Wish You Were Here
Pink FloydElevated elevator music. Boring. Progressive, yet anti-climatic.
Elevated elevator music. Boring. Progressive, yet anti-climatic.
Serenely shredding Guitar guides you through the blues With effortless cool
Weird, abrasive, fuzzy, and shocking. The guitar sound is superb, as is the playing. I think I love it.
Pleasant, but simplistic and boring instrumentation.
Weird, but alluring. China girl is especially cool and nightclubbing has some uniquely awesome guitar sounds.
Elevated elevator music. Boring. Progressive, yet anti-climatic.
Fun, jangling, up beat. I listened to this album like 4 times yesterday. The lyrics are whimsical, especially in Cosmic Dancer. Love this.
I like bass guitar a lot, but the music itself doesn’t really inspire to do or feel anything. Just nice to listen to on occasion.
This sounds like every other Neil Young album I’ve ever listened to, but not as good. How many more Neil Young albums are essential to listen to before I die? Like for real.
Never heard of this band. Good listen, will listen again.
Fun to listen to. Definitely an experience. Really cool harmonica intro. Not really my style though.
Some of the more interesting jazz I’ve ever heard. With the right setting this music is a lot of fun, and with some practice, danceable. Lots of fast music, fast drums, fast horns.
Didn’t like it. Cheesy, boring, basic instrumentation.
I love most tracks. To me there are one or two duds, but overall rollicking good music.
Punk rock classic. Love the intensity!
What a voice. Definitely worth a listen. Instrumentation is kind of blah, but the voice steals the show anyway.
This feels like the Beatles and The Beach Boys had a baby who’s into alternative and borderline punk. I like it a lot and the instrumentation is exquisite.
Jazz rock fusion is more enjoyable than I would have guessed. The whole album is a bit too chaotic for me. Track 2 was my favorite.
The title track is undeniable. It’s an amazing piece of art. The rest of the album is, in my opinion, mostly forgettable, although pleasant enough to listen to.
Eh. Long tracks, long intros. Maybe I just wasn’t in the right mood, but I don’t care for this really at all.
There’s a few great songs on this album, but mostly this feels like an artist’s exploration of their own sound. The album doesn’t feel cohesive.
Great album. So many genres and influences coming together to make some slick, fun, great music.
Infectiously poppy.
New to me, this music was captivating at first, but its novelty wore off quickly. Pleasant to listen to, and good ambience for a lively party.
Superb. One of the better classic rock albums. Amazing guitar.
Interesting, but not captivating. I may have just had a lot going on while listening, but this one just isn’t memorable.
Weird, abrasive, fuzzy, and shocking. The guitar sound is superb, as is the playing. I think I love it.
It was fine. Nice to listen to, but unremarkable.
Nelson has an amazing voice, but I hate this. Covering some of his childhood favorites, but in this restrained, I guess you could say classic way. The passion that makes so many of these songs great is gone. No crescendo. Flat.
It was better than that last Willie Nelson album. This seems like an album that was likely innovative at the time, but now it’s just kind of whatever. Fine background music but not worth listening to again.
I really liked “ I Don’t Remember” and “ and through the wire” but other than that I thought the album was so so.
“That lady” and “summer breeze” are so fire. But the rest just doesn’t meet the potency of these songs. Still good.
High camp, so so music.
Pop country is a genre that rarely feels like a musical success. And this album falls right into line. I couldn’t make it through the whole album. Cheesy and boring.
Production is of the highest quality and there are some absolutely great tracks on here, but as I age I find myself less amused with the obscene lyrics. Sure, it’s a goof, a show, but one that in less attracted to these days.
Cohen has a great voice, but this whole thing just falls into that category of music that I hear but just can’t ever focus on and really listen. It’s not captivating.
What? Why? This is just modern pop. The hit track “A Minha Menina” has nice commercial value, but I heard nothing that set this album apart, and made it essential to listen to before death.
This is a pretty cool album. Lots of good songs, but also cool instrumentation with plenty of solos, both guitars and drums.
Excellent album!
This is what I want to hear on classic rock stations. Great listen.
The title track was fun and interesting to listen to, something I’d heard before but never the whole album. Jazz just isn’t really ever what I want to listen to.
This is just more jazz to me. Pleasant enough, but unremarkable.
Too much noise.
Better than the last Cohen album. A few songs were pretty good, and had some fiercely good lyrics.
Ray Charles has a wonderful voice, and there are some great tracks here. Overall album is a bit long, a few snoozers for sure.
So fun. The hooks are top notch, great to rap/yell along with the chorus. The beats are funky. Love it.
The instrumentation is fine, but to me this just sounds like a goofy version of the Beatles. I can’t take his voice seriously, and I don’t particularly like it.
What an album! Weird sounds, topics of beauty and death, and just absolutely beautiful music. Every track is great. Love this album.
What a flow! Opening track and venom are my favorites. She changes up her rhythm and tone a lot, which I like. Very cool album.
They’re a few cool tracks on here. Boxcar has this fuzzy, almost kazoo like guitar sound, that has a rocking’ solo at the end. Fingernails is super fun to sing along to. Overall it’s a bit flat, but a few cool songs.
There is some great banjo playing and general instrumentation, but the “skits” on seemingly every track are a bit much in my opinion. The album while fun to listen to, doesn’t have that next level to it.
Fuzzy punk rock, I love it.
Fun rock opera. Funny lyrics, goofy but fun.
Wow. So bad it’s laughable. It’s from a very distinct time in cultural history, and it only fit in that brief window. Now it’s near offensively terrible.
I wish they’d be a little more punk. The hit track was too poppy for me, and after that the album gets less good in my opinion.
It’s fine. There are some pretty cool instrumentation from time to time and some biting lyrics, but the whole record is just soft and doesn’t really capture attention.
Very pleasant and soothing. This is how you make a soulful and interesting album that is slow, methodical, and interesting.
The 90s club scene in its awkward glory. Indie, electronic and hip hop smashed together in sweaty rave where no one listens and everyone dances to their own blend of drugs.
What a wild pop phase. It’s not terrible, but multiple listens are not for me. It’s fun and lively, but also silly.
Not for me. A few strummed notes and a shrill woman almost crying on a few tracks. No thanks.
Pretty good. Gets better with multiple listens as it can just slip into background noise. The lyrics can be silly and ridiculous, but somewhat fun or funny. And there are multiple tracks with some smooth saxophone, that I wish there was more of.
How many Beatles albums am I supposed to care about? Is their whole discography categorized “must listen before I die?” The beat songs here are covers, the rest are whatever.
I liked it. However, I don’t remember much about it.
What an album. So many genres smoothly mixed into one that doesn’t quite fit any mold. Dude can sing, lyrics are fire and the instrumentation is both pretty and danceable.
This album rocks! Great live performance, that has some fun solos and fairly jammy parts that work really well.
I liked this. The only part I wasn’t sold on what the singing, at times it wasn’t what I thought worked best with the music, and a bit cheesy, but overall good album.
Maybe not their best or my favorite Radiohead album, but it was good.
I only listened to one track. I can appreciate the style, but it’s not my particular style, nor do I care to listen to it.
Better than I thought it would be. Would love this on a classic rock station, but maybe not something I would put on.
Incredible album. Lyrics are other worldly. Guitar licks are catchy. David Bowie at his alter ego finest.
Amazing mix of styles, rocking out at points, dancy, beautifully weird.
Pretty music, that I’m just not into.
I didn’t realize how much I like deep purple. This band keeps it rocking and has some great, fun tracks. Keep the deep purple deep.
Too much talking, not enough hooks. Wholly forgettable. It’s too pretentious and goofy.
This album was pretty cool, especially the intro. My only problem with the album is the way it was presented, two really long tracks. So many cool parts to the tracks, but a lot of progression to get there, that doesn’t really feel like the same song.
A legendary performance, great music, supercool intro, but as this album ages I wish the production of it was better.
I wasn’t expecting to like it as much as I did. It did live up to the idea of ambient dance music.
When reading the blurb on this band I was excited to listen, then I did. The songs feel like rants over mediocre music, barely cohesive. If Lou reed was both more punk and worse.
Fun and upbeat, but a bit silly and pop forward.
Beautiful first of all, with layers of melody, rumblings, weird noises and instruments all working together, and giving so much depth. It’s motivating while calming. I have no idea what they’re saying, but I love it anyway.
Pleasant, but simplistic and boring instrumentation.
I like it more than I was expecting to. It quite easily manages to mingle in backgrounds while still be interesting. It has intricate layers much like Sigur ros, but with a totally different and unique sound. It’s motivating and even a little danceable.
This feels like my generations version of classic Christmas songs. This is how I remember hearing them when I was younger. It’s nice, not over the top, just solid.
Really fun and grooving album. Easy to dance to and get lost in. There were a few weird tracks and misses, but overall good.
Whimsical and relaxing. It’s almost something I’d listen to over and over again, but lacks that attention grabbing factor.
I used to love this album. I still love under the bridge, but most of the songs feel goofy and overly crass. I’m just not into it as much.
It’s good, but silly. It’s hard to take seriously. The riffs are pretty cool though.
Like the Beatles, but a few song with some edge and grit to them.
Beautiful, but nothing grabs your attention like respect and the other tracks just don’t match up.
Super fun and upbeat. Sing alongs and more brooding songs, some funky bass on occasion. Really good album.
Buttery smooth.
It’s pretty and sometimes witty, but fades into background, not attention grabbing.
I wasn’t expecting to like this, but as it played I found myself drawn in by the lyrics and the music. It’s passionate and oh so sad catchy.
Raucously fun
Pretty. The live performance added to the ambiance perfectly. A little on the boring side.
Crisp, solid, classic rock.
Funky and fun. Utterly ridiculous persona and story telling, but somewhat funny. It transports you to a time and place, very much of its era.
Pleasant enough, but overall boring. Not my style.
A mash up of things I do and don’t like, almost punk, but elements of many musical styles. Lyrically strange.
This feels like a small step forward for punk rock from the Dictators. Similarly poppy and also covers a super old pop song. Better, but still not amazing.
Lyrically he’s talented, but the subject matter doesn’t appeal anymore, after the shock value wears off. I do like that intro a lot, a reminder that this is made up, art, for entertainment, and for specific audiences, not everyone.
This album transports you to movie land, as it feels more like a score. Definitely mood setting.
Interesting, poppy indie rock. There are some cool sounds and one really weird but fun track, “useful chamber.” Nice to listen to, might listen again.
I like this, it feels raw and energetic.
His voice is captivating, his stories are brilliant, his style is strange, and category defying. I like it.
Calm echoes echo Sad cowboy’s teary eyed tales Twang drowned in lost love
Regular rude dude Does not control your actions Raps art not advice
Passionate anger Trembling yet bold belting Woman of sure fire
Better Dave Mathews? Blended into nothingness Drone on grunge I guess
Trippy hippie love Generation defining Wax poetic rock
Lyrically inspired Cocktail songs with social pluck Beautifully bold
Rhythm and robots Strobe light pool party all night Set program to dance
Occasional charm Choir pop rock might be tight live Bolstering needed
Superlative here Funky rhythms, killer voice Superlative there
Hell on earth exists But funky beauty does too Chill in that beauty
Simple as lightning Beats and sounds rain down your ears Engineered nature
Broken hearted men Have their guitars cry for them Shredding memories
Wiggles and squirming Weirdly poppy but not catchy Bouncing off the walls
Wispy as light fog Pretty sounds arranged ugly Put me to shleep please
Head bopping deep beats Shoulders popping vulture style Moody dance pop hop
Block party starter Driving beats that move your feet Dance until you’re dead
Pop worth a listen Dreamy kaleidoscope sound Dance in a synth trance
Instant funk IV In your blood, must obey beat Rhythms flow through you
A soulful jam sesh Unknown words sang with passion Raucous drumming fun
Big band supported Wildly scratchy smooth vocals Twisting and rocking
Casual poems An upbeat melancholy Beautifully life
Big bass, whispered songs If your bedroom is your church Ecstasy abounds
Sonic confidence Instrumental perfection So smooth sing-alongs
Slick riffs and plain drums Energetic fun blues blend Twisted charisma
Wild sounds wildly paced Smoothly bold yet erratic Blotto R&B
Charming yet cheeky Solid rock butter knife edge Iconic finish
Witty, aggressive Pop culture referencing UK Gangster rap
Radio Brit rock Safely unadventurous Boldly quite boring
Funk personified Serenely otherworldly Meteoric high flight
Blunt force messengers Aggressively absurdist Anti pop ear worms
Uncompelling rock Radio friendly product Guitar solos shine
Bouncing beats, warped bass Non stop dance party special Unique electronic
Vibes on top of vibes Jazzy chill hip hop techno Windows down night drive
A haunted presence Another reinvention Bleakly beautiful
Effortless alt rock Pleasant enough, competent Last track: show stopper
Heavy melodies Raucous noise nicely arranged Mix of cheese, joy, rock
Pristine performance Too much chit chat in between But good enough though
Dystopian hope Enshrined in sweeping dirges Composed in beauty
Drive a la techno Infectious you best dance beats Samples, sounds, on point
Pop rock with feeling A la the Kinks and the Who Garage feel with grit
Aloft, light as air Abrupt, shocking as lightning Aloof, tech folk witch
Shoulders slink to toes As rhythms sway those loose hips Body dance party
Piano rocking Dueling himself, shakes the bar Songs of deep feeling
Quiet bold ballads Coping with soft haunting rage Simply powerful
Old but gold anthems Shrieked over rock solid riffs Feel badass feel good
Low key vibes city Weird samples looped pleasingly Smooth after party
Melodic jamming Might sing might not don’t matter The guitar’s your guide
Not the best of band Almost too soulful blues rock The Weight is the great
Guitar slick as oil Fun energetic lyrics Anthemic ditties
Rapid fire house beats Droning on robotically Can’t find the dance here
Social narratives Rapped over top production Hooks and samples snap
Just some laid back dudes Good alone good together Playing laid back tunes
King of pop is bad Killer voice, solid hit tracks But uninspired hype
Transportative jazz Seaside open air cafe Relaxed yet cultured
Old school dreamy rock Beachy romantic summer Sounds like times gone past
Organized chaos Loud, abrasive, so much fun Barely holding on
Too sad for this joy Too naive for this high art Too bad, it’s charming
Engrained, familiar Pleasing without imposing Simply elegant
Get in your bones riffs Country sounds, rock and roll style Raucous good time voice
Quality of groove Hidden in droning guitars And a voice mundane
Sadness wrapped in hope Reserved pent up energy Explodes with great noise
Ceaseless and complex Scratched and spun maze of wordplay Odd, head bobbing rap
Cool nerds make music Pretty, artsy, yet badass Dance, chill, it all works
A nurtured, tamed noise Droning voice screeching guitars Odd, uniquely primal
Three songs too many Rambling jammy hoopla No hooks, just endless
A grandiose voice Bare bones instrumentation Sad man croons lost love
High and haunted voice Coos folk songs powerfully Harmonica rocks
Sparse yet exciting Striking noisy melodies Bass driven fun tracks
Eerie dance music Wholly encapsulating Hip horror flick vibe
She got altitude Krayzie bone can’t save lulling Like rhythm and snooze
Ambient tech rock Oddly charming noise music Whimsical clanging
Whispered lofty voice Between a night lounge and club Strange pop, space worthy
A fully flat voice Barely sings formal ditties On sweet melodies
Layered highs and lows Pays homage and paves forward Mellow yet rocking
Cheesemongers gather For your pure stinky cheddar It’s all you can eat
Vast outer soundscapes Stretching to infinities Brings a spacey bliss
What an opener Then a settling, soft side As rock bleeds to folk
Step to twangy bliss Sad songs sang with full vigor And soft rebellion
Bollywood epic With international flair And a classy vibe
King tackles disco Beat after beat moves my feet Plus funky breakdowns
A Christian rock vibe An album of sad tribute Doesn’t make it good
Weird noises throughout Distract from so-so psych rock On too long album
Slice of America A story telling wonder Grit and class combo
Pop that ain’t catchy Rock that rolls over near dead Music feels empty
In awe from the first From bass lines on down to flows Masterclass of cool
A soothing calm flood Bathes you at the couch or lounge With sweet reveries
Aptly aggressive Calling out fat injustice While repping culture
Pleasantly twangy Southern rockers having fun Playing porch music
Organized chaos Production and protest An album phenom
Sparse yet striking riffs Support shout along anthems And wicked solos
Lightly dance a sway That builds into full on trance Oops… grooved the day done
Vibe below midnight Relaxed but not without grit Music to melt with
Class up the club With that slinky black dress on til champagnes gone
Acquired listening As oddities come to life Pretty as a bloom
Up on the pulpit To a raucous crowd, preaches Living through troubles
A first here and there Growing as musicians blah Apathy takes me
Cheeky lyricists With undercurrents of cool Play jaunty rock riffs
Gnarly grunge guitars Get lost in long banal wails, Flailing genre mix
Soft rock radio Playing this sort on repeat World wide moms rejoice
Far from cohesive Skills lost in exploration Pushed a bit too far
Twang filled rock n roll Highlighting each instrument With skill and good times
Dripping in eighties Synth pop sliding off the page Fun over substance
Half on and half off Nice songs followed by snoozes Almost enough weird
The king of reggae Lays down relaxing, mellow Sing a long protests
Classy, impressive So not me, I can’t even I was not born cool
A voice magnetic, Drawing you deeper, deeper Into pop magic
Undulled by decades Much revered album still jams Nearing perfection
With signature tunes They deliver surf through sound Then rinse and repeat
A full range of feels Sung soulfully with slight grit And well timed horn blasts
Ambivalence coils While pleasantly melodic Yet cool adjacent
At points bearable But mostly nauseating Poppy rock drivel
whimsical vocals Sing along lyrics with charm Make listening fun
Punk with song structure Oddly catchy anti-pop Not unsatisfied
No nice genre box Shapeshifting music wizards Casting rock weirdness
A rock opera Groundbreaking concept album Doesn’t slap for me
A presence subdued With a near singular tone Fades fast to forgot
Sweaty dance party Of bangers produced crisply With fun sounds and styles
Soulful elegance Undeniably funky Lovely composite
Spellbinding magic Rock n roll gets makeover And it’s majestic
Superb songwriting Twangy soothing melodies Lovely country rock
Pop melodrama Reeks of nineties rom com vibes Sad world blah blah blah
Sonic potpourri, Modern mystics do chill pop, That’s quite appealing
Handing out anthems With oily slick rhymes and riffs, Smoothly delivered
Fast, provocative, Flurry of fuzzy punk riffs And alluring noise
Puppy love ballads Of old time rock n roll fame With jaunty good vibes
Rollicking album Explores many punk genres Tackles each deftly
Human instrument On full beautiful display Soothing old art form
Listened on repeat Never soured, kept moving feet, So fun, so unique
Born of a garage And doused in pop’s charisma Shockingly good stuff
Howls ripple throughout Absurdities and punk riffs Punctuate this art
Pretty piano Chill beats, uplifting presence With spiritual feel
Starts and ends funky Melodies of life between And an air of cool
Piano ditties And poetic ramblings Laid back listening
Their signature sound Dances playfully along This alt pop album
Off the wall pop rock Tempos and keys go loco As guitar triumphs
Wear a tuxedo Dance in a black and white film Be classy, have fun
An effortless cool Layered in wild chants and riffs Beauty and madness
Light years beyond smooth Vastly emotional pop With funky breakdowns
Reggae infused rock And pop and punk all unite Into rock classics
A shrill rapid fire Guitars a rolling flame wheel A blast of punk rock
Ethereal feel Overly poppy dance tracks Not worth a listen
Circus-like whimsy, a happy-go-lucky feel, A la classic rock
Deadpan delivery Melodic approaching wild Uniquely punk rock
Atmospheric cool Drips as chill background music But fades too easy
Pops with island vibes Carefree and energetic Sand dancing awaits
Occasional hits, More misses, in a quiet, Restrained alt album
Pleasant as a stream Flowing without boundaries Lost in the current
Polished pop country With a sultry, yet full voice, And a Hollywood sheen
Two radio hits Recycled arena rock And catchy headaches
Melodic yelling Softens this metal album While guitars still shriek
Chilled hip hop like beats melt to the couch quality With fuzzed ambiance
Poetic deluge A voice falling fast down stairs Wisped away by wind
Voice of high complaint Whining through so so album Glad it’s not catchy
Shrouded in mystique sounds of nature and big tops And a voice beyond
Pinch of theatrics Glamorous, hard hitting riffs Each track finds some fun
Raspy perfection Belting out instant classics Made for moms, still rocks
Scrappy protest chants Roared to rat-a-tat approach Punk rock leaps forward
Fiery tradition And modern punk’s sweet embrace Makes fun folksy jigs
Barely hip hop beats And oft choppy poetry Rambling album Chopped up mad samples Atypical, witty bars Odd artsy approach
Should be an EP With a loaf of pop filler First track magic fades
Serious talent Rocking guitar, vaulting voice Slapped with silliness
Intrinsic wildness Dance worthy blend of genres homage to Fela
Sickly sweet singing Poetically stunning Soul igniting rock
Old pop sound beefed up Drumming mania displayed Equals debut splash
Serenely shredding Guitar guides you through the blues With effortless cool
Words smushed, contorted, Sang in dramatic fashion To fancy tent tunes
Manic piano And a performance to match Howling rock n roll
Lively eighties pop With synth driven dance background To make a statement
Easy confidence Guitar riffs and organ licks Make one smooth album
Nerding out so cool With an energetic sway Slickly delivered
Brash yet fun pop punk Driving and melodic noise Self consciously whined
Furious onslaught Tortuously screamed vocals Massacre music
Sultry seduction Whispered on subdued dance tracks More than just a voice
Meandering on A pleasantly rowdy way Of belted hard rock
Hardcore elements Mixed with eerie techno sounds Odd cacophony
A grooving drama, Full with life, ensuing gloom, Sad happy dancing An eerie aura Emotional instruments Nightmare serenade
A rough garage feel A guitar dripping with style An epic approach
The blues rock blueprint Wailing guitar made legend Plus harmonica!
Smoothly relaxing Clarity and precision Make all day chill tones
A tad bit wonky With punk adjacent offshoots Cheekiness galore
Foreign language blues Familiar rhythms and feels album to groove to
A velvet lined lounge Hosts soul singer laced in pop Making people hot
College radio Welcomed contemplative rock Practiced nonchalance
Folksy abandon A mythic magic runs through Spellbinding beauty
Catchy guitar hooks With rebellious energy And forceful vocals
Voice evokes sadness Yet a morning stroll pep runs Through soft melodies
Romance run amok Drenched in sensuality Pleasure seeker’s must
Generic lyrics Forgettable eighties rock Mostly broad dullness
A voice full and smooth With horns blasting, band backing, Jazz peppered pre-rock
King of crescendo Building up so-so love songs Into blissful pop
A power propelled By genre melting music Itself analogy
The fuzzy guitars Of catchy melodic blasts Voice a scratchy glue
Such searing lyrics A touch eerie with funk too A unique blues rock
Troglodytic yowls Metallic cacophony Blasted into you
Windy caresses Everything and nothing Time aided by calm
With utmost drama Near narrative poetry Rambles through the mind
A funk pervasive Instruments strained to the brink In manifesto
The smoothest polish A jazzy suave atmosphere Unexpected cool
Menacing Aesop Spinning records, rhymes, and tales Over chilled back beats
A relaxing haze Simple lyrics and music profoundly moving
Pop masterpieces amalgamation of dance The king reigns supreme
Brazil’s classy pop Funk infused bouncy music Feels warm like sunshin
Chill new wave rhythms A voice burdened but still strong Makes pleasant alt pop
Flirts with pop punk line Banging out radio hits While still protesting
Apathetic sway And gently shredding guitars Pairs well in punk rock
Mood setting music Down in the dumps, sun shining, Core blues performance
Volumes of slow burns Gracefully sung with sharp tongue Classy, folk like edge
Old timey country Pleasantly bucolic feel Yet drama plenty
Pinballing effect A shifty sort of prog rock Sprawling to no end
Hyped up explosive Dropping truth bombs with mad style Tight raps, tighter beats
The dichotomy Splits a pair on two art arcs A near last hurrah
A howling approach Laid out on noisy rhythms Straight forward hard rock
Composite of cool Alternative poetry Pulsating power
Frantic harmonies Defying industry norms Still so successful
Welcome to space church Get lost in the droning stars And worship vastness
Club drums, mystic sounds, And mechanical time loops Forms dance hypnosis
Clean acoustic set Emotionally wrenching Nostalgic album
Hidden gem album Poetry and piano Dance delightfully
Laid back French hip hop With big jazz influences And a skosh of ska
A duel of passions Soaring vocals belted out And guitar aflame
Turns little to lots, With simply slick beats and coos Sung sweetly, sadly
Shrouded in deep shred Absurdities rise and rule Face melting metal
Melancholy drips On music bold, beautiful, And rocking weirdness
Catchy old time tunes Sung with verve and gleefulness To up tempo band
Jazz without a care Breezy sophistication Pleasantly nuanced
Folksy quivering Feels light, lofty, soars above Rains lovely weirdness
Guitar a lickin’ Dudes a grumblin’, wailin’ Rhythms steeped in cool
A dramatic flair Metal rhythms, punk inspired French high art in rock
Piano driven Classy montage like pop rock Almost too catchy
Lyrically wild With matching sonic aura Punk influencer
The jams so sultry Jazzy, smooth as butter, soul For you to unwind
A dreamy soundscape Guided by a high, soft voice Enveloping you
Beyond progressive Art abstractions run amok In roaming, wild work
Resembles music But noise and randomness reign In mechanic art
Familiar at once As sonic eras collide With joyful French rock
Guitar heavy jams With classic vocal wailing Feels so effortless
Crispy production Most pleasantly poppy art While keeping it weird
Gravel vocalized A crunch so satisfying Sings eerie poems
Vocals lack luster Instrumental track is best This one just falls flat
Overtly poppy With solid song writing chops And eighties highlights
Dramatic vocals With celebratory horns And gnarly breakdowns
Hyped up riff frenzy Screeched and wailed at high volume Rock n roll attack
Electronic pop Feels heavy yet effortless And quite nice to dance
Nonchalant poems Deeply sung over droning Melodic fuzzes
Golden aged hip hop Scratches, loops, and spits mad yarns With positive vibes
A golden aura Softly glowing through music Serene, spellbinding
Calming yet lively Predictable as water Outpouring of jazz
Like happy dancing To sad anthems by yourself Laden with fun drugs
Sparsely played blues rock A janky, posturing flow That works, but barely
Killer saxophone Full bodied, artsy pop rock Elevates your mood
Prince comparisons Deserved as they wail and write Poppy, rock ballads
Pioneering rock Heavy, pulsating rhythms Led with voice of steel
Country music stars Sing sickly sweet harmonies And mostly sad songs
Clearly jazz inspired Crooning soulfully upon Care free edgy rock
Modern spirituals With Cathartic crescendos Pushing rock forward
Tonal inflections Almost all are poor choices Guitar is cool though
A vibe laced in funk With a voice tender yet strained Ready to face life
Almost tropical With a calming seduction Breezy melodies
Country twang lingers In straight forward rock ballads Sang delicately
A crowded party Ebbs and sways to sampled tracks Lives life through the beat
Beautiful yet odd Emotional arrangements Feels fresh and timeless
A positive vibe Dance centric, story telling Hip hop to chill to
Rock that’s smooth and full Sung by accented crooner To merry effect
A vibrant guitar And a little twang tries to But can’t save this band
Punk like silliness Fun loving, odd ball lyrics And surf inspired tones
Sweetly wailing synth And a voice of whined practice Offering pop tunes
Off the beaten path Folksy yet innovative Homely rock music
Tour guide through Jay’s brain Rhymes and bass without much care Lacking in substance
Suffocating plush, Layers of soft pretty sounds Cradles so so voice
An enveloping Lush, fuzzy, bass driven sound Nearly great album
Pretty yet sparse tunes Forgettable poetry Delivered flatly
Wildness of spirit Pairs well with fluidity As boundless pop rock
Scratchy perfection Joined with a fun loving sound Makes rock music gold
Of classy lounges Mixed with modern techno sounds Genre crash success
Rare find recordings, Amalgamation of chill, Ground breaking album
Odd and pretty sounds Arranged in patterns unknown Emits eerie vibes
Fun loving music Laid back singing, sad lyrics Alluring combo
Fast paced, bass thumping Beats to make your body bob With a swirl of chill
Slow jams a la Beck Soft, sonorous tones grace songs As he croons along
Busy instruments Nearly overcrowd soft singing Makes feel good indie
Soulful unveiling Self inspired persona piece Snuggled in warm tones
Pervasive pop songs Redefining star singer To legend status
Verses sung coolly Of not so plot driven tales With lax acoustics
Inspired by banshees Yet peppered with deft restraint Shocking, raw metal
Dance tracks with some rhymes Hip hop label is a stretch Chilled out all the same
Crowd pleasing album With charming Aesop like tales On rebel ditties
Eerie tones cascade And reverberate inside A slow dancing soul
Folksy witchcraft vibes Sang with unbridled passion Of a free woman
Body breaking beats Equal parts club and primal With lil rap ditties
Honeyed southern charm Sings stories of life grand and bland With soaring vocals
Covers sung anew With an old hand’s confidence And sparse, nimble tunes
Bam, gentle shredding Then softly lulls others’ work Soothing yet lacking
A grandeur squandered With whining, sappy lyrics, And hookless blah vibes
Hard arena rock Care free, loose lipped energy Has a zestful flair
In your face anthems Sated with charging guitars And riveting grooves
Mesmerizing fuzz Loaded with sticky guitars Is weird off beat art
Sounds of Jamaica Gives relaxing island vibes To oft garbled act
Sounds like long lost hope Swelling from dark frantic hooks Yearning to be heard
Nonstop rap onslaught Of comic absurdities On tight, sampled beats
Bright yet eerie sounds Host a melancholy voice That croons deeply sweet
A classic rock band Quality musicianship And soaring vocals
Strained and uncontained Soaring vocals, rowdy riffs Over the top fun