The New Tango
Astor PiazzollaI feel like I'm trapped in the interstitial sections of an episode of Mister Rodger's Neighbourhood.
I feel like I'm trapped in the interstitial sections of an episode of Mister Rodger's Neighbourhood.
Playing With Fire? I wanted to set it on fire.
What in the actual fuck was this? There. Is. Never. Any. Need. For. A. 17. Minute. Song. EVER. That was horrific. This album very quickly became an annoyance.
This album gets all the love because of Nothing Compares to you. But to be honest, there are so many other amazing tracks on this album that I'd choose 100% of the time instead. Some of my favourite Sinead O'Connor songs are here, Three Babies, Emperor's New Clothes, Black Boys on Mopeds and Last Day Of Our Aquaintance, which hits me in the feels every time with it's power and angst. Such a great album and was wonderful to revisit.
I never really knew why I never got into Portishead back in the day. Now I know why. I just could not get into this at all.
Kicking things off with an album I've heard countless times and never tire of. It's like the algorithm KNOWS ME. Fantastic album and has some of my favourite Sabbath songs on it. War Pigs never ceases to get me into a rockin' good mood. Same for Paranoid. Planet Caravan is simply haunting. And such a change in mood and groove from the previous tracks. Iron Man always makes me think about The Road Warriors because in the early days of their wrestling career that was their walking to the ring music. Love the bluesy groove to Hand of Doom.
Off to a fun start with the first two albums being totally in my wheelhouse. Though this isn't my favourite Pixies album, it definitely has some of my favourite songs of theirs. Especially Bone Machine. Such a great song. Other than getting to listen some some of my favourite Pixies songs, this album listen didn't really win me over any new favourites though,
Like aural Valium. Did not get into this one at all. Not sure what mood I'd have to be in to appreciate it. Found myself on more than one occasion wanting to skip tracks just to get to the finish. Maybe as background music while building Lego or colouring would be a suitable time to give it another shot. Overall, just not my bag.
Started this one and went about my work day. This album was so unmemorable that I don't even recall much of it having listened to it. It didn't hold my attention at all. More whispery whiny vocals that bored me more than anything. Not terrible. But also not memorable. If I had to pick a track I'd listen to again, it would probably be "Why Does It Always Rain On Me?" It was kinda catchy.
Rarely does a day go by that at least one song by The Clash doesn't show up in my day to day. This was their first album released in the UK, but the second released in North America, if memory serves. This album is a lot more raw and a lot less polished than later releases, but even this early album contains a good number of their classic songs that they'll be forever known for. Songs of protest will always catch my attention and my interest. So yeah, no brainer I'm down with The Clash.
Yup. Tried a few times with this band and nope. Still not a fan. I have no idea what it is.
I'm sorry, but this album was torturous. I'm not a fan of this type of music, but I did my best to approach it with an open mind. I say that even though I hate Praise You with a passion. I think my issue with this album is the constant repetition of one bar over and over again for way too long. A song would start, I would start to get into what he's laying down and then BAM, a zillion bars in a row of druggiedruggiedruggiedruggiedruggiedruggieddruggiedruggiedruggie. Nope. Pulls me right out of the groove and just pisses me off. But again, not my style.And seriously an entire song of just repeating the line Fat Boy Slim Fucking in Heaven. And that's it? I wanted to tap out on this one so damned many times.
Other than the first track, I'm not all that familiar with The Eels. What can I say, I gave up on 90s music around 1993. I did rather enjoy this though it was mostly relegated to background listening today. I'll definitely give it another shot though down the road.
A little whispery and soft for my liking. Nothing in it stood out as overly interesting.
What a fun musical journey. Great for late night listening for sure. There's some fantastic guitar in here.
Time I will never get back.
Big fan of Duran Duran back in the day, but probably never listened to this one from start to finish before. It's got a lot of their great early tracks and you just can't mistake their signature sound. Was a very enjoyable listen.
Great album by George Michael. Some surprisingly good slow jazzy stuff in there. Solid album.
Madness is such a great band. This album has some love time favourites, and I've definitely picked up several new favourites.
Great crooner. I enjoyed listening to this very much.
Never really spent much time at all on the music of Roxy Music. I will say this though, track one sure didn't win me over. A few tracks caught my ear, but for the most part it wasn't very memorable.
Didn't exactly know what to expect here. Liked it quite a bit.
Some nice smooth jazz. This is always a pleasure to listen to.
This is really just not my taste I guess. I tried but I just couldn't find myself getting into it.
Always been a fan of the Go-Gos. Some of it is pure bubblegum pop, but there's some solid rock and near punk in there too.
Not great. But not terrible. Definitely not something I'd ever be tempted to revisit.
I have no idea why I never listened to much Killing Joke before. Caught my attention with the very first track and didn't let go until the album was done. I'm definitely remedy the fact that I've paid so little attention to Killing Joke up until now.
I've only really ever heard Common People and Year 2000 from Pulp, so I was definitely interested in hearing more and overall I liked what I heard.
was not in the mood for this. Did not enjoy this. Glad when this was over.
I was aware of a small number of songs by X, so I definitely wasn't going in blind here. I knew what to expect, and loved what I got. I always meant to go back through some of their catalogue, as most of what I was familiar with was from the Los Angeles album. Very much enjoyed this one.
This encapsulates everything I hate about music in this era. This was so saccharine, so much tambourine. And wood block. And hitting the rim of the snare drum. At times I felt like I was trapped listening to some professional glee club. Never been a fan of the Carpenters so I approached this with dread and an open mind. Nope. Still not a fan.
The Case Continues caught my attention. For some reason that one stuck with me. But from there it was all downhill. Who would have thought collaboration with Elvis Costello, Nick Cave, and Tom Waits would just miss at every opportunity. Very disappointed.
Nice smooth album to help me get through the work day.
Her voice annoys me. I like strong resonant voices, not this whispery weak sounding stuff.
This album gets all the love because of Nothing Compares to you. But to be honest, there are so many other amazing tracks on this album that I'd choose 100% of the time instead. Some of my favourite Sinead O'Connor songs are here, Three Babies, Emperor's New Clothes, Black Boys on Mopeds and Last Day Of Our Aquaintance, which hits me in the feels every time with it's power and angst. Such a great album and was wonderful to revisit.
Parts of it I liked. Parts of it I hated. Usually a part I'd hate right after I'd heard a few things I liked, which would then put me off.
Wanna know where punk came from? Definitely somewhere around here.
I "discovered" them back in my high school days back when Val Kilmer was trying to embody Jim Morrison on the silver screen, listened to the morning noon and night it seemed. Today I discovered that over the decades I've gotten over it. Nice trip down memory lane. A few songs I still really dug, but overall, tastes have changed.
I've never heard of the Undertones until now and I regret the gaping hole that was unknowingly part of my late 70s punk experience. This album is right in the pocket for me.
Hard to believe, I'm sure, but I've never actually ever listened to a Foo Fighters album from start to finish. I like them. I never listen to them unless they happen to come on on the radio or other medium. This is not to say I don't like them, because I do. Quite a lot actually. This album is no exception. They're just never a go to for me. But yes, I definitely like the Fighters of Foo.
Not my favourite album by The Jam. But still a pretty damned good album.
Never really paid much attention to The Prodigy. At times it was pretty good background music. Other times, not so much. More of a 3.5 really than a 3.
I'm totally going to sound all hipster-y when I say that THIS album was my introduction to the B-52's. Several years before Cosmic Thing I was annoying my friends with this album. I got this album from an aunt of mine who was cleaning out her closets and I asked if I could have that album as she was going to toss it, and I always liked the look of that cover. So I got it home and listened to it and seriously it was life changing in that I'd never heard anything like it before. And I loved it. It was so weird. So many great tracks on here that I tend to revisit often.
So many classic Beatles songs on this album. This one stands up after all this time.
I wanted to like it. But too much of it was garbage noise to me.
Yup. I'm gonna say it. I like the music of Bruce Springsteen and his E Street Band. When Clarence Clemmons picked up the saxophone, I always knew it was going to be fire. And say what you will, but much like Ringo Starr, Max Weinberg is one of the best, solid, drummers on the planet. I was surprised that Little Stevie only did backing vocals on this and no guitar to be seen. I had also forgotten that this was also nearly a full decade before Nils Lofgren joined the band. Overall, this album is a classic. I'll admit that every so often I'll throw on a Springsteen song or two, because with that amazing horn section it can't help by pick me up.
The very first time I heard the Smiths was this album. I loved it immediately, got my "cool aunt" to make me a copy of it, and I was a Smiths fan from thn on. Several of my favourite songs come from that album.
Bargan basement Bob Dylan is the first thing that came to mind.
I was really diggin' the music, but the vocals grated on my nerves most of the time.
Fugazi is kind of hit or miss for me. I've just never spent much time listening to them. This album is fine and all, but I'd probably never seek it out on purpose to give it another listen.
It alright as background music.
Though Paul's Boutique is my all time favourite Beastie Boys album, Ill Communication will always be a favourite. Never afraid to change things up and experiment there's so much great stuff on here.
Nick Cave's music has always been out on the periphery for me. Always kind of there for the listening, but I just very rarely did. The odd song might come up in random satellite radio listening, and it was always I could get into. Same with this album. It was a nice enjoyable listen but not even remotely what I've come to expect from Nick Cave. I was expecting something raw and energizing and heavy. This was none of that. But that's not to say it was bad, because I really liked it. I'm definitely going to back and listen to this one again at a later time when I'm in the mood for something just just listen to in the background.
I listened to it. I don't remember much.....
Yeah, I tapped out about half way through that way too long title track. But I listened to the rest of it.
Yeah Yeah Yeahs has always been hit or miss for me. I was pretty luke warm to it today. But who knows maybe on the right day I'd absolutely love it. I dunno.
This album tops the charts all the time as one of the greatest albums of all time. Really? Music hasn't surpassed this in nearly 60 years? It's fine. But to me the Beach Boys is about as vanilla as it gets.
I distinctly remember this album cover growing up. I think it belonged to a friend of my dad's. I don't recall ever listening to it though. Defintely not the Beach Boys that comes to mind when I hear the name The Beach Boys.
I just can't seem to get into BritPop from this era.
Can't resist me some David Bowie. Never listened to this one the whole way through before. The instrumental stuff was interesting but not really my thing.
Now this is good ol' fashioned rock and roll sounds like!
Talk about an iconic album cover! My love of Joy Division got its start from the moment I first heard Disorder. That opening riff just does so much for me. It's such a shame that because of tragedy, we didn't get more Joy Division. I mean, I love New Order, but still.
While listening to this I was working away, and at one point I was thinking that I must be getting near the end of the album. And then I looked over. NOPE. You, sir are on track FOUR. That's when I saw the lengths of all the tracks. No songs need to be 9 minutes long. And most of them on this album were that long. Not a bad listen, but way too long.
From the "grunge" era, this is probably the band I liked the least.
I've heard this album so many times. It's definitely a favourite from times gone but. Holds up for sure. Gonna slide a few long neglected favourites into my playlists.
My only real memories of Sonic Youth are listening to Goo, and watching Cool Thing's video a lot. Definitely need to put more Sonic Youth into my musical diet.
Not what I was expecting from a Beck album. Didn't enjoy it all that much. Needed to go back to his first album after as a palate cleanser.
Never not a good time for Elvis Costello
Was the perfect thing to listen to today. Loved the melodies.
Played this album a ton back in the day. It was great to revisit how great Jane's Addiction was.
So many great tracks on this. Definitely his finest album in my opinion.
Just couldn't get into it. It was there in the background by never really got me to pay attention to it.
Just couldn't get into this one.
Growing up in a pretty isolated part of Canada, not a whole lot of rap made it through. But this one did. It was a real eye opener to see how Black youth are treated by police while I lived in a really really tame town. I always preferred rap and hip hop that stuck their middle finger up the nose of authority.
This put me to sleep to be honest.
I feel like I'm trapped in the interstitial sections of an episode of Mister Rodger's Neighbourhood.
This stuff was kinda weird. Good. But weird.
Didn't care for this one all that much which is weird because there are later albums of theirs that I very much enjoyed.
The album that made me first fall in love with The Pogues. Shane MacGowan sounds drunk through half the songs, and he probably was. But it works. Such a great mixture of Celtic music and punk long before The Dropkick Murphy's was a thing. I like 'em both, but The Pogues will always top that list. Listened to this one a ton back in the day, and it was wonderful to revisit an old favourite
I just couldn't suffer my way through the whole thing....
Fine for what it is. Not really my bag at all, but it was nice to listen to during the work day. Change of pace.
Didn't care for it. Can't put my finger on why. Maybe his choppy flow. Not sure.
Yeah, he's a dick. Yeah, he's a piece of shit, but his music will always be with me, be it through is solo stuff or through The Smiths.
I will never not enjoy sitting down and having a listen to some classic Aretha Franklin.
I had forgotten just how solid this album is as I've really not listened to it in many years. But my biggest complaint will always remain and why I can never give this album a 5. WHERE IS THE BLOODY BASS! Poor Jason Newstead.
I was never really in to 90s Brit Pop. And I guess this is why.
Honestly, I probably need to give this another, more focused listen. However, as much as I love Bowie, this one just didn't capture my interest. It's a shame because it was his last gift to the world.
Another one of those "eye opening" albums for a white kid in Northern Ontario. Definitely changed my world view on a number of things. Been a fan of PE ever since.
This was my introduction to The Pixies, way back in the day. It was my cool Aunt and Uncle that got me into groups like The Pixies and The Smiths, and The Clash. The album will forever be a favourite of mine. So many great Pixies songs on this album.
Always have time for some Rolling Stones
Call him a psycho murderer all you want but Phil Spector is a musical genius. His "wall of sound" made these Christmas Songs incredibly enjoyable.
My dad played this album a lot when I was growing up. What can you say, it's 70s guitar rock. Fun to revisit.
Not ever remotely what I was expecting from an Iggy Pop album. You can totally hear the Bowie influence here. Love Iggy. Love the Stooges. Didn't love this one very much. Tidbit. We all know the song Passenger. Iggy of course is The Passenger, but did you know that Bowie was the driver?
Not an overly great REM record, but it does have long time favourite of mine, "Radio Free Europe" on it, so that's something.
Listened to a lot of music by The Monkees growing up. Still brings a smile to my face. This was a good album even though it had very few songs I knew.
A few classic tracks on this one, but definitely one of my least favourite Led Zeppelin albums overall
I'm always going to appreciate the tranquil madness that is Bjork.
Nice easy way to start the work week. Not a huge fan of James Taylor, but this was fine.
Always down to listen to Throwing Muses. I've never listened to this particular album before. Definitely will give it some more love down the road.
Yeah, this is really not my thing, even for background music while I'm doing other things.
Can't pass up a chance to listen to an Elvis Costello album. Most of these songs are ones I rarely if eve listen to minus a few classics, but still a good listen as far as I'm concerned.
Such a voice. Such a shame we lost her so soon. Incredible music. Just all around a solid album from start to finish.
I honestly thought I was going to hate this album. But it kept catching my interest. Sounded very 70s to me at times. This was enjoyable, though I don't see myself ever reaching for this one to give a listen to again.
A David Bowie album that's comprised mostly of experimental instrumentals? I hate to say it but this album was a huge miss for me. Considered to be one of his best albums, this really didn't do anything for me, and that's a shame.
Hell yeah, Motorhead! Punks love 'em. Rockers love 'em. I love 'em. Got me so pumped up I played it a second time.
I love Siouxsie and the Banshees, so this was great to see on the list. Not their greatest stuff, but even in this first album of theirs, there's hints of the greatness they'll later achieve.
Though I don't listen to them, I was surprised at just how many songs on this album I was familiar with. Decent album. Not something I'd reach for on my own to listen to, but not something I'd turn my nose up at if it was playing. More of a 3.5 for this one.
This was indeed VERY Pet Shop Boys. Was a very pleasing listen as I've always enjoyed their music.
I's The Beatles! Some great classic tracks on here. I loved hearing the beginnings of their musical shift into more experimental areas like with Love To You. Love the sitar.
Miriam Makeba has a beautiful voice. It's just not really my style.
It doesn't get much more smooth than this.
Made for some great background music this morning. Not overly memorable, but there's some really great stuff in there.
I'm sorry. I just couldn't. When the first track is 20 minutes long and you don't like it after 2? I tapped out.
Love that rough voice. Canadian legend. Was very happy to see this album on the list. I listened to it twice. "Everybody Knows" and "FIrst We Take Manhattan" are personal favourites. They've been covered many times, but never quite surpass the original. "Jazz Police" was kinda weird.
This really did not capture my interest at all.
This was a whole big steaming bowl of nope for me.
I can't help it. I was raised on Billy Joel. Lots of memories with this one.
Never really ever crossed paths with Tribe. I was aware of them but never really listened. I really enjoyed this.
I honestly was not a fan or even aware of Janelle Monáe until we were into the pandemic. I don't even remember how her music crossed my path, but I instantly became a fan and tracked down more of her music. She just seems to approach music from an angle that's so different that it immediately caught my attention. I enjoyed this so much that I listened to it twice, which I never do.
So many incredible songs on this one. This was not my entry point to REM, but it as definitely one that is probably my favourite.
Just wasn't feeling this one on this particular day. Tapped out about 1/3 of the way through. Just not my taste.
How can you go wrong with this Beatles classic. So many amazing songs. I never paid much attention to Maxwell's Silver Hammer, but damn what a happy sounding song with such horrific lyrics. Love it. So much in the album to love. And it still holds up perfectly.
Nope. Sorry. I just can't get my work week started with this.
I love Bjork, but it has to be the right day to listen to her experimental bent towards music. Luckily today was the right day. I don't think I've ever heard his album, but one thing stuck out immediately. While listening to "Ancestors" I heard the familiar (yes, familiar) sounds of Inuit throat singing. And I had a hunch that this song was a collaboration between Bjork and Inuit recording artist Tanya Tagaq. And it was. It was a nice surprise to hear two artists I appreciate getting together to make some music.
Was decent background music.
So many memories tied to this album. It still holds up after all this time.
Such a great album. Been a very long time since I've sat down and listened to it.
Though I'm totally familiar with the contributions Patty Smith has made to rock and roll history, I've never really sat down and given her a listen. I'm sorry for that now. This was great.
Some good, some bad. Not really the best of John Lennon, but still a good listen.
I'd forgotten how much I liked The Cardigans. This was great to revisit.
Given my usual taste in music, people are often surprised that I count this as one of my all time favourite albums. I listened to it a ton when I was a kid and with the tracks involving African artists like Ladysmith Black Mambazo it was an ear opening experience to "World Music" Super fun to go back and revisit this classic.
I'm just not a fan of 15 minute instrumentals. Tapped out before getting to the end of the album.
Love me some DEVO. Some songs are dated and a little problematic, (we don't say Mongoloid anymore) But still such great tunes on this album.
No denying that these women are incredible song writers, singers, performers. Not really my style of music, but you've gotta appreciate it.
It's a classic for sure. Been awhile since I've given it a listen and was a nice revisit.
I mean, I like and enjoy the singing of Frank Sinatra, but to be perfectly honest, I'm no fan of the Bossa Nova.
Can't go wrong with some early Stooges.
I mean, it's Black Sabbath. Not much more to say. Masters of the genre.
From the time it was released until this very day, this album has forever been on my list of all time favourite albums. Corey Glover's vocals are incredible, and the rhythm section is to damned tight. I've played this album hundreds of times and will never ever tire of it.
Great listen! Ray Charles is definitely a genius.
I think everyone I knew at the time was listening to it, talking about it, owned a copy of it. The music on this album is timeless. It was nice to revisit it.
Yeah, I just wasn't able to enjoy this one at all.
This was a fun way to start the day. I very much enjoyed this one.
Usually with these albums, even though it's not really something I liked, or enjoyed, I could usually at least comprehend what made a particular album great enough to be put on this list. This album isn't one of them. I found this to be rather bland, really.
I just never got into Steely Dan.
I just could not get into this. Definitely not my bag.
Nothing needs to be said. Anyone my age listened to it. Anyone my age loved it. Anyone my age still listens to it. This album literally changed the game.
Definitely not the best from The Boss.
Two Steely Dan albums in a week is a bit too much for me to take.
This one caught me by surprise. Though I'd probably never load this one up again, I enjoyed it.
I have been a fan of Alice Cooper since the first time I saw him on The Muppet Show. Weird, right? But I love him and I love his music. This album was kinda weird. He was really working towards some sort of concept album maybe? Either was I was totally along for the ride.
Really not my thing. Just couldn't get into this.
Wasn't too distracting as far as music that I just sort of tune out and leave as background.
This was a great way to kick off the day! History of hardcore right there.
Bored to tears.
Early Prince is definitely a favourite of mine. There are so many great jams on here.
Probably my absolute favourite Megadeth album. Solid from start to finish.
Some good old fashioned get off your ass and rock out to some blues.
Some of my all time favourite Led Zeppelin songs are on this album. Was great to revisit this classic.
Really just not my bag.
Next to Ride the Lightning, this is my favourite Metallica album. Solid from start to finish. Kirk Hammet is a virtuoso on the guitar. His solos and leads are borderline classical.
I was a huge fan of their first album, and this album is a new favourite. I don't know what it is about her music that just sucks me in.
I never really knew why I never got into Portishead back in the day. Now I know why. I just could not get into this at all.
Memories of my parents and their friends playing cards at the kitchen table. The music of ABBA got a lot of play.
I've always known about Jesus and Mary Chain, and was familiar with a few songs, but never really sat down and listened to them. I definitely got into this one.
Brilliant album. I'll never turn down listening to some Peter Gabriel.
Nice easy listen to start the day. Not something I'd ever put on voluntarily, but it was fine for what it was.
Fun grooves for the start of the work day.
Not really interesting to me. Before I knew it it was over and nothing caught my attention.
Never been much of a Beyonce fan. Didn't hate it. But was a bit surprised by the amount of cursing. Guess all the worship from little girls made me assume.
This was not actually my introduction to Tom Waits. I first heard Closing Time which is what I like to call his "piano player in a smoky bar at midnight" stuff. But Bone Machine was a huge eye opener. I always enjoy pulling this out out to listen to.
Really not my thing.
What in the actual fuck was this? There. Is. Never. Any. Need. For. A. 17. Minute. Song. EVER. That was horrific. This album very quickly became an annoyance.
Not the greatest collection of Stevie Wonder songs in my opinion.
This really didn't wow me. Not a very big disco fan, so this fell flat for me.
Can't go wrong with some vintage Judas Priest. It's got two of my favourite Priest songs on here, so I was rockin' out today.
Didn't find this nearly as interesting as I though I would
This really was not my bag.
Man, this one brings back memories. That crunchy guitar. Some of those tracks will be in my brain forever. Classic debut. Still sad we lost Dimebag and Vinnie Paul.
It's Elton John, so you can't really go wrong. All these songs are really good, but none of them (minus Tiny Dancer) stands out.
It was a fine listen. Sultans of Swing will always be memorable.
Always down for some Kate Bush. Not very familiar with this album, but it quite good.
For a Bruce Springsteen album, this was way too downbeat for me. I like the explosive big sound of the E Street Band backing him. The first track started the album off great, with high energy. Sadly the rest of the album just fell flat for me.
I've never been much of a fan of Moby, though I've never really given him much of a chance. Now I have, and now I know that I'm still not much of a fan of Moby.
Great music to get your moving in the morning.
It's New Order, so there's no doubt I'm going to like it. I was cool hearing many of these older tracks for the first time.
This album has some of my absolute favourite Bowie songs on it. Life on Mars, Changes and Andy Warhol alone make this album great.
Saw Tito Puente Jr. Play once many years ago. Come cool rhythms. Enjoyed this one.
Of all the "Big Four", Slayer was really the only one I never got into.
I think this proves that all their biggest hits are hits for a reason. The rest of their catalogue....meh.
Playing With Fire? I wanted to set it on fire.
This was a good album. Not great, but it was a nice groove.
Not my favourite Zeppelin album by any means, but it's still Zeppelin.
This didn't do much for me. It's pleasant music and all, but just wasn't the right mood for me today. And what's with the saws?
This was a slog. I really didn't enjoy this very much at all.
I found this pretty catchy. I wasn't overly focused on it, but it was definitely enjoyable.
Not my favourite Who songs on this one, but it's still a pretty great album.
Let's face it. When you mention punk music, The Sex Pistols will always be one of the first bands mentioned. Though they were really only around for one album, boy did it ever count. Great record.
I didn't enjoy this album even half as much as I thought I would. To me James sounded like he was just phoning it in. This just wasn't all that great.
Not bad, but not great.
Can we just say no to the Bossa Nova
Generally speaking I like Pink Floyd. However, this album did nothing for me. I knew Astronomy Domine because Voi Vod did a great cover of it back in the early 90s. But other than that, nothing on this album stuck out for me.
I love me some early days Iggy Pop. Such a great album. Love Bowie on here.
Classic album. Always love paying this one a visit.
I like Janis Joplin, but this album didn't do much for me.
Normally I like this kind of music. Not this time.
Liked this a bit better than I thought I would. But even then, it got to be annoying about half way through.
This reminds me too much of the easy listening QM radio stuff I had to listen to growing up.
Not a big CCR fan, but it was a fun listen.
Not for me
Nothing special. Not terrible though.
Not my favourite R.E.M. album, but it's definitely got a few of my favourite R.E.M. songs on it.
Yikes, this was terrible.
Got bored of it rather quickly.
Was not expecting this from the Byrds. Didn't care of it at all.
Fats Domino. Classic rock. gotta love it.
I really didn't enjoy this all that much.
Heard this album a TON when I was a kid. When my mom put this record on it was usually on Sunday morning and usually because it was house cleaning day. That meant get your ass out of bed and get cleaning. Great album in spite of the weird memories.
Started strong, fizzled fast. Just couldn't get into it because nothing was really catching my interest
Way too slow and dreamy for my tastes.
Fine for background music, but not when you're trying to stay awake.
Just what I needed to this morning. Something calming, relaxing. His voice is just so reassuring that everything's going to be ok. Great songwriter too.
This was a welcome departure from what we've been getting lately. NIN was a large part of my early 90s experience. I was already a fan of Skinny Puppy and Front 242, so the genre was familiar to me, but this blew the roof off of everything. Pretty Hate Machine will always be my forever favourite NIN album, but this one here, brings back a lot of memories to a pretty rad part of my life.
A little CCR is fine, but after awhile it all starts to sound the same to me.
To be honest, other than recognizing "Brimful of Asha", this album did nothing for me. Was that "Norwegian Wood" in Gaelic? I'll pass.
I was actually getting irritated by this.
It's becoming abundantly clear that I'm not a fan of Brian Eno.
Not sure why this album is considered to be so great. I found it tedious
Just had no interest in this one.
Not a huge Stones fan, but this had some great classics, but a few were just kinda meh.
Definitely a breakthrough album. I remember songs from this album being everywhere. Was nice to revisit this classic.
This nearly put me to sleep.
Not much of a fan.
I like The Who. Just stuff all the songs I do like into one spot so I can skip all the stuff I don't care for.
UGH. Did not enjoy this.
Glad I don't speak French all that well. The subject matter of this album is creepy and gross. The music wasn't terrible though.
Could not get into this at all.
I never knew just how many songs by Sparks I knew until I saw the documentary. I first heard "This Town Ain't Big Enough For Both Of Us" when Siouxsie and the Banshees covered it. Cool album.
A few songs on here were good, but for the most part this one fell flat for me.
Nice chance to catch up and revisit an Canadian classic. This album was huge in its day. Several songs on here got a lot of radio play.
Meh. Not really a fan of them. I didn't hate it, but it's a defintite "one and done" for me.
Not bad. Good music to bop to while working.
This really didn't do much for me.
I do like Billy Bragg, but this album was a bit of hit or miss for me. 3.5
It's fun, it's classic. Got me tapping my toes during a morning I was grumpy.
Might have been the wrong day for me to give this one a try. Wasn't fond of it, but I don't know why.
Not for me, that's for sure.
If you want to get me to listen to hip-hop of any kind, having a solid message behind the music is key. This had that, so I was down for it.
A Canadian icon. I've listened to this album many times. It was nice to revisit it.
Always enjoy listening to Peter Gabriel. Some great tracks on here with Biko being a personal favourite from this album.
Was just not that into it.
This was put on in the background and really didn't divert my attention from what I was doing. So....meh. 2.5
One listen was enough. No thanks.
Was somewhat decent background music. But not really my thing.
Couldn't wait for this to be over.
Reminds me a LOT of Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young. Didn't hate it. Didn't love it.
This was a great listen. Great way to start the day.
My true awakening to hip hop and rap was Public Enemy. Ok, sure I was into Beastie Boys first, but Public Enemy was truly eye opening with their message. I'll pop in PE fairly regularly to this day even though I really don't listen to the genre aside from them and one or two others.
Never gonna turn down an opportunity to listen to some Siouxsie and the Banshees. Many of my favourites on this this album.
I knew a few of these songs, and they were nice to revisit. But as for the rest of the album? Hard no.
This was not all that good, honestly. I expected better
I had to tap out on this one. This was just not good, or interesting.
Sometimes I wonder how some of these albums make this list.
Annoying at times. Fading nicely into the background at others. Not really my thing.
Not my favourite of Morrissey's albums, not by a long shot, but this was fine.
For some reason I expected something better than this.
Probably the last U2 album I ever listened to. Lots of great songs on here. Was great to revisit.
This was alright. Sounds a lot like a lot of the music I like from that era.
Nothing but noise to me. And not even creative noise. Pass.
The blues doesn't get much better than this. Fantastic listen.
I love the Psychedelic Furs. Got a chance to see them play a few years back. This is not my favourite of their albums though. But still a good listen.
Never really listened to Billie Holiday before. She's got a great voice, but there's certain stylings she uses that I just don't like. It was a fine listen but not one that I'll likely return to.
I like thrash music. But I pretty much stick to the "Big Four". Not a fan of this stuff.
This was a great, super-fun listen. I love The Cramps, so it was fun to revisit this one.
Did not care for this at all.
Just too weird for my blood today.
You can't go wrong with some Coltrane. Great listen.
I like ABC well enough, I guess. But when I wanna take a trip down 80s New Wave "memory lane" they're pretty far down the list of things I'd pick out.
This was just not working for me. Got on my nerves after awhile. Nothing worse than being sick of a particular song only to realize that you're 13 minutes into it and still have about 5 minutes left.
Just couldn't get into this. Though, I recognized the Title track from somewhere.
Good for some chill background music. But in general I'll pass. 3.5
Was making me sleepy. Not what I'm into.
Was hoping the rest of the album would be as good as the beginning. Nope.
Kind of got annoying after awhile.
Strange and weird, but not really my kind of weird and strange. Always wondered what Beefheart was all about. Still wondering.
Great, fun listen on a drab day. Always enjoyed his music.
Sometimes I wonder how some of these albums get put on this list. Ugh, this was dreadful.
Such a great album from one of my favourite bands. I don't give it the love that I really should. Must remedy that.
So many bands namedrop Slade as influences and you can see why. Classic album. Classic sound.
I remember listening to this album and wishing I could play bass like Flea. Still have that dream, actually.
Not sure how this would be groundbreaking. Didn't do much for me at all.
Started off fine enough, but I'm not sure if just got more annoying as it went along, or I just got bored with it.
This was ok. Nothing special though.
I was kind of hoping for something a little heavier, I guess. Was kind of a let down for me.
I thought for some reason I'd enjoy this. Boy, was I wrong.
It was a nice, chill morning, so this fit in well. Not really my thing though.
This was dreadful. Took every fiber of my being to listen to the end.
I had to tap out on this one.
Some Mothers I am ok with. Some I'm annoyed by. Most of this I was annoyed by.
Such a vivid snapshot of working class America. So many champion the song "Born in the USA" as some patriotic anthem, when it's such a scathing rebuke of the true America. I heard this album so much as a kid, I still know most of the lyrics to most of the songs. This was an interesting revisit.
Holy crap this was terrible.
Enjoyable album through and through. A few familiar tracks. Some new ones that caught my attention. Will probably listen to again just for grins.
Nope. No thanks.
When Springesteen is going all out rock and roll with the E Street Band, I'm all in! But when Springsteen is playing balladeer? Not really as much. 3.5
Made for some pretty good background music, but not much else I'm afraid. 2.5
I loved his Graceland album so much it's basically one of my "desert island" picks. This is nowhere near as good.
I was kind of excited for a Velvet Underground album. Sadly, this album was a complete miss for me.
I'll always prefer the Beatles catalogue over any of the solo records. It was nice to revisit this one though. 3.5
Great way to start the day. If can listen to this album without at the very least tapping your feet you have no soul and must be a very unhappy person. Start to finish this album was great.
Another band that for whatever reason I've never taken the time to explore in any sort of depth despite their music being right in my wheel house.
I definitely got into the groove of this one. Massive Attack is one of those bands that I'd heard about, but never really took the time to delve into. I think that will change.
Lots of memories come along with this one.
I will forever be in camp "Dave" when it comes to Van Halen.
Not the best of the Pixie's albums, but it's still the Pixies. 3.5
Yup. As a person he's a real jerk, but so many great songs on this album.
This was pretty weird, but not terrible. But not mind blowing. It just kinda was for me.
Next to John, George is probably my favourite Beatle. He was the quiet one. The introspective one. And boy does a lot of that come through in this album. It's funny how echoes of The Beatles sound occur in all the post Beatles works and you can tell who's fingerprints are on which Beatles Classics just by listening to their solo work. Great album. What Is Life is a forever favourite song.
This is an album that struck a massive chord with me back in the day. It added to my arsenal of music that taught me to recognize what the system was set up to do and to fight it every step of the way. The world today really does lack albums like this. It's a shame. Actually, that's not exactly true. The music DOES exist, but the system has taken over and made it a lot harder to rise to prominence.
I very much enjoyed this one. 4.5
Definitely not for me.
This was a really tough listen for me. It brings me back to a very specific time of my life, and a very specific person that I'll forever tie to this album. I time in my life I'll always treasure, and a person I wish I had never lost touch with. All of that aside, I love this album on its surface, without even going any deeper than that.
Total eye opener the first time I heard it so many years ago. A game changer in the music world. A forever favourite. Of all the albums so far this one is probably in the top 5 as far as number of times I'd previously listened to it prior to this.
I've always heard the name Louis Prima in relation to how great he was, but until now I've never really given him a listen. What a shame it took me so long because this is fantastic.
This was a big ol' miss for me. I'm not even really sure why.
This was a wonderful listen. So calming and peaceful. It was a great way to ease into the work day. I'm going to remember this one and go back to it when I feel I need it.
Definitely a great remedy for a blah day. You always hear that this album is what kicked off hip hop and rap music, but I'd never taken the time to sit down and listen to it. It's great.
Not a great Tom Petty album. But it was ok, I guess.
Fantastic album. Always enjoyed her work.
just not for me.
I had hoped that this would be better than it actually was.
Not a big fan of the AFghan Whigs. This solidifies that fact.
It was fine for what it was. Didn't wow me or anything, but I didn't hate it.
It was a good listen. I enjoyed it. Made for good background music.
Never really considered the music of Linkin Park all that much to be honest. It was fine, but not really interesting to me. 3.5
Fantastic album from one of the great guitarists of our time. Start to finish this one kept me moving.
Could not get into this. It started out as background music and really never captured my interest enough to progress from there.
Love me some Fishbone. Great way to get the day started.
I just can't.
Been a fan of The Specials for decades now. Not their best stuff, but even that's pretty good.
Started out fine enough as background music, but by the time it got to the title track with its constant repetitiveness, it got to be more distracting and annoying than anything.
Every now and then some M.I.A find her way into my playlists. Normally not my usually fare, but there's something about her music that I really enjoy. Maybe it's the more "world music" vibe, and her flow. Dunno, but I like what I like.
Not much of a Bob Dylan fan. I'm guessing this is why.
I know and like one song off this album. The rest was not that great.
I would have expected a better, more enjoyable album from Lou Reed.
wow. Did this ever drone on and on. Her monotonous singing really started to get on my nerves. Every song sounded the same because of her vocal style.
Love me some New Order. Great songs on this one. Fun listen on a Monday morning.
I really enjoyed this. Nice way to get through the morning.
Oof. This was not that great at all. Sometimes I question albums that are on this list. This is one such time,
Nick Cave has always been a bit of hit or miss with me. Thankfully this album was mostly a hit with me. 4.
Not Suzanne Vega's best. But it was fine.
Not really my thing, but it was enjoyable enough.
There are some classics on this one that I'll never tire of hearing. The rest of the album was alright. 3.5
I never really got into Manson. A few songs here or there, but other than that, I will typically pass on his music.
If I'm going to sit down and listen to Neil Young, I prefer his later stuff with Crazy Horse. But his folkier stuff is alright too.
This was pretty good. Later Rolling Stones is better, but ya gotta start somewhere. And they started out pretty damned good as it was.
Not really a fan. This was putting me to sleep. No interest.
Several of my favourite Doors songs are on this one. Overall a fun listen. It's been a minute since I've listened to this one.
Lost interest pretty early on. Just not my bag.
Did not enjoy this one at all.
To be honest, it was no unrememberable that I didn't even realize that the album was finished for several minutes.
Not bad. Just couldn't get into it very much.
Every once in a while an album comes up in this thing that brings a smile to my face, like visiting with an old friend. This is one of those albums.
This was a joke, right?
I like The Who. This though? Not really, no.
This was fine for what it was. Not really my thing though.
3.5 Took a while to get into it. In the end it was alright.
Not really my thing, but not terrible. 3.5
Never could get into Pavement. Not sure why, really.
Most of this sounds like if you ordered The Beatles off
You can't go wrong with some classic Rush. One of my favourite albums of there, with many of my favourite songs. Was great to see them on the list.
Has a very Duran Duran feel. Japan was most definitely an influence in their music. Pretty good album. Shame they never got the love that Duran Duran got. 3.5
This was sort of hit or miss for me. Some of it I kinda of enjoyed, but other tracks really fell flat for me.
Man, what could have been. Joy Division will be one of those bands that I will never tire of listening to.
The Stones doing what the Stones do best. Just straight up bluesy goodness.
Plenty of familiar RHCP songs, but lots of stuff on there that I wasn't interested in.
Little bit of funk. Little bit of soul. Some get up off your feet stuff and some lounging easy going stuff. Great mix of music here.
This was good background music. Probably wouldn't play it for any other reason.
Long time fan of this album. Nice to revisit it after many years.
Never been a fan of country music. But Johnny Cash has always seemed to be the exception. Never sat down and listened to this album before. It was really good. Very much enjoyed it.
Not terrible, but not as good as I was hoping.
I don't enjoy this one nearly as much as Closing Time, but this era of Tom Waits is always a good listen. 3.5
Considering how much I loved Mellow Gold, I thought I would enjoy this one a lot more than I did.
Sometimes I wonder why an album appears on this list when it really really shouldn't. This is one of those albums.
Some of this I really enjoyed. Some of it, not so much.
Very much enjoyed this one.
LOVE this band. Managed to catch them in concert a few years before Pete Shelley died. All those years after this album came out, they were still killing it onstage.
This was alright for background music, but the wood percussion got to be pretty grating after awhile.
I don't think I can forgive her for butchering one of my favorite John Lennon songs. The rest of the album was meh anyway.
This was alright I guess as background.
Definitely a fun listen to start the work day. Very much enjoyed this one, as I was familiar with Tom Tom Club, I'd never heard much before now. Would listen to again for sure.
This was a huge album for me back in that time. Listened to it so many times. Was a pleasure to revisit this one. 4.5
I can usually get into a Neil Young record, but when he's with Crazyhorse, I'm totally down!
Nothing stood out for me as being particularly great. 2.5
Can't go wrong with Jane's Addiction. Great album start to finish. Brings back a lot of memories.
I would never turn down an opportunity to listen to some DK. Angry, aggressive, funny, sarcastic. All of this.
Not my first choice for background music while working. Not my 50th choice either. Just not my thing.
Nice easy listen to start the day. Got a little bit busy in sections which was not as enjoyable, but the other bits were nice. 3.5
This one started really strong and I was really thinking I would enjoy the rest. Sadly, It was downhill from there for me, to the point where I was getting a bit bored with it all.
It's like one man trying to do a musical about.....I don't know what. But it was not good or interesting.
This one didn't do much for me. Started to get on my nerves after awhile. 2.5
Not one of my favourite Waits albums, but still a good listen. From the haunting melodies of Closing Time to the aggression and weirdness of Bone Machine and Dark Rider, I am down for some Waits any time.
Fantastic album from a great time of my life. Lots of memories here.
One of my favourite bands! Love Husker Du, Love Sugar, and love Bob Mould's solo stuff as well. Not my favourite of their albums, but still a damn near perfect listen from top to bottom.
This was fine as background music. I enjoyed it. 3.5
Great listen. Very much enjoyed this.
This was such a fun, calm and soothing listen. I'm definitely coming back to this one when I want something light in the background.
You can never go wrong with some classic Stones.
Not my favourite Nirvana album, but there's some great ones on here.
A very much overlooked album (by me at least). This was a really enjoyable listen, and I'd forgotten just how many songs off this album I like.
This just sort of felt all over the map for me.
This was alright, I guess. Nothing special, or memorable.
THIS was my introduction to rap music when I was younger. Sure I was a Beastie Boys fan, but this album opened up my mind to the power this music had to raise awareness. PE will always be a favourite with me.
I know this album quite well. After falling in love with Bjork after her first solo album, I learned that she had a previous band called The Sugarcubes. I was unable to find anything from them at first, until one fateful day I found a copy in a bargain bin. Fun album. Bjork's solo work is much better, but there's elements in what was to become from her in this album.
This did not get any better as it went on. I've gotta pass on this one. Just wasn't very good.
Normally music like this would be just what I needed. But there was something missing her preventing me from enjoying it. Just wasn't feeling it.
Big fan of Cyndi and of this album. Top to bottom it's full of old favourites of mine. Very much enjoyed a revisit to this one.
Very much sounded like Buzzcocks. Great listen tough. Will definitely seek more from them.
Did not care much for this at all.
I'll never pass up an opportunity for some Paul McCartney.
This actually got on my nerves after awhile.
Not a very big Rod Stewart fan, so this was a bit of a slog for me.
Huge Pixies fan. Could never get into Frank Black's solo work.
Not terrible, but not great either. I knew the first track from somewhere, but that was it.
This was a nice, chill way to get through the work day. I kinda liked it.
Not a bad listen. It was enjoyable.
Love me some Iggy, but some of this just didn't hit the mark. 3.5
Good stuff all around here. Fun listen.
He's got a powerful voice, but this all just came off as really cheesy.
This was pretty good in places, but probably not worth a revisit.
This was baaaaaad. Not even remotely what I was expecting.
Never been a fan of country music, but there's something about Johnny Cash that just screams, "THE EXCEPTION TO THE RULE". I may not seek out his music especially, but I'll never turn my nose up at it if it happens to be playing wherever I am.
Mellow Gold was a much better album and meant a lot more to me than this album. Just doesn't suck me in the way the other album did. 3.5
This was better than I expected, but definitely not worth a re-listen.
I honestly didn't think I'd like this, but I actually did. I got quite into the groove of it. Would I pull this one out to listen to again sometime, probably not, but I wouldn't object if I was in the vicinity of it being played.
Leonard Cohen is always a good listen for me.
Definitely not my thing.
One of the few albums out there in my opinion that is perfect. This was one of my favourite albums at that time. This 10 year old had no idea what the word masturbation was, or what Darling Nikki was doing, but I'm sure my along to that song was disturbing to my parents.
Was not engaged with this one at all.
Classic album with some great songs. This one definitely takes me back.
Definitely no problems listening to some Everly Brothers. Great classic music. Nice to work to.
Not much to enjoy here. 2.5
Ugh. Didn't like this one at all.
Fantastic album. Always worth a re listen.
This was just.....ugh. Not a pleasure at all.
This wasn't bad.
One of my all time favourite Elvis Costello albums. Was great to revisit this one this morning. Love the melodies, and I love the oftentimes softer touch on some of these tracks.
Love this album. Was definitely a fun revisit. I still play a lot of these songs on the regular.
I've heard nothing but good things about him and his music, but this really didn't do anything for me.
If I was ever trapped somewhere like a deserted island and was able to only listen to a handful of albums for the rest of my life, this would be one. I first heard it on my parent's 8-track. Then on LP. Then when the formats changed to cassettes, and later CD's, this album was re-bought by my parents. Epic record. Will always love it.
Not my favourite Elvis Costello album by any stretch. There's a few songs he's recorded on other albums on here, so that was nice, because a lot of the rest of the album was pretty meh. 3.5
I was surprised that there were so many classics of theirs on this one album. So many songs I knew.
The Pogues are a long time favourite. Was fun to revisit this one.
No thanks. I've heard such good things about his music, but this just wasn't very good at all.
Mellow and kinda relaxing right at this the right time
Kinda weird, but not terrible?
How can you possibly go wrong with The Jam. Great record. Going to go off now and listen to some more Jam records today!
I rather liked this. Was nice background music. 3.5
Not exactly my favourite era of Rush. I'm more of an 80s Rush fan. But this was pretty good. 3.5
Had a great time with this today. Nice and upbeat. Very much enjoyed it.
Didn't do much for me.
I remember this one well. Not the best Megadeth album, but it's still really good.
Not as good as the soundtrack to Shaft. But it was alright. Was surprised to find the sample the Beastie Boys used in Egg Man came from here though.
Sometimes I wonder what the criteria is that puts some of these albums into the "must hear before I die" column. Because this was not worth my time.
Always down for some John Lennon. This had a few of my favourites on it, so that was cool.
So much fun to listen to this. Sam Cooke was a phenomenal talent taken way too soon.
Didn't really care for this one.
This was such a fun revisit. I do like to kick back with some old school rap now and then.
Pretty standard 80s sound. Just not all that great or memorable.
not my favourite Iron Maiden album, but hey, it's IronMaiden.
I just could not get into this.
Never really ever listened to Snoop's music, but this was alright. I enjoyed it. However I really hate those "skits" jammed in there every so often.
Not great but definitely a fun listen to grove through part of the work day with.
This was good.
Not a preferred listen by any stretch.
Nope. No thank you.
This did nothing for me. Meh.
I think I knew 30 seconds into this one that I was not going to enjoy this. I was correct.
I have heard other Mudhoney albums and I liked them. This....not so much.
this was completely unmemorable.
It grabbed me immediately because the first track is a song I've heard many, many times, only it's the cover version by The Damned. The rest of the album was ok, but not something I'd listen to again.
I do enjoy the music of Ravi Shankar sometimes. Today was one of those times.
Great band. Great album. Great songs. Fun listen.
Velvet Underground is important in who they later influenced, but the band itself has always been sorta hit or miss with me. This album was more of a miss. 2.5
Oooof. This was not very good at all.
Never could understand what all the fuss was about Radiohead. Still don't, really.
Yeah, I'll pass on listening to this ever again.
This was a fun, classic listen. 3.5
Great album.
I like early Billy Bragg. This album really didn't do much for me though.
All these years later and this album still kicks ass.
Just what the doctor ordered today.
Did not "thrill" me.
I thought I liked Nick Cave. Guess I was wrong as far as this album is concerned.
This was fine for a short while, but then I had to go listen to something else.