which I listened to yesterday, it is mainly instrumentals but it actually makes sense and was awesome to listen to. It is like if Pink Floyd and King Giz made a collaboration album. The mandolin breakdown to finish off the Part 2 was a chefs kiss. On these albums of the day I normally stop after the original tracks end and don't go into the bonus tracks. But this album was just way too enjoyable to stop so I had to listen to the single and Sailor's hornpipe to see how much more they could do. And I am glad I stuck around. On a scale of 1 to I would take drugs and listen to this album: Please send me some mushrooms asap and hit replay.
Stealing Brandon's format here. Listened Before? No Starts off with two classics that I have known for a long time. Starts sounding like the most generic 70's rock for the middle and back end. It's like if AI created the Beatles. The piano on Nineteen Hundred and Eighty Five is mighty catchy. This song was definitely my new highlight of this album. It brought some character to the album that was lacking throughout. This is an above average album because of the first 2 and last songs. But didn't blow me away by any means. Adding to library? No Songs (already) Added to Playlist: Band on the Run, Jet Songs Added to Playlist: Nineteen Hundred and Eighty Five
Legendary album that was nice to listen to but would never choose to put it on. His singing to go along with the jazz is great. This is excellent background music
Sounded like the sound track to a really weird dream. Not really my type of music with how weird and spacey it is. But it definitely grew on me more and more as the album went on. Probably the first album on this list that would go from a 3 to a 5 of drugs were taken
Listened before? Yes Such a much more raw metal sounds than other Iron Maiden albums. Haven't listened to this one in a few years and I am upset at myself that it's been so long Prowler is just straight metal to start out. Running free and Phantom of the Opera just really get you going with the sustained high tempos and awesome guitar. After that the instrumentals of Transylvania and Strange world are a bit of a cool down before the finale. Charlotte the Harlot is fun to sing along to with the matching guitars and vocals. Iron Maiden is an awesome finish with the classic raw metal sounds that are through the whole album Adding to Library? Yes Songs adding to Playing? Phantom of the Opera, Running Free. Both for snowboarding purposes
The Stones to me have always been the quintessential classic rock if someone were to ask me what classic rock was I would point to them. This album backed up that thought. Nothing bad with it at all it is all just very nice to listen to without anything being offensive musically at all. But also nothing will blow me away. Shine a Light however is my favorite Stones songs.
Started off so funkilicious with P-Funk and Mothership Connection. Slowed down a bit, but then was not expecting to have a song hat I knew with Give Up the Funk that song always plays hard. This album started to lose me in the middle but then funked itself right back up into a 4. I really want to know what a Thumpasorus Peoples are and why they were just brown noting in my ear the whole song.
I can see why they say this is "All one song" it was very easy to get lost and have no idea where I was in the album. This made me want to rip some ice cold fattys and dance around in some sort of cloth. The jams sure were crunchy in this live album for sure. I especially liked the end of Death Don't have Mercy. And while I don't listen to Dead enough I like it when I do. Also I have to pay my respects because they have influenced so many of my favorite bands today.
This sounds like if South Park were to make a parody of a punk band. The singing is just so ridiculous that I can't pay attention to anything else. And the generic ass guitar and drums makes it sound like a highschool band playing in a talent competition. I was hoping that I would be able to start liking the album more as the songs went on, but I just absolutely hate this singer and he keeps getting worse and worse. Them having ridiculous songs like Garbageman is not helping at all. This album stinks like garbage. PEEYEW!!
Let's Go Crazy, When Doves Cry, and Purple Rain are all jams. The rest of the album really pulls the rating down though. Something about Prince screaming turns me off and the instrumentals in all of the other songs aren't as impressive to me as people make a deal of. I'll add I Would Die 4 U on the good song list as well. Also Goose just did a cover of it at Red Rocks a couple weeks ago which they absolute crush. I don't get the Price hype, but this album is definitely better than the first one we listened to months and months ago.
Pretty standard album that I would expect from Simon and Garfunkel. Short, sweet, and to the point. Only 29 minutes which is nice I didn't need any longer than that. Nice early morning listen. Voices of Old People - Bookends Theme Reprise was very strange and was about to put me to sleep. Mrs Robinson is the obvious hit off this album, coocoocachoo.
The Concept starts it off by with some nice guitar work and solo at the end which got me excited for the album. It then goes and starts sounding very Oasis-ey, not sure if that was just the style in the early 90s but a lot of bands sounded very similar. But it is a very generic music style that is so inoffensive that it is not impressive. Halfway through the album and its business as usual just sounding like a very run of the mill alternative album. It really makes me wonder why albums like this are on this list of albums we have to listen to while working. There is nothing wrong with it at all and its quite nice to listen to. But it is nothing special at all. Every single song sounds the exact same to me on this album. I have actually downgraded this from a 3 to a 2 as it went on because of how boring this album is. The longer it went on made me like it less and less. Is This Music? to end it was alright, it at least brought something new to the album. But still a middling 2 for me.
Beck may be one of the most unique artists I have heard, just so many noises. All I can think of is the Futurama episode where Bender gets cut open by the industrial can opener and becomes paralyzed. But Beck lets him join him on stage so that he can be used as a washboard in his band to play Where It's At. This certainly teeters on the edge of being overwhelming with noise and actually being music. But I would say that this is actual enjoyable music that he is able to make.
I wish I would have paid better attention to this while I was listening because from what I heard I really liked it. The singer from the Gorillaz has a great voice to go along with instrumentals like this. I really like Three Changes and the title track to end it with the anxiety building breakdown for the last few minutes was a cool way to end the album. I will have to listen to this again to really pay attention but it was a great album all around.
It is always refreshing to listen to jamband studio albums from time to time so every song isn't 18 minutes long. This album is chock full of songs that I knew but didn't know the name of going in: Friend of the Devil, Ripple, Till the Morning Comes This is a great mix of folky and rock that really checks a box for me for enjoyable music. Truckin is such a fun song to sing along to and jam out. Now hand me an ice cold fatty or two.
Really liked the surf rock song to start it off that was pretty unexpected. Album turns into pretty standard 60s rock love songs and whatnot with some cool guitar splashed in every so often. Was not expecting to know any songs on this album but Love Hurts which has been covered a bunch I believe. Nice to hear the original. Pretty standard enjoyable album
An album that I have listened to many times before and it is just as good as always. Alive, Black, Jeremy, and Even Flow are the first 4 songs on a playlist that I created in 2014 that I still listen to and add songs to. My favorite thing about this album is that it is named Ten because that is the number that NBA player Mookie Blaylock (which Pearl Jam was originally called) wore. In the interview which they stated this they thought it was funny that people thought Ten had some other significant meaning to them, but it was just for the bball player. Not a perfect album by any means but it was an great introduction into grunge to me in my early years and an album I will come back to many more times.
I think that this is two singers. And the difference in songs between who is the lead singer is hilarious they sound like 2 completely different bands. Seven and Seven is was a roller coaster I loved it. The rocket blast at the end was a nice little treat. Revelation was just 19 minutes of trippiness. So funny that it is over half the length of the whole album. I have never heard of this band Love before but they were definitely awesome I really like this style of music. I am going to take a guess and say Kevin is going to love this band if he hasn't heard them before. I made the right decision of hitting my pen before listening to this album.
Started off very strong for the first 2 or 3 songs I thought this was going to be a sneaky 4 album. But then slowed down and lost me after that. Still a very enjoyable album and Carole King is a great singer. 3.5 for sure but rounding down because of the progression of the album.
Pretty slow but peaceful for the first few songs. So long Marianne was a nice little pickup that song was catchy. Kind of all sounded like one song with the quiet guitar and his singing. The album ended with him screaming faintly and I was listening to it on a plane and I was concerned that someone on my plane was screaming.
Pretty good alternative album sounded very typical so nothing really stood out. Had some cool moments of guitar but other than that not too much. I really hated the last song that had the minutes long of silence in the middle and didn't end with anything spectacular.
This band sounds like a combination of Dave Matthews Band and Widespread Panic. I am really digging it 4 songs in. Holy hell I just looked at their Wikipedia and they have like 75 past members. Not sure if the album went on too long or if it just got a bit too folky for me, but the first half was much better than the second half. Started at a sneaky 5 but fell to a 4 because I still really liked it.
This may not be true but this album sounds like it could be the invention of American folk/bluegrass. It is very solid all the way through. I believe we had another Byrds album earlier which was much more psychedelic sounding which I definitely like more. But this was a very nice early morning in Seattle while I woke up super early because of jet lag.
Jimi is such a king. Every time I listen to him I know exactly what to expect and that's face melting and great singing. I have loved listening to the couple albums that have come up. For me though the whole albums are so much better than the individual songs themselves when they come up randomly. Still this album fux in classic Jimi fashion
That first song is exactly what I would expect a Larks Tongue in Aspic to sound like, whatever the hell that is. The instrumentals all of the place kept me on my toes. I had my headphones on quite loud and there were some loud parts that scared the hell out of me. That album was crazy with some spooky strings and crazy instrumentals i wish I played it on October. Easy money was a very cool song that reminded me of Pink Floyd a little bit. Highly enjoyable but can't quite make it a 5.
Not the worst punk album on here but nothing special. No songs stood out to me in particular and they all kind of sounded the same. 2.5 but rounding up to a 3 because it was better than all of the 2 punk albums.
I know every word for Bring the Noise because of Tony Hawk 2. Flava flav and the other singer have a great back and forth and their very different voices complement eachother very well. The scratching background noise on a lot of the songs got old pretty quickly. This is my main gripe with early 90s rap is that all of the crazy over used sounds really throw me off. Ah that annoying noise comes back in Rebel without a Pause The whole album gets pretty repetitive and is a little long for my liking. Still a good album. Solid 3
His voice is just so funny to me that it is tough not to laugh during the songs. But musically wise I do like the style. This was also short and sweet at a cool 30 minutes.
Unfairly went into this album thinking I wasn't going to like it because I thought it was going to be punky like him with the Stooges. But it's turned out to be a nice groovy album that I really liked . Great album to run to while listening. Adding Tonight to my playlist that song was mad funky
Rock band to start things off?? Pretty standard alternative rock album that 17 year old me would have probably liked way more. A lot of the songs sounded the exact same and I lost interest in the last quarter of the album. Malibu was probably my favorite song on here. 2.5 but I will round up because the first half of the album was pretty good
I understand the lyrics and why music like this was written in the 90s. But just purely musicly i don't really like this style of rap. Ice Cube only has one type of singing voice and the beats didn't really do it for me.
A very nice quick old country album that I really enjoyed
I can only picture Bo Burnham again when I hear the singer and it is really throwing me off. The first two songs we cool but strange but, Strangelove got the funk going and got me engaged for sure. Unfortunately that was really the peak of the album and it got pretty uneventful for me after that. I really wanted to like this album because it was a type of weird music which I like but this just didn't do it for me. Pimpf at the end sounded like the soundtrack for End of The World in Kingdom Hearts 1
Concrete Jungle kind of rules with the prominent bassline and shredding guitar solo to go along with Bob singing. Wailers albums always put me in such a good mood with the slow instrumentals and calm singning. Stir It Up may be the most chill song of all time. In Kinky Reggae I really need to know what a booga-wooga is and why it had brown suga on it. Classic Wailers album that I could listen to all day if I didn't have 4 other albums to catch up with.
I have known the title track for many years now and it is such a fun song to sing along with. The album took a much different turn after that song and it seemed to change styles completely. It took me a few songs to get into it but I was pretty hooked in once it got really jazzy in Blue Turk. Grande Finale was a cool way to end it with more instrumental big band style. I was not fully paying attention to this album but from what I heard I really liked so I am certainly going to have to give this another play through.
Very pleasant instrumentals. I went from really liking some of the songs like Beautiful Child, to the others being a bit too slow for me.
That album had a little bit of everything. Started with some funk, followed by a couple of slightly metal songs, then a slow ballad Androgynous. The instrumental Seen your Video and then the blues song were probably my favorite part. This album was a very pleasant surprise I was afraid going in that it would just be another cookie cutter punk album from this list. But there were times that I was thinking it would be a 5. Answering Machine let me down as the last song which is going to bring this album down to a 4.
Pretty repetitive good beats. I didn't know Wyclef Jean was in Fugees. I like Lauryn Hill coming in to sing to complement the 2 males. The Chinese Restaurant part was.... interesting. Got a good chuckle out of me though. Pretty repetitive album outside of Killing me Softly. Nothing too special at all
Annemarie said she would divorce me if I didn't give this a 5 and I want to show her my review so this is going to be very in depth. Welcome to New York starts off the album with a pretty standard pop song with the clapping and repeating chorus that is most of the song. Blank Space didn't take long before singing completely about one of her many ex-boyfriends. Another song of mostly repeating catchy chorus where when shows her vocal range. Style comes in hot with some nice synthy rhythm going in which I really like. She then uses really choppy diction intentionally to create an ultra hooky chorus. This has been my favorite song so far. I like the use of the heavy drums in Out of the Woods it sounds a bit like Odesza how it is mixed in with the synth. I wonder if she ever made it out of the woods? Did she make it into the clear? All You Had to Do Was Stay is a pretty generic song that was kind of just filler. Not much to say about it. Cool little horn section in Shake it Off. This is really upbeat can really get my booty moving to this song. Sound like this would be a perfect marching band song with the horns and snares and cymbals. Ah kind of lost me with that talking section but I guess it was a nice build up for one final chorus. I Wish you Would is another pretty standard song but the little guitar riff on the background is pretty cool. Bad Blood is all anger with a bunch of heavy bass drum. Wildest dreams brings the energy back down again which was needed. It is probably her best singing song so far. The last 3 songs are all nothing special just some more super catchy pop songs. Clean ends things on a lower tempo which I was not expecting I thought this album was going to go out on one of her singles. I can see why this album had 7 singles. Taylor really knows how to bring the energy and use really catchy beats and singing style. Much more electronic than I was expecting. Overall I really liked this album more than I thought I was going to. I knew 3 of the songs pretty well going in, but a few more surprised me. Favorite songs: Style, Out of the Woods, Shake it Off
Everytime I listen to Prince it just sounds like he's trying to do things to my earhole non-consensually. This album was the worst case of it. This should never have been a 70 minute album. 1999 the song was pretty good. DMSR needs to be erased off of this planet. I hated this album. I know a 31 year old white male born in 1992 probably wasn't Princes target audience for this album but I don't care.
I've listened to a lot more talking heads since our last album sometime in the spring and I have liked them a lot more. This album was pretty good but definitely not my favorite. The book I Read and Psycho Killer are the top jams for sure.
A very bubbly album that was nice to have on while working while it was raining outside. Kind of faded away towards the end but still enjoyed listening to the while album. Sounded like they used a lot of different instruments throughout the album which was cool.
Album Art 10/10 that is one of the most unique covers I have ever seen I want that to be the art on the deck of my next snowboard. The sounds like the Local on the 7s from the Weather Channel back in the 90s but on steroids. Jazz fusion may be my new favorite genre of music. Any album that is so enjoyable with only instrumentals will always be a 5 star for me.
Been listening to this album since I was just a wee lad in 3rd or 4th grade so very biased coming into it. Probably the grungiest of the Metallica albums and it was a great way to end their 80s albums. They definitely switched tone after this with Black album (which is still awesome) and beyond. So many times in the album where the guitar and bass just make me put my stank face on. Top 10 album of all time for me so no doubter of a 5
The singles are so good and so is Humble Mumble, that may have actually been my favorite song. The rest is pretty good with some nice beats and guitar sprinkled in every so often. Weird interludes sometimes though which I have learned is a huge part of early 2000s/90s hip hop albums. Solid enough album which I wouldn't mind listening to again.
Perfect blues album to listen to on a foggy Sunday morning.
Holy soul! If You Let Me Stay sounds so familiar especially the backing baseline but I can not figure out if I know it from a cover. That album was powerful. Such impressive singing by him and the backing choir on a few of the songs made it even more epic. The horn usage I'm a bunch of songs really added some great elements as well. A few of the songs were a bit slow for me by themself but they added greatly to build up some of the more intense songs. This worked perfectly with the last two songs. I was between a 4 and a 5 here but I'm going to give it the step up because I think it was a pretty special album
Michael Jackson: Bad Guy. But I would be lying if I didn't say that this album has some absolutely funky bangers on it.
Van Halen was the first band who's entire catalog I downloaded on Limewire, and likely gave my computer a thousand viruses. If someone were to ask me what 70s rock was I would show them this album. The distorted guitars and and screaming vocals were so unique to their time. Far from perfect but still a great album.
Very calming album of strings, drums, and light vocals. There were some cool bluesy aspects throughout. This was a nice album to listen to in the background while working. Probably wouldn't listen to it any different way though.
Definitely not one of my favorite Zeppelin albums but still has some top songs: Houses of the Holy and Down by the Seaside. It's an album filled with deep cuts that still are awesome songs but can be a bit forgettable. At a whopping hour and 20 it's a long one but it flows very nicely.
If you love high energy power guitar (which I do) then this is the album for you. I felt like I was doing dishes at triple speed while headbanging to this. I knew the majority of the songs going into this so it was cool to listen to the rest of the album. It did not disappoint on the shredding level. Love Hungry Man was such a change of pace, but I really liked it especially the little bass lick that would come in every so often. I have never gotten super into ACDC even though I know a huge amount of their songs, but I am really hoping another album comes up on this list because this was awesome to listen to a full album by them
Definitely a teenage James band. Get Free is in a video game I used to play I think it was one of the Burnouts so that was really random to hear That album didn't really do much for me it got pretty boring at the end
Santana just melting my face with his guitar while I am trying to do some data entry. I like how some of the songs were English and some were Spanish.
About to get my funk on. Hmmmmm Run Charlie Run has some interesting lyrics. Papa Was a Rollin Stone was a pretty epic slow build up that had my foot tapping the whole time. Also a third of the total album which is hilarious. Holy hell I Ain't Got Nothin' is the schu-wap schu-wap song I have heard that so many times before. Little bit of Jazz, little bit of funk, some great singing form the group. This is a 3.5 for me because there were a couple songs that didn't do much for me. But Do your Thing and Rollin Stone carried it into a 4
Perfectly fine album, but for some reason Cream just isn't for me. I don't mind listening to it at all but I wouldn't choose to.
That was very weird. I did not like that at all.
I thought this was Sgt. Peppers again when the album cover came up. That album was so incredibly strange that it was good. Frank Zappa is a weird fella. I liked how it was one continuous song pretty much. Only fitting that it ended with just a bunch of weird noises in The Chrome Plated Megaphone of Destiny.
Maybe I didn't really like Bruce because I never listened to a whole album of his all the way through, this album was very good. The amount of piano and saxophone and other horns really brought a whole new element to the songs. Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out is a song I have heard a few times but now actually listening to it that is a jam. Born to Run is a classic. She's the One really showcases the horns. Jungleland is a great way to end the album as a high energy song which fades off at the end. I really expected this to be an average rock album but I was pleasantly surprised. This is a very strong 4 for me, flirted with a 5.
This album took me a while to get into. But The Figurehead and a Strange Day were both pretty good. The cool synth was the best part of the album I definitely liked Disintegration from early in this list more than this album. Probably a low end 3
First couple of songs showed a trippy side of Beach Boys which I didn't know existed. They sound like a combination of the Beatles and the Eagles Student demonstration time was intense I think it was about the Kent State riots. The use of the sirens was pretty cool feature. I did not expect that at all from the Beach Boys I thought they were just surf rock. I liked that album more than I thought with the amount of psychedelic music that was in it
Oh boy this is a doozie at 2 hours long. (Edit) only 1:40 after realizing there are bonus tracks scattered around in the middle of the album. I thought I was going crazy thinking that I had already heard some songs before. This album has a bunch of songs that I knew but didn't know where they were from. Not the albums fault, but Spotify having the alternative versions of the songs randomly placed in the middle of the album is criminal. That was a marathon which I had to break up into 3 different sessions. But overall a super enjoyable album with songs that were such easy listening and capped off by 3 straight instrumental jams to close it out. This was already a 4 for 90% of the album but then those three jams at the end raise this to a very high 4. Favorite song: What is Life
This was the best Hindustani classical music album that I have ever listened to. I liked the part where it went from the strings into the whistle.
Got to love a 28 minute album to blast through really quick. This is a pretty standard 60s sounding album to me. The horns and banjo add a certain folk aspect to it. Overall enjoyable nothing special.
Now I have a headache.
Steely Dan is awesome Everytime I listen to them. The funky guitar sounds and the two singers are a great combo.
I didn't think I would know so many songs on this album already. I have always loved to sing along to Marrakesh Express. Wooden Ships is a new song for me and it was quite a tasty jam with the much different guitar tuning than the rest of the album. The rest of the album was pretty bland, just the three guys singing and playing light instrumentals.
That album was very confusing to listen to correctly on Spotify or Youtube becausue there were so many different versions of songs. Hopefully I listened to it correctly. But I thought it was a pretty cool album that brought something different with the early 2000s electronic. It was a nice album to listen to while I was pwning noobs in Guild Wars because of the constant upbeat. For sure a situational album because if I listened to it doing something different I probably wouldn't like it as much.
Just a whole bunch of classics
Pretty good instrumentals but really boring singer. The songs kind of all sounded similar with the folky-ness but it was a good easy listen.
Pretty trippy to start but then mellows out a bit I thought into more traditional rock. He's got a good singing voice though. Wish it was more psychedelic like I thought it was going to be from his Wikipedia
Some raunchy rock for sure. Kind of the same style as Alice Cooper. Faith Healer was a really cool song, I don't know if that is because the instrumentals were really good or because it was minimal singing by him. He still tries to sneak in some real creep lyrics. There were some pretty cool southern rock type in here too especially in Vambo Marble Eye. The first two songs made me scared for this album but it really turned around after that. This style of music is kind of right up my alley. This started off as a 2, but then was fluttering between a 3 and 4, so I will round up cause its the holidays.
Pretty standard enjoyable 60s rock album. Nothing really of note stuck out, but it was a good listen while walking the dog on an early Sunday morning
I did not know this album existed I always thought their first album was Toxicity. I am a fool for that because this album was awesome and I wish I learned of a bunch of these songs way long ago. Soad has always had such good song writing andy favorite part of them is that their songs are very uniquely structured so you never get bored listening to an album. Serj has probably my favorite metal singing voice, just something about it makes songs sound powerful. Sugar and war were the two standouts on this album for being pretty insane. But I loved listening to every second of this album not knowing what was coming next. Very high 4
This sounds like jazz music that would be the instrumentals in a 60s cartoon like Tom and Jerry. I can see how this falls into the "experimental big band" genre, because that was just stragiht improv for what seemed to be the whole album. It was a little difficult to listen to at times because there was no real flow to any of the songs while they were trying to figure each other out. Not a type of music I would go out of my way to search for, but it was a cool intro to improv jazz which I have to respect.
The first half of that album was awesome with the unexpected blues aspects. The guitar work was pretty remarkable. There was a moment there towards the end where I thought I was listening to Khrungbin which was great. Felt like it turned more worldy music towards the end which was an ok way of finishing out the album, but the beginning half was what really did it for me in this album.
Beats were pretty good but I got bored of each song very quickly with how repetitive they were. The singer also was just kind of there in the song. Wish this was only a half hour long album.
Another Zappa album, another hour long rollercoaster for me. Just an absolutely terrifying album with so much unexpected stuff happening. I love the random ass instruments like the cazoo that comes out of nowhere. Ending with Suzy Cream Cheese having a 12 minute long terrible acid trip just makes sense. I wouldn't seek out to listen to any of Zappa's albums, but i hope this list has 5 or 6 more.
This album didn't get a fair start because I listened to it directly after a Zappa album so my brain is still slightly mush. This is going to be a no for me though. Just completely cheesy punk album where nothing stood out at all and I just wanted it to end
Took me a few songs to get into this album but I eventually started liking it. I would describe the album as boppy. I was grooving to Private Life and Mystery Achievement those songs rocked. Would be a high 3 but those two song alone pushed this one up to a 4 for me
I am so happy that I was high and making chili while listening to this
The beats were super solid the whole album. There were a few songs that put off Ratatat vibes and others that almost sounded like Tame Impala. This was a very unique album in terms of songs structure and there was plenty of variety which kept me engaged the whole time.
The Offspring were my favorite band growing up and I have not listened to this whole album all the way through in well over 10 years so I am excited. Forgot about the classic intro tracks that they put on most of their albums. Unfortunately the Offspring has really worn off me over time and I did not like this album as much as I remember. The hits like Gotta Get Away, Self Esteem, and Come Out and Play will always be classics. But the rest of the album was not as good.
Good relaxing music to listen to early in the morning. Can't really say much more
Pet Sounds is a great album name. Meh this album was pretty boring for me. I see why this was probably a super popular album in the 60's, but unfortunately didn't stand the test of time for me.
I have never listened to a full Eagles album before so it is great that their debut album came up first. This has some all time classics. I have always really liked Eagles for just being the easiest of easy listening music
I listened to this at two different times split up by each album. Couldn't do 2 straight hours I like the way you move is a jam and I never knew who it was by Shout out to College Park, MD in Tomb of Boom that was cool I definitely didn't forget what album I was listening to the amount of time they said Speakerboxxx Hey Ya and Roses are the jams on this one and My Favorite Things was a really cool trippy instrumental. A little bit too sexual in some of the songs for me on the album as a whole to give it a 5 but there were chances. I liked the instrumentals of The Love Below much more but the singing of Speakerboxxx was better for me. The Love Below gets a 4 for the instrumentals being really good. Speakerboxxx gets a high 3 as a really good rap album especially when Jay-Z and Ludacris are added. Id say Outkast is better with the 2 of them together though.
My submission for great album cover ever. Also gotta love an album where 1 song is half of the length and lives up to the epicness that Tarkus brought with it's multiple parts. I am an absolute sucker for early Prog Rock and I have never really listend to Emerson, Lake, and Palmer outside of a song or two. The electronic piano that goes along with the high tempo guitar and drums just keeps me going for the whole album. Please bring me more of them to this list, hopefully Brain Salad Surgery just because of the name.
I knew so many more songs on this album than I thought I was going to. I have never been crazy about CCR but this album changed that. There is some blues and some straight up rock and roll with some shredding guitar. The singer as sings way harder than I remember.
Hotel Califronia is a jam that I thought at one point I would get sick of, but I still never have. This album seems all over the place with high-pace and slow songs alternating which I do not really enjoy. Made it tough to get hooked into the album. There were only 3 songs that really did anything for me (Hotel California, Life in the Fast Lane, Victim of Love) and the rest were just total filler.
I have never wanted to both turn off an album but also keep listening at the same time. I can't say I enjoyed this album but I was so interested in what was coming next. The wikipedia article to this album is a must read with this being rehearesed for 8 months where none of the band members left a single small house. Please tell me where Captain Beefheart gets his drugs so I know never to go there.
This was cheesy as hell. The singing was terrible and all of the drums sounds are artificial from a sampler. I feel like I could have made this album in Electronic Music class with Mr. T in high school.
I like the genre name Jangle Pop. I always thought that End of the World was really cheesy but when it is played in the middle of the album it jams pretty hard. REM has always been a cool band to listen to, something about the singers voice is very nice. Nothing super special though
Bowie always has great sing a long songs with his unique cadence. This album has some absolute classics that I didn't know were all on here especially with Ziggy Stardust which is one of my favorite songs. This album tried to scoot it's way up to a 5 but couldn't quite get there
Snoop is the man he has probably my favorite rapping voice. Something about it just fits so perfectly. I am not normally a huge fan of early 90s rap but this album was awesome, the beats were never boring and the flow of the songs was great. Was trying to find a way to get this into a 4 the whole album, and Gz and Hustlas did just that. That was a legendary bassline the whole song.
I have always found with this album that it is so top heavy with 5 of their great songs within the first 6. Otherside is one of my top songs of all time. Then it unfortunately drops off big time in my opinion with really I unforgettable songs for me. I like Dirt is always funny but not necessarily a great song. Even though I have listened to this album a few times, I remembered why it's not on my repeating RHCP albums.
Not for me. Glad it was only 28 minutes long.
This sounds like songs from Nightmare Before Christmas. That was pretty cool but very very strange at the same time. I am glad I listened to it once, but you would have to pay me to listen to that again. I definitely liked that album the longer it went on cause boy that was rough in the beginning. It was a weird combo of blues and spooky cartoon music.
I love this album cover. That was such an unexpectedly cool album from never hearing of these guys. I am very glad I listened to it with headphones on because there were a lot of different sounds going on with the electronics. Liquid Bird was my favorite song on here This album reminded me a lot of that Primal Scream album that came up over the summer. If I was also sitting on a beach and drinking some ice cold brews this would probably also get a 5, but instead I am sitting at my desk working on a cloudy day. Pretty solid 4
An absolutely iconic album with practically every song being a hit. I love how there were so many different songs writers in the band so they could all write songs talking shit about eachother while they were all banging different people in the band. I'm guessing that this is going to be a top 10 maybe even top 5 rated album on this list, and for good reason
A couple of the songs on here were a bit strange. But a majority of them were really cool. 3.5 rounding up to a 4 for me. A nice album that I probably won't listen to again
This album was a shame because I really liked the instrumentals, but that singer had less energy and enthusiasm than a baked potato.
I was surprised at the number of songs I knew from this album. That was some peaceful music that I wish I was listening to while sitting in the woods camping. The guitar work was pretty excellent to go along with the soft drums in the background. This album sniffed a 5 for me and I could see it getting one if I relistened in a different setting. But it didn't quite have that something special needed.
This album is filled with most of the songs hat I know by Nirvana, but I have never listened to his album fully. A lot of the sons are really good with Kurt singing and Dave destroying the drums in a good way. Not sure the name of the guitarist but he is also really good on a lot of the songs. But then there are a handful of songs that are pretty boring. Whenever he rhymes Plane with Complain always makes me laugh with how ridiculous it is. Also not the biggest fan of when Kurt screams. The last song gave me the heebee-jeebees for some reason. All around very solid album with a lot of hits. High 3
This album was a nice little 36 or so minute listen. She is a pretty great singer and the accompanying instruments are great for the background Mock YEAH ing YEAH bird YEAH. I had no idea where this was from other than Dumb and dumber so that was a nice little treat
Such a unique album with the deep soft voice gives it a spooky sort of tone. The piano, bass, and quiet drums all in the background throughout are a great compliment. The strings that come in every so often are another very nice touch. Green Eyes was a bit weird to end it I must say, maybe could have done without that song. But other than that it was a great album. I didn't mind this at all being almost an hour long, it seemed like it flew by.
Gettin' freaky in my kitchen with some bacon and eggs
That was incredibly dark. When I listen to music I enjoy escaping the problems in the world, not be smashed in the ears by all of them. The music itself was kind of weird with the way he just talked it was almost like a style of poetry with a track behind it. Music and Politics was so out of left field compared to the rest of the songs that I thought the album ended. Definitely not my type of music at all.
Very mellow easy listen in the background which was a bit boring at times. Kind of exactly what I expected from a John Lennon album. Well Well Well was very strange at hurt my ears.
The drums coming in on Ny batteri were so unexpected but an awesome addition to the song it really added a whole new element to this album. The piano, strings, and other instruments are so beautifully put together throughout the whole album. It was a bit slow towards the end but I think that it was a good way to wind down. Was between a 4 and 5 on this album the whole time, but I was mostly leaning 5 just because of the epicness of this. So I'll give it the nudge up. Haven't pulled out this one in a while but id DEFINITELY do drugs and listen to this album again.
This album was all over the place, which makes sense because each song was written by a different person. I really liked the uptempo songs like Steel Claw, that song was a jam. But some of the songs were a little too slow for me. Mark Knopfler wrote Private Dancer with Jeff Beck having a solo on it which is pretty cool. And 1984 was written by Bowie which also checks out because of the style of the song sounds like it could be one of his. I'd say this is a 3.49
Pretty unoffensive and nothing special. Another band that sounds too much like Oasis from the early 90s. Was happy when that was over because it was way too long
I used to listen to this album so much when I was younger, not quite sure why or how I found it but it was constantly on. This is just good old fashioned rock and I think that every song on this album is very good. Bad Company the song is the obvious top hit which gets me pumped every time. Seagull is a nice way to end on a slow note after an otherwise pretty high energy album. Nothing spectacular about this album but it is always a great listen.
Had some really nice experimental aspects with the electronics that I really liked, and some that I didn't enjoy. This was a nice listen but there was nothing that could push this over the hump for me.
That was some mighty fine banjo pluckin and guitar strummin. Don't know if I needed 2 hours of it, but nonetheless it was quite enjoyable.
I could see this album being good to have on in the very distant background while sitting on a beach and not really paying attention. But when I am actively listening, it is not for me
A fine enough album but not even close to a top Beatles album for me. There were no low points at all, just a pleasant 33 minute listen
Never going to complain about a nice reggae album. This was so nice to listen to and it blows my mind that this came out in 1980 with how good the production is. I loved the soothing singer and also the fact that they had full instrumental songs to melt in to. Every instrument was so balanced with eachother, especially love the saxaphone. Reefer Madness is such a groovy track to end on. Very solid 4, was sniffing 5 territory at points.
That sure was trippy. I really liked the instrumentals and all around mysterious sounds. At times it was a little too repetitive. But still a very cool album.
I went into that album thinking it waas going to be way more techno-y, but I was pleasantly surprised when I heard the first song and it had lyrics and instruments and everything. This album kind of rules with how upbeat it is the whole time. I am really liking the instruments mixed in with the electronic sounds, the singers voice fits in perfectly as well. This kind of sounds like if The Cure was way more upbeat. I listened to the first half of this album with speakers and the second with headphones. I will have to be listening back to this fully on headphones. This would be a very fun album to throw on while snowboarding and letting the whole thing go, which I may have to try next week. Round and Round was a jam, the beginning sounds like the song that the jellyfish listened to while having an absolute rave inside of Spongebobs house. There is so much cheese in this album that it makes it so much fun and I could not stop bouncing back and forth. Going to give this one the slide up to a 5 because I am in a great mood going into a 12 day vacation after work today.
I really like the style of music that Arcade Fire makes I am not quite sure what it is but it does good things for me. Out of the 3 Arcade Fire albums we've listened to this is my 2nd favorite. It feels wrong giving this the same rating as Funeral at a 4, but I think my biggest regret on this whole album list is not giving Funeral a 5. Is the opening guitar the sample that Avicii used on Hey Brother?
That was a super laid back nice album that had some great instrumentals. Would definitely like to smoke a cigar and play dominoes with this on
This is probably a really highly rated album because of how good her singing is and the emotionally charged messages behinds the songs. The beats were pretty cool at times too. But not really my type of music. There is a song that used the beat from the second song and I can't put my finger on it I'm pretty sure it is Slightly Stoopid or Sublime though. Happy to have listened to this once.
WOAH did not expect Blister in the Sun to be on this. I never knew who that song was by. Unfortunately that was the highlight of this album and after that it was pretty underwhelming music that got quite boring.
Obligitory British rappers always sound funny to me. Her singing voice changed completely after that interlude though. But whoever that guy was on the last song brought back my claim. I liked this album it had some cool unique beats and she is a very good singer. I liked the reggae/rap combo. The first half was much better than the second half, it was starting to get a bit old.
Started off nice with a couple of catchy foot tapping tunes, but then was followed by a few ballads which I was not a fan of. Never really got back into a groove for me and was just kind of typical country which didn't do much for me
I think I am done with Tom Waits I hope this is his last album on here. He has gotten weirder and weirder as the decades move on. His crazy voice made this album way worse, but it did have some cool instrumentals. This album was dangerously close to a 1.
Just last week while snowboarding, at the top of one of the gondola's the lifties had a poll of who everyone's favorite hip-hop artist was and Eminem won. My Fault is such a wild ride of a song and story. I want to try some of these mushrooms except for the dying part. The skits are so ridiculous and hilarious on this album. Such a unique way of making an album. I liked how the album ends with 4 hardcore beat bangers. Shoutout to Royce Da 5'9" There better be more Eminem albums coming.
That album was so strange, but honestly was filled with jams. Each song was so unique and didn't really follow a normal structure at all so nothing got old. His dramatic voice paired perfectly with the instruments. I thought at first that it was going to be cheesy and get old, but I was hooked right at song 2 when I became more like Alfie. I really enjoyed all of the different types of instruments used in this album. It almost sounded like a musical of some sort. This was such a pleasant surprise because I had no idea what to expect going into this album. I could really see myself going back and listening to this album again. Very solid 4.
Funeral for a Friend / Love Lies Bleeding is an absolute heater to start. I have never heard this song before, but if the album keeps up like this (besides the many songs that I already know) I will be a happy boy. This album was filled with absolute classics that I have known for years, with Saturday Night's Alright for Fighting being my favorite going in. The rest of the album was above average but could have done with a few less songs that seemed to just be a bit of filler. Still very good album that I have always known about but never listened to entirely.
That was some straight up hardcore gangster rap right there. I can understand that album was probably super influential for most hip hop artists in the 90s/2000s. I wish I liked early rap more because of how much we are listening to it, and I have liked listening to it as it comes up to broaden the genres. But it still just does not do it for me. Express Yourself is an absolute classic. I did not know that it was NWA because it does not fit this album at all.
Her voice kind of weirds me out. Ah I thought I recognized the sound of this band when Lovefool came on. That may have been the strangest cover I have ever heard when they did Iron Man, but I honestly respect it because it is so different from the original. This was a tough one for me, at first I was not enjoying it too much because I was focusing too much on her voice. But by the end I was really digging the whole band and the crazy sounds that they were making. 3.5 but rounding up because of the cool Iron Man cover.
That album was very weird and I have no idea how to rate it. There were points where I would give it a 4 and also parts where it was a 2. So I will meet in the middle for a 3 That seems like an album that I should like but there was just something off with it.
Nice way to start my morning before I get into some heavier stuff. Frank is a phenomenal singer. Bit long for my liking of pretty much the same exact song for 48 minutes. Still very nice to listen to.
I have always liked the multiple singers in these bands whether Young is there or not. Fine enough album with no high or low points really it's kind of just all good to me.
This album has so much going on with the crazy instruments and many different singers. I could really get down with the funk/electronic combo though. It was some hot fire through the first 4 songs but then really slowed down. But ending on The Message, which I knew but did not know it was on this, was awesome. Got some nice old fashioned hip-hop which is what I was expecting the majority of this album to be. That Stevie Wonder glazing song was a bit strange, but it did slap some nasty bass. I feel like this is exactly where Vulfpeck got their motivation to be a band because I could see them doing every single one of these songs.
Pretty standard Talking Heads album for me which is a good thing because I like listening to them. Their studio albums have never blown me away but I enjoy the weirdness of them. High 3. My 365th album review! Can't wait to do 366 this year because of leap day.
A little too jazzy for me. It was all over the place the whole time. The bassist is a madman, I could have used a lot less of him
Back to back jazz albums which is cool to see the differences in style. This is more my style of jazz than Bill Evans. I like the walking bass in the background and the powerful horns. This would have been a great time to go see live at and dance the whole time
The Wikipedia scared me when it said this was noise rock. Even though I have listened to Dinosaur Jr before, I wasn't sure if in their early years they wanted to sound like Kollaps. Really like the distortion guitar throughout the whole thing it gives it a really raw sound. Started turning into some noise rock at the end and I really hated the song Don't. But minus that song this was a pretty cool album
Great band name. Really like the psychadelic rock style with the loud drums. The last few songs were certainly quite strange, but the build up with the previous songs on the album made them very fun way to end the album. I want to go on the Toonerville Trolley. Gotta love a sub 30 minute album when you are trying to play catchup. This did everything right for me right now.
I really enjoyed the different styles of music that were strewn across that whole album. One minute I am listening to hip-hop and the next some sort of alternative rock. Some awesome beats and mixing was sprinkled in there in between songs which was a cool way to show the variety. I especially liked Double Bass as an instrumental. 19-2000 and Clint Eastwood have been in my library for many many years but it was very nice to hear some more from Gorillaz. High 4
Adele has some PIPES that is for sure. She is almost too powerful of a singer where it was getting exhausting to listen to towards the end, especially songs where it was just her singing with a piano. There was pretty much a different producer for each song which was cool to have them bring their own style to keep the album from getting stale. I enjoyed that a lot in the beginnning but started to lose intrest in the end. Sweetest Devotion was a cool song to end on though withe the guitar. High 3
My favorite songs on this were those with minimal singing. Not sure why with the Beastie Boys but when they have both singers going back and forth it is way too hectic for me and not very enjoyable. The instrumentals were pretty great though which saved this album for me.
Baba O'Riley is an iconic way to start an album with the slow buildup with the piano into an absolute heater of a song. The album has some absolute timeless hits with Bab O'Riley and Won't Get Fooled Again. Behind Blue Eyes is sneaky my favorite The Who song. There are a few duds on this album that is for sure. But overall this is such a legendary album which I have listened to many times and will always throw on with excitment. The drumming throughout the whole album is incredible, Keith Moon is a boss.
So much noise and screaming. This album would get 5 stars on the Making me Uncomfortable for the Whole Album scale. There were a couple of songs that were alright like Human Cannonball and Kuntz was weirdly cool. But not nearly enough to pull it out of a 1.
I liked the fast paced tempo of the guitar and drums but the singer was a bit too whiny for me. It started growing on me after the instrumental Fuzz Gun '91 but still a mid to low 3.
That was an album for sure. Nothing stood out really except the piano was pretty good. Kreen-Akrore was an unexpected but cool way to end it.
That was awesome Deep Purple absolutely rocks! Smoke on the Water has always been pretty meh to me I think because of the amount of times I have heard it. But that version changed that completely. Always have love for Child in Time because the heavy riff they use is played in Twister when the gang is chasing an F3 tornado and Dusty yells \"It's the wonder of nature baby!\" then blares it out of the loud speakers on his bus called the Barn Burner. This may be my favorite new to me album that has come up on this list so far. I have heard all of these songs before but never these live versions, I never knew this live album existed. Lazy was exceptionally funky. The Mule has one of the sickest drum solos. Then why not just end it on a 19 minute long absolute jam version of Space Truckin. Rating this one a 6/5.
Love me some progressive rock so i am ready for our second Yes album here. Need to give this one another listen, but my first go through i did not like it as much as the Yes album. But it still had some awesome song structure with the two multi-part songs. The electronic noises that they use in their songs is always a cool feature by them.
Mark Knopfler's distinct guitar sound shines right off the jump in the very first song. It keeps on rollin' through the first few songs as well until Southbound Again which is a bit slower bluesy number which was awesome. Fires right back up into quite possibly my favorite rock song of all time in Sultans. I will never skip this song when it comes up on random on a playlist and I have probably heard it 300 times. Rest of the album was a bit slow for my liking when I think of Dire Straits, but still some amazing playing.
My least listened to of the Led Zepellin - Led Zeppelin IV thats for sure. I always forget how crazy Whole Lotta Love sounds when you listen to it with headphones. The switching around of where the sound is coming from sure is trippy. It is so hard to give a fair rating to albums that I have listened to so many times and know every song. But Zeppelin just always does great things for me. Love Bonham's drumming and the rock/blues aspects that they always throw in.
This album had some cool aspects to it instrumentally, but I was never able to get hooked and it kind of dragged on. Turn to Stone being the first song was really the high point that song its very fun. I didn't hate it by any stretch but I was happy when the album was over.
That album was like if someone turned on shuffle on a playlist of songs I have never heard before. It going from hard rock, to ska, to reggae, then into some like 80s synthwave was wild. I really like a good amount of the songs on there like Ma and Pa and Pouring Rain, but then there were a few other songs that I did not like. I wanted to give this a 4 in the beginning but think it dropped off quite hard at the end.
Weird that we have albums named Truth and Soul and Rock N' Soul on back to back days. Will never complain about a nice soul album coming up. The singing and easy instrumentals in the background are always a great change of pace to some of the weird ass albums that pop up some days.
Sounded like a mild version of the xx. I liked the higher tempo songs but got lost on the slower songs. High 3
Finally some Rush! This album is so much fun to listen to with the goofy space rock opera that takes up the first half of the album. The slow build up in Discovery which then drops a shrieking guitar riff always gives me the chills. I love this album. It would be 5 stars enough with just 2112, but the songs on the b side add even more. Lessons is a sneaky top Rush song for me.
I am glad that these is the 3rd or 4th Eno album, so I know that I need to be in the right mindset to when I listen to his albums. This is another strong album by him that hits me in all of the right places. It is just weird enough to be unique but not so weird that it is un-listenable. My favorite aspect is the unexpected sounds that come out of no where that are embedded in a great sounding song that just throw you off. Example being in Baby's on Fire which was probably my favorite song. This whole album flowed so well together too that I didn't even realize that it had been 42 minutes and was ending.
It took me a long time to appreciate the White Stripes style but now I am all about it. The raw, seemingly unorganized format is awesome and I am happy that we have had 3 albums now. Blue Orchid absolutely rocks as the beginning of the album with the iconic guitar riff. And I'm Lonely is a great way to send off the album with just the piano and singing. Everything in between is great as well.
Too folky and a little too much harmonica for my liking. The Band's version of Atlantic City is leagues better than this one.
This was a total disappointment. I started out really liking the heavy instrumentals, but could never really jive with the singer. As the album went on the singer still was bad and either the instrumentals followed, or I just lost complete interest.
Some shreddin' and some absolute howlin' from our man BB. Love me some blues
Come pretty cool story telling in his songs. The guitar always sounds good with Neil Young but it gets really repetitive. Really started shredding starting with Powderfinger and kept going after that. I like how there were 2 versions of Hey Hey My My. Cool album but this is a low 4
I like a good amount of Slipknot, but I do not like this Slipknot.
Some of these songs went pretty hard, especially Fighter. She has some serious sass to her which I was getting down with. The horns and guitar in some of the songs were pretty toight too. Beautiful was a classic song from childhood. The slow songs were a bit tough and some parts were a little too poppy. I liked this album more than I was expecting. Rating this a pretty high 3. Wish it was about 20 minutes shorter though.
Quintessential Beatles for me. Love the goofiness of some of the songs while still being absolute bangers, Octopus Garden and Maxwell's Silver Hammer in particular. There are no misses on this album every single song is great even though they are all so different. I could listen to Here Comes the Sun on repeat all day. Always laugh how The End is not the actual last song, they just had to throw a quick 30 second Her Majesty on for S's and G's.
Shoegazey and boring as hell. I have heard more emotion from a baked potato
Right Here, Right Now is such a banger to kick off. So many songs that I did not know were Fatboy Slim on this album and were all a great surpise. This is just filled with such catchy songs, and as Acid 8000 says: If this don't make your booty move, your booty must be dead. I can confirm that in fact my booty is very much alive.
Had no idea what to expect going into this album, but that was a phenomenal listen and an extremely well produced album. He is a great singer and the mix of piano, drums, and strings worked perfectly with his singing style. I always enjoy albums that have songs seamlessly flow into each other as well. I will be adding this to my re-listening library for sure.
Pretty middle of the road hip-hop album for me. It was ok to listen to in the background with repetitive beats but thats about it
Was never a huge fan of Tonight, Tonight as a stand alone song, but man that was pretty awesome song to kick it off following that short intro leading into it. This was a weird album with the changing back and forth between the heavy grungy songs and the slower songs. I never knew what was going to come next. I liked a lot of both types of songs, but disliked some of both as well. I have never really jived with the singers voice but the instrumentals are pretty sweet on this album. I wish they had one more really heavy song as one of the last few songs. But the piano outro was quite nice. This is a 4 because I couldn't possibly give this album a 3, but it is a quite low 4
Pretty solid jazz-pop that was really cool at times but at other times a bit boring. Smooth Operator is obviously a jam, but I have to give it a knock because Carlos Sainz Jr chose it as his theme song and fuck that guy. I'd say the highs outweigh the lows and this turned out to be a pretty high 3
I see Steely Dan, I get very excite. Always down with some funky rock from this band. The piano and shredding guitar hits every single time. 2 all time songs on this one with Do It Again and Reelin' in the Years. Very solid 4
Oh god I didn't look at the wikipedia or anything going into this and thought it was going to be an electronic album based on the album art. Man was I wrong. When the first note hit and I realized this was a punk album my heart sank. And not only is this a punk album, it is a pretty darn terrible one through 3 songs. Still just as terrible through 7 songs, luckily it only took at 12 minutes to get through that many songs because this singer is the worst punk singer I have ever heard. I started skipping through random parts of each song and they literally all sound the same so I think I am finished with this one, especially since I have 8 more albums to catch up on. Waste of my time.
I have no idea what I just listened to but I absolutely loved it! When it started off I thought I was in for some weird shit (which I was) but it ended up being totally baller. This was an experimental album that I could get down to not just because of the weirdness, but the actually instrumentals were awesome. Listening through Oh Lord, Give Us More Money made this album really flirt with a 5 with the awesome synth/guitar combo. But the rest of the album was just a touch too weird where I don't think I can give this a 5, mainly because I don't think I will ever listen to the whole album again. I went back and listened to Cool in the Pool again and I think that might be the goofiest song I have ever heard. Very high 4
I need to listen to more Chicago because that rocked. The jazz prog combo was hitting me in all the right ways. It almost sounded like Frank Sinatra was singing at times but with a much more awesome band behind him. I really liked how some of the songs emphasized on the horns and others were absolute guitar shredders. The Free Form Guitar was giving me the chills with the reverb and scratchiness.
Biggie has one of the most powerful voices in all of rap and the whole album certainly makes you listen to him. This is one of the few early 90s rap albums that I actually really liked. They usually don't do it for me with the repetitive beats in each song, but the beats on this album were awesome. This album was filled with bangers including Juicy which is an all time jam. The end of Respect where he was getting fellated was really weird in my ears.
Perfectly fine hard rock album with some drum smacking and booming power cords. I know a few Cult songs that I really like but sadly none were on here.
I forgot how many songs on this album I already knew. I guess I have listened to it more than I remember. The Black Keys play an awesome style of rock which I wish I got into more in the early 2010s. This album is a mix of straight up rock, blues, and some slower pop like songs. Tighten Up is awesome with unmistakable intro to it. I hope there's more Black Keys coming up
Some sweet spiriual sounding music with a little nice guitar sprinkled in. This was exactly the type of album that I wanted to start my day off, very calming and refreshing. Would do Ayuhuasca and listen to this album again.
The individual beats were very cool but got super repetitive in every song. Album got quite boring and almost a task to finish it.
Yeehaw! What a way to start a morning that was so peaceful. This was surprisingly close to a 4.
This makes me want to pick up squaring dancing again like we used to break it down in 5th grade.
Hell yes more 70s prog rock that I have never heard of! Space Child > When I Touch You > Street Worm was some real epic shit. I need to listen to it again but it sounded like a combo of Mildlife and Deep Purple. If the whole album was like that this album would be a slam dunk 5. I really liked the change of pace of the songs from one to another. My facorite part was when the horns would come in randomly. This was an extemely high 4 that I was thinking of giving a 5, but there just were a few songs that didn't quite do enough. Will have to relisten to this asap.
First impression of the album cover is that he looks like a young Alex Ovechkin. This was alright easy indie listening, but not my jaunt.
Don't know if there has ever been an album where the cover art and the music are on completely different ends of the spectrum. If I didn't already know Meatloaf I would fully be expecting a thrash metal album here. Starts off with a bang with the title song which is always fun to listen to in moderation. The piano game is real strong throughout the whole album. It almost feels like things get a bit too over dramatic on this album, not sure if that makes sense in writing but I am not sure how else to describe it. Paradise By the Dashboard Light is another song that is really fun to sing along to, but would never purposely listen to it more than like once or twice a year. Also didn't know it was by Meatloaf. Some parts were really good, but mostly it was an ok album. I'd say mid to high 3
Definitely liked this one more than Scott 2 which we got almost 400 albums ago. It was still a bit too poppy for my liking, but his voice is very good and this time there were some really nice guitar parts. I would be ok if Scott and Scott 3 are not included on this list.
The first few songs sounded like this could be an alternate sound track to Into the Wild. Really nice mellow guitar with a subtle voice to go with it. I actually really enjoyed this album, much more than I do normally with folk
Holy hell Karma Chameleon is such a bop, I never thought that this song would show up. These songs are all catchy as hell thats for sure. I really like the two singers being used in most of the songs. Wouldn't normally think I would like this music, but I could not help but tap my foot in enjoyment pretty much throughout the whole album.
I think I need to listen to that album again because I had it on while working, but I could not figure out what genre that was. It almost seemed like a playlist on shuffle because it would switch from rap, to reggae, to almost rock. Overall though it had some really solid instrumental work which had me hooked. Just still slightly confused by it
This album sure has some unique backing instrumentals. A few of the songs are quite good but then a few I really did not like at all. To the Moon's Contractor was a trippy instrumental I was not expecting to be sprinkled in here. From the beginning I thought this was going to be a pretty generic hip hop album. But this turned into a total mind melter halfway through. This is such a strange album I have no idea what to think about it. There is so much random and unique shit going on it that I have to respect it. It's almost like if Frank Zappa produced a hip hop album. I don't know if there has been an album where I was about to give it a low 2 but then turned around my thought to a pretty good 4. I wouldn't be surprised if I listened to this again and gave it a 2
The instrumentals were alright, but holy christ that singer is just god awful. The only thing that saved this from being a 1 is Maps which is kind of a jam and in Rock Band. But it was only saved by just a cunt hair. MAAaaaAAAaaaaAAApppSS MAAaaaAAAaaaaAAApppSS
Right away starts off with the super iconic self titled song. I read that this song has been covered so many times but didn't know it. This makes so much sense though. Then they hit us again with Mo' Onions a few songs later which is an awesome way to bring back the bassline in a different way. Booker T is a baller and so are all of the MG's. The organ that is the front of all of the songs was great. And the nice beachy sonunding guitar with the subtle drums to go behind it were a chefs kiss. High 4. They just don't make em' like they used to.
WTF was that? I understand that it was supposed to be a story of some sort but that may have been the most ridiculous thing I have ever listened to. Going to give it a 2 because it made me laugh at some points because of how strange it was
I really like the effect that his monotone deep voice puts on the album. It compliments really well with the piano and guitar that are sneaky good in the background. The drums aren't too shabby as well. I am going to have to give this another listen because some absolute Marklar at work kept interrupting me, but first listen is certainly a pretty high 4.
I have tried to get into Oasis so many times, especially when our roommate Aaron in College Park would literally only listen to Oasis I never heard him listen to anything else. Even so, I have never been able to. This album is exactly how I remember, it is quite catchy with some the hits. But it's pretty mid to me. Don't think I will listen to this whole album again by choice. Don't Look Back in Anger is the best song
This was really cool to hear him do a piano based smoother album compared to the guitar driven pop type albums that were before this. I didn't enjoy this as much as other Bowie albums but it was still good to listen to.
Great singer, chill vibes. I liked the upbeat songs more. This got kind of lost in the background because most of it was in Spanish so it was hard to follow along.
Very cool trippy album which was great to listen to while cutting the grass. I was between a 3 and a 4 the whole time, but the closing song was really good so getting the bump
Coles Corner is a pretty incredible song to start off the album. The Ocean is giving off huge War on Drugs vibes with the strings and whatever effect that is on the repeating guitar. Not really sure how to describe it but that song was very very good. This whole album was so good. The different guitar tones and speeds that were used throughout the album really kept things fresh. It would switch between rock, folk, and country-esque genres which I liked all of. The 2 songs after tonight were a bit slow to wind things down, but ending on Last Orders with the somber piano and whatever that ghostly sounding instrument were was perfect. I would really like to see this man perform live with a whole band of the different amount of instruments that were used in this album. This Richard Hawley fella sure is instrumentally talented. Reading through the wiki for this album he played vocals, acoustic guitar, electric guitar, 12-string acoustic guitar, 12-string electric guitar, baritone guitar, Spanish guitar, Hawaiian lap steel, hammer dulcimer, enchanted lyre, Omnichord, piano, drums, steel drum, vibraphone, baby glockenspiel
So many famous musicians on this album. Rod Stewart being the lead singer with Jeff Beck on the guitar is a pretty great combo. The songs that were then covered by Led Zeppelin were cool to hear the originals. Some pretty awesome guitar work in a rock and bluesy way.
The singer had a very strange cadence which was kind of throwing me off all album. But this wasn't terrible for a punk album. Low 3
Pretty spooky feeling in this whole album. Nothing really stood out in particular but it was a good album all together.
Very interesting song structures thats for sure. In the first Little Red Riding Hood the horns and drum tapping were really cool. The whispering of Alifib the whole time in Alifib was spooky. This album confused my brain it was so random, but strangely extremely enjoyable. It was like the weirdest parts of The Beatles and Pink Floyd mixed together.
Really reggae tone to this one. Some of these instrument parts are pretty elite. Kind of lost some steam because it got quite repetitive. But enjoyable nonetheless. Would hit a can of Jenkem and listen to this album again.
Him playing at prisons is quite the concert series. The banter back and fourth with the prisoners was cracking me up. The censoring though was a bit harsh I wish they could have let the words fly. Some great songs with one of the most iconic voices in all the land.
That was some pretty righteous folk. The violin/fiddle or whatever the stringed instrument is was the highlight for me over the whole album. It really made this album step its game up, even though the other instruments were very strong as well. The female singer was also a very big plus as I feel like her voice went very well with the instruments. This album had some unexpected heat to it.
Might be a record for shortest album at a mere 25 minutes, was able to sneak it in before a meeting. Some pretty groovy guitar with the classic 50s backing vocals of the Crickets. Would not listen again but happy I did once to hear some Buddy Holly.
Rollin in the Deep was the absolute jam my freshman year of college. This album is another depiction of Adele's booming pipes. Not much more to say other than this is another great album by her. I couldn't listen to her everyday, but I am always happy when her songs come up. That version of Lovesong was very interesting I didn't know that she made one. I accidentally gave her last album 25 a 3 when it should have been a 4. This one is a very solid 4.
Zack said of the last Undertones \"Undertones? More like Underwhelmings\" and I have laughed at that every time I see it. That being said this album makes me feel the same way. I look back at my last review and gave it a 2. This album was probably better because I did not hate it but it is a low 3
I like how this is just one long song essentially. Couldn't tell where the transitions were at all. Such a smooth flowing album that felt like it was over in a breeze.
There is a lot to unpack from this album. It felt like I was listening to two different albums at once with the amount of genre switching that was going on. It was really cool how some songs were electronic spacey shoegaze then followed up by some 90s british alternative sounds. Didn't really keep track of what songs were which by title because I was just letting it ride. But it was a pretty cool album all the way through. And the finisher of Cop Shoot Cop was a super dreamy/nightmare song that almost had me on edge. Very solid 4 from this.
Some really cool guitar effects in the first few songs. Yellow is definitely a banger. Rest of the album sounds pretty generic brit-pop, indie. Nothing special but still really nice to listen to. Low 4
Meh this isn't really my type of music. Nothing wrong with it but doesn't tickle my fancy. Lowest of 3s because it wasn't bad
This is very good music to have on in the background, but I don't think I would like it if I was actively listening. Stoned to Say the Least was the best song on here it had some really cool beats.
That was some super trippy lo-fi electronic that I could listen to on repeat all day. Nothing was super spectacular like other electronic albums, but the whole thing was just super satisfying. Also shoutout to an awesome album art.
What a strange singer but it is really intriguing me. Bogus Man has a very mysterious and funky tone to it I really liked it. Grey Lagoons also really showed out with the sax and sick guitar. This song gets an add to my Rock playlist. This album certainly had some ups and downs in the beginning 2/3rds. But the back end was really awesome with the last 3 songs. This is an album which would perfectly be a 3.5 if we could give half ratings. It gets the bump up to 4 because of how good the end was.
Much too erotic and R&B for me. It definitely wasn't terrible music, just not my taste at all.
This album seems like something I would like but for some reason its just not doing it for me. Something about the heaviness of it just isn't quite clicking. The drumming and reverb guitar starting halfway through In n Out of Grace was pretty sweet though. Pretty much the only high point.
I saved this album to listen to for my drive down to Charlotte, and I am glad I did because the high energy glam rock was perfect to listen to with the windows rolled down blasting through the hills of central Virgina. I've listened to this album so many times, but it's been a while, and it was one of my favorites in my teenage years so my bias is extremely strong, but it unfortunately did not age as well as I wish it did. The corniness is on the highest level with some of the lyrics. That being said the instrumentals and overall loud singing go so hard and are so fun to sing along to all album. There are a few really big misses with the ballads like Love Bites and Love and Affection. But the rest is just straight up good times. Overall still an awesome and fun album to listen to. It is certainly a very low 4 though
Cult of Personality is such an ultimate jam which I have known forever, and is the only Living Colour song that I am familiar with. Really hope it's not a 1 hit wonder for me. The first half of the album absolutely rocked. Funny Vibe certainly was funny, but the album certainly took a turn afterwards to much slower. The funk aspects it turned into is pretty nice but I preferred the hard rock more. Ending on Which Way to America to bring it back to rockin was an excellent choice. This album sounded like 2 different bands at times which which cool to show some range. Some was a 3 and some was inching towards a 5. So average a very solid 4
Such a strange album but it was pretty cool. Took a while for that style of music to grow on me with the way hew as singing. But the backing instrumentals kept getting better and better. It was kind of like the whole album was composed of the interludes that are in The Wall. Had some good highs but also some pretty bad lows. But all around enjoyable
That was so weirdly good. The synth sure was poppy throughout this whole album. I was afraid that I was not going to like it at the start of the first song, but it quickly flipped. Some of the crazy synth and electronic effects throughout that whole album were awesome. Not usually my style of music that I like but this was a very pleasant surprise.
Some pretty straight up rock and roll with some excellent guitar playing. Will never hate listening to Clapton but will never really seek him out. That version of I Shot the Sheriff is awesome.
Not the biggest fan of the singer, but everything else was great with this album. The horns that pop up on a few of the songs are a nice touch. Kind of gave me King Giz vibes throughout the whole album . This was pushing a 4 but not quite there
Like all other Kraftwerk albums so far, this one sent me straight to lunch. This one was the least favorite of the 3 albums that has come up though. The first half was very strong with the crazy synth action. The second half was a little bit too much Trans-Europe Express for my liking, I didn't realize that spanned 3 songs. This gets a high 3 because I can't possibly give it a 4 based on the comparisons to the other Kraftwerk albums and knowing what they are possible of.
Never heard an album be so cheery yet so creepy at the same time. MILK! woah what a weird song. Made my hairs stand up. The whole Zopf section of this album was crazy. What an absolute wild ride of crazy strings and electronics that didn't make up conventional songs at all but was still wildly enjoyable. I am glad the spooky songs were surronded by pretty beautiful tracks or else this would have been a hard album to listen to. But because there was a mix that made it a pretty dang good album. This music is not at all what I expected from a band called Penguin Cafe Orchestra. Well done to them for making an extremly unique album. High 4
Not sure what it was exactly but that album did it for me. The beats and vocals were extremely on point the entire album. As well Questlove on drums and what not. The amount of different instruments used to create these songs too were awesome. Thirsty! was a cool ass mixing to end the whole thing. This was probably my favorite hip-hop album thats come up on our list so far. This was pushing a 5 for me
This might be the most British sounding band of all time. Pretty boring album to be honest, there were no real parts that stood out to me. Nothing wrong with it but I was just waiting for it to be over pretty much from the start.
What an incredible spicy way to start my Friday! While this did indeed make me want to break out into a Dance Mania, I feel like this could have been only like 20 minutes long. Got a bit old pretty quickly.
That album was pretty awesome. These British techno/electronic albums are always so hit or miss, and this was was like 90% a hit the whole time. There were times when the beats and effects got a little repetitive and songs drew out. But overall I really enjoyed the sounds. The 2 best songs were the first and the last which are always a good way for an album to be sandwiched. The only thing keeping this from a 5 is there were 2 songs that were kind of misses, and some that were just too drawn out.
This has some crazy electronic sounds going on in the background which I did not expect at all. I looked back at my last review of Madonna and this one is pretty much the exact same. It started out pretty hot but then faded off terribly. Candy Perfume Girl and Skin both stunk and the fact they were back to back was not good. The singing in Little Star annoyed the hell out of me. This one went from a 3 to a 2 really quickly because they last few songs were just awful.
First impression is that this singer has a very weird voice. The outro of This Is What She's Like really had me going, that sax section had me foot tapping like a mad man in my cubicle. Weird album, it was almost like not a lot was happening but then there was also so much happening at the same time. It is a very unique way that every song starts with a few minute long talking intro then ends with some catchy dance beats. There were parts of that album that I really liked and also parts that I didn't. Pretty much dead smack in the middle 3
I have trouble taking British rappers seriously with their lingo. Just makes me laugh whenever I hear them say ridiculous words. The end of Corn on the Curb is exactly what I mean with all of the Fam and Blood. This was as a shame because the first song came out and sounded really good with some solid beats and I was excited for the rest. But this just ended up being not so bloody good innit. The lyrics were so bad. Kind of absolute shite if you ask me fam.
Some pretty good psychedelic rock the whole time. I feel like this would be a great intro psychedelic album to show someone who has never listened before. During Somebody to Love I can never unsee Jim Carrey doing karaoke to it in The Cable Guy. Great scene
Sounds very similar to REM which I can get down with. Didn't expect to know a song on here but There She Goes is a jam. Nice short and sweet album with some really cool guitar parts and a singer who fits really well. There's something to be said about getting an album that's only 35 minutes long. Wish that they made more than 1 album.
That was amazin, and the best part was I had no idea what to expect going into it. It sounded like I was in Final Fantasy 7 battle music the entire time. This touched on every single thing I love about music with the electronic and progressive mixed together. The explanation of a hurricane directly followed by some crazy effects was so sweet. Dead Bodies may be my new favorite song with the speed bass and drums and the choir singing sound behind it. And the spooky narration track at the end was a perfect way to end this album. I was thinking this album had the makings of a 5 just two songs in, and it may have gotten better as it went on.
Pretty standard sounding rock album from the 70s. Nothing special, nothing bad. Whisky Woman was a pretty cool song
So weird. I wasn't a fan of the B-52s coming into this and I still am not after listening to a whole album. I really cannot get down with either one of the singers and the lyrics so so strange. Some of the instrumentals were pretty cool.
One soothing album right there. At some points I completely forgot that I was listening to anything at all because of how good of background music it was.
An album I have always heard of but never listened to fully. This lived up to the hype as Frampton was balling out live. Much heavier guitar in parts than I was expecting which I am here for. I'm sure that this was an amazing performance to see live.
Some sweet sweet singing with easy flowing music behind it. Some of the songs were kind of nothing burgers, but I still enjoyed every song. Freedom! is an absolute jam and almost made me bust out into full song at my office. This is on the higher side of a 3
Good ol' fashioned American Rock. First half was better than the second half, but still solid all the way through if you like some sick guitar riffs.
Very sloppy instrumentals that was probably done on purpose that I did not enjoy at all. Singers were also not my favorite. Another punk album, another 2 star
As far as old country albums go, that one was one of my favorites. Just had the classic "country" sound and voice that made for a pretty solid album. Don't normally like country in particular but this album was a step ahead of a lot of others. Low 4
Give me all of the funk! I am so happy that this style of music is still made today and might even be picking up way more. These guys are just absolutely iconic. I knew more songs on this album than I thought I was going to. Africano absolutely ripped.
Sounded very similar to a lot of the Beatles earlier stuff, but just more aspects of rock and almost more of some jamming. This album started off hot with Victoria which I think was the best song on the album, but the remainder was still really good. Some of the longer songs had some really cool jam parts. This was probably the best of the 3 Kinks albums that has come up so far. I feel like I could listen to this any day of the week
The type of Electronic music that I really do not like, super repetitive looping beats that don't really go anywhere. Tough to listen to for a full hour. Also annoying that the US track list is way different than the original.
That was some ultimate background music yazz. Nothing at all stood out to me but the whole thing was a nice listen through.
Some really cool parts and some really strange parts in that whole album. A lot of the instrumentals I could get down with. But sometimes the singing was a little weird. This is a mid to high 3
I could not figure out this album at all. It was like Hair/Glam metal mixed with folk/alternative at some points and then some slow ballad likes songs thrown in. New Generation was the best song on this and Asphalt World was p cool too. I liked the heavy guitar songs a good amount. Didn't care too much for the slow songs. This had 4 or 2 the entire time so ill just middle it to a 3.
Those beats were pretty dope, but the singing was kind of rough to listen to for a full hour long album not going to lie. Towards the end it did grow on me. But I think this may want to be my first and only Rai album I listen to. The instrumentals were so unique and pretty elite though. That cover of Imagine was mad toight.
This album balanced on a very fine line of cool dance-pop and super cheese. It mostly was on the side of cool dance-pop for the most part. There were some awesome synth parts mixed with a right amount of guitar especially in the middle part of the album, which I felt was the strongest. The ending turned a little too poppy for me but it was not enough to take away the fun nature of this album with some really interesting sampling/synth. Good enough for a low 4 Just looked back and saw we had another New Order album which i gave a 5 and remembering now, these 2 albums sounded like completely different artists.
Pleasant album to listen to first thing in the morning. There were some cool songs for sure but then there were some really boring indie sounding songs. Would have been ok with 4 or 5 songs taken out of this. Disillusion was pretty sweet, was the highlight of the album.
Wasn't sure at all where this album was going after the first song which I think was in no English. Remainder of the album had some sweet electronics and some beautiful singing. Was such pleasant music to listen too.
Gaht damn Aerosmith knows how to make some catchy ass hits. Sometimes they can be extremely corny but other times they absolutely rock. Janie's Got a Gun is an all time classic, and to end the album on What it Takes which is a great sing along song, is a great move. Used to listen to Aerosmith all the time when I was younger but they have massively fallen off my radar. Don't think they will ever be my first choice listen, when they come up though I am listening.
Some solid beats all the way through. Lupe has great flow as well to go along with it. Kick Push is a top rap song for me. Daydreamin is always cool to hear as well. Pressure with Jay-Z had one of the most unique instrumental intro I was really down with that. That was the longest Outro of all time, he had so many people to thank. This was a high 3
These songs were too dang repetitive. I have a tough time listening to this singer as well with his whiny kind of voice. Not the biggest fan of unrefined/raw instrumentals either. Radio 4 was a cool end though with the spacey piano and synth sound.
Smooth piano and singing all throughout. Stevie plays so many different instruments on this whole album. This is the first whole album I have listened to from Stevie Wonder, I didn't realize how great his voice was. Fun fact, I saw Stevie Wonder in concert at the F1 race in Austin TX back in 2017. I was sitting in the grandstands about 1 mile away so I couldn't really tell what was going on. It was a very random person to have there but it was pretty awesome.
Well that was really weird. I felt like I was stuck in a terrible acid trip that I could not escape. It at least had some portions of cool instrumentals but the singing was freaking me out the whole time. This get a 2.0000000000000001 star
I bet the people in this band are really smelly. Not terrible but definitely way too crunchy for me.
I don't really know how to describe it but I wish more happened in this album. It had potential to be really cool but I was just waiting for more. It is killing me that I cannot find out the song that is being covered in Suicide, regardless that song was about 5 minutes too long of the same thing. Maybe in a different mood I would have liked this more but it just never took off like I wanted it to.
Leben heißt Leben and Geburt Einer Nation actually kind of fucked. Ok actually so many songs on this album fucked. This makes me want to march straight into war with the backing trumpets, beating drums, and chanting lyrics. And The Great Seal sounded like I have just returned home victorious from combat. Went into this album already knowing that it was one of the lowest rated albums on this list. But I am so pumped that I gave it a fair listen because this was actually pretty epic. I am not saying I would ever listen to this album or band ever again but I am glad I did this one time.
I suppose that she is a very good singer. 90s pop beats are possibly my least favorite type of beats. That was a really tough hour to muscle through
Felt like this entire album was drugs and it made me quite uneasy the whole time. There were some pretty sweet musical parts to it though. Heroin was pretty appropriately named, I thought I was ODing. European Son melted my entire brain. Nothing I would choose to listen to again in my free time but it was a cool album to listen to because of the absolute weirdness.
What a wild album I would have never expected that to go from the crazy psychadelic progressive to transitioning into some really good soul music. The variety throughout the whole album kept me extremely interested in what was coming next. Really liked this album rating it in the high 4 zone. Zen Archer was an awesome song probably my favorite on the album.
That was some pretty incredible jazz. Started off so so strong with Street Life, that singer was great. I was bumping to it for sure at my office. Rodeo Drive was the best of the instrumental songs on the album. Kind of faded into some repetitive standard sounding jazz in the last 3 songs. Still great to listen to. This couldn't quite earn a 5 because of the drop off at the end but this is definitely a high 4
Now that was one standard sounding hard rock album. Not sure if it is because we just got an Aerosmith album last week or what, but this one did nothing special for me.
#500 Love the style of this with the low humming bass playing in the back of most of the songs. I am a sucker for when the bass in an album is very fore-front. The two singers harmonizing both with high pitched voices are a great balance to go along with the low toned instruments. Something about TV On the Radio really does it for me and I have really enjoyed both of their albums so far. Wasn't fully paying attention to the song titles to point out anything in particular, but the whole album flowed very nicely.
Not at all what I was expecting from this band when the wiki labeled them as funk. Started off ultra weird but catchy with the Wordy song. Tom Tom Theme definitely sounded very familiar. That was an extremely whacky album. Had some things that I really liked with some of the fresh beats. And some things i didn't like with some of the endless repetition. Booming and Zooming to end it with the ominous spacecraft dialogue or whatever was pretty cool. Overall a fun album that lands it as a high 3.
Pretty standard pop country that I didn't know I needed to listen to before I died.
So much noise in an absolutely terrible way. This is all of the same exact things I said about their album Metal Box only way worse.
Started out alright but turned much too noisy towards the end. I was sick of this album about 30 minutes into it. My Friend Goo may be one of the worst songs I have ever heard.
So much punk and noise rock for me today and recently as well we have had a lot. I knew the entire time that this sounded like Tony Hawk soundtrack and it came to fruition when Anarchy in the U.K. came on. As for the album, this is some punk that I tolerate the most (still not at all my type of music). The instrumentals were pretty repetitive like most punk for me. But the songs were actually good. Just realized that John Lydon is the vocalist in Sex Pistols and also Public Image LTD. He should stick with Sex Pistols because Public Image LTD is total bunk.
Holy dad rock. I was obviously jamming along to the ultra catchy hits that are at the beginning of the album. But once those 3 were finished it turned into an extremely generic glam rock album. Giving this a 3 because the top heavy hits saved it from the depths of a 2.
Possibly my least favorite type of music 90s r&b/hiphop. I wasn't able to really find anything I liked on this at all. Saw that the 4 singles were all in the first 5 songs and that wasn't a good sign when I finished those and still had about 40 minutes to go.
Pretty cool laid back electronic for the most part with a bit of rock sprinkled in. Really liked Don't Die Just Yet, had a bunch of cool aspects to it. Little longer than I would have wanted and it was pretty much only good as background music. But for what it was that was a mid to high 3.
Some cool flowy songs that has a pretty unique sound. Singer is pretty typical 80s British sounding but it goes well with the songs. Was nothing crazy special but was a cool album to listen to. This is going to be one of those albums that I look back at in a year and have no recollection of it at all.
Instrumentals were pretty cool, but by god that singer needs to be shipped straight to the Gulag. The talking was just not it at all. Was a shame because I feel like with an actual singer this would have been a cool album.
Listened to while steam cleaning my carpets so didn't pay attention to any song titles. I am learning that I really like Roxy Music after the third album now and another extremely solid one. The singer has a goofy voice as always but it is in a good way. The times when the big band come in during all of the songs are definitely the best. Another 4 for Roxy as these have all been very above average albums.
Kind of sounded exactly like a post-punk, neo-psychadelia album that I would expect. Nothing really stood out it was kind of just another album to me. Wasn't terrible by any means but kind of boring.
Such an intense album with some amazing classic songs Slim Shady and Stan. Like his first album, the skits and interludes add so much to the story telling of the album. The emotion that must have gone into writing this whole album is crazy. This is my first time listening to it all the way through and was blown away. Absolute classic of an album and an easy 5.
Darkness, Darkness sounded like Michael McHenry singing. This was a really good folk/blues/jazzy type of rock that I can really get into. The different singing mixed with the full instrumentals of a few of the songs was a great combination. Kind of sounded like a more jazzy Allman Brothers. This is in the very high 4 range and definitely in relisten at the beach category.
Scissor Sisters is such a weird name for a band. I have always heard of them but never listened. That was very strange. That is normally music that I would like but this didn't do it for me. Maybe it was the incredibly weird cover of Comfortably Numb at the beginning of the album that set a weird tone. Some parts were pretty cool but most was really weird. I don't know maybe I need to give another listen sometime.
Beck and his many noises. Always happy to listen to him but will never search him out. Good early morning album. Broken Drum was probably my favorite on the album. Goes in the high 3 range, can't quite give it a 4.
Glamiest of Glam Rock. Not really my favorite genre at all but this album was pretty good at points. Some of the songs had some really cool rock aspects, others however felt like they were trying to hard to be epic songs. There was also a bit too much of seductive lyrics which kind of freaked me out at points. This one was hard to rate but I think it's landing as a low 3
Really nice singing voice that was super easy to listen to. This album was really great in the first couple songs and the end, the middle was nothing special. Was going between a 3 and 4 here the whole time, I think the funky ending of Tall in the Saddle was enough to push it up.
Another mid album by The Who in my opinion. I liked the idea and album cover of all of the product placements, thought that was definitely funny. But the songs weren't all that good. Silas Stingy is up there with one of the worst songs I have heard. I am not sure if I just don't like The Who that much, or I just have a high expectation of them because of how good Who's Next is. But this was a dissapointment.
First 3 songs were super calming and if I were on mushrooms I would be sinking into the earth. Hero was a bit rough to follow those 3. E-Musik had some really sweet sounds and that clicking was a cool way to make me feel on edge a bit. After Eight was kind of the same as Hero being a bit rough. This album started off in the 5 category but kind of got out of hand and sounded like 2 different albums put together. Still super cool and when I learned that this had some Kraftwerk members it kind of all made sense. Solid 4 and could be a relistener.
Pretty much a nothing burger here. At least it was only 30 minutes. My favorite song that played was a random one that came up on Spotify by a different band after the album ended and I didn't realize that the album had ended.
The title song to start was a great psychedelia beginning. That was a trip. The narrating that lead into the songs on the back half of the album was lunching me out. The music to go along with it was perfect as well. All around great psych album.
Going to have to check with Kevin on if that was Eno or not. Well that was certainly Ambient. It was great background music while working. Just don't know if I needed 40+ minutes of the repetition. Still gets a high 3 but can't go any higher than that
Really surprisingly good album when I had no idea what was coming up with the genres being listed as Folk and Garage Rock at the same time. I feel like I knew the song Pressure Point but I am not completely confident. Zuton Fever was a really cool song to kick things off. Still trying to figure out what a Zuton is but we may never know. I found myself really jamming along to this album and could definitely see myself going back and re-listening at some point. Always great to have a surprise album come up in the 4s
The first half of this album would have been much better if I took a fistful of ecstasy and was hanging out in a warehouse somewhere in Suffolk. The second half was actually pretty cool psychedelic tribal-ish music almost. Just had a little too much 90's drum and bass techno for my liking. But still was good enough for a low 3
This is the type of music that I will always get up for. This album took a while for me to get hooked on but it started getting real funky and nice after a few songs. Sex Machine was an awesome instrumental. The second song I could never add to a playlist in case it came up randomly at a party.
Another album that I have listened to 1000 times in my life. So great for it to come up though because this is a banger from VH. Jump is an all time energy song, and it works even better when 1984 intros it. So many timeless classics on here like Panama and Hot for Teacher that will never get old. I'll Wait is lowkey one of my favorite Van Halen songs. Such an awesome high energy Rock and Roll album that shreds for just the right amount of time at 33 minutes. Didn't need any more songs on here. Not a perfect album by any stretch but it is certainly an all time classic.
Bunch of horns all up in my earhole. Definitely regret wearing headphones for this and should have just used a speaker for background noise. Would like this album on in a restaurant, not so much in my house.
Pretty whelming rock album. Rod Stewart's voice got a little old on this album. Nothing terrible about this was just good. Stay With Me is always an awesome song.
Really liked the smooth slow guitar one the whole album. Sounded like there was some steel guitar or something thrown in there as well which is always a plus. Read through the wiki on this album and apparently the record label never promoted it at all and it did absolutely terribly, until the rerelease in the 90s. Pretty f'ed up by them. Life's Greatest Fool and No Other were both the standouts on this album. The rest was just some really good songwriter songs which I could listen to all day.
Coming out quick with Please Forgive Me which I just learned of over the summer because Goose did a cover over it. Didn't realize that it was by David Gray! Highly recommend listening to that cover. This original is also very good. Wow Babylon is also a heater, haven't heard it in probably 10+ years. Would have never guessed I would know the first 2 songs on this album since I would have told you I had no idea who David Gray was before this. Sail Away is another song that I know as well. Very soothing album which was way different than I expected. I was thinking this was more electronic due to it being labeled Folktronica. Loved the acoustic and backing instruments to go along with his singing style. This was a great surprise album which I had no idea what it was going in a came out very enjoyable.
This is an album that I have always wanted to listen to because I already knew a few of the songs on it, glad it came up on this list. Something about Muse's sound just does good things for me. The combo of heavy rock, electronic, and fuzziness that they put in just works. I also really like the variety on this album between all of the songs and how it seemed to get heavier and heavier as the album went on. Knights of Cydonia has been on repeat for me recently, wouldn't be surprised if it was my top song on Spotify wrapped this year. Such a baller song with the buildup of the guitar and horns, then just the drop with the heavy heavy guitar riff. Gives me the chills every time. Starlight is also a great song that I will never skip. This album lived up to my expectations. Definitely a pretty high 4
Pretty incredible voice to go along with some really good folk sounding music. Sounds very similar to Johnny Cash which I am completely ok with. Sounded like I should be in a western saloon playing blackjack and five finger fillet with the boys. The last song, which I don't feel like spelling out, was a super trippy song I don't even know how to describe it but it was cool.
Didn't realize that there were Johnny Cash albums that came out in 2002. These were some awesome covers done in his very unique style. I know there were some originals as well which were also great. My standouts were Personal Jesus and Desperado. Those two songs go so well with how he creates songs. Always a great time listening to Mr. Cash. This bordered on the 4/5 line.
Pretty typical 90s rock. No highs or lows for me, just completely average
Pretty interesting Ska with some really crazy sound effects thrown in at parts. The random salsa song with Holiday Fortnight was an unexpected song that's for sure. Definitely liked this more than the last Specials album.
This may be our lowest Monthly Listeners band at a whopping 1,665 listeners per month. When that album started I thought we were in for a tough listen of just noise rock. It turned out to be pretty cool though with some aspects which I really liked. Still overall kind of a brutal listen at many times, but at least there were some redeeming qualities in a decent amount of some songs. Not my type of music at all but better than expected at a 2.5
This is exactly what I want to hear when it comes to 90s hip-hop in a good way. No crazy dj effects or anything, just straight up beats and great flow. Old School was probably my favorite song on here, went very hard.
Pretty fun album with some upbeat tunes. Horns and strings are pretty nice throughout. The singer still has one of the weirdest singing styles, but it worked on this album. Come on Eileen gets the boys going everytime. Definitely way better than the other album we listened to by them. Got into the high 3 category for me.
Very below average 90s indie album. The singer only knows how to whine or how to scream. Instruments didn't do much for me either. Fun enough my favorite song was 5-4=Unity which had 0 appearance from Whiny-McWhineface. Coincidence?
An album that I completely memory holed the fact that I have listened to it many times before. Some good old fashioned American rock. Axl Rose's voice can get pretty annoying sometimes, but you can't deny that the guitar absolutely shreds. Welcome to the Jungle and Paradise City don't do so well as stand alone songs because of the massive overplay of them. As part of the album though they are awesome. Sweet Child O' Mine never fails to be a jam as well at any time. Nothing wrong with getting your shred on sometimes. This is just a bang on 4
My last review for Dolly Parton was: A very nice quick old country album that I really enjoyed So this one I am going with: A very nice quick old country album that I really enjoyed
This album cover absolutely rules. Also tough decisions on Spotify if I want to listen to this in Mono, Spanish, or Italian. This is just a no nonsense good album from the 60s with some soul, jazz, and rock elements to it. This is the kind of music that I love when it pops up on here.
So much back and forth from left to right headphones it is pretty crazy. Another masterclass of shredding by Jimi. This album is filled with hits and some deep cuts which all all great. Would have loved to been able to see him live.
Holy synth-wave 80s noises. This album teetered on the line of being pretty cool or quite terrible. I did like a lot of the synth sounds that they put in that were all super unique sounds that I have never heard. This album makes complete sense now that I heard Don't You Want Me as the last song I thought they sounded familiar. This teetered upwards into a 3- mid 3
I would believe you if you told me this was a Beatles album, literally sounds the exact same. I wish they didn't use the crazy amount of headphone switching a volume changing that was kind of driving me insane at points. Wasn't fully listening to the lyrics but after reading the wiki this is apparently supposed to all be a connected story. If I liked this album more I would definitely go back and re-listen better to hear the story, but I don't care too much. Pretty average psych album.
Hardcore Punk is my least favorite kind of punk. And I already do not like punk
I like every part of this album except for when he is weirdly whispering and groaning in my ear. Some of the lyrics were also very strange and erotic which I was not a fan of. Perfect example of this was Common People where it started off and I hated it but ended up being an absolute jam when he actually started singing. The actual songs and instrumentals are pretty fantastic. I really like the transitions between low and high energy in each song. This band sounds like if you put the singer of Depeche Mode into the band of Arcade Fire.
Extremely catchy 90's pop country which I could not help but catch myself bopping along to
Ice Cube is so funny how he pretty much is just yelling the entire time in every song. I don't normally like music to be angry, but I didn't mind this album at all. Just classic 90s west-coast hip hop. Still not my go to music at all but this album kind of ruled
Such a soothing psychadlic album that had extremely cool guitar parts. At first i thought it was going to be pretty standard but as it went on I found myself liking it more and more. Phantasmagoria in Two was a standout for sure. The rest I can't remember which song was which but it was all great. Very solid 4
Very solid album by someone who I didn't know was in Wu Tang but quickly learned when I saw all of the features. Pretty much exactly what I look for when it comes to 90s rap. Not my favorite but still a high 3
I have never heard of Q-Tip before, but my goodness that was some incredible flow. After reading it looks like he was part of Tribe Called Quest which makes sense now. That was a completely unexpected awesome album which absolutely flew by and I wish kept going. Each song had such incredibly unique beats. And I love when hip-hop has live drums and guitar built into the songs. Especially ManWomanBoogie which was such a dope funky track. This was an extremely solid and high 4
The xx rules for sure now that this is the second album to come up. The mix between the light instruments, electronics, and harmonizing male and female singers is exactly up my alley of my type of music. Every song was great on here but I think Replica may have been the best with it incorporating everything up above perfectly. This will definitely be on my re-listen radar for the future. It was pretty fantastic but just like their other album it was missing a little something to get it to a 5, but it is a 4.99.
Pretty much the same as with the other 2 Beastie Boys albums, something about these singers just doesn't work for me. I must say the sampling though from the 2 Led Zeppelin songs and Slow Ride were very cool. Girls may be the dumbest, most fun song which I absolute love everytime it comes up. Fight for Your Right and No Sleep Till Brooklyn are also absolute classic hype songs. Everything else around the album is very meh to me with the Beastie Boys sound getting sour to me very quickly. I completely understand the appeal to them and I am really ok with hearing a song come up every so often, but full albums are tough for me to listen to. That all being said this is still a 3 because it's filled with hits.
Extremely raw Foo Fighters which was great to listen to because I have never listened to this album. I can see how a lot of these songs were building blocks to their monstrous commercial success. Didn't think I knew any songs on here but Big Me was definitely familiar. Not the best album in a musical vacuum but still extremely important as Foo Fighters first album.
This has been by far my favorite Bowie album and I didn't even know that this one existed. I have never heard a single song from this in my life. This was probably the most interesting wikipedia article read so far as well, the fact that this came out on his 69th birthday then he died 2 days later is absolutely insane and is the perfect way for him to go out. The dark, spooky, jazzy tones that this album gave off with everything song were pretty amazing. Lazarus is one of the coolest songs that I have ever heard. And the ending song where it kind of just fades away to the end while repeating I Can't Give Everything Away was a perfect ending. I also listened to this at the perfect time because I am currently in the outer bands of a hurricane so the weather is very dark and gloomy. Perfect match for this music.
Love the origin story of The Band being Bob Dylan's backing band and just decided to do their own thing if I remember correctly. This album was pretty run of the mill but still enjoyable. Nothing super crazy on here, but The Weight is an awesome song. Easy enough listening to music.
I think that every Black Crowes song that I know is on this album which going into this was 4 of them. Those songs are all great and then the new songs that I have just learned are also pretty great. Really like the variety of straight up rock and then some slower more ballad type songs. Nothing phenomenal about this album, just a straight up good time. ***Bonus points for the Black Crowes being massive Orioles fans
Pretty solid instrumentals, weird ass lyrics and singing. Hated whatever that noise was in the beginning of Speedway. Low 3
I wonder if he knew just how enormous American Pie the song would be when he wrote it. Did not expect the rest of the album to be mainly acoustic slow songs after that. Pretty solid album all around, wish I listened to the lyrics more because I fell like they probably were pretty deep. An album I definitely enjoyed listening to once but will never think of going back to
Singer is dumb, song structures are dumb generic punk
That was a very strange rap album, that's really all iIcan say about it. Passin' Me By is a jam though and it was in Aggressive Inline which was an elite PS2 game. Quinton's On The Way (Skit) did make me giggle though that was so ridiculous
I have learned that I don't really like Sonic Youth
Through the first couple of songs I thought that this album was going to be very good with the way that the singer was so forward with a pretty powerful voice. His singing style got a little old as the album went on though unfortunately. The actual songs themselves were really quite good with the instrumentals. It was a kind of combination of country and alternative which did good things for me. Would be really nice to have on in the background on a nice day outside. Overall I would say that I was able to get through the minor annoyance of his voice because of how good the songs were. This is a mid to high 3.
Love: Bob's story telling and easy listening. Hate: Listening to his music with headphones on because of the surprise harmonica that comes in and nearly deafens me
Nothing wrong with a little 9:30am Tuesday morning death metal. This is exactly what I expected this to sound like in terms of death/thrash metal. Nothing wrong with that at all cause I am a pretty big fan. There were some really cool speed metal parts in a few songs too which I am always down with. Not my favorite type of metal but it was definitely good. Pretty low 4 because I liked this much more than a 3.
Glad this came up a week after Jane's addiction got in a fight on stage and cancelled their tour. Would have been quite the scene at a concert to witness. Always found the singer to not really fit with the band or something like that, can't really explain it but his voice is just a bit off putting. The songs themselves though were pretty standard but good 90s rock. Thank you Boys was a funny little jazz number that I didn't expect.
First half was pretty standard Bowie, which I am not complaining about. Heroes the song was really good. Got spooky with V-2 Schneider and Sense of Doubt. Then got super mysterious with Moss Garden and Neukoln. I really liked the back half of this album.
Lot of punk, little bit of pop. Nothing really jumped off the page at me. Some of the guitar work was really good though.
Pretty cool lo-fi beats with Tricky and Martina bouncing lyrics off each other the whole album. Kind of weird at points but overall a cool album. I saw a tweet this morning that impersonated British rappers that made me laugh that said: She suck on my willy it's quite delightful if I catch you in West Gloucestershire you'll catch the rifle
Some nice folk with a little zesty guitar work thrown in at times. I remember their other album Liege and Lief being way better than this one.
That album was awesome. Another one of those ones where I had zero expectations going in and it just absolutely blew my socks off. The combination of trippiness and really cool electronic beats is right up my alley. There were a lot of parts where I was fully engaged and could not worked and others where I was totally lost in the music. Sounded a lot like Justice which I am all about. That song In My Arms absolutely ruled. The repetitive speaking in a couple of songs lunched me out but in a great way. Especially when he just kept repeating band names, I thought I was going crazy. Really wish I could have done drugs and listen to this album, but instead I was working. I think this one gets a bump all the way up to a 5 because of the unexpected uniqueness and the amount of absolute jamming I was doing in my office. I also want this to be on a relisten which will be easy to find if it is a 5
Funk filled Tuesday morning I love it. This album had me bopping in my chair the whole time with the walking bass and steady drums to go along. Stevie has the perfect voice to go along with this style of music as well. Living for the City was the best song on this album. Such awesome instrumentals with a pretty intense skit in the middle of it. Higher Ground is such a good song. Love this original and the cover by RHCP is also great. I am an absolute sucker for some good old fashioned funk and jazz. Especially because it throws some variety into this list.
Some pretty cool techno beats, but a little bit too long of techno beats for my liking. Each song was really cool in the beginning but got repetitive as they went on. Halcyon and On and On though I could listen to on repeat, that song was very trancey. I was trying to type this up as Input Out was playing with the crazy talking over and was seriously struggling to type because of the double talking. That was a really weird sensation.
The groove and funk was hittin' me nicely in the beginning but really wish the album wasn't an hour long. Something about a grown man whispering in my ear while some smooth yazz plays in the background just gives me the heebie-jeebies.
Not sure what I was expecting going into this album with all of the different genres listed, but that definitely wasn't it. That was such a unique album with the song structures especially the way the lead singer would sing. I learned that he is the only constant member of this band and there are about 15 past members. The horns were a very fun addition into all of these songs and worked extremely well. This was such an unexpectedly cool album.
Not for me. Made it very hard to concentrate on work with the yelling and distracting noises. Low 2
Oh boy back to back British hip-hop does not bode well for me. Yup went exactly how I expected. Very different that Dizzee Rascal but also very similar in ways. Too much random noise and a voice that I could not stand. Low 2 again
That may have been the kookiest album I have ever listened to. I don't know how you even come up with music like that. Multiple times I just found myself staring out of my window listening to some of the strangest lyrics I have ever heard. The water song was really cool though.
I thought from the beginning that would be one of those albums that was overly weird and extremely hard to listen to. It turned out to still be a very very weird album but was actually a good album to listen to. Some of those songs were actually very good with the guitar and psychadelic effects. This is on the High 3/ Low 4 line
3 psych albums in a row for us. This one was definitely the hardest to listen to. Some of the sounds were cool but others sounded like I was in a circus. Also being in a different language made it very hard to enjoy
Really really like the smooth flowy guitar on this whole album. The singer has such a mellow yet outstanding voice which pairs very nicely with the instruments. The parts where he sings with his really high voice are a little weird, but the rest of the album is pretty fantastic. I don't really know what genre this is it sounds like a combination of many different ones, but whatever it is really does it for me. The random trumpet that is thrown in every so often gave me the chills. The album definitely lost some steam towards the end but overall this was still a very strong and unexpected 4.
Never really been the biggest fan of the guys singing. Some songs are also just quite weird. The instrumentals are pretty cool in a lot of the songs but get overpowered by his singing. The Killing Moon is a song that I didn't know that I knew.
Incredibly messy 28 songs :O shoved into 41 minutes of very low quality music. I know that it was probably intentional but it's dumb. I have never heard someone try to sound so British, had to double check to see where these guys were from. I will give it to them though that the album cover is pretty sweet.
Really nice funky jazzy bluesy songs much like John Martyn's last album that we listened to. This one sounded much more straight forward in a way that it mainly stuck to one genre. His voice goes very well with the guitar picking and sometimes washboard noises that came in. I hate to compare this to his last album but I think I liked that one more with some variety in it. This is still an extremely solid 4 and is now solidifying my thought that I need to dive into some more John Martyn
So much noise. Started off ok through the first couple songs but then got completely unbearable. Longest song titles of all time too.
Some crazy industrial rock with a screaming Frenchman singing, what's not to like about that? This album had some really cool metal aspects to it with some random strings thrown in which I really enjoyed. Makes sense that one of the genres is listed as Symphonic Metal. This was surprisingly awesome especially once the singers crazy voice started to grow on me. The uniqueness of this album really pushed it up. Don't think I would ever listen to this again but for 1 playthrough it was quite a ride.
1000x better than that last Yeah Yeah Yeahs album that had Maps on it. Still pretty generic rock but did throw in some cool guitar parts. The singer wasn't absolutely rubbish in this one so that is make this weigh much higher.
Really hope I listened to the correct album because that was quite difficult to find. The Youtube visualization of clouds to go along with the music was a great touch. The music itself was very soothing and found myself bopping along to the different instruments that i would not normally hear. My favorite part was some of those noises he made with that tongue of his
Slower and more folky than I remember most Beck albums being. This one was a very easy listen and the beginning really was quite good. Started to taper off towards the end, could have been the music or could have been the mind numbing task I was doing at work. But anyways this was still a strong album. I wish I could go back and re-rate the other Beck albums because now listening to him more I think I have grown to appreciate his style much more.
That was a bit of an epic album I must say. Never really listened to old Genesis with Peter Gabriel at all but now I feel like I must listen to much more. That was like a combination of Rush, Yes, and Pink Floyd all rolled up into 1 Prog Rock opera sandwich which absolutely hits all of the right parts of my music affinity. Even at a whopping 94 minutes that album absolutely flew by with the seamless transitions and little instrumental/synthy interludes that came out of no where. Absolutely a slam dunk 5
I have 1 word to describe that album: Glonky.
Love the album cover looking like a cookbook from the 50s that probably specializes in Ham Jell-o Salad. This is definitely music that stay at home housewives used to listen absolutely nuked off of Valium while cooking the aforementioned salad.
Just some good old fashioned rock and roll. A great amount of variety too with the different types of songs. Not much more to say just a very solid 4
I think I definitely liked this freaky Bjork character more than her last album. It is certainly mega weird and most of the time left me strangely confused about what music is. But there were certain times where I was really getting down with the music. Other times where I was very ready for the album to be over. This is a very hard album to rate because I feel like it is either a 2 or a 4 and could be nothing else. But I think I definitely found myself liking it more than not so I will go 4. I am still very confused at this though
An enjoyable easy listen. But in terms of jazz that was pretty boring. Giving this a 2 just on the jazz scale, but it is way better than every 2 I have rated.
At first thought this was going to be a standard boring punk album. But turned out to be pretty sweet with the horns and distortion electric guitar, especially on Identity. Germfree Adolescence sounds like the start to a War on Drugs song. Her voice was pretty harsh and never clicked for me. Some songs were pretty boring and they just used the normal punk drumming pattern the whole time which gets very old. But this was actually a pretty cool album.
I PREFER THE MUDDY WATER Never knew the name of Mannish Boy but that harmonica is absolutely iconic. That was some pretty remarkable blues that's for sure. Especially once the guitar shredding came in I was all about it. Not my favorite but still pretty great. Probably a low 4
Pretty much exactly what i thought that the first Rolling Stones album would sound like. Pretty standard sounding 60s rock which I am sure was revolutionary at the time
So happy that there is a mix of older and newer Bowie on here because the styles are completely different. The heavier rock that is in some of these songs is more of my type of style. How Does the Grass Grow is an absolute jam. While I do like older Bowie, hot take I think Blackstar and this are my favorite 2 albums of his so far
This album was a lot of genres which gave it some good variety with the indie, country, and alternative. All of it was pretty standard to me. Was a good listen but I would not search out more Wilco
Another album of my mid-teen years that was on constant repeat. Just like Hysteria this one did not quite hold up to my same liking that I had when I was younger, but still got me going nicely. Def Leppard sure knows how to get the energy going. Photograph, Foolin, and Rock of Ages are some of my favorite songs though. I remember when I heard the beginning of Rock of Ages for the first time and was mind blown when I realized that Pretty Fly for a White Guy wasn't the original to use it. Certainly a pretty cheesy album and not as good as Hysteria but still worthy of a low 4.
A little too slow and love songy for me compared to the last Stevie album to start. Boogie on Reggae Woman kicked things up though and had one of the most fun instrumental parts in it with the Moog bass synth I think it was. I want more people to use that same exact repeating part. This one was not nearly as good as Innervisions, but that is a very high bar. It still ripped but the style was not my favorite of Stevie's
A little too folky for my liking. One of those albums that was nice to listen to cause it is pretty unoffensive music, but i could not wait for it to be over. Low 3
Whatever that one fluttery noise was in the background of most of the songs was cracking me up it was all that I could pay attention to. That album was a pretty standard sounding 60s psych album that didn't really stand out to me.
Quite boring early 90s alternative. Not sure why we needed to listen to this album, especially since Mrs. Robinson wasn't even on the original release.
I liked this album way more than I thought I was going to. The rawness of it was pretty cool and some of the song structures didn't really make sense but they worked. Definitely not anything I would ever seek out or listen to again. But it added some nice variety from the typically stinky punk albums that we get every other day. I really like the genre name \"Math-Rock\"
Prototypical 80s pop sound. Some songs were good and some were not so good. Sledgehammer always slaps though. This is somewhere in the low 3 range
Never really been the biggest Cheap Trick fan, but I think this being a live album bumps it up 1 star because of the energy. Would be a fool to not admit that Surrender is one of the catchiest songs I know. Probably overall as a low 4 cause I did find myself really rocking out at points.
Some sweet sweet Jazz with a flugelhorn as the leading instrument which may be my favorite instrument name to say out loud. Just a solid hour and 16 minutes which didn't feel nearly that long. Perfect background music for me. Holy hell this guy is the dad of X-Games own Sal Masekela. I thought I was an idiot for looking that up just because they have the same last name but i am glad I did
Such a smooth voice to go with the guitar. I really like when he would harmonize the guitar with his singing. Pretty simple album of just guitar and singing but it is done incredibly well. Didn't know that I knew the song Free Ride until it started playing.
That was a strange yet somehow a pretty soothing album. I feel like that is an album that I normally wouldn't like but something about it was just really cool. The guitar effects and just overall song structure that were in each song were all so different that it was impossible to know what was coming next. Definitely gets a point up for being extremely original. Aladdin's Story with the horn sounded like the gangster level in Time Splitters 2.
We have been on an absolute jazz roll here for the past couple of weeks. This one was more of a \"standard\" type jazz and the horns are incredibly powerful. I would say this is not my favorite type but still good. This is in the high 3 range.
I like this album coming up for some variety and it has some really cool sounds. Pretty repetitive though and a bit long. Savane the song was really cool with the different guitar parts.
This was some really original sounding punk with the horns that were in it, was like Ska-Punk. Singer was also definitely different than most punk singers. There were some fun songs in here that got me bopping. Again really liked the addition of the horns it added a nice wrinkle. This is on the high side of a 3
I liked this album way more than his debut album. Just all around great Rock and Roll I can see why they call him The King. I hope that there is a live album from him on here because I feel like that will really be his bread and butter
This was definitely better than their stupid album Raw Power that our group all collectively hated. Maybe it being their debut album they weren't getting too crazy. I am not sure if it is because it was a 2019 Remaster but there were some points where the guitar was way too loud compared to the rest of the instruments. Kind of sounds like a punk version of Rolling Stones. Much more rock heavy than punk which is more my speed. We Will Fall was maybe the strangest song I have ever heard with all of the chanting, but it honestly was really cool and worked and was probably my favorite song on this album with how crazy it was. Nothing mind blowing with this album but it rocked at points.
Pretty non-offensive early alternative rock. The singer of REM is very unique and I like his singing style. Just looked back and this is pretty much the exact same as my review to their last album
I wish I could listen to this album for the first time again because it is impossible to not give this album a 5. One of my favorite albums of all time and the album cover makes for an elite shower curtain. Dark Side of the Rainbow in the College Park basement was one of the coolest things to watch. Time has one of the greatest guitar solos and gives me the chills every time. I looked at the global reviews and some guy gave a 1 star and said "Aimless, meandering, and interminable with an incessant cacophony of nonsense". I feel like that guy is one of those Reddit commenters who always tries to go against whatever is popular and whoever uses those types of big words just to sound smart, definitely likes to smell his own farts.
Man that was a long boi of an album. Christina is definitely my favorite of the 90s pop singers I would say and she proved it again here. I just didn't really need to listen to her for almost an hour and a half
Pretty funny but cool sounds throughout the whole album. His voice was teetering on the edge of being too 80s synth-pop for me but it still worked. I don't think I liked this one as much as the other The The album we got but I still really liked it. I never thought I would be a huge synth-pop fan but I continue to really like when some of the albums come up
I liked how he explained the musical techniques at the beginning of each song. But those songs were way too long and repetitive and honestly this type of music hurts my head after a while
Third time was NOT the charm for Sonic Youth. This one started off and I thought it was going to be ok cause the first song was pretty good. But went back to dumb Sonic Youth sounds the rest of the way. This really better be the last album by them, there is no need for 4
An incredibly spooky album with some crazy sound effects and Nick Caves singing style. Felt like I was in a dream the whole time and the album just zoomed by
Some cool ass Electronica Tango with a surprise Frank Zappa cover thrown in there. We have been on a roll with some worldly music recently. This dragged on a bit long with the repetitive music but each song was pretty unique and was great for having on in the background
This Primal Scream band is very cool I have really liked both of the albums that have come up. Very unique sound with some rock and psychadelic mix. Didn't pay attention to song title names because I was cooking while listening. But overall album was very good. This is a very solid 4
Had some pretty cool funk and guitar aspects. Singer was a bit bland. But overall an enjoyable album in the high 3 range. Madchester is an awesome name for a genre for bands from Manchester
This started off as some strange industrial techno type music and I thought I had a long hour and 17 minutes ahead of me. But quickly turned into some pretty sweet electronic beats a few songs in. Wilmot is where I really got engaged into the album with its electronic reggae action going on. Then from there it was a pretty awesome album. There were some glonky ass sounds on Ballad of Nicky McGuire that were cracking me up. This was a high 4, a bit too long and some pretty boring filler songs in there made it not a 5. But overall much more enjoyable than I thought it would be.
Pretty strange genre of country. Some of it was pretty good but was all around kind of cheesy. This is a high 2 because it was kind of boring, but not offensive to my ears at all
Syd sounded like he wanted to be in the Beatles rather than Pink Floyd, this was some weird shit but in a fun way. Alright I changed my mind throughout that album, that was just straight up weird and not very fun.
Ah finally the infamous Portishead which I keep hearing about from Brandon and Kevin, happy to finally listen. Very cool lo-fi type beats with some beautiful singing that she has to go on top. While the songs were sometimes repetitive in beat, they never got stale at all. Some of the effects that were thrown in were very cool. Perfect album to listen to while doing some mindless coding for the past hour.
Pretty nice peaceful singing but got pretty boring towards the end. This is a low 3
Some classic Neil Young, can't really tell the difference between this and the other albums. But always happy to listen to him
Some nice peaceful music with just the right mix of pop, rock, and some country to keep things interesting. The ending of the album was pretty whacky with the like 20's sounding circus theme piano
Hell yeah that was some funky stuff that I love. I knew so many of these songs which I was not expecting: That Lady, Summer Breeze, and Highways of my Life. All baller songs. The cover of Listen to the Music was also great.
Another generic punk album. I wish all albums like this were only 15 minutes
This album grew on me once it got to the middle. The drums and guitar were both pretty incredible at times. I thought this was going to be an unlistenable industrial rock album but I actually really liked it. The beginning and end couple of songs were certainly very harsh but still overall a pretty good album. Instrumentals: Solid 4 Vocals: 1-2
So much funk recently and I am here for it. I see Maggot Brain is next as well so lets just keep it rolling. This album was so smooth and so funky. All that needs to be said
I said it before on their last album for some reason, but I will say it again Maggot Brain SHREDS! I think this album was slower than their other one if I can remember correctly but it was still pretty awesome. Can't really remember individual songs but ah who cares the whole album was put together very nicely. Here for the funk fo sho
Pretty much just straight up feel good music. I like getting albums like this that don't blow your socks off but are just a really nice 35 minute listen
Incredibly mid alternative album. I was on the verge of giving this a 1 because of how boring it was
I am a sucker for some synth-pop I have learned. This is another album that boarders very hard on being incredibly cheesy but it hits in all the good ways. All Tomorrow's Parties was a really cool song with some very interesting effects. This is a high 3.
I have no idea why I gave the last Band album a 3. They are so good and I have listened to them a lot. Every album that comes up will most likely be an automatic 4. Up On Cripple Creek is one of my top songs it is so fun to sing to. And Levon Helm is such a good singer while also drumming.
I have definitely heard this band before the singer sounds familiar. Think they may have a song in Tony Hawk or something. This album took me a while to get hooked. I thought from the first few songs that it would be a weird cheesy album, but I was completely wrong. This album had me bumping around the whole time. Such an upbeat fun album. This Celtic Punk really makes me want St Pattys day to come. Fairytale of New York was a weirdly beautiful song with the extremely different singers. Something about the combination of them and the instrumentals was really good. Metropolis was an intense Irish instrumental which could get me hyped to drink about 100 Guinnesses Worms was a strange ending.
Maybe if I inhaled an entire bag of spray paint then listened to this I would have actually liked it
Really cool 90s electronic which indeed was very ambient which the name suggests. Excellent background music while working but wouldn't put this on at any other time. I have never heard of the genre Intelligent Dance Music. I think I am going to start putting intelligent in front of all of the music I listen to. This had some extremely cool beats but was quite repetitive and long.
That was a really unique album with the mix of hard rock, folk, and a touch of reggae in some songs. Was a nice switch up from the norm on this list. Some of the guitar work was really cool and the singer has a pretty interesting voice which worked well. Dreaming of You I think was in Scrubs if my memory was unlocked correctly.
Woah Cecilia Ann to start if off was an absolute jam...unfortunately that was the high point of this album. Didn't dislike this album it just didn't do much for me. There was some cool rock aspects to it but it was just a bit boring. Cecilia Ann is going on my snowboarding playlist though. I can't wait to get reckless through some trees when that comes on
Just like all of the other S&G albums, this is a very good easy listen but nothing I would throw on again. Always happy for them so come up though. This one does feel like it was the best so far I really liked The Boxer.
This album came out 1 day before I was born, so that's pretty neat. Always wanted to listen to this album but never got around to it. That is just some straight up no nonsense heavy metal. The power guitar riffs and crashing symbols absolutely melted my face. I really like metal that slows down during parts of the songs just to speed back up and bring the house down.
Not the most exciting album but it is cool to hear music from the 60s and how much rock has evolved since then. Zilch almost exploded my brain
Love me some Daft Punk, but this album ain't it. Never really dove into early stuff but this is just some house that I really can't get into. There were some songs on here that straight up gave me a headache. Looking at you Rock n' Roll, that song needs to be deleted from the catalog. Da Funk and Around the World still are great. But the album as a whole was not very great
90s Gangsta rap is not really my jam at all. Some of these songs an skits were too ridiculous to take seriously
A top 5 album for me of all time and probably one of my most listened to albums ever. Can't possibly give this an unbiased review. All I will say is that I know that Geddy Lee's singing may not be for everyone, but the absolute musical genius that they play on the instruments in this album is unmatched. Every single song on this album is a 5/5 in my opinion. Best part about this is that after it ended on Spotify it jumped into another Rush song, Leave That Thing Alone, that I have never heard before and it is an absolute banger so I instantly added it to my snowboarding playlist. More Rush plz
One of those completely unexpectedly awesome albums that just come out of no where. I remember listening to his father's album Fela Kuti and really liking it. This one was a lot more groovy I believe with some long drawn out jams that hit me perfectly. The singing that went with the horns and drums was just such a fun aspect I was really bouncing around. The guitar parts in Survival were so awesome I could listen to that song all day long. Live for Today was also really dope with the energy that it brought and the build up. This wouldn't normally be a 5 type of album for me but this just really hit nicely in all of the best ways. This style was right up my alley and I am such a sucker for awesome horns.
Holy 80s cheese. The electronic drums and noises that were going on were quite terrible. Did not enjoy how much Janet wanted to change the world with some of her messages too. Was still some catchy music at points, but please get this album far away from me.
This album rocks pretty hard. Alice Cooper has such a unique style which is really hard to describe but I like it. Billion Dollar Babies and Generation Landslide are awesome. No More Mr. Nice Guy is the radio hit for sure that definitely works in the album. Not my favorite when listening to it stand alone.
That was such a weird album in the sense that I feel like I only liked every other song. The alternating from good to bad was a little strange, but the good definitely outweighed the bad on this one. This was certainly some experimental shit and was really very fun to listen to. I really liked Blues in Bob Minor at the end
Yup! That was some rock from the 60s
That was some incredibly funky stuff with the smoothest of singers. I was bumping along to that album the whole time. Don't think it is quite worth a 5 but it is very close.
The bongos absolute rock. I was afraid going into this album that it was going to be strictly bongos and no other instrument, but I was completely mistaken. That was some awesome funk/horn/bongo combo explosion for 30 straight minutes. The In a Gadda Da Vida cover was awesome. Not normally something I think I would give a 5 but this was such a unique and fun album that I absolutely want to hear again
Pretty cool psych pop album nothing super special though. Time of the Season is really good though I have known that song for a while.
Could not unhear that being Chef the entire album. Regardless though that was one soulful album with some absolutely smooth instruments. Made working while listening an absolute breeze
I really liked the background synthy jaunts that were going on in that whole. I am surprised that this band didn't catch on more with how groovy this whole album sounded...unless all of their other albums suck, then that would make sense.
Too much noise and whining from the singer for me. Just all sounded like one melted together song
Perfectly fuzzy punk-ish rock album. Not really sure how to describe that genre, but whatever it was I liked it. The guitar and synths were just the perfect amount of weird to not cross the line. Low 4 in my books
I actually liked this album way more than I thought I was going to based on the album cover. Thought it was going to be some super corny poppy shit. The guitar actually kind of rips in a few of these songs and the singer is not half bad. More of a hair metal kind of feel than pop. Still not something I would revisit but a nice surprise. Mid 3 still
Incredible album cover on this one. Learned of Count Basie in a jazz class I took my Sophmore year of college which was really fun. This sounds like most swing music I remember listening to in that class. Definitely cool to listen to this old jazz but doesn't really get things going for me
Those singers were really weird and spooky at first and I was not sure how I would like them through the album. But the backing instrumentals and beats were so so good throughout the whole album that they really grew on me. Listening to a few songs again and the electronics are elite on this album. Such a cool and unique type of music. Started off as a 2 really but worked its way to a high 4
Some of these songs are so dumb lyrically, but god damn the instruments go so hard throughout this whole album. The Rollin' at the end with all of the guests at the end was a wild song. Limp Bizkit is a band I would never listen to at all on my own time. But I would absolutely love to see them live. Their shows must be so intense. This may be the hardest album to rate cause it is stupid but I was jamming the whole entire time. So F it, it gets a 4
Strange sounding album with a really weird singer. Started off sounding like Faces or something like that with some nice guitar. But then got quite weird. Still not horrible but probably a low 3
Not sure if it is just me or Spotify, but the vocals and instruments do not sound like they are the same quality through most of this album. The vocals sound way more forward than the instruments. But that aside, I kind of expected more from this album from the Lenny Kravitz I have heard before. It wasn't a bad album just kind of disappointing. Going to be a lowish 3
Some real synthy sounds going on throughout the whole album. Sounded like I was in a dream the whole time. Thom Yorke has such a unique style where it doesn't really sound like he is singing but is still leading the songs perfectly for this style of music Very much an enjoyable album
This is now the 3rd Elvis Costello album, and I think that should be enough I don't need to hear any more. This one was the most Elvis singing forward one I think and it is easily the worst one of the 3 because his voice should not be the leading aspect of any album.
Some nice reggae that really nothing stood out on. Pretty forgettable
This album cover looks like it could be a cover for Twisted Metal. Unlike the awesome game that Twisted Metal is, this album was really quite awful. Didn't realize it was Nick Cave until I read the wiki a couple songs in. Boooooo Nick you should only do stuff with the Bad Seed that is actually good music and not this instrumental vomit
Kind of a meh album. Instruments were pretty cool but not a fan of the singer. I knew I recognized Plateau and Lake of Fire but it turns out its because Nirvana made them popular
A band with 13.1 million Spotify listens a year that I have never heard of so looking forward to this. Turns out it was just pretty sold alternative almost surf rock at points. I can see why this band is as popular as there are. Nothing to hate here. Pretty high 3
This album definitely gets a nod for its creativity and uniqueness that is for sure. This band must have completely changed their style from the other album that came up here because looking back I said it was pretty boring alternative. This was very far from that. There were some crazy sounds going on throughout this whole album. None more than the ending of No Sympathy, that was absolute madness. Not quite worth a 5 but it is a very high 4 and an album I will really want to relisten to. I wish on this website there was a thing that you could mark to flag an album to relisten to.
Great singing. Great backing instruments. Great length.
Top of the line psychdelic shredding in my book. I have listened to the title track a bunch of times and it never ceases to jam. So it was really nice to listen to the other songs....which also jammed.
The banging on drums and howling into the mic just might not be for me in this case. The guitar in the end of Gutless was pretty good I think I got the song right. But the rest was just another album
This one from Led Zeppelin seems like their most stripped down and raw album of the 1-4 but in a great way. Just seems like these were songs written and recorded so quickly but it works so well. Something I really like about this album is that you can hear a lot of the live recordings in the background at the beginning and ends of songs. Makes it sound like it was all done in 1 take from front to back. In my second tier of Zepellin albums, but still a great one to throw on every so often
One of the most surprisingly good albums on this list for me. I thought looking at this that it would be ultimate pop cheese. But I was so wrong, this album actually was so funky and fun. Started off so strong with the slapping bass and drums in Show Me. I kind of wish that the whole album kept that theme, but it may have worked out to give the rest of the songs some uniqueness. Overall the funk and energy had me grooving the whole time. This was a very solid 4 in my books
Ctrl + F "R.E.M", Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V
Super bluesy which means it was very good in my book. The first song with Santana was a heater.
Another Neil Young album which is nice to listen to but sounds like all of the others. This one however has Southern Man which I forgot how much of a jam that song is, definitely my favorite by him
Kind of just another Neo-psych English album from the 80s. This one was pretty high energy which was nice but didn't do much for me. Pretty low 3
Some nice walking bass and smooth horns for about 30 minutes was perfect background music while working.
I think that this review is pretty similar to the other Morrissey reviews, pretty good instrumentals with an ok singer. The National Front Disco and Tomorrow were really fun songs.
No matter the version of Girl from Ipanema, it is always a great song. Smooth singing with some very nice strings and piano in the back. Could listen to Frank all day. This is a pretty high 4.
Could get down with some of the beats but was tough to listen to in all French. The first half of the album was good but then it dragged on a bit too long. And Ragga Jam was not very good I was ready for the album to be done by then. Still a surprise at a mid 3.
This might be the most 80s sounding album of all time. Not necessarily bad, just not a style that I like at all. The back and forth with the singers, especially on Wake Up, made me think of the sketches they would do on Whose Line is it Anyways where each person could only say 1 word a time to make a song.
A top album for me in my life and could quite possibly be my favorite Metallica album. Always switches between this, Ride the Lightning, and Justice. Just absolute face melt shredding the entire time. Metallica has to be some of the best song structure creating band of all time. Sanitarium is such an intense song how it goes from slow to fast. And Orion may be one of the best instrumental songs I've ever heard Slam dunk 5 all day every day.
Something about the 90s U2 albums just aren't my favorite, not sure if it is too poppy or what. But overall this album was pretty good, had a few of the hits. Never heard Love is Blindness at the end I really liked that song. Hoping for some 80's U2 to come up at some point. That is more my style
What a wildly unique album. At first I thought this was going to be some crazy synth techno stuff that got really old quickly. But each song was very fresh with different styles and sounds. This album sounded like it was made 5 years ago rather than almost 30. Wish I paid attention more to the song titles cause there were a few songs on here that I wanted to save, guess i'll just have to relisten. This is a pretty high 4.
Another EC album in a very short time. His voice is still horrendous. But this album was better than Armed Forces, so it will get 1 more star because of that. Please, creator, let this be the 4th and final album by Elvis Costello.
This guy has a very intriguing voice, just something about it I really like. The instruments that went behind it also are quite strangely good. The song structure of Graham Greene and Andalucia were fun. That was a complete surprise of 4 album.
I think I am starting to get Radiohead now that this is their 3rd album. Still not quite sure I am a Thom guy quite yet, but the rest of the music is very cool. Think I need to go back and listen to In Rainbows again now that I understand what Radiohead has to offer.
Not really my type of music at all. Not bad to listen to just didn't do anything for me
Pretty cool but standard alternative rock album. I'd say it was above average in enjoyment though. I was really waiting for a song that I know to come up on this but it never happened. 3.5 stars for this one.
Such an incredibly strange album in a great way. Did not know that Joni was this trippy, compared to her last album we listened too which seemed like straight up country. Every song was so unique on this album and her voice is so good that I was completely engaged the whole time listening. Pretty strong 4
Always heard of Jamiroquai but never listened to them. I am very happy that this came up because this album is incredible. Acid Jazz is slowly becoming one of my favorite genres, it just never misses for me. This album started off very good and had me moving, but as soon as it hit the instrumental then from everything after that it really took off. Revolution 1993 in particular was an absolute heater. This was not necessarily a surprise 5 after I started listening, but a surprise based on never listening to this band before.
Don't really like this style of rap, but can't lie this album had some good beats and pretty entertaining songs. Really liked that it was only 30 minutes long I am not sure if I could have done another 30 minutes of it. Lots of dick and pussy talk in it though which was a bit strange. Shout out to Anderson Paak for being a baller on that one song I always forget how good he is
I had a feeling we would be getting this album at some point because of Block Rockin Beat. Just seems like it is right up this guys alley in terms of music. Dragged on a bit long and a lot of the songs in the middle had some really cool beats that got repetitive in the song itself, but each song was fresh. Was going between a 3-4 here, the ending was really strong though with the last 2 songs especially the last one. So ending on a great note moves it up to a 4. Lets go get lost in the k-hole
Just going to give this a 2 because I am sick of all of the Morrissey. Can't tell the difference between any of his albums
Flaming Lips are such a funny band. The way that they makes songs make no sense and should not sound good at all, but they are so good. The quirkiness just keeps me completely entertained for the whole album. I don't really choose to play them and I don't think I would ever add any of their songs to my playlists, but I am so happy to listen to a full album when it comes up here. Race for the Prize is an absolute jam though I must say.
***EDIT*** Listened to this again a week later. Had to switch to a 5. This album is just a jam the whole time and the best Steely Dan album that has come up here. ******* Steely Dan rules so hard. This is now his 4th album on here for us, and unlike stupid Morrissey, I am happy to see his albums come up every time. This album in particular seemed the most jazzy that we have listened to so far. A few long songs which drew out nicely and never got stale. Steely is always an automatic 4 and a high one in this case.
Didn't really pay too much attention to this album since it was in Portuguese I think and all of the songs sounded extremely similar. Didn't hate but probably a low 3
Beyonce with the incredible singing and surprising amount of womping bass on a lot of these songs. Was excited to see this album pop up because it was unexpected and also cool to listen to. Just so the Beyhive doesn't come after me I am giving this a 4.. jk jk I am going to give it a 4 anyways cause that was a very good album
Really cool spacey album which I am glad the music matched up with the really spooky hilarious looking album cover. Not sure if I am correct but Run sounded like a Call me the Breeze Skynyrd cover. The ending to Shine a Light when they introduced the horns was really cool. This is one of those albums that I could listen to all day long. Nothing crazy in your face but perfectly melts together with the noises and cool instrumentals. I could see this being a 5 if I was in the right mindset but for now while working at my desk it is a high 4. Give me 1 bite of edible on a Saturday and I could see that changing, so I will give it a 5.
Funny album that had a combination of good 60s rock with some songs thrown in the second half of the album that sounded like they could be in a musical. When (International Anthem) came on I thought I was about to start the Olympics. This is a low 4/ high 3 but will go 4 because I really liked the singer
Very cool and unexpectedly good acid rock album. Gotta love when you get caught off guard whole doing this list. Sounds like King Giz took a lot of inspiration from this when making Float Along - Fill your Lungs, which is one of my top albums by them. So no surprise this is a pretty strong 4
Looking at the album cover and type of music I thought this was going to be complete ass of an album. To my surprise it was only slight ass
Have listened to a lot of Tom Petty's hits but never a full album. His hits definitely carry a lot of weight on this album for sure , but there were a few nice surprises. Still think it is a pretty middle of the road American Rock album. American Girl is so dang catchy though it has been a top song for me for a long time
Not sure why but that album really annoyed me. Might have been the weird way the singer whispered the whole time. Or could have been that sometimes it feels like the instruments were just playing whatever the hell they wanted to. Seems like music that I would normally really like, but just something about this did not jive with my ears. Anyways, like 95% of that album was pretty terrible, and 5% was mediocre to ok
By far the most rock Radiohead album we have listened to, almost didn't sound like Radiohead compared to the others. I do like that they show some variation and not all albums sound the same though. I really like the guitar used in a lot of these songs. Doesn't seem overly complicated but just works really well. The standouts were (Nice Dream) and Street Spirit. Probably my least favorite of the Radiohead albums so far because I really like the trippy albums that have come before, but still really good in different ways.
The most incredibly mid 90s alternative album I have ever heard. There was not one thing in this album that got me excited. Not bad music at all just so extremely boring. On the verge of giving this a 1 just because of the straight boredom, but it was still music so its a low 2.
Some good old fashioned straight up rap from Wu Tang. The flows and beats were great and I really liked that all members get involved especially because there are so many. CREAM is an all time song
Some of the songs with just bongos and instruments were pretty awesome, especially the first song. But the random chanting and whistles and what not were quite brutal
That was an alright psych pop kind of album that was pretty much right down the middle for the most part. Right up until Build the Bridge at the end which was fucking whacky as hell. Was always thinking 3, this didn't move it up, but was definitely quite the addition. I think I knew Groove is in the Heart.
Very average punk, and everyone here knows my feelings on punk. It always cracks me up when a punk album has 30 songs crammed into 35 minutes.
Just some straight up great singing and easy flowing songs. The Interludes weren't too much either which is nice because sometimes they can be a bit long winded. Was not expecting a Lil Wayne sighting in this but I am always down for that.
This seemed like a pretty standard (yet very good) psychadelic album. But then 17 minutes of Aumgn made me question my entire life. Had to take off my head phones and walk my dog after that then continue the rest of the album. After I resumed listening, Peking O then made me question all of reality as we know it. This was truly one of the strangest albums I have ever listened to. The beginning 4 songs were flirting with 4 territory, but the last 3 were just really quite awful. Not sure at all what to give this, so 3 it is
Another great Doors album. Such incredible bluesy rock. Love her Madly is such a fun and catchy song. Riders on the Storm is already a great song but it works even better as part of this album.
Ah yes our good ol friend Tom Waits. It has been almost a year since our last time getting one of his albums and I specifically said I think we have had enough of him. From the get go this statement still holds true. I feel like my ears are now wet from the amount that he was spitting into the mic. Instruments good, singing bad
Some of this was really awesome prog rock. But some was really strange and corny rock opera-esque which got a little stale, especially with the length of the album. Sonic Attack and Time We Left specifically with the interludes that were so strange were when I was ready for this album to be over. Overall though this live album ripped hard for the majority and I found myself really enjoying it. Surprised I have never heard of this band cause this is my style of music.
Have always heard of the Chronic but have never listened. Holy hell I have been missing out. Dr Dre's flow is so impressive on here, and he pairs perfectly with Snoop Dogg who arguably may be the best part of the album. Could be biased though with my Snoop love. This was definitely the best 90s rap album that has come up so far. Just banger after banger. Major plus for the $20 Sack Pyramid skit being absolutely hilarious
Kind of sounds like a combination of the Doors and Rolling Stones. Pretty above average classic rock sound with some absolutely freaky shit going on in Devil Eyes. Make it Right at the end was a pretty great song. This is a high 3
Magazines are just slightly less good Televisions, and that goes for the two bands as well. This was a really cool spooky rock album which I was digging the whole time. Had some nice guitar and also some cool effects throughout the whole album. Pretty solid 4 which was a nice surprise.
What in the absolute surprise of an album was that? Crazy chill French electronic music is right up my alley. I liked how it was in some English and some French as well. Some of the effects used in this were so unique an cool, specifically the start of Motoroller Scalatron. I could see this in the right situation being a 5 but I think for now it just missed out but is still a very high 4
Completely unfair of me to listen to this directly after listening to The Chronic. Just could not bring the same gas. Was a pretty nice chill rock album with nothing crazy. There was an instrumental song in there which was nice. Short and sweet album. Again, could not compare to Dr. Dre. Sorry Bees
Definitely weird, but not even on the same planet of weird that Trout Mask Replica was. This one was actually some semi decent music that just sounded like it was made from some guy in the 60s who loved doing drugs. Low 3
Some of the songs were really good like Push it Along and Can I Kick it. But others were really quite boring. I was excited to see this album come up but I left a little disappointed. Still a mid to high 3 though
Super spacey album by Bowie which was super cool. Sound and Vision I already knew from it coming up randomly after listening to a different album, excellent song. The last 4 songs made me feel like I was in a Dune movie.
Pretty standard Reggae. This is as 3 of an album as possilbe
Incredibly standard British New Wave with not a single exciting thing happening on the whole album. This was just a filler of an album I feel like because I did not need to listen to that at before I die. I would honestly prefer something crazy like Kollaps to come up rather than this.
Very random album with songs from all types of genres, but I guess that is possible when an album is 90 MINUTES LONG. Most of the first half was some easy listening early Beatles-esque type of music, with then Black Maria coming in an absolutely ripping. That song was pretty awesome. The "Intro" was also quite neat showing the different effects that can be played. It crazy that song was made with no knowledge of how good headphones would get in the future. The ending third of this album then switched to sounding like Elton John which was also very good. All around very good album where I never got bored of it because of the variety. Pretty impressive range by Todd.