Highway 61 Revisited
Bob DylanI. Just. Don't. Like. His. Voice. Can I just listen to the music without lyrics?
I. Just. Don't. Like. His. Voice. Can I just listen to the music without lyrics?
sampling done at its finest. it adds to the track, but doesn't overshadow. lyrics are fun, irreverent, and Beasties don't take themselves too seriously. fantastic album. love this album
southern rock that was played all over the summer it came out. I remember it well. given what was popular when it came out, it wasn't a huge surprise they got lots of air time.
like the harmonica, guitar, and piano.....just not his voice. or his lyrics. or the 11 minute long song at end of album
2nd disc better than 1st. liked gospel choir. overall kinda "meh"
after about 3 songs, they kinda all sounded same
meh. it's not their best work & several songs were so overplayed
Really enjoyed this-the instrumental tracks were my favorite. Everloving is a great one-the simple melody then blended & mixed with other instruments and harmonies-fantastic
Would do 2.5 if I could. Opening song was great, but others went a little too far for me.
Love the blues influence coming through-the emotion in the lyrics & guitar are great. Anyday and Bell Bottom Blues are fantastic. Clapton is one of the greats-enjoyed listening to this album more now than I did originally a few decades ago. Fantastic
totally "meh" & forgettable. after 2 songs they all blended together & album was about 9 songs too long.
nope-didn't like music, vocals, lyrics, or cover
after you've heard the first few tracks, there's no real need to hear the rest. but you will hear them again & again since all the tracks sound the same. she gets a 2 star just because she has a decent voice.
great album-Red Rain is a fantastic track. wonderful building sound & emotion. good to hear the rawness in his voice & it's not overly stylized or autotuned.
overall it's a good album. given some of the other pop music at the time, this was more than generic bubble gum sounds. like that they still have the classic Beach Boy harmonies. lyrically, you can hear some of the mental issues Brian Wilson was wrestling with in several songs.
all I hear are disjointed sounds and instruments. nope, nope, nope
ugh. so much anger..... think I need to sit in a quiet room for a while. one star is being generous
punk is not my normal style but it's an ok album. so many musicians were influenced by them
I don't think this is one of the best albums by The Eagles, but it is a good listen. Does seem to fade with the middle tracks. Do appreciate the way they can tell a story with lyrics-like The Last Resort.
overall I don't mind all the samples & mixing, just feel like it's a huge mash up of samples with not much cohesion.
it's a funky/interesting listen. think it's best just to put it on & let it play through, rather than listen to one track at a time.
instrumentals are nice-interesting to hear a very different type of music. However....after hearing a couple of the songs, they seem to blend together (same formula, building of music/lyrics, and long). his voice comes off as shouting at times, but there is also a language barrier.
meh. guitar is nice, but after about 3 songs with the sing/talk/shout pattern, I'm good
did not expect to enjoy this album since I generally don't care for Hynde's voice. pleasantly surprised though with her on guitar and the instrumental tracks.
was not at all familiar with anything off this album. loved all the variety-simple piano tracks, to some big funk sounds. really enjoyed listening
really not my style of music at all. kinda unsure how this even made it onto this list......
not familiar at all with this movie or soundtrack. some tracks-the instrumental ones-were fine as background music, but others-the ones with dialogue bits-were just really odd since I have no frame of reference to the movie. why is this on the list?
fast paced, in your face punk. listened while I worked out & was easy to keep the pace up. songs are short-not much in the way of more than a refrain/chorus, maybe a hook, but appreciate they can play instruments. not really my style, but not bad
finally a female artist with a great voice. perfect to listen to on a dreary day while doing some cleaning.
enjoyed the music & his voice, but by the time he finished his monologue on By the Time I get to Phoenix, I had lost interest. knocked off some of his rating because of that.
enjoyed the blend of traditional instruments & ballads, but her voice got a wee bit boring after couple songs. really enjoyed the Lark in the Morning Medley.
ummm.....no. why is this on this list??? music is "meh" & lyrics are just crass. not my cup of tea at all
an interesting album. interesting in that there isn't much continuity in sound from track to track-which isn't necessarily a bad thing. not really my style overall, but did appreciate the variety of sounds, use of different instruments. solid 2.5 but bumping to 3 because of variety
I enjoy the random, eclectic mix of sounds, instruments. great album to listen to while you're doing other stuff-up tempo & keeps you moving
not a fan of the album cover, but was very pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed the album. vocals, music-enjoyed all of it
overall I enjoyed this album-driving drums, guitar, & her voice is strong. they kept the sound moody, but it didn't get too over the top. couple of the longer numbers could have used some editing, but overall a solid 3.5
it's a "meh" one. can tell they haven't fully developed or decided on their sound. just ok
great album. not usually a fan of early rap/hip hop but enjoyed this. lots of sampling, but sounds are different & fresh, not overdone. keeping this one in my rotation
not my style at all. songs super repetitive & go on too long. vocals are nice hence the 2
it's not their best-some tracks need editing & not every one needs a drawn out guitar solo in the bridge. but still-a solid 4
don't understand why this is on the list. way too much use of distortion, discordant sounds. and not a fan of vocals, or lyrics
not my style at all. ugh. need to go sit in a quiet room for a while. only reason they get 2 stars is that a 1.5 not available. they can play instruments, and have a distinct sound- I just don't care for it
was nice background music. not my normal style but compared to yesterday's Korn, it was giant improvement.
overall it was an "ok to have on in the background while you're doing other stuff" kind of album. but then I got to Murder Mystery and they lost a star for that-just didn't understand at all. so much discordant sound, mumbling, & plain noise
really like the overall concept and blending the contrasting sounds; HOWEVER, this album needs some editing. TWO HOURS???!! Only a serious Metallica fan could possibly be ok with this run time. Would have been much better served doing a greatest hits type tracks with better use of them as a band & the orchestra-some pieces just felt like they were playing over the orchestra & others were just drawn out needlessly. and some just felt like they were going for a James Bond theme sound. 2.5
love her voice & expression in her songwriting, but don't think this is as strong as "21" (and why is 21 not on this list???). a few too many melancholy ballads (although they are good). she shines in the more uptempo tracks-Send my Love, & Water under the Bridge.
it's an ok listen. gave me lots of Oasis vibes (which isn't a good thing). enjoyed the guitar melodies & the piano, and the different tempos of tracks
although I don't think this is her strongest album, it's still very good & shows where she is headed-blending piano compositions, strings, guitar with (often) heavy subject matters. Love the contrast of beautiful piano melodies & her voice with darker lyrics. China, Happy Phantom, & Tear in Your Hand are perfect representations of that.
it's ok-not a huge fan of his voice, but guitar is nice
never listened to an Elvis album before. enjoyed the variety of musical styles-pretty wide range. liked his original tracks more than his covers.
it's a No from me-too many wailing "aaaah-ha's", not a fan of metal genre, and a 10 minute long track
sheesh. not a fan at all 1.5
yes they are a talented band, but don't think a live album needs to be on here. especially with the super long tracks. I'm happy to listen to a handful of Who songs, but this was about 30 minutes too long. 2.5
if campy-big, musical theater type sounds are your thing.....here ya go. he's a talented musician, just not my style
wow-not familiar at all with this artist so had no idea what to expect. what an absolute pleasant surprise! thoroughly enjoyed this-such an eclectic/funky/soul vibe. great blend of instruments & vocals.
nope-not a fan of the vocals, the vibrato, the lyrics, or most of the instruments. at all. this was a hard one to finish & can't say I'm happy I did
I'm not a Bowie fan, but did enjoy this album. enjoyed the funkier/soulful vibe.
80's synthesizer heavy music. "take on me" by far the strongest track on album & wish it had not been the 1st one on there. after that it all blended together
not my style at all. lyrics just make me sad-sad that this resonates with so many
I don't mind 1 or 2 songs-they're great to workout to or get some work done to-BUT after that they all start to sound alike. and the lack of lyrics really starts to show (so much repetition)
early 80's heavy on the synthesizer music, lot of the songs sound the same
Cohen is a gifted songwriter but you wouldn't know it from this album. vocals seem very tentative. overall a very boring listen
Really enjoyed this album. Morrisey’s voice can take the serious lyrics but put a poppy twist on it. Enjoyed instruments & mix of sounds
it's a solid "meh" album. like the variety of sounds & tempos, some solid tracks, but the super long run time is a negative. and it's a whole lot of Billy.
it was a nice background listen. could have done without the 3 or 4 different remix/versions of same songs toward end of album
the instruments on some tracks were nice & enjoyed the funkier/soul sound on a few tracks. but just not a fan of JT's voice, the autotune sound, the falsetto, or the attempts to sound like Michael Jackson
I'm just not a fan of his voice. appreciate some of the lyrics telling a story, others just seem like rambles.
I have no idea what they are saying with the lyrics, but the music is.....interesting?? some is just flat out strange (what instrument are they even playing here?), some is nice...... it is definitely unique. solid 2.5
had no idea what to expect with this & was surprised at how much I enjoyed listening. Wide variety on styles, enjoyed the flow from one track to the next, great use of different instruments/genres. some tracks were better than others & the jazzy ones showcased her voice the best.
still not a fan of his voice; however, the piano on this one was really nice
I'm not really a fan of concept albums or of Bowie's voice so no surprise that I just didn't care for this at all. 2 due to the music (otherwise would be a 1.5)
again-why is this on the list? it's just very "meh". I will forget this in another hour. 2.5 stars
Fast Car is an absolutely fantastic song. Enjoyed listening to rest of album-did feel that the songs with just her and her acoustic were much stronger than others.
was not familiar with this Beck album & thoroughly enjoyed it. great variety of styles, sounds, instruments, and samples (without beating them to the ground). will happily listen to this again
enjoyed the bluesy-er feel with a couple tracks. didn't enjoy the psychedelic sound of several others. find his voice kind of flat & one dimensional. just not my style 2.5
after having to listen to 3 of his albums I finally realized-i really don't care for the talk/sing he does. not one bit. this sounds very similar to his other albums that are (somehow) on this list. don't understand why he's such a revered songwriter
ahhhhhhh. just a great album to have on, sip a coffee or tea & relax, or do some work around the house. great musicians-good flow into solo sections on tracks.
nope. not my style at all. too many samples, repetition, and didn't care for vocals or lyrics
was really surprised at the number of Beastie Boys samples on this album. lot of anger and frustration toward police, very low opinion of women.
it was fine to have on as background music. the male vocalist much stronger & better than the female vocalist. but is this an album I must listen to? nah
wasn't familiar with artist or album, so expectations were quite low. overall I was pleasantly surprised. maybe I was just in a good mood today, but even though it is not my usual style it made for some nice background music. did give up trying to understand the lyrics tho & just focused on music. solid 2.5
ugh. back to what basics? over-produced, over done, and overly long. her vocal flourishes on every track are not necessary. and the track to her fans?? nope, nope, nope. 1.5 stars
never heard of them. first few tracks were interesting-little bit of 70's vibe & good background music. then tracks kinda blended together. liquid bird got my attention, but then that track faded a bit by the end, and the final track was bit boring. it's a meh from me.
her voice is great, but felt the tracks blend in to each other. was ok as background music. lot of the songs hooks repeated too much for me. she does do a great job of blending voice with instruments. 3.5 stars
solo instrumentals were nice, but when they all played together it often felt jumbled. too many discordant notes. enjoyed the flamenco guitar featured in one piece. last track went on entirely too long.
uuuuuuggggghhhhh. no thanks. this is why late 80's pop music was so lame. overly synthesized, over styled, weak vocals. pass. 1.5
took me longer to cobble together tracks from this album than it did to actually listen to it. standard 60's era psych rock but nice guitar and vocals.
great funky vibe. Watching the Detectives is an excellent track. hard to pigeon hole Costello into a genre-little 50's vibe, good guitar, sometimes snarky lyrics-and that is what I enjoy with his music. 4.5 stars
hard pass-the vocals are awful. do not understand the hype with them. yes, frontman sounds bit like Bowie, but the droning/talking/mumbling are boring & so is the overly stylized music. no thanks at all. 1.5 stars
ahhh-an excellent example of hair metal band gone pop. big guitar riffs, drum solos, hooks, and hair. they did it well. great album to work out to
generally hip-hop is not my style but this was not bad. enjoyed the flow from one track to next (tho it started to get boring in a couple spots), liked the jazz vibe & samples.
knowing they're on the Sub Pop label this was not at all what I was expecting. enjoyed this listen quite a bit. great harmonies, chill vibe, nice guitar
Not sure that this is punk, but I liked it. I like lead singer’s voice and their sound including the horns. It was certainly different.
glam rock not really my thing. musically it's all well put together, but it's just a "meh" from me. wouldn't ever seek it out to listen to again.
this is the 2nd album by Arcade Fire on the list-i enjoyed it marginally more than the 1st. the music is great & interesting. really enjoy the use of different instruments, but just do not care for the vocals. will I seek it out to listen to ever again-nah.
ugh-why is this on the list??? it's like listening to Oasis "light". the music was ok & much better than the vocals but will I ever listen to them again-nope. 2.5 stars
overall I really enjoyed this album. love the Motown/jazz/throwback sound. she's got a great voice & talent at expressing herself through lyrics. that rawness with lyrics is quite a contrast to the music (I enjoyed it). given how her life ended though, it does come across pretty bleak and sad
I just don't get it. don't care for the falsetto, musically it's too much sampling/synth & all tracks sound same, and lyrics are just random & odd
pros-lots of variety of music/lyrics, he is a very talented musician. cons-album is pretty long & so are several tracks. his voice is ok, I've never been a huge fan & this album did nothing to move me in that direction.
it's another "meh" album. some nice tracks with piano & harmonica, but others are overly synth & too long
yuck. thrash metal is not my thing at all & this one was hard to get through. tedious. now I need to go sit in silence for a while.
once again-i just don't get it. the lyrics amount to shouting or speaking the same line over, and over, and over, and over....... sometimes for only a minute or two, other times for 7 minutes or more. 1.5 stars
normally I'm not a fan of early 80's metal. maybe it's because we've had 2 other absolutely wretched albums to listen to, so this one was a (comparatively) huge improvement. it's not my normal sound, but since they had lyrics, and could play instruments it was fine. it's the stereotype 80's metal sound but what would you expect from them
out of all the Foo albums available, why do they only have 1 on this list & why is it their weakest album??? doesn't make sense. it does give you a glimpse of what their sound will develop into & is still a solid album. 4.5 stars
great way to begin the week. really solid album. love the blend & layering of guitar with heavier bass, drums, & synth. High & Dry and Fake Plastic Trees-excellent tracks
the drum & guitar bits in the first few songs were ok-not my style but it was interesting to listen to. but the vocals were just unintelligible, then I just tuned them out after that.
classic big band/jazz sound. can tell Basie & his orchestra had played together for quite a while-they all blend so well together. excellent album
not available on streaming service in US. was able to find title track & listen to it. nice enough background dinner music
classic 80's rock album, but not their best. big guitar, big drums, light on lyrics. some great tracks besides the commercially over-played Panama & Jump.
Cash is a great storyteller with his songs. love the unfiltered interaction with the inmates and his own story of redemption.
just felt like garage band noise. once again-why is this on the list? how is it notable?
still hate the cover art & Farrell's voice I find whiny after about 3 or 4 tracks. great guitar & sound-especially considering this was 1988 & hair metal was still in play. 3.5 stars
No-once again why was this on list? Sounds like it belongs on a bad sci-fi movie soundrack.
I. Just. Don't. Like. His. Voice. Can I just listen to the music without lyrics?
never been a fan of psych rock & this album does nothing to change my opinion. apart from the couple of songs where Grace is lead vocal, the other vocalists are very weak. really don't like the tinny guitar sound. Embryonic Journey was a nice surprise but also didn't feature vocals. 2.5 stars
maybe it's because I had such low expectations but this wasn't bad. it was interesting, some good hooks in a few songs. hard time understanding lyrics in a few.
it's thrash metal & now I have a headache. not my thing at all. couldn't understand lot of the lyrics due to all the yelling
not a Neil Young fan & not a fan of folk rock either, but this was better than I expected. enjoyed the harmonies, different guitar sounds, and most of the lyrics.
had no idea what to expect with this album but was very pleasantly surprised. the layering of instruments and melodies kept it very interesting. vocally-could have done without vocals on Willie the Pimp. 3.5 stars due to that
Quite enjoyed listening to this while I worked out-kept me interested & enjoyed all the different sounds & instruments
He could tell a story & I understand it’s from his worldview, but language is just too coarse for me
Loved the variety-some guitar & some piano focused tracks. Not my normal genre but she has a great voice & can tell a story
Not a fan of this “experimental rock”. It’s just noise w instruments. And I’m sorry but at nearly 20 minute “song” with just nonsense & mumbling words??? No.
he's a great storyteller & can re-imagine songs in a fresh & different perspective. his cover of Hurt is so much better than NIN
felt very conflicted on this album. from musical composition aspect, I really enjoyed the pieces. vocally though, it just didn't do it for me. vocals felt flat & cumbersome. 2.5 stars
another experimental rock album & another one that I just don't get why is really on here. a strange nearly 20 minute track that just rambles on..... only positive is that the music just became blah background noise & I quit really paying attention to it.
arena rock. several huge tracks that dominated airwaves back in the day. lyrics on several tracks pretty dated & objectify women quite a bit. Rocket & Hysteria best tracks on the album. apart from Hysteria, 2nd half of album pretty blah
on the positive side-overall I enjoyed the guitar and bass. not a fan of overall vocals, nor of psych rock. it's a meh
just not my thing. like Meatloaf gone heavy, heavy metal.
Excellent album-love the variety of instruments, and tempos. Great vocals. Fantastic listen
WHY, why, WHY was this included on list??? Yes, they can play instruments but the lyrics are just so stupid. Sounds like they were written by some 12 year old kid
It’s a very good, solid album. Don’t think it’s his best tho. Love his sound-Breakdown & American Girl are classics
80’s pop fluff music. Way too long & why oh WHY is this on the list??!
Vocals & harmonies quite nice, music nice as well. Some tracks just need editing as they kinda drag & meander too long. 1st half of “seen all good people” really nice but then after the transition, it’s boring
He’s a good singer-songwriter & can tell story w his lyrics.
Some great & classic tracks on here. Do feel like it lags in few spots & really, really did not care for Revolution 9 at all
Pleasantly surprised by this. Enjoyed the more bluesy sound & editing they gave in tracks.
Not familiar but pleasantly surprised. Enjoyed listening. Like guitars, melodies & energy even if lyrics were sometimes bland
enjoyed this more than I thought-especially since the album has so many tracks. felt like it was a nice blend of styles & sounds-enjoyed the bluesy-er feel on couple pieces, piano/keyboards, & harmonica in others. pleasant surprise
I enjoyed having this on as background music. but that was about it. several tracks blended together. enjoyed the piano & instruments but his vocals didn't grab me. would I ever listen again-probably not
really like the funk/jazz sound, but.....after a few tracks they kind of start to blend together. and the double disc album is entirely too long. shame.
ugggggghhhhhh. each song is a refrain repeated over, and over, and over, and over. nope
overall I enjoyed this album-he really had a great voice & is able to show it in a few tracks. enjoyed the variety of tempos, and having some tracks piano focused & others guitar focused was nice too. pleasantly surprised.
this is just a different album, and it really has nothing to do with it not being in English. for the most part, I enjoyed the more instrumental pieces (predominantly as background music), but then those pieces would devolve into too many discordant sounds. vocally, the female was stronger than the male (his voice got annoying). was it interesting-kinda. would I ever listen to again-no
normally I enjoy some Radiohead but this album just didn't do it for me. felt a little scattered/unorganized. couple of the tracks were much better than the rest (I might be wrong & knives out). his vocals can easily veer into the whiny & they did a few times too many on this album. not the best by them.
Ridiculous album to have on this list.
was enjoying the listen until I reached "free form guitar". why was that track included on album?? after that all the other tracks seemed to have over-indulgent guitar solos that just rambled on & on "liberation" was nothing but rambling solos shame since the opening few songs were really enjoyable
overall this is not my style of music. musically it's fine, although the vocals get a tad twangy/nasal for me. just confused as to why it's on the list-The Byrds have much more influential music than this
while this is not an album I would normally choose to listen to, I enjoyed it. he's a great storyteller with song choices & arrangements were nice
it's another album that is interesting.....but will I ever seek it out to listen to again? no. it opened with some interesting sounds (the horns with guitar/banjo), and I appreciated use of different sounds, but then it just rambled on. not a fan of his vocals-the weird whisper/talk is not my style, and I just didn't get the lyrics 2.5
an 80's pop album without any synthesizer in it-very pleasantly surprised. enjoyed the listen, & his vocals. could have used some editing though-couple tracks drug a bit
early southern rock. not bad. like the mix of instruments & tempos.
it was a decent listen, but would I ever seek it out again? no. a solid "meh"
yikes-this was dark. still don't like his voice, or his songwriting. at all
glad it was a sunny day. good listen while spending some time outside. couple tracks lagged but overall a good listen
musically & vocally, the opening tracks had me interested. but the lyrics were.....random? odd? I mean-Sigourney Weaver?? was this supposed to be more stream of conscious or tongue in cheek? just don't get it & will I ever listen to again-nope
they're trying to play like the Clash, or Violent Femmes.....but the vocals are so out of tune. at least most of the tracks are pretty short so that is a positive.
WHY are they on here??? why? vocals-very weak, guess they can play instruments but that's about it
another solid "meh" album on this list.
maybe it's because my yoga instructor regularly plays Steely Dan, but I found this a very relaxing, chill listen. 3.5 stars
really enjoyed this. guitar & tempos were nice and harmonies are fantastic. understand why this album is on the list (as opposed to SO many others)
hands down by far their weakest album. yes, lyrics can be crass & demeaning but they are also pretty fun and tongue in cheek. love the sounds & samples. fantastic group
enjoyed the guitar, tempo, & overall sound. but vocals just felt "meh" another album that's ok but I won't seek out to listen again
love the big band sound with Ray's voice. 'Deed I Do, Don't Let the Sun Catch you Crying, and Come Rain or Shine are excellent. he's a great storyteller with his voice.
it's ok-his voice is not my cup of tea but musically was nice. understand why it's on the list but probably won't seek out to listen to again
Morrisey does have a way with his lyrics-you never quite know what to expect with his songs. yes sometimes he whines a bit, but the lyrics are always unique & surprising. ("We hate it when our friends become successful"). Enjoyable listen
it's their best album. love the combo of John & Flea. more maturity in their music. does feel like album lags a bit toward middle, but still overall an excellent album
not available on I tunes & had to search & cobble together tracks-not worth it. at least some attempt at playing instruments was made, but really dislike the whole talk in a monotone attempt as lyrics. why is this on the list??
not a huge fan of hard rock, nor do I care for Scott's voice. it was ok. felt like lot of the tracks had same sound
2, maybe 3, songs by Prince & then I'm done. several of these just ramble on, & on. I don't get the huge hype-too many falsettos, overly synthesized
was only familiar w/ "Tennessee" & "Mr. Wendell"-this was a great listen. enjoyed the different sounds, instruments, samples, and vocals. lyrics are great-they have depth & broach serious topics without being too over the top heavy. this is an album that belongs on this list.
not a fan of this genre at all. don't care for the rage/gutteral shouting at all. the only reason this is a 2 instead of a 1 is that when lyrics are sung & not shouted......he's got a nice voice. lyrics still super dark
I don't think it's their best album. the energy, the angst, & depression can easily be felt & heard. the contrast in tones in between some of the tracks was pretty stark (Tourette's to All Apologies). I do love the use of the cello in Dumb
their lyrics are really good-little bit of snark & sarcasm to keep me paying attention. not normally my style, but enjoy the arrangements & tempos.
this album is marginally better than 1999, but I just don't get the hype around Prince. too many falsettos, overly synthesized & produced.
went into this with pretty low expectations but was pleasantly surprised by first few tracks-strong guitar, and enjoyed the vocals. then the 2nd half of album lost its focus & rambled. it's like they ran out of something to say
not my cup of tea. campy, & over the top at times. reminded me of Meatloaf
shoegazing?? if this is a good example of it, then I'm not a fan. couldn't understand lyrics, and sounds are just weird. didn't get it at all-too much distortion & reverb
so the album started strong-the heavy, drum forward sound on Human Behavior was great, and her vocals worked well with the sound. that was the best track off the album, all the rest were just a mess. the electronic/house music/over sampled & produced sounds plus the baby talk/shouting/out of control vocals were tiring.
pros-appreciate her rawness/honesty in lyrics & range of topics. in the mid 90's there were plenty of bubble gum fluff pop female artists, so hearing Alanis' strong voice was refreshing. cons-the shouting lyrics get old after about 4 songs 3.5 stars
don't care for vocals, don't care for sound, don't care for the rambling, long songs that just go on & on. just not a fan & why was this on list?
why is this classified as Country??? this is an odd one-enjoyed some tracks with piano & various instruments, and his voice is nice. lyrics were a bit random. but overall vibe was confusing-some tracks felt like they were trying to be showtunes. very Neil Diamond vibe.
this wasn't horrible, but I wouldn't seek it out to listen to again either. too much distortion/feedback & mumbling vocals
this was just lovely. everything blended together to create a wonderful sound-vocals, instruments.
it's a solid "meh". after about 5 songs, the rest just blend together & all sound same. it is up tempo & songs are short so that is nice
I enjoyed that there was more music & less sampling. just not my style. it is a window into early 90's culture tho
enjoyed the use of accordion, xylophone, strings, & piano. felt like some tracks rambled on too long. overall not bad, but don't think I would seek it out again 3.5 stars
great, smooth vocals. nice blend of sounds. enjoyed this listen
started out with an interesting sound.....then 2nd half just felt really boring. don't get it
was great to have on as background music on this dreary day. would I seek it out to listen to again-no. couple tracks need some editing in length-just too long
musically this was a fun listen. but enjoying the album was way overshadowed by the vocals. just awful-way too much vibrato/pitchy. at least it was over fast.
overall this was a pretty good listen. some funky vibes, enjoyed the sounds & instruments. then got to the last track which didn't seem like it belonged with the rest. aside from the final track, it would be ok as background music. 3.5 stars
I've heard of this album but had never listened to it. not familiar with most of the tracks in the country genre, so can't compare what Ray does to the originals. overall I enjoyed the listen-he's got a great ear and ability to style music and tell stories. only down sides are the fact it's a double album (gets a little long with about 5 tracks to go), and the "doowop" sound backing vocals on a couple tracks detract from his vocals
great opening track with Cecilia Ann....then Rock Music was probably the weakest on the album (screaming vocals are not my thing). apart from Rock Music, I really enjoyed this album-great driving guitar, drums, and kept the songs from dragging on. Hang Wire was great wrap to the album. 4.5 stars
fantastic album-Cornell's lyrics and voice blend so well with driving guitar, drums, and bass lines. his lyrics are understandable, and expressive. great variety of sounds within the album. only flaw is Spoonman-it just doesn't fit on album (yes, I'm biased-didn't like it when it came out & still don't now). My Wave & Kickstand are excellent tracks. 4.5 stars
blah. at best it was forgettable background music. worst-vocals were super weak & sounds were just odd.
the positive-musicians can play (do I care for that style-no, but they can play). the negatives-75 minutes is entirely too long and to have several tracks drone on & on & on just gets repetitive. lyrics-ugh. you know when you're a kid and you say the same word over & over until it looses its meaning? felt like he did that on several tracks. case in point "Hot Dog". and why was it necessary to include 10 minute long "Outro"??? that was painful. 1.5 stars
not available on Apple Music but found few tracks on Youtube. weird, showtunes/cabaret music. why, why, why is this on list????
if you like electronic & sampling, then this could be the album for you. unfortunately it's not my cup of tea. it was fine as good background music to workout to for about 15 minutes, then I got bored.
I don't like disco. vocals are fine, but each track just repeats a refrain over and over. and over. and over.
on a positive-i did not notice Yoko's vocals. Lennon's voice is nice enough & musically, it was decent background music. I do believe the sum is greater than the parts (he's better with the Beatles) & lyrics are bit like a therapy session. will I listen again-no
I've finally realized the Metallica songs I enjoy are the slower paced, more thoughtful ones. the heavy thrash beats, and guitar just all sounds the same song after song. and it becomes completely monotonous with the two tracks that are almost 10 minutes long each. nope.
it's just not my thing. was background music. all sounds same & don't care for vocals
I enjoyed this more than I thought I would. couple tracks lag a bit, but enjoyed guitar & piano. lyrics & vocals are nice. The Weight is best track on album. 3.5 stars
enjoyed this more than I thought I would. Sympathy for the Devil & Street Fighting Man best tracks on album. overall liked the bluesy/country vibe
this was not bad-was nice, low key background music. nice acoustic & vocals, kinda tuned out lyrics...... a solidly "ok" listen, but won't seek out to hear again.
musically this was interesting-had some nice samples, good variety of sounds & tempos. but lyrically-ugh. demeaning to women, overuse of so, so, so many words, and constantly talking about himself.
can't get past lyrics-so much violence, demeaning treatment of women, language. and musically it's very one dimensional. nope, nope, nope
sampling done at its finest. it adds to the track, but doesn't overshadow. lyrics are fun, irreverent, and Beasties don't take themselves too seriously. fantastic album. love this album
meh. it's another David Bowie concept album.
that's gonna be a pass for me. the 3rd track on the album is just mumbling/chanting AND 10 minutes long-my interest was lost. 1.5 stars
it's ok as background music, but just all blends together. meh
pros-tracks & album are short. they can play instruments cons-too much screaming w vocals. tracks blended in together
this was an interesting album. it fell into background music but I enjoyed hearing the piano, violin, and slower tempos sampled. would I seek it out to listen to again, doubt it though.
when your opening track is Seven Nation Army, it's really hard for the rest of the tracks to measure up to that driving beat. did enjoy the raw sound. also liked Meg's vocals on Cold Night.
I like Pink Floyd but getting through this entire album can be a lot. In general, I'm not a big fan of concept albums either, although this one is better than several others we've listened to off this list. Hey You, Comfortably Numb, and Run Like Hell are classic tracks-great composition, lyrics & delivery with all 3.
nope. I get that it's supposed to be satire/criticism of society/culture at the time but this comes across now as pretentious (lyrics) and painful music. the final track was awful. 1.5 stars
not usually a fan of this genre, but their harmonies were fantastic. refreshing to hear strong female voices. I can understand why this album is on the list
it's interesting with lyrics and tempos, but not anything that I would seek out to listen to again. another ok background music album. 2.5 stars
this was a pretty ok listen. however, several tracks really had a Sgt. Pepper's Beatles vibe (not my fav Beatles album)
guess it's expected to feel like there's a lack of consistency among the tracks. some great ones & then some very meh ones (Aluminum). when they're on, they're great 3.5 stars
never been a fan of the Boss. his voice is too nasal/Dylan-ish. this album did not make me a fan. musically the stripped down sounds were fine. just not a fan of his voice
why oh why was this on the list? 60's psych rock vibe & that is not a good thing. forgettable music
it's an "ok" listen. overall, not a fan of Neil Young's voice or songwriting. another meh album
great way to start the week. first 4 tracks are classics-the final 3 are by far the weakest on album. I know some don't care for Getty's voice & I get it. he can come off as whiney/pitchy. and the timing on drums turns some off as well-i get it. but I enjoy both-especially on the 1st 4 tracks.
Nope. nope. nope. so repetitive. nothing but samples over & over & over.... for over an hour. 1.5 stars
meh. he's better with CSN(Y).
apart from the opening track, this was an enjoyable listen. the 1st track doesn't feel like it belongs with the others. does have a Coldplay/Matt Kearny sound. and on a rainy, dreary day it was quite nice. 3.5 stars
meh. musically it was nice (enjoyed the piano on several tracks), but it did all blend together. was nice enough as background music. vocally, he reminded me of a hipster Bob Dylan (not a fan).
90's coffee shop vibes. kinda bland.
not available on iTunes, or Spotify. finally found 1 track on YouTube & it was pretty meh, so gave up trying to find the rest.
I like some Pink Floyd but just not the long, drawn out instrumental pieces....and there are several on here. Shine On is a great piece, once they get to the lyrics. Wish You Were Here is just a fantastic, fantastic piece (and one of my favorite by them). Rating gets bumped up just because of that track alone
I enjoyed this much more than I thought I would-usually after 3 songs Farrell's voice just gets on my nerves. instead this was a pleasant surprise. Stop is a great opening track. 3.5 stars-would have been a 4 but I really hate the cover art.
I know they are an iconic band but this album felt all over the place. and just all over bland.
funk is not really my thing. this was ok background music on a Monday
why are they on this list with (at least) 2 albums?? voice still sounds like Bowie, lyrics are pretentious/cringy
songs do sound a bit the same & blend together, but he does a great job with lyrics. heavy topics but with an upbeat, reggae vibe
that was a long 52 minutes. she's got a great voice, just was a bit too angst/whiny/all over the place
I thought I would like this a bit more. instead it was kinda meh. too much of his "wow", "ow", or various squeals. detracted from the music
southern rock that was played all over the summer it came out. I remember it well. given what was popular when it came out, it wasn't a huge surprise they got lots of air time.
meh. it's like they were trying to cover REM but missed the mark. was ok as background music but way too long of a listen.
why, why, WHY did I need to spend over an hour listening to this??? lyrics are nonsense &/or pretentious mumbling. and the falsetto is awful. 1.5 stars. only reason they get bumped to a 2 is the music (when no one was singing) was ok as background
60's psych rock with mumbling lyrics, and a 17 minute rambling track to close the album with. there I've just saved you 39 minutes
uuuuuugggghhhh. way too long, too much falsetto, overly synthesized, and all sounds the same. after the 1st 2 tracks, I was done
multiple albums of his on this list & I still don't care for his voice. can get thru a couple of songs of his & don't really care to listen to more.
ugggghhhh. why??? tracks repeat the same refrain over & over, vocals are weak, and it's early 80's overly synth "music". 1.5 stars if possible.
the stripped down raw sound & lyrics had a street busker vibe. was an interesting listen, just way too long.
meh. never listened to her on her own before. usually in collaborations w/other artists. don't feel like I've missed out on anything. won't seek her out again
I thought the 1st track was interesting-the vocals & piano were strong. unfortunately the next few tracks were a snooze. weak lyrics & way too much synthetic keyboard/drum tracks. all blended together. the few tracks which centered on her vocals (without distortion/autotune) & piano were interesting to listen to. otherwise it was another solid "meh"
not a bad listen. for the most part, enjoyed the lyrics. didn't take themselves too seriously but most tracks had something to say. it is too long-was bored after about 45 minutes.
never been a fan & listening to this does not win me over. never liked his vocals, or the talk/sing style. overly synth, repetitive lyrics. best part was Dusty Springfield in What Have I
what is the fascination with putting sooooo many Brit-punk bands on this list? oh look, here's another. sounds like so many others. blah, blah, blah.
maybe it's the long string of subpar/mediocre albums, but I quite enjoyed this listen. couple tracks kinda rambled on but other than that, a nice listen
I've never listed to a full album by Vaughn before-this was fantastic. she's got such control over her voice, clear tone, & wonderful sound. love that she just rolls during a couple of hiccups during the show. the instruments compliment her & don't take anything away from her performance. excellent listen
solid album. love the blend of piano, guitar runs, and different time signatures. lyrics are solid. opening track of "Don't Panic" great, but "Trouble" is excellent & one of my favorite.
between the super long run time, shrill/screaming vocals, anger-fueled lyrics, I felt like I needed to sit in a quiet room for a long time after listening. only positive was that the drummer can play.
this was a welcome listen on Christmas Day. lots of (what are now) standard Christmas classics on here. could have done w/o Phil Spector's weird/creepy voice over at end of Silent Night.
elcectic and unique.....yes. really didn't care for it. discordant sounds, weird attempts at harmonizing falsettos, and tinny vocals. not sure why this is taking up a spot on this list..... 1.5 stars
Have never listened to an entire album by Pixies-was about what I expected. tracks are in your face but not over the top. gigantic & where is my mind are the best. really enjoyed Kim's vocals-wish she had more. 3.5 stars
so. much. falsetto. after the 2nd song, that was all I heard. couldn't focus on music or lyrics. shame since the first track had a nice, funky, laid back vibe.
oh Courtney Love. I never really listened to much Hole back in the day-mostly due to the love/hate the press had w/her. this was the 1st full album I've listened to & was kinda what I expected. couple really strong tracks (Celebrity Skin, Hits so hard, and Malibu), then some really meh tracks (Northern Star, Boys on the radio). Her vocals are all over the place & can easily get shrill/shrieky. Didn't realize how many other artists worked on this album too, which mildly detracts. Malibu best track
it was ok. stepping stone & kicks best tracks. was nice to listen to something from the 60's that was not psych rock or folk music.
are they trying for a Spinal Tap type parody? if so, they nailed it. or are they just too pretentious to notice they missed the mark? over the top repeated falsetto & lyrics of 80's glam rock. nope
meh. lotta synth, distortion, disco-vibes, and weak lyrics.
had no idea what to expect & was very pleasantly surprised. the soothing vocals, stripped back acoustic guitar, & occasional piano riffs were really nice. only negative was with his mumbly lyrics
folksy, mellow. just not my thing
vocally, it was ok. musically, pretty one-dimensional. lyrically, so demeaning coming from a woman. why is this on the list? 1.5 stars
meh. wasn't as psych rock as I expected it to be so that was a positive. background music
really enjoyed the variety of tempos on this album. think Metallica shines best on some of the slower tempo tracks-Sandman, Anywhere I Roam, and especially Unforgiven. lyrics have depth to them which is what sets them apart from lots of other heavy metal groups 4.5 stars
I don't think this is U2's best album but I do think this album is what began setting them apart from other groups. Drowning Man, Seconds, Like a Song, and 40 are excellent. Love the way they begin weaving in their own stories and backgrounds into their music-with lyrics and music. I didn't discover this album until a few years after its release but it made an impression on me then & has remained
meh. pretty one-dimensional. don't get the hype on his lyrics-more like singing to stream of consciousness. ok as background music but that's about it.
another solid "meh" album. decent background music but nothing I would ever seek out to listen to again. and way too long
was not familiar at all & was (mostly) pleasantly surprised. was great background music while cleaning. couple tracks were better than others & couple were much weaker, but overall pleasant listen. would I seek out to listen to again, probably not
um, no. prog rock/psych rock not my thing to begin with. but this was just waaaaay too long-tracks and album. felt like it was just bunch of rambling lyrics & music. guitar was nice on "Into the Wind" & that was about it. 2.5 stars
while I'm not a huge psych rock fan, this wasn't too bad. was better than other Doors album we've listened to on this list. but then I reached "The End"...... and ugh. nope-lost a star from that one.
opening with a long, monotonous, overly synth track made me nervous of what would follow, but it was ok. weird & strange, but ok. definitely not boring-felt like it belongs in some odd scifi movie soundtrack
her vocals are strong-great control of her tone & depth. "Ray of Light" is great track, and "Frozen" is one of her strongest period (love her vocals and lyrics have depth). but overall the album is just too long. several tracks just lag a bit. still a really nice listen-especially since electronica is not my favorite
usually I don't really care for Belinda Carlisle's voice, but on this album it works. tracks were short, guitar driven, & enjoyed the listen.
heavy metal not usually my thing so I was pleasantly surprised by this. still wouldn't seek it out again to listen to but understand why this is a classic
I'm only familiar with a handful of tracks from this album. there are quite a few really good ones on here-love the driving beats, and forward guitars, Plant's vocals are stronger than other albums. BUT it is waaaaaay too long. should have been divided into two entirely separate albums & would have been much stronger. 3.5 stars
since I had very low expectations on this.....it was better than I expected. not a fan of electronica, but this wasn't bad. had it on while cleaning, so made some nice background music. would I seek it out to listen to again-no, but if it was on I would not object to it
was only familiar with the 2 singles off here & was pleasantly surprised with rest of album. her voice is stronger on several other tracks. enjoyed the blend of a little punk/new wave/rock. it worked.
brit nuwave/punk, weird lyrics that I couldn't understand most of the time, a song about pirates, and most tracks all sounded the same..... and yet I found myself entertained by it all.
I've never really listened to much blues. while this isn't really my style & doubt I would seek it out to listen to again, I understand why he's on this list
great, great album. big, driving guitar & vocals. love the sounds and variety. except for final 2 tracks-they were just boring & repetitive. shame since rest of album was fantastic. 4.5 stars
campy, over the top punk. not a fan. really didn't care for vocals, but at least they can play instruments.
well go figure, this was not what I expected & actually enjoyed the listen. very surprised at the variety of sounds among the tracks.
vocally, she's got a nice voice. but oh my goodness, this was a snooze of an album & not in a good way.
ugggggghhhhh. his voice. I just can't get past his voice.
overall this is just not an exciting listen-it's 60's folk music & ok in background. but they do have amazing harmonies together. Homeward Bound is best track on the album. (and wonder if Seinfeld's puffy shirt was a nod to Paul Simon's on cover)
started so, so strong with the first 3 tracks, then kinda rambled & petered out.
this is like a bad cover band of Duran Duran. with only their weakest tracks.
early 90's hip hop. I'm not a fan of the style-lot of samples (although they do a good job of mixing styles & not beating one into the ground), or some of lyrics (but I understand the expression & style).
way better than lot of other albums from this time period. who'll stop the rain best track on album. solid 3.5
I've heard lots of mentions of Stone Roses over the years but never given them a listen. this was excellent. still shocked it released in '89. great guitars, enjoyed the bit of distortion, great variety in tempos. this is the kind of album you want to find on this list.
not usually a bluegrass fan but this was a nice listen. great variety of tempos, instrumental pieces, & different vocalists. BUT it is really, really long so lost 1/2 a star for excessive length
with only 7 tracks on album you would think they wouldn't have any covers.... Born on Bayou is best track on album. overall, not as strong as Cosmo's but still a decent listen
normally synth/electric/pop/dance is not my thing, but this was an enjoyable listen. broody without taking themselves too seriously, enjoyed the variety of sounds & tempos. World in My Eyes is great opener
strong start.....then kinda lost focus a bit.
it's a good, solid album. good job of showcasing her voice. do wish it had a little bit more variety in tracks. 3.5 stars
great harmonies, BIG sound, love the blend of orchestral instruments, lots of variety in tempos.....but it is long. 3.5 stars
it started out interesting-was enjoying the stripped down, unpolished, garage sound. then after 5 or 6 tracks, they all kinda blended together. lot of the same beat & mumbling vocals. like "Cold Beverage"-do we need a whole song repeating you like cold beverages??
opening track was good & I felt optimistic about rest of album.... then the weird spoken word/story started....and continued through rest of album. shame since the music was ok
oh I remember this well. no one knew what to expect from their performance & how that would translate to the Unplugged stage....and this was amazing. great choice of doing some of their lesser known tracks & covers. love the stripped down sound. makes Kurt's death just a few months later so tragic
enjoyed the variety of sounds and tempos. and Ringo's "Octopus Garden" holds a soft spot in my heart (thanks Dad). some great tracks on here-the last several just flow together so well.
wish it didn't open w/"Roundabout" since that is the best track on album. still overall a fun listen-like the harmonies, and even all the synth. 3.5 stars
a reasonably "meh" reggae album. why is it on the list?
cannot get past the continued slurs, f-bombs, and horribly derogatory treatment of women. the track about punching the 7 month pregnant woman in the stomach & getting a coat hanger??? I understand it's "gangsta rap" but this is a hard, hard pass
only familiar w/Santana singles. this was a great, chill listen. love the latin influences
yes, some of the tracks follow the same "pic a simple hook, refrain, build" but it works for them. the blending of instruments, sounds, and harmonies are great.
this is the type of music to put on when you really don't care what is playing in the background. solid, solid "meh". drums were decent but vocals just boring, mumbling. (and why oh why do folks love this album but hate on some Coldplay???)
ummmm, no. a lot of mumbling, hard to understand lyrics, discordant samples, and tracks that (somehow) all sound the same. there, I saved you from listening to it. 1.5 stars only because I couldn't hear most of the lyrics
so apart from Albarn being the frontman for Massive Attack, Gorillaz, & Blur......there's not really anything interesting or memorable about this album. ok background music in a hipster coffee shop or something but that's about it. why is it on the list??