The Wildest!
Louis Primathere’s only so much scatting one girl can take
there’s only so much scatting one girl can take
it’s insane how good this music is
perf combination of old and new soul and jazz. sade has been a huge influence to so many modern artists with a fresh take on this style of music. this album is so easy and nice to listen to. pretty romantic n smooth 💓💞💓💞💓truly iconic
th*t w*s fucking p**nful
electric light orchestra. I hardly know her.
str8 vibes 😎this was gOOd naked lady👌🏽
dan really did it on this one :^)
electric light orchestra. I hardly know her.
3rd and 4th song were actually pretty good, don’t know if I can say much ab the rest 🤠
instrumentals were far more enjoyable than vocals 🎨
perf combination of old and new soul and jazz. sade has been a huge influence to so many modern artists with a fresh take on this style of music. this album is so easy and nice to listen to. pretty romantic n smooth 💓💞💓💞💓truly iconic
great album. nostalgic and sick guitar :*
nice one nina.
there isn’t a single song on this album that isn’t good. amy I’m in love with you
meh. all fun and good music until morrissey starts singing. few good catchy ones. indie rock pop.
long songs n quirky lyrics 😪💔
yo this is hella good. her voice is amazing. cool cool
for folks sake
‘a new level’ was great. I’m a sucker for some good guitar. some songs like ‘this love’ didn’t sound right to me with the different ranges of style combined between metal and slow grunge-rock, woulda been better off without the shouting on that one. the first half of the album was better. 3.5 -> 4 doesn’t seem right ?
overall great combination of artists. awesome but nothing new. easy going alt rock. slightly underwhelming. second half was the best. some of it works...some of it is just boring.
really did not think this was anything special. the beginning of the album was all the same sounded really watered down. wasn’t really in the mood.
this was nice. minimalistic, soft and sad. slightly cliche but overall enjoyable and easy to listen to.
urgh they picked the wrong album. hell yeah so good tho. I love this electric hard dance music. really well composed.
musically this album was great but the singing and lyrics felt inconsistent, loud and very similar. solid psych punk rock. enjoyable.
oh this is goooooooooood. the last one was so great i almost lost my head.
I love this classic rock. loud theatrical style with passionate ballads. this shit meaty as hell. sick album cover too 🥩🥩🥩🥩🥩
I need to listen again in full. not particularly memorable so far ... relaxing, smooth, talented and serene
finding a good and worthwhile song in this album was harder than it should be. cant even remember what I just listened to.
ma gurl
this wasn’t for me was kinda bored🐍
!!prettttyttyy!! kinda timeless, really talented and catchy. I liked when he said c c c c c c c c cucumber🥒
kinda seems like the songs I like are the ones with the least amount of shouting ...
yeah this was cute but I probably won’t listen again #takemebacktomilkshakes+diners
KING KUNTA. this is one of his best. this shit beautiful and truly shows his raw lyricism and talent. funk political soul hip hop. dA gOaT. I REMEMBER YOU WAS CONFLICTED
cool album cover. cool drums. cool song names. the female vocals were better than the male ones. coo coo
this kinda britpop is really enjoyable and nostalgic. pretty strings baby :)
jonkees. bri ish init. guitar reminds me of my dad lol. jonkees.
great bass + really well orchestrated. almost cinematic with a narrative. reminded me of portishead. this grew on me.
swear I’ve seen this album cover in my dreams. best songs are the 7 min ones. any longer + I woulda given it a 2.
all I hear is 70s samples. catchee. good - better - good.
nice beats. best electric/house one so far. dancey dance :)
no cos all the songs were great. ooh that harmonica. dazed and confused just gets better everytime I listen to it !!
listening to these albums in the afternoon is so hard WHY. walk this way riff tho.
nice slow jazz ones. her voice was great. I did NOT like the guy laughing on the penultimate song
oh boy I love this FUNK. that electric guitar fits so well. mmm these percussion sounds
sorta reminded me of norah jones with the piano and some vocals. damm k.d you can sing. I like how it barely sounds like country. swoonyy. 3.5
I feel like I was supposed to like this. Was this good? Live albums -_-
I feel bias giving a vote. Didn’t feel like it was anything special but a few were catchy and good. Some of it was really jarring. Still - not for me :(
Ry Cooder PARIS, TEXAS !!!!!!!!!
bleurgh. just want hotel california😩 so close to giving this a 1 😡😡😡
This is some of the best female R&B - Interlude.
yeeeee. 20 min song > rest of the album. hell yeah king crimson dude. sick ass supergroup.
YOU GO BACK JACK. DO IT AGAIN. the first track sets high expectations. it sounds like they’re still figuring out what their sound is - some songs just don’t need to be there. but undeniably talented especially the piano and guitar :D
yes yes yes. frigging icon. this album is legendary and revolutionary in every way.
???? underwhelming. for every good song I liked there was at least 2 more boring ones
this was not it for me. close to giving it a 1. hated the singing.
didn’t really need to be on this list but cool. liked it more when listened twice.
the features on this album and through the wire 😙😙
really don’t like the who as much as I used to. 2.5
my first 1 🥳🥳🥳
(Fuck Yeah) This Album Is Incredible [I love you Dave Greenfield R.I.P] 🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑
well...the album cover is cool
pleasantly surprised. this was really nice and felt like there was a lot of range ^~^
not as good as ocean rain. kinda didn’t notice when one song finished and another started. av.
is this better than Loaded, no, but still was pretty and happy. each song I end up liking by the end. 🍌
started of really strong - first track best track - last half was not so great. progressively more folk = ew if this is “classic rock” idk if I like it ...
little bit samey with the guitar. god some songs acc sound so off tho ... mmm kinda hot tho
fuck my head hurts. this was so poo. there was like 2 ok songs but they all made me angry.
this grew on me, was a lil drony but I liked the slow ones. pretty cool ‘hospital’ was so nice and sad. bit repetitive tho.
booooooo! didn’t finish
this is such a great album. absolute classic soul. all of their voices are incredible. even the 10 min song was perf. MWAH
the Rolling Stones will always be great even if some of the blues stuff is a bit bleurgh. saying that, ‘Ventilator Blues’ is one of the best tracks. I hope they have other albums on here.
this was sick. supa heat :D
Very. nice boys. Very. nice. 3.5
his voice is sorta jarring but some of these songs really hit. Mmmmmmm but they also don’t IDK
giving me very much rah rah rah energy yk. 2.5
metal but make it ok.
pretty cool. I liked the vocals and the 10 min song. was a lil repetitive. the bush artwork <333.5
mediocre alt nice rock catchy punk nice yhyh but minus points cos it’s not good enough to be that long
this was really great and had amazing range. feels like some shit my mum would play but in a good way. not a 5 because it was so long that I can’t really remember what I listened to at the beginning.
kinda catchy. not really what I wanted to listen to. cover so cool
ooh. lil boring and few songs sounded just dated. some of the them had no oomph. ‘oceans’ v pretty tho :)
this was very strong. wanna be friends with Siouxsie. really enjoyed :)
ya! and it has Norah on it. perfect.
really liked this. liked the lyrics and how it all sounded a bit sad. creepy cool cover.
although most of the tracks had a similar style, the funky guitar and loud hip hop lyrics make this album cool crisp n catchy
also cool
the shorter more rock songs were acc cool. first side was better. so many unnecessary songs?
all of the songs were very different. pale blue eyes is overrated n the last song was cute. banana n loaded >>>
great album to cry to - ‘thinkin bout you’ is a masterpiece - his voice is gorgeous - arguably more honest and raw than Blonde - incredibly produced and composed.
I really don’t enjoy this genre of music, good on them tho 👍🏼
why is this album even on here all songs sound the same blah blah blah - minus all points for that Pocahontas song
ok this kinda hit but not enough to make it a 4 idk. I really liked never say goodbye 😁
was a bit Beatley but I liked how most the songs were short. cute x
although Mark Ronson may have done it better , ‘Amy’ is such a pretty song :* his voice works and sounds better on the slower and softer tracks ! he do be relying on that harmonica tho ¿
somewhat mediocre and inconsistent buttttttt really liked the last song and she had a good voice
I mean it’s David Bowie come on 4.5
idk this wouldn’t really even be enjoyable background music? all the songs sound the same and boring. how is this music literally made me angry
mmm catchy. ‘melody for an unknown girl’ best track. this was cool cos there was range and it felt really well composed. OG stepping stone whaaaaaat?!
ya this was boring 😜
I want Dizzee Rascal to call me a Jezebel
her voice s’ one of the very bests and these songs make me so calm but happy very romantic <3
I thought this was gunna be hella shit and yes it was cheesy but so catchy and ‘everybody wants to rule the world’ is just a classic hit
ok I’m bored of doing this when no one else does, so no effort to write my amazing reviews any more 💔
but ‘territorial pissings’ = 5/5 for the name
I really really really enjoyed the first song and even the first few songs but after that it was very inconsistent between nice and sad and lacklustre and country ew
awesome 😎 flavvy flavvy
amazing, I thoroughly enjoyed the 80s sound of this, really cool :D
urm idk cos some were really catchy but it just sounded very similar so kinda all smooooothed into one big ol song. ok ?
good ass soul. this music is just the best kinda music and this album was overall really great. nice one bobby. best track = If You Think You’re Lonely Now. 4.7
well ... it’s definitely different. it went from bad to okay to bad again. I wouldn’t choose to listen to this. best track = “Wilmot”
really didn’t think this was anything special. it was all way too similar and there was no song I particularly liked. disappointing
mini short songs yesssss. this really was perfect for swingin’ lovers wow. 4 but only just
this was so awesome <3 felt so creative and fun. catchy as hell. really enjoy this arty/prog/pop rock. felt very 70s. ‘Barbecutie’ COME ON
cheesy in all the wrong ways and maybe that’s what this sorta music is supposed to be but I was not in the mood for it - on reflection some of the songs at the end were good but not good enough for a higher rating
cooooollll. it all sounded great together and flowed in a way that wasn’t monotone or too similar. love the funk. 4.7
I’m not going to give this a 1 because whoever was at the Star Club in Hamburg Germany in 1964 probably went wild for this ... but it was not for me and didn’t enjoy how fast it all was xxx
best part is the album cover. I problem is that there are too many songs for too long. coulda done with half the amount. a good though. 3.5?
th*t w*s fucking p**nful
aweeeee pretty :* #needed
oof that first track 🥴 why was that there. don’t really understand the purpose of this album. “Sueisfine” good name tho.
awesome. the second track “Stay” really epitomises the style and talent of this era of Bowie music. the guitar is all round funky and fun and David’s vocals boast the arty and raw nature of the album. I also think the last track “Wild Is the Wind” is notable just for its slower but passionate style. really enjoyable and worthwhile :)
yo this is actually sick. just hella fun and random. didn’t listen to all the mixes but I’m sure I got the rough idea you know? some of my favourite kinks songs x
even though it was live it still coulda been harder and louder. I found the first half stronger which for a live performance isn’t great but it was still good classic rock :D
this is some real ass music. so many great features of this album including the cover and name. somehow nostalgic and just really great 😏
nice n easy n fun but also n boring
this isn’t necessarily a BAD album it just isn’t for me, find some of the songs nice and chill but the majority a bit monotone and boring :( definitely prefer the songs without the male backing vocals
sure x
this was a great album. a couple of songs lacked a bit of OOMF but honestly it was all really incredible music 🥡
yeah I don’t really know why this album was here, not really a huge fan of 60s music and it just felt very samey - I did quite like ‘It’s No Use’ though :) still only 2.5 max
don’t🤠really🤠have🤠anything🤠to say about🤠this🤠
this took a while to warm up I think but, i liked the style, it was passionate with strong lyricism and piano and was overall v nice. ‘Leather’ = 😍😍😍
Dear, I fear we're facing a problem You love me no longer, I know and Maybe there is nothing that I can do To make you do Mama tells me I shouldn't bother That I ought just stick to another man A man that surely deserves me But I think you do So I cry and I pray and I beg Love me love me Say that you love me Fool me fool me Go on and fool me Love me love me Pretend that you love me Leave me leave me Just say that you need me So, I cry and I beg for you to Love me love me Say that you love me Leave me leave me Just say that you need me I can't care 'bout anything but you Lately I have desperately pondered Spent my nights awake and I wonder What I could have done in another way To make you stay Reason will not lead to solution I will end up lost in confusion I don't care if you really care As long as you don't go So I cry, I pray, and I beg Love me, love me Say that you love me Fool me, fool me Go on and fool me Love me, love me Pretend that you love me Leave me, leave me Just say that you need me So I cry and I beg for you to Love me, love me Say that you love me Leave me, leave me Just say that you need me I can't care 'bout anything but you Love me, love me (say that you love me) Fool me, fool me (go on and fool me) Love me, love me (I know that you need me) I can't care 'bout anything but you
nice. nothing I didn’t expect. 3.5 🦀
this was a good album but honestly there were no songs I particularly liked or dislike :S
j some really good not particularly unique classic noisy rock !
probably the best Beatles music I’ve listened too - I appreciated the shortness of the songs. pretty sweet and funky 🫕
can this dude actually shut up
URGH. sksjfbruqiehrjr. no comment
pretty iconic 80s dance music, some songs were a bit dragged out and didn’t have a great sound listening 40 years later, but a really clean classic funky hip hop sound that makes ya wanna dance ;)
sorry but this was so fucking boring and that harmonica made me wanna scratch my eyes out. there was very few songs that I could actually listen to in completion. sorry
it’s insane how good this music is
it’s getting ... boring. personally I believe they coulda been just fine without making this album really nothing special
had this on in the background and was fairly enjoyable. some of the songs sounded more country than blues and that was kinda not it.
a truly beautiful album of art
Scott 4 ... more like, Scott I’m sorry but this isn’t a great album
-1 point cos it wasn’t fuck you album
I don’t really know what I just listened to and I’m not even mad about it
she has a really great voice, too many songs on the album, but super catchy and sweet :) 3.5
something about the red hot chilli peppers is that in almost all their songs something seems … off, but they’re just still so good and I keep coming back to them over and over <3
this was actually very great, very very 80s, very cheesy, very talented and very varied
there’s only so much scatting one girl can take
this shit was catchy ngl, pretty cool 💀
weirdly surprised by this. I think because I don’t like the Beatles much, I assumed I wouldn’t like this guy. but his voice is pretty and talented and songs like “How Do You Sleep?” are just really great. this guy clearly knew what he was doing.
one of the most influential groups of the 60s. although some of their music doesn’t feel as good now 60 years later, this album is honestly great and each song is unique but has consistency and style. something about the harmonies they make together, ooohhh :)))
Muddy Waters: Self Proclaimed Coochie Man
this was fucking weird I love it 😙
if you’re not listening to this on a high volume with headphones - it’s not going to sound that great, I didn’t like this album as much as I anticipated but I can’t deny how good some of these songs make you (electric) feel
almost every song on this album is perfect, in so many ways, really incredibly great music 🥲
sweet, easy, elegant, charming and the first track is all of that ^ x10 ❤️🔥
honestly didn’t think this was a particularly strong album, but some of the songs were really stand out tracks, most of the songs just took too long to get good. 3.5
ok so this album is kinda bad but in a good way, the songs aren’t that great but still funny, his voice is a bit annoying but it’s sorta catchy and overall it all works together … but i most likely wouldn’t listen to the whole album again, sorry
Noah’s fence but idk if I would actually call this ✨music✨
songs were all very similar, not bad just 🤷🏼♀️
I felt like this album was really catchy and all round good vibes albeit inconsistent, however that “Cars Are Cars” song made me so frustrated and angry. what the fuck
couldn’t really distinguish between songs as they were all too similar; in instruments, style, lyrics, everything - “Night Life” was the best song
this sounds kinda medieval idk why but some of them songs were fucking weird. pretty cool if u ask me. this guy has a good voice ###
!!!! this is so good can’t believe I’ve never listened to this album before. dreamy, soft, magical + feels really ahead of its time. this album really relaxed me and made me v happy :) also the songs had cool names too
cool & electrick Best Track = “Destroy Rock & Roll”
apart from a few tracks at the beginning in the end, the middle part merged together and wasn’t particularly strong. this artist is definitely a great, loud and talented one but this album wasn’t much of those things at all.
uh oh. the beatles are in their feels again
slightly disappointed. majority of the songs just lacked substance and something special. I would have preferred if most songs had the same style as “She Walks On Me” which was strong. not bad not good?
this was so cool and random. each song was completely different and I really enjoyed the range of instrumental songs and the indian influence. awesome !
wowowowww. 7 artists!! “Song for Sathima” was genuinely so relaxing and romantic. nice groovy bass :D
this kinda sounds like some shit from a musical idk why this just gives me bad vibes, was okay ? 2.5
hell yes. I am such a bitch for this kind of brit-pop and this was a great example of it in this album. so many strong tracks and “F.E.E.L.I.N.G.C.A.L.L.E.D.L.O.V.E” was soooo G.O.O.D. the songs were funny quirky catchy and just really well composed. the vocalist had a nice voice too.
👍🏼 definitely need to listen to more of this guy. he has clear talent and imagination and all of the songs are incredibly varied and cool. the whole album is cohesive without merging too much but still if you listened to the first half of the album not in completion it wouldn’t really work. awesome album cover and i like the song names. come on a 4/named song ?! 👍🏼
kooky cool whatever but got so boring real quick
strong start but then kinda flopped
hehee shaft
ooh this was consistently so cool. “Somewhere In Hollywood” = BestTrack. catchy n chill. great voices and a great 70s album 😇
as much as I enjoyed some of these songs some of them were just too repetitive and long I got bored halfway through. shame. I like the style of songs like “Incident At 66.6 FM”
stinky 80s cheese 🧀
every song in this album is iconic. the album cover : mwah. and it just all feels so GOOD. the guitar was fucking awesome too. loved it 😩
not only was this a live album 🤢 but it was a bad one too. his voice was just irritable and painful to listen to. overall pretty disappointing. I really like the last track though, all the other songs lacked that passion and interest. boo
definitely grew on me. some songs were too similar and repetitive but the screaming and guitar were kinda additive. cool name x
OK Google
idrk what kind of music this is but i don’t like it … 2.5
“The Curse of Millhaven” was catchy I’ll give them that but I’m NOT listening to a 14 min song that is that mediocre. 2.7
oooh yeah babyyyy “Joy Inside My Tears”😍😍😍 hottie
got boring pretty quick. I liked the vocals. ok. would have to be in the mood to listen again - maybe more back ground music vibes ?
oh my lord this was BAD. boring annoying vocals meh each song was the same ew
isn’t for me sorry, don’t wanna be bias as it was good music I just wouldn’t choose to listen to this, I did enjoy some of the instrumental drums 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
oooh I like this already. some incredible 70s rock n roll. wasn’t a fan of the first half of the double track “I’m A Cadillac/“El Camino Dolo Roso” but the second half was amazing made me feel some kinda way. love me an all guy band with tight trousers and long hair 😍
cute x
wishy washy kinda but got those 80s beats that are undeniable catchy
rrrrefreshing 🧊
surprisingly modern, ditzy and clean 🧼
increasingly got more “ok I really don’t like this, why is this guitar making me so irritated”
I love how dry and sad his voice is. the songs were all really great and “How Do You Think It Feels” was the perfect kind of catchy. a really solid album. 4.5
fucking spooky dude. I loved this, everything I wanted, just hit all the right spots. really incredible production and powerful techno beats. pretty awesome x
so cool. great range of song styles, her voice is amazing and gives me 2010 pop ‘now that’s what I call music’ nostalgia but with r&b n funk notes 😵💫
good but I lost interested quickly. could’ve really benefited from some more female features.
super good, cool song names, liked the harmonica and drums, just didn’t appreciate the end 19 min song but surprisingly liked for 60s rock music x
ethereal, clean, coming of age, both hard and soft, fantastically 90s (cool album name too x)
one of the most iconic guitar riffs of all time, on one of the most revolutionary rock albums of the early 2000s 😘#period #y2k
see I can tell what sort of “sound” this music is supposed to be but I don’t like it. her voice was jarring and the songs were almost monotone. instrumentally songs were strong like “It’s Enough” I had just had enough of her voice. 2.9🙂
the raw weirdness of this electronic rock is super refreshing. “Deceptacon” is such a strong start but I wanted to hear MORE like it. something was missing - I loved it though. I feel like it had some 60s pop & early 80s Brit rock influences wrapped with a modern American sound which was cooollll. the songs were janky but it worked with sometimes simple lyrics paired with rough guitar. very good 😈
the guys voice was lovely n deep. the instrumentals were extremely good and felt very grand and orchestral. lil bit of comedy. lil bit of cringe. pretty cool. 4.5
meh not a very impressive album. okay. cool cover and second song name lol. 2.5. soz x
love ❤️
sweet but samey
rock n roll baby. better version of “Dancing in the Moonlight”? would definitely see live x
this music is kind of insane, love u Kate for that
I ❤️ J.C
idk. I liked a few songs but not the album as a whole. too much snare drums and reverb maybe? idk that slamming noise is too repetitive and just overly 80s
wasn’t a fan :(
that “Gotta Get Up” song is so catchy. cool percussion. his voice was very lovely. a very feel but also very sad but in a nice way. nice sad. a really good album overall but the end songs were just a bit weak :( shame
radio head. I hardly know her. 4.8
I’m not properly listening to this sorry x
an ok album but not for me, wouldn’t listen to it all again
most of this album just merged into one song. I didn’t even notice when the next song came on. I like ‘Teenage Kicks’ but that’s pretty much it. the second half had a bit of range but I’m still bored. 2.5
power move to sing live at a prison and just diss the police
clean and unique sound. coulda done without a few filler songs. excellently produced. enjoyable good 90s hip hop 😈
not very strong but not surprised. idk what made them wanna make a 20 min song what da freak
something about this I sorta loved but at the same time sorta hated. 3.5
go on then name 4 clash songs
1 point for just not existing on Spotify and having cool album cover
really need to listen to more Björk. she and this album are both incredible❤️🔥
oooh salsa baby. yeah this was great. impeccable vibes and each song was different from the last. mwah
dreamy and oddly unique
pretty great album, guitar & production. nice x
mehhh with some occasional funky guitar
just perfect
ya no
2 songs. 38 mins. flex
legendary and catchy rock
all the same ?
wow that Tubular Bells Pt II was surprisingly wanted … that’s about it
incredibly good what the hell
shouty good
do u want one or two hit songs with your boring album sir ?
last song could have been broken up but really talented and technically good :)
cool song names, not as cool album length and actual songs themselves
woah her voice
British Popish
beautiful, made me cry
i love the isley brothers but god that album format 🤢
sad dated and a bit boring. there goes the fear carries it
I don’t really like 80s music
sad people music but just made me bored
pretty cover but god I hate whiny 80s music
really great instrumental jazz, listened to in the bath and really heightened the experience. I don’t really see how anyone could not like this. 4.6 :D
no ty x
first song had weird ass lyrics but it was cute ig
fuck this guys voice is deep. I don’t think this is made for me but that’s ok I’m not mad at it. sounds like jarvis cocker putting on a voice lolllll. no fucking way they worked together. what da hell. ok now it gets an extra point. respect, rip. 4.5
after the 12” songs > before the 12” songs
little bit jarring. the 10 min song, in jamie’s opinion “best song on album”. disagree but kinda cool. made me feel like this : 👺 Jamie: “no wave >>>> new wave, suck out”
so it’s not on Spotify so not gunna listen cos I’m lazy, but based on the album cover I’m gunna say a solid 2.5 x