Post listening I still don’t know who Lenny Kravitz is. He takes liberally from those who came before him (perfectly fine) but brings nothing new to the table. A couple of decent songs, but too many throw-aways.
........ no. Look, it's not about genres, it's about creativity. The most creative thing that happens on this record, that was completely unexpected, was the thieving of "I am a Tangerine" by the Shondells. That and the song by Of Montreal that was basically an Of Montreal song ...... so, points for that. It's not a record that I would say anyone "needs" to hear .... unless you want an example of what a lack of creative vision sounds like.
The first time I heard this record, I was completely taken aback. It was so fresh, so unexpected, something I heard but hadn't heard before. It basically cleared out all the cobwebs at the time on it's first play. Exhilarating .....
Why? Undoubtedly the top boring album generated so far ..... bored ... boring, boring, bored. 1/2 stars ....
An absolute stunner of a debut album. One of those records that is released every so often that blows out the cobwebs on the music scene, rearranges what is possible and, afterwards nothing is the same for a while.
I was planning on writing something that references the past creativity of this band, the struggle that continuing that creativity can sometimes be ..... and how this album is a perfect illustration of that dynamic. Wait, I guess I just did. Anyway, this album? So disappointing. 1.5 but I'll give out 2 because their responsible for so much great stuff that it's hard to fault them for coming up short .......
.... stop the pain. This is surely on the list of boring records generated so far. It's early so I'm not sure where it lands on that list but right now it's at the top right under Hot Fuss. 1.5
Why can't I give it 10 stars?
It pains me to rate a Tina turner record so low but that plastic 80's sound just grates on my ears. Tina has a voice and it's the only redeeming thing about this record. I don't know how someone with so much soul could soldier through the experience of making something that winds up so soulless and not go crazy but, here we are. 2.5 because it's Tina .....
If you gene spliced 10cc into Ween and then ran it through a studio with Beck helming the production, this would be the result. Glorious, beautiful, funtastic. I started this project hoping I would be introduced to a gem that I had know nothing about, that I had somehow missed and I have been rewarded.
I get that some of you will dismiss this record because all the “60’s hippie” trappings that come along with it …. but ….. you just can’t fuck with the musicianship, the writing and certainly not the singing on this record. The arrangements and production are perfect. Do yourselves a favor and listen to this on a real sound system. Fuck Spotify and YouTube (good lord what are you doing?). A 5 for sure that would be a 10 if the scale went that high (11, in fact, for all the Neil haters out there).
...... the only band that mattered. ....10/5
What else could this be but a five? Their second record consisted of work from the same sessions and that one is pretty damn good as well. A truly great album.
As a species, what the hell were we thinking? Ok, this stuff sort of comes out of 1950's/60's variety hour entertainment .... except the arrangements are boring and thin. Ok, maybe this was Eurovision before there was Eurovision? The sad part is we are now forever forced to look back and admit that we made this band important, we gave them hits and gold records ..... it's so embarrassing. 1.5 for the 2 songs with hooks .......
This album always seems to be trying too hard ..... 2.5 for the risk taking ......
ok .... Better than expected but there is better music from this time period. 2.5 for the hits .......
Ok, kinda boring ..... perfectly competent.
5 stars just for “What Goes On” & “Pale Blue Eyes” ……….
I just can't get into these guys ..... it's probably a failing on my part .....
.... is generic, angst-ridden narcissism a thing? This record is currently competing with "Hot Fuss" for the "shittiest record on this list" Championship belt .... .5 stars
ok, I'm really conflicted with rating this because, again, competent, even skilled but boring .... I'm not even gonna say "it's not my thing" because Hey, Laura Nyro is amazing and maybe that's the source of my conflict with a number of the records on this list: They're fine but does anyone really need to hear these??? ... ever??
2.5 stars - It's perfectly fine but I would rather listen to XTC.
........ why?
... aaahhhh the Pixies.
Eno's fills and textures evolve into the song structures themselves. He makes so much possible for others to follow.
An absolute power-shot …..
2.5 because it apes everything before it but brings nothing new to the table.
A pretty solid record considering it’s basically a musician in mourning hanging out with musician friends free jamming and rolling tape ….. 4 because it’s basically recorded improv.
This album is an excellent example of some of the challenges that come with the format of this project. I find myself over and over having a difficult time contextualizing the the records that we're listening to and as in everything, context matters. We hear these things out of context and then we're asked to rate them. Something feels not right about that. It's great to discover things that we've not heard before and it's great to go back and listen to things that we've heard numerous times and have forgotten about or dismissed on a certain level due to familiarity. But .... It's difficult to understand why these records were considered ground-breaking. We can't un-hear things while looking back. The way we hear about music has changed, the distribution channels have changed, the politics have changed and all of these issues matter when it comes to the reception of these creations put out by these artists. I remember when this record was released; the write-ups, the criticisms, the hoopla ..... Mentioning this record in the same breath as "Exile on Mainstreet" .... I'll admit, I scoffed heartily. I mean, that's one tight record; the playing, the writing, the production, it's all there. Who would dare? Well, Liz Phair did. Say what you will but that's a ballsy move and I gotta give it up for that. Additionally, in 1993 the sexual politics of this record (within the music biz) are so out front. Now, we take it for granted but then? So, I'm listening to this and I'm trying to keep this stuff in mind, admit to myself my built-in prejudices and assess fairly. There's some really good writing here, some really good songs. Sometimes it DOES remind me of "Exile on Mainstreet". There's also some of it that just doesn't hold up. There's some of her singing that I just can't get past. So, I ask myself, why do I give artists like Bill Callahan a pass on his singing but not Liz? She owns her voice just like he does and that's what matters; it's HERS, her art, like or not, here it is. I'm not sure I know the answer yet. Anyway, it's not perfect but 4 stars for owning it.
Just about a perfect record ...........
2.5 for whatever this did for electronic music at the time .....
Joni ….. youngsters won’t get it but this album is astounding. Just listen …….
Some old skool rap just doesn't age well ...... 2.5 for the vintage ....
... so Very underwhelming.
.... steppin' on Motorhead's jock while running everything through electronics and samplers but still coming up with something that sounded like nothing else ..... 3.5
Very solid record from a time when the execution of the craft mattered; not perfect but really close. 4.5
.... do I really need to add anything to this?
just a beautiful record ........
Recorded in a closed-for-the-winter hotel using the Rolling Stones mobile recording unit, this is a record of the band PLAYING. What you're hearing is what happened with very little "studio" applied. ..... fucking amazing. 10/5
yer kidding, right? .... the only band that mattered. - a perfect record - not one weak song - - the standard -
Disappointingly boring .....
- It's kinda boring and static. There's just not that much for me to latch onto ..... maybe it's me .... -
Such a strong debut. So different, such a unique sound.
Another pleasant discovery. Chi-town shoutout ......
- Why? Perfectly competent; completely uninteresting; so not vital. -
..... so good.
- Are the Brits responsible for the most inconsequential, non-discript pop / rock music? Serious question .... -
- I'm sticking with my original assessment of this band: Most Overrated Band of the 1990's. -
- This project continues to surprise me. I guess I didn't know music as much as I thought ..... or maybe there's just so much out there it's not possible to grasp as much as we think we can .... thanks for this one. It's a beautiful record that exemplifies, at it's core, what the creative process is really about. We do this because we must. Maybe our efforts will be appreciated, maybe they won't but make it anyway. Don't give up. It's what makes us human.
- Absolutely one of the best Pink Floyd records. Tight, imaginative, atmospheric, reverent, dark and beautiful. -
- 2 because it's Bonnie Raitt .... -
- Another record I did not know existed ... how is that possible when it comes to David Bowie? .... I blame myself. It's also another record that proves what an absolutely unmatched artist Bowie was; second to his last record of a long career yet still full of work of high quality. If I'm so blessed to have even a portion of this much to say this late in my career, I would die fulfilled. He was a gift to us. May we never forget.
- I'm giving it a 3 because Bon Jovi let Triumph the Insult Comic Dog on their tour bus to rip bongs and film ....
- I don't think I need to write anything about this one .... -
- 3 because it's not like these guys can't play, they're clearly good musicians and they care about this music, ..... at a certain point, I didn't. I'm sure it's a failing on my part so +1 = 4 ... -
- Another just about perfect record, this one from a criminally overlooked band. -
- ok, so come on, why? Not my thing, crazy polished production .... 2.5 because I'm not into it but I guess a 3 because of the craft ....? -
- "Rocks", which SHOULD be on this list, is the best Aerosmith album and rocks harder than so much you won't believe it ..... "Toys in the Attic" is pretty fuckin' solid but only gets 4 stars because "Rocks" is ... well, hopefully you'll listen to it. -
- boring -
- Another artist I wish I would have had the chance to hear live. It would have been amazing. The recording is not great so I can only give it a 4 but, man what a show this must have been. -