ABBAUnpopular opinion : everybody is peer pressured or family pressured, and pretends to like ABBA. And since show up in your life so often, that you connect ABBA to fun-ish moments, until the brainwashing is complete.
Unpopular opinion : everybody is peer pressured or family pressured, and pretends to like ABBA. And since show up in your life so often, that you connect ABBA to fun-ish moments, until the brainwashing is complete.
Really enjoyed Papa Was A Rolling Stone! The rest of the album was worth a listen too.
I hate that Marvin Gaye is super cool, and that probably my grandma liked him as well. Am I becoming my grandma?💀
I understand that this lady had a unique voice and meant something (less sexual, more punky) in the feminist waves of her time. However. I’m very allergic to this lady’s voice…
Yes yes, political commentary, yes yes, smart guy. Meh.
Musically it is lovely. Lauryn has a great voice. I didn’t know she could reach the Mariah Carey notes! Tho sometimes the songs are too screamy for me. I also don’t feel hood enough for this, somehow.
I thought I liked punk
I could listen to this on a sunny lazy day :) and dance by myself and have a cute time
Ah, the times where hiphop was funky and rap didn’t go deeper than “I went to the store and bought a hat”
Kan-ye or Kan-nay? Honestly, had a laugh listening to this album, and black skinhead is a cool song. I was entertained by his stupidity.
Stevie lost me when he demanded my smile. Oh Stevie, how the times have changed.
Song 2 is brilliant obviously, but the rest felt really complainey.
Hate the voice, love the musicality.
I feel like Lou looked hard at the Berliner scene, but was unable to incorporate it well. Also, his ‘singing’ is so understated… he’s just reading poetry 🙈
Ahhh the 80ies. Adorably tame by today’s measures, and very entertaining! I giggled lots 😆
If I’d be a guy living in the 70ies, I’d have my own kind of groovy. Would wear cowboy boots with a bit of heel, V shirts showing a tiny nip of chest hair and a fitted gilet, have my hair in a male bouffant, walk like I own the place, ooooooze manliness and would take great notes from Muddy Waters 🥲
Yeah ok, I get it.... wibbedy scribbedy wack wacka wibbedy wack, *spit lyrics* bang head* low pants * high gimmicks. Very high shock value, no real musicality. I'm disgusted by the gynecologist song. More misogyny. Would like to hear - ripping the penis open and inserting things inside it- version of this.
fafafa fa fa fafa faaaaa! 1967! Crazy! Nice bops!
I dunno. It would be too much to say that Kanye is growing on me. But this album was really funny :D And unfortunately, very catchy too. In summary: feeling blissful, not giving a fuck, and looking for my new job as a drug dealer
Okay. I get bored by very short loops. However, I also, really appreciate the lyricality and poetry here. I can't say I fully grasp what they're saying, but it sure flows with the beat!
This was fun :)
Hilarious and totally mental :D
Felt generic. Who knows, maybe all the bands we know stole their sound in 1980, but how would we know. Not very interesting, is fine. Feed me uniqueness. I'm hungry.
Got very repetitive very fast
Would like their good stuff
Ah yes. The epitome of the genre dad rock. I appreciate the heavy guitar solos, the drums, the sound. Visually, I appreciate young Robert Plant's long curly hair, the bare chest outfits, the oversized buckle belts, obviously attracting the eyes to the sexual bits. Emotional cries into the microphone. Lots of theatrical drama. I just... I like all that on mute XD. Robert Plant's voice annoys the heck out of me.
Enjoyed this! Appreciated the country jazz and rock vibes
Em taught me a lot about life at a very young age. I thought he was pretty cool, growing up. What did I know, I was a kid and he was loud and nonconformist, daring to do and say shocking things angry kids can only fantasize about. His songs are still amazing. But now looking back, I have the mental ability to recognize this the impact of this album in the golden era of rap misogyny and glorification of homophobia. For Em, I can easily trace it back to his mommy issues, to being bullied, and to growing up in bad environments.
It's cute.
It's really tame, but I can live with it.
13:10. Very interesting sound. I hadn't taken real time to listen to David Bowie before. I don't really like his voice at all. 13:22. David Bowie confuses me. I think this album deserves my full attention to actually take in what is happening. 13:35. Was this zeitgeist, or just drugs? Or both, of course. 13:41. I think I enjoyed this. But I'm not sure. 13:45. I really appreciate the sound and the band and the musicality. I think the lyrics are good. Couldn't care less about the voice. I think I'm intrigued.
I enjoy exploring humans in all their nuances and in all their ranges of emotional expression. I think the singer songwriter genre is a perfect vehicle for exploring the human condition, including melancholy. Thought it was a nice study, an interesting human, and quality songwriting.
Sounds very generic
I thought this was quite cute! I hope they danced to this in in sepia tones in 1985 :) I....could like this. I think.
I was there too, the places Marco mentioned. We said नमस्ते to each other while floating into space
I really enjoyed this album. Yes, very tame, very non-unique, but it truly suited my mood and was equally pleasant in the background too.
Yeah. Darkness, disconnect, isolation, paranoia. And lots of tenderness and catharsis.
Nice voice. Not for me…
I felt that, when Eva articulated her love to Wall-e in that 3rd song
What can I say. My dad was a musician so we had jazz, classical and world music on in the kitchen pretty much every day. I deeply adore Herbie Hancock, and this album is spectacular. My soul feels nourished, touched and tingled in all the right ways.
Really enjoyed it <3
I started out happily listening, but felt drained and irritated by the end. Too repetitive, and hitting the same notes for a whole album. Beautiful and confident voices though, and great lyrical content of course. And hot guys too.
Not entirely my tea but quite open to it :) enjoyed!
1968s sounds silly. At times boring, at times bored.
Ah, creating the stereotypes. It's good, but it tired me out. I guess I find it too safe Between 2 and 3 stars for me
Love this guys voice
Really enjoyed this
Oh no, I really liked this
In the first 3 seconds, "Do me baby" . Got immediately tired of it, and the rest of the lyrics followed raunchy suit. It's cute and nothing new, hip-hip-hopping, rhyming and bopping, I wish someone be stopping you.... When you have a stereotype you adhere to, you're just fearful to stand out and be yourself. History does not remember the forgettable.
Alright. Collective angst, loss, grief, existentialism, faith, healing, love... It seems silly to say anything about this album at all. From one sensitive human to another, I recognize you.
Enjoyed it!
This album needs remastering, the elements run into each other…it hurts my ears… other than that, it’s a lovely album 👍
Paul Simon 😊🌸
The Bruce!
What Marco said
Jump :)
Yes yes
Rikki don’t lose that numbah 💯 This passes the great-grandpa-enjoys-my-rock-album test, and I’m not mad about it
One star for the flute and minus a star for the articulation and Just not for me
Not for me
Well jump a shark long in the tooth. By golly, I will use you! This will be my scene music for stereotypical middle class American old folks, in white picket fence romance, apple pie !
To be a trucker on route 66
Good for what it is. My younger punk self would probs appreciate.
I grew up with this :p
Really beatlesque. Not bad
I found it hilarious 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂😂
Stolen black music. Rocks.
Ugh, Beck. This album seemed more interesting than the others. Maybe interesting is not the word. In any case, it was less depressing, a bit faster. Some songs reminded me of Nickleback and I can’t stand them either.
Beatlesque, and I wish there was a bit more variety per song
Yeah. Indeed yeah. I get the intent and energy, it’s just not very listenable to me. Annoying high pitch screaming and irritating sexualized voice tricks.
U2 is so not cool, but I can’t really hate this. It’s a beautiful daaaay
Meh at its finest
Soothing I guess. It's like having a younger sister in Tennessee. I can block out what she says due to the accent, and what remains is pleasant and soothing. A bit gimmicky. I feel like this could be a radio channel on the Sims.
I enjoyed Live Forever, and Supersonic but in general I feel like Oasis is incredibly repetitive. I feel like all songs could be cut in half. I do appreciate their musicality in general. It also seems very much a product of its time. In general I like the starts of all the songs on this album, up until the singer starts.
Wanted to like this. She's quite shout-y.
Unpopular opinion : everybody is peer pressured or family pressured, and pretends to like ABBA. And since show up in your life so often, that you connect ABBA to fun-ish moments, until the brainwashing is complete.
My score is really 3.5 From modern perspective it sounds like they constantly hold back :D Also you just need to be in the pit at the concert, not at home with a cup of tea listening on the couch. Appreciated the live tracks. I love live recordings in general, love hearing the audience's responses. I didn't have patience to finish disk 2, it became repetitive at some point. Also feels like a product of its time. Tho it aged well :)