Now I Got Worry
The Jon Spencer Blues ExplosionLike your drunk neighbors are having open mic night
Like your drunk neighbors are having open mic night
Dude played for 25 mins barely coherent, stole half his set from little Richard, and then went home and slept with his cousin? Wack
Really carried by the two huge songs, I’m not interested in British faux honkey tonk
Not bad but not good enough to justify his personality
That onion article might be the realest review out there
Cool grooves and like the drum sound. Second favorite Steely Dan album next to Aja
Pretty mid but wasn’t a fan of the vocals which seemed as if they were punched in on an intercom. Plus the percussion mix was way lower for a good chunk of the album
Really samey and boring if I’m honest. Something about southern twang singing irritates me but I love Southern accented rapping, not quite sure why
Appreciated more than the Lucinda Williams country-adjacent album. I always find myself just trying to push through and not intently listening to country (however loose)
Solid but nothing amazing
Wish the music was as cool as the band name
Pretty basic but interesting how old this album is
U2 does U2 things
Knew the big song but pretty solid all around
Iz jazz
I can hear the passion but that’s about it
Good energy and fun to listen to albeit a bit samey
Good alb. Bigger fan of crooked rain
Still fire. Sparrow is *chefs kiss*
Feels like someone giving a condescending rant, I don’t think that’s the case but that’s the vibe
Really diverse set of songs, good for mind wandering
Cool and laid back
It is indeed an Elvis album
Chill af, still good
Real smooth, solid listen
First relisten and something about the looping or extended beats come across as monotonous. I always have this issue with LCD Soundsystem for some reason. Enjoyable songs that get dry quickly
Another reminder to listen to more Radiohead
That 80’s ass bass, fun, and the Pleasuredome track was my favorite. Also never knew the band behind Relax
Typical Thin Lizzy, sounds like the regular album tracks
Not bad but not really my cup of tea either
TV commercial punk
Solid, I always associate with Modest Mouse for whatever reason but prefer the latter
Billy Joel’s country cousin, better than I thought but still not a fan
Really diverse set of songs, and not off the wall weird just unique
Fine, run of the mill R.E.M. It’s kinda crazy how mid or non important they feel as a whole while still having multiple generational hits that everyone knows
Like your drunk neighbors are having open mic night
Right around the middle on this one. Preferred LA
More dull than a spoon
Start of the decline, maybe it would have gotten stale but more thrash Metallica would’ve been dope
Hey man, my favorite Bowie album
Too ballady for me but the big singles still slap
RIGHT ABOUT NOW. Continuing the trend of learning where random one/two hit wonders are. Overall music loops>vocal loops
Pretty disappointed tbh. The album was just kinda boring
Ok. Liked songs that added horns the most
My mind always connects Nick Drake and Bob Ross for some reason. Both are calming, pleasant, and highly regarded by some following. But both I’m just kinda indifferent to
Happy 50th bday to metal. Still real good
Classic. The west side branch of native tongues imo
Goofy but harmless
Solid grooves, s/o to Pat for recommending this before
Always enjoy how Spiritualized build their songs into this huge cacophony
Great Computer
Still a fun listen. Crazy how this was outlandish punk music when released
Solid and the album art reminds me of the ‘jazz’ paper cups
Great alb but not my fav Jimi. Although Little Wing and If 6 was 9 are top 5 Jimi songs
Liked it, already familiar with the title track and season of the witch (unknowingly). I feel like this is The Doors lite, or without the edge at least
Good re-listen, I like the more orchestral parts of Arcade Fire especially the last track
Really hated the vocals on this and otherwise was only semi interested in the music
Kinda mindless techno-ish, not my bag
Quality boom bap but a degree under the classics from that era
Not bad but I think I would have liked it more without vocals. He sounds like me mumble singing to myself walking to the car or something
Feels like I should be driving through desert mountains, or I’m at a local Mexican restaurant set to a calming radio station
Absolutely slaps, closer to a 5 but not quite there for me. S/o Jake making this my 5th (?) Listen this year
Best Ice-T project I’ve listened to, always thought of him as a lesser Eazy E (even tho he came first). I dig the body count stuff too
A welcome relisten. Big sound like The Cult guitars, PS2-ass, 90’s tone.
Classic. Part of my first purchase at Toms too
Solid but still feels like they’re finding their footing. Killer Queen is a top 10 track tho
Anthems for horse girls but actually good
Not my steez but i liked it better than old man Cohen
Not sure why this is here it’s a run of the mill Christmas album. Also getting it on Christmas makes the random aspect sus, unless it’s just holidays?
Bjork is cooler
This was the first Zappa album I listened to in HS. Willie the Pimp is underrated and Peaches En Regalia still slaps
Great alb, not the most technical stuff but the raw energy makes the band
Nice relaxing listen to end the new year
Sounds great stripped down and the covers are dope
Surprisingly didn’t hate it
Boring and tbh not sure why it’s here
AKA Atlantis Morsefest. 90’s as hell
Surprised to see them on here but honestly held up nicely. The drumming is really tight
Not really a Neil Young guy but this was some good classic rock
Classic, but a wholly overrated band
Really beautiful in parts, a little long
Ok but pretty mundane, like their name
A 50’s artist I’ve always fucked with. Fats was that dude
“You know who’s good? Nirvana, y’all should try to sound like them” It didn’t work
Absolutely lives up
Heavy one week by barenaked ladies vibes. Not bad tho
Probably my favorite Slayer album and without the immensity of Raining Blood I’m not sure they would be remembered with as high regard
Dude played for 25 mins barely coherent, stole half his set from little Richard, and then went home and slept with his cousin? Wack
Decided to look up the story this time and cool no one knows what the hell its about either. The music and ideas are still fun tho
I like the one that went bee boo boo bop
Eh. Not bad but eh
Really chill and easy listening. Surprised at how early this was too, I’m a fan
Dusty is the correct adjective
Cheesy 80’s pop-rock, that has 3 of the biggest genre defining hits
Not bad but the music portion always seems ancillary to the lyrics
Silent and chill
Now that’s what i call country Vol. 6
You already know
Alright but not really in a folk mood at the time of listening. The last track was eerie and probably my favorite despite the simplicity
Prolly my fav Alice Cooper album. The drums are just so good, especially on the eponymous track, that opening fill is too catchy. This time around I was impressed by the amount of piano too.
Interesting but real long
Quiero bailar a la musica
A lot of the record sounds like the opening theme for 70s/80s sitcoms. Which isn’t bad but not the best
Yaaaaawwwwn. NEXT
Really great and sad it was his last album. Jimi and Mitch went off and you feel like you’re experiencing the experiments firsthand. Also the intro to voodoo child is still so fuckin cool
Did a quick Wiki on this and mad props to Fela Kuti. He showed integrity and the importance of making your voice heard through your art, and he suffered so much from it. The music itself lacking context is also really good
Their best album, fight the power is still anthemic
Cool album, favorite parts were where the keys and drums work in tandem as the guitar builds on a winding solo
The best
Meandering but really chill
Ol Frank songs to chill and fall asleep to. Work environment didn’t help my engagement
My favorite Dylan album I’ve listened to, certainly the most “musical” one as well
Really carried by the two huge songs, I’m not interested in British faux honkey tonk
Charming, in his bag, sexy Frank absolutely > sleepy wee hours Frank
Peak U2 and prolly peak ‘stadium’ rock
An ok album with a lot of ideas that just keeps goin and goin, oh hey jackass, anyways not bad
Finding their footing but still solid
Being sex positive? Cool. Doing it like an after school PSA? Not so much
“God MC, me, J HOVA” with beats from Ye, Just Blaze, and that one Eminem. Issa classic
Some small twinges of late stage Beatles in here
Voice still kinda grates against me but thank god it’s not Brown Eyed Girl level
This is a review, I’m writing it right now. I love to write reviews online. Take that to the melody of Cars and slap some basic synth melodies and you have this album
Still impressive for the time and a great listen every time
Surprised R.E.M. has more than one on the list and this not being my second choice I may be very surprised they have 3 on here
Not my thing and the singer sounds like Carl Weezer from Jimmy Neutron on some songs
Really like the grittiness of white stripes despite their simplicity
Never really dug her stuff before but pleasantly surprised to like this album
Some classic dad rock anthems on this jawn
Papa still a classic but even the Intro is a but droney for no reason. Solid alb
Pretty solid, 10cc always exist on my peripheral of interesting bands I remember existed
Why is this here?
Classic. Beyond classic and over loved often but still tight. Also forever connected to Paul Blart now
Nice soundtrack for a weekend of family fun
His voice is just goofy and this album put me to sleep
Makes the granddads go crazy
What does Depeche Mode mean? Cool album tho, one of those bands where I should listen to more but I never do
I enjoyed it, especially while making breakfast, but the language barrier creates a sameness throughout
Iconic... album art but what’s with the music tho? Not very special or interesting or good really
Still great and fun to listen all the way through. S/o to my cousins and their Limewire plug
Sus band name but solid tunes
Not bad but not really my jam either. Happy dad-adjacent rock
Aight, very general appeal but nothing mind blowing inside
Feels like a rock opera/musical and maybe it is but I haven’t paid much attention to the lyrics other than the weird furry dialogue. Dude can sing but not really my thing
So he is alive?
Really good energy that works for the straight up rock/punk music
Bizarre beats that never really work for me but it truly is unique
Just Supa Fly but go Missy
RIP Cliff who knows what may have been post And Justice For All. This album still slaps
Enjoyed it and couldn’t grasp what it reminded me of until I saw the suggested Spotify page for Blur
It’s hard to not prefer the Bruce fronted band but the first two albums kick so much ass too. Great songs that they still play live like Running Free and Ofc Iron Maiden is just a testament to how timeless this album is
Should have taken their own advice, there’s another album with that name already ya na?
The guitar on the self titled track was tight. The other tracks were cool too but that specifically stuck out
Ok but not great. Never hear anything about this band either
Sleep and boring. Not my jam
Not my usual thang but p solid
No prejudice activated. I liked it, guess he really carried Wham! huh
I understood most of it, not so broken after all
Dang they snuck me with Man on the Moon and Everybody Hurts. Still can’t believe they have 3 albums on this jawn
Honky Tonk Beatles strikes again
Solid rock album with a lot of notable tracks. S/o Guitar Hero Aerosmith
Super quality reggae, much needed
Dude sounds like that blue CGI alien in Star Wars episode 6 after George tinkered with them. Just goofy
Again and again. Solid
I enjoyed the jam stuff, just sounds like a fun show to be at
Not my favorite NIN but really good. Hurt is a classic
Probably my favorite Em project even though there are some stinkers. His attitude and image work a lot better before he worries about being heralded as the best rapper ever
Hooked me from that sample that Passin Me By uses. Chill beats to zone in with
This was a fun album, but not the greatest for sitting at a desk at work. Also wish I knew the name of that whooping instrument in the back of some tracks
Doesn’t take itself seriously which makes it a fun listen
Not sure what they fall under (new wave?) but I dig it. The bass tone and up tempo beats get me
Not bad but way too long for the type of music they’re playing
Oh this album fucks
Enjoyed it and really appreciated the brevity of this album. I’m not grasping why it’s super revered tho
He do be ramblin’
Cool beats and an off vibe that I liked
Great album, I really love the strings, horns, and other accompanying additions
Ok but nothing special
Ok but I’d categorize it as music for boring hippies
This album has already faded from my memory and I listened to it yesterday
Not bad but not good enough to justify his personality
Solid Bowie but doesn’t hit as many peaks as his top work
Honestly much better than I expected. I had always thought more energy went into his image than his music from songs here and there.
This made me sleepy. Too long and middle of the road
Hey it’s the Jojis. But absolute classic and very accessible Prog Rock. The album art is so iconic too. S/o Chris Squire
Still probably the best female MC of all time. This album is fantastic in about every way. Lauryn is also the most equal in talent between rapping and singing
Spoken word or something this close to it shouldn’t belong here imo. I’m here for music not poetry
More disjointed than I typically enjoy Bowie albums but he still fits the album sound to his personal style well
Some absolute bangers on this one. The organs, synth, electric Guitar, and bongos are all perfectly utilized. Loved it
Guitar tone is super clean and solid all around
Solid punk but a little samey, which i could say for most Punk I’ve heard
A truer sentence has never been uttered since
First Mingus album i listened to and still really good on the relisten. This shit drips
Radiohead vibes but more opera-tinged(?) music
Solid blues jams. The first track blew me away and I was like “holy shit he sounds like Santana”.... the track just featured Santana tho lol
The talk box is fun and this dude really loves Da whey. Wasn’t this like the most sold album of the decade or some shit?
Real solid and shows the potential this band has, but not my favorite QotSA. The Josh Homme guitar tone is sick
Really liked the layering of this project. There’s a lot going on and it all meshes really nicely, sick alb
That super bowl performance tho
Interesting but never wowed me
I don’t recall a Wizard. Interesting take on borderline genre bending but nothing blew me away
Enjoyable and easy listen
Solid and enjoyed the drumming on this project
I lack the knowledge and intelligence to articulate how I feel about different jazz albums. But I liked this
Epitome of aggressive early hip hop, it’s crazy to see his rebrand (top 3 with snoop and ice t). No matter how shitty my day is “It Was a Good Day” will always hit
I’m going to stick with the Bob Ross comparison but I enjoyed this album more than Pink Moon
Pleasant but my girlfriend asked if we were listening to elevator music
Beautiful and possibly the best album ever made. The interstitial poem is ingrained in my head. RIP Pac
Not bad, does everything a punk album is supposed to do, probably won’t come back tho
Comes across as a dork but the music is solid
Really underwhelmed the first time I listened and had the same dull play through this time as well
Love OutKast but in the minority of not absolutely loving this album. It’s got joints for sure but a smaller chunk feels like filler. Still great
Missy is dope and whew that feature list
Upbeat and pleasant but nothing wowed me (2.5/5)
Really cool beats. I dig it
Really good still but I think I prefer badmotorfinger. The hits are all time on this one
Fun dad rock, nothing groundbreaking
Another miss for me from the Stones, it’s lacking something. Coincidentally listened to this the day Charlie Watts passed. RIP
Pretty dated but she does well as any emcee from the era. She reminds me of the female Ice Cube just not as aggressive
Really appreciate this album for starting the experimental Beatles arc. The songs are all good but nothing way out there AND on the level of The Beatles hit popularity. Shockingly the most well known song from this album is probably Yellow Submarine, which kinda makes my point.
Groovy, still wanna get funked up
Cecelia is a song I know but never known the name of, which is always fun to come across
Bass lines were the highlights, I guess this counts as Disco?
It’s a lot of racket. I’m sure the reviews absolutely dumpster this one and I gotta say I didn’t hate it. However I did feel lost at what I was supposed to gather from such raucous violent sax, it’s how I image what non Jazz listeners think what regular Jazz sounds like
Absolutely slaps, way cooler than I thought it would be
Not sure if it’s in his best but still really good
Entertaining and I like the diversity in instruments
Amazing album. The first time I ever listened I was very mixed, especially jarred after the intro On Sight, and gave it like a 5/10. But now everything has clicked and I love this like his earlier work. Bound 2 is top 3 Ye songs
Real simple and just ok
Insane he pulled this off his debut, I mean the production alone Is stacked. The cover is literally one of the first images in my head when I hear “hip hop”
Never liked their song on RockBand which was my introduction so happy to say this was a solid album
Pretty good!
Not a fan of the white noise guitar effects on this one
Straight up rock. Aight
Confusing entry but not the worst
Not much noted but aight
Wheeeewww that SOUL man
Don’t know how to pin point it other than the obvious accent but big Brit vibes
This sounds like an album you’d put in the background of 50s movies when you don’t wanna use the music everyone knows
Really liked it despite limited experience with electronic stuff. Also cool to hear the missy/Ciara sample
Liked it a lot more than I thought I would as I imagined it as a Punk-ier album. Really nice atmosphere/vibe on the longer tracks, even the extended outro
Love their reggae/dub influence
Celtic colonialism vibes
OG rock legend. Simple and good
Really great thrash project and cementing Dave stepping out from Metallica. Devils Island is a jam
Too samey and I prefer Charles with some energy not commercial tunes from A Christmas Story
Some of the sound effects were grating but otherwise I enjoyed this album. Prolly under Dummy
Never heard of them before
Super 80s and the beats feel real repetitive and not all that interesting
Ah this is where the subpar Sheriff cover is, ok overall
That bass tone tho
Is Layla the rock version of “and I fucked your bitch you fat motherfucker”, obviously George and Eric weren’t feuding like that though. Have you ever loved a woman is also pretty cold too. Anyways it’s alright, and was deservedly called so before people figured out it was Clapton’s newest outing.
Shining star is the easy bop to single out but it’s all good shit
Not bad but buddy holly has always felt pretty lame
Sometimes it’s really cheesy but you gotta respect the boldness of this album
Has that beautiful melancholic tint that I love from The Smiths and is hard to find other bands that compare
What guns and how many, they never said
Surprisingly my first Chicago album and it slapped. Great stuff and fun playing
Soundtracks love this chick
Probably my favorite Black Keys project, just a lot of feeling bottled into these tracks
I was entertained!
Really clean sound but can lead to tedium
Very much of their time. I had forgotten that Hey Joe was a cover, Jimi was out here claiming people’s tracks and wiping them out of history
Can I get uhhhhhhh eh
Another overlooked band by me, the Cure is great
Wheres Jah!? Someone get Jah on the phone
But does Murder is Meat?
Avoided Willie albums cause I was afraid I’d hate the cool weed guy’s music. Happy to report it’s more folk vibes than country and I liked this album
Production is crazy and I have no idea how they paid for some of these samples (The Beatles!?). Rap wise you know what you’re going to get
The suburbs doesn’t need to sound this adventurous
Only heard the eponymous track before, liked the instrumentals but the vocals were a bit out there (as Bowie usually does). Solid
Like if tiny Tim went through puberty
Should’ve taken the girl as well
Such a sick variety of songs that you’re never bored or feel the length of this project. This time around Happiness is a Warm Gun has become a favorite
Oh hey, Aqualung. Maybe my favorite Jethro Tull album, good albeit corny (3.5/5)
I liked the vocals, most of everything else was fine, nothing really going on here
That onion article might be the realest review out there
Haunting voice that walks the line with being straight up goofy. A little sleepy
Thanks Todd, maybe shorten it up TODD
A good chunk sounds like the intro songs to James Bond movies. Or that’s just sway of what’s been around me lately, cause apparently everyone just kinda ignored the first song using Strawberry Fields’ melody. The most unexpected cool thing was finding a sample of an unreleased Tyler, the Creator song called “WTF right now”
Solid, kinda interested why this was chosen. I have to assume there’s a White Stripes album somewhere in here then. And there damn sure better be some Jack Black up in here
Caught me at the perfect time, I’ve been on a big Beatles kick after finally finishing the Get Back Series. I had realized I’m largely unfamiliar with the solo outings of each member. This album is really good and allows George to shine in his own light. Only complaint is the versions on Spotify have tons of bonus songs and I’m unsure where the actual album ends
Huh, yeah, what is it good for? A pretty decent U2 album it turns out
Very good and possibly the best of the boy band Beatles. In My Life is one of the most heartfelt songs in their catalogue. You Won’t See Me and Wait are personal favorites I return to the most from this album
Music made by space ghosts ooooo spoooky. I enjoyed it, s/o Moog
I think it’s been said already but a good album that gets a little repetitive. I just wanna know how they make the distinction between: Around the World at 4 mins? ❌ Around the World at 10 mins? ❌ Around the World at 7 mins? Oui oui 👌🏼
Thanks Ms. Rat, I like your voice but was overall bored (2.5/5)
First time I’ve heard him without the Funk, and I need the Funk (2.5/5)
“Stop Dr. Doolittle’s wave of mutilation before he gets YOUR pet”- PETA ad I thought of while listening Cool album tho
I liked this but I gotta wonder who selected this project. If the list maker was an English speaking native I assume they also had no grasp on the language like me, so like what if the whole thing is just praising genocide or something else despicable? Beats kinda go tho
Ok but like why? Really feels like guy who made this list had a fun uncle in this quirky band The Electric Prunes
So they have proclaimed so shall it be. RIP my guy (3.5/5)
Thanks for inventing cool Mr. Miles
Oh hey it’s the frozen Monkey man that’s cool (3.5/5)
Sounds great for it’s age. who tf is Roger (3.5/5)
If You’re Feeling Mid as Hell, why is this here?
I liked it, a post-hardcore sounding Jack White/White Stripesy mix
Glad to get this since it’s a White Stripes I haven’t heard before. Personally I would choose Icky Thump, Elephant, and White Blood Cells before this one. So maybe there’s multiple white stripes on the list? Which is egregious imo. Wish this project was more Blue Orchid than Little Ghost
Captures angst perfectly and it still makes me pissed today while bobbing my head along. Noticed the drum playing more on this listen through and kudos. Also fuck 12
Not my thang. Is this the OG Love Hurts? (2.5/5)
I’ve always meant to check this band out. Neat
Smooth as hell and one of the best flows in hip hop. Not to mention his production. I could use a whole Q-Tip & D’Angelo project
I really can’t get over his voice which is wild cause it’s never this big an issue for me. Dude sounds like he’s taking the hardest shit of his life like 80% of the time. Otherwise the band and lyrics are solid (2.5/5)
Soulful class
A bit boring to be honest but the album is fine (2.5/5)
Interesting to hear some non disco work and it was fine (2.5/5). Super interesting that the other face of disco (ABBA) also has a Waterloo song hmmmmm
Sounds like a BBC teleplay interstitched with psych rock. The music is neat and I like the idea but fuck me is it hard to understand the narrated portions haha. (2.5/5)
Don’t know if there will be many albums I love as much as this one in the list. RIP Neil the best drummer and lyricist of all time
If there’s one thing this list has done, it’s made me a bigger fan of Neil (3.5/5)
Maaan List Papa (TM) really likes Brit pop/rock. This was cool, but my favorite moment was a couple songs in when the singer’s delivery clicked in my head as the guy who talks on Glitter Freeze by Gorillaz. And hey I was right, that feeling of music inter connectivity is the greatest
GGGGGG-G-Unit. Crazy debut that he unfortunately never topped. It’s crazy that 21 questions isn’t produced by Dre even though his fingerprints are all over this.
I hope this group is paid out the ass from royalties of There She Goes. More middy Britty rock (2.5/5)
Judging by the list so far I’m about it be bombarded by Bowie… which isn’t a bad thing. Solid pick but there are a handful Bowie albums I’ll take above it
Huh didn’t know off with your head was these guys. Pretty good all around yet nothing amazing
We lost the war. Kinda drags on for every track, could be tightened up a bit (2.5/5)
Oh hell yeah. I’ve been playing this a lot this summer, specifically Walk On By, my favorite being on my way to the beach. Sunny windows down driving with those fantastic orchestral stings sheeeeesh. And damn Isaac’s voice is amazing
First time actually listening to this one but I know all the bigger songs. Zeppelin is fucking great regardless and there’s a couple stretches on this album where they’re just knocking it Out of the park. There are some lulls and the album could be trimmed a bit but it’s a great listen.
Nice to come back to this one. Both synchronicity’s and king of pain are great, the rest is good to ok. Synchronicity II definitely my favorite, sounds like a cut from Signals by Rush. S/o Stewie Copeland. More miffed at the fact they can’t put aside grievances and make more music together (3.5/5)
This just made me kinda sleepy tbh
Kind of interesting sound that never really takes off. Chore was a good word for this one
I see why they called him Skip
All time classic. The synth and funk samples are amazing and iconic of the West coast scene. Nuthin But a G Thing is probably a top 10 rap song for me. Sure there are immature parts but Deez Nuts still makes me Smile and are more emblematic of the era.
Beautiful tribute to Syd and a nice segue into the new era of Pink Floyd. The mood does drag a bit but all of the songs are great. (4.5/5)
Made me real sleepy at work (2.5/5)
The B sides of the boring Beatles albums
Really interesting and I loved the guitar work on this album. Another reminder to listen to more of their stuff
Been a long time since I’ve listened to rock like this. Straight up classic that has basically 0 misses. The first half of this album dominated radio stations since the day it came out as well, it’s kind of undeniable
Does this count as an easy listening album? The songs are so nonchalant and lazy-sounding I can imagine plodding down a country road early in the morning with no one around for miles and nothing to do. Props to them for getting the MTV bag during their heyday (2.5/5)
Cool to hear a one hit wonder’s full project. Not blown away I gotta say
It seems every album is more Bri*ish than the last. This was fine but I can see why I didn’t know about his solo work post-Floyd. Sidneote a post rock band called Post Floyd would be dope (2.5/5)
Going back for this and it was fine. Didn’t do a ton, but it did teach me about another Nick Cave project so that’s neat (2.5/5)
All time classic, love Dre’s beats even if the verses haven’t aged the best. That being said “do I look like a motherfuckin role model? To a kid lookin up to me, life ain’t nothing but bitches and money” is all time hard (4.5/5)
Finally tackled this one because fuck is it long for no reason. Not bad but not interesting, better than the Nick Cave’s other group album that I got on this list (2.5/5)
Ewwgross. The music was fine tho (2.5/5)
Really pretty and calming voice, dude should be reading audiobooks. Why name album after Eagle but put horse on cover? Overall p good (3.5/5)
More sleepy sad but that might be on me
Love the hip hop classic Fridays, and I love this album. Amazing to finally have it on streaming, especially considering the laundry list of samples on here. I’m only docking half a point for De La Orgy which even by 90’s hip hop standards is super rough. RIP Trugoy the Dove (4.5/5)
Not their best, but still solid. Vibes are kinda like a British version of the Sopranos theme. +1 for the pronunciation of vit-a-mins
Not as loopy as the other projects I’ve heard. Love his voice and the energy on this one, good album (3.5/5)
Title track is iconic, and tbh it kinda seems like they knew it’d be a hit and threw a project out around it. There are so many covers, which are all fine, but nothing really amazing or unique. I’m not trying to hate just a quick vibe check (3.5/5)
The hits still be hittin, I’m more lukewarm on the rest of the album though
Classic and still relevant. I think Here My Dear is my favorite but this album is a close second
Great playing on this, good amount of weirdness too without overplaying it. George Clinton for President
Knew cherub rock and today which were bangers, more bangers ensued. Nice
Another classic. Love the first half of this album and enjoy the second half to a lesser extent. “Talking to you is like clapping with one hand” is burned into my brain from my dad. Also s/o for talking about the mistreatment and evil done to Native Americans, this and Run to the Hills by Iron Maiden were the first concepts in my young mind that the US is historically fucked
Wasn’t as impressed with this as earlier Björk (2.5/5)
And the Next Day. And the Next Day. What’s the story of the cover art, were people confused when it released? Anyways it’s some middle of the road Bowie which is fine with me
Very Talking Heads sounding but didn’t impress me as much as Remain in Light (2.5/5)
A quirky little musical, I can see the line kick dances for Oh California! already, decent overall (2.5/5)
Look I love prog rock. And I love some Genesis. For whatever reason this album has never done it for me in the ways I see it placed amongst the best of the best in the genre. There are great bits but a lot of this feels off to me and wholly uninteresting. Again I lack the why behind my observation but this album feels like a over the top campy and foppish British lad caricature
Appropriate for the time of year. Thriller->Beat It ->Billie Jean is a crazy 3 song stretch and probably the most well known one.
Bit dated innit. Anarchy is timeless tho (2.5/5)
PLAY FREE BIRD. Memes included Free Bird is dope, it’s not even long and the guitar solo is sick. The rest of Skynyrd does nothing for me and I always thought the real snoozer was Tuesday’s Gone. (2.5/5)
Ehhh it’s fine. Not my thing (2.5/5)
The epitome of musical integrity. Last album didn’t sell well? Fuck you here’s a 20 minute epic. The other tracks are good too, Lessons and Something For Nothing being my favorites
Really interesting mix of genres and sound profiles. Surprised track to track, and enjoyed my listen through (3.5/5)
Love to hear his younger self, but I think I prefer Live at Cook County Jail
Interesting album of some early James and the magic is still there. The bit where he’s away from the mic singing “I’m weak” before coming back is awesome (3.5/5)
Maybe I’m too young to call it this, but the Purple Tape is legendary. A great step in the Wu Tang portfolio that showcased how great Rae and Ghost are as a duo. Tons of classic tracks and they hold up extremely well live (4.5/5)
With 0 context and 0 research this is as soulless as disco was supposed to be according to those telling me about it
I don’t speak French so i had mixed opinions. The instrumentals were nice but the vocals felt like a cologne commercial, less singing and more spoken word sounding, and it turns out it’s because it’s a narrative. Double twist is the narrative could alternately be titled “Ode to Pedophilia”… wack
Really enjoyed this project even if it’s a bit more mainstream Bowie. The Across the Universe cover is great and Fame is a banger still. (3.5/5)
BASS! Some good stuff here albeit pretty dated rhyming and beats. Chuck D has a great voice and some really good perspective in his lyricism, plus Flava Flav isn’t too annoying on here. Night of the Living Baseheads is probably my favorite but shout out Bring The Noise Remix with Anthrax (way cooler than Run DMC and Aerosmith) (3.5/5)
Wasn’t impressed the first time I listened but I liked it on this relisten. The acoustic guitar and bass tones are great and it’s a fun quick play through
Really not a fan of his vocal styles but this is the album I’ve liked the most. The funky instrumentals help (2.5/5)
Loooooong, but fuckin great. Both Big Boi and André got to do their own thing, made their own mega hits, and delivered 2 really good albums stitched together. Best rap duo of all time
More Songs I Enjoy by Talking Heads
Happier Fridays, the album was ok (2.5/5)
Full of bangers. I don’t know this as well but I could easily see me liking this more than Thriller eventually
Always down for Stoogin’ around. Not the best but still solid
Very relaxing. Wooden ships still my favorite
Woo woo, woo woo, woo woo, woo woo, woo woo, This is the only song that resonated, woo woo, woo woo, woo woo, woo woo
Good album but totally overblown tbh. The only song that feels special for me is Champagne Supernova, but the rest is fine. (3.5/5)
The shock on my face when paper planes wasn’t on this one. Didn’t do much for me and seemed like a lot of loose ideas for songs
Interesting to hear the first record of an immense global pop star. Like what the hell were Soda Pop and The Beat Goes On? I guess she was finding her footing/personality but the singles carry hard (2.5/5)
Definitely maybe not needed on this list (2.5/5)
Very surprised to see this new of an album on the list, but glad Simz is getting the attention. That being said if you waited a little longer I think her albums in 2021 and 2022 are even better
S/o Guitar Hero and s/o Someone recognizing how fun it is to say Pol Pot
Maybe not as strong as the other 2 in their first 3 albums, but still good. S/o Copeland (3.5/5)
Interesting choice for a live album. I figured there would be a couple like Frampton or maybe Kiss but not sure why this made it. The album itself is fine, I like Cheap Trick
Classic. Almost front to back bangers and an amazing debut from the band. Jimi gets all the praise and credit, as he should, but Mitch Mitchell fucking rules on this record too
Middle of the road indie rock strikes again, it’s fine
Probably very hypocritical of my latest Genesis review but I just have a soft spot for Damon (3.5/5)
Ya know R.E.M. feel heavily carried by their one massive hit per album. Orange Crush might be their worst massive hit and the rest of the album does nothing for me either
“What the hell”- Tim Robinson. Yeah I don’t get avant garde for the sake of avant garde. You can’t tell me these guys sat down to make this and went “holy shit we’ve done it. What great music we’ve made”. It feels phoned in, like a prank, wow no one’s done this before. Wack
I appreciate when bands just jam on their live albums. Straight up good rock n roll (3.5/5)
Cool textures on this, I guess French band? I liked it
I did listen but I retained very little, sorry Mr. Buckley (2.5/5)
The Message, the track, is good and very important to hip hop. The Message, the album, is largely forgettable and stuck in a weird Parliament wannabe phase (2.5/5)
Iconic, amazing rapping and production, synonymous with hip hop. Crazy how already good and established Big was when considering how young he was, RIP to a great artist with so much potential left on the table. So I docked De La for their obligatory 90’s sex skit and ima do the same for Big even though it’s a smaller offense. (4.5/5)
Great energy, something that I think their newer music could use. I recently figured out a lyric in The View From The Afternoon, i always heard “tonight they’ll be a ruckus, yeah” as “tonight they’ll be a rooking chair” like that’s how British people say rocking chair. Music is great
Enjoyed as advertised, now to relisten with some lyric sheets
Classic Stevie
Glad to return to this one. Maybe not as out there as her other stuff but she has a great voice both literally and as a writer. How can you describe Never is a Promise as anything but beautiful?
Perfect length for this kind of project. Fires on all cylinders and doesn’t overstay it’s welcome. Add the 2 big songs and we’re cooking. (3.5/5)
Is it pronounced “the the”, “the the”, or “the the”?
Pretty good and it’s interesting to hear pre-Bjork Bjorkin out there
Decent, liked the vocals the most. Kinda reminded me of Kate Bush
Like maybe 99% of my generation, I’ve heard Dancing Queen and maybe one or two other singles so it was cool to check out a full album. Fun pop music singles and fun pop music album
Not bad but pretty average. Sounded like Foo Fighters a bit (2.5/5)
A lot of this sounded very familiar but confirmed not my new favorite band
Y’all ain’t slick the drums in Skies Over Cairo are from Donkey Kong Country. I wish the rest of the music was as good as DKC but this was fine (2.5/5)
Already familiar with that bad mother… song and Isaac Hayes but this was my first time listening to the album. The music is just so fucking cool man. An obvious comparison is Curtis Mayfield’s Superfly and this album hit me in a very similar way. Last little thing, the small organ sting on Bumpy’s Lament is the same as the guitar on Xplosive by Dr. Dre, I’ve heard that little melody on so many songs and it just hits every time I hear it
Brown rat gang gang. I liked this one a good bit, the bass lines were great
Solid album, and Take Me Out is an all time banger
Cool mix of genres, the sitar version of Light My Fire was awesome. (3.5/5)
Peak Yes (+ Fragile). Great prog rock that inspired a lot of my favorites and an amazing template for how epics should be structured.
Not bad, reminded me of some Elton John
Always thought Sade would be neo soul Erykah Badu-esque but this had an older soul sound to it. Good voice and made me want to listen to more
A Short Review About An Ok Album (2.5/5)
Kinda boring to be honest (2.5/5)
Love Tribe and this is the early songs showing how much potential the group had. Can I Kick It? Is an all time hip hop classic, people may recognize that bass line more from this than the Lou Reed song it’s sampled from. I hope this means Low End Theory and Midnight Marauders are on this list too. (3.5/5)
Solid work and a good entry into trip hop type production
Listened to this awhile ago and still dig it. Like a rougher Cream record
Quick and energetic. Not sure why the deluxe adds a movie’s length of tracks
Very solid reggae record. Appreciate the social commentary but don’t know if I’d throw any of these in a playlist
1. Awful name for an album 2. Tough being forever associated with Rob Dyrdek’s Ridiculousness Otherwise pretty good record. It’s fun, weird, and has great energy. The Stones cover is dope too. Reminded me of Dead Milkmen or the B-52’s (3.5/5)
Interesting but nothing grabbed me tbh. I just plodded through my listen (2.5/5)
Didn’t really hit for me but it was produced very well (2.5/5)
Really started my love of newer hip hop rather than being stuck in the 90s. Incredible lyricism, storytelling, and just straight up rapping. I’ll play it once every year probably until I die
Nothing amazing but solid. I enjoyed this more than Dry
Them boys cookin. I don’t know wtf they were supposed to be cooking but this is aight (2.5/5)
This was very bland. The vocal delivery was monotonous, the band was basic, and even the lyricism wasn’t biting enough to make up for the plainness
Solid but I expected more after so much acclaim I saw this get when it came out (2.5/5)
First I’ve listened to this one and the lack of Beatles magic is apparent. Even Maybe I’m Amazed has always felt lacking to me but the record is still solid
Not as good as the other Goldfrapp on the list, this was just ok (2.5/5)
Just as it says on the label, OK. Also my first exposure to the quick tempo percussion and sitar(?) was whenever riding Yoshi in Mario Sunshine. Now every time I hear that similar rhythm that’s all I can think about (2.5/5)
I’m a Hole hater but it wasn’t that bad
Does this qualify as a noise album? I didn’t mind it but the atmospheric bits like the sounds of writing or birds didn’t do much for me. Not bad (2.5/5)
Yeah it’s fine (2.5/5)
Very pleasant and felt like I should listen outside on a walk or a drive through the mountains. I really only loved Blue Ridge Mountains so i don’t wanna rate this a 4 but it’s definitely better than a 3. Damn I need half star ratings (3.5/5)
I can’t believe this dude is responsible for lime in the coconut. Interesting blend of songs and well done vocally
Fun but a little long and gimmicky with so much of the layered melody effects. No real complaints
Heard of them but hadn’t listened so TIL they’re an off shoot of Talking Heads and the origin of the mega sample in Genius of Love. So that was neat
Missing the soul it seems (2.5/5)
Alright, just wish it were heavier or more interesting I guess. Really liked the tone of the keys
Surprising first listen for me. I love their first 3 but never found this one growing up, although I’ve heard changes and snowbound previously. It’s a good record and probably falls right at the tail end of the golden era (also below the first 2 Dio records). (3.5/5)
Listened during a sunny midday walk through a small town, would recommend (3.5/5)
Some really unique sounding beats that I swear I’ve heard sampled elsewhere although I came up empty handed on WhoSampled. Maybe a bit long but it’s good throughout (3.5/5)
Straight forward rock, a haw haw haw haw haw
Huh. Well at best it was like an opening march to a knock off Terminator movie, at worst it sounded like Nazi step music. I’m uncultured so maybe that’s just how Germanic chanting will always sound to me but the Churchill speech at the end of one song does not help my mind’s association.
Starts strong but then never really picks up the pace. Gets a little boring for a whole listen (2.5/5)
Whimsical, fun jams
Cool usage of samples, could’ve been cut up a bit more but it’s fine for an EP
Slow, sleepy, and mostly boring instrumentals supplemented by a grating singer who breathily adds an extra syllable to every other word. Not my cup of tea
This list loves Mr. Buckley. I don’t know what makes this less or more distinct than the other 2 albums I’ve heard from him on here, but it was fine
Not really my thing but it was cool to hear In the Pines as a fan of Nirvana’s Where Did You Sleep Last Night
They sure like listing things. Fun energy and I appreciate the SpongeBob aesthetic of the cover
I remember when this came out, and I hadn’t really paid attention to pop music yet, but I was on a 9 seater bicycle at the beach when Rolling in the Deep came on our speaker. It was instantly catchy and the singer was insane! We played that like 4 times while riding around the boardwalk. Anyways that was my intro to Adele and hearing more tracks garnered more and more respect at her range and song writing ability.
I was trying to think of something clever with the album title but I’m not feeling it today. I am the blind horse and these solid albums all hit the same
Interesting sound to this one and the name is just fun to say.
Solid but I’m into Blur’s other work a degree more. Other than a Beatle or a Bowie, Damon Albarn might be the sneaky pick for most albums on this list which I wholeheartedly agree with.
Probably my favorite Beastie album. The energy and fun they bring is always good but their production is great, even the instrumental tracks shine outright
The first and maybe my favorite Dylan album I’ve listened to. Blowin in the Wind, Masters of War, and A Hard Rain are all peak singer/songwriter (4.5/5)
Been on my “to listen to” list since a friend played me Frontier Psychiatrist like 10 years ago lol. Banger album
Great album, crazy this was made for a soundtrack. I guess I have another movie to watch
Sounds great live and some really good players in the band. I listened to the complete version so it did run a bit long and started to blend together. The announcements were a bit obnoxious too (3.5/5)
I was excited to listen through this again. Really good all around and I’ll come back sooner rather than later this time (3.5/5)
It was fine, you can tell it’s a debut despite not knowing anything about this artist prior to listening. Dislike the herpes cover art (2.5/5)
Love the energy, ojos was my favorite (3.5/5)
This was fine, nothing much to note to be honest (2.5/5)
Reminds me of a more meandering Sublime that mixes in more blues than rap. I also understand why you can always find an album of theirs in a thrift store or $1 dollar bin at your local record shop (2.5/5)
Too long, and not jilted enough (2.5/5)
I really liked the trippy psych rock aspects of this one which I wasn’t expecting at all from the name. Also shout out the Chad move of taking that band name, dropping one album, and then dipping (3.5/5)
Dad rock that predated my dad, well he was 3, but the dad vibe is eternal. Had no idea that song was called Proud Mary
I think this is the first “cover” album I’ve gotten (standards count as covers right?). This was nice, and I think I’m officially a fan of Willie Nelson now (3.5/5)
Very odd. Sounded like a second hand Wii party game with a British twink punching in vocals. Actually if you take those dance scenes from Balan Wonderworld and overlaid these songs it would fit perfectly (1.5/5)
HATER POST: Maaaan fuck the Eagles, I’m sorry, fuck Eagles because the band is as grammatically stupid as the music is boring. Hotel California mystifies me of how people could tolerate that slog for so many years. How do you make a guitar solo sound so fucking tedious!? I looked up some lyrics out of curiosity and the explanation given on Genius through an interview with Don Henley only reinforced my hatred. Dude sounds like a grade A asshat. Rest of the album sucks too, life in the fast lane blows, new kid in town blows, the other tracks aren’t even memorable enough to list. I imagine the record label made them double up on Wasted Time as a warning to consumers much like a parental advisory sticker.
The most baseline, standard, almost lifeless rock album there could be. FINE spelled exactly like that (2.5/5)
Dope band name and dope album. Didn’t know what this was going to be but happily surprised to hear some post rock, also good choice on the variety of instruments used (3.5/5)
Great vibes for warmer weather (3.5/5)
I made the scream face with the Beatles cover out of nowhere. In general I was entertained but didn’t love anything (2.5/5)
In a white room, there’s some music, you forgot it (2.5/5)
Back when I listened to classic rock pretty exclusively this wouldn’t be the Doors album I’d reach for but I really enjoyed it this time around. The blues influences really shine through and Morrison sounds great with the little grit in his voice (3.5/5)
I didn’t have much to say other than the percussion was nice and it all blended together. So much so that the album restarted and it took me a couple songs to realize (2.5/5)
Hey I’ve heard this one before. The dial goes unmoved for Television
It’s funny being called black metal before black metal became what black metal is today. I’m just going to try to say black metal as much as possible. Not my favorite of this wave, that’d be Iron Maiden, but I appreciate it being a precursor to the thrash scene in America (2.5/5)
It’s fine Woodstock core rock n roll, the album definitely gets boosted from the acid song
One of those on here for influence rather than how the music holds up. Cause it’s pretty mid (2.5/5)
A bit different than the George Lopez song. More rambling jam stuff that never really kicked into the next gear
Solid but something about the lyricism bugged me. He’s trying to be cheeky, I guess, but it comes out very clunky to me (Sigourney Weaver probably the biggest example) (2.5/5)
Not my thing and waaaay too long, but y’know not bad. Also neat to hear the Devil Went Down to Georgie pre Charlie Daniels (2.5/5)
Ayup. That’s it, no thoughts or feelings, just a Goofy-esque “Ayup” (2.5/5)
Good album cuts on this one which i feel that they can be pretty hit or miss on. If you like Bob Marley or reggae you’ll like this album (3.5/5)
Ayo this slapped. The first track had me like the pointing Leo meme, that’s straight up the Ocarina of time title, finding these connections is what I love about music. Another example is the bit of Cream thrown into Blues Pt. 2. The music was a really fun mix of jazz and rock and kept me entertained the entire listen
Elvis style voice with Johnny Cash style lyrics, this went hard. I recently got back to playing Fallout 3 and these tracks were grade A wasteland music (3.5/5)
Cool mix of electronic and tango, and love the dark synths. Reminds me of some early Gorillaz production (ie Latin Simone) (3.5/5)
Better than brown eyed girl but still in the middle for me (2.5/5)
Great voice. Would much rather he spent the time recording audiobooks than this slog (1.5/5)
Alright but let’s get some The Dear Hunter on here (2.5/5)
Bad band name, solid album
A classic. The sum is greater than the individual parts and I don’t think I would rank it as high if it didn’t flow together so nicely. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy every song on the album, but there hasn’t been a standout track that I’ve fallen in love with. For example the original Led Zeppelin had the initial tracks that grabbed me but it took time before I completely fell for Babe I’m Gonna Leave You, and I don’t have a comparison of that on II. Also as someone who loves drum solos on albums I have to say Moby Dick never did it for me, it’s fine but Bonham showcases his brilliance better in regular tracks and fills. (4.5/5)
Almost swore this was the roller skates girl but I was wrong, time did not revelate this time (2.5/5)
Liked it better than the Jets album. Eno is a weird one for me, I feel like I should enjoy his stuff more but a good portion never lands
A classic. Nothing is as fun or as bonkers as the opening track, I was losing my mind the first time that I heard it. I love the punchiness of the drums, especially the snare, even if the technicality doesn’t match the Bruford years. (4.5/5)
Just as mid as I remember it (2.5/5)
My first time listening through all of this as a Metallica fan. Disappointing to be honest. The orchestra just does not fit Metallica songs very well, or they were just arranged poorly. The heavy chugging guitar riffs split the mix with odd string and horn flourishes that just came across as goofy. James doesn’t sound great and Lars is a mess on noticeable fills (tf was For Whom the Bell Tolls?). Add in the chunk of setlist I would pass on and it just equals a poor listening experience. You can give props for the orchestration idea but I’ve heard it executed better by other artists (Rush and Dream Theater come to mind). Honest to god the lime wire bootleg of the Metallica show I saw live might be better than this.
I always semi forget about them but I always enjoy their albums. Solid boom bap with some good storytelling songs (3.5/5)
Needed some coffee to get through Koffi, just a bit too light for me (2.5/5)
Ya know not bad tbh. I hope a Sheryl Crow fan group is called a murder
I really like the soundscape he went for on this one. It sounds really urban/digital but the early 2000s way, it’s the same vibe and nostalgia I get from Futurama. The little bits of funk tone sprinkled throughout really do it for me as well (3.5/5)
I’m a child at heart and Wu-Tang is for the children
Simple and to the point, not bad from a not big Tom Petty guy. Although my biggest pet peeve is when bands use & one place and then “and” another, it’s aesthetically the same as nails on a chalkboard
Respect on the quick jammer before hitting the road
Really didn’t do it for me despite nothing I can specifically point to not liking. Just not my cup of tea (2.5/5)
An old favorite, the cover art and title track kick so much ass
“Solid but nothing amazing”- me about the other jam album on the list. I’m docking points for the exact same feeling this time (2.5/5)
Pretty calming even if it’s a little monotonous (2.5/5)
Out of all records this is definitely one of them. HELLO WISCONSIN (2.5/5)
I’m starting to learn that I’m pretty disinterested in most things by the gang of people on this album that keep popping up
The second album of theirs I’ve gotten, and it turns out I’m not a fan. Although I rated this one better, it’s just so over the top and flamboyant almost to the point of parody. The songs themselves are boring and repetitive and then someone whispers “beats…. Heart beats”, it’s goofy
Bowie is one of the only artists with enough variety and quality between albums to justify multiple entries on this list. Hunky Dory seems more lighthearted but he really turns in really great vocals and performances (3.5/5)
My favorite Common album, just unreal laid back vibes with fantastic rapping. I promise I won’t go full Kanye rant but he really did his thing on here
Better than I remember but this almost guarantees 3+ Aerosmith albums on this list and that doesn’t feel right
Very good summer vibes. Sometimes I wish the tracks developed a bit more instead of riding out the same groove, but other times it’s nice to just ride along (3.5/5)
Happily surprised they made the list, although I wish it were a later album like Angel Dust. You can hear the potential on this one but they aren’t quite there yet (3.5/5)
I bet this isn’t rated too well but I really liked this. Just locking in with the rhythm section had my head nodding and bumping with the wall of noise (3.5/5)
Not my cup of tea. Sounds like something that would playing out of a tinny radio at a backroad truck stop
The other rubberband band
Good albeit a little samey. I always pictured the cult (technically speaking) as a step between AC/DC and The Doors, if that makes any sense
I saved this for a spooky occasion and it wasn’t very spooky. Oh well the music was solid
Beautiful voice and great for sampling (3.5/5)
Quirky but not too interesting for me (2.5/5)
Wish I could’ve seen him live. Great voice and energy
Right before Stevie went on a crazy run and you can hear the gears start turning in that direction on here (3.5/5)
I need more Latin music on this list
Sounds a bit like they’re trying to ride The Beatles wave a bit. I did like the slower ballady half of the album (2.5/5)
Bangers, need more funk in the newer Peppers
You did it Peter! You can be the frontman, and although I miss you behind the kit it was all worth it for the all timer of Solsberry Hill (3.5/5)
This should’ve been the only album to make the list from them. You get the hit everyone knows and then some other pretty solid almost prototype ska stuff
I’m having a blast, I swear, but ANOTHER Aerosmith album? You gotta be shitting me. They’ll end up with 5 on this list if I’m counting right
Some classics obviously but the B-sides are pretty middle of the road. Keith Moon does great on this whole thing (3.5/5)
“It sounds like diarrhea”- my girlfriend I imagine most reviews will look like this one, but honestly the weirdness reminded me a lot of Primus just without the kickass instrumentation. I’d say 2.5/5 for the vibes but I wouldn’t really choose to listen to this again so 2 it is
Not what I expected, very chill and loved the returning motif. I need to dig into the rest of their discography (3.5/5)
Chameleon and Watermelon Man are all time. This album introduced me to more funky fusion type projects back in the day. My only critique is that the second pair of songs aren’t as memorable as the first pair, they’re still good, but the hit rate should be a little better for a 4 song album. (4.5/5)
Great sound and the drumming is fantastic, I’ll have to look into the concept more (3.5/5)
Interesting from a cultural perspective but not crazy about the music itself (2.5/5)
I never really took into account how deeply the Shrek soundtrack has warped my mind, almost snapped my neck when I heard that guitar breakdown. The rest of the album was solid too
This album was my introduction to Erykah years ago and I fell in love with her voice and energy. Didn’t Cha Know is perfect for summer time drives
The guitar and key jams are off the chart (3.5/5)
As boring as the album art implies
Really buried the lede here with the big hit being the last song. Anyways the album sounds super dated and cheesy with these synths and really simple melodies. Not my thing
Needs to go even more left (2.5/5)
A little out there and droney but I liked it. Good music to work around
Wildly ignorant to Incubus aside from Drive, but this album slapped. The drum sound was so clean and fun to tap along with and added the right amount of heaviness to the riffs
A heaviness this list has been lacking for me. Really dug the indigenous people influences and the rhythms the percussion incorporates (3.5/5)
Made me think of the opening sequence to Twin Peaks if it weren’t by David Lynch and served a direct to tv movie purpose. Idk how to convey this, it was ok (2.5/5)
An of the time classic, that has a several classic tracks, and a fun listen. Maybe not the one skit (iykyk)
Look mate, I like British rappers. Stormzy, Little Simz, Dave, even love some Damon Albarn raps. This is the clumsiest, sauceless, arhythmic rapping I’ve heard since dudes in the 80s. It sounds so childish and awkward, I mean Dr. Seuss levels of rhyme schemes here
Never knew her whole vibe was this soul influenced, the more you know 🌈
Not what I thought they’d sound like. Pretty boring
French hip hop, I don’t fully understand but it’s sick (3.5/5)
A fun punk album packed with jammers, my kinda shit (3.5/5)
Great relisten, always get enamored by his story every couple years
The falsetto is fun but idk how you can hear anything but the one-hit wonder quality to this record. It’s alright like a 2 or 2.5 maybe on a good day if you’re feeling the hit, but it’s a 1 on a list like this
I heard a song of theirs on rockband and really didn’t like it, so I dreaded this listen, but honestly not bad. I’ll land on solid though
The first Neil Young album I got I said I wasn’t a Neil Young guy but liked it, last album I got I said I was becoming a bigger fan, and after this one I guess I am a Neil Young guy now (3.5/5)
The less popular bbq sauce, and for good reason (2.5/5)
DO NOT play Girl in public! I guess that’s what I get for listening to a band called Suicide at work. More melodramatic than dark as I expected from the name, and the music loops are kinda grating
More affirmation that snooty Radiohead fans are right, maybe they are the best band ever (3.5/5)
Fun and bouncy melodies but holy shit is it repetitive. I was curious to see what more there was to Le Freak after hearing it in movies all my life… but it’s mostly that 10 second loop for 5 minutes lol. I guess the royalty checks are fat at least (2.5/5)
Madonna is an oddity to me. A monolith in music that has no shape or form in my mind. Nothing in this album is bad, nothing in this album is barely above alright to good, and nothing in this album will last with me. I still do not understand Madonna and I don’t know if more albums will solve this riddle (2.5/5)
The quick songs and rawness to the recordings are an interesting choice but it’s hard not to think I’m listening to the demos of a project in the works. I’m torn between liking the stylistic choice and feeling like this could’ve been more with a little polish (2.5/5)
I’ve heard a good chunk of these before but this is my first Taylor album. Sorry to say but I’ll remain firmly in the hate train. I get the appeal but she is just not for me, and I really struggle with pinpointing my lack of enjoyment. Maybe because she’s so overexposed, but it just feels like the most lifeless and corporate pop music you could create. As an outsider it just feels like her entire identity is her brand, and there’s no real person being expressed in these songs. Maybe I’m just a hater but lord knows she doesn’t need my listens to continue her success
I liked the mix of instruments, it made for a very laid back enjoyable listen
& Eric Clapton. Very straightforward and not the most interesting, but the album is solid
Spells, trick or treat, voodoo dolls, and halloween??? I listened to this at the perfect time of year and it kicked ass
Sadly they couldn’t save themselves from middling rock (2.5/5)
Not bad but the deliveries and even some of the beats are just so lethargic and dead. It sounds like the opposite of what I think “fun lovin criminals” would sound like (2.5/5)
A lukewarm pop rock record. Not much going on for me (2.5/5)
Pretty murder whale. This album was pretty not sure where the orca tidbit comes in but solid overall
Wish I had gotten Hot Shots by The Alpha Band
Put me to shleep tell ya hwatt (2.5/5)
Very melancholy and I enjoy the spacey feeling of the synths. Just too one note to be more memorable (2.5/5)
A great voice and I love the personality that comes along with a live recording. Sounds like something that would be playing during a candlelit dinner in a romance movie (3.5/5)
One of the 80s synth pop albums of all time (2.5/5)
Oh yeah, this album fucks. S/o to Gorillaz for introducing me to Bobby which made me pick this album up on a whim. Enjoyed this listen through as well and reminded me to go through his other works
Timberlake and Timbaland just could not miss during this era (3.5/5)
FISH CAKES (2.5/5)
Yep that’s CCR. Prom music for Mississippi in the 70s (2.5/5)
Solid, been a minute since I’ve heard (3.5/5)
It’s been a little while since I’ve listened to this and the nostalgia from Kick Push alone is a little nauseating. It’s tough to rate because I do love this album despite the rough spots and places I see that Lupe develops over time on his later work (like a Tetsuo & Youth), but that’s unfair to hold that against this album. Last thing though, even if it bogs down the replay-ability, rap should bring back the 10 minute shout out outro songs. They always make me smile and it’s nice to hear an artist give thanks to the people that matter to them
A good dose of late 80s pop, in terms of her discography I like it less than Control (3.5/5)
I’ve found you really have to be in the mood for Frank’s humor and zaniness to not go over like a lead balloon. I wasn’t really in the mood but this album isn’t very out there either. I guess I’m just hoping a more Zappa album will come along on a day I’m in the mood to listen
A classic that I have some bits of nostalgia for, and at the time it was the heaviest rock n roll you could get. It’s a bit dated and cheesy, and there are some clunkers but I think it’s still enjoyable and deservedly belongs here (4.5/5)
The singer and their usage in advertisements for jeans or cars or whatever give me the ick. I hear this obnoxious nasal pitch and think of a corporation that wanted a “rockin” song to push some products, that’s just my brain being busted. The drum and bass sections are pretty interesting on here though (2.5/5)
A bit too down tempo for my taste in Iggy, but there are some solid songs on here. My favorite was Tiny Girls
The twangy whiney blues country can be grating but this didn’t overstay its welcome. Plus I love recognizing songs that I had zero knowledge of, in this case Act Naturally playing in one of the Jackass movies (2.5/5)
Lovely voice, but I’ll repeat what I’m assuming every review has said, way too long. Completely unnecessary as you’ll get the full experience after disk 1
Really liked this one, the loops weren’t grating and there were a couple precursor lofi tracks I really liked (3.5/5)
More lukewarm this time around but this is still my favorite album of theirs. Maybe too many Mr. Brightsides have worn me down (3.5/5)
Never knew that love song was his. Neil continues to surprise me (3.5/5)
Another run of the mill, assumedly British, indie rock project that will leave you scratching your head “why did I HAVE to hear this one?” (2.5/5)
Maybe dated in its sound but this album kicks ass, and I’ll always be up for another listen. Jerry Cantrell is a genius
Amplify those bongos 10 fold
Take the u out of “1001 u need to hear” (2.5/5)
Not what I was expecting at all, it was solid
Some decent mixes and solid background music but not great for an active listen. The feature length film at the end didn’t do much for me either (2.5/5)
Ash Ketchum’s debut, not bad
It was fine but nothing to write here about (2.5/5)
Was enjoying and got activated like a sleeper agent when I heard Groove is in the Heart. Could’ve sworn it’s in a FIFA game but couldn’t find it
Not Chip (2.5/5)
It’s alright and props to them for taking this album into their own hands rather than cash in on the people writing for them. However the obvious contemporary was already on to Sgt. Peppers. It’s not fair to be compared to the Beatles as such but I can’t imagine that this act wasn’t already played out at this point (2.5/5)
“Basic British beats belong here” -List Father to the tune of TMNT
The hits still hit but I was never into their deeper cuts (2.5/5)
A classic rock radio tier band that I would never go out of my way to listen to unironically (2.5/5)
Enjoyable and quick relisten for me. Maybe not their best album but the two punch of Someday and Last Nite is the perfect snapshot of The Strokes in my mind. (3.5/5)
Bebel tiempo bb (2.5/5)
Core Memory: Senior year of college I wrote an 18 page paper on the arapaima on one Sunday because it was due the following Monday. I was on weed and Adderall but I sat in one spot and banged that shit out listening to Fishscale and More Fish by Ghostface. Lots of favorites on this one: Back Like That (Remix), Kilo, RAGU, Big Girl, and Three Bricks. Top 3 Ghostface solo records
Better in French (2.5/5)
Not the worst 20 min songs I’ve heard, far from the best though
A little twangy for my tastes but I liked the energy, more of a six-I-see
Recognized a couple tracks but a bit too hokey for me (2.5/5)
Hot take: I was always underwhelmed by Meth’s solo work, especially when comparing the debuts of Liquid Swords, OB4CL, Return to 36, and Iron Man, and on this revisit I feel the same. It’s solid but Meth feels detached from the beats (which is crazy with how good his flow can be) and he doesn’t leave a lasting impression on a lot of tracks. I think it’s the weakest first step forward outside of the Clan
Not my thing and a bit tedious (2.5/5)
Future 1 Sonic Youth 0 (2.5/5)
Cheesy but very nostalgic for me. They were my first concert and a lot of these tracks are just simply fun to still jam along to. Maybe trim a couple songs off
Cool mix of sounds on here. I’ll have to check out more of their stuff (3.5/5)
The kings of simplicity. I loved this album as a kid and it’s still great after some time away. The title track might be the best rock and roll song of all time. RIP Bon