Kimono My House
SparksI mean it was alright. Very theatrical. Every song sort of felt like an intro that never went anywhere. It’s was like Rush but without the excellent musicality that makes Rush so good.
I mean it was alright. Very theatrical. Every song sort of felt like an intro that never went anywhere. It’s was like Rush but without the excellent musicality that makes Rush so good.
This album makes me ask the question: How do you define jazz? I haven’t listened to much jazz, but this pushes beyond what I thought it could be. Very experimental with the flavors of rock and electric instrumentation. Also for being over 90 minutes it never felt drawn out.
Him being a bad person does nothing to me as I am a Kanye West fan. Separating the art from the artist I enjoyed this more than I thought I would. 3.5 I’ll be mean and round down.
I can say I liked this one. Interesting instrumentation throughout. Vocals were just fine. Favorite songs were This Is The Day, Uncertain Smile, and Giant.
Super diverse and interesting. Bounces from idea to idea without a wasted moment.
Solid album. A little bit forgettable in the middle but it begins and ends strong
Some songs were very long. I’m not usually a jazz fan but really enjoyed this one. Favorite song was Maseru
Great collection of songs. Not necessarily cohesive enough to be his best album. I still prefer Born to Run
I like the blues and this album is no exception. All around great performances. Did not feel like a nearly 50 minute album.
Album was solid. Not a huge fan of the third track.
Some very enjoyable pop rock songs. Lots of diversity among these tracks.
Honestly not a huge fan of this one. Felt like a slog to get through. Clearly well made, but not for me.
I enjoyed this album quite a bit. I acknowledge it is not perfect, but I enjoyed my listen
This was certainly interesting. My favorite song was Cargo culte. Wish I spoke French so I could know what he’s saying.
I wanted to like this album more than I did. Not bad by any means, but not amazing either.
This is so boring. Definitely not a fan. My first one star.
I really liked this one. Loved the use of French horn on Down To You. Some tracks kind of blend together. Favorite tracks are Court And Spark, Free Man In Paris, and Raised On Robbery.
Decent collection of songs. Lots of variation in quality though.
I mean it was alright. Very theatrical. Every song sort of felt like an intro that never went anywhere. It’s was like Rush but without the excellent musicality that makes Rush so good.
They would go on to make better albums later, but is still a great start. My favorite songs are Radio Free Europe, Shaking Through, and 9-9.
This album rocks. Don’t have anything bad to say about it.
Very much of it’s time. Liked the first half of the album much more than the second half. Solid pop tracks.
Not a huge fan. Lots of just noodling on the sitar that never seemed to go anywhere.
Free Bird. Nuff said
Some of Kanye Wests best production work. Great lyrics and themes throughout. One of the best intro tracks on an album.
This album sounds very dated. Much of it seems like a holdover from the 50s. I’d like to think I like James Brown but I don’t really know.
Frank manages to make me feel nostalgia for memories I have never had. Great collection of pop songs. I have now come around to the fact the Blonde is better though. Pyramids is still his best song.
I feel like I should like this more than I do because of how influential it was.
I don’t like KD Lang’s music. Could have taken a nap while listening. So very boring.
Great performance, but it’s not something I would ever really listen to again. Nice piano skills though.
I really like the Talking Heads and this album is no exception. Just solid songs from front to back.
I like his voice and on the production front Phil Spector absolutely KILLED it. All in all it was just kinda alright.
Really solid pop tracks. Banger after banger.
Enjoyable big band/jazz/swing. Not much to say about it. I feel as though I should be walking through atomic wastelands. Would be a 3.5 but I’ll round up.
Just plain fun.
Nothing but respect to Frank, but this one can be boring to just sit and listen to. I think he has better music.
This sounds like Jack White made years before he was even born. I guess I just really like blues rock because I think this is good. Loud, messy, sludgy, and fun, but definitely far from perfect. Should be remastered.
Abstract, experimental, chaotic. One minute there will be a Spanish guitar solo and the next a ripping saxophone solo followed by mellow moments.
Why is this even included in the list? I got bored.
Still not fully convinced that he is actually blind.
I didn’t know I was supposed to have beef with Luke Combs until I heard the original version of Fast Car. This is a really good album. The lyrics are heartbreaking.
The use of sound and noise in this album is great. Textbook indie rock in my opinion. I found the second half to be better than the first.
This is really good. My only problem is it seems to be a little too long.
It was ok. Not something I would go back to.
Solid jazz. Was great to do work and play chess to. Don’t think I would listen to it by itself.
Fishcakes! Reminds me of the Cure. Liked this quite a bit.
I mean it was alright. Not something I would really want to go back to.
This is everything a live album should be. I wish I could have been there for this because it just sounds fun. Not having too much variety in songs keeps this from being a 5.
Older styles done exceptionally in a more modern lens. Production sounds great, singing is excellent. Can’t ask for much more.
Him being a bad person does nothing to me as I am a Kanye West fan. Separating the art from the artist I enjoyed this more than I thought I would. 3.5 I’ll be mean and round down.
Very sad. Good mix of ambient electronics, spoken word passages, and long form songs. Newest album I have gotten so far.
Wasn’t really feeling this one. Songs never seemed to go anywhere. Was ok.
Madonna’s vocals are the least interesting part of this album. The electronics are fun, but nothing groundbreaking that I haven’t heard before. Way too long for what it is.
This is really good for a couple songs, but listening to the whole thing front to back might not be the move.
One of their best. Great song variety. Ic any say anything here that hasn’t already been said.
I had only heard the title track prior to listening, and this was not what I was expecting. Very similar in style to what the Who were doing at the time. Definitely good.
This banged.
This does nothing for me. Bland, tasteless, fluff. The white bread of music.
I recognize that this album is good, but I do not like the singer’s voice.
They took a turn away from blues and into folk and it works. Not as adventurous as what they would later do, but good all the same.
This album really does sound like David Bowie had his hands all over it, and that’s a good thing. Often eerie, dark, loud, and raw.
The Red Hot Chili Peppers suffer from same problem as AC/DC, they have one song and just make it multiple times. Granted it is a pretty good song, but I don’t need to hear it twelve times in a 73 minute album. Too long. As a white man I have to give this credit for how it pushed forward white culture. Subtracting one point for length.
Reminds me of early Coldplay. I like it. Nothing super game changing though.
I really enjoyed this. Solid music to walk to. Nice guitar and drum work. Just very pleasing on the ears.
It’s industrial, metallic, driving, spacey. This is really good.
Not sure why this one is included here. Sledgehammer is a good song though.
Super diverse and interesting. Bounces from idea to idea without a wasted moment.
Great storytelling. All his lyrics draw me into a world that he is creating. This is one you have to sit and really pay attention to. Everything seems purposeful from the subtle instrumentation to the use of background vocals.
I imagine it was crazy hearing My Generation for the first time and then flipping the record to The Kids Are Alright during the 60’s. Knowing what The Who would go on to make later really diminishes the impact of this album. Most of it feels very derivative of similar acts at the time as they hadn’t fully established their sound yet.
This album has a very warm and welcoming sound. I had only heard the first track from this album before today, and I was missing out. This is really good. Excellent blending of genres and styles. Love the fuzzy guitar work.
I’m usually a big fan of the blues but this doesn’t really do it for me. Eric Clapton is good on the guitar as usual. Nothing here is going to make me want to come back to it.
It’s country, mariachi, and indie rock. Good at setting a scene. I like the second half of the record more than the first.
I loved this way more than I ever expected to. Just a great collection of songs. Definitely understand why this was included in the list. I only listened to the original track list.
Very fuzzy sometimes a little too much. You’ve heard one song here you have basically heard the whole thing.
Whole lot of conga drumming. Not much there to redeem this one for me. I liked when the whistle was used. Not really sure how this is essential to the history of popular music.
Consistently good throughout. I never found myself bored. Concise set of songs. All around good jazz. “Cool” is an apt description.
Very enjoyable. Reminds me of The Clash in a good way. Favorite song is Down In The Tube Station At Midnight.
This project is teaching me that I like punk much more than I thought I did. This is just plain fun. Wish some of the songs were longer.
I preferred Viva Hate to this one. Irish Body, English Heart is really good. Album also ends well.
Really great blues rock. I like just about everything Jack White makes. This record was much more varied in style than I thought it would be. Favorite songs are Sixteen Saltines, Weep Themselves To Sleep, and his version of I’m Shakin’.
I’m not sure why this one is on the list. I liked the songs Brimful of Asha and Candyman, but was about it. Felt like a lot of filler.
I feel like there is something I’m not getting here. Vocals aren’t great for most of the album. I like The Whistling Song and Lost.
Probably the best a Christmas album can be, and the best representation of Phil Spector’s “Wall of sound” production style. Every song sounds full which is perfect for the holiday. Christmas(Baby Please Come Home) is an all time great Christmas song.
Interesting instrumentation and style. Not something I had heard of before. Hard To Be Human Again was my favorite song.
I enjoyed this one, but it kinda of came and went. Not much to stick with me.
I have never listened to a full zz top album until now. It was pretty darn good. Great guitars and drumming. Favorite tracks were La Grange, Jesus Just Left Chicago, and Sheik.
The more Bob Dylan I listen to in my life the more I appreciate his music. It’s not overly complex, but the poetry he weaves into his songs makes me want to stop whatever else I’m doing and listen. Literature in song form with harmonica and guitar. No huge complaints from me, the first half of the album is better than the second. My favorite songs were Blowin’ In The Wind, Masters of War, and A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall.
Ranges in quality from very good to forgettable to bad. Red Alert and Rendez-vu are bangers. Lots of filler/interlude tracks too.
This one peaks in the first two songs and then just kinda isn’t very good. Love the bass playing.
It’s long, it’s jammy, it’s blues. Can’t ask for too much more than that. Some great playing and a good recording. Problem with live albums is they just make me wish I was there.
I really wanted to like this. She is clearly very talented. I found myself getting bored, and the nearly 15 minute closer didn’t help that. I liked the songs Red Clay Halo and I Want To Sing That Rock And Roll.
I was really feeling this one to the point where I was ready to give it a 5 until the last three songs. Those didn’t really click for me. Loved the rest though. Favorite songs are In It For The Money, Richard III, Sun Hits The Sky, and It’s Not Me.
Deserving of its classic status. Almost every song on here is great. I’m not a huge fan of Hot For Teacher.
This album was good. I liked the second half more than the first. Lots of energy here. Favorite songs are Rich, Black Tongue, No No No, and Maps
The first track titled Being Boring really sets a tone for this album because it sure was boring.
I enjoyed this one. Nothing groundbreaking clearly borrowing much from styles done years before. Most of the songs have a very similar sound, but I like the sound so I won’t complain. Favorite tracks are Welcome To The Working Week, Miracle Man, Blame It On Cain, and Less Than Zero.
Consistently great instrumental performances. Not the biggest fan of the singers voice. Long runtime that never really felt boring. Favorite songs were Cherub Rock, Rocket, Disarm, and Silverfuck.
The song Help Save The Youth of America wants to be I Fought The Law so badly and it’s simply not. He is very British that’s for sure and I honestly kinda like it. Favorite songs are Greetings to the New Brunette, The Warmest Room, and There is Power in a Union.
There is nothing else to say about this one. Perfect
The grittiness, the samples, the verses, everything is great. The blueprint of east coast gangster rap for years to come. The opposite side of the coin from Tribe Called Quest and De La Soul, but just as good and aging very well. Amazing that this came out on the same day as Midnight Marauders. Wu-Tang is for the children.
Beautiful album from one of our best voices. Some tracks do more for me than others. Not huge into his version of Bridge Over Troubled Water compared to the original. Favorites are The Man Comes Around, Hurt, I Hung My Head, In My Life, and Streets of Laredo.
Ehh it wasn’t something I would come back to. Too long for what it offered. Title track was ok.
Some of the best songs they ever made, along with a bunch more. Revolution 9 is interesting, but isn’t something I would choose to put on. Favorites are While My Guitar Gently Weeps, Black Bird, Happiness Is A Warm Gun, Helter Skelter, and Back In The USSR.
Not sure why this one is on here. Live albums probably shouldn’t be on the list. I prefer the studio recording for almost all of these songs. My Generation and Magic Bus are pretty good though.
I like this album more than I should. I prefer A New World Record overall. Great songs on here including the excellent suite. Favorite songs are Turn To Stone, Sweet Talkin Woman, Summer And Lightning, Mr. Blue Sky, and The Whale. Objectively a 3.
Very interesting concept for an album. I enjoyed it. Not sure I would go back to it as it’s not really my style. Favorite songs were Walt Whitman’s Niece, She Came Along To Me, and I Guess I Planted.
Very clear this one influenced artists like Duran Duran. Doesn’t mean I can’t find it boring and forgettable. Not bad but I would not listen again. The title track was ok I guess.
A modern classic in the truest definition. Great for both listening all the way through to experience the story and listening to individual songs. Accessible with enough to dig your teeth into. Reading hip hop reviews is one of my favorite activities on here because you can tell who didn’t actually listen to the album and decided to give it a poor review anyway.
Messy, raw, and emotional. Fantastic album, maybe their best. Wonder if that drummer would ever be in another band?
Crazy to hear an album where I’m pretty sure I’ve heard 75% of the songs on the radio at some point. Receiving both in back to back days I think I prefer In Utero. This is still a fantastic album.
I had never heard this one before now. Safe to say I was missing out. This is really good. Great mixing of blues, gospel, rock, and pop. Very cohesive. Shocking that this album is over an hour long as it definitely doesn’t feel like it in the best way.
It was fine, but probably not something I would go back to. Favorite songs are River Song, Time, Friday Night, and Rainbows.
The guitar part in Homemade sounds like an European ambulance sometimes. Album was alright some songs were much better than others. Sometimes the vocals were too quiet or were purposefully off key. Favorite songs were Soul And Fire, Sister, and Emma Get Wild
David Bowie is quite possibly my favorite artist of all time. The fact that he can make something as mind blowing as this and its not even my favorite album by him. 11 hits zero misses. Glam rock perfection.
Best word to describe these songs is captivating. There is always something interesting going on in each song from the bass in I Might Be Wrong to the collage of sounds in Pulk/Pull Revolving Doors, to the bells in Morning Bell/Amnesiac. It’s like having more Kid A, what’s not to love. Life In A Glasshouse and Pyramid Song are my favorites.
A very well crafted pop album. My favorite tracks were the title track, Jig Of Life, and The Big Sky.
Albums like this are the reason I really like the generator. I really enjoyed this. I just like post-punk. Not a huge fan of Codex. Favorite songs are On The Surface, Caligari’s Mirror, Ubu Dance Party, and Drinking Wine Spodyody.
Really solid jazz album. There is a reason Take Five has been played and used so many times. I’m not sure if I like the way the bass strings vibrate on Everybody's Jumpin’. The various time signatures are cool. My favorite songs are Take Five and Three To Get Ready.
Wish I spoke Portuguese so I could understand what they are saying. Really good album, very chill. Favorite songs were O Trem Azul, Saidas E Bandeiras N 2, and Trem De Doido.
It was alright Probably not something I would go back to but the singing and lyrics were good. Favorite song was Cajun Woman.
The song Heat Miser reminded me of the Black Ops 2 zombies music. Album was interesting. I’ve heard of Massive Attack but had never heard anything before. The version of light my fire should not have been included. Favorite songs were Protection and Better Things.
Consistently good throughout with solid grooves. Favorite songs are Billy Jack, Jesus, and Love to the People.
I like this album, but I don’t think it belongs on this list. Favorite songs are Supermodel, Love Galore, and The Weekend.
Very much fitting into the late 60’s folk rock sound. It’s good, but it’s nothing I haven’t heard before done better. Favorite songs were Hey Grandma, 8:05, and Sitting By The Window.
This is, in fact, a Bruce Springsteen album. I had never heard this one before, and I liked it. Favorite tracks were Badlands, Adam Raised A Cain, Streets of Fire, and Prove It All Night.
This was interesting. Mostly instrumental, French. I liked the way the drums sound. Probably not something I would go back to.
Folktales and poetry. I enjoyed this way more than I ever expected to. Favorite song is Emily.
I don’t think I appreciate jazz as much as I should. I will definitely listen to this more later. Excellent performances from all involved. Favorite song is Freddie Freeloader
Ehh not a big fan of this one. Some of the songs were boring with very little emotion behind them. Favorite songs were Join the Boys and Tall In The Saddle.
Imagine taking Steely Dan and making it suck. That’s the Eagles. Absolute snoozers throughout. Take It Easy is alright and is keeping this from getting a 1.
Kinda forgettable. Favorite song was Wood Beez
Solid tracks from front to back. Consistently good vibes.
The title track is good, but the rest is just kinda fine. A lot like the Doors. The recording on this also does not sound great. The drum and organs solos on In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida are cool.
I’m not normally a country fan, but I enjoyed this. Favorite songs were The Last of the True Believers, Banks of the Pontchartrain, Lookin’ For the Time, and Goin Gone
This album sounds like a bad musical with a lead that sounds like Neil Diamond. Didn’t like this at all and couldn’t wait for it to be over.
Many interesting ideas across the runtime of the album. I think I prefer both The Yes Album and Close To The Edge. Nothing in here that would push it to 5 star territory but really good regardless. Favorite tracks are Roundabout, Southside of the Sky, Long Distance Runaround, and Heart of the Sunrise. <====To Be Continued==
Not understanding any of the lyrics really limited my enjoyment of this album. Instrumentals were pretty good. Favorite song was Bonde.
Stan forever changed the vocabulary of music discussion. Kim is great and I never want to listen to it again. Cartoonishly vulgar and violent. Forever hate sex skits on hip hop albums even if they’re played for laughs. Favorite songs are Stan, The Real Slim Shady, and Bitch Please II.
I knew this album was great when immediately after finishing I restarted it. Just great songs from front to back. Favorite songs were Money Won’t Change You, People Get Ready, A Natural Woman, Come Back Baby and Groovin’.
It is becoming clear to me that I don’t really like the 80’s and I wasn’t generous enough with Tears For Fears. The Look of Love - Pt. 1 had some cool horns, but that wasn’t enough to save this.
Weird and punky, I liked this. Very much a predecessor to indie music that would come later. Favorite songs were Roadrunner, Pablo Picasso, and Modern World
I liked this, but not enough to go back to it instead of the amazing Power Corruption and Lies. The instrumentals were all great. Favorite songs were Love Vigilantes, This Time of Night, and Elegia
I received this and Lady Soul three days apart. I think I preferred that one. Respect is an all timer. Her version of A Change Is Gonna Come is also great. It isn’t as great front to back and has a few key memorable songs.
I can say I liked this one. Interesting instrumentation throughout. Vocals were just fine. Favorite songs were This Is The Day, Uncertain Smile, and Giant.
I’ve never really listened to much Marvin Gaye beyond his hits and What’s Going On. This was a surprise to me. The lyrics are very personal and emotional. You can tell for better and for worse that he put his soul into this album. Some songs aren’t winners. Great instrumentation throughout. That yell he does in Anna’s Song is incredible. Album is a little too long. Favorite songs were When Did You Stop Loving Me, When Did I Stop Loving You, Everybody Needs Love, and Falling In Love Again.
This album is really good. Solid rhythms throughout and I really love the guitar tone. Favorite songs are Black Magic Woman, Oye Como Va, and Samba Pa Ti.
I found this one to be very interesting. Some good melodies and loops. Favorite songs were Cybele’s Reverie, Percolator, The Noise of Carpet, and the title track.
I don’t like her voice. When You Were Mine is a worse version of the original and I really like that song.
Many of these songs are ideas that don’t outstay their welcome. The album is great. Favorite songs were Mannequin, Three Girl Rhumba, Pink Flag, and Fragile.
How To Disappear Completely is absolutely beautiful. This album is great. Ambient electronics, sludgy bass, and punchy drums. Stylistic departure from OK Computer and it works.
This was fine. I like this style of music but it’s nothing I haven’t heard before. The song about LBJ and Marvel characters was interesting. These guys were on a lot of drugs. Also this does the 60’s stereo thing where some of the instruments are only on one side of my headphones.
This album was alright. Doesn’t outstay its welcome with a concise runtime. The singer sounds like Bob Dylan sometimes. Favorite songs were It Won’t Get Better and The Wolf Of Velvet Fortune.
A southern rap classic. Great blending of styles. My only complaint would be the large amount of skits on here. Favorite songs are So Fresh So Clean. Ms Jackson, B O B, Humble Mumble, and Gasoline Dreams.
Can’t say this one really grabbed me. It was creative. Favorite song was Staring At The Sun
I really liked this. Super diverse instrumentation. A short and concise listen. Favorite songs were I Started Something I Couldn’t Finish, Girlfriend In A Coma, Last Night I Dreamt That Somebody Loved Me, and Death At One’s Elbow.
I can certainly feel the hate on Diamonds in the Mine. I liked this a little less than his self-titled. Favorites were Sing Another Song Boys and Last Years Man
I like the way the drums sound all through this album. Some songs are better than others. Favorites are Spanish Castle Magic, Little Wing, Castles Made of Sand, and Bold As Love
This is just fun to listen to. The bass is definitely the highlight for me. Favorite songs are Birdland, Teen Town, and Havona
I feel as though I should have been eating gruel in a medieval army camp. Favorite song was Train Song.
This album is just plain fun. Great energy. Favorite songs are Bad Habit, Come Out and Play, Self Esteem, and What Happened To You?
Nice instrumentals and some good easy listening. Favorites were You Masculine You, Up With People, and The Butcher Boy.
I enjoyed this one quite a bit. Vocals were not perfect, but that’s kinda the point. Favorite songs were Summer Babe, Trigger Cut, Zurich Is Stained, and Two States.
Very alright. I can say I liked it, but I’ve heard just about everything on here done better by other artists. I understand why the common consensus is a 3 here. Favorite songs were Kicks and I’m Not Your Stepping Stone.
Despite this being shorter I think I prefer Blood Sugar Sex Magik. This album is very front loaded.
Really interesting fusions of genres going on here. I loved the first four tracks and couldn’t really connect with much of the rest. Favorite songs were Believe, Street Signs, and Cuando Canto
I wanted to like this, but I just didn’t. I like Buffalo Stance. This just feels so very dated.
I mean yeah it’s pretty much the same song over and over, but I love that song. Great energy on here, and it doesn’t overstay its welcome. Favorite songs are Blitzkrieg Bop, I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend, Havana Affair, and Let’s Dance.
Each song took me on a journey. It’s amazing when a song can make you stressed out, but the title track did it. Favorite songs were Phaedra and Movements of a Visionary
This was just fun. Favorite tracks were The Weekend Starts Now, Going Out Of My Head, and The Sound Of Milwaukee.
I did not like this, but this was bold as hell. A song like Frankie Teardrop is absurd given it came out in 1977.
I seriously doubt these guys actually read Lord Of The Rings. Banger after banger.
Absolutely fantastic. Great instrumentation and gripping vocals.
This album makes me ask the question: How do you define jazz? I haven’t listened to much jazz, but this pushes beyond what I thought it could be. Very experimental with the flavors of rock and electric instrumentation. Also for being over 90 minutes it never felt drawn out.
I mean this in the absolute best way possible. I fell asleep listening to this album. Some great covers here. Favorite songs were Stardust, Georgia On My Mind, Blue Skies, and Moonlight in Vermont
This was fine, but forgettable funk. Favorite songs were Inspiration Information and Not Available.
When I was younger I thought that Seven Nation Army came out in the 80’s based on how engrained it became in popular culture. Every other song on here is fantastic. Jack White is a fantastic guitar player and Meg is the perfect drummer for the band.
Still crazy to me that Dave Grohl played all the instruments on here. I prefer The Colour And The Shape, but this is a good album. Favorite songs are This Is A Call, Big Me, Floaty, and Weenie Beenie.
I really wanted to find something here to keep this from being a 5, but I just couldn’t.
I had never heard of this band before now, and I was really missing out. This album rocks. I didn’t think the second half was quite as good as the first. Favorite songs were Charlie Big Potato, On My Hotel Tv, Lately, and And This Is Nothing That I Though I’d Have
My first listen of this album was through the speaker of an echo while cooking dinner and I was unimpressed. Second listen was through my good headphones and thank god I listened again. This record sounds phenomenal and is worth the best speakers/headphones you have. Everything sounds so lush and full. Great musicianship and lyrics. Papa Was A Rollin’ Stone is an all-timer. The first half is stronger than the second
That jacket he has on the cover is sweet. Great soul. The album has a really good flow. Favorite songs were Let’s Stay Together, So You’re Leaving, What Is This Feeling, and How Can You Mend A Broken Heart.
Easily Green Day’s best album. And in my opinion the pinnacle of pop punk as a genre.
I want to like this more than I do because I like later albums by Gorillaz a lot. There are some good songs here, and some filler songs also. Favorite songs are Tomorrow Comes Today, Clint Eastwood, M1 A1, and 5/4.
This not being on Spotify in its entirety and being fragmented on YouTube already soured my experience. I don’t hate the genre, but I didn’t enjoy two hours of drum and bass especially with no vocals. I feel as though I need to be doing time trials in a racing game. I can see why this is on the list, but it’s not for me.
What a badass, singing about cocaine and murder to cheering prisoners. Fantastically imperfect. One of the best live albums I’ve ever heard.
The Iggy mix is better than the Bowie mix. Great raw proto-punk. I can see the influence. I like every song on here, except Penetration not a fan of that song.
I thought Cheap Trick to be a very meh band and this did little to change my mind. Felt like they started playing Surrender three separate times. The live version of I Want You To Want Me is better than the studio version though.
I liked the bass playing but nothing stood out to me here. Most of this faded into the background.
Respect to Billie but this isn’t for me. I was bored. It wasn’t bad but it gave me the same feeling I get watching movies from the 50’s. Probably great for the time, but we have moved way past this.
Imagine playing a song so well that you decide to run it back and play it even BETTER the second time. Eat your heart out John Mayall and Co.
Wasn’t a huge fan of their version of I Heard It Through The Grapevine, but everything else here is fantastic. Put horns in all music. Didn’t realize I really like The Temptations until now.
I don’t like this one as much as Elephant, but I still enjoyed it. The instrumentation on this is more diverse than prior records from them including lots of piano and even some marimba. Favorite songs were Blue Orchid, My Doorbell, The Denial Twist, and Take, Take, Take.
I listened to both the UK and US releases for this and I like them both. I appreciate having Coming Home last a little more, but I like the songs excluded from the US release. I really like the Stones. Favorite tracks are Paint It Black, Under My Thumb, Out Of Time, and Lady Jane.
This is an enjoyable listen. I really like the final three songs. Not entirely sure this is a must listen album.
Many of these songs sound like The Beatles early work or The Beach Boys. California Dreamin’ is a straight up banger. Monday, Monday and Straight Shooter are pretty good too.
These lyrics are mostly nonsense. This album was really great. I had heard of the band, but never listened. Favorite songs were songs 2, 3, 6, and 8.
I know this is supposed to be a “classic”, but I guess I’m just not the right age of hip-hop fan to love this. The singles are all great, but many of these songs come and go for me. I love Many Men, and PIMP.
Serviceable blues. Wish I spoke the language to know what he is singing about.
I definitely see how this is influential. As an album though, it’s not greater than the sum of its parts.
This is my third Morrissey solo album up to this point, and it’s fine. Just like the others were fine. This is probably my least favorite of the three. Favorite songs were Now My Heart Is Full, The More You Ignore Me, The Closer I Get, and Speedway.
A little too long. I love the use of the talkbox though. Textbook example of corny late 70’s rock. He took all the sauce out of Jumping Jack Flash. Favorite tracks were Doobie Wah, Show Me The Way, Baby, I Love Your Way, and Do You Feel Like We Do.
This falls into the genre of album where it could be mistaken for a greatest hits album. Highlight after highlight.
Damn good live blues record. Excellent musicianship on display. Favorite songs were Sweet Little Angel, It’s My Own Fault, Worry, Worry, and You Done Lost Your Good Thing Now
I can’t believe that these were the homies dissing my girl. Short and sweet with a couple songs I knew, a couple more good ones, and the rest of them. Hard to really say I love something this old as more than a novelty.
Just alright to me. I liked the song The Jungle Line. Not much to say about this one.
I really like this one. Rock with flutes is neat. Favorite songs were Aqualung, My God, Locomotive Breath, and Hymn 43
This is my third Leonard Cohen album and probably the weakest of them. I like his lyrics and delivery as always, but the backing instrumentals are so 80’s and I don’t think they have aged very well. My favorite songs were First We Take Manhattan and Tower of Song.
Zappa never fails to make something interesting. The album absolutely goes off the rail after Trouble Every Day. Favorite songs were Hungry Freaks, Daddy, How Could I Be Such A Fool, I’m Not Satisfied, and Trouble Every Day.
This album kicks ass. His best, in my opinion. This album does a great job building to it’s climax in Born To Run
This is really well made and it sounds great, but it just doesn’t really have anything to amaze me. My favorite songs were IGY, Green Flower Street, and The Nightfly.
Really solid collection of songs. His music has a nice soul to it. Favorites were Blueberry Hill and Blue Monday.
This just felt really long and I guess it was. The 20 minute opener set the tone here and I don’t think anything else surpassed it. Maybe DnB just isn’t for me.
How did they get away with making The Motivator just Get It On again? I don’t really see the hype behind this one. Favorite songs were Monolith, Get It On, Girl, and Rip Off.
I liked the electronic swells here. Could do without the intro and outro. Favorite songs were Impact and Monday
Listenable, but not something I would want to revisit. My favorite song was probably Song of Life.
This album is so good. One side is acoustic one side electric. With the second side growing sludgier and louder with each song. My My, Hey Hey, and Hey Hey, My My are perfect bookends. One of the best examples of effective sequencing in an album.
Some well crafted pop songs. Some of them are better than others. Fernando is a banger.
No excuse not to listen to this one multiple times given its length. Unfortunately I didn’t like it very much.
This does a great job of capturing the feelings of loneliness and isolation as a result of suburban sprawl. The wanting for something more and desire for feeling among the identical houses and strip malls. The comparisons to Springsteen make sense especially on songs like Half Light II. My favorites were The Suburbs, Ready To Start, City With No Children, Half Light II, Month Of May, and Sprawl II.
Good songs from front to back. Internet brainrot has ruined You Gotta Move for me. Absolutely love the horns on Bitch.
I’ve listened to this album four and half ish times in the past two days not knowing what score to give it. This is great. Just interesting rhythms throughout.
This was cool. It felt like it had peaks and valleys though. The final song sounded like a jazzy formula one race. Favorites were Block Rockin Beats, Setting Sun, Where Do I Begin, and The Private Psychedelic Reel.
Not my favorite EW&F album but damn good all the same. Highlights were Shining Star, Yearnin’ Learnin’, Reasons, and Africano.
Probably not something I would go back to, but fun to listen to. Very much of the 90’s. Favorite songs were On A Rope, Young Livers, Ball Lightning, and Suit City.
This album was very good. Felt like something that could have come out much more recently. Favorites were I Wanna Destroy You, Positive Vibrations, Queen of Eyes, and Underwater Moonlight.
Bumping this score up by one point to attempt to offset the reviews that either hate hip-hop for no reason or misunderstand the point of the character of Slim Shady. Shoutout the Labi Siffre sample on My Name Is. Highlights are My Name Is, Guilty Conscience, Rock Bottom, and Still Don’t Give A Fuck.
This album is really good. This album is also two hours long. His singing is still not the best. The energy on the heavier songs is there and the instrumentals are as good as they were on the last one. The length and singing hold this one back. Favorite songs were Tonight, Tonight, Jellybelly, Here Is No Why, Bullet With Butterfly Wings, Galapagos, Bodies, 1979, and Thru The Eyes of Ruby.
The vocals, the lyrics, the angst, the harmonica. Everything is here. Never realized how many of these songs I already knew and liked. Love it.
Absolute slog to get through. Like listening to a whale sing over strings and flutes. I should like this because I like what she did with the Velvet Underground and I like many of the songwriters she worked with, but I don’t. This album would be 10 times better with any other person singing these songs.
Simply a very well crafted album. Excellent songwriting, good instrumental performances especially the guitars, and solid vocals and harmonies. This seems to bridge that gap between the folk rock of the 60’s and what would become the rock scene in the 70’s. I wonder if any of these guys ever did anything else?
Perfectly serviceable jazz, but probably not something I would go back to. It kind of went in one ear and out the other. Favorite song was Messy Bessie
This very much reminded me of Massive Attack in that the band name makes you think the music would be much heavier and louder than the trip hop we are given. That is not to say that this is bad. The many stylistic changes and sounds keep things interesting throughout. Not a fan of the weird vocal effects in Stuka. My favorite songs were Burning Wheel, Star, Medication, and Motorhead.
River of Orchids creates a soundscape like a rain shower. I like the vocal panning done during the stage directions of Easter Theatre. Overall quirky set of songs. Wish I could add some of these to my Spotify playlists. Very glad I listened. Not a fan of Fruit Nut. Favorite songs were River of Orchids, Easter Theatre, Greenman, and I Can’t Own Her.
I really liked that part when he said “Queen Elizabeth with die on September 8th 2022”. Such a visionary. This is a fantastic album.
This one took a few days and a few listens, but I am very glad I took the time. It’s dark, loud, and abrasive instrumentally and lyrically. This album makes exceptional use of dynamics, lulling you in with quiet electronics before smashing your head open with drums that sound like shotgun blasts and guitars with enough effects to induce a headache. Exceptional art piece at telling a story and leading you on this downward spiral with the main character. This felt like the soundtrack to an alternate version of Fight Club where the narrator gets really into heroin. P.S. The vocals at the end of The Becoming sound kind of like Toad and I can’t unhear it.
His voice is really good. Album as a whole was just ok. Favorite songs were No Man Can Find The War, Pleasant Street, and Once I Was.
A classic for a reason. This feels like the inflection point where mainstream hip-hop shifted in the direction it would take for the next 15 years. The beats are still really good. A little too long. Favorites were Straight Outta Compton, Fuck The Police, Express Yourself. And Gangsta Gangsta
Scott Walker? More like Scott Walk me out back and shoot me
Solid chill country album. Not something I see myself going back to all that much. Favorite songs were Bluebird Wine, If I Could Only Win Your Love, Coat Of Many Colors, and Queen of The Silver Dollar
This album is a pendulum swinging from nice whimsical songs to utter nonsense and back again
Strong opening two tracks and good final two tracks. I could mostly take or leave the rest.
Absolute marathon. This was really enjoyable to listen to. It is kinda cheating though because it’s more of a compilation than an album. Also the length means I likely won’t listen to the whole thing again.
That Prince guy sure knew how to make some funky jams
Consistently good throughout. All killer no filler. Great vocals and good baselines. Interesting percussion as well.
Lush instrumentation and great singing. I loved the first four songs, but it was losing me on the rest until the last song.
This one is just fun. I think I preferred the funk and ska adjacent tracks to those more metal songs. I never quite knew what was going to come next here. Favorites were Ma And Pa, Question Of Life, Bonin’ In The Boneyard, and Ghetto Soundwave
This tickles my brain in a way I can’t describe. It’s the auditory equivalent of those spinning sand bowls where one hand disturbs and the other hand smooths the sand.
The best album ever made with cow moos and fart sounds on the final track.
That was the most stereotypically French thing I’ve ever heard. I imagine he did that whole thing while wearing a beret and carrying a baguette. The recording also kinda sucks.
They would go on to do greater things (Congratulations and Little Dark Age), but the hits hit and the deep cuts are pretty good too. Favorites are the three obvious ones, Weekend Wars, and Of Moons, Birds & Monsters
The energetic counterpart to The Idiot. I absolutely loved this. He put six absolute bangers in a row straight away. And yes, many tables are in fact made of wood.
Blistering energy from beginning to end. I should have been destroying stuff. Was like the vocalist was running to catch up with his band. The final song was a little too long. Favorite songs were Richie Dagger’s Crime, Lexicon Devil, We Must Bleed, Media Blitz, and The Other Newest One.
I didn’t give them enough credit back when I got Psychocandy. Good stuff that fits a mood. Probably would give a 3.5. Favorite songs are Darklands, Happy When It Rains, and April Skies.
It’s like if Huey Lewis & The News was a hair metal band. Super corny late 80’s rock. Cult of Personality is pretty catchy.
This one was alright. I liked the drumming quite a bit. Favorite songs were Brilliant Corners and Bemsha Swing
Given everything about this I feel as though I should love it much more than I do. It’s just fine to me. I understand the influence it had, but the pieces don’t seem to come together for me. Favorite songs were The Weight, We Can Talk, and Chest Fever.
This one grew on me on subsequent listens, but only went from meh to just alright. Listening to this just makes me want to be listening to Arcade Fire instead. Favorite song was Bloodbuzz Ohio.
This album is really good. I appreciate all the experimentation and different styles used. Not sure I would call this “folk” but it doesn’t matter. Favorite songs were Devils Haircut, The New Pollution, Jack-Ass, Where It’s At, and Readymade.
This was pleasant to listen to, but nothing here really stuck with me. Favorites were Sunflower, Has My Fire Really Gone Out?, and Shadow Of The Sun.
This one was a blast to listen to. Great energy and diversity in instrumentals. Solid hooks throughout.
I preferred Hounds of Love to this, but this was still good. Favorite songs were Heads We’re Dancing, Rocket’s Tail, and This Woman’s Work.
This is a good metal album. Overall I think it’s just a little bit too long. I think I prefer Master of Puppets and Ride The Lightning to this. Favorite songs were the title track, One, and To Live Is To Die
I liked this album and the style they were going for. Some of the songs were somewhat forgettable. Favorite songs were Celebrity Skin, Awful, Malibu, Northern Star, and Petals.
I hate copywrite law for preventing us from receiving more masterful uses of samples such as this. Just incredible from start to finish. So ahead of its time.
I asked for more Arcade Fire last week and the generator delivered. I really like their sound and liked this album. I did not, however, like this nearly as much as The Suburbs. I appreciate what they were going for, but it doesn’t all come together for me. I like individual songs though. Favorites were Keep The Car Running, Intervention, (Antichrist Television Blues), and No Cars Go.
This is a well made and recorded record. That is everything nice I can say about it. I don’t like this at all. So inauthentic sounding. Just the worst parts of the 80’s. Music made for car commercials featuring a pickup truck driving over random piles of dirt and rocks to show how “off road” the four wheel drive is followed by that same truck driven in the city with the whole family riding to show the comfort and luxury followed by the truck pulling a trailer of 2x4s or an ATV to show the towing capacity. This album makes me want to listen to more Bruce Springsteen, the superior New Jersey artist. I understand why someone might like this so it escapes a 1.
That was certainly sounds. Not sure I ever want to listen to it again.
Some slappers but some songs that were just corny as hell from a modern perspective. I can definitely see how it was influential. From looking at the Wikipedia page I learned that Red, White, and Blue was not on the original track list and so I will ignore it. Thank god, that song is not good. Favorites were Breaking The Law, Grinder, and Steeler.
The best way to listen to this is listening while watching low resolution Naruto or DBZ clips. Rage did the rap rock thing much better.
I can definitely tell why this is on the list. Does sound like the future especially for 1973. So much going on here with the interesting instrumentation and the waxing and waning the songs do. You could make an entire plunderphonics record only using this album. Favorite songs were Future Days and Moonshake.
The Fall doesn’t seem to do it for me even though I like this kind of music. Maybe they’re just too British. Favorite songs were Frightened, Futures and Pasts, and Rebellious Jukebox.
I love the Dan. Incredible instrumentation, great lyrics, and some of best sound mixing ever. Was the title track the first appearance of the “What are those!” Vine? Favorite songs were Rikki Don’t Lose That Number, Barrytown, Pretzel Logic, and With A Gun.
I had never listened to any of The Bee Gees non-disco stuff before. Honestly I wish I kept it that way. It’s not offensive, but it’s so clearly trying to copy The Beach Boys / The Band / The Beatles and it just comes off as lame.
I had never heard of this band prior to listening. This album is pretty good. However, it succeeds in reminding me that Robert Dimery must have something against Weezer for this to be present within the list if the blue album or Pinkerton are not present. Favorite songs from here were Goldfinger, Girl From Mars, Kung Fu, and Darkside Lightside.
She literally did the “lyrical spiritual miracle” line on Danger. Beyond that this was the most paint by numbers early 2000s R&B album. Nothing interesting enough for me to want to revisit this and absolutely not earning its long runtime, but nothing bad enough for me to be opposed to hearing some of these songs again.
I liked this one quite a bit. Cool samples and good usage of other instrumentation as well. Favorite songs were Honey, Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad?, South Side, Bodyrock, and Run On.
I would be tempted to give this one a two, but the drums are just so good it has to be bumped up. Highlights were Eyeless, Wait and Bleed, and Only One.
This was worse than Odessa because that one ripped off the Beatles / Beach Boys and seemed to do it competently. This one continues that pattern by again copying those two and adding Elton John into the mix. Absolute snore.
This one surprised me. The only Nick Cave I have heard previously was Ghosteen which I had generated near the beginning of the challenge. I expected this to be similarly somber. Boy was I wrong. The whole first disc absolutely slaps you in the face with its layered vocals and dense instrumentals. The Lyre of Orpheus disc is more subdued, but builds with each consecutive song. I think I prefer the Abattoir Blues side, but adored all of this. He knows his vocal range and takes advantage of his limitations. This sounds both old and new.
Music to be played in a space with most echo you can find. I mean it’s not quite Loveless, but it’s still pretty good. The atmosphere is not as dreamy. Favorite songs were Lose My Breath, You’re Still In A Dream, Feed Me With Your Kiss, and You Never Should.
This covers a wide variety of styles and genres. The vocals alternate for me from being really good to being just bearable. All the instrumentals are good. Favorites were Re-Make/Re-Model, If There Is Something, and Would You Believe.
I may not speak the language but the emotions come through anyway. This album was very fun. Good grooves and rhythms. Favorites were Ponta De Lanca Africano, O Plebeu, Taj Mahal, and África Brasil.
Consistent sound, but consistently catchy. The definitive Britpop album. So anyway here’s Wonderwall…
Glad I can finally point out that the sample for Kanye West’s Spaceship comes from Distant Lover. He really gave up the whole socially conscious angle and just decided to sing about sex, and the songs are good. Favorites are Let’s Get It On, Keep Gettin’ It On, and Distant Lover.
I liked this one, but some of these songs kind of came and went for me. I have a great idea though. First, take the guitar part from Silver Soul, reverse and loop it. Next add some drums, and add some verses from an artist like Kendrick Lamar. Finally add a catchy hook, and one of the best feature verses ever from Jay Rock. I feel like that would make a really good song. Wait…..
This one sets a mood and sticks with it throughout. Very good stuff. Favorites were Day of the Lords, New Dawn Fades, She’s Lost Control, and Shadowplay.
I don’t like the beach, and I don’t like this album. Just exceedingly dull.
Lyrically it was good, but the instrumentation tended to be mostly uninteresting for me. Favorites were A Minor Place, I See A Darkness, and Black.
Like James Blake if you gave his voice more vibrato and he had less interesting production
Something of a mixed bag. The good parts are really good, but the bad parts aren't very good. Lyrics are very ehh. Walking In Your Footsteps is a PBS kids type song. Highlights were Synchronicity I & II, Every Breath You Take, and King Of Pain.
This one really has that classic feel. I just didn’t like it like some of the others I’ve listened to from this era. Also the cover of Lucille takes absolutely all the sauce out of the song.
This album is fine it’s just somewhat simple. Lots of harpsichord. My favorites were Party Line, Session Man, and Sunny Afternoon.
Prior to this I had not heard an entire U2 album besides the one Apple “gifted” everyone. Really good stadium rock. Sunday Bloody Sunday is probably my favorite U2 song. Other favorite tracks were New Year’s Day, Like A Song…, The Refugee, and Surrender.
I can clearly tell this is good. It’s just not for me. I like The Girl From Ipanema.
I absolutely loved this one. Really neat pseudo-live style that works for the music. Great vocals and ripping guitar that sometimes sounds like a precursor to metal. Also doesn’t outstay it’s welcome at a brisk 37 minutes.
This one has a lot more grand instrumentation than I remember it having. Every song just hits so hard. Love me some Neil.
Perhaps the best live album ever. The imperfection is what makes this so great.
This is full of some super interesting ideas. Some of which I enjoyed more than others.Cool guitar noises and vocals that decided to ignore melodic sensibilities. Lyrics are good too. If Theme and Fodderstompf had both been shorter I would have enjoyed this more. Favorite songs were Religion II, Annalisa, Public Image, and Attack.
This one is very much a mixed bag for me. The songs that hit really hit but the ones that don’t are forgettable. Favorites were Suite: Judy Blue Eyes, Pre-Road Downs, and Helplessly Hoping.
They were clearly inspired by Pink Floyd when making some of these songs. Good use of keyboards and wind instruments. Just sounds very 70’s. Favorites were Bloody Well Right, Hide In Your Shell, and Dreamer.
This bloke is trying to sound sexy the whole time and honestly it just comes across as creepy. Some of these songs are really good, but as a whole package I’m not completely sold. Favorites were Common People, I Spy, and Something Changed.
These guys have their schtick and sell the hell out of it. Who cares that they are 15 years too late. The music is fun. An entire album however can be a little draining. Favorite songs were I Believe In A Thing Called Love, Love Is Only A Feeling, and Friday Night.
It’s a feat that they somehow managed to make every single song on this album outstay it’s welcome. Yet somehow within that extra runtime there were no memorable instrumental parts to recall. Meh
This one was not as good as I remember it being. I honestly think Quadrophenia was a much better execution of the rock opera by The Who. The fourth disc on here seems to drag a little for me, and the story could have been told a little better. The highlights are still there and are still great, but the first half is overall better than the second. Favorites are Acid Queen, Pinball Wizard, Eyesight To The Blind, and Christmas.
The first half of this flows really well together and is a bunch of super catchy pop songs. The second half, while not being as good still has highlights. Favorites were Grass, That’s Really Super Supergirl, 1000 Umbrellas, Season Cycle, and Dear God.
Felt like I was journeying across the desert while trying to track down all the songs to this album. Ended up having to listen to terrible quality CD rips on YouTube that negatively affected my enjoyment. Album was fine. Suffers from the CD era issue of making albums a little too long. Also did not need the cover of Imagine. The strings and diversity of sounds included were good.
One of the best produced albums ever. The song transitions flow so smoothly. The amount of time and effort it must have taken to find and effectively use all of these samples is simply mind boggling. Sampling is an art.
Yeah yeah yeah Moonchild goes on for too long yada yada yada. I don’t care. This album kicks ass. The first time I listened to this was on the school bus during high school. I thought my connection was bad because I thought the final song was backing itself up with how it kind of starts and stops. The drums sound fantastic on here and the vocals are all really great.
Each song here is great. The instrumentation and vocals are all great. Still don’t think he’s actually blind.
This album is great, but I’m not happy with Mr Robert Dimery yet again. How could he place this on as QOTSA’s only inclusion. Rated R, Songs For The Deaf, and …Like Clockwork are better overall and any of them should have been included if they were to only get one spot. The debut does rip. Dusty riffs and walls of sound aplenty. Favorites are Regular John, If Only, Mexicola, You Can’t Quit Me Baby, and I Was A Teenage Handmodel.
Solid contender for the most British album ever made. It’s a lot of fun. Dips a little in the middle. Favorites were Tracy Jacks, Parklife, To The End, and Magic America.
These songs are maximalism taken to the extreme. The entire music industry is on this thing. It’s like a room full of gold trim and crystal chandeliers with velvet furniture. Just fantastic front to back.
This felt like a good album to chill and vibe out to. I liked it. Favorite songs were Leave Home, In Dust We Trust, and Life Is Sweet.
I feel like most people stop listening to this after the first three songs. The fourth song called Wasted Time aptly describes the rest of the album. I don’t like the Eagles. Hotel California is a good song.
This one was very good. I really liked the guitar work and the vocals were very soulful. Favorite songs were That Lady, You Walk Your Way, Listen To The Music, and Summer Breeze
A bit of a mixed bag. Some truly great ideas and also some other songs. Favorites were Imagine, Jealous Guy, Gimme Some Truth, and How Do You Sleep?
I’ll be Frank, as someone who is a huge fan of Back To Black I went into this expecting something similar and I was a little disappointed. Her voice is as good as ever, but I guess this downtempo jazz style just isn’t for me. Favorite songs were Intro/Stronger Than Me, Fuck Me Pumps, and In My Bed.
I really enjoyed that. The simplicity of the instrumentals allowed me to focus on the lyrics and his voice which are both great. Favorite songs were Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain, Red Headed Stranger, Down Yonder, Remember Me, and Hands On The Wheel.
The arrangements here are very good. I’m not sure how this did in 2008, but I feel as though if this was released today it would be huge. Favorites were Little Bird, A&E, and Caravan Girl.
While it is impressive that he played almost all the instruments on here sometimes I wish he had someone else play some of them. The playing sometimes comes off as a little rudimentary. I’m also not big on the guttural yells in Pt. II. Some cool ideas here but most of it felt like it meandered without much direction. The latter half of Pt. I where the narrator cues in all the instruments was dope. I feel like some drums wouldn’t have hurt the project.
These instrumentals are as dense as cinder blocks and it’s fantastic. The lyrics are politically charged and aggressive. I want Flavor Flav to be my hype man. Favorite songs were Brothers Gonna Work It Out, Welcome To The Terrordome, Burn Hollywood Burn, Revolutionary Generation, and Fight The Power.
I somehow never realized that Roadhouse Blues was a Doors song. I have never been a big fan of The Doors and this did little to change my opinion. I mean it’s good, but probably not something I would go back to often. Favorite songs were Roadhouse Blues, Waiting For The Sun, You Make Me Real, and Queen Of The Highway.
I’ll give The Fall credit they are nothing if not consistent. I have listened to three albums by them and they are all good but not great. Favorite songs were Glam-Racket, I’m Going to Spain, and Ladybird.
This album is dark and moody and driving. It is very well done and is very good. I’m just not big into this kind of music. Favorites were Never Let Me Down Again, Strangelove, and Pimpf.
This album maintains a dreamy psychedelic sci-fi aesthetic throughout. I have listened to and like The Flaming Lips, but have given this album a full listen until now. I really liked it. Favorite songs were Fight Test, Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots, Pt. 1, Are You A Hypnotist?, and Do You Realize??.
I forgive them for being mean to Nardwuar. This is damn good. I’m shocked it’s not labeled as shoegaze.
An enjoyable album. Yeah it sounds like David Bowie, but I love David Bowie so this doesn’t matter. Favorites were All The Way From Memphis, Honaloochie Boogie. Violence, and I’m A Cadillac/ El Camino Dolo Roso.
I feel as though since this is the Beatles I am expected to like this more than I do. The covers are alright and the originals are mostly fine. Just knowing what they do after this makes this less impressive. Favorite songs were All My Loving and Roll Over Beethoven.
This very much reminded me of Joy Division. I really liked it, but I can’t say I enjoyed it more than Unknown Pleasures so it gets the same score. Will definitely be returning to this. The cover of Helter Skelter was awesome. Favorite songs were Overground, Carcass, Helter Skelter, and Switch.
I didn’t hate it, but I also don’t see myself ever going back to this one. Very sleepy. So, mission accomplished I guess? I liked the second half more than the first. Best songs were Heaps of Sheeps, Alien, and Blues In Bob Minor.
I liked this one. Nothing too amazing but consistently good throughout. Liked the sound of the guitar. Favorite songs were Shot By Both Sides, Burst, and The Light Pours Out Of Me.
Probably the least weird thing I’ve ever listened to by Zappa. I loved this. Very jazzy and groovy.
This one peaks with Good Times then is just alright for the rest. The bass is consistently great. Favorites were Good Times and My Feet Keep Dancing.
I maintain my belief that Queen is not really an albums band. They have great hits, but some of the deeper cuts in here are a little forgettable. I would call this a good album, but it doesn’t do enough to push it over the edge. Favorite songs are Brighton Rock, Killer Queen, In The Lap Of The Gods, and Stone Cold Crazy.
It’s crazy that they made music too hard to be called hard rock and invented a whole genre. This kicks so much ass. The riffs are tight and the lyrics are dark. I listened to the US track list as I prefer Wicked World to Evil Woman.
I feel as though I owe Stories From The City, Stories From The Sea and apology. I gave it a two and have since revisited it when I enjoyed it more. I found this one to be very unique. Her vocal style and the instrumentation as well as the lyrics are interesting the entire time even if they don’t always work for me. My favorite songs were The Last Living Rose, The Words That Maketh Murder, and Bitter Branches.
Did not like the first half of this album at all. I found the vocals obnoxious and the instrumentals forgettable. The second half starting at Two Dancers was a notable improvement, but not enough for me to want to return to this album. The best songs were Two Dancers (i) and This Is Our Lot.
Was ready to give this a 3 until I listened again on the good speakers and it suddenly made more sense. The drums and keys are consistently solid. The guitar is groovy. The BASS is absolutely nasty in the best way. Not every song is a winner, but the highlights are such jams. Favorites were He’s The Greatest Dancer, Lost In Music, We Are Family, and One More Time.
This album is far too long for what it offers. Bittersweet Symphony is a great song to start the album. The rest of the album features the lead singer alternating between doing his best Thom Yorke and best Bono impressions over forgettable instrumentals. I get why someone might enjoy this, but I don’t see myself revisiting this over other Britpop albums.
Just about every song here is a certified classic. Incredible beats and quite possibly the best flow and voice of all time. Would be an easy 5/5 if not for the sex skits, which haven’t aged well, and Diddy not ever shutting up. Who Shot Ya? Is one of the best beats ever, but half of the song is his yapping. My favorite songs were Gimme The Loot, The What, Juicy, Big Poppa, Unbelievable, and Who Shot Ya?
This one was completely new to me and I had never heard of this artist before. I am pleasantly surprised. That was a very enjoyable listen and I will definitely be returning to it again. His voice is really good and the blending of folk and blues styles works really well. Favorites were Don’t Want To Know, Dreams By The Sea, May You Never, and The Man In The Station.
Listened to this on my train ride into Philadelphia which felt right. Bowie calling this “plastic soul” is a very apt description. I like it, but slightly less than many of his other albums. I would like to believe that the song Fame is why David Bowie was cast in Zoolander. Don’t entirely get the hate for his version of Across The Universe. Favorite tracks were Young Americans, Fascination, Somebody Up There Likes Me, and Fame.
I have heard of this band but had never listened to them until now. I found this to be a relatively bland indietronica album. The light synths and at times delicate vocals made this fade into the background for me. The drums also don’t pack enough of a punch to energize everything else. Favorite track was Flutes.
I like Coldplay (Pre 2011). I think many of these songs are really great. Chris Martin is a great singer and the arrangements are layered nicely. Favorite songs were Politik, God Put A Smile Upon Your Face, The Scientist, and A Rush Of Blood To The Head.
I had previously stated in my last review for this band that the music was creative, but I just didn’t like it very much. Something connected this time for me and I really liked this album. The creativity is all still there, interesting vocal inflections and cool instrumentation, but this time the songs are structured more simply and are a little more accessible to my tastes. Favorites were Crying, Dancing Choose, Golden Age, Red Dress, and DLZ.
Not much to say about this one that hasn’t already been said. Still can’t believe that Purple Rain was mostly recorded live.
While not having the heavy hitters that Surfer Rosa and Doolittle have this album is a model of consistency. No song outstays its welcome and the whole album provides a consistently good sound. I would say this album is very well paced. Needed more Kim Deal vocals. Highlights for me were Cecilia Ann, Velouria, Allison, Dig For Fire, The Happening, and Stormy Weather.
Music to be played at the dentist’s office. Technically inoffensive, but so bland. All the instruments sound so artificial. The Talking Heads cover is so bleh. The singer’s voice is good enough I guess. Favorite song was Holding Back The Years.
This album is incredible. Everything from his voice to the lyrics to the guitars. I absolutely adore how the percussion sounds here. I had never actually listened to anything by him before, but I now know I was sorely missing out. The vocals have a lightness to them that make the more intense moments really stand out.
I’ve been sitting on this one for about a week giving it time to really marinate. This album is fantastic and has aged incredibly well. I listened to this immediately after listening to Younger Than Yesterday by The Byrds and it is shocking that these both released in 1967. The breadth of styles and instrumentation used here make every track seem like its own, yet they come together beautifully. I need a cover version of this album down entirely by the Muppets.
They say the best music can transport you. This album smells like carpet and wood veneer. This, along with Donuts by J Dilla, Modal Soul by Nujabes, and Deadringer by RJD2 helped me through my freshman year of college. Listening to this again now just sends me back to the library for better and worse. Fantastic record.
This is a concise set of songs where I think the individual songs are better than the album as a whole. I would not have a problem going back to this, but likely wouldn’t choose to do so on my own. The weird alien voice on C.T.A. -102 was kinda odd. Favorites here were So You Want To Be A Rock N Roll Star, Have You Seen Her Face, Thoughts And Words, and My Back Pages.
This sounds like driving over fresh asphalt feels. Her voice is great and the backing instrumentals complement it nicely. Favorites were Smooth Operator, Your Love Is King, Frankie’s First Affair, and Sally.
Streaming releases of albums with hidden tracks should separate the track and remove the three minutes of silence. I’m not trying to add the song to a playlist and listen to my thoughts for three minutes. Album was enjoyable enough, but it was nothing I haven’t heard before done better. “We have The Bends at home” seems about right. Favorite songs were Writing To Reach You, Driftwood, and The Last Laugh Of The Laughter.
Around six months ago I listened to every Rush album in chronological order because I had never heard most of their catalogue. Prior to doing so I had always heard great things about this record, but had never actually heard it. In doing so and also in revisiting it now I have come to two key understandings: 1. This album cover is lame & 2. Rush made better albums featuring this long prog compositional style namely Hemispheres, Permanent Waves, and A Farewell to Kings. I acknowledge that this one came first, but I think all of those take what is done here and do it better. Highlights here are 2112, A Passage To Bangkok, and Lessons.
This album was really good. A musical tour of the places, people, and things of Illinois both past and present. I had only heard Chicago off this album previously. All the instrumentation is very well done and everything sounds like it was all recorded in the same room which I quite like. I had to go back and listen again while reading the lyrics to really appreciate this one. The track titles are ridiculous though. Favorite songs were tracks 3, 9, 10, 12, and 16.
This one kinda reminded me of Talking Heads if they were considerably less interesting. There were cool rhythms used in the percussion, but everything else didn’t hold my interest. I thought the song Jolly Roger was stupid. Favorite track was Antmusic.
I’m not sure if it was supposed to be, but I found many of lyrics on here to be quite funny. I liked it, but I’m not sure if it’s something I would revisit much. Favorite songs were Marz, Chicken Bones, and Jc Hates Faggots.
I did not dislike this album, but saying it’s just “we have Stevie Wonder at home” would be putting it mildly. I do like the use of the didgeridoo. This feels behind its time, but not in a “appreciating the classics” type way. Lyrics are also very surface level “deep”. Conclusion: it’s fine. Favorite tracks were When You Gonna Learn?, Music Of The Mind, and Blow Your Mind.
Pretty chill listen. I did enjoy listening to this. Her voice is pretty good and I didn’t realize I actually knew a couple of these songs ahead of time. Probably won’t revisit it. Favorite songs were Don’t Know Why, Come Away With Me, and Painter Song.
Kinda meh. The highlights are good and the other songs are just kinda there. Not bad, but not super memorable. The singer has great range as demonstrated on Take On Me, but I don’t think he uses it well enough on the other songs where most of the time he’s just doing his best Morrissey impression. Favorite songs were Take On Me and The Sun Always Shines On TV.
I found this be very meh. None of the songs really stuck out and none of the production choices were interesting or novel enough to warrant discussing. Nothing offensively bad, but I was a little bored.
Never noticed the cowbell on Born On The Bayou. This album is really good. The shorter songs are tight and the extended jams of Graveyard Train and Keep On Chooglin’ (whatever Choogling is?) are given time to breathe. This is the kind of music where I want to be there with the band. Like, give me a harmonica I’ll jump right in. Favorite songs were Born On The Bayou, Good Golly Miss Molly, Proud Mary, and Keep On Chooglin’.
This is really the Sgt. Peppers of Beatles albums not gonna lie. The album cover fits the varied colorful tracks contained within perfectly. A Day In The Life is just one of the best songs ever. I even appreciated some of the less popular songs more than I have in the past. Fixing A Hole is great, Within You Without You is an absolute journey, Good Morning Good Morning features animal noises, truly something for everyone here.
This album is “A couple of pints with the lads at the pub” the album. The band is solid, the singer is pretty bad. It’s hilarious, it’s misogynistic, and most importantly it’s entertaining. Is it the best album on this list? God no! But I’m glad I listened to it. Sex And Drugs And Rock & Roll is a classic. Favorite songs were Sweet Gene Vincent, Billericay Dickie, Blockheads, and Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll.
Her voice is super interesting to me and the lyrics, especially on Why’d Ya Do It are absolutely brutal. This is one I might go back to sometime. Highlights were Broken English, The Ballad Of Lucy Jordan, and Why’d Ya Do It.
Many bands featured on this list can be described as “ahead of their time”. CCR is not one of those bands. They are very much of their time and even that is a stretch. It’s too bad that this album is fantastic. Ramble Tamble is an epic, their version of I Heard It Through The Grapevine features an expansive instrumental section that ebbs and flows, Long As I Can See The Light is an excellent outro. Everything works here.
I thought this album was really good. It’s like the Eagles if they didn’t suck mixed with some Neil Young. The second half of this thoroughly engrossed me with the folk/country/psychedelic styles it presents. The lyrics and tones of voice he uses on From A Silver Phial are super good. Favorite tracks were Strength Of Strings, From A Silver Phial, Some Misunderstanding, and Lady Of The North.
I liked this quite a bit. The songs all have momentum. The bass is really good throughout and the lyrics carry hefty political weight while being in songs you could dance to. They should make a genre like that. They could call it “dance punk”. I think that would be really neat.
I might have gone into this with too high of expectations. I had seen people praising this so I went in expecting something on the level of a Pet Sounds, Sgt. Peppers, or Forever Changes. It was none of those, but it was still pretty enjoyable to listen to. Some of the songs in the first half just kinda came and went for me. I think the second half was better. My favorite songs were Care Of Cell 44, Changes, This Will Be Our Year, and Time Of The Season.
This album is held back significantly by just how awful the bass sounds. The other instruments sound a little dated but fine for the time, but that bass is another level of bad. His lyrics are really good and I like his voice and how he often drags lines onto the next musical phrase. Favorite songs were Graceland, Diamonds On The Soles Of Her Shoes, and You Can Call Me Al.
This album is a really good time. Biggest complaint here is the overabundance of interludes. The beats are fun, the vocals are good, the verses are tight, and everyone’s favorite person Diddy makes an appearance. Favorite songs were Creep, Waterfalls, Switch, and Sumthin’ Wicked This Way Comes.
This album is like if the layered harmonies of Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young were ten minutes long and featured ripping guitar and bass and lyrics that still don’t really make sense to me. This is another one where my bias shows up. Another record that defined a moment in time for me (the first half of senior year of high school). I had heard Roundabout from that show with the sun karate and vampires and wanted to know what else that band had made. This lead me to hearing I’ve Seen All Good People and that was it. Starship Trooper is one of my favorite songs ever.
Calling this white reggae is pretty much accurate. It’s pretty good though. Sting’s voice is instantly recognizable. My biggest complaint is they don’t really know how to end songs. Every single song ends in a fade-out without much of any outro at all. This wouldn’t be that much of an issue if it wasn’t the case for every single song on the album. Favorites were Message In A Bottle, It’s Alright For You, Deathwish, and No Time This Time.
This album sounds like flannel. Very much reminds me of something like Vampire Weekend. The instrumental on I Don’t Love Anyone is very similar to Only Wanna Be With You by Hootie and The Blowfish. Favorites were The State I Am In, She’s Losing It, I Could Be Dreaming, and I Don’t Love Anyone.
This another album that fits within the genre of “could be a greatest hits album”. Also probably one of the albums that I have listened to the most throughout my life. Every song here is great but Scenes From An Italian Restaurant absolutely takes the cake as my favorite Billy Joel song.
George is my favorite Beatle. George released the best Beatles solo album. He really threw everything he had at the wall and saw what stuck. Fortunately, nearly everything ended up sticking to that wall. Yes it is lengthy, but I feel it justifies its length, included the almost entirely instrumental third disc. I believe this is better than the White Album. He crams everything in here from Bob Dylan to Chuck Berry. Shoutout to the slide guitar.
I didn’t think soundtracks were allowed on the list, but here we are I guess. This is funky and smooth. I feel like I should watch the movie because Shaft seems like a bad mother (Shut your mouth). Favorite songs were Theme From Shaft, Cafe Regio’s, and No Name Bar.
This one is a classic. It’s sounds like they had an absolute blast recording it. Girls and Fight For Your Right were some of the first songs I had on my iPod Shuffle back in 2008 and they still bang. While the sampling is more simplistic here compared to Paul’s Boutique it still works for what they are trying to do. Lyrics are funny and the wordplay is absolutely on point.
This album was good. I liked how it remained consistent while sometimes amping up the energy when needed. Definitely something I would listen to again. My favorite songs were Somewhere, Lonely, Bad Liquor, and Western Sky.
I think this is a really solid debut album from Iron Maiden. The riffs rock and the changes in intensity really work. Earlier this year I also made my way through all of the Iron Maiden studio albums and this one was within the top 5 for me. I think the weakest aspect here would be the vocals. The addition of Bruce Dickinson would improve upon that on later releases. They were clearly still developing their style as the more progressive elements from later albums weren’t quite in full swing yet. Favorite songs were Prowler, Phantom Of The Opera, and Iron Maiden.
I found this one to be bland. And I’m not usually one to complain about lyrics, but some of these are just gross. Glad this one was pretty short. I mean, Walk This Way is a good song, but the Run DMC version is better.
Prior to listening to this I had only heard For What’s It’s Worth from Buffalo Springfield. I noticed while listening to this one that the songs seem to range in quality. It was only after reading the Wikipedia page that I realized that all the best songs were the Neil Young written songs (and Bluebird). Probably won’t revisit this one too much, but it wasn’t bad. Favorites were Mr Soul, Expecting To Fly, Bluebird, and Broken Arrow.
Simply great. Long songs with lyrics about poop over some of the funkiest instrumentation you’ve ever heard. The live version of Maggot Brain was really cool. This is definitely one I would want to buy on vinyl some day.
I would have a hard time saying if this is better than Fever To Tell. It’s definitely more polished and the expanded instrumentation leads to more variety. It’s just a different flavor of good. Favorite songs were Zero, Heads Will Roll, Dull Life, and Hysteric.
I didn’t like this one very much. Like the music is fine and the vocals are alright, but this just isn’t my style of music. I liked the song Books.
I think this really good. It has the pop appeal that I enjoyed from his debut with better lyrics. It sounds to me like Prince was inspired by Green Shirt when making Darling Nikki. Favorite songs were Accidents Will Happen, Oliver’s Army, Green Shirt, Chemistry Class, and Peace, Love, And Understanding.
I still don’t love The Doors. A couple of these songs are pretty good, but I just don’t think I like Jim Morrison’s voice and style too much. The musicianship is all there so it’s not bad by any stretch of the imagination. I just wouldn’t choose to put this on over others doing a similar sound. Favorite songs were the title track, The WASP, and Riders On The Storm
This is pleasant to listen to for its whole runtime. Not too much to say about it. I can now say I know more than two Van Morrison songs. I think the first half of the album was better than the second half overall. Would gladly revisit in the future. Favorite songs were And It Stoned Me, Moondance, Caravan, and Glad Tidings.
Music like this is why the generator is so interesting. I probably never would have listened to this otherwise. I had seen the album cover, but didn’t know the name or the artist. im glad i took my time with it because this shit had me floating. The cover art perfectly fits. I don’t know the language, but I don’t need to. The dynamic swells and string arrangements keep the long songs interesting.
This is my third CCR album in less than a month and these guys are just consistently good. Quick easy listen with great singles and good deep cuts too. I don’t think this is as good as Bayou Country or Cosmo’s Factory. Favorite tracks were Green River, Wrote A Song For Everyone, Bad Moon Rising, Lodi, and The Night Time Is The Right Time.
For the life of me I could not remember the song Supermassive Black Hole. The song has 600 million streams on Spotify, and it was in the movie Twilight. I should know it but I don’t, and after listening to this album and replaying that song two more times. I still don’t remember the song. This album is basically just a cross between early Radiohead and U2. I would probably rather listen to either of those two, but I can’t really fault them for playing to what works. Favorite songs were Starlight, Assassin, and Knights Of Cydonia.
This album was 2650 days ahead of its time. Meaning that this album sounds like the entire thing was produced in the Super Mario 64 Soundfont. I get this is here because it was popular, but to my modern ears it sounds like shit.
Anyone hating on this album due to present day Kanye’s antics need to reexamine themselves. This is a nearly perfect album. Every beat here is incredible, Kanye’s lyricism is both hilarious and introspective. The shift in vibe comparing this to other hip hop of the time is unmatched. He had something to prove here and he did just that. His best album. Where else can you find Jay-Z calling himself the Jeff Gordon of rap?
After listening to this album I revisited Murmur which I had generated last year. This album is not nearly as good as Murmur, but it is still enjoyable. The second half of this album is especially good. Yesterday I had the College Dropout by Kanye West. Jesus Walks from that album uses the same sample as Orange Crush and I think that’s neat. Favorite songs were Stand, Orange Crush, Turn You Inside Out, and I Remember California.
This album does a really good job at creating a sense of unease. I wasn’t a big fan of how the album started. I think the second track onward is where it hits its stride. Unfortunately I don’t speak French so while I’m sure he was saying some deep things it mostly just sounded like the vocalist was trying to poop. Best songs were Rue Des Tempetes, Longue Route, and Les Enfants.
The 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die provides a great case for the existence of Stockholm Syndrome with your captor being Morrissey. I listened to my first Morrissey album almost a year ago and thought to myself “this is pretty alright, but I have no desire to listen to more”. Now, this being my fourth solo album from him with two The Smiths albums in the mix as well I find myself really liking what I’m hearing and wanting to listen to more of this bloke. Favorite songs were We’ll Let You Know, Certain People I Know, We Hate It When Our Friends Become Successful, and I Know It’s Gonna Happen Someday.
First of all, this album sounds really good. Everything is so crisp and clear. The songs are also very good. I get the idea behind The Murder Mystery, but it’s probably not one I would go back to. I can really see how influential they are when one of my first thoughts was “this kinda reminds me of The Strokes”. Favorite songs were What Goes On, Pale Blue Eyes, Beginning To See The Light, I’m Set Free, and After Hours.
Her voice is really nice, but unfortunately I found this one to be boring. There are definitely highlights namely Silver Dagger, House Of The Rising Sun, All My Trials, and Wildwood Flower.
It’s like the Beastie Boys if you took almost all the energy and fun away. At least Scooby Snacks is pretty good because the rest of this is boring.
This is a super interesting idea that for the most part absolutely works. Also, listening to this with headphones is crazy for the sections with the beatboxing. Not sure what was going on during Ancestors. Favorite songs were Where Is The Line, Who Is It, Oceania, and Triumph Of A Heart.
Impeccable vibes. This transported me to a warm place with a cold drink. I understand this is not a great representation of Cuban music, but it sure is fun. Favorite songs were Chan Chan, El Cuarto De Tula, Candela, and La Bayamesa.
Imma be honest, I never actually knew that AC/DC changed vocalists before Back In Black. I just assumed the guy’s voice changed a little. This album is like a loaf of white bread. The first slice is pretty good, and every slice after that is more of the same. It’s good enough, but I don’t need to eat the whole loaf.
This album is the song Mr Krabs wanted to hear again. There are some interesting things going on here. Would probably just come back to the highlights. Favorites were Poor Leno, Remind Me, and She’s So.
This a much simpler compared to the other two albums I have listened to from her which makes sense given it’s her first. This is some pretty typical 90’s alt rock. Favorite songs were Dress, Sheela-Na-Gig, Plants And Rags, and Water.
I don’t think this album really hits its stride until the second half. The fusions of dance music and rock sometimes work and sometimes don’t really. Favorite songs were Kinky Afro, Dennis And Lois, Step On, and Holiday.
When I read "Sophisti-pop" on the wiki I really was expecting to hate this, but I think those bottom-of-the-barrel expectations allowed me to somehow hate this even more. I want someone to throw me in The Blue Nile.
I have been enlightened. If My Aim Is True was Elvis Costello’s Blue Album then this would be his Pinkerton, and not just because I think he and Rivers Cuomo look kinda similar. This is a really great album. It combines pop-rock, reggae, new-wave, R&B, and many more styles. You can hear the style of The Smiths and The Police in some of these songs. The lyrics are hard hitting as expected.
This album is good, but not great. Just a solid example of the genre and not doing much more beyond that. Favorites were Do It Clean, Villiers Terrace, and Happy Death Men.
The only thing from Gil Scott-Heron I had listened to prior to this is Pieces Of A Man which is a fantastic record that I hope shows up later. His voice is really great. The piano and bass work here are both great. Major credit to Brian Jackson. His political lyrics are really hard hitting and are still relevant today especially on H2Ogate Blues. My favorite songs were Rivers Of My Fathers, Back Home, The Bottle, and Your Daddy Loves You.
This one needed two listens for me to appreciate it. This reminds me of the experimentation of TV On The Radio taken up to 11. Also kinda reminded me of the band Idles who I really like. Very interesting ideas with the heavier sections and more ambient parts like a musical thunderstorm. Favorite songs were Broken Witch, They Don’t Want Your Corn, They Want Your Kids, and Hold Hands And It Will Happen Anyway.
This is early 60’s pop-rock done in 1967. It’s like they are trying to experiment on songs like Band 6 and Zilch but the experimentation is the equivalent of a middle school science project. Favorite songs were You Just May Be The One, No Time, and Randy Scouse Git.
I mean yeah this is really great. We all know that already. Love the guitar solo on The Chain
This is an album I assumed I would give a 5 to before relistening today. The first side is definitely worthy of such. Just four absolute classics in a row. The second half however was not as good as I remember. While listening I also thought I really liked Something About You. And then I thought “Wait, this sounds kinda familiar”. And then I realized that they just made Peace Of Mind again, but not as good on the other side of the same album.
I thought this one was pretty good. I really liked when the saxophone snuck its way in there. Some of the instrumentation reminded me of Talking Heads. Favorite songs were Rip It Up, A Million Pleading Faces, I Can’t Help Myself, and Hokoyo.
This is the kind of album you wouldn’t mind getting stuck inside the CD player. The whole thing has a great flow to it, and the instrumentation is super crispy sounding. Especially those drums and the flute. Her voice is really good as well.
You can definitely tell the influence this one had on subgenres like Thrash. Unfortunately I don’t think I would return to this one much. Everything also just sounds kinda muddy. Highlights were Black Metal, Leave Me In Hell, and Sacrifice.
Coldplay is really great when you font’s have someone in your ear telling you they suck. It’s widely appealing for a reason. The guitar on Shiver is really great. Favorite songs were Shiver, Spies, Yellow, Trouble, and High Speed.
The percussion on this is really interesting and I like that this whole album feels like it was made in her house. The more intense moments feel earned as well. Probably not something I would go back to much, but I’m glad I listened. Favorites were Shameika, Under The Table, Ladies, and Heavy Balloon.
I can’t believe Bjork invented UK drill. This album is like sitting next to a window on a rainy day. The production choices and vocal layering create a dreamy aesthetic that makes this still feel fresh. Fantastic.
This one does a good job at being ambient and spacey. It’s just too long and doesn’t hold my interest for the entire runtime. Favorite songs were Water From A Vine Leaf and Time To Get Wize
Can’t believe they made that poster into an album! Songs flow so well that the only song I can play by itself is Money. Everything else requires me to play the whole album through.
I love just about everything David Bowie touches, and this is no exception. Probably his most iconic look. Doesn’t quite reach the heights of a Hunky Dory or Ziggy Stardust. Cracked Actor is easily my favorite song here. I love the heavy distortion used. Favorite songs are Watch That Man, Cracked Actor, Time, and The Jean Genie.
I liked this one more than I thought I would. I had heard Tom’s Diner, but nothing else by her. The sing-talking style reminded me of Leonard Cohen quite a bit. Probably won’t go back to this much save for a few songs. Favorites were Marlene On The Wall and Knight Moves.
This one felt educational. Like sure I enjoyed what I was learning, but I do not feel the need to repeat the same lesson again in the same way.
I liked this album. The instrumentation is all really good especially the saxophone and the percussion. The lyrics are far more political than I was expecting from the band that brought us Red Red Wine. My favorite songs were Tyler, King, Burden Of Shame, Food For Thought, and Madam Medusa.
It’s a jazz-rap classic that has aged exceptionally well. Every beat sounds great. Scenario introduced the world to Busta Rhymes. The lyrics are fun and it’s just guys being dudes for most of it. One of the first hip-hop albums that doesn’t sound “old”. So relistenable.
This one has a very nice vibe. Warm weather music for sure. Glad I gave it a listen. Favorite songs were Punchbag, Sunshine, A Minha Menina, and This Town.
This one is really pleasant to listen to. His voice is great and the simplicity of just him and his guitar really adds to the homemade feel. The instrumental tracks do a good job segmenting the album. Reminded me of Nick Drake. Favorite songs were Smokey River, I Have No Time, Needle Of Death, Running From Home, and Angie.
Just consistently good chill vibes. Like a soundtrack to a really good movie. Favorite songs were La Femme D’argent, Sexy Boy, You Make It Easy, and Ce Matin-la.
Dude…… I’ve never heard any Genesis from before their more pop-centric material. What a wild first listen this was. The kind of 70’s prog noodling that appeals to me exactly. The piano on Firth of Fifth and the long solo on The Cinema Show were high points.
One thing about Beyoncé that you can always count on is her albums always sound very well produced and polished. Probably a side effect of having many of the best producers in the business at her disposal. Her voice is good and the songs are pretty good, but the inclusion of this album over Lemonade baffles me. This one is also just a touch on the long side. Highlights are Pretty Hurts, Drunk In Love, XO, and Superpower.
Usually I try to judge an album on its own merits and mostly ignore the story behind them. This one makes that very difficult. After listening to this I went back and listened to Smiley Smile and then went and listened to the Smiley Sessions compilation album before returning to this one again. You can definitely tell that his voice has aged forty years in this one, but it’s still pretty good. It flows as one cohesive piece more than an album with separate songs. This is helped by the callbacks and allusions to future songs in the track list. This album is really great as an idea, but the presence of the other Beach Boys makes the later compilation a better experience overall. Favorite songs were Our Prayer / Gee, Heroes And Villains, Child Is Father Of The Man, Vega-Tables, Wind Chimes, and Mrs. O’Leary’s Cow.
I get it now. This is fantastic. The lyrics are less explicitly political and more stream of consciousness and abstract. The usage of more electric instrumentation on the first half with the longer more acoustic songs on the second really works. His vocal performance on It’s All Over Now, Baby Blue is fantastic.
Love him or hate him Eric Clapton most definitely warrants inclusion on the list. His guitar playing is great and some of these songs are pretty good. The Bob Marley cover is not as good as the original. Favorites were Motherless Children, I Shot The Sheriff, I Can’t Hold Out, and Let It Grow.
This rips. I know I really like an album when I am a little over halfway through and have added nearly every song to my playlist. And then they throw a Reggae song in there with Police & Thieves? Just a really fun album.
Many people consider this the best LCD Soundsystem album. They might be right. I’m not one of those people however. It’s funny that the two albums representing the band on the list are not the two I would choose. This Is Happening and the debut are some of my favorite albums of this century so it’s hard to compete. I also can’t help but think that Us V Them somewhat sounds like the Home Depot theme. The layers here deserve to be listened to.
Another artist and album I was completely unfamiliar with. I think this album starts off really good with the first three songs being highlights. Unfortunately, after that it doesn’t really hold my attention as well. The vocals are good, but the instrumentals are not super adventurous. The intro to Valley reminds me of Telephone Line by ELO. Favorite songs were H>A>K and Modern Kosmology.
Nick Drake’s voice and lyrics are about as good here as they were on Five Leaves Left. This one features more instrumentation behind him. I think the simplicity suited him a little better and think I prefer his prior effort. Still very good. Favorites here are Hazey Jane II, One Of These Things First, Hazey Jane I, and Northern Sky.
It’s a perfectly fine country rock album with some synths thrown in. Not something I would be rushing to revisit. Favorites were Boxcars, Jericho, and Fingernails
Seeing this listed as another sophisti-pop album did not set my hopes very high. I was pleasantly surprised…for the first half. They decided to make one half of a really great album and then made the second half not that. Favorites were Faron Young, Bonny, When Love Breaks Down, and Goodbye Lucille #1.
This sort of wonky indie rock is fun to me but not much more than that. I think I have maybe heard of this band before but had never given them a listen. The drums consistently sound really good. Favorite songs were Hail Bop, Firewater, Wor, and Life’s A Beach.
This felt less fully formed as an album than just a live recording of a concert. It sounds like it would be a good time and the jamming was pretty good, but as an album experience it was relatively weak. The Who Do You Love Suite had both good and meh moments. When You Love and Which Do You Love I really liked, but I didn’t care for Where You Love.
I appreciate this project for making me listen to so much trip-hop that I probably would not have listened to on my own. This one is very interesting. It creates a darker vibe when compared to the likes of Blue Lines. Some of these songs aren’t winners, but I liked listening. His rapping style combined with the vocals create an interesting dynamic. Favorites were Black Steel, Aftermath, and Brand New You’re Retro.
Fairly similar to At Folsom Prison. Good banter between songs and I like that he played San Quentin twice in a row. A like country music when it tells a story and Johnny Cash is a great storyteller. Favorites were Wanted Man, San Quentin, A Boy Named Sue, and Folsom Prison Blues.
This one does a great job conveying that jazz-rock sound with the brass instrumentation. Much like Chicago but a little more Bluesy than I expect from them. The vocalist is entertaining too. The intro and outro are an interesting choice that I quite like. Favorites were More And More, Spinning Wheel, You’ve Made Me So Happy, and Blues, Pt. 2.
Definitely not my favorite wu-tang solo album, but the production is still good and the flow is there. Method Man just never really seemed like the one to carry a whole album. Favorites were Bring The Pain, Meth Vs. Chef, Release Yo’ Delf, and Mr. Sandman.
This album is not overrated. It really might be one of the best albums ever made. A political statement that feels as relevant today as it was back then. The transitions between songs especially the one between God Is Love and Mercy Mercy Me are great.
This shit rips. The guitar tone is great. For the purpose of the list I only listened to the original tracklist from the 6 track EP. I think Chain That Door is a little too close to falling apart, but everything else here rocks so much it makes up for it. You can definitely hear some of The Stooges here as well as where music would go for the next decade.
I liked this album. An artist I had heard of but never actually listened to. Very raw production, vocals, and lyrics. I don’t really buy The Rolling Stones response thing. Highlights were Help Me Mary, Never Said, Mesmerizing, Fuck And Run, and Gunshy.
A album I was unfamiliar with from a band I had not heard of. Very reminiscent of that jam band type sound. I love this shit. Can’t believe I hadn’t heard it before. Definitely something I will come back to. Favorites were It’s Him!, Back At The Farm, Street Joy, River To Consider, and Is And Is And Is.
I liked this much more than the other Primal Scream album I listened to before. The album cover is really great showing the hazy brightness present in the music. I also feel like this earns this length unlike many other 90’s albums. Favorite songs were Moving On Up, Higher Than The Sun, Come Together, and Loaded.
Sheer Heart Attack is the better album compared to this. Queen has always been a greatest hits band for me and my opinion is not changed here. I’m In Love With My Car is not good. Favorite songs were Death On Two Legs, Sweet Lady, The Prophet’s Song, and that one song from that movie and that other movie.
With their first album Black Sabbath basically invented heavy metal. With their second album Black Sabbath perfected heavy metal. This very well may be the top of the mountain. It’s not even my favorite Sabbath album (Master Of Reality), but the timelessness is undeniable. I love how Planet Caravan is a brief reprieve from the super iconic moments on the first side that feels like you are listening underwater. Electric Funeral is my favorite kind of metal song with the slow tempo and chunky guitar riff. Rat Salad is the Sabbath equivalent to Moby Dick. Everything is great here.
Total whiplash compared to my previous album. The instrumentals? Trash. The vocals? Annoying. I didn’t like this at all.
This is a musical loaf of bread. It’s interesting, but like a rye it sure is dense. I’m not sure one listen was enough, but I doubt one or two more would change my thoughts much. The jazzy soundscapes here are unique and worthy of listening to. Not sure starting off with the most obtuse song was really the best idea. My favorite song was Slightly All The Time.
This is one that I’ve seen and heard people rave about for years and years. And for the A side I totally get it, but side B seems to falter for me. Songs like Spaced Cowboy don’t really work for me. The bass playing is really good especially on songs like Africa Talks To You and Brave & Strong. Highlights here were Luv N’ Haight, Family Affair, Africa Talks To You, and Brave & Strong.
The thought of Bruce sitting in his bedroom with a glockenspiel on his lap is very funny to me for some reason. The explosive rock backing tracks of prior albums are gone, but the tales of blue collar struggle are turned up to 11. Very clearly inspired by the folk rock of Bob Dylan and the like. I understand what he was doing here and I respect it. I just think that Bruce works better with a band behind him. Favorite songs were Atlantic City, Johnny 99, Open All Night, and Reason To Believe.
Interesting mix of punk and reggae. Vocals reminded me of Siouxsie and the Banshees, but might be just a case of “British woman”. Nothing too incredible, but it was fun. Favorite songs were Shoplifting, Typical Girls, and I Heard It Through The Grapevine.
I should like everything about this, but it doesn’t really connect for some reason. It reminded me of The Smashing Pumpkins and Hole, but I would prefer to listen to those bands instead. It’s well made and I would never complain to hear songs from it, but it wouldn’t be my first choice. Favorite songs were Supervixen, Only Happy When It Rains, Not My Idea, and Stupid Girl.
This makes me want to run face first through a brick wall. The guitar work is really great and noisy. The vocals are perfect for the style. The almost thirty seconds of feedback at the beginning of Super Unison is awesome. The long songs give opportunity for the musicianship to shine.
This one took me a couple listens to decide my feelings on. Do I like this? Or do I just like the bands this was inspired by? I’ve decided the answer is both. I’m a fan of this power pop slop. Favorite songs were The Act We Act, Helpless, and Hoover Dam.
This is terrible. I loved every minute of it. Favorite songs were While You See A Chance and Night Train
I somehow have never heard this one. I get the hype. This is a really great album. Her voice is restrained, but effort is placed exactly where it needs to be. The songwriting is great. The piano and guitar work are particular standouts. This album is cozy and warm.
An album that is much more than just Take Me Out. They got bangers. Very much holds up today. I like the intro to Jaqueline and the synths in Come On Home. Highlights are those two, Take Me Out, The Dark Of The Matinee, and This Fire.
I will admit I enjoyed this one more than Toys In The Attic. I think the vocals on Back In The Saddle are entertaining and Last Child is pretty funky. Nobody’s Fault is pretty decent too. I could forget the rest of it though. Having three songs I like boosts it slightly into the range of a three, but this is basically a 2.5.
You forget how much Timbaland owned the 00’s until you listen to something like this. Those drums still hit. Fun time. Very early 2000’s. Favorites songs were Bring The Pain, Work It, Back In The Day, and Play That Beat.
So much more than Fairytale of New York. That song is damn good too though. This album makes me want to drink a couple pints with the lads. Just pure fun. Favorite songs are the title track, Fairytale of New York, Thousands Are Sailing, and Medley.
The guitar work on this is really great especially on songs like 1969 and Not Right. This also surprised me as I was not expecting something like We Will Fall to be on this album. The energy is really great. Definitely ahead of its time. Favorites were 1969, I Wanna Be Your Dog, No Fun, and Not Right.
I mean it’s fine, but I was bored. I liked the use of harmonica I suppose. My favorite song here was the title track.
The only song of her’s I was familiar with was her version of Nothing Compares 2 U. Not huge into that song, but some of the other songs on here I really liked. The guitar and explosive drum hits coming in near the end of Last Day Of Our Acquaintance are really good. The lyrics on The Emperor’s New Clothes and Black Boys On Mopeds were great too.
This is a good album. However, it is a little too long. Ice T has good flows and lyrics. The production sometimes leaves some to be desired, but I guess that’s what happens when you compare this to Dre and his other contemporaries. Also laws around sampling in the early 90’s are wild. How did everyone get rights to sample When The Levee Breaks like on Midnight? Highlights were New Jack Hustler, Bitches 2, O.G. Original Gangster, Midnight, and Body Count.
He successfully takes the neat idea of combining Asian instrumentation with western electronic music and manages to make something truly uninteresting here. Would not listen again. Absolute slog.
This was super interesting the whole way through. Cool In The Pool sounded like Talking Heads. The sound collages seem like what The Avalanches or MF DOOM would be doing twenty years later. I will definitely be listening to more from this guy. Favorite songs were Cool In The Pool, Oh Lord, Give Us More Money, and Hollywood Symphony.
This is so very 80’s. I think I need to assassinate the prime minister of Malaysia now. It’s too long and I’m not sure any of the covers are better than the original versions. Favorite songs were Relax, Two Tribes, and The Power Of Love.
Is this the invention of punk? Whether is it or not. It’s crazy that this released right before Pet Sounds and the story behind it is pretty cool. The music itself has that energy and excitement. The straining vocals and blown out organ certainly make this unique. Favorite songs were Boys Are Boys And Girls Are Choice, Oh, How To Do Now, Complication, and Love Came Tumblin’ Down.
Kicks so much ass. Every band member is on their A-game here. Constant forward momentum over a brief 21 minutes. Probably could have put the complete discography compilation on the list.
You’re telling me this is the guy from the hit film Are We There Yet? Ice Cube’s solo debut features good production and provocative lyrics. These lyrics appear to succeed in their intent as evidenced by most of the reviews on this website. Doesn’t overstay its welcome, but I wish Mr. Cube would have changed his flows up a little more. Favorite songs were The Nigga Ya Love To Hate, You Can’t Fade Me, Endangered Species, Rollin’ Wit The Lench Mob, and The Bomb.
This is probably the kind of thing that was big in the UK but never made much of an impact in the US. Needless to say I expect to see a David Gray biopic where he is a CGI moose in the next couple of years. Like music for a dentist’s office. I continue to remind myself that boring stuff like this made the list over the Blue Album, Madvillainy, The Black Parade, Discovery, In The Aeroplane Over The Sea, etc.
Despite the name this is not a summer album. This is an album that expresses the feeling of being on the beach in autumn and all the melancholy that comes with it. It doesn’t have the hits, but every song here is great. Something about Neil’s music just really works for me.
It would be a classic with just Chameleon and Watermelon Man. The fact that the other half is here and is really good too is just icing on the cake. The snare that drives the lumbering Vein Melter caught my attention so much I had to play it again to listen to the other instruments.
It’s amazing that Snoop managed to make an absolute classic like this and then proceeded to coast for the rest of his career. Incredible beats from Dr Dre. I really like this, but I would rather listen to The Chronic over this. It’s also interesting that he didn’t even have the first verse on his own album. Favorite songs were Gin And Juice, Who Am I, Ain’t No Fun, and Doggy Dogg World.
This album does a good job of being danceable jazz. Solid background music. The saxophone and guitar work are both pretty good. Favorite songs were Samba Dees Days, O Pato, and Bahia.
Describing this as “twee” is very accurate. The lyrics are very well written and the instrumentals are consistently great. I liked this more than their first album. I really love when the trumpet comes in on the final track. Favorite songs were The Stars Of Track And Field, Me And The Major, The Fox In The Snow, Mayfly, and Judy And The Dream Of Horses.
His voice is really great. This isn’t chill music. This is music to get across his message. Also had to read the Wikipedia page for Marcus Garvey. Shit is wild. I like this. Favorite songs were Marcus Garvey, Slavery Days, Give Me, and Tradition.
The beats on here are absolutely insane. I read that Danny Brown considers this an inspiration and I understand why. This is barely hip-hop. I would say it’s much closer to big beat using the vocals as another texture in the instrumentals. Favorite songs were I Luv U, Brand New Day, Fix Up, Look Sharp, Hold Ya Mouf, and Seems 2 Be.
Immediately after listening to this I relistened to the self-titled Slipknot album just to confirm I was not going crazy. Yes, I can confirm that one is still good. This album, however, I would not call good. Not even sure how much ironic enjoyment I can get from this. I find the vocals grating and the rest of the band doesn’t do enough to make up for them. I understand that nu-metal has its place on this list, but I don’t like this one.
One of my favorite “hair metal” albums. In a genre where most of it is complete crap, the guitar work and vocals here really shine and never really seemed as “corny” as a Bon Jovi or a Def Leppard. Best songs here are Nightrain, Mr Brownstone, Paradise City, Sweet Child O Mine, and Rocket Queen.
I mean, it’s not as good as The Low End Theory, but not many hip hop albums are. The beats are fun, the rhymes are fun. Just a very colorful album. Can I Kick It? Yes you can!