Catch A Fire
Bob Marley & The WailersI like Bob Marley but this was boring to the point of it being hard to defend.
I like Bob Marley but this was boring to the point of it being hard to defend.
This is painful, do I actually have to finish? I did, but through gritted teeth bc that was hot trash. Also lol at them first sending me to the deluxe 2 hour edition foh. I’d rate this lower if I could.
I’ve listened before and it is a classic album. Don’t know that I’d give it a 5 but 4 feels appropriate
I really didn’t like this, which was surprising because I liked pure heroine
Objectively funny album cover. I’ve realized they’re not a band I can listen to by the album.
Unexpectedly awesome
Not a huge instrumental piano guy, but still worthwhile.
Legitimately perfect rock album. Boomer comment of I remember back in my day when “New York City Cops” was on it instead of “When It Started.”
Better than I remembered but kinda trailed a bit at the end
Wanted to be a hater at the start but it reeled me back in.
That was great. Awesome marriage between rock and pop
Chaotic and noisy in a bad way
Pretty cool and can totally see why it’d be really influential. No songs really differentiated themselves much especially from a beat perspective. Chuck D had pretty impressive command from a flow/inflection standpoint
Big change of pace from what I typically listen to but liked it a lot. Surprised by how much I knew. Also she’s got a gorgeous voice.
Cool and pretty easy to listen to just not super memorable
I liked it but every song sounded like “bones are their money” from ITYSL but that’s probably my fault
Better than I remember with seemingly a lot of influence from Radiohead.
Really cool instrumental tracks to get lost to that make you wish the whole album was instrumental
Very classic rock that I’m surprised I’ve never heard before
The songs I already know would probably still be the main reason to go back to the album.
Way better than I expected. Didn’t realize Jack Black had a career before movies.
That felt like a chore.
I don’t really like TV on the Radio as a whole, so was pleasantly surprised by this album.
Only bangers. Had no idea what to expect going in but really liked it. 4 probably isn’t generous enough but 5 is too generous.
Didn’t really like it. Too soft for my liking. The best song was the cover of “Because”
Really, really good. This is the first time I’ve been able to listen to it without getting bored so it’s prob something you need exposure to before you fully appreciate it.
I’m happy I listened to it bc I’ve seen it referenced a ton but it’s not really my cup of tea
Didn’t really like it. Maybe it’s just the guys voice, but not for your boy.
Bangers galore
Great, lauryn hill is a new favorite.
A lot of the beats are pristine with really tasty bass lines, but the lyrics are pretty basic.
I was pretty reluctant to listen to another Dusty album so soon, but it was a lot better than the last. Definitely listenable.
I was pretty reluctant to listen to another Dusty album so soon, but it was a lot better than the last. Definitely listenable.
They have one good song and we all know what it is. I can kind of see a Beach House influence.
Started off fine and was Rolling Stones-y but I got a little sick of it.
Gotta be in the right mood for it. When I was it hit but when I wasn’t unlistenable.
Short and fun
Easy to listen to but not my typical genre
More like, Frank Slappa amirite? I have a soft spot for instrumentals albums but this one was also crazy unique with great writing
Short sweet to the point. Classic rock I was unfamiliar with but would listen to again.
I’m pretty averse to Dylan in general. This was better than anticipated but I still can’t really see myself going out of my way for harmonica boy.
Didn’t realize I liked Stevie Wonder until this. Very catchy and can see why it’s influential while still remaining pretty unique.
I like Daydream Nation a lot but didn’t like this nearly as much. Female vocalist wasn’t doing it for me, but there are definitely good songs and I think the album rounds out nicely.
Reminded me a lot of Radiohead especially vocally and I came to find out they were influenced by him along with a lot of other artists I like. Thought this was great top to bottom with pristine vocals and well written songs.
It was alright but nothing actually bringing me back to ever give it another go for the full album.
Every Beatles album is at least baseline good and easy enough to get through front to back, but this is on the weaker end of their catalogue.
Pretty unique especially relative to the rest of the albums to date. Considering giving it another run through but only for that reason.
Started off strong but very mid after “Sometimes.” Every song kinda sounds like “I Knew I Loved You” by Savage Garden.
It’s a good collection of songs but it’s not quite at the level I remember it being so between a 3 and 4
I liked this a lot. Beatles-y but they definitely have their own voice.
Very good. I’ve listened to Porcelain a ton and some other songs but don’t think I’ve ever done the album. Great for work.
Very good and surprisingly not typically what Neil Young people recommend.
Pretty boring and I generally like electronic instrumental
Wanted to like it and started off doing so but it couldn’t keep my attention.
So nice I played it twice. I’ve tried this album in the past and it didn’t hit so happy it took this time around.
Listened to glory box a ton and listened to this album in the past. It’s solid and she has a beautiful voice.
I’m not the biggest Bruce Jerseyan out there, but thought this did the job. Wouldn’t go back though and would still probably only listen to the bigger songs.
Could see myself liking this in another life but was a grind to get through
Off the beaten path in a positive way
There’s so much better Tom Petty out there that Breakdown and American Girl aren’t enough to make up for an otherwise lackluster collection.
Loved it. Kept the same energy through the album and was nice and concise
I think calling it “garbage” is a bit of an exaggeration. Generally liked it and thought the little songs were fun enough before the big ones.
A lot of noises that came together in a way I didn’t expect to work.
Rolling Stones are tough to listen to by the album. I’ve given them too many chances at this stage and think I’ll only do the singles going forward.
Easy to get lost in and I like dat
I like Bob Marley but this was boring to the point of it being hard to defend.
Delightful. Haven’t heard the vast majority of these songs beforehand but very easy to listen and vibe out to
This is painful, do I actually have to finish? I did, but through gritted teeth bc that was hot trash. Also lol at them first sending me to the deluxe 2 hour edition foh. I’d rate this lower if I could.
All these extended albums. I actually liked this one but had to cut myself off once the b-sides and alt versions kicked off.
I’m so confused. This is such a deviation away from what this list has normally done and I feel like it’s the only one past 2010 even so far. Not that I disliked it but not what I expected and I feel like there’s a ton of better more prolific modern music in general and hip hop more specifically.
It was fine but it’s not really the Queen I’m going out of my way to listen to
Didn’t particularly like this. Kinda droned on, which is pretty familiar to the last BM album.
Don’t know much else like it but it made me want to listen to the lion king soundtrack. Different but I don’t really see myself going back to it.
Pretty firmly up my alley but I’m a huge QOTSA fan so the story checks out
Big fan
I had much higher expectations than what this was able to deliver on
Liked it a whole lot
Feel like we haven’t gotten other rock like this through 1001 yet. Reminded me of Jane’s addiction
The start of every song sounded like it was from another band. Good stuff altogether
Too long
Pretty good but really only came and left with the hits
Pretty egregious for this to be 2 hours
This is way more in line for what I expect out of the top 1001 all time albums
Can’t listen
I liked it a lot but would like it more if it were full instrumental
You’re a vegetableeee
Didn’t do much for me, but grateful it was only half an hour.
This is something I wanted to like and that high school me probably would’ve liked but it was kinda just songs that never went anywhere
This was fine but this style isn’t really my cup of tea. Can’t foresee myself going out of my way to throw this back on but appreciate it fwiw
That was fun but not super memorable. Recognize the first song
Took me a minute to get it but shit was hot fire
It was alright but ultimately didn’t do enough for me relative to what I want from exploring more Elton
Pavement is top tier
Better than I remember and than expected. Could see myself going back another time if out of other music.
Nothing really stood out but it was cool finding out where the Mercedes Benz song came from
Very very good. Didn’t realize I knew so much.
Truly outstanding. Had to listen twice to make sure I had it right but it’s a high 4 that I was really tempted to give a 5 to, but didn’t since that’s such rare air
I’m sure this would’ve been fun if I were there live but alas I was not. Also not really what I gravitate towards, esp vocally, but recognize why people would love it
Perfectly chill. Can’t believe I’ve never done across the artist or album
Another great album. Idk how nobody ever got me into Willie (pun intended). This recent run of albums has put 1001 back into my good graces
One of the greatest rap albums of all time
Listened a while ago and regret not writing a review in the moment. Remember kinda liking it though.
Same review as the last one, I suck. Remember not being particularly wowed though by something with as much esteem as this album gets.
Exceeded expectations but I still don’t feel the pull to go back to it immediately.
Pretty great top to bottom. Can’t ask for anything more from this genre.
Easy enough to listen to but nothing really jumped off the page except for brass in pocket which I already knew. Would listen again.
Pretty interesting mix between what sounded like the Beatles and Bowie. Might have to give this one another shot to see if it grows on me. Also didn’t know The Bee Gees had non-falsetto songs
I wanted to like it more but unfortunately didn’t do much for me
Gorgeous voice but got a little fatigued by the end. Maybe worth another go around.
Everything sounded like enter sandman, I’m sorry.
It was decent but nothing to really get too attached to outside of a few hits.
Fun pop album that I could see myself throwing on again.
One of my favorite albums to listen to while working and listened a lot while studying. Pretty perfect for an instrumental electronic album and is probably top 2 or 3 in that category
Not extremely captivating outside the main two songs. Not terrible either.
This is an album I feel like I should like more but don’t. Everything kinda sounds the same and it’s good but drones on a little.
Kinda meh. Don’t really need to revisit.
Amazing voice and songwriting
Pretty casual listen. Very easy to get through and although no songs particularly remarkable I did like it and would come back.
The man loves his keyboard. Thought it was a really good album just don’t know when I’d ever seek out throwing it on again.
A lot of great songs on here and love the concept of the album but between a 3 and a 4 realistically. I’ll bump it to a 4 for the story/rock opera.
Think this is the best stones album I’ve listened to. Who knows maybe I just get them now.
Cool but entirely too long
Big fan but I love this type of music to zone out and work to.
Easy to vibe to
That was awesome, no notes
Pretty cool but not necessarily my style of rap
Beatles are goated
Pretty trash noise rock
Actually liked this way more than I expected although idk that I’m ready to give it a 4
A classic that didn’t quite make it up to a 5 although it was close
This didn’t do anything for me
Go byrds. It started off good and has a solid classic rock feel, but meanders a little to the point where idk that I’d go back to the album but more individual songs
Wasn’t ready to like this nearly as much as I did, so a pleasant surprise
Paper planes is the only thing really worth it. Waste of time outside of that
There are a lot of good songs on the album but this solidified for me that rhcp aren’t an album band - more anal bum band
I’ve always loved this album but hadn’t listened in forever, so this proved to me it stood the test of time.
Just not my style
Didn’t really move the needle for me
This album had a serious case of identity crisis. Feel like they didn’t know what sound they were going for from one song to the next which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Altogether not something I feel compelled to go back to though
This was sick, can’t believe I’d never listened to anything but La Grange before. Feel like I’d never listened to ZZ outside of the hits but happy there’s more beneath the surface.
This album is fine but to have this and not have Discovery or Random Access Memories (yes I checked the full list) is inexcusable to the point of considering stopping
Not for your boy
I liked this and while I couldn’t see myself going out of my way to put it on again if I stumbled upon it on shuffle it makes for easy listening.
Pretty cool but didn’t lose my mind over it
It was fine but not really the reason I’m seeking out Queen
I liked it a lot but double albums are a tough go. Still a ton of songs that were amazing
Super clean and easy listen.
I’ve listened before and it is a classic album. Don’t know that I’d give it a 5 but 4 feels appropriate
Listening to this at work and almost didn’t realize it was on which idk if that’s glaring or complimentary. Either way not interested in running it back
The kinks rock. Nobody should kink shame
A classic that never lets me down
Awesome top to bottom. This taught me I can listen to Solange front to back but I can’t say the same for Beyoncé, sorry beyhive
This was so easy to go through that i feel like I’ll give it another go at another time. Also the Iron Man cover was so unexpected but pretty sick
I normally like electronic trance-like music and this album started that way but got boring fast
Back to our regularly scheduled programming. Fantastic album from a top tier band
Very relaxing album that’s perfect to have on while working
I listened to this like a month ago and thought maybe i didn’t get it but regret giving it another chance. It’s not awful it’s just really not my cup of tea
This was pretty boring but to their credit it still made me want to put on Karn Evil 9 afterwards. Nutrocker was cool too.
I love Sheryl but this just wasn’t a great collection of songs. As an aside “Neva Eva” by Trillville coming on directly afterwards was comically jarring.
Wanted to like this more than I ended up liking it. Nothing stood out enough where I want to come back to it
Classic that still holds up.
I recognized Epic and thought the war pigs cover was fun. Good enough altogether
Really solid. Never appreciated it like I did this run through
I’m happy this was one of the 1001 albums I listened to before I died.
It was good but just a little too long
Nothing crazy but might be worth giving it another go
Nothing crazy but might be worth giving it another go
Got some real bangers just no demon days
Yeah nah
Shit slapped so hard
Didn’t particularly like it and it was exceptionally long. And I typically like instrumental stuff I can zone out and work to
Thought I’d like it the way it started but it got repetitive and lasted too long
Better than what we’ve had recently but still not very compelling
An album I’ve always loved that fortunately still really holds up. Go Iceland
Didn’t realize like this outside Mrs. Robinson and I was really turning a corner on simon & garf
Much better than anticipated after hearing the first song. The man is pure gravel
I’m not the target audience here
Not really my thing
This was easy enough to listen to just on the longer side of things
That was great. I generally like Bob Marley but feel like his albums have been difficult to get through so this was a nice surprise
Didn’t really do much for me
Earache My Ear
Really strong 4 but not quite a 5. Every song is a sing-along
It was pretty decent but not my style and can’t see myself revisiting
I can be a bit of a PJ hater but this surprised me. Thom Yorke coming through turned things up
Didn’t expect to like willie but super relaxing
Surprised I’d never heard of him since he has such a classic rock sound.
Unfortunately kinda mid
Didn’t really hit for me
Great start to finish
This was the first time I got this album. Really good
It was alright but nothing wowing me. DMB was a fun surprise
This was so refreshing. Feel like I don’t know this type of music really but a very welcomed chang of pace
Expected to only like the singles but REM has definitely grown on me
I really didn’t like this, which was surprising because I liked pure heroine
Not as good as other albums especially vocally, but it was an interesting ride with very creative song writing
It was fine but I’ll prob never listen again
A classic. Nothing else to note
Tried this album too many times. Only a few good songs so not worth it and nowhere close to Siamese dream
This was great, considering running it back
Another classic
I’m over Elvis Costello for a while. Too many albums in this for him
Pretty meh
I liked it with but not a top classic rock album
Undeniably excellent rap album
A classic I find myself consistently go back to
Dylan is mid
Liked it a lot more than anticipated. Good song writing
Albums like this are why I do it.
Wish there was more stephen malkmus
Don’t fw dylan anymore so not doing it
Started better than it finished
Good not great
Weird I literally just had this album on over the weekend without knowing it was next. It’s a banger as is everything Radiohead
Felt like something I would like but didn’t really do it for me. Reminded me a lot of another band that I couldn’t figure out. Maybe glasser?
Fucking unlistenable
Kinda forgettable
A pure classic
Thin Lizzy rocks
Not bad but a little too weird for my liking
Liked it more than the album with freedom on it
The Smiths have never really done it for me and this album wasn’t much different
Undisputed classic. Teach your children about it
A little underwhelming. Think I prefer the doors by the song vs. the album
Fun ride and easy to listen to esp when working
More like borophyll
Good but not remarkable. Extremely David Bowie vibes
It starts strong and there are so many bangers but it is too long and inconsistent
Bob Dylan-esque but a little less annoying. Still pretty one dimensional though
Much better than I anticipated and one I’m actually considering running back
One of the classics from “back in my day”
Been forever since I listened to it but was excellent and clear how it inspired so many other bands
Heard the first 30 seconds and rolled my eyes bc this isn’t the genre for me. However the song writing was surprisingly impressive. Despite this I doubt I come back to the album
Another timeless classic
Somehow better than I remember it growing up. It dwindles the slightest bit a lot the end but still great overall
Fun and timely but unfortunately just heard the majority of these songs leading into Christmas
Surprised I’ve never heard of them before. Jane’s addiction adjacent but liked them more. Ended up downloading the album which is more than I can say for a lot of 1001
Not my favorite Beck album but still a great early Beck album
Fun ride. Should give Stevie wonder more looks
Middle of the road. Not over or underwhelming. Appropriately whelming.
So easy to listen to while working
Fine but not worth adding to the library
Every song is top notch and sing-a-long-able. Also hot take that I’ve always liked this more than Blonde
Good classic rock
I liked this a lot. Can’t put my finger on which early 2000s singer this reminded me of, but brought me back to that time
Through this on while cooking and it was such easy listening
Cringed a little when I saw Van Halen but this was short sweet to the point and hit harder than I thought so bravo
Awesome album that really holds up and is very sing-along-able which apparently goes a long way for me. I shade off from a 5
I liked this a lot. Reminded me of Lou Reed. Worth a relisten but not ready to elevate it to 4 status yet
Old Lupe is undeniable
This was good in a low key way. Sort of Neil young vibes.
I definitely under appreciated this when I was first introduced but this is so classic
Knew that I knew them but couldn’t figure out how until I got to Piece of My Heart. This was easy to listen to and I liked it but likely won’t seek it out if in need of an album
Didn’t love it
It’s not that this was bad but it’s just not something I’d ever actually select. Out of my q zone
Felt like a time capsule. Nice to bop to
HIS NAME WAS ROBERT PAULSON. And holy shit could he rock. Shout out to Jim Steinman though for the writing.
So very 80s. Probably wouldn’t double back
I like this style of music a lot and other artists all to this sound. I probably appreciate those a little more but I won’t let that be an indictment on this
This was solid. Felt like a mix between Neil Young and George Harrison. Might not actually be a 4 but marking it that way to come back to
Took me half way through the album to realize it’s the guy from Pink Floyd. Nowhere near the peaks of Pink Floyd but worth revisiting
Nice try but I’m not doin 3 hours
Very pleasant. Never really loved Elliot smith but this one hit. Kind of a mix between death cab and bright eyes
Definitely holds up
Love me some instrumental albums
Fine but not worth adding to the ole library
Unfortunately didn’t do a lot for me. It’s a shame bc I was starting to like them too